#or it would be a karaoke situation where jack (and maybe sam) and cas would be singing abba
homoangel · 2 years
listening to abba and my brain goes okay but what if supernatural?
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Fix You 5
A/N: drama and stuff
Link to Chapter 4
Words: 2, 957
Pairings: Gabriel x OFC
Molly walked outside trying to breathe. Her mind was going in a thousand different directions. All directions, however, seemed to go back to Gabriel. Did he mean what he said? Maybe Jack was right. Maybe Gabriel was just talking out of frustration. That was such an easy thing to do when flustered! Molly knew that well!
But what if he wasn't?” What if Gabriel really wanted nothing to do with her and ignored her form there on out? They hasn't bonded after all so he really owed her nothing? He could dust his hand off, walk away, and feel no obligations. Molly on the other hand, knew that there would be no dusting of her hands. She would forever, be haunted by the archangel! It would be hard from going to being loved and adored for the first time in her life to be lonely and forgot about again!
Looking back toward the bunker, Molly knew that she wouldn't be entirely alone and forgotten about. She knew that Sam, Dean, Jack, and Cas would be more than happy to have her around. They would be the ones that would object to her plan of leaving. Dean, especially, he would probably have a fit!
Molly stood quietly for a moment as she considered her next move. Should she stay or go? The positive: she would have friends. The negative: she would have to see Gabriel until he was well enough to be on his way...whenever that would be.
“Fuck it. I'm gone.”
Molly growled before turning and walking off in the foggy twilight.
Gabriel lay across Molly's bed looking angrily at the wall. He had half expected for her to come in after him to try to talk everything out. Gabriel knew that he should have cooled his heels and talked to Molly. He should have told her why that he didn't want her  to be a hunter. Whether she would listen or not would be another story. Just like he said earlier no one listened to him so why would she now?
Rolling on his back, Gabriel sighed. He was more miserable now than he had been before he started talking. Before Molly came into his life, Gabriel struggled with what was going on in his mind. Molly walked into his life and all of the nightmares from his past was gone.
Now here he was laying in their bed stressing over the fact that she wanted to be a hunter. Gabriel rubbed his hands over his face. The thought of her running after some monster that he couldn't protect her from made him sick to his stomach. If was at full archangel strength then it would be no big deal! Gabriel could just follow Molly around and let her do her thing. If a situation got too rough then he could vaporize said monster.  
“I've got to talk to her.”
Gabriel muttered before walking out of the bedroom. Walking back into the living room Sam and Dean looked up from their TV dinners. Dean sighed.
“Damn it Gabriel did you have to go and piss her off? Molly was supposed to fix us turkey and dressing. Now we have to eat Marie Callender's turkey and dressing.”
Gabriel's golden eyes narrowed.
“Well I am incredibly sorry. Now were is Molly?”
Dean pointed to the door.
“Went outside. Since you two are like kaput can I date her?”
Cas, who was sitting quietly in the corner, gave Dean a cold glare.
“Now is not the time for that.”
Gabriel's lip twitched as he snapped his fingers resulting in Dean flying across the room into the wall. Cas quickly stood blocking Gabriel's view of Dean.
“Gabriel I am glad to see that your grace is returning however, knocking Dean crazy isn't going to change your current predicament with Molly. I suggest that you go tend to her.”
Gabriel glared at his younger brother for a few moments.
“Yes commander Spock.”
Gabriel turned and walked out of the bunker. Walking out into the cool night air Gabriel tired to think of something to say to Molly. Maybe an old fashioned “I'm sorry I was a douche” would be enough?
“Molly? Sugar, where are you?”
Gabriel kept his voice as kind as possible.
“Come out darling and we can talk about this whole you being a hunter thing. I promise I won't loose my shit again.”
When she didn't respond Gabriel slowly began to walk around looking through the dark trees.
“I mean it Molly. If you want to be a hunter I will go along with it...even if you want to wear that tacky flannel those guys live in. We can work something out.”
Hearing a crunch Gabriel looked down seeing a small neatly folded piece of paper under his foot.  He reached down opening the paper to see Molly's message written in perfect Enochian.
“Good bye”
Dean was busy trying to con Sam into giving his his crusty dessert when Gabriel came storming back inside.
