#or kkkkkk is the fucking kukluxklan
brascu · 2 years
There’s this thing I hate about english that is how people assume everyone know what every acronym means. like?????? babe wtf is IDHAS supposed to mean???????????
(just for the record, I typed whatever just now, but it maybe is something, I wouldn’t know)
ok, I get we don’t need a clarification for NASA or USA or UK, but then you guys write a whole point and drop some letters and good luck figuring this out
I mean, sometimes those same letters have different meanings in different places??? will your fingers fall if you add a fucking explanation to what is that thing that seems fundamental to your whole line of thought???
Like, if I tell any brazilian I went to the UBS and that I love SUS so much, they’ll understand, of course. But like, right here, right now, where people from other places have access to what I’m saying, I’ll obviously tell you that UBS stands for “Unidade Básica de Saúde” or “Basic Health Facility” and that SUS (Sistema Único de Saúde) is our Universal Healthcare System. See? It didn’t hurt and now you know something you didn’t.
I fucking want to die everytime I’m reading a fucking story and they just assume I know what UAJJS means. like??????? babe?????? 
Oh, sorry, I didn’t realize you’re only writing for those who have your exact same cultural background lol.
don’t mind me, I get a bit pissed.
The best writing advice I got was “always assume your reader is stupid”, when talking about references. I won’t assume you know who Machado de Assis is, I’ll fucking tell you, so please tell me what the fuck means VTMNC
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