#or just cat x kara
nimrism · 4 months
constantly thinking about the PERFECT setup supergirl season 1 had to make kara queer;
"oh my god, you're a lesbian" – winn to kara, in the very FIRST episode.
"hell, i wanna date her" – kara, about lucy lane.
"she does kinda give off a sapphic vibe, with that big old butch S chestplate" – leslie willis (livewire) about supergirl.
there were so many other instances in s1 alone, let alone in later seasons when lena showed up (recounting every queer-coded supercorp interaction would require a whole podcast). it was the PERFECT pretext to make her even just a little bit fruity, but the cw just couldn't handle it i guess
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rewatching supergirl again and i can’t get over how much i want cat and kara to smooch 😔🙏
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letsgoravendors · 4 months
"what are you thinking about?"
how when kara felt like her life was falling apart, Lena was the only person to make her truly smile
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no you don't understand like do you know how huge that is??? alex couldn't even get kara to smile in that ep but lena does like it nothing im crying-
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natalievoncatte · 1 month
She doesn’t answer. Lena’s presence doesn’t surprise her; Kara Danvers always knows where Lena Luthor is, at least as long as there’s a way for the sound of her heart to find Kara’s ears, no matter how soft or faint it might be. In her ruminations Kara thinks on that before she speaks. Even when they were at their worst, when they were hurting each other in every way that mattered, Kara would stop and listen.
It was a secret and sacred thing, a transgression that she would never admit. She would confess to scoping Lena out with her x-ray vision first. She’d never actually done that, but she’d pretend-admit before confessing that, sometimes, she’d listen to Lena’s heart as she slept and drift off to its slow and steady beat.
They’re by the sea, at the Danvers family home. It’s been a year since Alex and Kelly married and a small, core group have gathered here in this house by the waves to celebrate the anniversary. It’s just Alex and Kelly of course and Esme, and Lena and Kara. And Eliza.
She lives here, after all.
Nia and Brainy are in town in an AirBnB, and they’ve been by the house but are mostly doing their own thing. They’ll marry soon, Kara thinks. They have that air about them, the way that Alex and Kelly did before the proposal.
There is a sense of finality to it all that has fallen over Kara like the shadow of a passing storefront, and she sits where she can watch the ocean waves roll in, chin propped on arms resting on knees, curled up and watching the waves reach the high water mark and roll back.
Lena stands beside her now, seemingly unconcerned that Kara hasn’t answered her. This happens a lot now. There are companionable silences. Lena spends half her days in Kara’s home, working from a laptop on Kara’s kitchen counter while Kara writes at the kitchen table.
A lot has happened. Cat Grant offered her the role of EIC at CatCo; Kara rejected it. She’d mad furtive plans to reveal her identity, then canceled them. She’d told Cat but asked that it end there and Cat had respected it, then gone on an esoteric retreat at an eel farm or… something. Kara still submitted articles to CatCo but on a freelance basis, and she was submitting more articles elsewhere lately.
Actually, very little had happened. Kara had more time to really write, now. She put on her suit and flew out the window less and less, being less needed.
Lena sits down next to her and assumes a similar pose. Kara can’t help but look at her; she has never been able to resist looking at Lena Luthor. That too has changed. She doesn’t steal a glance this time, she studies, lets her gaze linger. She looks at the way the light of the golden hour plays with Lena’s soft, easy beauty. Her sort-of-roommate skipped putting on makeup this morning and her hair is down in a mop of air-dried dark curls, some of them lazily riding the breeze around her head. Some of it falls across her face and Kara fights the urge to sweep it back with a soft brush of her fingers.
Lena is beautiful. The warm light makes her pale skin glow, brings out the sparkle in her blue-green eyes, as deep as the sea they watch. There is a soft playful hint of a smile on her lips, but her brows are furrowed.
Kara thinks back to the last time she spoke to J’onn. She told the man, the closest thing she had left to a father in the world, about how she was wearing the cape less and working more, about Lena, about how Alex and Kelly seemed to be moving on, both of them now retired from the insanity of her lives and Alex actually planning to practice medicine.
“That’s what happens,” J’onn told her. “Things pass. Stories end. The great deeds are done, the archenemies vanquished, the miracles all performed. After that is just life.”
Kara wasn’t sure what that meant. In her life -almost sixty years, that she’d experienced as less than thirty- she’d packed in the experiences of a hundred lifetimes. She’d watched her world die, found her family, lost them, made a new one. She’d loved and lost and she’d even died- twice. She’d spent two eternities in her own personal hell.
Kara lets out a slow sigh. She’s still looking at Lena.
They have to have this conversation. Kara just doesn’t know what to say or how to say it. The problem is obvious. Lena and Kara had arrived this morning a few hours after Kelly and Alex, and found that Eliza had, as to be expected, already planned out who was bunking where.
“Alex and Kelly have Alex’s old room,” Eliza had told them, after hugging Lena. “Esme has Kara’s old room, and you and Lena can take the guest bedroom.”
When the words left her foster mother’s mouth, Kara’s heart raced. If Lena thought anything of it, she gave no sign. Kara was on the verge of panic.
Eliza had given the two of them a room with one bed. A small room, a shared room that would give two people no privacy.
Does she think we’re…?
Kara had considered the possibility before. She wasn’t blind or oblivious to a fluttering heart beat or lip bites or long stares, but…
“I’m scared,” Kara says, and she looks away.
She can feel Lena looking at her, gaze unwavering.
“What about?”
Kara swallows hard. She doesn’t know if Lena realizes what Eliza has assumed yet, if she’s put it together. She must have, because she came out here looking for Kara. Kara hadn’t run away exactly, but she had fled. She needed to think.
“One thing I’ve learned,” Kara says, “is that once you say something, you can’t un-say it. You can’t change the truth once it’s been told.”
Lena nods softly. She knows. They learned the same lesson from the same cruel trick.
“Do you know why I held on to my secret for so long?”
“You always said it was to protect me, and I didn’t accept that. Then when…” Lena pauses heavily, “when we moved on, I never really asked again.”
Kara swallows. “I lied. I did it for me.”
Lena says nothing.
“I was scared. I was afraid that once I told you, it would be the same with you as it was with everyone else. Once people know Kara is Supergirl, then Kara stops being Kara. Kara is just Supergirl’s real name.”
Kara’s breath hitches. She glances at Lena, who watches intently.
“I was wrong. I should have known better. I should have trusted you.”
“Yes,” said Lena. “You should have. I should have tried to understand you. To understand why instead of projecting my own insecurities onto your choice. But it doesn’t matter anymore. I forgave you.”
Waves crash in the silence.
“I would forgive you anything.”
“Even beating the last potsticker?”
“I’m serious, Lena.”
Lena sighs. “Are we going to talk about it?”
“You saw the room.”
Lena nods.
“Your mom seems to be assuming that we share a bed,” Lena says.
Kara swallows hard.
“The last time I was with Nia, she asked when I’m selling the penthouse, because she assumed I’ve been planning to move into your loft.”
Kara groped her knees because her hands are shaking. She grips her knees to stop them but it makes her legs shake instead.
Lena shifts closer, scooting across the grass. She’s not touching Kara but it feels like she is. Her touch becomes and threatens. They share space, the sea breeze passing over them as one. Lena looks at her through a tangle of inky curls and her eyes are infinite, searching Kara for something.
“I have deemed a dream,” Kara whispers. “I fear if I dream it too deeply I’ll suddenly wake, and when I wake it’ll be gone the way dreams always are, and it will fade as fast as any dream. The thought of losing it hurts so bad it makes it feel like my chest is caving in.”
Kara looks at Lena now. She looks so young, she is young. Her power suits and makeup and air of command and defiance all make her seem almost matronly but here with Kara that mask is gone and beneath it is her true self, her secret self that not even their friends see, a young girl who’s never been young.
Just like Kara.
“What if you woke up and the dream came true?”
“Sometimes,” Kara admits, “I wonder if you’re real. I used to dream of things when I floated in my pod and they seemed so real…”
“It’s real, Kara,” Lena whispers, soft and breathy. “It’s real and I’m not going anywhere. Nothing has to change. It’s just going to evolve. I know what you want to say and I’ve been scared of it too. What you’re saying, I can feel it in my soul… when the Luthors took me in, I used to dream that my mom was alive. I’d wake up smelling breakfast and hearing her sing and when I realized it was just a dream it was like she died again every morning.”
“I love you.”
Lena stares at her. Kara hears Lena’s steady pulse flutter and begins to stammer.
“I know I’ve said it before. I mean I’m in love with-“
Lena presses a finger to her lips.
“I know. Stop telling me and show me.”
Kara freezes, not sure what she meant. Lena twisted languidly and leaned towards her. Kara freezes briefly and then just lets go, moving on instinct. Using a little strength she pulls Lena into her lap, gently touches her chin, and tilts her back a touch, to kiss her.
It is at once tentative and soft and absolutely explosive. Kara forces back tears, as Lena embraces her with all her strength, molding herself to Kara as if she means to climb inside her. For all her urgency, her kiss is just as delicate, just as tender and exploratory.
It is as it has always been. They compliment each other perfectly, moving together without a word needed, Kara breaks the kiss because Lena needs air and lowers her to the grass, fully on top of her now, brushing lose strands of hair back from her face to kiss her again and again and again, each kiss ah apology, each brushing of lips a lament for time lost.
They could have been doing this for years.
Lena arches under her, grinding hungrily, kissing her furiously. She moans softly as Kara’s hands find bare skin and Kara murmurs a Kryptonian prayer against her lips, and her thighs rise to bracket Kara’s hips.
Kara feels it all. The desire, the lust, the need, and above all the unbridled joy. This is no dream. It’s real. It’s happening. It’s…
“Eww,” Alex says.
Kara snaps up, acutely aware that her hand is halfway up Lena’s now-askew top, and that Lena has leg-locked them together. Lena lets her head fall back and peers up at Alex.
“Eliza sent me to find you two. Dinner is ready,” Alex sighs, then turns, muttering,
“Get a room. Sheesh.”
Lena cracks first, unleashing a gale of laughter.
“Let me go,” she protests.
Kara lets her…. briefly. Play-wrestling ensues, and Lena just know that Kara is letting her win as they roll in the grass, but it no longer matters. Lena is flushed and grass-stained and joy burns her in her eyes and-
“Come on!” Alex bellows.
Kara helps her up, and they head for the house.
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midnightlizard · 4 months
Kara Danvers x gn!spidey! reader
Love square
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Summary: Kara loves the reader, but they're in love with Supergirl. None of them knows who the other secretly is. (it's basically the miraculous plot if you've ever seen it)
Warnings: nothing really. Reader has Spiderman powers but the superhero name (Y/S/N) is not specified
Word count: 5080
It was a quiet night out in the streets, you already swung over the city a couple of times looking for people getting robbed, attacked or even murdered. But to everyone's luck, except maybe yours, National City was very peaceful tonight.
Hanging from a streetlight, you were pondering ending your patrol and just going back to bed, until you noticed something small moving out of the corner of your eye.
It didn't trigger your senses but you still decided to get on the ground to check it out.
What seemed to be now a small animal shierked away from the sudden movement, hiding under a bench.
Looking through the cracks of the wood you saw a pair of yellow eyes looking back at you.
"come here kitty, come come" you knelt on the cement, trying to get it to come to you. Surprisingly enough, it slowly advanced, coming out to sniff your outstretched fingers.
"oh sorry baby I have no food with me" but thankfully the cat didn't seem to mind, as it started headbutting your hand in search of cuddles. Now that it was under the light you could see its black fur and white spots, that made it look like it had socks on and a mustache.
"ahw look at you, you're so cute!" he wasn't wearing a collar, but you could tell he was a boy.
Between finding the best place to pet him and thinking how you could sneak him into your apartment at this hour without anyone noticing, you suddenly felt a shiver run down your spine and heard a gunshot a second later.
"sorry baby, got to go" you hurriedly said, and the cat almost seemed to miss your touch as you sprung into action, shooting a web at the nearest building and launching yourself into the air, swinging towards the sound.
When you arrived, not too long after, all you could see was a big red cape twirling around and three men around it.
There she was, the girl of steel, in all of her glory, fighting bad guys and not breaking a sweat. They didn't seem too dangerous and you both knew she could handle them herself. But that way you wouldn't get a chance to flirt with her.
You silently crawled the walls, as to not alert the men, and with every bad guy she sent flying into the air, you trapped them with your webs.
"what took you so long?" she asked, removing dust from her hands.
"I was with a kitty! I came as soon as I heard" you leaned close to her face "why, you missed me?"
"not a chance spidey" she put a hand on your cheeck and turned your head the other way. "where is the woman?" she took a step back, searching around. When her gaze turned to you, she saw your head tilted to the side in confusion, and decided to explain.
"there was a woman with them, they were trying to rob her, I jumped in but she must have escaped. Did you not see anyone on your way here?"
Even tho she couldn't see it, you smiled and shook your head "sorry beautiful, but you're the only woman I see" that made her groan out loud, though you knew she wasn't seriously bothered by it.
Since the moment you two met, you were instantly drawn to the blonde, to the confidence in her steps and the undeniable sweetness of her heart, and the fact that she was gorgeous was definitely a plus.
And from the first moment you decided to make it clear, you were never one to hide your feelings no matter the nature, hence the constant flirting.
Unfortunately, she never seemed to return the sentiment, turning you down every single time claiming she already had someone in her heart.
"I need to take them to the police station" she replied, ignoring the flattery "wanna help me bug?"
"You know" you started, already attatching two of the men on your back "for someone who insists on refusing me, you sure like using pet names"
You didn't give her time to reply when you gave her a mask covered kiss on the cheeck "race you there sweetheart" and with that, you started swinging, leaving her to scoff and pick up the remaining criminal.
