#or they're not and they don't but the amount of available spots remains the same
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bl-bracket · 9 months ago
Normally I don't like to offer commentary on the bracket while it's going on but I need to let y'all in on the absolute fever dream the past 24 hours have been
-prepping for the bracket, decides to throw in some more characters to make things more interesting
-still has dead friend forever on watchlist but remembers seeing gifs of the show and one of the characters seemed to be pretty unhinged
-goes to the dead friend forever tag, finds the guy, scrolls through the tags to figure out his name and sees a lot of people talking about how unhinged he is
-thinks: oh that's good that means he'll probably do well in the prelims
-he passes the prelims
-putting him in the seed: well he only has my one submission without any propaganda (because I have not yet watched the show) and dff doesn't have a ton of viewers logged on mdl compared to others so he's going to have a pretty low seed meaning round 1 will be rough but hey at least he still has the loser bracket to shine-
-he wins, beating the #2 seed out of 64, one of the most submitted characters, in ROUND ONE
anyways congrats to New from Dead Friend Forever for the biggest upset since I started seeding these things, knocking out one of the most submitted characters, and it was a character I added last minute without propaganda because I hadn't watched the show yet and was going off the memory of gifs I saw several months ago. you can see now why I've been losing my mind over this right
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writingquestionsanswered · 3 years ago
Do you have any advice on how to balance writing with everyday activities? It's just, I never find the right time to write and I always feel like there's something more important to do.
Balancing Writing with Daily Activities
In fact, I DO have advice! This is something I struggle with a lot, as do many other writers. ♥
Here are some things that have helped me:
1) Be Realistic About Your Available Free Time
Sit down with a calendar and look at the current month--or just the current week if you prefer. Block out any days where you know you won't have any time to write, maybe because you have full day plans or something scheduled during your usual downtime. Now, look at each remaining day and consider how many hours of free time you will have on those days. "Free time" would mean time where that time doesn't have to be devoted to something else. Now, for each of those days, list out the non-writing activities you'd like to fill that time with on each particular day. This would be things like be socializing, playing video games, watching TV, working on a fun project... whatever activities you'd like to do on those days in the free time you have available. Think about how much time you'd like to spend writing each day, then assign an amount of time to each activity--either how much time you'd want to spend or how much time you think you'd spend. Now, see how each day pans out. Is there room for writing?
2) Make Writing a Priority
We all love to do things we enjoy, whether that's completely re-do our Animal Crossing island as Fairy Core, watch Encanto for the 77th time, or spend time in nature and find a nice spot to read a good book. However... if you have four hours of free time Monday through Friday, you can't do all of those things AND spend an hour writing. Something's got to give. So, looking at the activities you want to do on a particular day again, see which of those things you can prioritize behind writing. Maybe you reeeally need to take that 1-hour nature walk each day for self-care, so that's a top priority. But maybe you work on writing for an hour after that, and if there's time leftover, you can watch Encanto again or work on your Animal Crossing island. Sometimes the only way to get writing done is to be honest with ourselves about what we really want to do versus what we need to do, in this case, need being spending time writing.
3) Try Hard-Scheduling Your Writing Time
During some rough patches, I've had luck hard-scheduling my writing time and keeping it up like an appointment that can't be cancelled. Treating it that way, both in terms of personal priority and prioritizing it with others, makes it a little easier to stick with sometimes. Looking at your free time again, pick an hour (or two, or three) each day--all the better if you can do the same hour each day--and commit to writing during that time. When you get to that time every day, get your butt in the chair and write no matter what.
4) Find the Quiet Time in Your Day
As busy as our days might be, you probably have some quiet time during the day. It might be in the morning when you wake up, or maybe right before you go to bed. It might be the hour between when you get home from school or work, and family members or roommates get home from school or work. It could even be your lunch break, your commute on public transportation, or maybe a gap between classes. If you can find that patch of quiet time during your day, find a way to seize it and write. Even if you only write for 15 or 20 minutes, doing that every day (or most days) will get you moving forward on your story.
5) Honestly, Just Do It. Or, Maybe Don't...
For all of the above, and all the times one of the above has worked well for me, one thing I've learned about myself is this:
I'm just making excuses...
Sure, there always seems to be more "important" things to do, but at the end of the day, most of those things aren't actually that important. They're things I choose to do instead of writing. Why? Well, there can be a number of reasons. It could be because writing is hard, and sometimes it's easier to clean or do laundry than to sit down and flesh out a character or work on a difficult plotting problem. It could be because I'm not in the mood to write, or because my mental well being isn't in a good place for writing. It could just be that I'm choosing to do other things besides writing for no particular reason.
So, try just sitting down... right now... shut down Tumblr, turn off Netflix, put your phone on vibrate, ask anyone you live with not to bother you for a bit, and just start writing. Right now. Read through the last few paragraphs that you wrote, and go for there. Or, if you're plotting, look at the last bit you plotted out, and move forward.
Or, maybe this is the moment where you realize you're not working on your story because you've lost interest in it, or maybe you have no idea where the plot is going. Or maybe your heart and/or brain just aren't in a good place, and you have to accept that right now isn't a good time to worry about writing--but things will get better. You can try again next week.
If you think something about yourself or your project is what's holding you back, try having a look at my Motivation master list of posts. See if you can troubleshoot the problem. Otherwise, like I said, you can try again next week. You'll get there, I promise!
You've got this! ♥
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whattodowithace · 4 years ago
Roommates Code: How it Began (Seyoon’s Story)
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Title: Roommates Code: How it Began
Pairing: Liju x Seyoon & Donghun (But can be reader x Seyoon & Donghun)
Genre: Humor, slight spice
Word count: 2187
Writer: Kpopmadness (Ju)
"Would you stop playing that video?" I groan, ready to throw my textbook at my schoolmate who sat on my head watching a music video for the hundredth time.
"I have to watch it closely. It's for science." She answers me, her eyes staying glued to the screen in front of her.
"You could help me with our homework project due in a few days. For science." I mimic her wording, making her narrow her eyes at me before shutting her laptop down to get her books.
This is how our relationship was. And how it probably always would be. My relationship with my classmate was fairly new. Both of us meeting one day at a study group in the library at our school. We continued to see each other for the next four weeks. The group we were with ignoring us most times, leaving us with just each other to talk to. Now we had moved our study sessions to my house. Us studying for school together becoming a weekly habit on top of sitting next to each other during lunch break at school as a excuse to hang out.
