#or the least wanted experiences of exposure to said song components
telomirage · 1 month
this clapcast…I'm genuinely crying laughing along with these friends at this table. "there's an implicit thing here that cowboys are less popular than ketchup"
link to the mp3s they listened to and notes from the composer: here
1. The Most Wanted Song
A musical work that will be unavoidably and uncontrollably "liked" by 72 ± 12% of listeners
2. The Most Unwanted Song
Fewer than 200 individuals of the world's total population will enjoy this
13 notes · View notes
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Countdown Profile: Week 5 Antonio David Lyons (’13)
Antonio David Lyons (’13) is an actor, musician, and activist. Antonio produces work with the Oregon Shakespeare Festival and is founder of We Are Here, an initiative to address masculinity with boys and men from New York to Capetown, through theatre. Interview by Michael Wilson (’11). 
 What are you up to in the world today, Mr. Antonio Lyons? 
At the moment I am getting ready to head to South Africa tomorrow, for a bit of respite, and to check in with my organization, We are Here, and the people on the ground there...and also shoot a music video for a song I recorded the last time I was in South Africa. 
And yesterday was quite a whirlwind day: I finished guest starring on an episode of a TV series here, called Seal Team, playing a Congolese general…very interesting storyline dealing with the complications of war. 
Then also, I accepted an offer from the Oregon Shakespeare Festival for a nine-month contract with them, starting in January, to produce a version of Comedy of Errors...it’s part of a larger envisioning by Lue Douthit, called Play On!, where she commissioned a series of playwrights who were people of color, had different gender identities, sexualities, to reimagine works of William Shakespeare. One: to make the work more accessible, and, two: to move the conversation that Shakespeare started in his work further. It will be a touring show that engages communities in a very meaningful kind of way…[without the] elitist component that often comes with Shakespeare.
 Sure, everyone thinks it’s just…it is from the white, European canon. And it has this history of consolidating white culture and white power. 
Exactly. Exactly. I think it will elevate the work. 
And I know also that you’ve been involved with the Oregon Shakespeare Festival for years. Do you remember the year that you started with them? 
The first time I went must have been 2013 or 2014…it was like right after we graduated, this opportunity came up, to go as a producing fellow. 
How does the experience you had at the MA [in Applied Theatre] inform the work you do at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival? 
You know, I’ve been really fortunate, because every time I’ve gone to the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, it’s been to do work that absolutely uses artistic practices to engage community in meaningful ways. The first time I went was as a producing fellow, and I really learned a lot about the organization, about how a major institution like that produces theatre. One of the things that attracted me to it was that the artistic director is and was at the time Bill Rauch, who had come from Cornerstone Theatre. I was really interested in getting a handle on how he brought those sensibilities from Cornerstone as a community-based theatre really focused on helping people tell their stories, and helping people use theatre to address issues that were impacting their communities. 
I’m interested in this craft and challenge of using old English plays to work in equity—what’s a moment or story of how that’s worked for you? 
The process of commissioning. This work of William Shakespeare is always treated very preciously, as if it can’t be touched, it can’t be adapted, it can’t be updated, it can’t be expanded…and what Play On! does, is it challenges these notions of white supremacy inherent in language and culture: that it [Shakespeare's language] can only fit in certain bodies. Play On! Challenges all of that. It challenges marginalized bodies, and allows them to take this work, find themselves in the work, and see what it looks like in their skin, from their world view, which I think is very much about what it means to be an applied theatre practitioner. 
Moving on, to help readers understand the multi-interested, multi-talented person you are: describe your music.
 Oh my god. It’s my heart. Laughs. My music is my heart. It allows me, in a visceral kind of way, to say things that I don’t often get to say, to express things that I’m thinking, to address issues that are meaningful to me, and to use words and sound to move people…put that together and my music is a…heart movement. My music is a heart movement! 
I’m sad this is only a written piece…the way you said “heart movement” was a song right there! 
Laughs. Yeah. It uses the fullness of who I am, in terms of my Caribbean-ness, the African-inspired-ness, particularly of South Africa, with me having lived there for so long. It incorporates my poetry…and when I’m performing, it incorporates my dance. 
And where can people find it?
  Antoniodavidlyons.com and it’s also on Spotify and iTunes and Amazon. 
 Let’s jump over to We Are Here, because this would not be a complete conversation without talking about your project. Would you describe it? 
We Are Here, it started as a one-person show, then it moved into this social activism campaign. Now it’s grown into a non-profit to addresses the core issues of identity, masculinity, and gender-based violence. In 2016, 2017, we were able to expand the work as we expanded the organization, to also include addressing issues of sexual and reproductive health and HIV/AIDS prevention. Part of what we really were aware of is that same sort of negative behaviors that can lead to gender-based violence can lead to exposure to HIV/AIDS and other STIs. The risky behavior is the same. 
And over the course of the years, it was amazing to grow from the show, post workshop discussions, some workshops here and there, to having a new five-day curriculum, that went into community and strategically worked with populations of men and boys that ranged from 12 to about 30. We went from it being primarily two people and a part-time volunteer-ish person, to now having three kind of full-time people and five facilitators to do that work. 
That’s amazing. I didn’t know that was happening. 
Yeah. It was part of the US Government, through PEPFAR and Johnson and Johnson—they launched an initiative called DREAMS. The DREAMS initiative was all over the continent, and it was a search for best practices in addressing HIV and AIDS, with primarily women and girls, and also rolling out a preventative tool called PrEP. We were approached by a female-led organization out of Atlanta, called Sister Love, to be partners with them in applying for the DREAMS initiative grant, to do work in south Africa. We said yes, because part of the grant provided opportunities to do programming for male partners of their primary target population. 
