#or staging a coup in an ice cream truck
tortoise-teapot · 2 years
he's sexy. he's an idiot. he's a mastermind schemer. he's the head of the dangerous magic nerds department. he staged a coup from an ice cream truck. he has a five digit body count
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quartergremlin · 3 years
Roy Mustang: Prospective Fuher? Who? Me? I am simply a Bumbling Idiot Who Fucks, kept barely in line by my second. I could never become Fuher, much less stage a coup to undermine the current regime. Oh, why am I in a ice cream truck? Well, I’m hiding from Hawkeye - that’s my second with a gun i mentioned. Now do you want chocolate or vanilla?
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elrics-inferno · 4 years
Why is one of the first things that we ever learn about Roy Mustang the fact that he is useless in the rain?
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So at this point, I think we’ve all heard or realized that Roy Mustang’s rain/water motif is not just a physical limitation for his alchemy but also a symbol for his regret and “uselessness.” It’s a brilliant metaphor that elementally balances him out. 
And it’s introduced the moment we meet him. 
While it does serve as a bit of comic relief during the extremely intense first episode, the significance of it being in that episode is still important to Roy’s development and how the audience develops their understanding of him throughout the series. 
First, we need to contextualize it. The first episode is centered around Isaac McDougal, the freezing alchemist (as in an alchemist who freezes, not a really really cold alchemist, although “Isaac the Really Really Cold Alchemist” would be a fantastic name. Anyways). Isaac’s goal is to freeze over Central Command via a city-wide transmutation circle using a philosopher’s stone. 
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The plot of the first episode is a parallel to the plot of the entire series, and it is full of foreshadowing. In terms of exposition, it isn’t very subtle. The basic exposition of characters like Ed, Al, and Roy is pretty much told to us through dialogue. However, that choice is justified. For people who are completely new to the FMA world, as I was when I watched this two years ago, the first episode has a lot going on. New members are not only meeting all the characters, but they are also trying to put together what alchemy is, where and when this is taking place, and who they should be rooting for. And THAT is where the brilliance (in my opinion) comes in. Watching the first episode through for the first time, the audience is rooting for Ed and Al (because they are the protagonists), and the military (because our protagonists trust them and are part of it). When our protagonists are told to capture Isaac and to view him as a traitor, we do, too. It’s only when Isaac confronts Ed about his beliefs about the military that we start to question our own. But even then, we aren’t given enough information to understand why we should question the military. However, watching the episode in hindsight, our loyalties are switched. Isaac becomes the hero trying to take down the evil military, and Ed, Al, and Mustang become the villains. 
So, back to Roy. During the first episode, aside from getting the basics of who he is and what he does, we don’t learn much more about him. Just these two things: 
1. He is a veteran of something called the Ishvalan War (and the Ishvalan War is apparently controversial based on conversations between Isaac and Roy and Isaac and Kimblee).
2. He can’t make things go sparky sparky when he gets wet. 
And those two things are arguably the most important parts of who Mustang is and what he has been through. 
First, let’s talk about Roy, Isaac, and Ishval. As the first episode unfolds, the audience knows nothing about what happened in Ishval. But Roy and Isaac do. In hindsight, knowing how Roy feels about the Ishvalan War and what he did there, why on Earth would he be calling Isaac a traitor? Roy knows that the military is corrupt (although not to the extent that he will). Roy’s biggest regret is blindly following orders in Ishval. Roy has his eyes set on becoming the Fuhrer and changing things. Roy is literally a genocidal war criminal who stages a coup from an ice cream truck and overthrows the military. And somehow Isaac is the traitor?
Roy is following orders because he has to in order to achieve his goal. He is putting on a loyal-to-the-military act and biding his time until he can admit to the world that Isaac was right. 
Er, that his ideals were.
See, Isaac is Roy’s elemental opposite. Isaac is water, Roy is fire. He is also Roy’s narrative foil. While Isaac’s plan lacked patience and was too rash to ever succeed, Roy’s plan has taken him and will take him years, and he has been extremely careful curating it. It’s ironic to me that the character associated with water would act more rashly and have less patience than the character associated with fire. That’s not to say that Roy doesn’t act rashly. Roy’s impulsiveness and vengeance-driven actions are some of his greatest setbacks as a character. 