The rest of the night went by smoothly, with only a couple of people speeding at a red light, but you weren't a traffic vigilante, so you didn't intervene.
- - -
It was almost five a.m. when you got back to your apartment. You went to check on your phone, not really expecting anyone to text you during the night. Much to your surprise, someone did.
Two hours ago, almost at the time you met supergirl, Kara texted you. It was nothing really, she just said how excited she was for your lunch plans for tomorrow, but it still made you laugh that she felt the need to say that in the middle of night.
Throwing your phone back on the nightstand, you took your suit off and got into bed, trying to get as much sleep as possible, to not look like a zombie in front of your friend.
- - -
Turns out, she looked just as sleepy as you. In fact, as soon as you two sat down at noonas, she let out a big yawn, covering her mouth with her hand "sorry, I didn't get much sleep last night" she apologized, light blush on her cheeks.
"oh I believe it" you said, picking up the menu "with texting me in the middle of the night and stuff"
Had you not been so focused on what to order, you probably would have noticed the darker shade of red that took over her face. "yea I was uhm, I couldn't sleep and I was thinking about it"
"We could have met another day, I wouldn't want you to fall asleep on me" you stated jokingly but she instantly started shaking her head.
"No! No, I mean, we haven't seen each other in a long time and I wanted to see you. Besides, I'm fine, really"
You almost wanted to laugh at her eagerness, she always managed to look cute without ever trying to. While on the other side of the table, Kara felt so embarrassed she wanted to fly away and never come back.
You resumed talking after the waiter came for your orders "You wanted to see me? You need something?"
yea to be your girlfriend.
"No it's, it's about next week's game night" she seemed to take a breath, pondering her next words "I was wondering if you could come earlier to uh, to help me prepare"
You squinted your eyes at her request, she never wanted any help setting things up, and she always ordered take out so it's not like she needed help in the kitchen.
Taking your silence as an answer, she started fidgeting with her hands. "Yea you're probably busy sorry, don't know why I-"
Kara stopped mid sentence, feeling your hand on hers. "No it's okay hun of course I can, I was just confused." she just nodded, raising her free hand to adjust her glasses.
When your food arrived, you removed your hand and the blonde immediately missed your warmth.
Nothing special happened after that, except for Kara blushing one too many times for her liking.
Once you two finished she had to excuse herself to run back to the office, before Cat would notice she's late. She went to reach for her purse but you stopped her, wrapping your hand gently around her wrist.
"Today it's on me beautiful"
If she hadn't felt her knees buckle at the petname and at your smile, she probably would have been more stubborn; instead Kara just hangs with her mouth open and nods, quickly running away.
- - - -
As soon as she entered the building, she was told by an intern that Cat was looking for her, so with a heavy sigh she ran into her office.
"Is the article I asked you last week-" she asked as soon as Kara got in, sending the blonde a slight glare "finally ready?"
Kara pushed her glasses up "Yes miss Grant, I just need to fix the layout" and she was about to add something, but the breaking news report displayed on the big screens behind Cat caught both of their attention. It was about a bank robbery (Y/S/N) alone just thwaterd.
With an intrigued glint in her eyes, the CEO turned her head to face her employee. "amusing, isn't it? Just a few months ago we all thought they were just Supergirl's side kick, turns out they're equals."
Hearing a scoff coming out from the blonde, she raised an eyebrow "you don't think so, Keera?"
"Of course they're a hero and they're saving people but they're definitely not like Supergirl" taking her boss' silence as a question she continued, and the words left her mouth before she could ponder them.
"Supergirl is serious and wants to get it over as quickly and as efficiently as possible, but they always plays around and get distracted constantly, and they're not serious at all."
"You seem to know a lot about them" she leaned forward, with her arms on her desk, and not caring about the blonde's stuttered excuse, she shrugged her shoulders "well considering you and supergirl are basically best friends"
Kara found a way to get out of this situation "yea she talked to me about them a coup-"
"I want to interview them. Give your current article to Jim or Finn," who was probably Winn "and get me that interview as soon as possible. They've never been in a real interview so it will be a scoop."
Knowing she couldn't even try to argue with the CEO, she nodded her head "you'll have it miss Grant" and got out of her office.
- - -
"what do I do Alex? It's not like I can go as Supergirl and ask them, they'll know something is up and will probably figure out who I am."
Unlike for (Y/S/N), where no one knew who they were, a lot of people knew who Supergirl was, and Kara thought it would be better if no more people knew about her other identity, and that meant hiding from you too, both of you.
"You're giving them a lot credit, I thought you thought they were dumb?" Alex asked with a small smile on her lips.
The kryptonian raised her head from the couch of her apartment, where it was previously buried, and looked at her sister with a frown. "They annoy me because they play around too much and constantly flirt with me but I never said they were dumb, they're actually really smart, and a good hero."
Alex has worked a lot with you so Kara knew she was just joking, but for some reason she still felt the need to defend you. The agent looked at the blonde before suggesting her idea "what if I ask them? They know you're my sister and it wouldn't be weird that I want to help you with your super demanding boss."
"mhh yea, that could work." a soft smile appeared on her lips "Thanks Alex"
Alex just nodded, waving her hand around dismissively. "More importantly," she started again, with a glint in her eyes that made Kara fear of what she was going to say "how did it go with (Y/N)? Are you two a thing yet?"
She started laughing as soon as she heard her sister's loud groan. "ugh I knew you were gonna ask that"
"you didn't tell them, did you?" Alex leaned her arm on the backrest of the couch, leaning her head on her arm.
"I mean I tried to" she glared at her sister's laugh, but she knew she couldn't really blame her "I just, stutter so much around them they must think I'm stupid"
"Ahw I'm sure they don't Kara" she stopped her teasing to reassure the kryptonian "first of all, you two are friends before anything else, second of all they're such a sweet guy they'd never think of you like that"
She stopped for a second, seeing the hopeful gaze in her sister's eyes "and most importantly, I'm sure they like you back, with all the pet names they give you."
"that doesn't mean anything, they call everyone by a nickname"
"you're the only one they call beautiful or pretty or honey or sweetheart or-"
"okay I get I get it" the flustered blonde hid her head between the pillows of the couch, face red from the tip of the nose to the top of the ears, just by thinking of all the times you called her any of these names.
"I mean...(Y/S/N) uses those on me too" the kryptonian resumed, and for some reason the blush didn't leave her cheeks.
- - -
Two days later, you sprinted from your house all the way to the D.E.O. and landed on the balcony, running to find Alex.
You started looking around, the big screens that often showed info about the mission were turned off with no one around, but that's not what caught your attention. Supergirl was nowhere in sight, she must have been called in too right? Unless she couldn't come.
When you noticed dark brown hair sitting at a chair from afar, you got into the director's office, probably breaking the handle with the sheer force you used.
Alex turned her head to look at you.
"What's going on Alex? Where's Supergirl? Is she okay?" The agent got up from her seat to face you.
"Calm down (Y/S/N), she's fine nothing happened" she reassured you "I just need your help with something"
Even though she couldn't see your face, frustration could be heard from your tone. "Nothing happened? You sent me a 911 signal" your shourlders slumped.
"yea because I need your help now"
You loudly groaned, though you were mostly grateful nothing serious happened, especially to Supergirl. "What do you need short Danvers?"
Making fun of her was a privilege you could only have while wearing your suit, given you were normally afraid of her.
Knowing you had the upper hand with your powers, and that it was all just playful teasing, she let it go, voicing her need. "My sister needs to get her boss an interview with you and she knows I work with you and supergirl so she asked for my help"
You opened your mouth to agree but closed it right after, thinking you could get something out of this too. "If I agree to the interview-"
"oh my god" Alex rolled her eyes "I'm not getting Supergirl to go on a date with you"
You loudly laughed at that, everyone knew where your head was at. "that's not what I was going to say!" you took a brief pause "but if that's what your offering..."
She crossed her arms, raising her brow, successfully shutting you up.
"I want to know who she-"
"definitely not" she interrupted you.
"oh come on, why not?" you move your hands in the air "you know who she is, John knows who she is, even Winn knows!"
"It's just safer this way spider, don't argue with me" her excuse didn't really hold up but you let it go for now, it should be Supergirl's call after all.
"fine" you rolled you eyes. And besides, "when's the interview?" you couldn't say no to Kara.
- - -
The next day you were on the roof of CatCo, your legs dangling off the edge.
"oh good you're here" you turned around at the sound of Kara's voice.
"your sister said you needed me" you got closer to her.
"yes hi" she replied quickly "but I will not be the one doing the interview, my boss Cat will" she glanced at the door. "but I need to tell you a few things first"
With a confused look, not that she could see it, you shrugged your shoulders, letting her go on "okay first" she took a big breath, speaking rapidly after that "do not let her drag you into her office, she will have the upper hand and you will not be able to withold information. Second, do not answer any personal life question, no matter how useless you think they are, she could always use them to find out who you really are. Third, don't even think-"
"with all due respect, my lady" you stopped her rant with your hands on her shoulders, and she regained her breath with a slight glare. The reason for it was unkown to you. "I am the superhero between us, so I know what I can and can't say"
And she didin't have time to rebut when she suddenly heard heels clicking their way up the stairs, making her jump away from you.
"Keera, glad to see you were able to do what I asked"
"isn't it Kara?" you spoke loudly, faking innocence, wanting to correct the older woman without being too obvious.
The woman gave you look, but didn't say anything. "can you leave us alone?" she turned to the reporter "I'd like to interview them alone"
- - -
The interview went well, you think, you didn't say anything about yourself and ended up following Kara's instructions. You thought about telling her how it went, but as you got to her desk you noticed her bag and jacket were gone.
"where did Kara go?" you stopped Winn is his steps, knowing he wouldn't be surprised by your presence.
"oh she went home early. She had a thing with (Y/N)- a friend" he corrected himself, thinking you wouldn't know them.
You forrowed your brows, but when your eyes landed on the clock hung on the wall you felt a shiver run down your spine. You were very late. You should have been at Kara's huose over half an hour ago.
You let out an exasperated sigh, "great- uh, I have to- I have to go now. I''l see you at- the DEO...soon?"
Winn only looked at you weirdly but he didin't have time to respond before you patted his shoulder and jumped out of the window, drawing some curious looks.
If Winn didin't know about your crush for supergirl, he'd probably thing you were jelous of yourself.
- - -
After picking up the backpack you left in one of the allies near Catco, you quickly put on some clothes, hiding your suit. You run up the stairs to Kara's apartment, frantically knocking on her door, still breathless and with your hair messy.
She had been pacing around the room for quite a while now so she quickly opened the door to your apologetic smile. "I'm so sorry I'm late love, I had a work thing and I thought about getting you something but it would have just been worse so I didn't"
You tried to explain, but to be honest her mind was still on how cute you looked with your cheeks flushed and how you breathlessly called her "love".
"oh it's fine. It doesn't matter now" she said letting you in, closing the door behind you.
"why? I thought you wanted help with something?" you shrugged your coat off, standing in the middle of the room. Hearing footsteps behind you, you turned around, your eyes meeting Alex's.
"hi, I didn't know you were coming here earlier too" you said, going in for a hug.
"she didn't come here early" Kara answered with a light edge to her tone, going into the kitchen.
"did you forget?" Alex whispered, and her tone wasn't as harsh, but it did sound like she wanted to scold you. It couldn't have been that serious, right?
You shook your head "no I told her I got caugth up in-" James knocking on the door stopped you, and soon after everyone else was there.
- - -
The night was going on smoothly, except for the fact that Kara didn't seat next to you like always, and she was persistent on avoiding your gaze, even tho you could feel her looking at you from time to time. She seemed to fidget more with her hands than usual, so you were sure something was up.
Thinking that asking Alex was not an option, you leaned towards Lena, whispering in her ear when it wasn't her turn to play.
"you know what's wrong with Kara?" she subtly turned to look at you, her lips in a thin line, she didn't need to look at her best friend to know what was going on inside her head.
"she's been like this all night, did she tell you anything?" you pleaded
Said blonde jumped up from the couch, claiming she was going to get another round of snacks and went into the kitchen. The Luthor gave you a nod, silently prompting you to follow the kryptonian, and as you got up to do so, you felt another pair of eyes on you.
You quietly made your way over, Kara's back facing you while she got herself a glass of water.
"uh are you okay?" you uttered, leaning on the counter so you could see her face "I noticed you were acting a bit..strange" you lowered your head, but she was once again avoiding looking at you, using her glass as a distraction.
"did something happen at work?" you met Cat, so you woulnd't be surprised "or-" you gulped, you'd hate to be the reason why she was acting like this "-are you mad I got here late?"
She slammed the glass back on the counter letting a few drops spill out, surprising herself when it didn't break. Kara took a deep breath, before replying "I'm not mad at you, (Y/N)" but it was really hard to believe it.
"okay, then what is it?" you got closer, putting your hand on hers, so she would look at you, and she did. The reporter raised her head, her eyebrows furrowed and her mouth agape, as if she was thinking on what to say. But when nothing came up she resumed to looking at your conjoined hands.
Kara could feel her wrist burning from your hold, and all the whispers and heartbeats she could hear from the other room prevented her from thinking.
"come with me"
You followed her closely, making up a stupid excuse on why you're exiting the apartment, even if none of your friends seemed surprised.
Kara brought you all the way to the roof, and still hasn't uttered a word. And you let her, giving her time.
But after a minute of silence and her pacing around you got in front of her, making her almost bump into you.
"Kara" You called "it's just me. What's going on?"
You smiled in reassurance, but she just forrowed her brows, letting out a big sigh. That wasn't much you could do to help her if she didn't talk unfortunately, you could only look at her.