“Get off of your asses and come on!”
Sam and Dean looked at each other clearly confused as Gabriel started pacing angrily. Both knew that if he was at full strength they and the bunker would probably be cleaned from the planet. Dean glanced at Sam before elbowing him in the side. The last thing that Dean needed to do was antagonize the archangel. With a sigh Sam stood.
“Uh Gabriel....what are you talking about?”
Gabriel turned.
“Molly is gone. I am going to find her. You two better just stay here. You will only be in my way.”
Dean stood.
“Molly is gone and you think I am going to sit here on my ass? I don't think so! Gabe you aren't the only one who cares about Molly here.”
Gabriel glared at Dean a few moment taking in everything the eldest Winchester said.
Molly sat at the bar with a drink in front of her. She had yet been able to put together how humans drank so much. She had drank two drinks and neither provided any comfort or numbing. Maybe it was the angel in her preventing her from fully enjoying the booze or she just found it nasty? Molly made a mental note that if she ever saw Dean again she would ask how in the world he drank the shit?
After a few moments of silence the bar door opened, and in walked none other than Balthazar. “Great!” Molly muttered as Balthazar clearly saw her. A few moment later his cologne hit her as he sat down. Balthazar didn’t say anything for a moment as he took in his daughter’s appearance. She had changed her blond hair to copper red and was wearing way more make up than he had ever seen on her. Her pretty face was frowning bitterly into the drink in front of her. “Answer me a question sweetheart what are you doing here? And where exactly is Gabriel? I don’t really want to deal with him tonight either. Mixed with alcohol I am sure he isn't any more pleasant at the time being.” Molly shrugged. “Hell if I know! Probably back at the bunker whining about something. I doubt he even knows that I’m gone.” Balthazar snapped his fingers and a parenting book appeared on the bar in front of him. “Are you fighting?” Balthazar asked. “Uh yeah!” Molly snapped. Balthazar nodded eagerly and then thumbed through the pages of the book. He read quietly for a moment clearly thinking about what he wanted to say. Molly shook her head. She was going to give Balthazar the benefit of the doubt. He was after all, the one that came to her “First boyfriend...break up...ah here we go! There there sweet pea everything is fine. He didn’t realize what he had.” Molly rolled her eyes in frustration. “Balthazar I’m not 14. Thanks for trying though.” “I’ll go talk to him if you would like.” Molly again shook her head. Balthazar looked relived that Molly hadn't accepted his offer to go chat with the archangel. As powerful as Balthazar was he knew that Gabriel could take him out with his hands behind his back. Looking back to Molly, Balthazar again got that strange feeling of awkwardness that he had when he realized that Gabriel and Molly were together. Archangel or not, Gabriel was ten times older than Balthazar and the angel couldn't and didn't want to wrap his mind around how much older he was than Molly.
“No. Just leave him be. Besides he’s going to have to figure everything out. I am not apparently able to he...” Molly stopped talking when he realized that Balthazar was silently flirting with some bar tramp. Sitting quietly for a moment, Molly turned to Balthazar fully. “Hey!” When Balthazar snapped out of his world and looked back to his daughter; Molly turned to the bar tramp. “Do you mind lady? Oh by the the way this is my dad. Apparently we come to the bar to pick up chicks together.” The woman blinked a few times before hurrying away. Molly looked back to Balthazar. “I’m not here to watch you get your game on!”
Balthazar groaned before looking back Molly.
“Well what do you want to do?”
Molly smirked.
“Well when I am sad I like to karaoke to Celine Dion songs.”
Balthazar froze before blinking a few times.
“There is where I draw a line! I don't karaoke and I will not sing Celine Dion now or ever! I bloody unsunk the Titanic so I would never have to hear her annoying voice ever again! I did the world a favor then Sam and Dean had to ruin it all!”
Molly laughed under her breath.
“Okay okay I get it! I was just kidding. Can I ask you a serious question?”
Balthazar nodded. He wouldn't say it but he was glad that the conversation of Celine Dion  had ended.
“Of course, darling.”
Molly took a breath.
“I'm going to be a hunter. Do you think I am crazy?”
Balthazar was quiet a moment before bursting out laughing.