And so that happened, and it was a really amazing opportunity. The organization grew, we learned a great deal. We were able to have what I felt was a really great impact with some of the young men and boys we engaged with. 
What were the biggest obstacles to healthy relationships that you worked with, with these men and boys? 
You know, this idea of masculinity. One moment that comes to mind is this deep-dive conversation we were having, in the relationship module. [The men were] having conversations about how women are not able to be your friend—that they’re sexual objects. A great many of them were absolutely full-on committed to this idea. And what else came out of that moment was the thing that applied theatre does, right? Use theatre-based approaches to have conversations, and, if it’s well scaffolded, to create opportunities where people are easing into thinking and changes, and, before they know it, they’re having these epiphanies. One of the young men, in the midst of the conversation with his other friends, said, "I didn’t know you guys thought that way.” And he was like, “I don’t agree.” And it was a really difficult moment, challenging his friends and his peers on their behaviors. And challenging himself. We did the difficult work of holding space for that conversation.
 What was the hardest part about it?
 I think the hardest part was where I didn’t know where it was going to go. I was like, “oh my god, oh my god, we done opened up something here.” Because you want to hold space where people can have difficult conversations and not walk away wounded to the point of not being able to find healing. Or to [not be able to] come back to themselves. 
Would you say more about how you used theatre in those projects?
 In terms of the activities…they did some role playing. We did a lot of physical stuff, because we realized that, for men and boys, moving was really important. We used assessment tools, like human barometer. We used opportunities for collaging and visioning. We used an opportunity for them to do, in role playing, hotseating.
 Did you use the piece, the poetry that was the basis for your solo show? 
From that, I developed processes where we used the text. They would read from the text, and then there would be an opportunity to create the text embodied, then transform whatever that story was, and make it applicable to their own lives. 
How much did you share from your own story: hey, this is me, Antonio, I’m a facilitator, I got into this work because… 
I didn’t share that in that way, but, at points within processes, challenging dangerous ideas required a fine line between being a facilitator and being a mentor. Because there’s this…I think, at least for the community that I engaged with, as a facilitator there’s this unrealistic expectation that you would be neutral, in a way. And I think it’s problematic and unnecessary and dangerous, because what you’re asking of participants is to be open, honest, and vulnerable. Then in this neutral, semi-therapeutic role, you’re not [being open, honest, and vulnerable, yourself]. When you open up and reveal a part of yourself and your perspective…you break down that sense of hierarchy, you know. 
What’s a point where you stepped in with that mentor side? 
That conversation around women as friends. Because while they were able to challenge each other to a particular point, there was a hard disruption that had to happen, in terms of what it does to a community and a society, and to women themselves, when you cannot humanize women. When you cannot humanize other people. 
What about men who have sex with men and, you know, I’ve never been to South Africa, but I would not be surprised if that was one of these invisible things—it happens but no one talks about it.
 No, that’s real. There are lots of organizations that specifically and openly deal with men and MSM communities. There aren’t a lot of organizations that incorporate that in terms of the bridge between heterosexuals and MSMS, in terms of building relationships and understanding— 
—but what about these boys, because masculinity— 
 Well with us—
 How did you deal with that? 
—with us what we did not do was ask anybody about their sexual identity. Or how they engage sexually. And it’s always a hard line for me, because I never want any other identified person to feel marginalized or spotlighted. I don’t allow certain languages that may be derogatory to pass by. Because there was one point where that came up. The term that was used for a gay man was a “half man.” [I said] “Okay, let’s deal with that. Let’s get all the way in that right now.” So we did. The people who identified as gay in the room quickly understood, “okay...”
 “…he’s got our back.” 
All the facilitators in the room got our back. And those who use that language understood, this is going to be challenged, and that’s not okay in this space. And they’re able to engage with these other people who were clear about who they were, and walk away with a different perspective. 
Thank you. No surprise, we’re coming up on 40 minutes here, and I feel like we’re just getting started…what would you want someone who is thinking about building a life in theatre and education and social justice to know, what gift would you give them? 
Lean into your passion, and that it’s all possible. 
We were talking years ago and you’d wanted to have this kind of thing come to fruition, from the growth of We Are Here to landing acting gigs of the profile that you were just shooting recently. So it’s possible indeed. 
Yeah, I’m really excited. I’m really excited to see where it goes next. I’m looking at putting together a tour of We Are Here in the US next year, so working with my managers on crafting that, doing a guest star recurring on Bosch, and I’ll be back on that series in the new year. Yeah, you know, now we’re in the hard part of trying to identify funding sources in South Africa. Because that project was for a limited time, in terms of that funding source. It ended up being a very challenging experience, but we learned, and we move forward. 
You learn and you move forward. 
That’s the skinny my friend. 
Thank you so much. Travel safe tomorrow. 
Thank you. Ah. I’m so excited. I’m exhausted and excited at the same time.
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jerrytackettca · 5 years
Electronic Music to Repel Mosquitoes?
Although you might find them annoying in the summertime, mosquitoes are an important part of the ecosystem. Mosquito larvae live in the water and provide food for fish and other wildlife, including larvae of other species such as dragonflies. Mosquito larvae eat and recycle microscopic organic matter.
Adult mosquitoes are part of the diet of insect eating animals such as bats, spiders and dragonflies. They also help pollinate flowers as they drink the nectar. Opinions differ as to what would happen if mosquitoes were eradicated from the face of the Earth.1
Some estimate the number of migratory birds nesting between Canada and Russia would drop by more than 50 percent. In the absence of larvae, hundreds of species of fish would need to change their diet to survive. Most mosquito-eating birds would need to switch to other insects. Overall, mosquito loss would be experienced by many species.