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But Roy is also intelligent and strategic in achieving his greater goals. His dependence is on his closest allies, while Isaac’s dependence is on a philosopher’s stone. And while the characters do not yet know the ingredients for stones in the first episode, Isaac’s use of one to accomplish his ultimate goal is what sets him apart from Roy and the Elrics. And yes, Roy does use a stone to regain his eyesight, but he does not depend on one during his coup. I would even argue that Isaac’s use of a philosopher’s stone could also be foreshadowing Roy’s eventual use of one in addition to foreshadowing the overall plot. It’s also important for us to see Isaac defeated in the first episode because it shows us that although philosopher’s stones remove the law of equivalent exchange, they do not make the user all-powerful. At the end of the day, the user can still be defeated.
Another difference between the two is how their limitations are presented in this episode. Isaac’s alchemy is unlimited because of the philosopher’s stone, but the first thing we learn about Roy Mustang’s alchemy is that he is limited by water. This leads me to the second point. 
Establishing Roy’s limitations in the first episode does a few things for us: 
First, it establishes that he is dependent on Riza and trusts her in his most vulnerable moments. That even though Riza knows how easily Roy can be overpowered, she still chooses to stay by his side, protect him, and help him accomplish whatever he sets out to do. 
Second, we get a peek at Mustang’s creativity and perseverance. His determination and intelligence is displayed in how he overcomes the limitations presented, and it makes us want to root for him. 
Third, it gives us some information as to how alchemy works. We see a few types of alchemy in this episode: Ed’s without a circle, Isaacs’s with a circle and elemental, Roy’s with his transmutation circle gloves and unique flame alchemy, and Major Armstrong’s forceful style. This helps us get an idea of the varying styles of alchemy, varying ways of how it can be used and manipulated, and the different forces that use it for their benefit or the benefit of others.
Lastly, it begins the “uselessness” theme. It tells us that even though Mustang is an extremely powerful alchemist, there are still things that he can’t control. That there are forces that can overpower him, and the best thing he can do is to get back up and try again until he accomplishes his goal. We also see Roy’s anger at those forces, the ones that render him unable to do anything. And we see him use that anger to fuel his alchemy and overpower them.
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“The power of one man does not amount to much, but however little strength I am capable of... I’ll do everything humanly possible to protect the people I love, and in turn they’ll protect the ones they love. It seems like the least we tiny humans can do for each other.”
Roy Mustang, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
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jade-kyo · 5 years
Roy mustang
The biggest bastard I’ve ever seen, look at that smug piece of shit. Like who the fuck does he think he is? Acting like hot shit. Pathetic. Useless. Garbage stink man. Who tf has black eyes anyway, makes him a pain in the ass to draw. Bitch can’t even do his signature alchemy in the rain. P A T H E T I C. The only reason he ain’t dead af rn is because Riza Hawkeye is a saint. He functions on negative brain cells, Riza has to have extra to compensate. The shithead staged a coup in an ice cream truck the man literally has zero standards. Dumb bastard couldn’t even keep his emotions in check and nearly went psycho, once again Riza’s extra brain cells had to save his sorry ass.
But I’ll be damned if he doesn’t own my heart and soul.
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doykeitdyke · 6 years
a list of things Roy Mustang has canonically done:
fallen asleep in a closet with a book on his face
procrastinated on his work and then complained about not having enough time
doodled Riza's puppy in the corner of official documents
staged a coup d'etat from an ice cream truck
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stone-man-warrior · 4 years
February 23, 2021: 3:19 pm:
Controlled environment terror at the Peninsula.
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“Tiger Woods Roll Over at the Peninsula w/leg injuries and surgical extractions”
“Pen, making insulation (insulin, injection, IV User) problems at the dark back nine Egyptian Bangles playground (Pleasure Dome) treasonous money making machine”
now I remember what the name of that little ice cream & hamburger restaurant was called, the one in Simi Valley on Kuener Drive at the Santa Susana drop-in to Simi Valley, at the entrance to Hope Town, and just a short walk from the Village Market there in Simi Knolls.
“The Simi Valley Walk-In“
The place had a pointy roof, was an A-Frame cabin turned into a “eat out only”, “no indoor dining” little hamburger & ice-cream restaurant, where little kids vanished with their parents into the Hope Town that was behind the Simi Walk-In.
That is what the Tiger Woods Roll Over is really about. There are some other tweets that support that, news with a “74“ in it, is “HWY 74″ from Rancho Mirage (Thunderbird Golf Course & Country Club) to Laguna Nigel.
I suspect Woods is a placeholder for Obama for purposes of the terror comm presented there in the Twitter Trend.