“Oh love you are funny! You are going to be one of those flannel wearing hunters? Sweetheart your much too good for that. Not to mention I think I may have had one of those heart attacks the mortals talk about.”
When Molly didn't respond, Balthazar froze.
“You're really serious about all of this?”
Molly nodded.
“Totally. I personally think that I would make a good hunter. After all I have angel in my blood and word on the street is nephilim are more powerful than the angel that sired them. You were a powerful angel. I could do a lot of good for this world. There is also the little issue with keeping Jack safe and defeating Lucifer. Sam and Dean need all the help that they can get.”
Balthazar didn't move for a few moments. His blue eyes were wide as he processed his daughter’s words.
“Is this why Gabriel is not with you? Let me guess you told him and he had a fit?”
Molly adjusted in her seat.
“It doesn't matter how Gabriel responded. He doesn't believe in me and obviously neither do you. It appears all angels are all the same.”
Balthazar snapped his fingers making everyone in the bar freeze. His eyes narrowed on Molly.
“Let me enlighten you on something little lady. Us angels, have seen more horrible things then you will probably be able to imagine! Gabriel and I have seen and dealt with some things that would strike the biggest amount of fear possible into you. That is why Gabriel is objecting. He has seen hell. As for me, bloody hell Molly you can't just come into someone's life, make them love you, then just check out! You just don't go on some crazy death quest!”
Molly appeared stunned at Balthazar's outburst.
“Balthazar, Dad, I'm not doing this to hurt you or Gabriel. I want to help people.”
Balthazar sighed.
“Well go down to the children's hospital and heal some sick kids.”
Molly was quiet another moment.
“It won't be the same. Dad, Jack saved me when I needed help the most. If it wasn't for Jack I would have never met Sam, Dean, Cas, Gabriel, or you. I would be the lonely little girl that kids used to throw birdseed at. I want to protect my friends.”
Balthazar sighed putting his hands over his face a moment before standing up and taking a shot of whiskey out a frozen man's hand.
“Cheers man.”
Balthazar muttered before downing the shot and looking back to his daughter.
“Fine. You've made your point. I'll support you on whatever you want but you must promise me something.”
Molly nodded.
Balthazar walked to her looking at her with sad eyes.
“If you get into trouble, call me. Don't try to be brave and face something like Lucifer alone.”
Molly slide off of the bar stool before wrapping her arms around Balthazar and hugging him tightly. Balthazar stood motionless a moment before hugging her back.
“I will. I promise”
Balthazar nodded.
“Better get going then little one.”
Molly smiled before walking out the door leaving the angel looking after her with a nervous frown.
Molly was gone maybe half an hour when Sam, Dean, and Gabriel came bursting in to the bar that was now empty. Both of the Winchester's were clearly surprised to see Balthazar sitting elegantly at a table downing booze.
The angel turned looking at his company.
“Ah look who it is. Only half an hour late.”
Gabriel frowned, looking livid.
“Where is Molly?”
Balthazar looked over his shoulder.
“She has legs and knows how to use them apparently.”
Gabriel stood looking at at the angel getting a little more annoyed by the question.
“Balthazar I don't have time for this.”
Balthazar stood looking furiously at Gabriel.
“Well I don't have time to face the fact that my daughter is on some death mission. I wouldn't have to do this if you would have showed her some bit of bloody compassion.”
Gabriel didn't back down instead he stepped up close to Balthazar ready to smite him. Would he be able to? Hell, he didn't know but he was more than willing to try.
“Compassion? Really? You want me to be compassionate toward her?! I am trying to find her to save her and you are giving me some bull shit speech on what I should be doing!”
Balthazar blinked.
“Well if you would have claimed her you wouldn't be playing Sherlock Holmes with these two”
Gabriel growled before pouncing at Balthazar and landing a single punch in the angels face. Balthazar toppled over the table that he was standing in front of going head first into the poured concrete floor. As he lay on the ground all he could think of was how the archangel was getting stronger!
Meanwhile, Sam and reached over yanking Gabriel back.
“Gabriel! Stop! You too Balthazar! You two beating the shit out of each other is not going to bring Molly back. Now we need to calm down and get our heads in the game! Understood?”
Balthazar stood still rubbing his cheek. Gabriel, glowering at Sam nodded as well.
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