That said, for humans, they are an annoyance. While male mosquitoes don't bite humans, but rather feed off flowers’ nectar, females require proteins and other components in blood meals to develop and lay eggs.
At best, the bite is an itchy nuisance and at worse it may transmit diseases like malaria, encephalitis and West Nile virus. Mosquitoes may even spread Lyme disease. A recent study by researchers in Malaysia suggests mosquitoes were affected by electronic music.2
Electronic Music May Help Reduce Mosquito Bites
Recognizing mosquitoes use sound to communicate, and that communication is crucial for survival and population maintenance, researchers from the University of Malaysia decided to investigate whether mosquito behavior could be disrupted by playing a track from dubstep artists Shrillex.3
The experiment was designed to compare feeding and mating behavior in the presence of a specific track, "Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites," as compared to mosquitoes not exposed to music.
The music track peaked at 77 on the music charts in the U.K. in 2010 and won the best dance recording at the 54th Grammy Awards in the U.S.4 The soundtrack was chosen because it has a wide range of high and low frequencies. The researchers commented on their choice of music, saying,5
"In insects, low-frequency vibrations facilitate sexual interactions, whereas noise disrupts the perception of signals from conspecifics [members of the same species] and hosts."
The researchers described the female adult mosquitoes behavior as "entertained" and found they attacked their host later and less often than those who were in a music-free environment. They also found mosquitoes exposed to the song bred far less often. The researchers concluded:6
"The observation that such music can delay host attack, reduce blood feeding, and disrupt mating provides new avenues for the development of music-based personal protective and control measures against Aedes-borne diseases."
What Attracts Mosquitoes?
If playing loud electronic music in your backyard is not how you’d like to deter mosquito bites, you may want to start by learning what attracts them in the first place. Of the 3,000 different species in the world, only roughly 175 are found in the U.S.7 Each species differs in its persistence, biting habits and ability to transmit disease.
Nearly all are attracted by a number of chemical compounds, including the odor of carbon dioxide you produce every time you exhale. High concentrations of carbon dioxide may be detected from more than a 150 feet away.8 Other odors released in perspiration are also likely to attract mosquitoes, such as lactic acid and ammonia released by bacteria living on the human skin.9
The higher your body temperature, the more likely you are to sweat, which is why mosquitoes frequently bite around feet, ankles, wrists and hands. These are all areas that tend to retain moisture and have larger bacterial colonies. If you're warmer than the person next to you, mosquitoes will target you.
Women in the latter stages of pregnancy, people who are overweight and joggers also tend to be bitten more. One study from Japan10 demonstrated those with type O blood may be more likely to be bitten than those with type A. Mosquitoes are also attracted to alcohol.11
The female has a mouth part call a proboscis, which is much like a hypodermic needle.12 She uses it to pierce your skin until she finds a capillary from which to suck blood. At the same time, she injects some of her own saliva to stop the blood from coagulating. It is at this point she may transmit disease directly into your bloodstream. The chemicals in her saliva trigger the reaction on your skin.13
Some Get Bitten More Than Others
Mosquitoes target their prey based on chemical scent. Lactic acid, commonly found in human sweat, is known to consistently attract more mosquitoes. When lactic acid was added to animal odor samples, mosquitoes responded as they did to human odors.
In one study,14 data demonstrated the scent-based preferences of the anthropophilic mosquito A. aegypti, known to carry yellow fever. The preferences were due to the differences in the amount of lactic acid found on the host.
Researchers have found mosquito species exist specializing in biting humans, including those carrying malaria and yellow fever. They have evolved a remarkable innate preference for human scent.15
Researchers have also isolated compounds naturally occurring on the human skin, such as 1-methylpiperazine, which blocks the mosquitoes’ sense of smell and essentially makes it so the insects are oblivious to the presence of a host. The substance is produced by bacteria on your skin. Researchers are hoping to be able to make it on a large scale to replace dangerous chemical repellents.16
Some people are capable of secreting more of these natural substances than others, making them virtually invisible to mosquitoes. While researchers work on figuring out how to keep 1-methylpiperazine from evaporating off the skin naturally over time, it's crucial you steer clear of mosquito repellent containing N,N-diethyl-meta-toluamide, commonly known as DEET.17
Steer Clear of DEET
Most conventional insect repellents contain DEET, a chemical mosquitoes find unpleasant. The compound is a colorless, oily liquid developed by the U.S. Army to protect soldiers in jungle warfare. After a request from the National Park Service, employees of the Everglades National Park, Florida, were investigated for adverse health effects from exposure to DEET.18
Anecdotal reports of confusion, abnormal sweating and neurobehavioral symptoms triggered the evaluation. A self-administered questionnaire was given to 143 employees and a urinalysis done in 20. Researchers found correlations between DEET use and affective symptoms, insomnia, muscle cramps and urinary hesitation.
Seventy-seven workers participated in a follow-up survey and researchers found impaired cognitive functioning and daytime sleepiness increased after exposure. They concluded the skin rashes, impaired cognitive function and daytime sleepiness were associated with exposure to the insect repellent.19
Children experience greater risk for subtle changes as their skin more readily absorbs chemicals, and the chemicals exert more powerful effect on their developing nervous system.
Another potentially harmful chemical found in many bug sprays is permethrin. This chemical is a member of the synthetic pyrethroid family, known to be neurotoxic. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has also listed permethrin as carcinogenic.20 Pyrethroids have recently been linked to behavior problems in children as well.