The room is silent for five minutes before she pipes up again; "You know, with the amount of times we talk to each other and see each other, we could move in together as roommates once we graduate." She tells me.
I look up from my book to meet her eyes, surprised to see she was actually being serious. I lean back in my chair as i say, "We would probably kill each other."
She shrugs, her long hair falling over her shoulder as she does so. "We might." She says, "Or we might not. We've been hanging out with each other for five months now and haven't manged to argue yet. And we don't seem to stress each other. And i don't see you or i getting boyfriends means how we like being alone so much."
I laugh,  the idea amusing and sounding fun. But it seemed a little outlandish means how we still had another nine months of high school left.
"We'll see where we are when we finish school. We might hate each other by then." I say before turning back to my book.
The problem with us, however, is when we kid about something, it often times happens somehow. Two months after graduating high school we found good paying jobs and a available apartment.
"I'll let you two look around a bit more." The landlord of our new apartment said as she walked down the stairs, "Congratulations on getting the place."
We both thanked her with smiles on our faces before shutting the door and letting out an excited scream. Our place small but roomy enough for us, making it feel like a palace compared to our small bedrooms at home. And the biggest difference was this was our place.
"Which room do you want?" She asks me as we make our way down the hall.
"You can have the bigger room. You have more things than i do." I tell her, stepping into what would be her bedroom.
"You've never had a big bedroom before though." She says, sounding guilty.
I laugh, "Please, my room has a bathroom. That's a luxury by itself."
We both laugh as we continue walking around our rooms. At one point I stand in my room trying to think of how to arrange things when i hear her call,
"If we shut our bedroom doors can we still hear each other?" She asks, poking her head into my room.
Our bedrooms were stationed right next to each other, the thought of being able to talk even from our rooms making me giggle.
"Lets see." I say through a laugh. Shutting my bedroom door, hearing her do the same a moment later.
She taps on the wall next to my room, the sound echoing through my empty room. "We could learn mores code!"   I hear her say as she starts randomly taping the wall with her hand.
I laugh and lean my back against the wall, "If our walls are this thin that means our neighbors can hear us. Which means they're going to wonder why your using mores code to summon Satan."
I hear her laugh as she walks out of her room and into mine, "But if we ever get boyfriends it might be an issue. We'll hear more of each other than is wanted."
Four years later:
I sit at the kitchen table one afternoon scrolling through my Ipad when the front door unlocks and my roommate steps inside. I open my mouth to greet her but quickly shut it when i see the man standing behind her.
"Thank you again for walking me home, Seyoon." She says, smiling at him as she leans her body weight against the door.
"It was no problem." He says sweetly, smiling back at her.
I bite my lip and slowly move off my chair to try to sneak away to my bedroom to give them some privacy. I had just stood up when she turns her head and looks at me,
"Where are you going?" She asks, a hint of annoyance in her voice.
I straighten and force a smile on my face, silently cursing her for drawing attention to me.
"Nowhere." I answer  in a sweet voice, my eyes narrowing at her.
"Hey Seyoon." I wave at him.
Seyoon waves back at me, "Hey, good to see you."  His smile widens as he looks back at my roommate before saying, "I should get going. But it was really good to see you all. Thank you for letting me walk you home." He says. I don't miss the way his hand slightly reaches for hers that rests on the doorknob or how he lingers at the door though. All of this making me smirk.
She thanks him again before shutting the door completely and whirling around to throw her bag at me. I let out a cry when it hits me on the shin.
"What the heck do you keep in there? Bricks?" I grumble as i rub my leg.
"I keep them in there for when i need to beat you to death." She fires  back. "I told you to stay in the same room as me if we ever see him. Then you try to wonder off!"
"He looked like he wanted to be alone with you!" I shout, a smirk on my lips.
She narrows her eyes at me before running up and kicking my feet out from under me, making me land on my back, air leaving my lungs.
She kicks me in the butt, making me scream.
"He walked you home! That's a clear sign he wants a relationship with you!"  I scream at her. Her face going red.
"I don't care, because i don't want a relationship with him." She mumbles quietly.
I stand up from the ground and brush myself off, "Are you sure about that?" I ask, making her hesitate but still narrow her eyes at me.
This had been an ongoing conversation between us for the past month. Kim Seyoon was her workmate, he also only lived a block away from our apartment. For the past month, he had been making it very clear he liked her. Making lunch for her, sending her texts to check on her when she didn't show up at work. He even brought over some soup once for me when i was sick and she had stayed home to make sure  i didn't die. Clearly trying to get on my good side as well.
Needless to say, i liked him for her. But her being the stubborn person she is, refused to admit she liked him or wanted a date with him. So for the past month we had talked, argued, and screamed at each other about the matter. Even though she denied it, i could see her walls cracking slightly. She was growing more of a weak spot for him than she wanted to admit.
"I'm going to go. I ordered a Pizza for dinner for us." I tell her as i pick up my car keys.
A smile grows on my roommates face at the mention of her favorite food. "This doesn't change anything. I still don't like you."
I laugh and roll my eyes, "I know." I sigh out as i walk out the door.
"This one?"
"No." I answer after observing the dress briefly that she had pulled from her closet.
"I don't know what to wear!" She groans in frustration. Raking her fingers through her hair.
After three months of bucking liking Seyoon, she finally caved in to him. Tonight being their first official date that he was going to pick her up for in an hour.
"I still say this dress," I tell her, holding up a red low cut dress with a thick black belt around l the waist.
"But i don't want to wear it." She whines, stomping her foot slightly.
I sigh and put the dress down on her bed. "You look good in it and you know he would like it. You just are too scared to wear it."
My roommate glares at me, mumbling words under her breath as she goes to put the dress i picked out on.
For the remaining hour we walk around our apartment finding things she needed to complete her look. Which included her borrowing one of my necklaces, me doing her hair while she worked on her makeup, and us arguing back and forth like always.
The doorbell rain as she was putting her shoes on, the noise making her jump and look at me panicked. I smirk at her as i wonder down the hall to my door so he couldn't see me when she opened the door. She gave me a passing glare as she went to open the door, Seyoon greeting her warmly in a white button down shirt and black slacks. His blonde hair falling over his eyes in fluffy locks. His eyes widening slightly and his voice going nervous when he saw her.
