#or sit and play with one child while the other 7 are jumping off of furniture behind her
howtobeamagicalgirl · 1 month
I am having such wonderful breakfasts these days
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spookypete-94 · 2 months
Dark Horse-Fight or Flight
Chapter 6
Reader is a single mother, working double shifts at a restaurant. Father of the child starts to become a problem while reader is at work and Price offers a solution. Slight age gap between reader around 25 and Price around 35. Will be around 3-5 Chapters once finished (Probably will be more about 6-8 chapters total now)
Sorry its been a bit for an update. Finally moving up in shifts and got to bid days is leaving me trying to find time to write. 7 months pregnant and tired all the time too isn't exactly helping.
This one might get a little dark (drowning/death/language), coming to wrap this one up. Might be two more chapters left.
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John's activities went on for a few hours into the night. Starting in the living room and ending in the bedroom. Somehow, through all the activity, you awoke still on your schedule. The morning light beamed in golden rays next to the side of the bed. Yesterday was so extraordinary, but here it returned to normal routine once more.
John laid next to you, on his stomach arms folded underneath a pillow holding it close. His legs still strewn in with yours. Carefully pulling them out of the entangled snare, you slipped away quietly heading to the bathroom to get showered for work. Today, you would talk to Kate about transitioning to part time... for the first time in your life.
Part time...Only partly at work. More time at home. More time with Abel. More time with your husband.
The shower curtain being pulled back startled you, making jump dropping the bottle of soap on to the bottom of the shower.
"Ya' tellin' me ya wan' somethin'... or...," John's morning voice rumbled from his chest, making a slight innuendo as he bent down to pick up your soap. On the way back up he greeted you with raised eyebrows and a cheeky smile.
"Ha-ha," you announced sarcastically. "Forgive me, I don't have many that join me in the shower."
"Better start gettin' used to it, takin' any chance I get. Could of woke me, would of joined you sooner." He had taken your loofah and dumped soap on it, starting to wash you.
"You were sleeping."
"Want to take you on a honeymoon sometime, feels strange not doing something after were married. Untraditional." He said kissing the back of your wet head.
"No offense, I'm grateful but this whole thing was kind of untraditional."
"Do you regret it?"
Instantly you shook your head. "No," quickly escaped your mouth. The regret or hesitance better labeled left you sometime yesterday. This was no doubt now in your head the best choice. It's always been you and Abel. Part of you longed for someone else to fill that void... But Abel's father was never qualified to fill that position. John's over qualified.
Upon reward for your eager answer, John's hand slipped off the loofah and further down your body.
John and Abel joined you at your morning shift for breakfast. Both sitting at the counter while you waited tables. John had already asked Abel if he wanted to join him and the others for a fishing trip for the weekend.
The young boy excited to partake with something in the outdoors. Abel's father had always wanted him to stay indoors with him and played video games, which was fine. But you had noticed that Abel's soul often craved more. He was a boy who had a hard time sitting still for long periods of time. Maybe this was the answer he needed. All very clearly over 6'0 ft and pure man and willing to teach.
If you'd of asked yourself a few days ago, never in a million years would of sent your son off with someone you had just got to know. However there was something about John that made you trust him. You would give him your soul... bound to your bone and blood.
It didn't take long for John's strays to find and join him. Taking a seat further extending your counter. It really was a sight to see, four very large, very built, very dangerous men... and there sat little Abel. It would of been worth a picture to you if you had time to take one.
"Wanna wish you an' the Captain a Congrats," the one you had learned as Gaz started off.
"Congrats indeed, he's lucky he fund ya firs', bonnie lass," "Soap" joined in. "Any o' us would of made you a wife jus' as quick."
Very quickly you dropped their plates in front of them, your cheeks burning red and walking away. It made laughter erupt from Soap, while John side eyed him carefully.
"Easy Mactavish, can't scare the help away." Ghost, the giant always in black said, giving a slight pop on the back of Soap's head.
"I don' mean nuthin' by it, just happy for the Cap' is all."
John's watchful eye dropped back to yours were he sighed.
"Sorry love, why I meant we don't feed the strays. They don't deserve it."
All of them groaned loudly at his words.
"We haven't even left yet, and you're already making him mad." Gaz said elbowing Soap.
Ghost had rolled his mask halfway up his face to eat his breakfast making Abel lean forward to look at him. John had told you enough that Ghost wears the mask to stay anonymous to people having "died" years ago.
"Abel..." your voice warned, trying to keep him from being rude. Ghost's eyes glanced down towards Abel, as if asking him what he wanted.
"Yes?" Ghost acknowledged him.
"What do you look like under there?" His quiet shy voice asked.
"An ugly mug," Soap answered long before anyone else could. Again the laughter echoed in the diner.
"Quite the loud bunch," Kate said brushing past you grabbing a coffee pot.
"Won' be here long, Kate." John said trying to curb her building anxiety.
"Would like to talk to you later today." Your courage finally building having a second to talk to her.
"Not quitting on me are you?" Blunt. Straight to the point. Kate was never one for beating around the bush.
"No... not exactly."
"After the rush. We'll sit down take break and you can tell me what's going on."
Little arms wrapped around our waist, Abel buried his face in your abdomen.
"Love you, mom."
Stroking his hair back you leaned down, inhaling his hair.
"Always love you more."
Just like that he ripped himself from you, running to the vehicle they had all packed to go on their little "trip". Sure, Abel spent weekends away from you with his dad before... but this felt different. You wanted to bond as a family, but it was important that Abel and John bond together as well.
"Gonna be alright, love?" John asked arm wrapping around your shoulders and pulling him into you.
"Yeah..." you muttered into his shoulder, laying your head against it.
"Just one night, we will be back tomorrow before noon."
It was like he knew you through and through. Like he was looking past glass and could see what was making you tick.
"Just one night." You mirrored back at him, trying to convince yourself.
"Wouldn' even worry about it, if I hadn't of promised the others when we got back."
"You need your time too, John."
"And so do you, relax at home for once." He said rubbing your arms and kissing your forehead before tilting your head up and planting a gentle kiss on you.
"Besides, had you busy enough for the past couple of days, you could use the break." The same smirky smile and attitude from your shower together returning. It made you pat his chest lightly with a little slap, your way of telling him to get going. It made him chuckle, the rumble you have come to love echo from him.
You waved goodbye to all of them, Abel's hand slipping out the window at to you. They disappeared turning a corner to go out of town, and there you stood all on your own.
Going back inside, there sat Kate, two pieces of pie and two cups of coffee. The sugar and caffeine trick to get you ready to the next "rush" as she calls them.
"Probably shouldn't let you have coffee, knowing you could be pregnant." She teased, making you roll your eyes.
"Haven't I been picked on enough today?" Referring to the earlier banter.
"Come on, sit down and tell me what's going on." She said still laughing quietly, patting the seat next to her.
The walk home was quiet, peaceful. Kate had taken the information well, telling you she had started to expect it and was honestly happy for you. This whole feeling was alien to you, spending most of your life struggling for the things you had or being in fight and flight mode.
Tonight, the first night you had to yourself in ages. The possibilities were endless, but still it seemed your heart wanted one thing. To be with Abel. He needs this you reminded yourself. You needed this too.
Stopping at the store on your way home, buying a bottle of wine to pair with your burger and fries you had brought home for dinner. You glanced at it while pulling it out of the brown bag the store had hidden in it. Still trying to be a responsible adult, working on your daily chores, you then ran a bath and ate your supper.
Glass of wine in one hand, you slipped into the bath, resting the bottle next to you on the table. near by. The water was hot, scalding your skin, but it felt so nice to be engulfed by it all while you soaked. Propping your legs up on the tub, toes out of the water, you sent John a picture. Trying to communicate without being over bearing, missing them both still.
"You just send my kid out with random people?" A voice asked coming from the open bathroom door making you jump and look over.
There stood your ex... impending doom in the doorway.
"What are you doing here??" You asked sitting up, fear rising within.
He bolted to you, one hand at your neck pushing you under. The water was even hotter inside your body. Quickly filling your lungs, air leaving your cells.
You tried to scream, instead it left your body in large ripples floating to the top were they popped. Useless, it was futile. The feeling of fight or flight returning once more... and you couldn't leave. You have to fight.
Wrapping a hand around his arm, you grabbed and squeeze digging trying hard to push him back.
There was recoil as he brought you back up from the water.
"Fuckin' dumb bitch!"
Heavy large waves of water pouring off of you and back into the tub made it hard to hear, but he was close and loud enough you could make out every syllable and vowel. Rage and hatred dripping off his words.
"You know what I'm gonna do?" He dangerously asked. The tone matter of fact. Finally striking you as rhetorical. He wasn't worried about what he was going to do, as much as he was making you pay.
"I'm going to hold you underwater, let them think you drown. I'm going to clean up the water, refill the tub. You're already drinking, making this easy for me." he said gesturing to the broken wine glass on the floor. "You'll be dead and look like a drunk. I'll have Abel full custody then. What a terrible mother," mockingly.
There he forced you back into the water and down to the bottom.
"No!" You shrieked trying to resist, still unable to.
The battle started all over again... The blazing feeling of the water. Who knew water could burn? Your tongue was heavy in your mouth, the urge to get up leaving you.
Splashes and splashes of your spent oxygen rising to the top, towards your attacker. Your last gift to him.
Fight or flight.
War. This means war and death and you were picking yourself, tired of bowing to this man.
Your hand reached up pulling up on the tub, reaching, passing, bucking. Finally finding the bottle you gripped it, swinging as hard as you could. It smacked him, making him let go. Breaking, wine mixing with the matter on the floor, blood soon following. A large gash was on the side of his head, but he was still conscious. His hands reaching for you again, making you strike him once more. More of the bottle breaking, shards flying out and into his flesh.
Down he went, body lying on the floor. His face was hacked, skin and muscle torn down from his head to neck and into his shoulder.
It looked like an animal was let lose, like a bear had mauled him. The bathroom an entire wreck. Eyes wide as you glanced up in the mirror. Your skin red from where he had a grip of you.
Where was your phone?? You needed to call. You needed to call him now.
Finally you found it near the tub on the floor, covered in water. Reaching for it you tried to wipe the excess off... praying and hoping it worked. By the grace of gods, it somehow lit up. A new text message from John blessed the screen.
Looks nice love. Meaning the picture you had sent before the attack took place. Oh, how ironic.
Using it as a shortcut, you called him. Instantly he knew from how you were breathing something had happened.
"Love?? What's wrong?"
"He broke in." A sob, loud breaking your words after.
"He still there?" Hastily asked.
"Yes... but."
"But what dear?"
"I...he's..Hes dead!" you wept.
"I'm comin'."
"No, Abel will know somethings wrong." It was short and choppy. Relayed in away that you hoped he understood. You didn't want Abel to see this. You didn't want him to know you had killed his father.
John was quiet for a moment trying to come up with a solution.
"I'm sending, Simon." His next trusted, next in lead to come help you.
There, John listened to you cry, trying to motivate you to get dressed before Simon got there.
Finally, you had enough nerve to get out, finding simple clothes. A T-shirt of Johns on and a pair of shorts. Huffing the material of his trying to find peace and the ability to stay sane...A knock at the door breaking your temporary peace, bringing you back to your bloody reality.
Carefully you opened your door a crack, brown eyes behind smudged eye black and mask waiting for you.
"You ok?" he asked waiting for you to open the door fully.
Breaking the threshold, you pushed the door open for him. Simon stepped full foot in, scanning his eyes over you looking for injuries before turning the way you were pointing.
You followed him, but him stopping in the living room made you confused. Looking around there you saw curtains billowing. Simon approached it pulling them back looking through the window, the screen down on the ground.
Your ex had popped it off and crawled through...
"How he got in without you knowin'," Simon said dropping the curtains heading back towards the bathroom.
"Steamin' Jesus," His voice quiet. Harsh whisper as he looked at the literal blood bath in front of him.
"Put up quite the fight didn' ya'?" He asked looking over his shoulder sympathy in his voice.
"I tried."
Simon grabbed a towel placing it over the mixture of blood, wine, water and glass, sliding it away. Pushing his way through the debris to get to him.
Both of you jumped and startled as your ex groaned on the floor.
"Did you make sure he was dead?" Simon asked, almost like he was shocked that you hadn't.
"No!" fear settling back in to your bones.
Simon dropped a foot on his chest, a loud groan leaving him. Clearly very much still alive.
"Go back out an' shut the door." His voice low, matching what you were sure the one he used in a warzone.
"GO." he said louder and firmer. You watched as your ex's hands reached around his leg attempting to push him off. Simon replied with a harder press making him cry out... This you realized was Ghost.
"Gonna finish what she started, and end this problem once an' for all." Ghost's growled reaching down, your ex screaming. The fear he must feel seeing death stand before and on him... His last gift to you.
Just as soon as it had started, it stopped. You dare not ask Simon how he ended it... but part of you relieved it would never happen again... this would never happen again.
The door finally opened where he dried his hands off.
"Next time, sweethear'. Make sure they are dead."
Next time? you wanted to say. Next time?
Like this was so easy for him, like they all did it for a liviung
@cutiecusp @angeldemon28 @simplyymee98 @beebeechaos @cadotoast @talooolaaloolla @lhhlver @hon3y-cloud @spktrgantenk @generalruinsexpert @freshlemontea
Captain John Price Masterlist
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tiredofthehumanlife · 4 months
Draco malfoy headcannons
flavor: fluffy and smutish but they're separated so you won't get jump scared
Also I'm returning to my roots with this stinky mf okay I have writers block
Liked you in the hallway crush type of way yk like when there’s that one person in the halls that you're like “god damn, anyways where’s my next class”
Never even tried to speak to you was just like ” I'll gaze from afar”
The only problem is that he has major resting bitch face so you were sat there racking your brain over what you could’ve possibly done to this random daddy’s money kid (like this isn't set in a private school but LOOK OVER THERE)
Confessed by just standing in front of you and 👁👁 before handing you an outdated birthday card with a 100 dollar bill inside with a note inside that was basically just him like “PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLE-“
You did give him a shot and he did actually speak words to you
bitchest bitch ever yall bicker (lovingly of course) 24/7
“did you for real just copy off of me?” “Okay well at least I don’t have daddy issues” “You cannot be talking and you know it”
He gives stick bug vibes yk
does not comprehend normal human life you could be complaining about doing laundry and he is like “Just have one of the elves do it?” and you are like “😶right so-“
just assume you have the answer to everything bc like you’re his partner? tf?