Permethrin is toxic to the environment, especially to bees and aquatic life, and is extremely toxic to cats.21 Even a few drops may be lethal to your feline friend. It is used in some topical flea products, so when you see "for dogs only" on the label, it likely contains permethrin. For more information, please refer to the Environmental Working Group's extensive review of bug repellent ingredients.22
Reduce Mosquito Populations on Your Property and Treat Bites at Home
There are a few natural methods of preventing mosquito bites. One of the best ways is by avoiding them in the first place and staying inside between dusk and dawn when they are most active. Mosquito populations are also thicker near shrubs and standing water.
According to the American Mosquito Control Association, an efficient way to control mosquito populations is to eliminate their larval habitat.23 Mosquitoes use wetlands such as swamps or sluggishly moving streams and ditches to lay their eggs. Homeowners may look for areas in their yard where mosquito breeding may take place, such as any place water may be left standing.
For water you would like to keep outside, such as water for your pets or a birdbath, be sure to change it at least every two days. Keep your rain gutters clean and flowing well and fill in or drain any puddles in the yard. Another area mosquitoes will lay their eggs is in trapped water inside plastic or canvas tarps used to cover your boat or pool.
Dress in lightly colored, loose-fitting clothing with long sleeves and long pants to reduce the number of bites. Bat houses are becoming increasingly popular since they voraciously eat mosquitoes and other insects. For more on buying a bat house or constructing one yourself, visit the Organization for Bat Conservation.24
Once bitten, your objective will change from repelling to treating the itch and inflammation. Fortunately, there are a number of natural herbs and agents with anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties to help soothe your skin. For a list of those see my previous article, "What Attracts Mosquitoes and How to Repel Them."
Use Natural Methods to Repel Mosquitoes
Vector-borne illnesses, or those transmitted to their host by other creatures serving to harbor pathogens, are preventable using natural repellents to prevent transmission.
Vector-borne illnesses may be transmitted by insect bites. A study,25 led by entomologist Jerry Zhu from USDA’s Agricultural Research Service found compounds in coconut oil strongly repelled mosquitoes and ticks.26
The compound used was not pure coconut oil, but rather a fatty acid mixture of lauric acid, caprylic acid and capric acid. After encapsulating these acids in a starch-based formula, the researchers demonstrated the formulation could protect cattle against biting flies for up to four days.
By comparison, DEET was only 50% effective against biting flies while the coconut oil compound was more than 95% effective. When tested on human participants, researchers found 90% repellency and a longer lasting protection than other known natural repellents.
DEET is not your only option for insect repellent as tests have revealed natural alternatives that could be more effective without the harsh side effects. For a discussion of your options, see my previous article, "This Natural Bug Repellent Works Better Than Deet."
from http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2019/04/20/electronic-music-to-repel-mosquitoes.aspx
source http://niapurenaturecom.weebly.com/blog/electronic-music-to-repel-mosquitoes
0 notes
paullassiterca · 5 years
Electronic Music to Repel Mosquitoes?
Although you might find them annoying in the summertime, mosquitoes are an important part of the ecosystem. Mosquito larvae live in the water and provide food for fish and other wildlife, including larvae of other species such as dragonflies. Mosquito larvae eat and recycle microscopic organic matter.
Adult mosquitoes are part of the diet of insect eating animals such as bats, spiders and dragonflies. They also help pollinate flowers as they drink the nectar. Opinions differ as to what would happen if mosquitoes were eradicated from the face of the Earth.1
Some estimate the number of migratory birds nesting between Canada and Russia would drop by more than 50 percent. In the absence of larvae, hundreds of species of fish would need to change their diet to survive. Most mosquito-eating birds would need to switch to other insects. Overall, mosquito loss would be experienced by many species.
That said, for humans, they are an annoyance. While male mosquitoes don’t bite humans, but rather feed off flowers’ nectar, females require proteins and other components in blood meals to develop and lay eggs.
At best, the bite is an itchy nuisance and at worse it may transmit diseases like malaria, encephalitis and West Nile virus. Mosquitoes may even spread Lyme disease. A recent study by researchers in Malaysia suggests mosquitoes were affected by electronic music.2
Electronic Music May Help Reduce Mosquito Bites
Recognizing mosquitoes use sound to communicate, and that communication is crucial for survival and population maintenance, researchers from the University of Malaysia decided to investigate whether mosquito behavior could be disrupted by playing a track from dubstep artists Shrillex.3
The experiment was designed to compare feeding and mating behavior in the presence of a specific track, “Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites,” as compared to mosquitoes not exposed to music.
The music track peaked at 77 on the music charts in the U.K. in 2010 and won the best dance recording at the 54th Grammy Awards in the U.S.4 The soundtrack was chosen because it has a wide range of high and low frequencies. The researchers commented on their choice of music, saying,5
“In insects, low-frequency vibrations facilitate sexual interactions, whereas noise disrupts the perception of signals from conspecifics [members of the same species] and hosts.”
The researchers described the female adult mosquitoes behavior as “entertained” and found they attacked their host later and less often than those who were in a music-free environment. They also found mosquitoes exposed to the song bred far less often. The researchers concluded:6
“The observation that such music can delay host attack, reduce blood feeding, and disrupt mating provides new avenues for the development of music-based personal protective and control measures against Aedes-borne diseases.”
What Attracts Mosquitoes?
If playing loud electronic music in your backyard is not how you’d like to deter mosquito bites, you may want to start by learning what attracts them in the first place. Of the 3,000 different species in the world, only roughly 175 are found in the U.S.7 Each species differs in its persistence, biting habits and ability to transmit disease.
