#or for anyone to make a decission based on
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garciapimienta · 15 days ago
btw both are still aligned with your interests and would be useful for your career, one just has more subjects aligned with them.
Also both cities have a similar cost of living, and they are both in the same country (which is a different one from your country of residence).
Feel free to explain your decision in the tags/replies
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lukewalkwalker · 5 years ago
Aight, maybe gonna get some shit for this but honestly ... I’m tired of being told how I should look both in accordance with conventional beauty standards and from people who subcribe to a certain brand of feminism that says I should under no circumstances adhere to any conventional beauty standards what so ever, and if I do, I’m stupid and a traitor to my own gender. Truth to be told, the latter annoys me the most because it implies that I’m not capable of critical thinking - I know when I’m conforming to conventional beauty standards, and I know what they stem from but sometimes ... Just sometimes, the conventional beauty standards just happen to allign with my personal taste, and if you want to go all pedantic, yes I know that my personal taste is also based on cultural influences but every God damn aspect of me was created in accordance with the cultural norms I’m surrounded by.  With every single norm I can make an active decission of whether I want to follow or reject said norm, and it’s no one else’s business but my own. The patiarchy may hand me these ideas but I am fully capable of judging for myself whether I like them or not.  By telling me what I should and shouldn’t wear, you’re restricting my autonomy (does that ring a bell?) and basically saying “You’re too stupid to recognize and comprehend these patterns in conventional beauty standards, thus conforming to them blindly instead of making a reflective decision based on your own likes and dislikes. We will now tell you how you should live your life in accordance with our opinions, and if you don’t agree, you’re a traitor to your gender and a spy for the patriarchy”. 
I don’t care whether it’s the patriarchy or well meaning (but imo wrong) feminists - I don’t want anyone to dictate what I should look like, I pick and chose as I please and if that makes me naïve, so be it. I like what I like, and so should you. 
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lifewillflashby · 5 years ago
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Diego: ¿Por qué vamos a hablar de esta película? / Why are we going to talk about this film?
Adrián: "El árbol de la vida” supuso un despertar en nuestro interior, cinematográfica y mentalmente hablando. Esta película nos ha acompañado desde entonces y guardamos un especial cariño hacia ella por ir en sintonía con nuestras vivencias familiares y nuestras inquietudes personales. Da título a este blog/experimento y no podríamos empezarlo de mejor forma que haciéndole mención.
"The tree of life" was an awakening within us, cinematically and mentally speaking. This film has been with us since then and we have a special affection for it for being in tune with our family experiences and our personal concerns. It named this blog/experiment and we couldn't think of a better start than giving credit to it.
D: ¿Si pudieses elegir una escena que representa el espíritu de la película, cuál sería? / If you could pick a scene that holds the film’s spirit, which one would be?
A: Después de meditarlo creo que elegiría la secuencia final en la que Jack se reencuentra con los personajes de su vida en una playa de marea baja. Creo que lo que sucede en este entorno tranquilo a la vez que catártico recoge gran parte del significado que me atrae de la película: el amor como motor. Tras vivir una vida de resentimiento hacia su padre, desapego hacia su madre y pena por la pérdida de su hermano, Jack se encuentra con todos ellos para descubrir que el amor subyacía y persistía. Siendo él muy pequeño su madre apuntaba al cielo y decía: “That's where God lives”. A lo largo de su infancia ella trata de enseñarle que Dios es amor y éste se encuentra en todas partes. Siempre podremos redimirnos cuando nos encontremos con Él en su casa, pero ¿no es mucho más bello vivir con esa enseñanza que esperar a aprenderla cuando lleguemos a la playa de marea baja?
Thinking about it I’d choose the final sequence when Jack meets the characters of his life on a low tide beach. I think what happens in this calm and cathartic environment picks up much of the meaning that attracts me from the film: love as a motor. After living a life of resentment towards his father, detachment from his mother and grief for his brother’s loss, Jack meets all of them to discover that love underlayed and persisted. When he was very young, his mother pointed to the sky and said: "That's where God lives." Throughout his childhood she tries to teach him that God is love and that it’s found everywhere. We can always redeem ourselves when we meet Him at his home, but isn't it much more beautiful to live with that teaching than waiting to learn it when we reach the low tide beach?
D: ¿Qué nos quiere transmitir Malick a traves de su película? / What is Malick trying to tell us throughout his film?
A: Es difícil concretar la idea a transmitir detrás de esta película. A Malick le sirvió como ejercicio autobiográfico y pienso que gran parte de sus inquietudes personales están volcadas en la cinta. “The nuns taught us there were two ways through life - the way of nature and the way of grace. You have to choose which one you'll follow.”. Como dije anteriormente, el amor como motor es el significado que más me atrae de esta película y creo que Malick quiere hacernos conscientes de que sea cual sea nuestro camino debemos recorrerlo con amor. En la película nos muestra ambos modos de ver la vida: el científico y religioso, uno basado en la naturaleza y otro en la fe. Estos dos caminos confluyen en la figura de la madre, que nos enseña el lenguaje a hablar sea cual sea nuestra decisión.
