#or is it simply an energy transfer
walterdecourceys · 2 years
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a-b-riddle · 5 months
You're not her...
I've been seeing a good bit of fics where the reader is left for another woman and people around them are encouraging it. While I do love a good angst, I would simply pass away. Your girl, Riddle, is weak.
Especially if it's my baby boy Simon.... I can't. I love the idea, but as someone who is an absolute crybaby, I wouldn't survive being reader...
So what if that happened to nurse reader's partner left them for a fellow recruit and when everyone starts being like "good for him", the 141 isn't having any of it?
The others on base seemed honestly happy that your heart had absolutely been broken. I mean, you weren't exactly around him as much as she was. You couldn't see the undeniable chemistry there was. You had tried to put on a brave face. But when John had come in for some ointment for a burn and you were falling apart, he gathered up his boys.
Something needed to be done. A point to prove not just to you or your ex or that woman who had chosen to pursue a very much taken man, but to the hold damn unit. Your ex didn't leave you because there was someone else. He left you because he didn't deserve you in the first place.
In hand to hand, Johnny doesn't hold back. Not only does your ex absolutely get his ass handed to him on the mat over and over again, but does it in front of his new girl and everyone else. How embarrassing. Doesn't exactly help that Kyle is on the sidelines talking so much shit that she begins to get the ick. I mean, could he not honestly win one match? Wonder what that says about a man who can't even hold his own? It even gets cringier when your ex tries to place the blame on the drills from yesterday with a certain Ghost.
Simon is already hard as a lieutenant. But add in the factor that the recruit he currently has running drills is the same recruit who hurt his favorite little nurse? The boy would be lucky to crawl out of there. The second an exercise or drill is not made to absolute perfection, Simon has him running it all over again. It almost
John is already starting the transfer papers the first time he catches your eyes the least bit misty. You don't have to see that rubbish and since the prick and slag couldn't have the decency to wait until he had broken up with you properly instead of telling you that even though he was with you, he had fallen for another woman, then they'll be sent to completely different units. John lists the reason for transfer as a liability. If they were so proud of their "love" before, let them keep that same energy.
And Kyle.... Sweet shit talkin' Kyle. Who plants seeds around the entire base. Nowhere are these two lovebird safe from judgment. All of the female recruits have ostracized their fellow female soldier while receiving lewd looks and calls from the males. I mean if she was easy enough to fuck a taken man, then she must be an easy lay. And here comes Kyle, telling your ex 'man-to-man' about seeing his girl with other officers. Kyle is the most gentle when it comes to the 141. But the motherfucker knows a thing or two about psychological warfare.
After your ex and the girl are suddenly, very mysteriously sent elsewhere, everyone starts flocking to you. Offering reassurances on what a bullet you dodged. How, from what they heard, they had broken up shortly after being relocated to separate bases. The boys see your confidence creep back in. Your smile is a little brighter. A little more pep in your step.
You wouldn't tell anyone how your ex had e-mailed you. Complaining about the new base. Explaining how he had ended things and just wanted you back. How he regretted ever letting her get to him, as if she were the only one at fault for kindling the relationship.
It also didn't help that a certain member of the 141 had come by your station, wondering if you wanted to grab a drink when you were off of your shift.
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crystallinestars · 6 months
Kissing Headcanons
Since this won the poll, here are the promised kissing headcanons for Jing Yuan, Argenti, and Aventurine!
Disclaimer: I haven't finished the 2.1 main story, so my interpretation of Aventurine may be a bit off. I'm going off of my interpretation of him from 2.0, as well as a few screenshots I saw around the internet.
WARNING: Contains a spoiler for Aventurine's real name!
Jing Yuan:
🦁 Jing Yuan likes kisses a lot, but he’s careful to reserve them for when you’re in private. He doesn’t want anyone to intrude on your romantic time together and is aware that he must look professional while at the Seat of Divine Foresight. That is why the majority of affection he shows you is done at home.
🦁 Jing Yuan enjoys receiving good morning kisses when he wakes up beside you, as well as good luck and farewell kisses when he parts from you to go to the Seat of Divine Foresight. If you don’t give him at least one kiss before he leaves in the morning, he’ll pout and try to weasel one out of you. He won’t leave until he at the very least got to kiss your cheek.
🦁 When he doesn’t feel like doing his paperwork, Jing Yuan will come to see you instead. At your insistence that he should finish his stack of documents, he’ll demand you give him kisses to motivate him to work. As childish as his requests may seem, your kisses do seem to give him the energy he needs to finish his paperwork. Only after holding you captive in his arms and indulging in your lips for longer than he should, of course.
🦁 If you feel down and in need of comfort, the Luofu General wraps you up in a gentle hug and tenderly presses his lips to your forehead. His words may not be the most comforting, but with that kiss, he shows you that he cares about your well-being, and hopes to give you the comfort you crave.
🦁 Jing Yuan’s kisses are slow, yet firm. He likes to place a hand on the back of your head and pull your face closer, capturing your lips in a tender kiss. It’s unhurried and firm, his soft lips melding against yours as his hand brushes through your hair, lightly combing through it. He only pulls away when you both run short of breath.
🦁 He gives you time to recover because he can tell that his kisses leave you a little dazed and awed at how loved they make you feel. During moments like these, he looks at you with fondness and amusement, as if he were looking at a small, cute animal. You are simply too adorable for him to resist, so don’t blame him when he pulls you into another long kiss before you’ve fully recovered from the first one.
🌹 Argenti’s kisses are full of his heartfelt feelings for you. He is a passionate man, and that passion transfers to romance, and subsequently kisses, as well. He feels touched when he receives kisses on the cheek as a thank you for saving someone, especially if they come from you, but he seldom gives kisses himself. The Knight of Beauty takes kissing very seriously, and will only kiss someone he truly loves.
🌹 His go-to places to kiss you are usually your hands. Like the gentleman he is, Argenti likes to take your hand and place his lips on the back of it in the lightest of kisses, his mouth just barely brushing against your skin. He tends to give you these types of kisses when you are going out for a romantic date or when he is courting you because they are a display of his reverence for you.
🌹 Argenti also adores kissing your palms. He takes your hand and places it on his cheek while looking at you with verdant eyes filled with adoration and devotion, as if he were so smitten with you, that you were the most important thing in the universe to him. With a heartfelt proclamation of his love for you, Argenti turns his head to place a tender kiss on your palm, much more firmly than how he kisses the back of your hand. With these types of kisses, Argenti wants you to know how much he cherishes your very existence, and how lucky he is to call you his lover.
🌹 Since Argenti is the epitome of a gentleman, he tries to avoid overwhelming you with his kisses. When kissing you on the mouth, he takes things slow. The way he cradles your face in his hands is gentle as if he were handling porcelain, and he makes sure to lean in slowly to give you time to pull away if you don’t want this. You never do, of course, but he won’t stop taking things slow and gentle until you make it clear to him that you are not only okay with but also want to receive more intense kisses from him. Only then does Argenti allow himself to kiss you with the passion that flows inside him, yet one he restrains for your comfort.
🌹 With your consent, Argenti will give you the most passionate and sensual kisses you’ve ever experienced. He leads the kiss with tenderness and fervor, supporting the back of your neck as he angles your head just right to deepen the kiss. He’s not afraid to use his tongue, skillfully slipping it into your mouth and caressing your own in an intimate dance that leaves you breathless and weak in the knees. For all his gentlemanly behavior, Argenti isn’t shy about expressing how much he desires you.
🌹 Even so, he is still loving and tender towards you. Argenti likes to hold your hands or face when kissing you, and once he pulls away, he gazes at you affectionately while brushing the back of his hand along your cheek or tucking a stray lock of hair behind your ear. Every action is filled with care. He may not be the best at expressing his true feelings with words, but his actions speak louder than words ever will about how much he loves you.
🦚 Aventurine had some prior experiences making out with people, so he knows exactly what he’s doing when kissing you. The gambler likes to catch you by surprise with a heated and sensual kiss, one that leaves you flushed and breathless by the end. Biting on your lower lip and tugging at it, slipping his tongue in your mouth, and even sucking on the tip of your tongue are all things he does to get a reaction out of you. The more flustered and weak in the knees you get, the more smug he looks when he pulls away, a string of saliva connecting your mouths. Licking his lips while giving you a mischievous and pleased grin, he’ll look like a cat that got the cream as he observes your flushed state.
🦚 Aventurine is great at erotic and sensual kisses, he can give them as easily as he can receive them so you’ll never fluster him with one of those. However, he feels completely out of his element when you give him sweet and tender kisses. Aventurine is not used to receiving gentle affection, and at first, it scares him because it’s such an unfamiliar sensation that touches him deep in his heart.
🦚 He's used to heated make-outs that don’t mean anything other than lust in the end once the other person leaves, but your sweet kisses aren’t like that. The way you press your lips against his skin is soft and loving, the way a true lover would. Unlike those people he encountered in the past, you truly love him. Not the money he owns, not his powerful connections, not his material possessions—what you love is him. With time, Aventurine realizes that you’re not with him for a fun and exciting fling, but for something more long-term. You genuinely love him. Not his persona as Aventurine, but him as Kakavasha.
🦚 The way you cradle his face as you kiss the top of his head, your lips soft and warm against his cheeks, temples, and forehead all make his breath hitch and heart squeeze almost painfully. The gentle kisses make him want to cry, and he hugs you tightly for reassurance and comfort. When you sweetly kiss him on the mouth, Aventurine practically melts. He never knew how good such gentle affection could feel until you came into his life and gave him the affection he’d been subconsciously craving. As emotional as this makes him, Aventurine finds a sense of solace in your tender touches and he wants to feel more of your love even though he sometimes feels undeserving of it.
🦚 Aventurine also likes receiving kisses on other parts of his body, such as his neck and shoulders. He enjoys it when you hug him from behind and press your lips onto the skin of his shoulder or back. It’s such a small thing, but the gesture feels intimate and loving, proof that you love and want him. He tries to hide it, but such kisses make him shiver in a good way.
🦚 Despite enjoying having his neck kissed, Aventurine doesn’t like you touching his tattoo since it can bring up bad memories. However, if you kiss him there as an act of comfort when he feels depressed, it can give him a bit of solace. Though in times like these, he finds the most comfort being wrapped up in your arms and reassured with gentle words and soft kisses to his forehead. It might take a while for Aventurine to feel comfortable enough to be this open and vulnerable with you about his feelings, but please don’t give up on him. Don’t abandon him after you have shown him how amazing real love is.
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0-n-1-x · 1 month
Hello! I was wondering if I could request a Damian x reader? But u can totally ignore this if u want🧡
Damian and reader are best friends, they go to the same school, and she (or they) is very clingy. And one day she gets a really bad headache during school and sort of begins rubbing and resting her head against his shoulder for comfort. She sort of half expects him to push or ask her to get off but he surprisingly doesn't. He's like super worried for her bc she can hardly pay attention and is really sluggish idk
Have a nice day! 🧡
link to my masterlist <33
You and Damian had been best friends for as long as you could remember, ever since that fateful day he transferred into your school. Despite his rough edges and serious demeanor, you’d always found a way to break through his stoic exterior, much to the confusion of everyone around you. It wasn’t uncommon to see you clinging to Damian’s arm between classes, chatting away while he listened with a slight smile or an exasperated sigh.
Today, though, something felt off.
Your head had been pounding since the morning, and by the time lunch rolled around, it was almost unbearable. You barely managed to make it to the cafeteria, your usually energetic self reduced to sluggish movements and a throbbing headache that seemed to grow worse with every step.
“Are you okay?” Damian asked, his voice tinged with concern as he noticed your unusually slow pace.
“I’m fine,” you mumbled, trying to wave off his worry. But even you could tell that your attempt at reassurance was half-hearted at best.
Damian’s eyes narrowed, clearly not convinced. He walked beside you, watching as you winced at the bright lights and the noise of the bustling cafeteria. When you finally sat down, you immediately rested your head against the cool surface of the table, hoping it would provide some relief.
“Y/N,” Damian’s voice was soft but insistent. “You don’t look fine.”
You lifted your head slightly to look at him, your vision blurring for a moment. “It’s just a headache. I’ll be okay.”
But as the lunch period went on, it became clear that you weren’t okay. The headache only worsened, and soon you found yourself leaning against Damian for support. You rested your head on his shoulder, closing your eyes in an attempt to block out the overwhelming stimuli around you.
Damian stiffened at the sudden contact, his body going rigid as you pressed against him. You half expected him to gently push you away, maybe make a sarcastic comment about you being overly clingy as usual. But to your surprise, he didn’t.
Instead, Damian wrapped an arm around your shoulders, pulling you closer as he turned his attention fully to you. “You should go to the nurse,” he whispered, his voice laced with worry.
You shook your head weakly, not wanting to move from your spot. “Just let me stay like this for a bit,” you whispered, your voice barely audible.
Damian’s expression softened, and he nodded, letting you rest against him without protest. His usual cool demeanor seemed to melt away as he watched you, his eyes filled with concern.
As the minutes passed, Damian gently rubbed your arm, a small, comforting gesture that helped ease some of the tension in your body. He kept a watchful eye on you, making sure you were as comfortable as possible despite the situation.
“Y/N,” he said quietly after a while, “If you’re not feeling better soon, I’m taking you to the nurse.”
You didn’t have the energy to argue, simply nodding in agreement. You were grateful for his presence, the steady warmth of his body against yours providing a sense of comfort amidst the pain.
