#or that they aren’t still in love with each other
pedroscurls · 2 days
baby, stay in bed
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summary: head over heels in love with hugh, you spend the night for the first time... and realize that hugh feels the same way. pairing: hugh jackman x fem!reader word count: 3.6k warnings: smut (morning sex, unprotected p in v sex, missionary), no use of y/n. a/n: shout out to this anon for this request!!! i'm sorry it took me so long to write this, but i truly hoped you enjoy it. i had so much fun writing it! as always, this is purely fictional! i mean no disrespect to hugh jackman.
You’ve been together with Hugh for six months now, having had to get used to this new lifestyle of yours. Everywhere you went with him, you’d hear his name being called followed by the sounds of a shutter coming from multiple cameras. He’s always so polite, so kind and sweet even though he didn’t need to be. 
It was one of the many things you loved about him.
Love. You still couldn’t believe that you were truly in love with the man. Every moment spent with him, he always made sure that you were his main focus. You had been spending more and more time with him at his place, still so surprised at how beautiful his penthouse was. The 360 view of the city, the white walls, the high ceilings. Even though the place felt very large for one person, there were little trinkets decorated around the house that made it more homey, more personal, more Hugh. 
The more time you spent at his place, the more he tried to convince you to just spend the night. You never truly did though because you knew that if you got a glimpse of what it would be like to fall asleep and wake up next to him that you’d want more. You’d crave more and you aren’t even sure if you and Hugh are on the same stages of this relationship. 
You were so deeply in love with him that it scared you at times. The way your heart would beat faster whenever he entered the room, or the way your stomach would feel like butterflies swarming inside when he gazed into your eyes, or the way he would whisper sweet things into your ear when he was making love to you. 
That’s what it felt like with Hugh. Complete bliss, a true fairytale. 
You hadn’t ever been in such a healthy relationship where the man yearned for open communication. Even when you both had disagreements, Hugh always created a safe space and environment for you to tell him what was on your mind and vice versa. 
And the sex… Well, the sex was another aspect of your relationship that you hadn’t felt before. Maybe it had to do with his age, but you never felt taken care of and put first before. Hugh loved to take his time with you, loved to pull more and more orgasms out of you before he even slid his length into your warmth. And when he did… it was always such a painful stretch in the beginning, the girth and length of his manhood still so large when he pushed into your tight entrance. 
The last six months with Hugh had been an ultimate dream. Even when he was away filming, he always made sure to check in, to call and text. Not a day went by without you speaking to each other while he was away and the distance only showed you how much you love the man. 
But you couldn’t tell him, too afraid that it would scare him away, that you’re just miles ahead of him in this relationship. Maybe he isn’t even yet ready to open himself up like that after his divorce, so you decided to just keep it to yourself. 
Hugh’s back home from filming, getting a week long break before he has to leave again. The moment he came back home, you were the first person he called, telling you to come over because he missed you so much. You didn’t even hesitate before driving to his penthouse, excitement bubbling in your chest because while you spoke to him every day, seeing him in person and getting to be in his arms is just completely different. 
You make it to his penthouse in record time, practically jogging inside the building and taking the elevator up to the top floor. Within seconds, the elevator doors open and you see Hugh walking down the hallway in your direction. You grin at the sight of him, running towards him and jumping into his arms once you were close enough. 
He chuckles at the sight of you, his arms snaking around your frame as he lifts you off your feet and your legs wrap around his waist. Hugh lets out a sigh of relief, face burying against the side of your neck. This… this is where he belongs. With you. He didn’t realize that six months ago, bumping into you at a restaurant would have changed his entire world. You had been shy at first, very hesitant and reserved to even give this a chance, but Hugh persisted. There was just something about you that lured him in and he was sure that it wasn’t even your intention. 
And the first time he kissed you, Hugh felt so giddy, so happy, and like a complete teenager all over again. The more time he spent with you, the more he realized that he wanted you in his life more regularly, more permanently. He knows he falls fast and with you, it’s no different. You’re so understanding, so patient, and even with his busy schedule, you never try to ask for more than what he can’t give you at the moment… but he knows that if you did, he’d give in right away. 
You haven’t yet slept over and Hugh understands your hesitation, understands why you don’t want to because he also feels the same way. He’s already so in love with you that if he gets even a bit of taste of having you in his arms every morning or night, he’s going to want to have you here every night… and he isn’t even sure if you feel the same way he does. You both haven’t talked about it yet, neither have you admitted that you did love each other, but it’s probably so clear and obvious to everyone else. 
“I missed you,” Hugh says, setting you back down on your feet to take your hand and lead you into his home.
“Me too,” you sigh contentedly, gripping his hand tightly. Once inside his home, Hugh shuts the door and then quickly takes you upstairs. You smile up at him and then fall back into his bed once you make it inside, immediately getting yourself very comfortable in his sheets. “Ah, I missed this bed.” 
Hugh grins down at you, eyes gazing lovingly at you. “Did you miss me or my bed?” 
“Mmm, both?” you giggle, moving to lie on your side as you pat the empty space next to you. “Come here. I missed my man.”
Hugh chuckles and slides in next to you, arm wrapping around your shoulders as you rest your head against him with an arm draped over his midsection. “Spend the night?” he asks, looking down at you expectantly. “If you’re comfortable with it. I just– I want to spend this entire week with you before I leave again, baby.”
You look up at him, a nervous twinkle in your eye. You want to say yes, but there’s a part of you where fear has taken hold. “Hugh…” 
Hugh sighs, shaking his head. “Right, sorry. I don’t mean to pressure you, baby. I’m sorry.” 
“No, no, it’s just–” you let out a heavy sigh and then move your hand to rest on his chest. “I’m just scared.”
“Scared? Of what?” 
“That I’m gonna want to sleep over all the time,” you admit, biting your lower lip. “And I know that’s not realistic because you’re going to be away filming… but–”
Hugh interrupts you with a soft and gentle kiss on the tip of your nose. “You know, I think I’m going to want you to sleep over all the time too. I mean, I want you to already.” he chuckles. “But we’ll make it work. We always do, baby.” 
“Okay,” you nod. “I’ll sleep over. I didn’t bring anything, though.” 
“That’s okay,” Hugh smiles, excitement written all over his features as he moves to hover above you, settling himself between your legs. “You won’t need clothes to walk around here,” he winks. 
“Naughty, naughty, Mr. Jackman.”
“You love it,” he teases, leaning down to pepper kisses along your neck. 
“I love you,” you say suddenly. Your eyes go wide and you feel your heart stammering in your chest. You quickly move to push him away from you, embarrassment settling in the pit of your stomach. You were just telling him how you were scared to sleep over and now, you just admitted that you loved him. 
“I uh–” you shake your head and sit up from the bed, moving to stand up and get ready to leave, but Hugh’s staring up at you with a hopeful look in his beautiful eyes. The city lights illuminate the night sky, and you quickly avert your eyes to his large windows. You need to leave. You need to look anywhere but at him. “I’m sorry. It just slipped out. Let’s just forget I ever said that.”
“Baby,” Hugh says quietly, gently reaching out for your hand. He’s careful not to make any sudden movements, knowing that you’re already on edge. Though, he’d be lying if he said that hearing you say those words didn’t make him happy. In fact, it just solidified the feelings he has for you. 
Because he loves you too.
“Baby, look at me,” he says again. 
You shake your head and sit on the edge of the bed with your back to him. Hugh lets out a quiet sigh and sits up, legs spreading apart so that he can sit directly behind you, arms moving around your waist and pulling you into his chest. 
“I’m sorry,” you mumble, shaking your head. “I didn’t– That wasn’t my plan to tell you. Certainly not this soon.”
“Stop,” Hugh says, chin resting on your shoulder as he turns his head to look at the side of your face. “Can you at least look at me?” 
“I don’t want to. I’m so embarrassed.” You stand up from the bed, but Hugh’s hands reach out to your hips and immediately turn you around so that you can face him. He looks up at you, resting his feet on the floor as he inches his way towards the edge of his mattress. 
“You shouldn’t be,” he says softly, eyes still gazing up at you even though your eyes are anywhere but on his. He stands up and then hooks a finger under your chin, lifting it just slightly so that he can look into your eyes. When you finally give in, he can see the tears threatening to spill out as the pad of his thumb brushes against your jawline.
You both stand there for a few moments, just staring into each other’s eyes. The corner of Hugh’s lips turn upwards and he nudges his nose with yours. “I love you too, baby. So much, you have no goddamn idea.” 
Your eyes widen at his admission as your heart continues to race faster and faster. “You… You love me?” 
“With all my heart, love,” Hugh responds. 
All of your concerns and worries completely disappear as you stare up at Hugh. You truly had nothing to worry about because the look in Hugh’s eyes told you just how much he did love you. Slowly, you wrap your arms around his shoulders and let out a sigh of relief. 
Hugh’s arms snake around your waist and pulls you flush against him, burying his face against the side of your neck. He brushes his nose against you, eyes falling shut as he feels the love and joy bloom in his chest. 
“Hearing you say that you love me just made me so happy, baby,” Hugh whispers. “God, I love you so much.”
The first few days of Hugh’s weeklong break was spent in his bed. You both only ever got up to shower and eat, but for the rest of the day, you’d both find yourself back in his bed. Hugh couldn’t get enough of you, every night and every morning he’d say I love you, baby. More than you’ll ever know. and it only made the love you felt for him even deeper. 
Every chance he’d get, he’d tell you he loves you. 
And every time he did, you felt the butterflies swarm inside of you. 
And this morning, with the sun slowly beginning to rise, Hugh wakes up before you. You’re both lying on your sides, with him spooning you from behind. He keeps his arm draped over your midsection, slowly pulling you closer to him as he brushes his nose against the back of your shoulder. 
You snuggle back into him, moving to lie on your back as you let out a sleepy sigh. Hugh smiles to himself, eyes scanning your face as he listens to your breathing. You look so peaceful, so calm and serene in your sleep. He gazes at you, his mind thinking back to the moment you told him you loved him. It was like a weight was lifted off his shoulders when he heard those words leave your lips. He hadn’t said it first, fearful that if he were to say it first, he’d scare you away. 
But now… Now, Hugh told you he loved every chance he could get. It warms his heart to see the way your face lights up, your eyes filled with excitement and love, the blush in your cheeks… He hadn’t expected that this would turn out the way it did. After this week, Hugh knows that it’s going to be harder to leave you here while he goes away to film so he’s already been thinking about ways to have you visit him. 
Your eyes slowly flutter open, bringing your arms above your head to stretch as you let out a quiet groan. You turn your head and see Hugh gazing down at you with a small smile on his lips. 
“Mmm, hi you,” you say, voice still sleepy. 
“Morning, baby,” Hugh says, watching you move to lie on your side to face him. He reaches down and takes your hand, bringing it to his lips and placing a gentle kiss on the back of it. 
“Have you been awake long?” you ask, snuggling closer to him as you bring your free hand up to run through his hair. 
“About fifteen minutes,” he answers. “Can we just stay in bed all day?” Hugh asks, eyes looking deeply into yours. 
“You don’t wanna go out and do something? Go for a walk or–” 
Hugh interrupts you and lightly presses his lips to yours. “We can go for a walk tomorrow.” 
