#or maybe that was just wnsd
scooberish · 7 months
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nemmet · 1 year
thinking about what's new scooby doo fred in particular on this fine evening. he's the most 'just some guy' of all time. he likes sports but not the ones you would expect (ice hockey and wrestling). he lives with and COOKS FOR shaggy and scooby. he adores his van. he's easily embarrassed by his parents but cares so deeply about them and goes Dead Serious when they're in danger. he's such a big elvis fan that he went to a fantasy elvis camp. he almost died twice, and on both occasions scooby single-handedly saved his life. he's sad that he doesn't have a catchphrase. he refers to the rest of the gang as his family. he's easily distressed when others say his lines/come up with plans/drive the mystery machine because he's autistic and needs his routine. he panicked when fake-dating daphne as bait for a monster and ended up extensively rambling about his hayfever. he turned into a vampire that one time. he stood up and did a live trap demonstration in the middle of an interview because he cannot sit still for even five minutes. he has such a goofy way of expressing himself that velma and daphne refer to it as "fred speak" and need to translate it for others. he will throw his entire body at a monster if it causes his friends the slightest harm. he thinks he's above the laws of physics. he's never had ownership of the communal mystery inc braincell ever, in his life. and most importantly of all, HE CAN BENCH PRESS 220
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broke-on-books · 1 year
I think it'd be very funny if Vincent was haunted by a (friendly) ghost named the Van Ghoul. Just for like wordplay reasons. Maybe the ghost (or just a regular tbh) of a cat that way he can play with like the magician in Riva Ras Regas (WNSD). Idk this is rambly but I want him to have a little buddy. A little kitty cat 🧛🏻🪄🐱👻🔮
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i-can-bench-220 · 3 years
what are your favourite recurring scooby gags? mine are:
shaggy and scooby stopping mid-chase to do an elaborate bit with the monster
“i can bench 220” (wow who would have guessed)
fred failing miserably at speaking foreign languages
daphne’s assortment of bizarre items and skills (my favourite is from wnsd where she can renovate an entire space with a single power drill)
the mystery machine’s gps having an attitude
unintentional gags also count. for instance: tréasure
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scrappedtogether · 2 years
What is your favorite What's New Scooby Doo episode?
I love this question but it’s also so! difficult! for me to pick. I’m indecisive by nature and WNSD really is one of the shows I hold closest to my heart but here goes:
I’m really partial to Safari So Goodi. I absolutely love Jacko and Scooby as a duo and I think I have a lot of nostalgia for the environment of that episode. I was big into Diego as a kid and animals in general so I really love the setting in that one. Also “one feeds the pocket, the other feeds the soul” has always stuck with me.
I also have a big soft spot for Reef Grief. I think it has one of the strangest villain motivations (or just villains in general, his methods were also pretty bizarre). The coral monster twist is also interesting to me. I’ve always thought What’s New and the WNSD era in general had a really special way of juggling the unknown/supernatural. Episodes were usually neatly wrapped up with the entities being proven as fakes but episodes like Reef Grief, A Scooby Doo Halloween, and movies like Loch Ness Monster always hinted that there was more out there in the world, beyond the understanding and awareness of our five leads.
Riva Ras Regas is also a lot of fun. I adore Rufus <3. The villain in that one is a blast. I seriously love Phylidia and I think as an audience it’s easy to understand where she’s coming from and to feel for her. Like the shows before it, WNSD was never afraid to make their villains sympathetic or even redeemable and I think that always made the show more interesting to watch and to revisit as an adult.
A Terrifying Round With a Menacing Metallic Clown is another one I don’t think I could exclude from a list of my favorites. The way it plays with the traditional formula by swapping Shaggy and Velma’s usual roles is a lot of fun. It also has plenty of tender moments between the Gang (which I love!!) as they show their concern for Velma. The nod to APN is also pretty cute as well as the backstory as a whole (they bought her encyclopedias 😭). Also shoutout to the villain design in that ep!
