#or just be cute and help them calm down and feel better even if cleo or their friends aren't there
listen. im a very simple creature
if i ever see so much as ONE of cleo scarab beetle babies peeking out from under frankie's jacket collar, you may as well just buy me a tombstone
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redorich · 4 years
*look at Hermit!Tommy Au.* hmmm, needs more cute interactions. So hermit Tommy's been in exile a while, and probably hasnt had a proper haircut since before then, meaning his hairs getting pretty long. Cleo may have taught him to braid others hair, but who taught him how to put his hair up in proper buns and ponytails, instead if smashing it into his helmet. Is it Ren for his skills, X for his calm attitude, Bdubs/Stress getting parental, some unholy combo of the four? =)
Cleo, through a deep sort of patience no one thought she had, least of all herself, manages to teach Tommy how to braid (and the meaning of friendship). So that’s great, he can put her thick locks into a simple three-strand braid for her when she demands it. Why does he need this?
Like most of the skills the hermits impart on Tommy, he makes a use for it. He and False spar often: she’s the only one who will fight him and mean it. She isn’t afraid to hurt him and she isn’t afraid to get hurt. So when she hands him a cold water bottle unprompted, pulling a strand of hair out of her mouth, Tommy offers to braid it back for her.
It becomes their thing. Before every practice, he weaves her hair together in a utilitarian three-strand braid. Then it starts to become a bit more artful. A French braid would help hold back the hair that normally frames her face, so he does that for her. Then, he gets there a bit early and tries a fishtail braid. It takes way longer, but it’s really pretty. It gets tossed about and dishevelled when they fight, but that’s okay. Next time, he goes for a Dutch braid, then a double Dutch braid, then a four-strand braid, then a French braid which he tucks into a bun only because it’ll stay put better like that, and for no other reason. False doesn’t comment on the fact that he’s pulled all the strands on the left side of the braid, so that the bun looks like a flower.
Something different happens. Stress organizes a picnic, and Tommy and False are sparring when she delivers the invites. False asks Tommy if he’d be willing to do something to her hair for the picnic. Of course he agrees, and when he goes home he finds himself contemplating whether it’d be better to give her a waterfall braid, since she might want her hair down, or whether she might look nice with a braid crown with flowers woven in.
They get to the picnic the next day, and everyone comments on False’s beautiful hairdo. She refers them all to Tommy, who gets yelled at by Cleo for not telling her he’d gotten so good at doing hair. She then immediately sits down on the grass in front of him and demands that he do her hair next. It’s girly work, but it’s fun and who cares? Obviously the hermits don’t care if it’s “girly”, because after Cleo, Ren begs for a turn, then Stress, then Wels. Grian volunteers Mumbo for an impromptu hair styling, but Mumbo’s hair is too short, so Tommy just pulls it into two teensy little pigtails like antennae on either side of his head. Grian laughs himself sick.
Then Mumbo, with flushed cheeks but a smile on his face, mentions that Tommy should braid his own hair. Tommy’s never given the concept much thought before; he practices on his own hair when he wants to try something new, but it’s not even shoulder length so most of his complex ideas don’t really stick. Normally, he just throws it into a sloppy bun, and at least a third of his hair slips out of it and down the nape of his neck within the hour, but it’s out of his face, so good enough, right?
Cleo takes the time to actually brush his hair out, and False suggests different things based on what Tommy’s done to her hair. He ends up with a half-up, half-down thing, French braided on the top and pulled into a curly little bun. Tommy sees it, boasts that it makes him look like a movie star, and wears his hair like that for a month straight. He thinks of his oldest brother, Technoblade, and the way he pulls all his long hair over his shoulder for a utilitarian braid that swings and hits Wilbur so often it’s a game. He wonders what it would be like, to put his brother’s hair up for him. 
Tommy sticks to buns, because his hair, while longer than it’s ever been, is still relatively short. Sometimes, when he feels homesick, he makes tiny braids with blood-red beads in them, trailing down the blond canopy of whatever style he’s gone with that day. It reminds him of his brother, yes, but this is something new, something associated primarily with his new friends and the new memories he’s made with them.
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atherix0 · 2 years
hii again :3 the series is over 100k words now, who else cheered!! and scar is still not (oficially) in the relationship LMAO ahhh mumbo and grian being possessive over scar means everything to me<33 their elf!!! THEIR elf<3 grian found an equivalent of an elven engagement ring in scar's back and thought i need to Destroy it i want it Gone . and mumbo tried to calm him down until grian told him what it means, this completely normal feeling when you and your boyfriend get extremely angry at the thought that your mutual friend might have been engaged to someone in the past. they both want scar so bad it makes them look stupid hehe i love how grian realized that mumbo has some very not platonic Feelings for scar and his first reaction was to be happy about it<3 mans realized that all three of them could just kiss each other and his life changed for the better. "Grian is starting to think he and Mumbo need to have a talk" YEAH NO SHIT . these two need to sit down and figure out how to invite scar into the polycule without also making him freak out lmaoo scar decided he wants to tell them about his past even if reliving it is painful for him and he's not used to opening up to people, he still wants them to know:( like they asked him about it but he still could have refused and it's not like they would force him, he actually wants to open up to them now, character development<3 scar letting himself be loved and cared for is my favorite song convex angst broke my heart</3 ahh they were both so young and had to deal with situations children shouldn't have to deal with. especially scar, it must have been so hard for him to grow up and hear people talking about how he's not gonna live long. and the fact that he was forbidden from practicing magic when he loved magic so so much and was so fascinated with it:(( he was figuring out all these complex magic stuff as a little kid omgg and he started using glyphs around that time, he's so talented and smart!! and all the scenes of him and cub just being kids were so cute<33 the awkward first kiss and dancing and sneaking out together ahh<3 it's such a shame they met under circumstances like this :( poor scar, finding out that his whole life wasn't really what he thought it was and all the people he tought cared about him were lying to him all this time. but also poor cub, he probably did genuinely care about scar but he was also just a kid, he didn't know any better :( i got my convex content but at what cost </3 teenage scar basically saying fuck you to the fae king in front of his court and then running away was such a power move. and cleo helped him escape omg:( fifteen year old scar being heartbroken and angry, running away on his own, trying to break the enchantments on the engangement piece in his hair so he can take it off..... i need to give him a big hug right now . also i need to mention how talented is he again, breaking the enchantments that the fae king himself put on it. ohh and the thing about fae and names was so cool, so that's the reason why scar gives everyone nicknames mumbo and grian telling scar that they love him and care about him<3 and grian being three seconds away from kissing him<3 mumbo probably was too tbh . MUMBO AND SCAR JUST RUNNING AROUND LMAOO they're so cute fr. mumbo and grian really need to have that talk now. please. for the sake of my mental state, i can't deal with them being all gay for each other but not even dating yet little song rec, two by sleeping at last is a very midnight mumscarian song, it describes their relationship so well i think :3
LMAO if anyone ever says they want slowburn I have given slowburn like damn <3
It's also funny because it's totally hypocritical of both of them <3 But they were so jealous that's THEIR Elven prince <3 Lmao they get so stupid about their love <3 they want him aaaaa-
Grian was like OHHH WE CAN KISS EACH OTHER AND KISS SCAR this is GREAT- LMAO THAT TALK IS SO NEEDED LIKE- haha yes they gotta figure it out hhhfhjd
They wouldn't have forced him to talk about it <3 but he chose to when they asked because he thinks they deserve to know, even though he's oblivious and didn't realize the thoughts going through their minds when he saw Mumbo with the headpiece was "mine mine ours ours mine ours-" hjfgdsjkfds IT ONLY TOOK HIM 100K WORDS TO FINALLY OPEN UP <3
</3 They had each others' backs and were always together and loved each other as much as two children can </3 Too bad it all got ruined jhfdsk yeah poor Scar, confined to the Summer Palace and always hearing the whispers and seeing the looks <3 And the fact that a lot of the people around him kept their distance because "he's going to die anyway" I'm sure he didn't internalize any of THAT behavior ahahaha- Magic is/was Scar's special interest as a child <3 a double-edged sword, he was so smart and creative with it but it's the thing that would eventually kill him </3 YEAH he's had a long time to basically master glyphs so. He obviously at that age was playing around and experimenting with them but it's still super impressive I think <3 The weird balance between "formal society where the children are highly educated" and "kids are kids no matter where/when they're from" <3 But I really enjoyed writing them as kids hjgfk their friendship </3 It was a huge blow to him and he's only finally just started to really recover, his son is the only person (and to a degree Cleo and the Beans <3) he has ever let in since hjfgdsjkj </3 Yeah it sucks for Cub too </3 He was just a kid, and he was one of the lower classes/outcasts, unlike Scar there is no way Cub could have gotten away with speaking against the King/High Court </3 Cub cared SO MUCH about Scar because Scar was just so genuine and loving and open and welcoming and how could he not </3
Scar spent most of his childhood living up to the fragile good little prince image and then he just <3 angry rebellious teenager finally snaps, and the fact that NOBODY STOPPED HIM. Nobody even tried except for like 3 people, that Court was FULL of people and only THREE PEOPLE tried to speak/stop Scar </3 I will go ahead and say that the only reason he was able to break them is because he figured out young how to push his magic into other magic, identify and shatter spells (by forcefully altering their shapes) from the inside out <3 I didn't get too in-depth in describing that in Folly, so yeah <3 (However, he still isn't 100% sure he got them all... :) ) Cleo, who two hundred years ago could not fathom a Sire being an absolute monster to their own Turnling enough to deserve death by said Turnling's hand (because they're a Lord who has only ever associated with Lords with similar values to them, which is "cherish your Turnlings" hjkfdsl), being hit with the reality in the form of an angry fifteen year old boy with what is essentially a terminal illness that there are people who could treat their own flesh and blood this way, and immediately deciding that no, this will not stand <3 Cleo my beloved YEAH the names thing is something I've planned from the start <3 Scar has been saying from the beginning that names are power but finally tells the full thing... :) I always loved the whole "don't tell the Fae your name because they can steal you away" but then wanted to also turn it around so <3
They need this Elf to understand that not only is he lovable and worthy of love, but that THEY love him <3 even if Scar thinks it's platonic love they have for him hfdlk oh you know he was <3 YEAH just a fun little moment <3 Scar make a joke and bolted and Mumbo decided to play along and just <3 <3 <3 THEY WILL HAVE THEIR TALK <3 but they will continue to be gay for each other until they can finally bring Scar in <3 (I'm not gonna write one cuz it would be so out of place but just imagine a montage of Grian and Mumbo flirting with Scar and Scar just does not realize they're flirting/being serious lmao)
HOLY SHIT that song fits so well?? Ouch my heart <3
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five times the hermits reassured xb his reputation doesn’t matter to them & one time they didn’t need to
another fic in @martuzzio‘s space outlaw au! this was a bit of an in-between whilst i prepped for a bigger project. this time: exploring xb and his feelings towards his false accusation.
featuring: xb needs hugs, i promise he gets them, me trying to feel out voices, lots of reassuring hermits, they’re a big family okay, xb is Not Okay with his bounty and the effects it causes, but they’re there to help, some cute kids, when you have problems: lie in a pool, its angst with comfort, the usual.
warnings: people are mean, panic attack, minor violence, less minor off-screen violence (mentioned gun violence, no details), low self image, self worth issues, bad decisions made whilst possibly dissociating, i swear its happy at the end.