“You said that yesterday,” you giggle, releasing his hand to wrap your arms around his shoulders, pulling him on top of you. Hugh settles himself between your legs, hands resting at either side of your head as his eyes never leave yours. 
“I just like seeing you in my bed and you can’t blame me for wanting to keep you here.” Hugh smiles, watching your eyes move along his upper half. He flexes unintentionally, leaning down to bury his face against the side of your neck. 
You run your hands along his bare chest, biting your lower lip as your eyes flutter when you feel Hugh start to pepper kisses along your skin. Slowly, you move your legs to wrap around his waist, lifting your hips slightly to press against him. In his black boxer briefs, you can feel the outline of his length as you roll your hips. 
Hugh pulls back to look down at you, notices the look in your eyes as he leans back on his knees. His hands move to your exposed thighs, moving them up, up, up until they reach the waistband of your panties and he pulls them down your legs. 
“Hugh…” you whimper, looking up at him as you feel his hands move further up your body until he pulls the shirt over your head. 
“I don’t know how I’m gonna leave after this week is over,” Hugh says quietly, eyes moving along your naked body. He feels his length throb painfully against his boxer briefs and he reaches down to squeeze himself. He leans down and slowly presses his lips against yours, moving one hand to rest on the mattress near your head. His other hand moves from the center of his boxers to move between your legs, running his middle finger along the length of your sex. “Always wet for me, aren’t ya, baby?” he mumbles, pulling away from your lips.
“Hugh, please…” you beg, hips lifting off the bed. “I need you and I–”
Hugh interrupts you and slides his finger into your tight heat, growling lowly. He slowly begins to pump his finger in and out of your depths, watching as your eyes fall shut and your mouth remains slightly open as moans filter into his bedroom. He always enjoyed seeing you like this, completely at his mercy and he takes pride in being able to make you feel this way. 
He wants to take his time with you, wants you to have at least one orgasm before he slides into you, but he can’t. Hugh can’t help himself because even with the sounds of your moans, all he can hear is:
I love you.
I love you. 
I love you. 
He pulls his hand away from you and pushes his boxers down to relieve the pressure on his hardening manhood. He grasps himself and runs the tip along you, groaning to himself when he presses his tip against your entrance. Hugh feels your legs tighten further around his hips and when you lift your own again, he feels himself slide inside of your depths. 
“God, I need you, please!” you beg, biting your lower lip as you keep your eyes shut once you feel him slowly slide further into your heat. 
Hugh smiles, lowering his body against yours as his nose bumps with yours. He rolls his hips, feeling himself inch his way deeper into you. He rests his forearms at either side of your head, his hands moving to your hair as he strokes it away from your face. He fills you to the hilt, remaining still for a moment as he gazes down at you, watching you bite your lower lip as a quiet moan escapes you. 
Your arms wrap around his shoulders and feel him begin to move in and out of you. It’s so sensual, this position. His chest pressed firmly against yours, his body caging you into the mattress, nose brushing against yours, lips ghosting over each other. His thrusts are slow, making sure to fill you to the hilt with each push back inside of you. 
“I love you,” Hugh whispers, almost breathlessly. 
Your eyes open slowly, looking up at him as your gaze locks onto his. The movement of his hips doesn’t falter as you both stare directly into each other’s eyes. 
“I– I love you too,” you reply, feeling Hugh deliver a sharp thrust at your words. 
He groans to himself and pushes slightly onto his palm, his other hand reaching up to cup your cheek. He pulls out to his tip and delivers a hard thrust back into you, causing a loud moan to escape your lips. You’re so wet and tight, your walls squeezing him with each movement. 
“Love you, love you, love you,” Hugh repeats, his hips snapping against yours as he chases his release. He can feel your walls begin to tighten even further around him and you’re struggling to keep your eyes open. He leans down and presses a gentle kiss on your forehead before he buries his face against the side of your neck. 
His skin slaps against yours repeatedly, the sound so obscene as it mixes in with the sounds of your moans. His arms move to wrap around your waist, holding you firmly against him as he continues his thrusts. Hugh feels your legs tighten even further around his hips, squeezing him so tight that he doesn’t have much room to pull back. He rolls his hips against yours, pushing you further into the mattress. 
“Baby,” Hugh mutters against your skin, teeth grazing you gently. 
“Hugh…” you moan loudly, your body trembling as you feel yourself reach your high. Your arms move to wrap around his broad shoulders, holding him flush against you as you feel the hair at his base provide the right amount of friction against your bundle of nerves. It’s enough to bring you closer to the edge. 
Hugh growls at the way your walls wrap around his length in a tight vice, hands moving to grip your hips so that he can pull back enough only to thrust himself inside of you. He’s close, his lower abdomen tightening. He pulls out abruptly and grasps the base of his length to tug once, twice, three times before white spurts of his release paint your lower abdomen. 
His eyes flutter shut, mouth slightly agape as his chest heaves rapidly. He sits back on his knees, squeezing every last drop of his come before releasing himself. Hugh opens his eyes and looks down at you, biting his lower lip at the scene before him. He feels almost territorial at the sight of you, with his release on your soft and smooth skin. 
Then, he watches you run your finger along his come and then bring it to your lips to suck. He lets out a low groan, seeing your eyes meet his. 
“Mmmm,” you smile. “Next time, you should come inside my mouth. I’ll happily swallow.”
Hugh groans, feeling his manhood twitch in excitement. He leans down and kisses the tip of your nose before he pulls away. “God, I love you, baby.” 
And he did. He loved you so much.
427 notes · View notes
absolutebl · 3 days
This Week in BL - We In A Slump, but help might be coming from a very strange source
Organized, in each category, with ones I'm enjoying most at the top.
Sept 2024 Week 4
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Jack & Joker (Thai Mon IQIYI) ep 3 of 12 - I don’t have a lot to say except that the plot is somewhat predictable but the show is still very engaging. War is fantastic. I’m enjoying it a hell of a lot.
Monster Next Door (Thai Thurs Gaga ) ep 10 of 12 - The second leads are getting better in this one. I understand where they are coming from, which makes their conflict so much more understandably painful, and honest to a friends2lovers trope. The main couple is kinda standard college relationship drama, but they are cuties.  
Kidnap (Fri YT) ep 4 of 12 - How is Ohm so damn gorgeous? Meanwhile, babies’ first argument. And it’s sponge bath time. Q has got to be wondering if Min is as meticulous with all kinds of care and attention to detail all......the......time. Somebody here in the hellhole said something about this being "the most BL to ever BL." And I think they’re right. At least right now. Although, watch out, we got us a new contender from the east.
I Saw You in My Dream (Weds Gaga) ep 11 of 12 - I do love the continuation of the perversion, in a good way, of the punishment trope from last week's episode. Oh, has the show finally remembered its title? NO SINGING. 
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Addicted Heroin (Thai Tues WeTV) ep 7 of 10 - More kidnapping and an attack and now there’s a girl involved and somebody’s going to China and I don’t understand anything! And I don’t really care. Is this how the actual book originally went? Because it’s wild. Also TOO MANY of flashbacks. I guess they got a bit of a boyfriend era, and the claiming during the water fight was cute, but otherwise...... meh
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Love Sick 2024 (Thai Sun iQIYI) ep 2 of 15 - One shouldn’t make comparisons, of course, but all I can think about is how amazing Captain was as Noh in the original series. Thus this show is mostly just making me want to rewatch the original. It’d be an interesting twist to have Aim be queer instead of a damaged cool girl slut. Was the helmet hand letting go a foreshadow of the iconic bookstore hands letting go? Also, I gotta say for the second episode of a series there are already too many flashbacks. Why are they using filler when they have so much content crammed into so few (comparable) episodes for a series? It’s annoying. Stop it.
Live in Love (Sun Gaga) ep 4 of 5 - This show has some interesting, if heavy handed, things to say about shipping and trolling, but also predatory/proprietary female behavior. It’s fascinating to see it tackled head on, if handled in a profoundly clumsy manner. I’m not sure how I feel about it. That said, most of this episode was actually an advertisement for a resort in Phuket. 
Bad Guy My Boss (Thai Sun Gaga) ep 2 of 10 - I'm getting What's Wrong with Secretary Kim? vibes from this show. Only this is WAY more bullying. It’s very old-fashioned 90’s billionaire romance novel only gay. It’s never a good sign when I’m watching two boys kiss and I really want one of them to just bite the other ones lip off instead.
Battle of the Writers (Sun YT) ep 9 of 12 - No ep this week. 
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Sugar Dog Life (Japan Sun grey) ep 8 of 10 - Gosh it’s so frikin adorable. Baby got sick. He has SUCH A CRUSH. And such a courageous little confession! Yay! Can’t wait for next week. 
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Teenager Judge (Vietnam Sat YouTube) ep 1 - sure, yes this is, in fact, just Ba Vinh doing his thing with pretty boys again. And yet...... There is a REASON this leapt into the standings guns blazing. So it’s high school set but it's stepbrothers trope. (My, aren’t we popular this year?) I know, but I NEVER get tired of this trope. We got us Bach (BV's sullen tsundere) and Dat (babygirl meets bully). It’s GREAT how the brothers' dynamic is entirely different at school than when they're at home. My ear isn’t trained for Vietnamese, but I think Dat is using different pronouns depending on his location (his personality entirely shifts when he’s at school). I’m not sold on the Bach character, although I always trust BV to serve in the end (at least we know the kisses will be good), but Dat is utterly in love, a touch spicy, and reasonably complex. The surrounding cast is good too, my favorite pretty boy is there playing top dog (woof), and one of the besties is out gay (YAY!). The plot of the show is...... well...... absent. Nothing happened. But if we are aiming for Love Sick slice of life style BL, I'm game. Subs are appropriately terrible and confusing. But I like it A FUCK TON so far, so I’m gonna keep it in rotation. Nice to have Vietnam back in play. What a shocker.
2024 has been a year of upsets.
Love is Like a Poison AKA Doku Koi: Doku mo Sugireba Koi to Naru (Japan Tues Netflix?) 3 of 10 eps - I weirdly enjoyed the farcical music and the utter absurdity of the court case. I also liked how it highlighted what a good team these two are. Frankly I don’t mind a bit of an antihero sleazy lawyer + conman, it's engaging. I’m getting wholesome out of Thailand. I don’t really need it from Japan at the moment. Also I don’t believe for one second our conman actually is serious about the relationship. Conmen gonna con. I'm reminded of the scorpion and the frog fable.
First Note Of Love (Taiwan Mon Gaga) ep 8 of 12 - I love Orca so much. I do not love the autotuned version of Orca, but I knew what I was in for with this particular show, it's in the title after all. I did laugh a whole lot when Laing used kha. Hon, I don't think that word means what you think it means......
The On1y One (Taiwan Thurs Gaga) eps 11-12fin - I never thought I’d say this, but the pacing was off in the penultimate episode. Taiwan, and its chronic misuse of flashbacks strikes again. That said we eventually got a "lock in" trope and Wang being the biggest little flirt shit in the cafe OMG!!! Of course, you shouldn’t use a girl to torment your bf, but it was so well done, I can’t really complain. Meanwhile, teacher kisses. And now I understand exactly why they’re present in this narrative. Clever. Bummer of a burden on that ending though. I cannot see how they’ll manage to stick this landing. [That was ep 11]
AND NOW EP 12 - doomey doomey doom
Not the water bottle trope! Argh the teenage lust of it all. Just stop it. Wang is so smart he knows exactly how bad he has to be to leave the class. And his bf certainly knows that too. And......
