#or maybe the powers go haywire if you acknowledge them as an scp
agent-jaselin · 2 months
I've been watching this Scp guy Dr.Sherman on youtube lately, so now I have ideas XD I'm sure it's already been done or is just silly but anyway:
An SCP known as the skeptic, maybe discovered cause they guest starred on a ghost hunting show once or something similar. Their anomalous ability is that anomalous things don't work or act normally around them.
At first this seems like a neutralizing ability, but it will turn out to be a transference ability. Whatever affect would have happened to the Skeptic or those in visual range/audio contact with them instead happens to someone unknown to the skeptic at random. Example: If they blinked in front of Scp-173, a stranger in another room or building or town would end up with a snapped neck instead.
The ability seems focused in proving their belief that supernatural/weird things don't exist. So it can't effect anyone they know well enough to be used as proof, or effect someone that can be seen.
This also applies to "nice" SCPs. I haven't decided if something nice would happen randomly to someone, or if the reverse effect would happen instead. Like they approach 999 and instead of feeling nice the affected subject feels horrible depression. But it seems more straight forward if the standard ability is always what transfers?
Also with things that look weird, like shy guy or 999, I'd guess they wouldn't actually see what's really there. Just a skinny man or a pile of goo, or like with 682 maybe a poorly maintained taxidermy.
EDIT: also obviously if an scp like this already exists I would like to see it.
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