“how far away is Saturn in kilometers?” “They don't measure distance with kilometers, Draco, you dumbass. It’s called lightyears.” ‘right so in lightyears then?” “How tf am I supposed to know?”
he’ll hear a crash and look to you like you know what’s going on and you’ll turn his head back
I'm not one to assume someone’s sexuality but it's very much bisexual for the both of you (he likes guys and you know it)
a hot guy will pass and you both turn to each other like {insert Bratz meme here}
has created mustard gas on accident
laughs at his own jokes unironically (he is the only one laughing)
will try to be relatable and it's just like “yk that moment when your Prada shoes get gourmet chocolate on them”
makes up new names for your stuffed animals bc he thinks all the ones you picked were “lame”
his beauty sleep comes above everything else
Once Theo woke him up (there was a fire they had to evacuate) and the next night you found him hovering a pillow over Theo’s face you tackled him to the ground
Only knows how to play dominoes no card games or anything only dominoes
Bought you guys matching sleep masks
And embroidered PJs
And bunny slippers
PDA hater
He’ll sit next to you at max when you're around lots of people when you're just around his friends he's down with hugs and hand-holding holding maybe a cheek kiss but that's it
Alone is a different story he's attached to you he's actively trying to crawl under your skin as we speak
Terrified of bugs he's standing on a chair and screaming the second he sees one
Pays you in kisses when you take the bug outside (after you wash your hands)
Prefers baths over showers
Hates dogs and growls at them more than they growl at him
Only likes cats in theory bc they leave hair on his clothes
He's a reptile man
has owned a bearded dragon and will own more
Cold mf you wanna look me in the eye and tell me he has good circulation
Presses his cold ass feet against you while you're on the brink of sleep so confused when you swing your hand back to smack him
“I'm just cuddling you?”
“Cuddle somebody else fucking ice cube bitch ass”
Every single night
He sleeps on his back with his hands on his stomach like he's going to get lowered into his casket it's embarrassing
Thinks he knows how to shake ass and then when he tries (and fails) he considers never speaking to anyone ever again
Has gotten flirted with while he was with you and he just stared at them blankly bc he couldn't tell if it was happening
And then he left the room entirely
Walks in on people butt ass naked bc he has not learned how to knock (only child syndrome)
Stares a lot
He has nothing better to do so he’ll just come join you in your dorm and 👁hi👁
You've learned to block him out so he’ll scare the shit out of you
Sure he doesn't know how to flirt but he has money so he makes up for it
If you look at anything longer than three seconds he's following behind you with his card and the other twelve bags you have
This does have you ending up with things you didn't want so your friends love your random gifts
One of them will walk into potions with a luxury purse and one of the other kids will be like “tf Did you get that?” and your friends are like “🫵” And you're like “I didn't want it” So some of the student body does hate your guts just a little
favorite food is plain white rice
Thinks that acrylic nails go under the skin yk like in those videos with the fake hands pushing the nails up the finger yeah he thinks that actually happens to people
Jaw on the floor when you explain to him that's not what happens
Nsfw kinda
Down to three-way and will NOT let you forget
“I met this cute girl at the-” “I'm down. 😐”
“Oh did you see Harry this morning he was-” “Do you think he'd hook up with us?😐” “Babe. We've talked about this” “just once please”
Has asked you to peg him
unless you have a dick then he's asking for one of those two-way things (you're on my blog you know what I'm talking about dude)
Actively begging sobbing on his knees “Please baby Please being so good please”
Would be a swinger and he'd have a pineapple on his front porch
Has dabbled in the lockerrooms
Will ask you if the boys can watch him hit and you said only if they see him at his lowest begging and pleading for you he is silent as of now (give him two weeks)
Type of bitch to be covered in hickeys and when someone is like “What happened? To your neck?” and he's like “Literally what are you talking about?” will gaslight them into thinking there's nothing on his neck
Prefers cuddling naked but hates not immediately being in the bath after sex so he has to battle himself in his head
Can't dirty talk he's like “You look so nice when you're not in clothes? Do you like my wee wee?” and you're sitting there “bitch your what?”
Have resulted in him not being allowed to talk
Quickies number one hater
Needs his time to get into pussybitchboy mode
Okay bye
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gnc-valentine · 1 year
The older brothers with child reader
AN: I’ve never once posted something like this so bear with me. I made this for a friend of mine who is silly goofy. This is platonic obviously. This only has the older bros but I’ll eventually make hcs for all the characters genuinely I promise please. Reader is Gender neutral. Also She/He levi in this :3
• you are 1 more added to the 7 how good for you !! But not really !
• nah it’s fine tho really. Just as long as you don’t start/get in much trouble you’ll probably be fine. Oh you’re a kid being raised by a bunch of demons? Nvm then alright.
• genuinely moving on though, I’d say Lucifer would be one of those dads that would show up to whatever sporting event you may do, and just stand arms crossed with like a whole other row of dads watching the game intensely. Not even saying anything except for maybe the occasional jab at the other team and or referee.
• certified shaky camera holder. I don’t care what you wanna say. This man CANNOT record shit steady (me too fr). Might also forget the camera is still on and would just walk around with it in his pocket recording everything. He Denies it ever happened but it definitely did.
• in the anime, there was an episode where Lucifer and some of the brothers went on a camping trip. Working off of this, he definitely wakes you up at 6 in the damn morning just to fish for 3 hours then asks if you wanna hike after you’ve been sitting in a chair or standing for a while and your limbs are all tired. He definitely has one of those back packs that has like a packet for water with a straw coming out of the bag and will drink out of that instead of stopping to drink out of a water bottle for 30 seconds.
• he probably makes the best grilled cheese known to man and if you ask really nicely, he’ll even wake up in the middle of the night to make it for you :3
• oh my fucking god. He is so uncle core you don’t understand. Tacky fashion? Check. Nearly the same if not more energy than the kid? Check. A car to blast music in on the way to get some junk food? Definitely check.
• he has a pool table in his room. I don’t know what else to say. You two probably against each other if by yourselves. He probably purposely shoots for the 8 ball to knock it in and lose if you’re feeling or looking too sad about being behind or losing. He’s cool like that. He plays it off like he didn’t purposely do it. what a good ball. If y’all play against like let’s say beel and belphie or something similar? Y’all are unstoppable 100%. Diavolo and Lucifer? Lucifer would try to win genuinely but diavolo makes trash shots on purpose cause he likes seeing you happy :3
• you two constantly jump to touch door frames or various other stuff near the ceiling. If you’re to short he’ll tease you and kinda brag about being tall but then you bite his knee or something and y’all start a full rough housing session that has Lucifer yelling from across the house telling y’all to calm the hell down before he finishes the fight himself no matter who started it.
• if you’re eating candy in his car or something like he’ll do that dad arm thing where he reaches behind the chair asking for some. He probably calls it the uncle tax or something but yeah
• you play poker with him. Not like real money poker, but poker nonetheless. Y’all are betting fucking candy probably. Stuffed animals too maybe if it gets intense. Again, if he sees you sad about losing most of your candy, he’ll purposely lose so you’ll be happy. He’s just so real like that
• he’s definitely the family member that shows you games and movies that he obsesses over, that eventually you yourself obsess over (speaking from experience cough cough)
• if you like the things she likes? Oh boy. You are gonna have the best Halloween costumes of all time I’ll say that much. Hand made too.
• she definitely will watch kids shows with you and like try to get as much into them as you are. Gravity falls? She will go as mable/dipper with you for Halloween or a convention. Adventure time? He will watch any and every piece of media regarding it and will try to have lore convos about it with you. Pokémon? Bold of you to assume she doesn’t already like it you idiot (her fav Pokémon is milotic :3).
• if you suck at games she’ll try to help you but like if it’s a game he is super serious about and you wanna play he’ll probably just give you a fake controller or like let’s you play a mini game exclusively sorry.
• Mario party is always fun with her, you, belphie, and probably beel or mammon. He refuses to steal your star or coins or just do bad things to your character on the board. On the mini games however… she’s destroying you/hj. Mario cart is just as intense if not more intense. She will get a tad bit salty if you somehow get 1st place against her but she’ll be proud at the same time so it evens out.
End X3
Hope you enjoyed and I hope I make another part lol !
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leatherface-kisser · 9 months
Can I request headcanons for Drayton, nubbins, chop top, and Bubba with a little sister around 7 years old. I like to imagine she's the exact opposite of them and is very sweet and innocent
Absolutely! Thank you for your request! These were so precious to think about. I did go a little dark in the very end, but there's nothing graphic, it's only implied. Hope that's okay!
Warnings : Murder and Cannibalism (implied)
🧸The Sawyers with a young sister🌷
Now let me make something clear beforehand… good luck trying to stay 100% innocent as a child while growing up with the Sawyers. The house is FILLED TO THE BRIM with bones and other human parts. Leatherface is wearing masks made out of human faces. I mean, there are literal murders taking place within the house! And the cannibalism obviously! I’m not saying it would be impossible for a kid to be innocent and sweet in this family, don’t get me wrong. However, I think the innocence would be more so because the child is oblivious to the fact that all of this isn’t normal.
With that being said! With such a young little sister around, the older Sawyer brothers would be viciously protective of her. You know how big brothers get with their baby sisters. No intruder could even manage to get close to the property without rapidly being dealt with. They’re more territorial than ever. No one will ever hurt their little sister. If it happens, it will be over their dead, cold body.
With Drayton at the gas station and the twins wandering around god knows where most of the time, the little girl spends most of her days with Bubba and Grandpa. Grandpa, as much as she loves him, isn’t exactly the most fun to hang out with though… So she and Bubba are the closest and get along very well. Bubba is a bit relieved not to be the baby of the family anymore and he feels a bit more capable and confident due to taking care of her during the day. When he’s not busy with chores, he plays with her. They’re often playing pretend with tea parties, playing dress up… and Bubba is genuinely having a blast each time.
Imagine Bubba letting his little sister do his masks' hair, with little ribbons everywhere and everything. Picture his pretty woman mask with ponytails or braids decorated with flowers, adorable. He sits on the ground and patiently lets her have fun, he himself is enjoying the little makeovers for sure. He only intervenes when she’s being too rough on the mask or when she needs help.
There’s also lots of Tag you’re it and Hide and Seek. Can you imagine how cute that would be? There’s this giant who's poorly hidden in a corner of the house or behind a tree, oblivious to the fact his round belly is sticking out of the hiding spot. And his baby sister creeps closer and closer until she jumps out at him with a loud “BOO!”. Bubba jumps with a startled yelp, causing the little girl to giggle with glee.
The two of them are very close and it’s honestly super sweet. I have a feeling Bubba would get along well with children. They share pinky promises, little secrets and such together. Bubba often carries his sister around like a bag of potatoes much to her absolute joy and delight. She loves nothing more than when her strong brother lifts her off the ground with no effort. Leatherface might be terrifying to others, but to his sister, he’s the strongest, kindest, safest person around!
Everyone is very, very fond of their sweet sister. And Grandpa also appreciates his granddaughter of course. Sometimes, she settles near him and rambles on and on about various things. You know that thing kids do, talking about mostly nonsensical things. Grandpa isn’t completely there, but he seems to enjoy her presence. The girl also probably likes to “gossip” with grandpa, like how Drayton says a lot of bad words, how Chop Top kinda stinks sometimes and how Nubbins blew raspberries at her the other day (How rude!). She does this mostly because Grandpa never scolds her for gossiping. He never really answers, but she still loves him.
The girl will be wearing her brothers’ old clothes from when they were children. Almost all of them are patched up, some of them are a little baggy, but they do the job just fine! She may have one cute dress to wear for special occasions, but otherwise, she wears the clothes that have been passed onto her. 
Sometimes, when a specific piece of clothing reminds him of something, Drayton often rambles to her about an anecdote from when he raised his little brothers. “Oh I remember patching up that one! Nubbins got stuck in that tree over there, it took an hour to get him down! The shirt got all messed up… Fucken nitwit… At least yer sweet hm? You don’t get into trouble like that. Yer a good girl.” *head pats*
Oh yeah, Drayton swears a LOT. He would attempt to watch his mouth around his impressionable sister, but he quite often slips up. Bad habit he inherited from Grandpa. Chop Top also swears like a sailor, but doesn’t even attempt to limit himself. He would probably even go as far as to teach his sister bad words just to piss Drayton off. Nubbins only swears occasionally, his language is surprisingly clean compared to the other two.
Speaking of Nubbins, he makes a ton of little toys and trinkets for his little sister! They’re pretty… Morbid. But still! They’re made with care and love, that’s what matters, and the kid most probably loves them. I can imagine Nubbins crafting dolls out of taxidermied small animals, and plenty of other stuff. His artistic tendencies and imagination comes in very handy! He takes so many pictures of her also. Just... so many. This kid has seen the flash of the camera hundreds of times by now.
Chop Top listens to music with her. He's that cool brother who visited the world and has a ton of stories to tell about his time in Nam Land. And he knows a lot of songs! So smart! The young girl listens to him talk with music in the background. She's having a bit of a hard time keeping up with the narration, but it sounds very interesting and cool nonetheless!
Bubba also makes stuff for his little sister! He knows how to sew quite well and will spend a lot of time adjusting his sister’s clothes so that they fit her a little better. He might also use scraps of clothing from previous victims to patch them up, or even decorate them! The sawing looks rough, but it’s sturdy.
Bubba gave the little girl his old Teddy Bear one night when she came into his bedroom after she had a nightmare. Big bro Bubba is very strong, he can protect her from any mean intruder! In an attempt to comfort her, he dug into his closet and retrieved the dusty plushie from the back. Teddy could protect her! He had protected Bubba from nightmares just fine when he was her age! Now that he doesn’t need Teddy anymore, she can have it. A pretty bow was added on the bear later on. She carries the thing everywhere with her. Teddy has his own spot at the dinner table.
Almost all of her toys are either passed onto her, or were crafted by one of the brothers. Brand new toys are a rarity and only reserved for special occasions, the Sawyers can’t afford much when it comes to these things. No worries though, the toys already available to her should be plenty enough! I imagine the kid would have a blast playing in the bone room. You know, the one where Pam stumbles upon in the movie. Picture this kid playing with different skulls, making them talk and playing out little adventures, or her just having fun with the feathers on the ground. Heck, just going outside is the best activity ever for the girl! There’s a big property to explore, flowers to pick up, bugs to capture and chickens to pet!
However, it’s always a bit scary for her when there’s intruders or victims around. There’s a lot of screaming and chaos, and Bubba looks very scared too. The girl is a bit frightened each time, but she feels reassured when her big brothers laugh in these moments. They’re laughing, so everything’s okay right? Plus, the screaming always eventually stops, they’re all strong enough to protect her, especially Bubba. Also, when there’s a guest, that means the fridge is getting restocked, which means more food on the table! So it’s okay. The girl does not know any better, this is just life to her. Family is good, family is safe, family is everything.
Thank you for reading! 🌼🧡
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foressfaction · 7 months
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:Ticci Toby:{A Rewrite}
Chapter 7
WARNING:: This story contains EXTREMELY triggering topics such as Domestic/Child/Substance abuse, Death, harsh language, GORE and dissociation triggers. This story mentions mental illnesses and disorders such as Depression, PTSD, ADHD, and Tourette's Syndrome. !!TICS MAY BE TRIGGERING!!
Chapter seven
"Let's go out my window, they won't hear us." Lyra opened her room window that led to the roof and crawled out. Toby followed behind, slipping down the roof a little but eventually they were both able to jump off safely landing on the grass below.
The two siblings started to sprint down the sidewalk, slowly merging to the side of the road. Toby would pass Lyra immediately but the two would both slow down to a steady pace. Toby would fall behind shortly. "Where are we even going?!" Toby would yell, running behind his sister, her ponytail blowing behind her as she kept running, in the lead. Toby was getting out of breath but stayed competitive. "To the abandoned school! It's cool! I wanna show you."
The two kept running, shoes echoing off the old cracked sidewalk that has seen better days. The road was dead and it seemed no one was out at the time. The cold weather pinched at their faces, making their noses red and their faces a little pink.
About midway Toby stopped to catch his breath, bending down to hold his knees, huffing. Lyra stopped, no longer hearing him running.
