#or when he's fighting sonic at the top of the citadel and says he's at full power
chicohungers24-7 · 7 months
I was normal for like a two days but my hyperfixation nausea is back
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tenebraevesper · 8 months
Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic Prime, Character Analysis - Part 7)
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Welcome back to Part 7 of my Shadow, Sonic, and to an extent, Nine character analysis! This one will cover Episode 21: Home Sick Home and Episode 22: The Devil is in the Tails. In addition, this and the next post will also have a lot of gifs coz I'm hellbent to analyze every detail of this show.
So, let's dive in!
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''Shadow, you're alive! Help a brother up?'' ''We are not related.''
After getting knocked into the abyss Nine made, Shadow makes an epic return by saving Sonic from the Grim Variant Trooper, with Sonic being happy to see that he's alive. Shadow... doesn't get the joke, but Sonic doesn't care. Also, Shadow does the pose from Sonic X. X3
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*sighs* ''Nevermind. You okay?'' ''I survived. Nine's Alphas deployed a massive army to keep me down here.'' ''Alphas? You mean the ones that can duplicate themselves?''
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''If I still had that Chaos Emerald, I could've teleported out of here. But, it's lost to the Void. And, smashing hordes of Sonics isn't the worst thing in the world.''
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''Up for smashing a few more of mes?''
Okay, hol' up a second there buddy! ''Smashing Sonics?'' I hope the writers knew what they were doing, because the internet is going to take this conversation WAAAY out of context... and they already did.
In any case, we get an explanation to what Shadow was doing, and while yes, we see Shadow literally flying out of the abyss without the need for a Chaos Emerald, I assume that he meant that there was such a huge army of troopers that he needed the Chaos Emerald to get out. However, by the time Sonic arrived, the number lessened, so he could escape.
In any case, he's definitely up for smashing more Sonics.
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They continue fighting the troopers, and what I really love about this fight is how they basically start playing tennis with the robot, throwing it from one to the other before Sonic slams it down.
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''Hahaha! Helloooo, teamwork! Up top!'' ''These troopers are one thing, but the Alphas can generate an endless army. They are the real threat.'' *sighs* *high-fives himself*
Hey, Shadow, Shads, Shad, dude! Don't leave Sonic hanging like that. At least you could've taken the moment and high-five him since Sonic just wanted to celebrate your amazing teamwork. Admittedly, I can also understand Shadow here, as he is all business, quickly pointing out to Sonic how Nine's army works.
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''Rebel's plan is working. The Scavengers are through to the citadel. They're gonna cut Nine off from the Prism.'' ''Which is in Nine's lab, guarded by the Alphas. They'll never reach it!'' ''So, how do we destroy them?''
Earlier, Sonic had managed to team up with all of the Shatterverse Variants, and instead of being reckless, he left it to Rebel to figure out a plan to get them through. However, Shadow doesn't have much faith as he understands just how much danger the Alphas pose, with Sonic recognizing that Shadow is right and asks for advice. After all, Shadow is usually the one who can see the flaws more easily.
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''We don't. We're going after Nine!'' ''No, we're not!''
''We''? Did Shadow just say ''We''? He did! He shows absolutely zero hesitation wanting to work with Sonic in taking down Nine, and I have to say, I'm so proud of him managing to get to this point. However, as it was shown last time, Shadow needs to acknowledge that, while he did accept that he and Sonic need each other, they also need more help.
Also, remember how Shadow attempted to reach out for Sonic when the latter grieved his loss back at Ghost Hill, but backed away? Well, Sonic shows no hesitation here, quickly grabbing Shadow's arm to stop him. Shadow doesn't even push him away or anything, just glances back before yanking his arm out of Sonic's grip and remains on the spot, listening to what Sonic has to tell him. Their communication skills have definitely improved.
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''You said it yourself. If we don't go after the Alphas, we're cooked. And the only way to win this thing is if we work together. We need the others.'' ''It is the end of the universe-''
As Sonic talks to Shadow, we can literally see Shadow go through several expressions and emotional states, and honestly, this scene was killing me when I first watched it! X3
Shadow goes from ''Not this again!'' *eye-roll* to ''Yeah, that makes sense'' to ''What the hell, Sonic!'' in a matter of seconds and I'm loving every bit of it. He is so expressive and this little moment shows that he there is more to him than it seems.
That, and he's dealing with Sonic, so obviously, he'd show more emotion than usual, since Sonic seems to be the only capable of triggering such emotional reactions from him. Not to mention, Shadow is certainly comfortable enough in Sonic's presence to show these kinds of reactions.
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''-and you're still thinking about your friends!'' ''Of course I am! They're all here, fighting, sacrificing themselves, for me!''
Shadow berates Sonic for thinking about his friends when the fate of the world is at stake, with Sonic arguing how of course he'd do that. They are fighting and sacrificing themselves for him, and he isn't going to let them down. Sonic will always put his friends as his priority and he is not wrong for doing that.
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''All the more reason to go after Nine while he's distracted!'' ''And let my friends get pummeled when Nine only wants me? *gasp* Nine only wants me... I have an idea!''
However, I cannot argue that Shadow is wrong either. He is right that they need to go after Nine before everything gets destroyed.
Honestly, this very argument showcases best how Sonic and Shadow's minds work. Shadow will focus on the end goal and how to achieve it, while Sonic looks at the bigger picture, at the people affected by their decisions. Both are right and wrong at the same time, and both want to take a different approach, but the only way to win this is to work together.
Especially with Sonic suddenly realizing that there is a way for them to win this war.
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As Sonic and Shadow go join the rest of the group, we see all of them taking down Robot Big, with Shadow and Sonic exchanging looks after seeing this feat happen. Sonic grins, giving Shadow an ''I told you so!'' look, while Shadow is genuinely surprised that the group had managed to succeed in taking down such a formidable foe.
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''Gang, this is Shadow! Shadow, meet, well... everyone, I guess.''
Rebel is glad to see Sonic, with Sonic quickly introducing Shadow to everyone else, which... awww, just look at them!
Sonic literally pulls Shadow into a side-hug, smushes his face against his cheek and rubs his shoulder, showing nothing but pure affection and being completely oblivious to everything else.
Shadow in turn, goes first into panic mode when Sonic pulls him closer, not sure what is happening, but unlike last time when he pushed Sonic away, he let's Sonic hug him. He certainly shows annoyance, but I think it is more out of embarrassment for being hugged like that in the public. He really doesn't mind being hugged by Sonic, and he even stays like this until Nine makes his move.
Also, where is Shadow's arm? It literally disappears when Sonic hugs him. Honestly, I choose to believe that he placed it on Sonic's back.
D'awww, they're so adorable!
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I also love how literally everyone's reaction to this is just being unimpressed (with Renegade Knux being 🤨?).
Everyone's reaction just screams ''Sonic, did you really have to introduce your boyfriend when it's the end of the world?''
Well, of course he had to. He and Shadow are closer than ever now and it's the end of the world. One might as well do whatever they want.
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''Well, that's... terrifying.''
However, things quickly go south when Nine starts gathering more and more energy, making the The Grim decay even faster. This then leads up to the Chaos Council's mothership to be blown up.
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''Mr. Dr., are you alive? Say something!''
Fortunately, Mr. Dr. Eggman manages to escape in his robot mech, wanting to melt Nine for what he had done. I just love how Shadow is also in the circle, wondering if Mr. Dr. Eggman survived or not. It's kinda hilarious.
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With Prim's team defeated and the Shatterverse Variants being back to square one, Sonic quickly tells them their plan, and one notable thing in this shot is that, after they confront Nine, he looks to Rebel, then to Shadow, who nods in response. It is as if he's not only seeking for approval, but also making sure that they all have his back.
They're all in this together.
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''Finally! Prove your worth machine!''
The battle begins anew, and I love how Shadow has beef with Grim Alpha Sonic, given how the latter had knocked him down into that abyss.
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Seriously, I kept an eye on Shadow during this whole battle, and whenever he's shown, he mainly seeks out Grim Alpha Sonic, which made me think about something...
How cool would've it been if Nine had made Grim Alpha Shadow as a reference to the Shadow Androids from Sonic Heroes? I think people's minds would be blown.
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However, as the battle goes on, we see Sonic's team losing, with Sonic confronting Nine. Gotta say, even if Shadow lost, look at how many troopers were sent to take him down. He would definitely be able to defeat all of them, though, if it weren't for one thing...
As we learn in Episode 22: The Devil is in the Tails, Sonic had managed to convince everyone to act as if they lost (yes, even Shadow followed that plan) and let Nine focus solely on draining the Prism energy while fighting Sonic, leaving the robots without power.
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This leads to a victory for Sonic's team as they defeat the de-powered robots... at least until Nine powers them up again. Nevertheless, while Sonic (and later on, Renegade Knux) is focused on getting through/defeating Nine, everyone else focuses on the Alphas.
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''You aren't going anywhere.''
When Nine orders the Alphas to target Sonic, most of them get knocked back by the Shatterverse Variants, with Shadow once again facing Grim Alpha Sonic.
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We can see a parallel to Sonic and Shadow's fight from Episode 02: The Yoke's On You, but unlike last time, with Shadow fighting against Sonic, Shadow is now fighting for Sonic. He does get knocked down, leaving Grim Alpha Sonic to join Nine. I also checked that episode, and both Shadow and Sonic got knocked out after colliding. I suppose the Grim Alpha survived due to being a robot.
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''We're not finished!''
However, Shadow makes a comeback, destroying the robot, much to Nine's shock.
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''No! HOW?!'' ''I am... the Ultimate... Lifeform'' ''Modest too!''
Shadow's statement is once again very simplistic and factual. He is the Ultimate Lifeform, of course he'd beat a robot duplicate of his rival. I also love how Sonic jumps in with a comment, mainly because I have no idea if he was just messing with Shadow and Nine, or if he was genuinely honest about Shadow being modest. It's hilarious nonetheless. X3
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Nine refuses to give up, using the Prism energy to paralyze both Shadow and Renegade Knux, while Sonic uses his own ability to create a barrier as The Grim decays faster and faster.
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''He's not gonna stop.''
Sonic knows that he has no choice. Nine won't stop unless Sonic stops him. So he spin-dashes into Nine, knocking him down into the light of the Paradox Prism.
I absolutely loved how we could see here both Sonic and Shadow's growth, as well as how their ideals both clash and work together, leading up to the final confrontation (and also getting more Sonadow content because, hey, why not? XP).
Considering how Ian Flynn was a consultant for Sonic Prime, this episode really gave me the impression that this was the House of Cards arc from Archie!Sonic, as in the issues where Sonic and Tails have their big fight, but was written way better, acting like a redemption for that rushed mess.
Rest assured, the next (and last Part) will show us he big finale of this show!
#Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic Prime, Character Analysis - Part 6)
#Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic Prime, Character Analysis - Part 8)
#Sonic the Hedgehog Analyzer (Masterlist)
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unlackeyed · 1 year
@finalwish continued from X
  "Mm? Oh, yes, it is, isn't it?" A laugh, quiet and tinkling, falls out. Maria is only twelve, but she speaks and carries herself with the kind of precise poise and sophistication often found in women twice her age; a side-effect of having been born and raised in an environment full of stuffy adults and few other children, perhaps.