Look at how her hair was slowly coming out of her ponytail due to the wind, how her eyebrows were so close together you were surprised she hasn't got a headache yet, and how her eyes seemed darker under this light.
And this sight was so familiar, but it didn't feel like you were looking at Kara, not really.
"I know what you want to tell me" you breathed out, and the fact she was looking at your lips is probably the only reason why she was able to hear you.
"you do?"
"yea" you smiled, shaking your head in disbelief "I can't believe I was so blind"
She felt her cheeks heat up, but her heart fell right out of her chest with your next words.
"you're Supergirl"
The super profusely tried to deny it, claiming you drank too much or had a wide imagination. Even going as far as commenting "I wish"
"oh" you raised your brows "so you don't have super strength, laser eyes, ice breath, and you can't fly?"
"no oh my god I could never be her" she let out a shaky laugh, adjusting the glasses on her nose, you couldn't believe they deceived you for such a long time.
You started walking around, getting closer to the edge "mhh you're right, I just thought because you're blonde you might be her" you reasoned, pointing to your hair.
"not the only blonde in National City" she replied and shrug her shoulders, hoping you would just drop the subject, the idea of expressing her feelings long gone.
"such a shame" you were able to see Kara turning on her heels in your peripheral vision "I really hope the real Supergirl comes to my rescue then"
She couldn't have spun her head around faster, but you were already out of sight, falling down the building.
The kryptonian shouted your name, jumping off the edge using her powers. When she couldn't see you anywhere she started panicking even more.
"(Y/N)? (Y/N) where are you?"
"behind you, beautiful" You were smirking with your arms crossed, your feet glued to the wall, steadily keeping you in place.
"what were you thinking about, jumping like that, you could have died, how are you even-" she said it all in one breath, stopping only when a look of realization took over her face.
"I've never seen Kara so pissed at me, it's new"
She let out a big groan, and not sparing you another glance, she got back onto the roof, you following after her.
"were you ever planning on telling me?" she squinted her eyes
"I mean, were you? You and your sister always made sure to tell me how I should keep my identity a secret"
"that's different, I didn't know it was you" she knew she wasn't making any sense, but her brain wasn't working properly at the moment, her heart still hasn't recovered from the scare you gave her, and she had so many things to process.
"come here" you took both of her hands in yours, bringing her closer to you. "I know who you are and you know who I am, doesn't that just mean we can trust each other more?" you offered, running your thumbs along the skin, effectively calming her down.
"I've always trusted you, even when I didn't know who was hiding behind the mask"
"oh, oh I'm sorry" her smile turned into a face of confusion "is it Kara or Supergirl talking? because I know Supergirl would never say something so sweet to me" that earned you a slap to the shoulder.
She rolled her eyes "shut up I take it back, we both think you're annoying"
But you didn't laugh with her, something else occupying your thoughts.
"do you like me, Kara?" you took a step closer, and she didn't have it in herself to take a step back. "you always say it's useless to flirt because there's someone else in your heart and I never asked, but now I'm asking you" you took a brief pause "do you like me?"
She sighed, knowing she couldn't lie to you anymore, so she slightly nodded, curling her eyebrows.
"but you like Supergirl"
"you are Supergirl" you answered matter of factly, but you had a feeling you knew what she was getting at.
"I like her because she has the biggest heart I have ever seen, she' s passionate about her job, both of her jobs, I love how her cape bounces around as she walks and how she can't seem to keep her glasses from falling off"
You brought your hand up her chin, making her look at you, while your other hand adjusted said glasses.
"I've always liked you Kara, all of you, I just thought of this part of you too much of a friend to notice"
Kara was totally hanging from your lips at this point, not only because she was looking at them.
You leaned your head down as she circled the hand that held her face.
"can I kiss you?" you murmured, making her nod vigorously.
It only took you half a second to close the distance, and you instantly felt Kara reciprocating the kiss, moving her lips against yours in an almost desperate demeanor. Her other hand gripped your shirt to pull you closer and when she felt you fingers on her sweater she gasped lightly.
you broke the kiss after a minute with a bite to her bottom lip, making her let out another small sound and left her chasing after you.
She blinked quickly a few times after she recovered, a deep blush still present on her cheeks. "I like you, too" the blonde replied breathlessly and slowly lowered her hands, not sure what to do with them.
"yea i guessed that" you teased, stealing another kiss.
Soon after that you two decided to head back, after Kara told you everyone knew she was planing on telling you today, and thanking you for the interview.
When you got back into the apartment everyone suddenly stopped talking and looked at you.
"so, did you two kiss?" it was of course Winn who broke the silence, voicing all of their thoughts. You looked over at Kara, and seeing her flushed face, you decided to answer, nodding.
"and I know she's Supergirl" you added, trying to ease the mild akwardness
"and I know you're (Y/S/N)" she retorted, not realizing what she said until she heard gasps all over the small apartment
"Kara!" you tightened your grip on her hand for a second, but she could see you weren't really annoyed. Various confused questions followed your statement, Alex's voice sounding above them
"so, the person who likes to make fun of me and never does as I say" she crossed her arms, letting her lips curve into a smirk as she watched you get behind the krytponian, now aware of the strenght she possessed.
"you know, you should probably focus on something else" you spoke up from behind Kara's shoulder, while gripping the end of her sweater "why don't we go back to the game, you were winning right? isn't it right Kara?"
Said woman smiled at your antics, playfully rolling her eyes "let them go Alex, you can torture them another day"
"no she can't" you tried to argue, but the brunette was already off to get another bear from the fridge.
You suddenly felt the sweater slipping away from your grip, and lowered your head to find Kara now looking at you, with a small smile on her lips.
"come on, let's go play" she pulled on your hand, making you follow her.
She did seat next to you now, still stealing glances when she thought you wouldn't notice, and instantly looking down every time you caught her.
Kara Danvers Masterlist - Supergirl Masterlist
General Masterlist
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supercorpkid · 3 months
The Secret Life Of Lena Luthor
Supergirl. Lena Luthor x Reader!
Word Count: 2785.
Lena Luthor has a secret. Probably many of them, but there’s only one that bugs you so much.
Who are those friends of her? Why are they so tight that you feel like they are in some sort of cult? Why does it look like she would die for them? And how come they are always more important than you?
You see, the last one's been bothering you for a while now.
Some time last year.
The world is saved. Again. For the third time this month. And while Lena sits to celebrate with her friends/ teammates she is content. A kind of feeling she hasn’t experienced much before, but that’s been constant ever since the big fight. Ever since Lex is gone gone.
She looks at J’onn and M’gann reminiscing about something from their planet. Looks at Alex and Kelly swooning over something cute she is sure Esmé just did. Nia looks at Brainy as if he is the most interesting being and all of existence. All of them have somebody. Well, she looks at Kara alone. But Kara is never truly alone. She has Supergirl. All these people around her and the people she met in different universes.
But Lena? Outside of this room she barely has anyone. Sam, Ruby, Jess. She scrambles to find more names.
So Lena looks around, more certain than she’s ever been before. She needs someone. Someone outside this group of friends, so she can get back some sort of normality she most certainly lost since she discovered her witchy ancestry and joined the super friends for real.
And then Lena finds you. 
You run through the door of the Lena Luthor Foundation, and since she wants to be more hands on with everything, Lena is right there to see it.
“Do you, um, take strays?”
“Strays, ma’am?” The receptionist asks, raising one perfect eyebrow at you. “You mean like, cats?”
“What? No! I mean me.” You smile widely. “I mean, do you take walk-ins? Like, can I just walk in and find myself a station and start working?”
“Oh. Ah.” She looks around for help. Unsure of what to tell you. And because Lena herself is around, she jumps in to help.
“Hi.” Lena shows you her hand. “Lena Luthor. How can I help you,” she looks at both of your hands. No ring. “Miss?”
“Y/N.” You introduce yourself, shaking her hand. 
“You want to work on something?”
“Well, you see, I have this idea. It’s really bugging me and keeping me awake at night.” You point at your own face. “I’m sure you can tell. But I don’t have everything I need to work on it. It says online it’s what this foundation is for.”
“Well, we don’t work on everything. Our resources are vast but still limited. There’s a board. If you want to present your idea.” Lena suggests and you shake your head agreeing, then just like that you’re running out of there as fast as you came in. She looks back at the receptionist with a smile. “Strange little cat, that one.”
You don’t give her time to move on from you at all, when you run back in. A prototype in hand, and several loose papers on the other. 
“Ok, I’m ready.” You smile at her and she furrows her brows.
“Oh, I didn’t mean right now.”
“Please, ma’am. I need to sleep.” And to demonstrate, only one of your eyes blink. She seems to take pity on you.
���Well then, come in. Let’s see what I can do for you. And please, call me Lena.” 
And what she can do for you, is help you with every little thing you need help with. And what you can do for her, is help her see there’s more to life than work and a few friends.
Present days.
“You’re running off.” You mumble. Eyes still shut, voice thick with sleep. 
“Emergency. Sorry, my love.” You hear shuffling so you know she is getting ready to run off to her super secret, super important duties.
“What is it this time?” You finally open your eyes and watch her putting her clothes back on. “Kara got stuck on a tree and you have to go get her down?”
“Oh no, my pretty stray cat. I only climb trees to save your pretty butt.” She jokes, coming closer to kiss your lips. 
“Lena.” You beg when she moves away from you. “Please stay. Please wake up with me. Please let me make you eggs and a strong coffee.”
“That would be lovely.” You open your mouth to repeat, stay. But she knows it’s coming, so she speaks before you. “Can’t today. Rain check?”
You press your lips together, annoyed at her way to deal with this. But she doesn’t notice, because she’s already running out the door one shoe on, the other one still in hand.
“Have a great day, Lena.” 
You don’t want to be jealous of Kara. You’re not even the jealous type. But this whole ‘my friends call and I run out the door’ is not working anymore. Not that it ever did. But recently this has been bugging you extra hard.
And when things bug you this much, you can’t simply forget that easily. You can't even sleep on it.
"Heeey," Lena grabs the bags from your hands, giving you a quick kiss on your way inside. "glad you came, I felt bad leaving you this morning."
"Yeah." You place the rest of the bags on top of the counter. "Maybe we should talk about that."
"Definitely. But after a nice dinner, maybe?" She gives you a little smile, and you're quick to accept. 
The talk doesn't come right after dinner, when Lena climbs on your lap and you two start a heavy make out session, you decide it is better to wait a little. 
"Shit. Fuck." Lena says out of breath, parting your lips. You look down at your hands still on her waist.
"What? Already?" 
"No, not that." Lena laughs, and you notice something vibrating in her pants. 
"Oh," You raise your eyebrows playfully. "Someone's packing."
Lena takes her phone out of her pocket, and you roll your eyes at it. She reads the name, and starts apologizing right away. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." She gets up looking at the phone.
"Are you serious?" You ask, but she is already answering her phone after mouthing one more 'sorry'.
"Kara, I'm in the middle of something really important. This better be a 10 or higher." She paces around the room and you watch her from your place on the couch. "Shit, ok. Ask Supergirl to come pick me up. Yeah, ok. See you soon."
Lena looks at you with pleading eyes, and you look up trying to hold the tears and the anger inside you. "Darling, I'm really sorry, but it's an –"
"Emergency." You complete her sentence and her face drops, looking at you.
"I'm sorry, I'm truly sorry. I know I did the exact same thing this morning…"
"This morning? Lena! You've been running off every time Kara called you ever since I've met you! I don't get it. What's up with all these emergencies? Why is Kara always more important than us?"
Supergirl's feet touch on the balcony and you hear a light tap on the balcony door. She looks embarrassed, like she heard more than she wanted to. She waves lightly and points to the city with her head, so Lena knows it's time to go.
"I promise I'll tell you everything, but I really have to go now."
“If you leave right now, you won’t find me here when you get back.”
“No, please Y/N. Please wait. I’ll tell you everything when I get home, I promise. Please stay, eat dessert, and make yourself at home. I promise I’ll be back soon.”
So you wait. An hour. Two hours. Three hours later and you’ve seen enough of television, eaten enough of her food and got tired of wasting everyone's time. It is clear Lena doesn't take you seriously and that you'll never be her first priority. So you leave.
It's only in the morning when you grab your phone to notice the missing calls and texts from your… girlfriend? Ex? You haven't decided yet. But if you're being honest things aren't looking too hot for her.
Lena has helped you many times before. You have no problem admitting you are where you are right now because of her. If your invention hadn't played out, you wouldn't have found a new job and you wouldn't be working on something you are very passionate about. 
But she means more than that to you. With Lena you can talk about anything. You can be your quirky self without any judgements. In fact, you always thought she seemed to appreciate it. Now, you're not so sure.
She's always hiding something. Always running off. One phone call and she is gone. No time to even tell you what she is running towards. You feel like you're dating someone who has a secret life. And you can't help but think you're the secret part. 
You're still finding energy to answer her latest text, when you hear the doorbell. You force yourself out of bed, and open the door to see Lena right on the other side.
You furrow your brows, "What are you wearing?"
Lena stares down at her outfit, a large hoodie and sweatpants. "I was fairly uncomfortable in my jeans and so Kara let me borrow something." She looks at the hem of the pants. "She is a lot taller."
"Glad you came to my house wearing some other girl's clothes." You make space for her, because you know she is not leaving and you don't want to have this conversation out in the open.
"It's Kara's." She justifies.
"Yeah, and who's Kara, exactly? Is she just your best friend? Is she your lover? Your dealer? Your boss? Why are you always running out the door when she calls?"
"Those are fair questions. Well, not the dealer and lover part. But I guess I should explain why I always go when she calls.”
You look at your coffee machine. It's too early for this conversation. For the truths you'll inevitably have to listen.
"Coffee?" You ask her, but it's mostly because you need it so badly.