Toby turned to see the woods, getting a very familiar feeling. He stayed huffing, holding his stomach tightly, he saw a figure…tall as the trees just facing him. It was all black, but definitely unnerving. This time though he felt like he was in danger…not that usual friendly feeling he got from the creature.
His eyes were locked on.
"Toby?" The girl called out. Toby snapped from his daze and looked at her. She was about 15 feet away. "You okay?" Lyra yelled out.
Toby nodded and went back to jogging, passing her who started after him.
He looked back a couple of times.
Lyra wondered why he suddenly went quiet
The two made it to the old school, both huffing to catch their breaths, especially Toby. "Wow, they painted it more since the last time I came here." Lyra hummed out, waking further inside. There was a hole just big enough for them to fit through the boarded door. Graffiti lined the walls on every corner. Almost no negative space was left. "Here!" She tossed Toby a can of spray paint. "Huh? Where did you ge-get this?" he asked, shaking it a little.
"It was laying in the corner over there, some dumb-nuts left'em." She shook her own can and tested it out on the walls. "A gift for us then huh?"
Toby laughed a little, joining her to mark up the walls. She wrote words while he painted his lil symbols, and stick people. That figure didn't leave his mind either. He started to spray paint the tall man, getting the proportions as correctly as he could. He was so concentrated that he didn't notice the girl looming behind him in confused awe. "Who is that, Toby?"
Toby turned quickly and sighed a little. "..A…a friend."
She tilted her head, concerned but played along. She was always worried about her brother. The kid was pretty slow and unique but she loved him anyway. That was one of the traits that made him so lovable. "Oh ahah, a friend? Well tell him I like his tie." She referred to the red tie that Toby painted on. The figure was in a suit.
The wind picked up suddenly. The two had been there for a while, and the sun was starting to set.
The brunette and the blonde girl were sitting against the wall playing with an old toy top they found on the ground. Toby was spinning it, trying to beat Lyra's high score of 30 seconds of pure spinning. His highest was 6..
"Hey, go see if you can find any other little things, I bet I can find one faster than you." Lyra always wanted to play a game out of something. She was a very competitive person. Toby got up quickly. "we'll see then!" He called out.
Toby ran down the hall of the old school, leaving the section they were in and entered a whole new one. His shoes echoed down the halls.
Toby really stopped to take a look at all of the halls. They were all painted on and just destroyed. People wrote satanic symbols, numbers. Some were confession letters and secrets.
'I wonder who Doug is.'  Toby thought to himself as he stood in front of a giant wall that had 'I really hate Doug' spray painted on it.
Toby finally caught the eye of a pile of boxes and bags. Bingo! "There has to be something in here!" He thought out loud as he ran over and started to dig through. There were a bunch of burned up books and papers. Toby dug deeper and eventually felt metal against his gloved hand. He pulled it out, a lighter?
He flicked it on and the flame bursted up, lighting his eyes and half of the semi-dark room up. "woaahh.."
"HEY!" A man's voice yelled out.
"What are you doing with my stuff you little twat!"
Toby looked behind him quickly and immediately scurried out of the room, taking the lighter with him.
The older boy chased him, grabbing at the boy's arm and successfully pulled Toby back violently.
"DON'T TOUCH ME!" Toby screamed out, kicking the other male in the shin, slipping away again and running as fast as he could.
He ran into his sister, nearly knocking them down. She huffed out and held him. Toby was practically hugging her. Lyra was in shock but saw the other guy approaching them fast. "Don't hurt my brother you asshole!" She yelled out, baring her teeth angrily.
"Oh, you're a cute one aren't ya~" The older boy cooed out.
Lyra groaned in an annoyed way and sprayed the guy in the face with spray paint. He screamed and grabbed his face, it getting into his eyes. Lyra took her brother's arm and started to run.
Toby had shoved the lighter into his pocket in the process. "Haha bozo!" Toby laughed out, being tugged away once more around the corner.
Despite that encounter, that was the most fun the two have had in a while.
After the two got home and got showers, they stayed up most of the night in Lyra's room, either reading funny stories from a book of jokes, or making a fort out of all of her blankets. It was the weekend so they didn't have to worry about school or work. Toby fell asleep on the floor in the pile of pillows and blankets. That day was really eventful. The tall man even paid him a visit in his sleep.
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k1nky-fool · 3 months
Least Sane Moments
Part 6/7
Vander x OC Minute
Pairing: M/F
Rating for part: Mature
Warnings: Mostly investigation, some talk of the operation that Devoan was abducted by.
Taglist: @gaybybirth @gatnalien @seas1mping
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The following morning was all the more surprising. Mita was awake well before Vander, and her top priority was making sure their guest was alright. She wasn't on the couch, and the entire space was empty save for the books on the floor. 
Mita followed the soft sounds downstairs to discover five kids conversing. The new girl was sitting on a pillow on the floor while Claggor had scissors carefully eliminating the choppy blocks from her hair. Powder was retailing in detail about some hijinks the group had gotten up to in the last few weeks while Vi and Mylo watched from the sides. 
"Morning, Minute." Vi greeted. 
"Good morning. I'm glad you're all getting along with our guest." Mita noted. 
"I uh.. didn't get the chance to tell you, umm… my name is Devoan." She introduced with a small, awkward smile. 
There were plenty of chances for her to say her name last night, but if Devoan didn't have another name she wanted to be called, then there was no other name Mita would address her by. "It's nice to meet you, Devoan." 
Claggor handed her a sanded down shard from a mirror. "Do you like it, Devo?" 
She looked over his handiwork with a smile. Purple hair fell just past her shoulders and she nodded. "Thanks, Claggor. It looks nice." 
"Any time." He shrugged off and began working on sweeping the floor. 
"Can I talk to you, Minute?" She got up and brought Minute back upstairs, away from the kids. 
"I didn't expect you to have an answer in one night." Mita noted. 
"Less of an answer, more of a condition." Devoan said. 
"Go on." 
"I'll tell you everything I know about the operation. Location, security, victims, and the money coming in." Devoan began, "But I'm going back. I want to burn that place to the ground with my own damn hands." 
"I can't in good conscience put you in that kind of danger." Mita explained. 
"I'm not asking." Her voice shook, but she was standing her ground. 
Mita wasn't playing around with the idea of letting Devoan run back into the hands of her abductors just so she could be the one to burn the place down. It also didn't appear like there was a whole lot of wiggle room to convince her to give up the information without getting what she wanted. 
"What about a compromise?" Mita asked. "You need to do more than just be there to burn the place down. What can you do?" 
"I can pick locks." Devoan jumped at the offer. "They use the same locks for every cell, I only need one, then the rest are as simple as having the key." 
"Great. Then I'll need more information." Mita deadpanned. 
Devoan took a long, uncomfortable, breath. "The place used to be my house." She said, "But the building used to be old factory dormitories. They took over with force and took whoever they wanted. My mother sold us out." 
Mita tried to keep a straight face, but that was a whole world of pain she couldn't even comprehend. Betrayal like that couldn't come from anything but pure evil. In this sense she could only imagine it coming from someone that was sickening enough to value profit over their own child. 
"There's 24 cells, but only 17 prisoners there. Most of them girls, but it's not regular sex trafficking. They've been taking medical samples. Blood, saliva, spinal fluid from a few." Devoan explained. "The money coming in is from some topside medical scientist. No idea what his name is, we just call him Fingers, because it pissed him off and we thought it was funny." 
"You got a description of the guy?" 
"Tall, lanky man. Dark blue hair, but it's gone gray around his forehead. He's maybe fifty or sixty, but his skin is pale like he's been draining his own blood too." Devoan listed off. "He stopped seeing us personally after everyone kept calling him names. He's got some fragile ego on him." 
That would be enough to give Grayson. If he's a topside doctor, then she'll know where to find him. "What's security like?" 
"It'll be spotty since Sevika's gone now. She brought a good twenty people with her, and they won't work if Sevika's not there. Five or six people are left, and if I start a fire, they're not gonna stay behind to secure the prisoners." She explained. 
"We're not starting a fire before we get the prisoners out." Mita put her foot on that before it got anywhere else. "Aside from it being too dangerous for us, we want as many alive and out as possible." 
Devoan scoffed. "We can't save everybody, Minute." 
"We're going to fucking try." Mita glared down with a stern voice. 
"What's all this out here?" Vander's voice was still gravelly from waking up, and he certainly didn't look put together. Mita only found it endearing enough to release the tension of the conversation.
"I have a plan." Mita said. "But I'll need to bring you and Devoan." 
“You sure that’s best?” Vander asked. 
“Works for me.” Devoan shrugged, already grabbing Powder and asking Vi to bring Ekko here. She had some building to do. 
“Mita, you can’t be asking her to risk her life like this.” Vander said quietly. 
“I asked her not to, she wasn’t going to give me any information if I didn’t agree to let her burn the place down. At least this way, we can get out everyone safely. After we clear out the operation and take out this scientist, we can rest easy.” 
“Do you think you can beat him?” Vander asked much more seriously. 
She’d never been able to do it before, but she didn’t need to beat him. She just needed him distracted long enough to get the girls out. “I don’t need to beat him, I just need to survive him.” 
Vander’s shoulders relaxed, letting out all the tension. “Good.” 
“This is my last bounty, Vander.” Mita assured, taking his hand in hers. “After this, I just want to go home.” 
His calloused hands held her face gently, as if she were made of glass, and his lips met hers like it was his nature. The short kiss felt like only a taste of what home would be. “We’ll be waiting here for you when you do.” 
“Vander I-” 
“Don’t say it now.” He interrupted her. “Makes it sound like you’re planning to die.” 
“Fair enough.” Mita nodded. “You know what to do?” 
“I can’t promise she’ll help.” Vander reiterated. 
“Sevika’s presence won’t make or break this operation.” She said honestly. “It would certainly help, but the choice is hers. She might have gotten Devoan out, but I know Mystique won’t forgive a debt that easily. If she doesn’t want to meet the wrath of my employer, then she’ll help.” 
“If she was willing to hire a creature for her personal interests before, and if the five-eyed survives, she’d have a solid reason to be scared.” Vander pointed out. 
“She will do whatever she pleases.” Mita said. “It’s up to Sevika if she’s willing to risk it.” 
“All I can do is ask.” Vander shrugged. “I know where she lives. And since Mystique’s girls have been under my protection for years it only makes sense that it’s my responsibility to make protection happen.” 
“Thank you, Vander.” Mita kissed his cheek as he left to seek her out. 
Mita made her way over to Devoan to check in and make sure her part of the plan was actually feasible. “Do you have what you need here?” 
Devoan was sketching out exactly what she needed out of the device. “I designed this thing when I was like ten. I’ve had more than enough time to overthink how to improve it. What I don’t have here, I know Ekko probably has on its way. We told Vi to explain that I’m building a lock-picking device, and if he’s as brilliant as everyone says, then he’ll know what to bring.” 
“That’s good to hear.” Mita said, hearing Powder and Claggor shuffle around upstairs while Milo did a few exercises with her swords that she showed him. “Devoan, you don’t have to tell me anything, but I’m struggling to think of how this could even happen. Both of us know it’s not just the scientist that made all this happen. I don’t want to let anyone responsible for this be on the loose.” 
Devoan’s pencil stilled in her hand. “My mother’s name was Tevil Sedarma.” She said first, slowly, but Mita understood. 
“That’s a Noxian name.” She realized. “You’re from Noxus?” 
“My mother was.” She said, continuing to sketch rods and clockwork measurements onto the blank spaces of the page. “There are a lot of reasons to flee Noxus. And even more reasons to be low on luck after immigrating to the polluted underground of a classist city while six months pregnant. So when luck started to look up last year, she had a lot of reasons to take that chance.” 
Devoan mentioned that her mother sold them out. “The scientist approached her.” 
“She died four months ago.” Devoan said with so little emotion in her voice, Mita might not have known she was talking about her mother if she hadn’t just been told. “I don’t think she knew he was looking for a trait that was passed down from mother to daughter, so he wanted her just as much as he wanted me. I can’t even say it serves her right, just because I don’t know if I'd wish that hell on even her.” 
“I’m sorry this happened at all.” Mita said, trying her best to hide how much it hurt to know the child in front of her knew suffering not even a creature knew. 
“Me too.” Devoan replied with the same near-professional tone. 
The back door opened and Ekko came thundering down the stairs with Vi. “I’m here!” 
Devoan’s eyes went wide as she laid eyes on the young boy. Mita knew it was the look of ‘no wonder they call him a genius.’ He was so young, and to hear that he was Mita’s first choice for repairing her mask, and seeing the things he’s fixed and built just hanging or being used around the Last Drop was a surprising reality. 
“Oh, and I thought you’d need this, Mita.” Ekko pulled her fixed mask out of the sack. 
“I wouldn’t even know it was cracked.” Mita’s hands ran over the smoothed surface. 
“I also reinforced it. So it won’t be breaking like that again any time soon.” He assured. 
“Thank you, Little Man.” Mita gave him a generous extra amount for the repair job, and headed off to do her own part of the operation for tonight. 
It was hard enough to get out of the last drop without being seen, but sneaking through Piltover in broad daylight was far more terrifying. She could have tried to hide in plain sight, but not only were Piltovan clothes expensive, they’re also awful to move in. 
By the time Mita managed to get to her destination, she was out of breath, and wished she had slept in a little later than she did. 
“I was wondering when I would see you again.” Grayson noted, not even looking up from the files on her desk. 
“I had a bit of a fall.” Mita said, admittedly feeling better with the mask on her face. “I need your help.” 
“Otherwise you wouldn’t be here.” Grayson said. “I take it someone topside is responsible for the abductions.” 
“Yes.” Mita answered. “But I don’t need you to arrest anyone.” 
Grayson stopped writing. “So he’s dead.” 
“Not yet.” She said, “I have a survivor.” 
Now she was shocked enough to look up. “Who?”
“Her name is Devoan. She’s barely sixteen.” Mita explained. “I need your help to get her somewhere safe.” 
“I’ll do whatever it takes.” Grayson agreed. 
At least she didn’t need to try convincing her. “She’ll be crossing the bridge tonight. I need you to be there to receive her.” 
“And what will you be doing tonight while I receive her?” Grayson asked. 
“Whatever it takes to never need a favor like this again.” 
Grayson’s face went entirely blank. “Minute, I can tell when someone is trying to avoid saying they’re going to kill a man.” 
“I’d hardly call him a man.” Minute deadpanned. “Live or die, it won’t be a problem again.” 
“You better bring her to my apartment instead.” Grayson suggested, writing an address down on a note. “The last thing I want to do is force her into trusting me.” 
And that was why she went to Grayson in the first place. 
There was a lot going into figuring out how to end this. The head of the operation wasn’t even the worst part about this case. With Devoan’s description, Mita has a few leads on how to find out exactly who he is. The five-eyed creature was by far the more concerning, but as far as Grayson was concerned, he was just a legend. Maybe people that had mistaken Mita for a man and or miscounted the number of eyes on her mask. They had attributed the sightings of her to a whole different person and made him a myth, and when she was done with him, he would be nothing but just that. A myth. 
Regardless of whether the scientist dies, he’ll never see the light of day again. Mita doesn’t even care who gets to him first, but if he knows what’s good for him, he’ll pray that he only spends the rest of his life in Stillwater Stronghold. 
