#or if they take it off there's a pocket dimension INSIDE that functions like hammerspace??
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doomed-jester · 2 years ago
If there's one problem I have with Across the Spider-Verse it's all the people who just learned the phrase "hammerspace" but don't know what it means so they're just throwing it out at random. They're very confident despite being frequently wrong.
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homestuckexamination · 7 years ago
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The Sylph
Usually known as a Healer Class, and occasionally paired with the Witch Class as its Active Counterpart, the Sylph has way more uses than merely Healing, and more similarities with the Maid than with the Witch. Making is its primary function, and while Healing falls under that same Spectrum, Creation and Improvement in general are powers that often fall under the Sylph’s domain.
The Maid
Similarly, the Maid is often paired with the Heir Class, and the similarities are there- But their ties to Creation, Faes and their consistent show of Self-Resurrection peg the two as strong counterparts. Much like the Sylph, Maids Make and, metaphorically speaking at least, are Made of their Aspect. Whatever this means for each Aspect can be fuzzy, but the wordplay is presented quite interestingly. Maids often begin their journey oppressed by their Aspect in some regard- But as an intrinsic part of themselves, they must get rid of their shackles and embrace the facets of their Aspect that make them up.
The Aspects
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The Sylph of Time would be that who Makes Time for Others. This could be seen as them being keepers of the Timeline, ensuring their friends have enough time to fulfill their Quests and reach their Goals. It may also relate to literally freezing things in Time to give an edge on how much Time they have left. Healing through Time could be akin to allowing them to increase or improve the natural healing of their body, making fresh wounds scar instantly, or letting regeneration kick in more quickly. As the Aspect representing strife and destruction, however, they may also incite fighting and challenge- Healing through strife could be seen as trying to toughen people up for what’s to come.
The Maid of Time would have a similar set of abilities. As the Active Counterpart, however, they would primarily Make Time for Themselves. While still able to perform actions for others, their focus would be internal, self-improvement through time and perhaps training, fated recovery and even rebirth. Making Time and Improving Time for themselves could be a similar skill to the Sylph’s supposed Time Freeze, but more oriented to protecting themselves and giving them the Time they need to escape or do what they want. They’ve got all the Time in the world to do what they need- They’re Made of It after all.
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The Sylph of Space would be that who Makes Space for Others. Space is the Aspect of Creation, which puts the Sylph as the Creator of Creation- Able to physically shape the setting around them for the benefit of others could be quite the strong Skill. In a more metaphorical sense, they are pacifiers and auspistices, separating people, putting Space between them for their benefit, and of course, able to ‘Create Space’ within people, they could be seen as people able to tear others in half. Healing Space, on the other hand, could be seen as mending tears in the fabric of reality.
The Maid of Space would have a similar set of powers, but aimed for Themselves. Along with the already inherent implication of laying back and isolationism given by the Aspect, Maids of Space may be ones to push things holding them back away, creating Space between them. Shaping reality for themselves and however they see is most beneficial to their well being. Creating and Improving Space could, additionally, be seen as allowing the creation of Pocket Dimensions and Hammerspace Enclosures, letting them put away and retrieve things from spaces that seem too reduced. Of course, someone Made of Space could act as a Portal or gateway to other places themselves, or even come to Embody the Universe in the same way Snowman did.
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The Sylph of Heart would be the one who Makes Heart for Others, and with Heart’s Relation to Romantic and Emotional Attachment, they could be seen as a Cupid-like figure, making Feelings blossom between people they think would be good for each other, and improving relationships between others. They can be Healers of the Self, as therapists for those who’ve lost themselves, or even perhaps literally saving Souls that have been corrupted in some way. Creating Souls, similarly, could imply a degree of manipulation over what’s Living and what Isn’t, allowing them to give a Soul to inanimate things.
The Maid of Heart would have a similar powerset, but aimed for Themselves. While certainly able to make emotions blossom between others, they would be more likely to make these emotions benefit themselves, drawing people to be romantically interested in them, or drawing people together so that someone else is left available to them. Made of Heart could hint to them being quite romantically oriented, but it could also mean they themselves are a vessel for more than one Soul. With its Romantic meaning and the possibility of Creating or Mending Souls, Creation of Heart appears as quite the imposing power with intense ramifications.
