#or to insult the food itself like come on yall
citadelofswords · 1 year
ay. i should really know better than to reblog food opinion polls and suchlike, because i fucking hate food debates with every fiber of my being
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chall-enge · 6 months
Info about akuma! Kny
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his personality is eh bad at best. He will be very rude to any one (Incudling people of higher power), if  said person ever happen to insult or question his work. Depending on the person he is arguing with he is willing to fight despite being clearly weaker (When i mean depending i mean mostly anyone that akuma knows wouldent behead him the moment he shoves/push).
When he isnnt  rude to people you can tell his ego is deeper then hell it’s self as . Even if the other person is better then him. He still finds way to be better in a small way or a big way!.
But also his ego  can easily be broken so if he even assume you insulting him get ready to be yelled at and insulted.
Like some demons he can and will cry but you need to do certain things to make him do so!.
For example any higher ups then him calling him useless,Good for nothing,failure,Waste of a life,disgrace or anything related to it. He will cry  and even try to insult you back but at that point he is going flee so dont expect to hear back from him for a long while! (beside muzan, akuma is too afraid to ignore muzan commands to meet him face to face)
Akuma also stubborn, very stubborn. But he isnt that dumb if he knows he going to lose a fight he will spare the embrassment of losing my fleeing. He will hold grudges until he feel like he got his justice on said person, you hardly will see a moment  of akuma being a nice to a another demon (Cause in his mind anything of kindness is weakness). 
But in the rare chances you do, you can tell he is trying to be nice to said person (usally friends or preferred person) by  attempting to behave and control his anger near then and wont be as loud when arguing with said person, And MAYBE allow to be insulted sightly (But just be aware, some insults can hurt more than others and will/can worry your friendship with said person)
And in some cases  if he trusts you enough to not abuse/backstab his weakness, he will be more weak towards said lucky person for example, He will show more emotion beside anger.he come for you for advice or opinions on matters he doesnt care/ doesnt understand well enough to  really take time to consider. Treat him how he wants to be treated and You have a semi asshole demon as a friend.
Also of course like any demon he has fears.. He is afraid of dying weak and pathic, failling to do something,dying,being backed stab by anyone he trusts and being hurt badly by his food (which is why he targets certain people.)He targets  new/hurt  demon slayers or unattend childern 
Also for fun i tell yall how you can embarrassed akuma, calling out his bluffs,saying something he didnt expected (Doesnt even need to be nsfw, his mind will need to restart and figure out how to respond),showing akuma that he can do a certain thing better than him, copying his amount of any emotion,suffering any consequences in pubic,getting him off guard (50/50 chance of him yellings at you or just make him embarrassed), failing at doing something infront of someone (ex hunting a demon slayer and they got away/ managed to fight akuma away from them as somone same or higher rank watches him fail)
Other info!
Name:  Akuma no sagi-shi  /  阿隈の鷺市
Name in english  (google transleter sucks man :<): devil's deceiver
Perferd targets: Weaker/Injuried  or newer swordmen and unattend children 
Design/Appearance : Heavly base off of  a siren and wearing large clothing as patchs of skin has fish scale and  usually  when he  out  and about he cover his head with a black head covering and a black and white mask to prevent humans seeing his  siren features and he always wear his the standard Demon Slayer uniforms consisting of a gakuran jacket and hakama  pants  and pretends to be a medic or helper when out in the night looking for a meal
Draining Tears
This blood demon art   stuns swordsmen with ear-piercing sobs  the sob itself sounds  despairing and very much desperate, while that happen a temporary increase in healing speed occours  as the opponet gets stuned akuma tears and pleads are short lived as he trys to end the opponents life the second they stop moving 
Draining Tears  weakness
The blood demon art is self pretty much affects swordsmen who are weaker and ones that second think of beheading akuma but  it has hard time effecting harder opponents only at most surprise them at best and the small amount of time akuma healing is speed up he will lose some energy 
Mimcking Waves
This blood demon art allows akuma to mimck voices of people he ate (ex man,woman,child) and is usally used to lure  unsuspecting  weak swordsmen or folks who happen to hear the voices of the distress kid,man or woman nearby 
Mimcking Waves
The weakness of mimicking waves is the unpredictable chance of  attracting strong swordsmen  towards the voices he mimcks  and making  akuma easy to locate in busy areas as if akuma panics when mimicking you can hear the voice breaking and cracking out of character of a preassumed man,woman or child 
Water hideaways
The blood demon art is a combtion of offense and defense, it has ability to manifest a water puddle it allows travel underground hence allowing Akuma to escape or heal underground Additionally, the emergence of betta fishes from the puddle to defend and attack nearby threats 
Water hideaways weakness
The Water hideaways weaknness is that The betta fishes themselves are easily defeated  if put in enough effort Furthermore, the energy-draining nature of maintaining the water puddle limits its duration, making it suitable only for life-or-death scenarios. 
Additionally, Akuma's need to surface   at random intervals when the betta fishes are being defeated easily and akumas needed to take charge and level out the field   making  them vulnerable during these moment .
Aqua Blades
This blood demon art allows akuma to solidify summoud water making them into blades These blades can be controlled if akumas  pays attention to the blades form
Aqua Blades weakness 
The Aqua Blades weakness is it is needed get close to the swordsmen which has many risk and depending on the opponent it will put them  themselves in a vulnerable position. And it has the  increases the likelihood of being counterattacked or overpowered by opponents who may have superior strength or weaponry.
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