#or maybe Gaz is the killer lmao
ghcstao3 · 1 year
I saw your tags, you have challenged me!
Scary Show AU (cw for cannibalism and murder)
Ghost is a very well-known yet still semi-anonymous Voice Actor for spooky shit. There's a huge following for him because, regardless of what role he's playing, he does a phenomenal job. He's only listed in the cast list as "S.R.Ghost"
Typically he plays the role of the creatures in this super popular show called "Cryptid Season" which follows a gang of college kids desperate for extra credit in their Biology class so they hunt cryptids as evidence/to study for their papers. He does the voice over and some of the motion capture (he's a big dude) for the monsters and such, his most famous one being "Goatman" (from the demonic Goatman's bridge in I think Texas?)
Meanwhile Soap is this animator who's starting to become really popular, and he announces a new show in the work: "Consume", where he voices one of the two lead roles. It's presented as a show about a normal, if not very lonely man, being tormented by a demonic presence in his home.
Plot twist: dude's actually a cannibalistic serial killer and ends up quickly befriending the demon. The demon helps make the man harder to track by police forces in exchange for the bones and souls of his victims.
Soap as the killer
Ghost as the demonic entity
Gaz as a detective who's new to the case but also best friends with Soap's character
Price voices the seasoned detective who's been working this case "too damn long"
Ghost and Soap ABSOLUTELY fall in love while recording scenes together. The banter, the flirting, the sexy scenario of cutting up a corpse together; it's too much not to fall in love irl
(actually such a big brain idea but I don't know how you'd write it tbh lmao. Maybe the show itself, where the boys keep their names? Idk the original idea turned into something much greater)
took a minute to figure something out i'm ngl but i did. something (in any case i would love to see your proper takes(s) if you'd be up to it, seeing as it's your idea!! i feel like i couldn’t do it justice)
Just like any other actor, Ghost had to audition for the role.
His agent books it for him without consultation, knowing the project would be right up his alley—horror, monsters, no face required—and Ghost makes no argument in sending in his tape. He recognizes this process and takes no issue with it, and once out of his hands, he waits patiently for a congratulatory offer or a gentle rejection.
Just like any other movie, or show, or what have you. Consume is no different.
Supposedly. At first.
John "Soap" MacTavish is... many things. He's charming, according to most. Talented. A joy to be around. A man who wears more than several hats of a project, which certainly tells of someone trying to worm their way into the commercial industry.
He has the spirit and creativity, Ghost will allow him that. But he also doesn't know when to stop talking as soon as the important work is done.
Is Soap professional? Sure. Does Soap make sure all jobs are done with efficiency and done well? Yes, he does. Does it make him any less of a nuisance to Ghost? Absolutely not.
But Ghost would be damned if the project doesn’t find its way into his soft spots, despite its nature. He’d be damned if he doesn’t fall in love with Soap’s animations and the hard work and craft he puts into them.
Then he blinks, and the pilot is premiering. It does well (again, considering its content), and Consume is properly green-lit.
Which is when Soap proposes the idea of recording their lines in the same room. Together. Facing one another. Because banter, and chemistry, and whatever other reasons he insists upon.
Personally, Ghost wants to decline. He’s always felt somewhat awkward when recording as such with anyone, but professionally? He couldn’t really say no, could he?
And it is awkward, at first. There’s more takes than usual, and Ghost can sense Soap’s frustration, though the man never expresses it. He just plasters on a tight smile, calls for a break, and pulls Ghost aside.
Surely, surely this is where Ghost gets fired. This is where Ghost is told he’s going to be replaced, where he’s told to say goodbye to Gaz and Price and wish them luck, and move onto his next gig. This is where—
“Have I done something wrong?”
Soap’s face is so earnest. So painfully sincere.
Ghost clenches his jaw. Shakes his head.
“No, I—“ He sighs. “Just have to get used to the… face-to-face. Let’s—I’ll try again.”
Soap smiles wider, now, as he nods, something kind and warm and brilliant.
The second try goes much smoother. Ghost takes a deep breath and eases himself into scripted dialogue, into witty banter and subtle flirts like it’s any other project.
They continue to record lines as such, just the two of them, each episode at a time. At some point, Ghost worries, the line between script and show and reality gets blurred. At some point, he fears, that flirting becomes genuine.
And what would he know—the reviews only get better as that line becomes less and less clear. Natural, real-feeling dialogue, critics say. The relationship is authentic, claim viewers.
The love is actually heartfelt.
And fuck, if that doesn’t make Ghost realize a few things about himself.
About Soap.
Consume is no different, his ass. He might have to have a stern talk with his agent in the near future.
(Or not.)
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unknown-goose · 1 year
TF141 If They Were Given Fate’s Servant Classes
It’s 11pm, I’m bored as hell, and my brain rot for both F/GO and MWII are going to be the death of me so let’s do this shit lmao. More of an artist then a writer so don’t hate me too much if this sucks.
Also this isn’t proofread, just an fyi
I feel like it’s kind of obvious that he would work best as an Assassin. I see him fitting a similar role to Kiritsugu Emiya, being that of a mage killer. He’s also a decent candidate for the Avenger class , his back story is proof of that in and of itself. Also when I first saw his mask, I immediately thought of King Hassan.
I have a hard time deciding if he would be a Caster or a Berserker. I think it would be a lot funnier if he was a Caster though; not knowing jack shit about mage craft, but just pulling a Caster Artoria and chucking homemade bombs at the enemy.
I was going to put him in the Archer class, but then I remembered his luck with helicopters so I’m making him a Lancer instead (worst luck out of all the classes). Probably give him some goofy ass passive skill while I’m at it lol, hopefully it softens the fall.
Captain Price
I ran out of smart things to say so I’m just going to say he’s an Archer. Wanted to make him a Ruler for verity’s sake, but the more I thought about it the less it made sense. Still think it would be a neat concept though.
I’m out of brain juice so I’m just gonna go bed now. Still got brain rot though so maybe I’ll have more silly crossover headcannons later. The world may never know…
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go-redgirl · 5 years
Ilhan Omar Allegedly A HOME WRECKER And CORRUPT!
peccatoribus64 peccatoribus64 21 hours ago I thought she hates America!! And here she is stealing American husbands. "Somebody" has some serious double standards!!
REPLY View 8 replies Debra Getz Debra Getz 22 hours ago There is a petition out there for her removal on ethics violations. Also, JW has filed a legal complaint.
REPLY MartianSunset MartianSunset 19 hours ago I believe Omar is laundering campaign money through this guy and putting it in her pocket.
REPLY View 7 replies Danger Dawn Danger Dawn 15 hours ago They are probably splitting that 230k; "legal" way to launder $$$
REPLY View reply Rodney Armstrong Rodney Armstrong 23 hours ago (edited) Because Ilhan Omar "DID SOMETHING"  !!!!!.
REPLY linross246 linross246 23 hours ago The freak that married her brother? No way!!
REPLY View reply John Smith John Smith 21 hours ago Send her back to Somalia with papers explaining what she did, let the Sharia judge her...
REPLY View 4 replies gomers44 gomers44 14 hours ago That money trail needs to be investigated. Maybe going to enemies of the state? Thanks ABL! 🙏🇺🇸🍺
REPLY View reply Tom Quinn Tom Quinn 20 hours ago It's okay to carry on with a white guy if he's a wonky Marxist that promises you a lucrative future.
REPLY Gaz Matic Gaz Matic 20 hours ago This is what they do. The squad. They all use campaign funds to pay their lovers!
REPLY View reply C Harris C Harris 6 hours ago "These 'people' are incompetent, they shouldn't be in congress."
Understatement of the year Read more
REPLY Daniel Stump Daniel Stump 22 hours ago Wait a minute! You mean Ilhan has a white man boyfriend !!??
REPLY View 6 replies S.W.S Ministries S.W.S Ministries 5 hours ago She did marry her brother what do you expect??? Standards!!!?
REPLY Robert Thompson Robert Thompson 11 hours ago Oh no not another rasict dating us wwhhhiite men you dont say this is the new type of rasict lmao
REPLY Paul Kirshman Paul Kirshman 22 hours ago "Me and Ms Omar, we got a thing going on. We both know that it's wrong, but it's much too late, to let it go now."
REPLY View 5 replies Daniel Ramirez Daniel Ramirez 13 hours ago Hypergamy at it's best folks...... It's weeman nature nothing to see here move on. Alpha fux beta bux.
REPLY Marina Syndulla Marina Syndulla 22 hours ago I'm not shocked this is what goes on in politics especially when a woman wants to get to the top
REPLY Starr Watkins Starr Watkins 23 hours ago Corrupt to the core. She has no values especially marriage.
REPLY E-beggar-In-Bangkok 2018 E-beggar-In-Bangkok 2018 22 hours ago Doesn't  Islam take a  very serious stance  against adultery?
REPLY View 3 replies John Doe John Doe 22 hours ago Hey, talib married her uncle so what's up with that?
REPLY View 4 replies Nicholas Helbert Nicholas Helbert 21 hours ago I love ALL of AMERICANS, but this woman can't stand us. It's  time she is rejected from OUR politics
REPLY Lee Mayzes Lee Mayzes 5 hours ago I'm not going to throw the first stone.  God will, and I think He already has.
REPLY sean rimmer sean rimmer 13 hours ago Great analysis. Many in the UK are watching with interest the developments in US politics, as it mirrors the UK's experience with Brexit.
REPLY View reply Carol Beane Carol Beane 22 hours ago Oh, I forgot, she is a democratic above the law.
REPLY POPPA SMURF POPPA SMURF 20 hours ago dude, she's a democrat.  look at the "hands off" that saved hillary, and bill before her.  the deep state protects those that further their agenda.  nothing will happen.
REPLY fredocine fredocine 7 hours ago Ilhan Omar (aka Ilhan Nur Said Elmi and "homewrecker") is FINALLY going down!🎉🎊🤩😍
REPLY P P 21 hours ago She was married to her brother, not possibly or allegedly but for sure!
REPLY View reply Red River Rover Red River Rover 3 hours ago That $230K is taxpayer money!  Giving it to her "lover" demands a federal investigation!
REPLY Autism Dad Autism Dad 23 hours ago Wait wait wait! OMAR is a real woman? I thought sHE's a transgender? :-) LOL
REPLY Helen Fukumoto Helen Fukumoto 7 hours ago The best hopeful news I've heard was Omar is possibly facing 40 years in prison & deportation for penalty of perjury 👍
REPLY Zig Zag Zig Zag 5 hours ago Corruption is law of the land, thats why Jeffery Epstein killers will lose no sleep!
REPLY Lauren Lewis Grief Coach Practitioner Lauren Lewis Grief Coach Practitioner 10 hours ago Where I come from, a woman that hops from man to man, we know what she's  called!!!
REPLY View reply Germane Habib Germane Habib 13 hours ago Whoa! Say it ain't so! Ilhan Omar's just another ho' with dough? Super....SMH!      🤦🏾‍♂️👎🏾
REPLY Daren B Daren B 11 hours ago "Ilhan; you got some 'splainin' to do."
REPLY bella roja bella roja 15 hours ago Be SURE, there's much much more - even filthier - going on with her … follow the $$$ and the private jets
REPLY Ray Maresh Ray Maresh 22 hours ago Who would want that Somalia hair pie. Must be the Benjamin's.
REPLY Hawaiian Brian Hawaiian Brian 10 hours ago Sharia law demands she is to be stoned. It's part of her beautiful culture!
REPLY View reply Wolff Street Wolff Street 22 hours ago And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.
Philippians 4:8
REPLY View reply Adam Bell Adam Bell 12 hours ago Philanderer, one who  wanders from one  mealliless  relationship to the next A drunkard, a sot, with money.
REPLY Jaqen H'gar Jaqen H'gar 20 hours ago Has she been tested for khat use? That would explain a lot!
REPLY CPQ-Apollo CPQ-Apollo 23 hours ago Put her on a plane back to where she comes from and then drop her off at 33,000 feet
REPLY DevilDog3381 DevilDog3381 9 hours ago What the Hell man. I'm sick of this B.S.
REPLY Cat Metal Cat Metal 20 hours ago She reminds me of them statues they find in Pharaoh tombs, except racist, sexist, hate-filled and Muslim supremist.
REPLY Glenn Heiselman Glenn Heiselman 9 hours ago Lady, if that smelly camel humper can steal your husband, he wasn't much of a husband.. She may be doing you a great favor.. Dump him collect everything you can out of him and enjoy a new life!!
REPLY ResQmomKim ResQmomKim 18 hours ago "The Squad" are ALL puppets!  All "cast" in the roles by "Justice Democrats"!  And also, isn't adultery punishable by death in Omar's "religion"?
REPLY View reply Connell Hunte Connell Hunte 23 hours ago Somewhere at 2:11 I got lost. Not what you saying but the stupidity of it all.
REPLY Roma Holcomb Roma Holcomb 7 hours ago So she doesn't follow Sharia or US laws. Seems to be alot of lawlessness in our govt. Love y'all.
REPLY Kaleb Smith Kaleb Smith 23 hours ago She's not going anywhere no different than Hillary
REPLY Raven Vargas Raven Vargas 8 hours ago (edited) From incest to homewrecker her best political accomplishments lol Ickhan and Don Lemon claim white men are dangerous etc but both are knockin boots with white men HAHAHA this is awesome
REPLY View reply I B Trippin I B Trippin 9 hours ago I say the Squad stays, They are the gift that keeps on giving........Trump 2020
REPLY Gilberto Garza Gilberto Garza 15 hours ago Everything you said I could not have said better myself! Bless You.
REPLY brob 3030 brob 3030 13 hours ago She allowed an infidel to invade her "territory". She's definitely not going back to Somalia ever again.
REPLY Casey Jones Casey Jones 16 hours ago That’s not the only thing she is WRECKING!!! P O S
REPLY Asia and Caucasia Asia and Caucasia 9 hours ago Good thing you’re a black creator, every other video on this is buried 😂🤣😂
REPLY Shemuel Roget Shemuel Roget 10 hours ago I do not agree with any of Omar's politics, but I would rather for the people in her district to vote her out. That is a much better way to do it and to keep stability in the system.
REPLY TEAMWOODPROTECT M. Wood TEAMWOODPROTECT M. Wood 8 hours ago Hell yes she's corrupt.. she has that snake tongue and manipulates everyone
1ookit,   I ain't never coming home no more." 🤣
REPLY King and Queen Turben King and Queen Turben 12 hours ago (edited) I'm surprised... Are we sure Tim Mynett isn't her brother from a different mother? Since she keeps it in the family.
She should be prisoned.
#(ck) common knowledge Read more
REPLY Ken McElroy Ken McElroy 18 hours ago Part of me agrees with you about hoping the squad are re-elected and part of me says no we need serious congress members.
REPLY G Garcia G Garcia 3 hours ago She should be prosecuted following the guidelines of her beloved faith
REPLY Juan Torres Juan Torres 6 hours ago Omar is useless,  worthless, and a waste of life; meaning, an opportunist who will take advantage of anything/ everything,( illegal/ immoral).
REPLY Thedarknate08 Thedarknate08 6 hours ago No Way? I thought she was a perfect person and never sinned! She's just another cut**
REPLY Ruby Woo Ruby Woo 23 hours ago Congress Omar is the real MVP haters gonna hate 🤘🏽
REPLY Got Ghost Got Ghost 7 hours ago (edited) So you folks blood, sweat, and tears taxed by uncle sam then sum get paid to this fools & You the people let it happen
REPLY Rufus LaCue Rufus LaCue 6 hours ago So both the left and the right have shady people in political positions, WHAAAT???!
REPLY Ghosty333 Ghosty333 21 hours ago Mpls Star and tribune has been covering up for her for a long time.
REPLY Christine Taggart Christine Taggart 15 hours ago Congratulations Omar. You have just proved Mr. Modi  right about Kashmir.
REPLY UnderseaCaveman UnderseaCaveman 19 hours ago Shouldn't she start digging her own hole now.....for the upcoming STONING???  Just Wondering!
REPLY Jon Padden Jon Padden 21 hours ago And once again the tangled web the leftists weave.  What am I thinking.  Leftists don't weave.  That's work!
REPLY Drew Rushing Drew Rushing 12 hours ago Home wrecker, country wrecker, she’s just a wrecker.
REPLY Buckwheat Loves Cryptos Buckwheat Loves Cryptos 20 hours ago How Would You Like To Be One Of The Idiots Who Voted For This Evil Excuse Of A Human Being God Will Handle Her WWG1WGA
REPLY wakawaka1976 wakawaka1976 8 hours ago No conscience, disingenuous, corrupt, jihadist, liars... That’s describing just about the whole of the left.
REPLY Calvin Adams Calvin Adams 14 hours ago This is a Definitely an episode from Scandal. She's playing the system.!!!
REPLY Brandon S Brandon S 20 hours ago (edited) “To go a little bit deeper”, lol. Not with this new guy.
REPLY BE BOP ROCK STEADY BE BOP ROCK STEADY 3 hours ago Mr. Ponzi would be proud of Omar...is that really her name?
REPLY unsheepled unsheepled 12 hours ago But all of the flaws and character deficits you find objectionable are PREREQUISITE  for being politics !
REPLY Christopher Greathouse Christopher Greathouse 7 hours ago How can anyone love omar she is the poster child for a toxic person.
REPLY Thil Thil 5 hours ago OOOO kill all white men. but not until I have caught me one. Yes Yes Yes I see.
REPLY Danger Mauz Danger Mauz 12 hours ago She needs to slow her role. If she ends up sent back to her country(it's obvious why the Democrats are hiding her background). Everybody, knows what happens to adultresses in a religion in a very conservative country.🤔🤦‍♀️😬
REPLY Grandma's Gone Gaming Grandma's Gone Gaming 20 hours ago I had no doubt that she was corrupt, even before this.
REPLY Dones Fitness Motivation Dones Fitness Motivation 9 hours ago More ammo for Trump. They are digging there own grave. Trump 2020
REPLY Kelly Regan Kelly Regan 6 hours ago How could anyone  want that, makes you want to throw  up
REPLY Chris Duane Chris Duane 11 hours ago Both AOC and Ilhan Omar are partnered with white men and they both have some of the most prestigious, high-paying jobs in the USA BUT they still claim USA is a racist country. If that doesn't show Demotards what frauds the Demotard Party is then nothing will.
REPLY Daniel Insogna Daniel Insogna 5 hours ago I think u missed one little aspect of this story.  ....he’s probably only getting 125,000 She gets the other half. No doubt in my mind.  Something to think about.
REPLY Snotty Scotty Snotty Scotty 4 hours ago How can she be romantically involved with him when she's not even related to him.
REPLY Eto Rawa Eto Rawa 22 hours ago Waiting for the Hodgetwins to do a skit on this...."balls deep" an all!  😅
REPLY steve diosdado steve diosdado 15 hours ago “Take your man” Ilhan , is really into white dudes. Does anything in this chick”s life make sense?
REPLY Pride of a Saiyan Pride of a Saiyan 2 hours ago This just shows you how much a politician will lie and say anything for an agenda. What's the agenda?
REPLY Lonnie Smith jr Lonnie Smith jr 21 hours ago Is this even close to Trump paying porn star hush 💰 while his wife was pregnant.Both parties are a joke
REPLY Johnny Tramain Johnny Tramain 59 minutes ago Me love you long time on taxpayers dime. Signed Omar & AOC.
REPLY lucy parrish lucy parrish 8 hours ago BOY, THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY IS FULL OF SOME REAL "WINNERS"!
REPLY Haim Levy Haim Levy 11 hours ago GREAT JOB ! Mr Anthony B Logan.
REPLY Ronnie Recon Ronnie Recon 23 hours ago what's the rumor Lamar lied in court 7 times .what is taking the law time to finally do something
REPLY Dixie Olly Dixie Olly 6 hours ago Thank patriot! God bless you, us, and USA! Amen.
REPLY ford nut ford nut 12 hours ago So shes bring ghetto behavior to Congress 🤣
REPLY Drrck11 Drrck11 7 hours ago Keep in mind this is all still 'alleged'. Nothing has been proven as of yet.
REPLY Phillip Nichols Phillip Nichols 1 hour ago Maybe Omar wants a. White man for a sacrifice to her so called Jihad
REPLY Katy Bell Katy Bell 1 hour ago So, classic case of 'projection.' Blame others what you are guilty of. Nothing new about this DemocRAT.
REPLY Julio Chavez Julio Chavez 6 hours ago The wife, must be a cougar,  judging by huge age difference.
REPLY Bradshaw 93 Bradshaw 93 37 minutes ago (edited) Trump is done ya'll  lol can't wait for 2020😂🤣🤪😎
REPLY RMorr50912 RMorr50912 48 minutes ago I’m pretty much 💯% with ya on this one ABL!
REPLY No Left Turns No Left Turns 26 minutes ago Sleazy - the one word that perfectly describes Ilhan Omar and every Democrat on this planet
REPLY marie renfro marie renfro 5 hours ago The fault is not all Omar's.  What about the married man?  He is to blame just like her.
REPLY Dale Gribble Dale Gribble 4 hours ago ABL I AGREE 100% thank u for the upload
REPLY JuneGDP JuneGDP 7 hours ago Corruption to the deepest degree.  “You shall know them by their deeds.” 🦆
REPLY Zig Zag Zig Zag 5 hours ago Why just kick her out, all of them corrupt! We need very very small government!
REPLY Matthew mcg Matthew mcg 7 hours ago Holidays are going to awkward in the ohmar house gotta see you ex husband/brother and buy him a gift ...
REPLY Henry Quenin Henry Quenin 5 hours ago I can scarcely believe how arrogant and in-your-face this Omar person is.  She's breathtakingly outrageous!
REPLY airnay airnay 5 hours ago To prove she didn’t marry her brother, she must tongue kiss him for the public to see.
REPLY Gary Grimm Gary Grimm 21 hours ago she is in favor of anything that harms our America (not hers).
REPLY Gerard Vinet Gerard Vinet 2 hours ago (edited) Because he's a gold digger,not for money but for publicity & recognition!
REPLY Marjorie Colao-Pullman Marjorie Colao-Pullman 21 hours ago Someone needs to make a visual aid of fact of her relationship status
REPLY Janice Smith Janice Smith 8 hours ago (edited) Wow! ABL broke it down right there! Love your assessment. She IS corrupt.
REPLY Barbara Jean The Costume Queen Barbara Jean The Costume Queen 4 hours ago Just a big ol’ shake my head! What goes around comes around!
REPLY Meltones Meltones 13 hours ago As soon as I heard the headlines I came to Youtube for some commentary.
REPLY tobagobum tobagobum 3 hours ago Isn't stoning the judgement for adultery in her religion?
REPLY Franky Compagnone Franky Compagnone 5 hours ago There's a love child here that will assure her place in American history. Thank you for nothing democrats .
REPLY strategic services strategic services 5 hours ago I'll pay a one way ticket to somalia for her.
REPLY Jo Smotherman Jo Smotherman 1 hour ago Everyone knows she is a hypocrite, but serving in Congress without following US law, needs to be dealt with.
REPLY L W L W 6 hours ago Keep up the good word man,your 100 percent correct.
REPLY weedislegal4me2 weedislegal4me2 6 hours ago Who in their right mind, and with eyesight, would phuk this skanky skunk?
REPLY Shane Persaud Shane Persaud 11 hours ago USCIS/immigration fraud is grounds for deportation so why is she still here??
REPLY iLm au Dio iLm au Dio 7 hours ago If Ilhan Omar turns out to be Kaiser Soze...🤯
REPLY Melinda GDW Melinda GDW 6 hours ago I'm shocked!...  That this hasn't come out sooner.  She is as loose of morals as she is ignorant & dogmatic!
REPLY Eduardo Castro Eduardo Castro 2 hours ago As a proud 2nd Generation Mexican American I will say bye, bye democratic party
REPLY Billy Bob Billy Bob 23 hours ago Yes 100% corrupt and should be kicked out of Congress and kicked out of the country for immigration fraud.
REPLY sssbob sssbob 22 hours ago Several weeks ago, ETS said Omars days were numbered.
REPLY ale ale ssandro ale ale ssandro 19 hours ago (edited) expell Omar, the other 2 can still be the face of the dems + they had one member leave in disgrace
REPLY Paul Brown Paul Brown 21 hours ago She believes that sharia law should be supreme, let her be judged and punished by its standards.
REPLY billsykes75 billsykes75 7 hours ago Looolllll sounds like "someone" could be getting Stoned...to Death..;-)
REPLY Vic Darapiza Vic Darapiza 21 hours ago And we are expecting something better from a terrorist?! an anti-semite anti-Israel omar.
REPLY Ballsdeep Singh Ballsdeep Singh 7 hours ago Land of the free... on another note, does she have a crystal skull under that head rag?
REPLY Jason Smith Jason Smith 13 hours ago If she is using that guy to basically wash money to buy yourself stuff or she is being corrupt about the money situation, she must have learned it from somebody!! # follow the money
REPLY Steven G Steven G 7 hours ago Yes, agreed she is corrupt to the core and does not represent American values.
REPLY density deep density deep 6 hours ago You sir got my subscription thank you for the great content
REPLY Nancy Nutt Nancy Nutt 4 hours ago SHE HAS NO scrupils. Used a CHILD TO PROTECT herself FROM DEATH threats. While Outside IN THE public.
REPLY Donna B Donna B 23 hours ago ABL  - u know what's happening!  Keep on keeping us informed...
REPLY Kentucky Justice Kentucky Justice 22 hours ago A quarter mil just to "hit that thang."  That brother must leave three tracks in the sand.
REPLY Kim Kincaid Kim Kincaid 30 seconds ago She just thinks she's moving on up since her husband is prolly on govt assistance.
REPLY Chuck Orvis Chuck Orvis 8 hours ago If that was a trump supporter the Democrats would be jumping up and down wanting investigations
REPLY Marvin Carter Marvin Carter 9 hours ago No!! Not voted out. But hopefully they all will be arrested and sent to prison. 😡
REPLY PNOYPWR PNOYPWR 23 hours ago (edited) IIhan Omar paid her Lover to Do her...a..." favor". She also married "Somebody" as She described in her 9/11 comment.
REPLY Khami Cakes Khami Cakes 5 hours ago Lol she outchea laying it low and spreading it wide🤣🤣
REPLY The Moonlit Quill The Moonlit Quill 17 hours ago This whole situation is nonsense and insane. She just needs to go back to Somalia faster than the speed of light.
REPLY Mauricio Chevez Mauricio Chevez 20 hours ago She needs to be expelled from congress and the country immediately
REPLY Jack Kimble Jack Kimble 3 hours ago Finally Justice for we the people need to clean up coungress three more times also.....
REPLY staci riley staci riley 1 hour ago Hopefully this is the way her cookie crumbles.
REPLY Golden Wings Golden Wings 7 hours ago 0mar hails from one of the most c0rrupt c3sspits on earth, S0ma|ia.  My expectation of her were low from the start.
REPLY bogieviews bogieviews 9 hours ago I'm with you - keep Omar and the squatters up in front so everyone sees what is in the hearts of democrats.
REPLY The SAM The SAM 14 hours ago (edited) let me guess if she breaks his heart; he's gonna go on a rampage lol 😂 this is so ridiculous
REPLY Sebastian Sebastian 8 hours ago Logan I am confused ... it's more complicated than many a script for a soap opera...HHAHAHAHAHA
REPLY Ground Zero Ground Zero 22 hours ago I think she needs a good old fashioned Sharia Stoning and "not the kind that you smoke !"
REPLY Linda Reeb Linda Reeb 8 hours ago She's definitely corrupt and a law breaker, should NOT be a law maker!!
REPLY Irvin Hawkeswood Irvin Hawkeswood 4 hours ago Rashida looks like she could handle the beans and frank with that big mouth !!!
REPLY gabriel32724 gabriel32724 23 hours ago One way of seeing if a person is fit for Congress is their character. Omar has none!!!
REPLY Isasiah Bradley Isasiah Bradley 2 hours ago I can't wait to see you tap dance.  The only thing worst that a racist...is an Uncle Ruckus.
REPLY Mimi Jones Mimi Jones 7 hours ago they are a blessing for the republican party.  they must remain.
REPLY chuck cuttress chuck cuttress 23 hours ago Its obvious he’s giving her most of the money back probably in a bank in somalia
REPLY massterclass9 massterclass9 20 hours ago Excellent journalism from the one and only ABL
REPLY Leo Lee Leo Lee 41 minutes ago What say me ?  I say a one party system could become more corrupt the the looney left.
REPLY Kelly Regan Kelly Regan 6 hours ago Isn't  she frightened  of her adulterous  male friends, GOD he's  WHITE, (help  help  help me)
REPLY J Kennedy J Kennedy 20 hours ago Polygamy is only legal in Utah, she gives zero f**ks for our laws !
REPLY Bosingr Bosingr 3 hours ago Upon  hearing about all this, Omar reportedly said "He feels just like a brother to me."
Okay, okay, I stole that from Michael Knowles over at The Daily Wire. I couldn't help it. 😁
REPLY David 1 David 1 3 hours ago Good for you to focus on the rules she has broken with her campaign funds.  I like your point of view...
REPLY Monique Addn Monique Addn 7 hours ago She has no morals yet shes running the country. Sounds about right.
REPLY Richard Kager Richard Kager 1 hour ago I want to see Candace Owens debate Ilhan Omar.Candace would eat her alive!
REPLY Micha Grobi Micha Grobi 10 hours ago R.I.P. Democratic party. Died Nobember 2020 after a long and evil way of supressing others and lie to we the people for so long. Amen.
REPLY Pewy McPewerson Pewy McPewerson 23 hours ago Muzzies will never conform to western civilization. They shouldn't be allowed to serve in any government capacity.
REPLY heriberto fernandez heriberto fernandez 16 hours ago Corrupt corrupt corrupt...   they need to get her out.
REPLY KODA 002 KODA 002 8 hours ago Follow the money. You may be shocked where its actually going
REPLY Chrissyblou Lam Chrissyblou Lam 4 hours ago So much for her towel wrapping religion & all it stands for.
REPLY Tomeka Ridley Tomeka Ridley 19 hours ago Ilhan Omar sounds like sick minded "twisted" hypocrite.
REPLY Jason Martin Jason Martin 23 hours ago She’s 3rd 🌎 t r a s h!
REPLY skeletalsanta skeletalsanta 23 hours ago Ilhan Qatar said that Tim's a great man I love him like a brother
REPLY T M T M 8 hours ago F king her campaign consultants and giving them $230,000.  And Omar is a home wrecker!!
REPLY Infinite Holographic Quasiverse Infinite Holographic Quasiverse 11 hours ago (edited) Id do er.
She looks like a freak in the bed.
REPLY plaubel28 plaubel28 23 hours ago (edited) Her explanation will be Trump is Racist.
REPLY Valerie Fraser Valerie Fraser 7 hours ago Totally corrupt. It is always about the money.
REPLY Crazy 8s Drums Crazy 8s Drums 17 hours ago According to the Hadiths, Ilhan Omar must now submit to lethal stoning as prescribed by Sharia that she insists must overtake the US Constitution.
REPLY sergio black sergio black 11 hours ago (edited) What!? No. Not the Corrupt Socialist...😑
REPLY J M J M 17 hours ago Thank you for talking about this. Please make sure you have a bitchute and same name so I can find you if you are not here anymore.
REPLY Volk Lupo Volk Lupo 10 hours ago Now I'm just wondering what she's wearing under those cute little outfits she wears!!!🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪
REPLY Randy Scherer Randy Scherer 23 hours ago If she was in her "Motherland", it's doubtful she'd be alive.
REPLY Bmw EM Bmw EM 22 hours ago the guy is both blind and deaf, and I guess he can't smell her either,
REPLY itsumademoheiwa itsumademoheiwa 22 hours ago What is the punishment for adultery according to Islam, again?
REPLY Alan Wood Alan Wood 14 hours ago Will she be using campaign contributions to pay his divorce lawyer?
REPLY Carol Costa Carol Costa 2 hours ago It's as if she thinks she is untouchable and No laws apply to her!
REPLY Gustav Babic Gustav Babic 11 hours ago You know that AOC didn't get where she is without opening her legs for someone.
REPLY Gary Morrison Gary Morrison 5 hours ago Thank you Thank you Thank you for all you do to educate the people on everything that's going on with our so called law makers please keep up your hard work please share this  with all the right people in media 🇺🇸
REPLY Kenny Driver Kenny Driver 15 hours ago Is anyone really surprised by once again the double standards from these SJWs as the left will no doubt defend her. Vile individual so she is.
REPLY Rebecca Gable Rebecca Gable 10 hours ago Wow--corrupt as they come!!!
REPLY PM V PM V 12 hours ago Can you sell a program so i know who the players are?
REPLY Nicholas Helbert Nicholas Helbert 21 hours ago Don't forget, she also said "white men" are the GREATEST threat to Americans
REPLY oneski io oneski io 15 hours ago Same kind of alleged crime as AOC?
REPLY RoatanDoug RoatanDoug 5 hours ago The leftist/democrat dumpster fire gets hotter.
REPLY Tiger Tough Tiger Tough 19 hours ago Can we stone Ilhan Elmi 🧕🏾 to Death???
REPLY Gary Wagner Gary Wagner 7 hours ago I truly believe that God will move to take care of the problem that we have in congress some things are being uncovered watch and see what happens next God bless
REPLY Atlas Latest Atlas Latest 9 hours ago 100 lashes for adulterous acts no?    Sharia law
REPLY Patrick Longerbeam Patrick Longerbeam 3 hours ago You can’t make this stuff up. The Democratic Party is a joke...
REPLY rebeccabowers65 rebeccabowers65 22 hours ago (edited) She is a home wrecker but a complete train wreck for this great nation.
REPLY Black whiskey 7 Black whiskey 7 6 hours ago In another words "that woman is a crook"..😦
REPLY xomthood xomthood 4 hours ago You called her controversial, I think the word you were looking for is despicable.
REPLY Warbird Phoenix Warbird Phoenix 6 hours ago So scandalous it makes me want to get my hair and nails done at the salon to gossip all day.
REPLY howtheheliru howtheheliru 12 hours ago The rat in the hat strucks again! What will it take to be rid of this train wreck!
REPLY Poppa J B 12 hours ago Adultery always Adultery. Sir you are absolutely right no character can be found but these are the ones supposedly a.voice to the people
REPLY M T 22 hours ago Mynett.....getting paid!!! All those Benjamin's$$$$
REPLY Aguomba Ubong 7 hours ago Republican should go out there teach people about capitalism incentives create jobs excessive tax don't
REPLY Riki tiki Tavi 11 hours ago Typical Islamist..they deny and lie..following the law of taqiyya. yet tim mynett admitted it.
REPLY Steve O 22 hours ago Like your point of view.   Refreshing
REPLY Leroy Green 12 hours ago So gossiping about irrelevant crap like this is what this channel has come to? Smh.
REPLY Theadore Bundy 8 hours ago Lol oh this is too good....adultery home wrecking with a half jewish white man. Hahahaha!!!!
REPLY Vera Howard 13 hours ago What’s done in the dark will come out to the light 💡 Thank  you Jesus For the BIG LIGHT 💡
REPLY LB Awakened 2 hours ago Lying , stealing, cheating, ...she's in the correct Party...
REPLY mark christofferson 10 hours ago Remember Ilhan next time a Muslim runs for office.
REPLY starlite556 3 hours ago His wife said that his company was broke.
REPLY Cory D 21 hours ago All I heard was she had kids with her brother. I'm pretty sure everything else you said was quantum physics.
REPLY SomeOneElse 23 hours ago The culture is told to lie and be proud of it, for their "god". Too many infiltrators! - Punish ALL who do not stand with America and rule of law.
All must be stripped from local and federal positions of any "authority".
REPLY John Leckie 20 hours ago It’s all about the Benjamins and back in her beloved Somalia they stone her to death.
OPINION:  IIhan Omar is this country worst nightmare along with the rest of the So-called ‘Squad’ because they are Anti-Americans that were shown from the very beginning.  And The Democrats have allowed them to ‘run lose’ in this country instead of teaching them how to focus on their ‘constituents’ and the promises that they made to them to get their votes.  Well, we guess they had no Democrats ‘role models’ in Congress to teach them anything, when they too have been running around this country ‘unhinged’.  They needed someone respectful enough to look up too and they didn’t because their Party is out of control themselves.
They have proven to be the worst group of people in Congress, which means they are really terrible.  
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