So that was not an ending and I’m not happy about it and no one is surprised. Even I’m not surprised. I’m just disappointed. Even tho I suspected this was where we were headed I'm disappointed. That’s it. That’s all I got. How do I review something that was such a crushing let down?
Based on a Mou Mou novel + the Your Name Engraved Herein team, this is old-school coming of age BL and it was bloody fantastic. Tsundere seme to beat all tsundere (smartest + tallest + bestest at everything but people) meets socially-ept cutie smart-ass uke. They're living together by end of ep 1 and start kissing by end of ep 2. A stellar tense slow burn stepbrothers trope that ate my life and than just belly-flopped the finale. What I'm left with is epic levels of disappointment and well...... at least nobody died? My standard "fatally flawed" rating for any BL is 4/10 so I guess that’s what I’m giving it. 
Before you ask me for the stats: Taiwan does not have a history of second seasons. I went ahead and ran the numbers and the odds are certainly not in our favor. I put the chances at 2%.
Yes, I contemplated a revenge rating of 2/10 but even I'm not that mean.
It's airing but...
The Hidden Moon (Sat WeTV) ep 1 of 10 - This is a supernatural romance (my ghost boyfriend trope) by Violet Rain (I Feel You Linger). A man is hired to write an article about an old mansion in Chiang Mai being converted into a café. He sees the ghosts of people who died at the mansion, falls in love with one of them. Was substantially recast. I loved IFYLITA except the ending so I think I'll let this one run it's course you can tell me if it's work tracking down... if they managed to land it. I have my doubts.
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In Case You Missed It
Falling For My Boss is vertical format (nash) short from Korean BL about a happy-go-unlucky man who keeps losing his flower shop business because of romantically misbehaving employees (apparently it's a thing). When his best employee brings in a new boy he's worried she's falling for him, but it turns out it's his own heart on the line. He a clueless softy and The Boy is a lost broken sweetheart, making this a gentle little snippet of a show. There's a baby linguistic negotiation, some hung slinging, awkward handholds, and everyone is very pretty. For me the absence of kisses and the vertical format were more annoying than the length, which felt fine but many viewers will find too short. I enjoyed the 30 minutes of cute. All of which makes this a solid 7/10 from me. It was originally only available on this one ap in very short form with ads so I wasn't gonna bother. Then some kind soul cut it together without ads and stuck it up for download. Say thank you.
Oddball recommendation next: This podcast episode touches on some stuff we see in Thai BL so I think it's worth listening to. Journalist Dominic Faulder on the Complex History Between Thailand & Myanmar
Happy of the End (Japan Gaga) - Completed its run. A boy is disowned for being gay, dumped by his boyfriend, and ends up in a dysfunctional co-dependant relationship with his would-be kidnapper. We were due for another messy JBL and it's exactly as expected. I do not like it at all and DNFed. Gossip round the hellhole is that was a solid decision.
Marriage Equality Law has officially been enacted in Thailand...
Yes the actual law. Goes into effect Jan 22, 2025
Next Week Looks Like This:
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Upcoming BLs for 2024 are listed here. This list is not kept updated, so please leave a comment if you know something new or RP with additions.
Coming Oct 2024:
10/3 Fourever You (Thai iQIYI?) 16 eps - New directs Earth (UWMA, 12%) + Pond (Century of Love, 180 Degrees), Bas (Gen Y, 2 Moons) + Maxky (Why You… Y Me?) and other familiar faces like Bever. Sampler pack university BL from Wabi Sabi that looks like it's trying to be a gay Boys Over Flowers (4 older med students hot boys) and I'm not mad about it. Trailer Not sure who's distributing this but my guess is iQIYI since they had the last few from this house.
10/7 Every You Every Me (Thai Gaga) 10 eps - Jade and Chin have lived over a thousand lifetimes. In each one they somehow manage to fall in love with each other. (This pair, TopMick was piloted in a My Universe ep, that was one of the only ones I liked.)
10/10 Eccentric Romance (Korea ????) 12 eps - Silkwood’s 2nd Thai/Korean colab, that has been in production since 2022 which is a LONG time in the BL world. I'm worried but I like the concept: friends of 10 years who’ve been hiding feelings for each other enter the same university. Plus MURDER.
10/10 Gangster and His Boyfriend (Korea ????) 8 eps? - Kim Dong Bin (famous trainee & idol reality competitor, yeah that happens) stars as a fallen idol who unexpectedly becomes entangled in a gangster family. Discovers that his friend’s father is responsible for the murder of his entire family years ago. I don't know much about this one, neither does anyone else and I'm not sure where I got that release date so……
10/21 Love in the Big City (Korea ????) 8 eps - Adaptation of Booker-nominated famous coming of age novel of the same title by Park Sang-Young. Cynical yet fun loving student writer Young pinballs from home, to class, to Tinder matches. He and Jaehee, his female besie and roommate, frequent nearby bars where they push away their worries about life, love, and money with soju. As time passes Jaehee settles down and leaves Young to face his problems on his own. Young finding comfort in the arms of the series of men, including one whose handsomeness is matched by his coldness and another who might be the great love of his life. Not really BL. Stars Kim Go-eun (The King: Eternal Monarch), Noh Sang-hyun, and Nam Yoon Su (The King’s Affection). This already released as a movie and isn't very well regarded, this date is supposedly an international release as a series. I'm wary of it being BL.
I got nothing, The On1y One drove me into a funk.
(Last week)
Streaming services are listed by how I (usually) watch, which is with a USA based IP, and often offset by a day because time zones are a pain.
The tag BLigade: @doorajar @solitaryandwandering @my-rose-tinted-glasses @babymbbatinygirl @babymbbatinygirl @isisanna-blog @mmastertheone @pickletrip @aliceisathome @urikawa-miyuki @tokillamonger @sunflower-positiiivity @rocketturtle4 @blglplus @anythinggoesintheshire @everlightly @renafire @mestizashinrin @bl-bam-beyond @small-dark-and-delicious @saezurumurmurs
Sigh, Tumblr in its infinite wisdom doesn't like too many at-ings.
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vinylmango · 2 days
On our own terms
Nicholas Alexander Chavez x famous!black!reader
Description: Rumors begin to swirl about whatever is going on between Nicholas and (y/n). The pair share mutual friends, but that doesn’t have to mean anything…
Warnings: none that I can think of right now
Sorry if the formatting is weird, I wrote this on my phone 😅
PARTS: ONE two three four (idk how many parts it’s ongoing)
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tagged: sofcruz
Liked by sofcruz, zendaya, taylorzahkarperez, and 1,532,421 others
(y/n) love an impromptu friends trip
sofcruz I’m already organizing the next one 👩🏼‍💻
> (y/n) yes pls hopefully Z and Tom can come next time
> zendaya yes pls 🙏🏽
user1 so are we just not acknowledging the soft launch…or…
user2 “friends trip”…yeah…ok 👀 we see that last slide girl
zendaya so happy for you 🥺
> (y/n) 🥺💗
user3 God I see what you have done for others…WHEN WILL IT BE MY TURN
> user4 real 🫠
user5 idk who I’m more jealous of (y/n) because he looks hot or him because it’s (y/n) and she is everything 😭
> user6 welcome to bi panic
(y/n)loml Face card is deadly. Digging my grave as i type this
(y/n)loml just fallen to my knees in the middle of walmart
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tagged: cooperkoch, nicholasgalitzine, taylorzahkarperez
Liked by nicholasgalitzine, nicchavezismine, and 500,000 others
nicholasalexanderchavez much needed filming break
nicholasgalitzine still not over that football defeat are you?
> nicholasalexanderchavez it was a tie and you know it
taylorzahkarperez unfortunately back to the grind 😔
nicchavezismine the first slide is my new lockscreen 😍😍😍
user1 are we going to ignore the legs that are obviously not his in the last pic?
user2 she’s so lucky but I know she’s probably hot so he’s lucky too 😭
user3 that should be me holding your hand 😭 THAT SHOULD BE ME MA-
lexiloo6 hi (louder than everyone else)
> user4 GET IN LINE
lexiloo6 BODY-ODY-ODY 🤤
lexiloo6 just say the word i am yours any time any place
lexiloo6 i am so down bad for this man it’s not even funny
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Liked by sofcruz, jazzsinclair, nicholasalexanderchavez, and 1,602,120 others
(y/n) I love nature…almost as much as I love you
sofcruz ugh this is so cute. I could never wake up that early
> (y/n) it was worth it
> sofcruz literally meant for each other
nicholasalexanderchavez nature girl 🌺🌿
> liked by (y/n)
jazzsinclair love this
user1 his back is hot…is that weird to say?
> user2 no girl. We get it
itswes aren’t you directionally challenged?
> (y/n) you get lost twice and your brother will never let it go 🙄
> itswes praying for him to make it back. he’s way cooler than you are
> (y/n) love you too 😃
nicchavezismine simply here bc he liked. Although I don’t really see much to like…
> goddess(y/n) prime example of joblessness kids
(y/n)loml how are you real?! I’m so in love with you
(Y/n)loml just one chance (y/n) I just need one chance
(Y/n)loml marry me. If you could just sign the license I’ve already done the rest
> user3 real
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Liked by (y/n), timotheechalamet, and 800,000 others
nicholasalexanderchavez another item off the bucket list ⛰️ and I’m so happy I got to do it with you
nicholasgalitzine Sick photo dude. How long did the hike take?
> nicholasalexanderchavez like almost 3 hours but it was worth it for the pic
nicchavezismine he’s so fit 😍 I’d hike with you any day 💗
> user1 um…anyways…
(y/n) nature boy 🌿✨
> liked by nicholasalexanderchavez
sofcruz jeez you’re high up 😬
> nicholasalexanderchavez lol you know there’s a path right?
> sofcruz I am NOT outdoorsy
>> (y/n) but I love you anyways 💗 we balance each other out
>> sofcruz we do 🥺💗 love you. The yin to my yang
>>user2 lol not the sof and (y/n) love fest in his comments 😂 thats so random. Love them
lexiloo6 God you are hot
lexiloo6 so thankful I get to breathe the same air as you
lexiloo6 I’m flexible!
> user3 LMAOOO real
lexiloo6 the shirt is white next question
> user4 you are so delulu but so real girl
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131 notes · View notes
safination · 14 hours
Could you do a one shot of Human!Alastor with a flapper!reader?
Maybe where the reader is getting unwanted attention and Alastor intervenes.
Smoke and Shadows
|Masterlist| Pairings: Alastor x Wife!Reader Warnings: Murder, Alastor being Alastor Thank you to the amazing writer who betaed my fic and gave me my title @whatswrongwithblue. Give Blue all your love! You should definitely check what she writes. Requests are always open. They're just slow
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Smoke blows out of your lips, micing with the cold, night air. The cigar flickers. Each puff warms your body, and calms the growing ire. Maybe, Alastor’s tastes aren’t too bad.
There’s a question that nags at you, demanding your attention . . . . No, you won’t do it.
A click of your tongue. Alastor would be annoying about the topic.
Even hinting at the idea of his ‘good’ cigar tastes would receive you a shit-eating grin or a week’s worth of that smug smile of his. You wouldn’t know what would be worse. Knowing Alastor, he would find a way to do both.