XB has never been one for public attention. He'd always been happy at his job. He minded his own business, enjoyed the research and helping people. Sometimes he even socialised with his co-workers, though that rarely extended outside of work. He lived a solitary life, away from the public eye, and he was happy with that. He had his lot. He didn't need anything else.
Then the accident happened and his world turned upside down.
Everything he'd built for himself, the comfortable life he'd made, fell apart at his feet. Suddenly he was to blame for the corruption of an entire planet. And he knew- he knew it wasn't really his fault. It was a complete mismanagement, barely even his department! But maybe if he'd paid more attention, worked faster, spoken out-
He can't change things now.
What followed was the most stressful period of his life. He watched as charges stacked up, already convicted in the public opinion. He went on the run, hiding on the half-dead planet and just trying to survive, really. He stopped keeping track of anything else, feeling sick as people demanded his head. His abilities saved him from two assassination attempts. He ran further, hid better.
Until he met the Hermits.
After all this time, he's not quite sure how he ended up joining them. He thought he was dead when he first caught sight of that emblem. This was it. The outside world had finally caught up. Then they helped him. Then he was on their ship. Then Xisuma was asking in a kind voice if he wanted to become one of them. A Hermit.
To tell the truth, if he knew the reaction it'd cause, he wouldn't have agreed. He would have said no, been dropped on a planet with a new identity, and gone on his way into obscurity. Instead, he said yes. He became a Hermit with a capital H. It felt good, at first. To be part of something like that. They had his back, they knew the situation.
The publicity didn't happen immediately. The Hermits were a smaller group back then. It took a short while until the rest of the universe caught up. Even now, he has no idea who first broke the story. One night, he falls asleep, lounging in the pool. In the morning he wakes up to a slander campaign.
Not against him. Against the Hermits. Because of him.
Hermits protecting planet destroyer, Hermits support massacre, Hermits criminal, Hermits, Hermits, Hermits, Him.
Joe is the one who finds him having a panic attack at the bottom of the pool. He's first aware of light touches against his skin, the water swirling in ways he doesn't expect. He opens his eye in a panic, but Joe is already shielding his face. He gestures a thumbs up and it takes all of XB's effort to remember what that means. He nods in a rush, realises Joe can't see that, and tugs him up instead.
They surface together. XB takes a strangled gasp of air, struggling lungs already unhappy. Joe guides him to the side, speaking firm instructions XB doesn't fully process but obeys all the same. Eventually, they sit at the edge of the pool. He can't feel the water around his legs. He can barely feel Joe's hand on his back, rubbing circles. He loses track of time completely.
Joe doesn't leave him.
He waits, his hand and unintelligible words a companion whilst XB fights for air. When XB can make out his counting, he tries to follow Joe's encouragement and take deep breaths. His heartbeat continues racing. He squeezes Joe's free hand tight.
Once he's finally confident enough, he mumbles, "Sorry." Joe makes an audible noise of disagreement. He places something cool in XB's hand. It takes sliding his finger around to realise it's his eye protection.
"Nothing to apologise for," Joe tells him. With his eye controlled, XB can finally see Joe's face. The Hermit is looking at him with a gentle calmness, water dripping from his skin and hair. Without the pounding in his ears, XB can hear them splash against the tiles. "I'm going to go out on one of Cleo's limbs here, and guess you saw the news." XB rubs at one of his fins with a nod.
"I shouldn't have joined you guys."
"I disagree," Joe replies. XB turns away. He kicks his legs just enough to create gentle ripples in the water.
"I've made a right mess of things. For everyone." Joe bloops, leaning onto his hand.
"Hardly more of a mess than before," he tells him. There's no doubt at all in his voice. No anger. "XB, you have to understand we knew what would happen when we took you on. We care about you. Not the opinions of the faceless masses. If we cared about that then we wouldn't get anything done." XB sighs, a drop of water falling from his fin.
"How can you be so calm about this?" He asks. He can't find anything else to say. Joe pats his back lightly.
"In the same way I was calm when False joined." He kicks his feet. "Things will be dramatic. It might feel like the end of the world. But sometimes you just have to trust Xisuma knows what he's doing. And I certainly think he did when he invited you." Joe pushes onto his feet, offering his hand for XB. XB takes it, trying not to use it too much. Joe is sturdy despite that. "This will pass," Joe encourages, "And you will always have a place here."
"That's a pretty bold statement." Joe doesn't let go of XB's hand. He leads them away from the pool, not caring about the trail of water as they go.
"And yet it's a true one." XB chooses to focus on the ground instead. He's...
He'll get back to Joe on that one.
It's not often XB leaves the ship. He has one of the higher bounties out of all of them. Close to False's, and she actually deserves her's. He was terrified of her until she patiently taught him how to handle weapons, not once becoming frustrated as he struggled. She's still terrifying, but at least she's on his side.
Keralis was the one who pestered him out this time. The promise of buying extra fruit had tempted him into the supply run. He just needed a partner in crime (no leaving the ship without one) and pretty please, XB, pretty please?
So now XB is stood in the middle of a store, scanning the shelves and checking his half of the shopping list. He worries his lip, standing and catching a woman staring at him out of the corner of his eye. He continues searching, but her stare doesn't let up. He finally turns.
"Um, excuse me?" He asks, tilting his head in genuine concern. "Are you-" He doesn't expect her to surge forward, fury written on her face.
"If you weren't with those filthy Hermits I'd have you." The woman shoves his chest, forcing his back against the shelves. He blinks, fins flicking in defence.
"You go and you murder an entire planet. Don't show a bit of remorse. Then you run and hide behind them like a coward." XB can feel eyes on him now, the entire store falling silent at the exchange. He thinks he might be trembling. He can't quite tell. The woman is up in his face. His hand itches to take his eye protection off, gently put her to sleep and run. But there's witnesses, there's so many people and- "Maybe I should just do it right now. Consequences be damned." Her fingernails scratch into his armour, and he nearly falls as she pulls him forward.
"Oh, wow wow wow wow wow, ma'am." XB has never been more relieved to see Keralis. He steps in between them, blocking her from taking XB any further. "Could you unhand my friend, please? You're not being very nice." To XB's horror, she doesn't, nearly dragging him into Keralis as she gestures.
"What authority do you have?" She demands. "Defending a murderer like this, you should be ashamed of yourself." Keralis holds his hands up, ears twitching very slightly.
"XB is a perfectly good person. No murderer in him. And we'd like to leave, please." There's a threatening hint to Keralis's usually bright tone. The hand around his arm is finally released.
She storms away with a shout of, "You'll get what's coming to you!" XB's legs jellify beneath him. Keralis is quick to get an arm around his shoulders, holding him up.
"Come on, back to the ship with you. That's enough adventure for today." XB nods, resting briefly on Keralis's shoulders. With a bit of effort, he keeps himself steady enough to follow Keralis out of the store. He tries to ignore the eyes that follow them, the tightness it causes in his chest.
"What about the shopping?" His voice is quiet even to him. Keralis shakes his head.
"It's okay. Shishwamy will send someone else to do it. No worries." XB tries to let that comfort him but it only makes his anxiety worse. Once again, things are messed up because of him. This will put them off schedule, someone else will need to come out, and they'll all know it's because of him.
"Maybe," he starts, hesitating and continuing. "Maybe I shouldn't wear my suit when I come out." Keralis chirps in concern, keeping them at the edge of the busy streets.
"And why do you say that?" XB looks at his arm, at the deep colours and intricate patterns and mechanisms that make up the suit.
"It might be easier if people don't like, associate me with the Hermits when I'm in public." Keralis frowns, a big expression on his face. He squeezes the arm around XB's shoulders.
"XB, sweetiepie-" Keralis nudges his head against XB's. The hair tickles enough to make him gently laugh. "-If you don't want to wear your suit for your own safety, that's okay! But don't you go taking it off because you're afraid of making us look bad. No siree! You're a Hermit, XB, and we love you."
"That doesn't change people's opinions of me." Opinions so strong they're willing to threaten him in daylight, and nobody steps in. Keralis chitters.
"Doesn't change people's opinion of me either! But I know they won't be upset if we have to avoid a planet, or I can't attend a meeting. We care about you. And I'm sure there's lots of people out there who care about you too." XB can't bring himself to respond to that. He knows Keralis is discriminated against for being a banshee. But it's just...
It's not the same as being blamed for destroying an entire planet.
XB doesn't go out in public again for nearly a year.
"I can't believe this," Doc announces as he storms into the room. XB twitches, instinctively listening whilst he tries to focus on his book. He's tucked in the corner of the common room, buried in beanbags and mostly out of sight. He can see the wall of Cleo's hair move as she looks up.
"What's happened this time?" She asks, placing her book on the table. She moves her legs so Doc can sit down. It's been a busy few months for the ship. They've had new additions. Doc is one of them. He's fallen quickly into helping Xisuma with negotiations, managing their various relationships with other groups. XB is kinda terrified of him, actually. But he trusts Xisuma and his judgement. He wouldn't do anything to put them in danger.
"A group has dropped their support of us because of the latest drama." Doc collapses into the seat, leaning into the cushions. "I can't believe it, man." XB presses his mouth together, his fins pressing back. The latest drama being people remembering he exists as a Hermit. Some news came out about the planet he- he didn't destroy. He's been avoiding going online but, apparently it's inescapable.
"Seriously?" Cleo asks. She scowls behind her hair. "That's so stupid." Doc hums his agreement.
"I just don't get it." He throws his robotic hand up as he talks, leaning towards Cleo. "I mean, I've barely seen the guy, but he doesn't seem that bad. Not bad enough to make a campaign like this." XB swallows. He puts his book down in favour of squeezing his hands into his robe. Cleo sighs, nodding.
"He really isn't. I don't know why they keep dragging it up." She grabs one of her legs, pulling it up close to her. She leans on her knee. "You should've seen him when he first joined, Doc. Guy looked ready to accept his death."
"He doesn't even look capable of doing that to a planet-" XB almost chokes, standing and abandoning his book entirely.
"Sorry I'm- I'm just leaving." He wraps his arms around himself, ready to stumble out of the room.
Cleo is faster, jumping up and grabbing his arm, pulling him back with a stern, "XB." She pushes him between them, sitting him down and reclaiming her spot. XB ducks his head, tucking his legs up in front of him.
"XB, sorry man, I didn't realise you were in here." Doc sounds apologetic. He's looking at XB with worry, sat a careful distance away to avoid crowding him in. XB still finds him a frightening sight. The un-moving robotics bore into him.
"It's okay," he murmurs, wrapping his arms around his knees. "I would've found out eventually." Doc frowns.