“Do I need to worry about you coming after him if I get him in custody?” Grayson asked. Mita couldn’t think of any reason she’d ever want to see him alive long enough to even bother killing him, but she couldn’t be sure that Devoan won’t finish the job. 
She couldn’t even find it in her to blame the girl if she wanted to. “No.”
“Then happy hunting, Minute.” Grayson finished, letting her take a deep breath before attempting to climb across Piltover to stay out of sight. 
With the first errand of the work day finished, the second would be much harder. For some reason breaking into a research hospital is much more difficult than breaking into an enforcer precinct. There was someone in every room that she could see from the outside, so windows were not an option this time. 
What was apparent was that nobody really seemed concerned about what the doctors, nurses, and students were doing on their own. And a hospital would have spare uniforms for every mess they’re dealing with in a day. 
Sneaking in through the staff entrance was a little tricky. She hid behind the door until a stray student walked out alone to get around the clockwork code lock that sat on the frame. It took a little bit of staying behind corners to avoid being seen while she hunted down the spare uniforms, and when she did, she was just thankful to find long sleeves. If there’s anything that can quickly alert everyone that she wasn’t from around here, it was arms full of scars. 
Scrubbing sweat and dirt off her face, and making herself look like she cared about her appearance did a lot to change her. Maybe it was just because she hadn’t actually looked at herself in a mirror for this long, let alone without a mask. 
Without the messy helmet hair, or having a cut or bruise on her face that she needed to disinfect or put ice on, or sweat and dirt dried on her skin where her mask rested on her forehead and cheeks, the woman looking back at her was not the woman she knew. 
Mita had been no stranger to wanting a different life. Only after a while, she had given up even fantasizing about it. Maybe she didn’t want an easy life, but almost anything was better than what she did have. Hell, she’d have even been happier to just be a mediocre bounty hunter, instead of going through what she did to get where she is. 
Now here she wasn’t just wishing her life was better for once, but doing something to make it better. She’s done bounty hunting. A life, all her own with people she loved. She’d get to go home. 
Only a year ago, if Minute had been told she’d even have a home to go to, she would have called them insane. Hell, if she’d been told she’d even be given the name ‘Minute’ she would have thought they were insane. If that was right, then this was the least sane choice of her life. And Minute prayed to whoever was listening that she would never have a sane moment ever again. 
Someone else entered the bathroom and Minute walked past without raising any eyebrows. Thankfully acting confident here was about all it took to stay under the radar, so long as she stayed out of their way. 
She swiped a writing board and pencil just to mimic the other nurses that were checking things off on their lists as they buzzed about the hospital. She would be unarmed, but her clothes and swords were very well hidden, and she wasn’t worried about anyone being dumb enough to attack her here. Sure, she was under their radar, but she was still almost six feet tall and was seeing a lot of bald spots from her eye level. 
Mita kept walking around like she was going somewhere with just a little bit of urgency, and most people would either walk past with the same urgency or politely get out of her way. She kept her focus on her peripheral vision, spying into the offices for anything that matched Devoan’s description. 
When she found the office, she walked in without a second thought. The item that caught her eye was a bag of green liquid seat up for intravenous injection. The office was empty, but even if he had been in here, she’d be fine with just killing him. There’s plenty of walls and hard surfaces in here to turn a tall, lanky, man into a small, lumpy, mess.
There was a photograph on the desk of the exact man Devoan had described, working with another man and a young girl as they skimmed oil slick off the top of the river Pilt. He looked healthier in the photo, even though it didn’t have any color, he definitely didn’t look like a walking husk. 
The plaque on the desk read Dr. Jerrus. 
A man like him would probably keep his own medical records where he could take them with him if he needed to. If Devoan is right and he’s abducting girls because they seem to carry some resistance to his condition, then he’d want to have his research and medical records with him. 
“Sorry, are you looking for Dr. Jerrus?” A young woman behind her asked kindly. She was a little older than Devoan and wearing a student’s uniform. There was a lot to take in about her appearance, her hair was a little bit lighter of a blue than Powder’s, and her eyes were a polish away from shining silver, but the dark scar that covered the right side of her face was not what Mita expected to see in Piltover. 
However even under the scar, she could tell this was the girl in the photo. “Yes, do you know where I might find him?” 
“He’s out right now, and probably won’t be back until late tonight. House calls are like that sometimes.” She explained kindly. 
“Well, perhaps you might be able to help me?” Mita suggested. “We haven’t met yet, I’m Tevil Sedarma.” It was a bit of a risk to use the name, but if this girl was involved, she’d be surprised to hear that name.
“You’re from Noxus?” She asked innocently.
“My family was, but I was born in Piltover.” She improvised, just repeating what Devoan said.
“Well I hope Piltover has been kind to you.” She said sweetly. “I’m Ojin Tesyk, I’m studying to be a doctor at the academy.” 
“You’re studying under Dr. Jerrus?” Mita asked. 
“Yeah. It’s sad that his condition doesn’t yet have a cure, but his work is doing a lot for disabilities all over Piltover and the Undercity.” Ojin explained. “I wanted my work to do the same.” 
“Ah, yes his condition.” She solemnly agreed, figuring that Ojin wouldn’t share much if it sounded like she hadn’t already been told. “Has he mentioned any breakthroughs to you? I can’t help but be hopeful that it isn’t a lost cause.” 
“Well. He probably didn’t tell you that the same accident that caused his bone marrow condition scarred my face.” Ojin said with a bit of jest. The photo was of both Ojin and Jerrus clearing pollution in the river. Some kind of chemical exposure could have done that. “We found that I have a genetic resistance to the kind of disease that took hold in Dr. Jerrus. I’ve given blood and bone marrow to try to help, but it wasn’t ever enough. He’s been trying to find another lead for a while.” 
And that’s how he found out. “I’m surprised that the disease can move so fast in just a year.” Mita tried, knowing that he approached Devoan’s mother a year ago, which meant that it’s at least been getting worse for about that time. 
“Yeah, it wasn’t this bad at the start.” Ojin said. “Anyway, what can I help you with, Nurse Sedarma?” 
She didn’t know she’d already said everything Mita wanted to know. She just had to confirm that it was indeed Dr. Jerrus leading this operation. However, what she needed was some kind of proof to send to Grayson. “Well, I’ll just drop this off in his office, since he probably means to get to it later, but he did ask me to get something from his office files.” 
“What did he ask you to get?” Ojin asked. 
Mita had to think really hard to figure out how to keep her cover. “He said he left a personal file here that he needed for an errand.” 
Ojin’s eyes became sad. “What kind of errand?” 
If she says too much, she’ll lose her cover. “Forgive me, he asked for a little discretion.” Hopefully that would be enough to stop her from asking anymore questions. 
“His personal files are in the bottom left drawer.” Ojin said. “Can you at least tell me if he thinks he’s going to die?” 
“He needs money.” Mita settled on, sifting through files, scanning over them for anything that could tie him to the operation underground. “I think it’s really more of a last ditch effort. He’s doing everything he can to stay alive.” That much was the truth, and it’s all Ojin needed. 
She nodded, accepting that Mita wasn’t a threat or a bad omen. “Where did you two meet?” She asked more as a friendly curiosity than suspicion. 
“I used to be an Enforcer working security for Progress Day.” Mita said. 
“Well that explains a bit.” Ojin chuckled. “No offense, but you look really strong for a nurse.” 
“You think nurses don’t have to be strong?” Mita recalled a lot of times she’d met some mentally unstable vagabond and had to wrestle them away from a shard of glass or a sharp-broken pipe they wanted to use to hurt themself with. 
“Definitely, but nurses tend to look more wiry. If you were an enforcer, then it makes sense that you might have had to prioritize size in your workout-” If there was anything this girl was, it was a medical student. A very talkative medical student. Mita was at a loss for words to reply to her at all, and she focused on finding something in his files. 
When her thumb crossed one of the files, she noticed the paper was in a blockier font, and the paper was more brown and worn down with age. Whatever was in here wasn’t from Piltover, so Mita took her chances and pulled it from the drawer. 
Reading over it, she saw the name she needed. It was a deed to the building that Devoan’s mother owned. The factory dorms were in her name, and right at the bottom was her signature; Tevil Sedarma, signing over ownership of the prison building to Killigan Jerrus. Mita closed the file before Ojin could read it. “Thank you, I should get this to the Council Hall.” 
“Any time, Nurse Sedarma.” She smiled, bidding her farewell as she headed downstairs back to pick up the bundle of clothes and swords on her way out. 
She fashioned her skirt into a bag that covered the swords, and walked in plain sight down to the Enforcer station, and walked to Grayson’s office with the same urgency she used in the hospital and the result was more or less the same. Grayson wasn’t in her office at the moment, but she knew leaving the file on her desk would be enough to make sure that he wouldn’t be able to show his face up here again without every enforcer in the city piling on him. 
After changing back into her clothes across the river, she was ready to prepare for a fight. 
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larstoomars · 1 year
i have such bittersweet feelings about my hometown. So much of my family, life, and memories are here, i love each of them deeply. my city is big, it sure isn’t small, 12th biggest city in my state. i remember jumping off my play house as a child trying to fly and walking down a broken sidewalk with my friends while hearing sirens and gunshots. i loved to camp, fish, and swim while nearly drowning again and again and eating cold Koegels. Walking around late at night but never alone and location tracking on. Always having a roof over my head but always being afraid of it being taken away from me, by weather, law, nature, or robbery. i finally graduated in 2020 with terrible ending, not even a year later my high school diploma is destroyed by water damage. i have friends everywhere but also if things get rough, i can just as easily start over again here bc the city is big enough for multiple people. it’s not slow and boring like the country and it’s not as bustling with citizens walking, biking, or riding to where they need to get in a big city. it’s the same boring places but somehow the people around me find the most interesting events and things to do. we had the biggest pride our city had seen in june and yet everyday i hear homo and transphobia.
it takes, on average, four generations to get out poverty in the united states, in 2016 the percent was still rising at 45%, now its at 35% but i don’t have hope for it to keep sliding down. two cities in my state are on the list for top 10 poorest cities in the united states.
in 2014 the michigan governor changed my cities water source, killing 12 people. our state government said they would fix the lead pipes, change them out by 2020 in 2017. the programs giving residents bottled water who were affected have stopped at the beginning of 2023. Residents still do not have clean water. technically Flint is under the amount of lead allowed in water federally and state-wise sitting at 9 parts per billion (below requirement of 15 ppb (personally i think it should be zero)) but, consider the following! Water pipes and lines have continuously burst over and over and over again, this has been happening of years, multiple times a year. forcing flint residents unable to drink water, clean, do laundry, be hygienic for days or weeks depending on where or how long the water break is.
my mom tells me things were getting bad in Flint when we moved away when i was 6/7. we moved to New Mexico and only stayed for a year before moving back home, i have mixed feeling about that place too. my best friend past away that year due to a shooting accident with immediate family. details are unimportant but right around then is when family members of my own started to pass away.
while in high school two teachers also passed. one had a heart attack and didn’t come to work so another teacher went to his home to check on him during the school day. everyone found out at the same time at he died, i wasn’t close to him. the other, she had muscular dystrophy, she was in an electric wheelchair and had a working dog, she also worked at the school. she had uterine surgery but there were complications and she didn’t make it.
after a slew of bad news this year, this september, my graduating class lost one of our alumni. his name was Johnny and he had just turned 21. i didn’t actually get to graduate with him because of covid, our ceremony was broken up into four parts in the same day, so i only graduated with a fourth of the 2020 class. i don’t look at high school fondly but, johnny was kind, funny, and smart. he worked so hard to make Flint a better place and prove all sorts of people wrong. He died defending his girlfriend, so many went to his funeral and brought our graduating class back together. to what cost though? his friends and family lost his life, he lost his life. he loved to fish, his favorite color was yellow, his lucky number was 44.
His murder was killed by another man. a couple days after another young man shot and killed at 18 years old. GM strikers were ran over in a hit and run. My dads truck was stolen right out of his driveway. A KFC was ran into by a police officer. A staff member in Flint schools had a ceramic chair thrown at their head and sent to the hospital. Ethan Crumbley, a teenager who killed four in a school shooting may be sentenced to life without parole from Oxford.
so much of my life is here, my memories, my family, biological or not. i always thought i’d move away from here. sometimes i still think i might. im not sure. i don’t know what to do to feel safe. i don’t think there is a safe place for any of us. was there ever?
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otter1962crystalball · 4 months
Being Bullied and the Scars Remain
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June 5, 2024
Happy day five of Pride, everyone. Bullying is something with which a lot of people in my community are familiar. There is that feeling inside that says you must hide yourself at all costs and not become a target. For me, hiding who I was involved making myself as unnoticeable as possible.
As I look through adult eyes at what happened, I see that I was doing anything to protect myself. If the bullying were to occur now, my reaction would be very different. I think that is why the bullying I experienced as a child was hidden away inside because I was ashamed at what I was. Equally, there was shame for being afraid.
The bullying started when I was in grade 7. I even recall what caused the other students to begin to tease and taunt me. There was a time in the boys changeroom where we had to change our clothes for the first time. Even though I was afraid the other boys might notice me looking, I couldn’t help myself and one boy, name long forgotten, noticed and shouted, “What are you staring at?” I just shook my head and looked the other way. Not long after that incident the teasing started.
The words fag and faggot were tossed around - most of the time not directly at me but talked about in general and how those “faggots” would get what they deserved. I began to avoid most of the guys in school and found safety hanging with the girls.  So much so that I didn’t even know the rules to soccer or football. I did manage to play baseball, but once had a ball hit me square in the head as I tried to catch it. I had so little confidence in myself. As an aside, I learned how to jump rope (including double dutch) and many different types of ball games that involved tossing it against the wall and doing moves in certain orders. Those were sissy activities. The team sports were what boys did and something that I tried to avoid as much as possible.
I recall the last weeks of grade 8 at my middle school which included going to a camp with the other grade 8’s. I met other boys from the other schools and decided there were boys that I could befriend. One boy in particular was named Scott. He and I hung out constantly while at camp. Afterwards, back in school, the rumours started about Scott and I doing things on my bunk. The teasing intensified and I went further into myself to hide.
In 1975, I began high school - grade 9. It was a whole new world with students coming from several of the towns surrounding the town that had the high school. We were bussed from my town to the next every school day. Once at the high school, my feelings of fear became more intense. I always assumed the several boys who teased me in my middle school, carried the news to all the others and suddenly I had 10 - 12 boys taunting and teasing me. They did it in the hallways and even in class, right in front of the teachers. The teachers did nothing and ignored what was going on. 
One day we had a science field trip in biology class. We were going around and looking at different ecological areas. On the bus, I ended up surrounded by the group of 10 boys who began smacking me on the back of the head. If I turned around, they would taunt me so I hunkered down and wished for the trip to end. On one of the walks, several boys took willow switches and whipped my back and legs with it. They always did it when the teacher was busy doing something else. Did I cry out? No. I begged them to stop. Did I tell the teacher? No, I didn’t because using my young logic, if I did, the teacher would know that I was gay. A couple of them even reached out the bus window as I walked by to board the bus and tried to push me into the swamp next to the road.
When I got on the bus, my seat was taken by the grinning bullies, so the teacher invited me to sit with him. He split his apple in two and offered me half. We talked about the biological aspects of the trip and I then felt safe and let my guard down. Back at school, as we got off the bus, it went back up.