Some briefer mentions would be Homeward Hound (you can’t go wrong with Caregiver!Scooby) with The Secret 6 being really adorable. I’m also just in love with Meadow (her design, her voice, her vibe, everything). A Block Long Hong Kong Terror (love Mei Ling and the chase sequence of that episode). All the holiday specials (Halloween, Christmas, Valentine) deserve recognition as well. I think Black Jack Brody might have one of the darkest backstories in WN (or maybe that honor goes to the San Franpyscho??) and I sing Heavy Trevy’s “Santa Claus, Santa Claus” year round.
I don’t know if there’s a WNSD episode I don’t have some love for. It’s one of my fav series and I’d honestly list every other episode as an honorable mention. I think an argument could be made for any episode to come out on top of the others.
So what’s your favorite WNSD episode? Is there any you’re disappointed I didn’t include? I’d love to hear what you all think of as the best and why. 🤗
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cryptidjeepers · 2 years
Daphne's whole character in wnsd is honestly so similar to bcsd. In wnsd she has a million interests and is super open to learning new things. She's a mechanic, she's a daredevil; a lot of her "danger proneness" comes from the fact that she puts herself in these situations because they're related to her skillsets. Its established that shes just as smart and capable as velma but in a different way (book smarts vs street smarts maybe?). She has a lot of useful skills and interests (that also include fashion but thats literally only 5% of her personality.) Just like in bcsd where she has a different hobby every episode. Her personality shines in her ability to adapt and learn and its leagues more important to the little girls watching her than if she was a #girlboss or whatever shallow feminist archetype people want her to be
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Couple fan theory ideas comin' atcha here -
Be Cool, Scooby Doo!:
In the series, there are a couple places where it's referenced that the show may be taking place in surprising and unexpected timelines.
In the episode "Sorcerer Snack Scare", they explicitly change the name of the product "Sorcerer Snacks" (aka, the best snacks in the world that Scooby and Shaggy would do ANYTHING for) to "Scooby Snacks", hence pointing to the origin of them, and in the Original Mysteries they're just sort of intrinsic - like they existed when they first started solving mysteries.
The more convoluted reference; in the episode "Be Cold, Scooby Doo", Daphne mentions to Shaggy that the gang brought Shaggy to Sunny Side Ski Resort because they wanted him to have a nice "first experience" with snow.
Less likely, but still fun to entertain - that "Be Cool, Scooby Doo!" takes place after "A Pup Named Scooby Doo", BUT BEFORE the Original Mysteries (and subsequently the rest of the series) since in "APNSD" ("A Pup...") they're still children, but once grown to their current, seemingly timeless or sempiternal ages as teens, that would place them into the story line of "BCSD" ("Be Cool..."). Now account for the change in product name, and it places them before the OM.
While this theory is very mildly viable, it's less believable since one has to take into account both small and big details - small ones being, for example, time-relative changes like technology and pop-culture references, and linguistic markers like changes in idioms and slang terminology; one could make an argument that all of these could coexist if the dates of when the series were made weren't taken into account, and thus compressing the timelines would make it (ever so slightly) possible (+). Big details would include an antithesis to reference 2, stating that of course Shaggy has experienced snow! In the "APNSD" episode "Snow Place Like Home", it's obviously a winter episode, which does debunk theory 1, unless you want to make a shotty "regression and amnestic impairment caused Shaggy to forget he ever played in or saw snow" argument, since the rest of the gang experienced it as well, and mass regression or amnesia is practically statistically impossible; another example of a big detail is the presence of certain guest stars throughout all the series and movies, which most definitely puts a damper on the "compression of timelines" argument - the biggest example I can think of is the fact that the original Harlem Globetrotters [featured in the OM] at the height of their careers (1970s) would not coexist with a full-grown, fully famous celebrity chef Bobby Flay [featured in "Gormet Ghost" movie] (born in 1964, making him ca. 10-15 years old according to this theory) and DEFINITELY NOT with Ryan Sheckler [featured in "WNSD" ("What's New..."] (born 1989, no math needed for that one). So now that we see how specious theory 1 is, let's move on to theory 2.