It’s hard to find the general idea behind this film. It served Malick as an autobiographical exercise, and I think the movie has much of his personal concerns. “The nuns taught us there were two ways through life - the way of nature and the way of grace. You have to choose which one you'll follow.”. As I said earlier, love as a motor is the meaning that attracts me the most and I think Malick wants to make us aware of that. Whatever our path is, we must follow it with love. He shows us both ways of seeing life: the scientific and the religious, one based on nature and the other on faith. These two paths converge in the figure of the mother, who teaches us the language to speak whatever our decission may be.
D: ¿Qué otra película vibra en la misma frecuencia que “El árbol de la vida”? / What other movie vibrates in the same frequency as “The tree of life”?
A: Esta película es única en forma y contenido. Es un director cuyo sello es la propia frecuencia en la que vibran sus películas. Sin pensarlo demasiado la primera que se me viene a la cabeza es “The fountain” de Darren Aronofsky, por ofrecernos esa misma dualidad en su historia: el camino de la ciencia y la fe, con el amor como motor. Pero quiero también hacer mención a “Paris, Texas” de Wim Wenders, una película con una gran similitud argumental, guardando las distancias. Una road-movie cuyo viaje es una introspección hacia la vida olvidada del protagonista, llena de dramatismo pero también esperanza.
This movie is unique in its form and content. Malick is a director whose hallmark is the frequency at which his films vibrate. Without giving too much thought, the first one that comes to my mind is “The fountain” by Darren Aronofsky, offering us that same duality in his story: the path of science and faith, with love as a motor. But I also want to mention Wim Wenders' “Paris, Texas”, a film with great similarity storylinewise, keeping its distance. A road-movie whose journey is an introspection towards the protagonist's forgotten life, full of drama but also hope.
D: ¿Qué pieza de la banda sonora es para ti "El árbol de la vida"? / What piece from the soundtrack is "The tree of life" in your opinion?
A: Sin lugar a dudas, la pieza que me eriza la piel cada vez que la escucho, la que inicia el capítulo sobre la infancia y el aprendizaje: la familia. Hablo de “Má Vlast: Vltava”. Escuchándola al completo me doy cuenta de que guarda una especial similitud con la historia de la película y parece que funciona como una transcripción musical de la misma.
Without any doubt, the piece that gives me goosebumps every time I listen to it, the one that sets the beginning of the family chapter, childhood and learning. I talk about “Má Vlast: Vltava”. Listening to it in its entirety I realize that it bears a special similarity to the story of the film and it seems to work as a musical transcription of it.
Adrián: ¿Cuál sería tu resumen de la película para alguien que no la ha visto? / What would be your sinopsis of the film for someone who hasn’t watched it?
Diego: Obviamente es una película bastante difícil de resumir y sin duda me he visto en la situación de tener- o querer- explicarle a alguien interesado lo que se puede encontrar al enfrentarse a ¨El árbol de la vida¨. Siempre he sentido que al simplificarla en algo muy breve traiciono a la obra en sí. De modo que, al ser preguntado por ella, suelo describirla como una obra muy filosófica, sin una estructura a la que el cine nos tiene acostumbrados, con pocos diálogos y, como ves, acabo avisando más que describiendo. Esto es algo a lo que me he enfrentado numerosas veces ya que si hablo de lo que realmente venero en el cine, acabaría mencionando a Malick y su obra. Al ser ésta bastante desconocida por el público general, la pregunta sobre su trama suele venir a continuación: Si no tuviese que avisar y pudiese describir, hablaría de una pieza audiovisual de alto calado e ideas filosóficas, que abarca todo y genera una perspectiva profunda y temporal entre la inmensidad del universo y su creación con todos sus seres a la intimidad de los sentimientos y emociones de una familia que lidia con la pérdida y la muerte de uno de sus miembros. La niñez, la infancia, el descubrimiento de diversas emociones por primera vez. Diversos puntos de vista y momentos temporales en las vidas de esta familia que, junto a los momentos más impersonales, generan un mosaico perfecto sobre la vida y nuestra existencia.