For the rest of the lunch period, Damian stayed by your side, his protective nature shining through as he made sure you had everything you needed. When the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch, he helped you gather your things and walked with you to your next class.
“You should go home and rest,” Damian insisted as you reached the classroom. “I’ll tell the teacher you’re not feeling well.”
You looked up at him, touched by his concern. “Thank you, Damian,” you murmured, managing a small smile despite the pain.
He gave you a rare, genuine smile in return, his eyes softening as he looked at you. “You don’t need to thank me. I just want you to feel better.”
And with that, Damian led you to the nurse’s office, his hand never leaving yours as he made sure you were taken care of. Despite his usual aloofness, it was clear that when it came to you, Damian was willing to drop his guard and show just how much he cared.
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ama0310 · 2 months
Bubblegum Bitch
Character: Aaron Hotchner
Requested: No
Type: Song Fic, Angst/Fluff
Summary: Hotch never thought he'd fall in love again—until he met Y/N.
Author's Note: Based on Bubblegum Bitch by MARINA
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Meeting the Unit Chief should have been terrifying, but for you, it was exhilarating. Strauss had recently transferred you to the BAU from the Counter-Terrorism Division.
You suspected she added you to the team to ruffle the Unit Chief's feathers. It might have bothered you if it hadn’t come with a nice bump in your paycheck.
The moment Hotch saw you, he knew you were trouble. He just didn't realize how much trouble until your very first case.
Got a figure like a pin-up, got a figure like a doll Don't care if you think I'm dumb, I don't care at all
You stood before the mirror in a dingy motel bathroom, applying the finishing touches to your makeup. The skin-tight leather mini dress hugged every curve, transforming you into the perfect bait for the unsub who had been terrorizing local nightclubs.
Hotch's reflection appeared behind you, his face etched with worry. "Y/L/N, I really don't think you're ready for this."
You turned, cocking an eyebrow as you placed your hands on your hips. "And why is that, sir?"
Hotch's response was immediate and brutally honest. "You're still new, never been face-to-face with an unsub, let alone undercover. You're reckless, difficult to control, and frankly, a loose cannon. Need I go on?"
I'll chew you up and I'll spit you out
A smirk played at your lips as you sauntered towards him, invading his personal space. The scent of your perfume mingled with the tension in the air. "Look, Hotchie," you purred, noting how he stiffened at the nickname, "I was transferred here for a reason. I know what this job entails. So be my boss and let me do it."
You could see the internal struggle playing out behind Hotch's eyes. His professional concern warred with something else – an attraction he was clearly trying to suppress. You were a walking danger sign, and part of him was drawn to that fire.
"First," he said, his voice low and controlled, "don't call me that. Second, I'm not trying to offend you. I simply think Emily might be better suited for this operation. You can take points next time."
You scoffed, taking a step back. "Next time? With all due respect, sir, I fit the victimology perfectly, and you know it. I've spent the last hour transforming myself into exactly what this creep is looking for. If I don't do this, he'll likely claim another victim before we can catch him. So again, Hotchie," you emphasized the nickname, watching him bristle, "let me do my job. Don't make me have to disobey orders."
Without waiting for a response, you slipped on your stilettos and brushed past him, the warmth of your body tantalizingly close for a moment before you were gone.
Hotch watched you go, a mix of admiration and trepidation swirling in his gut. You were brilliant, fearless, and undeniably effective. But you were also unpredictable, pushing boundaries at every turn. As he followed you out, preparing to oversee the operation, one thought echoed in his mind:
Definitely trouble.
Candy bear, sweetie pie, wanna be adored I'm the girl you'd die for
Over the past few months, you had become the team's radiant beacon of positivity, your presence a cure for the often-dark nature of their work. Even the usually stoic Hotch, though he'd never admit it aloud, had fallen under your spell.
It was impossible not to be drawn to your infectious energy. Each morning, you breezed into the bullpen, a whirlwind of warmth and enthusiasm. Your greetings were accompanied by compliments, tailored to brighten each team member's day. After particularly grueling cases, the aroma of your famous blueberry muffins would fill the office, a comforting reminder that there was still sweetness in the world. You even patiently endured Spencer's lengthy tangents, sparing the others from information overload.
As the team prepared to head out for a new case, you sprinted across the parking lot, your laughter echoing off the concrete walls. "Shotgun!" you called out triumphantly, playfully shoving past Spencer to claim the coveted front seat next to Hotch.
Your friendship with the young doctor had blossomed quickly, bonded by your shared status as the "kids" of the team. While the others sometimes found his endless stream of facts overwhelming, you delighted in his knowledge, often engaging him in spirited debates that left the rest of the team both amused and bewildered.
The unit chief's lips twitched, fighting back a smile as he watched your antics. Spencer, mock indignation coloring his voice, appealed to their leader. "Hotch, come on! She rode shotgun last time. It's my turn, isn't it?"
Hotch cleared his throat, his tone stern but his eyes betraying a hint of amusement. "Y/N, you know the rules. It is indeed Reid's turn to sit up front."
You turned to face Hotch, unleashing the full power of your most irresistible puppy dog eyes. Your lower lip jutted out ever so slightly as you pleaded silently. Behind you, Spencer let out a resigned sigh, already knowing he'd lost this battle. Your ability to wrap Hotch around your finger was legendary among the team, even if the man himself was loath to acknowledge it.
Hotch held your gaze for a moment, visibly wavering. With a barely perceptible shake of his head, he started the engine, tacitly allowing you to keep your place.
Victorious, you twisted in your seat to face Spencer, sticking out your tongue in a childish display of triumph.
"Y/N!" Hotch's voice held a note of warning, though it lacked any real heat.
You straightened immediately, your voice dripping with faux innocence. "Sorry, sir!"
The apology was hollow, and you both knew it. As Hotch pulled out of the parking lot, you caught the barest hint of a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. Your sunny persona had once again melted the ice around the unit chief's heart.
Oh, dear diary, I met a boy He made my doll heart light up with joy
The realization hit you like a thunderbolt – you were hopelessly, irrevocably in love with Aaron Hotchner. For the first time in your life, you felt a fear that chilled you to your core.
How could someone like him ever reciprocate such feelings? The cons seemed endless: a decade age gap, your extroverted nature clashing with his stoicism, your wild spirit at odds with his controlled demeanor. Not to mention the professional boundary – you were his employee, AND  he was still navigating the aftermath of his recent divorce.
Your newfound awareness of your feelings for Hotch led to a desperate attempt at avoidance. It was hard, given how intertwined your lives had become over the months. For a week, you'd been dodging his texts, offering only cursory greetings, and maintaining a physical distance that felt painfully unnatural.
Hotch noticed the change immediately, and it gnawed at him. Your vibrant presence had become a constant in his life, a source of warmth he hadn't realized he'd come to depend on until it was suddenly gone.
He found himself missing the little rituals that had naturally developed between you. The morning car rides, once a practical solution to your car troubles, had evolved into a cherished start to each day. Your habit of bringing him a piece of candy during lunch breaks, with the excuse of "sweetening up his day," never failed to bring a smile to his face. Most of all, he missed the casual physical contact – the way you'd unconsciously place your hand on his arm when standing close, a gesture that grounded him more than he cared to admit.
As the week progressed, Hotch's concern deepened. Had he unknowingly offended you? He wracked his brain, trying to pinpoint any misstep. Perhaps the latest case had affected you more than usual, or maybe you were simply exhausted. Whatever the reason, he was determined to lift your spirits.
During his lunch break, Hotch made his way to your favorite café. The aroma of freshly baked goods enveloped him as he ordered your usual – a ham and cheese croissant and your preferred coffee blend. Back at the office, he noticed your empty desk and quickly left the bag before retreating to his office.
When you returned from the restroom, steeling yourself for an afternoon of paperwork, the sight of the familiar bag on your desk stopped you in your tracks. With trembling hands, you opened it to find the still-warm croissant and perfectly prepared coffee. Atop the container, a piece of candy was taped to a note that read: "To sweeten your day up! – Hotch"
Your heart swelled, a mix of joy and ache flooding your chest. Looking up, you caught Hotch watching you from his office window. Despite your best efforts to maintain distance, you couldn't help but offer him the radiant smile he'd come to cherish.
In that moment, the truth was undeniable. You were completely, utterly, and hopelessly in love with Aaron Hotchner. As your eyes locked with his, a flicker of something – hope, perhaps? – passed between you, hinting that maybe, just maybe, these obstacles weren't quite so impossible after all.
Oh, dear diary, we fell apart Welcome to the life of Electra Heart
Aaron Hotchner never imagined falling in love after Haley left. His life revolved around his job and Jack. He didn't need anyone else. That is, until you entered his life.
You were the first to sense something was wrong when he didn't answer his phone. Racing to his apartment, you found it covered in blood. With Penelope's help, you tracked him to a hospital, learning he'd been stabbed nine times.
When he opened his eyes and saw you, Hotch thought he'd died and gone to heaven. You looked angelic - an angel he couldn't bear to see harmed.
So when George Foyet shot him in his own home, Hotch realized he needed to end whatever was blossoming between you before you got hurt.
But you made it difficult.
The moment he was released, you were there every day, before and after work. Groceries, cleaning, anything to ease his burden. You knew how hard it was for him to send Haley and Jack away, how alone he must feel. You were determined to show him the team - and you - were there for him. For anything.
Driving him home after the Darrin Call case, where he'd recklessly entered a house without backup, your anger finally boiled over.
"What the hell were you thinking, Aaron?" you demanded, following him into his apartment. "No gun, no vest, no backup. Are you trying to get yourself killed?"
Hotch turned, his face a mask of stone. "I knew the profile. I had it under control."
"Under control?" you scoffed. "If it were anyone else, you'd have suspended them! This isn't you, Aaron. What's going on?"
His eyes flashed. "What's going on is I'm the Unit Chief, and I don't answer to you. I think before I act, unlike some people."
The barb stung. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"Nothing," he said coldly. "Just find it ironic you're lecturing me on recklessness."
"I've never walked into a hostage situation alone and unarmed!" you countered.
"I don't have to explain myself," Hotch snapped. "Especially not to you. Get out."
Your eyes widened. "No. We're talking about this. You're spiraling, Aaron. This obsession with Foyet-"
"Stop. You have no idea what you're talking about."
"I know you're not alone in this!" you pleaded. "The team needs you. I need you."
Hotch laughed bitterly. "If you haven't noticed, I am alone. My son is gone. I have no one. And I won't rest until Foyet is dead."
Tears welled in your eyes. "You have us. You have me. We can figure this out together."
"There is no 'we,'" Hotch said, his voice cold and final. "There never was."
The words hit like a physical blow. "Don't say that. You know that's not true."
For a moment, his mask slipped, revealing the pain beneath. But then it was back, harder than ever. "I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong impression."
You stared at him, hurt turning to anger. "Go to hell, Hotchner," you spat, before storming out, leaving him alone with the wreckage of what might have been.
I'm Miss Sugar Pink, liquor, liquor lips Hit me with your sweet love, steal me with a kiss
Your relationship with Aaron had crumbled to dust. Since that night you stormed out of his apartment, you'd made it your mission to avoid him at all costs. Difficult, considering he was your boss.
You understood he was facing unimaginable challenges - the loss of his ex-wife, becoming a single parent. Part of you ached to support him, but you both needed space.
That space stretched into a year.
You'd left transfer papers on his desk days ago. Despite your love for the team, staying had become impossible. It wasn't fair to you or Hotch. Counter Terrorism Division beckoned - a fresh start.
You hadn't told the team yet, dreading their reactions. You'd become their wild, sassy, overdramatic little sister. But tonight wasn't about goodbyes. It was Spencer's birthday, and Derek had chosen a club to celebrate. You wouldn't miss it for the world.
Arriving in a hot pink mini dress and matching heels, you spotted the team immediately.
"Happy birthday, Boy Genius!" you exclaimed, hugging Spencer tight.
"Please," he whispered, "get me out of here. Derek's trying to set me up with his friend."
You laughed, ruffling his hair. "No can do, Spence. It's your night. Go crazy. I promise not to film anything too embarrassing."
Turning to greet the others, you froze. Hotch was there. You hugged everyone but him, pointedly avoiding his gaze.
"Damn, girl! You're on fire!" Penelope gushed, clearly tipsy.
Emily nodded appreciatively. "I'm borrowing those heels."
"You know how to make a girl feel special," you winked. "First round's on me!"
An hour later, you were dancing with Penelope and Spencer, the alcohol buzzing through your veins. Suddenly, Spencer spun you – right into Hotch's arms. You glared at Spencer, who mouthed 'Karma' with a smirk.
The tension was strong as you and Hotch swayed silently. You wanted to escape, yet craved his touch.
"You requested a transfer," he stated, his voice low.
You quirked an eyebrow. "Did you sign it?"
You pulled back, stunned. "What do you mean, no?"
"We need to talk first."
Anger flared. "You're unbelievable," you spat, pushing past him and out of the club. He followed close behind.
"Y/N, please-"
You whirled to face him. "There's nothing to say. It's been a year, Hotch. Whatever we had is dead."
"You don't mean that," he insisted, his eyes burning into yours.
The alcohol amplified your emotions. "I do. I'm over it. Over you. There's nothing left to talk about."