"I meant talking about you like you weren't here," Doc says. "I'm not usually a gossip. Though I would've preferred to tell you more sensitively."
"If we knew they were gonna drop us over some false allegations, X wouldn't have allied with them to start with," Cleo tells him, crossing her arms as she sinks back.
"They don't really know it's false though," XB points out. "I mean, it's not like this isn't a ship of criminals." He can't help his glance at Doc as he says it. Thankfully, the former mafia leader takes no offence.
"I barely know you, XB, and even I can tell it's stupid." Doc's accented voice portrays his emotions well. "You seem like you've been a big help to the Hermits."
"He has been." Cleo pokes his legs with her foot. “You're a Hermit through and through, XB. No escaping it now."
"Everybody here has only good things to say about you, man. I'm proud to call you a crew mate. Who cares what anyone else thinks?" XB smiles, relaxing more onto his knees. It's nice to hear but-
He cares.
XB sighs as he flicks his fins back, fitting his helmet on snug and letting them pop into place. Keralis had to dip last minute, so XB is going to this meeting instead. He's not particularly intimidating, but hopefully he'll be able to defuse the situation if needs must. Two of the newer Hermits are coming as well. He watches as they suit up, making an odd pair. XB still isn't sure what to think of the group. Python vouched for them, but ex-Convex members? Especially such high ranking ones? And now one of them is going to a negotiation with them? Right.
"Is everybody ready?" Xisuma asks. There's a chorus of affirmatives. Doc stands next to Xisuma, files under his arms. "Let's get moving, then."
They keep as a tight unit, going over the plan once more. Xisuma and Doc will be doing the negotiating. XB and Wels, the other new Hermit, are there for protection. Scar, the ex-Convex, is there for luck. XB doesn't get it, and he's not going to ask.
The meeting falls apart from the moment they arrive, really. The crew they're meeting turn and whisper to each other, too quiet for XB's translator to pick up. Their admin steps forward, slit eyes threatening.
"You insult us," XB's suit translates. He can see Xisuma's suit plating shift as he tenses. He speaks in their language.
"I'm afraid I don't know where you're coming from," he replies, his voice controlled even in translation. Their admin steps closer. Any other person would've stepped away. Xisuma stands firm, Doc coming to his side.
"You bring a Convex member and a planet destroyer to our meeting." XB twitches, wanting nothing more than to sneak out of the room. "It is bad enough you grant them safety, but to have them in our negotiation?"
"Scar has denounced Convex, and the allegations against XB are false." Xisuma's voice is level, his posture not showing a hint of weakness. "Do you wish to negotiate or should we end this meeting here?"
"I recommend you leave with your lives while you can." XB shudders, fighting to stay still. He's thankful the helmet hides his expression.
"I recommend you don't threaten my crew." The temperature in the room drops with Xisuma's voice. The other admin steps back, eyeing them suspiciously. Xisuma turns to the Hermits, keeping an eye on the opposing crew. He nods. "We'll take our leave."
They exit at that, all of them keeping a watch that they aren't followed onto the ship. It's only when the door closes behind them that they relax. Wels darts to Scar's side. The ex-Convex collapses against the wall, trembling in his hold. XB looks away. That feels like something private. Definitely not something he'd expect from ex-Convex.
Apparently he's considered equivalent to the Convex. The thought makes him dizzy. Doc and Xisuma are already talking in low voices, recounting what happened and planning their next steps. XB is incredibly out of place. He glances around the room, trying not to feel jealous when he sees how close Scar and Wels are, how gentle Wels sounds, their helmets pressed together. XB swallows and slips out of the entrance hall before any of them notice.
He ignores anyone he passes until he reaches his room, closing the door behind him. His armour comes off, and he dives into the pool in the adjoining space. He sighs, lying face down in the water, barely feeling the fabric layer he left on. The liquid is a friendly pressure. Something comforting after all of... This. No matter what happens, he'll always have water.
Time passes as he lies there, blocking out the world outside the water. He tries not to think about how he's messed things up again. There isn't much else to think about, though. He doesn't understand why the Hermits keep him around when he causes so many problems. Lost deals, alliances, constant bad publicity. All tied to one person. Wouldn't it be easier to cut him off? XB could manage. Maybe he should do it for them.
"XB?" He jumps at the sound of an opening door, instinctively reaching up to cover his eye.
"Eye!" He calls, hearing the footsteps stop.
"Oh," Hypno's voice calls back. "Hold on, dude." XB follows the movement around his bedroom, until an object is placed in his hands with a pat. "There you go." XB pulls it over his eye, checking it's secure before looking. Hypno's crouched in front of him. He smiles, waving his fingers.
"How'd you know I was here?" XB asks, resting at the edge of the pool. Hypno sits down, not complaining about the wet floor.
"Guessed," he admits with a shrug. "They were worried when they realised you'd vanished." XB sighs, resting his chin on his arms.
"They seemed busy."
"Well, they are." Hypno nods in agreement. He crosses his legs so he can lean towards XB. "Xisuma doesn't want to stick around in case that crew turns hostile. But he was still worried about you."
XB frowns, "There's nothing to worry about."
"Is that why you're hiding in your pool?" Hypno asks. It's clearly not a question. XB slouches back into the water. "XB, it's not your fault, dude. You can't keep blaming yourself."
"Then who do I blame?" XB can't help but sound grouchy. If it weren't for him then that meeting might have worked out. Maybe they would've been fine with just Scar. Hypno leans back as he counts on his hand.
"The company for not taking responsibility, the management that decided to frame you, the other employees who were complicit, the news companies that were likely paid off, the ones that latched onto the story without researching it, the ones that keep bringing it up for quick clicks." Hypno turns to look at him. "Do I need to keep going?" XB shakes his head.
"I think I get the message," he replies. "But I'm not sure if it helps." Hypno nods without judgement.
"Then what do you think will?" He tries, instead. XB partially closes his eye to think about it.
"I'm not really sure." Hypno rubs his shoulder. The texture of dry skin helps ground him.
"That's okay." Hypno’s voice is friendly, reassuring. XB knows he's turned this into an impromptu therapy session. He thinks he needs it. "How about we try to work it out together? You're my friend, XB. I want you to be happy with us. I don't want you to feel guilty over things that aren't your fault." Hypno holds a hand out. "So, are you willing to work with me?" XB smiles, kicking up to meet his hand.
"Yeah. I think I can give it a shot."
They'd been outside, spending some time in the sunshine of the planet, then somebody-
XB squeezes his fins, continuing to pace the corridor outside the infirmary. Stress has closed the windows, needing to focus, and XB doesn't want to make anything worse. This is all his fault. Hypno's lying in there having emergency surgery because somebody wanted to kill XB. He finally falls against one of the walls as his legs give way, sliding to the floor with a quiet noise.
He formulates a plan in his head.
He's already been distant lately. This was the first time he'd hung out with Hypno in weeks, and look at what's happened. He can't be friends with people if he's going to hurt them. They'll understand. He hopes they'll understand.
He takes a deep breath.
His memories of the next hour are faint. He packs essentials into a bag. Leaves his suit and communicator neatly on his bed. He takes the emergency savings he keeps tucked away in his drawer, counting through without really taking it in. Though he writes a note, he doesn't remember what it contains. He thinks he stood in the doorway for a few minutes. Used some time to take in the room he's called home for so many years now. He really can’t remember.
Then he sneaks out, carefully unscrewing panels in the water filtration system, replacing them with care. He knows it like the back of his hand. He installed it, after all. The drop from the ship hurts his leg but nothing in his head registers it. He's lucky this is a big enough planet to park her. Means it'll be so much easier to get lost.
He wraps himself up in a coat, pulling it over his features. Some small part of him can't believe he's doing this. The Hermits are all he's known for years. They're his friends. But that's why it's so important he leaves. He survived on his own before. He can do it again.
He finds a room in a hotel for the night. The robotic receptionist doesn't question who he is, accepting the money and giving him the door key. He collapses onto the bed in a heap, realising he has no idea what he's going to do next. His plan kind of trails off here. Perhaps he'll hide out in this hotel until the ship leaves, but that's wasting money. It's probably better to head out for supplies, and get on a ship as far away as possible.
For today, he's exhausted enough to curl up under the covers and hide from the world. It doesn’t feel like he’s part of it right now, anyway.
There's a knock at the door.
He sighs, burying his face into the pillow. The knock only gets more insistent. Realistically, it's either the Hermits or somebody who's here to kill him. The fact they've not broken down the door yet suggests the Hermits. Well, the more responsible ones. XB keeps a hand on his eye strap either way. He's still in the rumpled coat.
He'll admit, he's surprised to see Xisuma in the doorway. The admin is wearing a cloak, his shadowed eyes nearly glowing in the darkness. He looks tired. When doesn’t he?
"Can I come in?" Xisuma asks, keeping his voice quiet. XB nods, stepping aside. If only because X should not be stood out in the corridor of some hotel in the same town someone tried to kill XB half a day earlier.
"I hope you're not here on your own," XB tells him, sitting on the bed. Xisuma finds a chair by the desk, sitting down tidily.
"Some of the others are nearby," Xisuma replies. "They checked it was safe first. Out of concern for you, as well." XB leans against the wall. "Hypno is okay, by the way. He was asking after you." XB sighs, tucking away into the coat.
"You're trying to make me feel guilty."
Xisuma shakes his head, "I'm letting you know. He was worried. We all were."
"He could have died because of me," XB doesn't try hiding it. Not from himself.
"Were you the one who shot him?" Xisuma asks. There's no change from his gentle tone.
"No, but-"
"Then you weren't the reason." XB knows, logically, that's true. He wasn't the one who fired on him. He didn't frame himself, all those years ago. It's just hard to prove that in his head. Not when the consequences are right in front of him. When he’s spent so long thinking about everything he could’ve done differently.
"It feels like I am," he says, tilting forward on the bed. "I don't want to make the people around me unsafe anymore. Any of the Hermits." Xisuma nods, sitting up in the chair.
"If you want to leave, I won't stop you." XB swallows. He really can just leave. Just... Go. "But I want you to consider if that's what you want to do. Not because you want to protect us. We can protect ourselves. Do you want to leave?" XB digs his fingers into his leg.
"I'm not sure." Does he want to leave? He wants to keep the others safe. He wants to stop giving the Hermits his bad reputation. But they're still his friends. His family. He doesn't want to leave them, but he doesn't see a compromise.
"XB." He automatically looks to Xisuma when he says his name. "I am truly sorry I never addressed this with you before. I'm sorry it's been affecting you for so long."
"It's not your fault," XB replies. Xisuma shakes his head.
"I should have done more for you. And I'm willing to offer that now." XB’s fins twitch in confusion. "What do you say we try and clear your name?"
"You don't need to do that for me."
"I want to. The others want to." Xisuma crosses the room, sitting down in front of XB. "That's what I'm offering. You can stay with us. We want you to stay with us. And we'll help you achieve this. However we can."
"Nothing that would put you in danger," XB corrects.
