#or whatever you wanna enjoy because it's your birthday! :D
snailmail444 · 1 month
Happy birthday Snail :D I wanna say I really enjoy ur work (especially the one u wrote Abt Sam being forgetful (I totally don’t read and reread it all the time)).
How do u think the bachelors would be with a gf who’s quiet in bed (like only heavy breathing and gasps)
Bachelors Quiet GF Headcannons
18+ 🌱 MDNI 🌱 NSFW
This one was SUPER challenging because there were so many options. Think it still came out really authentic to all of them though :) hope you enjoy!! NSFW under the cut!
P.S. thank you for the birthday wishes and the sweet comment about the Sam forgetful piece!! So so glad you like it!! 💞💞💞
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💚 Comfort king
💚 He gets it with shyness and whatnot, but he wants you to feel so good and comfortable that you’re okay making sound if you want to
💚 Still! Praising! Even just the lightest little huffs and pants he’s telling you how beautiful you sound and how perfect
💚 Kinda leans dom sometimes without intending to, so he might tell you to be good and make some noise for him
💚 ONLY if you’re in that mode already and if he feels okay pushing it
💚 Looooves when you get noisy even when you’re trying to stay quiet he literally cannot with it
💚 Makes him insane
❤️ Sing for me my angel of music
❤️ No but for real?
❤️ Elliott is fucking DEAD. SET. On having you say what you’re feeling
❤️ He wants to know when you’re feeling good, how good you’re feeling, how much you love what’s happening to you
❤️ In between sweet, long sucks of your cunt he’s asking you if you love it, if you’re close, if you want to come
❤️ Makes you beg for every inch just so he can hear you telling him you’re obsessed with the pleasure he’s giving you 💞
🤎 Wouldn’t dream of changing you
🤎 Literally does not say a word about it because he’s got the worlds worst case of heart eyes
🤎 If you’re quiet he thinks it’s so cute and sweet
🤎 Does love for the few occasional whimpers
🤎 But for the most part he’s just happy to be here
🤎 Tells you as much!!
🤎 Probably ends up saying way too much because he can’t keep his little romantic mouth shut during sex
🤎 Especially since the floor is open with the lack of noise on your part
🤎 Probably ends up saying he’s in love with you time like three. Oops lol
🤎 King behavior as always
💙 His end game is making you scream
💙 By any means he wants you fucking hollering because of how good you feel
💙 Will overstimulate you to the point of crying if that’s what it takes 💞
💙 Obsessed with drawing it out of you. He knows you can get loud given the proper motivation
💙 And that motivation just so happens to be manhandling and rough fucking
💙 Grunts and groans and asks if you’re holding back on him
💙 Gags you and then tries to make you as loud as possible because he loves the struggle 👀
🩷 Talks enough for the both of you
🩷 Honestly doesn’t even think about it
🩷 Figures you’d tell him if you weren’t enjoying yourself
🩷 So he fills in all the spaces with enthusiasm
🩷 literally BABBLING!!!!!
🩷 You feel so good fuck I love it you’re doing so good shit thank you so much you’re perfect—
🩷 Absolutely cannot stop speaking :)
🩷 So if you’re quiet literally don’t even worry with Sam he’s doing the heavy lifting on this one
🖤 He’s ALSO quiet so he’s not bothered if you feel uncomfortable making noise
🖤 He feels good that you don’t think you have to preform
🖤 Makes whatever noise does come out of you that much hotter
🖤 Throwing on some music to fill the awkward spaces
🖤 Probably ends up taking up a little slack on the talking/noise level
🖤 Not a ton, but definitely humming against your skin
🖤 Can find a better use for his mouth than talking
🖤 And honestly? He can find a better one for yours too 😌
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yokohamapound · 10 months
howdy! can we get some hcs for ranpo, chuuya, and akutagawa missing (or forgetting) their s/o’s birthday?
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FungusWitch: Hello! My best bish, UnluckyAmulet, has once again graced us with a guest post of delicious headcanons, so I hope you enjoy!
Please check out her AO3! She also writes for Bleach, BNHA, Durarara, Dangan Ronpa, and JJK, among others!
Characters: Edogawa Ranpo, Nakahara Chuuya, Akutagawa Ryuunosuke
Contains: NSFW, birthday sex, bondage
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Edogawa Ranpo
Of the three, Ranpo is far and away the smartest, in both intellect and emotional intelligence. It's very unlikely you can hide how you feel about him missing your birthday from him - even if you haven't been dating Ranpo for long, if you're his s/o, he knows you. He can read your mood like a 3-D pop-up book. It's disconcerting but also oddly comforting.
It is very unlikely he forgot your birthday - it's more probably that he was doing a job for the Armed Detective Agency and got so wrapped up in it that he temporarily set aside everything else until it was finished. When Ranpo is chasing an interesting case it's nigh on impossible to get him to focus on anything else.
Once his hyperfixation ends, though, he does feel a little guilty. You ARE the s/o to the World's Greatest Detective, after all, so logically that means you ought to be celebrated! He gets right to it, roping in poor hapless Atsushi and other members of the Agency into decorating the office for your birthday. Of course he knows what gift you want (and probably makes Atsushi, Kunikida or someone go out and actually buy it. What? He'd get lost if he had to take the train to the mall!) He still takes credit when you praise him for being so thoughtful.
Ranpo tends to be a little lazy and spoiled, but for you, on your special day, he very nobly puts that aside to spoil you for a change. You wanna go do something fun like visit an amusement park or go to a concert? Great! He'll have Fukuzawa pay for tickets! You want to do something more lowkey, maybe chilling at home cuddling and watching movies with him? Awesome, he'll get popcorn! You wanna go out partying and getting shitfaced? Well…he's not much of a drinker, but he'll still come with to dance with you and hold your hair back when you puke. (He'll make Fukuzawa come pick your drunk ass up.)
And don't forget a long, long night of some truly incredible oral - Ranpo's best asset in the bedroom is that tongue of his, so he's going to go to town on you~
Remember to lavish him with praise over what a great boyfriend he is. He needs the validation, okay?
Nakahara Chuuya
With Chuuya he was probably doing a mission for Mori and simply didn't have time to be there or he did forget. His way of making it up to you is simple - gifts. Chuuya is very wealthy thanks to being a high-ranking Port Mafia agent, so whatever you want is yours. That new Prada bag? Done. You want a spa day with all the works? Already booked. Fanciest resturaunt in town? He can just waltz in and get a table whenever he wants.
This may sound all fine and great, but Chuuya may not immediately notice how you're feeling about him missing your birthday - he'll apologise but in a "Oops, sorry, babe!" kind of way and you'll have to be upfront with him if you're actually upset. Chuuya does have a bit of a bad habit of buying your affection when he's too busy to spend time with you, because he's used to people depending on him and being seen as a provider. If you like gift-giving as a love language then you might not consider this an issue, but he does somewhat use his money to assuage feeling guilty and avoid discussing it because he doesn't like seeing you upset.
Also, Chuuya has no memories of before he was seven years old and I doubt very much he got to celebrate his birthdays much when he was running around Suribachi with the Sheep. Sure, he can afford to go ham for his birthday now, and his subordinates gives him gifts (Koyo always buys him wine), but he might not quite grasp the emotional significance of birthdays. Sit him down and explain to him that you appreciate the gifts, but you want him, YOUR BOYFRIEND to be with you, not a credit card.
To make it up to you, Chuuya will give you a birthday fuck that goes on all night. If you have a position or kink you haven't got around to requesting from Chuuya, now's the time, because he intends to make you feel so good you can barely walk the next day.
Akutagawa Ryuunosuke
I'm gonna be honest, Akutagawa is not particularly understanding or sympathetic. At least, not right away.
He grew up in the slums with his kid sister, surviving off scraps and learning to fight from a very young age. Akutagawa likely had no concept of what a 'birthday' even was except just being another year he's managed to survive in the hellhole he was born into. Even now he's an adult and can afford to do whatever he wants to celebrate if he so chooses, he's not a very birthday person. He always buys a gift for Gin and will get something for his superiors as a token of respect (because it's expected of him), and he'll begrudgingly tell Higuchi "happy birthday", but overall he doesn't consider them that important. He does appreciate being given gifts, but doesn't think of them as a necessity.
So if you get upset or angry with him, he's liable to bite back at first. Akutagawa has trouble apologising because he was never apologised to when he was treated poorly, so he's generally not good at owning up to his mistakes. Like Chuuya, you need to explain to him that even if he doesn't place much importance on birthdays, you do and it hurts you that he doesn't seem to care.
That will get to him. For as grumpy and quick to violence as he is, he does care about his s/o greatly and he doesn't want to lose you. He doesn't even know why you love him in the first place, but he isn't willing to throw your whole relationship away over something trivial like this. So, he'll treat you to whatever you want. He's got the money to really spoil you and he doesn't take much time off, so he'll be able to free up his schedule. (Gin will also remind him next time or help him set up a reminder on his phone so he doesn't miss it in future.)
Try not to force him to come clubbing or some other loud, crowded activity. He won't refuse because he feels bad, but he'll ruin the mood by brooding in the corner like a wilting plant and he gets overstimulated and grouchy quite quickly. But he doesn't mind treating you to a posh meal or going on a holiday or something like that.
I hope you don't mind being tied up, because once somebody explains to Akutagawa the concept of birthday sex, he will go find you immediately and use Rashomon to hold you still for hours while he works you over - that's one birthday tradition he doesn't consider frivolous~
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hadassah4ever · 1 year
sfw alphabet = greg hirsch/cousin greg
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Authors note: reader is decently shorter than Greg in this (under 6’). i want to actually write a full fic but i get like, 3-4 paragraphs in and im like “not enough dialogue arghhh” but whatever. i’ll probably write the nsfw one later.
Warnings: Alcohol mention and that’s basically it.
W.C.: 2.2k
Playlist (if you’d like): my romanticized idea of a real person— https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1UtNchOFEaGUW6puUeVf0q?si=2r9wzpH4Sx2M21v3uV60bw
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
He would probably be quite nervous to show physical affection more intimate than a hug for a bit, he doesn’t wanna overstep any boundaries or anything. As soon as he’s comfortable with you? Strap in. He would be kinda awkward showing any affection in public, (we all know what happened when he went too far in public 😭) aside from holding hands or a kiss on the cheek, but in private you would have to pry his hands from you. He really loves physical affection and how close it makes you two, physically and emotionally.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
He’d be the sweetest best friend ever. You’d probably be acquaintances through work and would end up having to work with each other at some point, you two would get along like a house on fire and you’d be one of the only people who isn’t actively rude to him.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
C’mon. This man loves to cuddle. People typically say he’s the little spoon, but I think you’d switch. He really loves it when you’re the big spoon, I mean, how could he ever say no to having your arms wrapped around him? (That’s rhetorical, he can’t.) I also think he might like to occasionally be the big spoon, though, he’s glad that you don’t make him feel resigned to it, though.
Sometimes you might not even spoon. I think he’d also love it when he puts his head on your chest and sleeps like that. He would melt if you ran your fingers through his hair while laying on you, too.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
I generally think he’d like to settle down sometime. However, I don’t think he can do much cooking and cleaning. He’d probably try to cook and clean for events, especially your birthday or valentine’s day. He probably bought a cookbook with a bunch of pretty simple recipes and is improving in the cooking department, but I don’t think he could wash the dishes without breaking a cup, so he probably just politely asks you to do dishes, and probably vacuums or something.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
I don’t think he could end a relationship super easily. I feel like he might do it over text, just because he knows that he’d struggle to get the correct words out. I also feel like he’s willing to just resign himself to an unhealthy/unhappy relationship for a bit, just to push off ending it. Just know that if Greg breaks up with you, you REALLY fucked up. 💀
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
He’d love to get married! He’s definitely fucking horrified for the proposal, though. He’d probably know pretty quickly in the relationship if he’d like to marry you, but would wait like, 3 years bare minimum to propose. I think he’d probably propose around 4 years. He probably planned it really well, though.