From grade 9 to 12, the bullying continued. By the time I was in grade 12, I’d had enough. I now hated school. As I look back, I loved school and learning until the teasing started. Then the whole thing became a nightmare. My core group of friends that I hung out with had no clue at all about what was going on. The bullies were covert and I was silent about it all. I never told my parents or my siblings what was going on. No one knew who I truly was and how tortured I felt. I needed to escape.
In my previous blog, I wrote about going to a city in Western Canada and then to Calgary, where I began my “gay life” and accepted myself for who I was and who I am now. The scars remained from my past, however, and there were times when I had a disagreement with a boyfriend, I would blow up. The anger would surface from time to time and I would again feel ashamed for being that way. It took many years and counselling to learn to put all of that aside. I even symbolically burned my high school yearbooks to try and drive away the demons. Since 1980, I’ve not gone to one high school reunion. I don’t believe that I am afraid of those guys any longer. It’s always felt better to just live my life and not try to drudge up the past by going to reunions of a school where I hated going.
Years later, I returned to school to learn French. I took two semesters of French in a university and I rediscovered my love of learning. I got my first degree in ESL to teach Francophones in Quebec. Later, I went back to university again and again until I had four degrees including my masters.
I’ve left the bullies behind and the horrible feelings that went with the whole situation. As I am writing this, I feel the old fear surface, but I know that I am safe and that the bullying will never continue. So for Pride, I am celebrating my life that is free of bullies. That includes an ex-husband who was one as well. I divorced him in 2016 and I now know when narcissists like him try to bully their way into my life. I won’t stand for it!
I wish you all Happy Pride and for all of those of you out there who were bullied, I truly understand and empathize with you. Maybe you might even share your story with me. Carpe diem.
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Why did you elbow me? 198
Achilles Castle part 100
Lemonade and lies Part 43
Nicholas (Nick) Stephen McSwarek undercover part 7
Kate/Stana: pov after dinner Nick/Greig ask if I want to go to the pool he found out while I was changing earlier that our apartment building has one. Says it's a good way to meet the neighbors. He asks if I'm okay in water after the whole, almost drowning in the Hudson thing. Nick/Greig it is not a trigger for me that I know of. Plus I took the pool safety class and passed. I know how to be safe in the water. Back at our place I'm in the bedroom changing into my full piece bathing suit. Nick/Greig is in the bathroom changing into his. I grab my life jacket and a small medical bag with my meds and a few other things.
Officer Nicholas (Nick) Stephen McSwarek/Greig: pov I grab some towels before we leave for the pool. The walk is short to the pool, there are a bunch of people mostly teens in the pool hanging out. I should have thought of the fact that she might not be able to be in the pool safely.
Kate/Stana: pov i put my life jacket on Nick/Greig is nice enough to sit with me on the edge of the pool. I don't feel comfortable getting in with all of the teens in the water. I don't want them to accidentally bump into me. With Me and Nick/Greig being cops we can tell a few of the boys have been drinking and tell them it's not safe to be in the water while they are drunk. The drunk teens look like they are about to leave. We decided to continue our Conversation.
Kate/Stana: pov I notice a woman with 3 kids, one looks like it's a special needs child and one is an infant. I elbow Nick softly to get his attention. We offer to help the mom with her kids. Nick is holding the special needs kid helping him in the water. I'm holding the little girl's hand. The drunk teens are splashing us and saying mean things calling Isaac useless and a waste, they are saying what baby can't talk, why would someone let him live let alone choose to give birth to him and keep him. They keep coming closer to him saying mean things. Nick is using his body to protect Issac, i tell him to get the kids out of the pool. I decided to step in saying that they are being rude and to treat him nicely. All human beings deserve to be treated equally. They start saying mean things about me saying only babies were life jackets and aren't you too old to not know how to swim. Too bad I can't arrest them. Whatever sounds Issac is making because he isn't happy Nick is trying to get him out of the pool quickly is triggering them. It happens so suddenly they charge forward towards Nick and Issac who are near the stairs, without thinking I step in front of the teens who then shove me hard in the chest it causes me to gasp in pain and takes my breath away.
Officer Nicholas (Nick) Stephen McSwarek/Greig: pov another woman grabs the baby from the mother so she can grab Issac, I then jump in and manage to pull Kate out of the water. She is holding her chest and seems in pain and startled. The teens, shoving her in the chest probably hurt since i Don't know if her chest is sensitive. A woman who was sitting on the other side of the pool watching her children play asks if Kate/Stana is okay because she is a nurse.
Kate/Stana: pov Nick already has my life jacket off without even realizing it I'm rubbing my chest. I don't want this to turn into an episode. Nick can see it in my face that I'm in some pain. My chest hurts a little, another person is shouting that the police are on the way. This is not how I wanted our night to turn out. I can barely register what is happening.
Amy the nurse: pov Sir is the woman with you okay Greig says I'm not sure Stana has some health issues. What kind of health issues he explains that she has previous chest trauma from a shooting, a heart condition, has had emergency heart surgery, suffered a few cardiac arrest, has ptsd and a weakened immune system. Oh okay that's a lot for one person.
Officer Nicholas (Nick) Stephen McSwarek/Greig: pov I don't want this to turn into a bad situation. Kate is sitting next to me. I had a buddy in the military who had PTSD so I know how to handle it, let's hope that doesn't happen. I check her numbers to make sure she is okay. They are okay,
Amy the nurse: pov I can hear police sirens meaning the police are here. Greig says he doesn't want to get the police involved.
Officer Nicholas (Nick) Stephen McSwarek/Greig: pov crap the police are about to arrive the chances of them knowing who we are is very high. Thankfully the 2 cops who show up are rookies and don't know who me and Kate are.
Officer Swanson: pov what seems to be the problem here we got a call about a possible assault and under age drinking. The woman who called us explained as much as she could. From what I understand the drunk teens were bothering a special needs kid and shoved a woman named Stana. First things first we need to interview the witnesses.
Officer Kai: pov I'm talking with Issac ‘s mother since she witnessed it all, she wants to press charges. My partner officer Swanson is now talking to Stana, the woman who was shoved by the teens. To be continued. ……..
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memo14g · 1 year
Scholarship/Orphanage Day 2 (7/13) || Henry Le (USC)
On day 2, we arrived at Trường Tình Thương Ái Linh, which was approximately a 45-minute drive away. Similar to the previous day, we had to walk a bit to reach the school. Upon arrival, we were greeted by masses of kids lined up in front of the main speaking stage, all dressed in their matching uniforms. At the beginning, their teacher had them perform a cute little kid's song for us, and witnessing the joy on their faces was truly amazing. Soon after, we all took our seats behind the children. I ended up sitting behind two funny kids who bantered playfully with each other.
The principal delivered a speech to express gratitude for our presence, and Dr. Bui shared some remarks about MEMO while introducing all the doctors. We then engaged in a fun group game of "Simon Says," Vietnamese style. Once the speeches were over, we had the opportunity to interact with the kids and play games together. I had the chance to meet a very shy child who turned out to have some kind of attention-deficit disorder. Despite his tendency to drift off, I could tell that he was genuinely enjoying the moment and our interaction. Eventually, he became comfortable enough with me to let me give him a piggyback ride. It was a heartwarming experience that I truly cherished.
Watching the kids play and participate in various activities was a delight. They were jumping up and down, playing patty cake, spinning in circles, and so much more. Near the end of the visit, we all lined up to give each child a backpack, and the looks of appreciation on their faces were priceless. Finally, we said our goodbyes and hugged the kids close to us before leaving.
After the visit, we had plenty of free time, and some of us decided to explore a street clothing store called The New Playground, which offered a fantastic selection of unique and stylish clothes. Later, we returned to the hotel to freshen up before heading out for our dinner cruise.
This was my first cruise, and I was genuinely excited about the experience. After boarding the ship, we were shown to our tables, and since it was a buffet, we all headed to the food area to serve ourselves. The night proceeded quite normally, with us chatting, laughing, and enjoying each other's company. Once we finished eating, we, the 14gers, moved to the deck to take some beautiful pictures. However, the rain started pouring heavily after 20 minutes, so we had to go back inside the cruise.
Tonight was actually a banquet night for MEMO, where we were supposed to hear awards and closing remarks about the mission trip. Just as a MEMO student began giving the opening remarks, the cruise suddenly shifted to one side, catching everyone off guard. Some people were knocked down, and plates slid off the tables. Chandeliers rocked back and forth. Even the cruise workers looked confused by the sudden shift. For a moment, we feared the worst, thinking the cruise might be sinking, but it turned out to be a minor bump against a nearby dock. Still, I could see worried and scared expressions on some of the faces around me. Looking back, the rain, in a way, saved us. Without it, some of us might have still taken pictures near the ledge of the cruise during the sudden collison. But let’s not think about that :/.
The banquet was cut short, and we patiently waited until the cruise was ready to depart safely. Eventually, we made it back to the hotel, where MEMO continued the banquet. We heard closing remarks about the trip, received certificates and superlatives as awards. Once the banquet at the hotel lounge was done, we left to our rooms in peace.
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Above: Having fun with the kids!
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Above: Picture of the best team, objectively!
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Above: Titanic 2.0 Jules is shocked!
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rere-the-writer · 2 years
Hi! Can I please request an Elijah Mikaelson imagine? Like in season 5 of TO he doesn't have his memories, he was with the reader inside that 7 years and when his memories came back he doesn't want to leave her bcs he loves her so much. Thank you!
Title: His own little family
Warnings: Jealous!Hayley, Fluff, Elijah just being in love with his lady, some angst
Manosque, France
Elijah smiled placing his forehead on his bride's forehead as you both had your first dance. You were a powerful witch that met Elijah the second week of staying in Manosque and a year of dating Elijah asked you to marry him. Elijah hadn't felt this strongly about a woman before... well one that he could remember and as you were dating Elijah, you had pulled dark magic from him that you called the Hallow which weirded him out but in awe with you power.
"I love you, my sweet wife."
"And I love you, my adoring husband."
Seven years, it took seven years to find Elijah as just as soon as Freya sensed the Hallow no longer alive. Klaus and the others were quick to find Elijah as Hayley was excited to have Elijah back, to have him back in her arms. Klaus, Freya and Hayley found Elijah still living in Manosque playing the piano in a bar, Hayley felt her breathing hitch seeing Elijah dressed in a Hently and jeans with a bit of scruff on his jaw.
"May I have everyone's attention?" Elijah asked as everyone in the bar smiled paying attention as Klaus and the girls were confused seeing you next to Elijah. You were dressed in a soft cream color flowy dress with dark hair in curls down your back flushing as an arm belonging to Elijah was around your waist.
"I would like to announce that my wife and I are having a child!" Elijah said as the bar broke out in loud cheers as Klaus and Freya was surprised and Hayley felt a spark of jealousy watching Elijah swoop in kissing you deeply. Both Freya and Klaus had mixed feelings about the whole thing as Elijah looked so happy and didn't what to ruin it but they wanted their brother back while Hayley was angry.
"Oh you're back." The three jumped hearing Elijah seeing him smiling at Klaus as you were next to your husband as your eyes widen knowing just who they were drawing two and two together realizing your husband was Elijah Mikaelson without his memories.
"Yes....well I over heard you are having a child. How? A vampire can't have children."
"Oh my wife is a powerful witch." Elijah says rubbing his nose against yours as Klaus's heart soften seeing how much of pure joy Elijah was showing while Hayley looked jealous. The three was invited to Elijah's home and both Freya and Klaus smiled seeing how cozy the flat was as you sat down.
"You want to bring his memory back?" You asked as Elijah rubbed your shoulders as Klaus felt guilty not wanting to take your happiness away.
"I can help, Freya will need strong magic." You say feeling heart ache as Freya placed Elijah asleep. Hayley smirked arms crossed looking at you.
"Must not love Elijah if you are so willing to help."
"I love my darling Elijah deeply, beyond words but small wolf I am no fool to Always and Forever." You say helping Freya as Klaus felt more guilty for wanting Elijah back but you carried his niece or nephew, making you family.
"No matter what happens Hayley, she is family." Klaus said making you smile at the hybrid.
Elijah woke with a gasp sitting up in bed looking around as his memories were blending together giving him a headache. Elijah moved getting up noting he was in a white tee and pajama pants with a suit set out for him. The vampire stood up passing the suit not bothering to get dress as the one thing entered his mind, you.
"Elijah! You are....awake." Hayley trailed off as Elijah walked right passed her towards you. Elijah made you squeak when he cupped your face kissing you deeply shocking the three.
"Morning baby."
"Goodmorning Elijah?" You squeaked confused as Elijah pulled you close kissing along your neck.
"I won't leave you. I remember everything about us, I remember everything of my old life. But I would go mad without you."
"Gotten affected your time away brother?"
"She is my wife, Niklaus." Elijah mumbled against your neck holding you close as his siblings laughed seeing how clingy Elijah was with you.
"It is alright Elijah, they are your family and Hay....."
"No. I will not leave you, you are my beautiful pregnant wife and I shall love you Always and Forever."
"Besides love, Freya and I will not allow you to be left behind."
Hayley was jealous watching Elijah sit with you telling stories of the things he had seen over the last 1000+ years. You leaned back against Elijah listening as he rubbed your bump.
"I must say, I have never felt so much devotion to a woman more than you."
"Your love could intimate a woman." You say as Elijah kissed your hand before moving to your neck pressing kisses on your skin.
"Yet you married me, my sweet wife." Elijah purred against your neck pulling you closer as you laced your fingers with his. Hayley left unable to watch you with Elijah as it was if he never eased his memories, as if you two had ways been together.
"I love you my beautiful wife."
"And I love you my adoring husband."
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bemylord · 3 years
ᴊᴜᴊᴜᴛꜱᴜ ᴋᴀɪꜱᴇɴ ʙᴏʏꜱ ʙᴇɪɴɢ ᴄʟɪɴɢʏ ʙᴏʏꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅꜱ ᴡɪᴛʜ ꜱ/ᴏ
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characters: yuuji, megumi, toji, satoru, kento, sukuna.
warnings: nothing actually but sukuna. aged up.
a/n: i already made s/o being clingy where s/o got into 'argument' with the characters. today is almost similar, only their reaction to the fact that you always need attention. or they being clingy.
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ɪᴛᴀᴅᴏʀɪ ʏᴜᴜᴊɪ:
you and yuuji are too needy buns.
whenever both of you may cuddle - you cuddle.
to be honest, yuuji is freaky amazing as you always need some physical contact - whether it's a momentary kiss on the cheek or you get a chance to ruffle his pink hair, he's always happy as a child.
the one who would be happy to be the little or big spoon - what's the difference anyway? both of you will be stuck together like a sandwich, so he doesn't care whom to be.
you wake him up with ticklish and playful kisses in the neck area. 'mm, y/n, why don't you kiss my lips'
yuuji being himself annoying after training or mission, sluggishly jumping under the blanket, pulling you closer. 'kisses. i wanna kisses. y/n, you kissed me only once today!'
when itadori is tired, his clinginess [?] indicator rises rapidly, demanding a lot of attention.
if you half-mutter 'i wanna cuddle' or 'yuujii~ let's watch a movie together.' expect him to combine these two acts into one, cuddling you on the couch while watching the show.
kissing as a pleasant surprise <3
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ꜰᴜꜱʜɪɢᴜʀᴏ ᴍᴇɢᴜᴍɪ:
megumi isn't good at showing his emotions.
he wouldn't call himself pesky yet calling himself a little-eager-to-get-your-attention man.
megumi likes when you sneak under his cardigan to get extra kisses from him, feeling the warmth radiating from his body.
he likes spending evenings playing computer games with you, he gives in to you to see your radiant smile and your smug look. 'yes, gumi-gumi, it was i who won you.' 'but the loser gets a dozen kisses.'
you guys sometimes walk in the park near to the dorms with his shikigami dogs. although the dogs don't need a walk but watching as to how you pet and play with them, megumi couldn't reject it.
it melts fushiguro as you ruffle his naughty hair, as he lays on your knees on the couch.
he likes the way you gradually but confidently melt his heart with kisses in the morning.
i think megumi's a manifestation of love would be cute, little gifts like a bar of chocolate.