Honestly, this is a movie that´s pretty difficult to summarize anyway and surely, I´ve seen myself in the situation of having or wanting to explain it to someone who´s interested to give an idea of what anyone will find when facing “The tree of life”. I´ve always somehow felt that when trying to simplify the plot of the movie, I betray the film itself, so, when being asked about it, I tend to describe it as a deep philosophical movie, with a different structure mainstream films got us used to, not many dialogues and as you can see, I end up warning more than describing. I’ve been in this situation numerous times in different movie talks because if I have to talk about what I really love in movies, I would end up talking about Malick and his masterpiece, and being this one pretty unknown for the general public, the question about its plot use to come right after! If I wouldn’t have to warn anyone and I could really describe it, I would be talking about a movie deeply rooted in phylosofical ideas, which embraces everything and creates a deep and timeless perspective of the infinity of the universe, from its creation with all its beings to the intimicy of the feelings and emotions of a family who deals with the loss and death of one of its members. Different points of view and points of time throughout the family’s life that, together with the most impersonal moments, generates a perfect canvas about life itself and our existence.
A: Si tuvieras que elegir un simbolismo/metáfora que destacar sobre los demás, ¿cuál sería? / If you had to choose a symbolism/metaphore to highlight above the rest, wich one would it be?
D: No podría centrarme en una sola escena, secuencia o metáfora, a pesar de encontrar numerosas a lo largo de la película. Quizá es una lectura más personal ya que este film se comunicó poderosa y personalmente con el “yo adolescente” que la disfrutó por primera vez en 2001. Me encontraba en un momento de mi vida en el que íntimamente me preguntaba muchas cosas existencialistas. Quizás la película no me dio las respuestas, pero como amante del cine fue una epifanía encontrar un artista que quizá se hacía las mismas preguntas y sentí que me comunicaba algo conocido de una manera espléndida. Diría que elijo la dicotomía presente en toda la película: la intimidad más absoluta del ser humano, sus emociones, deseos, culpas, rencores; y la infinidad, frialdad del impersonal universo, su naturaleza siempre cambiante a la par que creador absoluto.
I couldn´t focus only in one thing throughout the movie, not a single scene, methafor or sequence. Maybe this is a more personal take as I find it as a priority because this film connected with the ¨adolescent me¨who enjoyed it for the first time back in 2001. I was in a moment in my life when privately I was going through numerous existencialist thoughts. The movie did not answer my questions, however as an already movie lover, it was an ephifany to find an artist who was kind of asking the same questions and I felt it was telling me something known already, but displayed beautifully. I would say I could choose the dichotomy, always present throughout the film between the most absolute intimicy of the human being and it´s emotions, desires, guilts, remorses and the infinity, immensity, distancy of the unknown and always changing universe and its nature, creator of everything.
A: ¿Qué significado le encuentras a la secuencia de los dinosaurios? / What’s the meaning you find on the dinosaur‘s scene?
D: Ésta es una escena muy interesante que únicamente revisitando la película pude llegar a comprender realmente, como muchas otras. Creo que Malick en esta escena nos hace ser testigos de uno de los primeros momentos en que un ser vivo mostró benevolencia o compasión. Vemos a un dinosaurio desvalido en el suelo cuando un depredador aparece y lo inmoviliza. El primero le dirige una mirada de queja y el segundo le responde levantando su pata y alejándose, dejando a su víctima con vida. Me parece una forma simple e increíblemente profunda de mostrarnos un acto de compasión en una secuencia increíble en la que los dinosaurios aparecen como primera forma de vida compleja.
This is a really interesting scene which only by watching the movie again I could get to understand completely, as many other bits in the movie. Malick, in this scene, makes us witness the first moment a living thing showed such a complex emotion, like compassion. We see a hurt dinosaur laying in the ground movilized by a carnivour dinosaur. The first one looks scared and the carnivorous stares back lifting up its paw, sparing up its life as it walks away. I find this a simple yet amazingly deep way to show us an act of compassion in a great sequence with the dinosaurs as the first complex living thing in the whole creation of the universe sequence.
A: Como dato: Sean Penn tuvo algún desencuentro con Malick respecto al montaje final, en el cual se le omitió de gran parte del metraje. En otras películas Malick hizo lo mismo con grandes nombres de la interpretación, reduciendo su espacio a minutos (como George Clooney en “The Thin Red Line“). ¿Qué te dice esto sobre el director? / As a fact: Sean Penn had a disagreement with Malick regarding the final cut, in which much of his footage was deleted. In other films Malick did the same with big names in the acting scene, reducing his space to minutes (like George Clooney in "The Thin Red Line"). What does this tell you about the director?
D: Me dice básicamente lo que es. A través de numerosas entrevistas a su equipo, actores y productores, debido a que Malick nunca da la cara en premieres o estrenos, podemos encontrar a un artista puro, extraño en los tiempos que corren. Un artista que ama su arte y que solo lo concibe como creación de su pieza y abstracción de toda la pomposidad y marketing posterior. En esto podemos entender perfectamente que Malick no entiende de caché. No le importa cuán famosos sean sus actores o cuánto tiempo mostrarán su cara en pantalla. Sus actores son meras piezas del puzzle, tan importantes para él como el espacio o la naturaleza que les rodea. Terrence Malick es un maestro antiguo y moderno a la vez, sin inclinación o interés en ninguna estupidez Hollywoodiense y su equipo solo disfrutará de la experiencia si se sumergen en esta frecuencia. Parece que no fue el caso de Mr. Penn.