He’d definitely take you to a spot you really enjoy (and could get nice photos in). He’d definitely start crying when you say yes, he’s so grateful you’re willing to spend the rest of your life with him and he swears he’ll never take you for granted.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He’s a Great Dane in a human suit. He is so incredibly gentle. He never wants to hurt you, he definitely feels lucky to just be in your presence.
This man probably struggled to kiss you properly for the first time, you really wouldn’t find him getting too rough with you. He might find himself underestimating his own strength, though. He would definitely squeeze you a little too tight on occasion.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
He’d hug you 24/7 if it was possible. Unfortunately it isn’t.
He definitely has bear hugs when it comes to you, though. If he’s VERY excited and happy he definitely would pick you up, sorry, I don’t make the rules. (He probably did after you said yes to his proposal.)
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
You would have to say it first, but Jesus Christ, this man was thinking it for a very long time. He couldn’t stop thinking about how much he loved you. He’d basically cut you off in the middle of saying it, he’s just so eager.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Slightly jealous. I think it would take a lot to actually have him act on it, though. He trusts you with literally everything he has, and although he’s quite insecure about himself, he knows you love him, and that’s all the reassurance he needs.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Inexperienced at first, but he’s a quick learner. Had a few high school relationships, but nothing major or super long term, so he’s not super experienced. He loves little cheek, nose or forehead kisses, though.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
He loves children, and children love him. He’s just the gentlest, especially around babies. He can be a bit nervous to interact with ones he just met, but any young kids in his family definitely love him so much. (Mostly because they like to get up on his shoulders, but he barely trusts himself to let them get up there.)
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
He’s super groggy like every morning and begs you to just stay in bed slightly longer, and it’s really a coin flip if you say yes or no. He’s genuinely eternally grateful if you make breakfast, especially if you make it a routine. Mornings with him are quiet, but you wouldn’t have it any other way.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
He probably likes to have discussions with you about literally anything that comes to mind while you’re both cuddling and are beginning to fall asleep. He loves it when he hears a sleepy laugh from you and your words start to come slower, he finds you especially cute when you’re on the edge between awake and asleep.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
He probably doesn’t want to scare you off by complaining about day-to-day things, nonetheless his childhood and whatnot. Get him a solid 2-3 drinks in, though, and you’re going to know basically everything about his life.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
I mean, he’s Greg. You could bludgeon him with your own two hands and his last words would be thanking you.
Once he feels more comfortable about opening up to you, I think he opens up to you about how disrespected he is at work, and you’ll hear a decent amount of his anger, he definitely apologises for talking to you while angry. You have to reassure him that you’re glad he feels safe enough to rant about things like that to you, and how it’s better than keeping his emotions bottled up.
So yeah, he doesn’t like showing you his angry side.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
I think he’s one of those people that stores those tiny details about you in his brain and surprises you with the small things you like. How you enjoy your coffee, your favourite chip flavour, favourite colours, favourite animals, favourite literally anything.
R = Remember (What is their favourite moment in your relationship?)
He has too many, but after your second date he was too scared to kiss you, you two were in the stairwell of your apartment and you saw him looking down at you with those eyes that were practically begging you to kiss him. You moved up two steps on the stairs to reach him and kissed him. He was just completely amazed by you.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
He thinks that being too protective of you is weird, you’re not a little unassuming object that people are trying to steal from him. You’re a grown adult. I do think that if someone was actively harassing you though, he might surprise himself and punch them. He probably has more strength than he knows, and it really shows in that moment.
He would literally fall for you so much harder if you stood up for him at work, you’re literally risking your job just to make sure he doesn’t feel like crap?? Oh my god??? He’s getting lightheaded. (Anyone who you stood up to probably just laughs it off, though. You’re just a lowly employee.)
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
His thoughtfulness really comes in here, you mentioned you specifically liked one restaurant to a coworker while he was in the room? He’s mentally making a reservation. He loves to give you little gifts (and as his paycheque increases they continually get more expensive). All in all, he really tries, and he loves making an effort for you!
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He’s really clingy and depends on you for his happiness and confidence a lot of the time, meaning you’ll have to take on his emotions a lot of the time.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He’s lowkey felt insecure about his looks since high school. He’s not super concerned about his looks, he got his haircut to feel someone touch his head, not to look nice.
I also think he thinks you’re the most attractive person on earth whether or not you put effort in. He could see you walk out the room with a fever, blanket wrapped around your shoulders, in a kinda gross hoodie and sweatpants and makeup smudged all over your face and still be like “awww, they’re the cutest. 🥰🥰”.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Yes. End of sentence.
Kinda going back to letter U, but yeah. He knows he should be able to stand by himself emotionally, but he doesn’t really know if he can. (He probably begged literally everyone higher up for either you, or him to switch desks so he can be beside you all day.)
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
The first time he realised he loved you, he stuck by your side like glue the rest of the day, he was stuck imagining what the rest of your lives would be like together. (In an endearing way.)
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
To be honest, I don’t really think there is much. He’s quite accepting of your flaws, even glaring ones. He’s just glad you’re dating him.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
He probably had insomnia before he met you, he was so embarrassed about his sleep schedule and never told anyone the truth about how much he slept, and now he has a semi-decent one with you. He really can’t sleep well without you, though. Any family trip? You’re coming along, because he really doesn’t wanna function on 3 hours of sleep again.
(guys i love our loser boyfriend)
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lonely-shine · 2 years
HELLO I'm BACK! :3 I still need to catch up on your other posts (looking forward to reading them!! 💙) but in the meantime I really really wanna ask:
#18 and #44
(I'm reasonably certain those are ones you haven't been asked yet, apologies if they're repeats!!) 💖
Welcome back! :D (ahfsdgh, you're so sweet, thank you! 💙)
18. What's their birthday?
Okay, funny fact, the only reason they have an assigned birthday is because a year or two ago someone asked this on Insta xD I don't usually asign birthdays, and I don't pay attention to star signs, so don't try to know the characters through their birthdate.
Alnair: 6th of December (they share birthday with me :3)
Atlas: 19th 15th of May (apparently when I was asked on Insta I chose the 19th but I was convinced there was a 5 somewhere in the day so I'm shamelessly moving it 4 days back xD)
Shell: 13th of March
44. How do they celebrate? With a few people, or a large group? On their own? Does it depend on the occasion? What warrants celebration to them?
(Since last question was birthday I'm gonna assume this is mainly birthday celebrations)
Alnair: They celebrate with their friends, meeting somewhere to eat and have fun. She likes to bake something herself for the event, there will alwasy be at least one kind of baked good to eat. As for Vesuvia's official celebrations (Masquerade, Winter Ball, Harvest Festival, etc.) she likes to attend the event and have fun with her friends, staying away from the crowded areas. They enjoy celebrations that give opportunity for gift exchanges or actively participating in activities.
Atlas: More of a private person when celebrating his own birthday. He likes to wake up early and have a stroll in the market before it's crowded, treating himelf to some fried pastry (he likes to choose a different one every year) on the way, if he sees something that particualarly strikes his fancy he will buy it as well. Back home, he lets his friends throw whatever party they deem appropiate. He enjoys festivals where merchants put up their stands, often with special or seasonal goods tied to the festivity, enjoying to see and try it all. He's more mild about Big Events but since he married Nadia and has to attend, he's learned how to enjoy them.
Shell: That's a good question I haven't thought about before. Hmm. There will probably ne mischief to have, harmless pranks to play (and I mean harmless, she wouldn't give scarejumps to random passerbies, but she would trick friends). She would probably try to buy you something, and it's mandatory that at the end of the day she drags her friends to a tavern to drink (if you wish not to have booze that's absolutely okay) and sing shanties no matter your musical talent, the point's to have fun. She enjoys Vesuvia's official celebrations as well, no matter if they're fancy events or folks festivals, and if there's any kind of competitive event you cna bet she'll be taking part in it. Or, at least, that's how it was for pre-plague!Shell, as with most things, this can change on route, and I can't imagine Nadia's Shell celebrating in the same way xD (but this answer would still be mostly true for Julian, Portia, Lucio, and maybe Asra's routes)
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toapoet · 2 years
Get to know me better!
Thanks for tagging me @tellhound !!
Tag 10 people you wanna know better: probably won't because i've been tagging a lot of people in things recently
Relationship Status: single. and Yearning
Favorite Color(s): forest green, brown, black, beige, also yellow ! 🌲🤎🖤
Favorite Food: boxed macaroni and cheese with bbq sauce i literally eat that shit so fast. also leabe me alone about it i know okay
Song stuck in my head: none at the moment thank god, although it is usually a tad song
Last thing you googled: "brown mark left after bruise" then "hemosiderin stain"
Time: 8:47 pm
Dream Trip: i would like to go to some old abbeys/courts in england !!
Last thing you read: "hit me with your sweet love (steal me with a kiss)" by @spilledbutter so good my love!!!! 💖💖💖 i’ve never read modern yennskier where jask is the dom, so nice 💖
Last book you enjoyed reading: right now i'm reading "lamb: the gospel according to biff, christ's childhood pal" by christopher moore and it is So Funny
Last book you hated reading: my college english textbook
Favorite thing to cook/bake: i like to bake mostly, so i mainly do cookies and cupcakes. i'm a pretty amateur baker but i love to mess around and improve. for my dad's birthday like a week and a half ago i made brown butter espresso brownies with cracked salt on top and my nephew who does not like sweets said he loved them so
Favorite craft to do in your free time: hmmm i do like to cross stitch! i can crochet very basically, and i tried my hand at knitting but it was too fiddly
Most niche dislike: i wouldn't say it's niche, but whatever tinglies people get when they listen to asmr, i get the Opposite. i do not like asmr no
Opinion on circuses: sword swallowing and fire breathing is hot, mistreating animals, not so much. but i will say i haven't read up much on modern circuses so
Do you have any sense of direction: i have to use google maps to get around the town i've worked in for the past two years
Tell us about your D&D character: i've never played d&d but it sounds fun!!! me and one of my work besties seriously/jokingly talked about setting up a joke campaign, just like we set up a joke (2 person) book club in which he never reads the books and i do
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lord-of-bad-art · 5 months
heyy!! just here to check up on ya, how are you :))
any fun things that have happened/things ya wanna ramble about :0
take care and enjoy your day/night/afternoon/autumn/spring/universe/whatever 🫶🫶
AWW THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ASKING, it means a lot to me 🫶🫶
surprisingly my week has been more on the down low, but i did go out for my birthday which was fun! :D i totally didn’t spend like 400 dollars at hot topic- 😃
ALSO YESTERDAY my stupid dog slaughtered some poor baby rabbit that was in our yard because she refuses to listen to me when i call her 💀 AND THEN the very next day (today) killed a mouse and left it on the floor. genuinely i walked inside and it scared the living daylights out of me lmao
thankfully he got a nice burial.. and my dog got yelled at a lot 😭😭
mcap is coming too it’s peak to, so i’m a bit stressed about that but still surviving 💪😔
again tysm for asking, dear anon!! knowing someone is okay with me rambling means a lot ✨ take care of yourself as well <33
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lqfiles · 5 months
bae.. hear me out.. complete the mutual.. ON BIRD APP..