I smile to myself as i watch the pair walk out the door. I retreat into my bedroom for a night to myself while she was gone.
I stumble into the kitchen sleepily the next morning. My eyes refusing to stay open. I go to the fridge and pour some cold coffee into a cup when my roommate comes out of her room, her eyes sparkling.
"Good morning." She say brightly, going to the fridge to pour herself a glass of milk. Her long hair doing little to hide several of the dark patches that cover her neck and collarbone
I stand by the counter with a glare on my face as she does so. My gaze on her making her meet my eyes.
“Why are you looking at me like that? And why do you look so tired?"
"Maybe it's because certain people wouldn't stop moaning and panting last night." I snap. Making her almost spit her mouthful of milk all over the floor.
"You heard us?" She coughs.
"Our walls are paper thin!" I say, "Your bed is close to the wall so i could hear everything. Until 3AM i heard many many things."
"No.. you... you didn't,  did you?" She asks, her voice cracking and her eyes wide from shock.
"That's a good boy." I mimic, using one of her choice words that night.
She gasps loudly, her face and neck going red. "I thought you would be asleep!"  
"I was. But all the noise definitely woke me up." I tell her, finishing off my coffee to put the cup in the sink.
"We need a code of some sort if he's going to be coming over here a lot for your make outs." I tell her.
She gives me a nervous look, her face still red. "What kind of code?" She asks.
"Something. An agreement that we will leave when the other one wants to spend time alone with their boyfriend or something."
"You don't have a boyfriend." She jabs, a smirk tugging at her lips.
"Shut up." I snap, making her laugh.
For the next hour we sit on the couch going back and forth on the rules of this code. The code being simple enough, but holding a measure of  trust that the other one would respect the others privacy when asked. We had just finished setting special text tones for each other as part of the Roommates Code when Seyoon walked out into the living room. His blonde hair sticking up in funny places and several dark marks littering his neck.
“Do you guys always laugh so loud?" Seyoon teases, a smile tugging at his lips as he rubs his eyes.
"I know someone else who's loud."   I mumble under my breath, making my roommate stand up quickly and chase me to my room, screaming at me the entire time. Leaving a chuckling Seyoon to stand in the living room alone.
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theangrypokemaniac · 5 years ago
I've been on Tumblr ten months now, and this blog has existed for nine of them. During that time I have noticed something.
The majority of the posts I've come across have been by and for the S&M scene, as is to be expected.
The second-most frequent are Indigo League, which I don't think is bad going considering it was broadcast before most Tumblerries were born.
Third-most popular I would say is Sinnoh, probably for being the introduction for many here.
After that I've seen bits on Johto, a smattering of Orange League (unsurprising given it's briefness) and maybe a single item on Hoenn.
No one likes that then? Is it Max? Go on, it is.
What I find odd is that, in all that period, I haven't seen anything on Unova or Kalos. No fan art, no screen shots, nothing.
I'm sure someone can point to a bounty of pieces I've overlooked, all done within the last year, but if so, they're well-hidden, as none of the people I follow have shown any interest in re-blogging them.
If you have done any, you must admit the amount has depleted considerably.
Why is this? Is it of no interest anymore?
This in itself validates my own opinion. Had I been here when Unova and Kalos were broadcast, I presume over half of the posts I'd see would've been devoted to them. If I then spoke harshly of either, that would not have been well-received.
However, if dropped, both by the audience and writers as soon as the latest generation arrives, wasn't I right to not be impressed?
If cast aside by those who claimed to worship them, were they really of any worth at all?
Well the same fate has now befallen Alola. I make no secret of how much I despise it, and can not grasp its appeal for anyone.
I don't know how Pokémon even has a fanbase anymore, given that it's ugly, boring and repetitive.
Prior to the arrival of the S.S., I suspected that Alola material would drop, vanishing altogether once a year's worth came to a close, and so it has proved to be.
It's gone from making up roughly 60% - 70% of dashboard posts to about 10% - 20%, in only a few months. Is it that bad then?
It can't be explained as excitement for the new, not with the amount of coverage Kanto gets, and even that isn't motivated by reminiscence, given the average age of the current viewer.
Why are you still posting about something that old? It reminds me of my wasted youth, but what's your excuse?
Why, when the writers want to wallow in nostalgia, do they hark back to Kanto, which no modern fan can remember?
Is no one looking with misty-eyed fondness at Iris and Cilan? Why not?
Or is that an admission that it was so appallingly bad even the writers recognised it, that's why it's been so hastily forgotten?
You could watch Pokémon from the beginning to the close Sinnoh, skip the next two eras, starting again with Alola, and you would never know there'd been a between.
Unova is described as a 'soft reset', with regards to its inverted nature. The arrogance of those writers is staggering:
• Trying to erase all that'd gone before, supplanted by their half-arsed efforts.
• Redesigning everyone with Fish Eye and flat profiles.
• Resetting Ash as not even knowing the basics.
• Warping Team Rocket's established personalities into disgusting, soulless lizard people robbed of all charm and charisma.
• Only new Pokémon existing.
• Catches kept with Juniper not Professor Oak etc.
The irony is that Unova Pokémon are copies of the first 151, so whilst deliberately ignoring the past, they can't resist imitating it, thanks to their own woeful inadequacy. I suppose they hoped if they didn't notice, we wouldn't either.
They then undermined their own decision by stuffing everything available into the third run, as a blatant effort to win back the crowd, including:
• Reverting to Team Rocket's actual motto, not that embarrassingly pretentious codswallop.
Too bloody lazy to make it rhyme now!
Notice they opted not for the Sinnoh one, although more recent. It was straight back to the beginning.
• Look at these hundreds of Pokémon we suddenly remembered!
Just before Giovanni's mid-life crisis, Ash spotted a Rattata, but it having been so isolated from the outside world, his brain fell to mush at the concept, and pronounced it 'retarda'.
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Idiots are so easy to please!
• Charizard! Genwunners love Charizard! Give 'em Charizard and they'll forget everything else we've done! Let's condense his entire story arc into one episode of meaningless retelling!
So, Charizard was there to bait the first wave, and yet we had the plot we know repeated to us anyway?