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The Sylph of Mind would be the one who Creates Mind for Others. Mind as Thoughts, with the fussy nature of Sylphs, would put them in quite a bossy position, perhaps thinking they know better than those around them. Creating Choices and Improving Choices speaks of someone who weeds out the bad Choices and gives good alternatives to bad plans. However, creating Mind as the way they present themselves, and Improving Mind for others, may mean they’re constantly trying to adapt to how others see them or what others need, instead of focusing on what they need.
The Maid of Mind would, however, present themselves as the Active Counterpart. Making Mind for Them may refer to a strategist that keeps to themselves, always having a plan on what to do next, but possibly leaving others in the dark as they go. Creating Choice for themselves may have them be a bit of a Wildcard, going with what they think would be the best course of action, even if it forces others in positions they’re not comfortable with. Creating Mind for Themselves could also refer to someone hiding their true identity, showing only what they want others to see, and acting however is more beneficial to achieve their goal. Someone Made of Mind, may be at risk of losing their True Self to their many facades.
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The Sylph of Hope would be the one who Creates Hope for Others. A noble sounding God Tier, the ability to make others Hopeful could easily shift the tides of the Battle, make everyone trust there’s something worth fighting for. It could also refer to helping others who’re in a desperate place, and the possibility of Healing through Prayer. With its connotations regarding sexuality, however, Creating Hope and Healing through Hope could also lead to a bit more of a... Risque interpretation of this Classpect.
The Maid of Hope would similarly Create Hope, but as an Active Class, the Maid would create it for themselves. Always hopeful that things will turn out right, it would drive them forwards and, rather than directly make it for others, they may become a beacon others look up to. They may also shrug off attacks completely merely because they believe they can power through it, believing in themselves. And in a similar way, while being Made of Hope could stand as being a beacon, they could as easily appear to showcase their sexuality more than anything else.
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The Sylph of Rage could be seen as that who Creates Rage for Others. Not necessarily in the sense that they make others Angry, either, Rage is much more than that. Creating Rage for others means for the benefit of others, and ensuring people’s aggression are aimed at unjust causes and actual threats instead of each other is always a good thing to do. Inciting them to show their anger towards a common enemy, as well as creating Anarchy and through Anarchy, trying to take down an absurd system that oppresses others. Healing through Rage seems more difficult, as Rage hardly seems to correlate with Healing. You could Heal Rage, pacifying others, but Healing through Rage could mean different things. Perhaps inducing a berserk-like state in which adrenaline overpowers pain so people can go through. Or perhaps healing in mysterious and bullshit ways- Abusing plot shields knowingly.
The Maid of Rage on the other hand, would use their powers for Themselves. Creating Rage for themselves definitely sounds like being able to go Berserk, and in a similar way, they may abuse their own Plot Shields to power through anything in front of them. They may have confusing goals or use means that leave others questioning them, getting shit done but leaving confusion in their wake. Someone Made of Rage, may be someone who harbors a deep hatred for something deep inside, not necessarily all the time, not necessarily for everything, but definitely something practically consumes their being. They may also merely have a hard to understand or confusing origin.
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The Sylph of Light is the one who Creates Light for Others. Recalling truthful information about others and about events to help those around understand everything better, they are loreweavers interested in getting everyone to understand the big picture. However, they may also be more focused on Creating Fortune, or even Relevancy, allowing someone to rise to the occasion, repairing that which is important, improving that matters. With a good deal of focus on what the best would be, and the means to lead down that path.
The Maid of Light would have similar powers, but more oriented to themselves. It should be noted that as Light Creators, it’s very likely both would be able to create flashes of light and solid Light Constructs. Making themselves luckier, increasing their relevancy, putting themselves in the Spotlight and owning it, someone Made of Light is bound to be the centre of attention.
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The Sylph of Void would be one to Create Void for Others. Hiding and obscuring the truth, protecting others and protecting secrets from being found out, they’re masters at crafting lies and keeping secrecy. Of course, a Sylph of Void may also Create Irrelevancy, making it so that something they’re doing seems inconspicuous, as much as they may Heal through Irrelevancy- Staying out of the picture or shoving someone aside to heal while other things go on. Creating Void can also be taken as Creating or Bringing Forth something Horrorterror-related, as well as likely collapsing things into Black Holes.
The Maid of Void would have a similar powerset, but aimed to themselves. While Sylphs of Void may make use of their powers more passively, aimed to help those around them, the Maid would instead focus on their own well being- Laying low and seemingly harmless before bouncing back more powerful than anyone else, creating Void could be seen as deciding what doesn’t Exist, collapsing things into Nothingness, erasing things with their attacks, and seemingly just fading away into nothing when they are not actively doing something. Being Made of Void hints to their seeming lack of importance, perhaps to the point of not even existing at all or being mean to Be, until they do something to change that.