It basically tells me what it is. Through numerous intervies to Malick´s crew like actores or producers as Malick never shows his face at premieres or releases of his own movies, we can find a pure artist, a strange one for this times. He´s an artist who loves his craft and only understands it as the creation of his piece and total absensce from the flamboyant release and marketing that comes right after. Here, we can understand Malick doesn’t care about any actor’s cache. He doesn´t care how famous his actors are or how long their faces will be shown in camera. His actors are just a piece on his puzzle, as important to him as the space or nature that surrounds them. Terrence Malick is a simultaneous old and modern master and doesn’t have any inclination or interest on any stupid “Hollywood” bullshit and its team will only enjoy the experience if they decide to tune in with his frequency. It seems wasn´t the case with Mr. Penn.
A: No puedo evitar concluir preguntándote también, ¿qué pieza de la banda sonora es para ti "El árbol de la vida"? / I can't help but asking you too, what piece of the soundtrack is "The Tree of Life" for you?
D: En este caso y a pesar de que “El árbol de la vida” está llena de temas icónicos que immediatamente al escucharlos me llevan a esta película, me quedaría con el siguiente, y explico por qué. Es el inicio musical de lo que para mí es la más bella de las secuencias de la película: sus protagonistas enamorándose y creando vida.
In this case and although “The tree of life” is full of iconic musical pieces which, when listening to them in any situation would take me immediately to the movie, I would pick the following and let me explain why... It simply colours the beginning of what for me is probably one of the most beautiful scenes from the film. Their main characters falling in love and creating life.
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mystech-master · 5 years ago
Some other BBTAG scenarios that’d be cool
(I will now try and limit myself to the o.g. 4, b/c I barely know jack about Arcana Heart, Senran Kagura, Akatsuki Blitzkampf)
I might’ve mentioned some of these before, but I’m including them here for completionists sake
1. Ragna hanging out with Gordeau. I like his interactions with Ragna in BBTAG’s story okay, he treated Ragna with respect. Maybe Ragna meets Gordeau in Kanzakai and he goes to Gordeau’s bar and they chat. Ragna learns about how the Hollow Night works, they could chat about how annoyed that are by their usual aquaintances (Goedeau about Hilda and Chaos, and Ragna about.....well almost everyone in his life). Maybe Gordeau and Ragna get on the topic of revenge, since Ragna wants revenge on Terumi and Gordeau has a vendetta against Wagner. Ragna talks about how he had Terumi at his mercy once (CS’ climax) and Gordeau asks if it was worth it. Ragna notes that it was unsatisfying due to Terumi laughing during it when Ragna wanted him to suffer, AND recalls how Lambda died for him, and says it wasn’t worth it. (I see this as between CS and before CP).
If you want to go even further, maybe Gordeau introduces him to the rest of Amnesia (or Hilda and Chaos show up at the bar as Ragna and Gordeau are talking), and they offer Ragna to join Amnesia, sensing the power he has and saying that they share similar goals of taking down their world’s organizations of Order (Amnesia vs Licht Kreis and Ragna vs the N.O.L.). Of course Ragna tells them to fuck off b/c “When I did it it was for revenge, you’re doing it for shits and giggles” (TFS reference). I mean Hilda says that Amnesia’s purpose is just a bunch of people who want to be powerful and have fun. But they don’t kill, that rule was made clear by Chaos in Ekidu’s Chronicle Mode (following the death of Roger and Ogre in Gordeau’s Chronicle Mode).
2. Ragna in Remnant, like his first visit there. Of course Ruby might want to talk to him more, Yang gives him the benefit of the doubt for saving Ruby, Blake is in the middle considering I think she’d understand the situation they were in but also be wary of his Soul Eater ability (I think Blake would notice that), while Weiss would be against him due to her seeing his wanted poster for 90,000,000,000 PD. Ozpin could have Qrow tail Ragna since he is Oz’ informant and Ragna does seem to be a more active/immediate threat to those who don’t know him (if you want comedy maybe Qrow’s Misfortune semblance causes more grief for Ragna. Assuming that RWBY still have their System Crystal from RWBY’s ending, they could tell Ozpin about this and Oz will be up to speed.
So when Ragna shows up at Beacon he gets called to the Headmaster’s Office where the Ozluminati is waiting for him to just get the run down on things. Ragna’s bad attitude would attract Grimm, and also his Soul Eater makes him quite dangerous in a world where the powers are based on the Soul. Oz doesn’t want to start shit and Qrow probably has enough info to see he isn’t AS bad as people say, and that the situation is far more complicated. But Ragna is still a criminal with a dangerous power. The only reason he’s only being given a warning is due to Ruby’s good word, and if he tries anything, no matter the cost he WILL doe everything in his power to stop him from harming his students or the world he has sworn to protect as a Huntsman. Plus the fact that they can’t exactly enforce the las of a whole other Dimension.