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Don't refer to the past and everyone will think it's brand-new!
It makes no sense. How could this be done with the hope of drawing in old fans, and yet filling up an episode with it as plotline isn't an issue, when the intended targets know it's been done before?
• Butterfree! Genwunners loved Butterfree leaving! Let's condense his entire story arc into one episode of meaningless rehash!
Why would they remain when finding the same thing again, absent of feeling and subtlety, not to mention upon discovering the damage done elsewhere?
Recent incomers, who might assume it's a fresh idea, have no emotional connection with Butterfree, so who is it meant to please?
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Why is Mewtwo a woman?
• Mewtwo! Genwunners love Mewtwo! Let's copy its background for Genesect rather than be creative! Look, it's Mewtwo! Watch it!!!
Erm... It's not the same Mewtwo...
It's not the same Mewtwo?
You believe the way to an original fan's heart is to lie to them, and in the process smash a fundamental principle of canon that there can only be one Mewtwo?
The writers get a deserved excoriation round these parts, because someone has to, as what part of that film suggested the current crop give the tiniest toss about what matters to you and me?
I'm glad Unova is labelled 'the Dork Age' as every series since its dawn has been atrocious.
Hoenn and Sinnoh held massive flaws, but they're masterpieces compared to what followed. At least they felt like Pokémon, albeit a watery interpretation.
Unova has to be truly lowly for the dunces responsible to recognise it, and neither Kalos or Alola have been as cut off from their predecessors.
I don't believe that's a sign of contrition, more a matter of necessity. Thanks to the same personal limitations there just weren't enough new Pokémon in either era to make such insularity possible. Even between the two it'd be a scrape.
Except whilst previously invented Pokémon designs may be involved, there's no sign of actual familiar characters.
Ash took his original team to Johto, and even in Hoenn and Sinnoh, where local catches took precedent, older Pokémon were still referenced and came back for the League, but that stopped with Unova.
It's evil influence strikes again!
Despite flimsy nods to the past, which can't be avoided, each generation is now a world unto itself, to the point that individual episodes live by their own canon, a feeble web of strands unrelated to anything else.
Why is it considered 'retro' enough to say, have Forms of Kanto Pokémon, for which we're expected to be so grateful, when there's no mention of Ash's earlier squad?
Remember Tauros? And Kingler? And Muk?
Remember Bayleef? And Noctowl? And Heracross?
Remember Corphish? And Torkoal? And Swellow?
Remember Buizel? And Gible? And Torterra?
They don't. As far as I can tell none of them exist anymore, and maybe aren't meant to ever have done.
Same as Gary, Cassidy and Butch, Jessibelle, Tracey, and so on. Until they do, and don't again. Whatever is convenient to today's storyline.
My typical attitude is that the first series is the best thing ever, and it's all been downhill from there, with Unova and all that came after reaching incredible depths of tedium. I don't suppose you like that, but the ephemeral tendencies displayed on Tumblr hardly help change my opinion.
At some low ebb I'll get round to watching Galar, which I'm confident I'll hate as much as the last few generations, based on what I've already seen and heard.
There's little point doing otherwise. Why bother getting involved with the 'plot' or characters if, when it's over, they'll never be spoken of again?
What incentive is there for me to even force myself to like Galar when, once the ninth generation (Pokémon Keenan and Kel) emerges on the distant horizon, those who've sung its praises for three or four years and scoffed at criticism, will drop it without a backwards glance?
Yet talk about the Indigo League is ever present, somewhat proving its superiority. Attachment to it is a subconscious acknowledgement of the dearth of quality in the modern mentality, but which no one can bring themselves to admit.
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fatoomie2801 · 4 years ago
his queen | kyoya tategami
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💫 preview 💫
Metal Masters
"Ah! It's already started!" Kiara exclaimed as she entered the stadium, immediately being met with crowds of bladers who battled fiercely in order to collect as many points as possible. Her eyes frantically searched the arena for a familiar green-haired blader, rushing to his side as soon as she spotted him. "How late am I?"
"An hour," Kyoya responded.
"And you didn't wake me up because?" she remarked.
"I forgot," he lied. In reality, Kyoya didn't give two shits whether she woke up on time or not. He had purposely let her sleep in simply because he couldn't be bothered dealing with the amount of time it took her to get ready; it would just be a waste of his time and all she would do was slow him down. Plus, she sometimes threw one hell of a tantrum whenever she was woken up, and on a day like this, that was the last thing Kyoya wanted to deal with.
"You what?!"
"Look, there's still two hours left," he informed her. "I don't know why you're wasting your time talking to me."
"Two hours," the girl repeated to herself. "That should be enough time, right?" She sped off towards one of the bey stadiums and began battling any and all bladers around her, defeating them all in an instant and gathering as many points as she could. I have to make it into the top four, she told herself. 
It had been a year since the end of Battle Bladers. Kyoya and Kiara had recently returned to Metal Bey City after another exhausting yet thrilling training journey in Wolf Canyon, having become much stronger bladers as a result. The two of them, as well as many others across the country, were currently participating in a qualification tournament in which the top four bladers to gather the most points in three hours would earn the opportunity to become a representative for the Japanese team at the Beyblade World Championships, an international beyblade competition which would ultimately decide the strongest bladers in the world.
"Here we go. It's time to announce the results!" Blader DJ began after the two hours had passed. Already?! Kiara exclaimed internally. But I wasn't done yet! "The average number of points earned by the participants is eighty-seven, so you have to do better than that to make it. Which four have passed the qualifying round? Check it out! Tetsuya failed to qualify. Next! Tobio, Teru, and Ryutaro also failed to reach the next level. Unbelievable. So many strong bladers failed to qualify one after another, leaving only seven remaining."
"My name hasn't been mentioned yet. Could I be in the top four?" Kiara thought aloud. "I should have made it. Come on."
"Kenta, Benkei, and Kiara all gone," Blader DJ continued. "Too bad, so sad."
"Oh, for fuck's sake!" Kiara exclaimed, looking at the screen which displayed her name next to the number of points she had earned: 298. "I came fifth?!"
"Hold on dear beys, boys, and girls," Blader DJ declared. "It's time to announce the final four qualifiers! In fourth place: Yu, with 300 points!"
"Literally two points off!" the girl cried. "One more battle and I could've made it!"