BUT YAYAYAY MY BIRTHDAY WAS SOOO GOOD LIKE ATEEZ PERFORMING ON MY BIRTHDAY WAS TOOOO GOOODDDDDD YAYAYAYAYAYAY thank you bae i miss you :( hope you’ve been doing well and seonghwa … loves me … WAAAAA I LOVE YOU STOOOPPPPPP this was genuinely such a good bday and i haven’t felt so happy about celebrating it so thank you ☹️☹️
also omg i swear i felt like i sent in an ask ITS THE FAWKKING VOICESSS but what i wanted to say is you can use whatever you want whether it’s my username or the tulip but the tulip is just So iconic that i feel like tulip 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼 ykwim… YAYYYYYY
- 🌷
i’m tempted but unfortunately i’m only on my private account where i get real personal and hateful at times 😭💔 i don’t wanna perceived.. that’s the lqfiles alter ego.. if i change my mind i’ll send you my @ and we can be mutuals <3 💯
i’m happy to know that your birthday went well !!! im also glad that you liked the birthday message and birthday tag i put effort into that one 🤧 and i’m very happy that you felt happy celebrating it :))) you deserve a nice birthday!!
i’ll continue to use the tulip anon because i love it too, it’s just so fitting even if we all know who you are, SHE IS AN ICONNNN
i’ve been good now !!! been enjoying my weekend but was a little upset yesterday because of sibling issue but i’m ight now ^^ this week was a good week tbh, i enjoyed this week and thank you for asking :D
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itsjustkp007 · 6 years
It’s February 7th. You know what that means? Yes, it’s Thursday, but think a little harder. Yes! It’s Jack’s birthday! :D Happy birthday, Jack! I hope your day is filled with fun, cake, friends, and really cute doggos. :) (Pssst it’s rumored that if you click the “Keep Reading” link, there may be 29 haikus beneath it, but don’t tell anyone I told you. It feels extremely extra, but hey, haikus are fun, so why not?)
1) Happy birthday, Jack! Hope you enjoy the haikus. They took a few days.
2) The theme was simple. The syllables: not so much. But that’s not the point.
3) You are fantastic, Filled with positivity And a lot of memes.
4) You have done a lot. You have taught us PMA. You have shown kindness.
5) You have made us LAUGH. You make us smile often. You make us giggle.
6) Now here’s the story Of when I started watching Good ol’ Jackaboy.
7) That Dragon, Cancer. Very emotional, but... I saw the real him.
8) No fabrications. There wasn’t a character; no charade, just him.
9) Loud yet overjoyed. He loved what he was doing. It showed through the screen.
10) When I watched more vids, I smiled for the first time In months...it felt great.
11) I get real sappy, But I wanna make this clear: Jack helped me save me.
12) I’m not gonna lie: There’s more to this story, but Today is his day.
13) Twenty nine years old: Soon he will be thirty. Whoa. When did this happen?
14) Since 2016, I have watched him grow and change. I am always proud.
15) Life is short and quick. So I appreciate that He is always there.
16) PMA is stuck In my brain and will always Be a part of me.
17) This community Is amazing and I will Always be thankful.
18) Jack built this great place Where we can be ourselves And it’s fantastic.
19) We also made some memes: O-Seán Man, LAUGH, sup gamers, I am a turtle.
20) Hello, my name is Connor. I am the android Sent by Cyber Life.
21) Filled with love and LAUGHs, A few egos and theories, I love y’all so much.
22) Jack has done so much: The “How Did We Get Here?” Tour, Living in LA.
23) And the interviews: Ryan Reynolds, the Late Late Show, Jason Momoa.
24) He even practiced with stunts, with podcasts, with jokes, And it all paid off. 25) That dude is a beast. Jack really went all the way. Like, what is his life? 26) He’s come a long way, But I know that he will do More amazing things.
27) Yes, he is goofy. But he is generous, kind, And funny as hell. 28) We are almost there. The haikus are ending, but This was interesting.
29) Happy birthday, Jack. Thank you for everything. Have an awesome day! :)
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lolita-lollipop · 3 years
Royal siren erasermic family? They like adopt you after you hatch from an egg bc they found you or something idk and take you back to the castle and make you their little princess or something cute and fluffy like that.
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Shinso was just out and about, swimming through some forbidden areas he wasn’t supposed to be in, avoiding sharks, when he found an iridescent little ball under some rubble of a shipwreck, it made his gills tingle at the sweet aura that it emmited, he knew, that this creature, was something to protect. It was up until he saw something moving inside that he thought it was just some ancient treasure that would’ve died with this ship, he examined it closer, squinting his eyes, that’s when he realized, it was a Siren. A baby one at that, usually they hatched out of boring white eggs, the royal family’s were gold, but a shiny color changing white that combated the finest of jewels? Never, this little pip was special, he could feel it.
So he brought it back home, through his “balcony window”, debating wether or not he should tell his parents. As you know, he was somewhere where he was not supposed to be, and they would throw a fit. Then again, whatever this thing was, he couldn’t just keep it to himself, something was living inside it, and he wouldn’t know if something was wrong, so he has too. When he did, it came as a suprise that his parents weren’t mad, they jsut kindof stared at the orb, inhaling the addictive scent it gave off, the three huddled around it, aizawa carefully picking the Small thing up, it was only about the size of a pumpkin, extremely easy to pick up, yet he could still feel the heartbeat of a creature inside, it just had to be one of the sirenfolk , there isn’t any other explanation. He stared at it in confusion, noticing the small cracks staring to form.
Then a little hand popped through, and scared the shit out of all of them.
As it turned out, you were in fact a siren, a rare subtype of them, thought to have gone extinct long, long ago. The opal-looking scales that littered your arms and tail showed proof of it, this species were intensely more fragile, and weaker, that’s why they went extinct, as they couldn’t hear, and a small crabs pinch could cause major bone breaks, they were just too weak, yet so beautiful. That’s why they were coveted among the royal family. It only helped their growing obsession taht you were so cute.
It might’ve been an act of I’mpulse, but they just needed to have you as their own, of course, their word is law, so they could’ve just kept you, but they felt the need to make it official, they’d already had two pips, you’re just their third! It was simple, of course, you specific species could be born into sirenfolk families, it was just so rare that it had only happened once. You were just so cute, so fragile, just something so breakable, they just
H a d
To protect this tiny lil thing, it was instinctual to feel a protective pull over their little pups, and boy were they feeling that right now, you were special, not just any baby, but you were theirs. Their special little pup, nothing would ever lay a hand on you, ever. It had only be a few days, and word spreads through the underwater kingdom like a wave, from the servant maid who showed them how to take care of you, to the head maid, to a citizen, to the fisher, and eventually, by the end of the week, the whole kingdom was eagerly waiting to get a glimpse of their new princess.
And boy were they shocked to find out it was an opalite, the most rare of rare sirens in the world. Immediately after they had shown you to the world, sitting in a large clam as it was pulled by sharks, the citizens fell in love with you, maybe it was the fact that you were related to their beloved royals, maybe because the royal family would intensely glare at anyone who made negative comments, maybe it was the fact that a few of those people went missing, but who knows right?
You still hadn’t been able to open your eyes yet, and you won’t be able to hear them for a very long time, your hands were about the size of aizawas eye, and you looked closer to a fish than a human, as you hadn’t even developed your face yet, another plus to being the endangered species, note the sarcasm. And guess what? They found it so adorable, just their cute little baby, their little pup who can’t even protect themselves from the water around them. They just loved every part of your little body, from your tails, to your tiny little hands, to your shiny gills. It was all just so perfect- you were so perfect, and you were theirs, they were gonna protect you at all costs.
So of course they did, you were just so tiny right now, they knows practically anything could hurt you, so they opted to be around you all the time, only leaving to hunt for humans that would suffice for their tastes, drawling them in, determined because of that little smile of yours. You motivated them to do it, they were doing this for you. It have them all a sense of pride to have you feel safe with them, to rite them you. On their own terms.
Eri was constantly around you, being that she was a young one just like you, and you were her little sister! So she wanted to always be around while you made those echoing gurgling noises, or flapped your hands around in the water, she didn’t have responsibility in the kingdom yet, unless being cute is a job, so she can be with you jsut as much as she wants. Always sitting with you while you played with the floating pearls that they had arranged over your play area, watching you feel new things, holding you while you dozed off with adorable little bubbles, she always was with you.
Like now, she’s been with you all day, giving you little snacks, glaring at the guards at the door who always had their eyes on you… creeps. The sun was almost setting, and when you’re low down in the ocean it goes pitch black after a little while, and that’s when the jellyfish come out, tonight was one of the most special days out of the year in the northern oceans, the jellyfish festival, the one night a year when the rare white jellyfish would come out to say hi, leaving trails of shimmering sparkle behind them, painting the upper levels of the ocean a shiny silver. It just so happened that it occurred on your first birthday, a very small increment to sirens, as they live almost a billion years, but still a big accomplishment in their eyes. Look! Their little baby girl is turning one! How amazing!
“Do you see them hon? Look, they’re just starting to appear” Aizawa asked both you and eri calmly, swishing his hand through the salty water to pint at the new appearance of white and purple blobs, slowly flouncing their way overhead. Eri smiled up at it, her pointed teeth displayed in full view, her eyes shined at the view, not only of the huge jellyfish, but also at you, who was placed delicately in mics lap, sat up against his chest. Little bubbles escaped your mouth as you blew raspberries into the water, just making the family laugh.
“Mm-hmmm! Look! Look! How pretty! I wanna touch em! Can I touch em!” She yelled at her parents, excitedly pointing towards the jelly’s floating towards the surface, her hair floated behind her as she swished around, shinsho just chuckled, knowing that she eventually would try to touch them, and get zapped, again, like last year, and the year before, and the year before.
“No hon. Don’t do that to us again, you wanna wish your sister a happy birthday? She’s probably really exited!” Mic cheered, distracting his daughter from touching the jellyfish, yet again, meanwhile, you were happily bouncing up and down on his lap, enjoying the freedom of your arms, swishing them all over the place, grabbing the beads around your neck, jsut anything.
“But dad! Why not! It’s not like it’s hurt me or anything I’ll be fi-“ she begged, throwing her hands up in a small tempter tantrum, clearly forgetting her previous events of pain, and idiocy.
“No- nope no no, we aren’t doing this again, please honey, just please, remember last time, we had to clean up your wounds OUTSIDE-of water, you hate going to the surface remember? “
“Yeah but-“ she started speaking, but was soon cut off with a loud giggle, resonating through your lips, kindof rare for you, you hadn’t been very vocal outside of a few gurgles here and there, so it had each and every ones heads turning. That’s when they saw it, your beautiful eyes, shin sing in reflection to the jellyfish. Those beautiful little eyes of yours mesmerized all of them, a pitch black (for protection from the salt), with a shiny silver-like pupal, immediately after they opened, a burst of color filled your vision. You giggled and clapped your hands together with a small toothless smile, watching as the floaty creates went overhead, glittering with the light.
The absolutely gorgeous splash above was admired by the family form their own viewing post, the blues and whites combined to make a heavenly display. You could feel the cool sprinkles of light they emmited hitting your skin, smiling at the feeling, you splayed your hands out and flailed them against the water.
“Ohhhhhh- oh wow. Honey! Honey look! Her eyes opened! Look at taht! Aren’t you just so magical! Look at you, my little pup.” Mic smacked Aizawa over the chest multiple times, pointing at your clearly opened eyes, you just remained oblivious, staring up at all the new things around you, like.. everything! He turned you around to face him, letting you actually see his face for the first time, taking in the long yellow hair, the (also) black eyes, the ethereal face dotted with shiny yellow gills, him, you could see him!
“She’s developing smoothly, I’m glad. Awww, that’s pretty cute.” Aizawa replied to him, holding in his emotions, as soon as he met those new eyes of yours it’s like everything else disappeared, like the world itself didn’t exist, outside of him, and his fmaily. You took his breath away, or what you could call breath, so cute and innocent, such a small thing, that brings so much joy. Your little tail swished back and forth as you stared up at them happily, taking in the features of the people you’d learned to recognize by touch. Blowing raspberries out of your lips with a stream of bubbles.
“Awwwww! I’m gonna cry, she’s growing so fast! Soon she’ll be swimming in her own! In like 200 years! Too soon, way too soon. Comers baby- mm hmmm” mic spoke, knowing full well that even if he did cry, his tears would get sucked in by the ocean. He pulled you close, moving your head I’ve this shoulde is it would rest in the crook of his neck while he hugged you, eventually, the others joined in, eri practically flopping ontop (with careful regard for you of course).
They all stared at you, while you stared up at the “sky”, oblivious to their stares, to the ways they would growl at anyone who came close, to how they kept you from seeing anyone other than what they personally approve. After all, you are jsut their little pup, of course you wouldn’t notice! Their little pup… feels right to say that, it isn’t like you have any family waiting, they aren’t ever gonna come here.
And if they ever did?