The mere thought wavers the settling calmness, and that would waste the effect of a perfectly good cigar.
Tonight’s piano player brims with talent. The sound of their jazzy keys dance with the saxophone. It brings you into this deep, deep, smokey lull. Even when those heavy, metal doors muffle their notes, it spills out into the alley, and forces that smile on your lips.
But . . . it begins how it always begins; with an alley, and a man too absorbed in his own ego.
The door opens with a slam, and that’s quite the talent, indeed. Piano notes flow out louder, it’s sound refusing to be drowned by the fever of the of the other instruments. That smile grows a fraction higher.
A man stumbles to the alley, a hand on the wall and clearly, drunk out of his mind. He rubs his fingers together, and blows his breath to keep them warm.
Smoke and laughter spill out of your lips.
It’s quite the cliché’ isn’t it? Alastor would, surely, find this hilarious – a man, a woman, and an alley.
The man snaps towards you, and that smile of his grows wide. Despite the dim lighting . . . huh, those are soft, blue eyes. They’re nice, but you prefer the warm brown ones for those warm, brown eyes wears the ring that matches yours. (His eyes crinkles when he laughs, and through that smokey haze, you wonder – Are they crinkling right now?)
“Hello, there!” he squeaks out as he rubs his hands together. “I mean, umm . . .  Good evening.”
Words spills out of that mouth of his. They carry neither weight nor substance.
So, with a lazy smile, and cold fingers, you enjoy the smoke that flows into your lungs, and tumbles out of your lips. It’s more exciting than whatever he’s saying, that’s for sure. You throw in a couple of, ‘huh . . .’s and a few dashes of, ‘oh, wow’ just for to see how long the conversation can keep going.
Smoke hits his face when he takes a step too close. A single step back, and that’s all you take.
Still, you make a point to show-off how you lean closer to the shadow’s behind. It’s funny, really, how the darkness brewing behind brings this sort of peace that not even the cigar can compete with. (An annoying peace, but still quite peaceful)
The man reaches for your cigar, snatching it right from your fingers.
“Young ladies shouldn’t be smoking these.” He takes a long inhale, then coughs out smoke. There’s a strained smile on his lips as he observes the cigar. Instead of returning a perfectly good cigar, this idiot drops it on the damp ground, and kills the flickering light with his heel.
“Ha!” You smack his bicep in good fun. “Not that young.”
“Hey, you’re looking a few minutes shy from turning into a popsicle,” he tells you, as if the cold isn’t already seeping through your bones. “Why don’t you take my coat? It wouldn’t be right to allow a lady to freeze. You can always return it to me tomorr—”
“You’re taking too long.” You click your tongue towards the shadows behind. “Hutty up. It’s cold, and you’re making me wait too long.”
It’s starts with a soft whistle of a tune. . .
The echoing sounds of footsteps bounce between the brick walls. Each step demands the attention of all. Alastor steps out of the shadows, yet their dark hands still cling to the edges of his form.
There’s a coat folded across his arms. Alastor drapes it around your shoulders, pulling on the lapels from behind to secure it. There it is again, because it’s funny, actually. The wind blows cold between the small alley, yet the cold ebbs away because of the command of such a simple jacket.
Alastor pulls on your shoulders, crashing you towards him with a hearty laugh. It bounces between your bodies, and settles into your bones. (And oh . . . his eyes are crinkling.)
“I apologize, dearest.” Despite the smile, there’s a part of you that doesn’t actually believe he’s sorry. “I was curious to see just how long you were willing to hold out for.” Alastor pokes the edges of your lips upwards to force a smile. “I had quite the laugh!”
Your eyes roll, and settle it towards the man. “He likes to think he’s hilarious.”
“Ha. Ha! Ha!” Alastor’s eye twitches for a moment, and his lips purse together. “I guess humor is something only the few possess now. It’s unfortunate to see it’s decline.”
“Oh, don’t say that, my dear,” you say, pressing a kiss on the edges of his lips with a smile. “I’m sure one day you’ll possess it as well.”
The man clears his throat, and reaches out for a handshake. It’s never given. “You sound familiar,” he says, after a long beat. “I think I’ve heard your voice before.”
“Is he being a bother, dearest?” Alastor leans towards you, and blows straight into your ear. His reward for such an action comes in the form on your elbow digging into his stomach — “oof. That’s not quite the answer I was expecting.”
“We’re all friends here.”
Alastor is smiling that strained smile that only appears when he’s relying on his habit to keep his smile up. “Hush now,” he says, and places a finger across his mouth. “I was talking to the lady.”
Those warm, brown eyes that Alastor own . . . they look at you expectantly.
You consider it for a moment, weighting your options. The real question is whether or not you actually cared about the man enough to be bothered. Notes of smoke and rich leaves linger on your tongue, and damn, that was a really good cigar. Despite that smokey hazy of calmness from the cigar, it’s the peace of Alastor that settles its annoying fingers on your nerves. He won’t release it anytime soon.
“You decide,” are the words you find yourself saying. “I don’t particularly care—Just make it quick.”
The edges of his lips curl just a little bit softer, and you know you did good.
Alastor grabs your wrist, lifting them up in the air with such an irritating flare. Really, it should be considered a talent of his – not anyone can find your last nerves, and tap-dance all over them. He places your palms over your ears. It’s a silent command, and one that you follow without complaint.
Alastor brings a hand over your eyes, and suddenly, darkness is all you’re able to see.
See? It’s a Cliché.
It began with an alley and a man, and it will end with an alley and a man.
Only the shadows listen in on the quickened footsteps. It’s lasting longer than it should, and like all games, it eventually comes to an end. And well, . . . let’s just say Alastor likes ending things with a bang!
Gunfire rings across the wall, and you sink just a little bit deeper into the arms that steady you.
Alastor presses a kiss on your cheek, and suddenly, you’re able to see once more. His body blocks the view of the corpse. There’s a moment there, where you try and lean over, but Alastor pokes the edges of your lips to force a smile. It doesn’t stop until you’re smiling up at him.
“I want to see,” you say, slapping his hands away. “I was the one who lured him out, and I was the one who had to wait in the cold.”
“Now, now.” Alastor plants kiss across your other cheek. “That wasn’t our agreement.”
The edges of his coat slide off your shoulders. It’s the way Alastor grabs the lapels, and secure it around your body once more that prompts the answer, “Fine, but I want to go home now.”
“Give it a moment, dearest. We can’t just leave him here.”
You fling your arms around his back, pulling him into a hug. It’s easier to sneak a look when Alastor sinks straight into your hold, and . . . woah, that’s one killer aim – straight through the head. “It’s really starting to get cold.” You blow into his ear. “So, hurry up. I’ll wait inside.”
Alastor brings your wrist high up into the air, and you have to go on the tips of your toes to stay upright. He slides his fingers across your palm, forcing them to open before intertwining your hands. “So, your ‘help’ only extends on being the bait?”
“I waited in the cold.” You try to pull your hand back, but Alastor’s grip stays firm. “As far as I’m concerned, I already did my ‘helping’.”
One of his hands snake around you, and Alastor lifts you into his hold, settling you against him. “Of course,” he says, catching your free hand to hold it once again. “But, when there’s a body to be dragged, suddenly, your assistance becomes limited.”
You show him your most innocent smile.
Alastor whistles along the tune of the piano. The feather on your head sways along as Alastor dances to the music, twisting to the beats of the notes. If the weight of carrying you in his arm hinders that determination to dance . . . well, no complaints fall off his lips.
“Al,” you begin, and lean into the crook of his neck, “the body.”
“It wouldn’t be right to allow a lady to freeze.”
Your smiled widens, warmth blossoming in your stomach. It spread through your limbs with a tingle and settles into your cheeks. Maybe, just maybe, you would admit to leaning just a little closer. “I can’t wait to go home with you.”
Alastor laughs into the air, bright and airy. So, so, full of delight.
It’s everything to you.
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invisible-lint · 22 hours
In Life And Death
Summary: After a mission gone wrong, you take shelter with Azriel only for neither of you to make it home alive
Warnings: reader death, MC death, suicide (not graphic), the dove isn't dead but it isn't doing well
Word Count: 1.0k
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You cling to Azrael's hand, stumbling through the forest behind him. You aren’t entirely sure how you got here, how the mission had gone so wrong. You pant for breath, tears streaming down your cheeks from the pain each breath sends shooting through your ribs. You know they’re broken, but there’s nothing you can do about that now. Rain falls as you run, soaking you both, but there’s nothing you can do. All that matters at the moment is getting away. 
Azriel turns suddenly, pulling you into a small cave, holding you to his chest. One of his hands is on the small of your back, the other cradling your head. You lean your head against his chest, listening to his heartbeat as you both hope your pursuers pass by. 
Once he’s certain they’re gone, he relaxes his grip on you, and you look over eachother for injuries. Azriel is bleeding from a gash on his forehead and has a large tear on one of his wings. You on the otherhand aren’t faring well. Your broken ribs are screaming at you, and with how dizzy and lighteaded you feel now that the adrenaline is wearing off, you wonder if you hit your head, even though you don’t remember doing it. 
You sway on your feet, and if it weren’t for Azriel, you would have fallen over. He catches you, gently lowering you to the damp cave floor. He carefully removes the armor that covers your chest and torso, sucking in a breath when he sees the bruising that spreads from the top of your ribs down across your abdomen. You need a healer. Now. But with his injured wing, he’s not taking you anywhere. He reaches out to Rhys, practically screaming for him, hoping he’s described where the two of you are well enough for him to be able to find you in time. He can’t lose you. 
You shiver, yelping at the way the movement jostles your ribs. Azriel pulls you into his arms, careful not to hurt you. He wraps his uninjured wing around you, doing his best to keep you warm.
“I’ve got you, Love. Rhys and Feyre are on the way. They’ll be here soon.” 
“Azzie…” Speaking hurts, so you stop, tugging weakly on the mating bond instead. You feel so tired. You know they won’t make it on time. Azriel knows too, but he won’t admit it. He refuses to accept that he’s going to lose you. 
You can barely keep your eyes open now, but you tug on the bond harder this time, using most of your energy to tilt your face up. He cups your cheek, gently tilting your face the rest of the way to press a soft kiss to your lips. Your eyes fall shut as he kisses you, and they don’t open when he pulls back. 
Azriel can feel it when you die. He feels the golden thread of the mating bond pull apart, your soul going somewhere he can't follow. The warm glow that had found its home in his chest went out, leaving him cold and hollow. He lowers you to the cave floor, brushing your hair back from your face. He puts the armor he had removed to check your injuries back on. He can’t hurt you now if he does it, and he doesn’t want to see the evidence of the injuries that took you away from him.
He brushes a hand across your cheek. You look peaceful, like you're sleeping, and if it weren’t for the pain of the broken mating bond, he might be able to pretend you were. 
He lays next to you, pulling you into his arms like he does when the two of you go to bed, pressing his face into your hair, letting his tears flow. You were the best part of his life, and now you are gone. 
He still remembers the day he had met you like it was yesterday. He had been following up on a lead in the Autumn Court. The lead itself had been a misdirection, leading him to you, one of Beron’s spies. You had ambushed him, and had him pinned to the ground when the mating bond snapped. You had never wanted to work for Beron, so you let him up and begged him to take you back to Night with him, and he did. He brought you to the Hewn City first, letting Rhys and Feyre decide if they could trust you and once they did, you found your home with him in Velaris. The two of you had been together ever since.