(+) - SIDE NOTE: btw, I did the math, and the exact number of mysteries of every single episode and movie is 591 - assuming a mystery is alotted to one day of the year, and adjust for referenced elapsed periods of time (i.e., e.g. - mysteries getting finished in more than one day, mention of summer projects where the rest of the gang weren't present, etc.) and other mysteries that are also referenced in various montages, AND ALSO ASSUMING THESE TEENS ARE CA. 16 OR 17 BUT DON'T GO TO HIGH SCHOOL BECAUSE APPARENTLY THEY ALL HAVE FAMILIES THAT ARE FUCKING LOADED (all referenced in various series and movies), and this new number could be ca. 620-640 mysteries (with a gray area of ca. 50-100 possible extra unknown mysteries) within 4 years, in turn putting them past their teens, which renders their constant affirmations of being teens the entire time completely illogical and moot (also, remember this side note, we'll come back to it later). (***)
Kind of an exhausted, contrived idea, but "BCSD", like all the other series and movies, is one universe within a giant, seething multiverse of Scooby Doos and Gangs, which, if you think the movies altogether are their own universe and each series is a separate universe, would put the multiverse number at only 29; however, if you wanted to believe every single series AND movie is its own universe, the multiverse number shoots up to 151 SEPARATE UNIVERSES. And, a multiverse theory certainly supports the differring details as mentioned earlier, as well as makes the mystery/year math (***) more believable (with the average number of mysteries per series being 20-30).
Now, we must beg the question of if this multiverse is connected in some way - the theory of the expansive 151 universe beast of a multiverse could support mild crossover of the movies with themselves, excepting the older ones from the newer ones, although it ruins the integrity of the whole series - like why would the gang be considered world famous if each movie was its own universe? They would basically be solving the very first mystery in their entire lives; stratifying each era (i.e., OM-1980s, 1990s-2000s [the stuff with Scott Innes as Scooby and Shaggy], "WNSD"-era, and "SDMI" ["Mystery Inc."] to "BCSD") of Scooby Doo movies into separate universes would keep the idea of crossover as neutral as keeping the handful of old movies separate from the enormous monolith that is the list of newer movies since a movie only has 1, MAYBE 2, mysteries in each story, but it would definitely strengthen that inherent facet as each universe's timeline would be more believable since they would have been solving more than one mystery. The 29-universe theory bolsters the idea of crossover and/or story, especially in view of the fact that it has been referenced in various series: in the "BCSD" episode "If You Can't Scooby Doo the Time, Don't Scooby Doo the Crime", Ravi the prison guard scans the gang and a "retro-scan" shows the OM gang - does this mean that this "BCSD" universe is aware of or even APART OF the OM universe? It def looks like it. Another example is the "WNSD" episode "A Terrifying Round with a Menacing Metallic Clown" when Velma has a flashback to what would be "APNSD" days - now, again, is this a crossover, or are "WNSD" and "APNSD" one universe? - but that's another debate altogether - the point is that a multiverse theory of Scooby Doo in its entirety holds its weight in salt (or Scooby Snacks, lolz), and should def be considered connected in some way or another, whether that be crossover, reference, or inter-universal connection.
Please reblog and debate ur asses off on this one...
(***) Now, suppose taking the mystery/year math and literally translating the total 591 mysteries to 1 mystery/1 day while ALSO applying the compressed timelines aspect of theory 1. Where am I going with this?
I'll tell you where: that ancient Greek land of horror, fueled by humanity's fear and vice; endless torment as the destination of that proverbial Stygian journey - that's right:
This theory suggests that somewhere along the line, after "APNSD" when the gang had reached their current teenage years that they so often defer to, they may have wronged the god Hades, and, seeking revenge, He claimed their mortal souls and banished them to His realm, forever having them solve mysteries eternally.
Why do they always always ALWAYS have mysteries "fall into their laps"?
Why are they always tormented with fear and terror on a DAILY basis?
Why do they never get respite or comfort from these seemingly endless monsters and situations?
*drops mic*
(U know what tho, this one's my personal fav)
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ascotwearinga · 5 years
updated: 3/19/20
✦   ───  are you afraid of the dark ? do you believe in ghosts ?  \  VERSE 1 | ARC 1 .