"Then I'll talk, and you listen," he said firmly, gripping your shoulders. "There was a 'we'. Everything I said that night – it was a lie. To keep you safe from Foyet. He was targeting everyone I loved. I couldn't risk losing you."
Your heart stuttered. "You... loved me?"
"I still do," he breathed, cupping your face. "This past year has been hell. Not having you by my side – our carpool chats, sneaking candy, just... you. It was torture. I'll do anything to earn your forgiveness."
You wanted to resist, to make him suffer longer. But the alcohol, the longing, the raw emotion in his voice – it was too much. You threw your arms around him, burying your face in his neck.
You both exhaled, tension melting away. It felt right. It felt like coming home.
"I love you too," you murmured, then pulled back with a stern look. "But you've got a lot of making up to do."
He pressed his forehead to yours. "I'll spend the rest of my life making it up to you if I have to. You deserve the world, Y/N, and I intend to give it to you."
Your lips met in a soft, tentative kiss, full of promise and the weight of a year apart.
As you parted, you whispered, "This doesn't mean I'm not still furious with you."
A ghost of a smile touched his lips. "I wouldn't expect anything less."
I'm Miss Sugar Pink, liquor, liquor lips I'm gonna be your bubblegum bitch
Again, you were trouble. Even after two years together, you definitely kept him on his toes. Not transferring and working alongside your boyfriend made for an interesting way to live.
“What you did was stupid and reckless, Y/N.” Aaron's voice was stern as the team boarded the jet to head back home. The case had been a success, but it came at the cost of you getting into the unsub’s car without any weapons. Fortunately, you had your team.
You couldn't help but roll your eyes at him. “Don’t you roll your eyes at me, Y/N. I’m serious.”
“Ooooo, Mom and Dad are fighting,” Spencer teased from across the jet.
“Shut up, Spencer,” you snapped, making him raise his hands in mock surrender. Then, you turned to Hotch. “You know damn well I needed to get into his car. If I didn’t and you caught him, he would’ve acted like he was just trying to get with me.”
Aaron rubbed the side of his head. Migraines. You gave him migraines. “The plan was for you to walk down the street, and the moment you were alone with him, we would get him. You went rogue.”
You rolled your eyes again. “Well, technically we were alone, and you did get him.”
He was about to argue again, but you wrapped your arms around his neck, giving him your infamous puppy dog face. “Aaron, I’m okay. You know I did what I had to do to catch him. I’m sorry I worried you, but I’m not sorry for helping bring him in.”
He sighed, knowing you were right, and he could never stay mad at you. “I hated every second of it. My heart stopped the moment you got into that damn car.”
You smiled and pecked him on the lips. “Hey, you always said I was going to give you a heart attack.”
It was his turn to roll his eyes before he kissed you. “You have, and you most definitely will again.”
“Hey, that’s what you love about me.”
“That is true.”
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tadc-harlequin-au · 3 months
Harlequin!Showtime fankid - Cade!
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I may be sick but this was so worth it
So remember when I said on main that I badly wanted to draw a Harlequin AU Showtime fankid? Yeah, this is the lil' bugger.
His original name is Caddi, and Cade is a shorter nickname. He's the first Child Puppet in history, and he's often referred to as a "Miracle Star" for it. He's fierce like his mom, smart like his dad, and twice as mischievous as both his parents will ever be. His classification of a Puppet is a Harlequin.
He pretty much likes to bite everything in range: whether that be fingers, heads, objects, furniture, etc, a trait he definitely got from his mother's side. At a young age he's already showing feats of intelligence, being interested in his father's tinkered machineries (and sometimes even allowed to participate in them), despite not even being able to talk yet.
No one exactly knows how Caddi came to be: One day Pomni simply showed signs of being weakened to the point of being bedridden, constantly fuming and having more tendencies to bite or attack when shocked or approached, as well as having cravings out of nowhere.
Caine was concerned by her situation, and examined Pomni's condition. He then sensed that Pomni's die was housing TWO souls, a smaller, incomplete one that was accidentally eating away at her own to grow stronger. Caine then proceeded to extract the incomplete energy to save her life, and transferred it to a smaller die, to which he informs Pomni about the news. He then gives her the choice whether to let the die complete it's still undergoing process of life, or to obliterate the little, forming soul.
Pomni chose the former.
The Puppetmaster then spent many sun and moons of trial and error to figure out how the little die wanted it's form to turn out, until one day he realized this wasn't his theory of Pomni's soul splitting apart to create a newer being: Somehow, he had a hand in it's creation and he doesn't fully know why, or how it even came to be in the first place.
So taking a brave risk, he came up with a design that combined both him and Pomni's features, into a smaller, compact puppet.
The little soul accepted this new form, twinkling brightly like a star in the sky, and was officially born.
He may be a handful at times, but gosh darn does his parents love him regardless.
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internetskiff · 7 months
The most powerful ability exclusive to humanity in the Half Life/Portal shared universe is our ability to just throw bullshit at the wall and see what sticks. Aperture "OSHA are the devil" Science have managed to create completely safe interconnected points in space. The same company that turns people's blood into gasoline and shoves lions and humans into the same enclosed space for the vague concept of "Science". Meanwhile Black Mesa still has to use Xen as a crossing and their teleportation device requires an entire reactor with a village's worth of staff constantly maintaining it, just to end up having most of said staff abducted by onion-headed aliens. Even the resistance hasn't managed to create completely stable teleporters with a compressed Xen relay, meanwhile Aperture just went "oh dude let's shove a black hole into a non-waterproof gun" and have just created a teleportation method that just removes Xen from the equation entirely. Doesn't change the fact they bullshat so bad they basically got themselves gassed to death, but still.
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The Resistance are a good example of this too. The Combine seem to have a complete set-in-stone thought process and understanding of science which meant they didn't even begin to explore local teleportation via Xen, meanwhile a group of random human mechanics and scientists have managed to cobble together at least two semi-functional local teleporters out of scrap metal and stolen Combine tech, to the point the All-Consuming Interdimensional Empire had to straight up copy their homework. And that isn't even the only time they seem to be taking human shit to just copy the blueprints.
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They 100% just yoinked the entire damn car out of that garage just to take a crack at reverse-engineering the Tau Cannon attached to it. Even Resistance weaponry somehow manages to rival or at least stand equal to Combine tech - and we're talking improvised crossbows that shoot superheated rods of rebar at the target compared to high-tech rifles that can discharge orbs of pure dark energy. The collapse of the entire Citadel is basically set into motion as a result of a cobbled together Rebel device placed into extremely capable hands.
The events of the Portal games are a case of extremely elaborate machinelike planning versus pure human improvisation, with Chell's entire escape in the first game involving her simply weaseling her way through small cracks that GLaDOS missed while setting up her ambushes, eventually turning her own rocket turret against her to destroy her.
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I suppose you could argue this falls flat in Portal 2 with Wheatley, but it's important to remember he's designed to be an utter idiot, so it's safe to say he wouldn't obsess over the larger picture like GLaDOS to the point where he fails to see the cracks. Yes, he's the one that breaks Chell out of the test chambers again, and yes, he's the one that came up with the sabotage plot - but it's important to note while he knows what to target in the sabotage, when we actually get there he doesn't quite know how to sabotage it, leaving Chell to figure it out on her own. She botches the Turret Quality Control Line with some minor guidance, but it's basically completely up to her to figure out how to cut off the Neurotoxin Supply. It's through her improvisation that Wheatley even manages to get into GLaDOS' chamber, tumbling through her neurotoxin vent and shattering the glass cage she trapped Chell inside of. It's through Chell's improvisation that the Core Transfer even occurs in the first place.
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The script is flipped specifically when Wheatley takes charge, because oops - turns out a mind capable of focusing on the bigger picture might be pretty important when it comes to running an entire facility powered by it's own Reactor. Wheatley just completely zeroes in on his own personal pleasure, hacking up test chambers and the objects within them to try and figure out the easiest way to get his solution euphoria as quick as possible.
Still, something that's pretty interesting is that only Wheatley has ever managed to create a trap that's impossible to foresee and avoid, something GLaDOS has repeatedly failed to do to the point she ends up commending him. I believe this is because his way of thinking is a lot closer to Chell's compared to GLaDOS'. He puts up way more of a fight as the two run through the facility trying to get to him, seemingly improvising on the spot just like Chell has been over the course of the two games. Even his lair would be impossible to survive if it weren't for a single Conversion Gel pipe he somehow failed to notice and remove.
Whether in a laboratory deep beneath the soil or an alien tower tall enough to split the clouds, the ingenuity of even a single person is enough to topple a tower or destroy a supercomputer 3 times over.
Marc Laidlaw put what I'm trying to say into a single sentence when writing for the BreenGrub twitter account:
"The superstructure is riddled with cracks."
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5ueckers · 8 months
but i'm a cheerleader
pairing : paige bueckers x cheerleader!reader
warnings : smut. semi–public sex.
notes : this is highkey unrealistic af so don't think too hard abt it! also i got kinda lazy while proofreading and editing, so there may be some errors/might feel a bit clunky at times, sorry in advance 🫠
words : 2148
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xl center erupts with screams and applause as the final buzzer rings out— the university of connecticut’s women’s basketball team, for the tenth game in a row, has come out victorious, winning with a whopping forty–seven points over their competitors.
you jump up from where you’ve been sitting cross–legged at the baseline of the court and shake your bright red pom–poms, yelling out one of your cheers. the rest of the girls follow suit after you, their captain, perfectly in sync as the pep band begins to play the uconn husky fight song.
you’re never not tired as hell at the end of a game— the exhaustion from your halftime performance starting to set in and your head dully aching from your tight half–up–half–down hairstyle— but none of that ever deters you. you’re captain for a reason, bringing sharp precision, clean lines, and high energy to every performance, whether its on a court, field, or stage.
but of course, even the best of best have their weaknesses.
yours has actually landed you in trouble before, just once— you missed a whole count because you were distracted by a pair of icy blue eyes watching you intently from uconn’s bench, her intrigued expression being replaced by a smirk once she realized she’d caused your mishap. coach really chewed you out next practice, but you got got the blue–eyed girl’s number after that game, so it was honestly kind of worth it.
your post–game cheer earns its own round of applause from the remaining fans in the stands, and you bow, shaking your poms the whole way back to the baseline, where your coach awaits you. she offers a few nice jobs and back pats, as well as a fair share of critiques, before finally telling you all you’re free to go.
while the rest of your team head for the cheer locker room, you start toward the opposite direction. “y/n?!” one of your teammates calls out after you, confused.
“go on, i’ll meet you guys later!” you reply, before running to meet paige at the other side of the court, by the stands.
there’s still a large crowd of fans waiting to take pictures and have their jerseys signed by your girlfriend, but once she notices you approaching, she yells out, “alright, y’all, that’s it for tonight! thanks for coming!”
her voice softens when she turns to you and smiles, “hey.”
“hey, you,” you say gingerly, hyper–aware of the cameras fixed on paige, and so also you, by extension.
she nods her head in the direction of the arena’s large exit doors, silently instructing you to follow her.
you keep a safe distance while you’re still in the presence of the fans and cameras and the media, but as soon as you’re both in the tunnel, so dark that no one can see you, paige is all over you. her hands fly to your waist if they’re under the control of a magnetic pull as her lips press to yours, gasping into your mouth. you shudder as you melt into the kiss, into her, throwing your arms around her neck. you part your lips, allowing her to lick into your mouth— you want her to eat you alive.
“you were so good out there,” you tell her once you part, voice breathy.
paige grins cockily, already knowing that she played well, and you can see that your red lipstick has transferred onto her mouth, making you laugh. “what? what’s funny?” she questions, confused but chuckling a bit herself.
you shake your head. “nothing, just—” you point at your own lips, which you’re sure have also gotten smudged. “you’ve got something.”
“ah,” she rolls her eyes, genuinely sounding irked, which only makes you laugh harder. “well, you’ve got something—”
she cuts herself off by simply kissing you again, a light peck, taking your hand into hers soon after she separates your bodies.
high on the rush of the win and each other, you two walk hand–in–hand to the women’s locker room— only to be met with aubrey, crouched at her locker as she finishes packing up her things. if not your lipstick literally being smeared all over paige’s lips, then the flush on both of your faces and the way you freeze and suddenly drop each other’s hands, even though both of your teams are aware of your relationship and you have nothing to hide, certainly tells the older girl everything she needs to know.
she simply stuffs a few more of her things into her bag before heading out, lightly punching paige on the shoulder and laughing as she passes by, “see y’all!”
one you hear the door close, you and paige just look at each other before bursting into giggles at the interaction. “she’s never gonna let me live that down.” the blonde groans, wrapping her arms around your waist again.
you just laugh, falling quiet as you find yourself lost in her eyes for the nth time since you first met her. those eyes will be the death of you, you’re sure of it. she gets kind of sheepish whenever you look at her for too long, avoiding your gaze and blushing— you’re not sure why, she’s the most beautiful person you’ve ever seen. “i love you.” you say, very seriously.
“i love you, too, y/n,” she responds, just as earnest, and leans in to kiss you, only to be stopped.
“wait,” you say, reaching up and finally taking that godforsaken ponytail down, feeling all the tension in your head release as soon as you do. you drop the hair tie and bow to the ground, haphazardly brushing your hair out of your face with your fingers as it falls out of the style.
“god, you’re so fucking pretty,” the blonde marvels aloud, before finally kissing you again.
your lips move together languidly as her hands move down until they’re cupping your ass, kneading the soft flesh in her palms. “paige,” you whine into her mouth, allowing your head to roll back as her lips trail wet, open–mouthed kisses from your jawline all the way down your exposed collarbones.