How empty that home will be now without you. He doesn’t have to return though, he realizes. He could follow you to wherever you have gone. He reluctantly lets go of you, sitting up so that he’s kneeling next to you. He removes Truth Teller from its home at his hip, holding it in shaking hands. He looks down at you, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. He reaches out to Rhys once more, apologizing for what he’s about to do. He now understands the bargain Rhys and Feyre made. He cannot bear the thought of a world without you in it.
 He shuts Rhys out, ignoring his brother as Truth Teller finds the spot where the mating bond once lived. This pain is nothing compared to the pain of losing you. He repeats the action twice more, making sure he’ll follow you to wherever you are. He lays back down, pulling you into his arms again, closing his eyes, imagining he's falling asleep with you one last time.
It’s Feyre that finds the two of you, following the scent of Azriels blood. She falls to her knees at the mouth of the cave, taking in the sight of the two of you lying together, the ground soaked in Azriel’s blood. Rhys isn't far behind, falling next to her, leaning on his mate for support, shedding tears for his lost brother. They take a moment to grieve before bringing the two of you home. 
They make the pyre large enough for the two of you to lay side by side, hands intertwined and wrapped with black ribbon, just like they were at your mating ceremony. The two of you mates in life, and in death.
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A/N: So here's the Azriel fic based on Triassic Love Song (very loosely). I would also like to formally apologize for killing Azriel again, I did not intend to do that when I started writing. If it makes y'all feel better I wrote this at the library and totally cried a little bit. On the bright side, I do have some not angst coming up for Lucien!
Requests are open!
dividers are by @tsunami-of-tears
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trippinsorrows · 2 days
through your eyes + au future
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a/n: i had this idea and needed to write it. it's a bit into the future, much past where i currently am, so feel free to skip. i'm still posting the next part later this evening, but i just needed to get this out of my head and figured i'd share lol
*gif courtesy of google*
words: 1.6k // warnings: solana is sad, roman is pissed, and their families ain't shit
taglist: @fearlesschimera @sayyestoheav3nn @annfg8 @cyberdejos2 @sabrina-carpenter-stan-account @trentybenty @empressdede @tshepisho @southerngirl41 @callmekayd
Solana should have listened to Roman. 
Should have known better than to ever think this was a good idea.
To think that they could have both of their families in the same vicinity and everything would go fine. Granted, the type of division she was expecting has been relatively tame. There hasn’t been any violence, largely due and thanks to the weapon deposit bins by the entrance.
Weapon free establishment and all. 
Yet, she’s not naive enough to think that the lack of guns, knives, and other unmentionables could stop her or Roman’s family from throwing down if they wanted. But, they haven’t. No punches have been thrown nor bones broken. It’s been more of a clear separation. Roman’s family only interacts with each other, and her family interacts with each other.
Not the kind of cohesion she was hoping for but a much better alternative than what it could be.
But, while conflict and violence between the in-laws has, so far, been avoided. There’s still another major issue that has Solana locked in one of the back rooms, sitting on a random chair, crying her eyes out.
The bullying. 
Towards her. 
Towards Roman.
Towards their baby.
It started out light, Solana having to politely shut down a near fight between her brother and Roman.
Wes lifted the beer to his lips, eyeing Roman. “So, how many people have you killed today, Reigns?”
“Wesley!” Solana’s sharp use of his name was conjoined with a disapproving expression. He’s too old for the petty jabs.
Roman, however, simply smiled coldly, scratching his beard as he delivered a chilling warning. “So far none, but you keep fucking talking, and I can change that real fast.”
Thankfully, Solana was able to de-escalate, her sister-in-law, Hazel, prying Wes away before any violence could commence. 
Then there was the conversation Solana unintentionally walked into while conversing with two of her older cousins she’s not as close with.
For good reasons.
“Aren’t you at all worried?”
Solana frowned. “About?”
Her cousin leaned forward, lowering her voice. “Roman as a dad. I mean, he’s not capable of love. Do you really expect him to be a good father?”
There’s no words to describe how much hearing such a thing about the man she loves hurt Solana. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Her other cousin, however, simply rolled her eyes. “I’m just saying, everyone knows that man is a sociopath. You’re better off cutting your losses now, taking the kid to Mexico with your mom’s side of the family, and praying he doesn’t turn out like his psycho dad.”
Solana had to excuse herself for that one. She had nothing nice to say in that moment, but beyond that, she just needed to get a few tears out.
And she did, hoping that would be the last of it, but no, that was just too good of a hope to be true. 
It was the comments overheard by some of Roman’s relatives, however, that did her in.
“I just can’t believe out of all the women, the respectable options who come from more established families, he chose her.”
The other woman snorted, shaking her head. “Right? It’s obvious she was looking for a sugar daddy. What is she, like 25?”
“I heard her father’s not doing well financially and told her to seek out Roman.”
“Makes sense. Look how easy she was. Didn’t waste any time opening up her legs and trapping him with a baby.” The woman rolled her eyes, adding, “at the very least, he could have found a Samoan woman. It’s bad enough he’s afakasi, but this child of theirs? The girl is Mexican and Black. He’ll hardly have any Samoan blood running through his veins. Our Bloodline could die out because of her.”
The first woman to speak snorted, smirking almost as she suggested, “that’s assuming it’s his baby. Roman’s smart though. I’m sure he’ll have a paternity test done as soon as she pushes out that bastard.”
“Assuming ICE doesn’t deport her first.”
The two women fell out in laughter at the same time Solana darted off, desperate to get away and have a safe space to cry. 
It’s all just been too much. Too much hatred spewed for something that should be filled with love and excitement. 
It’s been anything but, and it hurts. 
It hurts a ton. 
The knocking on the door is loud and borderline erratic, Solana quickly wiping her eyes and clearing her throat to inform that she’ll be out in a minute. But, a deep, familiar voice beats her to it.
“Solana.” It’s Roman, and he doesn’t sound happy. “Open the door.”
She blows out a deep breath and does her best to feign a ‘normal’ voice. “Just—just a second.”
“Now, Solana.” Before she can ask why, he adds in a calmer voice,“I know you’re crying.” Damn. 
“So you either let me in or I’ll break this goddamn door down.”
He’ll do it. She knows he will. There’s nothing ever stopping Roman from comforting or being there for her when he knows she’s upset. 
And this would definitely be one of those times. 
Solana sniffles, trying to gather herself as she carefully stands up from the toilet seat. Wiping at her eyes, she flips the lock and is barely able to turn the knob when Roman is opening the door. Stepping back, he closes it behind him and moves his hands to her face, gaze locking with hers.
“What’s wrong?”
So many things, but this isn’t the time or place, so she shakes her head. “N–nothing. I’m just—baby hormones.”
“Bullshit,” he scoffs, voice still surprisingly gentle. “Baby, talk to me. What happened?”
Solana looks away, hating how just that question, coming from him, tone so understanding and soft almost, is enough to pull the truth out of her.
And it does.
“You were right. This was a bad idea. I should have never—” She stops herself, taking a deep, shaky breath. “I just wanted…..I thought….I thought they’d be happy for us.”
“Sol, you know it’s not that simple.” Though his words could be seen as insensitive, the way he says it is anything but. “Who said what?”
She closes her eyes, grasping onto his white button-up shirt. “It wasn’t just…..one person….it’s everybody.” He wipes at her tears, as she continues to feel the emotional weight of it all. “My family saying cruel things about you—”
“Your family saying things about me, about our baby—”
At that, all gentleness drops and is replaced with something else. Something she knows Roman knows well. 
“Who?” It’s one word. One single word that means a multitude of things and none of them good.
Solana shifts her weight, shrugging, “I—I don’t know who they are. Some….some cousins of yours. But, it doesn’t—it doesn’t matter.”
“Yes, it does fucking matter.” Roman drops his hands from her face to instead take her right hand in his, holding it firmly. “And we gonna address this shit right now.”
Solana's eyes widen a bit. That’s….that’s not what she wanted. “Wait, Roman—”
He’s not listening though. His stride is purposeful and determined, as he leads them out the bathroom, down the hall, and into the main section of the venue where most of their families are gathered. 
Roman guides them over to where the DJ has his setup, Solana gasping as Roman uses his free hand to yank a set of chords out the wall, effectively stopping the music. 
The DJ looks just as confused as most of the guests but cowers away in fear when Roman ‘iffs’ at him, like he’s going to hit him, before snatching the microphone. 
The abrupt ending of the music has attracted most gazes to where Roman and Solana stand, him moving them to the middle where all can see and hear.
He never once releases her hand. 
“Imma say this one time, and one time only.” She swallows, her eyes landing on her parents. Her mom looks confused, while her dad wears the same expression he’s worn since the moment Solana finally came clean about her relationship with Roman.
“Cause if I have to address this shit again, it’s not gonna be verbally.” Chills move up and down her spine. There’s not an ounce of her that questions if he’s bluffing or not. Roman doesn’t bluff. If he says it, he means it. “I don’t give a fuck what anyone thinks about me. That includes her family and mine, but I’ll be damned if I let any of ya’ll disrespect her or our child.” Solana’s hand naturally moves to her belly, her bump that’s pronounced and especially visible in her white bodycon dress. “We’re together. We’re having a baby. However way any of you feel about it, keep it to your fucking selves, because there’s no reason Solana should be crying at something that’s supposed to be a happy occasion.”
She swallows, noticing how the entire room has gone silent under the deep voice of Roman’s address. There’s not a person who looks uninterested or annoyed. It’s just a sea of various scared and nervous expressions. 
“So, the next time you find yourselves talking shit about her, and especially our baby, understand it will absolutely be the last thing you ever fucking do.” Solana watches Roman begin to hand the microphone to the flabbergasted DJ before he snatches it back, turning once again toward the onlookers. “And one more thing……when you address her, make sure you do it properly.”
Solana’s throat goes dry.  She shakes her head. He can’t be doing what she thinks he’s about to do. “Roman—”
“It’s not Solana Miller.” Oh my God. “It’s Solana Reigns.”
The sea of silence quickly morphs into an ocean of various gasps, exclamations, and even shouts. 
Meanwhile, Roman simply smirks as he sticks the nail in the coffin before dropping the mic on the ground. “—we’re married.”
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luvzshy · 2 days
Omgg you should do one when Billie and readers child is like 6-7
A Different Kind of Love
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The faint buzz of instruments being tuned echoed through the nearly empty arena as Billie Eilish ran through her soundcheck. You sat on a worn, black leather couch backstage, watching her with pride. Across the room, your six-year-old daughter, Lily, was doodling in her sketchbook, but her eyes kept drifting to the stage where her mom was singing.
“She’s so cool,” Lily mumbled, mostly to herself but loud enough for you to hear.
You smiled softly. “She is.”
The song wrapped up, and Billie shot a glance your way, waving. You waved back, watching as she handed her mic to one of the techs and hopped down from the stage. The instant Lily saw her approaching, she scrambled off the couch, running up to Billie with her sketchbook in hand.
“Mommy! Look at what I drew!” Lily grinned, holding the picture up high.