SCOOBY DOO WHERE ARE YOU? join fred & his ragtag gang of mystery solving best friends as they embark on spooky adventures throughout their hometown of coolsville, ohio & america . honestly any incarnation of sdway , wnsd , & bcsd can be found here along with influences from movies scooby doo ! and the legend of the vampire & so on . ( this is my DEFAULT VERSE. )
✦   ───   are we delving into mysteries we weren’t meant to know ?  \   VERSE 1  |  ARC 2 .
fred jones has known nothing but coolsville, ohio & solving crimes his whole life. from taking down jewel thieves to uncovering money laundering operations he was far from your normal average teenager. but when his parents decide to uproot him & move, they’re hoping for a town to calm the boy down but what happens when they move into an even more mysterious town & fred isn’t the only teen detective around anymore ?   ( fred but without mystery inc. he moves from coolsville to river heights & ends up teaming up with nancy drew & her crew.  )
✦   ───   the horror you have seen is not who you are .   \   VERSE 1  |  ARC 3 .
MYSTERY INC. has called it quits. too many phony ghosts & ghouls. after splitting, fred packed up his entire life in coolsville to follow daphne on a roadtrip across america looking for the best sights & maybe catching a glimpse of the best ghosts along the way.  
✦   ───  children shouldn’t play with dead things .  \   VERSE 2  |  ARC 1 .
this is pretty much verse 1 arc 1 but without the monsters being fake . this is just a general verse for real spooky things until i get specific fandoms sorted out .
✦   ───  the deeper you dig the darker it gets  .    \    VERSE 2  | ARC 2 .
CRYSTAL COVE! THE MOST HAUNTEDEST PLACE ON EARTH! also the most secretive place on earth, apparently. join freddie & the gang as they stumble across secret after secret about their haunted town.  THIS VERSE MOSTLY FOLLOWS MYSTERY INCORPORATED CANON . 
✦   ───  monsters are my friends .   \  VERSE  2  |  ARC  3  .
picks up after mystery inc reconciles after the events on moonscar island . the gang comes back together to hit the road solving mysteries again , this time though , the monsters are real . heavily influenced by movies: scooby doo ! on zombie island - scooby doo ! and the cyber chase .
✦   ───  we will never be those kids again .   \    VERSE  3  |  ARC  1  .
in depth post HERE   .   you are a ghost of who you used to be. mystery inc disbands & fred branches off into private investigating, perfectly content with working alone until trouble rises & his only choice is to call an old friend for help. ( this is lowkey my DEFAULT GROWN UP VERSE ) 
✦   ───  nobody knows where you might end up.  \    VERSE  3  |  ARC  2  .
fred jones never saw himself as the white picket fence life kind of guy, not after everything that’s happened at least, and he definitely never saw this coming. with a now legitimate agency located in river heights, fred & nancy learn how to balance their bad guy chasing lives with those of pta meetings, carpools, & bake sales.   ( this arc is specific to shedetect )
✦   ───  jones and jones detective agency .  \   VERSE  3  |  ARC  3  .
when joining the local police department leads fred to killian jones ( no relation ) the two are fresh & eager to begin their careers but when a particular case shows them the less than holy side of police work, the partners decide to take things into their own hands & thus JONES & JONES DETECTIVE AGENCY IS BORN .   ( this arc is specific to  piratehook​  /  cursebroken​  )
✦   ───  this is the family business .   \  MAFIA AU  .
every family has secrets . when fred’s family picked up & moved to new york, he thought nothing of it -- business was expanding & ohio couldn’t contain it anymore -- until he was deemed old enough to be brought into the loop on what the family business actually was . from that day forward, he vowed to not get involved -- his father’s business was his father’s business -- life has a funny way of throwing you curveballs though, doesn’t it ?  guess freddie’s the boss now. 
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plush-anon · 5 years
plush reviews: pirates ahoy! (collected)
for my own personal reference, decided to collect the singular posts into one, w/ breaks between each original post below the cut
I will say this, the opening credits for this one are pretty dang good - nice visuals flow together with some wonderful music to create a compelling overview of the Bermuda Triangle and some of the wild theories commonly associated with it, as well as how far back these myths go. Kudos 🤗
also, I did not realize how short this movie is - paused it for a second and it’s only 70 minutes long apparently. huh
oh man, good times - I forgot how stilted and choppy the WNSD animation could get in some shots.