"I'd die for a cup." 
You set up the coffee machine while Lena makes her way to the other side of the counter, sitting on one of the high stools to look at you. 
"I'm sorry I didn't come back home sooner." Lena starts, and you sigh.
"I stood there like a ghost and I don't even know why."
"I don't want to run off every time, it's just – Sometimes I'm the only one who can help so they call me." You stand there waiting for more, for an explanation. "I told Kara to only call me for real emergencies from now on."
"You know, you said a bunch of stuff, but you still haven't told me what kind of emergencies they need you for." 
You're not stupid, it's not like you haven't put two and two together. Supergirl shows up to pick up Lena right after Kara calls for an emergency? Yeah, like they have Supergirl on their speed dial so she can offer Lift services when one of them needs it. It's obvious Lena is a part of a group that helps National City or whatever. It was actually kind of obvious because every time she ran off for an 'emergency', you only had to turn on the news to see something crazy happening in town.
"I'm a part of the Superfriends." She bites her lower lip when you don't show any real reaction. "It's supposed to be a secret."
"Lena, Supergirl showed up at your house yesterday to give you a ride. It wasn't a well-kept secret, anyways."
"Wait, so. You knew?" Lena's voice comes out so shocked it's in a high pitch you have never heard before.
"Had my suspicions, sure." The conversation is briefly put to a stop while you pour coffee for both of you, but even before you have your first sip, Lena speaks.
"I don't understand why you are mad at me then. If you knew all along what I was doing, how could you be mad? How could you think Kara is something other than my friend?"
"Well, first of all, I had my suspicions, but not convictions because you never told me anything so I could've been completely off. And second of all, I didn't know all along. I had to go slowly piecing it together by myself because you wouldn't come out and be honest with me. And third, and most importantly, how can I not be mad when you left me high and dry at your place last night and ran off with Kara again?" 
"Nia was hurt! I had to go help out. How could I not have run out?"
"That's not what I'm saying. You don't get it, do you?" She doesn't. She looks at you so damn lost you know for sure she doesn't get it at all. "I'm not telling you shouldn't go help your friends. I'm asking you to just tell me about it. Don't tell me that you have to go because you have an emergency. Tell me Nia is hurt and I will tell you to go help her, I'll offer you my help. I not only won't be upset about you leaving, but I'll admire you even more."
You round the counter, looking at her with doe-eyes. 
"I'm tired of this double-life. It's like you're two different people. I – I don't know what to tell you, I just feel like I'm dating a CIA agent who's been lying to me about who she is. And it sucks."
Lena blinks. "I know." Because she didn't even realize what she was doing in the first place, but now that you have laid all on the table for her, it makes more sense than ever. She felt the same thing before and she can't believe she's been doing the same thing. "God, I know how you feel. And I'm sorry I kept you in the dark. You have every reason to be upset. Please forgive me. I promise I will be completely honest from now on."
"That's all I'm asking."
"Well," Lena looks at your coffee mug to see you didn't have much of it. "Why don't you drink some more? I feel like you'd have to be pretty awake for what I have to say next."
"Oh…kay?" You gulp on your coffee and look at her wide-eyed.
"Well, it's complicated. But, more than a year ago, before we met, I set out to find more things about my mother." Lena says and you agree with your head, because she has told you before all of her story and the fact that she lost her mom when she was younger. "It turns out that my mother was a witch."
She takes a deep breath. "And so am I." 
"You're a what, now?"
"You wanted the whole truth." Lena smiles sheepish and you furrow your brows hard at your new discovery. Yep, you didn't see this one coming. Honestly, if she had told you Kara was Supergirl, you would've been a lot less surprised.
"I did, didn't I?" It's a lot to process, but you take one good look at Lena and you know it took everything in her to tell you this, and so, even though you don't truly understand what it means and what she does exactly, you know she needs support right now. "So my girlfriend is a witch and a genius and she is part of the Superfriends, and helps out with saving the world and stuff?"
"I guess you could put it like that." She says, tentatively.
"You're awesome, Lena. I'm happy you told me everything. It helps me understand you a lot better, and it only makes me love you more."
Lena's eyebrows raise and she can't help her surprised face, "You love me?"
"Yeah, I do. I love you."
"I love you too, my little stray cat."
You feel your worries melt away in the kiss and you're happy Lena trusts you enough to tell you about this other part of her life. It also feels good to know her secret and where she runs off to everytime. Plus, how did you get so lucky? She's hot, she's smart, she's a goddamn goddess and she also saves the world? She is more than you could ever dream, and you’re so glad she is yours.
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thewidowsghost · 7 months
Lovestruck (Lena Luthor x Fem!Danvers!Reader)
@sashawalker2 asked:
I'd like to request this. Fem Reader X Lena Luthor Prompt: “You are my best friend” Idea: Reader is Lena Luthor's best friend. A sweet fluffy fic. Imagine the two going off on holiday and just being very sweet to each other.
Tumblr media
"It's so cute that you're going on vacation with Lena," Alex comments, nudging her sister with a shoulder.
(Y/n) looks up from the new suit she was making for Kara – stitching the new emblem into the fabric.
"Of course, Lena and I do everything together. She's my best friend," (Y/n) replies.
"You're so oblivious," Alex replies, (Y/n) going back to her stitchwork.
"What?" (Y/n) replies, distractedly.
"Oblivious," Alex says.
"About what?" (Y/n) asks, looking up at her sister.
"Lena likes you," Alex says.
"Haha," (Y/n) turns back to her work again. "You're funny Alex, she's just my friend."
. . .
"I'm so glad you've decided to join me on holiday," Lena says, her and (Y/n) settling down on their shared couch in their shared apartment. Lena props her head up with her hand as she gazes at (Y/n), her ginger cat, Apollo, sleeping in her lap.
(Y/n) takes a sip from her glass of water. "It'll be fun," she smiles warmly.
(Y/n)'s puppy, a golden retriever named Cosmo, bounds over to the couch. Both (Y/n) and Cosmo look at Lena, pulling off very similar puppy-dog eyes.
Lena's expression softens as she meets (Y/n)'s gaze. "Fine," Lena finally gives in.
"Up, Cosmo," (Y/n) calls the dog up onto the couch.
Cosmo jumps up onto the couch, lying his head in Lena's lap.
"I still can't believe I let you get a dog in our apartment," Lena strokes Cosmo's ears.
"He's our dog," (Y/n) replies, allowing her head to tilt slightly, something that Lena finds very cute. "And you already had a cat before I even moved in."
"Hey, would you mind –" Lena begins.
"I gotcha," (Y/n) replies. She pats Cosmo's back, and gets off the couch.
This was a common occurrence in the household – Cosmo would beg to be let onto the couch, Lena would complain affectionately about Cosmo wanting to get on the couch, Lena would let Cosmo up, the dog would rest his head on Lena's knee, and then Lena would request a glass of wine.
"Cabernet?" (Y/n) asks and Lena grins slightly.
"You know me so well," Lena replies.
(Y/n) moves to the kitchen, reaches into the wine cabinet, and pulls out a bottle of Cabernet. "This one?" (Y/n) asks, lifting the bottle high enough for Lena to see.
"The other one," Lena replies.
(Y/n) hums grabbing the other bottle and pouring a glass, bringing it over to Lena.
. . .
Soft snores escape (Y/n)'s slightly open mouth.
"So oblivious," Lena mutters, running her fingers through (Y/n)'s hair.
Cosmo lifts his head from his place in (Y/n)'s lap, letting his tongue loll out of his mouth.
"I think you know it too, boy," Lena reaches over and scratches behind the retriever's ears.
. . .
(Y/n) stumbles sleepily down the hall, yawning as she heads towards the coffee maker.
"Already made," Lena appears at (Y/n)'s shoulder holding a mug of coffee, and (Y/n) jumps.
(Y/n) takes the mug from Lena, and sips from the coffee. (Y/n) makes a murmur of contentment, taking another sip of the coffee. "It's perfect," (Y/n) says. "How'd you know –"
"I like you!" Lena blurts out, and (Y/n) stops, her eyes widening.
"What?" (Y/n) asks. "I thought Alex was joking."
"Excuse me," Lena looks confused.
"I was working on Kara's suit, and she said something about you liking me," (Y/n)'s cheeks begin to feel hot. "I thought she was just messing with me."
"I do like you! A lot!" Lena says. "You just never seemed to notice."
There is a silence before Lena looks up at (Y/n), watching her cheeks darken.
"I, uh, like you too," (Y/n) says softly. "And like," she scrambles for the words, "not just in a friend way."
Lena lets out a laugh of relief.
"So," (Y/n) looks up from her mug of coffee. "What do we do now? I've never done this before."
Lena snorts with amusement. "I think we go on our vacation, and have fun. And then we come back and tell our friends."
"Tell them what?" (Y/n) asks cluelessly.
Lena lets out a 'pfft' noise and just shakes her head fondly. "Nothing you should worry your cute little head about," Lena replies. "Now, let's go. We're going to be late."
"Isn't it your private jet?" (Y/n) says.
Lena just holds back her chuckle as Apollo follows her down the hall to her bedroom.
Word Count: 807 words
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jazzfordshire · 8 months
Ok I want stuff from all the listed WIPs but I won’t be greedy and just go with Coyote Ugly AU.
“You're giving me a job?”
“I'm giving you an audition," Cat says firmly. "Don't be late, Kiera.”
Cat strides past her towards the stairs. Kara stands for a moment, dumbfounded, before she turns to level a question.
“I don't mean to press my luck, but would you mind telling me why you're hiring me?”
Cat stops halfway up the steps. She turns, a single eyebrow raised, and looks Kara from head to toe with such deliberate slowness that Kara feels like she's been x-rayed.
“Do you know the population of gay women in National City?” Cat finally says.
“I – what - why would I –”
“It's exceedingly high. And I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but we’re three blocks away from the Village," Cat continues. "The bar-going population of this neighbourhood is primarily not heterosexual. Now, I don’t know your inclinations, although I can guess – but there are a veritable rainbow of archetypes in the community, and we have almost all of them here.”
“Archetypes?” Kara parrots. Cat rolls her eyes.
“The flirty femme, the hard-ass domme. Until recently, Lucy was our resident sporty type. Soccer player. But what we don’t have is anyone of the…masculine inclination.”
“That's why you're hiring me?" Kara says. "Because I look…butch?”
“Partially," Cat concedes. "But I’m also hiring you because you have a virgin’s awkward charm to you, and I’m sure our customer base would absolutely love the idea of showing you the way."
Kara's mouth drops open.
Seemingly blind to Kara's shock and confusion, Cat turns on her heel to march up the stairs again towards the bar. "Now, I have work to do. I’ll see you on Friday. And close the door behind you – it locks by itself.”
Cat has fully disappeared, leaving Kara alone in the cellar, by the time Kara hears her voice again shouting down the stairs.
“Wear something sleeveless!”
And then she's gone. Kara stands surrounded by cases of beer and bottles of liquor, letting the cool air of the cellar seep in before she mutters to herself.
“But…I’m not a virgin?”
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daisy-thetoxic · 6 months
DESERT ROSE | Kara Danvers
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Fem gip spider girl- Phoebe Parker part 2
Part one
(I might make this into an actual Fic.)
Fluff, mentions of intimacy, possessives, golden retriever x black cat.
Phoebe grabbed the glasses from the cabinet as she helped Kara prepare dinner for her and her annual friends night.
When she started dating the blonde superhero, she didn’t realize how different her and Kara actually were, but that’s what made them perfect together.
Kara’s golden retriever energy lightening up the room, whole Phoebe black cat energy threatens anyone who dare disturb Kara.
“You don’t have to stay if you don’t want to.” Kara tells her, walking to her as she came back from the living room.
“This is important to you, babe, I’m fine. Just your friends.” Phoebe muses as she was her won boss anyway, her and Lena going 50/50 on the company due to both of them being billionaires and well Phoebe loved working, especially photography. Reporting just came with the job.
Phoebe rolled up her sleeves, revealing the tattoos she had prior to getting bitten by a spider. Her black silk shirt matching her dark aesthetic as a silver necklace hanged from her neck. It was a matching one with Kara.
She had supergirls symbol while Kara had a spider. And the some of the many rings Kara got her her littered her fingers.
“You get the door, I got the pasta.” Phoebe tells her as her hair was in a lose pony tail, her black curls showing off.
Kara stiffened for a second, signaling she was listening to the footsteps walking towards her door.
“Just a sec.” Kara tells her, grabbing her face and pulling her in for a lingering kiss knowing Alex would be too over protective to let her kiss her girlfriend. Older siblings were a pain in the ass.
“Your cute.” Phoebe muses, watching her walk off before taking the Pasta out the oven, mixing the salad in a giant bowl with a salad grabber thing? Phoebe didn’t really pay attention to what Kara told her it was. Too busy staring at the blonde.
She brought it all the to the table as Kara greeted her friends, opening the door for them.
“It smells great, Kara!” Winn hums as the smell hits their noses.
“Thanks!” Kara smiles widely, proud of herself even though Phoebe had to make 99%, the on 1% helping put the cheese on the pasta. Phoebe didn’t mind as long as it made Kara happy.
“Hey Miss. Patera.” Winn greets her, still not used to seeing his boss outside of work.
“Please, Phoebe outside of work.” Phoebe tells him, giving him a brief smile before walking back into the kitchen.
“Damn.” Kelly mumbles to Kara as her, Lena, and Alex gawk at the woman who was currently grabbing wine from the cabinet.
“I know.” Kara tells her, starring at her girlfriend as she could practically hear the cocky smirk she was wearing.
“Babe? Could you bring the ranch in here?” Kara asks her as she walks towards the table, setting the napkins out once she breaks her trance.