Billie crouched down to her level, brushing a hand through Lily’s messy hair. “Let’s see, what’ve we got here?” Her eyes softened as she looked at the drawing: three stick figures, one taller, one shorter, and a tiny one in the middle, all holding hands. Above them, Lily had scribbled a rainbow in crayon.
“It’s us,” Lily explained with a proud smile. “But we don’t look like other families. My friend Sarah said she has a mom and a dad, but I have two moms. Is that okay?”
Billie glanced at you, her eyes filled with warmth and understanding. You moved from the couch, crouching next to them, your heart heavy with the weight of the question but ready to explain.
Billie smiled, cupping Lily’s cheek gently. “Of course it’s okay, love. Families come in all shapes and sizes. Some have a mom and a dad, some just have one parent, and some, like us, have two moms.”
Lily’s brow furrowed, trying to make sense of it all. “So we’re still a family?”
You nodded, taking Lily’s small hand in yours. “Absolutely. What makes us a family isn’t how we look or what other people think. It’s how much we love each other.”
Billie leaned in closer, her voice soft and reassuring. “Just because we’re different doesn’t mean we aren’t a real family. The important thing is that we love each other more than anything.”
Lily seemed to consider that for a moment, then she smiled, her face lighting up. “Okay. I like our family better anyway.”
You and Billie both laughed softly, a wave of relief washing over you. Billie pulled Lily into a hug, kissing the top of her head. “We like our family too, baby.”
Lily hugged Billie back tightly before looking up at both of you, her eyes bright with curiosity. “Does that mean I can have two Mother’s Day cards to make this year?”
You and Billie exchanged a quick glance before bursting into laughter. “Of course,” you said, grinning. “Two cards, and maybe some extra hugs too.”
Billie stood, lifting Lily up with her, and the three of you headed toward the stage where the final rehearsal was set to begin. As you walked together, you couldn’t help but feel grateful. Your family might look different, but the love you shared was stronger than anything. And in the end, that was all that mattered.
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artsymeeshee · 1 day
Hello! I just found your laundry list of art last week, and I have to say…I LOVE IT! Love the instinct comics, Ford being cool never ceases to make me giggle, and I loved the autumn drawing. I’ll admit, that one had me in tears…made be believe in the what-if’s of my own family. What they…could be like someday. Or what I wish they were. Thanks for the tears, they were much needed.
 Anyway! This is what I came to message you about! Although,…I am extremely sorry for the late message. I tend to check back into tumblr at…weird hours of the night. Heck, it’s almost the next day as I type this. I seriously need to sleep more. So! I had a few thoughts on Stan and Ford relationship, and I wanted to hear your thoughts on it. Just a disclaimer, I’m kinda basing this off my actual life as I find these characters mirror personal events very closely! I am also a writer and soon to be author! Might post some archive of our own content about these two soon. Also, and this is the most important, I have NOT read book of Bill yet. So plz…no spoilers. Anyway, long introduction aside, let’s begin!
In my personal head cannon of these two, which I don’t imagine is “too” different than how anyone else could see them, Stan and Ford have an extremely awkward and emotional conversation after Weirdmagedon. Why? B/c they’re both, to some degree, emotionally numb. In my opinion, why wouldn’t they? They haven’t spoken to each other in 40 years, properly, and they have repressed a ton of their emotions since then. It’s hard to bring that back up. (Speaking off of experience) I’d say even harder for Ford. Stan, thanks to the twins, has learned to loosen the locks on his heart while Ford kept running away from those emotions to defeat Bill. Just like his ambitions, that was the main priority, and everything else later. To me, this would explain why Ford never bothered to talk to Stan properly since coming back during the show. He wouldn’t know how to. If they were to talk, and this is where the writer in me comes out, I’d write Ford as the one that needs it most. He’s been traveling dimension for decades, running from the past that held him back…but he has no anchor now. Stan becomes that anchor, paralleling what he wasn’t when Ford was lost. And Ford…he just breaks. Like, completely breaks. And Stan is there with him, breaking like he is, but still there for him brother. Finally back after all those years apart. And as someone who has been on the side of neglect from one’s own brother…nothing would be me happier if we went to connect. Just like Stanley and Ford. And eventually, soon to be sailing on the seas to connect even more.
Phew…that was a lot. Sorry for the rambling. Told you I had some ideas! So, what do you think? Do you see Ford acting like this? If not…why? Genuinely, I’d like to know. Anyway, thanks for taking your time to read this. Again, sorry for the ramblings. Oh! One more thing, I know you aren’t taking art request right now, but would you be open to take them in the future? Say in 2 months time? Anyway, bye!
Well first off, thank you! I appreciate it! :D
And to answer your headcanon, I agree on it. Stan is definitely more open to talking, especially thanks to the kids. I mean there's still moments where it's hard and awkward for sure. And Ford would for sure have a harder time opening up, especially with the constant guilt and mistakes that replay over and over. And there's always that lingering feeling of "well, Stan has to hate me for what I've done" and it's always so surprising when Stan tells him differently and he never once hated Ford. Sure, was angry but never hated him. He had too much self-hatred to feel that way with Ford. And as many times as it needs to be said or repeated, it really makes all the difference when they tell each other how much they love and care for each other. As Alex said, "they're both so damaged, they desperately need each other."
As for the requests thing, most likely not. Only because I'm entering the busiest time of year for my work so it's gonna be a miracle if I even have enough energy or motivation for drawing if I'm not completely burnt out.
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flatassthrowaway · 3 days
Hey, so… I wrote a thing. Let me know what you think.
This is a Stanford Pines x reader. 18+ MDNI will go into effect later in the story. Reader is female.
~Passionately and Deeply~
I had lots of it. For my work, that is.
Sure, I had friends, and I love them dearly. But… none of them really stimulated me in the way I didn’t know I needed to me stimulated. It was like an itch that needed to be scratched.
I never had that itch scratched.
Not until I came to Gravity Falls, Oregon.
I remember first arriving in Gravity Falls for a travel assignment. Of course, me being me, my first thought was to find the closest, cheapest restaurant.
That’s when I found Greasy’s.
Although the name was less than appealing to me, I decided to pursue my breakfast.
To say this town was one of a kind… I mean it. The location, along with its people.
The diner itself was what you’d expect in a typical diner. The wooden diner had the typical booths, a jukebox in the back of the restaurant, a spinning pie machine (which was apparently broken when one of the elderly waitresses with the pink uniform kept banging on it, saying, “Spin, you dumb pies! Spin!”), a counter where the patrons could get their food served instantly, and, of course, multiple, delectable carbs presented in the front of the diner.
I noted that there wasn’t a hostess stand, and it seemed like it was a ‘sit where you can and someone will come get your order’ kind of place. I, being the introvert I am, quickly took advantage of not needing to speak to anyone.
Unfortunately for me… the diner was packed. Nearly every single seat was taken.
I saw a large man with four of his kids (at least I assume they’re his kids) at the counter, a man and his woodpecker sharing a pancake at the counter as well, and two cops (which I very warily took heed of) feeding each other their shared french toast also at the counter. Multiple other patrons sat with their friends and/or family, and were nearly packed like sardines in the booths.
All… except one.
This man had his hands clasped together on the table in front of him. He was a little older, if the dark grey hair was any indication.
Oh gosh, of course there’s no free place where I could just sit by myself!
Okay, okay, let’s relax. The worst the man could say is no!
But what if he does say no? Then I’ll starve!
C’mon, everyone was so nice when you arrived to town! Surely this man is the same way!
But what if he says no?
But if I don’t ask and keep standing here awkwardly, I’ll starve regardless.
As someone great once said, you miss all the shots you never take, so… here goes nothing!
I walked as confidently as I could to the older man’s table and cleared my throat. He seemed lost in thought, and didn’t seem to hear me.
Okay, time to use my voice!
“Excuse me,” I said in a loud enough volume. The man finally turned his head and looked up at me.
Oh gosh… don’t waver now! Tell him!
“May I sit here? There aren’t any seats available.”
Yes!! I did it!
He nodded, and I sighed a deep breath of relief, my breath showing up. It still was rather cold inside of the diner, but it was still leagues warmer than it was outside. I sat down diagonal from the man as he went back to staring out the window.
Well, step one is down. I don’t even need to talk to him anymore! I could just be on my phone-
And I have no service. I guess that means no YouTube for me…
I guess it’s back to good ol’ conversation… although it seems like this man is more interested in the environment than in having a conversation with me.
Fine by me. I can think about things just fine!
Except I couldn’t help but think about how cold I was.
Thankfully, the same elderly waiter who was beating that spinning pie machine came over to get my order. She had a cup of black coffee for the man which she placed down for him. He thanked her and the waitress turned to me.
She had long grey hair, one eye closed and one brown eye open, blue eyeshadow with fake lashes and hot pink lipstick. Her name tag read, ‘Susan.’
“Hiya stranger! I haven’t seen you around these parts!” Susan greeted me. “What would you like to drink?”
“I’ll take green tea, thank you,” I told her.
“Oh, we don’t have that right now,” she said. “Why don’t I get you some hot chocolate? You’re freezing, sweetie!”
I nodded eagerly. “Hot chocolate sounds wonderful, thank you,” I told her.
She gave me a warm smile as she went to get my hot chocolate for me.
“It’s a good thing you didn’t order the green tea,” the man said suddenly, making me jump. I put a hand over my chest to calm my heart and breathed deeply.
“Wh-why do you say that?” I asked.
“The green tea can increase the acid in your stomach, which can cause stomach pain,” the man explained.
Looking at him further, he has intensely captivating copper brown eyes, a distinct, strong nose and on the bridge of his nose laid square glasses with a small crack on the left side, a small mouth framed by a grey five o’clock shadow with a strong jaw and cleft chin. Overall… he was a very handsome man.
“Oh, I did hear that somewhere. Well, um… thanks for reminding me,” I told him, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear while smiling softly.
He gave me a grunt in response, and then went back to looking back to the winter wonderland scenery outside. Gravity Falls was really beautiful, in all fairness.
Not a moment too soon, Susan arrived with my hot chocolate.
“Here ya go, sweetie!” She told me.
“Thank you, Susan,” I told her, gingerly holding the hot mug in my hands, instantly warming me up to my core.
“It’s no problem! So, what do ya want to eat?” She asked.
Gosh, there’s so many things I want to try! But… the French toast that I saw those two cops eating looked really good…
“Can I have the French toast?” I asked.
“Oh~? Are you sharing with that man of mystery next to you~?” She asked teasingly.
What on Earth was she talking about?
“Um, no,” I told her. In the corner of my eye, the man of mystery turned to look at me, probably upset that I included him in with my order. “Can I get it on my own?”
Susan shook her head. “I’m afraid not, sweetie,” she told me. “The special is called ‘French Toast Lovers’ for a reason. It’s meant to be shared with two people.”
Before I could speak, the man of mystery spoke.
“I’ll eat it with you,” he spoke. I looked to him.
“No, you really don’t have to-“
The man cut me off. “Really, it’s fine. I’m craving something sweet now since you brought it up.”
I nodded at Susan as she just laughed. “Ah, lovebirds. I’ll get to you as soon as I can.”
As soon as she left, I looked to the man and smiled at him sheepishly. “Thank you,” I told him.
He smiled back in response, which quickly faded.
…Not sure what I was expecting with that.
“You’re new here, aren’t you?” He said.
I nodded. “Yes, that’s right,” I told him.