annnnnd there’s the cotton candy fog. it moves like it’s on a skateboard being pulled across the screen XD
finally cut to the gang - i honestly like this shot of everyone in the car. daphne paints her nails like my sister used to when we were young - on the dashboard on long car rides 😅 the nausea from the smell led to some “fun” trips, lemme tell ya 
oh Casey Kasem, even in old age your Shaggy was memorably good
also the joke on Fred’s age never gets old XD like, you guys grew up together as kids in this continuity, how could you not know his age, much less that he’s obvs not in his 40s? still a fun one tho
another thing i forgot about WNSD continuity - Shaggy’s character model being like 2 feet taller than Fred in some shots
also the gang being legitimate friends and liking each other and getting along, unlike some portrayals *side-eyes sdmi*
i think this is my fave version of fred’s parents, although i do love Professor Huh from be cool scooby doo. they are EXACTLY how i picture the people who raised the sdway/wnsd version of Fred to be 
holy crap, i forgot Kathy Najimy was in this 
actually, here’s a thought: why haven’t they graduated Frank Welker to playing Fred’s dad in a show, and hired someone else to play Fred?
granted, the man still (uncannily I might add) sounds exactly like he did in the 60s (hOW?!?) but it’s strange they haven’t tried to do that yet apart from maybe pup named sd, where he played fred’s… uncle, i think and i guess kind of with the new scoob 2020 movie, where he only plays scooby
…i think the captain of the ship just got beamed aboard the Enterprise o_O 
the alien has the general head shape of the ones from Alien Invaders and the claw hands of dr claw from inspector gadget
also, whoever designs fred’s facial expressions in this movie is having waaaay too much fun (although kudos for actually… you know… making them. some characters have very minimal face movement and it’s rather unsettling, especially when the voice acting is actually pretty decent)
i gotta say, good on fred’s parents for encouraging their son’s interests and talents, as well as getting him a birthday gift that he can not only enjoy, but also inviting his friends along for.
…unlike SOME incarnations *glares at sdmi*
holy fcuk shaggy just brought back the ghost of captain cutler, glow-in-the-dark diving suit and all O_O 
dang, velma’s lounge wear looks cozy. i’m glad they haven’t tried to force her into something weird
camp scare put her in a white bathing suit, which was… really odd for her, color scheme wise. altho the storyboard artists reaaaaaally wanted to do a drawn out, slo-mo play-in-the-water thing with velma and daphne in that one, so maybe that contributed to it? idk
i do like that the gang inadvertently solves every mystery on a mystery cruise - that cracks me up 
cripes, they keep cutting back and forth between a decently animated shot of the gang on a polished background, and this almost MS Paint looking rough animation of the castaway being guided on the deck, which is all flat colors and rough black lines. it looks terrible
the animation quality is all over the place here
and suddenly man in a jetpack
how the FRICK did they get him on this movie cast?! this is post-hellboy!
( also apparently arsenio hall voices the captain. who the heck had all these high rollers on speed-dial at the studio that day)
actually, here’s a thought: given the voice cast we have, and how i’m actually able to follow this without having to look at the screen all the time (i’m folding laundry rn), this could make for a really decent comedy mystery radio show.
think about it! get a decent voice cast and writing team, and there’s a lot you can do with Scooby on the radio. you may not be able to do the chase scenes as well, but those can be worked around pretty easily with a solid writing team. i’d be interested in seeing that come to reality in all honesty - it could be fun!
another thing i just noticed: Scooby hasn’t talked NEARLY as much in this one as he does in later shows/movies. I forgot how much I missed that from him 
wait a tic that’s Dan Castellaneta as the hypnotist
seriously, who was able to get all these people on board for a Scooby Doo DTV about pirates
now here’s an interesting moment/snafu: Shaggy and Scooby canNOT be hypnotized, according to this movie, but the clown in SDWAY was able to hypnotize them both using the exact same method - a gold circular object on a chain swung back and forth.
