#or when s discovers r's posters of him teehee
snippet sunday (monday)
(ft a rough lil wading in waist-high water sequel draft)
thank uuu for the tags @wanderingdonut n @fruity-individual 💋💋💋
Sirius flips down the car mirror and fluffs his hair. His hand pauses as he notices movement inside the cottage, and he watches long fingers (which have featured heavily in his dreams) part the curtains, before a face appears at the window. Sirius is too far away to draw out the details—the bump in the ridge of his nose, the smattering of freckles, the golden flecks in his eyes—but he’d know Remus anywhere; in this world, and the next. Before he knows it, he's stepping out of the car and striding up the path to the front door. His hand is outstretched to knock, but the rough wooden door swings open before he ever gets the chance. “Hi,” Remus says. His cheeks are flushed with colour, his curls tousled and dusted with flour. His brown eyes are warm, so unbelievably warm. Sirius's dreams did not do them justice. “Hi,” Sirius breathes. “Hi,” Remus repeats. Sirius splutters out a laugh. “Hi.” Remus’s eyes scan his face, as if savouring every little detail. He bites his lip, eyes flicking back up to meet Sirius's, and Sirius watches black pupil swallow brown iris. He opens his mouth to speak, but before he can get a word out, Remus is pushing him against the side of the house. “I missed you,” Remus murmurs against his lips, while Sirius scrambles for purchase, arching against him, trying to get as close as he physically can without crawling into Remus's skin. "I—fuck. I missed you so much.”
tagging: @maybebabyplease, @pancakehouse, @tortoisebore, @mostlyoptimisticdinosaur, @fatemy-friend, @moongays, @thebloatedfrog, @a-fiery-fox, @blackberry-sunset, @lynxindisguise xxxxxxxxxx
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