#or whether someone else found him and ended his life leading Macky to believe it was Wukong
fluffypotatey · 2 months
THERE IS ALWAYS MORE TO THE STORY *evil grin* That's my favorite part of ShadowPeach angst :D because if LMK says Macky "thinks" it happened a certain way, and Wukong has been shown to think Macky just "suddenly came back" and NOT from the dead??? or he DOES know he came back from the dead, and the way he's been acting so far is hard core avoidance coping, but I doubt it bc it seems we're gearing up for ~ Macky was misinformed about his own death ~ but ever since the S4 special, I've figured he'd already gone to terms with it, with the whole "that's what I used to believe." At least, over their fight anyways. It's so delicious that for Wukong, those centuries of mourning Macaque were taken from him. Is it a blessing or an agony for all the times you cursed his name for hiding after what he did? There is nothing to mourn, he is alive and well right beside you, and yet the same gaping horror and emptiness claws through his stone heart. It'll polish it into a new form of grief. He can never say, "I missed you" to Macaque after this, has skipped right over knowing what he lost, all because those missing centuries were branded into bitterness, but y'know. That's a pill you swallow. The shadows never had the chance to respond to him no matter if Wukong ever tried to sniff him out.
“that's what I used to believe."
yeah :) hearing that in the s4 special just confirmed to me that there is more to the story in what happened between Wukong and Macky that led to his death. like i already had a feeling and that feeling increased thanks to one of the writers’ tweets (i think it was a David Breen?)
and so my personal theory is that Macky’s memory of their fight lines up a lot closer to what “technically” occurred in the jttw book. meanwhile the truth and what Wukong remembers is a lot different
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