#or the only events near me being catered to cis gay men aughhh
for pride ask thing! <3
Answers below the cut!
28) Do you experience both romantic and sexual attraction? Do you experience them the same across any gender(s) you are attracted to?
Yes, I think so? I identify as pansexual, everyone is hot all of the time lol. I think attraction to each individual person feels different, though. I am a constant case of someone who is in love with their friends. Tbh to me I don't feel a real separation between romantic or sexual or platonic attraction, what makes the most sense to me is that there are people I feel affectionate towards, and usually that just feels like a bundle of all of the above!
33) What about your LGBT identity do you feel proud of/want to recognize/celebrate?
gender queerness/gender non-conformity! The community we built here and the people I've met through this work really REALLY altered my relationship with my body and gender presentation. I've always been very attracted to gender nonconformity but it can be hard/scary to perform in a very cishet society. Getting to know all of you and having a very free environment for bodies of all kinds really gave me the confidence to dress how I want in public, and to get more comfy with the overlapping and layered labels I may use.
34) What are you needing most right now (what would make your life easier or more fulfilling in regards to existing as queer)?
Community with other trans folks. I'm in Texas and I've been trying to leave my entire life. I've encountered so few other trans people that I can have casual hangouts with or talk about day to day life with, or even have intimate relationships with. The closest I get to meeting other trans people in person tends to be driving hours to attend a queer event a couple times a year. It's been a big struggle for me this past year.
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