then there was Legend of the Phantasaur much much later able to hypnotize Shaggy so successfully he overcame his panic disorder
was it because they weren’t allowed to eat prior? their meal was continuously interrupted before they were dragged onstage. maybe being actively hungry and denied food when it’s right in front of them blocks them from being hypnotized properly…?, idk but it’s food for thought, for sure 😁
ehehe, one of the background guests is wearing a Tin Man costume from the Wizard of Oz
alas, this is prolly as close to a crossover as I’ll ever get between my first two fandoms ever and maybe that’s for the best
(honestly kind of surprised there's never been a scooby themed oz-related adventure tbh public domain and recognizeable)
it took about half an hour into the movie for the title villains to actually encounter the gang, or almost exactly halfway through the movie. that’s actually pretty odd for a scooby movie, isn’t it?   especially when they haven’t encountered any other mystery except the fake-y ones (a lot start off with an in-progress mystery to finish up before being introduced to the main)
welp, villain’s been spoiled, it’s ron perlman’s character as the pirate captain…
*sighs* Pirate Captain Skunkbeard
like… you get freaking Slade from the teen titans, Hellboy Himself, to voice your baddy… and you give him a name like Skunkbeard.
could have been something cool like Capt Barnaby Bones, or Cuthbert Butcher the Red Pirate, or SteelHook Slater, or Morgan “Moonscar” McWright (okay, that one’s been used before, but the point stands dammit!)
holy moly, one of the pirates just tried to cut scooby and shaggy’s head off with an actual blade
it cut clean through their costume heads with one swipe
jesus christ on a bike, what is WRONG with you?!?!
(sometimes these scooby dtvs have moments like this. moments that explain how it is shag and scoob have what is likely ptsd for days)
*gang follows trail of oozy green liquid sheen to the pirate ship*
now see, i thought those wooden ships weren’t supposed to pollute the oceans back in the day
(tho it does work as a solid clue i’ll grant em that)
shaggy, why aren’t you more excited to go into the cotton candy fog? it’s clearly grape and green apple flavored! 
…i think one pirate just killed another one during that sea shanty there
so i didn’t mention earlier, but tim conway is fred’s dad, and i think he’s the only voice star in this i’m not surprised at - he’s been on the new scooby doo mysteries as their celebrity guest of the week, so him coming back is more like a belated reunion
that being said, his voice work here varies wildly between ‘what the heck take was that’ and ‘hysterical’ - it’s quite odd
and suddenly the cruise ship is sunk, and the gang is on an island
alrighty then
the captions are cracking me up right now - not a single one has spelled “bananas” right
it only spells it as “banas” 🤣🤣🤣
“Prepare to suffer the wrath of Capt Skunkbeard!”
…nope, that’s still not intimidating. try again sir.
(truly i am made to sail the seas, for i am salty af on this name)
‘Seize them!’
fade to black
come back in on gang tied to the pirate ship mast
…really? the gang has escaped far worse than a group of pirates before (and usually to some funky tunes), and you’re saying they were captured just like that?
fred, please tell me this is a plan of yours, otherwise this is just dumb
sooo the pirates want to find a place that matches a painting of stars from 200 years ago… without ever stopping to consider that the painting could just be a pretty picture?
it’s a small painting, and i don’t think that star maps were really used like that back in the 1800s when it was purportedly made (at least not from what they look like on wikipedia… none of them look like pretty wall paintings)
these pirates are kinda dumb, methinks
the ghosts of the bermuda triangle, including world war fighter places, old exploration ships, and a sea monster are apparently trying to stop the pirates
because the pirates want to time travel and rule the sea throughout time
and they needed the pretty pretty picture to lead them to the time travel macguffin they want to retrieve… which is also the sole reason the Bermuda Triangle is all bermuda triangly to begin with, when it fell to earth from space itself.
…say what now?
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...that has to be one of the dumbest time travel plots i've ever heard and i sat through endgame twice
the macguffin is a solid gold meteor
a giant hunk of gold literally as larger as twenty of the pirates put together, and you want to use it to time travel instead of selling that shit and being made for life
why are none of you smart
yet again i see scooby shoot someone with an item that should have killed them outright and ended the mystery right there
moon monster madness had scooby shoot the alien with a missile on the moon, and pirates ahoy has him shoot a cannon at someone point blank with only a wooden door immediately between them
shrapnel should have shredded that pirate to bits, if even that much was left after that
okay, the time travel thing turns out to be a hoax the hypnotist uses to convince the billionaire to finance his search for the literal meteor of solid gold located in the heart of the Bermuda Triangle
that’s a relief at least - Scooby Doo has done some weird shit in its days, but time travel does not need to be one of them
well, at least we finally have the answer to who would win in a fight - homer simpson or scooby doo?
