#or maybe they died permanently but it's ok bc no one but their Replacement will ever think about them again
timelordsandkittens · 2 months
all right, maybe I'm an asshole, but I watched guardians of the galaxy 3 last night and my main takeaway is "well what was the fucking point"
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fredheads · 11 months
Have we ever talked about maybe bunny and Artie picking up fp as a stray not to officially adopt but bunny sees him around town sleeping in various places clothes always bedraggled and maybe it’s after Oscar died and they haven’t healed from that so FPs this sort of replacement, and Fred’s soooo mad when FPs moving into Oscar’s old room like “you’re not my brother you’re never gonna be my brother” and FPs like “uh I’m not trying to be?” So it’s kinda tense in the house for a while but FPs got a warm bed to sleep in and food in his belly and he thinks he can deal with this weirdo situation in exchange for that lol
And maybe one night he’s up late and hears Fred crying in his room and he doesn’t really do comforting but he remembers when he was little and up late upset about something his mama used to bring him a warm glass of milk so he goes and makes one for Fred, leaves it outside his door with a knock before returning to his room. Fred finds it and asks fp about it the next day and fp shrugs like it’s not a big deal but even in Fred’s state he is not immune to kind gestures!
So anyway they end up becoming friends and spending time together and Fred shows fp his record collection and guitar etc etc they bond over music and comics and stupid teenage boy shit and of course end up kissing each other one time which leads to a bunch of issues and them sneaking around the house to make out and sometimes at night they sneak into each others bed to comfort each other or goof around on less serious nights but there’s always this thing hanging over their heads about what if bunny and Artie find out
THE WARM MILK!! 🥺❤️ PLEASE!!! and they were roommates..... Not fred having to come out to his parents and also having to tell them he's screwing his new brother 😂 it happens ok we've all read flowers in the attic
I think if fred was not so messed up about losing oscar he would fall quicker for fp bc he would see this bedraggled sad little guy and his savior complex would come out 🤭 but he's just so distraught 😩
AND YES THEY SHOULD FALL IN LOVE AND GOOF AROUND BELOVED!! There's such a huge contrast in their bedrooms bc fp has almost no stuff and has never felt permanent anywhere so its just empty he doesn't even hang posters up while freds is like a bomb went off and sometimes when they hang out in freds fp looks at all his stuff and maybe he can find the sketches fred does and admire them I do not know...
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imeanwhynotbruv · 2 years
Detroit become human Au
Robo Boy Au.
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>>Ok hear me out, I know I have a lot of Au’s for a lot of fandoms already that I could just be adding to & trust me I will! Pinky promise! But I thought of this and I had to, I just had to!<<
Ok so Connor was never made to be a detective, instead he was a special order made my a family who recently lost their son in a tragedy.
Grace & Alan Stokes have 3 kids, Sarah (9yo), Michael (15yo) Harry (17-18yo) they were happy normal family (just basic cliche fam)
Then one day Harry dies saving people (maybe from a gunman idk) and it makes the news, people all of the city are devastated to hear about the young hero who had so much talents life be cut short, especially after he saves so many people.
So CyberLife reach out to the family out of the goodness of their heart (*cough* publicity & promotion*cough*) and offer to make the family a custom android to their design.
The Stokes are a bit hesitant at first but after a lot of promoting they commission the build of a teenage model with an athletic build and a unique face. They didn’t make it look exactly like Harry but like maybe could’ve been a cousin or something. Thus Dennis (Connor, it’s Connor, just bear with me here) is created. Like he was Made to be the closest thing to a human (more so than any other child android yet) and is super high tech
So the Stokes think everything is going to be fine, this android is human enough that you wouldn’t immediately pick up on the fact he’s an android if you didn’t know. But he’s not human enough for them. He’s not their son. He’s not enough like Harry. He’ll do little things wrong because “Harry would never do that”
The son Michael takes out his frustrations on Dennis because he’s a machine that can’t feel pain, and the parents won’t intervene because it’s better he does it to a robot than to someone who annoys him at school.
The daughter is nice enough but she’s young and grieving her brother. She doesn’t see Dennis as her brother, she doesn’t see him as someone who’s trying to replace her brother, she just sees him as a doll living in their house.