"Next, in third place, with 350 total points, Masamune!"
"Who the fuck is he?" Kiara questioned, glancing at the picture displayed next to his name; a boy with black hair, a single red streak sticking out from the front of his head, and wide brown eyes. "Never seen him before. Where did such a strong blader come from?"
"And second place goes to, with 370 points, Tsubasa!"
"Awww, yay," she smiled. "At least one of us gets to go."
"And, on the top of the qualifying round, having earned 500 bey points," Blader DJ began.
"Woah, 500?" Kiara gasped. "In only three hours?!"
"And, the winner is, Kyoya!"
Kiara smiled as she looked over to the green-haired blader who stood proudly at the opposite side of the arena. "I'm not surprised at that one."
"That's the scoop! The four qualifiers have been decided. There are two more tickets to the Beyblade World Championships still up for grabs. So folks, who will take them?"
"So, you made first place. I'm not surprised," Kiara congratulated as she made her way over to Kyoya, a proud smirk forming on his face before instantly dropping once the girl continued to speak. "But it's not fair. If I had just woken up earlier, I definitely would've made it. It's all your fault. You should have woken me up! How do you even forget that I'm with you?!"
"Stop whining already," Kyoya remarked, annoyed.
"What do you mean 'stop whining'?" Kiara retorted. "This is the World Championships we're talking about, and I just about missed the opportunity to enter a tournament like that with bladers as strong as you and Gingka. Imagine all of us on the same team! Wouldn't that be awesome?!"
"Me and Gingka on the same team? What a joke," Kyoya scoffed, crossing his arms. "Did you forget that my sole purpose is to defeat him? How am I gonna do that if I'm on his team?"
"Oh, yeah..." Kiara chuckled in realisation. "Wait, does that mean you won't be joining the Japanese team?!"
"So why did you join this tournament then?"
"I'm only here to battle and show Gingka just how strong I've become after all my training."
"Seriously?!" Kiara screeched. "You know, if it wasn't for you, I could've had a chance at being on the team!"
"Shut up," Kyoya growled as he noticed the crowds of bladers looking their way. "You're loud as fuck and it's drawing attention."
"I'm never going to forgive you for this, just know that," Kiara retaliated, ignoring him.
"Japan isn't the only country going to the World Championships, you know," Kyoya spoke, tired of the girl's endless complaining. "You can just join the representative team for another country if you want to attend that badly."
"Like what, huh?"
"Like Africa."
"Africa isn't a country, you dumbass."
"I know that. Do you think I'm some kind of uneducated fool?" Kyoya deadpanned. "Anyways, listen. They're holding a qualifying tournament that's open to anyone from around the world and the team will represent the continent of Africa."
"How do you know that?"
"I know that because I needed a way to battle Gingka in the championships. How many more questions are you going to ask?"
"Just one more. One more."
"Yes, you can come. Just don't get on my nerves."
"Wha- How did you know I was going to ask to go with you?"
"Because you've been whining this entire time about not getting into the Japanese team," the boy sighed, stating the obvious. "Anyways, the next round will start soon. Let's go."
the rest of chapter 15 is available on wattpad:
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itiskhalsa · 7 years ago
House Cleaner Elizabeth Grove
There isn\'t a house that isn\'t really mosting likely to require Cleaning Services in Elizabeth Grove. Clean houses tend to earn it easier that you focus on the more crucial situations you have. Emphasis your initiatives on a solitary change at one time and be certain every person in your home gets on board before you include the succeeding one. It\'s rather simple to inform whether a residence is healthy just by watching the way it\'s cleansed. Home Cleaner Elizabeth Grove, House cleaner Elizabeth Grove, Office cleaning Elizabeth Grove, End of lease cleaning Elizabeth Grove, Carpet cleaning Elizabeth Grove, Home Cleaner and Steam Cleaning Elizabeth Grove.
 Cleaning is probably amongst the most frustrating and uninteresting tasks a family needs to manage. Some everyday cleaning works may need to be implemented more frequently compared to as soon as per day, depending on the use and footfall. Perhaps you\'re really feeling bewildered on duty and also require an individual to occupy the slack, or probably you have a very active family and also require an individual to use up a few of your everyday obligations so you could handle youngsters and also the residence with ease and confidence Exit cleaning Elizabeth Grove.
1. House Cleaner Elizabeth Grove.
For households falling in the high-income bracket, outsourcing their cleaning makes it simpler for them to stay even more concentrated on their professional jobs while maintaining a cleaner home in Elizabeth Grove Adelaide. House cleaner Elizabeth Grove and Home Cleaner Elizabeth Grove isn\'t something they ignore nowadays.
 Select a residence cleaning service which carefully matches your needs. The majority of clean-up companies are great enough for a rapid tidying of the home House cleaner Elizabeth Grove and Home Cleaner Elizabeth Grove, Adelaide.
 It\'s constantly crucial to choose one of the most credible firm to be able to avoid future difficulties Bond cleaning Elizabeth Grove, Home Cleaner Elizabeth Grove and Steam Cleaning Elizabeth Grove.
 A lot of cleaning businesses charge dependent on the services that you employ. Steam Cleaning Elizabeth Grove It\'s always far better to rent out a business over person. Based upon the contrast, you can seek the services of business that provides the maximum services in your budget.
 Deol Cleaning Services provide a range of plans to match households with different demands and also budgets. A personalized service for your specific needs may just be available only by the Deols.
2. Home Cleaning Elizabeth Grove.
Cleaning the Office should be done frequently. There is little rejecting that a clean Office makes an excellent impact on customers and employees. A tidy Office will certainly help to de-clutter your mind and also will help staff members work much better Office cleaning Elizabeth Grove.
 A lot of people discover it challenging to preserve a spick-and-span Office. A dirty Office, on the various other hand, could switch off customers, lower employee morale and also show a general lack of interest to maintain an expert work environment for an organisation.
 Luckily, you are able to work with cleaning services to do the tricky job of cleaning. A workplace cleaning business has an outstanding problem on offering a clean and also healthier atmosphere to its customers. An experienced Office cleaning service is going to do their absolute best to earn certain you obtain an excellent service that you delight in with.