Then, well, a few mermaids are going missing
Thanks for requesting, this was fun to write!
Have a great day today! Goodbye.
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lesbiansanemi · 2 years
"let’s do something crazy. like grow old together. let’s show everyone how to do forever." qpr itafushikugi because i just really wanna see them beat the odds and be happy, please and thank you
Aw, hell yeah, of course! Hope you enjoy :D
Ao3 link
“I always wanted to get my nipples pierced.” 
Yuuji blinked, fumbling with the lighter and nearly dropping it into the messy icing of the haphazard birthday cake he and Megumi had thrown together in the cramped kitchenette. “I’m sorry?” 
Nobara propped her elbow up on the counter, watching as he lit each and everyone of the candles. All twenty of them. Twenty. Fucking twenty candles. It felt like a lot when he’d been putting them in the cake, and it felt like a lot as he lit them. 
“You know…” She began to elaborate with a wave of her hand. “I just wanted to get them pierced. But I never could when I was younger, I was underage.” 
“You’ve… been old enough to go get piercings on your own for two years now,” Megumi pointed out. “If this is your roundabout way of telling me you want your birthday present to be nipple piercings—” 
Nobara leaned across the counter to press her finger against his lips. “No. I mean, unless you wanna take me to get my nipples pierced. I’m not gonna argue against that. But if you would let me finish—” 
“Candles are done!” Yuuji exclaimed with a triumphant grin, tossing the lighter onto the counter. “Better make your wish before they burn down and drip wax all over the cake.” 
Nobara huffed, clearly unhappy about being interrupted from her nipple-piercing-tirade again, but straightened up and eyed the flickering candles, her face scrunching up in concentration. After a couple seconds of coming up with a wish, Nobara took a deep breath, and blew out the candles, slowly moving her head over the cake to make sure she got all twenty in a single deep breath. 
“What’d’ja wish for?” Yuuji asked, already rifling through the cabinets for plates and forks, eager for his own slice of Nobara’s birthday cake. 
Nobara rolled her eyes. “I can’t tell you that! It’ll spoil the wish!” 
“Dumb superstition,” Megumi said as he reached to take a fork from Yuuji. “Come on, what was it? Or are you gonna finish whatever you were going on about with your nipples?” 
“It’s not actually anything to do with my nipples!” she exclaimed, throwing her arms up in frustration. “Like I said, if you would let me finish!” 
Yuuji tilted his head, admittedly a little curious over whatever Nobara was apparently trying to communicate, that supposedly didn’t have anything to do with her nipples, despite the bizarre way she decided she wanted to breach this particular topic. “Well… go on then.” He took a knife from the drawer, and began slicing up the chocolate cake, content to listen to whatever it was she had to say. 
“Right, okay!” Nobara sat up straight and took a deep breath. “When I was younger, I wanted my nipples pierced. ‘Course, my family never would have gone for anything like that. And then I came to Jujutsu High, but I was underage, and no one here was a legal guardian, so they couldn’t sign off on something like that. And then… I dunno… things just kept happening, and we never had time.” 
“Yeah…” Yuuji glanced at Megumi out of the corner of his eye, then back to Nobara, and the thick, rose-embroidered eyepatch covering most of the left side of her face, and the thick lines of scar tissue spider-webbing out from underneath the fabric. 
Things had certainly happened a lot over the years. 
“I never got to do it. And honestly, for a while there, I never even thought I’d be old enough to do something like that…” She held her hand out, curling and uncurling her fingers as Yuuji scooped the first slice of cake out of the pan and onto a plate. 
He handed her the plate and a fork, and couldn’t help but smile at her excited squeal over the cake. She’d always had the biggest sweet-tooth after all. 
“Well, like I said, you’re old enough now,” Megumi said. 
“Yeah, I feel goddamn ancient.” Nobara sliced into the cake, and shoved a massive bite into her mouth, leaving her cheek to pooch out. “Fucking twenty. We have an apartment. I signed a fucking lease. Isn’t that insane?” 
“Yeah, crazy we could afford even a shit hole like this,” Megumi said with a shrug. 
Yuuji nudged his shoulder. “Come on. You love our dingey little apartment.” They’d only moved into it a month ago, and the excitement over it still hadn’t worn off. Yeah, it was shitty, and honestly too small for three people, but they’d never cared about close quarters when it came to each other before. Why would they care now? 
“Mm, sure.” Megumi snatched the knife from Yuuji to cut out his own slice of cake. “But continue, Nobara.” 
“I mean, there’s not really some grand big point to it, I just… be honest, did either of you expect to make it to twenty? Eighteen and nineteen were shockers, but twenty…” Nobara shook her head. “Fucking bonkers.” 
Yuuji stared at the cake, and the half burned candles sinking further into it as they cut through it. Twenty candles. One for each year that Nobara had been alive. It shouldn’t seem like a lot. Twenty was so, so young, but for them… 
He understood what Nobara meant. “I mean, I’ve been waiting to be executed since I was fifteen, so…” He rubbed the back of his neck, unable to look either of his partners in the eye. “So yeah, I get it. Twenty feels like a lot.” 
“It shouldn’t,” Megumi said. 
“No, I know. I do. But it just—” Yuuji forced himself to look Nobara in the eye. “It’s still a lot.” 
“Yeah…” Nobara’s hand drifted up to pick at the edges of her eye patch, and Yuuji fought the urge to run his fingers over his own scars. Even years later, it was still hard to believe they’d made it out of Shibuya alive, even after everything they’d gone through after it. “Have you thought about it? The offers to work out of Jujutsu High?” she asked, changing the subject. 
Megumi scoffed. “No.” 
“Yeah… Part of me thinks it would be nice,” Nobara said as she took another bite of her cake. “The familiarity and stuff, you know? And we had some good memories there, but…” 
Yuuji poked at his own piece of cake, scooping the candle out of the ice with his fork and settling it on the side of the plate. Part of him didn’t quite get Megumi and Nobara’s reluctance. After all, the three of them didn’t have a lot of prospects outside of jujutsu, and he did still want to help people by exorcizing curses, but… 
But after everything they had gone through… 
He was only barely dodging execution sentences as it was. Five years of narrowly avoiding them, whether due to Gojo or someone else who decided to help him out, not usually because of anything he specifically did. 
Maybe that was why Megumi and Nobara didn’t want to go back. For his own sake. 
“Yep.” Megumi took a bite of his cake. “I’m only going back there if you two are dead set on it.” 
“Yeah, can’t say I really am.” Nobara leaned against the cabinet. “I wanna do all the shit I never thought I’d be old enough to do.” 
“Like… get your nipples pierced…” Megumi said. 
“Got a problem with it?” she asked. 
Megumi raised his hands in surrender. “You can do whatever you want, Nobara. I just… don’t really get why you fixated on that.” 
“I also want a tattoo,” she said. “And to go out and get hammered in a bar.” 
“Well… those are technically things we can do.” Megumi took another bite of his cake. 
“You’d look good with face piercings,” Nobara said as she gestured to him with her chocolate covered fork. “Like snakebites or something! Don’t you think, Yuuji?”
“Mm…” Yuuji leaned closer, examining his face. “Yeah, probably. But Megumi would look good with just about anything.” 
“So you guys really want to go out and do a bunch of dumb shit, just because you were convinced you’d never be old enough to do it?” Megumi asked with a tilt of his head. “That’s kinda self-destructive.” 
“No.” Nobara leaned over to jab a finger into his chest. “It’s fun, and celebrating that despite the odds and how much we were convinced we’d be dead by seventeen, we’re not. We have a shitty apartment we got all on our own. Yuuji’s not executed. We’re alive. And we can go get dumb piercings and tattoos and drink and smoke and do whatever the hell we want. Isn’t that amazing? We’re old enough to do stupid shit!” 
“We’re young enough to want to do stupid shit. We’re not old,” Megumi stressed. 
“Megumi, listen.” Yuuji slung his arm around the other man’s shoulders. “Whether we’re old or young so isn’t the point. The point is we did get this far, so we should do what we want!” 
“We shouldn’t be grateful just because we didn’t die as teenagers,” he said. 
“Well… No…” Yuuji agreed, because that certainly was sad and pathetic. No one should have to be grateful like that, even jujutsu sorcerers. Even the vessel of Ryoumen Sukuna. “But we never know how long we have, so we should live life to the fullest! That’s what you mean, right, Nobara?” 
She shrugged. “I mean, I guess. But I’m sorta with Megumi? We shouldn’t live life expecting to die. I don’t wanna end up all old, and realize how much shit I missed out on, because I always kept assuming I’d be dead within the next month or two.” 
“Oh…” Yuuji looked back to the frosting coated candle. “I—Yeah, that makes sense. I guess that would be a pretty sucky life, huh?” 
He’d spent so much of the past years constantly thinking about death. Not just how he would die, but how everyone would die. 
It… really wasn’t pleasant, now that he truly considered what that mindset meant. Now that Nobara and Megumi had begun to spell it out for him. 
“I want to have fun because it’s fun, because I am still young, and when I have gotten old and lived a long enough life to spite everything and everyone who ever tried to kill me, I want to look back on life and think, wow, that was a good time. I liked that. Not just… I’m okay with dying because I didn’t hate every second of it, you know? Is that… is that depressing? Do normal people think about this kinda stuff?” 
“We’re not normal,” Megumi said. 
“No…” Nobara agreed. “I just… Oh, never mind.” She waved them both off and settled for scraping the chocolate icing off her plate to lick the fork. “You know what I mean. Let’s change the topic, this is fucking depressing, and tomorrow we can all go get dumbass piercings.” 
“I never agreed to that,” Megumi said. 
“Trust me, it’ll suit you,” Nobara said. 
Yuuji tuned out their petty argument, his eyes trailing over each and everyone of the candles again. All twenty of them. “Hey Nobara, what did you wish for?” 
“I told you, it’s bad luck to tell you!” she huffed. 
“Yeah, but just… we’ve accumulated enough curses over the years, I doubt one more will matter, so humor me,” he requested. 
Nobara’s gaze softened as she looked between him and Megumi. “I wished that we all made it to thirty. All three of us. Just to prove we can.” 
Five years ago? Yuuji never would have thought such a thing would be possible. Twenty sounded like a fantasy, let alone thirty. But now…? 
Now, he thought they just might be able to do it. They would live, and living was the most insane, shocking thing they could pull so far. 
“Yeah, we’ll make it to thirty. And every other decade after that.” 
Nobara held her fist out. “Hell yeah we will.” 
Yuuji bumped his fist against hers, his smile never fading.
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ranhaitanisgf · 3 years
Hi! I hope you're having a great day! It's my birthday today, so I'm wondering, can I request a headcannon for Ran & Rin where their s/o forgot about their own birthday? Because it just happened to me- and I'm kinda embarrassed about it- But I wanna know about the Haitani Brothers reaction asijkhfaajkshsha. Thank youu very much!
ran & rindou haitani when their s/o forgets their own birthday: headcanons
[𖤐] aa hello lovely!! so sorry i saw this so late, but happy belated birthday, and thank you for requesting! hope you had a wonderful day <3 dw about it though, i've forgotten my birthday more than once aksjdfg, it's pretty funny though 👀here you go, and hope you enjoy!! <33
❧ masterlist
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ran haitani:
✂︎ now, we all know that ran haitani is not one to forget an important date, (especially not his s/o’s...no, what are you talking about, he’s never forgotten it, he swears!!) so of course, he prepared for your big day a week or two beforehand, booking tickets to go see a movie and getting reservations at a nice restaurant to go to afterwards. he’d also gone to a few shops and purchased a few things that he thought you might like, along with a small bouquet of your favorite flowers.
✂︎ he had also definitely made sure to text you to get ready around 6 pm so that he could pick you up, so why were you staring at him with a confused look, still in your pajamas?
“err, ran? what’re you doing here?”
“what’re you talking about? i’m here to pick you up, i texted you last night, doll.”
“(y/n), love of my life, did you forget that today is your birthday?”
“no, my birthday is tomorrow…?
“i do believe that today is (b/d), so either you lied about your birthday, or-”
“one second.”