“yeah, baby?” she replies and then sucks harshly at a particularly sensitive spot, making you whimper.
“want you,”
“here?” she pulls back slightly to scan the locker room— everyone else’s belongings are gone, it’s just her bag and shoes left in front of her storage space. still, someone may have forgotten something and could easily walk in on you while trying to find it. “someone could see—”
you don’t care. you pull paige back in, connecting your lips again, pushing your tongue into her mouth and kissing her with the kind of fervor that makes it impossible for her to deny you. she guides you backwards until your back is pressed to the one navy blue wall that isn’t lined with lockers, her hands feeling you all over.
her fingertips find their way to the hem of your tiny skirt, pulling up until the fabric is bunched up high on your hips, revealing the even smaller red safety shorts you’re required to wear under your uniform. she steps back briefly to give you some space so you can push them and your panties down your legs, kicking them aside, before she slots her thigh between your legs. already knowing exactly what to do from experience, you grind down against her thigh, and it feels so good when you clit drags against her bare skin, you whimper and repeat the motion again and again.
paige uses one hand to hold you steady with a strong grip on your waist, while the other works at pushing up the top piece to your uniform and bra, exposing your breasts to the cool air of the locker room. she immediately leans down to suck and lick at one of your firm nipples while rolling over the other with her free thumb. the sounds are obscene— your moans, paige’s slurping, and the squelch of your wet pussy rubbing against her thigh all coming together to fill the room.
“fuck, p,” you moan, eyes squeezing shut. “so good.”
paige releases your nipple from her mouth with low groan, briefly licks at the other, before standing upright. she leans in, dangerously close and she whispers into your ear, “i can feel it, y’know. you really want my fingers that bad?”
you blush, flustered by her referring to the way your pussy keeps clenching against her thigh, showing how needy you are, but still nod. “need it, paige, please,” you whimper, hoping she’ll give in quicker if you beg for it.
you’re proven correct, because your girlfriend plants a quick kiss on your cheek, murmuring, “anything for my girl,” before removing her thigh from between your legs, dropping down to her knees and crouching in front of you. ever the tease, she starts by kissing at your thighs, whispering sweet nothings into your skin— beautiful, so pretty, good girl, all mine.
and then two of of her long, slender fingers are prodding at your entrance, easing in nice and slowly. your pussy clenches around the digits, welcoming her inside like an old friend, your walls slick and velvety.
you allow your head to tip back against the wall, eyes closing again, “oh my god.” paige knows your body so well, knows just how to angle her fingers and jab at that sweet spot inside you, the one that makes you cry every time. she adds her mouth to the mix, kitten–licking at your clit before sucking it into her mouth, sending shivers up your spine.
“i’m close,” you cry out, and paige hums against you encouragingly, sending vibrations all throughout your core.
what really has you tipping over the edge is the look in her eyes when you finally will yours open, staring up at you with such adoration as she gets you off. you always said those eyes would be the death of you; your kryptonite. you nearly fold over as your orgasm hits you, legs shaking as the pleasure ebbs throughout your whole body, sobbing out your girlfriend’s name.
“you good?” paige chuckles, amused by your struggling. her lips, covered in your cum and arousal, plus your lipstick from earlier, are glistening in the fluorescent lighting of the locker room— the sight is so hot, you almost feel ready to orgasm again. almost.
“y–yeah, i just—” you swallow thickly, heaving. “need a minute.”
paige’s hands grip your hips, holding you steady until she feels you’re able to stand on your own. only when she’s certain you won’t topple over does she let go of you, sweetly kissing you on your forehead when she stands up. “i’ll be right back, wait here,” she tells you, disappearing momentarily.
“dude! i look fucking insane!” you hear her yell out, making you laugh weakly. you figure she’s found a mirror.
she returns with a wet hand towel, having washed off her mouth, hands, and thigh. she’s gentle as she cleans you up, knowing you’re still sensitive. then, she grabs your panties and shorts from off the carpeted floor, bending over and holding them at your ankles to help you re–dress.
“wait, but i wanted to do you, too,” you whine, a genuine pout setting in on your face as you step back into the panties.
paige shakes her head. “when we get home,” she offers. “i don’t wanna… defile this place any more than we already have.”
you laugh, again, at her choice of words. paige helps you get back into your shorts, as well, and you pull your skirt, bra, and top back down to their regular positions, smoothing over your uniform with the palms of your hands, trying to look at least a little bit presentable for when you walk out of here. paige wanders off toward her locker, changing out of her uniform.
finally feeling stable enough to walk, you find your hair tie and bow on the ground, rolling the former onto your wrist. “wait, c’mere,” you wave paige over, just as she’s pulling a fresh t–shirt over her head.
“hm?” she hums as she approaches, but you just motion for her to lean down a bit. she complies, and you place your bright red bow in her hair, right at the top of her ponytail.
“awww,” you gush at the sight. paige just looks at you, trying her best to appear unimpressed, but you can see the smile playing at her lips. “so pretty! cheer captain!”
she spends all of thirty seconds pretending like she’s not enjoying this, before breaking out into a dance, very poorly imitating your cheer routine from earlier. you encourage her, nonetheless, clapping and cheering, “go paige! go paige!”
she finishes with a ridiculously complex move that you���re pretty sure belongs to some tiktok dance learned recently with kk, grinning, “how was that?”
“10/10, hands down!”
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i-2hoon · 4 months
enhypen & their kinks
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pairings ᱖ enhypen x gn!reader (implied male)
warnings ᱖ explicit content, implied male reader but mostly gn, some slightly concerning dynamics (power dynamics etc), descriptions of certain kinks, breeding, mentions of fwb/non-committal relationships, anything i forgot..
important notes ᱖ hello everyone naku here. sorry for not responding to a lot of requests, unfortunately i do not have the energy to write full fics. i will get to them eventually but not too soon, so heres this while you wait! in the meantime, please please PLEASE suggest prompts for drabbles, reactions, or headcanons!
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heeseung 이희승 : possession
this is rather niche, however i imagine heeseung is a possessive man. regardless of whether you two are in a committed relationship or a weird non-committal friends with benefits type relationship, it doesnt matter. the quickest way to get him riled up is to moan his name while making out, or to tell him that you only think of him. the confirmation that only he makes you feel this good is just an ego boost—and a libido one too. one mention of how you belong to him, and his dick is hard all over again. this causes him to enjoy smaller things: marking you, scratches down his back, moans and whispers of his name, pda, etc etc.
jay 박정성 : dollification
another perhaps niche one. whether youre a guy or a girl, jay simply has a thing for dressing you up and fucking you dumb. wear pretty lingerie for him (particularly in pastel colors) and youve got him fucked up. he enjoys doing small acts of service such as helping you tie your shoes, or brushing your hair for you. it only makes it better when he can do these things knowing hes going to ruin them at the end of the night. of course, he acknowledges that youre an independent person and he loves that as well. however, when it cones to your sex lives, he loves the control he has when he teases or fucks you brainless to the point youd do everything he asks.. or, even better, you cant do anything for yourself.
jake 심재윤 : breeding
now this one is a bit more classic, and a pretty common idea. however i think that jakes biggest kink is breeding. especially when he doms, he adores seeing the mess hes made of you flushed, covered in his cum, and barely able to breathe. you mention fucking raw? his pants are already somewhere across the room before you could finish that sentence. one of his favorite things to do is finish inside you, whispering how pretty you look as he pushes any that escapes back into you with two fingers. solely to tease you, hed lick his fingers afterwards; the taste of you mixed with himself makes him melt within your grasp. its not even the idea of you being pregnant or anything of the sort, assuming that that in itself is most likely impossible. he just loves seeing you marked in his own special way: his cum leaking out of you with a blissed out expression on your face.
sunghoon 박성훈 : choking
i think that power dynamics in general are sunghoons biggest turn ons, but impact and choking are the quickest ways to get him to completely lose himself in front of you. whenever sunghoon subs or bottoms, he tends to be a bit more of a brat. theres one way to shut him up: wrap your fingers around his neck. the lack of oxygen and the sudden demand for control would have his head spinning. sunghoon is in general a huge fan of such dynamics, whether he subs or doms doesnt even matter at that point. just know that if you two are fighting for dominance in any way, his hand is quick to be around your throat. and knowing him? he tends to lack self-control like this, and would leave a hand-shaped bruise that lasts for days. if you did the same to him, hed show it off for weeks.
sunoo 김선우 : exhibitionism
on the topic of showing off, we all know that sunoo enjoys bragging and showing off as he pleases. dont think that this wouldnt transfer into the bedroom too. he finds that one of the most enjoyable things is showing you off; this includes teasing you in public and driving you to a point of snapping. of course, he still has a bit of dignity to protect, but theres nothing like the thrill and ego boost of letting you drag him off to a bathroom in a restaurant. at the table, hed ghost fingers up your thigh and whisper only slightly suggestive things into you ear all night. he likes to drag it on as long as he possibly can, only saying subtle things to get your mind racing and leaving it a lot to your imagination. his head starts spinning when he notices the eyebrow raises and suspicious looks from others, and the thought of getting caught with his pretty boy wrapped so easily around his finger is truly one of his favorite fantasies.
jungwon 양정원 : spit
now im aware that ive mentioned him liking intimacy and slowness in other writings, but whats more intimate than spitting into one anothers mouths? its messy and dirty, but something about the intimacy and trust in it leaves jungwon more needy than anything. lick a stripe up his jaw and hes completely and entirely yours, even moreso if you spit in his mouth while the two of you make out. sometimes he wouldnt mind doing the same, especially if he finds himself more on the dominant end. he would leave wet open mouthed kisses all over your naked body and admire you with heart eyes as he sees your skin glisten in the dim lighting. a string of spit between the two of you after kissing? well fuck, now he needs to kiss you again with double the heat.
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diejager · 9 months
Can i make a request?
i thought of this yesterday what about y/n or the reader has been in 141 for 2 years now and one day 141 gets a new member konig but y\n or the reader is 26 and konig is 19 i feel like this has to be done😍😍
also konig: shy,sweet,tall,big,puppy like for the reader
reader: small,short,sassy,mommy🤭🤭
Young Cw: major canon divergence, bullying, intimidation, beating, protective reader, tell me if I missed any.
He hated attention, having people stare at him because he was tall —unnaturally so, towering over everyone despite his young age and timid and anti-social demeanour. He was grateful, really, after Laswell called in some favours to have him transferred from his platoon to a British Task Force as a trainee, someone on probation while he trained and learned how to integrate with the team. He worked well with them, the tall and muscular battering ram that opened up a path and shocked the enemy, working flawlessly beside to team, and yet, he couldn’t work up the energy or want to socialise with them, to open himself up and let them see the raw and softer part of his mind.
That, however, was the least of his problems, they were cordial - nice - with him, Soap and Gaz even went out of their way to include him in their banter, throwing jokes and good-minded laughs, Price acted as the protective figure of his team and extended it to him, Ghost - ever silent and glaring - didn’t mind looming over others and growling orders when someone overwhelmed him, and you were no stranger to threats and blackmail to get someone off his back. His problem, the biggest one, were the envious glares and insulting hisses older soldiers threw at him in hushed tones and occasionally glances when he found himself alone, either training or walking around.
Even in a place where he could let out all his aggression and pent up frustration, he was still victim to bullying, verbal rather than physical, no one would dare lay a hand on him when he was the youngest of the Task Force and under their protective eye. Despite the shielding from brutality, other men still found time and places to openly beat him down with demeaning and aggressive words, belittling his exploits, his awards and all his hard work to escape the hell of his little village (his Mutter was the only exception, he willingly went back on Holidays to see her).
“Look at that giant freak. Reckon he’d break if we put too much weight on him.”
“Bastard’s only here because he’s tall, that’s all he’s good at.”
“Aye, makes sense, never liked him. He might be a nepo baby, pop’s probably a powerful man.”
His Vater was a piece of shit that left him long before he was born, leaving his Mutter to fend for herself and rot away to feed and provide for him until he joined the army to care for her.
He didn’t want to give them more fuel, to retaliate meant more bullying, he learned that the hard way as a child. All König could do was take and take until they got bored, walking away from him to busy themselves with something else. That didn’t mean he didn’t get mad, frustrated or insulted, his hands curling into fists to hold itself back from pummelling them, they were his superiors, he’d be discharged or thrown out for hitting his superiors, especially since he was a foreigner and still new.
“Fuckin’ bastard is glaring.”
He was unknowingly glaring at them, he couldn’t help it, then he turned away, his gaze wandering to the floor before they’d escalate it. He heard one of them spit something out before he stomped towards König, shoulders and chest pushed out to seem bigger than they actually were in an attempt to intimidate him. Standing before him, he felt someone raise their fist, ready to strike him for simply glaring at them after months of being subjected to their intimidation. He was ready to stop them if needed, not a pushover or someone who’d take a beating quietly, eyes cued on the raised arm of an older man, but then he fell, moaning loudly as he fell to his knees.
“The fuck do you think you’re doing, huh?!” You appeared behind him, yelling out at the man you just kicked.
They were as surprised to see you, their faces draining of colour as the others scrambled to come up with an excuse. You snuck up on him as much as you did on them, using his height and size to your advantage to land your blow. You moved to stand before him, a shield to a man as tall as he was, protecting him with a vicious glare and damning words, and somehow, he found himself gripping onto the back of your jacket, your name printed on the back and the Task Force’s insignia on your sleeve.