          "It's Tails' work," she says, setting the mugs on a nearby table. "It was inspired by Grandfather's own blueprints. Something he said they found while dismantling one of Robotnik's bases. He... must have removed from the ARK at some point."
          Maria's brow pinches slightly just there, as her sentence ends. She hasn't spoken much about it to Snively, or anyone, really. Her existence is an anomaly here, and among the many jarring revelations of this parallel world, none disturbs her as much as knowing who cousin Ivo is, and what he has become. He stands as an elephant in the room, casting the bleak shadow of his dictatorships and would-be dictatorships across all the good that Maria had seen in her grandfather Gerald's work.
          Could they truly be related? She doesn't even know his name beyond what everyone else calls him. That alone, the sharing of a surname whether it's truly his or not, feels wrong.
          "It isn't very comfortable, but it's nice to be able to walk around instead of staying cooped up all day. Unlike you." The dig is gentle, teasing. She smiles at him, cautiously playful and maybe a little bit mothering. "It seems like you're always working in here. What has you so focused?"
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Snively's awkwardness eases slightly in the face of his astonishment. The Tails he briefly met, years ago and accompanied by Sonic on a standard mission of Freedom Fighting sabotage, was shy and retreating, about as certain of his own skill as a fledging in its nest. Yet Maria speaks of technological genius that may very well trump his own.
And his uncle's.
"Is that so....?" He draws to his feet and gently pokes the edge of the bubble. He doesn't notice Maria's peculiar formality, if only because being a social pariah in childhood, unwanted even by his own father, conditioned him similarly. "Well. That's...a marvel." Rare unvarnished praise, and he means it.
Her joke registers, and extracts a single high wheeze of laughter from her...technically, younger....cousin. Irony tinges all his words:
"Myopia is how I cope. That, and a dash of workaholism. You may have noticed few of the Mobians are fond of seeing me. Repairing their spy aeronautics cushions their, ah, well, abject loathing. I did turn a good many of their relatives into robots. So I fall back on the habits that kept me alive when I worked for someone else who hated me."
A wary gaze askance, with those ever-too-pale blue eyes. Snively's testing the waters, now; it's why nothing moves, aside his eyes and mouth.
"Are you worried they'll judge you just for being an Overlander...that is, a human, or what they call us, at least....or, for having the same surname as the fat bastard in the metal citadel?"
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He shakes his head slowly, and lofts a brow.
"My dear, to them you're an innocent. Don't let it rattle you., what a few hardened souls think, here and there. Hold this."
He returns to a very complex motherboard under the deep navy chrome hovercraft's hood, placing a precise little wrench-like tool right on top of her bubble. There's the smallest of smirks on his face; a joke for a joke.
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riversofmars · 4 years
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Clara finds her luck is finally turning and formulates a plan while the Doctor learns more about the past of her counterpart and their wife.
Read on AO3 or below
Chapter 7: Nature and Nurture
/The Library/
River gasped for air when she hit the marble floor, she rolled to the side, quick to avoid another attack. She threw herself into the Doctor at waist height and knocked him over. Child’s play. She was back on top in no time. He would get better at this with age.
“How did you get so good at hand to hand combat?“ He grinned, he couldn’t quite keep the admiration out of his voice. He enjoyed a good fight and she had given him a few cracked rips already. He threw her off, physically, he was stronger.
“Some of us are trained assassins.“ River smirked getting back to her feet. She wiped her mouth with a back of her hand where her lip had split.
“Pretty shite assassin if you can’t make the kill.“ He got back to his feet as well, God, her lips looked extremely kissable right now and that fire in her eyes…
“Who said I was trying to kill you?“ River laughed as they started circling each other. He looked her up and down, intrigued.
“What else would you call this?“ He asked and lunged for her. She dodged a right hook and delivered a jab to his side.
“Foreplay?“ She suggested with a wink. She couldn’t deny how much she was enjoying this. She had never seen him so young before, he didn’t know her and this was delicious tit for tat. “Plus, you attacked me first.“ She reminded him.
“Maybe I don’t like people getting involved in my business.“ He tried to catch his breath. Who was this woman? She acted like they had known each other for years but he was sure he had never met her before. He didn’t like it when people tried to play him the fool and yet, it was refreshing. It had been a long time since anyone had had the balls to talk to him the way this woman did. And God, she was good. Particularly when she whipped around and decked him with a kick to the back of his knees. She was on top of him in a flash.
“Is that your sonic or are you just happy to see me?“ She smirked as she held him down pinning his wrists against the ground.
“Who are you?“ He asked intrigued, forgetting to fight back for a moment. Maybe it wasn’t his sonic after all.
“So you really don’t know who I am?“ She raised her eyebrows amused as she let go of his hands but didn’t get off him, if anything, she moved her hips a little against him.  
“I’m looking forward to getting intimately acquainted.“ He grinned running her hands up her thighs.
“Perhaps when you're older.“ River smirked studying his face. “So young… Looks like my message arrived a little early.“
“Doctor?!“ An angry voice interrupted.
“Donna?“ The Doctor and River both looked around at Donna who had just thrown the door open. She put her hands on her hips, not amused at all at the scene in front of her.
“For fuck’s sake, really? REALLY?“ She snapped. “I’ve been running around this place ages and it’s just books, fucking BOOKS, Doctor! What are we doing here?“
“Well, I don’t know, but I found the person that sent the message!“ The Doctor pushed River off and scrambled to his feet.
“Don’t tell me this was a booty call, so help me, Doctor, I will castrate you.“ Donna jabbed her finger at him.
“You must be Donna.“ River chuckled, of course she knew full well who she was but she reminded herself that they didn’t know her in return, not yet.
“What of it?“ Donna retorted seizing her up. “Who are you?“
“Professor River Song.“ River grinned extending her hand which Donna didn’t take, instead she looked to the Doctor who was still focused on the mystery assassin in front of him.
“You like your hook ups to have PhDs now or what?“ Donna scolded him which made River laugh but he wasn’t paying attention.
“River Song, lovely name. I’m the Doctor by the way.“
“Yes, you still are, aren’t you.“ River tilted her head a little as she looked him up and down. “Ah such a long time ago…“
“What’s that supposed to mean?“ Donna looked in between the two of them.
“I’m from his future, his personal future.“ River answered with a shrug, as if it wasn’t obvious by this point. She tried not to get offended at his lack of recognition, instead, she delighted in his youthful naivety and playfulness. He was a far cry from the person she would spend the rest of her life with, but they all had to start somewhere and their story was more complicated than most.
“What? Are you his wife or something.“ Donna rolled her eyes at her.
“Spoilers.“ River grinned and returned her attention to her future husband. “But honestly, Pretty Boy. Drop the name. Doctor doesn't make the universe tremble as it should.“
“Any chance you can tell me what this place is and who you are?“ River asked as she looked around. Clara remained silent contemplating her next move. River didn’t recognise her. And she didn’t seem to know what had happened. This wasn’t their River Song, that was immediately obvious. There was only one possible explanation: The Emperor had told her, that the Doctor’s River was dead so she had to have been the one the Doctor had been trying to bring back using the extraction chamber. And she must have succeeded! Only she didn’t know she had. However the Doctor had crossed from her universe, the same thing must have happened with River, only delayed. A plan was forming in Clara’s head. It was about time her luck changed.
“River Song, right?“ She said, putting on a smile.
“How do you know who I am?“ River frowned slightly confused, she had never seen the young woman before.
“Well, the Doctor sent me…“ Clara explained. It was a gamble but if she played her cards right, this River need never know where she was or what had happened. At least for the time being. She could make her trust her. It would make things far easier.
“The Doctor is here?“ River’s expression brightened immediately.
“Well, not here, it’s a bit more complicate than that, she…“ Clara carried on but River interrupted:
“She? My, I’ll say, that is a bit more complicated.“
Clara tried her best to keep up, draw from her responses as much information as she could. This River didn’t know the Doctor’s most recent regeneration yet, she must have been dead a while. If the Emperor’s dedication for her wife was any indication, the Doctor would feel the same way about her River which would prove to be very useful. And judging by the fact that she didn’t seem to recognise her, she had died before the Clara from the other universe had started travelling with the Doctor. Again, very useful.
“My name is Clara, I’m a friend of the Doctor’s.“ She introduced herself with a sweet smile and extended her hand to her.
“Lovely to meet you, Clara.“ River smiled, mirroring her warm expression while shaking her hand. Clara wanted to laugh. This was almost too easy. “What is this place?“ River asked.
“You’re on Gallifrey in an extraction chamber, it’s rather complicated to explain but I need you to trust me. The Timelords won't be pleased we used their technology to bring you here so we need to get you out of here before anyone realises, do you think you can help me with that?“ Clara asked, a compliant helpful prisoner would be far easier to control than one that realised she was one.
“Well, I did once break into the Met Gala and walk out with the Crown Jewels unnoticed. I think I can manage to avoid some Timelords.“ River grinned with a sense of excitement. She couldn’t believe her luck, the Doctor had actually managed to save her from her death. That impossible man… woman? Either was, she couldn’t wait to see them again. “Lead the way, Clara.“ She smiled and Clara grinned:
“Feel better yet.“ River asked when they were back in the Royal Wing, just her and her wife.
“I would feel better if I could wrap my hands around her throat.“ The Emperor retorted still seething with anger. She made her way to a large window that overlooked most of the Citadel and the gaping void far below.
“They will find her, she can’t have gone far.“ River tried to sooth her as she stepped up behind her and wrapped her arms around her slender waist. The Emperor relaxed a little, only being alone with River allowed her to do so. “I know you don’t want to hear it but this wouldn’t have happened if you hadn’t let Clara in on this.“ River hummed, sensing it was as good a time as any to voice her concerns.
“It’s not her fault.“ The Emperor retorted quickly but lacked the passion with which she had defended her earlier.
“The Monk is her associate.“ River reminded her.
“I know you don’t like her but she is a powerful ally and a friend.“ The Emperor retorted with a sigh. “In case you haven’t noticed, the circle is getting smaller.“
“Yes where are they all? Martha, Donna, Sarah-Jane? Off on their jollies I guess?“ River huffed, clearly annoyed.
“I can’t very well force them to sit around and play my personal guards, so much more fun to be had out there…“ The Emperor gave a shrug. She understood. She had made many close friends along the way, united in their sense of adventure and destruction. She couldn’t blame them for seeking more exciting activities than sitting around the palace keeping people in line. Most days, she didn’t enjoy it either. “I miss it, River, the rush, the adventure…“
“Which is why it’s about time we find somewhere else to conquer.“ River reminded her, intent on cheering her up. Some people were just not meant to sit still.