✂︎ after you promptly closed the door in his face, ran was just a bit shocked, but mostly just amused, (and maybe trying to hold back a laugh or two, who knows). the fact that you’d actually forgotten your own birthday, well...it certainly was something, but he was more than willing to take you out to everything he had planned in just your pajamas, (he actually thought it would be more fun).
✂︎ what he found even more amusing though is the random curses and thuds he could hear from behind your door, (he’s a bit concerned about the thuds though). it was obvious that you were trying to get ready on a whim, so he just gently knocked on the door, a smile creeping onto his lips.
“everything alright in there?”
“uH-! yes, yes everything is fine! just a moment!”
✂︎ despite just wanting to take you out in your pajamas, ran will patiently wait outside your door for you until you open it up, chuckling a bit when you sees your slightly out of breath and disheveled self smiling at him like you hadn’t just forgotten your own birthday.
“okay, okay i’m fine, let’s go.”
“of course, whatever you want, doll. i can’t believe you forgot that today was your-”
“hush! i could walk right back into that apartment, and don’t think i won’t!”
✂︎ ran just put his hands up in mock surrender, walking out to where he had parked his bike and telling you that you guys don’t have all evening, so you should pick up the pace a bit.
“let’s at least make this evening a memorable one, alright?”
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rindou haitani:
✂︎ it’s a very well-known fact by now that rindou isn’t really one who takes the time to celebrate things, and this includes birthdays. he’s never really made a big deal out of his or his brother’s birthday, or really just any event in general, which is why he was stumped on what he should do for your birthday.
✂︎ since ran has always been the one who was more into that sort of thing, he had to (unwillingly) drag himself to ask his brother about it. of course, ran being ran, teased him endlessly about it before actually giving him the slightest bit of help, (rindou is swearing that he’ll never go to him for help again).
✂︎ he has to say though, while ran was a complete asshole about it, his help was actually pretty good. he had told rindou to buy you something from a shop that you liked to visit and to set up something of a picnic somewhere where there wasn’t a lot of people, and had even helped out with some of the preparations, (‘i’ll always pull through for my baby bro!’ ‘shut the hell up, ran.’).
✂︎ he had triple-checked that he had texted you, just to make sure that he hadn’t forgotten. he figured it would be pretty sad if he didn’t even tell you that he was going to be picking you up, and yet, why does it feel like he had never sent that message in the first place? why were you staring at him like that?
“rin? what’s up?”
“i’m here to pick you up, why’re you still in your pajamas?”
“huh? are we going somewhere today?”
“...yes?? i literally texted you yesterday about it?”
“um, am i forgetting something…?”
“(y/n), did you forget that today’s your birthday? i said i was going to pick you up because i planned some stuff for you, and you didn’t even remember?”
“wow. you’re an idiot sometimes, y’know that?”
“one second-”
✂︎ before you could retreat back into your place to rush to get ready, rindou had grabbed your arm, keeping his grip firm so that you wouldn’t be able to wiggle out of his grasp.
“don’t bother, we’re not really going anywhere. let’s go.”
“huh?! just in my pajamas??”
“i don’t see why not. you look pretty cute as it is, and we’re wasting daylight just standing here.”
✂︎ was he just a bit embarrassed that he said that without thinking? perhaps, which is why he just reach behind you to lock your door, clicking it shut and pulling you along with him over to where he had parked his bike.
“wait, rindou, are you sure, i mean i don’t really look very-”
“you look fine, now get on, i have a lot of things planned. you...always look nice, so don’t worry about it.”
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padfootastic · 2 years
WAIT I had another thought about the "show me the thing you're not supposed to have" post you reblogged: godfather Sirius is great, but consider GRANDFATHER Sirius. Harry and Ginny have said no to some toy that James Sirius wants, but that's okay, Grandad Sirius will buy it for him anyway :)
no but miss imp i had the exact same thought literally ten minutes after the rb!!! we absolutely cannot forget papa sirius.
i’m thinking partners in crime jem and sirius; james sirius growing up knowing that sirius is almost always putty in his hands when it comes to things like gifts and cuddles and animals just as his parents have a chronic inability to get mad at sirius which makes for a very favourable situation for little jemmy. so he gets pretty good at playing them against each other (and lbr, even after sirius finds out about his extortionist antics, he’s too impressed/amused to do anything but keep indulging him)
“No, James, you just got a Quidditch simulator for your birthday, which was three weeks ago, might I add, and we’d like for you to wait before you get anything else,” Mummy said. One of her eyebrows was higher than the other and her mouth looked like it was in a straight line and James knew that she wouldn’t change her mind anytime soon. He turned to Daddy but quickly discarded that idea when he looked at his face. Clearly, they were in a tag-team mood.
That’s okay, because James had something in mind. So he smiled and ran forward to hug Mummy around the waist. “Okay!” She ruffled his hair quickly and with one quick hug from his Daddy, James walked out of the room with a plan quickly forming in his head.
“—and and and it’s twenty seven players and thirty broomsticks and—“
“Why do you needs three extra brooms, kiddo?” Papa asked with a glint in his eye.
“So you can repace one if it gets hurt, Papa!” James answered with a giggle before continuing his well rehearsed sales pitch. “And it has the best costume and they can fly four feet high, which is like, one whole feet more than the sima- the simu- sim-lator and it’s so cool and—“
“Slow down, babe, you don’t need to make yourself faint,” Papa cut in. “Take a breath, enjoy that sweet, sweet oxygen, and let me take care of this. You’re too young to have any problems or those wrinkles on your face.” He smoothed a playful hand over James’ brow and he smiled toothily at the man, knowing his plan had worked out perfectly, just as intended.
“Sirius!” Harry had his hands on his hips, an exasperated moue to his lips, and a resigned look on his green eyes. Sirius was thoroughly enjoying this. “There was a reason we didn’t want James to have the damn thing.”
“I know.”
“He literally just got the biggest, most expensive, toy in the whole store not a month ago. The thing’s barely even out of its packaging and the way you keep going on, I fear it’ll never be.”
“Harry, you know it’s my solemn duty to get jemmy whatever his little sneak heart desires,” Sirius said, grinning. Jem had been ecstatic to receive the fruits of his hard earned labor and the tight hug he’d got in return had been more than enough compensation for Sirius to deal with the inevitable tongue lashing (or, well, attempted tongue lashing) he’d receive later when his actions were discovered.
His godson’s brows furrowed in confusion. “…sneak heart?” He had a ‘do i even wanna know’ expression on his face, one Sirius was very familiar with considering all the antics he!d gotten up to with his grandbabies in the past few years, and it never became any less amusing.
“God, Harry, I don’t know how you created such an adorable child—must be the James in you—but he really thought he could trick me into thinking he wanted me to buy it because I’m his favorite and not because you two had said no already.” The sight of his little grandkid, coming through his door with a serious, determined frown and a barely-concealed pout on his face was still clear in his mind. Sirius knew he should at least make an attempt to reign in this behaviour, but could he really be blamed when he had to go up against such a formidably adorable opponent?
“You are his favorite,” Harry countered, a little petulantly, and Sirius finally let himself smile indulgently. Damn right he was.
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arctichotch · 3 years
spencer reid x gn!reader fluff alphabet
feel free to send more requests! 
A = Admiration (what do they absolutely adore about you?)
there is not a single thing about you that spencer doesn’t adore about you tbh but he loves how you love him if that makes sense?? he loves that you’re like one of the first people in his life that he’s met that actually listen to him and don’t interrupt him when he starts spewing information out
B = Body (what is their favorite part of your body?)
he loves your lips tbh he just likes to kiss them and then when you’re not kissing he likes to think about kissing you
C = Cuddling (how do they like to cuddle?)
this man is a mad man for cuddling. he’s like a cuddle addict. any way he can have you securely in his arms is what he likes. but he does particularly enjoy having you tucked into his side with his arm around your shoulders and yours around his waist. he thinks this position is perfect.
D = Dates (what does their ideal date with you look like?)
he likes to go out to some little hole in the wall restaurant where he knows it will be nice and quiet. then after dinner he likes to take you out for a nice walk where the two of you talk about anything and everything
E = Emotions (how do they express emotion around you?)
he tries to be as open as possible with you. spencer being spencer has read a lot about relationships and is well aware of how important communication is in a relationship. he couldn’t bare ever losing you so if something is going on he makes an effort to talk to you about it
F = Family (do they want one? If they do, when?)
spencer would love kids. he has 100% day dreamed about your future together with little kids running around
G = Gifts (how do they feel about gift giving? What are their habits when it comes to this?)
he loves to give meaningful gifts. he remembers early on into your relationship when you got him a first edition print of a book he had been talking about for months and he remembers how he felt like his heart was going to burst. so he definitely tries to give as much as he can to you. he is a king at birthday gifts.
but to him, gifts have to have some kind of meaning. he’s not a materialistic kind of guy.
H = Holding Hands (when/how do they like to hold hands?)
spencer’s hands are *so* big so when you’re holding hands with him his hands completely envelop yours. he likes to always be holding your hands. in the elevator on your way to the bau office? he’s got your hand. walking down the street? he’s got your hand. it makes him feel safe
I = Injury (how would they act if you got hurt?)
spencer would be a total mess. he’s lost so much and can’t comprehend a world without you in it. so yeah he’s a mess. constantly going over statistics in his mind until someone nearly has to slap him out of his own mind. 
J = Jokes (do they like to joke around with or prank you? how?)
if you are shorter than him then he likes to pat you on the head as a joke or hold things above him until you give him a kiss to earn it back.
if you are the same height/taller than him, he likes to sneak up behind you and wrap you in his arms. it always makes you jump a bit but as time has gone on you’ve learned to hear him come.
he also likes to show you his physics magic and wow you with that.
K = Kisses (how do they like to kiss you?)
spencer loves a good spur of the moment kiss. loves to kiss you on the jet when no one else has arrived yet. loves to kiss you just as the elevator doors are about to open. he just loves kissing you. it’s like he needs it as much as he needs to breathe.
L = Love (how do they show you they love you?)
everything spencer does is with his love for you in his mind. dangerous unsub? he will make an effort to keep an eye on you even more than usual. he loves to show you things from his childhood like books he liked to read. he loves making dinner for you and surprising you with things like that.
M = Memory (favorite memory together?)
probably one of your few days off from work when you were both in his apartment cuddled on the couch. you watching tv or reading and him reading a book. he remembers in that moment feeling like everything in his life had finally come together.
N = Nightmare (what is their worst fear?)
losing you. spencer is no stranger to loss but to lose you? he doesn’t think he could ever recover from that
O = Oddity (what is one quirk they have?)
well... i mean it’s spencer. the man is made up of perfect quirks. but probably how excited he gets when reciting one of the numerous facts he has in his big brain.
P = Pet Names (what do they like to call you?)
he calls you by your nickname for the most part but he also sometimes comes up with random nicknames of cute things he sees. like that one week when all he did was call you duck.
you call him spence or babe which always makes him blush.
Q = Quality Time (how do they like to spend time with you?)
he loves reading with you. on the couch or in bed in one of your apartments. could be different books or the same one, either way he loves it. if you’re sharing a book, he obviously reads the page a lot faster than you and in that time while he’s waiting to change the page he loves to watch you. he just loves you.
R = Rhythm (what song reminds you of them?)
falling in love by cigarettes after sex
S = Secrets (how open are they with you?)
as i said in ‘Emotions,’ spencer tries to be as open as possible with you. he doesn’t like secrets because he knows they only lead to negative outcomes.
T = Time (how long did it take you to get together?)
it took a good while for you both to realise that there were feelings there that were more than just best friends. it seems everyone else knew before you. and when you both finally did realise there were feelings there, it took another while before you actually acted on them
U = Upset (how do they act when you’re upset?)
spencer being spencer notices immediately when you feel upset. the smallest things let him know. and he hates it. he never wants you to feel sad so he will do anything he can to help you feel better. a favourite of his is to run you a nice, hot bath and make your favourite dinner. then spend the evening cuddling together. he’ll always try to get you to talk through whatever upset you.