Glynda is a bit wary of Ragna but respects Ozpin’s decissions, but Ironwood is in the camp of “This guy is a danger to us, so we should either contain him or kill him”.
If you want to go a bit more into the adult interactions, maybe after Qrow hears of Ragna’s shit lif ehe tries to take Ragna out to drink, but I think Ragna isn’t one to drink b/c he’d see it as a bitch’s way of dealing with probelms. But if Qrow annoy him to a point they have a drink off, butRagna out drinks him b/c his Azure Grimoire has a healing factor against toxins too (as shown how he shook off poison in one of the mangas) so he can’t get drunk.
Or you could have Taiyang seeing Ragna fight (Grimm, sparring with Qrow, who knows) and he picks up on how Ragna’s fighting is like Yang’s: prefering to go trhough everything and rely on your power when you get in a jam. But it can’t always save you. Maybe even have Tai give Ragna a thanks for saving his daughters, or this could be the only way you imagine Burnie Burns as Tai channel his inner Church and have him sass Ragna.
3. Referencing back to the post about the scene in CS where Ragna is with the Kaka Clan, you know the one I constantly reference. I'd imagine that after a week or so of everyone just chilling with each other Ragna is WAY more chill with everyone. So what I thought was maybe Yang and Akihiko, along with a few others maybe, are at a boxing gym and then Ragna shows up being......oddly more friendly/chill than usual, and just have them all have a friendly spar and just have Ragna be chill and friendl with people who don’t insult him or treat him like ass. I wish there was another cool brawler in UNI that Ragna could get along with to even it out.
4. Something smaller, just put anyone in the Kaka Village and watch cuteness overload. You guys saw how Weiss was with Zwei and Adrien, and Kanji wanted to pet Jubei so imagine how he’d react to the Kaka kittens.
5. Just something simple and cool for fighting shit: The I.T. go through the Emerald Forest in the style of Beacon’s Initiation Exam. With the 4 o.g. members of the I.T./current 3rd years (Yu, Yosuke, Chie and Yukiko) for one team, with the later members/2nd years form the other team (Naoto, Kanji, Teddie and Rise).
6. Adam Taurus and some other W.F. members are raiding a Sector Seven outpost/storage facility only to be intercepted by Makoto and Blake. After some fighting maybe Kokonoe talks over intercom or through a video screen so we can have some philosophical discussion between her and Adam,. Adam saying she’s kissed up to humans, while Kokonoe calls Adam and the WF bitches for letting the humans’ insults get to them this far. Makoto and Blake are a but uncomfortable, b/c while Adam is too heated about the animal people racism resulting in him going to murder people, Kokonoe has become a cold hearted bitch who, while not evil, has some issues.
7. How does Raven react to all this Cross-Dimensional bullshit? One idea I had was Yu talking with her to try and get her to see the Power of Friendship! He notes how her power also works through bonds, being able to make portals to those she has an emotional connection to (her former husband, brother, and daughter). Maybe then he unleashes his Wild Card aura to show how powerful Friendship can be (you know, the same aura that makes Elizabeth, the one who oneshots Erebus every other month, step back). Raven could still call Yu a naive idiot for thinking he can stop the horrors of Salem, although even she finds it hard to beleive that when Yu most likely just showed off Izanagi-no-Okami aura which was said by Izanami to possibly be near godlike power.
8. Sho Minazuki and Carmine Prime meeting. Both are vulgar fight happy assholes who have a blood moon motif going on. Sho goes to Kanzakai b/c the Hollow Night is full of assholes he can fight for fun. He and Carmine can fight and mayeb vibe off each other a bit, but Sho at leats has a tragic past while Carmine is just a loser who doesn’t care if he dies in a gutter. Mabe Labrys could say something like “I’m glad that Sho-kun finally has a friend he can relate to.....but.....I don’t think he’s a good influence.” As Sho and Carmine are laughing manicaly as they fight.
9. Ozpin learning about the Insulator and just....needing to sit down. Because as we all know from Vol 6, he had No plan to defeat Salem and was playing the long game defense. But now thanks to this cross-dimensional bullshit, here is the perfect weapon to FINALLY end it! Oz tries to talk to Linne about convincing Hyde to let him use it. But Linne has told Hyde to guard the Insulator with his life, and Linne doesn’t trust anyone else with it. Eventually Ozpin’s desperation leaks through and Linne connects the dots about Salem’s Immortality and Ozpin hiding her immortality. She then holds it over Oz’s head that if he tries to force the Insulator from Hyde she’ll spill his secret.