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ꜱᴀᴛᴏʀᴜ ɢᴏᴊᴏᴜ:
i think you and gojou annoy the others. cause you're the kind of couple that takes selfies at any second. in the middle of a fight with a dangerous curse - you'll post it on instagram. do you have a new haircut? gojo takes a million photos and puts the best one on his lock screen.
i'm certain he'd be the clingiest in the couple.
and when i said the clingiest i mean it.
and naturally, you're both so cocky - he can kiss you all over the place while you hug him from behind 24/7.
at the home, you always do everything together, it may seem you can't keep your hands off each other.
he likes to tease you while you are his mini-copy.
actually, gojo lives to tease you.
you might think that gojo is acting more clingy than you are - he's like a spy following in your footsteps, trying to get all your attention. 'your lips are in the wrong place.' '??' 'they should be right on my lips.'
and more such foolish jokes from gojo.
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ɴᴀɴᴀᴍɪ ᴋᴇɴᴛᴏ:
the first phrase would be: 'darling, i have to finish my report.'
the second would be: 'don't go away, just.. could you massage my shoulders?'
kento loves when you came to his desk to rest him a bit by doing a massage or cup his face with your small palms, coating cheeks with small smooches.
you and kento love to bake bread or try to cook something new.
while cooking, there's a lot, no, a hell of a lot of kissing and uncomplicated dancing - he has both hands on your belly, standing behind you, kissing the top of your head.
nanami isn't good at making food, yet certainly good at kissing.
sunday morning you spend by cooking new recipes, the day you spend by eating the food, whilst the evening..
you're cuddling. just cuddle. hugs in the bed or the bathroom.
if that is might be counted as the clinginess the sorcerer likes to call you darling and never miss the chance to show how much he loves you.
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ʀʏᴏᴍᴇɴ ꜱᴜᴋᴜɴᴀ:
you are the one sukuna allows to sit on his throne.
actually, he will do everything for you, only for you.
he allows you to cup his tattoed face with your palms, tantalizingly staring at his mouth yet no kissing the enticing lips. 'don't tease me, girl.'
with one finger he connected your lips, kissing eagerly you.
on the one hand, he gets sooo furious when you ain't coming at his domain after a mission. on another hand, it excites him - he obviously knows how much you needed his embrace.
like toji, he won't admit he also is clingy.
can't describe sukuna being a clingy type around you, but definitely needs your arms around his neck as he takes you to bed.
well, he.. secretly l-likes, when you grab his face in your palms with all your sincere love, kissing the tip of his nose. he wrinkles, because you are so funny. 'i know you need something more than kisses.'
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ꜰᴜꜱʜɪɢᴜʀᴏ ᴛᴏᴊɪ:
yeah, i've replaced toji to the end bc, i've something to say.
toji fushiguro is disgruntled and angry when you ask him to kiss you for the hundredth time on the day.
once toji called a demanding puppy, you didn't talk with him for two days, as the man is used to fall asleep to your barely audible mumbling.
toji was irritated when saw you fall asleep on the couch. he's already used to being hugged in his sleep, what the hell?
although toji will deny the fact he loves when you're being pesky and annoying and also bothersome by kissing his face.
nevertheless, the thing you've started to notice as you didn't give him good night or good morning kiss, the sorcerer killer will be grumpy.
no! of course, he isn't clingy. never. well, it's one percent of toji being clingy. okay, fine, it's two but not more! 'give me the goodnight kiss.' 'ask more politely, toji.'
he tsks, bringing you closer and kissing you with undisguised greed. after all, it's your fault - you didn't give toji his kiss.
↳ back to the main game menu.
kudos and reblogs are welcome <3
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kshira · 2 years
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𝐝𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: kazutora can’t stop thinking about what his child looks like—all you’re thinking about is how much you hate him
𝐭𝐰: fem!reader, cursing, angsty? some fluff
𝐰𝐜: 2k
𝐚𝐧: i was kicking my feet while i wrote this, literally got daddy tora on my mind 24/7
𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐨 — 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐮𝐦𝐩 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝
“tell me what she looks like again, please” kazutora begs, chasing chifuyu around the pet store, practically cornering him against the animal cages until the poor man gives him a description of his daughter.
“i’ve already told you five times, dude. you gotta let it go” chifuyu groans, pinching the bridge of his nose while kazutora needily crowds around him. “can’t believe she’s got my eyes, and my nose? shit” kazutora smiles, but chifuyu isn’t smiling he’s actually pissed the fuck off because if he remembers correctly—kazutora didn’t have this same reaction five years ago.
“let me ask you a question. why did you break up with her?” chifuyu steps closer to kazutora, he turns his head away at the words and chifuyu knows he is supposed to be there for his friend but fuck—everything was so ass backwards and he couldn’t tell who’s side to be on.
“i was scared, i didn’t know what to do. i couldn’t raise a kid with no job or money, but when i broke up with her i tried getting back together but she was already gone” kazutora mumbles, walking back to the front desk while a customer stood waiting for someone, “help me out, would you fuyu? friend to friend?”
chifuyu has to grip against the shelving to prevent his knees from buckling to the ground—he really hates having to play parental support with baji plus keisuke is a terrible partner in crime, especially the other night when he literally watched the dumpster fire burn.
now he even has to convince you to have anything to do with him again, you’d ignored all his texts and phone calls—showing up to where you lived would just result in your piercing gaze striking him down. but there was one person you always had a soft spot for, no matter what he did you’d always let him off the hook just because you found him irresistibly adorable—keisuke baji.
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“koi!” baji screams, opening his arms wide enough for the small child to jump straight into his arms, keisuke had met her just once and just like her mother—koi immediately fell in love with him.
“uncle kei, what’re you doing here?” she squeals, snuggling her face into his chest while baji hoists her on his hip. you look equally confused standing by the doorway as you watch the adorable interaction. “yes keisuke, why are you here?” you lightly scowl, baji snuggles his nose against your daughters face while he flashes a grin, “just wanted to visit and see how you two were settling in.”
“i know you’re lying but i’m too tired to care” you brush him off sitting back on the floor while you unbox the items for the living room. “uncle kei can we have a princess tea party?” she grins, wiggling in baji’s arms until he can’t control the squirming child releasing her to the ground.
“of course! let me talk to your momma right quick and i’ll be in your room” baji winks, koi is content with his answer bouncing straight into her room and begins setting up her tea sets. baji joins you on the ground, trying to help you gather items from the box.
“what do you want? i know chifuyu sent you over here as a peace offering” you mumble, handing baji the decorative pillows. “you know i’ve always loved you” baji begins, turning to face you and trying not to stare too hard at your flourishing features, “and i love tora too but koi? i got a whole new love just for her.”
“it isn’t right she doesn’t know about him and yeah he’s done the worst shit possible to the both of you but i think kazutora has the right to at least meet her” baji gently gathers your hands in his rough palms, swiping over your trembling fingers, “kei, this isn’t a good idea” you whisper, removing your hands from his to put more distance between you and baji.
“kazutora won’t stop asking about her, he harasses me about you and i know he stays up late at night crying for what he’s done. it’s been years but tora still beats himself up for everything” baji says quietly, there’s pain in his voice and as much as you hate doing this maybe you really need to actually think about all of this.
“he asked about me?” you completely ignore everything else baji has said, only showing interest in what kazutora wants with you—maybe it’s the teenage side of you still huddled inside of your brain but you think those feelings never faded away for kazutora.
“who are you talking about?” koi tackles baji’s back while he shares a subtle glance at you, he smiles “nobody baby, let's go play now, yeah?” he jumps to his feet with koi attached to his back leaving you in a crowd of consuming questions and possibilities.
“i’ll do it keisuke” you mumble, reaching for your phone as you finally respond to chifuyu's numerous texts, you hope for the sake of your daughter's life this is a good choice.
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kazutora nervously waits on the couch, checking his phone every five seconds, chest pounding with a surge of odd feelings coursing through his veins. “fuck, fuck, fuck” kazutora chants, dropping his head into his hands while he curses even worse words in the palms.
luckily you’re just right next door—it’s ironic really, baji actually living right beside kazutora in the array of apartments, you’d plan to talk to kazutora first before letting baji bring over koi, the plan seemed easy enough—you just hope it goes by as simple as it was created.
you lightly knock on his door, anxiously tittering on your heels while you listen to soft pads of his feet—kazutora again, looks so goddamn beautiful and it’s almost like he does it so effortlessly. strands of hair linger down his cheeks while he has the rest pulled tightly in a bun on top of his head. he wore a white tee with loose sweats but just enough skin that showed his toned stomach, you struggled to even look at him because there was just so much to fucking gawk at.
“h-hey, come in” kazutora stammers, pulling the door wider for you to join him inside, a light pink dust around his cheeks as you sit down on the couch. kazutora lays his phone down on the table while he walks into the kitchen grabbing you a bottle of water, returning he hands it over and sits beside you—but with a hefty amount of space.
“i promised baji and chifuyu that i would let you meet her, she has the right to know about her father” you begin, taking a sip of the water while you look around his small house—it’s plain, simple enough with cheetah print scattered across the rooms and pictures of friends that you two had made together in the past.
“for now let’s just have her be with me and you—plus baji and chifuyu. if you’re dating someone, i’d really like for you to tell me about it, i don’t want koi having people come and go in her life” kazutora nods back, “i-i’m not dating anyone so that’s not a problem.”
“okay, me either so we won’t have to worry about that” you reply back, quickly summoning another set of questions. kazutora gets a little excited that you’re single, nobody could distract you if—something was to ever happen.
kazutora groans when he hears baji voice booming from outside with a tiny one bouncing right back, he stands to his feet quickly walking to the door and you notice his phone lighting up as you follow behind him.
a ❤️ // okay baby <3
you shouldn’t be jealous—you couldn’t loathe the fact that kazutora is seeing someone else or the insult of another person giving him a pet name—it shouldn’t hurt after all of these years but it does—chest aching as you watch koi squeal with excitement running into her fathers arms, both of their faces looking so much alike it makes your stomach sick.
baji walks over beside you, grabbing your hand and squeezing it, “i told koi someone special has been waiting on her for a long time, i explained everything so you didn’t have to, momma” baji looks at you with a sweet smile and you can’t help but grin back at him, “thank you so much kei.”
“you’re my daddy! i look just like you!” koi flashes a toothy grin, bouncing on her heels while kazutora holds her tighter, “y-yeah, i’m your dad” he chokes on a sob, reeling his face back to examine his daughter, “thank you” kazutora smiles at you but you can’t even give a reply back—jealousy still fuming through your soul plus baji is uncontrollably sobbing beside you at the heartfelt moment.
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“dude she even sleeps like you!” baji laughs pointing at koi face first into the couch with her arms stretched out, you smile back at the guys cooing at her peacefully sleeping body.
koi spent hours doing everything she possibly could do with kazutora and he never left her side, even trying her best to stay awake before she crashed on his couch sleeping like a rock. “baji could you leave us alone for a bit? maybe take koi back to your place?” kazutora whispers, watching his friend nod back as he scoops up the sleeping child, kazutora places a kiss against her warm cheek before they head back to his apartment.
“chifuyu gave me your number, i’ll call you” you mumble out, gathering koi’s toys and throwing away discarded candy wrappers she demolished. “that’s fine but i want to talk to you” kazutora slowly begins to smile and your stomach drops, a pity laugh comes from your lips while you move to walk out his door.
“what’s wrong? you’re acting like you’re mad about something” you whip your head around to look at him, “nothing is wrong, stop trying to ask like you know me or something” the bite back was harsh but honestly, you were still being a little petty about the text.
“like i know you? i dated you, my kid came out of your pussy. i know you pretty fucking well” kazutora snips back, he covers his mouth from the shock of arguing but he’d had a really good day today—he didn’t want it to end with you storming off.
“you told me you weren’t seeing anyone and you lied to my fucking face, i don’t care if you are but i’d like for you to be honest with me, hanemiya” using his last name at the end—yeah, that’ll teach him.
“what? i’m not seeing anyone, what the hell are you talking about?” kazutora rolls his eyes, trying to hold back the urge of self pride knowing you’re jealous—maybe you still feel something for him after all this time. “i saw your phone” you weakly grumble, causing his eyes to widen, “i’ve been sleeping with someone but it’s not that serious, like—at all.”
you exhale a heavy sigh of relief—why were you happy he wasn’t dating someone? but kazutora was still sleeping with someone and the jolt of pain settled in your chest as he continues boring his gaze at you. “why did you look at my phone though, huh?” kazutora smirks at you, playfully fluttering his lashes at you, “are you jealous that i’m giving someone else attention?”
“why would i be jealous of that three inch dick? please” you laugh back, kazutora lips form into a thin line, “didn’t hear you complaining when you were bouncing on it.”
kazutora waits for a rebuttal yet you just look him up and down before reaching out to open his front door, “chifuyu is actually throwing a party this time for me tomorrow, he wants you to come” kazutora hums while you take a step outside, “is it chifuyu that wants me to come or is it you?” you tease at him and kazutora smiles.
“i wouldn’t mind seeing you come” and you’ll never know what he actually means by those words but there’s really only one way to find out.
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tagging! — @hoesplay @yukihime-mikeys-girl @rinrinfoxy @zuuki @rizakari @night-shadowblood-writes2 @crown5 @ayariceeee @idkwhybutilikesmut @oikawascutie @renxnana @bxnnyx
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quellmythirst · 3 years
House Hunting Part 13
Summary: You are the youngest child of Frank and Maria Castle. Your dads best mate offers to help you find a new place in the city. The only problem being you’ve had a crush on him since forever.
Pairing: Castle!Reader (you) x Billy Russo
Words: 3k
Warnings: Big ol’ age gap, dad’s best friend, daddy kink, teasing, smut, alcohol, swearing, canon typical violence, dirty talk. 18+ ONLY MINORS DNI
Part 12
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Sitting on the couch alone you were watching The Final Girls. After so long basically alone you were desperate for company, normal, human, civilian company. Bo had texted, so had Erica and Rachel, but it wasn’t nearly as good as having people in front of you when they spoke. So you found solace with the girls on the screen, projecting your own discomfort onto Max as she grieves for her mother.
Your father, Billy, both squad 7 and 8 were currently all hunched over the dining table. Paper and guns strewn about the place while they went over their latest tactics. There still hadn’t been a break and you were really starting to hope they would just give up so you could go home. The loud base of ‘Fade to Black’ began to play, echoing off the stark walls of Billy’s apartment, and you know instantly that it had to be your fathers new ringtone.