I could go on and on and on and on and on about how that story is bullshit, happened already in the past on Beta Twitter, is a “command set” of re-arranged SAG terror communication, and is really about Rocketdyne, Bob Hope, a round house near Hwy 111 at the dog-leg in Palm Springs w/big fish aquarium built into a outdoor swimming pool ...
(airplane flyover to the south at 3:42 pm just now)
... and a whole bunch of other facts about global terrorism and murder of US Military servicemen under Linden B. Johnson, and other presidents since that time.
There is no one watching the baby, no help has come.
It gets increasingly more difficult to survive with each of these Tumblr entries as the assassins are literally lined up on the road I live on taking numbers and drawing straws, to see which of the terror cells are going to run the next attack at my house to kill me and take this account down.
95% of all of the terrorism on earth could be stopped, ended forever if this account were studied and acted upon as is laid out in a number of places within.
Take down Twitter first.
Take out number I O Downing Street.
Take out the Vatican.
Round up all of the SAG members and take them to Easter Island.
Round up all of the US Government Congress, and state Governors and take them to Easter Island. Drop them off.
Put a perimeter around Portugal & Spain.
Take custody of Google Inc.
Just those seven steps would be the beginning of the end of global terrorism forever. Twitter has to go first. nothing can be done while Twitter remains active.
With that done, then you go into Britain and flush out all of the so called British Royalty, emphasis is on all of the so called “Knights”, find all of the House of Lords members, and set them aside for special treatment, take House of Commons members to Easter Island, drop them off there with the others.
SIS MI6 GCHQ needs to be compelled, persuaded, to say what they know.
For every killing contraption they used on US Citizens, return that in like kind to British House of Lords members, Royalty and extended families and associates while SIS MI6 GCHQ is watching and deciding what they are going to say.
Boris Johnson gets to ride the slide first, as a “Pep-Rally” for the others in the viewing audience at the show.
4:30 pm:
“Pixar” trending on Twitter.
It says: “Potential Rollover at High-Center of USPS ‘The Stork’ terror cell“
Also, Jacinda Ardern is inside the truck with automatic weapons, she is stealth, the guns are mounted in the front grill, and there is at least one “Stow Away” child terror soldier riding beneath the truck in the frame work.
You don‘t see that information because you are US national security personnel and were intentionally trained not to see that kind of information. I don‘t mean to hurt your feelings there snowflake, it’s just the way it is, and if you don’t put on your big boy pants pretty soon, everyone dies at the end of the show.
It’s a Quentin Tarantino film. All of the characters die at the end, every time.
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4:52 pm:
That mail truck looks like a good design to me for bringing mail and looks easy on the mail carrier, easy to stand up inside, move things around as needed, less need to get out of the mail car to shift the sorted mail around, is safer, better, for the mail carriers, has a logo on it, lots of visibility, and there is no questioning what kind of vehicle it is or where it came from.
Where I live the mail cars are privately owned vehicles mostly. Only every once in a while does an official mail truck bring the mail. This route on my street has been delivered with a black nissan Quest minivan for that past many years.
This one:
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Of note, is the words: “Black Jelly Bean“ on the rocker panel, and, on the right front door that signage looks a lot like an ice-cream truck menu. There are colorful lights that flash on that USPS mail car, and sometimes there is carnival music that is played when the horn is sounded.
There is also a green one just like that black one that runs on the Monument Drive mail route, and that one says: “Green Jelly Bean“ on the rocker panel, but otherwise is the same as the black one, both are Nissan Quest mini vans.
There is another black nissan Quest mini van at Monroe terror cell. The Monroe Nissan Quest looks similar to that USPS van, but has different markings on it. That Monroe van is filled with the poisons they use to blow into my house that make me cough, causes leg swelling, rash, are like laxative symptoms and sea sickness symptoms caused by the Monroe terror cell poisoning me over the past six years or so. The Monroe black Nissan Quest van says: “A-1 Exterminators Pest Control” on it in yellow lettering.
That USPS Quest Van is known to drive away, and leave an African Lion in the road on the street I live on. Sometimes if I am outside when the mail carrier comes, I wait there by my driveway, then go get the mail as the USPS is getting ready to drive away, the side door opens, and an African Lion comes out of the Quest USPS van, then the van drives away leaving me there about thirty feet away from the African Lion, and I have to fight the fucking Lion in the roadway to get my mail.
Like this one:
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I have been unsuccessful at taking a selfie with the African Lions when the Safari terror cell turns them loose. It’s not that I don’t want to take a selfie, it’s just that a choice between a camera and a fingernail clipper always results in the fingernail clipper for defense, rather than glamour.