Nearly all are attracted by a number of chemical compounds, including the odor of carbon dioxide you produce every time you exhale. High concentrations of carbon dioxide may be detected from more than a 150 feet away.8 Other odors released in perspiration are also likely to attract mosquitoes, such as lactic acid and ammonia released by bacteria living on the human skin.9
The higher your body temperature, the more likely you are to sweat, which is why mosquitoes frequently bite around feet, ankles, wrists and hands. These are all areas that tend to retain moisture and have larger bacterial colonies. If you’re warmer than the person next to you, mosquitoes will target you.
Women in the latter stages of pregnancy, people who are overweight and joggers also tend to be bitten more. One study from Japan10 demonstrated those with type O blood may be more likely to be bitten than those with type A. Mosquitoes are also attracted to alcohol.11
The female has a mouth part call a proboscis, which is much like a hypodermic needle.12 She uses it to pierce your skin until she finds a capillary from which to suck blood. At the same time, she injects some of her own saliva to stop the blood from coagulating. It is at this point she may transmit disease directly into your bloodstream. The chemicals in her saliva trigger the reaction on your skin.13
Some Get Bitten More Than Others
Mosquitoes target their prey based on chemical scent. Lactic acid, commonly found in human sweat, is known to consistently attract more mosquitoes. When lactic acid was added to animal odor samples, mosquitoes responded as they did to human odors.
In one study,14 data demonstrated the scent-based preferences of the anthropophilic mosquito A. aegypti, known to carry yellow fever. The preferences were due to the differences in the amount of lactic acid found on the host.
Researchers have found mosquito species exist specializing in biting humans, including those carrying malaria and yellow fever. They have evolved a remarkable innate preference for human scent.15
Researchers have also isolated compounds naturally occurring on the human skin, such as 1-methylpiperazine, which blocks the mosquitoes’ sense of smell and essentially makes it so the insects are oblivious to the presence of a host. The substance is produced by bacteria on your skin. Researchers are hoping to be able to make it on a large scale to replace dangerous chemical repellents.16
Some people are capable of secreting more of these natural substances than others, making them virtually invisible to mosquitoes. While researchers work on figuring out how to keep 1-methylpiperazine from evaporating off the skin naturally over time, it’s crucial you steer clear of mosquito repellent containing N,N-diethyl-meta-toluamide, commonly known as DEET.17
Steer Clear of DEET
Most conventional insect repellents contain DEET, a chemical mosquitoes find unpleasant. The compound is a colorless, oily liquid developed by the U.S. Army to protect soldiers in jungle warfare. After a request from the National Park Service, employees of the Everglades National Park, Florida, were investigated for adverse health effects from exposure to DEET.18
Anecdotal reports of confusion, abnormal sweating and neurobehavioral symptoms triggered the evaluation. A self-administered questionnaire was given to 143 employees and a urinalysis done in 20. Researchers found correlations between DEET use and affective symptoms, insomnia, muscle cramps and urinary hesitation.
Seventy-seven workers participated in a follow-up survey and researchers found impaired cognitive functioning and daytime sleepiness increased after exposure. They concluded the skin rashes, impaired cognitive function and daytime sleepiness were associated with exposure to the insect repellent.19
Children experience greater risk for subtle changes as their skin more readily absorbs chemicals, and the chemicals exert more powerful effect on their developing nervous system.
Another potentially harmful chemical found in many bug sprays is permethrin. This chemical is a member of the synthetic pyrethroid family, known to be neurotoxic. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has also listed permethrin as carcinogenic.20 Pyrethroids have recently been linked to behavior problems in children as well.
Permethrin is toxic to the environment, especially to bees and aquatic life, and is extremely toxic to cats.21 Even a few drops may be lethal to your feline friend. It is used in some topical flea products, so when you see “for dogs only” on the label, it likely contains permethrin. For more information, please refer to the Environmental Working Group’s extensive review of bug repellent ingredients.22
Reduce Mosquito Populations on Your Property and Treat Bites at Home
There are a few natural methods of preventing mosquito bites. One of the best ways is by avoiding them in the first place and staying inside between dusk and dawn when they are most active. Mosquito populations are also thicker near shrubs and standing water.
According to the American Mosquito Control Association, an efficient way to control mosquito populations is to eliminate their larval habitat.23 Mosquitoes use wetlands such as swamps or sluggishly moving streams and ditches to lay their eggs. Homeowners may look for areas in their yard where mosquito breeding may take place, such as any place water may be left standing.
For water you would like to keep outside, such as water for your pets or a birdbath, be sure to change it at least every two days. Keep your rain gutters clean and flowing well and fill in or drain any puddles in the yard. Another area mosquitoes will lay their eggs is in trapped water inside plastic or canvas tarps used to cover your boat or pool.
Dress in lightly colored, loose-fitting clothing with long sleeves and long pants to reduce the number of bites. Bat houses are becoming increasingly popular since they voraciously eat mosquitoes and other insects. For more on buying a bat house or constructing one yourself, visit the Organization for Bat Conservation.24
Once bitten, your objective will change from repelling to treating the itch and inflammation. Fortunately, there are a number of natural herbs and agents with anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties to help soothe your skin. For a list of those see my previous article, “What Attracts Mosquitoes and How to Repel Them.”
Use Natural Methods to Repel Mosquitoes
Vector-borne illnesses, or those transmitted to their host by other creatures serving to harbor pathogens, are preventable using natural repellents to prevent transmission.
Vector-borne illnesses may be transmitted by insect bites. A study,25 led by entomologist Jerry Zhu from USDA’s Agricultural Research Service found compounds in coconut oil strongly repelled mosquitoes and ticks.26
The compound used was not pure coconut oil, but rather a fatty acid mixture of lauric acid, caprylic acid and capric acid. After encapsulating these acids in a starch-based formula, the researchers demonstrated the formulation could protect cattle against biting flies for up to four days.