“He was disrespecting us, Lieutenant!”
You didn’t hold back your disbelief, scoffing so loudly that other people had turned their attention to your group.
“Disrespecting? Do you take me for an idiot, Corporal? I’m no blind,” your words were silencing, sending them panicking for another reason to excuse their actions, something disbelieving or idiotic, “This isn’t the first time I’ve written you up to HR, Corporal Matt, Davis, Brown. You’ve done this many times with other operators, especially to König.”
“That’s because-”
“Save your fucking excuses and fuck off!” You nodded away, watching them scramble off.
Glee and smugness filled him, a disgusting feeling that he couldn’t help but enjoy, even as you huff and turn to look at him, head craned upwards to meet his eyes with soft adoration. You were always so warm and caring, as if you weren’t made to be the ruthless killer people made you out to be, but he’d seen you kill, the cold and calculated look in your eyes when you were deployed. You patted his arm, a smile gracing your lips as you reassured him that they wouldn’t bother him anymore.
”Time for dinner, yeah?”
He learned the next day that they were transferred to another base, seen packing up their bags with black eyes and bruises littering their bodies. Sparring, he heard from whispers, from one at to another, the word spread and he found his days quiet and anxiety-free.
“Danke, Leutnantin.”
“You know my name, König. I think you’ve earned the right to say it.”
Taglist: @sae1kie @yeoldedumbslut @bvxygriimes @distracteddragoness @konigsblog @im-making-an-effort @daisychainsinknots @0alk0msan @danielle143 @dont-mind-me-just-existing-sadly @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @notspiders @brokenpieces-72 @petwifed @aldis-nuts @randominstake @cassiecasluciluce @hayleybarnesx @shironasumi
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heartanthem · 2 months
𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐥 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐱 𝐃𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐆/𝐍 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
synopsis : hearing that the teachers couldn't handle the delinquents anymore, the president (reluctantly) decided to step up. Who would've thought that you both had such an interesting history before all of this happened?
content warnings : yandere behaviour , some cursing , slight gore but not much (mentions of blood, murder, and a bit desc ab it) , mentions of poisoning , WORK OF FICTION .
˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦  . 
—> Yandere!Student Council President who holds rules above anything else. He vowed to keep everything stays in order and make sure there would be no harm to this school's reputation.
—> Yandere!Student Council President who is not only an excellent leader but is also capable of excelling his grades on every exam while doing his works as the student body. He is strict and has an unapproachable energy, yet he can be such a gentleman, soft spoken, if you pay attention closely. The students depend and trust him more than they do with the teachers despite the fact that he is new here.
—> Yandere!Student Council President that was tasked to look after a group of delinquents because the teachers couldn't handle it anymore. As the school leader, there is no way he would back down even on something trivial like this.
—> Yandere!Student Council President who takes a look on the school CCTV camera to observe this so-called "delinquent" gang. He sighed and rolled his eyes in annoyance as he watched how your friends ruined the school walls by spraying graffiti, some that brought packs of cigarettes to smoke outside the school's building, and those who skipped periods for hours, a whole day even.
—> Yandere!Student Council President who complained about how stupid they were but his train of thoughts was stopped as he saw something— no, someone, on the CCTV. He told his vice president to replay the video that was taken on the school's gate. His vice president questioned him 'why?' but was interrupted as the president took away the mouse forcefully from his hand.
—> Yandere!Student Council President whose expression changed 180° the moment you showed up on the camera. His pupils widening as he scanned and observed the video closely. A small grin slowly plastered to his face, not realizing that he might had bitten his index finger out of excitement, and it starts to bleed. His heartbeat flared up before he let out a relieved sigh and straightened his back.
"Found you."
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—> Yandere!Student Council President who turns out to be your only childhood friend. You were a target and was severely bullied as a child, your parents were on the brink of divorce at that time, and the financial wasn't also doing so well in your family. People would mock you for fun because they had nothing better to do, and no one dared to stood up for you; either they simply didn't care, or were afraid to be the next target of the bullying. Still, the fact that not even a single person asked how you were feeling after what you'd been through was the worst feeling ever.. just a simple chit chat would meant the world to you, but no one did.
—> Your life sparks a little light the moment you knew him. He got lost while looking for his class since he'd just recently transferred here after years of homeschooling. You offered him some help, and it didn't take long until you both became friends. Yes, he was a loner too; the difference is— his family is rich, you've also heard from him that he lived in a harmonious household. Not even the bullies wanted to look down on him, they tried to get close with him, only to got scoffed by him and was hit by a brutalistic honest answer :
"I'm not interested."
It's not surprising though, since his whole attention revolved around you. ♡
—> Yandere!Student Council President, the first one who ever stood up for you when you were bullied. He never failed to lightened up your exhausting days, by showering you with snacks and gifts, you felt very happy but extremely guilty because you couldn't do the same for him.
"I.. couldn't possibly pay all of this back.." you responded with a sad smile, returning the gifts to him. "But i appreciat—" , "Accept them, (Name). I bought them with my heart!" He patted your head, and a gasp left your mouth.
Your sad face was eventually replaced by a happy, teary eyes. "I.. i don't know what to say.. sniff" , he panicked when tears performed in your eyes , "D-Do you hate the gifts?! Y-you can throw them if you want!" Now he was about to tear up too! Such blunder shouldn't be seen to you! :(
You ended up hugging him for 15 minutes to comforted him and reassured him that it was happy tears, he'd actually stopped crying the second you hugged him, but can you really blamed him for fake crying because he wanted more of this closeness? <3
—> Yandere!Student Council President who started to poison those who bullied you, and those who get too close with you (like that one moment when that girl asked you to help her take the eraser that fell near your table. That bitch really did that on purpose to get your attention. Where were she when you were hurt?! The audacity... just go die already.)
—> Yandere!Student Council President that had missed you so so much! Everyone had just returned from summer vacation, you haven't responded to any of his letters though! :(
That's why he only felt excited to go to school, because you'll be there!
His smile faltered when you were nowhere to be seen, your seat was empty too.
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—> Yandere!Student Council President who later found out that you'd moved out from the school almost a month ago because the bullying got worse, to the point you ended up being hospitalized. What summer vacation? You spent weeks resting on the hospital, then moved away from that country, right after your parents got divorced.
—> Yandere!Student Council President who was left with too many questions, he panicked enough at the mention of you moving out, but.. hospitalized?
... when? Was that the reason why you didn't respond to any of his letters? You were actually hospitalized?
So the bullying never actually stops..?
Those bastards had been bullying you behind his back? when he wasn't by your side? So it happened outside from the school..? Why did you hide this from him? Why didn't you tell him everything?????
Ah, no..
It's partially his fault for not looking at you outside from school..
Maybe just a mere poisoning was never enough.
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—> Yandere!Student Council President who later returned back home, with another wicked plan on his mind. The boy's beautiful face was utterly injured . His parents were beyond furious after he told them that he's actually been bullied and was forced to shut his mouth all this time. How could such monsters do this to their vulnerable, pure son?
This "vulnerable, pure son" also wailed on his mommy's embrace that he wanted them to be dead as soon as possible in the most gruesome way.
Well, that won't be a problem.
He hailed from a well known family, hiring hitmen to murder and make sure there will be no evidence left is no big deal!
And went his parents weren't looking, he smashed all of the safe that contained his savings just to paid his trusted servants to bring back all of the students' corpses and ordered them to hid all of it on the cottage he had all for himself.
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"One day.. one day when i finally find you.." a small sigh left his lips, he caressed the frame containing a photograph of you and him taken together. He softly kissed your face that was captured on the camera, the wooden frame he held was ruined by his bloody hands. "I'll make sure to show you how in love i am.. don't worry, it won't take long (Name).. i'll protect you with everything i capable of.. i swear it on my life—" , "LET ME GO!!!"
one of the vermints who bullied you, the leader to be specific, was purposely chosen to be the last one to die. Poor him, his voice turned hoarse from screaming, must've been hurt to be immobilized like that on the floor with the poison of the person who loved the victim he bullied so, so much. His servants kicked the laying man in the face, he raised his hand to stop his servants. "Ah, wait. No need for that." He smiled calmly, clutching the frame of you and him to his chest again. "Just sew his mouth with something and make sure he won't be able to utter any words, his voice sickened my stomach. Oh! but make sure he doesn't die, i want to have fun ripping and pulling his heart out, that's why they're gathered here on the first place!" The servants nodded without changing their professional expressions and immediately prepared everything for their young lord. The man on the floor widened his eyes and bursted into tears, begging for mercy.
He gazed coldly and stepped on his head few times , "You're lucky you'll be dead soon anyway." The kicking never ceased, his breath rage at the thoughts of (Name) who suffered every day and somehow still managed to live their life with all of those wounds, both physically and mentally. After calming down, he exited the room without saying anything. A loud scream of pain can be heard from the room before everything goes silence all over again. After this, he'll keep all of their hearts and frame them one by one on the walls of his little cottage, adding more to his collection that he desperately wants to show to you one day. ♡
"(Name).. i'm the only one who can protect you. After i wiped all those who bothered your life, we can finally be together.." tears fell down from his eyes, he took a deep breath between his sobs, before speaking again to the air— no, to the picture of you.
"I'm sorry for not trying hard enough... next time.. next time i'll make sure to look after you even more. So, please.. don't ever run away from me, ever again."
˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦  .
© heartanthem
[ borders from : @/saradika ]
A/N : phew, it's finished! I hope i don't flop HELP, oh btw, i mostly explained the flashbacks first before writing the actual fic (just like my post ab the Fallen Angel before). I hope you like it! Again, sorry for my grammatical error and if the content was cringe lolol, i accept every critique btw! <3 Tysm for reading ♡
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bachiras-toaster · 10 months
dazai gets off to you choking him : ̗̀➛
OSAMU DAZAI x gn!reader
cw. smut. choking, m!masturbation
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You straddled Dazai’s thighs as he laid flat on his back atop the comfort of his own mattress. His slacks and boxers had been pulled down to his ankles and his shirt was unbuttoned a little to give him more freedom. You had wanted him to be comfortable, so you had done the honours of taking off his jacket and coat and discarding of it off to the side to give his chest more room to breathe. However, that simple action was the only kindness you had set aside for the man as you were now leaning down on him, your fingers wrapped around his bandaged neck.
While your palm was firm around his neck, his was firm around the base of his cock. His legs had been jerking a little the faster he picked up the pace, and you could even feel how he seemed to unravel beneath you when you had put more of your weight onto his breathing tube.
“C’mon, tighter, (Y/n)—“ Dazai sputtered out, cutting himself off when he was immediately met with the feeling of your hand tightening around him, your breathing growing heavier as you felt that more of your energy was being consumed just to choke him. “—Oh, fuck, like that—“ His voice strained as his jerking became even more rapid.
“Jesus, I knew you were a little masochist.” You felt yourself chuckle heavily. “You like this, huh?”
“F-Feels— So— Good—“ His words were cut every time he forced them out of his lips, the equally overstimulating sensations of his hands stroking up and down swiftly on his cock and you practically trying to pop Dazai overwhelming him completely.
“Nasty boy—“ You cooed, your shortness of breath becoming apparent as the muscles in your arm started to flex with how tight you were tensing them together. “—Are you really gonna get off to me choking you like this? You gonna cum to this?—“
However Dazai didn’t answer, he just whimpered the more colour drained from his face. He had felt himself graze against his climax for so long now that it was no surprise when he had finally reached his high.
He shot his load right onto you as he had pointed his still-hardened cock against your thigh— as it had been conveniently placed right in front of him where you were straddled. Spurts of hot, sticky cum flew from his reddened tip and landed on your own bottoms, staining your clothes with the perverted fantasies of Osamu Dazai. His pulsing cock was still held in his hand for a few more seconds with small beads of cum still threatening to leak from his slit as his steadying strokes had happened to continue going.
When you had released his neck from your grasp, he had instinctively let in a sharp inhale as he caught his breath, his voice whiney and breathy when he had finally been given the opportunity to take in some oxygen again. There were bright red marks left on his neck from where your hands were, marks that had transferred even through his thin bandages. Your nails had even happened to dig so far into the cotton that they had left little nail-shape bruises into his skin. When Dazai touched the part of his flesh you had choked, it felt warm and sensitive to him.
“Does it hurt?” You asked in all seriousness when you noticed how he seemed to flinch a little at the touch of his own fingertip, but he simply revealed a small smirk in response.
“Not at all. In fact, it just feels as hot as the fire I have in my heart for you.” He grinned, gazing up at you from below. “I love a person who will actually just choke me.”
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wildestdreamsblog · 1 year
Latibule Spinoff: Elysian
Pairing: Doctor/Mafia!Kim Seokjin x Intern!Reader 
Warnings: Yandere behavior, Possessiveness, Manipulative behavior, If you’re not 18+ please, PLEASE, do not interact. Be mindful of the warnings. Let me know if I miss anything.
A/N: Here we go <3
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Masterlist, Part I of __
"Oh my God," someone from his right gasped loudly. "God really has favorites!"