 Rather than trying to receive your cleaning completed in-house as well as with your own employees, you might have the ability to really invest less with time by using qualified cleansers, when you bring into calculation the hourly price of your Office staff members, and the moment they take to tidy compared with the price as well as time and the high quality of the job done by professionals.
 Outsourcing a commercial cleaning business is easily one of the most cost-effective janitorial cleaning alternative for your organisation.
You, as an example, don\'t need to offer the cleansers additional included benefits when you outsource.
Choose a cleaning service supplier carefully Office cleaning businesses should demonstrate they\'re prepared to do a fantastic task.
Office cleaning Elizabeth Grove To earn the most effective choice, you should understand a bit about how cleaning service providers perform their company.
 At the really the very least, one has to just seek the services of a company which understands the method to utilize the best cleaning processes and also techniques. Reliable cleaning firms often have teams that might collaborate with minimal supervision.
 Deol Cleaning Services is one such firm that ensures high quality cleaning service for its clients with the assistance of professional cleaners and superior high quality tools as well as materials. Besides the above, we are always happy to personalize our cleaning to satisfy details demands of our clients.
3. End Of Lease Cleaning Elizabeth Grove Adelaide.
Is it time to hand over the tricks to the property manager? If of course, then whether your lease contract mentions it or not, you as a renter, are expected to perform just what is called End Of Lease Cleaning Elizabeth Grove\'. End of lease cleaning means the cleaning an occupant does when his service period or lease comes to its regular end and also he is about to move-out.
 Basically, a renter is called for to clean the residence or other rented area to the fulfillment of the proprietor & End Of Lease Cleaning Elizabeth Grove.
 Moving from your house is demanding enough, leaving it unclean and placing your bond at risk is not a smart person\'s decision. The best advised means to handle a scenario like this is to have professional cleaners do the job for you, as well as making matters even smoother, work with a business which ensure your bond back as a result of their cleaning.
 Undoubtedly, relocating resident is always a complicated task. Without a proper cleaning of your leased area whether it is a residence, or an industrial Office, you will not get your bond cash back from the real estate representative or the property owner end of lease cleaning Elizabeth Grove. Sell Cleaning Equipments in Elizabeth Grove.
 In concerns to end of lease cleaning, it is frequently taken an extremely cankerous undertaking for people. When compared to the feasible damages equivalent to the amount of the bond loan paid by the tenant, it is just important to hire the services of expert cleaners to make sure a job that will certainly ensure your bond back.
 The expense of having your residence cleansed is a small rate to pay against the amount of the bond that you are anticipating back Office cleaning Elizabeth Grove Adelaide and also end of lease cleaning Elizabeth Grove.
 We are so positive about our cleaning requirements, we provide you 7 day free re-clean warranty. As soon as we cleansed your location and also your house manager is not satisfied with our cleaning, allow us know within 7 days of cleaning and we will send our cleansers back again for re-cleaning at no extra cost.
4. Carpet Cleaning Elizabeth Grove Adelaide.
Manufacturers advise cleaning your carpets as soon as each year, and also a little bit more frequently in high-traffic areas. Shampooing carpets once or twice a year helps your Carpet maintain a newer fresher appearance. It\'s also a lot more sanitary as it gets rid of spots and also dirt from deep within the Carpet fibres.
 Here\'s a fantastic all-purpose carpet-cleaning service that makes use of routine family ingredients: half white vinegar as well as half water blended in a spray container. Blot up as a lot of the stain as you could initially then spray with the white vinegar/water blend. Lay down a couple of layers of paper towels and also a hefty object, such as a book, ahead. It will certainly assist blot up even more of the stain. Repeat until stain is gone Carpet Cleaning Elizabeth Grove.
 Most type of carpets are expensive. Every Carpet requires a various cleaning method based upon the product utilized. Cleaning the Carpet on your own can be a challenging work, particularly in case the Carpet is as well big and filthy. The remedy is allowed to continue the Carpet for a suitable dwell or reaction time Office cleaning Elizabeth Grove.
 To generate your Carpet adorn a new look, it is very important to pick a cleaning method which suits
the fabric in addition to the sort of fibers that are used in your Carpet or rug. While the above discussed techniques are super-effective in cleaning the full Carpet, they could wind up being quite costly to get rid of small spots on a little spot Home Cleaner Elizabeth Grove, House cleaner Elizabeth Grove.
5. Steam Cleaning Elizabeth Grove
Always more effective to speak to a specialist Carpet cleaner when you would like to utilize in this manner of cleaning carpeting, because they are conscious of the sort of fabric and also the temperature of water required for every carpeting fabric Home Cleaner Elizabeth Grove, House cleaner Elizabeth Grove and Steam Cleaning Elizabeth Grove.
 The finest approach to start cleaning your Carpet is to earn a timetable for the same. There are various ways of cleaning a rug and also a specialist Carpet cleaning Elizabeth Grove, like Deol Cleaning Services, will provide the majority of them. A carpeting is not like a shirt or a blouse that you could clean usually in the washing machine Carpet Cleaning Elizabeth Grove and Steam Cleaning Elizabeth Grove.
 In case the carpets as well as pad typically aren\'t dried promptly and correctly you will likely have a concern with remaining musky scents and mold and mildew House cleaner Elizabeth Grove or Home Cleaner Elizabeth Grove, Adelaide and also Office cleaning Elizabeth Grove.If you chose to clean out the Carpet on your own, be mindful that you will certainly need to remove all the furniture as well as conduct the session House cleaner Elizabeth Grove. Home cleaner Elizabeth Grove, Office cleaning Elizabeth Grove, Carpet Cleaning Elizabeth Grove and Steam Cleaning Elizabeth Grove.
 Carpets for Steam Cleaning Elizabeth Grove are certainly amongst the most essential things that we have the ability to see in our houses. As time passes, the Carpet ends up being filthy though. If your carpets end up being saturated due to the too much use of water, they could reduce and also could develop mold and mildew additionally.
 Take a look at the means you have the ability to cleanse your rugs and also never ever regret the decision you have actually made. Steam Cleaning Elizabeth Grove When you have accessibility to a carpeting cleaning company there isn\'t really any reason you should be limited to managing the job yourself House cleaner Elizabeth Grove or Home Cleaner Elizabeth Grove.
6. House cleaner Elizabeth Grove, Office Cleaning Elizabeth Grove, End Of Lease Cleaning Elizabeth Grove, Home Cleaner Elizabeth Grove and Carpet Cleaning Elizabeth Grove.
