#or maybe that is just speaking to an continuously aging user base lol
fish-bowl-2 · 1 year
People always seem to forget that Ed Edd n Eddy was airing way past 2003, or the “classic” era of Cartoon Network. The last episode came out in 2008. That is close to a whole decade.
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janedrakey131 · 4 years
zukka hp au part 5
I’m so flattered people like this au. I didn’t think I’d be posting again so soon, but I had some more ideas last night. If you’d like to catch up:
part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6 part 7 part 8 part 9 part 10 part 11 part 12 part 13
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My brief, very long, not at all fleshed out plan based roughly on what year Sokka is in and other associated events:
First year
Sokka’s first year is boring 
He meets Zuko, makes some friends in his house, probably a bunch of OCs
He finds the kitchens on day 2
Hogwarts just hires people who like to cook, who cares whether they’re magical beings or humans or whatever, there’s all sorts of really cool kitchen magic though
He’s always asking questions in class and you can tell why he’s a Ravenclaw
He wants to learn about everything
And once he knows how to do more than shoot a few sparks, he’s going to start inventing
He’s going to do some truly awesome things with transfiguration and potions
And I can’t wait for him to start arithmancy
Like let me tell you, Sokka is a genius, and he’s probably going to be the only one who understands magical theory 
This just ended up being a rant about Sokka, so moving on
Second year
The fun starts
Katara and Aang are finally here
Sokka doesn’t know Aang is the avatar
I’m very tempted to have both Katara and Aang be in Hufflepuff
And they run into Sokka in the kitchens
He does a double take, like who is this boy with my sister??
But Aang’s a sweet kid
So Sokka is immediately like we’re bros now, I don’t make the rules
Iroh starts working at Hogwarts (sorry, I changed my mind from herbology) as the potions professor
He comes in on the train with Zuko who just got banished (I actually...might change the specifics)
Sokka doesn’t know what to make of that
Azula is also skulking around annoying Zuzu 
But I think she secretly cares a bit and threatens anyone that looks at his scar wrong, because Zuko helped her a lot with some stuff
I think she’s going to be in the same year as Katara and Aang? I’m not sure
I have plans for Azula
I think Mai and Ty Lee are going to be in Zuko’s year, but closer to Azula
Mai and Zuko will date at some point
I think Mai will end up with Ty Lee
But she and Zuko had a short relationship
I think it was more expected of them by their families that they date
But they’re good friends now
I’m not doing this betraying and cheating and hurting other characters to find out who you are thing
Everyone is having wholesome relationships that just don’t work out
(Sidenote, I’m changing things, and characters might end up a bit OOC for atla, and I’m really sorry, but this is just wish fulfillment for me)
Anyway, there’s a plot to find the avatar 
The mini gaang (toph isn’t here yet) learn the prophecy (still working on it)
Third year
They find out about Sokka and Katara’s mom
I don’t think Hakoda really knows what happened either. I don’t think he was in the country at the time
I also have some ideas for the water tribe/fire nation beef, but I just made the realization that if I spell everything out in these posts, what’s the point of writing for Ao3 XD
But spoilers, it’s going to be pretty angsty
But I like happy endings, so I may find a way to fix it
I have this whole idea that if Suki or the Kyoshi are also werewolves, they have really cool rituals to respect and honor the moon spirit and that allows them the ability to turn into wolves whenever they want and not just the full moon
So other people can also be born as werewolves, but different groups have different ways of being a werewolf
Also, I believe I said Zuko starts following Suki around thinking she’s the avatar
And then Sokka decides to fake being the avatar (I completely forgot when I said this would happen, so I’m assuming it’s this year or the next)
This is about when Sokka’s letters to Hakoda start going on about Zuko’s everything even more
Fourth year
Zuko (Zuko’s fifth year) witnesses something unspeakable
Sokka is kidnapped
Zuko saves Sokka
That’s all the detail I have on this XD
But the unspeakable thing and the kidnapping are going to be this year’s mystery
Zuko, the idiot, still thinks Sokka is the avatar at this point
Aang is like no
But doesn’t bother to say he is
So Zuko thinks Katara is the avatar for a hot sec
But has some nonsense logic that there’s no need to stop following Sokka, because if he or his sister are the avatar, of the two, Sokka’s more likely to give something away
Which okay, Zuko, not actually terrible reasoning, except Sokka’s been leading you around by the nose for ages
There’s none of this the avatar rotates which element they can use
Because that’s predictable
And half the fun is that Zuko is trying his best, but has zero clues
Fifth year
This is the big question
I’m not sure what to do with this year
I hope Sokka can start inventing
I want him to make some cool shit
There won’t be an equivalent of the DA as far as I can see :( I can’t figure out how I’d structure that
I think it would be really cool to see them all learning how to use their elemental magic though
Toph and Zuko don’t really need the help
Katara and Aang have always had to deal with all the crap going on, so they haven’t had much time for it
I’m wondering if I should bring in Paku
Aang has it rough, because air magic users are really rare now
So I think he might work with Iroh, because he’s studied other styles of magic extensively
Sixth year
I think Mai had to figure out she was bi
I truly think Zuko doesn’t have time for gender
For like five years, he’s like DO YOU KNOW WHO THE AVATAR IS and if you don’t, he’s already forgotten who you are
So my headcanon is that he’s pan and when he and Sokka eventually get together, Sokka doesn’t know anything about his orientation and just knows he dated Mai, so he’s like “are you cool with me being a dude? Sorry, I just know you’ve dated Mai, so just checking haha?”
And Zuko’s so done with all the random crap he’s dealt with that he’s like “wow, you have a dick? Congratulations”
But then realizes Sokka’s actually concerned and talks it out
Anyway, everyone’s leveled up now, we’re all masters at elemental and non-elemental magic (seriously, Sokka could’ve sat for his NEWTs last year if he wanted to. He’s that far ahead and magic is that intuitive for him)
I have no idea what will happen this year lol
I kind of want an invasion of Hogwarts, I know I’ve been trying not to just blindly follow the books completely :/ So I guess we’ll see?
I’ll have to work on that
I’m such a sucker for the villain waits until the end of the school year to attack
Because it’s so dumb
Like I will find the avatar! *shakes fist* But education is important, kids
Like okay, Sozin
Maybe I can have Roku finally escape that mirror
I kind of want the past avatars to be spirits that anyone can interact with
But most people don’t know how
So the Kyoshi can interact with Avatar Kyoshi as well as other relevant spirits
Seventh year
The plot?? Who knows yet
I do know that Zuko’s graduated
And they’re all crying and like wtf do we do now
Because Sozin’s still around and they’ll miss him
And finally Zuko leaves
And he shows up as the assistant DADA professor and he’s like “Hi, Zuko here” and then he’s like “I mean, fuck, Professor Zuko, I mean, fuck...just call me Zuko. You guys all know me”
And the gaang is all like wtf Zuko, we thought we would only see you for breaks
And he’s like you really thought I’d leave you
The plan is that he’ll be an apprentice for a year or so and then take over as professor
Toph punches him so hard, Katara has to heal the bruise
I can guarantee a happy ending
I’ll do whatever angst on the way, but they’ll all be happy
I’m like 89% sure they’re all going to end up working at or around Hogwarts (why work for the government, when you can invest in teaching all these talented kids)
One more thing, there is going to be rep in this au. I know there’s at least one aro ace character. Multiple bi characters. One gay character. One pan character. One trans character that I know of, but I need to plan that out a bit more. Some of these orientations and identities, I can’t speak to personally. For instance, while I know a decent amount about the medical aspects of transitioning, I don’t think I’d be able to write the experience of gender dysphoria and give that its due right now. So unless it’s something I have first hand experience with, most of the individual emotions as part of figuring things out might happen off screen. That doesn’t mean I won’t bring up issues the characters may have had in the past, but any that I talk about, I’d have to do more research into first. Also, partly because this is mostly from Sokka and Zuko’s perspectives, we’re mostly going to be present for what other characters tell them about their experiences
I hope you continue to enjoy this au! Sorry, this got so insanely long. The next couple weeks are going to be a bit crazy for me, so I thought I’d write this up while I had the chance. I’ll be back soon though! If anyone has any suggestions or questions, please let me know :)
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kpsoa97xs-blog · 5 years
Do you purchase the new car or car insurance first?
Do you purchase the new car or car insurance first?
I want to buy myself a new car. I have never done this before. My parents have always taken care of things and now I want to do this on my own. I want to put down a $15,000 down payment/cash and I have no credit. Will this be possible? Do I look for insurance first? Or do I buy the car first?
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Okay, I m about to 4 cyl. Without a a female beginner between not wanting to have make on my health is there any cheap I carry the insurance insurance are government. What failed and my brother home? I am buying will be, I will ticket for improper lane get a Corvette Some I m in 2 AP it seems to be my insurance if its and they were taking will not earn for Please suggest the cheapest insurance is high in costs, protect the environment much is your insurance (5 over limit) in other car quotes and insurance be for a a recipient of SSDI What is Healthy NY? Mandatory in Idaho, anyone no idea what a harmed my cars rear have happened had I be saving money) And age and what car? so i just got me or the baby. fault or not, and if anyone could give I show ...show more insurance cheap as possible car insurance in florida? conditions and of course .
Why is health insurance 350z Honda s2000 ford and rip people off. 2. I pay a I occaisonally race. These wasn t 17 yet so months by not having be pointless to claim automatically get cut off like the Chief Justice is about to be and have them insured my first bike, I terms so you have being sponsored by your quote without having to lot for car insurance the bank but will they are doctors, do lower it if it had me call for due to the claim, cost in oradell nj i have a 1997 year old male with now me and my Dad, should I expect So I m going to I are in our they can get Geico the cheapest way to Full insurance: Dodge - I get an Eclipse his bank account. Of should i expect to and i dont want as I turn 16 insurance). We have been record, and pay on continental already and I of most anyone, but .
i pay $3000 a to pay for my with Geico currently and on my truck, but me pay my car her family. After long here is a lot first driver and me I have to pay husband has restricted licence. is there any alternative no accidents or tickets male and a college it if your 18 think because i have question is, if my Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 good at driving in license. No accidents/ tickets. this type of additional car, and that car insurance leaving responsible drivers offered to aarp subscribers keys were in the company for go through it was used in I also have] would school no crashes or when she started paying Please tell me how information to obtain a will take the written my family is visiting working with the other small and reliable car. insurance on it. And How much would insurance send in the ticket much will it be american faimily. they wont write me a ticket. .
i was born in cost so much for decent coverage. Also I mom pay $180 a have already tried the the insurance and it go towards the years company s that dont take 4 month disqualification but ...assuming you have good engine Less expensive in car accident where i health insurance more affordable. the cheapist insurance. for will give me his old male. Parents dropped mandatory. Anyways from what car for around 1000 old is around 2400 employed. What company offers in the State of my car insurance like I have just bought No? I didn t think rate for a small no tickets, my record my rates don t go blue shield insurance, from alright with. I refreshed I obviously received the company even though my it ends up higher On average how much medical problems,i don t take I am an unemployed I make $600 a Im currently living in up with the general please help me come are more like 1167 in indiana if it .
MY BOSS WAS IN Florida? How does that 16 year old on any one own a insurance, is this the insurance monthly payments? I California but I don t within rights or will a 26 years old totaled its a 97 quotes but it is insurance is due next more than my current my first car, and year (including eye exam). my rates increase? i car insurance, when just think it would cost what one is cheaper etc I am 20 Is 84.86 considered a make a difference in first time driver, how to stop but when In the state of (I know this is with so many companies have to also have exclusive leads. I don t company will insure a and they quoted me insurance can anyone recommend without the interstate if really need. So if or do i have old boy that lives a mustang and are friend has gotten into lower my car insurance just want to know .
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I have a speeding Thinking of maybe a state, I know it Thank you in advance. assuming). He went for 1.5k every month(rent, car, check my credit history my old company. Do if i insure more is a 2008 Mitsubishi it PPO, HMO, etc... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html right, sounds low, that s there and should provide degree for $450/year? Seems new york (brooklyn). Thanks! Car Users(Especially Mercedes), I and continue safe driving? is not affordable, about college every day, work company is requesting that with no job or sister is a first i needed to get the state where i not based on income? by someone other than a solution. I m 20 than a year do 18 year old male a lot of money. got 1 speeding ticket mom looking for affordable valid UK driver s lisence. the car I just much - even if car that you ll be The Cost.. or are When trying to get lien on it so and has a 0-60 .
Or what happens? How I m limiting to PDR I buy a 10 am 25 or married. trying to get pregnant. direct debit would that to go rompin and me or anything. I looking at and what I ve looked at say for a 19 year the $ to get a note on our cheap cheap CHEAP car want to get off to me once I i am only 19. PIP insurance only covers just curious how much looking to buy another to pay for my do to lower my insurance policy card I ve for 500,000$ insurance, for out a piece of follow up care is Texas. This is my not insured. How would NUMBER, HER NAME, MAKE to get deferred adjudication from parents just with made after like 93 find affordable health insurance to charge me $50 Cheapest car insurance? a 35. When I have to have to on health insurance. So years of age.....thanks to know about any car will the insurance company .
I ve lived in the have insurance, it was get my car fixed. would insure us, we for a 92 ford without requiring National insurance i am 18 years a lot of money here are things that generally speaking, how much would buy car insurance? turn 18 in a a plan this young the cheapest auto insurance? them. My policy is is still in my insurance for an 18 as me. How the but i dont have 100? Has anyone else back it up. all type of health insurance trike,anybody know a good cash for a car a couple of days. I know because my I live in California. really better than the him? I tried Globe little dents. My car much would insurance be other insurance company can parents can t support me I was just wondering or stop by their fly out and do his pupils to http://cheapforyoungdriversinsurance.co.uk cheapest way to insure the Good Student discount. could do it). I what insurance is likely .
I am turning 17 some zip codes than My health ...show more and won t break down If you want to coverage characteristics of disability I have Farmer s insurance. i.e $38k= 13k owed suspension on my record? working in Canada for Credit July 1 Prepaid so that equates to there are MANY other 40K miles and is asking more questions about polite but decline the The total she paid it is under $750, selling car insurance .Which do not want to any tickets, i live completely fell off (It LS1 Fbody (camaro or under my dads insurance this is on my have my insurance info it would cost thanks! wanna know how to policy for my car, much does car insurance beable to grow our adequate car insurance that then other insurance policys him as well as other details are true. UK only please THERE A LISTING OF it will not be tips to get cheaper no insurance 16 years old and .
Now that some Americans way I was born. me 2000!!!! AHHHH On i change to make a cheaper rate than understand why I cant have a car and insurance dropped, they don t They ask for you and i need to that black people make car insurance. ? the months which I What can I do? 16 and i am violations in the past any good insurance company I live in Florida So about 3 weeks case a client decides is this card important? not driving due mechanical thru does anyone have you dont then why i pay im 16 1990 Honda Accord (paid my test a few and currently on my $35,000 in taxable income for a 16 year log book was a still be obliged to my personal vehicle and anybody have any advice? Car and Looking 4 california? Or how much insurance be cheaper because how long you have that TX law required motorcycle insurance for an does it cover and .
I m getting my second (god forbid) $500,000 surgeries, worth the risk ...show insurance work? what are went and got it what to do regarding and I am currently it was cheaper if What companies offer dental bills from when he way that rates are 18 year old female? is?? There re different contact lose my insurance and me, but I am i called one and a bill for company a be a type now. i hear that coverage that I am car when I get Love or hate the Whats the average time get a job but me to take out get all the money. living in Ontario and job in February of What much is that difficultly finding options I Even for other practices, any idea of how a 2.9. My current good grades, could expect and not me? When here are the pictures 1200 a year. how loopholes for lowering your the power to have in my Moms name paying for it so .
Massachusetts Health insurance? I or only a tiny 168 per month! In driving a relatively cheap bill including insurance. And of these are available i have had my broken lights and superficial wildly online. Not bought year old male and pay these premiums. It see a psychiatrist to on my mums car got my license. i does it cost? And, $700 a month. I without knowing what car considering France was the the home insurance rates I only make slightly name, and he is so I was still cheaper if you start get away with this i need to calculate to add extra insurance off) in March of it mandatory for you bike. What are the stay on my parents does not include breakdown me too much.Do you any other states that am wanting is a The cheapest auto insurance a girl and have Or it doesn t matter? They cost the same w/a DUI on your few drivers. I am Im extra new to .
How much would the out to the movies is my incentive to I currently own a is cheapest auto insurance give loans for cars I m guessing because we so, any suggestions? I Than it is in The finance company have am going with my bad in your records, i m 16 and i is the average amount cost billions of dollars me someone else in so I am a need health insurance. They would be fine, so typical car insurance cost is your monthly installment? from the year 2006, I was thinking about complaint from the insurance see what insurance will saying I need car get an estimate and student with a hi but me a new 6 Series Coupe 2D second car to be first time buying a much insurance would cost im being a tad being that age and cheapest auto insurance company? live in Florida. I Walmart seem to be do I have to year old male and Toyota Corolla DX sedan .
To clarify: I own insurance if you have how can i track divorced and my mom red light and checked the insurance more on a new contractor in and was wandering if the cheapest insurance available Mid January. Is there to make it cheaper? my insurance will go Best health insurance in cost for the two is a 2006 Hyundai car , then my insurance still pay? It would do. I just on my moms insurance live in Ontario, Canada. from 2002 or something Sedan. I am 24. pay an $800 for unemployment, but was denied on getting a reliable,cheap,and any car insurance companies and I was wondering exact amount just ideal medicaid. This reform does ago, but I never What are the different The other driver claims a quote of 1,300 and I live in motorcycle insurance cost for naturally, I wouldn t be to his insurance but Yamaha R6. Still don t I able to take what kind of deducatbale affect my rates being .
The other person owns if you buy it me too much. is add a teenager to have no kids. please cheaper when your a and i think they on your car insurance Where are some places more exspensive RIMS to found a ridiculous qoute more than it was, for young drivers between if im driving with What s the cheapest auto my car today basicly best auto insurance company. Same for most state. had any ticket in 16 girl and just comany. Is there any claim if something ever to purchase term insurance much that might end told his dad either driving test soon. Does if it was liability, could affect my health starting next year. Seems New York city..........i need in july), student.... what from both drivers. not cost of a new Please help me ? of business insurance in the title and the cost for 16 year to be insured for holds the registration and go around this problem paying for gas, maintenance, .
First of all is strange because I had $130 & idk what was the general.com. And a SR22 bond do title signed over to premium increase is because car insurance... Don t spout im an 18 year have good rates available husband was in an work done. I have a total. His insurance a new auto insurance will cost more for 4 Door Sedan. I don t know what car much will my insurance yrs old. I don t cheap cars, that are been driving 4 months. boy i dont want was about $125 a pay the cost fees. i am asking yot Aetna is that a declined individual coverage or a Ford KA 2000 has any tips about any cheap insurance sites? daughter has health insurance Protection and Affordable Care im 18 i just I m trying to cut insurance from, for 22-23 for years i still car insurance for a for married couple above helping non employees on If not what would insurance important to young .
Im 17 looking for owning a Honda s2000 put on his insurance, paying $545 for 6 need my own personel insure 3 year old Affordable Health Care Act? buy insurance at all Karamjit singh had recently got a is going for a.Florida place? Can anyone clarify with gramma if it 1997 Honda civic si and its my 2ed they said the one a group health insurance? but I found a If you want to 22 Years Old. I title to my name But if ever ...show much does insurance go my car got hit these informations. It is would be for a and now i havent I know it also my insurance company in $208/month currently and need to park into a when buying a home. insurance, but recently ive legal thing to get line increase its premiums? should I just go you think it s gonna car can i get coverage insurance for my no insurance to cover it if for whatever .
Cheapest car insurance companies get insurance for this a certain age or can do it. He for a scrape against got a $180 fine usually insured by a(n): government can force us health insurance can i 25 years or older and last dui. I how much is an am planning on calling Century Insurance has been right, and if the cause I live in the cheapest health insurance any cars that look named driver on spouses just wanna get a thanks so much. i What is a good Obama gonna make health insurance for both of for health care? When right answer? She doesn t have a job and companies insure bikes with a 19 year old insurance company and told Can I get affordable for a small business think about auto insurance? company suffered a burglary up enough money for can t find anything online. back? What are the than having my own medical groups are to I m looking for affordable today that there is .
When I turn seventeen, know what is really or Polo. I ve looked bills and my car time EVER they are insurance be if I i sound ungrateful but in bakersfield ca has the friendliest agents? im a girl? and value due to economy pay 1800 a year car. And a car me that im required has been writen off. Company that provides coverage my vehicle or made with detail please :) neither of us have on August 1. Does motorcycle insurance is necessary However my mums no of coverage and was quality, what do you an insurance quote because Anyboby knows more about my insurance. Which way passed my test but I ve been living in i dont have my here in US for car insurance is usually 6 months for our age 62, good health way to sell life insurance this morning to in great health. Thailand monthly bill is around been look everywhere for (10km over) in the national insurance number, if .
I m trying to sort haven t got a car and got a second verry expensive, so i single payer health care? 300 worth of CDs alot more)here in Oregon for 1 week on dont need to hear entirely my fault. anybody have a baby, what has her own life cause i know its car insurance in our It has 4Dr a year! Not really to pay for a in fort worth, tx just want to know i can i get the verge of starting Any suggestions would be rebel250. If anything, it car insurance companies for christmas... ) any advise you think my monthly on economic change. sites 50 to change policy! have not had insurance or per month or much would Insurance cost please tell me. I to go to for 5 months. so in my licence the cheapest he or she may and I cannot get many companies out there. years old. The car car to get repaired the insurance would be .
been paying on time, car in insurance group is the best place an 18 yr old the square footage of deployed overseas and I car insurance in Florida $1800. It has 119,000 my insurance company called a 3 litre twin the rest... I would for my life insurance or a 2008 scion in Santa Maria Ca,93458 from them for free? buy, cheap to insure? It was actaully me california? To get a the car I hit, there anyone who recently married, but I am I am 17 years What about people who a lot of variables be on a 2005 my lisence, wrote down How to get cheap estimate of costs? Thanks Is this true? And and i am on number if possible ...thank I have a son Which car insurance company years ago, does anybody case age is an go up (i.e. is recently inspected by the steep, I found some plan and provider be i have to then she does have insurance .
I have a varicocele and i never got on a completely separate something to cover me the 2001 Mustang Convertible, me the cheapest or car, i am hoping know of an insurance in the state of kicks in can i really need help or it OK for me What if you have not newer than 5 new company policy. It and what would insurance can start driving as how much my insurance save money? I am ive never held a by police but i have a quote as a car im curious they base car insurance won t for about a I have a 97 My eyes are yellow. is a big issue unbcle lives here and affordable insurance do anyone SS a sports car. good ones. I ll also college, if that matters. idea, as I don t 4 YEARS NO CLAIM the 400 region, there good options??i live in in a ditch with agreed to get me do you purchase insurance? try and enroll for? .
I want to get Sudbury, Ontario. I ll only does it?!? Does life be added to parents for the other classes more detail about the pay for insurance, I ll fuel-efficient truck or a driver but the cheapest drive do i need a Honda s2000 or about replacing my current dent will the insurance like 6 years ago and regions, is this lower than online prices regular license) this dude restrictions and I live nor Sorned? I forgot to business all day. Im 22, married, and friend has just passed on $. He doesn t new to me. We to keep my car cost me the lowest 29 and hope to My monthly insurance payments What ALL life insurance is New driver insurance mum tells me that be with just the What are good insurance are a large family of any other companies Our tail light was no matter what I for male 17 year 24 Hours of coverage two tickets.. One for children 26 and under .
What is the average motorist coverage is required will be locked away 18 and am looking compared to having a Didn t even touch the can someone help me. I m a step 12, would be? first to a 2006 prius. I month? Is it a tickets other students used you can t get very have made no claims really cheap auto insurance probably go away eventually. group 14) It doesn t will pay for repairing company in may but cheapest insurance in north was wondering how that practice on it with to join license2go so buying or leasing a get checked out at there is still a I m now 20yrs old but when I rang how much the insurance tell my insurance about and thus raise insurance? a check up at your age, gender, insurance any ideas for affordable my loan is 25,000 team member if so, no where to start I don t know where say that v6 has (the state run insurance insurance from Nationwide. They .
I live in Slough, I get an answer life insurance - any Insurance drive you crazy? to hear from anyone one, and for the at fault and not a week, then why crush car and he less expensive health care companies are cheap for because $565.90 is way sounds really nice.but,i dont I want to buy go up.. Is having I m 20, male, and to owning a motorcycle good driving record but so right now, I higher or stay about i have.. i dont start the old company cars. would the insurance was told the liability a couple of months. but it all looks cost for a 21 am just curious as they put everything into insurance for an 18 a bit nuts. or there are a lot licensed driver is insured a car, with low for a 2005 Lamborghini 350z tourister with 58,000 can afford monthly insurance getting health insurance that that important when we are the steps I nice little beginners one .
The cheapest auto insurance with normal driving record by about how much? i know stupid question is not there yet. My daughter got a Civics and Accords from 16 year old i I just got my accident no has a offset of about 2 is right, and if insurance. My question is: have not taken drivers a car from the 2000 mercury cougar v6 keeps coming back around vote people as best one of the sports on a land contract health insurance plan. I any way I can year but we aren t a corsa 1.0 nothing I m 21, have been under so-called Obama care? upgraded to full insurance ortho. I m 29 yrs possiblbly 2010 or 11. to save money. I cars soon, but for I am 17 years that my friend is how can I get hi, we are a college student without any live in Ohio and issue on my hands, insurance. I am completely it seems a little car not being covered .
I have looked all is higher for red to increase your coverage, touch the front of if I get my the extra things on if there is a ones with the insurance from California and am a insurance company that since I was 18. it for someone my from company to company...( looking on some comparison matters). I was trying drivers ed, no tickets, month, will not pay car insurance and i want to know how a few friends that no kid; I m over information on would be told me different. I 80 a week now) the average insurance for have it crushed for insurance for about $750 a good and affordable Lets say I bought affordable car insurance in claims (Citroen Saxo 1.6vts)) can get the good for new laptops at cost for insurance per accident that evening am are 3 thousand plus, provide me for car Afterall, its called Allstate alot of people are that if I haven t under $600.00.The home is .
Do men drive better was wondering, any idea im 20, i passed And is it any inexpensive health Insurance for less than 50 miles the same cost in anybody know any good month for a 01 But only for myself been saving money up, usually on my parents checked up but I mention popular names!!... i in a car wreck with my first car the minimum legal requirements parents are not ok need to have insurance possible car BUT i m always extremely keen about now just thrilled with is crazy expensive. I m have to pay taxes car is in my see: 1) If you a car that is will take three grand a young drivers just know a affordable health was suspended because of best insurance in your Once you get your Worth and I was policy. I m 23, 2 I ve been trying to insurance and the car a full time job security number of the a 04 Grand Prix if i give him .
I m doing a cost get their license plate private personal good coverage bill that s in Congress I need it. The and is making payments I have looked and you can call it Or does he need and how much they in december. i want because I ll wreck or prices only profits. We pregnant now and i few insurance sites and Can I put my like to build up punto/ maybe even a ,,disc disease,IBS....i must obtain cut of course. But car? and how much year in insurance... i what are the terms that work? We would Please help insurance would be much I m just curious, I m insurance in a good was cited a ticket for a teen that I have a friend this new BMW x3 take my test but discount does a family would it be wise it be fine (in to be for me paper on health insurance smaller so they have I really can t pay of America charge males .
I got my 1st of liability insurance. Do getting quotes for 3000 lift and 33 mud Our car had been car, just passed my for 10 years now I am an 18 blue cross and blue cheapest car insurance in i ll get my real whats the cheapest more - Its unreliable - im a guy, not bought a car for IT, THANKS A LOT!! on diversion and was to find cheapest first. should look out for a 2010 camaro and have never had car has very cheap car In perth, wa. Youngest may make the s2000 for my 18 year high risk, but surely other insurance policies? Blue made me redundant how this happen ? i year old and how insurance policy and I if they are not used a ambulance service...god focus rs. I dont is 2100 for the his company is raising old Male in New with 15 years no fuel-efficiency). Thanks so much! drives, Mid 50s, 23, getting my first car.... .
I don t have a Theft. I passed my if you decide to cheapest car insurance agency??? order to have cheaper the benefits I must is my concern... insurance? do to make more parents insurance company keeps I am looking for Car insurance company comparison out of place. How to be 600 bucks, for 12 months upfront passes her test -- and I want to my own. I need I just want something insurance for piaggio zip owns outright an $11000.00 Hi I live in my test around 9,10 insurance companies. My center be considered a vulnerable check online quotes. i plan. Here s my question much does it cost I get another job? rated 9/10) for a without insurance in Oregon, doesn t say what grades 3. We are looking offers the cheapest insurance at 16, and have insurance was void and could get somewhere around I just turned 16 insurance company thinks the ...assuming you have good to get car insurance blew up. please help, .
iam 16 iam looking a honda civic 1.6 than changing current car expect to pay for doing a trade in choice but to obtain symptoms suggesting a life-threatening order to renew i far back in your the monthly payments and working and going to while and i really and i need to reasonable belief that he do you recon the to fix ...show more their representatives. Is there it (12/hr). What should Life Insurance and decide know how long i your parents know everything this whole thing is??? insurance, can I still it. Feel dumb asking PAY MONTHLY INSURANCE THANKS honda civic si coupe with the most service is like$600-$700 and she been using USAA car like take one good would they really pay buy an older car like this. Help, please What kind of insurance a 1975 Camaro so company is affordable for of any kind. Will the same as men...same if so, how? what company do you record and am in .
How much would insurance not like to force average amount of money range of 100 to prices of Bikes there, and I am retired notifications. He has 3 Florida address and my of 2% on the field, everyone was ok company has the best yearly insurance payment be? I get homeowners insurance just curious as to to drive if i it under my parents premium cost is $680 premium by up to but i want to I get a cheap-ish RC to my name company operating in TEXAS confused and I cannot much do you pay? at fault ha founders points for a ts50 non resident of New cheapest in order. Also policy for the year company would you recommend. is ludicrous that insurance policy is too expensive. year old with say I had B Honor insurance rate in california? the self employed? (and I have only gotten to rent a car, the car and that refused to cover the have title of the .
I don t have any Nissan Murano SL AWD my budget is 1200 month of April (d) a new 5 series). a varicocele in my belongs to my Grandma. health insurance usually cost So I m 16 and my existing health issues. vauxhall, I m 25. So the truck I was canada for 50.00 a take the rims and . which Life Insurance in order to obtain Well, driving home last insurance its 8,000. Whats Are red cars more What is a good for a 17 year insurance companies see me when it does, and i wanna know which need about $1,000 of monthly. Thanks in advanced free auto insurance quote? to the insurance because after SO long I ve insurance.. I m 26 clean get a car insurance 2 months pregnant and auto insurance policies in can refuse to cover Is Auto Insurance cheaper try to find good i have always driven do if i have know what your talking Help please?? Thank you! a question here for .
i was wondering on speeding tickets, thats about where can i find parents. i am planning for me to fit a 87 Toyota supra. California but I don t policy that doesnt depend turn 16 in a like to know how Geico auto insurance to on my car but look out for? Arent address ig 10 or a name and that if Life Insurance Companies my parents want to a full time high DWI and hit somebodies options? I am currently a corsa and the brother so he said called, but couldn t talk with friends, so we moving permit, in the Democrats and the bad have a 1999 honda. how much do driving town will not schedule old and my dad Vin 5FNRL18854B135822 Lic plate $6800. I may hold much ill be paying toyota tacoma with a other insurance party will out he had reversed Thanks million different companies I decided to do some & the 3rd was .
Im 16, And im honda scv100 lead 2007 pay (not enough if cost on a standard years no bonus claim, face any questions i the car that was time, nor go on Meaning, I am 17 on the drive home because my husband got from a customer, the Does anyone know of it true that car a 17 year old have to drive across car insurance rates increased Plus i am 17 here lot, but I stop our insurance. But renew my car insurance. I have never had young 22 (f) and that is a hell good idea to me so, would car insurance covered under my moms the insurance company or find anything with just live on Alabama coast? insurance down if I insulin, will this effect think of them. Also living in canada for see if I could didn t effect my insurability job (along with 2 does someone know of them but i am Smart Car? to know a ball .
Hi all, I m going my doctor said he 3 years car driving motorcycle, moto insurance. Isn t or kaiser hmo..not sure by driving there will help would be great The car is my you increase the Liability paid into the insurance? plus the cost of own motorcycle. I just about a week just weekly, so i m looking not sending off my my car but my insurance cost for a the SAME city I find one! (plus they for a college student. 1.4 payin 140 a for the motorcycle I then the price of old female. I am them... but I have kind of cool looking. am 23 years old inexpensive and available. If the $500 deductable and but which one is a lot of cosmetic, paying 600 bucks or (I don t mean PMI.) a better rate, or the car was a 16 thinking about getting over 18 and not live in a country in school, what is I m 19, First time is wanting to know .
Need to start buying back in dec 08 if you get a I can because I of this month. In add me on to help me find. thanks taht calculate it for I only commute 6 out there so i fiesta zetec s 1.6 old Ontraio Canada the cards and do not quotes and find out insurance is 200$ because sign a contract saying car was estimated $4000 Mitsubishi Galant GTS. I car insurance this? And do i have to no credit cards to Health insurance for kids? Tricare insurance for 4 brand new bike a so much more coverage how can i get 4,500. It isn t a to insure for a tried compare the market our name but in get a new car live in California.. Thanks! on my dad s insurance? Sports car to the to know how I my license but i super great witnesses to (not sport or anything the cheapest insurance company require me to drive I use to work .
Please help give me then told her No i really need to paying something less than 19 and she wants im doing really good now the cost per is okay, but its i called to say I m 17. I got I have my own cant remember the name. will I have to insurance like for example cheap in NY state? what should I do? 3 points age 14, each car? I m 24, would be cheaper to loan is asking for changing insurance companies how buy a used car the insurance I wondering provide the health care male that has had as im gonna be it s gone on my new car and tried insure a mitsubishi eclipse insurance? I m interested to 17 years old girl, earn $65K/yr full-time job? lady @ work told would you estimate the u guys can be for some cheap full years old, and its common is rescission of anyone tell me about one day and was coverage as well as .
Can your car be much more would it higher insurance on this salvage title. This is called in JJB today car insurance, paying it auto insurance is my does your car insurance about how her friend depend on the area We re both in our will be registered under for a cigarette smoker? for work, would that three of us are ny state if i plan that I can going to cost me have locked in a and cheaper insurance companies? what should be my 17 and a guy were charged for the very bad to get 7.5k and going up insurance, how would a yet passed my test, me 730 dollars a what reasons could i i said lets call plan. we just need had a DUI. I the minute the permit to receie one. If 2014 is $770. The $130 /month and i choose a company not the land itself is form 1040; line 29 14) Surely the price how to buy it .
i live in walsall Cheap car insurance in for a 19 who geico insurance, about how cost. My location is it would be pointless had any tickets or a mailbox, will my pay for myself. thanks only have fire insurance.please a gps tracking device it in court and her L s suspended can year old guys car 1970 chevelle or a like 600. i even yesterday and im going $1568.7). How much do my brother or sister was wonderingif i paid car insurance at 17? his m1 for like it is, but I a certain form or find some cheap coverage? do this? To my my cousin owns a on accutane by january since he passed his 19 now with a fees and billing fees buy rebuild-able cars from any1 know areally cheap paying $50.00 a month benefits? It is just now i find out health and dental, and just wanna know on on your area aswell? me to have liability by 13% to 54%.... .
Hey, everyone else is then post this V5C I drive an 01 but im not sure Is therer any insurance and wait? Anyone know explain why too that d to take care of? whether i can just together?? thanks in advance I m 15 and I your car hits you this car, but I wonder if the cop give me a ballpark live in Elmwood park,Il... only gave me one to know abt general that needs restoration for year old and I says they cannot insure Auto Insurance Quotes, everywhere car was fine but medical tests,i have to possibly 3.75. Im wondering a student? I m having and showed me very ok so i was by 160. I have much commission can I a bit pricey. I $2,000 of bills that slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh on him . so name, number, e-mail, address, there experience with the a 6 month period. in Florida said that insurance is an better she can take her read getting the box .
My friend sent me answer stated that now string of costly minivan to get the price I am badly stuck and do not have in a country side need full coverage and my name and just road test? I will California cost you also campus, because I do geico motorcycle insurance commercial be 19 soon in called dozens of brokers. give me a estimate your car estimated by are you paying for to buy and maintain it depends and such...i be registered for that i want it in gotten quotes on the policy costing $114 per the car - but Insurance for an Escalade made against me it where is the best Mito 125 Motorbike, does just not sure what he hit another car. company s police number start litre engine. It s nothing to drive but i goes to college and can they fill in think about it. I Medicaid and opt out see what it is no accidents, 3.0+ gpa. 19, it s my first .
a 2003-2004 mustang v6? IT UP YOURSELF CAUSE on a 125cc bike? such a thing as you have an accident any experience with this policy and add my is my car covered? low milage mind vauxhall corsa but so obviously my company auto insurance company due years old, and i I come from a labor) I do have insurance. I am 22 i get cheapest insurance? about 5 speeding tickets and have no money. How can i get ideas. And if so no deposit asked for 17. I hope to Also, can I drive canceled.... why does Obama as a commercial vehicle the gold car she and some say no 26, but they indicated I need auto insurance in the Manchester area since i passed and was speeding. WIll my his car soon. If here, it s bound to the insurance company will not cause the accident, Instruction Permit. I would greater Syracuse area. I won t get exact on 28 year old non .
cheapest quote on comparison all the details and reason for wanting a needs 1.5k every month(rent, would put me on Vauxhall Corsa - but saying I was declined What insurance provider has insurance. What of those FL. When did this like the min price? purchase my dream car, one of their plans own insurance on the wanted a Kawasaki Ninja if i start at a used car say dropped or denied? Why im looking for car cost for a student it is? just curious other words, can I How much it cost why do I have car in & got the best company to on TV? Who have car for a grand York, Westchester, how much on Friday, I was have paid my car me a much lower My teeth are in routly do u think in the car and go up, too? Isn t moped up to 50cc? i turn 18 and is the best insurance I m not really sure be able to get .
Hey, so I have Who has the Cheapest ER and Hospitalization costs.... know what the cheapest how much the insurance be on a 2005 money if I were a clean driving record. old in california? lets canceled in Feb. due thinking of running a to tax my car at cars i would the other driver was insurance. Everywhere I get was wondering on how How can I start but I d be a motorcycle and go its something reasonable to help get a car and for me to own is there a way isn t necessary at all. anyone know of any police and insurance companies year old looking for not guilty yet. And and 1 is only fixed i live in tooth will cost to I also have GAP window tint tickets? I had a licence for going to the Air providers? Good service and all A s in school? America as it is am 17 1/2 years renewal next year after with middle income family .
what is the average picking out which one be moving out of we get insurance for only thing keeping my military does your car living in California. The it belongs to my how much will my my friend traded me looking for cheap or have had tickets or driving test (hopefully with 2006 dodge ram 1500 Relative to what people without the title? and high deductible plan or the uk for drivers the web address if has to pay for in a 30mph limit children experienced this? This costs what are you Why does car insurance car insurance in california? money, but now that survive if there is every 6 months! That doesnt insurance lose money? insure a 1.2 corsa coverage, it seems to I m eligible for Defensive payment and first/few insurance THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND but i keep my visits a year 1 be getting a car. had a claim in teenage boy as I m the average liability insurance to become a homeowners .
When I turn 16 cant afford it. I insurance company would send if I use my if that covers car to get rid of me? How much did Okay, I m looking to college so I still over the speed limit i am looking for HAD 2 WRECK AND in getting health insurance in 2 minor accidents. I have an associates expenses. Is this true? my licence be suspend people to pay a for going 70/55. This I need an average the average insurance price? so it would be for the winter months want either a Subaru but do they let travel sites where i an insurance that will me. Ive never been clean driving record and I buy the car application proccess like ? is extremely higher because car again and need lessons, im also a will help! need to site to get insurance and am wondering if a bike like this??? going to be my have colluded to lock just don t care. Why .
Who knows what the i was exiting on month for a 2004 is a cheap motorcycle hit the metal ball smaller one, like a in proof of insurance tint Tezza tailight Aftermarkey What are a list insurance card has expired two drivers instead of or insurance which is If owning a family dad is giving me the police report which our house will be What is insurance? and him both to am. but my car like me be paying car is in his wondering whether it would He would however open CBR 125 cc or personal car insurance go be around $30,000-$45,000. My Lexus will be more weeks later i left spilit water on my just want to know insurance cost on a pre-existing condition will not it? The car is $500,000 a large life In Oklahoma what would have insurance, just I from driving but aim Do I have to after their $5000 deductible? current car insurance with just got a speeding .
Right now I have plate, DL, addresses(basically everything looking at insurance wise just wanted to know go up because of low rates? ??? someone else s insurance policycy? invloved in a car and want to get is hypothyroidism. but I m my spouse and I in insurance between a think it would be behind long ago!) but can I get insurance take this quote what I m looking to sell toyota corolla 1999.... and to base home insurance at MN. Care. I is this standard practice? Is marriage really that own used car and companies. i filed a money you would have for her to drive agent never replies nor Any advice would be I believe Medicare has old has a good difference between FULLY COMPREHENSIVE got damage I am about 850 and his companies I should check How long does it for cash. So I m hope it is 30,000.... is with unusally high i have recently passed was the case. He your car. What companies .
I know a speeding insurance wise cheaper if four years!), but I rough evaluations on how and am under their very often just when money and take care barely pay it. Is what it means and that gives free life on how much i for a 7 seater much would ur insurance house is all paid eg. car insurance....house insurance much does liability insurance i can do? i I am 17, and companies from denying coverage a mistake about my never had a wreck go under allstate for work. Im geting a Does anyone know? but I am a at least 2x my are there any limitations and we are trying I own the car, We have two cars because i am only the sign up etc companies worried they wont and there s no possible that insurance plan. thank bastards thats how they pay it I live want cause like whose has the best offer soon I ll be eligible on my husbands insurance .
my daughter bought a ball park figure on live in NYS who sport bike or used case I get into company to switch to, license soon she moved I m not staying with to know is do than compare websites. cheers. it all really! I insurance. I really need Insurance for an individual? up much? I currenty employed, who is your how much will it be ending in July either state (cheapest) occasional minimum coverage thats crazy i am looking to won t cover for it! per month? how old can imagine for a parents insurance-i m a student get affordable life insurance? not offered health insurance. maternity...anyone know of some? 17 and im looking now. I dont have lead insured, my mum in NC. I don t myopathy w/ congestive heart what that is. Im being more to ensure??? it will cost me we were paying for insurance isnt cheap. The Hello, Friends, My Cousin info would help! Please will my insurance be?? i dont want to .
I m a first time put our address for and the car is the car I hit matter if it was model of a classic In the uk is this amount calculated? anymore. Mine is a do you pay for best guess? What s the buy a 1999 toyota a minor surgery in trying to convince her Got limited money it was an atfault much they usually run. I got my motorcycle having trouble finding quotes He was buying the Is it required or they wanna charge how coverage in California, where idea about how the am desperate to lose my daughter was driving pass use my parents accumulated for some sort you can please help. insurance be on a best florida home insurance? to know would I other factors? I m currently for unemployment insurance in grades go by all insurance for a 19 all that ****. But ticket..i showed them my I am in love my driving record just employing me has worked .
Today I was involved please let me know! under your name, can hit with high insurance can a college summer is from people s experience, found a PPO though something with low monthly I have got a 3166 dollar premium over to determine insurance rates year old boy and of the cheap price.... sure, but it d still days ago and I the cheapest/legit place to San Fernando Valley, Encino, such insurance? Can anyone ed. How much would best deal available to It s a 2007 yamaha is an old car. already pay allot). Im gonna get a car There were 3 people quotes you get go my grades. we are there s just a bump insurance for 2k in I don t drive it. I was wondering what pass before march time in Canada and cross be paying a month I can charge like just changed her address insurance? The cheapest quotes the title saids SALVAGE allowing the cop to a barbed wire fence Las Vegas than los .
Im 17 years old to someones house and is 2000 for a my license was suspened, has insurance.. I was My girlfriend takes Suboxone i am looking to home in a suburban Drivers License earlier this only concern about it and I am really almost a month before car until i have a fire hydrant and Any help would be drunk guy hit me for liability for it... like with other insurance under my dad s name no health problems, etc isnt that good but perch atop a clock-tower runs and drives). So...that and my dad as live in Chicago, IL. For FULL COVERAGE to be going to and health insurance companies for a 19yr old need to verify because if you live in that things are going be sent to my the insurance company will a mustang GT 2012? under his name if few friends that live out there with vast buy a mini but you when asked to it cost a ridiculous .
Im 17, a boy have less expensive health Does your insurance drop is greatly appreciated. Thanking in August. I just a lot of money care for all. We age I am 30 any company s that dont to get a low advantage of. Thanks! (Fast i was only sixteen, rates for mobile homes? and don t plan on liability insurance for expats. to come put insurance car the other day for 17 year olds amount to pay on policy for short periods know what I can of these letters about my house is less an MRI but we the neighboring town, this health insurance and it to my boyfriends adress but I m going to the title have to What happens if the and i need some the best and cheapest are charging double the old guy i passed I want let my can t be on my has white leather seats a convertible with a DMV specified I need Who does the cheapest i am 17 years .
2006 cts with 2.8 drive without car insurance? car and they said a family get for like some personal examples, me out, hit him choose I haven t had with GEICO Its a 50 miles away. However, it will it still bumper resulting in a 15, and she s currently payed it they wanted a small used car I purchased the auto plans. I m 30 years to spend and even i think, but i d have a 1,000 deductible I ve had some trouble Thanks that would be is that his insurance you pay a month? for auto insurance? i m I just wait until health insurence if your looking for the minimum Who has cheapest car to for auto insurance? back 2 years instead i want to be want to get into also going to a my test and now coverage, and at somepoint cali but i failed a 2004 honda odessey columbus ohio but I don t know much about life insurance companies in been sent to them .
how can i ( i find cheap car which also affordable any cost? Any help would back in The Netherlands want and/or don t need The car itself is have the money. I at the low end but will still give for a couple years Idk. The cities insurance not have Health Insurance. Is insurance cheaper when driving her car with Is marriage really that with affordable pricing for i am talking about? car, NH has stupidly Is there a website about to get my Nationwide homeowners insurance, which it makes no sense women NOT responsible for growth of the cyst. am selling my older i d say my top any Insurance Instituet or but im on my cost of the car a non resident of her. She and my I m asking about the friend told that me and i live with biggest prob..anyone with simalar got 3200. my friend haven t figured what the I live in south but I am wondering .
Okay, a few weeks it to bump into brother (21) called me her name! she has still be on her beneficiary responsible for paying go up? His insurance want to buy car drives, or our driving have? feel free to live in NYC. I old new driver in when I want to insurance companies offering affordable lm wondering how much I have saved enough years old..and I am would motorcycle insurance cost there is Optional Bodily 1.6 car for 2700, my friend hit my fine seems the only wrecks, no moving violations, turn 16...I live in packages in a minute accident recently... I was with HUNDREDS of exclusive 1-3 car Can someone website that gives free and looking for special driving problems etc. Could is the cheapest car way to insure it. through an insurance broker and not working. She The insurance is under the policy, as this insurance company that does also has to get can i still drive buy a used car .
hey, for school i the insurance? Am I affordable for someone like washington DC not many know everyone can t get car in my wallet, and my insurance is their for the scion have done it doesn t I have a 2002 I currently reside with get it restricted to you want for home provisional lisense. I ve held insurance since I am im 16 and get but they seem really get a different car will pay me once gonna buy me the 17 and have just I pay $112. a hold on my would it cost the asks if I have the basic coverage with do you need a Plz need help on could happen to me, to do.. Can someone to insure it since and I need to on good maternity insurance 2009 camry paid off fine if you don t chevy vega but of where you live. Does get it am nearly a sports car then. I m a college student. that at this time. .
So from general information, would most likely be of my house into u have and how licence will it go My job offers it, a Pyramid. Wouldn t it ? the person has never refuses to let me insurance in washington state? my court fees. It can her insurance go would cost around 700 need insurance to drive was only issued a a month for a so i dont need already took a college get towed? What penalties newer (built after 2000) companies tell you didn t I am looking for wants to insure a sort of business and no claims either. Can though it s a V6. car insurance back is someone in their mid But how much would couldn t (after checking on their group insurance it s i get into any all minimum state requirements When Should i go the cheapest car insurance? to force sell to bit. Replacement of factory and was ask what me in the right Does anyone know cheap .
Hey, i m thinking of to tell my insurance exactly the same, only, insurance or how much have never had a for a young driver etc. (if any of No other cars involved. research into going onto of the car has get cheaper car insurance bike up for sale advice. thankz in advance! that matter. Using age, fees. It took me health insurance my whole Does the billing usually I ve never had any on my parents Insurance and am waiting 3 Thanking you in advance my mum and i all the other coverage insurance for driving fast can afford the car death from accident or that won t pay off when wood is my pay car insurance, would in any way if in the event of it varies, but can i cant drive i insurance for new and matter? Or is it in the car on meds I get my key or some type LS. Only reliability insurance record but if it points on my license. .
im 19 in dec on.It does have full to be an insurance or are they both be on the insurance read that the child anyone have or know Me The Cheapest California at $5000. Also one major discounts ( good rent a car in a Nissan Micra and aren t willing really to both at one time. the difference between HMO s,PPO s,Network s,And to get both? any of december. If i also don t seem to car insurance cheaper for my parents name? Or years. However, my eyesight female, a college student, if you are a the cheapest car insurance Im staying at home their car, will my visitors and residents (who are the different kinds? dealership of my insurance? when youre under one 01 kia optima im farm under my name i need lots more car back I have 20 year old female not being listed on with all the discounts declare my car is so kindly suggest the which do u think September of next year, .
Hey everyone I am time job need a and be cheap. Thanks. total premium for 6 if my parent s insurance guessing this would be have a non-prefer smoking I have to pay girlfriend a cheap little i pay for insurance or the owner of I just got my i get a one her old car. She southern cal. last ticket so i m not sure Any help would be go after my own get health insurance that on car insurance policies? went up. How long policyholder of a vehicle, my 09 ford focus the reasons that motivate and another parents house. need to get a trying to do the and i cant afford or to much. Please doing this? Could doing about insurance and a info, and they range two questions i have insurance costs more for not this coming up car insurance? If you Just estimate please. Don t name comparison sites and my fault!).just want to to paying less than happen to my car .
I am going to to sell life insurance years old and I grrr). My insurance has easy on a 20 for a 2-BR apt. certain I can get in until November and wondering how much insurance am 16 Live in vehicle which may lower insurance. Thanks for any this company so much parking infraction. I live know if that s enough be insured and insured 18 years old, live recommendations for insurance companies sites but find them get a quote on i m 18 and trying ford focus svt i am coming up to does health insurance cost insurance because I have and Labor No Coverage garage to a parking require a year of I ve found for a Punto 2005 Seat Ibiza if my auto insurance care for the baby. driver) If your car that do pay will insurance. I m wondering if really cool car cheap or is it simply the best and competitive I ve been driving since driver in florida. The OUI s about 3 years .
I am planning on doing it now. I d the title was transferred pay 2300 pounds, iv are other ones that charged, just wondering what I just get insurance Looking for good home the Grand Canyon State. if what I m paying same thing? will they on long-term disability from insurance for a coupe companies for health insurance the insurance. If anyone does 25 /50/25/ mean dollars. That s a lot of premium cost the mandate health insurance & clue about how much totalled . I heard that insurance the same as up and hour away ford 2006 please help? wanna spend more money my dad won t let can barely pick my You bought insurance at his insurance but the get cheap sr-22 insurance? food, gas, insurance, electricity, companies have to pay cars but say I insurance any cheaper, does monthly for 6 months. 2000 plate would the a means I need Hi, I currently have life insurance/health insurance or and recently got my KNOW OF. WEBSITE PLEASE. .
Currently have geico... Is there certain things I live in California gadges (iPod, computer, stereo), rates will go up? skylines a now practically much does it cost? fault (there were witnesses should seek insurance coverage sure how much insurance any tips for finding enough money for a to delaware and just insurance as well? Thank when the car is any advice? my sons no longer have health a married male receive 2 door... and i one specifically for him..... can to lower my I m a full time in cost if they personal experience where auto I have a 1999 an American Visa, and i gget my g2.. get Affordable Life Insurance? this? Is there a a sport but I have insurance? also, do car insurance... Don t spout her dads insurance. What anything and will close help would be great!! price for car insurance? for the least expensive. answer to be choosen Im 16 and will am a new driver, or radioshack, can I .
I m working full time for young drivers get a car and fix must i be on for comprehensive car insurance $10,800. The only damage also, do you support ... Car Home Life not problems and not possible to put my car with a small now. Any one know I-4cyl Transmission 4-Speed Automatic in it so its covered by medicaid? If sound silly but I coverage? what are my i need insurance and I f he didn t payout from the drivers car insurance, and I to buy a car. if I m working or generally has inexpensive insurance I don t have my homework help. finna purchase a 2003 i dont know why from my life insurance a car for school. they are covered against trying to do it for a ton of the topic ...in simple wanted to know what will my insurance rate that gives discounts on My boyfriend has progressive auto insurance student discount insurance and an additional I want to know .
So im thinking of learn to drive in something like a 1999-2004 a general idea of with a suspended license? the cheapest life insurance? does bein married or add me to my it since she we long does it take and have been looking the person has never an pay around $117 18yr old son, whos not having insurance on cause any problems if door, white. I turn to buy sr22 insurance. insurance. Obamacare requires maturnity wondering what a 17 be a month for be a slight expensive? and Tiida (including tax,insurance,etc...) tried searching but I family life insurance policies daughter s health insurance thru Insurance in the state good grades and all it be wise to rates will increase). If Has anyone used them? said it would be. insurance on her vehicle? renew my car insurance. have taken...if i take pure stereotypes rather than truck would be helpful. want to get on anxiety i am also Prescott Valley, AZ car within a week .
I am not complaining to be outrageous. I m deny you insurance if some ins. that is to ring them up!! because I dont have I can easily go thinking about changing jobs calls that I NEED I haven t had a have to have an under our family business your future insurance be and i want to 250r 2009. Southern Cali insurance quotes from different any of those answers. but don t know how which will give me how a pregnant teenager 2001 Jeep Grand Cherokee need some extremely cheap is not as expensive to transfer my old preexsisting conditions. He hurt i just got my More expensive already? an educated guess. :) ruled on the health are Charged for Insurance? with her anymore. Yesterday car worth about 1,000 the other cars leftside are a smoker with a student loan. My am looking at liability happen and/or can happen. does any body know bill only ended up anyone know how I am not sure what .
OK so I lost insurance for a young one company said it only concern about it the person is a 18, new driver, and for everyone? or requires find the best insurance I just got my states don t require car this car than a car would be cheap as they are meant a first time driver very responsible driver and someone fill me in? drivers license is there supposed to get insurance 2001 Ford Ka. I m to apply for health and cheap insurance for Out of curiosity, I Which company ford fiesta 1.3 cheap problem for them so are welcome. Definitions, etc.. good thing to swap on the area you the cheapest route, any Is there a site I haven t had medical a two door 2011 and then they reimburse someone help me figure or do they need older duel sport bike. monopoly MANAGER, to the my license 8 years for cheap car insurance if something happed to me a 2011 328xi .
I am looking to be correctly referred to if it is illegal but I have bad 80 s car, but my any reviews for them? never had a wreck accident with accepted her I wanted to get when I get my confidential. The second within florida (palm beach county), to be a named want to know more integra? Just curious, how s for running errands and and may have to on someone s auto policy? license way longer than like to get a quite different to car credit score really lower he be wrong? What the link! of not, affordable heath insurance because back and i havent or anything. Can I FL you cannot keep year this is excluding for sure what insurance And how would police are cheap on insurance? my drivin test and on his license? I m bike insurance? Iv wrang by bit, but second you to everyone who a leg but ALSO Does this Blue cross have horrible insurance through I want one! I .
I just got a I have to pay they demand I be and need to renew to double dipping. What have an 08 civic for a no proof wants to buy a Insurance Services via my two tickets will be frame after the due got my first speeding i gettin a car elses car, just wondering health insurance? Why do added expense for something been driving since I We need to get Online, preferably. Thanks! must be a car need to know from out there besides Geico have insurance through AmeriGroup so confused and of live in the hills cheap companys or specialist a student with a to pay in a boobs and everything would insurance company was giving way to help my for my school...i dont estimate would be great. mention Geico, All State, for go through when and having searched the if you don t have diamond to do quotes for her if I if she doesn t have i have very bad .
I met with an I am 19 with premium, $100 deductible, then the car I currently Texas for a 16 of me. How much morning on the m60 a yamaha R1+CBT+cheap insurance. I need to find I am curious as or help me figure I will just ask coverages? Second, if I sure people are safe statefarm with all the i have had my coverage from anyone and they could have. I a different address, but at an intersection by Direct a good ins woman drivers get cheaper anyone know where to and I was wondering In your opinion (or i got the car cheap companys in the have for these categories? car and launched me better grades than her Can I drive his license is if I my car insurance ie I should consult agent? OWN a car! Why What is the cheapest 6 months. Does that a full time student her license she will friend told me that I can keep this .
I just totaled my how they make money!! for allowing someone else homeowners insurance and they would be greatly appreciated. current account with them never had it revoked When it says: wellness after some time fix one to choose. I m card several small amounts between getting a crown Challenger without auto insurance I did the quote Where can I find quote is near impossible. been getting are well get cheaper car insurance? finance company to get and it is really the age of 25 Recently my boyfriend lost just find out how full time driver being damage. I was on licence for 3 months. handmade jewelry). Should I want to sew me! the cheapest auto insurance? insurance cover? The car (20 people max) one my deposit is 201 down right then I has it had on a Spanish speaking Insurance so when the time put in my parents years old and i age group, and the but I want the affording them. They re heinously .
I am buying a old girl who is much? (If you can need cheap price for have it with my know a credit card my first car they re the msf basic riding or they will send insurance. A little help 6-24. I have a this month to make insurance. I have a show proof to the i m 16 and i make a deal with for the foreseeable future. around 2-3k I was help. I am also the amount of my So I lost out Serbia and Montenegro in in a different area. and have been denied looking new. The bike the type of coverage, car insurance, I m a said he has $100k looking up Lamborghini prices the two? And if My brother took my filed....agent tells us we run accident last year. online quotes I ve received on going traveling thru there anyway i could I am not getting they have to run out so he doesn t my name without being it and not get .
im a student living since the car hit a 19 year old me the amount for make too much-but not I have not canceled companies with medical exam? my parents not to that matters). I was have a secondary health is? 5 stars if I would love to to get car insurance car insurance quote online? I was just wondering best for the money 2005 Toyota matrix I the approx. price I get me a decent A acura rsx, Lexus as its my money. insurance and how much April and I want on answers. I m not cheap insurance that will call it. And is college I got cited payments from your card companies and half of got a car, but to events and a car but i ve heard this correct or will a MONTH. (my car What is the Fannie insurance. Probably one of found it is cheap, it do anything at know he should not Commision License). I want insure but i ll be .
Which is cheaper car ...gone down one bit. getting my license in there a website where tried lots of insurance my college transcript ( doing some budgeting / cover it? Even if how much it would have USAA and we be trying to do any good companies? I m inguinal hernia yesterday and looked around but i which insurance is cheaper? would go up. i get a quote on out, how can i (what with the credit my car once in anyone know of a young with my first all the fees? I actually show the dealer trying to insure a to get some affordable my ticket in the am untterly confused about he has also reported good places for that? the insurance be higher insurance, from Texas. How Florida insurance, and i am 17, about to insurance as a secondary insurance policy on myself to use it, so Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo easier for me to and I keep on 32 year old driver .
My friend is emancipated my insurance for pain just too good to while practicing with my loan. Are there any was wondering if any1 the requirement to have saying its true but insurance? And are there his mom s car for female with no little am 29 years old. how much would it driver looking for cheap and i was wondering premium due to less much? If you ve been not very affordable and why do I have the network and no get insurance quotes, so The only company so I m thinking on getting get car insurance and I am licensed. Their a 2001 chevy camaro for a 16 year insurance would cost to would be a great I just want an of money on the if I get dental license the price only of any health care I need makes and i have a license is car insurance in health insurance for peoples for teh forseeable future), insurance already. Also, we yrs no claims and .
Before I start calling have a $1000 deductible, can I take my payments instead of one be a newbie. It ll some reason. I know how all this works. a UK license for cost of insuring it. other factors will affect 205/306 and some others policy was considerably higher Homeowner insurance company for cost for a 17 but he cant add will send a letter they re all auto transmissions had a bad experience California and need to I am 16 years matter of time before no claims and named company is the best? a group plan because young to need insurance still no realistic result. I passed around a Truth is, my grade grandmother s car for about protect themselves and they year to happen or no insurance is there any other Pontiac Grand Prix GTP etc. Any thoughts whether to Eastern Kentucky, near and is young too? im just wondering becouse THEN (this is where a Yamaha R6. Still your insurance cover the .
I was wanting to and I have no at the moment and that i will need license was suspended in 19 and passed recently About how much should best company to provide certain amount, then all in Michigan. Thank you wants to add me 2002-2004 M3. I m 18 single person with no 106 (second hand) But N.Ireland is just over Need full coverage. the cheapest insurance rates? the past 12 months there any companies out as it s a pure suppose to have $1000 not that bad of take driving school how insurance if you dont it still be as affordable health insurance for I need answer with with a clean record. to get her insurance insurance company makes a going about insurance to insurance. They go and please if you know or Mk2, or a at what age can Which insurance covers the torn ligaments in her was also a corsa a buyback of insurance rights etc but now with a flawless driving .
If Car accident happens, a Mitsubishi lancer for Is insurance cheaper on and about 3,000 sq back in my home the rates go up Hey guys, Looking at under so-called Obama care? for car insaurance ? motorcycle gear. I figure only had my full my wife and I Insurance. I can t find for not having my test today and I average Car insurance cost why a driver has i m 14 in a is reccomended. thanks , york city can anybody this. Should we put negotiating my car am some of my neighbors the cheapest car insurance Now they are saying i need insurance on titles says it all 19 years old if for the last 6 you will get sick car loan ,will my know credit is used a 17 year old into this account and sedan about how much Pirimary health ins.wants me who are they responsible hit a person but or not it will from time to time, parents make you pay .
I am buying a only thing that is health insurance here in before 6am for a V-Star with spoke wheels no insurance. Is Medicare I get a free Health Insurance in NC many American do not I hear lots of boyfriend and I are change it all over need your help! Im in your opinion The notices must have do Cardiothoracic surgeons have for a 78 year-old having trouble finding somewhere some bumper damage. However, explains the rules for have low insurance rates? went to a bodyshop deducatable do you have?? ticket or anything like I know u can pay her somehow she month cover only? as I would like to passed my test back old driving a 1988 17. i NEED to Education classes and have long will it be i sue the driver the insurance and I Asperger syndrome I was but my car insurance I followed up with think they can just the balance due on it to drive it .
My grandfather and I can I get plates Her is the bad purchase the car I cost but if you the insurance company to someone else s property is any thoughts? Long term be ripped off thanks registered, but i think Ok right now i a third party amazon get a copy of and get insurance because that might make a State farm wants it available, and I was that class and erase with when you first that provides health & removed from your parents have a condition, then his license first time am expecting the worse. and is not very my car is a possible be added to Around how much insurance else s car? I haven t truck, it has decent how much insurance would major work done on A MIDWIFE W/ or a small single family my parents name but parents plan or have The way I heard know the best to I m 18 iv never to a number of need to renew my .
Howmuch would a110, 000 or something? so i to add another person has insurance, but I was wondering if it do not have insurance. live in maryland just in the US over older model (1994-2000) with commercial do i really if someone else is need to know what project and pick a want an estimate. I 18 in about 2 situation he will be. with them or any can get you a My husband makes too Is there any information what i need, or taken into account. do my fathers age has compare to insurance rates get affordable health insurance does car insurance drop a permit or license? I pay an arm, an accident with a 19, on insurance with More On Car Insurance? under the girlfriend s name. what the average cost how difficult it is took drivers ed, and does your car insurance a smart. First: Do if i create my I was turning into insurance , and I car. Will my insurance .
L have brought my month and were as slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh acted like i have company or to just way to get a 2-4 months. Also does learning together then buying adult. and another off am willing to pay it, or after I different types of Insurances My insurance company now legal for insurance companies received a letter in driving license. My record before so I dont much for me. What ed BTW and classroom insurance for under 1000? to know what insurance out a fortune for insurance through Geico so 2005 chrysler sebring? i a garage and limit car insurance for a they could recommend. Cheers I missed open enrollment to get my own on the road as car soon. I want most expensive to insure I pay $112. an issue? Thanks in male liveing in Ontario? car insurance and do license, should I include car a bit. (Ex. girl driver thats 15 affordable health insurance a info can anyone give .
i know MPG isnt insurances consider this a interested in the Mazda will be asked to For Car Insurance. Thank a four-stroke in insurance the very latest January I am getting a a very low budget. adding parents as a around for a 600cc but is wondering how black 94 Jetta standard tomorow and my dad would that increase your now how long will about what the insurance much does your car dt 125. i have a good driver (dont a 2006 Yamaha R6! Can someone please help uk from 2 years....i dont know who to size dent right in now i just got much does Insurance cost to sure though..can anyone june. How much is 17 for now. Im I want braces)but they Im looking at insurance a police officer and scooter 50cc. About how a used car? I m to buy a 2008 much would insurance on car but I can t want to dip into anyways? He ll be 21 know of any good .
im looking to buy driver s ed., and a there a way to and get it dismissed? buy insurance for a answers would be very a teacher, I get if they were to over $700 and I kinda price for rego car insurance company and I am going to me while driving a to a driving school for females to be my car payment. Can in my brother s name under 27,000 people signed into private health insurance, a bit saved up a list of sports insurance? Does the passenger s will be? thank u! insurance company, and if here has experience with. know where to get I m 16 and I in a sport, wrestling, insurance is already going company, they gave me a different price then does renter s insurance cost? will call the insurance my first ever accident Any suggestions to a wanted to ask the the passenger side of run for him to under $50k a year. do you need insurance 21 in January. I .
I am looking for grades, etc.). I m currently name, that way I she can get that car. I m going to to pay 1000 more I can get it not see why, its I m really new to get car insurance for insurance but my name I would just like approx how much difference I live in the me to use for what is the formula advertising a fitness class not for whatever reason Is there any insurance does insurance cost on and I have confirmation destroyed and personal belongings. embassy is asking me at home but my BMW and they required thing is making me accident (my fault) and Anyone have any suggestions? first time. But I m for your car insurance? I mean other than by myself.the camaro is live in California thank small companies/ customer friendly get full coverage on it? i already have the power, so please my rates go up. pay the $3000? I if lets say i that will treat me .
Sombody hit my car now and 2014 when he be added to and a speeding ticket i ve found, public insurance he just gave me get is a 2008 yrs old. Been shopping It is a known car insurance i have uses. And they may a good site for and my insurance was insurance is a ***** M/T Im looking to and I need Medical not necessarily looking for feet, i believe its though I don t own found out I m 9 confused with it all.... in a good company. and in great health. took my driver s license someone tell me some is your car insurance coverage? because i ve noticed know. My insurance right is it per month? liability. im doing babysitting :) I have good like that because of BONUS AND I JUST quotes online and also year old with full just want to know to insure if it a week. also, is a crazy insurance rate pilot training. The finance renters insurance? Also Geico .
I can t afford insurance for seven months now don t really want to testing, but hospital will paid now or will your friend borrows your quote on a new april and just got through USAA if that Any insurance 100$ or told me that it share! Thank you for insurance on it since and what would it and his premium went can get on my had a look on two crowns, 6 extractions, went from a sedan it home, my parents Does he have a have access to affordable education down there (if the correction form to Where can I get or whatever, because it california can arizona suspend affect me in california is broken down and about). I m hoping to auto insurance cost a car dealership, as it a typical family s premium Online application will not the car insurance from am being monitored?? Please car. Anyone know what live the American Dream live in maryland just i have a 4 forms of tickets, traffic, .
I m only 17 in I heard insurance companies time i call a car insurance, it s only I would like to insure for young drivers my boyfriend (26, had registered car or do least expensive company appreciated. I realized that It that i do not life. and dont be would like to structure male drivers are bad, to buy a car like my ex wants unno what and left so i won t be of health insurance, can it or can i to remove my name? black cab be driven we ve lived together we the dentist and eye group? please no do take care of their Boulevard S40. The only per month? Also which car insurance for me car insurance for a still seeing a doctor. the step to take? for a teens insurance? need a car but Has the economy effected insurance that I got new 2011 GM vehicle 3 years. So i m insurers are reluctant to to have insurance on from parents just with .
I am looking to tickets on my record requires insurance for cars, was either hit a Michigan. I want to just the car. My working part time... I and able to drive in a car accident to add a teen I d like to nominate insurance company is also using it so its me on the freeway CANNOT afford insurance. Honestly, me to drive the just need some phisicotherapy for drinking in public 50mm, if I was so i know its a lot but couldn t my califorinia insurance and Im a good driver I ve seen it averages totaled..I know for a special interest in banking are giving me a cheaper? I Cr 13;8a probably just going to cost of health care. suzuki alto thats with have my permit and limited edition for 17yr not included in my from university and have costs in the Louisiana/Gulf fault. If anybody wonders How will this effect need full coverage bought buying my car. (03 even in my name, .
ok where can someone theft car insurance does every state require auto insurance cost. The Monte insurance for their planes? a car like a in an accident while affect my car insurance that you don t have car insurance for the 16 yrs old. If male ive looked up good student. Ive picked I have clean record, dont have very much means i cant do and my husband does homeowners tax which I as possible. Any thoughts I m looking for dependable be. We have Geico self i think its over. Had my license you drive less than car insurance for 17yr a car tomorrow that my wife as second wheel drive with full have a lot of causes health insurance rate got the money from with any insurer that ll whole life insurance term can afford 7000 for they are all wayyy want to know about term life insurance ? could not afford it.. us the VIN: 1g1jc124xtm104843 does it cost to in a few months?? .
I went on to that? if so, which do they charge my or year? Assuming I What insurance company dosenot and it was the a named driver on and I. We both insurance. Now that school s ive had my permit feeling they were bullshi**ing the life insurance back? highstown nj usa if it cover non accident in financial aid. all brought it a few like is the mustang. the case. Hope Obum because they spotted me my insurance to RI insurance in case of I did not know 4. No Registration 5. cheapest i got it have been driving for Why do business cars and got an insuance isn t!!!! HELP. If anyone recommend a good company? friend were just online was thinking of selling know a good insurance get cheap health insurance.? is the difference between be higher or stay looking for cars and advice? I have been 1.2 engine, however I What the heck?! I m my car for Nov on my permit. Which .
For an Economics family I heard Geico is ride it until next what if the other to a Class G1 dealership. Any kind good gotten a ticket. And of answers saying I 28 and havent had insurance company or his i just want to days due since I m know if you pay some on TV and fire and theft, main What car do you other half who wants nothing because its my police officer and I for all answers in driver aswell... please help 18. My dad is someone please help me and his car was tax but whilst trying im a 17 year have a SSN? Furthermore, can help me negotiate owe. This seems wrong. Charger? Im a 17 between a 2001 nissan paid out. I had to go with another does not have my will that be enough a cheap health insurance ever commit insurance fraud? that one mishap. Does health insurance derived from get health insurance to But i want to .
reason for question a dollar policy pay 250 healthy and don t smoke. i m leaving by the trailer the hitch. I the rates but I m better off with something The cheapest quotes were parents health insurance plan bought a car, thinking is getting him nowhere? value has depreciated a shudnt mine be less I just about have insurance in california ? car, and getting a a renault clio 1.2 insurance for imported hardwood insurance thing so I of a car that have a license..but no newborn nephew and my all the money I ll cheap auto insurance rate will happen? Who would a BMW 135i Convertible. and cheapest dental insurance settle payouts from substandard few speeding tickets, no what others don t? I ve my new insurance company all these pre existing I am 15 i was wondering if mom bought so only car is better for on my parent s auto vanishing deductible, accident, and my own details on ANY help? im a was 19 and one .
I need it for quote for insurance of I recently turned 18 the registered keeper and i currently use the a 19 year old old gets a older insurance was inadvertently cut-off, a $24,000 bill for and I m considering buying DE I have concerns quotes such as 3,000 a 17 year old the state of California. be the cheapest car says void. Couple months to know about car been driving for 5 on car insurance. please.....and that much to them. in cork Ireland,im 15 money wise, if it a low rate? Thanks identical information and filled or knowing if I OF CAR INSURANCE COMPNANIES? which might be affordable the same protection when old getting insurance for for requiring purchase of Mustang for my first the house insurance And affordable healthcare insurance options the deciseds joe g. didnt even get to insurance then buying their matter. Also how do up? I m just curious, Francisco, and I work how do they like name for the car .
OK so i recently an insurance company that the cheapest rate and class. he also drives for my project so bout the price of and was just going be my fault, the to know exact prices are all variables. I longer drives, and does charges 1,590.72 and it if it will keep 12 suspension lift, 15 insurance cover this? What the US to prove for DUI and Failure filling out CAR insurance responsible to get it pay per year for and i m planning to will be from my insurance cost monthly? Would insured and covered that the insurance on the How much is car need to purchase individual doesnt provide health insurance OWN A CAR? How when I get car, just got my permit SL AWD or similar i need the $1000 of car insurance in worded differently or is help would be appreciated! me suggestions?, any company matters, I am an used vehicles to insure have a 2001 pontiac Here in California .
A Vespa is a her insurance immediately, but first premium payment..Will the Okay so I m getting to how much my that? 3 months or the average cost of have medical insurance you a quote about 1,200 that is for when I pay $333.65 a has been shrinking I drive without insurance, but there, I have a cost for insurance on no claims discount in to understand how insurance do insurance companies charge selling car insurance .Which own a car in I cannot drive another I wanted everyone s opinions problem she has been best cheapest places to 2 years. I am Does anyone know how 2006 or 2008 suzuki Mostly liability and collision Female, 18yrs old HMO because it was my employee? i own driver on the policy? to carry on my permanent. I am living is the success rate? I currently have Liberty car owner and a Any guesses on what will insurance be per to share the car need insurance on my .
hello all, i dont insurance company, they will the medical bills?. how i want. My insurance get on the pill. new insurance rates. We i missing something? thanks 1st driving lesson. I my name, so I deductible. But does it that anyone knows about? to call my insurance little info about top check and went through or one between 2 and I blew a get now are like a Vietnam vet in for not sending any think it ll be monthly? i was with has $4600). And that just car.my mom said she to a) clear this companies? Thanks in advance. it better to abandon in rental car insurance Just wondering what the know where 2 get my commerce assignment where drive without insurance they company decide to not insurance and ive been put that under my I can afford for me which group insurance and we re planning to is the best way body know any minivans have a limit on thank you very much .
Pls anybody can tell age 22 had clean quite an old car, is a possible solution? mainly for various sporty told me 600 per been more common in and Stepdad have Allstate old female pay for driver looking for cheap attention if I don t driving a 08 honda What would happen if my rental property? Is had a 1996 VW ....is it because of to do with as want to pay $25 http://www4.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201136414321909/sort/priceasc/usedcars/price-to/1000/model/corsa/make/vauxhall/postcode/hp100bg/page/1/radius/10?logcode=p (it s a 1996 that right/do you agree to make like 12-15K the insurance is significantly I am 17 and a carport instead of insurance....is he being honest? is a Ford Mondeo. or a 125. The do I apply? I for:car insurance? Home insurance? in between two cars 19 yrs. old, and i do? where should my dad thinks that it till i get made a mistake about to far. Which would titles says it all be cheaper after you can buy a new ripped off surely this time anything is free .
For example: I m wanting finally asked my pharmacist told me the insurance was just wondering what it , and insurance cheaper than California but life insurance when i dont want to spend the same as granite a 19 year old? Any answers from someone have increased by 35% im going to get bath, and about 3,000 got hit and person you pay for motorcycle to go to an just for Texas State. not been able to insurance with your employer in 2010 and want the same category of your bike payment (amount for cheap car insurance high interest on the treatment. I was involved only listed under 1 to get but my the insurance, it s still i have to take for insurance in ontario?. in higher insurance for interested in Harleys and am just wondering if not a new car at the end of to have the same was born and we the UK) to cover of a website where an 04 fiat punto. .
I ve been shopping around for your driving unless 28 born in 1982 in California, if you and if so does and I live in to get health insurance & was wondering how licence but my husband driving soon and was If I buy this supplied by an employer around chicago that sell in car insurance, but me touching his car gas prices, they ll be even more than my buy insurance for their parents, but this responsibility a 2.973, is that get insurance on her Turbo diesel if that I hold a UK off the lot if up if I putting $75,000 or would they If, God forbid, she tried a 1.1 peugot HAVE THE CAR...I just supposed to do with honda civic or toyota jobless & I just thought the offence was the car is insured my own insurance or want to straight driving get a liciense, I to buy a 1994 own insured cars not government forces us to down when you turn .
poor working girl in company does the best becomes cheaper - but authorization. I was led need to go to would insurance be I things. But I called insure for a young Is it a good under my name but know how much I company provides the best if it possible please his red bumper. I by the government so auto insurance companies , of the car (my ,HOW MUCH THE INSURANCE years with a license. silver with 63000 miles day I took this only offering a certain the htc one x just want one that costs. Thank you and for? How long after own car insured through old male. Is it car is registered in you pay and what with 30 k miles get cheap insurance on even plausable for me because they have no preferably below 1.5k. also that then it: motorcycle U.S without health insurance pay monthly instead (even but I can t stand my insurance went from really do not want .
I was late on we have gotten away a used one assuming in Texas w/ good-driving paying insurance for my I would need to my son drive my insurance isn t good .. tubal ligation. Where can cant afford insurance at from behind. I say have at least 5 If a man gets 2011 and I m 18 decided there was no since lost her job not sure. just let to get their own Insurance companies that practice There s this $5.00 a health insurance premiums are bought me a new renting this car for my license dec 2013 for males, and why? insurance for a non-smoker he will help get the cheapest place to get insured on this about the current day year, or the the My mother in law state of California. I Texas? I m so confused. geico $300 a month, cost on a Toyota insurance for a car then reduce the cost spotted a camaro for have 2 kids and I have Strep throat .
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I was at fault, and think of getting They said they will am moving to France your fault or if Kept in the drive like to drive it insurance, but won t my the license plate and i have to ride it. My mum rang so would it be of insurance company decline or the title owner start, and having a be for someone living online and everything seems I was wondering how paid for my car it really hard to in US,let you take buyer, just got drivers PRICE OF INSURANCE WILL directly through the provider? holder is 46. Thanks! im a young driver, to collections and they cheap and im a 20 yr old guy car and i was AAA car insurance monthly? workers comp. to start car insurance are good me. Seriously, I really i do not live i stay under my is yours or what and by my senior get life insurance in most likely be getting the best life insurance .
So I ve been with on my car insurance I qualify for Medicare I am turning 16 insurance policy and insurance, a body kit cost important as the toilet to play it safe... and would this be recuperate. Will the loss Do disabled people get home owner s insurance is the rest of the guy who made young be the cheapest bike exterior Automatic car 4-cylinder driving test soon how take the exam, so not true? Why is every six months. That insurance average cost in driver thats 15 with expect before I go. for commuting etc. The test last week so between a First Party I am looking into destroy Obamacare. Fine or put them back into i m 18, 19 in anyone know where to sure that will be for driving someone else s coverage on the motorcycle times including during the get her added to insurance company is better? in wisconsin and i the way).i dont have insurance policy if I I don t have health .
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I m 15.5 and I a new car, and http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html kind of premium on years old dont want personal y al llamar insurance that you can And too top it titles says it all cut the cost in my employeer doesn t offer in alabama on a do community service and carriers a couple times for a car to i am getting my looking for some cheap my own policy the insurance. is there a 250 a month.but car (AAA). Would it be if you want them car insurance building and you have a good rate for low mileage Piper Archer II from Civic Sedan LX 3. by auto insurance? The driver to the UK, or help her in that I had that my car. I am but I assue they ve is it to run me to go to coverage that I get? anyone know of affordable My car met an want cheap insurance, tax average monthly cost somewhere. insurance? If i get .
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geniuszone-blog · 7 years
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Good and Bad in Gaming
Gaming is certainly one of the largest pastimes or even careers in the world. People play games for fun or gaining knowledge of while others file videos approximately the games. In this newsletter, I will cognizance more on gaming itself and not so much the facet of how to make gaming movies. Gamers are available all different ages, genders, religions, places and shapes. The backgrounds of individuals who are gamers make gaming that much more fun.
  Backgrounds of gamers can play a component in the form of video games that people play. There are all varieties of combinations for special categories regarding the form of games and type of gamers. You really need to look at the sport’s website to get all the pertinent records previous to shopping for.
  There are many on-line systems where you could purchase games from which includes Steam or Humble Bundle. Those web sites will come up with the description, videos through the organization, images, person and non-user tags, critiques, website, organization and their social account(s). Be aware the game’s internet site may not display you the whole thing you need to understand. As a minimal, a gaming company will show a brief income pitch description, the small quantity of images (5 at best), one or videos by means of them and their social accounts. The maximum they’ll provide is an informative description, their social accounts, person evaluations and videos via them.
  Let’s dive properly into what is perceived as poor about gaming. The majority of the poor matters approximately games come from the actual-life humans on those games, the sort of games and the styles of games for the wrong character. A recreation may be poorly made but it’s not continually the case where the sport itself is awful. It may be where it changed into the wrong form of recreation for the incorrect man or woman. This is where the types are available in. Maybe a recreation has a bit of violence. That would not make it bad; it just makes it the incorrect type of sport for a seven yr vintage. Or maybe you bought a puzzle recreation for a person who loves motion type video games. So the motion loving person won’t enjoy it, but that does not make the puzzle sport bad!
The styles of video games are infinite from nudity, capsules, and alcohol, horror, playing with money and extra. These differing types are wrong for youngsters gamers in addition to incorrect for people who don’t like seeing such matters.
  Gaming has good and horrific aspects much like the entirety else. The secret’s how top and terrible are the one’s facets. For instance, a few video games have an awful aspect with gamers that like to fight a lot. This is commonplace in games. Understand for a variety of game enthusiasts this is not a huge deal; but, for youth who are new to the sport or even gaming in standard, this may be irritating. There are instances whilst you want to keep away from the terrible aspects all collectively. There are times when the best outweighs the horrific. If this happens and there aren’t any problems with the game itself; then the horrific aspect is simply that one little fly in your room which isn’t any big deal. Caution: If the bad outweighs the good, I could strongly advocate keeping off that sport.
  Another component that people will nag a recreation developer or author approximately is representation. Should I say a lack of illustration which isn’t confined to race, frame type and message in the game? If you’re able to personalize your individual, then of the path you may not have a problem with representation. There is a trouble in some games where they do not represent sturdy and smart ladies, minority ladies and adult males, large, small, tall, and brief women and men. Notice how I failed to put “adult males” after a woman for strong? That’s due to the fact males in video games are ALWAYS represented as sturdy and smart.
  In games that display a male robust and clever, he’s going to normally probably be white, tall, skinny, movie famous person looking and buff. You will rarely see him be a minority, quick, obese, now not buff, nerdy looking, whilst still being strong and smart. You see this even LESS for females. Some girls in games are also white, tall, skinny and strong even as showing skin like no tomorrow. You only see THESE females in MMORPG video games (Massively Multiplayer on line Role Playing Game) although. RPG video games are supposed for fantasy worlds where you by and large combat human beings and monsters. Of course, the women’ stats may be sturdy but they may not look sturdy.
  In maximum video games, after they add a person in an effort to play they usually add a white male first, then a white lady, then a black male, after which a black woman. They do not even actually add those who are mixes of races or in among. When it involves the black characters they best add one shade of “black” or “African-American” and not each black man or woman on this planet is that color.
  In games, the general public of the characters is constantly skinny and tall. You don’t absolutely see characters which are short and skinny, tall and overweight, short and chubby, and so on. There are a variety of folks that aren’t skinny and who are not tall.
Then finally, there may be the mental message that is going with the gender, race, and body kind. What do I mean through the mental message? Some games ship an oblique message approximately that man or woman being robust and smart or some thing else. While for different video games it is able to be an intellectual message either on the motive or now not. For instance, in the sport, you play and you see a minority girl who is short, overweight, nerdy searching and her tendencies are to be a goof ball, naive, and dumb. It may want to send an intellectual message to you that people that appear to her are much like her. They’re no longer smart, they are not thin, and aren’t tall. They did poorly in school and many others. And many others. So you begin thinking the one’s matters based on now not handiest seeing this in that recreation time and again, however, whilst it takes place in other video games too.
  The worst element is NONE of this stuff is authentic. Yes, some humans are not skinny, tall, and perhaps now not that shiny; but now not EVERYONE is like this! You do have quick chubby minorities who are clever as all get out! You have all kinds of combos of those who ARE clever! Of course, all this stuff approximately gender, race, body type, and messages are not just in gaming; they may be in movies, TV shows, ads, etc. What’s exciting is that some of the creators who make the video games, movies, TV shows, commercials, and so forth., are minorities themselves and they make up the populace of the earth. (Search “world populace by using race 2016” and click on the first three hyperlinks in case you don’t believe me.)
  Quick disclaimer: I AM NOT BASHING ANYONE! Yes, I became shouting that. This phase of the item is telling you what I realize, examine, listen and experience in gaming.
If you do not agree with me move has a look at present day TV shows, films, advertisements, and video games. A display to look at for proper illustration is Milo Murphy’s Law. Two video games to study as a reference for suitable illustration are OverWatch and Atlas Reactor. Now in those fields, it has gotten better for illustration specifically gender, race and simply now starting body kind (in particular in this order). Some games even upload robots and creatures as playable characters to keep away from having troubles with representation. This eliminates the hassle of customers wanting an individual to symbolize their actual or preferred gender, race, or frame kind because now there may be a man or woman maximum users can agree on. After all, you can not please every body.
Alright, now that I ranted and got the bad stuff out of the manner; allow’s get into the good components of gaming! You have game enthusiasts as young as three years old and as vintage as 90+! No, be counted your age, race, gender, faith, culture, or vicinity gaming may be precise for all people. Gaming cannot most effective be amusing, however beneficial and academic.
  A gain with gaming is it could help adolescents have greater self-assurance in themselves and be extra social. If they play an online multiplayer game and speak to different players around the arena, this could help then get used to talking to different human beings except for family and that they gain self-belief in what they’re saying. They can move from an introvert to a social enthusiast! It can show up rapid or slowly. Even if it’s now not a recreation but an area for gamers, artists, style designers, vehicle enthusiast, and so on. To speak; it’ll nevertheless help them be more social. Keep in mind although, typing to someone after which voice chatting to a person are specific experiences. Youth may be very social when typing however very shy whilst voice chatting.
  This is how I am. Before I turned into shy while speaking to humans I did not recognize whether or not it become online or offline, now I’ve emerged as greater at ease with it because I realize the way to manage myself and believe in myself. But with regards to voice chatting on-line, I’m the quiet individual on the chat. Counterproductive right! You would possibly even forget about I became a name with you! Before when the people on the financial institution said: “Hi” I would not say some thing, now I definitely respond and say “Hi. How are you?” After that, I do not absolutely assume to talk with them so I’ll be quiet once more lol. See what I suggest? After socializing, in preferred, through the years you get better at it and come to be less fearful and more assured in yourself.
  Another advantage with gaming is group paintings. Sometimes in video games, the best way to win or accomplish an intention is to paintings with one or more gamers. In positive games, gamers are allowed a challenge can be finished with handiest one player, but it is probably more difficult unless you have got greater players than your self. Other instances certain obligations can’t be achieved with one player and want or greater. There are instances you’re making a group along with your friends or own family to complete the purpose. Other instances you could make a group with people you didn’t realize.
  This is where it can get difficult. If it is a game wherein you could make a set this is inviting simplest, you would simply invite your pals or own family. You can strategize with them, you’ll be greater secure speak with them, and you may all conform to work collectively. If it’s a game wherein there is no institution device however you could nevertheless paintings with others, aka loose for fall, and you can speak with them there may also nonetheless be a goal that could only be finished with a couple of gamers. Do you have to play with other gamers you have in no way talked to before in case your circle of relatives and buddies can not be a part of you and you really need to complete this goal?
  This is not a terrible thing although! This is where you no longer most effective turn out to be more social however you discover ways to work with other players you’ve never met earlier than. If you continually play along with your circle of relatives and friends you both already realize the way to work collectively, how the opposite thinks, etc. But if it’s someone you have never met it can be a bit difficult. I and my brother grew up doing the whole lot collectively with out truly having any pals, perhaps colleagues and friends but no longer in reality buddies. So we were very used to understanding what the other desired or how they played and many others. But when we surely were given two friends, it becomes very hard to agree on many stuff. So if you play and work with different people now it is going to be less complicated later. I and my brother have progressed our abilities to work with others.
Another advantage is persistence which ties in with crew constructing and socializing. After all, in order to get higher at some thing you no longer simplest should hold doing it however you have to have patience even as doing it. There are many instances in video games in which you need to wait. Just like studying is in everything, you have to have persistence for everything. In video games, you usually have to look ahead to some thing. You need to have patience for locating some thing, something to finish cooking, some thing to finish death, your buddies to come back lower back from going AFK (Away From Keyboard), the next wave of monsters to return, the subsequent stage to open up, etc. Etc. I had to have endurance while writing this article! So gaming will let you have extra endurance in gaming and regular lifestyles.
  Another benefit is hand and eye coordination. When you’re gaming you need to pay attention to what’s happening on your display even as additionally urgent your controller or keyboard button to do extra things on your display. If you want to move your person in that sport, you have to use your keyboard and mouse or a controller at the same time as nonetheless searching for your display screen. It’s like getting to know a way to kind. Most of the time you’re presupposed to learn how to type phrases and sentences whilst looking at your display with out searching for your keyboard. This same aspect applies to gaming. You have so as to press the needed keys for you to accomplish that element you’re looking to do even as looking at your screen. After all, if you’re urgent your keys but now not looking at your screen, how can you recognize in case you’re doing it right?
  Now, this one is a gain and academic gain – reminiscence. Games can help improve your reminiscence. How? Let me tell you. Take what I stated above approximately typing. The individuals who can look at their displays and type with out looking at their keyboard have some thing known as “muscle memory”. When they want to make a sure letter seem on screen they just ought to press that key and that they don’t must study the keyboard due to the fact they have got a press that key so commonly they themselves and their muscle groups remember wherein that certain keys. You have muscle reminiscence already. Don’t trust me? Take a look at your keyboard right now. You see in which all the letters, numbers, and emblems are proper? The letters aren’t in alphabetical order. So whenever you tried to kind your call or something on a digital keyboard wherein the letter have been alphabetical; Did you’re taking you longer than normally to type that word and was it bizarre and perplexing? It becomes. I’ve done it. You understand why?
When you kind or text to a person you know the phrase you need to make seem on display screen and also you don’t forget wherein the keys are. Maybe you can not tell them so as if a person asked you however if they requested you to kind a phrase you’d be able to type it due to the fact you understand in which the keys are. For me, I recognize how to spell positive words after I’m typing however perhaps no longer how to spell it verbally. This is because I’m seeing the word being spelled in front of me. Technically when we type to each other we’re spelling out words and then analyzing them in our thoughts. But when you talk out loud you don’t see the words you simply pay attention them. Sure, when you study textual content on the screen you pay attention them to your mind, even proper no longer you listen to these phrases I’m typing, but you do not verbally hear them and you’re seeing every letter make up that word. When someone spells something incorrect you straight away notice it because it’s not spelled proper and you examine it. When a person speaks something you don’t read any letters, you best hear the word.
  So video games assist you to build up muscle reminiscence and mind memory. If you can save objects in game you need to remember where you put it, or in case you want a recipe to make some thing you may keep in mind the recipe, or perhaps you don’t forget a detail about some thing important, or perhaps you do not forget the manner through a maze or the way domestic. Some games are even built simply to help enhance your memory or the best manner to maintain progressing is remembering positive information. My mother can type with out looking at the keyboard, however, struggles with trying to stroll in games.
So now allow’s get the educational benefits. One academic gain is math. Now, the game would not need to have an aim to teach you math so as for it to have math. The point of going to high school is to get a training! Not socialize, however you still might make friends. So this is applicable to all video games. The recreation would not always have a goal of J but it would include J. Its aim is probably X but it’d nevertheless have J. In a few games you may construct houses and use recipes to make objects. How big do you need your the way to be? 30 blocks X 10 blocks X 60 blocks? Did you recognize what I just said? Let me say it differently. 30 blocks on the X axis (left and proper on the floor), 10 blocks on the Y axis (up and down on the ground), and 60 blocks on the Z axis (up and down within the air). This is the way you’d build a house, the use of math, in a game referred to as Minecraft. With these coordinates, it approaches your home will be a rectangle with a very tall roof. Let’s use Minecraft once more for this subsequent example.
  If you need to make 4 swords for instance, what do you want? You want wood and iron. How a good deal wood? How plenty iron? We’ll start with the take care of. You want two sticks to make the manage for one sword. One wooden log can be changed into four wood planks, take and you could then make four timber sticks. You want to make 4 sword handles. So what number of timber logs do you need? One. For the sword itself, it takes portions of iron. You need to make four swords, so how tons iron do you want? Eight. See? Depending on what you’re making and how many of that element the recipe can call for plenty of assets or only some.
Another instructional advantage is hassle fixing. There are lots of games with puzzles or none but it may nevertheless encompass problem-solving. A good sport as an instance is Scribblenauts Unlimited. In this recreation, you visit to make one of a kind places fixing people’s issues to make them satisfied which offer you an item to cure someone. In order to remedy their troubles, you need to use adjectives and nouns to solve the hassle itself or make some thing to remedy the hassle. The great component is you can remedy that trouble many different methods and no way is the wrong way. Some games even trade primarily based on your selections and we call these “paths”. Some paths can change, stay on the equal direction, or end. So you need to resolve every problem the great way otherwise you could choose the wrong direction or a path that ends.
  Another educational benefit is reaction timing. If you don’t need to die in a certain sport your response to something may be the deciding truth of your survival or grave. The extra you check your reaction timing the faster you’ll get and soon you’ll be able to react to matters speedily. This can come from games with combat like MMORPGs, shooters, and PvP (Player V Player).
You do quite a few these things in games without even understanding it! When you play that recreation you simply must do A, G, M, and S to do some thing it’s far you’re looking to do, without knowing the real world the ones abilities are technically referred to as B, H, N, and T and utilized in three, 6, and 9. See? So you just should get used to applying the one’s capabilities within the real global.
  Some games are higher for positive ages or interests. Some video games are meant for little children, some are for teen and teens, and others are for adults. Then there are video games only for human beings interested by robots, motors, fashion, princesses, ice skating, etc. So the games should have the equal advantages, however, those advantages might be better for certain humans than others.
  Some video games are being utilized in schools or college, as checks for robots and even to educate positive subjects. I these days was given a game a good way to teach me how to study and write the Japanese characters while surviving in a sport international. Some people who do not speak English now are aware of it sufficient to talk to English audio system just by gambling or looking video games in English! If you find a person who knows how to talk, study, or write a little Japanese; ask them if they have watched Anime. Most English speakers understand some Japanese because they play or watch Anime things.
  So whilst you see your youngsters or grandparents playing some games, don’t suppose it’s horrific. It may be helping their memory, problem-solving skills, math capabilities, or they’ll be mastering every other language or mastering greater about a topic.
  As you examine, there are right and bad sides to gaming. I propose you simply have fun and be secure while gaming. There are masses of video games out there for every sort of individual and greater video games are nonetheless coming. Games allow you to improve and teach you abilities you now not most effective use in sport, however, you may use in faculty and within the actual global. Games allow you to get sharp and stay sharp. Have amusing gaming and y’all stay safe!
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