#or geog if i cant make science
cometchasr 1 year
ykw im not gonna take lit im gonna make my own lit (where we shall analyse zero western authors poets or playwrights) (mainly affects not-poetry because most of the sg poetry stuff is actually local)
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coralstudiies 5 years
sorry if this is rude im just curious '-' what made u choose triple sci and not another subject combi? what did u face aft that and what struggles did u meet? how did u overcome those struggles? did u ever regret ur combi? What did u like most abt it? if u cld go back in time and change it when u were applying for subject combi would u do so? Why or why not? Omg im so sorry this is super long im just inquisitive 馃槗馃槗馃榿 i love ur blog btw!
1. because i didnt wanna limit myself at sec sch level. like because honestly i knew i liked bio and chem more than phy but phy is like,,, u know what the adults say money making. plus i heard that upper sec phy not as hard ie the jump is smaller compared to chem and bio so i just take lor. anyways my strength is always science and english compared to other subjects so triple was the way to go :>
2. honestly the workload is ok. like everyone i struggled w chem at first but slowly i got the hang of it (how to answer) so i didn't face much difficulties in science. my amaths and emaths however is another case because they were damn 鐖涳紒鐖涘埌涓嶈! ofc i was a busy student so i had to stay up late to do work and study on the go but other than that not much issues
3. for chem it was a matter of getting used to it so only time and practice cld help. for math i just sucked all the way to 2 weeks before Os when i woke up and grinded tys and practice papers. i just barely pass my amath major exams. as for studying at night if i got tired i'll eat fruits or drink smt cold or even just have some ice cubes(wtf right i know) and wash my face, play some nice music and jam out while finishing my work. sometimes it was demoralising la cos u see everyone sleeping and chilling and gg out but u have training then after training u need to mug like hell but its like DAMN i rly love my sports so i just told myself if its something i like then its worth working doubly hard for!!
4. No i never regretted my combi. ppl always say triple is hard. i took like 9 subs (incl ECL for o level during sec3) and i got 9 distinctions and i still managed to train, have fun and enjoy myself and learn a lot and rly challenge myself to step outta my comfort zone. if anything its not as scary as ppl say it is because if u plan ur time well (i didnt rly but still) its definitely manageable and pretty fun imo. for my SS+egeog, i struggled w SS cos of a shitty teacher and honestly i still dislike the subject la but learning geog was so much fun so it didnt hurt much. tbh i think ppl say 3sci is hard cos of pure bio but bio was my strength so it never rly mattered. also memorising isnt painful if u like the subj HAHAHA anyway if u listen in class and watch videos it sinks in pretty fast:>
5. i liked that if u ever got bored about one subj theres always smt else to study lor. like imagine u cant understand circuits, ok move on and do organic chem. tired of your acids and bases then go study DNA lor HAHAHA ppl say its a heavy workload but for students like me with short attention span, its good cus i can keep studying diff things without getting bored.
6. nah i wouldnt change. i think this is the right combi for me. cus ppl like me (ahem indecisive libras) take damn long to decide but when i decide i make sure i've made the best possible choice lor. no huge regrets la. amath was compulsory (bleh). hcl was painful but i stopped hating chinese cus i made a couple of cool friends from china, taiwan and hkg (esp the taiwanese were so supportive and willing to help me with my work and i could help all of them with their english HAHAHA) which made learning more fun (plus since we all played the same sport u can learn sporting terms in chinese HOW COOL HAHAHA) then trisci was def the best part of my combi cus i love science man. for my sch if u take trisci u have to take ss + elective humans and out of elit hist and geog i'd still take geog (altho i fared the worst for geog in lower sec) cus its my interest and i rly love it :> so yeah i wouldnt change anything!!!
okies thats all, dont worry about the length HAHA it was fun sharing all that. this reminds me i prolly need to set up an about me for this blog lol HAHAHAHA i initially didnt do that cos idw to be doxxed or smt but aiya forget it man. all the best in ur studies and 鏂板勾蹇▊!!!
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neatbutnotreally 7 years
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AIGHT it's been,, what 5 months??? yea i tthink this really needs updates. sooo about my math and geog, I actually ended up doing really well for those two ppas?? so im kinda just... eh well wow. BUT NOPE NOT GONNA CHIONG FOR EYAS i promise to plan and be prepared man i dont wanna live that kind of life. but other than that... you could say that the holidays did improve me as a person qUite a bit. my instagram spam @delicuossu has a few updates on that but uh im not posting there now bc i have a little thing against instagram where it kind of really distracts me so yea. besides tjat,,,,, honesyly what can i even update about 5 MONTHS. but okay lets talk about whats goin on NOW. so basically i have some ism papers due next week and i have to get them done this weekend because of swimcarn on monday (hyPPEEEE im going with my closest friend this year sooo) and i only started on chem revision during the hols,,, which is why im studying for physics now yey ive got nothing against physics though. cant decide whether physics or bio is my fav science,, EITHER WAY CHEM SUCKS. cant believe chem has to be the compulsory subject next year. haizz. tbh physics revision is going pretty fine. im getting a little stuck at temperature rn because my eyes are sleepy (not a joke) and i just,,, gah. but yesterdays studying went great so yea. not gonna make this a really long post so bye 7.20pm 12 aug
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