Kim Seokjin blinked owlishly as he patiently waited for the elevator door to open. It was too early in the morning for someone to be this loud, or for someone to have this amount of energy. In fact, he thought it was peculiar. Despite him being the most handsome and perfect man on this whole planet with a godlike body proportion, clear skin, the most expressive eyes, and despite him being the genius that he was, and well, despite him being flawless in everything that he did, he could not for the life of him be that energetic when it was six in the morning. For heaven's sake, he still hadn't gotten his coffee.
Jin simply did not have the energy to deal with this person.
"Good thing you're a doctor!"
Jin took the deepest breath known to man, before breaking his intense and angry eye contact with the elevator. He noted that he would have the whole system replaced by Jungkook's company. The time was just unacceptable, he thought. Besides, he hadn't gotten enough beauty sleep last night because he stayed up late patching up the man Taehyung was torturing and the asshole called him at a godforsaken hour just because he didn't want the fun (also known as Tae’s torture) to end just yet.
What a psycho, he thought.
Well, they all were, he surmised. They just hid the madness in order to blend well with the society. He meant, who would even think that the beloved and heavily awarded actor was a high-functioning psychotic shit? Kim Taehyung was just that- a master manipulator when it came to emotions. They all had their own talents, though.
"I'm sorry?" he asked in the voice he used to communicate with his difficult patients. When he turned, he could have sworn you were really a patient if not for the white robe and identification card that you were wearing. He thought you looked like someone who escaped from the ward with the way your hair was haphazardly and carelessly tied in a bun, the bags under your eyes looked heavy that he almost recoiled. It was as though you and a peaceful night of sleep were strangers
He read your name and the department that you were working in.
Department of Psychiatry.
"How can I help, Doctor Y/N? Do you need medical assistance of any sorts?"
Your smile got even wider, and he was almost certain you were losing it. However, to you, you were just elated to hear your name passed his plump lips. Ah, you thought, you really loved working here. You were on the verge of transferring to the hospital your professor owned in the province. He had been attempting to pry you from this hospital, and you were ready to say yes. In fact, you already filed your resignation.
How could you say no to a seventy-percent increase? To a greener grass? To being able to afford to pay loans your family unfortunately passed onto you and buy your basic necessities?
Well, this face would do it.
"Yes. I feel a shortness of breath and you're to blame. You just took my breath away..." you explained, the smile still present on your face. The elevator dinged open, and you waved at the frozen medical director, the highest position in this hospital, with a glee. You entered the glass box, waiting for him to get in. "The medical director will hear about this!" you playfully scolded him
Alas, it looked like you broke him today.
He was still looking at the spot you had just vacated as though his mind circuited. On the other hand, you were on your way to take back your resignation. You just found your reason to stay. You were waving at the man blushing profusely enthusiastically as the door was closing, and yet he remained there.
Ah, what a good morning indeed, you thought.
Kim Seokjin, on the other hand and for the first time in his whole life, was taken aback by the reckoning force that you were.
That day marked your entrance into his life, whether he wanted you to be in it or not. And well, that day unknowingly sealed your fate. You couldn’t leave his life, whether you wanted to or not.
You became a somehow...permanent fixture in his life.
Kim Seokjin jumped when he heard your voice for the first time today. He didn’t even have to turn to know it was you- you made sure that your voice alone was etched in his genius brain. He was always on guard when you were near, and fuck, even if you weren’t. It was like he had an internal alarm when you were near that kept screaming that there was a foreign substance near him, rendering him a different man. One that was not confident, one that always seemed to blush when you were near and he loathed it!
He was perfect and he was used to being in control with his emotions! What was this atrocity! How was a person such as you managed to disable his flight-or-fight instinct?
Jin blinked owlishly at the steaming cup of coffee you were eagerly presenting to him. It was his from his most favored coffee shop, he noted. It was off the way to the hospital.
And it was still hot.
It was six in the morning.
What time did you wake up for this?
“I know you must be tired from that six-hour surgery,” you noted lightly, smiling up at him. He looked good in scrubs and you couldn’t help the heat rushing through your cheeks when he met your eyes. “I thought you needed coffee. I asked your staff and they said this is your favorite.”
See, every time you talked, his brain just circuited and he didn’t know why. Although he possessed extraordinary genius, he still couldn’t find the reason why. He was not a bubbling mess. No! He was the image of perfection!
“I don’t…drink coffee.”
Idiot, he thought. Why did he say that?! You saw him several times with a coffee in his hand. Your elated expression fell immediately, the glint in your eyes fading. He was beating himself inside when the door opened behind him, his colleague, Doctor Seong-Min walking out and he immediately saw you.
“Oh! My favorite doctor!” he greeted you as almost everyone in the hospital knew of you because of your extrovert personality and high energy.
“Good morning, Doctor Seong-Min,” you greeted politely, though the tone of your voice was definitely knocked down. “You were in the surgery with Doctor Jin, right?”
He nodded before slapping Jin’s back once, “This man right here saved the patient twice. He definitely didn’t give up on-“
“Do you like coffee?” you cut him off, your exhaustion from your shift plus the trip you took to buy him coffee was now taking a toll on you and you wanted nothing but to sleep on your own bed.
“For you! Have a good day, doctors!” you waved at them before walking away. Ahh, your mind was filled with thoughts of food and sleep. Finally, your day off!
Kim Seokjin’s mind, on the other hand, was filled with panic that he hurt your feelings and also anger to the doctor that was now about to sip the coffee.
“Give me that!” he hissed, pulling the coffee away from the equally exhausted colleague of his.
“What?! No! I need coffee!”
“This is mine!”
“She gave this to me-“
“No. Mine,” he announced as he successfully wrestled the coffee away from the confused doctor. “Okay, goodbye.”
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repulsiveliquidation · 10 months
Twice the Pleasure
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Alexia Putellas x María León x Reader [SMUT!]
these two will be the death of me.
words : 3.6k
The starting XI for Barca Femeni against Real Madrid has been announced! Their newest transfer from Manchester United, Y/N L/N makes her debut at El Clásico for the women’s team just weeks after making the move from Manchester following her former Red Devils teammate Ona Batlle; the move bringing both of them back to play on home soil.
“How are you feeling, bebita?”
“Sick to my stomach.”
Alexia moves closer to you, standing in front of you and pulling your head into her stomach. She cradles the back of your head, nails lightly scratching your scalp. Mapi walks in in search of the both of you, sighing with a smile when she sees Alexia’s back and your arms around her hips. She walks in and sits beside you, rubbing soothing circles on your back.
“Not at all, Maria. I'm fucking terrified.”
“You’ll be okay, Hermosa. You’ve done this a million times.”
“Yeah but not with this shirt on, I have expectations to meet, people to impress. The both of you to impress.” You look up, chin resting on Alexia’s stomach. She gives you a toothy grin, thumb rubbing over your cheekbone.
“You’ve already impressed us, Nena. You’re going to do great. Come on, we’ve got a game to win; I want you to score a goal for me.”
“Thank you, that does absolutely nothing to alleviate my stress. You’ve just made it skyrocket. God, I think I might just pass out now.”
Mapi pulls your face into her hands, Alexia standing behind her with her serious captain face.
“Hey, you’re one of the best strikers out there. We’re lucky to have you here and we both love that we can all play together now. Go out there and show them that you deserve to be on this team. We’ve all got your back, no matter what.”
You simply nod, hugging both of them tight before walking out to the pitch to warm up. Alexia stays on the sidelines, chatting with Frido as you and Mapi pair up. Walking back into the tunnel to change, you feel a little more at ease; you had heard the crowds cheering your name when you walked out and managed to sign a few jerseys with your name on the back.
Mapi holds your hand and kisses the back as you line up in the tunnel to walk out, a pre-game tradition that the three of you had come up with when you all played on the national team together. Alexia and you still do it, giving each other an extra one for Mapi as she watched from home. The both of you hadn’t told María about your little tradition until it was caught on camera and she was watching; she cried and immediately called after the game to scold the both of you for not telling her you still did it.
Walking out to your position, you looked around and took in the sight of the fans. Their cheers fueled you with adrenaline, the starting whistle pushing you into game mode. Barcelona dominated the whole game; starting strong with three beautiful goals in the first half. You assisted two of those three, the ball finding your teammates perfectly for them to just knock it into the back of the net. Your opportunity to give Alexia what she wanted did not come until the last minutes of the game, a superb strike from you gave Barça five goals to comfortably win yet another El Clásico.
Fans were cheering for you, chanting your name when the final whistle blew. It was electrifying, the adrenaline surge just kept going higher and higher. Alexia practically ran down from the stands, a massive grin on her face as you and Mapi hugged in the middle of the pitch. She embraced you both, kissing the top of your head affectionately as you left Mapi’s arms and melted into hers.
“You did so well, mi amor. I’m so proud of you.”
“Did you see that goal I made? Did you see it, my first Barça goal!” you ask her, practically about to explode with the amount of energy in your veins.
“Yes, pequeño. I saw the whole thing, that was for me, no?”
“Yes, it was for you!”
Alexia chuckled and looked at Mapi who had her hands on her hips as she shook her head. She walked up to you, pinching your cheeks affectionately as you scrunched your nose.
“Never change, bebé. Don’t ever change.”
Alexia drove you both home, and the two of you decided to take a shower at home together to destress and help you calm down a little. The buzz of the win and your first Barça goal was lesser now, you sighed softly with a smile on your face as you sunk into the back seat. Alexia had her hand on Mapi’s thigh, softly rubbing her thumb across it as your hand was held by Mapi who had her arm stretched to the back. There was a comfortable silence between the three of you, the radio on low with the announcer raving about the game earlier; he was praising your goal which made all of you smile.
Pulling into the driveway, both girls in the front hopped out and grabbed the bags out of the back only to notice that you hadn’t come out of the car yet. Mapi, handing both kitbags to a laughing Alexia, opened your car door to find a fast-asleep Y/N. She leaned in and kissed your forehead, unbuckling your seatbelt before hoisting you up into her arms. She carefully closed the door behind her and walked into the house after Alexia. Bringing you into the bedroom, she slowly lowered you onto the bed and woke you.
You hummed, snuggling into the sheets. Mapi tried again as Alexia climbed in on the other side. She swept your hair out of your face, kissing your forehead.
“Come on, darling. If you wake up, we can take a nice warm shower and snuggle, okay? We don’t need to cook, we can order your favorite takeout and celebrate your first goal?”
You nod begrudgingly, the promise of Alexia and Mapi snuggles was too hard to resist. Mapi pulled you up by the arm, walking hand in hand with you to the bathroom. She undressed you as Alexia started the shower, throwing in a calming shower scent bomb that she knew you liked. The warm, scented steam began to fill the room as you stepped into the shower with your two girlfriends.
Alexia was already wet from head to toe, a soft and soothing smile on her face as she reached out a hand for you to take as Mapi stepped in behind you. You stood between them, leaning in to kiss Alexia softly as Mapi peppered butterfly kisses all over your shoulder and neck. Mapi’s hands caressed your wet skin with a soft affection, the warm water encasing the three of you in a world of your own. Alexia’s hands held your face as yours wrapped themselves around her waist. After a while you turned from Alexia to Mapi, leaning down slightly into the defender as your hands caressed over her cheekbones when your lips met hers. It was Alexia’s turn to litter your neck with kisses, leaving her marks all over your shoulder blades and neck.
Your lips start to trail down slowly, kissing softly at Mapi’s neck as she kisses Alexia over your shoulder. She hummed appreciatively when you sucked just below her ear, that spot seemingly a sensitive one for her as it sent shivers down her spine. Alexia grabbed the shampoo and squeezed a good amount in her palm, lathering it thoroughly before massaging it into Mapi’s scalp. You got to work on cleaning Mapi’s body, grabbing a loofah and scrubbing her clean. The three of you cleaned each other up and an hour later were snuggled on the couch arguing about what to get for dinner.
“Can’t we get Chinese since we’re celebrating me? Shouldn’t I get to choose?” you argued.
“Cariño, we had Chinese last week,” said Alexia.
“So?” you questioned, eyebrow lifted with a questioning look on your face.
“So, I don’t want to eat Chinese this week,” she answered like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“How about pizza?” suggested Mapi, both you and Alexia pulling a face.
“Don’t feel like it,” you told her, shaking your head.
“Mexican?” Alexia tried, scanning through the menu in her hand.
“Tacos again?” Mapi grumbled this time, remembering the taco fiesta (you mean disaster?) team building you all did last week at Lucy and Kiera’s house.
“How about we starve?” Alexia sarcastically provided, throwing her hands up in frustration.
“Hey now, there’s a good idea! Let’s just not celebrate your girlfriend’s first game and first goal for Barcelona, it’s not like it’s anything special!” you quipped, crossing your arms in a huff as you turned away from your girlfriends in fake anger. Mapi frowned, really thinking she had made you upset. Alexia was concerned too, putting down the menus and walking over to you.
“Sorry pequeño, it’s just that there are so many options.” She says, kneeling before you. Mapi sits beside you, rubbing your back in soothing circles like she did earlier.
“We can get Chinese baby, it’s okay.” Alexia compromised, smiling softly up at you.
“How about we get all three? Chinese for me, pizza for Maps, and Mexican for you?”
Alexia and Mapi heartily laugh, as you smile at them with confusion. Alexia stands and kisses your forehead, handing you the Chinese menu as Mapi laughs harder and clutches her stomach.
“There’s a reason why we love you bebita, the two of us would be a mess without our smart girl. Go on, pick what you’d like; my treat tonight.”