"Nothing that would put the Hermits in danger," Xisuma agrees. XB shuts his eye, considering what that would mean for him. It's not like everyone would believe it. It's not going to solve all his problems. But it's a start. He can't just- keep feeling guilty forever. He's so tired of it. "You're family, XB. We want you happy." XB nods, leaning forward. His body is heavy with relief. Xisuma welcomes him into his arms.
"Okay," he agrees, "I want the same."
XB pauses at the sound of loud shouting coming from the park. He turns, watching Keralis jump to the fence delighted. Hypno laughs, gently pulling XB to watch.
"You can't get me!" A girl yells, dark cornrows pulled into a bun. She climbs onto the play equipment, standing with confidence at the top. Another girl runs to the ladder, her hand held in mimic of a gun. Her blonde hair is done in a braid.
"You can't run forever!" She follows it up with loud 'pew's, hanging off the ladder as she pretends to shoot.
"Yeah, I can put you to sleep!" Another boy climbs up the slide, his brown hair falling into his eyes. Keralis is chirping in excitement, watching with a wide smile. The chirps attract the attention of the blonde. She gasps, losing her grip on the ladder and falling backwards.
Keralis makes a surprised noise. He jumps the fence, rushing to the girl's side. XB doesn't see any parents around, following with Hypno.
"Hey, little madam, are you okay?" Keralis asks, crouching down by the girl. She sits up, bouncing forward with glee.
"You're Hermits!" She cries, voice high and squeaky. The other two kids are peering at them around the play equipment. Their mouths hang open.
"We are!" Keralis agrees. "And what's your name?" The girl's hands spread out across the spongy playground floor.
"I'm Flora!" She grins. "I like it 'cause it starts with an 'F', like False." Keralis nods, offering his hands to stand the girl up again. She wobbles on her feet, spinning to show off her plait. “And we have the same hair colour! It’s so cool!”
"Yeah, False is really cool, isn't she?" Keralis watches with a carefully controlled smile. It’s cute how he tries not to scare them. She jumps, holding her arms out wide.
"She's so cool! She's my favourite."
"Not as cool as Stress!" The other girl calls, running into her friend's back. She nearly sends them both sprawling over again. "She helps people, no matter what! I want to do that." Hypno joins Keralis, pulling XB over with him.
"A very noble cause," Hypno tells her. "I'm sure you'll be amazing." She puts her hands on her hips with a grin.
"Yeah. I'm gonna be the best doctor you've ever seen."
"Yeah, but Stress doesn't have four arms," Flora points out, mimicking each style of weaponry. "How cool would that be?" Keralis laughs, a series of cheerful chirps escaping with it.
"They're both cool, how about that?" He suggests, before it turns into a full argument.
"What about you?" Hypno encourages, holding an arm out for the boy. "Do you have a favourite?"
"His favourite is XB," the dark haired girl says, pointing at him. XB places a hand on his chest, unable to contain a squeak of surprise.
"Me?" He checks, not quite able to believe that. The three nod their heads. They peer up at him in a semi-circle, with bright eyes and curious faces.
"You can put people to sleep like Hypno-" the boy points at him, "-But you got such a cool backstory!"
"Mm-hm!" Flora nods quickly. "Framed by an evil company, joining the Hermits to do good across the universe!" She poses towards the sky, pumping her fist and bending a leg up. XB laughs softly, finding himself hiding behind his hand.
"Oh, oh, oh!" The boy jumps forward, looking between Hypno and XB. "Can you put us to sleep? That would be so cool!" Hypno laughs at that, joined by Keralis's squeaky giggles.
"I don't think that would be smart." He pats the boy's hair, smiling at XB. "But, if you've got something for us to sign, we could do that?" The girl claps, grabbing Flora's hands excitedly.
"We've got our cards!" She shrieks. She grabs the boy's hand. "Ben, come on, let's get them!" The trio run off across the playground, digging in their bags. XB can see the look Hypno and Keralis are giving him. He smiles, ducking his head in embarrassment.
"Don't you two start," he warns, hiding behind his hands. Keralis leans over, gently wiggling one of XB's fins.
"You're his favourite," he teases, voice sing-song. XB laughs, hiding even further.
"Noooo," he whines. Hypno puts his arm around XB's shoulders, pulling him into a side hug.
"And they're smarter than the press," he tells XB, his voice trying to sound serious, but playful all the same.
"Much, much smarter!" Keralis agrees.
"Only 'cause of you guys," XB reminds them. Keralis takes XB’s other side, pinning him between his friends.
“Nah.” Keralis rubs his fist against XB’s head. “You’re just finally getting the love you deserve.”
“Absolutely.” Hypno tilts around so XB can see his smile. XB ducks his head, embarrassed. But the feeling doesn’t leave him. Not as they talk to the kids, signing their cards and telling them (child friendly) stories of their travels. Or amongst the loudness of the other Hermits. His family. He’s a Hermit. And the people who care about him are the ones who matter.
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Fearless: Chapter 6
You deal in fear…
So who else to help Klaus master his powers? Who is quite determined to set you up with his brother…
“I didn’t ask for this.”
“No one ever does darling…”
Diego x Reader
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Chapter 6: Love, Gimme Love
The next morning you are woken up by Cleo bumping her head against yours. You open your eyes to see a pair of vibrant yellow eyes gazing down at you. She is laying on your chest and seems intent on you getting up. 
“Alright...I’m up…”
Grabbing a long cardigan you put it on and wrap it around yourself to protect you against the morning chill. You cautiously step around a sleeping Diego who is sprawled out on the makeshift bed in your room. He insisted on putting himself between you and the door. The silence of the house is almost deafening as you make your way into the kitchen. Standing in your kitchen is the man from the night before. 
“Who are you?” you ask calmly. 
He jumps before he turns around, “Uhh… well…”
You raise an eyebrow at the man before. 
“A friend of Klaus?” 
“You don’t sound very sure of yourself,” you say as you cross your arms over your chest as you regard him harshly. 
“Look… we uh… knew each other a while ago and I just wanted…” he says awkwardly scratching his head. 
“To use him?” 
You ask bluntly.
“Huh? Who are you?” he asks defensively as if questioning his clearly questionable motives is simply unheard of.
“Look, Klaus is my friend and we’ve worked hard on getting and keeping him sober. What happened last night?” Your question is like a bullet as you fire it at him.
“You sure you’re just his friend? You sound like a jealous girlfriend,” he snaps back.
“What Klaus does with his time romantically is none of my business, I merely want to know why months of progress was thrown to the wind last night.”
“Look, he’s a grown man, it’s not my fault he doesn’t take rejection well,” he snaps. 
“Get out of my house,” you say monotonously. 
“You heard her,” Deigo’s annoyed voice comes from the doorway. 
The mystery man whips around to see Diego standing in the doorway. 
“Who are you?!” he exclaims in shock.
“Klaus’ brother, who are you?”
“Uhhh… Listen man…”
“No, you listen man,” Diego as he takes a menacing step towards him, “leave Klaus alone. He was doing just fine until you came along and messed him up again. We’re trying to help him. If you don’t have his best intention in mind, you don’t need to be near him, understand?”
The guy nods in fear as he regards Diego. 
“Why did he listen to you and not me?” you whine catching Diego’s attention, “Is it the macho guy thing?”
Diego hides a smile as he regards you, “It's because you’re so cute.”
You pout and cross your arms which only seems to make Diego’s point.
Diego turns back to the mysterious man standing in your kitchen and glares at him, “What are you still doing here? She told you to leave!”
He jumps in surprise before he grabs his pants from the living room floor and scrambles to leave. The sound of your front door slamming closed behind him indicates that you and Diego fulfilled your mission to get rid of him. 
“What do you think happened?” Diego asks.
“I think he rejected Klaus,” you say softly.
You regard your kitchen before making your way into the living room and frowning at the mess that the two men made last night. The scent of stale cigarettes lingers in the air mixed with the faintest scent of weed. The pungent scent of beer drifts up from your carpet and you notice where it looks like one or two was knocked to the ground. You’re thankful that you didn’t find any evidence of anything else. Relatively speaking this relapse seems to be minor even if it’s unwelcome. 
It’s a few hours of cleaning before Klaus wakes up and walks out of his bedroom. He looks ashamed as he makes his way into the now clean living space avoiding your eyes. 
“I’m sorry…” he croaks out, tears threatening to spill from his eyes. 
You regard him with a frown as you turn your attention away from the book you're reading to the man standing in the doorway. 
“I just don’t get it…” you say softly, “you were doing so well…”
“I just…”
Diego comes out of the kitchen two cups of coffee in his hands as he makes his way over to you. He hands you one before he settles himself back onto the couch beside you, his arm draping itself over the back of the couch lingering in the space behind you.
Klaus looks surprised to see Diego there, “Diego?”
“He walked me home last night after the match. You opened the door and you were obviously drunk and there was a man passed out on my couch. Diego didn’t feel right leaving me alone with him.”
Klaus winces as you tell him about the events of last night, “He was…”
He stops and takes a shaky breath, “We used to…” he tries again.
“It’s okay…” you murmur as you pat the place on the couch next to you. Klaus plops down in the space next to you and leans into you. His head comes to rest on your shoulder as he heaves a sigh and you notice tears threatening to fall once again. 
“I thought he liked me…” he says with a sigh, “No one has really given me the time of day sober… except for Dave… maybe ever… Kyle and I’ve been talking lately. We used to run in the same circle a few years ago, but he really just wanted a hit of something, he didn’t want me...”
Klaus leans forward and rests his elbows on his knees running his hands up and down his face. 
“Klaus, he’s a jerk and you deserve someone so much better than him,” you say softly. 
“I just want…someone to love me...”
“Hey…” you say softly, “I love you, maybe not in the way you’re talking about, but I do love you. And I want what’s best for you. I’m not going to tell you that you shouldn’t try to find someone if you’re lonely, but maybe stay away from people from your past. If you need companionship we can look into hobbies for you okay?”
“You aren’t mad? You aren’t kicking me out?” he asks looking at you in surprise, “You still want to help me?”
“Klaus… you’re trying so hard. I’m not going to say I’m not disappointed, but you aren’t perfect. You’ve spent years of your life being high on something to escape feeling anything real, it’s ridiculous of me to expect you not to slip up. Especially, when the only way you know how to cope with anything is with drugs and alcohol. I’m just relieved that it wasn’t something worse.”
Klaus just blinks at you before he wraps himself around you. You feel his tears wet the shoulder of your tee shirt as you hold him against you. You slowly rock him back and forth as you allow him to cry. 
Pulling away Klaus wipes his eyes before he regards the two of you, “So Diego walked you home huh?”
“Oh for the love of…” Diego trails off his hand coming up to run up and down his face in exasperation. 
You blush as you look away from Klaus and his dancing eyebrows. 
“Nothing happened…” you mutter as you grumble under your breath, “the universe made sure of that…”
Klaus breaks out into a grin having heard your muttering, “So you DO like Diego! I knew it! Diego! When you take her to bed make sure that you take very good care of my flower okay? She’s been very stressed lately! She deserves-”
“Klaus!” you yelp in embarrassment before you launch yourself at your friend, your hand going over his mouth to stop the words from leaving him. 