I have not received any mail this month at all that I can recall, maybe one ad for something first week of February, but I usually get some mail by this time in the month, at least some coupons, or something from Josephine County Search & Rescue asking me for a donation, but there has been no USPS mail this month. There was a door hanger left in the mailbox by the sheriff’s office, it was not mailed, it was just put into the mailbox by someone other than a USPS mail carrier.
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The mail car photos are a few years old.
I have not seen the mail carrier for quite awhile as it’s too fucking dangerous to take a walk to the mailbox, and is more dangerous after contacting the White House for some help to stop murders of many hundreds of thousands of citizens in Oregon.
6:21 pm:
Local Update:
A walk to the mailbox was cold, overcast, absence of wind.
I encountered Sandy Monroe who was tending to her chicken coup, the large one, with stage lighting, looks like a puppet show stage, complete with curtains.
I passed by there and went to the road.
A car alarm sounded on Russell Road as I was walking by the place where the Monroe cameras are pointed at my driveway.
I continued to the road.
There, I saw the Jerry Sienfeld w/beard looking fellow, with a large woman who was wearing black. They were standing out front of 445 Jackpine near the garage there, and the man was kicking a fallen tree with his foot as I began to walk towards the mailboxes.
I took these photos of the ribbon and pink flags I mentioned a couple of days ago.
This below looks like it says: “NoML” to me, and is written on the ground about two feet away from the Centurylink telephone access terminal box that is located directly across the street from my driveway, and is the one where my phone line is connected to, and is also one of the places where the local terror army have been hijacking my phone line, DSL internet usage service. I should have taken a photo of the terminal access box, but did not, it is visible on other photos on this account.
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This is looking south on Jackpine. Dietricks terror cell is down there on the left, Myers is on the right at 560, Manning at 598 is beyond that on the right, and Fran Taylor terror cell as at the end of the road, dead end, at 600 Jackpine.
The photo was taken from directly across the street from my driveway, that is my property there to the immediate right, and that next clearing on the right is the 520 Jackpine vacant house that has been converted into a terror attack staging area and SAGClubMed Junket house for attacking me at my home.
To the immediate left is 445 Jackpine.
There is left turn you could take to get to Freeberg’s, Sparacino’s, Phillips, and Crowel terror cells just beyond the mailboxes there, is also a dead end.
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This here shows the mailbox plank in it’s current condition, many of the usual mailboxes have been removed over the past few weeks.
Down there at the place where the green ribbon goes out view is where the Centurylink phone terminal access box is at, and you can barely see it there, that is where the orange writing is painted on the ground.
445 is to the right in this view, I live to the left. Straight ahead is north, and the Monroe’s driveway is there were the road is narrow. Beyond that narrow place is Chartrand 376 to the left, and Clyde Baum just around that bend to the right where the road goes out of view.
This is the place where the African Lion comes out of the USPS mail delivery car, sometimes, as I am standing where the photo is taken from, and the mail van has sliding door on the right and left sides, opens the door that suits them best, the Lion jumps out, and the van drives away leaving the African Lion there just to me left in the road.
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This Pacific Power Tree Service notice from Asplunde Tree Service Inspector “Alex Finch” was left hanging on my address sign, is the same color yellow as is the sign, I almost did not see it there, all camouflaged onto the yellow address sign like that. The note advises that Asplunde Tree Service is going to be doing a property inspection on the Pacific Power Line Easement on my property, to clear away dead trees and limbs that are too close to the power line in one to six weeks from today.
That other green door hanger is the note saying I have important legal documents waiting for me at the sheriff’s office, and the specification is for Grand Jury Duty Service. That, as I mentioned before had been put inside of my mailbox, it’s dated 2-18-2021 and is is hand written note, and is not US Postal Mail. I got it out of the mailbox on the day I mentioned it.
Lori Churnside is the Josephine County Courts Jury Fixing Administrator, and would be the person responsible for arranging that when I am killed, there will be a replacement terror soldier person from SAG, or from Canada, that would go to the jury room to check in with their command chain at the court house.
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What you see here with these ingredients has been done exactly the same way before.
That is a Pac-Pow, Asplunde Shnitzel Burger w/Sheriff Assist Murder Hit Arragement, comes with Centurylink Internet DSL Line Cut, so that on the day when the German Sausage Crew Tree Maintanance Chainsaw Massacre happens, I won‘t have internet connection on that day, and, the sheriff will be there, said to be providing protection for me, when he will simply turn, and look he other way, as the new, replacement me is installed at my house.