Now that you three were fed and watered, you had pulled the two of them into bed to redeem your promised snuggle. They smushed you into the middle; Mapi tucked her face into your neck and threw her leg over yours as Alexia propped herself up on her arm and looked down at the two of you. You rubbed Mapi’s back as she began to softly kiss your neck and Alexia leaned in to kiss you. You whined, kissing Alexia back slowly. She cupped your cheek and grinned into the kiss, the corner of her eye-catching Mapi’s hands traveling lower and lower until they dipped into your shorts. Your hips jerked up when her fingers slowly began to circle your clothed folds, little jolts of pleasure coursing through you. Mapi slowly begins to kiss lower, lips ghosting over your sports bra as she leaves butterfly kisses all over your stomach. Alexia took over kissing your neck, darkening the red spots she had bitten earlier. Your head tilts back to give her room, hands gripping the sheets as Mapi’s fingers hook onto your shorts and pull them off. You were already soaking wet; she leaned in to have a little taste. She groaned softly as she tasted you on her tongue, pulling your legs apart more and Alexia helped you pull your sports bra off.
She latched onto your left breast, hand caressing and flicking the nipple on the other. You gasped out her name, back arching off the bed when Mapi took to opportunity to pull your panties off in one swift motion. The cold air in the room hits your wet pussy, sending a shiver down your spine. You enjoyed being vulnerable with the two of them and it turned you on to be the only one naked in the room.
Mapi didn’t waste any time diving into your pussy. Your hands flew to her head and you struggled to keep your thighs from crushing her, crying out her name in pleasure. She grinned widely, tongue lapping noisily at your peeking clit. She rubbed her palms over your legs, suckling softly at your folds as Alexia slowly began to take her clothes off. She pushed herself off the bed and slowly pulled her sweater off when Mapi noticed her. She paused her tongue and smacked your thigh, causing you to jump.
“Watch her, not me.”
You immediately turn your head and look at Alexia with glossy eyes, she grins and goes back to undressing as teasingly slow as possible. She turns and pulls her bra off, flexing her back muscles for you to ogle at. Her hips sway tauntingly from side to side as she pushes her grey sweats off, ass exposing itself immediately; cheeky girl, no underwear.
Your eyes roll into your head and you outwardly groan when you realize, she looks back at you with a naughty grin on her face. She walks to her side of the bed and rummages in the drawer, pulling out a harness for herself and Mapi. You never take your eyes off her, hands desperately tugging as Mapi devours you from between your legs. She climbs back onto the bed once she’s got her strap clipped in, leaning over you and kissing you messily. It’s a hot clash of teeth and tongue when a deep groan and a Spanish curse word pull the both of you out of your thoughts. Mapi’s chin is wet as she wipes her mouth with the back of her hand. She grabs Alexia’s face and kisses her feverishly hard, Alexia groaning noisily too when she tastes you heavily on Mapi’s lips.
“She tastes good, doesn’t she mi amor?”
“Like heaven, bebé.”
They surge forward again to lock their lips together as you watch. There was nothing like watching the two girls you loved make out like you weren’t right there, their hands exploring and mindlessly wandering. They finally pull away after what seems like ages, looking down at you with cheeky smiles on their faces. Suddenly, Mapi climbs off the bed and sits on the couch, manspreading with her harness in her lap. She licks her lips and just as you’re about to ask her what she was doing, Alexia pulls you up to kneel with her and kisses you. You sigh into the kiss, able to taste the remnants of you from Mapi on her lips. She gets you to face Mapi, winking at her as she kneels behind you in the same manner. You can feel her cock poking at your inner thigh, as her arms begin to caress your smooth skin.
“She wants to watch us for a bit; let’s give her a little show, shall we pequeño?”
You simply nod, closing your eyes and focusing on the way Alexia touches you. She knew all your sensitive spots and focused her touches there, resisting the urge to touch you where she knew you wanted her to. Your knees relaxed into the bed more, leaning back into her as her hands finally got closer to your core. Her rough hands caressed your inner thighs, dragging her nails along them as she felt you shiver. She chuckled softly, fingers pressing themselves on your folds and rubbing in big circles. You knew better than to close your legs, struggling to keep them open as sensitive pleasure shot up into you.
Mapi had her eyes locked on where Alexia’s hands went, following them closely as her own hands copied her actions. Alexia dipped two fingers into your soaked hole, teasing you gently as you whined her name beautifully. She obliged, since this was a reward and not a punishment, you did do as she asked and scored a goal. She slipped her thick fingers into you halfway, getting you to open up for her slowly.
You leaned back into her chest, hands digging their nails into her strong thighs. You needed to hold onto something and as you left ten crescents on her body she slipped her fingers deeper into you. You felt the pads of her fingers graze your sweet spot and you grasped her arm, looking at her with tears in your eyes. She smiled reassuringly, leaning in and pecking your nose.
“Don’t worry, darling. You get to cum all you want tonight.”
You sigh in relief, leaning back into her as she fingered you with no mercy. Her two fingers became three, dipping themselves deeper and deeper into your slippery cunt. You were holding onto her as her lips littered more hickeys on any bit of skin she could get her teeth on, the speed of her fingers fucking you never once faltering. She gave Mapi a satisfied grin when she looked over to see her other lover three fingers deep in herself, copying her actions as she guided her youngest lover towards her first well-deserved orgasm of the night.
With a cry of her name, you trembled and keened into Alexia’s arms as she fingered you into your first high. She kissed your cheek and propped you back up. You looked up at Mapi and saw that she was now simply circling her clit, a happy smile on her face. You weren’t sure if she came or not, but were glad to see that she was having fun of her own. Alexia kissed the shell of your ear and whispered, “Bend over, need to reward my baby for giving me that goal.”
You grin and oblige, bending over and arching your back how you knew she liked. She kissed the small of your back lightly, pressing her cock teasingly against your entrance. She teased it up and down your slick folds, coyly slipping the tip in when you began to whine. She gripped your hips and pulled you back onto her cock suddenly, you let out a choked moan when you’re fully speared on her. The right side of the bed dips and a pair of muscular thighs bless your eyes. You look up and meet Mapi’s cock face-to-face and grin dopily as she taps the tip on your swollen lips.
“Suck, mi amor. Be a good girl and take it from both ends, hm?”
You nod and get to work, holding yourself up with one hand and gripping the base of Mapi’s cock with the other. You suck and swirl your tongue around the plastic appendage, eyes boring deep into Mapi’s as she watches you suck on her. Alexia was pounding into you from behind, causing Mapi’s cock to slip deeper into your mouth with each suck. It hit the back of your throat and made you gag loudly, both Alexia and Mapi letting out guttural groans as she kept fucking into you harder. Mapi gathered your hair into a ponytail and tied it back for you, gripping your head to fuck into your mouth. Alexia saw the ponytail Mapi gave you and grabbed it, using it as leverage to fuck you harder.
You could only moan and shudder, loving the feeling of being used on both ends. Suddenly, a wet finger presses into your second entrance; she gently moves her finger in and out as you’re now filled in all possible places. You begin to sob tears of pleasure that Mapi simply wipes away and keeps fucking into your throat. They begin to talk to each other again like you’re not being used by them at the same time, with literally makes your pussy even wetter than it was before.
“Her pussy feels so good, María.”
“I know it does, Ale. She’s such a good cocksucker too, such pretty lips wrapped around me.” She pats your cheek three times, hips never faltering once.
“She’s opening up so nicely for me, the view from here is fucking amazing.” Alexia describes to Mapi, giving your ass a hard smack and she pulls her finger out of your ass and grips your hips, fucking into you earnestly now. She props her leg up and begins to jackhammer into you, which only causes Mapi’s cock to continually hit the back of your throat. Mapi coos when she hears you gargling, spit making a mess on the sheets.
“Just relax your pretty little throat, angel. You’re taking us so well, Nena; such a good girl you are, Sí? You gonna make us all cum, pequeño?”
You do as she says, her hand wrapping itself around your throat as her hips begin to stutter. She’s close and so is Alexia, if her breathy whines are anything to go by. They lean over you and kiss messily, chasing their highs as yours begins to coil inside you. Mapi’s hand somehow reaches between your legs to rub at your throbbing clit and it feels like a burst of ecstasy.
“A-Ale! Mapi!” you cry out, orgasm hitting you like a freight train. You’re pretty sure you blackout for five seconds and come to when you hear your name being moaned erotically by Alexia and Mapi as they both reach their highs for the night. You’re being pulled in all different directions, cleaned, and tucked into the couch with Alexia as Mapi makes quick work of changing the sheets. Alexia cradles you in her arms, caressing your cheeks before hoisting you in her arms and climbing into bed with you.
You’re in the middle again, it was Alexia this time who had herself practically on top of you as you nuzzled into Mapi’s neck. You pecked her tattoo softly, inhaling her scent as Alexia’s fingers drew random patterns that tickled a little on your stomach.
“I love you both, you did so well today. Especially you, Nena. No goal will ever be more special to me.” Her voice is barely a whisper when she suddenly speaks, pressing a kiss to your collarbone mid-sentence.
“Not even one of mine?” Mapi teases, slapping Alexia’s forearm softly.
“You’re not a striker like our Y/N, your goals are just luck.”
“I am very offended by that statement, Ale. Take it back.”
"Vete a la mierda".
“Maybe next time, María.”
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izvmimi · 3 months
cw: set in both past and present. goofy but a bit of fluff. reader has a specified quirk. suggestive near the end.
Concentrate. Stop being impatient. You’re applying too little power, you won’t heal anything like that; you’re applying too much power, you’ll kill them! Slow down. Move more quickly, the sick and injured will keep coming. 
You bite your lip and pull your backpack closer to yourself as you think back to today’s lesson, both mentally and physically exhausted from the day before you. These internships are meant to push the limits of your Quirks, and you can imagine that all of your classmates are just as tired as you, but it’s hard for you to reconcile the fact that an old lady who keeps candy in her purse and smooches indiscriminately to heal injuries should be such a hardass to you. 
The tips of your fingers still tingle with the aftermath of transferring so much electricity towards them. Today, she had you try to practice transferring all of your energy from your toes to the palms of your hand and back, consecutively, and you still feel wobbly on your feet as you make your way home. It’s dark now and you’re a little lonely walking home alone, but your thoughts will keep your company as you walk through the streets. 
Joining the hero class late, you simply have to work harder, that’s all there is to it, you think. You don’t have the flashy quirks your peers do, no extreme power without blowback, no endless ice or fire or weapons, no explosions or gravity manipulation, no animals to come to your aid or ability to disappear and slip away. 
You have to be creative with your Quirk as best you can if you want to be of any use. 
You’re about 15 minutes away from your home by now and check your cell phone. There are messages from Momo where she’s trying her hardest to convince you that there’s some utility in makeup commercials for the greatest good, and you try to placate her as best you can as the good friend you are. Your friend from the support course has also sent you a wide-eyed orange cat emoji with the aim to check in since you’ve been quiet and you smile and send a signal that you’re alive with a tongue out emoji. You look at your screen for a few more seconds and don’t get an immediate reply but smile to yourself anyway before slipping your phone in your pocket.
As you turn past an alleyway, the sudden crashing sound of trash cans and body weight against concrete startles you enough that you jump. You have a few seconds to decide if you want to see what’s happening before you convince yourself it’s an animal, but you hear a groan, and before you can make it around the alleyway, there’s yet another thud. 
When you turn the corner, you’re surprised to see Midoriya, face smashed into the wall, nearly ten feet in the air. He falls too fast for you to reach him to try to break his fall, but it’s broken by a load of bundled trash, possibly more than you’ve ever seen not disposed of in your entire life. Dumbfounded, you watch him frown but he doesn’t seem hurt too badly (at least, not as badly as you’ve seen him self-inflict before) and he barely even realizes you’re there, before he’s back to his feet again, staring at the wall pensively, eyebrows knit together as he’s lost in thought. 
He’s in his hero suit, and you wonder how long he’s been out here. Feet pressed against the pavement again, he bends his knees and you see sparks fly before he’s about to jump again, and before he can move…
“Uh… Midoriya? What are you doing?” you finally announce yourself and he freezes still like a statue.
The sparks stop immediately as he turns to you, and his face is redder than a strawberry, jaw slack.
“Oh! Oh my God! I.. uh…”
You blink. Midoriya is always somewhat skittish around you, and you do admit that it’s probably because you’ve been prone to mess with him and give him nicknames, but you’ve never harbored any ill will against it. In fact, there’s a sort of fondness you have towards him, ever since the sports festival. He always manages to surprise you with his resourcefulness even if he’s the polar opposite of you ability-wise - all power, no self preservation.
Still, this isn’t the type of surprise you anticipated. 
Midoriya is still staring at you, mouth agape as he tries to come up with an explanation, not having realized that you’re no longer interested in whatever strangeness he imparts to you as long as he’s okay. All you can think about now is the fact that your head has started to pound, so watching him smash his face into the wall a second time might be the least of your concerns.
But you have to be curious in some way if you’re still standing here at 9 pm on a weekday.
“I-I’m trying to figure out my Quirk…” Izuku says through nervous laughter. You nod slowly, looking at and around him.
“Looking for the light in a dark alley, I see,” you murmur. He doesn’t laugh, instead grimacing. You scrunch your nose a bit at the smell, inescapable, trying to be kind enough not to say a word about it. “It’s super late,” you murmur, then tilt your head. “Are you going to go home soon?”
Maybe walking home with a classmate might be nice, it occurs to you.
