#or if their mate were not even in their trained the wow lucky them theyre have not only a Sire but TWO OTHERS to aid in merges
pastelpaperplanes · 4 years
I just read your headcanon post about cybertronian reproduction and I have one question! Is there any possible way for twin sparklings to be created though the three ways you listed? Or would the process require too much energy?
anon is referring to THIS post!
Twins could be possible through all three ways actually! ‘Requiring too much energy’ I would assume goes with the Creator Construction & Creator Havesting method and —I’ll get to that later but yes, it’s possible
Through Cold Construction (sparks born through the Allspark and Forge—aka the most natural and oldest method of reproduction thats no longer around since the Allspark was destroyed) sparks can split soon after they’re formed and place within a forged frame. Seeing as the Allspark has an almost infinite power source this would be fairly easy and wouldn’t be necessarily draining as the spark simply detaches into a duplicate—then is paired with its pre-forged frame.
Spark split cybertronians would of course be considered siblings, however each Cybertronian born from the Cold Construction method is their own seperate being with their or separate spark blueprint and coding—that being said ‘siblings’ do NOT exist on this method unless they came from a split spark! Same goes for the Creator Harvesting method. When the spark blue prints are taken from two different mecha as the power source for jumpstarting a spark within a pre-forged frame—only a split spark could result in a ‘sibling’. But! Since this method of reproduction is the most unnatural and most DANGEROUS form of reproduction, split sparks are extremely rare since power drawn from the two mecha to jumpstart that original spark is not within a controlled spark merge, nor is it a split coming from the Allspark itself. So for example, the Jet Twins were an anomaly since they were sparked from this method, same with Road Rage and Optimus though for those those two that’s just in my CFau!
Now for example multiple sparklings born from the same Parent/Parents in the Creator Construction method though, they would definitely be siblings as they were born from a full merge/shared coding—rather than like the Harvesting method where only a blueprint and jumpstart was needed to ignite a spark and those manipulating the procedure would essentially alter/build around the desired coding until they made their desired picture-perfect line of soliders!
Now with Creator Construction twins are very much possible, but still rare. Carrying is a taxing, yet rewarding process for both Carrier and Sire. The Sire of course has to help sustain the newspark with constant merges, as well as help the Carrier stay on top of their self care like staying as fueled as possible and keeping themselves in a comfortable, safe, stress free environment. All of these factors and more help ensure that the newspark will emerge healthy and to term. With one newspark on the way that’s hard enough, with TWO as a result of a split spark—it’s not gonna be easy but yes it is doable. The Sire will just have their work cut or for them in ensuring those merges are frequent and their mate is well monitored.
the conception split newsparks are more likely to exist if both Sire and Carrier are in a more controlled environment, physically and emotionally. Wartime obv calls for a less than safe circumstance for a newspark to be conceived, lack of proper fuel for both Carrier and Sire (Carrier especially), the high stress levels of the Creators, or even the death of the Sire is a spark bond was present could put a hiccup in the a proper carriage. However newsparks (not just spark split twins) were still of course sparked through out the war—though many did not make it to term because of a those factors and more
So yes! Twins are possible in all three methods, but each method would have a vastly different rate at which twins would be ‘born’! Cold Construction would have the highest numbers for sure, next would come Creator Construction, the Creator Havesting at the very last with little to no likelihood of it occurring
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