I have already survived three of these exact same terror hit scenarios before.
There will be dead tree maintenance people or I will be killed. There will be dead Centurylink Trench Cleaners, or, I will be killed, with addition of the uniformed sheriff, I have very little chance of survival on this one. I have survived the Sheriff assisted attack before, but it’s fucking insane, and I am older, and more broken, have been run over by a truck since that last time, and have spinal injuries, and am all weakened from years of Monroe poisoning me and all of the other ways the poison comes to my house.
Even if I survive, they already have the DMV License renewal attack all planned, and, there is one more attack that happens every year when I go to the Chase Bank for doing annual record keeping that I have to do, so, these next few weeks are going to be more challenging than ever before as far as it looks to me to survive.
That, and I have to go to the terror doctor and survive that too within the same time frame as the Sheriff Assist for the Chainsaw Schnitzel Asplunde Phone Wire Cutter Attack Scenario they have all set up.
Monroe will be playing a major role in the attack, as per usual.
It’s all fucked up.
no help has come, no help ever has come to Oregon in the required capacity. They always send four guys into the war zone where they are outnumbered 50,000 to 4 by the people they are trusting as escorts and liaisons.
Inside of my mailbox was my Mortgage bill, which increased at a mysteriously high amount of Escrow impound adjustment last month.
There were store coupons along with the Mortgage bill.
9:32 pm:
This BBC news story on Twitter is about trying to reach Lori Churnside at the local court Jury Fixing, Rigging, and Snuff Center.
Lori is affectionately known locally as “Lori Butter Face”.
Britain is trying to reach “Ms. Butterface”, Lori Churnside, who is a very attractive female special assassin in Josephine County Oregon.
Important detail: The Josephine County Sheriff’s Office is located behind the Walmart on F Street. Local terror operatives often fool federal agents by telling them that the sheriff office is at the courthouse on 6th & C streets. There is a fake sheriff’s office at the courthouse. The Grants Pass Police is centered at the courthouse, and at that police service counter, there is a window marked “Sheriff”. Anyone who goes to that service counter marked “Sheriff” at the court house indicating they were instructed to meet with the sheriff or a deputy there for an appointment, is automatically marked for having been sent to that service counter “Sheriff Snuff Window” at the courthouse. Federal agents who come from other states to investigate are simply sent to the courthouse, told it’s the sheriff’s office, and are killed there at the hijacked courthouse, while the victims boss thinks they went to F Street behind the Walmart. There is way too much evidence of terrorism hanging on the walls at the sheriffs office on F Street, so, they cannot afford to allow any federal agents to go in there, and send them to the Courthouse for take out at the fake sheriff service counter they have installed there at the Josephine county courthouse.
Everything around there is highly protected by many hundreds of scouts, and special operatives. Every time I go near the courthouse, a big crew of county grounds keepers shows up at the nearby county building on B Street to do yard work and gardening. They show up there within the time it takes me to find a parking place for going into the courthouse. Dozens of men, some are wearing orange yard maintenance worker clothing, and they show up in a big work crew van to B Street county building near the courthouse every time I need to go there. I don‘t need to go there more than once per year or less, but those guys are johnny on the spot when an outsider shows up. Every person you see at the courthouse, walking outside, parking their car, going in, coming out, all of the people at the adjacent buildings doing activities that look like normal busiwork is all a very special protection agency terror cell for the county courthouse. Many hundreds of people just protecting the terror cell that took over the courthouse is their job.
If you are investigating the courthouse here, you are investigating a 100% falsified set of repeating scripted activity that continues to revolve in a scheduled repetition over time. All of the court cases are false, actors play role of judge, jury, bailiff (Joe Satriani Rock Star: AKA: Deputy Aaron Porter), stenographer, audience, plaintiff, lawyer and district attorney. Every last detail of each person at the courthouse is performed from a written screenplay. The clerks are fake, they say their lines, use their props, go through the motions of acting. The people waiting in the lobby on chairs and benches are all actors/scouts, saying their lines, using props, wearing wardrobe, acting, watching, releasing nitrous oxide airborne gas when strangers go in there, and among them is someone who says the word: “Action!” loud when a stranger goes into the courthouse, people outside are there to say: “Places!” as a stranger goes into the courthouse. Everyone is connected with blu-tooth smart phone, and they call it “comm”.
This is the “Ms. Butterface” communication where BBC news is trying to reach Lori Churnside of Josephine County Courts.