V = Vaunt (what are they proud of? Do they like to show you off?)
spencer is quite modest for a genius. he doesn’t like to flaunt how smart he is, or how young he was getting into the FBI. the only thing he ever shows off is his knowledge of everything but you don’t even think he realises when he does it.
W = Warrior (how do they feel about you fighting? Would they fight for you, beside you, etc?)
he’d fight for you and with you any day. for the rest of your lives together.
X = X-Ray (how well are they able to read you?)
spencer can tell when the slightest things is off with you and he can tell when you are feeling positive. he just knows you so well. he has known you for ages and is very in tune with your feelings.
Y = Yes (how would they propose to you?)
i think he would be nervous which would lead to him spouting off different facts about marriage. “did you know 50% of marriages end in divorce?” and you’ll laugh because where did that come from? then he pulls out a ring. “wanna be in the other 50% with me?”
Z = Zen (what makes them feel calm?)
you. just simply being in your presence makes him feel calm. he feels his heart rate slow and his mind calm down. you are all he needs to feel calm and relaxed.
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matchamorphosis · 4 years
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 𝓫𝓲𝓻𝓽𝓱𝓭𝓪𝔂 𝓹𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓬𝓮𝓼𝓼!
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𝓼𝓾𝓶𝓶𝓮𝓻𝔂 | you’re the birthday girl and the birthday girl always gets what she wants.
𝓰𝓮𝓷𝓻𝓮 | fluffy smut
𝓹𝓪𝓲𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓰 | daddy!andy barber × bratty birthday girl![black//woc] reader
𝔀𝓸𝓻𝓭 𝓬𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓽 | 4.5K
𝔀𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼 | 18+ nsfw! ddlg lifestyle, daddy kink, hint of brattiness, kinda spoiled reader, fingering, slight size kink, ass groping mention, spanking mention, punishment mention, loads of praise, loads of kisses, loads of sweets being consumed, stuffie talk, teasing, there may be a few grammar mistakes
𝓼𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓹𝓻𝓸𝓶𝓹𝓽𝓼 | easy living by billie holiday, teddy wilson ♡ dance of the sugar plum fairy by pytor llyich tchaikovsky ♡ babygirl by charli xcx ♡♡♡
𝔀. 𝓷𝓸𝓽𝓮 | this is a little birthday gift for @cloudystevie 💗💘💞 go show some love to the birthday princess cherubs!!! ♡ hope you enjoy this jasmeen darling, happy birthday ♡♡♡
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 ♡ long fluttering lashes bat soothingly at the sight of flowing auburn liquid pouring from your teapots spout into your stuffies porcelain tea cup, the drip drop of the last dip before you raise the pale pink tea kettle up.
 ♡ the sweet smell of cakes rising in the oven flows in a curled aroma throughout the kitchen, catching the hints of rich german chocolate and zesty lemon you smile tenderly as you finish pouring all your stuffies cups of tea.
 ♡ this tea party isn’t common like your other tea parties before, your stuffed animals know this as all their plastic glass eyes dash along the various jam puff pastry and chocolate icing treats that rest on rosy designed plates atop lacy doilies which crowd the table.
 ♡ it certainly isn’t like your other tea parties, there's a sparkling trance in the air that grows stronger wherever your angelic presence takes you and it surely captures all their plastic eyes on the extravagant purple silk that adorns the smooth sweet pea lotion that sparkles off every inch of visible strip of skin.
 ♡ a glittering swarovski tiara rests on the crown of your glossy curls that fall in thick abounding ribbons, shining silver gleams with every shift of your head it correlates well with the powdered sugar like snow that falls softly outside and Andy dusting a layer on hot and ready out of the oven blueberry tarts.
 ♡ the expensive headpiece surely was a sight for sore eyes, it brightened the silver stars in your hues when you were caressing the satin like bath wash that smelt of peonies and strawberries, bathing that early morning to get ready for your special day.
 ♡ taking your special time appreciating every hill, bend, curve and dip of your body as a knock struck the door, “is my birthday princess in here?” Andy’s voice rung, pulling your head up in attention you grinned.
 ♡ “she is daddy!” you replied as your lower half swished in the rose petal water, hearing the bathroom door opened and the pad of Andy’s loafers hit the marble bathroom tiles.
 ♡ rippling contentment raptures and allures your bubble bath soaked figure when his bearing body comes into view while you were focused on rubbing your shoulders with your sugar scrub.
 ♡ taking delight in the peachy zest fragrance as you admired your freshly painted acrylic nails you had your daddy help you apply the other night, unaware of Andy’s glorifying glance as he stands looking down at your charismatic care.
 ♡ a white towel wraps your head keeping your hair in place and a light sheet mask rests on your face, bending down on his knees Andy’s hands grab your body sponge before rubbing the planes of your back covered lightly in bubble suds.
♡ “what do you wanna do first today princess? anything you want and anything you need daddy will give it to you,” Andy spoke, his head snaking in the crook of your neck and before you could speak you broke into a fit of giggles as the sponge in his hand intentionally grazed the sensitive skin of your sides while his lips pressed wet kisses on your neck.
♡ “d-daddy stop!” you broke but your seemingly endless giggles kept getting in the way as Andy continued to smile as he kisses your neck while his other hand dipped into the water to tickle your other side. 
 ♡ receiving the reaction he wanted his fingers stop their tickling torment but not before caressing the bubbly skin of your waist and stomach, you only have sight of his wide shoulders as his head continued to trail kisses down your neck, nibbling and sucking on your skin here and there.
 ♡ “go on sweetheart, the tickle monsters gone,” Andy smirk against your skin before lifting his head away from your neck and his arms from the bath tub soapy water, shifting your body around causing the water to splash over the railing you sat in place star struck at your daddy’s attire for the day.
  ♡ as much as it tingled the space between your thighs at the sight of him wearing those tight collared polos that drove you crazy beyond control you grinned up at him as you told him of your plans and ideas but Andy’s surprised to find you don’t wanna go out to get more presents.
 ♡ “I thought you wanted to go out princess, what changed? you love going out and getting more presents,” your daddy spoke, causing your eyes to shift shyly away as you took sudden interest in your shiny nails as they gripped the outline of the tubs rim.  
 ♡ “I know you said that you wouldn’t mind but I just want something between you and me, and- and do you know the tea party i’ve been talking about? the one with my stuffies? with the tea and sweets and cakes, may we please do that today daddy?” voice softly bashful and sweet as can be Andy coos down at you after pecking the tip of your nose. 
 ♡ “absolutely princess, how about we have your tea party after lunchtime. how does that sound?” you nodded your head enthusiastically and Andy chuckled, “perfect, what is the birthday princess going to wear?” and of course he’d say that.  
 ♡ the sole reason you weren’t getting out of the tub was because he had to decide which dress you’d wear but before your daddy knocked the bathroom door you already came to a resolution. 
 ♡ pointing to the dresses that are hung on their individual hangers on the towel closet near the bath tub, “i’m going to wear the pink puff sleeved one for brunch and the purple slip for my tea party,” you spoke, watching as Andy got up to grab a towel from the closet then the hanger bearing the pink dress.
 ♡ the dress wasn’t inherently familiar to Andy nor does he remember buying it for you but he had to admit he has bought you loads of dresses, bags or whatever else that made you so stylish and posh to come to a memory of so.
 ♡ instructing him to get which strap heels and what designer bag from your closest you want to go along with the short puffed sleeve dress as you took the sheet mask off your face and washed the citrus sugar scrub then floral bubble wash from your skin. 
 ♡ from the doorframe your unaware stance doesn’t notice the focused observation as your daddy admired and traced every detail of your bare bodice as your hands rubbed the soap from your neck to the undercurve of your breasts.
 ♡ with no sight of bubble suds on your skin you bend over to retrieve the towel on the near stool Andy set for you but before you could reach it Andy’s strong arms wrap around your bare chest, pulling your soaked back into the solidness of his bare chest.
 ♡ you gasp at the contact while his hands take rough handfuls of your breasts as his fingers roll your nipples, his face sneaking back into the crook of your neck as he bite and sucked, not afraid to leave love bites anywhere his lips graced against.
 ♡ “daddy,” you moaned but it’s quickly hushed as he rolled your nipple between his fingers, his other hand leaving your breast to glide slowly down passed your stomach till it found the slick of your needy cunt that erupted more small sweet noises with every dip his fingertips took at teasing your hole.
 ♡ your head throw back, resting on one of Andy's biceps that steady on the tubs rim the hand doesn’t leave from pinching your nipple or groping your tit as his other doesn’t stop tracing figure eights or rubbing the slicked pearl at the peak of your pussy before thrusting a stretching thick finger into your tight hole.
 ♡ “let daddy take care of you princess,” Andy shushed in your ear as your sweet moans and little sighs captured his when another finger pumped into your hole, your grinding hips rippled the water attempting to find the perfect balance that will help you reach the blinding pleasure and spill your euphoria on his fingers.
 ♡ “daddy please! please daddy!” you whispered hopelessly in his ear, your quivering body desperate for his fingers to break the chain tightening in your belly and before you could whine and beg once more as he takes his fingers out your hole your back suddenly arches when three fingers thrust in and out of your weeping cunt.
 ♡ your arched figure has your head falling back more against his bicep till you neck only rests upon it and Andy takes the opportunity to smash his lips to yours, teeth rough to bite your bottom lip you gasp and moan as his tongue enters your mouth just like his fingertips graze the golden spot at the end of your slicked channel.
 ♡ your going to combust, the erotic cocktail of his hot tongue swirling with yours and his thick fingers thrusting and stretching your honeyed pussy is making you see stars even though you have them closed, your hands rise to frame his face, fingers spread to dig into his toffee brown locks as the other relishes the scratch of his beard.
 ♡ its again that he hits the sweet spot his curled fingers graze against that has you whimpering in contrast to his relentless passionate kiss while you rest at the mercy of him and his thick fingers, “daddy p-please, I need to come! please let me come, daddy!” you're able to beg as he lets go of your lips from his.
 ♡ “why should I let you come princess? give me one good reason,” his low voice rumbled as his smirk plasters against the skin behind your ear, making you shiver Andy’s enjoying pushing you passed your limits as well as savoring the immature pout while your forbidden honey slowly coats his knuckles deliciously.
 ♡ “b-because it’s my birthday daddy. i-i’m the birthday princess, your birthday princess,” you whisper as a tear drips off your curls under lashes to your cheek, his chest fills again with an awakening desire to have you crumbling and moaning underneath him. 
 ♡ possessing your lips again you gasp in pleasure when his fingers pump impossibly more continuous as you tug the handfuls of his toffee brown hair in your grip, achieving to pull rough growls from him and to your own satisfaction him scissoring you open while his other fingers your other tit.
 ♡ however we can only have so much of something before we’re washed up on the tide of ecstasy and Andy knows how much the big wave is going to wash over you as your thighs tremble and your moans turn into needy whimpers of barely audible daddys and pleases that do nothing but increase the speed of his fingers and harden his cock.
 ♡ “come on my fingers princess, come for daddy sweet girl,” your grip on his hair tightens as you feel his fingers pull your orgasm closer and closer to the edge, you pull his head away from your neck to just smash your lips against his into a bruising kiss nothing more than teeth, tongue and hot breath.
 ♡ and as Andy guessed the thrashing wave washed over your body as his relentless fingers continuously hit the g spot that had you screaming his name when you came on his fingers, your arched position slipping a bit your daddy’s quick to take care of you.
 ♡ pulling the plug of the tub and rinsing your body again from sweat, Andy washed your sore core with warm water and a hand towel before wrapping your body covered in dew drops and carrying you out of the tub and into your room to dress you.
 ♡ settling you done on the plushy comforter of your shared bed with a quick peck to your lips before he can turn around and grab your body lotion from your vanity, your gripping grasp at his wrist stops him in place.
 ♡ “what wrong princess?” he says but your eyes don’t reach his blue ones, his heart stammers and paces wondering if he did something wrong, bending his knees till he’s face to face with you.