(obvs scooby, of course :D)
according to velma, everyone on the cruise was hypnotized into believing they were pirates (including fred’s mom), but doesn’t hypnotism only work if the person actually subconsciously agrees with/goes along with the suggestions?
does that mean that at least one person on the cruise ship wanted to behead someone, since they nearly succeeded with Shag and Scoob? does that mean the fred’s mom secretly wants to kill her husband, since she tried to have him thrown overboard the ship while she was hypnotized?
the questions this raises, they are unsettling thoughts indeed 😨
“Wouldn’t you like a nice ski trip to the Himalayas?”
“And risk a run in with the Abominable Snowman?! Forget it!”
exactly one year later (no joke, it came out exactly one year later):
“Join Scooby and Shaggy as they run in terror from the Abominable Snowman in the Himalayas, in Chill Out Scooby Doo!”
And that was Scooby Doo Pirates Ahoy!
That was a relatively fun, if dumb, done-in-one mystery. What really saves this one (especially given the REALLY inconsistent animation quality, from acceptable to ‘someone used MS Paint didn’t they?’ levels) was the voice cast. I don’t know what blackmail they had on these guys, but the voice acting was really dang good.
Probably too good - the bad guys’ voices are so memorable you know immediately who they are when you hear them.
The time travel spiel was unbelievably dumb, only saved by the fact it was a hypnotic ruse, and some of the stuff doesn’t quite mesh that well? Like the padding on the desert island, and some of the really weird plot contrivances like the painting being the exact map to a giant ass solid gold meteor :/
Still, a solid set-up (mystery cruise in the Bermuda Triangle) with some new elements (Fred’s parents, an absolute delight) make it a fun film for the wee ones. I’d call this a keeper at the end of the day.
Then again, I really have forgotten how nice it is to see the gang as actual supporting friends and have it feel sincere. Be Cool Scooby Doo was mostly for humor, but the kids still felt like they liked each other well enough.
WNSD on the other hand really made them feel like actual friends, based on body language around each other, general closeness, and a warm comradery that’s hard to replicate. For the flaws this show has, this is certainly not one of them.
That’s all for tonight folks. Sleep well, me hardies yo ho!
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canonstitute · 7 years
a pup named scooby-doo, ep. 1 (rambling/meta)
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(look yes I know I made a blog to talk about cartoons because I can talk about them so much just shut up and let me memorize another 40+ years’ worth of a new canon because KND didn’t ruin me enough)
A Pup Named Scooby-Doo [S01E01] – A Bicycle Built for Boo!
Canon misc.
Coolsville, USA
The Daily Babbler (building parodying Clark Kent’s office Daily Planet)
Scooby Doo Detective Agency - small treehouse/clubhouse with a sign out front with the name next to a white fence. tree is impossibly tall and the actual clubhouse is small and nested at the very top
Some resemblance to Kids Next Door treehouses
not specified (yet?) whose yard the tree’s in if anybody’s (no houses in shot, clear on multiple sides with grass)
Clubhouse has crude rooftop “observatory” in the back with a huge makeshift telescope - trash can base + mounted pipes with lens
COMIX (title)
(“Haunted”) Ferguson estate
Gang gets picture in Daily Babbler
Fatty’s - Malts, Fries, and Burgers
Weirdo Woods - purple and swampy but mostly clear at ground-level (no plants) with some sinister trees; area completely out of view from neighborhood
Plot / Episode misc. [under cut for length]
the first episode is like the day after christmas or maybe the week after bc there’s a wreath on the door and there are christmas lights on Shaggy’s house - but only Shaggy’s house
could be before Christmas instead of after if his family celebrates early, but seems to be implying the Rogers don’t care enough to take the lights down after the holiday in a timely fashion
shaggy is too familiar with Scooby, his “personal alarm clock” when talking about his daily routine (waking up / paper route) for Scooby to have been a recent Christmas present. but if Norville’s had Scooby since they were both babies (toddlers?) as implied in a flashback from the sequel shows’ birthday special, Scooby should be well grown to size even if Shaggy’s only eight or nine here and he’s probably older
Shaggy’s room has monster posters
Dog door much too small for Scooby (probably growth spurt)
Cherry 1959 Star Fire (?) Special