“On it.” Phone calls back out, grabbing the sauce before walking into the kitchen. The wine bottle in her other hand as she sat next to Kara.
“Uno!” Kara calls out as she leans back into Phoebe, sitting in her lap as she played Uno with her friends.
Phoebe on her phone as she went online shopping, buying more things for Kara, who could see it.
“Attached to your phone, much?” James comments, narrowing his eyes at Pheobe. His comment creating unwanted tension.
“Have something to say?” Pheobe looks up at him, raising an eyebrow in a challenging way.
“It’s friends night.” James laughs, although no one laughs with him. “Phones aren’t typically allowed.”
“James-“ Kara glares at the man, annoyed with his constant jealousy.
“It’s fine, he’s right.” Pheobe hits order on her shopping cart which was really a bunch of stuff for Kara before putting her phone down.
Lena looks at Pheobe knowing the woman well enough, hiding her smirk.
Pheobe grabs the cards, shuffling them through her fingers, slightly showing off.
“Reverse. Reverse again, plus four, change the color to red and uno.” Pheobe calls out her cards as she sets it down before setting her last card down, winning the game, and leaving James with about 24 cards.
“Should have warned you she was a pro at Uno, banned her from playing.” Lena laughs, as James looks at his cards and back up at the woman who kicked his ass.
Kara stiffens as she hears something in the distance, police sirens and crashing. “Babe. could you help me get the mail?” Kara turns to her.
Pheobe focuses on her hearing, hearing the sirens too. “Of course.” Pheobe smiles, allowing Kara to get up before following her out.
“Are they?” Lena turns to Kelly who smirks. “Go little Danvers.”
“Hey hey hey, they did not sneak off to…” Alex shivers in disgust.
Before she could get up, super girl flies past the window, with Spidergirl swinging behind her, showing off as she flung past the window.
“That explains a lot.” Winn muses, putting two and two together.
“What? How?” James rushes to the window, watching them swing and fly off.
Pheobe lands on Kara’s balcony, roses in her hand as she takes off her mask, walking into the building.
“You didn’t-“ Kara walks over to her, bringing her in for a hug, making sure not to smoosh the flowers.
“Here, my love.” Phoebe’s Russian accent showing as she grabs a box from her pocket.
Kara’s eyes widen in pure happiness, making Phoebe smile at her. “Open it.” Phoebe tells her, setting the flowers in a vase.
Kara opened it to find a rose ring, decked out in diamonds as a sapphire sat in the middle.
“Babe- I-“ Kara’s words got stuck in her throat as she put the ring on her right ring finger.
Phoebe walks up behind her, wrapping her arms around Kara’s waist.
“You deserve the world, Mon amour.” Phoebe kisses her neck, her black of her suit contrasting to Kara’s pastel clothes.
Phoebe pulls Kara back into her as Kara lets her head fall back onto her shoulder, enjoying the attention.
Kara gasps softly, turning around so she was facing Phoebe. “I love you.”
“I love you more.” Phoebe smiles, pulling her in for a kiss, her hands trailing down to the blondes waist, gripping it.
“Show me.” Kara tells her softly against her lips. Getting a smirk from the spider superhero.
“Jump” Phoebe mumbles against her lips as Kara wouldn’t let them part for a second. Following the command Kara jumps, Phoebe grabbing her thighs for her legs to wrap around the superhero’s waist as Phoebe walks them into the bedroom, not disconnecting their lips for a second.
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tragicsibsshowdown · 1 year
The Siblings have been Selected!
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are you ready to see your favorite sets of tragic siblings go head to head? Well here are you contestants entering!
Polls will be random for the first round and continue on from there bracket style!
And if you would like to make some propaganda… well just make sure to use the tag #tragicsiblingshowdown2023 bc I do wanna see it!
Azula and Zuko from Avatar The Last Airbender
Diluc and Kaeya from Genshin Impact
Donald and Della from Ducktales 2017
Nahyuta and Apollo from Ace Attorney
Vi and Jinx from Arcane
Caleb and Phillip Wittebane from The Owl House
Mari and Sunny from OMORI
Chara and Asriel from Undertale
Luffy and Ace and Sabo from One Piece
Lucas and Claus from Mother 3
Ingo and Emmet from Pokemon
Sam & Dean Winchester from Supernatural
Ed and Al Elric from FullMetal Alchemist
Eda & Lilith Clawthorne from The Owl House
Wei Wuxian, Jiang Cheng, and Jiang Yanli from Mo Dao Zu Shi
Miles Edgeworth and Franziska Von Karma from Ace Attorney
Dick Grayson and Jason Todd from DC
Dess and Noelle from Deltarune
Rillaine and Allen from Evilious Chronicles
Elsa and Anna from Frozen
Thor and Loki from Marvel
Garmadon and Wu from Ninjago
Klavier Gavin and Kristoph Gavin from Ace Attorney
Andrés, Guillermo, Kara and Tamara from Enderbomb
Natsu & Zeref Dragneel from Fairy Tail
Floofty And Snorpy Fizzlebean from Bugsnax
Adaine and Aelwyn Abernant from Fantasy High
Maki and Mai from Jujustu Kaisen
Strelitzia and Lauriam/Marluxia from Kingdom Hearts 
Sasuke and Itachi Uchiha from Naruto
NiGHTS and Reala from NiGHTS into Dreams
Thalia and Jason Grace from Percy Jackson
Bianca  and Nico Di Angelo  from Percy Jackson
Rameses and Moses from The Prince of Egypt
Mephone 4 and 4s from Inanimate Insanity
Taako and Lup from The Adventure Zone
Ianthe and Coronabeth Tridentarius from The Locked Tomb 
Dante and Gene from Minecraft Diaries
Violet, Klaus and Sunny Baudelaire from A Series of Unfortunate Events
Kamado Tanjirou and Kamado Nezuko from Demon Slayer
Hornet and The Hollow Knight from Hollow Knight
Killua and Alluka Zoldyck from Hunter x Hunter
Celestia and Luna from My Little Pony
Vash and Knives from Trigun
Mipha and Sidon from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Lumine and Aether from Genshin Impact
Alice and Reko Yabusame from Your Turn to Die
Brambleclaw and Hawkfrost from Warrior Cats
Ponyboy and Darry from The Outsiders
Aaron and Alex Stowe from The Unwanteds
Shigeo Kageyama (Mob) and Ritsu Kageyama from Mob Psycho 100
Hiro and Tadashi Hamada from Big Hero 6
Shadow and Maria from Sonic 
Annie and Hallie from The Parent Trap
Ophelia and Laertes from Hamlet
Ajax and Teucer from The Odyssey
Yin and Jin (The Gold and Silver Demons) from Lego Monkey Kid
Starfire and Blackfire from Teen Titans
The Afton Siblings from Five Nights at Freddys
Kanna Kizuchi and Shin Tsukimi from Your Turn To Die
Hershel Layton and Jean Descole from Professor Layton
Stan and Ford Pines from Gravity Falls
Saeran and Saeyoung from Mystic Messenger
Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa from Star Wars
Post-Round One Update
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primeofprimes115 · 7 months
Caring Girlfriend - Supergirl x Male Reader
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Contains Fluff 🥰
"Achoo!!" a loud, blaring sneeze came from the bedroom of the shared apartment of Y/N and his girlfriend, Linda Lang, or Kara Zor-El aka Supergirl.
What was amazing about his girlfriend, was that she can't attract, nor get sick from viruses like the flu, the cold and all sorts of virus sickening bugs that can effect humans. This was all due to her Kryptonian physique and metabolism. 
Unlucky for Y/N however... He had fallen ill and like other humans? He had fallen ill
A groan escaped the boy's throat after he blew his nose into the handkerchief he took from the box of tissues beside him on his bedside, a groan that spoke a cry for help almost, as if he was dying with this cold he's gotten unfortunately.
His groan did not fall on deaf ears however, Kara could hear him from miles away while she was in a mission with the new Justice League as of earlier since she was needed. Her love for him was undying, yet it seemed he was dying from being ill... Although he was just being dramatic.
Supergirl felt really bad seeing her boyfriend fall ill, she insisted on staying with him all day to care for him, allow "Supergirl" to take a day off of superhero work today, but Y/N insisted that Kara shouldn't and that he'd be fine... Which he really wasn't
Kara never really thought she'd understand humans this much and how fragile they are to her, of course she knew how fragile humans were but she never understood this much until first meeting a young boy who had cancer who idolized Supergirl in a way and then meeting Y/N at Stanhope College within Leesburg Virginia a year later.
If Krypton, along with Argo City were still here today, she'd find it no bother to cure human diseases and viruses to better sustain life on Earth, perhaps find a way to cure cancer with that tech the Kryptonians had.
Sadly... Such Kryptonian tech is very limited now.
Which is why... She had prepared something within the Fortress of Solitude, on her cousin's behalf.
A bath with special oils, which was able to heal those that bathed themselves in it overtime, even from flu and cold like symptoms ... Sadly this was only a one time thing... The stuff required for it could take months to manufacture with the limited Kryptonian tech the Fortress has. The special bath however was very rarely used
"There we go... That should do it" Kara said to herself as she finally prepared the special bath for her boyfriend, she hated seeing him this sick and flat-out with being ill. She wished she could feel whatever pain he was going through, but she also felt relieved to know she was immune to human viruses, she would have no clue how Y/N would handle a sick, Kara Zor-El.
She flew out of the Fortress of Solitude and immediately headed straight back for her newest shared apartment with her boyfriend, back in San Francisco where the couple had moved to weeks ago.
It was a shame fair-say for today was their 2nd anniversary of when they first began dating after the sweet kiss she shared with him, along with revealing her "secret" to him on the same night. She had plans put into place for their 2nd anniversary but... It was sadly postponed due to her boyfriend falling ill which got progressively worse the next following day which was right now.
Her cape billowed behind her, the swishing red cape with yellow outlines and that emblem of the S all coloured in yellow, hit the air as she propelled herself further, causing a little boom to erupt through the skies. She smiled upon hearing it, flying more faster than before, there was a few things she loved about her powers, and flying at tremendous speeds was one of them, heck she's faster than her cousin.
She felt the wind hitting her face as she kept flying,  finally flying into San Francisco within no time thanks to her super speed and flight, finally reaching to her shared apartment while floating on in through the opened window.
She smiled upon being greeted by her cat, Streaky who had been accompanying Y/N since she had to go earlier. "Hi Streaks! Momma's back for a short time" she spoke to the cat who trilled a response.
"Baby? That you?" Kara's head perked up to the sound of her boyfriend's voice from the bedroom, his voice had grown worse than this morning which worried her.
She would immediately rush over to the sounds of his choked coughs next, his nose was blocked, his throat completely dry no matter how much he drunk water.
"You're back" his eyes laid upon his girlfriend who had rushed in to see him, with a pain in her face as she looked at him. His face was whiter than a sheet of paper, used tissues were all over the bed covers, his nose burned red with the amount of tissues he's used, the only part of his face that wasn't white like a sheet of paper.
"Don't fret, I'm here Babe" she had super sped herself to his side, checking his temperature which made her fear the worst. "Oh you poor thing, it's getting worse. I shouldn't have listened to you this morning" her tone of voice lowered, she had placed her hand over his forehead as he looked at her groggily.
"I thought I'd be fine... I'm sorry..." he muttered under his low voice, Kara heard this and frowned.
"No, don't say that. You don't need to apologize" she shushed him. "I knew what I was getting myself into when I first began dating you, don't apologize for this" she leaned in and kissed him on the forehead afterwards, a comforting kiss to make him at least smile as hard as he could.
"Ah, you're so sweet" he muttered, a weak smile followed suit from him as the Girl of Steel lovingly smiled back at him before leaning in and kissing his cheek next.
"I prepared something special for you back at the Fortress to help with your sickness" she then informed him, her hand placed over this, Some would say that Y/N is the luckiest guy in the world by dating a superhero such as Supergirl. "Which I'll need to take you too right now"
"What sort of special thing?" he curiously asked.
"A bath, with special oils and chemicals that can heal the body, it was for Kryptonians but it can also work on humans as well! It'll heal you and get rid of that flu you've got overtime, spend the rest of the night there as well if you like?" she explained while gently lifting him out of the bed, into her arms to carry him.
"Sounds... Nice... Achoo!" he looked the other direction upon sneezing, before another came up, following with a few groans afterwards.
"Bless you" the girl smiled, a little laugh escaped Y/N before he began coughing again, more raspier than usual.
"What about Streaky?" the boy groggily asked as Kara walked passed his bed beside the living room couch.
"I'll have someone babysit him for tonight while I take care of my sick, lovable boyfriend" she pecked his cheek the next upon levitating from the ground, before flying out the window and propelling herself forward to a flying position.
Kara warmed up her body to a suitable heat for Y/N to handle, another helpful ability Kryptonians have under the influence of the yellow sun that the Earth orbits around, she noticed him cuddle into her as she was flying.
It warmed her heart to see him being the spoon within their relationship, often at times, she's supposed to be the spoon... But with Y/N being sick and all that? The roles were reversed, she heard him mutter "I love you" as she continued flying to the Fortress which made her smile.
"I love you too" she kissed the top of his head.
* *
"So you just... Want me to strip myself naked then?" Y/N asked innocently as he looked at the strange watery liquid inside the royal-looking bathtub.
"Yeah, duh! You're not gonna go in while wearing clothes aren't you?" she asked her boyfriend before letting out a burst of giggles thinking about it.
Y/N looked cautious at the bath but since his girlfriend insisted, he stripped himself bear-naked on the spot, making Kara check him out from behind before letting out a teasing cat-calling whistle.
A little flush of red went up his face as he turned his head to her. "So that's how it feels like?" he asked, feeling guilty of doing it to her these past two years.. Especially when he sees Kara out as Supergirl in public areas.