(In war times, it used to be a valuable thing to have a spy behind the enemy lines for advising about what the enemies plans, language, leadership, and habits are. That is no longer the case. no one is interested. If the spy advised to take action that would save the lives of the people the spy reports to, then, those people would do what the spy advised. I advise strongly to take Twitter offline to save your own lives and mine.)
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Don’t forget: Ron Howard, Hollywood Director, used to be Opie on Mayberry RFD, is the man who directed the collapse of the World Trade Center, not a movie, the actual attack was directed by Ron Howard.
He was on that helicopter that morning, and he is the one who made the video switch from a real live shot, to a live shot with an inserted digitally enhanced series of frames showing the airplane hit the building, and it was done with precision timing to make it work for drawing global attention away from the attack at the Pentagon. WTC collapse was only for a distraction, so the Pentagon could be taken among the confusion in new york.
That report right there, about Ron Howard, is the reason the Asplunde Tree Pacific Power w/centurylink wire cutter and sheriff assist murder hit is being done at my house.
Ron does not want to go to prison for treason, that is why.
8:05 pm:
From Washington Post on Twitter:
Face value of the news item says, Joe Biden is concerned about computer chip production.
Translation includes Gnosis explanation about computer chips. We have all been told that the computer chip is a mysterious silicon tiny thing. Reality, silicon is Sand. Sand, is Thorium. Thorium is terror code that means “slaves”.
Then, the chip itself is not all that complicated as they say it is. The powers that be at Bill Gates terror HQ invented a complex story about computer chips. Truth is that the computer chip is a very small transistor, is the same technology as any transistor is. Tech companies tried to warn us about that when the began labeling the AM Radio’s as “Transistor Radio” in the 1960′s.
So, a transistor is far more simple for an average person with some electrical knowledge to understand than is a “silicon micro computer chip”. It’s a way to keep the club a private club by making a relatively simple thing into a complex mysterious thing. Transistors are beyond my expertise, but I do understand ways society is brain washed, and silicon micro chip is such a brainwash when the reality is that it’s a transistor.
Then, there is the translation of the actual tweet:
Biden is concerned about the “shortage” (think Pleasure Dome Partner Production here) of “Transistors”. That, is in relationship to Biden’s first presidential move, to allow transgender in the military.
Bottom line is Biden is concerned about exposure of knowledge that the US Military servicemen have been used as experimental surgery specimens that alter them to the extent that they no longer resemble human beings.
no one cares about US servicemen being forced into a lab for amputations and plastic surgery for the purpose that the SAG surgeons can practice making experimental changes to human beings.
That is what transgender news is about on twitter presented by SAG news media personalities.
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8:45 pm:
“Real terrorism murder” vs “blockbuster movie terror murder”:
In the movies, the murderers do everything they can do not to make a spectral of murder that they are doing, they don’t draw attention to themselves in the movies.
In real life, the mass murder is a big production, has a lot color, texture, is multilayered, and is loud, draws a lot of attention to things that look as if they are normal and customary activities. When the activity begins, all of the noise, odors, people involved, vehicles, equipment, other stuff, will all be expected to happen by the time the mass murdering begins, work gets under way, and in that work, the mass murder takes place in the daytime, during normal business hours, within the normal and customery activity of a series of projects. The murders of this kind works on large scale and on small scale when the neighbor gets a new lawn mower, and shows that the lawnmower is new, that way, everyone is going to be expecting that the lawn will be mowed right then. Some one gets murdered at the house down the street, while new mower is running. Somehow, innocence is presumed because the new lawn mower was shown off ahead of the murder.
So, the Asplunde Pac-Pow tree service, and the Centurylink Trench Cleaners, and the sheriff have all presented enough confusion that will allow Monreo and Sparacino to come out of the shadows at some point to kill me while the focus is on the easement brigade and the trench cleaners and the sheriff all working together to make a confusion service that puts Monroe, and Sparacino terror cells lower on the personal safety meter than they usually are.
It’s all about advertising, set-up, color, texture, odor, to draw attention in a desired, controlled direction while the other people in the shadow use that as a foundation spring board to leap from on attack day, which is different than the expected day.
If that fails, then the Asplunde easement  and Centurylink trench cleaners w/sheriff assist can take a whack at me at that time.
These people are all trained military, unconventional terror military. Where US military uses a tank and anti aircraft artillery, these people use a road block at a freeway bridge project. It works better as an offense than does a uniformed conventional army that was built for defense. And, since they all look like citizens, they are very difficult to defend against.