“W-what?! W-why a-are you?” Diego stutters in embarrassment.
Klaus just cackles as he grabs your wrists to keep your hands from his mouth, “She deserves-”
“Klaus if you finish that sentence I am not cooking for you for a month!” you threaten. 
He looks up at you in wide-eyed horror, “A month!?”
“A month!” you exclaim, still fighting with him. He may be scrawny, but he’s a lean and strong scrawny. 
He gasps dramatically before muttering a ‘fine,’ under his breath. You regard him with narrowed eyes suspiciously for a few more moments before you are satisfied with his silence. The air now feels heavy as both you and Diego shift uncomfortably in your seat. 
“So did he teach you how to throw knives? That’s his oldest-”
“Klaus!” Diego roars as he launches himself at his brother, getting caught in the crossfire and ending up in a dog pile between the two brothers and yelping as someone’s elbow is in your side.
“Guys!” you yell as Diego fights to get to the cackling Klaus. 
“Get off!” you yelp pushing the two away from you, Klaus just clings to you as he yells for you to save him from Diego. 
“I need a- something…” you say your head in your hand after you have untangled yourself from the fight and the two brothers have calmed down. Ok so you banished them to separate sides of the couch but that is beside the point.  
“You should take a relaxing bath! That always helps me! I’m sure that Diego would love to join-”
“Klaus!” you both yell in unison as he snickers to himself, obviously proud of his ability to make you both uncomfortable. 
“What?! That is not going too far! They both need to get laid! It would-”
“Klaus!” you both yell again interrupting his one-sided conversation with Ben. 
He just laughs and you shake your head attempting to ignore your best friend and your crush respectively. 
“I’m going to make lunch,” you grumble as you get up. 
“I’ll help,” says Diego as he gets up off of the couch to follow you.
“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!” yells Klaus.
“There isn’t anything you wouldn’t do,” snips Diego.
You roll your eyes as you head into the kitchen with Diego hot on your heels. You head towards the refrigerator to see what you have to eat. 
“You know…” You glance over your shoulder at Diego as he stands in the middle of the kitchen. He’s fidgeting and keeps crossing and uncrossing his arms and ruffling his hair. 
“Yeah…?” you trail off waiting for him to continue. 
“Can I take you out? O-on a-a-a r-real date?” 
You blink at him for a moment confused about his sudden nerves, “Of course you can.”
He smiles in relief before he nods, “Good.”
You giggle at him as you pull some pasta salad off of the shelf and put it on the counter. 
“What would make you think I wouldn’t want to go out with you after last night?” you ask with a sly smile. 
“Well… I didn’t know if you were… you know… just being nice…”
“Letting you almost kiss me isn’t me being nice Diego, it’s me wanting you to kiss me,” you murmur with your hands on your hips. 
“Oh? You want me to kiss you?” he asks with a cocky smirk as he takes a step towards you. 
“I thought I made that abundantly clear last night?” you ask as you turn back towards him. 
His hands find their way to your waist as he gently pulls you towards him. He leans his head down before he brushes his nose against yours. A soft smile blooms onto your face and he chuckles as you give him an Eskimo kiss. With a surge of confidence, Diego leans down and captures your lips in a chaste kiss. 
“If you two are going to go at it like rabbits… I would like to be informed so I can vacate the premises,” Klaus interrupts.
You and Diego jump away from one another like teenagers at high school prom and blush. 
“Klaus!” Diego growls as he regards his brother.
“They do make a cute couple…” Klaus says as he turns to the empty space next to him, where no doubt Ben was. 
Diego sends Klaus a warning look as Klaus just sends you a wink with a smirk on his face. 
“Oh leave it, Diego… He’s never going to let us live this down…” you grumble as you push Klaus out of the kitchen, “You’ve been rooting for this, the least you can do is give us a moment!”
“Okay okay! So pushy now that you have a mans to make you happy!” he gasps dramatically, “Do you love him more than me now! Are you going to ignore me in favor of Diego?! What have I done?”
Klaus’ eyes widened in dramatized horror showing he was just joking. 
“Leave Klaus,” you grumble, “I keep getting interrupted and all I want is a kiss, okay? So go!”
“So demanding! Kitty cat aren’t you? Be good to her, Deigo!”
You and Diego both roll your eyes at Klaus as he saunters out of the kitchen. You huff in annoyance as you feel a pair of arms around your waist pulling you into a strong chest. Diego buries his face in your neck and you feel a few chaste kisses as his voice becomes a low grumble. 
“Forget him,” he says nuzzling you, “Let’s enjoy this…” Diego trails off as he presses languid kisses to your neck. You blink up at him as you repress a shiver and drape your hands on his entangling your fingers. He pauses for a second before he turns you in his grip and pulls your body towards  him. You squeak in surprised excitement as your hands rest on his strong chest before you slide them up his chest to dangle around his neck. Diego bows his head and pulls you into a deep fiery kiss that leaves you weak in the knees. You stumble back against the counter as he presses into you, an almost desperate groan leaves his lips as he presses you back into the hard surface. You gasp as you feel his hands slide from your hips to your ass and squeeze your supple curves. He picks you up and sets you onto the counter settling himself in between your thighs and pressing into you. You can feel his bulge as he presses himself almost desperately into you. You let out a soft moan as you press back almost desperate for his touch.
“And another thing!” Klaus says coming back around the corner, mischief in his voice. 
“GET OUT!” you both yell each grabbing the closest thing to you, which just happens to be a dish cloth and the sponge you use to wash the dishes and throw it at him.
“Hey! Fine! Jeeze!” he exclaims with a cackle he walks away effectively dodging the projectiles 
You heave a sigh as you bury your face against his neck and he hugs you to him. 
“That was intense…” you say softly. 
“Too intense?” he asks hesitantly.
“No… Just intense…” you whisper pulling back to look into his eyes. He’s trying to catch his breath too. Almost shly you bump your nose against his and capture his lips again. 
“We’re going to have to find a… distraction… for Klaus,” Diego breathes as he breaks the kiss. His voice still a little breathy from the earlier passion.
You just nod absently as you gently push him away suddenly feeling too hot, “Yes… we definitely are…” 
With a sigh you turn back to the task at hand, or better yet your distraction from Diego’s lips, and finish preparing lunch. 
When you both exit the kitchen Klaus is sitting innocently on the couch as you hand him a sandwich with the side of pasta salad you made yesterday. 
“Finished so soon? At this rate I’ll never be an unc-” Klaus begins only for Diego to smack the sandwich the of the way into his mouth causing Klaus to sputter indignantly. 
“Careful Klaus… Or you might find yourself kicked out afterall,” you say with a smirk at your friend. 
“You wouldn’t?!” he gasps scandalized. 
“Try me… Interrupt again and see what happens…”
Klaus snaps his mouth shut in a pout as he regards his sandwich before murmuring, “You two are no fun…”  
“Oh, we’re plenty of fun… We just keep getting interrupted….” grumbles Diego. 
“What happened last night?” Klaus asks innocently.
“Some assholes…” you mutter in derision as you take a violent bite of your sandwich remembering the events of the night before. 
“Did you…?”
“Are you okay?” Klaus asks in concern. 
“I’m fine, Klaus,” you murmur with a smile, “Things just got a little dangerous last night is all…”
“Well, I'm glad Diego was with you at least,” Klaus says decisively, “He’s always good in those situations.”
Diego looks surprised as he regards his brother, “Thanks, man…”
“I mean (Y/N) is a force to reckon with so it wasn’t like she needed help, but it’s always good to know someone is there,” Klaus continues, completely destroying the moment. 
“Thanks, man…” Diego reiterates, this time with a scowl. 
You chuckle as you watch the interaction as you settle back against your sofa, “So who is up for a movie?” 
“Isn’t your new one out?!” Klaus exclaims, “the one you worked one a few months ago?!”
“It is! Do you want to watch it?” You answer.
A book on the far wall falls to the ground indicating that Ben is there and he does.
“I do! I don’t know if I’ve ever seen any of your work,” Diego says suddenly excited at the prospect of seeing a film you’ve worked on. 
“Cool! Let’s put it on!” you say in excitement. 
You quickly put the movie on and relax against Diego who had instantly pulled you against him. Klaus being Klaus laid down so his head is resting in your lap and the sudden chill in the corner of the couch, and the way that Klaus kicks at the otherwise empty spot indicates Ben is resting there.  
You feel a sense of contentment as you spend a lazy day with the people you have come to care for more than anyone.
Notes: Super excited for the renewed interest in this story! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Please drop some love and leave a comment or send a message! It makes my day!
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pinkanonwrites · 4 years
I loved the animal crossing vs karasuno boys hcs u did!! Do u think u could do another one with a different team? Maybe nekoma but u can choose whatever!! Thank u 😊
AAAAAAHHH This has been sitting in my drafts almost-completely finished for MONTHS and I’m FINALLY GONNA POST IT! Thank you for the request, I love Nekoma so, so, so much! (Fukunaga please call me. I’ll do all the talking)
(( Also also since I did all boy villagers in the Karasuno one, this one has all girl villagers))
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Kuroo Tetsurou
“Celia is so pretty!~ I love her so much!”
Kuroo’s attention snapped to you, doing his best to keep his face neutral as his brain went rocketing off in the worst direction possible. Pretty? Pretty girl? You like a pretty girl?
He had no room to judge, he also liked pretty girls. But there’s no way you liked this pretty girl more than you liked him, right? Right?
He pulled his attention back to the practice match just in time to avoid getting wailed in the face with a volleyball, able to turn it into a clumsy receive at the last possible second. If his teammates noticed, they were at least kind enough not to call him out.
When he sidled up to you at the end of practice he did his best to sound fake concerned, not legitimately worried.
“You replacing me with some cute girl? I could hear you mooning from all the way on the court, you know?”
You just laughed and shook your head, lifting your phone to show a character from the game you and Kenma had been gushing about. Your phone lockscreen had been set to a picture of an, admittedly adorable, cartoon eagle.
“I finally found someone who had Celia in their town. I wanted her so bad!”
Kuroo snorted, ruffling the top of your head. “Well I’m glad you got her. Next time give me a warning before you start going all mushy for video game birds, alright?”
Kai Nobuyuki
“Oh, Lily! Lily, you’re so beautiful!”
Kai barely gave more than a twitch to indicate that he’d heard what you’d said. He’d heard you gush about celebrities or anime characters you’d liked before, but not to the degree that you’d call them just by their first name.
“New favorite character?” He offered, continuing to pack his practice bag and try not to look too curious about who you were fawning over.
Luckily for him, you were more than happy to supply the answer yourself, squiggling under his arm and holding your Switch up to his face so he could see your colorfully-dressed character sitting at a picnic table with an adorable cartoon frog.
“She’s so cute! I can’t believe I got her in my town.” “I didn’t know you liked frogs so much.” He breathed a silent sigh of relief, feeling silly for letting himself worry, even the tiniest bit.