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The Sylph of Breath would be one to Make Breath for Others. Creating direction, being leaders, it seems they could set the goals of their Session, pointing everyone to where they have to go, leaving a trail for the Session to chase after. Creating Freedom, liberating others, creating Detachment to break free of shackles, creating Motion where there was stillness, the Sylph would put things into motion and aid liberating those around them. Creating Wind, of course, would allow them to generate strong currents of air, as well as allow breathing where there’s no air. Similarly, though, they may expand already existing air to some capacity. As for healing through Breath, using their leadership to aid others could be a way, however healing through Breath evokes both Healing Kisses, and Aromatherapy to an extent.
The Maid of Breath on the other hand would use their power for their own Benefit. Rather than creating Freedom and Direction for others, they would certainly focus on doing what they want, following their own ideals without necessarily caring about how they’re leading others. They would inspire others by how they seem to get their way and do whatever they want, but in their wake they may simply separate from their group. They may not even need to Heal Themselves if their detachment from conflict ends up with them not even being harmed. Freeing themselves, Detaching themselves, someone Made of Breath would be boundless, and yet in the process, they may end up distancing themselves from everyone else.
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The Sylph of Blood would be the one to Make Blood for Others. With Blood as Attachment, Bonds and Friendship, they would easily bring the team together, forging an Alliance and keeping conflict away from the group, to work towards a common goal. Using these bonds and hard work together to improve the team, and slowly build up to face any challenge in their way. Creating Blood and Healing Blood and Through Blood easily evokes the idea of blood transfusions and bloodletting as ways of healing, purifying the body from toxins and harmful substances, as well as closing wounds. And in the same way to protect those they care about, they won’t hesitate to Create Wounds on their enemies.
The Maid of Blood would have a similar power set, but aimed for themselves. Creating Bonds for their benefit may still unite the group, but with them as a superior, rather than keeping the group together, they would be the foundation and the ultimate lead. Creating Blood can easily be parsed as creating streams of blood, and Creating through Blood could allow them to create things out of their own blood, making even their wounds a dangerous weapon. Someone Made of Blood is bound to draw in people to their cause, charismatic and friendly, not afraid to pit an army against their foes.
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The Sylph of Life would be the one to Create Life for Others. Given Life is the Aspect of Healing, and their focus on others, the Sylph of Life would appear to be the Ultimate Healing Classpect, however this is not necessarily true. While their Healing Potential is unprecedented, what they do with their Class and Aspect is up to them. Creating Food, they would be ones to keep their friends well fed, and Creating Wealth implies a degree of affluence. Creating Agency, empowering others to act on what they want to do, making those more driven, and Creating Life and Health- Healing any kind of wound, regenerating themselves and others, and perhaps, being able to Grow and Create Plant or Animal Life, living beings and constructs.
The Maid of Life on the other hand, would be more focused on themselves. Still able to Heal those around them, they put a great deal of importance on their own Agency and what they want to do, for themselves and for those around them. Self Regeneration and being empowered to act, building up their wealth to further their goals. Someone Made of Life is bound to be healthy and well fed, and just perhaps, a tad interested in offspring.
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The Sylph of Doom would be one to Make Doom for Others. Now this may seem paradoxical, as Doom is seen as something inherently bad, however there are different ways to see Doom. Ending things that are no longer needed and providing comfort to move on can be an important step in growing up, Healing through Doom. When bones break, they become stronger and break less easy, and in the same way, the Sylph may help bear through hard times. They could Create Limits to ensure those around them don’t push themselves too hard, and may also Heal Doom, causing decay and death to fade away, bringing forth something renewed and fresh. And in the same way, they could Create Doom for those who oppose those they care about, taking them out so they won’t cause harm.
The Maid of Doom on the other hand, would Make Doom for Themselves. Challenging themselves, breaking to rise up stronger than ever, Dooming that which gets in their way, and Healing the Doom from themselves, to keep on going, time and time again. It should be noted, Doom is also related to technology, so Creating Doom may also have to do with creating computer programs and technological gadgets, overcoming their own Limits by Creating things that are less limited. Someone Made of Doom could already be Doomed, but they could also Embody the End of those who oppose them. They could be Harmful, or they could be Accepting and Comforting. What they are to themselves and those around them, is up to them.
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