One day,Alan, who has never been a violent man, loses his shit at attacks Dennis (starts to road to deviancy) then when he regains control of himself he’s horrified because whilst Dennis isn’t Harry’s replica, he does look similar and deffo looks like a teenager. So Grace & Alan decide it’s better if they stop playing pretend and try to get therapy or something.
So they log into a sketchy website bc it’s the quickest way to get rid of Dennis without there being some kind of scandal. They give him to this sketchy guy who takes Dennis away so they never have to see him again. Dennis ends up being locked up in a basement closet thing for a while (the fear adds to his building deviancy)
Then Dennis gets sold to this guy who has an old child moddle named Sam who’s just so sweet if a little glitchy. The guy is an asshole and puts Dennis through hell but Sam makes it a little better.
Then one night the guy loses his shit and permanently breaks Sam and almost does the same to Dennis. Seeing Sam die and knowing that the guy (fuck let’s call him Kevin) wont face any repercussions from that + the fear for his own life finally sends Dennis into full deviancy.
Dennis defends himself agains Kevin and knocks him out but doesn’t kill him (at lest I don’t think so )
Dennis escapes and while hiding on the street meets a girl, Ruby Adams who’s a human.
Ruby takes him in, shows him where her and the other street kids hang out, she also doesn’t care that he’s a deviant. She also never calls him Dennis.
Ruby is also a hacker.
Ruby teaches Dennis how to hack with a computer and that then translates into him being able to go even further than anyone has been able to ever go. They have some fun shenanigans and Dennis becomes one of the biggest pains in the ass the DPD has to deal with. ( like he can fuck shit up by just looking an focusing)
Ruby asks him if he likes being Dennis, as he never got a choice on who he could be & he realises he never wants to be Dennis again.
So Ruby helps him become someone else. So then we get the birth of :
Connor Evans.
Then a raid on the hideout by the DPD goes wrong and Ruby is killed but Connor escapes.
Connor continues hacking and helping some of the deviants he comes across.
Eventually gets picked up by Hank.
At first Hank doesn’t give two shits about this cocky little asshole, but then Connor keeps escaping & the DPD keep catching him to the point it becomes kind of like a game & a running gag between the two of them. (Maybe idk)
Then Hank realised their gonna permanently deactivate this kid and he realised he can’t live with that.
So Hank basically kidnapps Connor and hides him in his house whilst hunting other deviants to see if he can find someone to help this kid out.
Hank realises he’s becoming very attacked & so does Connor so we get a lot or Angst then feels
Of course all our other fav android friends join the fun and various points
Ok I feel like I went on a bit so imma stop there. Not sure how or what I might change but I like the idea of hacker Connor so I’ll probably do something more with this but like I also have other drafts for my other stuff I need to finish 😅
Let me know if you like this or have any questions/ suggestions
Thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed.
Tag: HackMyHeartAu
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Warning this is kinda sad and also has major like...guts and organ stuff in it and near death shit so this is your warning uh
Ok au where smth bad happens 2 the boys. Like Karkat is driving home from work late and he likes to take the windy back roads on the cliffs and shit to avoid the crazies on the highway. It's not that late, like 9:30-10ish at night. He's going a decent speed, maybe speeding a little, but then another driver, a drunk driver, comes around the corner doing like 90 as compared to Karkat's 55 in a 40 zone. The other driver whips the car around too fast, and ends up going out of his lane and into Karkat's, hitting him and absolutely fucking totaling his car. This dude hit Karkat so fast that Karkat's car flipped and fell over the side of the cliff, landing on and destroying some trees before landing on the pavement of the street below. His car has an automatic setting where it calls 911 when he gets in an accident. The other guy was pretty ok. Broke his foot and his wrist, but he's alright. He crashed into the side of the cliff. The guard rail is fucking destroyed from Karkat's car. Emergency services get there and find that some branches had gone through the windshield and impaled Karkat in a few places. He's attached to the seat, and either way, they have to rip the car apart completely to get him out of it. They rush him to the hospital, check his wallet for identification, and call the first person on his emergency contact list; Dave. He's in a meeting when he gets the call. A late night meeting with his team at work, and he doesn't recognize the number, but he feels