We kind of sat in silence, staring at each other. I was expecting him to have a follow up question, but instead, he said, “This is the part where you tell me your name,” he told me.
“A gentleman would introduce himself first, then ask for my name,” I told him.
His eyes looked downcast, but quickly recovered. I hope that wasn’t too mean. He nodded. “My name is Stanford Pines. What’s your name?”
This is the first time that actually worked. I didn’t actually expect that to work. All the men I’ve tried that on just rolled their eyes at me and left.
“That’s better,” I said with a small smile as I introduced myself.
“Nice to meet you,” he said my name.
“Likewise,” I told him.
“What brings you to this small, secular town?” Stanford asked.
“I’m here for work,” I told him.
“I see. What is it that you do?” He asked, almost hesitantly.
I told him all about my line of work, and genuinely seemed interested in what I had to say.
“How curious… I never knew there was so much to learn for that line of work,” he told me.
I smiled. “You’d be surprised,” I told Stanford. “What about you, Stanford? What do you do for work?”
Stanford took a swig of his black coffee and set it down. “Do you believe in the paranormal?” He asked.
I nodded. “Of course. There are spirits all around us at all times,” I said.
Stanford chuckled. “Oh, dear,” he said, pushing up his glasses. “There are many more entities in the paranormal world than spirits.”
I nodded. “I’m aware. Spirits are the most common ones that find me, though,” I told him.
“Do you happen to be a medium?” He asked, saying my name.
I shook my head. “No. I just… sense them.”
“Fascinating… tell me, how do you sense the spirits?”
“Well, if I’m somewhere warm but it suddenly turns cold, a spirit is right next to me,” I explained.
He pulled out a worn, old red notebook, writing what I said down. He must be a paranormal investigator! Or… an exorcist.
“Are you an exorcist? Or a paranormal investigator?” I asked.
Before Stanford could respond, Susan returned with the French toast. She winked (with her good eye!) and left us to enjoy.
The problem was… there was only one set of cutlery.
“Excuse me, Susan. Excuse me!” I called.
She was gone. This poor man…
I looked at Stanford sheepishly. Almost as if he read my mind, he said, “Have some.”
“It doesn’t matter, I have a robust immune system,” he told me.
I sighed. “If you say so…”
I tried a bite of the French toast, and when I say I died and went to heaven, then came back… I meant it.
The ratio of cinnamon to nutmeg was superb! And then the hint of chocolate infused just made it even more succulent! This French toast is so delicious, I could cry!
I guess I started to concern Stanford, as he called my name. “Are you okay? Are you allergic to something in the French toast?”
I blinked twice at him before smiling. “No, that’s not it at all. I’ve just… never had French toast as stupendous as this one, that’s all,” I told him.
He raised a grey eyebrow in disbelief. “That’s some high praise,” Stanford said. “Let me try.”
I gave him the plate, and he sampled the French toast for himself. His eyes widened before giving me a smile.
“You’re right. It’s quite delectable,” he said my name.
I smiled at him. “I told you.” He chuckled as we took turns eating from the French toast before there weren’t any left.
“Well, that was just about the best French toast I’ve ever had,” Stanford said.
“Same here.”
“I’m almost tempted to order another one, but I had enough temptation for one day,” he said.
“I wouldn’t say no to more,” I told him.
“No, it’s alright.”
Susan came up to the both of us, and smiled. “Anything else for ya lovebirds?” She asked.
We both shook our heads. “No, thank you,” we said, not registering that she called us lovebirds at the time.
“Okay… well, you know the drill Mr. Pines,” she said, giving the tab.
I pulled out my wallet, but Stanford was faster than me, and gave her cash, including tip. Thankfully, I caught what the amount was, and started collecting the money to give to Stanford.
“Wonderful! You two have a great rest of your day!” Susan then turned to Stanford. “And if it doesn’t work out with this young honey… you know where to find me, handsome.”
Umm… what just happened?
Stanford looked just as dumbfounded then cleared his throat then looked at me.
“Miss Susan is convinced that we went out at some point, but there was never a time when I showed any interest in her.”
I smiled. “You don’t have to explain to me, Stanford,” I told him. “And thanks for footing the bill.”
“Well, I should thank you for keeping me company. Since my niece and nephew have left, the house has been eerily quiet.”
Aww, that’s cute.
“Well, thanks for welcoming me to the town,” I told him as we both stood up. Woah… I didn’t realize he was so tall. He squished himself in the corner so I couldn’t really tell.
“Not exactly the warmest welcome you deserved, but… I hope you enjoy your stay,” he told me.
“Thanks, Stanford.”
“Please, call me Ford,” Ford told me.
“Thanks, Ford,” I told him, holding my hand out to shake it.
Ford smiled at me, and shook it. His hands felt massive in my own. So warm and rugged…
“And, if you ever want to talk about the paranormal… you can always find me at 618 Gopher Road,” he told me.
I raised an eyebrow, inquisitively playful. “That was rather bold to give out your address like that. Are you sure I won’t stalk you at all hours of the day?” I asked playfully.
Ford retained his smile. “You’re not that kind of person,” he said my name. “I can tell.”
I smiled back at him as I reached into my pocket to give him the money from the bill. “Well, until then Stanford Pines,” I told him, quickly shoving the money in his hand, then leaving.
I ran as far as I could in the direction of my home so that he wouldn’t follow me. As soon as I walked through the door, I shut it and locked it.
Phew… now my debt is paid, and we can continue as friends.
Oh wait… is it too soon to start thinking that this man could be my friend?
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All this stuff with Chappell Roan is so interesting to me because people are now using the fact that she has conservative relatives to question whether or not she is actually a lesbian. Which is just so chronically-online-leftist-feedback-bubble that it’s actually insane.
Like babe, she sings about being from Tennessee and the Midwest. Did you think she came from some magical queer only side of those places? Queer people from conservative families exist and those families aren’t always frothing at the mouth homophobes. She shouldn’t have to make a public statement distancing herself from her own family in order to be considered a valid lesbian.
I understand that social media is frequently a no nuance place where conservatives and liberals can’t even think of existing in the same space as one another without coming to blows, but in reality, every liberal has a conservative family member, and every conservative has a liberal one. And yes these people might disagree and get into huge political fights at Thanksgiving, but they are allowed to still love each other and still be a family. Thinking otherwise has you unironically saying dumb shit like “well Chappell has a conservative uncle and she used to date a man, so how do we know she’s even really a lesbian?”
Please go outside and speak to real people and gain some perspective
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ramblingguy54 · 1 day
What genuinely gets to me with Wild Robot’s story is how quickly and well done the liar revealed trope is handled. Chris Sanders has experience pulling off this same execution with the likes of How To Train Your Dragon’s first film, when Hiccup had to come clean to his dad about secretly harboring Toothless. Didn’t think it would be covered so fast as it happened though, considering most of the time it’s saved til that inevitable third act, so mad respect to them shaking things up in Wild Robot’s writing.
Much like that other respective film, Wild Robot is immediate and thorough in addressing Brightbill’s family being accidentally killed by Roz crash landing into their little nest. We see that crushing realization, along with Brightbill’s conflicting feelings toward Roz, play out in a manner working highly effectively. It may have been a terribly unfortunate accident, but it doesn’t take away whatever weight Brightbill feels. Imagine looking up to someone you always believed to be your parent, only to find out they played a part in your biological family’s untimely demise before even being born.
Obviously, it’s not Roz’s fault because she was flung into the nest by outside forces, but damn it all if his reaction didn’t hit like a truck. What stings most of all is Roz’s calculative reasoning unintentionally adding more fuel to the fire, making Brightbill feel like a mere “task” to her, instead of what she really means. Roz was still learning about what it means to be a mother. To feel truly happy and alive. This right here was the be all end all boiling point when her son shouted, “Do you feel anything at all!?”. Every parents’ worst fear is their son or daughter rejecting them out of painful circumstances, which made Roz completely rethink her entire purpose. Getting the necessary reliable help to make Brightbill achieve excellent flying consistency.
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Brightbill’s bittersweet migration take off scene wouldn’t have landed anywhere near as hard as it did, if they hadn’t chosen doing the liar revealed scene so early. It builds a serious foundation of competent writing and massive heart for Roz & Brightbill’s chemistry. You want to see them talk it out, as soon as possible to clear the air. However, both are still internally sorting things out and aren’t ready, either. You get why it has to be this way, while having your heart stomped on by their silent goodbye to each other.
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The migration scene brilliantly portrays those complex hardships any family, be it biological or a found one, can go through. There’s so much anyone wants to say to another loved one, but sometimes can’t find the words in their heart and you know what? That’s completely okay. Sometimes communication isn’t always needed. Sometimes a sweet expression of unconditional love and compassion is enough, too.
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lover-of-mine · 2 days
I think a lot of people fall into thinking that if Eddie loved Shannon it means that the only reason they’re not together is that she died (which doesn’t really matter because she IS dead but I digress). She asked for a divorce. They could’ve loved each other and still not work as a couple in the long run. Like yes maybe they could’ve worked it out eventually we’ll never know because she died, but that’s not a guarantee. I think a lot of people love to dismiss any past love interests that aren’t endgame for a character because they think if they don’t it makes their endgame love less important. I disagree. You can also have more than one “love of your life” I feel like it’s perfectly reasonable to consider Shannon the love of that life of Eddie’s, and Buck the love of Eddie’s new life. Like if somehow magically Shannon WAS alive again I don’t think her and Eddie would end up together (though they might try again for a bit) but that doesn’t mean they wouldn’t love each other.
Yeah, I think that people seem to ignore the fact that Shannon asked for a divorce and Eddie didn't fight her on it. I don't think they would be able to make it work romantically because they never learned to communicate properly, but it doesn't make Eddie's love for her any less true just because it wasn't this all consuming, all conquering thing. Even more when you look at the show and the way it is the love starts second chance show. Bobby is a widower, Athena lost her fiance and she's divorced, Maddie and Doug are its own can of wars, so are Hen and Eva. You can love more than one person in your life. Sometimes a relationship is what you need at the time. Sometimes life gets in the way. Eddie and Shannon never learned to put in the work to make it work and the definition of love for the show is "you don't find it, you make it". It's all about your ability to work through the problems and unfortunately, Eddie and Shannon didn't have that. But it doesn't negate the way they loved each other. It just wasn't meant to be.
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willthespy · 2 days
(except it’s mostly in response to fandom)
Honestly, I’ve heard some reasons why people hate Solangelo. And don’t get me wrong; I don’t care that you don’t like a ship, but some of you are ignorant (and biased) and trying to find reasons to hate it.
One i’ve seen is that «they have no shared interests» etc, etc. Since when was that an issue? It wasn’t an issue with any other ship, so why is that an issue with the one canon/main mlm ship we have. And even if that wasn’t said with homophobic intentions, which it definitely doesn’t have to be, it still is odd that it is fine with your ship to have them not share common interests, but when it’s the ‘same case’ with Solangelo or some other canon ship it’s not?
Besides, nobody said they didn’t have any shared interests and nobody said they need to have shared interests. «Nico doesn’t like Star Wars. He hated it.» Oh, sweet gods. He watched all those movies for a reason, first of all. You’re saying he doesn’t like Will even after doing all that??? You’re using that as reasoning??? And even if he didn’t like it at all (gods forbid someone has an opinion not based around/biased by their relationship) that is okay. Especially for neurodivergent people I’ll say that it is okay to be in relationships and still have different interests than your significant other. Same interests ≠ madly in love whatsoever.