"Just get in the bathtub, handsome" she insisted.
He looked at it again, before feeling curious to put one foot in hesitantly as Kara watched with her arms crossed while floating a little off the ground, the instant he felt the warm, soothing feeling of the watery liquid, made him put his other foot in before sitting down.
He could instantly feel the nice smelling liquids within the strange but gooey, liquid substance begin to do its work on his body, while making him feel relaxed.
Kara floated closer to the tub as the boy's nose began to unblock, allowing him to finally breath through his nose again as he sighed with satisfaction and happiness.
"That better?" she landed and sat down beside him from outside the tub.
He looked at her the instant and leaned in to kiss her on the lips, which gave her his answer. "I can breath through my nose now, so yeah... That's better. Thanks Baby" he pecked her on the lips again, earning a cute giggle from her.
"You're welcome Honey" she cheerfully replied awhile looking at him in the eyes with love in them.
"This... Isn't how I thought we'd spend our two year anniversary since we began dating... Sucks that I had to get ill yesterday" his happy expression disappeared to a sombered look, the feeling of dread.
"Hey..." the Girl of Steel caressed her lover's face with gentle care, which is what made her special to him in the first place, her overall friendliness under all the dark times she's went through before meeting him. "It's not the worst thing in the world, things won't always go to plan and I'm happy with that... As long as you're by my side and with me as always. I will never stop loving you... Ever" she rambled on, cheering him up with her words... The other reason he loves her unconditionally. "Come to think of it... I might actually join you in there" she smiled upon the thought.
"I would love if you did" he smiled before pulling himself in for a cheeky kiss, Kara caught herself giggling through it before moaning lightly, enjoying the kiss as it lasted.
The girl then pulled back before smirking, her hands clasped at her crop top before she pulled it over her head, even with her cape attached to it, letting her own average sized breasts go free before removing her boots, belt, skirt and the shorts she wore underneath to cover her little private area.
It didn't take long for her to join him, enveloping herself within the same liquid her boyfriend was in before the two embraced in a long, lasting kiss.
She knew for a fact that once Y/N was fully healed and ridden of that flu he had? Their night would be more special since the Fortress...
Was all theirs for tonight...
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pcrtifacts · 15 days
Fandom creators tag game
1. What sort of content do you create, and what is the thing you’ve made that you’re most proud of?
I write stories. Strictly fanfic only; I don’t think I’m quite brave enough to try writing my own stuff. I’m trying to learn how to draw, but I’m a bit too much of a perfectionist so it’s slow going. I’m quite proud of my first CW Supergirl fanfic, make this place your home. I didn’t think people would like it so much.
2. What fandom(s) do you create for?
I’ve only posted things for CW Supergirl, and it’s just the one story plus a oneshot series for Supercorptober. But I’ve tried my hand at a couple other fandoms, namely Assassin’s Creed and Marvel’s X-23. But those aren’t fully fleshed out, more like writing exercises.
3. What is your current favourite ship (or brotp if you prefer), and how controversial is it?
Supercorp. Not sure if it’s controversial? Doesn’t feel like it.
4. For your answer to question 3, are they canon?
THEY ARE CANON IN MY HEART. Seriously though, they’re not explicitly canon on the TV series itself, but I know they were confirmed in the Batwoman comic by the writer.
5. What was your first fandom, and how old were you?
I know it’s controversial now, but the first fandom I really got obsessed with was Harry Potter. I grew up with those books, so since I was around 10, I guess? I’m not quite brave enough to get into fanfic writing for that fandom though, both because of the controversy and because the people over there can be kind of mean from what I’ve seen in comments. I’m sure it’s not everyone, but the Supercorp fandom has been so nice and I think I’m a bit spoiled.
6. What is your most unhinged fandom creation to date?
I haven’t written a lot, but maybe it’s the Spice Girls oneshot for my Supercorptober series? Or maybe the vigilante prompt for the same series, the one where Kara’s an office lunch thief. Idk.
7. Do you remember what started you off creating fandom content, and if so, what was it?
I first started watching Supergirl when it first started, but I fell out of it after S2. Then I got back into it during the lockdowns in 2020, smack in the middle of the big rift, and that was that.
8. Do you let people you know in real life see your fandom creations?
Nope. No one in real life knows.
9. How do you feel about fanworks of fanworks? Has anyone ever made something based on a thing you made?
I love it! I’ve received two pieces of fanworks, both from @thatonebirdwrites, who also tagged me in this game! I wish I could return the favor, but again, I’m not quite confident enough for that. Maybe in the future.
10. What feeling do you most often try to evoke with your creations?
I find that in canon stories, there’s a lot of handwaving over little details in a way that requires a lot of suspension of disbelief. Like in CW’s Supergirl, there’s a lot of vague science and plotholes that drive me crazy. I’m a scientist, so I like trying to infuse my work with realism, and I like making things make sense, if that makes sense lol. I think that goes for both character motivations and for things in the world I write. I usually end up with lots of background information that never makes into the story, but I feel like it makes the story stronger when I find the opportunity to weave it in. Tl;dr, I try to make the world and the characters feel real and grounded.
11. Has someone ever paid your work a compliment (in any form) that has stuck with you, and what was it?
In the same vein as the previous question, a few people have said they enjoy my worldbuilding and storytelling, so that’s lovely.
12. What’s your favourite thing someone else has made that you’ve seen in the last 24 hours (and link it if you can find it again!)
In the last 24 hours? I think it might be an older Supercorp art piece with Kara and Lena snuggled up together with a cat. It was reblogged by @fazedlight under #vintage supercorp, which is awesome because I wasn’t on tumblr at the time a lot of fan stuff was circulating.
13. Give a small sneak preview of something you’re working on right now (eg a couple of sentences of fic from a WIP, a gif set theme, a small piece of a larger picture, whatever you feel happy to share)
Little fluff scene from make this place your home:
Kara’s eyes opened when Lena jerked away. Jess was standing in the doorway, an amused, uncomfortable smile on her face. “Miss Luthor, the Danvers are here.”
“Right.” Lena straightened up, discreetly wiping at her mouth with the back of her hand. “We just need five minutes, then you can let them in.”
“Of course.”
Jess shut the door behind her, and Lena stood, clearing out the debris from lunch, and Kara started to help. “Are you upset that Jess saw us?”
Lena chuckled. “Not upset, no. A little embarrassed, maybe; kissing isn’t exactly a workplace activity, after all.”
Kara’s brow furrowed “Should we not do it here, then?” she asked, trying to get a firm grasp on what things were and were not allowed in terms of physical affection. For all that humans enjoyed it, it seemed there were a lot of rules surrounding what was and wasn’t appropriate in different places.
“No, no.” Lena smiled. “It’s fine. Besides, I think Jess will knock from now on.”
Excerpt from an in-progress medieval omegaverse Supercorp AU:
“Might I cut in for the next dance?”
Lena turned. The clumsy blonde alpha from Krypton was standing there, a hopeful smile on her face. Edge turned as well, chest puffing up at the younger alpha as he exuded dominating pheromones. The Kryptonian straightened but remained perfectly civil. The music had ended, and Lena gladly took the opportunity to step away from the scowling Morgan Edge. “Certainly, my lord.” She cut her eyes back to Edge. “Duke Edge.”
Ignoring his grunted reply, she let the Kryptonian alpha take her hand, and oh, that felt nice. Lena’s hand just fit into the alpha’s warm, not-at-all-clammy one. Lena’s brow furrowed. That, combined with the blonde’s fairly pretty features and her refreshing scent, had Lena’s omega perking its head up.
It was annoying.
She allowed the Kryptonian to lead her back to the dance floor as the musicians started. “Lord Zor-El, is it?”
“Kara, please.” The alpha – Kara – settled her hand on her waist, leading them into an easy waltz. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Lady Luthor.”
14. Have you ever seen/read anything made by the person who tagged you? If so, what was it and what was your favourite thing about it? (pick a favourite if there are several)
Yes! I’ve just caught up on the Shared Moments series by @thatonebirdwrites! It’s a Korrasami rewrite of The Legend of Korra, and the worldbuilding and lore is absolutely world-class; the changes they made to canon are so imaginative and so well thought out. It’s in progress, and I can’t wait to read more.
15. Do you leave comments on fandom works, and if so how would you describe your comment style?
I try, but I’m not very good at doing it consistently. It’s hypocritical, I know, considering how much I appreciate every comment I receive. But I’m trying to do better.
16. How many works in progress do you currently have? Will you finish them all?
I only have one fic that’s currently being posted, but I’ve got another Supercorp fic in the works (see sneak peek above). I have other ideas waiting, but those are probably the main ones. I’m definitely finishing make this place your home, and I do hope to finish my other ideas. There just never seems to be enough time.
17. what’s the longest it’s ever taken you to finish a fandom project?
I haven’t finished any! Not unless Supercorptober counts, and I finished that in the requisite month, by some kind of miracle. Make this place your home has been going for over a year and I really hope to have it done before it reaches two.
18. Describe the thing you made most recently in a way that is technically true, but also completely misleading. Link the thing if it’s published!
I’m gonna pass on this one, not sure I understand how to answer :/
19. Do you ever engage with fanworks for a fandom you’re not in? Which one(s) and how did you get into it?
I guess not? I find it hard to read fanfics if I don’t know the background, let alone write for it.
20. Recommend a fan work from your fandom to your followers
Not sure I have any followers lol. I think one of my favorite fics is The Science Guild by dreiser, which is one of the inspirations I had for a more science-y Kara. It went dormant for a few years but it miraculously updated a couple of weeks ago. But I also want to recommend Confession by TheBirdWrites, which is an absolutely fantastic. I’m still catching up on the sequel fic, Unraveling Realities, and it’s still ongoing, but it’s so good.
I know it’s not great to be a dead end for a tag game, but I don’t really have any mutuals because I’m too shy to follow people, let alone tag them. I did have fun answering this though :)
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cardcaptorsakura96 · 4 months
A Christmas Miracle-Chapter 3
Fandom: Supergirl
Characters: Lena Luthor, Kara Danvers, Ruby Arias, Santa Claus, Streaky the cat, Lillian Luthor, Alex Danvers, Cupid
Summary: After her last two breakups, Lena doesn't think there is love out there for her. However, will Ruby's wish to Santa make Lena a believer in miracles?
Chapter 1, Chapter 2
Kara sighed as she walked with Streaky with a leash in the park. She was dressed in pink sweats and a pink hoodie. It had been several days since she had seen Lena and wasn’t sure what to do still. She knew she needed to speak to her, but wasn’t really sure how to approach the situation. She wasn’t sure if she should tell her if she was Supergirl or not. She thought it was obvious, but realized that she never called herself that during the encounter, and she wasn’t dressed in costume. For all she knew, Lena could have thought that she was one of any multitude of metahumans that had popped up all over the city the last couple of years. She was jostled out of her thoughts when she noticed that Streaky had suddenly stopped walking. She looked down to see that he was staring at her expectantly. 
Kara sighed and said, “I take it you want to be carried instead of walking around.”
Streaky nodded his head.
Kara looked down at her Fitbit and saw that she and Streaky had walked about 5 miles already.
Kara smiled and said, “I guess we had enough exercise today.”
Kara opened her arms and Streaky pounced into her arms. Kara cuddled Streaky against her chest and continued down the path in the park. 
Streaky made a loud purring sound. 
Kara chuckled and said, “I know it is almost dinner time. I take it you would want your usual tuna.”
Streaky purred loudly and rubbed his head against Kara’s neck. 
Kara chuckled and said, “Why am I not surprised? Well, we are about 10 minutes from the park exit. It has enough trees and shrubby there that we can hide in to change and then fly home the rest of the way.”
Streaky purred against Kara’s neck in contentment. 
Kara smiled and said, “I am glad we have a game plan here.”
As Kara and Streaky rounded the bend, Kara noticed a man dressed in a black sweater, pants, and black mask over his head knock over a Santa and take  the red collection box he was using to collect funds for the Salvation Army near the park’s exit.
Kara sighed, shook her head, and said, “Do people not have any shame?”
She noticed two rocks on the ground near her. She picked them up quickly and threw them towards the thief. The rocks hit the thief on the back of his legs causing him to fall and then hit his head on the pavement knocking him out. 
Kara shook her head as she ran up to grab the box and then take it back to Santa. The Santa tried to get up to greet her but winced as he tried to put weight on his foot.
Kara frowned and asked, “Are you okay?”
Santa smiled at her and said, “I’ll be okay. I think I may have hurt my ankle though. Do you mind helping me over to that bench over there?”
Kara nodded as she helped him up and guided him to the nearest bench. As he sat down, she used her X-ray vision to analyze his ankle. She didn’t see a sprain or any type of breakage which is a good sign. Given on hard he fell, she wouldn’t be surprised if he was maybe sore for the next day or two. 
Kara sat next to him and gave him the Salvation Army box. 
Santa smiled at her and said, “Thank you so much for retrieving this. The funds mean so much to families in need, especially during the holiday season.”
Kara smiled and said, “It is no problem. I just want to help.” She looked at his ankle and said, “You seemed to have difficulty walking. Did you need help to get back home or would you like me to call someone for you?”
Santa chuckled and said, “No, I will be just fine. I think my ego is more bruised than anything that I let that young man get the jump on me and the lady earlier.”
Kara frowned and asked, “What lady?”
Santa sighed and said, “There was a lady that was going through her purse about to put funds in the Salvation Army Box when the thief took us both by surprise. He took her money and car keys. He was about to attack her when I pushed her away and she made a run for it. Then the thief turned his focus on me and tried to take the money box.
Kara frowned and said, “I hope that lady is okay.”