10. The main heroes (Ragna, Yu, Hyde, and Ruby) all talking with System just wondering what it would’ve been like if they all lived in a merged world. How would their lives be different, imagine them all going to school together? The possibilities are endless.
11. Doctor Oobleck beign fascinated by these other worlds and wanting to learn about their histories. Espeically the Persona and Under Night worlds (as thye are “Earth” worlds where things are very normal, no Grimm to limit humanity to 4 kingdoms and some small villages that get razed to the ground on a weekly to monthly basis. That sounds like it would be FASCINATING for a historian like Oobleck. Unfortunately since Earth doesn’t have dark monsters to unite against, we have a shit load of wars against each other. Which could lead to a lot of philosophical discussions about how people can only band together if they have a mutual enemy.
Just imagine Oobleck talking with Jubei or Bang about the Ikaruga Civil War, just Oobleck and Bang talking would be fun.
12. The robot girls: Noel, Aigis, Labrys, Vatista, and Penny all hanging out. Vatista is the most Robotic, Aigis has the most “life” expereince, Noel is the most “human”, Labrys and Penny are both very human like but naive and lack life experience. So they could all talk about shit.
13. Weiss wanting to spend time with Mitsuru, b/c Mitsuru is basically everything Weiss wants to be: she is an exceptional leader (commanding both SEES in her school years and current leader of the Shadow Operatives), a skilled fighter (Mitsuru flawlessly summons her Persona and Weiss struggles with summons at Beacon, AND her 1 v 1 Win-Loss record is kind of iffy), and she is on her way to redeeming her family name and company (after Mitsuru’s grandad caused the Dark Hour Incident 10 years before P3, and Weiss wants to redeem the SDC from her father) although IDK if it is still going on because A. people are still against Kirijo for the explosion accident 10 years before P3, or B. people are just against a woman being in power. Like Mitsuru is liek a perfect role model for Weiss.
I might add more later, lemme know what you guys think and if you guys want to take these to use them for fics.
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gojodiary · 2 years ago
When your friendship end like your otp canon story
Disclaimer: The story is based on my story. The grammar would be mixed potential. If you were had otp friends, keep stay by their side whatever the situation.
Hello, I am Ket and also on tumblr well known as Lily (before my friend called me Ket or Cat because my direct name account). First of all, I would like to thank you,Ellon. Because of your chaos, I couldn't active my tumblr, the platform I started my fandom era especially Jujutsu Kaisen. Then, I would held the space twitter but Ellon forced me to post tumblr LMAO
Okay, I want to share what happened last months and yesterday. The reason why our friendship ended like our OTP. I am fine if you heard the story detail from my friend (I forgot this is the disclaimer too)
Our collaboration and also friendship started on March 2022 where we met and watch first screening movie. We have shared appointment to bring our merch. She had insane idea. I acquired She was total person and dedicated. We shared same mind, idea about the fiction our ship. Yes, we couldn't careless of other opinion like hating our otp as long as we love it. Ofc, we had spent precious moment to celebrate the day.
Time passed, our friendship well till The grenade comes. so what is it? Yes, there is trending tweets about our OTP topic. It made me false alarm because I believed there was no mentioned in manga even interview had done on various magazine japan. I followed two fandom account which actively translated every update, they never mentioned. The account who spread 'agenda' with mix translation made me dissapointed to the my OTP area even They were reverse side. Every fans of my OTP fandom has been blinded. I was glad another fans artist I followed keep silence and the other one tweeted disagreed same as mine.
So that, I sent DM to my friend that I shared my dissapoint that account shared that 'agenda' and there was no miss translation. The discussion with one of another friend was also shared. Her reaction:
'A is notp, so she can tell like that' 'I knew our otp faith in manga was like (bad) that but I choosed to make them happy' 'Why you took a serious to the tweet although the artist are fans of our reverse OTP'
It made me not totally fine because the "agenda" has been success to grow OTP fans to love and arise their desire to confirm the OTP had already canon :). I felt disturbed and shame on OTP fans. Unreasonable.
Around two days later, I tweeted that 'I lost interest to my OTP and take a rest till my interest arise again'. She was shocked. She felt dissapointed my decission. Shortly, a days later, she replied another fans otp and made me sad. As True Bestie, She should tried to contact me like 'are you okay?' 'hei, our fav fans updated bla bla bla'. Helping me to rise not. She was careless.
I was being dramatic to share my dissapoint to make her contact me, and she did same before. I replied her tweet normally but she's cold. There is border between us.
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Climax :
The climax of the story started when we did 'subtweet' each other. I talked about reminding to buy manga (Srsly, I didn't have jelly feeling to anyone buy Doujinshi) because supporting our sensei. She responded my tweet "I know b***. I already knew without your notice".