0 notes
baschool · 7 years
fun ways to celebrate the solar eclipse:
fight zombies
get stabbed (multiple times, if you’re into it)
bring your coworkers to a team-building exercise they’ll never forget
get sent to the Void
send yourself to The Void
escape in an ice cream truck filled with firearms
stage a coup
unleash the fury of thousands of captive souls
have an emotional Family Moment™ in the middle of a ruined military HQ while hundreds of soldiers watch
fight god
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hansolmates · 7 years
170827 DIAMOND EDGE NYC: VVIP/HI-TOUCH & vernon moment!
disc. THIS IS A LONG AND COMPREHENSIVE post about my experience and mostly this is for me so i can look back at it in an hour and cry and i’ll probably add onto this later. im really really thankful that i had an amazing experience and i will love svt forever nd ever
During the day:
I woke up around 4am and arrived around 7.30 and they lined us up. My group of three vvip friends were around the 50s so we had a good line spot. The one thing I must say was that it was extra frustrating that the people who camped out (which is not allowed!) Were given PRIORITY tickets and cut the line! I can't even begin to explain how frustrated I was that they got special treatment for something they weren't supposed to do. We sorta just chilled around until 11 o’clock, we danced a little nd watched the carat ice cream truck go by!
But anyway there was nothing we could do and they sent vvip into the venue around 12 by then there were so many people and we stayed upstairs of the venue because having 3k people around one street was way too crowded. At first I didn't know what was going on but they were apparently preparing us for hi touch. We all lined up on the balcony and it was kinda sorta balls sweat hot. WE WERE BLASTIN MUSIC AND DANCING I WAS SCREAMING SO HARD lemme tell u less than 200 people on the rooftop that’s a party and then the staffer (who i will affectionately call J because she was amazing) was like “lol svt is doing soundcheck they can hear u downstairs and they think y’all are funny” and it was only 200 of us singing and stuff so they recorded us cheering for them and sent it back to svt. At the time she was filming i just came out of the bathroom and she filmed me and kris looking like absolute idiots dancing for svt by the bathroom LOL Afterwards mmt and svt sent us more water and snacks and soda because we couldn’t leave the venue to get food THEY'RE SO SWEET THE STAFF TREATED US SO NICELY!! J and mmt handled our fangifts with care and put them in sturdy boxes and made sure that we were hydrated and energized before we went back inside
OK THE HI TOUCH WAS A LITERAL BLUR they sent us to some stairs and was telling us the rules then all of a sudden we rounded the corner!! No warning!!! AND SEVENTEEN WAS THERE GIVING THE HI TOUCH!! The order thanks to haru peeps are as follows: minghao, vern, hosh, jun, jeonghan, woozi, seungkwan, dino, wonwoo, dk, scoups, josh mingyu. I wasn’t prepared for vern to go first nd I have an audio of me freaking out and going “oh shiiiii” when Vern was right next to me oh mah gah. I tried to pull it off and say “bro” and I did but Vernon kept staring at me until he got to kristine lol im so sorry vern!! But he’s even more gorgeous in person, his eyes are beautiful and his jawline can cut a bitch and he was wearing his cute red flannel that he always has on!! His head is big and his smile takes up his entire face and he’s just one big puppy you want to cuddle and im infinitely thankful for the eye contact!! Minghao is so hot oh my god he looks so confident and chill and he was givin those “yeaah babe” vibes. Their hands feel like lily petals. Boonseoksoon and cheol were very heartwarming, i squeezed all their hands until i was rushed off but i stopped to tell josh that he had pretty eyes and ended it off with mingyu and we jogged to our spot at vvip.
Concert Experience
I must say that i’m wholly impressed and happy that vvip did not push (it totally would’ve been fckin embarassing bc svt is really close to the stage so yes if they pushed it would’ve been awful) and i’m really sorry to hear that the rest of vip/p1/p2 had a really hard time trying to see BUT IT’S OKAY SVT IS NEVER COMING TO T5 EVER AGAIN. So im infinitely thankful that i was really really close to the stage and got to see the boys. BUT OKAY THE ONE THING THAT PISSED ME OFF? ??? CAMERAS. CAMERAS EVERYWHERE! I wouldn’t have cared if you were upstairs or in the back, but WE WERE LITERALLY FIVE FEET FROM THEM AND THESE PEOPLE ARE 6 FEET TALL and cameras were blocking my view because they were filming the whole damn concert. LIKE IT’S RUDE? GO TO THE BACK? DID YOU LITERALLY PAY TO SEE THRU A COMPUTER I DO THAT EVERY DAY!!! I ended up seeing the concert to its fullest so it’s fine BUT STILL SVT DOESN’T WANNA SING TO  BUNCH OF CAMERAS ESP TO THE PEOPLE IN THE FRONT? PEOPLE ARE PAID TO FILM THEM, THERE ARE FANSITES EVERYWHERE!! Enjoy the fleeting time you have with them!