Santa nodded and said, “I hope so too.” He held up his hand, revealed the car keys, and said, “The idiot dropped it during the fight and I was able to get them back. I was hoping to be able to find her since my shift ends in a couple of minutes and she said that she was heading to the parking lot near the park after making her donation. However, I am not sure if I will be able to catch up with her with my ankle bothering me like this.”
Kara smiled and said, “I can try to find her. It shouldn’t be too hard since there is only one parking lot within walking distance from here. Do you remember what the lady looked like?”
Read the rest on AO3
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natalievoncatte · 4 months
Kara Zor El Danvers lived in a world of limitless sensation.
Thanks to her cousin, the world knew of her x-ray vision, but her eyesight went far beyond that. She could focus her attention and observe the mechanisms of the cell, or look skyward and see things so vast that they were invisible to the human eye. (She learned in her youth not to tell people that the entire solar system was, from time to time, engulfed in the digestive tract of a space whale so huge that its body was too big for humans to perceive) She could see colors lost to human vision and watch particles scatter off the atmosphere.
He sense of smell was beyond acute; had she the impulse, she could have tracked her family by scent. Her hearing was both gift and curse, as was her sense of taste, which she indulged with abandon thanks to her vastly more efficient digestive system and metabolism.
What most people never thought about was her touch. Kara could shake someone’s hand and read their fingerprint like braille. She was sensitive to the most minute changes in temperature or texture, and at times it could be just as overwhelming and overstimulating as her other senses. Kara learned to embrace it- she was a tactile girl from a race that disdained physical contact, even among lovers.
They had no idea what they were missing.
The first time Kara laid her hands on Lena Luthor was just after she’d arrested the fall of a multi-ton helicopter and dragged it from gravity’s grasp to bring it to rest on the roof of LuthorCorp. She’d checked the pilot first and…
Kara had eidetic memory. Perfect recall. It was another cursed gift, one born of the interaction of perfect healing with her alien brain. She would never forget seeing Lena for the first time. It was hers and hers alone.
Other humans could see Lena’s dark hair and soft pale skin, see the variation between her eyes, one a little more blue than green. They didn’t see what Kara saw; a thousand colors sparkling in those eyes like impossible gems, the heat bloom on her skin following the flush in her cheeks. The thundering of her heart in her chest beat a tempo in Kara’s ears, and then Kara touched her.
It was a simple gesture. No skin to skin, just a hand on Lena’s shoulder to steady her and ask her if she was okay, but beneath it Kara could sense her pulse and her body heat and was dimly aware of the electrical conduction of her nervous system.
It was heady, intoxicating. Even her scent- not the perfume covering it but the scent of *her*, her real scent, shot through with acidic fear, was intoxicating. Kara breathed it in and it exploded in her chest, making her feel a million miles tall.
The meeting was brief. Kara had to deal with annoying robots. There were always robots.
Later, Lena was there again and this time Kara was meeting her. Kara forgot that as she walked in with Kal… Clark. For those first few steps she wasn’t Supergirl or Cat Grant’s Assistant, she was herself, the person she only was around her closest friends who knew her secret. The one who walked tall, shoulders back, with nothing to hide.
Again, Lena was overwhelming. Kara was all but stunned by her, stammering and blushing. She didn’t know if there was love at first sight but first touch, just maybe. Lena’s hand was soft and warm, her grip firm, and Kara didn’t know why, then, that it sent such a jolt through her.
It was not the last time they touched.
Some thugs heaved Lena off her balcony, sending her screaming towards her death. Kara was there -she wouldn’t have had to hear it all over the phone- and caught her. It was a flawless rescue, scooping her from the air. Lena, terrified, clung to her for dear life.
Something happened on the way up. There was a brief, searing moment when Lena’s fear faded and she pressed in tight to her savior. Kara was acutely aware of the bare skin on the inside of Lena’s knee, the feeling of her soft calf against the back of her hand and the pull of Lena’s arms around her neck.
That night, Kara began to have feelings. Imaginings. Feeling silken smooth legs sliding under her palms, delicate hands clutched in hers, fingers laced. Wet skin slick on wet skin and clenching muscles, gossamer curls winding across her flesh in a symphony of pure feeling, hot breath on her skin. Teeth on her neck.
It felt weird, it felt wrong, it felt… predatory. Kara was scared of what she wanted, and how she wanted it- feral, with the wild abandon of an apex predator. Kryptonians were above such things. They were a race of stoic scientists who mastered and abandoned animal lusts and replaced them with cold technology Would she betray her heritage this way, too? She’d failed to keep Kal Kryptonian. What if she lost herself, too?
There were other touches. Soft hands on shoulders and lingering palms resting on arms. Lena hugged Kara and sheltered in her arms, drawing Kara around her like armor, and Kara let herself revel in it. She needed to protect Lena like she needed to breathe air.
Then came another. The Daxamite. The enemy, the lover, the jerk. He gave her touches too. Touches she was supposed to enjoy, supposed to want. Everyone told her so, even Alex who despised and suspected him at first.
She enjoyed it for what it was, and hated it for what it wasn’t.
Then he was gone and she was left again to longing. She tried to abandon the Danvers and Become Kryptonian, but she’d failed. Lena Luthor had gloriously corrupted her and she knew in the deepest hidden parts of her heart that whoever she was, she wasn’t the model Kryptonian youth, promised to the science council. She was Alex Danvers’s sister and Eliza Danvers’s daughter and Clark Kent’s cousin, losing herself in friendship and potstickers and guilt.
In the dark, Kara wept because she knew if she could change it all, if she could go back, save her world and her people, something of great value would be lost.
There was something between them, something terrible, something festering between every touch and it gnawed at Kara more and more with every lingering moment. Joy was shot through with terror when Lena would crowd in close to her, the pair of them giggling wine-drunk like the children they’d never been allowed to be. Children of tragedy, daughters of tarnished fathers, inheritors of legacies too heavy to carry alone.
More and more Lena and Kara let each other press close, each under the other’s shoulder, bearing the weight the weight as one. As one in every way except the one that mattered, until Kara’s heart hurt so much that she remembered those first days on Earth when she’d wished the green fireball had taken her pod too.
Then came the worst thing: the truth.
Kara wanted nothing more than to touch her, to feel skin on skin. She knew if she could hold Lena she could make it better, if she could come just shy of kissing the crown of her head and tell her how impossibly sorry she was that Lena would see, that she would feel and understand.
Instead there was only a wall of ice crusted with poison that shot red hot rancid agony through her veins, like a hot knife flensing her skin as her lungs crushed themselves. It felt like she was dying and she wanted it.
It felt like that the entire time. Every argument, every fight. Kara just wanted to scream. Scream at Lena at Mount Norquay with the ultimate weapon aimed at her heart, scream at her on balconies and rooftops and in fraught rescues where Lena shoved her away. Please just let me hold you one more time.
And then, one day, Lena came back. Kara was doing something meaningless -even with the world at stake she still had to write puff pieces for her asshole new boss- and was pacing around her apartment looking for the will to be human when it felt so pointless, and then she heard the staccato of Lena’s racing heart and pulled open her door.
It was explosive. Kara froze, stunned as if struck. It was like seeing Lena for the first time again, as she stood there with tear-wet cheeks in a winter coat with her arms and shoulders folded in fear, and Kara hated that she was afraid. She watched the invisible spectrum dance across Lena’s skin and was lost in her sea-sapphire eyes all over again and dared not even think the prayer on her tongue, a plea that came to her in Kryptonian first.
“I’m sorry,” Lena began, “I was wrong.”
Kara only heard the pain and knew she had to make it stop. Instinct drove her, the instinct she wasn’t supposed to answer. She embraced Lena with the utmost care, needing only to make it better, to make her precious Lena’s hurting stop.
Despite her photographic memory she would never recall who crossed the Rubicon. Maybe it was both of them at once. Lena touched Kara as she never had before, answering the intensity of Kara’s consuming attention in a way she’d always shied from before. Every flash of boldness from Lena drove Kara more feral and she sucked in a sharp breath as she left a hand print pressed in her door, thinking oh oh Rao I don’t want to hurt her, but if Lena was afraid she didn’t show it.
It all just sort of happened on instinct, like they both just knew what to do. Kara heaved her Lena into the air with a shocking display of strength, quivering with joy. Catching her wasn’t enough, she wanted to scoop Lena up and carry her off like a conquering hero, and she was, this was really happening.
They spoke only once, Kara asking the question. “Is this okay?”
Kara exerted every ounce of control she had, schooling every movement, commanding every brush of her fingers and movement of her hands. She let herself drink the sensations, etching a record of every facet of these moments that would endure until the end of her days. She’d never felt as alive as when she felt Lena’s body arch under her hands and the buzz in her throat as she cried Kara’s name.
The humans called it becoming one flesh. Kara thought that was silly. Now, she understood.
Lena answered her tenfold, answering Kara’s burning questions with her hands and lips and teeth, almost shocking Kara with her intensity.
To her surprise it was the after she loved most, feeling Lena’s soft, delicate, vulnerable body cradled in her arms, and when Lena sobbed into her shoulder, Kara wept with her and murmured all the promises again and again and again.
Later, after struggles and losses and a strange sense that it was all finally over, the great battles won, the great miracles all performed, Kara formed the metal and crushed the gems into being with her own hands, and would never forget the trembling in Lena’s hands as she circled the bracelet around her wrist.
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goofbell · 2 months
ok idk if you wanna answer this because you posed it on your priv but I'm DYING to know your rationale on your oso/mysme matchmaking post. how did you reach those conclusions 🎤🎤🎤
OMG HI yes i would love to explain my rationale for this i will never deny an opportunity to yap . technically this was a collaborative effort between me and my roommate so I cant take all the credit for the list
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ok so:
osomatsu and yoosung: to be honest we mainly picked these 2 because i cant reasonably see any of the other mysme characters tolerating osomatsu LOL. the comedic potential of worlds biggest shit disturber and Worlds most gullible guy is unmatched also. theres a wild and obsessive side to yoosung too that i think would actually throw oso off under the right circumstances. tldr itd be funny
karamatsu and saeran: this one was interesting because originally i was team kara zen but they are too similar in style to come out of it unscathed. i think saeran deserves a loser boyfriend and who else could fit the bill. i also think karamatsu is one of the only brothers who is emotionally available enough to be able to have any sort of camaraderie with saeran without bringing him down - i think his willingness to just put himself out there would make saeran feel comfortable. plus i think they both have....eclectic taste
choromatsu and zen: classic nerd x prep dynamic. choromatsus interest in idols is similar enough to the nature of zens career so him growing to appreciate zens work is not too huge of a leap to me (if im being generous to this guy). i just think itd be so enemies to lovers like they would argue so hard
ichimatsu and seven: i think this was the first one we decided? beyond the love for cats I just think they could influence eachother in interesting ways - sevens energy might force ichimatsu out of his shell and ichimatsu can relate to seven's facade and could make him feel comfortable dropping it sometimes. i just think they have a lot in common
jyushimatsu and jaehee: no one else deserved jaehee. Also i just think that jaehee deserves some whimsy and joy in her life and who better than jyushimatsu to bring it . methinks its hard for jyushimatsu not to like someone but i think he would be endeared by how earnest jaehee is and would be full of glee when he gets her to loosen up a bit
todomatsu and jumin: can you just imagine them interacting. we picked this duo because the potential here was too great. Todomatsu is such a little ass kisser and would try to manipulate the hell out of jumin to get what he wants. something something they both end up learning how to Be Real idk how to explain it. just feel it
bonus osomatsu and V: i think V just needs to be put in a room with someone who would not be afraid to tell him he has problems
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supercorpkid · 6 days
Set It Up
Supergirl. Kara Danvers x Reader.
Word Count: 3440.
Notes: Totally inspired by the movie Set it Up. But I changed some stuff to fit better. Part 2 coming soon.
Kara stares out the window as another workday ends for the lucky ones. For her, escaping the office seems more unlikely by the second. She glances at Cat Grant, who is busy typing on her computer, and sighs. She wishes she could be at home watching an old movie with her sister, but she's not one of the lucky ones.
"Kiera, where is my dinner? Are you trying to starve me to death?"
"Oh, I didn't know-–" Kara adjusts her glasses and begins writing down. "What should I order, Ms. Grant?"
"I don't care. Anything. As long as it has a cheeseburger in it."
"So, a cheeseburger?"
"Kiera." Cat shoots her a disapproving look. "Don't make me do your job, that's what I pay you for."
"Of course, Ms. Grant." Kara leaves the office and immediately calls the nearest restaurant to get the food delivered as quickly as possible.
Meanwhile, on the lower level of the building, your boss yells at you because he too wants dinner, even though he said half an hour ago that he wouldn't be eating at his desk tonight.
"I'm on it!" You dash downstairs, grateful for an excuse to leave the office for a few minutes. You've been cooped up so long, the office smell is starting to make you sick.
You rush through the lobby and overhear a heated argument between a blonde girl and a food delivery guy. Food! You need food!
"Come on! I order from you guys every day. I just don't have cash this one time, but look, I have three credit cards."
"If you order from us every day, you know we only accept cash."
You step closer. "Whose food is that?"
The delivery guy doesn't miss a beat, "Yours, if you have 40 bucks to pay for it."
"Oh, I have cash! I have so much cash!" You pull your boss's wallet from your pocket and pay for the food with a grin. The delivery guy leaves in a hurry, and you head back to the elevator. This was easy, except…
"No. No, wait." The blonde girl runs after you. "That's my boss's food and if I'm not upstairs with it in two minutes, she'll fire me, right after she kills me!"
"No, she won't. Just look at you. You just have to charm her with a smile and skip around the office and she'll give you a promotion." You say, the blonde girl looks at you in disbelief. "Just do some tricks!"
"Some tricks? What am I, a monkey?"