 ♡ “did daddy hurt you when he was trying to make you feel good princess? what’s wrong sweet girl, can you please tell me,” Andy speaks as his hand cups your chin to gently turn your face to meet his bit your eyes look down shyly. 
 ♡ “can I have a bubble bath tonight daddy?” your whispered as your fingers grip the belt loops of Andy’s trousers, his sly smirk not getting too big too tease his little one but still pronounced.
 ♡ “of course dove,” his low voice broke, pressing a kiss to the soft skin of your shoulder, your neck then you jaw then finishing on your lips.
 ♡ “with you?” picking his head up from the sweet and floral scent of your shoulder his eyes cascade into yours as your faces are centimeters apart.
 ♡ stricken by the twinkle in your hues and the bountiful soft of your lips your soaked hands creep up his wrists, hitting all the right spots that inspire another pleasurable session to take place between your legs.
 ♡ thick fingers stroke your overstimulated folds, shuddering from the contact you don’t dare dart your eyes away from his gentle ones, “as you wish princess,” 
 ♡ at this time it’s a quarter after lunch, much later than both your enchanted session of touches and kisses you have a small porcelain jar in your hands, the lid set aside you stare down at the perfectly cubed sugar lumps.
 ♡ “how much sugar lumps would you like with your tea mrs. genevieve?” your gleaming glossy lipped smile radiates across the table to your plushed white bunny rabbit who sits atop a stack of books you stole from Andy’s office in order to reach above the table top. 
 ♡ the bunny plushie dressed in her daisy blue sundress, matching sun hat and finishing her outfit with a shiny sapphire bow comfortably around her neck sits next to your other stuffies dressed handsomely and eloquently for the special occasion.
 ♡ they sip from the steaming cups of honeyed herbal tea your daddy prepared specially for them while nibbling on sweets of custard eclairs and fluffy macaroons, heart squeezing in contentment.
 ♡ “four sugar lumps? that’s far too much sugar mrs. genevieve! I am giving you only two! you’ve already had ten cookies! same goes for your husband- yes bartolommeo I am speaking of you-!” 
 ♡ the playfully sternness that possess the softness of your voice makes Andy widely smile to himself as he takes the numerous pans of rising cakes out of the double oven.
 ♡ the older man goofily grins to himself, of course he knows you are imitating him, down to his tone to the scrunch of his brows he would usually have to put you in your place and remind you of your manners but he doesn’t, seemingly enjoying this. 
 ♡ letting you continue to let you discipline the stuffies on their sugar intake while your extended arm swindles a chocolate chip cookie or two in your sneaky grasp from the untouched plate at the other side of the counter.
 ♡ Andy let’s the action slip, it’s your birthday! you’re the birthday girl and the birthday girl can treat herself to as much sweets, gifts, and attention her heart desires.
 ♡ tchaikovsky orchestrated symphony of the nutcracker plays on the amazon echo, every single one of your favorite details you planned for this tea party he partakes in joyously while listening in on his little one playing the perfect hostess.
 ♡ settling the hot pans on the kitchen island, not far away from the table you’re treating all your dressed stuffies to Andy slips off the oven mitts and sets a timer for the cakes to cool down.
 ♡ prepping your favorite fruits to be sliced, jars of frosting and icing to be whipped, melting chocolate to be spread and chopped nuts to be sprinkled Andy seems to know what direction he has for each and every cake. 
 ♡ it was indeed a major saving grace he had a few years of experience in the baking category ever since he started to date you, you were demanding and very high maintenance cause you only wanted the best cause you deserved the best.
 ♡ that’s one of the many things Andy adored about you besides the fact his little princess loves sweets, baked sweets to be more specific and technical.
 ♡  at the very start of their relationship he became accustomed to whisking eggs, sugar, and butter, sifting flour and dry ingredients without making a mess as well as becoming patient for not only your brattiness but the sweets in the oven to.
 ♡ baking was now a favorable hobby of his now and he loved baking, whether or not you watched and helped him with cracking an egg or two or by himself as you attended your big girl responsibilities. 
 ♡ although on this day he devoted himself to not let you raise a single finger, on this day you were truly a princess more than you were any other day and your daddy enjoyed looking over to you.
 ♡ adoring your sweet giggles and honey voice as you remarked back at what your stuffie said as you refilled their cups and snacked on the prepared sweets he completed.
 ♡ “are you enjoying your tea ms. dolores? how about you mr. alfred? I know you two prefer peppermint than sage and chamomile but I had daddy add just enough honey for your liking,” 
 ♡ dazzling eyes flash to the mint green piggie in her flowy gingham skirt and white blouse then the indigo whale in his top hat, of course only you could hear their kind affirmations of agreement.
 ♡ “stupendous! i’ll be enjoying my coffee- no ms. darla you cannot have any coffee! you are too little! the only one who can have coffee is mr. humbert,” 
 ♡ your eyes dashed from the kitten stuffie to the teddy bear with spectacles on his nose and a buttoned up tweed jacket covering his arms and chest, “he has reached the proper age to drink coffee, you all have to wait,” your retort makes Andy’s brow arch in amusement.
 ♡ “and what is the proper age for a stuffie to start drinking coffee?” Andy broke as he bite of a slice of apricot; the tangy citrus nectar coating his tongue he continues cutting the colorful fruits on the platter waiting for your answer.
 ♡ “sixty two,” your answer quick and analyzed, Andy chuckles thankful he isn’t a stuffie who must obey the critical coming-of-age caffeine consumption law.
 ♡ “that’s very old princess, or should I say congresswoman? have you poured elder humbert his coffee?” andy spoke while recounting the cookies on the plate to know how much you’ve already eaten, you haven’t eaten a large portion of the forty cookies but he’s coming more concerned of your caffeine intake as you blurt out a loud reckless giggle.
 ♡ “i've refilled mr. humberts cup four times now! I think he really likes the oat milk,” you grinned up at your daddy as you drank from your porcelain cup, your sparkling eyes never leaving his as Andy playfully squinted at you deviously.
 ♡ “he does now? and exactly how many tea cups of coffee did my little coffee bean drink?” he spoke in his authority tone, placing the batter spatula down as he relished in your childish smirk.
 ♡ “they’re tiny tea cups daddy. why don’t you guess.” your glossy lipped smirk was as tempting and teasing as your purred voice, the purple silk dress made your smooth skin glowy just like the lavish fabric. 
 ♡ Andy couldn’t help but take little peaks here and there as you bend over the table to refill a clinking cup of tea for your stuffies, his longing stare as the hem of the tiny silk dress rose up to your high thighs, inching to catch a glimpse of whatever panties you have on.
 ♡ however with this erotic tension laced interrogation it seems to be losing its stern touch that usually melts you into a puddle of obedience as Andy admires your glowing face then pursue to have get an answer, you can be so distracting when it comes to dishing out punishments.
 ♡ but who wouldn’t be inattentive from the task at hand when the shimmery highlight of your plump cleavage and glittery cheekbones capture the apple of his eyes, as much as your smirk widened as you received all the attention filled glances that fuel the seductive that drips from your lips as the purple silk strap of your dress falls off your shoulder.
 ♡ “well?” your voice broke the silence but before Andy could open his mouth the timer for the cakes went off, you smirked to yourself as you took another sip of your sweetened coffee, saturated with a bit too much oat milk and sugar lumps you shifted to meet your eyes back to your stuffies.
  ♡ “I apologize if I am being a rude hostess but I hope you all have kept this special event going between yourselves. I was busy with daddy talking about some stupid stuff,” you didn’t dare lower or mutter the last bits but vocal them, smirk deviously to yourself as you felt your daddy’s glance at the back of your head.
 ♡ it did nothing but spread the disobedience you craved and the lingering wetness dripping from your cunt, although you played an untouchable poker face as you heard whatever utensil that was in his hand settle down as his footsteps come nearer and nearer.
 ♡ walking around the counter of his baking station to you sitting crossed leg in your cushioned chair making conversation with ms. darla complimenting her pine green and white striped sailors outfit as if you weren’t the one who dressed her.
 ♡ “oh hi daddy!” you beamed, pretending to not see the stern glare in his blue hues or remember misbehaving the minute before but you couldn’t help but deliciously eye the thick muscle of his arms that are crossed over his wide chest.
 ♡ “do you need something daddy?” you stood up on your knees to attempt to come to eye level with the man but you’ve only come face to face with his chest, causing you to tilt your head up for Ari to meet your astral irises laced in faux innocence.
 ♡ Andy’s defeated sigh before bending down to come eye level to you, “princess, listen to me please,” he spoke and your eyes sparked up in attention, loving the sudden embrace of his large hands wrapped yours, making them all warm and toasty as well as making you feel so small. 
 ♡ “I know you really wanted to have this tea party for a long time now, daddy loves making sweets for you and your stuffies but daddy doesn’t want to punish you for any bad behavior. daddy doesn’t want his special angel to cry on her birthday and he doesn’t want you cooped up in a corner at this tea party because you’re doing such a good job playing hostess! can you be my good girl and behave for daddy? can you do that for me princess?” 
 ♡ Andy’s soft voice and soft caress of your hands and cheeks are like magic, as if with each stroke of his thumb against your chin that swiped your glossy lips planted bundles of rose buds in the pit of your belly, growing rapidly within the minute.
 ♡ “yes daddy I can be your good girl! the bestest good girl!” your enthusiasm made him grin, a ray of sunshine clearing the cloudy thoughts of introducing a punishment out of his head.  
 ♡ “i’ll hold you up to those words princess but you’re doing so good now. play nicely with your stuffies while daddy works on decorating your cakes. can you do that for me to princess?”
 ♡ you nodded your head with a content smile, “words please princess,” Andy reminded you.
 ♡ “yes daddy I can do that,” he smiled to himself as you brought your attention back to your stuffies but before he can walk back to his prep station a tug of his trousers pulls him in place looking back down at you to spark in concern when your eyes gloss with neediness.
 ♡ “what do you need princess?” he spoke, hands rising to stroke and pet your hair only but grab that same hand and pull him towards you, murmuring what he assumes to be what you want under your breath. “uh-uh, speak up princess,” 
 ♡ “you didn’t play with me today daddy! can you please play with me for just a few minutes before going back to the cakies?” your pout was like a punch in his gut, a bullet ricocheting through his rib cage, his very kryptonite but he should now these few minutes of daddy little playtime will turn into hours upon hours with you on his lap unaware or purposely ignoring his hard on.
 ♡ “okay princess, but just five minutes! I have two more cakes in the oven and dozen others to decorate for you,” he softly smiled but you smiled so brightly as you picked you off the chair and into his arms before sitting down on the chair himself and settling you on his lap comfortably.
 ♡ “would you like me to refill your cup mr. humbert?” your voice chipped, Andy’s glance falls on the old stuffed bear seemingly passed out on the table cloth, its short snout resting in the toppled over porcelain cup.
 ♡ “I think mr. humbert had a bit to much coffee for today,” Andy spoke but you shook your head as you refilled ms. dolores tea cup, adding her desired sugar lumps after biting into a slice of cake, chocolate and whip cream staining the corners of your lips.
 ♡ “mr. humbert falls asleep all the time, it’s normal. see he’ll wake up right now- mr. humbert wake up!!!” you shouted but the stuffed bear didn’t bulge, “I think mr. humbert had too much coffee daddy,” speaking as if you found that conclusion.
 ♡ Andy chuckles at you, petting your hair and tracing your shiny locks with his fingers while you spoke to mrs. humbert, your body reaching over the crowded table top to reach a plate of macaroons at that opposite side, the sight clouding Andy’s mind of the many other things he’s suppose to do.
 ♡ the helm of your purple slip dress rises past your thighs and as much as Andy wants to grope your ass he doesn’t want to interrupt your conversation or humiliate you in front of your stuffed animals.
♡ yes you had a special rule when it came to touching you inappropriately around your stuffies.
 ♡ however the sight of the lavender silk covering your ass seemed to wrap the plumpness of it perfectly enough that it was impossible to not lift up the thin curtain to run his open palmed hands over your globes, take harsh handfuls and watching the skin of your cheeks bounce with each spank.