In fact, from a sociological/psychological/WHATEVER perspective, a lot of neurodivergent people tend to prefer it if someone doesn’t have the same interests. Yes, this depends per person, but that’s something I’ve noticed happens a lot.
The «they hate each other» argument is used, referring to their banter, and I love (read: hate) how those same people still like Percabeth. Like, okay, now give me the real reasons you don’t like it, without grasping for fake ones that don’t actually match up with your idea of a relationship. The bias is biasing.
I think the most important part of Solangelo is the fact that they can let their guards down around one another. They always have those walls up around others - though in different ways - and they don’t always have to be like that in front of each other. They’re also there to protect and care for the other, much unlike the fanon idea where Will often only cares for Nico. They aren’t there to fix one another, they’re there for each other.
Note that they still both have some walls up in TSATS! That doesn’t make their relationship any less real, but I think that is also very much to be expected from characters who have actively had to deal with trauma. And even then, even without knowing everything, they still care and are there for each other, no matter how frustrating it may be to be out of the know.
They’re also not «complete opposites». In TSATS we literally read that they have more similarities than meets the eye (which can be read as the light-darkness symbolism.) They balance each other out and they’re ALLOWED to argue. Did you guys know that? It’s important to me that you know that.
Did you know characters/people can argue and then solve the situation/argument using healthy communication? Shocking, I know.
I do think the start of Solangelo wasn’t smoothly written whatsoever. Will was kind of used as a puppet and obviously put there ‘for Nico.’ Do I think Will should get more character separate from his relationship/his father? Yes. Do I think he has no character at all? No. But also… It’s a children’s book. You can’t expect the best written character in history from a book written for middle schoolers.
They wouldn’t be the first canon ship with a bad start, so I’m not too fed up about that. If I would ask for anything, I’d like a book/short story about Will as a character (his backstory/just anything) or just a story in which they grow more in their relationship and as separate characters (though not broken up).
My point mostly is this; if you really don’t like it, you don’t have to interact or read or do anything, really. (Yay!) Don’t use the Solangelo tag for your hatred. Especially not if it’s an unproblematic ship.
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aliesbienish · 14 hours
Love at first swipe
Tumblr media
Benedict Bridgerton x fem reader. Modern Au.
Warnings: Cheesy AF. Innuendos.
Cute smile. Check.
Kind eyes. Check.
Well written profile with no misogynistic undertones. Double check.
This guy must be to good to be true. Definitely a bot. Or married and cheating on his poor wife. Plus what girl hasn’t been screwed over by a ‘Ben’, maybe he’ll be yours.
Still against better judgement you swiped right on Mr. cute smile, and then called it a day. Closing tinder and setting down your phone, reluctantly getting up to make yourself dinner. Honestly having a partner to share the cooking load was just as appealing as the romance at this point.
Basic spaghetti made and glass of wine in hand you plopped back onto the couch to continue your next rerun of pride and prejudice, the tv show of course. At least you could always day dream of life with Mr Darcy, and if he was always looking like he just emerged from the lake then so be it.
Grabbing your phone to enter into some simultaneous mindless scrolling you saw a notification from Tinder pop up. Oh boy a new match. Maybe you needed more wine.
Of course you couldn’t help being intrigued, so you opened it up to see a new message from the definite robot himself.
Ben: Good evening [y/n], to what do I owe this pleasure?
You: Bit early to determine I’ll be a pleasure isn’t it?
I’m actually only here because I am convinced you are a bot and honestly chatting with a bot is almost guaranteed to be more exciting than chatting with a man.
Ben: I’m nothing if not optimistic. I promise I am not a bot. And before you say it; I know that it’s exactly what a bot would say but it’s also exactly what a human would say.
You: Touché. Alright Ben, prove it.
Ben: Do you interrogate all your matches or am I special?
You: You’re special. But don’t get sappy about it, I’m just suspicious that your profile doesn’t have a photo of you fishing or in front of a car.
Through many years of observation I’ve hypothesised that each human man must show one or the other.
Ben: And have you hypothesised why that may be?
You: It’s almost certainly something to do with their hunting and gathering skills. That or compensation.
Ben: And how was this concluded?
You: Well fishing is obviously a modern (and frankly boring) man’s hunting and gathering.Least amount of work and blood involved. These men want to prove they can provide, but will likely never actually do the real hunting and gathering ie. Grocery shopping.
Ben: Science seems sound. And cars?
You: Well that’s obvious. The bigger and shinier the car the smaller the 🍆.
Ben: I quite agree…but that might be because I own a mud covered beetle.
You: Haven’t you heard it’s best to keep expectations low?
Ben: And risk losing out? No thank you.
You: If you’re real, which the jury is still out, I’m sure that’s not an issue.
Ben: Still? I’m flattered. And while it may not be an issue let’s say why would I settle for bronze when I can have gold?
FYI that’s me saying I think you’re gold
You: thanks for the clarification. You’re really into calling this early aren’t you? 10 minutes and you’re obsessed.
Ben: It’s actually been about thirty minutes if you count when I first came across your profile and haven’t stopped thinking about you since.
You: That is either incredibly honest or an amazing line.
Ben: Oh it’s both. But first and only time I’ll use it, cross my heart.
You: So what next?
Ben: Coffee, tomorrow hopefully if that’s not too soon?
You: Tomorrows great. Meet in the city? Say Leicester Square at 11am?
Ben: Done. I look forward to it.
You: You’d better be real or I’ll hurt you.
You were standing in the square outside of the cinema, your agreed meeting place. Despite the anxiety in you wanting to call the date off you’d made it. It was likely a good thing you only had 24 hours or so to think about it. Ben had been funny and endearing and so damn sure he wanted to meet you. He seemed so lovely that it defied belief, but you were willing to suspend reality.
You felt a hand on your shoulder, and you spun around to come face to face with Ben. In the flesh, as handsome or in fact even more so than his profile photos.
You meet his eyes and suddenly you felt lost in them.
“Hi,” You muttered, a goofy smile plastering your face. “I’m [y/n]”.
“Hi back. My real names Benedict. But Ben is fine. Long story. It’s lovely to meet you properly.”
“Thank god we’re both real,” you laughed.
“To be honest I never had any doubt. When you know you know.”
Maybe I’m just trying to manifest my own luck on the dating apps 🤷🏻‍♀️
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holographic-mars · 1 day
How do you think Cosmos and the cassettes would get along?
Auuaaaa thank you for the ask!! I love the potential dynamics between Cosmos and Soundwave’s recordicons.
Each of the cassettes get along with Cosmos differently!
Rumble and Frenzy warm up to Cosmos first only because they get bored of keeping their distance and actually realize Cosmos is kinda fun to be around. Cosmos isn’t afraid to toss the two around so they get rowdy with eachother a lot and Rumble and Frenzy like to try and take Cosmos down together (spoiler: Cosmos is very strong and very heavy because he’s built to carry a lot of weight, so usually they get tossed against the nearest surface before doing any kind of damage). It’s all good fun though. Sometimes they just chill and play video games together. Sometimes Rumble and Frenzy decide they want to go on an adventure and drag Cosmos along just to be their personal taxi. The two love to pretend they find him annoying and hate hanging out with him, but really they think he’s fun to be around.
Buzzsaw and Lazerbeak only really warm up to Cosmos at Soundwave’s insistence (and bc Soundwave is always hanging out with the stupid autobot), but they still like to be REALLY mean to him. They aren’t the kinds of mechs to censor themselves for anyone else, so they tease him a lot and pick at him whenever they get the chance. Cosmos doesn’t mind the teasing, he’s got plenty of snappy comebacks of his own. They also like stealing his stuff and blaming it on Soundwave or the other recordicons. Laserbeak is nicer to Cosmos than Buzzsaw, but really not by that much. They do like the guy though, he’s a nice warm perch and he’s surprisingly good at preening their feathers.
Ravage likes to keep her feelings about Cosmos ambiguous. She’ll never admit to liking him or disliking him , but she doesn’t actively try to kill him so that counts for something. She loves sneaking up on him and scaring him, but also likes using him as a personal heating pad. The most one-on-one time they have together is them reading together (ie ravage reading over Cosmos’ shoulder) but that’s really it. (she does eventually, begrudgingly admit that she’s okay with him. He treats Soundwave very well and is very respectful to her, so she can’t really complain that much. Doesn’t mean she won’t pop him over the head just because she feels like it.)
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ztrniolo · 7 hours
Big cuddles - Chris Sturniolo
“warnings”?: cuddling, nicknames; baby, love, fluff, idk what else man there r no warnings 😭🙏🏻
summary: you were very tired but tried to stay awake for Chris to come back from filming a car video
My first language is NOT English so if something’s aren’t clear, I’m sorry. And I’m not the best typed so there could be some typos
꒰ ୨୧ ─ ・┈ ・ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈
It’s 1am in the morning, Matt, Nick, and your boyfriend Chris were filming a car video. You stayed at home since you have been working all day and you were too tired to do anything else.
You’ve been trying to stay awake to wait for Chris but u weren’t sure if you’d last any longer with no sleep. You texted him
“Baby when are you back from filming?”
‘We’ll be back in around 20 minutes, everything okay love?”
“Yeah just tired. I’m waiting for you”
“Don’t worry I’ll be back soon, love you”
“Love you too”
When u pressed the sent button, you fell asleep, cuddled up in Chris’s pillow. since Chris wasn’t there and you don’t like sleeping alone, so you took his pillow for his smell.
20 minutes later Chris came home, you heard three voices talking to each other but you were too tired to even open your eyes or move the tiniest bit.
You hear the door of your shared room open, “baby? Are you awake?” Chris walks in saying with a soft and calm voice
“Mhm” you hum in response, closed eyes and still cuddled up with his pillow, he walks over to you and gives you a kiss on your forehead.
He takes of his clothes and changes into his pyjamas in silence, when he’s done doing everything he needed to do, he lays down next to you on the bed.
“Baby can I please have my pillow back?” He says giggle a little. “Only if u will cuddle with me” you say, your face buried into the pillow And Chris barley hearing what you’re saying.
“What’d you say” he says with a soft tone, running his hand through your hair softly. You lift up your head a little bit, “only if u will cuddle with me” you say again.
“Of course I’ll cuddle with you, I always do” Chris says softly, you give back his pillow and you burry your face in Chris’s chest.
Chris wraps his arms around you and pulling you more into him, you both let out a sigh of relief, “hard day at work today?” Chris ask quietly, he knew something was wrong, you both normally stay up till two am talking about your days.
“Yeah” you say with a cracking voice. “Hey it’s okay, I’m here now and u can sleep, okay? I love you.” Chris says trying to comfort you.
“I love you too baby” you say letting out a little yawn, making Chris giggle. Chris lifts up your face a little bit and gives u a kiss on lips before you actually fall asleep.
You kiss him back and he pulls you even more into the cuddle.
꒰ ୨୧ ─ ・┈ ・ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈ ꒱
I knowwww this one isn’t good but idk I had to write smth bc I just hit 100 followers and I’m so grateful Ty guys sm 😭🙏🏻❤️ I’ll try and post more tics but ik not gonna promise anything 🤘🏻
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