But in the end it was more opportunity for me to soak up all the fanservice because *twiddles fingers* mwhahaahahahha there was enough room for me to dance for hoshi and going svt and i made eye contact with him, wonwoo during the dancing as well, mingyu, jeong *dies* it was too much 
Vernon (extended fanservice + rapping together!)
VERNON GETS A WHOLE DANG SECTION OKAY!!!! BECAUSE HE!! WAS NOT OKAY!!11! Kristine and i have been strategically preparing for MONTHS watching countless performances to stay in the corner where vern/jun would be performing on the most, turns out to be the right side so im two people away from the stage so i had a really good view of vernon’s beauty. I thought it was just me being biased but out of all the members Vernon’s stage presence is IMPECCABLE!! He doesn’t quote-unquote try to captivate you, he just naturally attracts people because his aura is so so so palpable. He was made to be on that stage!!!
Fanservice w/vern!
*sweats* after the whole hi touch fiasco i was convinced vern wouldn’t want to look at me but i held up my “vernon u lit” poster (dw i didn’t raise it high to block ppl) AND IT WORKED!!! My main highlight with him together was during check in (skip to 5:00) and since there was a lot of room I WAS GOING OFF dancing with him and rapping mingyu’s part along with him and shit i thought we had such a “feelin it” moment it was so surreal we were both in the song getting super super hype and the music was just immersed around us and i felt like the whole room melted apart and it was just the two of us sdlfjds;fjk;dsf im so gross my heart is warm my eyes are watery as i type this!! i miss him so much
anyway every performance after that, especially rock/if i and the ending ment i felt his stare and y’know that feeling when you pass someone attractive in the mall and you have that five-minute crush on them… i hope vern had that five minute crush on me because man i almost felt a way that boo or someone might feel when vern has that stare on you. He’s infinitely sweet and thankful at the ending ment when he thanked us for giving him new memories for his hometown i almost cried but he was lookin in my direction so i swallowed my feels
Final Details
Dino is the best. Performer. Like hosh performs really well when he dances! But shiii boy dino is on ALL THE DAMN TIME. i was told to be forewarned when u see dino AND Y’ALL WERE RIGHT
Lots of dk/minghao stans!!!! DK’S EYES ARE SO TWINKLY I UNDERSTAND WHY U LOVE HIM SO MUCH! A vvip had their gift as sunflowers with dk’s face on it IT’S SO FITTING
Performance unit IS WILD i used to think performance unit was just bc they did a lot of the choreo BUT NO. THEIR PERFORMANCE IS ALL THE WAY UP THERE you could feel every inch of their body carefully calculated and perfected even with OMG and highlight ND I WAS NEVER PREPARED FOR “MY I” WHY WASN’T THERE ARE TRANSITION FROM CRAZY LOVE TO THEN HOW DARE U
I used to go to concerts and from far away watch them spray water in the pit and u wish u were those people during healing cheol sprayed water and i felt CHRISTENED but all of a sudden ALL OF SEVENTEEN SPRAYED US IT WAS WET AND I FELT REBORN
At the ending ment hoshi screamed “I LOVE NEW JERSS----I LOVE NEW YORKKKK” lol my jersey self giggled
wonwoo/jun/scoups/jeonghan were definitely the most tired. Jun and Wonwoo were spacing out like crazy and coups literally ate his mic. Jeonghan was in another world most of the time, especially during the ballads he looked out to the crowd making exhausted eye contact. It looked like he was trying really hard to sing. Jeonghan and seungkwan had very visible cystic/stress acne, even through their makeup
*sigh* i guess i can’t avoid talking about the jeonghan situation amirite. From where i was everyone was v confused, sevnteen included. It lasted probably total of 10 seconds and we moved on. It was bad. We know it was very bad. Although Jeonghan seemed lowkey amused afterward THAT ISN’T THE POINT the concert was 99.9% perfect and i hope everyone remembers that and doesnt antagonize american carats (as american fans usually are for all the baddies)
All and all i feel honored that i was able to spend a comfortable night with svt, i know a lot of people aren’t able to say the same esp the people in the back. Its still replaying in my head and im infinitely thankful to stan such a wonderful group of boys and im glad to be a part of their tour
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