By comparison, DEET was only 50% effective against biting flies while the coconut oil compound was more than 95% effective. When tested on human participants, researchers found 90% repellency and a longer lasting protection than other known natural repellents.
DEET is not your only option for insect repellent as tests have revealed natural alternatives that could be more effective without the harsh side effects. For a discussion of your options, see my previous article, “This Natural Bug Repellent Works Better Than Deet.”
from Articles http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2019/04/20/electronic-music-to-repel-mosquitoes.aspx source https://niapurenaturecom.tumblr.com/post/184311369086
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mnyc192000 · 6 years
My personal experience essay for my Social Psych class
                                                 Suite Oddity
           This paper will analyze a personal experience involving my suite mate, who will be referred to as “A”. This experience is relevant to the topic of what determines interpersonal attraction, both illustrating and challenging aspects that were described in the textbook and in the lecture.
           I did not choose to live with “A”. I had no idea who he was before we were randomly blocked together in the same suite. However, at first I was happy to be living with him. He fulfilled one of the four main determinations of interpersonal attraction that we learned about, physical attractiveness. He also sent signals that the initial attraction was mutual, implying reciprocal liking. Since he was living just two doors down from me, he also fulfilled another determinant, propinquity. Based off of the 1950 Festinger apartment complex study described in the textbook in which people who lived closer to each other were found to be more likely to become acquaintances, one might expect that our close proximity would strengthen our attraction. However, this was not the case and I believe the issue was because he did not meet another one of the main determinants, similarity.
           Because I lived so close to him and saw him at least once a day, I was able to get to know him very well and very quickly. One of our first conversations revealed that he and I did not share the same sense of humor. He told me that he had been listening to a podcast about the history of the world. In an attempt to be charming, I jokingly replied, “that must be a long podcast. I mean the world is like 2,017 years old” (it was still 2017 at the time of this dull conversation). He did not get the joke and replied, “No I thought it was older than that, isn’t it?”.  In another instance, he conducted a failed attempt to appeal to my humor. He told me he was having trouble going to sleep one night, so I gave him a Benadryl from my room. He thought it would be funny to point out the hilarious fact that I am a female, so he asked “are you sure this isn’t Midol?”. I did not find his joke funny. However, perhaps because he was attractive and lived right next to me, I chose to ignore the first signs that we were not very similar.
           Because we lived so close to each other and saw each other so often, our dissimilarities became more difficult to ignore with each passing day. The reading suggests that according to the “mere exposure effect”, the more we are exposed to someone, the more we should like them. However, constant exposure to “A” did the exact opposite. For example, upon seeing him everyday, I noticed a pattern in his clothing style; it was terrible. He seemed to put absolutely no effort into his outfits. Additionally, I was constantly exposed to his beard shavings that would get stuck in the toothpaste dollops he would leave on the bathroom counter. These occurrences did not align with my personal values. Because “A” and I were so dissimilar, the mere exposure only emphasized our differences and increased my frustration.
           Our dissimilarities went beyond deep personality aspects such as humor, and shallow aspects such as clothing style. Through constantly seeing “A” and talking to him, I also found evidence against mutual respect. He had no problem lying to my face in order to feign similarity. One day I was wearing a shirt with an iconic photo of David Bowie that any fan would be able to recognize. When he asked me who was on my shirt, I said “David Bowie”. He then said “Oh yeah that dude’s cool”. I asked him if he was a Bowie fan and he responded positively. Trying to indulge in the one thing that we might have in common, I asked him what his favorite Bowie song was, and he said “you know, his like main one. Like his famous song”. After that conversation, I was left to process the news that David Bowie was a one hit wonder and tried to figure out which one of his songs was the famous one. I did not come to a conclusive answer and could only infer that “A” did not actually know any David Bowie songs and lied to my face.  
“A”’s recurring habit of shamelessly lying straight through his teeth was further established only a few days later. The final straw that confirmed that my initial attraction to him could no longer be salvaged occurred only about four weeks after we first moved in together. He often left his clothes to dry on the towel rack that we all shared in the bathroom. As if this habit was not distasteful enough, one day I noticed a Mitt Romney shirt hanging on the rack. This was confusing to me since during one of our conversations, he asked me if I was liberal, to which I replied “yes”. He then told me that he, too, was liberal. Upon a quick Facebook search and a conversation with one of his friends who came by our suite quite often, I found out that he was actually a very outspoken and conservative Trump supporter. These instances suggested that we were not similar in our opinions, personalities, or interests. All of these components are listed as important similarities for interpersonal attraction in the textbook, and he did not meet any of them.  
I am still unsure of how to analyze reciprocal liking when it comes to “A”. The lies he told me implied that he had very little respect for me. However, some of his behaviors implied that he liked me. He would often ask for my opinion when he was trying to figure out how to style his hair or what part of his body he should work on in the gym that week. Additionally, he often invited me to come to his room to “watch a movie or chill or something (a direct quote from one of his more eloquent text messages). However, other behaviors that he displayed implied complete disrespect, which did not align with his displays of attraction. I am not just referring to the fact that he lied to me. I am almost 100% sure that he stole four granola bars from my room, which I am still upset about. I asked all of my suite mates about it and everyone else except for “A” responded that they did not take them. Based off of my other suite mates’ past behaviors and the fact that they all seem to have at least a basic sense of pride and shame, I believe them when they say they did not do it. Although “A” usually responded quite promptly to my messages, he never responded to my text asking if he took them. Based off of proof that he’s gone through the fridge and stolen food from our other suite mate’s in the past, I can only conclude that he took my granola bars. To me, going into somebody’s room when they are not there and stealing not just one, but four, of their granola bars is extremely disrespectful and I would never do that to someone that I liked. In the instances that he displayed very superficial expressions of reciprocal liking, it did not make up for our lack of similarity or for his displays of disrespect. Because of these behaviors, I inferred that “A” did not express that he liked me the way that I wanted him to, thus to me, he did not seem to fulfill the “Reciprocal Liking” aspect of interpersonal attraction.