“I will get her back.“ The Emperor’s expression turned hard again as she looked out over the city. Her city. Her planet. Her universe. How did they dare defy her? “And I will kill everyone involved in helping her escape.“ She pressed through gritted teeth. “Perhaps I’ve been too lenient. People seem to forget what happens when they disobey… That’s why we can’t let this treachery stand.“
“We haven’t had games in a while.“ River mused, feeling a sense of excitement at her wife’s statement.
“No, we haven’t.“ The Emperor considered her words with a grin.
“Bread and circuses, isn’t that what the Romans on Earth used to do.“ River chuckled. “I just don’t understand why they don’t see you as the generous ruler you are.“ She sighed.
“I have been generous. I have made Gallifrey the centre of the known universe, what else do they expect.“ The Emperor snapped, annoyed, not at River but at the situation in general.
“I know you have.“ River nuzzled into her hair and pressed a kiss to her neck.
“Ungrateful children.“ The Emperor huffed. “I won the Time War for them, I brought the entire universe to heel. If they chose to act like spoilt brats I will treat them as such. I have been kind to them. For years I’ve turned a blind eye and let them lead their little lives, ignoring their whispers and dissident behaviour because they’re still my people. But if I find out they have anything to do with this… We will have games Gallifrey won’t forget for generations. I will purge this city.“ She growled.
“I know you’re sentimental, my darling. With Clara… with your people… But your kindness could become a weakness if we’re not careful.“ River hummed holding her close.
“Clara won’t move against me, she has no cards to play and whether you like it or not, she is also too sentimental about me.“ The Emperor replied.
“Is that why you’re doing nothing to discourage her?“ River huffed, unable to completely brush over how touchy she was about the subject.
“Maybe I like to keep my options open.“ The Doctor smirked and turned in her arms to see the expression on her face. River was quick to pull back and attempt to slap her but the Emperor caught her hand mid-air with great amusement. “Don’t worry, my love, my hearts belong to you alone, I’m just teasing you.“ She took her wife’s hand and placed it against her chest for emphasis. “If I find out Clara’s had anything to do with it or is going behind my back in any way, I will kill her with my own hands.“ She promised.
“I will hold you to that.“ River sighed but smiled. She had never disappointed her or broken a promise. There was no-one she trusted more.
“I’m gonna go down there myself.“ The Emperor turned back to the window. Mist and smoke shrouded the lowest levels of the city in darkness.
“Darling, are you sure that’s entirely necessarily.“ River frowned. Though she knew full well that she was able to handle herself she didn’t like the idea of her going amongst the people that hated her most. She had grown quite attached to this face of hers.
“When I said I’m going to rip this city apart looking for her, I meant it.“ The Emperor growled and River knew she wouldn’t be able to stop her.
The Doctor excused herself from Missy’s tent. She needed some fresh air to process while Missy continued consoling her friend. The Doctor couldn’t bring herself to look on much longer. It wasn’t just the fact that she felt utterly useless, it was also the guilt for how she was watching Missy. It was as if at every turn she was expecting her to show her true colours, break the facade, lose the grip on herself. She just couldn’t bring herself to accept the truth and emotions behind her actions and she knew that was wrong. This Missy didn’t deserve her mistrust and yet, she couldn’t quite overcome her doubts just yet.
Missy had made her promise to come back before too long, she insisted it wouldn’t be safe to stay out in the open. It was only a matter of time before the guards would be back. For now, the Doctor was walking around the camp, getting a sense of the place.
As she was acclimating to this universe, as she was learning more and more about her counter part and these distorted versions of her closest friends, she couldn’t help but wonder how all of it had come to pass. Perhaps if she learned more about this version of the past, she could work out a way forward. Some sort of weakness or miscalculation. There was one question that bugged her more than all the others and she thought maybe, she would be able to find some answers here. It didn’t take long to find Manton, he was talking to two men by the entrance to the tent city, almost as if instructing guards. Though he insisted he was not a Colonel here, he certainly appeared to be playing a similar role. It gave her hope that her theory might be correct.
“You’re not leaving, are you?“ He greeted her with raised eyebrows as she came to a halt in front of him.
“No, I was actually looking for you.“ The Doctor replied. “There’s something I wanted to ask you about if you don’t mind. I think Missy is going to preoccupied for a while, so…“
“How can I help?“ He asked, indicating that there was no need to justify herself.
“Uhm, so… In my universe…“
“I am somewhat curious about that.“ He chuckled but allowed her to continue without pushing further.
“I won’t bore you with the details.“ She gave him an awkward smile. She didn’t think any of them would particularly want to know about how they were her enemies in another life. “In my universe you were working with a chapter of the church of the papal mainframe… does that… mean anything to you?“
“The Kovarian Chapter.“ Manton raised his eyebrows, he knew he shouldn’t be surprised, it stood to reason things ran somewhat similar in both universes but it still caught him off guard.
“Yes.“ The Doctor smiled in relief, affirmed in her suspicions. “Madame Kovarian, is she… I mean… What happened to her? She’s not…“
“She’s here if that’s what you want to know.“ He interrupted her babbling with a kind smile.
“She is?“ The Doctor had hoped so but she was surprised nonetheless.
“Would you like me to take you to her?“ He asked slightly amused.
“Would you?“
“I don’t see why not, but she might not be quite what you’re expecting…“ He replied. “This way, Doctor.“
To the Doctor, all the tents looked more or less the same but Manton seemed to know where he was going. It didn’t take them long, the relatively small tent was located to the outskirts of the camp, almost as if she liked to keep to herself.
“Madame Kovarian?“ Manton spoke up as they entered the tent, announcing their arrival. The Doctor followed him somewhat reluctantly, she wasn’t sure how she was going to feel for seeing the woman that had had such a large impact on her life, having caused her and her closest friends  so much pain, but as she lay eyes on her, she didn’t feel the same distrust she did with Missy. Missy still looked too much like herself, Madame Kovarian, however, appeared nothing like the woman she remembered.
“Madame Kovarian?“ The Doctor echoed her name. For one thing, it was to reassure her that it was actually her. For the other, it was to make herself known as Madame Kovarian appeared to be blind. She wore eye patches similar to the eye drives the Doctor remembered but there was no technology to them and the Doctor couldn’t shake the unsettling feeling, that she would find her eye sockets empty underneath. She sat in a sort of rocking chair by an open fire, her posture, ailment and well worn clothes made her look twice the age the Doctor remembered her as.
“Madame Kovarian, this is the Doctor.“ Manton said and gestured for the Doctor to step closer. Madame Kovarian looked in the direction of their voices, her expression concerned but he went on to explain. “I told you about her earlier, she’s from the other side.“
“Hello…“ The Doctor said softly.
“Right, yes of course…“ Madame Kovarian said weakly.
“I was hoping you could help me put some pieces together.“ The Doctor pulled up a chair to sit across from her.
“Just be aware, Doctor, her memory is not what it used to be.“ Manton said gravely.
“Why? What happened?“ The Doctor looked around to him.
“In our last… altercation with the Emperor, things didn’t go so well for us.“ He answered.
“Maybe you could stay? I just need to find out about what happened here, about…“ The Doctor couldn’t help but pity Kovarian, she looked like a shadow of the person she knew.
“Melody?“ Madame Kovarian spoke up, as if plucking a word from thin air.
“Yes, Melody, I need to know about Melody Pond.“ The Doctor leaned forward feeling a wave of reassurance, she did know what she was talking about.
“Such a troubled child, she always was, I tried so hard…“ Madame Kovarian mumbled and the Doctor realised she wasn’t actually answering her question, she was just reminiscing.
“We know you did.“ Manton placed his hand on her shoulder reassuringly.
“Guess some things just don’t go away, those parents…“ Kovarian muttered.
“Amy Pond did this to her.“ Manton explained. “Her eyes…“
“Guess she didn’t take kindly to having her daughter taken from her.“ The Doctor couldn't help but point out. While she couldn’t condone the violence, she could understand the emotions of a grieving mother.
“How do you know about that?“ Manton frowned.
“Happened in my universe, too.“ The Doctor said somewhat numbly. She was struggling to see right and wrong here, there lines were blurry, so she pushed on. “Why did you do it? It’s cruel to take someone child, I thought you’re meant to be the good guys…“
“It’s not quite what you think, Doctor.“ Manton said when it seemed as though Kovarian was unable to respond. “I won’t deny, things were bleak in those days, we were running out of options. We failed with the Pandorica, the last attempt of the remaining powerful and free civilisations…“
“A nameless, terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies…“ The words suddenly had a different ring to them as the Doctor recalled them and a chill ran down her spine. “The most feared being in all the cosmos. And nothing could stop it, or hold it, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.“ It seemed in this universe, the legend was in fact true.
“She didn’t have a name in those days, all of existence was trembling, Doctor. They would go from world to world and destroyed and conquered…“ Manton tried his best to explain but his words failed him.
“It didn’t start with Gallifrey then?“ The Doctor realised.
“It ended with Gallifrey.“ Madame Kovarian whispered.
“And River…“ The Doctor leaned forward, pushing on, she needed to know.
“We’re not proud of it, we never planned for it to happen… things were coming to a head at Demons Run, it was our last big stand… there was a fight like you’ve never seen…“ Manton seemed to shudder at the memory of it.
“There was blood everywhere…“ Kovarian’s voice was weak. It was as if she was jumping from one painful memory to the next.
“Amy Pond was heavily pregnant at the time but she wouldn’t keep out of it. She went into labour…“ Manton explained.
“And you couldn’t just let an innocent child die…“ The Doctor realised where this was going and immediately regretted assuming them guilty of the same things as their counter parts.
“Of course not.“ Manton gave her a sad smile and the Doctor concluded:
“So you saved her.“
“I just couldn’t bare to leave her with those people…“ Madame Kovarian spoke up, sounding stronger, more like herself. It was as if this was something she was sure of. “Growing up amongst that violence…“
“We did what we could.“ Manton added.
“And you realised she was special… the perfect assassin to…“ The Doctor carried on.
“And she wanted to help us in the end.“ Manton had to point out, as if to justify it. “She grew up amongst us, of course she learned of what we were dealing with. She always had a wild… violent… streak, she needed no encouragement from us.“ He smiled a sad smile. “And yes, we’re not proud of it but we thought, yes, maybe, this was the way, the only way to stop them… their best friend’s child, a cruel twist of fate but…“
“But she fell in love with them…“ The Doctor sighed and she didn’t know whether to laugh of cry. “Of course she did. Nature over nurture… River Song and the Doctor… some things seem to be inevitable, no matter the timeline or universe.“ It was an incredibly romantic thought, that no matter where they started, who they were, how they were raised, they would always find each other. But it sounded like this River had been given everything, had been brought up right and chosen to fight for what’s right on her own account… and then turned her back on it all and for what? Was it power or was it love? Were people like the Emperor or her even capable of the latter?
“Manton?“ They were interrupted when a young man burst in. “They’re here.“
“Who is.“ Manton asked in alarm, meeting him halfway.
“The guards.“ The young man answered and his heart sank. They had had less time than expected.
“Doctor, you need to…“ He turned but only to find that she was gone already.