“Yeah, well she’s the cutest frog!”
“Cuter than most frogs I’ve seen.”
Kai fought a smile as you began passionately debating the cuteness of real life frogs, tugging you a little bit closer with his arm.
Yaku Morisuke
“Ah, Cleo! How could anyone ever be so cute?”
Yaku didn’t much enjoy it when you called him cute, but hearing you call somebody else cute was somehow a thousand times worse. He could swear he felt his own blood pressure spike with that sentence alone.
“Ooh! Who’s cute?”
And there’s Lev. So much for his blood pressure.
You held up your phone screen to Lev and he began nodding along in agreement with you, which somehow made Yaku feel even more irritated than he already did. A stray volleyball rolled across the floor near him, and he sent it spiralling into Lev’s lower back with a kick.
“Quit talking about cute girls and focus on your receives, shithead!”
“OWWWW!!! Yaku-senpai, so mean! You could’ve missed! Then how would you feel?”
“Get back on the court, Lev.”
“I’m sorry!” You said when you pulled Yaku aside after practice. “I just was just really excited about Animal Crossing, I didn’t mean to distract Lev.”
“Animal….. Crossing?”
“Yeah! I got a really cute villager!” You held up your phone and showed Yaku a picture of the pastel horse that had just moved into your village.
“...Oh. Cleo.”
“Mhm!... Are you okay? You’re turning a little red. Maybe you should drink some more water.”
Kozume Kenma
“Rosie! Oh, Rosie is definitely best girl.”
Despite being very well-versed in Animal Crossing, it still caught Kenma off-guard for a half a second to hear you so openly mooning about your favorite villager. Luckily for him the two of you had been talking about Animal Crossing since the new game was announced, so he’d had plenty of time to get to know your favorites.
“Did you find someone to trade with you?”
“Yep! I just need to get Egbert to leave so she can move in! Get outta here, chicken!”
Resting his chin on your shoulder, Kenma watched with a small smile as you started building cliffs around the perimeter of Egbert’s house, determined to get him to move away. Maybe someday he’d have to deal with the discomfort of hearing you openly moon about someone attractive. Thankfully, today was not that day.
Fukunaga Shouhei
“You’re so perfect, Ellie! Don’t ever leave!”
Fukunaga glanced at you and quirked an eyebrow, but you were far too immersed in your Switch screen to notice. Your expression had dropped into this soft, moony-eyed gaze, one that Fukunaga wasn’t used to seeing directed at anything that wasn’t him when you thought he wasn’t looking.
It felt… weird.
“Oh! Shouhei, do you wanna see?” You finally seemed to notice him glancing in your direction, scooting over to show off your screen. “Ellie was moving out of Kenma’s town and he let me take her! Isn’t she cute?”
While your character ran circles around the little tan elephant all Shouhei could do was watch you smile with a warm, fuzzy feeling blooming in his chest.
“Second cutest here.” He quietly replied.
Yamamoto Taketora
“Molly! She’s so cute I can’t even handle it!”
Normally Yamamoto would find the idea of you fawning over a cute girl to be equally cute. That way the two of you could fawn over cute girls together!
But it was significantly less fun when it meant that one hundred percent of your attention was on your phone and zero percent of your attention was on him. He spent the majority of the day landing awesome spikes only to snap his attention towards you and see you fully immersed in your phone screen.
Finally his not-so-quiet grumbling about your lack of attention got the better of Kuroo and he hollered over to you, asking what you were looking at. Before Yamamoto could shush him you raised your phone, showing off an adorable cartoon duck.
“I finally got Molly in my town!”
Kuroo burst into laughter as a blush crawled its way across Yamamoto’s face and up to the tips of his ears, taking a swing at Kuroo to try and get him to shut up.
Haiba Lev
“She’s so stoic and cool. How can you not be completely in love with Whitney?”
“I can be stoic and cool.” Lev grumbled.
“She’s got such pretty white hair and sharp eyes.”
“I’ve got white hair and sharp eyes.”
“I should get her some flowers.”
“Can’t you get your boyfriend some flowers?”
“Hm? Lev, hun, did you say something?”
He’d been quietly murmuring under his breath since you started gushing about Animal Crossing but honestly, how could you not? Whitney was one of your dreamies and finally, after many a Nook Mile Ticket spent, you finally had her on your island. Maybe you had been going on about it for a bit, though.
“I’m sorry, Lev! I’m just excited. I wanna know what you said though!”
Lev puffed up, jabbing his thumb into his chest. “I’ve got all those things you love about this Whitney girl so much, so you shouldn’t need anyone else!” You stared at him in disbelief for a long, painfully awkward moment, before snorting hard as you dissolved into laughter.
I’m sorry! I’m sorry, I shouldn’t laugh!” You choke out between giggles, just silently holding up your Switch to Lev’s face to show off your character presenting some roses to a cartoon wolf…
… Named Whitney.
You don’t think you’ve ever seen someone turn that shade of red before.
“W-W-Well she must be your favorite because she’s so much like me! Right? Right?!”
Good save, Lev. Good save.
Inuoka Sou
“Piper’s just so cool and chill! That’s why she’s my absolute favorite.”
Oh. Oh! You liked cool and chill people? Inuoka had no idea. But that’s okay! He can be cool! He can be chill!
“Dude, you okay? You’re like… Vibrating.”
At least, that’s what Inuoka had thought at the beginning of the day. Truthfully he had no skill when it came to containing his energy, especially since every time he saw you it felt like his heart was doing the equivalent of spam texting you a dozen lines of heart emojis. By the time he had gotten to the end of practice he felt jittery and uncomfortable, like he’d been holding a lid down on a boiling pot of water. He just hadn’t been acknowledging it until Yamamoto pointed it out.
“Sou?” You had been waiting for him outside the gym! Waiting! For him! His heart felt like it did a kickflip off the inside of his ribcage as he enveloped you in a hug.
“I tried! I tried to be calm and chill like you like but I just can’t do it! And whenever I see you my heart goes a RAAAAAHHH so it’s basically impossible anyway! I hope you don’t mind!”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hang on.” You cupped his face in your hands and he melted into your hold, smiling like an idiot. “When did I say I like calm, chill guys?”
“This morning, you were talking about some girl named Piper and you said she was so calm and cool and that's why you liked her so I thought if I could be like that you’d like me more too and-”
You pressed a finger to his lips and he couldn’t help but sigh, turning to putty at your merest touch.
“Babe, I was talking about a character from my game! You know, the one with all the animals?”
“So I don’t need to act all calm and cool for you to like me?”
“Of course not! I love you just the way you are.”
“Heehee~… I feel a little silly.”
“You are a little silly, babe.”
Shibayama Yuuki
“I’m in love! Flora is so perfect! I’ve never loved so much in my life!”
Shibayama stumbled over his own two feet when he heard you professing your love of this ‘Flora’ to one of your classmates during lunch. Glancing just around the door to your classroom, you were holding your phone in one hand and wildly gesturing with the other, leaving your friend chuckling at your excited antics.
He felt an uncomfortable sort of chill in the pit of his stomach, making his just-eaten lunch feel more than a bit unwelcome. Did you even like this Flora more than...him?
It was easy to tell that Shibayama was a bit out of it at practice, doing his best to stay focused but still uncharacteristically quiet. It wasn’t until you met him after practice to walk home that everything was cleared up to him.
“S-So, um… Who’s Flora?”
“Huh? Oh! Oh, lemme show you!”
You pulled out your Switch and ran your little character over to a flamingo and began talking to her, and Shibayama felt all the tension in his body rush out in a single breath. He let out a small chuckle as you fawned over the character.
“Yeah, she’s pretty cute!”
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eliicries · 3 years
This is my first time ever writing a proper fanfic and also my first time posting it online. Criticisms are very much welcome. This is my alternative ending to the cartoon series "Clone High" (you guys should check it out, it's pretty great!) I love this pairing so much but I hated how they ended up sleeping together because I've always believed in character development and the ending felt like it wasted a good opportunity to do so.
Enchanted (a joanfk fanfic)
How did it come to this?
Two bodies pressed against each other, one of which is hovering above it's counterpart, hot and eager to make contact. Then the other, whom lies beneath them writhing in discomfort yet somewhat obvious pleasure.
Never in Joan's life had she imagined herself being the latter in such an obscene situation.
Well atleast not with somebody else other than her bestfriend and absolutely not, emphasis on the word "not", with the certain campus playboy she used to avoid like a plague.
Heck, if someone told her last night that she would end up sleeping with JFK, she would've laughed her ass off for solid 10 minutes! Then proceed to sock their teeth off for even suggesting such an absurd idea.
But as she felt his breath fan against her bare neck, she felt her own hitch.
His lips met with her flushed skin and in their wake, left along little trails of pleasure of which accumulated into an emotion something else entirely.
It seeped into her flesh and gnawed upon her being.
Yet the feeling of betrayal against one's morals only increased tenfold when she made no protest to stop the male from completely lifting her shirt off.
Oh God, She actually moaned.
The himbo was not to be blamed of course. His previous advances had always been outright rejected, so as ecstatic as he was, her sudden change of heart confused him. An even bigger surprise to the both of them was when it was her who initiated the idea.
It's not like her to act like this. Was she really that frustrated beyond rational thoughts?
To make things even worse, it wasn't only the disappointment she has towards herself that's weighing on her mind but also of another person very much important to her.
They've known each other since like forever.
Now, what would be a better way to ruin a good natured friendship other than one of them developing feelings for the other?
Just to her luck, she had to be the one who does the falling, whilst her companion seemed less than eager to catch her.
As if it's the universe's way to spite her, Abe suddenly decided to date someone else.
And of course, it just had to be none other than Cleo-fhking-patra.
Seeing them together at the school campus in a daily basis was already bad enough, now living under the same roof as her and all---she also had to suffer listening through the sloppy noises they make whenever they're eating their faces off.
She swears to god everytime cleo glances at her with that look of victor in her eyes, her blood boils so much. Oh, if only she was given an opportunity to poke them out with a fork.
Then, in a final attempt to win him over, Joan had to walk around wearing those god-forbid clothes and laugh in that shrill god-awful tone.
Yet to no avail, her feelings are still unreciprocated.
In the end even as a giggling vapid slut, Abe still chose Cleo over her.
Just like he always did.
He even seemed supportive with her hookup with JFK.
Another fuel added to the fire.
Now she felt really silly exerting all those efforts just for his approval.
She always berates Cleo for being such a slut but is she really better after how desperate she acted?
Maybe if only she'd been straight forward with him from the start, things would've ended in her favor.
Or perhaps it was wrong of her to seek reciprocity. Love, after all should be unconditional.
Either way, it's too late now.
She's so pathetic.
Suddenly a voice called out to her, a sudden ripple in her stream of thoughts, breaking her out from of her stupor.
Looking sideways, her eyes met with familiar droopy ones.
She hadn't even noticed that he had stopped moving a little while ago.
"Are you er, uh, alright?"
Oh. That's right.
She was with JFK, and they were about to have sex with each other.