I do believe that if we did not live so close to each other, I never would have found out how dissimilar he and I were. Perhaps if I did not live close to him and just met him in a class or at a party I would still be attracted to him. Maybe we were too close too soon. However, in the case of “A”, because we were so dissimilar, propinquity only made matters worse. The mismatch between our similarity and our proximity was so bad that not even his shallow displays of reciprocal liking or his physical attractiveness could make up for our dissimilarities and my indignation with having to see him so often.
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Therefore this bring about bingeing, that made me satisfied once more like I was pulling the wool over everybody's eyes considering that I can eat all of the awful meals" that I really loved without in fact needing to absorb all of them. Nonetheless, with the progress of innovation, this is actually right now much easier compared to ever making music all on your own. Spanish phrases are actually filled with attractive words yet this is simple and also extremely lively. It is actually difficult to end up being absolutely delighted when you don't have even a small oz of flexibility in your life. Enjoying father throughout our youth we discover how you can make our method the irritated race. Joy resembles a muscle - this obtains more powerful the more you exercise this. Maintaining on your own satisfied is like staying in shape. 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If you wish to create your partner delighted, you should make sure that you are happy first of all. Our team were actually together for greater than 8 years and also our experts were always pleased with our connection, i adore him a lot and also he really love me.later he said to behave in a different way he stop phoning me as well as he informed me that he do certainly not enjoy me once more. Our experts do not ask for any kind of administration fees if you make improvements (omits termination costs) given that you manage your plan online. When two folks happened with each other for whatever factor, relationships are neither pleased nor troubled; that is actually an impartial and neutral component made. This belongs to your center being, but be conscious of this when she's about as well as give her your total attention if you would like to keep her happy. I detested being a vacant vessel, and as I began going out with, I expected that unique a person to find throughout, fill me up, and create me satisfied. Adorable lifestyle quotes are one such a manner in which are sure to deliver instantaneous countenance your face. Someone special will possess a birthday party and also you're searching for simply the ideal terms to use for this delighted affair. You might also employ a popular music team that may play real-time traditional songs during the whole night for a more innovative event. To add insult to injury, Koshka began making the coughing sound that was his version of a belly laugh. The only trait that needs to perform your thoughts is actually the guarantee that you will be devoting a few of the greatest instants of your lifestyle here, which will create you come back for more. 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Then they informed me that they need to cast a spell on him that are going to create him go back to me and the kids, they directed the incantation and after 1 full week my partner contacted me and he informed me that i need to forgive him, he started to ask forgiveness on phone as well as pointed out that he still reside me that he carried out not know exactly what take place to him that he left me. that was actually the incantation that he traditionalspellhospital casted on him that make him comeback to me today, me and also my family members are actually now satisfied once more today. This is as a result necessary that our team understand what brings in The lord pleased and always keep doing them to entice his benefits. Pair of Swiss economic experts who examined the effect of driving on joy discovered that such aspects might not make up for the agony developed through a lengthy commute. Due to the fact that serotonin contributes in knowing, researchers assumed that direct exposure to Mycobacterium would certainly create their mice smarter. Through adhering to the perform's and also do n'ts above you could always keep a male happy as well as produce him addicted to you. If you do not respond making your lifestyle a lot better given that you do not think that this, you are actually enslaving yourself to your virulencies. I'm complimentary to be satisfied even though my buddy reveals me, my child screams all night, or even my loved one slams me. Observe the quotes approximately, this's about passion, being actually along with her or even him is actually the happiest instant for a person. Reassessing these happy quotes is actually simply the very first step on becoming an actual optimist. I was actually an obsessive eater that was attempting to cover it up and also make up for it weight-wise in every and also any technique that I could possibly by compulsively diet programs or bingeing as well as removing yet when it came down to that, I was actually addicted to meals. Devote at least 10 mins a day keeping in mind an opportunity when you mored than happy as well as re-live those emotions inside you.
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pagedesignhub-blog · 7 years
Maldives blogger stabbed to death in capital
New Post has been published on https://pagedesignhub.com/maldives-blogger-stabbed-to-death-in-capital/
Maldives blogger stabbed to death in capital
A blogger who often satirized the Maldives’ political and spiritual established order has been stabbed to loss of life in the capital, the 0.33 media discern to be focused in the Indian ocean archipelago inside the beyond 5 years.
Yameen Rasheed, 29, turned into observed early on Sunday in the stairwell of his apartment building in Malé with more than one stab wounds to his neck and chest. He died quickly after being taken to a medical institution, the circle of relatives members said.
His blog, The Each day Panic, had gathered a huge following for its droll reporting and biting satire of what Rasheed knew as “the often unsatirizable politics” of the united states of America, domestic to approximately 340,000 Sunni Muslims.
He changed into arrested along with ratings of others and imprisoned for three weeks in 2015 after taking component in an antigovernment rally inside the capital.
His father, Hussain Rasheed, said he discovered his son have been hospitalized simply earlier than 5 am on Sunday morning. “They advised me they couldn’t show me the body, however, I stated turned into his father, I had the proper to peer him earlier than it turned into cleaned up,” he stated.
