#or something like that idk I applied back in January but I could’ve done it back in November
neohart · 8 months
Got my voters card today :)
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alyjojo · 8 months
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Past Life 🪡 Karmic Spread January 2024 - Virgo
Character Card: The Merchant (both)
Gender I’m Picking Up On (in the past life): Male
Who You Were: Knight of Swords rev & The Lovers
What You Did: 5 Wands
How It Ended: 8 Swords, 9 Wands, King of Wands & The Devil
What Karma Was Brought With You: 7 Cups
Who You Brought With You: Page of Cups, 6 Swords & Ace of Cups
Additional energy: The Star
Past Life Oracle: Mother (past), Imprisonment & Slavery (both), The Arts (present)
Dreaming Way: Clouds & Coffin (past), Fish (present)
Spider 🕷️ on King of Wands
Hamsa 🪬 (down) on Mother
Black Squirrel 🐿️ on Imprisonment
Peace ☮️ on 7 Cups
Intelligent ♊️ on The Arts
Our first murderer of this string of readings! Sounds worse than it is. Apply that to your whole life. Did you kill someone, yes, and your entire past life identity was forged on that day, but you never knew it would become that or that this would be a weight you would carry for the rest of your life, right on into this one.
I get this being the US, and not that long ago, you were someone who came right back, same energy, same person essentially, except you’re not. Both lives are shown as The Merchant, you could have Libra prominently in your chart. I was getting the 1950s and the phrase “crimes of passion” kept repeating on a loop. Apparently that’s a movie, that I now have to see. I couldn’t find anything about a specific person, and now I’m not sure if I’m in the right time period at all or if it’s the movie itself they wanted me to find - to help describe your energy here. That’s what this was, you killed your wife’s lover, and it wasn’t planned, you weren’t a normally violent sort of person, there was zero thought put into this whatsoever. In fact, you were a pretty happy person, the sort with their head in the clouds, you didn’t pay close attention to things, you weren’t mistrustful, you thought everything was as it should be…and when you learned it wasn’t, there was a huge scene, a huge fight, and it’s being described as “tearing your family apart”. Or that was your children’s perception, you were the villain, and they became estranged from you after you went to prison.
Whoever this lover was, you knew them well, probably trusted them, they show up with 3 Pentacles. This could be a coworker, friend, neighbor, someone from church idk, you had a good relationship with them and probably wouldn’t think twice about this person being in your home. Could’ve been a handyman or someone that worked for you as well. You spent your life after this in prison, and died there, with thoughts of this person and what was done, justifying your actions to yourself, forever spinning in a loop in your mind. To you this was Justice, throw you in jail or not, come visit you or not, see you as the villain or not, you stood by your actions 💯 You were the victim here.
You have a very similar temperament in this life, it feels like you came right back. With Black Squirrel and imprisonment in both lives, once it was literally in prison, you had nothing to do BUT think of all of the intricate planning, deceptions, lies, everything you’d missed before you knew the truth, and those things festered in your mind obsessively. You still do that, all of the time, only over negative things. You collect them, store them in your brain, and obsess over every negative thing that’s ever said or done to you. There’s a level of paranoia and anxiety here, you keep yourself trapped in prison still, in your mind, even though you don’t live there anymore, and may not understand why “you’re like this”. Life feels…fake? Like something you’re forced to take part in, you’re not an active participant in anything that makes you feel good, it’s more of a forced engagement and constant negative judgements or perceptions about whatever you’re forced to do, who you’re forced to interact with. A doctor would probably diagnose you with something but it runs deeper than that. I am seeing one could help you if you want to feel more at ease, there are medicines that can help with that, if your pride can stand the diagnosis that comes with it. Is it karmic, yes, but they make pills for that too 🙃
The reason I bring that up at all is because your identity here is 7 Cups & Peace ☮️ meaning you’re unable to find peace, you don’t feel fulfilled by anything, and you don’t know what to do about it. It’s a feeling of being lost, you’re not, but you’re not happy, and you’re not sad, and you don’t know why you’re so negative all of the time. Or you don’t even realize that you’re this way, it’s always been this way. Medicine & mental health professionals can bring you peace, maybe not for your whole soul, but for the day to day which is what you need 🙏 I’m seeing looping thoughts over and over, fear and paranoia, jumping to conclusions, knee jerk reactions, heavy judgmental criticism, and you need to feel free of that, content, relaxed, working your way to actual fulfillment and happiness. Quit collecting all of the things you hate, in your mind, and start focusing on what you love, even if it’s a cup of tea and a tv show, your morning yoga routine, whatever. I’m hearing yoga could be good for you too.
In the past, your children left you behind, I’m not sure how old they were when this happened, some may not have known you well to begin with. Dad works, he’s gone until dinner, they’re like two, this life in prison was all they remembered or knew. I’m getting you had several children with Hamsa, five maybe, but the focus in this life seems to be the youngest of them - in the past, “the baby”. Or they could be a baby/young right now. They could have a significant Pisces placement, doesn’t have to be that, they’re just shown as the Fish & Page of Cups cards. The circumstances of this child are either a one night stand, leaving one person for another and a child gets wrapped up in that somehow, giving them up for adoption perhaps, because when this happens, you don’t want to get “stuck” or trapped to something. You just don’t want this, or aren’t prepared, maybe even a child yourself at the time. You may not know them at all, may not be involved, or it’s possible you don’t even know they exist. Whatever it is, in the past they “left you” and in this life you left them, but they’ve been your child twice.
The Arts are showing one of two things: Either there is an artist showing up as your lover, maybe a past lover, that’s never going to go anywhere, could be a Gemini. If not that, you could be very creative, possibly with writing, specifically when it comes to romance related things - but you don’t take any action to actually have that in your real life. Possibly a fanfic creator, extremely imaginative when those mental powers are used for positive & not trapped in the negative, you’re highly intelligent regardless. You’re meant to heal relationships with your family - The Star. There could be abandonment issues there, you avoid them, or feel they avoid you, if there’s a child in the mix they’re included. 10 Cups is what makes you feel overflowing with love, joy, happiness, and part of your negativity is a lack of this, which seems to stem from family. You feel as abandoned in this life as you did the last one, but in this one some of that may have been your own choice, avoidance, leaving before you’re left type of energy. Self-sabotage. Focus on love 🩷 But that also shows that it can be yours, peace, happiness, family, all of these things, you’re meant to let the heaviness go. The Merchant is balanced, fair, in the past life it was about Justice for you, and it still is, but a different kind. Your own Justice is seeing what’s not serving you, cutting it out/off and letting go, moving towards what you deserve and makes you happy - what you “should” do, the right thing - whatever that is for you.
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