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transtech-zine · 5 years
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Episode 4: “Dark Web” Written by: Ian Weir Broadcast: 7/7/01
Blackarachnia patrols the city at night when the Autobots get notified of a silent alarm being set off.  Blackarachnia, nearest to the crime scene, swings in alone, and discovers Megatron and a team of Decepticon volunteers stealing supplies from a refinery.  She stalks through the shadows and the machinery, observing the Decepticons’ actions and waiting for backup.
Suddenly, Blackarachnia is attacked.  She whips around to face her opponent, finding herself up against a shadowy doppelganger of herself.  She’s unable to put up a good fight, as her double hits stronger and reacts faster than she does.  Blackarachnia is flung into a silo, which collapses into rubble on top of her.  Debris above her shifts and moves, as if her double is coming back to finish the job…  But when she is freed, ready to retaliate, she finds Silverbolt.  She passes out.
While unconscious, Blackarachnia dreams of her doppelganger stalking through a twisted world of spiderwebs.  In this vision, it uses Blackarachnia’s telekinetic powers and deadly weapons to eliminate her friends one by one; then it comes across Silverbolt…
Blackarachnia wakes up in the medbay, with Silverbolt at her bedside.  He gently explains to her that the Decepticons got away, and while he did find signs of a scuffle, he never saw the thing that attacked her.  She discharges herself from the medbay, refusing to rest until she has come up with a strategy to defeat the monster and protect her friends.
Blackarachnia locks herself in her lab and refuses to see anyone – not even Silverbolt.  Her inner voice keeps telling her that neither she nor her friends will be safe until she has created a weapon powerful enough to destroy the shadow creature.  Over the next few days, Blackarachnia creates a series of guns.  Every time she falls asleep, she tests her latest weapon in her dream; it is never enough to defeat her double, spurring her on to make deadlier and more dangerous weapons when she wakes up again.
Silverbolt knocks on her lab door to show her something, but Blackarachnia pushes him away.  She has finally completed her most powerful design: the Vamparc Ribbon, a weapon that leeches spark energy from its target as a power source for a violent energy blast.
The shadow manifests again, and her fight with it takes her out of her lab and into the Citadel.  Here she finds that similar doppelgangers lurk around every corner, trying to contain her.  Feeling under attack, Blackarachnia makes her way through the building, firing off pot shots at each assailant.
Overwhelmed by the shadows’ numbers, Blackarachnia dives into a surveillance room, where she finds the tallest doppelganger yet.  Though she threatens and attacks the creature, it keeps evading her attacks.  With no interest in fighting her, the thing slams a button down on the surveillance console, revealing to Blackarachnia that since leaving the lab, she’s been fighting Autobots and Maximals – and security camera footage from the refinery shows that there was no assailant that night.  With new clarity, Blackarachnia turns to see that her latest opponent was Silverbolt himself.  The two embrace, with both worried about what’s happening to her…
From Blackarachnia’s voicebox, Starscream vaingloriously explains that he has been haunting her from inside her mind as part of a revenge plot to destroy everything she loves for her part in ousting him from the Beast Wars.  He throws her around using her own telekinetic power.
Blackarachnia gives Silverbolt the Vamparc Ribbon, urging him to shoot her with it.  Starscream guides the two of them into a dramatic standoff where he threatens to force Blackarachnia to shoot herself in the head.  Silverbolt is first on the trigger.  The Vamparc Ribbon drains energy from Starscream’s spark.  The Decepticon is shocked; this is the first thing in millions of years to have hurt him.  He is forced to retreat.
Blackarachnia is back in the medbay, recovering from the physical trauma.  She tells Silverbolt that in future she’ll listen to him when he tries to help.  But she rests uneasy, knowing that Starscream could strike again at any time.
Meanwhile, Starscream returns to the Decepticons, presenting Megatron and Shockwave with the blueprints for Blackarachnia’s new weapons.
Episode 5: “Field Test” Written by: Len Wein Broadcast: 14/7/01
While planning their next move in combating the Decepticons, Autobot High Command receives a transmission from Shockwave.  Shockwave, apparently
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wearied by having to fraternise with the unintelligent Scavenger, offers him as a prisoner to the Autobots, giving them co-ordinates to where they can pick him up.
Optimus Prime immediately suspects a trap.  Cheetor agrees, but with no leads as to where the Decepticons are hiding, he suggests that triggering the trap is the best way of tailing them back to their base.  In the meantime, he tasks Rattrap and Nightscream with triangulating the origin of Shockwave’s transmission.
Cheetor leads a strike team of Optimus, Blackarachnia, Silverbolt, Botanica, and two Maximal Security Force officers (MaxCops) to the rendezvous point, which turns out to be Kalis, a ghost town now overgrown with technorganic plants.  Blackarachnia explains that during the Great War, Kalis was a minor township that was used by the Decepticon Science Division as testing grounds for experimental weapons, before the area had to be abandoned for safety reasons.  Optimus Prime obliquely hints that there is more to the story than Blackarachnia knows.
The team comes across a containment cell in the town square.  As they cautiously approach it, suspecting a trap, the container collapses open, revealing not Scavenger, but a bulky, armoured, heavily armed robot.  A viewport lights up on the interior of the cell, from which Shockwave introduces the robot as an Immorticon, first of a new race of sparkless Decepticon soldiers.
The Immorticon steps forward and executes the two MaxCops, causing the rest of the Autobots to duck for cover.  While it advances, a strange wave of energy pulses from underground, washing over the team, but seeming to have no effect.  Silverbolt squares up against the Immorticon, but as he readies himself for his steel skin ability, he instead receives a precognitive vision of being flung aside by its fist – a vision that comes true in short order.  As Cheetor tries to receive his own flash of foresight, he is enveloped in vines, and he realises that the energy wave has swapped their Transcendence powers around!
While the Autobot team scrambles to evade their new foe, back in Cybertropolis, Rattrap and Nightscream have made no progress discovering the Decepticon hideout.  Instead, they’ve discovered a series of unusual transmissions being sent and received from Kalis.  To investigate further, they head towards the town on a shuttle.
Optimus Prime has paired up with Blackarachnia, and they talk each other through their swapped powers.  While Optimus quickly masters her telekinesis to attack the Immorticon, Blackarachnia struggles to activate his energy weapons.  Optimus tells her that Kalis was really abandoned because it was being used as a burial site for disused doomsday weapons; he suspects a still-active device underground is responsible for their power swap.  The Immorticon fires a charged shot at them with its powerful beam distributor ray – and in the nick of time, Blackarachnia uses Optimus’ ability to fashion an energy shield, protecting them, but levelling the building around them.
The Immorticon breaks out of the rubble and falters briefly, before transforming into vehicle mode and setting off after Cheetor, Silverbolt, and Botanica.  Blackarachnia reasons that the Immorticon has only rudimentary intelligence, and that it is being shepherded by Shockwave.  Cheetor, who has been listening in via the comms, tasks Optimus Prime and Blackarachnia with going underground and locating the power exchanger.  Meanwhile, Cheetor and the team are going to try and survive long enough to understand the Immorticon’s full capabilities.
As the Immorticon trundles towards them in tank mode, Botanica acts as bait, reflecting its bullets and beams.  Cheetor attempts to ensnare the Immorticon’s treads with vines while Silverbolt gets in some hits; the flyer manages to sever its ray gun, but he is distracted by an unexpected premonition, and the Immorticon blasts them with its pulse cannons.  Underground, Optimus Prime and Blackarachnia explore the disused weapons storage facility.  While she advises the Autobots on how best to counter her own weapon designs, Optimus surreptitiously plants detonation charges around the area.
Rattrap and Nightscream arrive on their shuttle.  Rattrap discovers the coded transmission through which Shockwave controls the Immorticon; Nightscream emits a sonic scream on the same frequency and Shockwave is immobilised.  The team watches in suspense as the Immorticon freezes… and reboots on its most basic programming: find and destroy Optimus Prime!
As the automaton pursues them, Blackarachnia asks Optimus how to identify the ability exchanger.  Optimus admits that the only thing he knows is that the entire cache of weapons is too dangerous to fall into Decepticon hands; maybe in destroying all of it, he’ll find the right device.  Blackarachnia is shocked by his self-sacrifice, but Optimus insists that, with the Immorticon following him, his being at the centre of the explosion is the only way to take it down.
Blackarachnia returns to the surface and the Autobots flee in Rattrap and Nightscream’s ship to a safe distance.  Inside the facility, Optimus Prime has a showdown with the Immorticon, giving it a dramatic speech about the choices one can make to change the path of one’s life… but the Immorticon is sparkless, and doesn’t comprehend what he is saying, so Optimus pulls the trigger.
The demolition charges are detonated, and explosions spread throughout Kalis.  The Autobots wait with bated breath as the city is levelled by the collapse of its foundations…  But an orange bubble of energy emerges through the debris.  Optimus Prime has survived thanks to the shield technique he learned from Blackarachnia, and his use of his own power signals to the team that their abilities have been restored.  The Immorticon’s armour is melted and its circuits fried; they’ve won.
Cheetor has Optimus airlifted to safety, but is irritated at him for planning such a suicidal mission.  Optimus insists that it was the only way to stop the Immorticon.  Cheetor is troubled; this was only one Immorticon, and they don’t know if it was operating to the fullest of its abilities.  It killed two Maximals and was only stopped with an unrepeatable explosion – what will it take to stop an army of them?
My primary inspiration for “Dark Web” is apparently so obscure that instead of being able to link to it, I’m going to have to take a moment to explain it.  When I was growing up, I owned The Official Spider-Man Annual 1997, a 1996 UK publication featuring a handful of comic stories.  One of these comics was called “The Spider-Shadow!”; during a fight with Mysterio, Spider-Man gets his head trapped in a fishbowl helmet, which he instantly shatters.  From that point onward, Spider-Man is hounded by a monstrous doppelgänger of himself which knows all his weaknesses and nearly defeats him.  It’s only through context clues - such as passerby J Jonah Jameson lambasting his “solo acrobatics act” - that he realises that the Spider-Shadow was never there, and that the supposedly-shattered fishbowl helmet is still on his head, casting the monster as an illusion.  Spidey captures Mysterio and goes home to MJ’s spaghetti carbonara.
UPDATE: I found the annual in question, and you can read the comic here.
This came to mind when plotting out the Blackarachnia/Starscream rematch.  What could Starscream do with his ghostly powers to enact his revenge?  Blackarachnia has gone through a lot in the long, long time since “Possession”, having swapped faction, embraced her feelings for Silverbolt, and adopted her found family.  Starscream’s plan hinges on driving her paranoia to such a point that she could harm her own friends.  In earlier drafts, the double appeared in reflections as Blackarachnia’s Beast Wars bodies.
In establishing a villain that can get inside your head as an unstoppable ghost, you also need to come up with a way to stop him from doing the same thing every episode, hence the introduction of the Vamparc Ribbon.  The Vamparc Ribbon is a weapon introduced in IDW’s “Autocracy” series, though in one of this zine’s little kisses with history, I pretend like it was introduced during Transtech.  Since it draws its power from spark energy, it’s not an ethical weapon to have; consequently, Blackarachnia only goes to use it when the threat is that high.