A Carpets help clients obtain their impression as well as should you desire to have a thriving organisation, first impressions need to declare. In regards to cleaning rugs, you have the ability to prefer to clean them yourself or use an expert cleaner end of lease cleaning Elizabeth Grove.
 In addition, it means the carpeting will be wet for a long time, consequently do not utilize this method as a fast fix, considering that there\'s nothing quick concerning it. It\'s a very low moisture method as well as may be made use of on a wide variety of rugs. Steam Cleaning Elizabeth Grove The Carpet is going to be covered with an one-of-a-kind cleaning powder.
 Shampoo cleaning means of Carpet cleaning Elizabeth Grove has ended up being one of the most typical approach utilized for Carpet cleaning Elizabeth Grove, as it doesn\'t require any expert support and is a do-it-yourself task. Each kind of cleaning has its personal peculiar benefits as well as drawbacks end of lease cleaning Elizabeth Grove, Steam Cleaning Elizabeth Groveand Carpet Cleaning Elizabeth Grove.
 So it is extremely clear that not all carpets cleaning methods are the precise same. A number of times every year, deep cleaning should occur. It\'s far better to carry out deep cleaning before heavy messing takes place. Suitable cleaning as well as maintenance of rugs includes in their style and also supplies a brand-new appearance to the house end of lease cleaning Elizabeth Grove.
 Only cleaning with heavy steam provides you deep cleaning which will be required to take out all the spots. The kind of cleaning you obtain will certainly count on the type you want Office cleaning Elizabeth Grove, Adelaide. Damp cleaning is conveniently the most typical practice for cleaning carpets.
 Let your toddler enjoy his creeping on a carpeting that has actually been cleansed by expert team of Deol Cleaning Services. Click right here to organise a cost-free quote for your demands Home Cleaner Clearview.
0 notes
itiskhalsa · 7 years ago
House Cleaner Eastwood
There isn\'t a home that isn\'t really mosting likely to need Cleaning Services in Eastwood. Clean residences tend to make it less complex that you concentrate on the more important situations you have. Focus your initiatives on a solitary adjustment at once as well as be specific every person in your house gets on board before you include the subsequent one. It\'s rather easy to tell whether a home is healthy simply by checking out the way it\'s cleaned. House cleaner Eastwood, Office cleaning Eastwood, End of lease cleaning Eastwood, Home Cleaner Eastwood, Carpet cleaning Eastwood, Home Cleaner and Steam Cleaning Eastwood.
 Cleaning is possibly amongst one of the most bothersome as well as monotonous tasks a house has to manage. Some everyday cleaning works may have to be carried out regularly than once each day, relying on the use as well as tramp. Perhaps you\'re really feeling bewildered at work and require an individual to take up the slack, or possibly you have an extremely busy household and also require a person to occupy a few of your day-to-day responsibilities so you can handle kids as well as the house with ease and also confidence Exit cleaning Eastwood.
1. House Cleaner Eastwood.
For households dropping in the high-income bracket, outsourcing their cleaning makes it easier for them to remain more focused on their expert tasks while preserving a cleaner residence in Eastwood Adelaide. House cleaner Eastwood and Home Cleaner Eastwood isn\'t really something they ignore nowadays.
 Select a residence cleaning service which closely matches your demands. Most clean-up organizations are good sufficient for a fast tidying of the residence House cleaner Eastwood and Home Cleaner Eastwood, Adelaide.
 It\'s constantly essential to choose one of the most reliable business to be able to prevent future difficulties Bond cleaning Eastwood, Home Cleaner Eastwood and Steam Cleaning Eastwood.
 A large amount of cleaning companies bill based on the services that you work with. It\'s always much better to rent a company over individual. Accordinged to the contrast, you could look for the services of business that offers the maximum services in your budget.
 Deol Cleaning Services supply a selection of bundles to match houses with various needs as well as budget plans. A personalized solution for your specific needs may simply be readily available just by the Deols.
2. Home Cleaning Eastwood.
Cleaning the Office should be executed routinely. There is little rejecting the fact that a clean Office makes an exceptional impact on clients as well as staff members. A clean Office will help to de-clutter your mind and will assist employees work better Office cleaning Eastwood.
 A great deal of people discover it hard to keep a spick-and-span Office. A dirty Office, on the various other hand, can turn off customers, reduced employee spirits as well as depict an overall lack of excitement to preserve an expert work environment for an organisation.
 Luckily, you have the ability to employ cleaning businesses to do the difficult job of cleaning. An office cleaning firm has an excellent concern on giving a tidy and also much healthier setting to its clients. A skilled Office cleaning service is going to do their best to make sure you obtain an excellent service that you delight in with.
 Rather than attempting to get your cleaning finished internal and with your personal workers, you could have the ability to actually invest less with time by using certified cleansers, when you bring right into computation the per hour price of your Office staff members, as well as the moment they take to tidy compared with the price and also time and the high quality of the job done by professionals.
 Outsourcing a commercial cleaning company is quickly the most cost-effective janitorial cleaning option for your organisation.
You, as an example, don\'t should supply the cleansers extra included benefits when you outsource.
Choose a cleaning company supplier sensibly Office cleaning companies must demonstrate they\'re prepared to do a wonderful work.
Office cleaning Eastwood To earn the very best option, you should understand a bit regarding how cleaning contractors conduct their company.
 At the very the very least, one has to only seek the services of a company which understands the means to use the best cleaning procedures and also techniques. Reliable cleaning firms usually have personnels that might deal with marginal supervision.
 Deol Cleaning Services is one such firm that makes certain top-notch cleaning service for its customers with the assistance of expert cleansers and also exceptional high quality tools and materials. Besides the above, we are constantly happy to tailor-make our cleaning to meet certain requirements of our clients.
3. End Of Lease Cleaning Eastwood Adelaide.
Is it time to hand over the keys to the proprietor? If yes, then whether your lease agreement specifies it or not, you as a lessee, are expected to execute exactly what is called End Of Lease Cleaning Eastwood\'. End of lease cleaning suggests the cleaning a tenant does when his service period or lease pertains to its periodic end and he will move-out.
 Essentially, a lessee is required to clean the residence or other leased room to the contentment of the landlord & End Of Lease Cleaning Eastwood.