A day later, I saw she bought the manga. Second, She was muttering about her complain to fans artist "omnivore" (fans artist who shipped multiple not only main otp). I responded to my tweet not ony to her also to follower (in sarcasm word) :
'Hey, yo, why you didn't make a list. be smart girl. you can filter and select which artist not omnivore category. You can use that feature' Finally, She did BUB (Blocked and Unblocked) all social media.
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That's our climax. I also did blocked because she have told me to do the same if there is one who blocked you, you act that. Okay girl. Noted
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End of Story
Finally, we jump into the end of story. Hurray!!!
After the action, I felt Like:
'WTF, Our Friendship ended like KFC story'.
'We have met and celebrate the day and you cut off. So rude'
Shock, Narrow and can't cry. I still respect our precious moment but How?
So, I made 'twitter space' to talk the story I wrote here. I would like to thank you for my twitter moots attend, listen and give advice. I always remember the precious advice.
"Let's end the story and Move on. Hopefully, you find a bestie who has same vision as yours"
Yes, the advice said right. I have to let go of this very drama friendship relationship. this is shipwrecked like our OTP faith
Final (very Final)
For closing my tumblr post (coming back with drama story), you can learn from my story that your friends in OTP shipping doesn't mean is your true bestie. Don't hold back. In community especially fandom, trust me, there is another will listen, so be kind to them.
Satoru Gojo always said
"Don't worry, I am strongest"
19 November 2022
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zebra-warrior · 5 years ago
With having a disease in which such little is known about it I can definetly say, I've got a lot of hopes for the future, especially future generations diagnoses with EDS. You guys know the things I got through with this rather you believe the medical abuse and neglect is real or not others with EDS know that if anything I'm downplaying the extent of it so my hopes for the future is that this condition is incorporated into medical school training requiring a very minimum of one week spent on the topic of EDS and much more in anatomy on the functions of connective tissue as well as connective tissue diseases as a whole being discussed more in school. Another more immediate hope is that schools totally throw out the zebra and horse teaching mindset and quit educating students to only focus on common diseases. Even what little schooling I had it was as if they were telling us rare diseases don't exist at all. They totally discourage us from even thinking about rare diseases. I remeber being assigned to study and write a report on one medical conditon then speak about it in front of the class. The teacher said we could pick any one we wanted. Everyone in the class chose more common conditions like strep throat, upper respiratory infections, breast cancer, and a ddw other more common cancers, heart attack, pneumonia, the flu, diabetes, high blood pressue etc. I went home and searched the web for rare diseases, this was even before I knew I had a rare disease myself. I read up on several and came across one that seemed particularly interesting. Trusomy 13. I wanted to choose someting rare because I feel like the common ones have enough recognition, enough financial backing for research and frankly we're too easy. I wanted a challenge, I wanted to speed the word about an underdog in much news of awareness and to spark interest amongst my peers who may spread the word. Trusomy 13 is one that often takes the life's of an individual on infancy and causes a lot of complications so this is what I chose. The day the teacher went around the room asking all of us what we chose she got to me and I told her. She pauses and said don't you want to try something more common like everyone else? I said no, I like the challange. She said well I would really encourage you to pic something else like how about heart disease? Theres a lot of good information put there on that. I said no that's okay, I like my topic and I'll be able to find enough information on it. She then asked me to speak to her after class. After class she said look, I need you to pick a different topic. I asked why. She said because it's too hard. I told her to trust me I can do it. She then said that conditon is so rare I've never even heard of it in my entire career. I don't know what it is or anything about it and theres no way for me to be able to grade your report on a condition I don't know anything about. That's whan I said well you said we could pick anything at wanted. I picked something I find extremely interesting and that's what I want to do. Besides if you don't know anyting about it you can learn someting new. After a big more of a debate, reminding her several times that she said we can pick anything and that even if it's not common it exists she finally I think, realized she wasn't going to change my mind and caves so that was my report and I aced it. Just because someting is rare doesnt make it unworthy of being taught in school and by telling medical students not to even consider a rare disease in a patient is just setting the patient up for misstreatment by medical personel. One in 10 Americans live with a rare disease so allthough each disease may be rare, actual having one of those many diseases isn't all that rare itself so I hope this mindset is no longer instilled into the minds of students and it's removed from the corricilam.