The implication of the end is that, as part of the army-building throughline in these early episodes, the weapons Blackarachnia developed are for use by the Immorticons, and that stealing the blueprints was Starscream’s secondary objective.
The Blackarachnia art here is by the excellent Erica @transgirlsoundwave Walsh.  As mentioned before, I don’t rate Blackarachnia’s concept art designs very highly, so outside of a checklist of things, Erica was free to make her own design.  I asked Erica to create a Blackarachnia that hearkened back to her Beast Wars appearance; I provided the design for her head, and asked that Erica include a spider abdomen that becomes a helicopter cockpit for a vehicular mode, and twin helicopter rotors that form the spider legs.  While sketching out her ideas, Erica went the extra mile and came up with a transformation scheme as well:
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As popular fiction will tell you, a faceless army of identical soldiers will always lose out to a small band of heroes.  With all-out warfare on the cards for episodes 12 and 13, there needed to be an earlier story establishing the level of threat an Immorticon poses, before swathes of them are cut through in the finale.  So this episode is my “Dalek”.
A lot of this episode is the “show, don’t tell” counterpart of the Immorticons’ earlier character bio.  You could tell the audience it has deadly weapons, but instead you could kill off two MaxCops.  You can tell the audience it has rudimentary intelligence, or you could demonstrate what happens when it loses its control signal.  You could say it’s tough, or you could only have it be defeated by levelling an entire town on it.  The Immorticon’s most basic programming is deliberate setup for “Rusty”, where I downplay what I think is an amazing pun in calling it the Prime Directive.
It helps the Immorticon’s reputation that the Autobots are on the back foot, having had their powers exchanged.  This couldn’t be a power innate to Immorticons, because then they could use it every week, so there had to be an outside reason for it to happen.  This dovetailed into my search for a condemned part of Cybertron to use as a battleground, so I chose Kalis.  In the Marvel UK comics, Kalis was home to the secret base of mad scientist Flame, who used an army of zombies to deter intruders from uncovering his plans to turn Cybertron into a mobile battle station.  The guy invented zombies, and that wasn’t even his primary objective.  So Flame’s two-pronged attack is extrapolated into the backstory of the Decepticon Science Division and its many doomsday weapons.  As with “Ancient Relics”, there’s lore implications here.
Silverbolt misusing Cheetor’s power is supposed to be a great comedy moment.  Optimus giving the Immorticon a characteristic speech is an odd comedic beat, but I think I was intending to show that he considers levelling the city to be a last resort.
Optimus again acts as if he’s the main hero; the Immorticons’ Prime Directive reflects that the Decepticons consider him that as well.  Though he’s on better terms with Cheetor at this point, he still seems to be ready to sacrifice himself as if every battle is the final one.  It’s a good job for him that Blackarachnia is slightly more imaginative with his Green Lantern powers.
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beevean · 7 years
I’ve always liked to describe music and rate it, so I thought to put here my top 30 Sonic Forces tracks, and maybe in the future I’ll do the same for other games.
Under the cut because it’s a top 30, so it’s pretty long :V I couldn’t do less, I’m sorry!
@bookvideogamemaniac @ramenbomber  @dizzydennis
30) Eggman Empire Fortress: Iron Fortress
This is what happens when you mix the intensity of Scrap Brain and the dissonance of Death Egg. It’s suitably dramatic, and the harsh Genesis-esque sounds help the sense of being surrounded by cold, deadly metal. It feels very heavy for some reason. *insert joke about Classic’s physics*
29) Green Hill: Arsenal Pyramid - Interior
More Eggman bases should have a dance theme. This track manages to fit the sterile, technological environment, the context of a base infiltration and, while it does remind a bit of White Acropolis, manages also to be unique in the OST.
28) Green Hill: Arsenal Pyramid
While I’m happy there are some guitars, here they were really needed as the main instrument, as the saw wave not only doesn’t fit with the general Green Hill environment, but makes the whole track sound really similar to Sunset Heights. What stands out, at least, is how serious it is, especially the climax. It wouldn’t be out of place in a final level.
I also really like the piano at the beginning. It’s a nice touch.
27) Mystic Jungle: Casino Forest
I had no idea this one was composed by Tomoya Ohtani! I was so sure it was Naofumi Hataya, it just screams “Genesis-era”! The whole track fits perfectly the setting of a deranged casino area - somewhat spooky, but still with that bouncy feeling of many casino themes. (wish the level itself complemented the pinball gimmick with the forest background...)
Also when it was first revealed the official Sonic account pointed out the amazing bass, so... listen to that amazing bass. Very reminiscent of Casino Night’s, but more energetic.
26) Mystic Jungle: Luminous Forest
Unfitting with the stage? Yes. Didn’t need the saw wave at all? Absolutely. Catchy? Also absolutely. It helps that here the wave is accompanied by some very nice guitars reminiscent of the Adventure series - this whole soundtrack needs more of them, so any track with rocking guitars gains instant points from me. The funky bass solo near the end of the loop is just the cherry on top. An energetic old-school tune all around, it could’ve been much higher on the list if it didn’t suffer from Sonic Adventure 2 syndrome and wasn’t so unfitting for the level.
I once compared it to a Bad Future version of Savannah Citadel Day, and it was nice to see I wasn’t the only one thinking that!
25) Metropolis: Metropolitan Highway
This song is so happy! I still call it “Skyscraper Scamper Day Good Future”, and with good reason. It wouldn’t be out of places in a Riders game!
I don’t know what else to say. It just puts a smile on my face every time I listen to it. It’s very Sonic-y, that’s the best way to put it.
24) Boss: Infinite (Showdown)
As I pointed out a while ago, this one was composed not by Ohtani, but by Yutaka Minobe, a far less famous composer and pianist who’s largely responsible for a good chunk of the first two Advance games’ OSTs and miscellaneous tracks like Black Doom. From the tracks I’ve linked it’s easy to recognize his style in this orchestral piece that barely resembles the original theme anymore, unless you pay attention to it.
I’m disappointed in how little dubstep there’s here, but while the track doesn’t have a clear melody (aside for those short sections that call back Infinite’s theme, and to be fair they are really good reprises), it compensates by being highly atmospheric and making the final showdown with Infinite feel far more epic than it actually was.
Maybe there’s not much dubstep to symbolize how Infinite is going to lose control of the Ruby? Just speculating.
23) Boss: Infinite (First Bout & Second Bout)
Infinite’s boss remix is a wonderful mess of metal, dubstep and... a genre that I’ve seen multiple times being compared to k-pop, for some reason. It may take a while to grow on you, but it’s catchy from the get-go. Who could’ve thought this style would fit our new favorite edgelord so well?
I put these together because there are mininal differences within each other. However I slightly prefer the second version, it’s more danceable and not as repetitive as the first one.
22) Mystic Jungle: Aqua Road (Moonlight Battlefield)
While I admit this one dropped down a lot since it was first revealed (my only problem is that it’s pretty repetitive), it’s still pretty good, and it continues the sweet tradition of having a piano for the aquatic stage (if you want to call the slides gimmick “aquatic”).
I like how the echoing piano feels very light and how at the same time it’s contrasted by the strong synth bass and the electronic drums. The singer’s voice just makes everything prettier. A lovely theme with melancholic lyrics.
21) Mystic Jungle: Eggman's Facility
I’m not a fan of Sonic Adventure 2′s soundtrack, but I can at least appreciate White Jungle for standing out among the endless buttrock and for fitting both the stage and Shadow’s emotional state at that point. DnB really suits him.
This remix emphasises pretty much everything that made the original good, making both the lyrics and the guitars clearer. It’s pretty much a modernized remastered version, and it seems it was composed precisely for Shadow infiltrating Eggman’s base in Mystic Jungle. They choose the right track.
20) City: Enemy Territory
I have a mixed relationship with ShTH, and the same goes for its soundtrack: I hate half of the OST and love the other one, no in-between. In the half I love there’s the Westopolis theme - I don’t care if you’re forced to hear it 10 times in one of the dullest level in the game, the track itself is pretty badass, and yes, nostalgic for me.
So you can imagine how much I squeed when I realized they remixed it for the Shadow DLC.
I especially like how they made the main melody clearer and not as drowned under the edgy noises, while still keeping the overly-badass mood of the original. It even fits the aesthetic of Sunset Heights! And it even includes a Radical Highway cameo for free, because why not.
The PC version (beta version?) is not so bad either! It’s just more subdued.
19) Chemical Plant: Space Port (Fighting Onward)
A perfect introduction to the Avatar music style. The cold synths couples with the steady rhythm makes me imagine the Avatar walking in the middle of a blizzard, and the bass gives that touch of determination.
18) City: Red Gate Bridge
Very tranquil and somber, with a “calm before the storm” vibe to it. The piano and the strings go very well with the saw wave and the synth bass. Not easily hummable but memorable nonetheless.
A shame the main stage wastes it, but at least this one plays during those mini acts... other tracks aren’t so lucky.
17) Metropolis: Capital City (Virtual Enemies)
We will defeat insanity~
There’s something about the chords and the overly distorted voice that really fit both the futuristic, shiny, and sterile look of the city and the unsettling context of being mindraped by Infinite. It’s also pretty fun to sing out loud! Another track that could’ve come out from a Riders game, albeit more downbeat than others.
16) City: Park Avenue (Justice)
How can a track from June 2017 feel already nostalgic? This was the first music theme officially revealed, and what an impression it made. Like many, many other tracks in this soundtrack, it took me a while to fully appreciate it, but now it’s pretty much a classic in my book. Here the synths used truly shine - the chords at the beginning immediately set the mood and both solos convey the Avatar’s strenght and determination. Energetic and catchy, with cheesy (in a good way!) lyrics, it might as well be the symbol of the Avatar music style.
15) City: Sunset Heights
Another track that by now feels familiar. I just never get tired of this one, I could listen to it in a loop for twenty minutes straight. It reminds at the same time of Sonic Runners and Sonic Heroes, if not ShTH, almost a much more lighthearted version of Westopolis - fitting, all things considered - or Final Haunt. While the saw wave here goes very well, it’s the clean guitar that makes it for me, it gives the composition a nostalgic feeling. This is pretty much the very first theme that comes to my mind when I think of Forces.
14) Metropolis: Null Space
Poor track. You deserved so much better than what you got.
Even without knowing the context, you can perfectly picture in your head a vast, empty, dark, otherwordly place, and the eerie reverberating piano, the ethereal choir, and the subtle glitching noises are sure to send shivers down your spine. It being a dark reprise of the piano bridge of Fist Bump doesn’t help.
(side note: this was co-composed by the aforementioned Yutaka Minobe. I’m sure he’s also the one who plays it)
13) Green Hill: Virtual Reality
Who doesn’t love Supporting Me? It’s a fan favorite for obvious reasons. It’s been remixed in Generations 3DS, and once again in Forces, and each version is better than the last. This version is much less somber, with the added guitars, the synths replacing the strings, and the more frantic drums, and the whole remix feels like it mixes both genres that represented Shadow in Adventure 2 - heavy rock and DnB.