Characters and episode roles established rather immediately, Daphne’s gig > Freddie’s > plot hinges on silent Velma to notice something for progress
Shaggy has a paper route, not much indication in this episode of how old he is. Scooby is older than his later nephew Scrappy was in his appearances but not fully grown yet
Red Herring does seem antagonistic of group and isn’t a tired running gag yet so Daphne does go off on him
Freddie aggressively threatens Red after being taunted
Velma pulling tools out of nowhere. Power sander, metal detector. stays quietly in background and finds bike w/o dialogue and helps others when asked
Fred gets beaten by the bully (run over on bike) only after losing a huge bravado - stood up to Red and sanded Red’s bike but was sheepish finding no evidence it’s stolen
Shaggy reading comic book and not helping afterward; contrast nurses Daphne (dabbing alcohol) and Scooby w/dress and doctor Velma - yes they all have the outfits
Kids are on break from school; plot starts early morning and continues remainder of that day
Weirdo Woods. Purple and swampy but mostly clear foliage-wise with some sinister trees here and there Red Herring’s “Secret Hideout” in Weirdo Woods is, uh, surprisingly close and easy to lose the neighborhood from
Velma speaking is the cue for a clue,random physics / data “genius” gibberish on screen as she types, somehow produces image of bicycle on portable computer
background track (just people singing “Scooby-Doo” and its variants over and over to a specific tune)
hee hee hee Daphne is holding Fred’s shoulders in this scene Velma has a motor skateboard, fast /reckless driver
Shaggy’s so light Scooby-Doo can drag him around by his own leash
Daphne dispenses the Scooby snack
Split-up is lampshaded, Velma goes with ShaggyDoo
………omg Velma and Scooby both dive into Shaggy’s t-shirt (with their heads peeking out the top) to hide from the ghost
Meeting the medium: Shaggy again becomes Scooby/Velma’s hiding place, Daphne is completely dismissive and Fred’s just mildly puzzled as always
“Alien agent from Mars that’s come here to steal bicycles in a plot to take over the world” -- it is absurdly weird for Shaggy to be giving Fred a reality/get-it-together check, i don’t care how young they are
Among Fred’s mentions: martians, spies, Fort Knox, costume, plot to take over the universe
Shaggy is the member of the gang most excited (ecstatic, even) to find all the cash. WNSD I believe had him coming from money if not to the degree of the Blakes, but he’s not unphased by it at all (Daphne is)
Shaggy gets overexcited and says he’s going to buy a million bikes. All kids can be like that but maybe his parents don’t buy him much in the way of toys / indulgences.
One time characters - undercover U.S. treasury department agent (?) Shirly Mcloone, Mr. Conrad - Daily Babbler
Daphne seems to cotton on second (after Velma) & delivers the explanation for the boys so Velma doesn’t have to talk too much. Daph knows money and she’s sharp, that’s for sure
Shaggy watches his friends eat ice cream in broke desolation and actually states he needs a new job now, because apparently his parents aren’t inclined to give their kid a dime for ice cream after solving a federal criminal investigation
The ghost was obviously the only guy besides a last-minute insert so I don’t have much to say about the ending, but can I just say these chase sequences where the characters do Peanuts dances randomly between shots set to episode-specific songs about the monster of the week? They’re fucking bizarre.
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nemmet · 1 year
I was watching Camp Scare again and noticed that the fact there are moose at Fred’s old camp is substantial evidence that the 2010s DTV version of him could be from the upper Midwest, just like in WNSD, and therefore he possibly has Skip and Peggy as parents
this is such a cool observation and theory, thank you for telling me! fred being from the midwest is such a neat little potential addition to his character, and naturally i'm all for another version of fred with good parents (especially if they're skip and peggy, my beloveds)! i feel like fred's brand of good natured, yet slightly oblivious enthusiasm in camp scare specifically takes a lot of cues from his wnsd characterisation, which i love so much!
also; i can so see both skip and peggy having attended camp little moose when they were kids, maybe they even met there and became friends as children! and thus the passion for little moose gets passed down through the generations 🥹
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