"You were-uh, crying."
Immediately, she brought a hand to her cheek and felt the said liquid trailing down her cheeks.
Shuddering as she finally realized she was not only physically bare, but now also emotionally.
She atleast expected an expression of dissatisfaction from him, but the male said nothing and merely looked at her. Probably dumbstruck by the sudden turn of events.
The room was quiet except for her soft sniffles.
He seemed to fiddle with the bedsheets for a while before finally deciding to move closer to her.
"Can I er, touch you?"
Expecting him to continue on where they left but too tired to even protest, she made no movement whatsoever to stop the male. They might as well finish what they've started even tho the thought made her want to shut her eyes.
She was surprised however, when she felt his arms wrapping around her, securing her into a hug.
She turned to look at him, perplexed by the sudden act of affection that he is displaying.
"Did it not feel good?"
Ah, there he is.
Of course, It was just about his ego. How foolish of her to think that he, even for a bit, cared about her.
She tried to squirm away from his grip, her fists meeting with his chest. The male took this as a sign to loosen his hold of her but not as much to completely let go of her.
"I did something wrong didn't I?"
Her body suddenly ceased it's erratic movements. She turned to look at him, searching through his face for any signs of deception which instead, only offered a genuine expression of worry.
He was blaming himself.
He actually thought it was his fault that she was crying. That's why he stopped.
"I, er, um sorry.."
If she was already crying before, then she was definitely bawling her eyes out right now.
"N-no! It's not your fault i--why did you stop?" She exclaimed in between sobs. His hand settled itself on her waist while his other one made it's way to her hair, combing them in a way that's supposed to be therapeutic.
"There, there.."
"I wanted this, Kennedy! Isn't this what you also wanted?"
"Sure I do, but not when you're uh, like this." She lets out another sob. "Besides, If I do make you cry it's going to be for an entirely different reason, if you get my meaning."
"S-shut up.."
He suggestively wiggled his eyebrows at her causing her to roll her eyes. Normally, she would've been irked by his usual comments like this, but tonight must be a different case. They seemed to give her a weird sense of normalcy, and that somehow comforts her.
Her sudden movement made the male flinch, as if anticipating another punch for his pesky remarks, he was relieved however, when Joan just readjusted her head to lean into his chest more properly.
She found this actions of his comical, cute even if she dares, and she couldn't help the chuckle that escaped her lips.
"Have you calmed down now?"
"Yes, thanks Kennedy."
Silence enveloped the both of them for a while before Jfk decided to speak again.
"You know, this suddenly reminds him."
She hummed in acknowledgement.
"Uh, Lincoln."
JFK didn't fail to notice the weak croak in her voice.
"Yeah, it was around that time poncey died. It was just kinda like this, except ya' know, we weren't both naked."
She felt his chest rumble as both of them let out a chuckle, hers a bit stiffled from burrying her face into them further. Muttering, "That sounds just like him.." In a barely audible voice.
No words were exchanged afterwards. Silence embraced the room once again, the same way his arms did around her body. Warm and in contrast to the air outside---inviting.
The moon illuminated the dim room seemingly to say it's hello.
So she took the opportunity to get a good look at his face. There she could makeout the subtle movement of his nostrils as he breathes.
Inhale, exhale, Inhale, exhale, Inhale..
Till she found herself unconsciously moving to the same rhythm.
His eyes she noticed, are now droopier. As his upper lashes seeked to meet with his lower ones but never actually closed them as they were fixated onto her. Only now was she able to acknowledge the kindness she failed to notice that they seemed to always have.
Then his lips, which in contrast to the usual smirk he parades around campus, lost all it's cockiness and is now ghosting a faint smile.
He looked so endearing right now that she could only sigh.
Was this really the same guy who used to shove other kids into lockers before? The same one who used to view women as mere objects meant to gratify sensual pleasure?
I guess grief from Ponce's death did change him in ways even he is not aware of.
Or maybe, he's just not a complete asshole as she thought him to be.
It could also be that she's just lonely and desperate for any act of kindness so she clung into them when given. That would explain how she got into this situation in the first place.
But whatever the answer may be, there are two things that Joan is now sure of:
One, no one is irredeemable.
And two, the male never looked as much enchanting to her right now as he ever did before.
#joanfk #joan #JFK #Clonehigh #himbo #goth
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candyshua · 5 years
It’s a Long Way Home | Chapter 5
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Pairing: Joshua x Minghao x Reader
Synopsis: It was dark, and then it was light. You’re finally lucid. After 15 years of not being conscious, you wake up in a desolate and post-apocalyptic earth where infected flesh-eating beings roam the streets. Soon enveloped into a mysterious group of survivors, you consistently wonder who they are. But most importantly, who are you?
Genre: Heavy angst, some fluff here and there
Warnings: Gore, bad language, physical & verbal abuse
Word Count: 3k
You were jolted awake by Cleo's frantic shakes. "Y/N, a herd's passing through. We need to go for a few days. Pack your shit, be quick." She demanded, her stern face calm and unreadable. Any sudden sense of fatigue that would weigh you down drained out of you, as you got up and dressed immediately. It had been two weeks since your first training session with Minghao, and you've gotten much better. Your progress was "insurmountable" and it shocked Minghao to no ends.
Hansol had been gone for a few days, and he came back letting everybody know that a herd was about 30 miles away. A herd, you had learned, was a massive group of the infected. There were thousands of them, and they didn't pass through very often due to Hansol's incessant security. But, there was no way he could lead those critters away from Fort Lockwood, so everybody was to head to their "emergency bunker". You, having no idea what that meant, had it briefly explained to you. "It's a series of very protected basements just about 15 miles east." Cleo had said, while Margo packed everybody's things.
"You'll be going with us, Josh, Hansol, Junhui, Minghao, Sonny, and Seungkwan." Margo had elaborated. Margo had a very sharp complex to her, but she was an overall friendly, good person. You had learned that she was 23, and Cleo was 24. Not only that, you were excited to finally meet Sonny.
"Okay." You mumbled, not looking forward to staying in a basement for God knows how long. You finished packing, and arrived in a van with the entire "crew". You sat in the way back with Hao, the alertness that took over you morphing into a lethargic melody. Soon, you fell asleep on his shoulder, which only made him smile giddily as little butterflies seemed to flutter in his tummy.
You awoke after a very brief nap, not feeling at all satisfied. You sighed, while walking out of the van along with various other people. Other vans and cars arrived before and after you, with many unfamiliar faces piling out of them. Soon, everybody started gathering the supplies out of the cars, which varied from food to guns. You'll admit, you used to be a little apprehensive towards those steel weapons, but now you knew them like the back of your hand.
The basements, or "bunkers", were a part of this super boarded up buildings. Some people went into a clothing store, some into houses, and others into restaurants. Apparently, a guy by the name of Wonwoo was in charge of emergencies, and he fortified various basements, with the duality of the buildings being extreme. This was because it not only confused the stragglers, but the people as well. Your group went into the basement of a very small home, but the size of the basement shocked you completely. You had to get in there through a steel trap door, and still you had to go down a series of stairs, which led to four different rooms. Three of them were rooms to sleep in, and one room was where the food was kept, along with some entertainment.
The entertainment room encapsulated a shelf filled with books, a pool table, an old television that didn't work, three closets filled with canned foods and bottles of water, a couch, and various board games and card decks. You checked out your room, where three sets of bunk beds were kept. The girls would stay among themselves, of course, while the men split themselves in two different rooms. While everybody was in the entertainment room, eating breakfast or planning what to do, you stayed in your room, on the bottom bunk. These days you rarely had time to yourself, and you honestly desperately needed it.
You sighed, lying down in the almost pitch black room. One of the disadvantages of these bunkers were that there was no electricity, so people carried around kerosene lamps and flashlights to light everything up. Not only that, you were freezing due to the time of year. So, huddled under the covers, you sat in the dark room being dimly lit by the kerosene lamp, and thought.
Over the course of two weeks, the pain you experienced while receiving memories no longer occurred. Memories became a more frequent occasion, and you wrote them down in a journal each time they happened so you'd never forget.
Your mind traveled to the depths of your memories, and you soon realized that your memories were triggered by similar situations that happened to you at that time. You saw The Doctor more, and your father. Other times you had memories of you roaming around whatever you were living in, and dabbling in the libraries picking books that were about anything that peaked your interest.
Many, many things peaked your interest. Not only that, you had learned that reading distracted you from your real life, which you still hadn't figured out what exactly it was.
Sighing, you rolled over so you faced the door, which was closed. Suddenly, you felt the urge to cry.
So you did.
Tears fell, with the ferocity of a tsunami, but they were quiet and hushed. You cried for the people you killed, you cried for the life that you used to have, and you cried for the one you had now. You cried because you felt so scared all the time, and you felt lonely and unprotected. You cried because you had no idea what the future entailed, or what your purpose was on this desolate planet, you cried because you had so many unanswered questions. You wept until the tears ran out, and you could sob no more.
Then, the anger came. You were angry at yourself, due to the relentless amount of self pity you had. You thought you were done crying, but then tears of fury came crashing down your face, and you blubbered in a hushed manner, not knowing what exactly to do with yourself. You couldn't talk about your worries to anyone, because who the hell would relate to you? What advice would somebody give you? Hell, not even Josh or Hao could help with your confusion.
Soon, the door opened, and you immediately turned around to face away from it. The kerosene lamp that lied on the nightstand at the head of your bed was soon picked up, and you heard Josh's smooth voice say, "Y/N?"
You then heard the door close, trying your hardest not to cry. You didn't want him to see you break, because to him you were strong and respectable. You didn't want to ruin that image he had of you in your head.
"Turn around." He ordered somehow softly, and you refused until you felt his hand on your shoulder. You then felt the mattress beneath you bounce a bit, and you knew he was on the bed with you. You turned around, your faces in very close proximity.
The tears came, but not as furious this time. They were slow and forlorn, the melancholy oozing from them. And then Joshua looked sad, his soft puppy like eyes softening, his mouth turned down, his eyebrows knitted together. The sadness emitted concern, not the pity you were expecting.
And all Joshua did was pull you closer, your head resting against his chest. Nothing was said, except an occasional "It'll be okay, you're okay," or "I'm here." And in that moment, you realized how much you needed Joshua. You just needed his presence, or his calm tranquil whispers of sweet nothings, or his humble words of encouragement. You needed his extremely handsome face, or his lean and rugged body. You needed his lips, and you didn't realize what exactly you wanted to do with them, you just wanted to look at them.
So, you'd peek a few times when you thought he wasn't looking. He was, though. And he clenched his jaw when you looked away, to prevent himself from smiling. Truth be told, he needed your lips too.
But, Joshua was selfless above all else. And he knew that you were just very confused and vulnerable in that moment, and despite his own wants, he didn't want to take advantage of you.
So the two of you - for lack of better term - cuddled for about an hour in a comfortable silence. You both fell asleep, and were woken by the door opening quite loudly. "Dinner." Minghao said, and then he looked at the two of you and the position you were in. And suddenly, he felt a fire in his heart, a sudden anger that someone would describe as jealousy.