This is also the only track in the Shadow DLC that features dubstep to represent Infinite’s influence, which I think is a nice touch. The only downside is that the chorus isn’t a dark reprise of Live and Learn anymore.
At first I found it very odd that this plays in the bright Green Hill, but the soundtrack dissonance helps the feeling of creepiness and uncanniness Infinite was aiming at in the story. The lyrics also talk about illusions, so...
The PC version lacks most of the guitars, but that means you can enjoy the synths more, especially in the chorus. I almost prefer this version for this reason.
12) Fist Bump - Piano Ver.
Hey, remember when Aaron trolled us all by implying Tails was gonna die? :D
But even if this melancholy rendition of the main theme plays just in the theater option, it’s still lovely, the kind of piece you’d listen to in a rainy day with a mug of hot chocolate in hand. You can almost hear the gentleness of the player’s fingers.
11) Fist Bump
Speaking of the main theme!
This song just screams “early-2000s”, and it’s food for all the Adventure children inside of us. It’s corny and proud of it. It will never ever leave you head. It’s pure adrenaline in musical form. It has a piano bridge and a sweet guitar solo. You can’t ask for more from a Sonic song.
Shout out also to the Invincibility theme, a catchy 16-bit rendition of the chorus! And of course, the very first piece of music revealed, the instrumental version that goes well with everything.
10) This Is Who You Are
They didn’t need to go so hard for something as simple as the character customization theme. But they did. And I’m so glad.
There’s a certain cleverness into mixing a boppy square wave to the simple orchestral background, as not only the Avatar is mainly associated with synths but it also somewhat alleviates the serious mood, which is perfect for our rookie. The fluttering piano is gorgeous, and I have to mention that swelling climax. You really feel like you’re building up a hero from scratch.
9) This Is Our World (Eggman, War, Resistance)
What a cool title for a world map.
I put them all together because they’re very similar to each other, but the three different versions are great at setting up different moods with little tweaks. The first version has steady, powerful drums that remind of Eggman’s machinery and factories, but the overall tone is of a great war incoming. The second one cranks up the intensity and the mechanical noises, fitting for the definitive showdown between the Eggman Empire and the Resistance. And the final one is pure triumph and peace.
8) Eggman Empire Fortress: Final Judgement
... or is it Last Judgement? The OST isn’t quite clear. But in any case, this track is both intense and energetic, fitting for the very last stage, and somewhat melancholic. Amy does feel sorry for Infinite for being allegedly created here, but without context it actually makes me think of an imminent heroic sacrifice necessary to save the world. It definitely spells out “last stand”.
7) Boss: Zavok (Battle with Death Queen)
I’ll never understand why they named the track after the robotic wasp. Anyway, Zavok’s theme in Sonic Lost World wasn’t anything special, a menacing orchestral remix of the Deadly Six leitmotif (although it barely sounds like it). But the Zavok replica gets a sick dubstep strings remix! Twice as fast, with the intense violins getting drowned by the arhythmic, glitchy dubstep noises, it does a perfect job to pump you blood. To fight... the Death Queen, apparently. (rip zavok nobody loves him)
(I also have to point out that this is one of the only two major tracks Kenichi Tokoi had an hand in, the other being the Metal Sonic boss theme. I wish he did much more because boy he was on fire!)
6) Death Egg: Egg Gate
I learned to play this on my keyboard purely because I love it so much! It’s so badass! It could fit with Flash In The Dark or other Wily themes! Too bad it’s so short, but I feel it’s more complex than others, so it compensates. Not gonna lie, this theme coupled with the gorgeous background of the base in space made my jaw drop like few things in the series yet.
While here the saw wave actually fits, I would’ve died of happiness if it was played on an electric guitar. Bring me all the rock covers <3
5) Eggman Empire Fortress: Mortar Canyon
I can already tell this will be the most underrated track in the OST. It’s a shame it plays in the shortest level in the game, because it ends just as the music gets to the truly awesome part - and I don’t mean “awesome” in its more common sense, I truly mean “awe-inspiring”.
It starts out with the saw wave (which here would’ve also fit nicely), but slowly it fades in the background, the lead being replaced by a piano, then a choir, then strings, to create something that feels bigger than Sonic and the player. There’s a sense of despair, with only the slightest twinge of quiet, detemined hope. You’re so close to save the world from total destruction.
Chilling. One of the best “final level” themes in the series. Take the time to listen to it with headphones to enjoy all the tiny details, you won’t regret it.
4) Infinite
And after the remixes we get to the original version. This is, by far, my favorite character theme of the series, if only because it fits Infinite so well.
It manages to be ironically edgy, both with the overuse of HEAVY METAL RUMBLING GUITARS and lyrics such as I AM THE SHARPEST OF BLADES I’LL CUT YOU DOWN IN A SECOND... and yet it’s also unironically cool, especially if you grew up with this kind of music. The lyrics were also incredibly fun to analyze, even though at the end of it the meaning was just “I’m the best and y’all suck”, which perfectly reflects Infinite trying to appear more powerful and menacing than he actually was. 
Also, like I already mentioned, metal and dubstep go so well together.
When everything you know has come and gone... only scars remain through it all...
3) Boss: Mega Death Egg Robot Phase 2
Pure despair. You really feel like you’re facing something much bigger and more powerful than you are. It only needs a choir, some strings and a flute to achieve all of this - its semplicity it’s what makes it so effective.
It also seems it takes some inspiration from Egg Nega Wisp Phase 1, which I can be only happy about.
2) Boss: Mega Death Egg Robot Phase 3
Let’s get that one flaw out of the way: the loop is too short. But everything in the loop is spectacular.
It’s in the same style as Dr. Eggman Showdown, and while it’s not quite at the same level, it is pretty close, and I do prefer this guitar solo.
What truly makes this track great, however, is the buildup. It starts with a light, high choir that feels hopeless... then the drums kick in... then the guitars... and finally it explodes in a wonderful, triumpant mix of orchestra and rock. Eggman is on his last rope, you’ve already won. And when you defeat the final boss, it ends abruptly with the same choir of the beginning, in a satisfying book end.
And don’t miss that Fist Bump riff! I know some people would’ve preferred a full remix of the main theme, but I actually like this approach.
1) The Light of Hope
All that I see now, it’s not the same...
All you remember, has gone away...
But you’re still standing here...
The first stanza alone made me tear up, and I didn’t stop until the end. What a gorgeous song.
This song alone made me feel proud and accomplished... after watching a stream and being severely disappointed in what I had seen in the last hour. This one song almost fixed everything. And the new title screen, with the instrumental version in the background and the flower in the shining Resistance quarters... touching. It reminds me so much of Wiosna from Katawa Shoujo, a track I hold dear.
Kudos to Amy Hannam and her lovely voice - this song is much harder than it sounds, and she nailes every single note.
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thoscheianddoomreed · 8 years
Running Away ~ TenSimm fic
If you asked any Time Lord what he was most fond of on Gallifrey, you would get differing answers. Some would immediately say the Citadel, standing tall and proud in the heart of the planet, where the mightiest of Time Lords watched over the Universe. Watched, only ever watched.
Others would smile almost subconsciously as their minds took them to the rolling fields of blazing red grass, which, on a summer’s day, had the faintest trace of apple on their fiery leaves. Just before twilight, when the suns were almost beneath the horizon, the grass would turn a beautiful crimson colour, like a rustling sea of twinkling rubies, and Time Lords and Gallifreyan’s alike would come outside to run through the soft blades. It wasn’t uncommon to witness the children of Gallifrey laying amongst the shrubbery, pointing up at the stars with a curious expression on their faces.
And then, if you asked Koschei what /he/ liked the most about Gallifrey, he wouldn’t say his father’s estates, which spanned across the surface of the brilliant orange planet like a never ending blanket, or the materialistic items that his family’s wealth bought him.
No, the thing Koschei was most fond of, was Theta.
Orphaned from an early age, the future Time Lord clung to Koschei like a lost puppy, bonding with and defending his older friend like his life depended on it. And though they would squabble and fight over who had the best toy screwdriver ‘Theta, laser is sooooo much better than sonic’, when one of them was upset or hurt by another of the Academy’s recruits, the other would come calling, like a ball of rage and fire and in Theta’s case, ice. Then, both Time Lords would cling to each other and ignore the world, muttering to each other about the day when they would steal a TARDIS and travel the Universe together.
Ten years later.~
Theta, or as he called himself these days, the Doctor, walked across the great crimson fields. His hands brushed over the top of the fresh barley, disrupting seeds and sending them fluttering into the night sky. How many wishes did he have? As he watched the tiny seedlings disappear into the darkness, he wished for only one thing.
To have his best friend back.
But his and Koschei’s relationship was broken years ago, when the Time Lord council made them both stare into the Time Vortex. In one moment, one fleeting second, their friendship was shattered, the pieces spilling out like the seedlings into the sky. Never to be whole again.
Whilst the Doctor wanted to run, to leave Gallifrey and never look back, Koschei or as he was called now, the Master, wanted to dominate, to destroy. The once bubbly, innocent Time Lord, who would never harm a fly, now had a darkness inside of him. The Doctor could see it in his eyes, an essense of insanity dancing behind those brilliant brown pools.
And so, when the Master and a few other recruits left to go on a field trip, the Doctor knew he had to escape, before he too, sunk into the temptating darkness.
He forfeited the trip, claiming to be ill, but he knew the Master was suspicious. Their earlier conversation had confirmed his fears.
'I know you think I’m insane,’ Koschei said, gripping the front of Theta’s robes, 'but please don’t leave me.’
'I’ll be here when you get back.’ The taller Time Lord responded, fixing a faux smile to his lips.
'Do you promise?’ Koschei was desperate now, genuine fear consuming his facial features, eyes wide; pleading.
'I promise.’
And here he was, breaking that promise only a few hours later. Taking in a deep breath, the Doctor had no idea if he would ever see Gallifrey again. The Citadel, the Academy, the endless fields that he and Koschei used to run across. At one point, they were his home.
But not anymore.
His current destination was a building on the far side of the Academy, one story tall and no bigger than your average shed. The worn and crumbled stone walls made it look like a stable, but on the inside was the Time Lords most precious items. Stepping into the darkness, the Doctor heard humming, low and soothing, followed by a grating sound. In the far corner of the room, was a TARDIS, new and barely functional. A green glow was creeping out of its open door, silently beckoning the Doctor closer.
He knew it was wrong, he was barely a qualified Time Lord yet, and at the age of eighteen, he was still under the Academy’s wing. But he had to escape, before the darkness corrupted him like it corrupted his best friend. And yet… the thought of leaving the Master made his hearts break.
Maybe he could return one day, when his friend was fixed, when everything was back to normal. Deep down, the Doctor knew that that day would never arrive. His old friend was dead, the council had ruined him, and one day, they would pay the ultimate price.