In addition to changing teaching to no longer encourage students to only look for what's common when diagnosing a patient I believe they also need to crack down on and better educate on how to properly diagnose conversion disorder or what ever word they happen to use for it at the time and really any psychosomatic disorder as a whole. They need to teach then not to use it as a crutch for their lack of knowledge and address their egos making sure they are aware that not everyting was addressed in medical school so they in fact don't know everyting and shouldn't behave in a maker in which they think they do and in these cases where the patient goes years and years with going to doctor after doctor for help to listen to them. I also believe they should ban anyone without a psychology degree from being able to diagnose conversion disorder. If they would like to send the patient for a psych consult or they would like to simply state in the referral "suspected conversion disorder" or please assess patient for a psychosomatic disorder fine but in no way should diagnose it themselves, or write long notes about the patient to try to persuade the diagnosis. If someone were going to trial in court for a robbery you wouldn't allow the plaintiff to talk to the judge and jourey before the hearing allowing them to speak without the defendant present in order to persuade them to rule in their favor before the hearing. They want a court hearing to be unbiased a psychiatrist or psychologist should be able to unbiastly assess a patient and make the decission on their own.
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Medical personel should be very throughly taught the dangers of an incorrect diagnosis, espexially a psychological misdiagnosis and the tendencies for this misdiagnosis to follow them around throughout their lifetine even if it was proven a misdiagnosis just because it was a diagnosis written in stone at one point in their life. They need to know how this can totally ruin the care a patient. If they do this and it's a wrong diagnosis they should be required to have all records be amended by law if something like this happens and is later proven to be a false diagnosis. This is why this kind of diagnosis is only safe in the hands of someone who has spent a large portion of their schooling learning it from inside out like a psychologist or psychiatrist. This is my hope for the future. No one should ever have to go through what I went through and every other EDS patient I have ever known has gone through and likely will go through the rest of their life because misdiagnosis it not medical personel use this label as a crutch. A crutch they permenantly brand is with. Conversion Disorder and "I don't know" are not interchangeable and and should not be used this way. If a doctor does this I believe they are breaking not only the code of ethics but also their oath to do no harm and should have their license revoked. They may not be killing a person directly but by labeling them with this because they don't want to deal with it follows the patient around for life, limiting their access to care, prolonging a proper diagnosis, postponing treatment and ultimately taking years off of their life and forcing them to suffer so in the end you have shortened their life and made them live much sooner lives then they would have otherwise because you couldn't work yourself up to say you didn't know something.
Medical field asside, in the future I hope to see massive changes to insurance. Make all insurance equal like that if medicare for all so that more people are having issues with coverage and someting has to be done about it. The flaws in Medicare exposed and resolved. I would like to see the formulary overhauled and at the very least EDS added to it but what I would aultimatly like to see is a person's eligable for a medication no longer based off of the condition they have but based on the symptom they are experiencing. If they remove eligability based on condition, this will remove discrimination based on disorder resulting in people with rare diseases not being denied necessary treatment. Not long ago insurance companies were allowed to deny a person coverage if they had pre-existing conditions but when they took that away the formulary got tighter as a result. This allowed them to insure everyone so they had a physical card stating they had insurance while still denying a large portion of the sickest access to treatment. Obama seemed to try to resolve this. Things were far from perfect but it had improved but then when trump stepped into office to change medicare he ultimately further tightened the formulary as it pertains to rare diseases patients making it so that its nearly impossible to dispute denials. We used to be able to dispute them, a doctor would send in some medical documents showing the effectiveness of a medication, treatment or surgery or explain why we another medication, treatment or doctor would not be appropriate and it would be approved but now it's nearly impossible to have the decission changed when filing a dispute. Now what the formulary says goes no matter what if you're rate and don't have the FDA approval for that medication being used for that purpose causing rare disease patients to be out of luck, forced to be treated with something not likely to work, someting that can cause more harm to the body in the long run, someting that can improve one condition but worsen another or simply not recieve treatment at all so my hope for the future is for insurance to be changed for the better. Not just for the better if EDS patients but for the better of all rare disease patients.
Next I would like more awareness and financial backing provides to the Ehlers Danlos Society and other places needing funding for EDS research as a whole. EDS has no cure and no FDA approved treatments. I would like to see this changed. Very little is known about connective tissue. So little in face that scientists don't even know what it actually is. It wasn't even suspected until 2018 that connective tissue may even be an organ and we still don't know for sure. It was also discovered that nerve endings may actually connect to connective tissue and those tissues are capable of feeling pain from damage to them. It was thought for years EDS patients don't have pain and that that aspect was all in their head until that recent discovery which now ranks it one of the most painful diseases a person can live with. With 2018 being really the tip of the iceburg knowledge about the conditon we are hundreds of years behind on the knowledge other diseases have and hundreds of years behind on research. It's like living with Type 2 Diabetes or Breast Cancer in the 1700's. I would like more awareness, more education in schools as more financial backing to be supplied to this disease. I don't want to have this condition labeled as the most ignored (I used ignored because it won't let me use the actual word for uncared for) medical condition in modern medicine. It has held that title since 1965. It's held that title for 55 years. The most neglected conditon and nothing has been down to change this over the last 55 years. Something needs to change. I also wish that a cap would be put on some conditons for research. