#or like the one time i broke my ankle during handball
witherbythesword · 6 months
Sometimes i think back to my primary physician at a time discouraging me to go a psychatrist to get mental health meds because "these meds often make you gain weight and you are already overweight" after I disclosed to him I was truely dealing with suicidal ideation. Man really said "As your healthprofessional, I prefer the risk of you killing yourself, over the risk of you gaining weight."
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whumpingwithirondad · 6 years
Hiya here to add to the whump for Peter and bio dad Tony,, what about a broken arm/wrist/finger during an after school activity when Peter’s 10? ((Totally not projecting my own experiences from when I broke my little finger during handball practice ahah I remember the whole thing vividly, how I cried so hard when I saw my bent finger but eventually calmed down, but when my dad arrived I started crying again but even harder and then straight to the ER))
I ran into a concrete wall when I was an 8 year old stupid child and broke my wrist, anon. Childhood is a dangerous game. 
For Peter, it’s right around the time that the Avengers are settling down as a team. They’ve moved into the tower and Peter’s ecstatic at the fact that he basically has all these new aunt and uncles. Plus, they all adore him. 
One day, Peter’s school got out early and he arrived at the tower at the same time the team usually trained. Tony reluctantly brings him down to the training floor and has Peter sit on the sidelines, doing his homework. Peter pouts because he wanted to join in. 
“Not until you’re at least thirty.” His dad tells him before ruffling his hair. 
Peter watches as Natasha does these crazy kicks and flips as she spars with Clint. Steve does a few flips of his own. He thinks that maybe if he can show them that he can do his own flips, that means they will let him join the team sooner, right? 
“Daddy, look at me!” 
Tony hears his kid and when he turns around, Peter’s on top of a pile of gym mats, standing on the edge. His eyes turn wide and heart races and before he can get a word out, he watches as Peter jumps with a flip. 
Tony rushes over in time to watch Peter land awkwardly on his leg and Peter screams, before grabbing his ankle and just starts crying. 
Tony wants to strangle his son for being so stupid, but know he doesn’t need that right now. 
The rest of the team rushes over where Bruce takes a quick look at Peter’s ankle and sees that it has already swollen to more than half its size and starts to quickly stabilize it. 
Peter’s crying in Tony’s arm with Tony gently shushing him. It’s a painstaking process when Tony has to lift Peter in his arms and carry him down to the MedBay. Tony’s cooing in his ear, peppering Peter’s face with kisses, trying to do all that he can to make him better. 
By the time that Peter’s get his x-rays, pain medication and foot in a cast, he’s fast asleep. He has to have the cast on for the next three weeks, all of which consist of Tony or one of the other Avengers having to carry Peter around all the time at home. He still uses crutches at school. Flash and his goons made fun of him the first day and threw his crutches down the stairs. When Tony received the call from the school, Steve and Rhodey both had to go with to stop Tony from murdering an eight year old (Steve pulls Flash off to the side instead and lectures the boy to the point of tears and snot running down his face - there’s nothing like a disappointed Captain America to have a kid crying for forgiveness) 
Everyone signs his cast. Peter gets doted on by his dad, but sometimes its a little too overbearing as in the case when Tony has to help him bathe because the cast can’t get wet. He gets to cuddle up with Tony every night on his bed and his dad is ready at a moment’s notice to get anything that Peter needs. Life with a broken ankle was not too bad.
That is until the three weeks are up, his cast is off and his dad promptly grounds him for two weeks. 
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