The TARDIS hummed again, breaking into his thoughts and adding some new ones: /let’s run away/ /far, far away/ /you and me/, and the Doctor found himself unable to resist.
The night air around him was charged with a static electricity, and he suddenly felt excited. As he moved into the newly grown TARDIS, the door slammed shut behind him, the green glow turning into a faint orange. The inside was massive with an almost endless ceiling. He had never been inside a TARDIS before, as they were off limits, but he felt like he /belonged/ here, that this was his new home. The column directly in front of him started to move up and down in a steady rhythm and he jumped towards it, a nervous yet excitable smile edging onto his lips as he ran his fingers over the numerous dials and knobs. A lever to his left caught his eye and he pulled it, instantly grabbing onto the console as the entire TARDIS started to vibrate.
He was leaving, he was free. But a small part of him knew he couldn’t run forever…
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chicohungers24-7 · 6 months
Some parallels between Spinel and Nine (in no particular order)
(forgive me I haven't seen the movie in a while)
1. Have a less jaded version of themself that they believe the protagonist prefers
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Mostly self explanatory. Spinel outright states that she thinks Steven prefers the older her that's "innocent, loving," and "stupid." We know this isn't the case because Steven is repeatedly shown to be uncomfortable around her because he's focused on fixing his friends and preventing the planet earth from. Dying. (I'm not condemning Steven here. This entire plot point spawns from the misunderstanding)
With Sonic and Nine, it's a bit more complicated. Sonic repeatedly calls Nine "Tails" (or "Tails Nine" to Thorn Rose) but also tells Shadow that Nine is real and is offended on his belief when Shadow says that none of the shattered versions are real. But Nine doesn't see Sonic come to his defense and only sees the slip ups. So when he finally sees the ghost hill version of Tails, with his one repeat line that reeks of endless optimism, Nine rejects any similarities they may have.
2. Idolize the protagonist
Steven is kind of set up from the start with him being Spinel's diamond. After he uses the rejuvenator on her, she is programmed to put him on a pedestal. Spinel is only Pink Diamond's plaything, after all. But after Drift Away and Found, the present Spinel falsely believes that Steven is the person that will help her recover from her abandonment when Steven was speaking generally that someone will help her.
While it takes some time for Nine to warm up to Sonic, all it took was Sonic being the first person to kind towards Nine for him to become loyal to Sonic (it also helps that Sonic used his "last words" in S1E2 to address Nine). He pretends to be bitter when coming back to Sonic leads to him being captured by the Chaos Council, but he still expresses his support for Sonic, Insisting that anything the council throws at him will not be enough. Nine risks it all to play prisoner and watch as most of the shards end up in the council's hands just so he has the chance to create the perfect world for him and Sonic and it's not until the very last second that he realizes that Sonic's goal and priority is not the Grim. It's getting back to Tails (and the others!)
3. The protagonist breaks this view and it leads to conflict
This actually is the point that made me think of making a whole post out of this. "Well what now? I did what you wanted, that's it?" vs "What did you think would happen to me when you brought your friends back?"
They both have to fix something for the heroes. For Spinel, it's removing the injector and for Nine it's putting the shards back together. But once that is done, they realize that they don't have the same goal in mind as the hero.
I find it interesting that Steven wants to go back to his happy ending and that ending does not include Spinel, which is what causes her to spiral. This contrasts Sonic's hope that he can bring back Green Hill as well as keep being friends with Nine, but Nine is the one the says that can't happen. They can't have Green Hill and the Grim at the same time.
4. World Ending Giant Crystal Tower
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Okay the Citadel technically isn't the thing ending the world like how the injector is (not to mention Nine isn't ending the world he's ending the multiverse), but it is the center piece of the entire idea.
They both use their towers to stand above the hero(es) and the fighting that takes place on the top are the most important. It's where Spinel has her final breakdown and where Nine becomes his most murderous.
Most notably between the two, is that damaging the tower is when the deescalation of the conflict begins. Spinel destroys the injector during her breakdown and they break through Nine's Citadel to get into his lab, where he realizes just how far he's pushed everything.
5. They just wanted to be friends
Not a lot of words for this one. Spinel says it herself and while Nine doesn't have to say it, we already know it's true. He wanted Sonic to be in the Grim with him.
Thanks for coming to my tedtalk
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riversofmars · 4 years
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The Doctor finds an ally in the Monk. Perhaps he can help her escape but where could she possibly run to?
Chapter 5: The Flipside
“When we turn right in a minute, behind the alcove, there is a tunnel to the outside, do you know it?“ The Monk hissed to the Doctor as he urged her along. He looked around to see if anyone had heard him, there were a couple of guards walking their way so the Doctor focused on moving forward without looking around.
“I- I think I know what you mean, how do you…“ She didn’t know what to say. Was he actually trying to help her?
“You follow that path, into the city. Way down below, where not a flash of sunlight reaches, someone will be waiting to pick you up.“ The Monk mumbled and fell silent as the guards came within earshot. The Doctor carried on walking, holding her breath, hoping the guards didn’t suspect anything.
They walked past without a word and the Doctor took a breath again, relieved.
“Someone? Who’s someone?“ She asked looking around when the guards were gone but he manoeuvred her to the right, ignoring her question, they didn’t have the time.
“It’s now or never, Doctor.“ He looked around quickly. “Please make it look believable, if they guess I was in on it, they will have my head so please.“
“Does Clara know about this?“ The Doctor couldn’t help but ask. She was still reeling from her encounter with Clara and trying to figure out how much - if anything - she told her was true.
“No. Of course not. She might be torn but… not enough to risk what she has on a whim. And not without considering her own advantage.“ The Monk explained quickly as they came to a halt by the alcove he had referred to.
“What about you.“ The Doctor asked trying to wrap her head around what was going on. In the same way as it was difficult to regard her friends as the very opposite, she also couldn’t quite bring herself to trust someone she considered a foe.
“You are the first glimmer of hope we have seen in years.“ The Monk answered with the faintest smile, an expression of hope and encouragement she had never seen cross his features before. It shook her, almost more than the startling encounter with Clara moments ago. “Do it now, Doctor, or we will miss our chance.“ The Monk looked around again. “There are guards coming our way and they will hunt you down. You know the way?“
“Yes.“ The Doctor nodded.
“Then go.“ He insisted and taking a deep breath, the Doctor punched the Monk in the face. Hard. She had to make it look believable, she didn’t want him to have to pay for his kindness with his life. She wondered for a moment what he was involved in, who and how she might find help in this place but it made sense. While all the people she loved and trusted stood against her, someone she had always considered untrustworthy and a criminal, stood up for her, facilitated her escape. This truly was a mirror of her life.
“Stop right there!“ A voice called from way down the corridor.
The Doctor bolted. She knew exactly where she was going. She had used the escape route many times when she was at the Academy and her and the Master had snuck off skipping class.
“Send word right now!“ She heard the guards shouting behind her. “Stop!“ The Doctor threw herself against a panel that she knew would give way and it did. She found herself on the top ledge of a steep staircase. Quickly she slammed the door shut behind herself and used her sonic to seal it. Taking two steps at a time, she sprinted down the stairs, if she knew of this passage, likelihood was, so did the Emperor. She had to hurry.  
“What the hell is happening here?!“ The Emperor yelled and Amy, Rory and Clara looked around in surprise. The heavy door she had pushed open smashed into the wall with a crash making them jump. River entered the room right behind her, her expression concerned, particularly when she realised the sort of showdown they had just walked in on.
“Clara!“ The Emperor thundered and instantly, the tattoo on Clara’s chest snapped back into shape. “What do you think you’re doing?!“
“Just a little disagreement over being interrupted while having a chat with the Doctor.“ Clara answered quickly taking a step away from the Ponds to appear less threatening. She gave the Emperor an apologetic - yet sweet - smile which made River’s expression harden. She stepped up to her parents to ensure they were okay.
“Can’t really call it a chat, it was more of a close physical examination.“ Rory pointed out as he put his sword away.
“Couldn’t really speak with her tongue down her throat.“ Amy added and looked to her daughter.
“Clara?“ The Emperor growled exasperated.
“I was gaining her trust and it was working too until these two interrupted!“ Clara exclaimed jabbing her finger at the Ponds. She didn’t take kindly to her methods being questioned. She shot them a deadly glare knowing full well she could kill them in a heartbeat. “You know I always get results, if they’d just let me…“ She looked back to the Emperor hoping she would redirect her anger accordingly.
“Why are you even here?!“ The Emperor snapped at her in-laws growing more and more impatient.
“Well, we…“ Amy looked to River for help who promptly intervened.
“I don’t really think this is important right now.“ River stepped up and put her hand in her wife’s shoulder.
“Do not tell me this is because you were fighting again!“ The Doctor looked to River, then to Clara and back again. “River, please, my love, we have talked about this at length!“ She groaned thoroughly annoyed by the whole situation.
“I’m not the problem here.“ Clara pointed out crossing her arms in front of her chest, she couldn’t keep herself from smirking a little for seeing River in hot water for once.
“I beg to differ.“ River shot back, giving her a withering glare.
“You need to stop, both of you.“ The Emperor interrupted. “River, for the one thousandth time, I trust Clara.“ She turned to her wife and took her hands in hers, reassuring her.
“Fuck knows why.“ River huffed, annoyed, though she silently delighted in the display of affection in front of Clara.
“And Clara, you better not have fucked this up for me, please tell me I am not wrong about trusting you with this.“ The Emperor turned back to Clara regarding her with a stern warning. “Where is she? Have you gotten anywhere?“
“Your Honour!“ A guard appeared at the door, clearly looking for Clara, freezing upon seeing the Emperor herself. “Your Eminence, I’m sorry, I…“
“This better be good.“ The Emperor growled, annoyed to be interrupted.
“It’s the prisoner… they’ve escaped.“ The guard didn’t know how to best phrase it so he just blurted out with it.
“WHAT?“ They all exclaimed in disbelief.
“The Monk, he… was attacked, she fled down one of the emergency passage ways.“ The guard elaborated going very pale at the expression on the Emperor’s face.
“YOU BETTER BE MISTAKEN.“ The Emperor was upon him in a flash going straight for his throat. She knocked him against the wall on the other side of the corridor baring her teeth at him.  
“I’m not, I’m so sorry.“ He croaked barely able to speak. “I was just trying to get help.“
“How did this happen?!“ She barked as River, Clara, Amy and Rory joined her on the corridor exchanging worried glances. None of them dared interrupt. More guards were flooding the corridors now, frantically looking for the prisoner. Yaz, Ryan and Graham hurried towards them expecting instructions.
“W-We found the M-Monk unconscious… I don’t … I don't know what h-happened…“ The guard stuttered bringing his hands to her wrists trying to pull her off. The Emperor let go of him unceremoniously and he slumped to his knees catching his breath. She turned, as if she had already forgotten about him.
“What happened?“ She focused on Clara who tried her best to hide her anxiety.
“The Monk was taking her back to her cell while we sorted this out.“ She explained trying to stay calm despite all eyes on her. “He must be in on it.“ Her mind was reeling at what could have happened, how this incredible fuck up could have happened on her watch. Her immediately instinct was to place blame on someone else. Particularly as parts of her conversation with the Doctor - if anyone else had heard it - would surely make her look suspicious, no matter how obvious her lies were to everyone else.
“The Monk was knocked out cold, she broke his nose and cheekbone.“ Yaz interjected having gathered the information already.
“I underestimated her.“ The Emperor growled virtually shaking with rage.
“We will find her.“ Amy spoke up.
“You better.“ The Emperor snapped addressing everyone around her. She couldn’t believe the level of incompetence. She couldn’t believe the Doctor had managed this by herself, Clara had been right. Someone had to be in on it. River could see the suspicion on her face, watching her eyes dart around, assessing them all.
“Darling…“ She said softly reaching out for her shoulder but the Emperor pulled away.
“If I find out any of you are to blame for this, all the gods in the universe can't save you.“ She growled, her eyes lingering on Clara, Amy and Rory. Their fight had allowed for this to happen, whether it had been intentional or not. She didn’t want to entertain the possibility that one of her closest friends might be willing to betray her, but she couldn’t discount the possibility either.
“Find her. Bring her to me. Whatever it takes, Captain.“ She raised her voice, for the guards to hear and looked to Yaz who was quick to nod.
“Yes Emperor.“ She gestured to Ryan and Graham and they all saluted before departing.
“And you.“ The Emperor looked around to the guard who had been the bearer of the bad news. He tensed up under her gaze. “Bring me the Monk.“ He was the most likely culprit and she already had a very clear idea on what to do about it.
The Doctor didn’t stop running until she reached the outskirts of the Citadel, well below where the well-to-dos of the timelords dwelled. The Doctor remembered coming down here during her academy days, running from the teachers and even during the Time War, when the council sought after her, she would sometimes seek refuge down here, away from everything.
What she found was in no way better than what she had seen in the Time War. The streets were dirty and dim, even with two suns in the sky, the light didn’t reach this far down. The old fashioned lamps meant to light the walkways were weak and flickering, as if something was draining them.
There were more people than she had expected to see, hanging around in doorways or surrounding some simple stalls on a sort of make shift market square. A lot of people just sat on the ground, around small campfires and as she looked further along, tents had sprung up among the dirty streets. A whole city within a city. The Doctor felt a lump forming in her throat, she had been all over the universe but she had rarely seen such poverty and sorrow.
She started walking slowly, remembering the Monk’s words, someone would be waiting for her but how would she recognise them? It wasn’t exactly like they had the opportunity to chat before her escape. She felt a lot of eyes on her.
“There it is.“ A loud voice cut through the oppressive atmosphere. “That’s the exit of the tunnel.“ The words were enough to make her dive into a doorway, clearly someone had followed her.
“Hey, what are you doing?“ A man huffed, giving her a little shove as she bumped into him.
“Sorry, I just…“ She didn’t have to carry on, the atmosphere was changing, growing more agitated, there were unsettled murmurs and curses being thrown around at the arrival of a set of guards.
“Alright folks, no need to panic, has anyone seen someone coming out of there.“ One of the guards called out, addressing the crowd around.
“They after you?“ The man guessed leaning in the doorway, glancing out as the Doctor pressed herself against the wall. There was something familiar about him but she couldn’t quite place him.
“I’ll be out of your hair in no time, just please…“ She whispered and he gave her an amused smirk.
“Don’t worry, we don't snitch to that lot.“ He took a few steps out of the doorway, walking past her as if she wasn’t even there.
“To what do we owe the pleasure of this delightful visit.“ He called out, drawing their attention.
“You can fuck right off.“ Another man called and there was laughter.
“A reward for anyone who can tell us where they are. And anyone who tries to hide them will be killed so make your choice quickly.“ One of the guards announced displaying his rifle for emphasis.
“For God’s sake…“ The Doctor mumbled, she just couldn’t catch a break could she.
“You’re not welcome down here.“ The man close to her called. “You have no power here.“
“Everything to the dirt you crawl in belongs to the Empire!“ The guard spat. “We are here on orders of the Emperor herself, you will show some respect.“
“Fuck the Emperor.“ A woman to the other side of the road called and there was more laughter.
“You really don’t want to do this.“ The other guard shot back threateningly.
“Maybe we do.“ The man next to the Doctor replied and she froze up when she heard the sound of safeties being taken off guns.
“Don’t…“ She breathed to the man but he either didn’t hear her or ignored her as he stepped further into the road.
“Last warning.“ One of the guards called and the Doctor took a deep breath, she couldn’t be responsible for anyone getting hurt on her account. These people had done nothing and they had been dealt a terrible hand already, she couldn’t be responsible for causing them more trouble. She had been so close to escaping…
“Wait!“ She called out and stepped out of the doorway but before anyone could so much as lay eyes on her, everything went dark around them. All the lights were drowned out, it was almost as if the darkness was alive, a protective cloud around them, engulfing her first and flooding the street. “What the…“ The Doctor couldn’t see anything, it was pitch-black around her and yet she could tell there was something in that darkness. It was abuzz with life and held her close like in a tight embrace, not cold and frightening but warm and reassuring.  
“I can’t see anything.“ It was impossible to make out where the guard’s voice was coming from now.
“Ouch, what the…“ The Doctor couldn’t be sure whether it was the darkness itself or the people around - in cover of darkness - going for the guards but something was happening.
“You’ll regret this!“ One of them shouted and the other called:
“We will be back!“
“What is going on here?“ The Doctor breathed. She knew she should be frightened for her complete lack of bearings but somehow she wasn’t. “What are you?“ She spoke to the darkness as if it was a breathing living thing and somehow she knew it was. She reached out, feeling soft vibrations against her fingertips.
“That was a close call.“ The voice of the man from the doorway spoke close to her. All of a sudden, that voice seemed a lot more familiar as it was all she had to focus on.
“Do I know you?“ She asked softly.
“In another life perhaps.“ He answered. “You must be the Doctor?“
“Colonel Manton?“ The penny dropped. It had been several lifetimes since Demons Run.
“I’m no Colonel.“ He chuckled. “Not here, anyway.“
“Right…“ The Doctor said softly as the darkness lifted at last. It was almost as if it was retreating, returning to the shadows as the lights around flickered back on. It’s what’s in the dark, what’s always in the dark… “Vashta Nerada… but how is that possible…“ She mumbled, her eyes widening as she marvelled: “Polar opposites… This is remarkable.“ There seemed to be good in this world after all.
“Are you okay, Doctor?“ He asked with genuinely concern in his voice and she looked back to him, giving him soft smile.
“Yeah, fine, sorry… it’s just… this place is so different.“ She couldn’t very well tell him that in her universe, they would have all been picked clean off the bone now, so she settled for a shrug and an awkward grin.
“I’m sure it must be.“ He gave her a smile in return. “Let’s get you away from here. If those guards come back, you’ll stand out like a Christmas tree in those clothes.“ He chuckled.
“Yeah, right, okay…“ The Doctor looked down herself and around them, she really looked rather out of place as they started walking. Some of the people gave them a little wave and a nod of appreciation. The Doctor felt her stomach tighten as a sense of uneasiness and guilt overcame her. How could she possibly ignore the suffering of these people? She couldn’t just leave. She had to do something. “Did the Monk sent you?“ She asked. “Who else is in on this? Maybe I can help.“
“We were really hoping you would say that, this way…“ Manton smiled, leading her into the tent city.
“What’s taking so bloody long.“ The Emperor growled pacing the room, she eyed the spread of food on the coffee table with displeasure.
“I was trying the carrot seeing as the stick didn’t work for you.“ Clara was quick to explain before she could question it.
“And how did that turn out for you?“ The Emperor shot back angrily and with a swipe of her hand, half the plates and bowls smashed onto the floor. Clara and the Ponds jumped a little while River stepped closer to her wife.
“They will find her in no time.“ She tried to reassure her. She ran her fingers through her hair which always seemed to calm her.
“They better.“ She huffed. She shot the others angry glances, as if blaming them personally. Clara was just about to speak up when the guard finally returned with the Monk.
“Apologies for the delay your Eminence.“ The guard remained by the door and shoved the Monk inside. He stumbled forward coming to a halt at a respectable distance, for his own safety more than anything else.
“Your Excellence, I’m so sorry…“ He started mumbling, pressing an icepack to his swollen face.
“What happened?!“ The Emperor barked, her anger resurfacing as she stepped towards him.
“She just… I was taking her back to her cell when she attacked me, she must have known her way around the palace to know where she could escape to.“ He tried to sound convincing, reciting the story he had rehearsed many times in his head. He knew his life depended on this.
“And you expect me to believe that?“ The Emperor chuckled. “You expect me to believe she overpowered you?“ She actually started laughing.
“You’d be able to overpower him…“ River reminded her.
“SHE’S NOTHING LIKE ME!“ The Emperor burst out. She had had enough of constantly being reminded of their similarities. She didn’t dwell on it long, instead she turned back to the Monk, her voice low but clear in the tense silence. “You want to know what I think really happened? I think you told her how to escape and tried to make it look like you were the victim.“
“I’d never…“ He started but she interrupted him sharply, she didn’t want to hear any more.
“Yeah, yeah, I know, you’re just going to deny it and we will walk around in circles. You’ll end up with more broken bones and I’ll get even more irritated than I already am. Unfortunately, we haven’t got time for that right now, so I’m going to cut to the chase and we make this really easy. Clara?“ She looked around and Clara was quick to respond.
“Yes?“ She took a little step forward.
“Put a chronolock on him, 24 hours should do it.“ The Emperor ordered with a sense of excitement. The Monk went incredibly pale and looked to Clara, knowing full well that pleading and bargaining would do no good. Clara just nodded and obeyed quickly without second guessing her.
“No, please, Emperor…“ The Monk’s eyes widened in shock and fear but it was too late, the tattoo materialised on the back of his neck. He gave a strangled sob, knowing his fate was sealed. Had his actions been worth it? He could only hope so.
“Shush and listen or I will rip your tongue out for good measure.“ The Emperor growled and stepped closer to him. “You have 24 hours to bring her back to me. If you do, I will spare your life and you will have proven your loyalty.“ She gave him an encouraging pat on the shoulder with a patronising smile. He flinched back and she smirked, delighting in his fear: “If you don’t, the Raven will find you, and I will assume you died screaming amongst your traitor friends. When you see the Doctor, you tell her from me: I will turn this city upside down, kill every man, woman and child with my very own hands until I find her. And I will make a spectacle for all the universe to see of everyone trying to hide her. Is that understood?“
“I will bring her back…“ He said weakly, trying his best to keep up the pretence for a moment longer, touching the tattoo on the back of his neck.
“You better.“ River gave him a little wave. “Off you go.“
“Do you really think the Monk is in on it though?“ Amy asked watching him leave.
“Probably just as well we make an example of someone so no-one gets the wrong idea.“ River shrugged.
“It doesn’t matter if he was or not. Death makes for a fantastic incentive.“ The Emperor mused.
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