Izuku’s green eyes light up for just a moment, then he frowns. 
“I can’t-” he sees you pout before you even realize you are doing so, “-but I can next time! I just have to…” his voice falters as you shift your weight from one side to another then shrug your shoulders. 
“No big deal.”
You turn on your heels, a little slighted but fine. He’s nice to talk to sometimes but you could call your mom or another friend perhaps for company. Izuku is annoying anyway, he’ll probably find a way to aggravate you before you make it home and you’ll regret even running into him. Perhaps.
“I’ll see you around then,” you offer, waving impassively behind you as you walk away.
“B-be safe!” he calls out as you take your first steps away, and you keep walking, the sparks of electricity he generates again as he goes back to whatever desperate move he’s working out putting the hairs of your neck slightly on edge, light catching your peripheral vision.
You turn to him, and take the scene in again. The boy with the Quirk that grants incredible power with a blowback he still can’t withstand. Perhaps truly, he’s not the opposite of you, but complementary. 
He has a look of determination to him, you note, as he squats slightly, then leaps again, soaring high to the point that it’s almost graceful -  but then he hits the wall once more. He tumbles again into bagged trash, and you sigh. 
You’re exhausted but not so exhausted that you can’t help.
“Midoriya, don’t jump again.”
As his head snaps back in your direction, he seems shocked that you’re still there and you wonder how he has such singular focus. Before he can react to you, you end up palming his entire face, pulsing the rest of your energy reserves quickly into the bruised tissues before retracting your arm.
Izuku’s eyes are wide when he looks at you, but you can tell you’ve succeeded because the redness and tiny scrapes on his face have already started to disappear, even if you can’t do anything about his bleeding nose.
You should have thought about this, you think as you wipe your hands on the side of your pants.
“T-thank you,” he mutters. 
You offer him a smile. Either way it’s a form of training.
“Of course. See you around, dino nuggets.”
“You know, that was the first time you healed me, ever.”
Izuku remembers that night so many years ago slightly differently than you do, it seems. He remembers being less uninterested in your presence than you impart to him as you recount it, and tells you his heart thumped so fast with embarrassment the moment he saw you he might as well have been having a heart attack, and focusing on his goal of figuring out OFA was the only thing that kept him from dying of mortification on the spot. Your crush finding you crashing into a wall then garbage repeatedly at nighttime in a dark alley isn’t exactly a chivalrous look, and looking so pitiful he earned an unsolicited heal wasn’t exactly the way he tried to woo you.
But all’s well that ends well, no?
You giggle, letting small pulses of your bioelectricity relax the muscles in his back with pinpoint precision. Your fingertips continue to dance gently along his skin until the tension dissipates completely, and he lets out a satisfied sigh as they move gently to his neck, then tap gently at his scalp. 
“I probably could have been just a little more respectful of your dignity, but I think even back then I was trying very hard to suppress any positive feelings for you,” you admit. There’s no point in pretending now that your tender relationship is clearer than crystal, blatant for the world to see.
“And how did that work out for you?” he retorts as your hands run through his hair lovingly. 
You smile to yourself, letting your torso press gently against his back. Izuku’s laying on his belly and you were straddling him prior to this, having decided to bless him with a special back massage as a treat. Your husband always does his best, and doing his best has taken a lot out of him in the past few recent days, so this is the least you can offer him and you’re glad to do so. Both of you have grown stronger, smarter, and better at using your Quirks for yourselves, for society and for each other. It’s only natural that you’ve learned a trick or two.
“Terrible,” you answer.
You smile as your face presses against his upper back, letting your hands run along the length of his arms, more soft pulses of electricity passing through his skin. He shudders against your body and your heart practically sings with affection. 
“Terrible?” he tries to sound annoyed but his voice comes out higher than usual, riddled with relief.
“Yeah, I had no intention to fall in love with you. A huge fail on my part, actually.”
He chuckles.
“I guess it’s true that there’s a lot to gain from failure then.”
You hate and love that he’s always so good at redirecting and softening any of your playful resistance. Your hands tighten gently around his wrists.
“Are you mocking me, Izuku?”
His laughter rumbles through his larger body, the vibration running through all parts of you as you stay pressed together.
“Maybe,” he replies, coyly. 
“You know, in this position, I could make sure you never get up again,” you say in a honeyed voice. “You have a vested interest in being nice to me,” you tease.
Izuku moves a little too fast for you to keep up at times, and this is one of those times. Before you realize, your positions have switched, and now he’s on top of you, so close his forehead is pressed to yours.
He kisses just above your eyebrows, your eyes closing automatically.
“I’m always nice to you,” he reminds you, his voice soft.
You smile as they open again and you look at him. He’s far from the awkward try-hard boy he once was, and you’re far from the sometimes standoffish, other times overly yet hesitantly invested girl you once were.
You’re invested in him with full intention, just as he’s invested in you.
“You’re right. Thank you for being so good to me,” you reply softly.
And you’ll always be good to him.
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bumblesimagines · 2 months
I thought about you every night.
I never got your name.
You looke different in daylight.
Cate Dunlap
Pronouns: He/Him/His, M!Reader
TW/CW: Typical Gen V warnings, drinking, mentions of drugs and drug usage, brief sexual content and i am heavy on the brief
I will always support her rights and wrongs
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"So, Andre," Luke drawled as he picked up a glass of champagne, his eyes sweeping over the packed room full of their fellow classmates, school staff, and parents. Another fancy event the university hosted where they pretended they weren't forcing an even more competitive energy onto their students by inviting rich sponsors and alumni with hefty connections. "Where is this friend of yours you keep talking about?"
"He-" Andre subtly wiped the white residue from his nostrils. "-should be right around... here!" He lifted his hand and wiggled his fingers, a big boyish smile stretching across his face.
Jordan rolled their eyes and swiped a cup of whiskey from a distracted guest, swallowing down the contents in two gulps. Cate giggled softly when they scrunched up their face, a soft 'ugh' sound leaving them as they set the cup back down. They wiped their mouth with the sleeve of their button-up, a quiet snort leaving them when they noticed the puzzled look on the guest's face. Cate giggled under her breath, gently bumping her hip against theirs.
"Finally, man! I thought you got lost." Andre gave a hearty laugh and reached past Cate to tug someone by her, eagerly pulling them into his side. Cate's attention jumped away from Jordan to look at the new face, only to realize she very much recognized the 'stranger' when she fully drank him in. Oh, shit. Her body tensed, eyes slowly widening as realization dawned on her. Andre patted his friend's chest happily, giving his shoulders a light shake. "Guys, meet our newest transfer. This asshole and I go way back. I mean, shit, we knew each other when we were in diapers, right?" 
"We sure did." His friend responded, gaze lingering on Cate and lips pulling into a lazy smirk that made her skin buzz alight with heat that spread through her body and left goosebumps behind in its wake. Her gut coiled violently, her gloved fingertips digging into the skin of her arms.
Cate watched with an amused smile as Andre and Luke clung to each other in a drunken mess of sloppy dancing and proclamations of love that ended with 'bro' and 'man'. Jordan cackled from their spot beside Cate, one hand clutching their stomach while the other held their recording phone in hand, no doubt with the idea of tormenting the two with the video whenever possible. 
"I'm going to get another drink," Cate called into their ear and stood up from her seat, giggling as she maneuvered her way around Andre and Luke before slipping in further into the crowd of clubgoers. She ducked and weaved through the sea of people until she finally reached the bar, resting her arms over it and slipping her hand free from her silk glove. 
The bartender squinted at her as she made a drink, likely planning on asking for her ID as expected. She reached over the bar and set the drink down in front of a young man, her eyes sliding away to smile at him. "Enjoy." Cate reached out, wrapping her fingers around her wrist and pulling the bartender's attention back onto her, her fingers beginning to tingle and a hazy look appearing over the bartender's eyes.
"You're going to get me a rum and coke because you don't care about my age, right?" 
"I don't care about your age." The bartender responded robotically and stepped away to begin making her drink, the hazy look disappearing. Cate leaned back and scooped her glove up, tucking her hand back into it and brushing some of her golden hair over her shoulder. 
"Neat party trick." A voice rumbled beside her and she looked at the young man in surprise, her lips parting to quickly fish out her usual line of 'I don't do it often' or 'I swear it's not a habit' but he simply shrugged at the slightly panicked look on her face. To her surprise, she watched him morph into her, copying her from head to toe and making it feel as if she were gazing into a mirror. "Cheers," The sound of her voice coming out of someone else's mouth unnerved her but she stared at him in pure awe.
"You're a... a supe?" She blinked and he morphed back into himself, giving another light shrug in response. "I haven't met anyone who can shapeshift like that before."
He grinned at her. "Well, now you have."
"Hey, man." Luke smiled warmly, completely unaware of the whirlwind going on his girlfriend's head. He stuck out his hand toward him and gave him a good, firm handshake. Cate's throat felt abnormally dry and she finally tore her eyes away from Andre's friend to snatch a cup of champagne from the table beside them, swallowing it down in a large gulp that had Jordan's brows furrowing. "I'm Luke Riordan. This asshole is Jordan and this is my girlfriend, Cate."
"Hi," Cate whirled around to face him, quickly licking away a droplet of champagne from the corner of her lip and offering a polite smile as if she hadn't been thinking of the night they met. "We never got your name, did we?" She cocked her head to the side, lips pressing tightly together when Jordan continued to stare into the side of her head.
(Y/N). She finally had a name to the face that followed her for weeks, consuming her thoughts and dreams nearly every day. She loved Luke but with each passing day, she found that love morphing into a mixture of guilt and resentment. She was the leash Shetty used to control Luke, to ensure he'd remain the submissive and agreeable boy they needed him to be. Cate never desired to hurt him, not when he'd been so loving and caring over the years, but she yearned for the day she'd finally be able to step out of the relationship and choose someone Shetty wouldn't dream of using. 
"It's a pleasure to meet you, (Y/N)." She liked how it sounded rolling off her tongue, a newfound giddiness rolling over her. "Andre's told us so much about you." 
"Man, I can't wait to see you in the halls between classes." Andre's shoulders did a small excited shimmy, the coke he'd snorted blatantly beginning to take effect on him. He scooped a glass of champagne in his hand and drank from it, his head turning over his shoulder when his father called him and Luke over. "Mm, we'll be right back." He clapped (Y/N) on the back, stepping away with Luke to approach the group of parents and staff.
"I'm not third-wheeling." Jordan abruptly spoke, meeting Cate's stunned stare with a deadpan look and eyebrow raise before they walked away, disappearing through the crowd of mingling guests. Cate stared after them, contemplating forcing them to forget what assumptions they'd made. The last thing she needed was breaking Luke's heart and Shetty learning about it.
"Charming, that one." (Y/N) chuckled and moved closer to her, his hands sliding into the pockets of his dress pants and eyes slowly gazing over her. Cate found all her thoughts about Luke and Shetty vanishing when she looked at him, a soft chuckle escaping her. "You look different in daylight." 
"And you don't have a mysterious aura anymore." 
(Y/N) tilted his head, his smirk morphing into a teasing grin. "So, does that mean you hook up with anyone who looks mysterious at nightclubs?" He questioned, and her cheeks lit aflame. 
The bass of the song playing throughout the club made the walls vibrate against Cate's back, and the coolness of the bathroom door long forgotten with her mind and body preoccupied. Her chest heaved with pants, the air pumping into the bathroom keeping her exposed tits and skin cold from the sweat. The soreness in her legs began to melt away, allowing her to tighten them around the shapeshifter's waist again without his hands to support her up. She kept them wrapped around him, preventing him from moving away. 
Breathlessly chuckling against her throat, he leaned back, his hands still tightly gripping her thighs. She flushed more under his gaze, the arms around his neck tugging him closer to connect their lips again. It was sluggish and messy but Cate hardly minded as she pressed harder against his lips, a soft muffled sigh escaping her.
"You said you came here with friends, sweetheart. They're probably wondering where you ran off to." He reminded her softly, and another sigh escaped her. Her blue eyes fluttered open to gaze into his. She could feel her energy and strength returning to her rapidly; one of the many benefits of being a supe with stamina better than that of a normal human. Cate kissed him again, her back pushing off the wall and chest pressing into him, a whine leaving her when the movement straightened her back and made him slightly slide out of her. 
"Come to GodU," She practically pleaded. "Brink would accept you the second he lays eyes on you and you'd rise to the Top Ten with no problem. Everyone would want to be you or be with you."
"Everyone already thinks that way about me."
"Does this mean you do whatever anyone you hook up with asks of you?" Cate raised a brow, her arms folding over her chest and her chin lifting challengingly. He laughed quietly and picked up one of the last few cups of champagne, bringing it to his lips and crinkling his nose in disappointment at the taste. 
"Big ego you've got there, sweetheart. Andre convinced my parents to encourage me to apply so we could be at the same school, actually, so you've got Andre to thank for this." He explained with a small grin, finishing the champagne and setting the empty cup aside before tilting his body to observe those around them. "And now... this stupidity is my life."
"Oh, come on, it's not all so bad. You've got me rooting for you." Cate said, her hand cupping his elbow and her smile feeling genuine. "You know, I thought about you every night. A guy with amazing powers who should've been at this school a long time ago. You might beat Jordan and Andre out of their spots in the coming weeks."
"Yeah," (Y/N) swiped his tongue over his lips, his eyes gliding slowly across the room. "My gut tells me that's a death wish."
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