You watched him, leaning over the back of the couch. Your head resting on your forearms as he paced the kitchen floor. He ended the call quickly, his eyes darting from you and to Billy. They were wide and a sense of hope glistened in them that you hadn’t seen in a long time. Good news it seemed.
“Mirco got us a lead,” he said, pushing the phone back into his pocket, he walked over planting a kiss on your forehead, “Gunna be ok now, kiddo,” he reassured you.
“Need me to help?” Billy asked him, clapping him on the shoulder.
“No, Micro said I need to go alone,” Frank replied, gathering up some weapons from the dining table.
“When do you need to go?” Derek and Erik asked at the same time.
“Ten minutes ago, don't let nothing happen to my baby girl while I'm gone, Russo,” he said as he opened the door, waiting for Billy's confirmation.
“No chance,” Billy nodded at him and you both watched as he closed and locked the door behind him. You were both still, silently watching the door waiting for him to suddenly reappear, moments, minutes passed and he still hadn't returned.
“Out,” Billy commanded, his eyes not leaving your gaze.
“Sir?” Derek asked, looking over both squads.
“Now,” Billy’s voice was firm and deep, “Two at the door and two downstairs, everyone else can go home,” He crooked his head, turning to glare at the respective squads. Their heads immediately falling to their feet, gathering up their weapons, they exited the apartment.
“Erik and I will be by the door, call us if you need anything,” Derek said, the door slamming shut behind him and you heard the deadlock click in the door. The air that seemed frozen, snapped. The air whizzing around you as weeks of tension broke all at once.
You jumped over the back of the couch launching yourself towards him. Billy vaulted over the kitchen counter, meeting in the middle for a passionate and hungry kiss. His hands clasped your face to hold you close, while your teeth clashed together, tongues delving in, desperate to taste each other. One of his hands slid under your ass, squeezing it tight when he hoisted your legs around his waist. The other remained under your chin, unwilling to let your face go. Your arms flew around his neck, hands tangling in his hair. Gripping on it, holding his lips to yours when you nipped along his bottom lip.
“Fuck I've missed this,” Billy growled into your mouth as he began walking you towards the dining table, “can't wait little girl,”
“Billy,” you moaned, tugging on his hair to get a look in his eyes. They were even darker, almost completely blown black with lust. You brought your lips back to his as your back hit the hard wood of the table. Carefully, but with haste he lowered you both on top of it. His hand only left your face to push the remaining arsenal to the other end.
He pressed his knee between your legs opening you up, his warm mouth gliding along the nape of your neck. Licking up your scent for the first time in weeks, “Tell me your mine,” he growled, into the soft flesh of your thigh.
“I'm yours,” you promised, his strong hands snaking down your body and throwing your shorts behind him. Lifting your top only enough to expose your breasts, he took your nipple in his mouth. His long fingers swept through your soaking pussy.
“Fuck, little girl, so wet for me already,” he moaned, bringing his fingers up to his mouth to taste you. He groaned around them, relishing in your perfect taste.
“Been wet for weeks Daddy,” you moaned, his fingers sliding up your thigh, his thumb parting you and pressing into your aching core. Only just going in before he brought it up to your own lips.
“Taste your sweet cunt,” his thumb brushed along your bottom lip and you sucked him into your mouth. Your tongue swirling around when you closed your eyes and wished it was his cock that was pressed into your mouth. Your eyes flicked opened, Billy looked starving, like a man who hasn't had a real meal in years.
“I wanna take my time, but fuck.” he groaned, pressing kisses into your nape, “I missed you,” he kicked his sweatpants off. His hard cock bouncing between your bodies. “Take my time later,” He bit down, sucking a strong hickey in a place you would have trouble hiding, “Ready?” He asked, his voice filled with lust.
“Yes,” you pleaded, desperate for him to be inside you, your hands clinging on to his biceps as you dragged his face down to yours. Your lips melted into his as his body covered your own. You shivered when you felt his tip brush along your folds. His swollen head stretched into you perfectly, when he thrust his big cock inside you. You both let out sighs of relief, the weeks had been to many. His large cock now nestled in your tight pussy. Reminding you how much you had craved him, how perfectly he fit inside you. He leant over you, his forearms caging your head between them.
“Gunna fill you full with me,” he panted, his thrusts slow and deliberate. His breath harsh and fast. He was eager to keep control. But the voice in his head telling him to go wild was growing stronger with every delicious stretch of your tight little pussy fucking on his cock. He adjusted his movements to hit that spot deep with in your needy little pussy. Your cries of pleasure were doing things to him and he wasn't sure how much longer he could take it.
Unable to control himself any longer, he lifted you by the ass positioning you on top of him. Straddling him, you felt his cock even deeper. “Ride Daddy's cock baby,” he encouraged, his hands resting on your hips, guiding you up and down on his thick length.
A hand trailed up your sweaty body, groping at your breast and tweaking your nipple. He continued up, until his thumb and index finger held your jaw, while his other fingers grazed across your neck. His grip tightened on you and he pulled you down to him, devouring your lips with his own. His strong tongue licking through your mouth, like he was trying to savor everyone of your moans, your breath all he needed to survive.
“Shit, fuck, little girl. I don't think I can -” he pounded up into you, “it's been too long,” his hand snaked through your bodies. His long fingers flicking over your clit in time with his thrusts, “forgot how beautiful you look full of Daddy’s cock little girl,” he adored you, his hand caressing your cheek, brushing a sweaty hair from your face, “You gunna cum for me?”
“Mm ye-,” you cried, “daddy, faster," you arched your back, his hand wrapped around the back of your neck pressing your body into him. He thrust up into your clenching pussy, “Ye- Yess, Billy” You moaned, your hands gripping tightly on his shoulders, while his hand held your face close to his. Billy’s eyes memorizing you as pleasure started jolting through your whole body, your legs beginning to shake, pussy sputtering and convulsing around Billy’s throbbing cock.
“Nearly there baby," he panted, "cum for Daddy,” his low, hoarse voice resonating in your ears. Euphoria exploded from within your body, your mind blown at just how much you had missed this. After weeks of just your hand, it was overwhelming, your legs still spasming and shaking on top of Billy, as he thrust harder into you pushing his ass off the table, "fuck- yes, Y/N,” he moaned, his cock emptying weeks worth of cum into your tight, quivering little pussy.
While you caught your breath he stared up at you so lovingly, you thought your heart had stopped. Brushing his hair back from his sweaty forehead you gently kissed his temple, “I missed you so much," you sighed, rubbing your nose into his.
“I missed you too,” he smiled, the first genuine smile you had seen since he pulled you into the bathroom to kiss you all those weeks ago, “We could just tell Frank. The sneaking around I can handle,” he said, reaching up to bring your body down, your head nestling into the crook of his shoulder, “What I can’t handle, is having you within arms reach and not being able to touch you,” he sighed, his fingers stroking gently along your shoulder.
“Billy, you know why we can't,” leaning up onto your elbow to look into his eyes.
“He won't kill me,” he said, like it was a fact. But you weren’t convinced, your hand idly tracing along his jawline, his stubble tickling your fingertips.
“You don't know that,” you planted a kiss on the corner of his mouth. Your lashes brushing along his cheek, “I can’t lose you,”
“I don't, but it can't be worse than this,” he cradled you into his arms, wrapping you tightly in his embrace, “You won’t lose me, I’ll be here as long as you want me,” With the realisation that this conversation was still getting nowhere Billy sighed, rolling off the table and taking you in his arms, “We can talk about more after we rest,” he decided, lowering you into his bed finally and sliding in next to you. His warm breath on your neck and a strong arm wrapped around you. This was heaven and you wanted to stay forever.
Nuzzling into the pillow, you heard Billy's breath even out behind you, the steady rise and fall of his chest on your back. He was asleep, you brought his hand to your lips kissing it gently, whispering so that maybe he wouldn't hear, but secretly hoping that he would. But you were uncertain of how he would react. No this was safer. Another kiss on his hand and in your soft voice, barely above the sound of a mouse's squeak, you whispered “I love you,” before burning your head back into his pillow.
You didn't see the man behind you, the way his eyes nearly popped out of his head when you had whispered those words to him. He kept his breath steady, not wanting to break the ruse of sleep and frighten you into backing out of your confession. But his heart was beating rapidly. Maybe? Did he? Was he ready for that? Sure, he was ready for an ass whooping for what he had done. But was he ready to hold someone's heart in his hands, keep it safe? Would he be able to put it back together if it shattered apart? He didn’t know, all he knew was that you were his and whether it was love or not, he would die before he let anything happen to you.
Awoken by a sudden noise, you look over your shoulder to see Billy already throwing on a stray pair of sweatpants at the edge of the bed.
“Fuck, what if it's Castle?” you whispered to him, covering yourself up your naked body with the comforter.
“Stay here,” he commanded, grabbing a gun from the bedside table. He turned to give you a stern look before exiting the room. When he closed the door you got up, telling yourself you needed clothes on, just in case someone came in. Reaching over the side of the bed you threw on one of Billy's shirts. Your conscience decided it was better to be caught in Billy’s clothes, than naked. You were regretting the choice to move all of your clothes into the guest bedroom. Fuck, still better than naked.
You heard the loud ring of gunfire coming from the living room. He told you to stay. He commanded you to stay. Another shot went off. Shit. Poking your head out of a small crack in the door. A flash of light hit your eyes, the bang ringing in your ears. You stood frozen for a second, you needed to decide. Do as you're told? Or?
BANG! BANG! A clattering followed as something hit the floor. It was worth the punishment. Grabbing the spare combat knife from the dresser. Leaning up onto your tiptoes, you began to sneak out of the room. From your position in the hall you could see two men, one already dead on the floor with bullet holes in his head. That must’ve been the shots you heard. The other man was locked in a knife fight with Billy. He seemed to have this under control.
You began to make your way back to the room when you saw a movement in the corner of your eye. Your body reacted before your mind had a chance to catch up. Your legs carried you forward, bringing the knife up behind the man. You thrust the knife up, stabbing him behind the ear with all the force you could muster. You spotted the gun in his hand as he tried to turn towards you and you pulled the knife back, before doing it again. Blood splattered from the gaping hole in the man's head, covering you from head to toe. You looked at the man, your eyes going wide as he fell to the floor. You took a cautious glance down at your hand, watching as the knife dropped to the ground. The clattering ringing like a bell in church. Blood dripping down from your brow. Your legs felt like anvils weighing you to the floor. Your knees crunching when they slammed into the hardwood. You hung your head, staring down at your blood covered hands. What had you done?
Did you just- you jolted upright when two strong arms wrapped around you, lifting you into their lap. Cradling your face into their shoulder while rocking gently back and forth.
“Shh shh little girl, it's ok,” he cooed, bringing your head to rest under his chin, “you just saved my life,” you felt his smile press into your hair, he started rubbing his nose into your ear, his hand coming to wipe the blood and tears from your cheeks, “you're ok, no ones gonna hurt you,”
“He-” you chocked on your phlegm, “he nearly killed you,” you voice still shaking.
“But he didn't, see I'm fine,” his hand sliding under your chin and lifting your eyes to him,”Open your eyes,” he cooed, “I'm here little girl,” he tried to reassure you.
“I don't know what I'd do,” you sobbed into his chest, “I can't lose you,”
“Not going anywhere,”
You sat like that for long enough for the blood to dry on your clothes. Neither of you were ready to let go of the other. You needed to know he was safe and close to you. Billy made sure your face was covered by his, not wanting you to see the carnage that was currently strewn through the apartment or look upon the man that you had killed.
Both of your heads shot up when the door was kicked in. There stood a very angry looking Lt Castle. Guns strapped to his body and a large manila folder in his hand. He called your name in a terse voice while his eyes scanned the apartment. His coarse glare landed on the where the two of you sat cradling each other.
“I thought this was some sick joke,” he spat, throwing the manila folder at you both, “get up y/n. Now,” he demanded, in a tone you had never heard before.
“Nn.. oo,” you whispered, clinging to the safety of Billy’s arms.
“Now,” venom dripped from his teeth as he glared at his best friend. His arm shot out, grabbing you by the bicep and throwing you towards the door. His other fist landed it's first punch into Billy's face with a loud crack.
“My daughter. You fuckin serious?” his other fist followed through, sending Billy hurtling to the floor, “8 million people in this city,” he swung again, “Why her?” Frank stood over him, hurtling throws into Billy's face, “didn't hear that,” he taunted as you flew forward holding your fathers arm in attempt to stop him, “I'll fuckin kill you for this Russo,” he continued his onslaught, shaking you off like you were nothing.
“Stop,” you cried, throwing yourself between them, figuring he wouldn't hit you.
“Get out of the way Y/n,” he ordered, but you stood firm, narrowing your eyes in defiance at him.
“Just let him, l deserve this,” Billy coughed, his blood splattering on the ground in front of him.
“I won't,” you said, throwing a glare at the man behind you.
“Enough,” Frank shouted, wrapping his arms around you. He lifted you up, you squirmed desperate for him to put you down. But it was no use, there was a reason people never crossed your father. “Stay,” He commanded, depositing you outside the door, “You don’t need to see this,” his voice almost soft, until he heard Billy stand behind him. His eyes narrowed and you rushed forward, but you were too slow. The door slammed into your face and you heard the lock click.
An: Umm... I got no notes. 13's my favourite number?
Part 14
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peskygirl13 · 3 years
I just got the Pokémon SWSH DLCs and I was wondering what it would be like for some legendary Pokémon to come to twst and cause some trouble(Legendarys I’d like to do ( you c an pick just one: Kyogre, Giratina, or Groudon)
If you can i want it to be just Diasomina!
This turned out longer than I expected and I got so mad with myself because I was almost done with writing this and I accidently deleted all my new work, so I had to start over from my last save point which is one of the reasons it took so long to post.
I’ve been binge playing the old Sinnoh games and rewatching the anime, so this was fun to write (despite me deleting my work). 
This will have references to the Pokémon Platinum game, so spoilers if you haven’t played the game and plan to. 
Hope you enjoy!
Malleus's favorite time of the day was night time. Night time was the best!
The world was at peace, it was quiet, everything was asleep, save for a few nocturnal creatures much like himself, he could hide from SIlver and Sebek and have some time to himself, and there were no students or humans who would see him and run away in terror.
But his favorite thing about night time was probably when he got to visit his favorite human, (Y/n).
Their situation was a bit odd, having appeared out of nowhere from a world full of creatures called Pokémon, but Malleus didn't care. They weren't afraid of him. After spending a lifetime of having people fear him due to his name, it was a nice change.
Malleus arrived at the Ramshackle dorm to find you already sitting outside, cleaning your Empoleon's feathers.
"Greetings, Child of Man." He greeted, happily walking up to you.
"Hey, Tsunotaro." You smiled, putting down Empoleon's brush to wave at him.
That was another thing Malleus adored about you. Even after finding out who he was, you still didn't fear him and continued calling him by that amusing nickname you gave him.
You both entered the dorm, along with Empoleon, and he was instantly greeted with the rest of your strange creatures. Luxray, Togekiss, Glaceon, Garchomp, and Lucario.
You headed over to the kitchen to make some tea while he got comfortable on the couch. Once he was seated, Garchomp laid its head on Malleus's lap, implying that it wanted scratches.