He didn't ponder it, but merely clenched his jaw and walked out of the room. Why was he so angry? Not at you, of course, but at Joshua?
The two of you came walking out of your room, giggling to each other quietly. And in that moment, Minghao realized he was jealous of Joshua. He was jealous because he wanted you.
Dinner was a casual, nonchalant thing. Everybody was somewhere, talking among themselves. Much to your surprise, nobody looked at you and Josh with a weird look. What had happened in that room was not what they thought had happened, of course. Yet, they weren't shocked, because "Everybody gets horny," according to Junhui, and immediately after that statement he was flicked on the forehead by Margo and punched in the shoulder by Cleo.
Over dinner, (which was merely canned tuna and some canned corn, a very odd combination to say the least) you had talked to Sonny. Sonny was a tall girl, taller than you, with long legs, a slim waist, and curves in the right places. She had short, blond hair in the style of a bob, with wispy bangs and killer green eyes. Smatterings of freckles were splattered across her face, especially on her nose and cheeks. She was cute, and her laugh made you smile for some reason.
You talked about your memories, and asked about her. She was a botanist, so therefore under the classification of a scientist, which intrigued you endlessly. You swore some odd facts about plants popped up in your head when talking to her, so you assumed you read about plants once or twice in your life.
You had also learned that her and Junhui knew each other before the outbreak, and were together now. Not only that, you learned that Margo and Cleo were a couple, which surprised you. They did not emit any aura of having interest in one another, which honestly was a good thing. In this world, people like to target your loved ones. Staying under the radar with you were in love with was a pretty decent idea.
So, someone could say that you and Sonny immediately clicked, and a mutual liking bloomed inside the both of you. She then taught you a few card games - you were a damn natural - and somehow, a poker game began.
The game was between you, Sonny, Seungkwan, Minghao, Josh, and Hansol. Junhui (whom Sonny called Jun) was asleep. Margo and Cleo were reading quietly to themselves. Everybody except you and Minghao were out, and you had a pretty shitty hand but you had nothing to lose except your dignity. Suddenly, an idea flashed in your head.
You did that thing you always did, holding your head in your hands, furrowing your eyebrows deep in concentration, to make Hao believe you were getting a memory. A look of concern soon washed over his face, and you bit your lip to contain yourself from smiling. "I just remembered something." You lied.
"What?" Minghao asked excitedly, yet worriedly.
"Oh nothing. It was, me and you were playing a card game. And I won." You giggled, and Minghao shook his head while smiling, a few hearty chuckles escaping his mouth. The sound of his laughs were relaxing, and you would like to hear them more. Little did you know that only somebody he was completely smitten could make him laugh like that.
"Nice one." Minghao said sarcastically, and you just giggled and Minghao felt like crawling in a hole and dying, because oh my god you were so fucking cute. Your giggle was like utopia, and he was living - no, fucking drowning in it. He wanted to hear it a million more times.
"Oh Hao," You gushed, your voice raspy and completely driving Minghao insane, "prepare to lose."
"Oh Hao." The words rang in Minghao's head.
And his mind couldn't help but travel to other situations where'd you say - no, purr "Oh Hao" like that. To put it quite briefly, he liked the situation very much.
Minghao just bit his lip and smiled, and set his cards down.
Straight Flush.
"Damn it!" You cursed, setting down your pathetic pair. He laughed, more like wheezed, and he held his stomach because it was contorting and tightening so much that it hurt. You just sat there, arms crossed, and a fake pout was set on your face. Nobody was really paying attention until now, and everybody joined in the chorus of laughs along with Minghao.
You two shook hands bitterly, faces getting quite close in proximity.
"Fuck you," You whispered for only him to hear.
"Please do." He growled without even thinking, which made you blush furiously. Then, the two of you pulled away and it was time for bed, and you asked yourself what could he possibly mean by that?
But you knew. His intentions were quite clear - crystal clear. And what irked you more was that you didn't exactly mind those words spilling from his lips.
And then you thought of Joshua, and his soft looking lips and doe eyes. Fuck it all, you thought, this is the god damn apocalypse. Flesh eating pieces of shit are roaming the streets, and I have the audacity to be thinking about boys?
And soon, you came to the conclusion that you were pathetic, and tired. Very tired. And in the end, lethargy always won.
"Rise and shine, cupcake." Sonny greeted, and you groaned a few profanities which only made her laugh. "Breakfast."
You weren't even hungry, but you got up anyway. Dressing yourself immediately, you spared yourself an awkward meeting if you went out there without wearing a bra. "God, it's freezing." You mumbled aloud while hugging your shoulders. You grabbed the box of Poptarts, and took two out. You then crashed on the couch, next to Joshua. Minghao was playing pool with Junhui, and Hansol was by himself reading a book. The moment you arrived out of the room Margo and Cleo went right back in, and you knew exactly what they were going to do.
And then your cheeks burned furiously when you thought of what Minghao said last night, and it's like he knew because your eyes met his, and he had a stupid fucking smirk on his face that you just wanted to punch right off of it. You then turned to Joshua, making Minghao frown in distaste.
"How long do you think we'll be here?" You asked.
"Two weeks at the most. It takes a while for the infected to pass thought the fort, of course they're not going in but around the walls. And then once they're separated, they're all scattered and the majority usually head to the city, some to where we are, and others go south. They're like animals, because the infected migrate. They go south for winter, because they know that they'll freeze to death if they stay up here." Joshua explained, which only intrigued you more. You shifted your position on the couch, moving closer to him without really noticing, but he definitely did.
"It's an infection, right? They're still alive." You pondered aloud, and Josh nodded.
"Yeah, Sonny had studied them and searched endlessly for a cure. This isn't exactly her area of expertise, but she worked alongside with Seungkwan. They're infected. But, they're not dead. There's no cure, and we've been searching and trying to make one for years - so it's best to just kill them to put them out of their starving misery, and so you don't become one." He explained, which formed a heavy burden in your heart. They were alive, and there was no cure, but if you were bit you were done for.
You killed them mindlessly, and although they didn't act or look like people, you were still killing them. Maybe you did have a purpose. With your extensive knowledge, maybe you could look for a cure, since you studied medicine before.
What was "before" exactly? The rooms you were in were always gray and steel, modern and colorless. It lacked life, it lacked sunshine. And suddenly, you were searching your memories, trying to picture everything in your head. There were windows, and those windows were always black. They weren't covered, no, it's just what they showed.
"Joshua," You began, "I want you to tell me everything that was happening right before the outbreak. Everything."
And so he did. He told you about the new chain of restaurants with those amazing burgers, and the president's new love affair scandal, and nothing clicked. Then you asked what happened around the time you were born, and he told you about another love affair, the reign of the internet, terrorism, and then a new space station being sent up to orbit around earth.
"Shut up." You interrupted, and Joshua looked at you incredulously. "Space." You said aloud.
"Yeah, so?" He argued.
"Joshua, I think I know where I was before. I think I was on that space station."
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ethoslut · 5 years
Hey, for that writing thing, can I make a request? Song :Atlas Two by Sleeping At Last; Ship: False and Cleo? Is this okay?
! of course its okay!! like 95% of things are okay with me, to be honest 
False was sitting in her base, getting ready to sleep - she had to at one point, and it’s been long since she last slept. Her thoughts were keeping her up, her brain not letting her catch a break even for a moment. She heard some rustling in the bushes outside her base. She grabbed her sword and walked out, ready for defense. She stayed quiet and waited for the noise to appear again, preparing herself to strike in the right moment. Suddenly, Cleo walked out of the bushes. Her eyes looked red, her hair messy.
“Cleo? What are you doing here?” False asked, dropping her sword.
“I, uhm. Couldn’t sleep.” Cleo whispered, avoiding False’s gaze. “And I know you’ve been having troubles sleeping too, so I thought you might be up. Didn’t want to startle you.” 
 “You didn’t. Come on, let’s go inside.” False wrapped her arm around Cleo’s waist. They’ve been dating for a while, but this was the first time False saw her girlfriend like that. She was wondering why she didn’t take an elytra, but it wasn’t the time to ask. First, she had to make sure Cleo’s fine, warm, and safe. They walked to False’s base; when they got there, False sat Cleo on the couch and took her coat off, giving her a blanket instead to keep her warm. She might be a zombie, but she still needs warmth, right? 
“Are you hungry?” she asked, wrapping the blanket around Cleo.
“Falsie, it’s like 3am.” Cleo said and let out a small chuckle which made False’s heart warm.
“Come on, I can get us some snacks. You want them?”
Cleo nodded and sent False a kiss through the air. False left and came back after a minute, holding a plate of cookies and a cup of tea. Cleo shot her a funny look at the sight of the cup, which False shrugged with a laugh and “I mean, you’re British, right?”. She sat next to Cleo, giving her the cup, and slid under the blanket with her. False gave her girlfriend some time; she didn’t want to rush anything, realizing that if Cleo wants to talk, she will.
“I had a nightmare.” Cleo said after few minutes. “Like, a really bad one. Not fun at all kind of nightmare.”
False put her hand on Cleo’s hair and started petting it. “Wanna talk what it was about?”
“It’s just. You.” Cleo admitted, taking a sip of her tea. “You were there, but you weren’t there, uhm. For me. I don’t know.”
“It’s okay if you can’t find your words, sweetheart.” False reasurred her. She really wanted to make Cleo comfortable.
“No, no, it’s just, something happened and you left me but it also felt like you left yourself.” 
False stopped playing with Cleo’s hair. There was no way she knew about her own struggles and nightmares, no one knew about it, she was good at keeping it all to herself; on the other hand, Cleo was a zombie, and False wasn’t sure how it all works for her.
“I’m sorry if you feel like I would ever leave you. I promise you, I wouldn’t.” False said. “I mean it.”
“I know, it’s. I’m worried about you, Falsie.” Cleo looked her girlfriend in the eyes. “You haven’t been sleeping well. You seem tired all the time. Is there something wrong? You don’t have to tell me what, I just want to know if there’s anything I could do to help.”
False sighed. 
“Just not feeling my best, I guess.” she shrugged. “It’ll get better real soon, don’t worry about it. What about you? Only the nightmare, or something else?”
“Only the nightmare.” Cleo smiled. “Only the stupid nightmare, and me loving you probably a little too much.” 
“Jeez, who gave you the right to be so cute, huh?” False laughed. She didn’t really lie to Cleo - she really will get better soon. Sometimes there were phases like that, when she just felt down for seemingly on reason. 
“Says who, you? Not fair, sweetie.” Cleo already was feeling better. “I keep thinking about you leaving me, you know?”
“I told you I won’t, but I can repeat it as many times as you need me to. I love you, okay? And I will love you with everything I have. Forever.” False felt Cleo’s head fall onto her chest and she started playing with her hair again. 
Cleo’s breath was calm and steady, her eyes closed. She was falling asleep on False’s chest, and she felt safe. “I love you too.” she whispered, drifting off to sleep.
send me a prompt/song + ship!!
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