"I don't know what you are." You stare at her button-up shirt, tight blue cardigan showing off her muscles. Why does Blondie here have so many muscles? "Some kind of superhero?" Her eyes widen at you and she adjusts her glasses. "That is dumb enough to forget you need cash to pay for food."
"Hey!" You turn your back to her, satisfied with the bag of food in your hand. "Okay, look. There are two dinners there. One for me and one for my boss. What if we share?"
You raise your eyebrows. Why share when you just paid for it? Granted, it was her food first, but it's not your fault she didn't have cash. The food would’ve just gone back to the restaurant anyway.
"I'll get the burger and you get the pasta. That way none of us get fired!"
You sigh. The last thing you want is to get fired, and no matter how hungry you are, you also don't want to be responsible for someone else getting fired today.
"Fine, but you owe me money." You get into the elevator, and watch the blonde girl clinging to the meal you handed her. "Hope you don't get fired!"
Your boss doesn't eat. He makes you almost get someone fired and then, out of the blue, he gets up from his chair while you're only halfway through with mouth-watering pasta and says he's going home.
You drag yourself back to your desk, eat the pasta alone, then finally make your way out of the office. One more long day, in a very extensive list of long days.
It's late at night again and everyone from the office has already left. You're making copies for a presentation. Even though everything is digital these days, your boss insists on being in the Stone Age, probably single-handedly killing a hundred trees at a time.
"Here." You hear a voice and almost jump out of your skin. Then, you feel money being shoved into your hand. "I'm paying off my debt."
You check your watch; it's so late, why is Blondie still here? "What are you doing here? Are you like a janitor or something?"
She blinks at you. "I'm not a janitor." Obviously, a janitor wouldn’t have such a big collection of button-ups. "I'm Kara Danvers. I'm Cat Grant's assistant, that's why I'm always the last one here."
"No, you're not. 'Cause I'm always the last one here." You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding and raise your hand to her at the same time, "Y/N."
"So, do you work at a newspaper? Magazine?" You shake your head. "Why are you wasting so much paper?"
"Because my boss is a buffoon who loves to make me copy things and then shred them." You roll your eyes. "I swear he is driving me up the fucking wall!"
Kara winces at your curse word, and you wonder why you're telling her this. Actually, you know why. Goldilocks here is the first human you've interacted with all week who isn't 1) your boss, 2) someone your boss made you yell at over the phone, or 3) coworkers who are smiling through the pain, like you.
"Well," She doesn’t stop following you to your desk, even though the business between you two is resolved. "Why don't you quit?"
"And survive on what? Breaking into little bears' houses and eating their food?" You ask, and Kara looks at you confused. Right, she doesn’t know you’ve been secretly calling her Blondie and Goldilocks. "I mean, I need the money. Besides, the company is huge. If I survive his ire long enough, maybe I can change positions and be something else."
"Yeah." She lets out a breath, like she understands completely, pulls up a chair—without an invitation—and sits in front of you. "I just want to be promoted to a reporter."
"See, you get it. You're still here in the building too!"
She looks at her watch, "Except my boss is taking a nap and I have to wake her up in 30 minutes. You know who doesn’t get to nap? Me!"
You laugh, opening up to someone you barely know it's weird, but it's like she gets you. She understands better than your friends, really. "The only thing I don’t want is to be 24 and still an assistant. That’s just sad."
She pouts. "I'm 24 and I'm an assistant."
"Oh my God, I'm so sorry." You smirk. "For you. That’s really sad for you."
Kara grins at you. The office falls silent except for the occasional yells through the walls. She looks at his door, puzzled. "Who is he talking to, this late at night?"
"Not his family, no. Because he doesn't have one. Which is not surprising since he never leaves this office." You put your hands on your face, "I'll die here, won’t I?"
"Yeah, Ms. Grant never leaves either. And she has two children. I swear, I have no idea how she does it."
"She doesn’t." You raise your head at Kara. "You do it. You organize her schedule, you wake her up from naps, you order her food, you're basically in charge of her life and oh my God, are you thinking what I'm thinking?"
She isn't. Blondie is blinking at you cluelessly.
"Let’s lock them in a room together so they can have sex." You say with a maniac smile, and Kara rolls her eyes. "Just think about it. While they're boning, we're free!"
"This is ridiculous." She makes her way out of the office as you yell, "byeeee."
There’s an emergency, and Kara urgently needs to put on her cape and fly out the window, but Cat won’t stop talking. Despite Kara’s repeated assurances of 'yes, Ms. Grant, I understand', Cat keeps repeating herself, leaving no room for error on Kara’s part.
But Kara will mess this up—she has to. There’s a fire in a hospital, and every second spent here increases the casualties, all of which she’ll blame on herself. Kara is in desperate need of flexibility at work. Desperate! 
This is what she tells herself, when after putting out the fire in the hospital, she decides to look for you through your work corridors, instead of going back to CatCo and doing what her boss asked. 
“I’m in,” Kara says, appearing behind you. You jump, but your excitement quickly overrides your surprise. "I'm in on your scheme."
"We need a meet-cute," you start, mind so far off you don't notice if Kara is following you. But she is. "You know, an interesting situation that is kind of humorous but also romantic and then –"
"Yeah, I—" Kara interrupts you, and you look back at Blondie adjusting her glasses. "I've seen enough romantic comedies to know what a meet-cute is."
Goldilocks is well versatile in romantic movies, so it isn't hard for you two to set up a few ideas in motion so that both of your bosses can get stuck somewhere together. Options are: elevator, office, airplane, charity event. The last one sounds unlikely given your boss is an asshole and would be caught dead helping people, but Kara guarantees he would go to a charity event if Supergirl was there, and somehow she can tell you exactly when Supergirl will attend one. Nerd alert!
Kara makes friends with the building administrator, which isn't shocking at all to you. Blondie has that blissful little vibe around her. She's kind, overly excited, and always ready to talk about any subject. So, when she guides you to the lower level of the building, to a moldy, smelly, never-ending room, you can't help but wonder if she isn't part of a cult and you're the sacrifice.
"You're not gonna kill me down here, are you?" Your voice comes out nasally as you cover your nose against the smell.
"Why would I kill you?"
"I don't know. You're blonde, pretty, chatty, kind. No one would suspect you." You look around the empty space. "But it would be such a bummer to die in this building. Please, if you ever think about killing me, just do it anywhere but here."
"I'll keep that in mind next time I need to satisfy my bloodlust."
"See! You are kind, Kara Danvers." You touch her arm for effect and are met with rock-solid biceps. Oh wow, you were not expecting this. "They'll never catch you."
"Okay, time to actually do what we're here for." She points at the screens, and you see both you and her boss waiting for the elevator. You sit on the chair in front of it, glad she made friends with the building manager so there's no one around, and make the elevator stop at CatCo.
"Wait, wait. Where is she going?" you ask Kara when Cat Grant doesn't get inside.
"Oh, I forgot —" You look up with questioning eyes. "She has her own elevator."
You close your eyes to avoid rolling them. "Great," you say, defeated. "Excellent plan."
"Sorry." The apology comes in a whisper from above, so heartbroken you can't be mad anymore.
"It's okay. To be fair, it felt a little dirty doing that. Maybe we should just schedule a meeting or something." You're up and making your way to the flat of stairs in no time, while Kara promptly follows you. You can't wait to get out of this smelly place. 
"What would your boss even have to say to Cat Grant? No offense, but he is a basic finance guy." 
"I'm not offended, I wish I was a basic finance guy. I would be getting paid a lot more money and wouldn't it be easier to just be a guy?" She nods affirmatively. "Alright then, I'm here for whatever crazy ideas you might have."
"Cat is a confident, independent woman. I'm having a time seeing why she would even need a man." 
You raise one eyebrow at her. "What planet are you from?"
"Uh, this—this one." She adjusts the glasses on her face, and you bite back a smile from the answer to your rhetorical question.
"Kara, I know there are many sex toys these days," Her entire face gets bright red in a split second. "but sometimes people want the real thing." You master your most innocent eyes, even though she can't look at your face from embarrassment. "You know, I bet you'd rather do it with your boyfriend."
Her jaw unclenches just enough so she can say, "I don't have a boyfriend or—or anyone."
"Yeah, I get it. Who has time to go out and flirt when your boss wants your head on a stick, right?" When you open the door to the outside world, you smile at the sun and the absence of smell. "Okay, time to get to work. Text me any ideas!"
You spend the day texting. In fact, you spend the week talking to Kara. Between texting each other from the minute you wake up to when you go to sleep; joining coffee runs; and 15-minute lunch breaks taken at the same time, you two come up with a plan. Everyone knows who Cat Grant is. She might as well have a secret admirer. 
You send her flowers imitating your boss's handwriting. Cat smirks to herself when Kara waltzes in her office with a pretty bouquet, "But of course he is impressed with me, Kiera. I'm an impressive woman."
"You are, Ms. Grant! Should I send anything back as a thank you?" Kara tries and receives an eyebrow raise. "Or just an acknowledgment. You know, I read somewhere his company is well known in the finance world. Having someone like him as a source someday…"
"Send him something. Anything." She goes back to her computer and mutters to herself. "I might need him eventually."
"Great idea, Ms. Grant." Kara smiles even though she knows it was all her.
"Of course it's a great idea, I thought of it. Now go Kiera, you've distracted me enough with this nonsense."
Kara almost floats out of her office, and sets the second part of the plan in motion. 
It is definitely not hard to convince your boss that someone like Cat Grant knows him. Men always think the world revolves around them, and this one is particularly full of himself. 
You coordinate your schedules and send them to the same restaurant for different meetings. You and Kara find a place outside of it where you can spy on them with your binoculars. Kara doesn't have any spy attire, but still can do a perfect lip read of their conversation.
"They are trying to set up a date." She informs you, and you move your binoculars to their lips to figure out how she is doing this so perfectly, when you can barely see them right. "Can't agree on a place."
"Maybe we should pick for them."
"Uh," She complains. "Cat is getting angry. He is not letting her choose. Oh, she just called him a caveman."
"He is." You agree, then raise your head up. "That's not good, we have to fix this. Think!"
"They both like Noonan's. We always pick their coffee from that place. Maybe they need to think about coffee instead of dinner."
"Wait," You grab your phone and look at his agenda. Then shoot him a text. "Just canceled one of his meetings for later, and told him he'll have time during his usual coffee run."
You two watch him look at the phone, then raises his head at Cat. Kara repeats his words to you, "How about coffee?"
"I like —"
"Noonan's." They say unison and you look at Kara with a smile. Yep, you two are good!
Later that day, Kara receives a, "Kiera, I'm going out for my own coffee. I want to see if they can't make the coffee the way I like it, or if it's due to your incompetence that it is either impressively cold or burning hot when you give them to me."
At the same time you get a, "Hold everything off for the rest of the day. I'm going for coffee with a woman and it might turn into something else. If you know what I mean."
You and Kara follow them to the coffee shop, but keep your distance and a few newspapers up to cover your faces.
The date does not go well. Cat is indeed a strong independent woman, and your boss is indeed a buffoon who doesn't think women should be either strong nor independent. You and Kara leave the place before it all blows up on your faces.
"Ok, it seems that getting them together is not enough. We'll have to actually Cyrano them."
You nod your head the slightest. "Mhm, yeah. Totally."
She quirks an eyebrow at you. "You know what that means right?"
"Yeah. Two assistants getting their bosses together and—"
"What? No. I've texted you so many times by now!" She laughs at you. "We coach them. Like when a nerdy boy in a movie feeds the hot guy the lines, so he can get the nice girl."
"Oh, is that what you think we're doing?" Kara shakes her head in agreement. "Absolutely not. We're Parent Trapping them."
"What? It's not the Parent Trap! We didn't switch places."
"Yeah, cause we're not twins. I think Cat would notice if we switched an almost-superhero with a clown."
Kara looks so offended, "I'm no clown!"
You furrow your eyes at her. Blondie really is a special kind of girl, isn't she?
So back at the board you go. And that does not involve an actual board, Goldilocks! It's just an expression.
"I read in a book that there are two types of compliments to give to a woman," Kara starts, and you nod, writing it down. "The things she already knows about herself that she needs confirmed, and the things she doesn't think anybody else notices about her." You raise your eyes at her. 
"I see. So the first would be like," She turns to you focusing her attention. "How you have expressive baby blue eyes and I can tell what you're thinking even before you say it." She opens her mouth a few times, but no words come out. "And the second would be like, how sometimes you're so hyperfocus that only one of your eyes blink."
"That's —" Kara gets so flushed that even the points of her ears turn a shade of red. "I -– Yeah — Sure -– I guess."
"Oh, or how you turn into a stumbling mess when you get complimented?" You raise your eyes at her as her cheeks get even a darker shade of red, blush crippling down her neck. She smooths her hand over her cardigan. "Yeah, that one too!" You point at her hand. "You fix your glasses and then smooth your hand over your clothes when you're nervous. Or sometimes you turn your hands into fists and –" 
"Ok, yeah!" Kara stops you, face so red you wonder where else her blush has reached. "You — You got it!" She whispers to herself. "You definitely got it."
You smile to yourself knowing that what you really accomplished was getting under her skin. And you think you love that even more than you love the fact that getting your bosses together is giving you more free time.
"Alright then, how about this as a card, 'I like how independent you are, and I love how effortless you make it seem." You start writing down trying to nail his handwriting. 
"I think you did that better with me."
"Yeah well, I haven't been spending all my time with Cat Grant. Thank God." You show her the card. "Look, this will be fine. He also hasn't spent a lot of time with her, it would be weird if he had noticed the different ways she blinks her eyes and what they all mean."
Kara first raises her eyebrows in shock, but then she agrees to your prerogative with a nod, unable to form a sentence. 
And just like that, they have another date.
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