#or just make shit up right? get squirrel girl in there. I’m sure Kris Anka would love to design a squirrel girl
hylianane · 4 months
Sorry for suddenly bringing up Spiderverse for the first time in like five months, but it kills me that the one character’s whose movie I most want to see dimension I most want to see in the movieverse is Jess Drew’s but I also know that it’s the one we’re LEAST likely to get because Sony doesn’t have the rights to the Avengers and unlike other Spideys, Jess’s most popular stories are built almost entirely around SHIELD and HYDRA. But like. Come on, isn’t utilizing them for this version of Jess so cool in theory?
Because I’m not a die hard comic book fan I specially haven’t ventured into reading Marvel comic since I was kind of little and had a crush on both Mystique and Nightcrawler but even I know Secret Invasion, and how Jessica Drew drew was key. She was replaced by Veranke, the very Skrull Queen. With this in mind, don’t you think an adapted Secret Invasion storyline would be sort of sick in contextualizing Jess’s actions in ASTV. NOT by making her secretly be an alien the whole time but rather, making her part of her dimension’s Avengers that had to deal with a Skrull Invasion, who she has to watch fall apart because everyone loved each other too much to distrust each other when they needed to. I remember watching the Earth’s Mightiest Heroes Secret Invasion adaptation, and the Skrulls only attacked when the Avengers gave them their the opportunity. When their attachment got rid of all reason and they trusted someone else knowing that they shouldn’t.
Wouldn’t that be a sort of badass explanation for Jess’s emotional distance in ASTV? Is that just my childhood nostalgia speaking?
“You never made a mistake? Never got too close to someone?”
“I did. But I got over it.”
“I know he’s your friend but it’s the only way.”
“But my gut says-“
“So use your head!”
And listen if Marvel allowing Sony to use the Avengers even in passing is unlikely, letting them do their own Secret Invasion take (even if just as a comicbook backstory flashback) is an even more impossible after their live action adaptation sorta flopped (or is it even out yet? i have little interest in watching it ever after their dumbass ai poster). But least let me enjoy my HC about movie Jess’s life before the Spider Society for a year or two, until the next film proves me otherwise. Even if it’s unlikely or if you just think it kinda sucks. SPECIALLY if you think it kinda sucks.
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