 ♡ but he kept your rule in mind but it was becoming more difficult with you wiggling it practically inches away from his face or when you sat back down on his lap and continued to shift and ‘accidently’ grind on his stirring cock.
 ♡ your ass in the sultry silk dress purposefully or accidently shuffling against his tensed loins felt like burning heaven until he came to a sudden flaming question whether or not your wearing anything under under the lavender. 
 ♡  immediately upon that lingering thought filling all his action mechanisms his curious hands creep through the slit of your provocative slip, a slight stickiness  is welcomed against his thick fingers as the sinful honey runs down your thighs and as his fingers keep wandering, your wet pussy.
 ♡ Andy’s cock is hard now, bulging in his expansive trousers that keeps getting teased the plumpness of your ass inches away from his watering mouth, you surely wouldn’t find a retaliation to give him as his fingers creep up to meet your folds. 
 ♡ his wandering hand is under the table, no where near eye level for the glass beady black eyes of your stuffed animals to see but they can however question your flustered stuttering state as his taunting thumb traces figure eights with your slick.
 ♡ “daddy-” you hush but it’s interrupted with a quick slap to your bum, Andy’s smirk widening at the sight of it jiggling along with the fabric, he can’t help but take his thumb covered in your pleasure and take it in his mouth.
 ♡ moaning at the delicious taste of you before grabbing your ass again in rough handfuls, making finger like indents that could possibly bruise your skin you bite your lip in anticipation for another spank until Andy’s large hand hovers over the curves of your hips till he grips your waist.  
 ♡ “keep playing sugarplum, pretend daddy isn’t here playing with your princess parts,” finishing the husky whisper in your ear with a kiss to your cheek, whimpering slightly as one of his hands glide back to the slit of your dress and playful fingers slowly rub your slicked pearl.
 ♡ you don’t argue as you continue to play hostess with your stuffies while trying to survive your daddy’s teasing fingers, attempting to not let a single sound escape your lips or a stutter in your words, hoping your daddy will keep his promise and only play with you for five minutes before going back to the cakies. 
 ♡ yet as you think that unfortunate thought Andy’s finding pleasure of his own, maybe he won’t just play with you for five minutes since he’s infatuated with the cake in front of him. 
 ♡ the older man knows you’ve been wanting him to put you in your place the moment you started acting cocky and who is he to not give it to you?
 ♡ the birthday girl always gets what she wants
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♡♡♡ thank you for reading! ♡♡♡  pretty please like, reblog and/or comment what you think and if you enjoy this follow me to read more of my future works! ♡♡♡
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beldroxramscal · 4 years
Third Time's the Charm
Frankie Morales x f!reader
Words: 1.4k
Summary: Two times Frankie almost tells you he loves you and the third time he actually does.
Warnings: none, just fluff
A/N: This is a birthday fic for @chasingdreamer and since I love her so much, I decided Frankie loves her thrice as much! I know no one writes better Frankie than you, but I tried my best :D I really hope you like it. I even tried putting in some little details for you :D Happy Birthday, Julia! Love you <33
English is not my first language and I have no one to beta for me. That is just a very long way to say: sorry, my English sucks.
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You didn’t hear him the first time he said those three words, and he thanked God for that. It was not more than a month into dating you, and he knew it was way too early for such confessions.
He took you fishing, something you’ve never done, but was more than excited to try. Planning the trip for the whole week, searching for information about the fish in the lake you were going to, the best baits, and, to his utter delight, even your wardrobe.
“I don’t wanna be overdressed, Frankie,” you’d reason with him. And so he sat there and watched you go through your wardrobe, smiling so much his jaw hurt, as you picked your outfit.
The day didn’t turn out as well as you both hoped. It was supposed to be sunny and warm, but when you two arrived the sky was gray with a slight wind that smelled of rain. Still, you were determined not to let such a small detail sour your mood.
Your smile never seemed to disappear as you two walked the small distance through the forest, even when you kept sliding on the mud and catching him by his arm for support. He tried not to get too excited at the constant contact, but you’d giggled and apologize to him every time, and his heart felt like it was going to jump out of his chest.
Frankie showed you everything you needed to know, practicing with you for almost an hour just to have an excuse to be so close to you. It felt incredible for him to be the one to show you something new, something you seemed to enjoy this much and would associate with him no matter what the future holds for the two of you.
“You are a pro,” he smiled when you did the whole process by yourself. His heart skipped a beat when you looked at him bashfully from under your eyelashes, your cheeks pink, as you thanked him.
Leaving you by the shore with a rod in your hand, he retreated to the bags. He packed a small picnic basket, and he wanted to surprise you when you seemed so focused on the task in your hand.
He decided against the blanket, the grass was wet, and he didn’t want you to catch a cold. Instead, he moved the two folding chairs closer together with a small folding table in between them. It couldn’t have been more than a few minutes as he tried to put everything together when you suddenly screamed. Frankie turned his head just in time to see you fall face-first into the shallow, muddy water. In an instant, he started running towards you, but before he could get to you, you were already sitting up.
You turned to him and your beautiful face was dripping with water with pieces of mud sticking to it and the rest of you wasn’t in much better shape. Maybe even worse.
He stopped dead in his tracks just a few feet away from you, his face frozen with fear of what was going to happen. Will you yell at him for leaving you alone? Oh God, what if you’d never speak to him again?
But then you started laughing. Your head was thrown back and your hands were flailing around as you tried to speak, but there wasn’t enough air in your lungs for that. So you just laughed and pointed, and he’s never seen anyone or anything more enchanting than you at that moment.
“I love you,” he breathed out. Too quiet for you to hear through the fit of laughter, but loud enough to shake with his whole being. He wasn’t expecting it, didn’t know it, but now he said it out loud and there was no denying it was true.
The second time was a mess too but in a completely different sense. The two of you were hanging in your apartment, eating pizza and drinking some beer, when you decided to show him one of your favorite movies - Pride and Prejudice. He’s never seen it before, not really into that period lovey-dovey stuff, but you looked so excited he couldn’t refuse. So you both moved onto the couch. Few clicks of your remote control later and a soothing piano started to play from the TV.
He didn’t know what to expect, but he had to admit he could see the appeal. The tall brooding wealthy man and the headstrong heroine with her own ideals? Not very groundbreaking, but there was something about it, he couldn’t put his finger on. It felt almost like a magnet. Whatever it was, he was becoming a fan.
It wasn’t until some time later, when Darcy followed Elizabeth from the church, that he felt you stir in his arm. He looked down to where your face was laying on his shoulder. Your eyes looking almost longingly at the TV in front of you with a piece of pizza hovering just outside your lips, when he noticed you were mouthing along with the movie. You knew the speech and by the look on your face, he could tell you wanted this. You wanted someone to get over their fears, and tell you they love you. He wanted to be that man for you.
“I love you.” He didn’t realize how dry his throat was until the words left his mouth. Well, barely.
You looked up at him, and he could feel his heart in his throat from the anticipation.
“Huh? You said something?”
It was quiet after that, except for the TV, but there were bombs going off in his mind.
“Nope,” he shook his head. Kissing you on your forehead just to distract himself from the panic that seized his body. You smiled and turned your attention back to the TV.
Okay. So he was going to become that man for you.
Third time’s the charm.
Frankie wasn’t planning anything for today, you two were not even supposed to see each other, but when you texted him about being stressed because of your asshole boss, he decided to cheer you up a little.
On his way to your place, he picked up some tulips and a cake for your nerves. And his nerves. His mind went into overdrive as he started to doubt his decision. He was inviting himself to your home, without any kind of heads up or any indication you even want him there. He contemplated calling you or maybe texting you that he was on his way, but before he could even make up his mind what would be better, he was turning onto your street.
Frankie parked outside your house, looking at the flowers and the white carton box, trying to decide what to do. He kept picturing you angry at him for showing up uninvited and kicking him out, telling him how creepy he is. He knew it was stupid, you wouldn’t treat him like that even if you were annoyed. And you wouldn’t wear one of those pointy witch hats his mind kept picturing you in for some reason.
It took him almost ten minutes of sitting in the car outside your house and reasoning that he could always just give you the stuff he bought you and go home. No harm in that right? Just him thinking you might need a pick me up. He finally got out of the car after that and rang your doorbell.
He expected a lot of things, a witch hat included, but he didn’t expect you to open the door in his plaid shirt. It was the one he gave you on your fishing trip, so you could get out of your wet shirt. You promised to wash it and give it back to him, but he completely forgot about it.
Your surprised face mirrored his own, but he was sure your heartbeat was much calmer. Or at least that’s what he thought until you started stammering.
“Frankie! Oh… wh-what are you… doing here?” You kept fidgeting, your eyes ticking from his face to anything else as if he caught you doing something you shouldn’t have.
“Is that my shirt?” He raised an eyebrow, unable to mask the smile that threatened to cut through his cheeks.
You looked down, flushed, nervous, tripping over your words as you shook your head. “Uhm… may--maybe? I-- I’m not sure.” But when you looked up at him again, it was all the confirmation he needed.
“God, I love you.”
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soldier-requests · 2 years
headcanons squished in with a writing request! i tried to leave pronouns out of the picture to make it more inclusive.
some silly headcanons off the top of my head! not sure if doing spy is okay, so i'll leave spy out of headcanons this time around :].
1. sniper will catch animals upon medic's request, to get out of medical examinations if possible. sometimes, if an exam is truly necessary, medic will have to send someone to drag sniper down from wherever sniper climbed up into. sniper has gotten stuck in a tree multiple times.
2. some of medic's birds like to steal medic's things. some days, medic is running around blind because the item for that day was medic's glasses 💔.
3. soldier tells time based on things soldier has done recently. when did engineer leave for town today? right before soldier let lieutenant bites swim in a puddle! after soldier laid engie's cowboy hat on a sleeping demo! right as soldier painted one of the tiles in the kitchen a weird color!
4. scout gets zoomies pretty frequently (same with a lot of the team), and scout ends up wrestling or play-fighting with pyro pretty often! sometimes soldier joins and someone might end up calling for medic 😭.
5. pyro likes to, occasionally, draw on the walls. what pyro chooses to actually draw with differs and sometimes, ..uh. OH. wait, pyro--don't draw with your flamethrower WAIT-
6. despite not being an expert or anything, heavy actually enjoys engineering! especially taking things apart and being able to put them back together. it's more of a side hobby than anything else, but sometimes engineer needs a helping hand!!
7. demo enjoys running around with pyro and putting stickers, googly eyes, etc. everywhere. the two of them have jump-scared everyone at least once with googly eyes (even if some of the team won't admit it), even themselves!
8. engineer likes to go around and poke people. cold hands, dirty hands, tiny zaps with the gunslinger, literally everything. pyro is one of the only ones who never gets angry, so engineer does it to pyro the most. but it's funny to do it to sniper, because sniper reacts like a cat does when it doesn't want you touching it.
writing drabble thing!! dad!spy and scout :D. wahoo, electric boogaloo, and other such words. (might just call them "writing requests" from now on? 'drabble' just sounds weird to me 🤨. also, this is definitely not a hundred words.)
"What happened to baseball?"
"Go away, Spy."
Spy crouched down next to Scout.
"Do you understand English? I said-"
"What happened, Scout?"
Scout grumbled. This did nothing to make Spy go away.
"Pyro ditched me."
"Whatever for?"
"Fuckin'.. I dunno! Py just wanted to do something else!"
Spy hummed, then stood up and walked away.
Scout frowned. Fuck, man, seriously? Why does everything have to feel shitty today? Birthdays aren't supposed to be shitty.
A shadow appeared in front of Scout.
"Spy, I said go awa-... is that my baseball?"
"And the glove you threw down. Come, garçon, I'll play with you."
Scout got up and followed, "You're kidding."
Spy grinned, threw the baseball over, "Am I?"
Scout caught it, looking down at it. "...You might wanna change, you know. You'll get all sweaty and stuff."
Spy huffed, "I don't sit around all day when we are working. I'll be fine."
"Oookay. Don't get mad if I hafta say 'I told you so' later."
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