 Moving out of your dwelling is daunting enough already, leaving it dirty and placing your bond in jeopardy is not a wise person\'s choice. The very best recommended method to manage a scenario like this is to have professional cleaners do the job for you, and also to make matters even smoother, employ a company which assure your bond back as an outcome of their cleaning.
 Undoubtedly, moving house is always a challenging task. Without an appropriate cleaning of your leased space whether it is a home, or a commercial Office, you won\'t get your bond refund from the property agent or the proprietor end of lease cleaning Eastwood cleaning Products in Eastwood.
 In concerns to finish of lease cleaning, it is frequently taken an exceptionally cankerous endeavor for individuals. When compared to the possible damages equivalent for the bond cash paid by the renter, it is just wise to hire the services of specialist cleansers to guarantee a task that will certainly assure your bond back.
 The price of having your residence cleaned is a tiny cost to pay against the quantity of the bond that you are anticipating back Office cleaning Eastwood Adelaide and also end of lease cleaning Eastwood.
 We are so positive about our cleaning criteria, we offer you 7 day totally free re-clean assurance. Once we cleansed your location as well as your home supervisor is not satisfied with our cleaning, Steam Cleaning Eastwood let us know within 7 days of cleaning and we will certainly send our cleansers back again for re-cleaning at no additional cost.
4. Carpet Cleaning Eastwood Adelaide.
Manufacturers advise cleaning your carpets once annually, and also a little more often in high-traffic locations. Shampooing rugs one or two times a year aids your Carpet retain a more recent fresher appearance. It\'s also much more sanitary as it removes spots and also dirt from deep within the Carpet fibres.
 Here\'s a wonderful all-round carpet-cleaning remedy that makes use of normal household active ingredients: fifty percent white vinegar and also half water blended in a spray bottle. Blot up as much of the stain as you could initially and after that spray with the white vinegar/water combination. Lay down a few layers of paper towels and also a heavy object, such as a publication, on the top. It will certainly help blot up even more of the stain. Repeat till discolor is gone Carpet Cleaning Eastwood.
 Most sort of rugs are expensive. Every Carpet asks for a various cleaning technique based upon the material used. Cleaning the Carpet on your own could be a difficult job, especially in the event the Carpet is also big and dirty. The treatment is permitted to keep on the Carpet for a proper dwell or response time Office cleaning Eastwood.
 To create your Carpet decorate a new appearance, it is essential to select a cleaning technique which fits
the material in addition to the kind of fibers that are employed in your Carpet or carpet. While the above stated techniques are super-effective in cleaning out the complete Carpet, they can wind up being fairly costly to remove small discolorations on a little patch Home Cleaner Eastwood, House cleaner Eastwood.
5. Steam Cleaning Eastwood
Constantly preferable to talk to an expert Carpet cleaner when you would love to use in this manner of cleaning carpeting, since they are conscious of the type of textile and the temperature of water necessary for each carpeting fabric Home Cleaner Eastwood, House cleaner Eastwood and Steam Cleaning Eastwood.
 The finest method to begin cleaning your Carpet is to earn a timetable for the same. There are various means of cleaning a rug and a professional Carpet cleaning Eastwood, like Deol Cleaning Services, will provide the majority of them. A rug is not such as a t-shirt or a shirt that you could wash generally in the washing machine Carpet Cleaning Eastwood and Steam Cleaning Eastwood.
 In case the carpets and also pad aren\'t dried out promptly and also effectively you will likely have an issue with remaining musky smells and also mold and mildew House cleaner Eastwood or Home Cleaner Eastwood, Adelaide and also Office cleaning Eastwood.If you opted to clean out the Carpet by yourself, be conscious that you will have to remove all the furniture and also perform the session House cleaner Eastwood. Home cleaner Eastwood, Office cleaning Eastwood, Carpet Cleaning Eastwood and Steam Cleaning Eastwood.
 Carpets for Steam Cleaning Eastwood are indeed among the most important things that we are able to see in our homes. As time passes, the Carpet comes to be filthy though. If your rugs become saturated due to the too much use of water, they can shrink as well as may develop mold likewise.
 Have a look at the ways you are able to clean your carpets and also never be sorry for the decision you have actually made. Steam Cleaning Eastwood When you have accessibility to a carpeting cleaning firm there isn\'t any reason you must be limited to managing the job yourself House cleaner Eastwood or Home Cleaner Eastwood.
6. House cleaner Eastwood, Office Cleaning Eastwood, End Of Lease Cleaning Eastwood, Home Cleaner Eastwood and Carpet Cleaning Eastwood.
A Carpets aid clients acquire their first impression as well as needs to you wish to have a growing company, impressions need to declare. In relation to cleaning rugs, you are able to opt to wash them on your own or utilize a professional cleaner end of lease cleaning Eastwood.
 In enhancement, it implies the carpeting will certainly be damp for a long time, consequently don\'t utilize this approach as a fast repair, since there\'s absolutely nothing fast regarding it. It\'s an extremely reduced wetness method as well as might be made use of on a broad number of carpets. Steam Cleaning Eastwood The Carpet is mosting likely to be covered with a special cleaning powder.
 Shampoo cleaning means of Carpet cleaning Eastwood has come to be one of the most normal method used for Carpet cleaning Eastwood, as it doesn\'t need any professional support and is a diy task. Each sort of cleaning has its personal peculiar advantages and disadvantages end of lease cleaning Eastwood, Steam Cleaning Eastwoodand Carpet Cleaning Eastwood.
 So it is extremely clear that not all carpeting cleaning approaches are the exact same. A number of times each year, deep cleaning ought to take place. It\'s much better to implement deep cleaning before hefty messing takes place. Proper cleaning and also upkeep of rugs contributes to their beauty and provides a brand-new look to the home end of lease cleaning Eastwood.
 Only cleaning with vapor provides you deep cleaning which will certainly be called for to secure all the discolorations. The sort of cleaning you obtain will rely on the kind you want Office cleaning Eastwood, Adelaide. Damp cleaning is conveniently one of the most common technique for cleaning carpets.
 Let your young child enjoy his creeping on a carpet that has been cleansed by specialist personnel of Deol Cleaning Services. Click here to organise a free quote for your demands Home Cleaner Morphettville.
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