By the time you had returned with two mugs of steaming tea, all the other Pokémon had already gotten comfortable and most had fallen asleep.
You handed Malleus his mug before sitting down in your chair. Glaceon hopped up and curled up in your lap before falling back asleep.
After you both got comfortable, you began regaling Malleus with stories of your world.
Malleus loved hearing your stories.
From your gym battle challenges to your contests. Catching all your Pokémon and even receiving an egg from a woman named Cynthia that hatched into a Togepi that which layer evolved into your beloved Togekiss.
Malleus has never left the Valley of Thorns, except for school, so he enjoyed hearing about your travels. Your freedom to journey and see so many different places, never being tied down, he envied it.
“May I see your badges and ribbons again?” He asked.
“Sure.” You agreed, getting up to grab them.
At the movement, Glaceon, rather huffily, got up from your lap and moved to Malleus, curling up on his lap instead. He instantly started stroking her with one hand while the other continued scratching Garchomp. He only stopped when you handed him your badge and ribbon case.
He immediately opened them both and admired your impressive 7 badges and 5 sparkling ribbons. 
You had told him that even though you had collected the required number of ribbons, you were transported to Twisted Wonderland before you could compete in the Grand Festival. You also hadn’t yet had the chance to earn your 8th and final gym badge, which allowed you to challenge the Elite Four and the Sinnoh Champion. 
“They are very impressive, Child of Man.” Malleus complemented.
Even though there wasn’t a gym challenge or contests in Twisted Wonderland, Malleus could tell how much value each badge and ribbon you earned had.
“Thanks, Tsunotaro.” You beamed, positively preening at the complement. “Maybe when I find a way home you could come with me and have your own journey. There are a bunch of dragon type Pokémon I bet you’d like. Maybe your starter could be an Axew. Or a Dino. Maybe a Gible seeing how well you get along with Garchomp. There are also rock or electric types. OOH- Maybe a fairy type!”
Malleus tuned your rambling out. His head was both empty and racing.
Him? Go on a journey in another world? The idea was preposterous! Yet... also tempting.
Traveling around with no chains. Nobody knowing who he was, thus no one quivering at the sight of him. No overbearing, but well meaning, guards to coddle him. He liked this idea!
Unfortunately, he didn’t have long to dwell on the tempting daydream when Ramshakle’s door slammed open with a loud bang.
Speak of the devil.
You and Malleus turned to the doorway to a disheveled and hysterical looking Sebek and a normal sleepy looking Silver.
“Sebek.” Malleus greeted, hiding his annoyance of being interrupted during his time with his Child of Man.
“Waka-sama, you mustn’t leave without telling us! What if something happens to y-”
The half-fae was cut off by and ice beam, freezing him solid. You and Malleus looked over at Glaceon who was angry about having her sleep disturbed for a third time. Now quite irritated and huffy, Glaceon angrily marched upstairs to try and get some sleep in your room.
“My apologies.” You jumped when Lilia appeared behind you without warning, hanging upside down as usual. “They ran off when I wasn’t looking.”
You looked back at the other Diasomnia residence. Silver had already fallen asleep, using Togekiss’s soft, feathery body as a pillow, while Sebek was slowly beginning to thaw out of the ice.
You wish you could say this is the weirdest thing to ever happen with them.
After having Lucario use force-palm and free Sebek, you all sat down near the fire.
(You left Silver be since he was already asleep.)
Sebek wanted to know what was so fascinating about you that Waka-sama would continuously come visit you. 
The only thing you could think of was telling them about your journey.
“After I won my seventh gym badge at Snowpoint, I had to meet my friend, Barry, at Lake Acuity and right after that I had to meet with Professor Rowan and Lucas at Lake Verity.”
“Why did you have to go to those lakes?” Lilia asked, genuinely curious as to what value they had.
“Uh, well-- mmh-- pthbbt.” You tried to think of a way to avoid that question, or at least dance your way around it, and the stuttering and raspberry blowing was obviously helping you be discreet in avoiding the question. 
A loud yell echoed from upstairs thatw as loud enough to wake even Silver. You were momentarily grateful that you had been interrupted before realizing ‘Oh shit that’s my Pokémon.”
“Glaceon!” You yelled, bolting from your chair and rushing up the stairs with your Pokémon and the Diasomnia boys at your heels.
You opened your bedroom door with a loud bang and saw Glaceon in a defensive stance, hissing at the mirror with Grim looking frazzled.
“Fgaah! Minion, control your Pokémon! I was asleep and then it started shouting and tried to attack the mirror!” He yelled angrily, before stalking off to the living room to continue sleeping.
You sighed before looking over at the mirror. You held out your arm towards your Pokémon so they knew not to do anything yet. You inched closer to the mirror, pausing only for a second to pet Glaceon and calm her down a bit. You walked forward a few more steps until you were face-to-face with the mirror. 
Now that you were closer, you could see the shadow of something moving within the glass. You didn’t know what it was, but it wasn’t Micky. You leaned a bit closer, trying to make out the figure--
Everything went black.
The first thing you noticed when you could see again was that you were clearly not in your room. Or your dorm for that matter. 
Everything was weird. You weren’t sure of any other way to describe it other than weird.
Weird and familiar.
“The Reverse World.” You muttered, shocked by your sudden return to the feared Giratina’s playground. 
You didn’t have long to stay dumbfounded when you remembered the Legendary who lived in this world. You frantically looked around you and saw that your team and the boys were with you, which did nothing to curb your panic. Grim wasn’t with you all, so you assumed hoped that he was still at Ramshackle.
You first woke up your Pokémon. They freaked out for a second before realizing where they were, putting them all on guard. They carefully scanned their surroundings for anything they found threatening while you quickly crawled over to the boys, traying to shake them awake. 
“Get up. Guys, get up! We need to move!”
The Diasomnia boys hardly registered what was happening and where they were before you pulled them away. Your team created a barrier around you all as you lead the boys through the strange new world. All they could do was look around wildly.
“Careful, gravity gets weird here.” You warned them. 
True to your words, the piece of land you all were walking on started to curve in the air until you all started walking upside down. Even Lilia, who was used to hanging upside down, was a bit thrown off about this.
“What is this place?” Silver asked what everyone was thinking, knowing that you were the only one who could give any of them an answer.
“The Distortion World.” You explained. “Also known as the Reverse World. It’s kind of like the Underworld of my world.”
That explanation only provided them with more questions but went they entered a place that had these large bubbles floating around them they were quickly distracted.
“Hey,” Silver called, gaining everyone’s attention. “This thing has headmaster Crowley in it.”
Said bubble did have a picture of Crowley in his office, working late into the night. Huh. Who know he actually did anything.
Silver raised a hand towards the bubble. 
“No, don’t touch it!” You exclaimed. Unfortunately it was a second to late and the bubble popped at the slightest graze of Silver’s fingers.
The boys looked over to you at the sound of you yell, seeing your panicked expression.
“Don’t. Touch. Anything.” You order, stressing out each word. “Everything in this world effects the real world. If you aren’t careful you could kill someone through this place.
The boys looked positively alarmed.
“Will the headmaster be alright?”
You waved off their concern, continuing to lead the way. “He’ll be fine. Popping that bubble didn’t kill him, but it did feel like he was hit with a bowling ball.
“How do you know this? How do you know so much about this place, (Y/n).” Lilia asked, dead serious. 
You glance over your shoulder at them before sighing.
Guess it was time to come clean.
“There are some things that happened during my journey that I didn’t tell you guys about.” You confessed.
“While journeying through Sinnoh, I constantly ran into an organization called Team Galactic. Their leader, Cyrus, believed that the world was ugly and needed to be destroyed. His plan was to capture the legendary Pokémon, Palkia and Dialga, and the Lake Guardians, Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf. Those three were the reason I met Barry and Professor Rowan at the lakes, Lilia, to try and save the Lake Guardians from Team Galactic. Anyway, Cyrus claimed that he was going to create his own, perfect world using the powers of the legendary Pokémon. At least I think that was his plan. He talks like Shakespeare and I have a middle school education. Anyway, before he could create his ‘perfect world’ Giratina appeared and took Cyrus away to here, the Distortion World. This is Giratina’s domain.”
The boys were stunned into silence. They knew you were strong, but for you to have done all that as well as fighting overblots? They were truly impressed.
“What happened afterwards?” Malleus questioned, enthralled by your story.
“Cynthia, the current Sinnoh Champion, and I entered the Distortion World to save Cyrus. Unfortunately, he saw this place as his ideal world and didn’t want to leave. In the end, we had to use force and I beat him in a battle. And, after that, I had to face Giratina itself. But, I don’t know how, but before I could face it, the Dark Mirror called me to Twisted Wonderland.”
You stopped walking, taking a deep breath before turning to face the boys. 
“We need to find Giratina. Giratina’s the only Pokémon that can travel between worlds and its the only thing that can get us back to Night Raven.”
Your tone alone was enough to my the Diasomnia boys understand the severity of the situation.
“Human, if this creature is as powerful as you claim, then how do you expect to get it?” Sebek interrogated. 
You reached into your pocket and pulled out a purple ball with an ‘M’ on it, showing it the the boys.
“This is a master ball. I stole it from Cyrus’s base when I went to save the Lake Guardians. It can catch any Pokémon without fail. All we need to do is find Giratina.”
You all turned to Lucario and Luxray who were growling in the same direction. Looking closely, you could see something coming at you all. Your team took their battle stances and sure enough, there was the Angel of Darkness itself, Giratina. 
Even Malleus had to admit, that creature was terrifying. 
It looked like a dragon and centipede mixed together, but it towered over everything, easily dwarfing them all.
You waisted no time.
“Empoleon, Hydro Cannon!” You ordered. Even Sebek had to admit that your authoritative tone was hard to ignore and resist, full of confidence and superiority. 
Empoleon listened without question, fearlessly attacking the towering giant.
“Lucario, Aura Sphere! Glaceon, Ice Beam! Luxray, Thunder! Garchomp, Dragon Rush!”
All your Pokémon attacked at once, hitting Giratina square on. The legendary screeched before firing a move of its own that your team narrowly avoided.
“Great job. Keep attacking!” You ordered shooing the boys out of Giratina’s firing range.
“What do we need to do to help, (Y/n)?” Malleus asked. He was already gripping his pen, ready to fight.
“Nothing. Just stay put and don’t move.” You ordered sternly. The boys were stunned.
“What?! (Y/n) we can help-” 
“I know you can help,” You cut off. “But I don’t need to defeat Giratina. I just need to distract it.”
You ran off before they could question what you meant, whistling for your Pokémon.
“Togekiss!” You called, jumping off the edge of the land and easily getting caught by your flying type, who flew you behind Giratina. 
You let your team get in one last group attack before throwing the master ball at Giratina. 
The legendary effortlessly went in and after a spectacular dive made by you and Togekiss, you caught the ball and returned to the boys.
The boys ran over to you as you climbed off Togekiss, looking at the ball in your hand.
“I can’t believe you actually caught it, human!” Sebek exclaimed, flabbergasted. 
“Thanks, Sebek.”
“So what now?” Silver asked. The group all turned to you expectedly and you rolled your eyes before turning around to the wide open space and releasing Giratina from the master ball. 
“Giratina,” You called, “Please take us back.”
Giratina stared down at you before letting out an echoing screech and lowing its head to your level.
Immediately understanding what it wanted you to do, you crawled onto its head before waving the boys over.
“C’mon. We its going to take us back.”
Hesitantly, the boys climbed on with your Pokémon and once everyone was on, Giratina soared through the air.
This was different from riding a broom or riding Togekiss, who was happily flying beside you all, but it was exhilarating at the same time.
Too soon for anyone’s tastes, Giratina slowed down to a stop before lowering itself down so that everyone could climb off. 
The place were Giratina dropped you all off was a small patch of land with two lakes on it. You and the boys could see your bedroom in one of the lakes, making you realize that you were looking through your bedroom mirror.
“Alright!” You cheered. “Let’s get back.” But before you could step through the reflection, Empoleon called out to you.
“Huh? What is it, Empoleon?”
He was looking in the other lake, pointing at something. 
You, your team, and the boys looked through the refection and you couldn’t restrain the gasp that left your mouth.
You could see the Mesprit, the guardian of Lake Verity.
“That’s Mesprit, Lake Verity’s guardian!” You exclaimed, coming to several realizations at once. “That’s close to Twinleaf Town. I-I could go home!”
You turned to your team and the Diasomnia boys, your eyes sparking with both joy and a few unshed tears. “With Giratina we can go home and still stay in Twisted Wonderland!”
Mallues watched you with soft eyes. He had seen a side if you tonight that he had never seen before. Your courage, your confidence, your skill. He had these too, but yours stemmed from experience. This wasn’t something you were taught since you were born like him, these were abilities you learned through trial and error with your team. Something that he wanted.
With a new found determination, Malleus turned to his most trusted knights and friends.
“Lilia, Silver, Sebek,” He began, quickly gaining everyone's attention, “I have decided that until it is time for me to receive the crown from my grandmother, I want to travel (Y/n)’s world with a Pokémon of my own.”
Even you weren’t expecting that announcement.
“I’m fine, Sebek. And I’m not joking.”
“I think its a great idea.”
You couldn’t help snorting at the scene in front of you. A rather calm Malleus simply being unmovable about his choice of coming home with you, a hysterical Sebek trying to talk him out of it, an impish looking Lilia who actually supported Malleus’s idea, and a snoozing silver, who could still sleep effortlessly despite the chaos surrounding him.
You leaned up against Empoleon’s belly, him and all your other Pokémon already lying down, knowing that this was going to take a while. Even Giratina was curled up!
But, You thought, watching the group was a soft smile, you know that no matter how much you wanted to go home, you would've missed this. And this, your friends and NRC, was something that you never wanted to lose.
After sorting everything out with Crowley, you returned to your world to reconcile with your friends and your mom. It took some explaining, but bringing Grim back with you as well as Malleus with his magic and horns was enough to convince everyone what happened to you.
Afterwards, you were able to compete in the Grand Festival. You didn’t end up winning, however you did make it to the finals. Your opponent, Dawn, had only beaten you by a few points.
The Diasomnia gang, as well as Grim, the Adeuce combo, and the Pomefiore Trio were all present to see this and couldn’t have been prouder.
Once the Grand Festival had come to a close, you headed over to Sunnyshore City and won your 8th and final Gym Badge, permitting you to challenge the Elite Four and Cynthia.
The Pomefiore Trio didn’t watch these challenges, but the other did. 
Their nerves were through the roof when you finally faced Cynthia. And when your Garchomp miraculously out sped her Garchomp with the finishing move nobody cheered louder. 
In the end, you took Malleus to the place where you caught Garchomp back when he was still a Gible and caught Malleus his own, whom he unironically named ‘Gargoyle.’ 
Malleus did have to return to the Valley of Thorns, but not without you promising that the upcoming summer would be the start of his own Pokémon Journey. 
I wrote most of this forgetting about Grim, so sorry he doesn’t have a bigger role or more screen time.
Fun story; I got in trouble for writing down my ideas for this at work even though I did it while the store was dead and I’ve worked there for nearly two years and have either written something or drawn something almost every shift I have. Litterally no one but the manager to caught me cares. 
And, just to irritate me more (whether she was aware of it or not), said manager takes my writings and decides to read them and then proceeds to put them back in the wrong order before lecturing me.
So, yeah, that was fun.
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