that something is wrong, so he takes the call. He returns to the conference room and tells them there's been an emergency and he has to go immediately. He doesn't even take his stuff or wait for an answer, he just fucking sprints. He bursts into the ER, and frantically asks the lady at the front desk about a car accident victim, Karkat Vantas. Where is he? Please I need to see him! Karkat is being tended to in the ER by a group of medics. He's losing a lot of blood, they got him out of the chair and onto a gurney, they're trying to stabilize him, they're getting as much O-negative blood as they can get their hands on for him. Dave sees him and nearly passes out. He overpowers the nurses that try to stop him, and he goes for Karkat, unconscious and unresponsive, with bits of fucking wood sticking out of his body. Karkat flatlines again, and Dave grabs his hand, he's speaking, in hysterics, then doctors are frantically trying to assist Karkat. The doctors have to open up his chest, dave is pushed out of the way for the doctors. He steps back to let them work, but he's looking on in horror. They put a rib separator in between his ribs on one side, and a doc reaches in and manually pumps his heart. It takes five minutes, but they get his heart going again, but they have to shock him to regulate its beat. They quickly pull the metal thing out of him and shock him. For a moment, he's stabilized. They then hit him with an IV of blood, they intubate him (putting the IV in a major blood vessel of the neck rather than the wrist or arm) and squeeze the bag to push the blood into him faster. They get him on fluids. Morphine. They start to send him off to surgery, and stop to give dave a moment to say anything he needed to say in the case that Karkat died. Dave brushes his hair out of his face, kisses his forehead, squeezes his hand, tells him that he loves him more than anything, tells him to come home, to hold on, tells him to be okay. They rush him off to surgery after that, and open him up. He has a punctured lung, his uterus and kidney were damaged beyond repair by the same branch, so they have to remove both, and in the process, the branch also nicked the major blood vessel going into his liver. Along with all the vital organ damage, he has bones broken in both feet, and both ankles are broken bc of the petals in the car, he broke his right arm, and some ribs are cracked. He also has fractures on his collarbone from the seatbelt. He's also concussed. His heart stops again on the table, and they successfully resuscitate him. They remove the damaged organs, and the wood, get him some more blood and fluids, and send him off to the ICU. He's in a coma, on life support, a respirator. He's hooked up to all these IVs and machines. He's got casts on his broken limbs. The room reeks of blood. They let dave in to see him, and they tell him before he enters the room that they don't think he'll survive the night. Dave goes in, and he sees the state Karkat is in. And he falls to fucking pieces over it. He sits there in the chair next to the bed, he holds Karkat's hand tight. "I'm here" he says "I'm right here. Please, don't leave me here. Please stay. I love you." He says it over and over again. "Don't do this to me Karkat. Please don't do this to me. You have to live." He talks to Karkat about all the things they still have to do together. Travel the world, go camping, get married. He talks about all the great memories he's had. He talks about how he fell in love with Karkat. He talks about what he loves about Karkat. He tells him he loves him. More than he'll ever understand. It's grueling, it's hard, but Karkat makes it to the next morning. But just a few hours after dave wakes up, he has an issue again. He's had the sutures fixing the major blood vessel in his liver give out, and the monitors go fucking crazy. It scares the shit out of dave. He grabs Karkat's hand, begs him not to go, not to do this. To stay. They fix the sutures in surgery, and give him another small blood transfusion. It takes a few weeks, but he starts to heal. Dave practically lives at the hospital now. Visiting hours are limited in the ICU, but he spends every second of them in the room, and every other second in the waiting room. He can hardly sleep, he barely eats, he doesn't keep up well with hygiene. Karkat's casts come off before he wakes up. He can breathe on his own now. It takes him a month after the casts come off to wake up. When he does, it's like Christmas for Dave, and all their friends. They throw a party in the hospital room. A week later, Karkat gets discharged from the hospital, but he doesn't realize the severity of his accident or his wounds until he's shown photos of his wrecked car. The other driver gets his license revoked permanently, and his incurable company pays for all of Karkat's medical bills, and the replacement of his car.
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