Some other blogger, Ismail Rasheed, also referred to as Health, was stabbed and wounded with the aid of an unidentified attacker in 2012. Afrasheem Ali, an MP whose Islamic scholarship had reportedly angered religious hardliners within the united states, become murdered the equal 12 months.
Marketed the world over as a luxury tourist destination, the Maldives has gone through an unsteady transition in the direction of democracy given that 2008, after three decades of autocratic rule.
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In company Blogging, dreams/missions are of high importance. For a weblog to yield fee, it has to be created with unique goals in mind. A number of those goals can be to boom business enterprise credibility, enhance customer service and interaction, and deliver customers a peek of the in the back of-the-scenes of the corporate way of life, show off new services or products and greater. The important element is to be clear approximately your goals. For greater information login for your-very own-blog.Com. You have to be sure about what you are trying to get finished and stick with them. As with every corporate challenge, you also want to periodically compare how well you’re meeting these dreams. If Blogging is proving to be futile, then make changes. If it nevertheless does not work, then discontinue Running a blog.
Do take the time to know your customers or potentialities. Discover what your target audience care about, what they’re interested in. You need to pick out what their needs are and what provider you could perform for them. To get their attention, exercise session a manner to take part in a communication credibly. To be credible, come up with worthwhile content ideas, insights, news and information.
Do engage your target market in lively and significant conversations. Don’t forget what they say and reply to their feedback. Respond in a professional and businesslike manner whether or not the remark is advantageous or bad. Permitting feedback out of your target audience will without a doubt imply some court cases and criticisms. Don’t take them individually. Reply truely and your organisation credibility will upward push. Allowing target audience to make feedback is a awesome feature of blogs. Openness is critical for successful Blogging.
For a weblog to perform its assignment, do update regularly. Publish regularly and continuously, Every day or weekly, at the least. Do be beneficial with your links. Linking is one reason why Running a blog has come to be a popular online communique medium. The nice corporate blogs, more frequently than not, have lots of hyperlinks in each blog Submit.
As for what not to do, do now not close down present worker blogs. greater regularly than not, an employee is already writing a blog. It might be complete of grievances approximately the recent spate of oil increases or it could be snapshots of a calming excursion inside the Maldives. Perhaps this worker is making a song praises of the corporation’s new product. Why no longer interact this worker blogger in a communicate about what your company blog ambitions to attain. Don’t anticipate a crisis to interrupt out before growing a company blog. It takes time to see capacity results of Blogging. Do not maintain your corporate bloggers unidentified or hidden at the back of some make-consider characters. The target market will know and it’s going to have damaging results.
three Phrase of Mouth Case Studies each month we check which Word of mouth and advocacy campaigns have stimulated us. This month we will be looking at Lagerhaus’ weblog-Up keep, Bongo Bingo’s advocacy marketing campaign wherein they praise their pinnacle 30 advocates in Belgium and Nivea’s Yuletide friendship wrap-up marketing campaign from the UK.
Case Have a look at 1: Lagerhaus: blog-Up shop
on line shops are a dime and dozen in recent times, so while you’re launching a brand new one, how do you create a loyal advise base? Swedish interior design retailer Lagerhaus did so via developing the first ever ‘blog-up stores’.
Previous to opening their on-line keep, Lagerhaus aimed to broaden a sturdy on line fan base, which will ensure a successful release. They diagnosed precisely wherein their goal market were spending their time – indoors layout blogs. From right here, six influential interior design bloggers had been invited to participate in “blog-up” stores. those stores had been housed on the blogs, and gadgets sold had been those particularly selected by means of the bloggers themselves! This helped to make sure the person bloggers have been individually concerned inside the mission, and so would create valuable, real advice and advertising. no longer only that, but through handpicking their favourite items, the bloggers’ stores have been c498ca6ac814ba2a0e6fddbf2ba4d831 to their readership. The marketing campaign led to an growth of 226% of Lagerhaus Facebookfans and interactions by using 360%. through inviting simplest these thirteen,000 lovers to the net release, Lagerhaus determined the right fan base to recommend the brand, and spread the Word about their on-line shop.
Case Observe 2: Bongo Bingo have a good time 10th birthday with top 30 sharers
Bongo Bingo, an experience voucher business enterprise in Belgium is popping 10. To rejoice this milestone birthday, they’ve got down to discover their pinnacle 30 advocates and sharers. Their purpose? To reward them for their assist with a hazard to win a ride to the Maldives! they’ve given away nine journeys randomly already, and for lucky range 10, they’re producing a sturdy WoM campaign, and letting the purchasers fight it out among themselves.
Brussels-South Train Station will play home to a treasure-hunt, with the tickets hidden among 5,000 Bongo Bingo containers. 30 humans could be chosen to participate, based on their ‘rating’ – determined through how a lot they have got spread the Phrase approximately the opposition. The more they’ve shared, the better up they could go in the ranks and secure an invite.
The combination of on and offline in this instance is specially well employed, ensuring humans set up a a laugh physical reference to the logo, and feature something to speak about earlier than, and after the event (regardless of whether they win or now not). The minimum 30 propose locations cleverly push the ‘exclusivity’ angle, while setting up a ranking machine Through WoM, ensures user generated merchandising, and a higher degree of exposure in social media.
Case Examine three: Nivea actually wrap-up friendships thru Facebook
Nivea have released a quirky social/WoM campaign that incentivizes Xmas buyers to purchase a Nivea present percent. by way of bringing to lifestyles friendships, the cosmetics brand have created an extra purpose for United kingdom buyers to buy Nivea over other brands this yr.
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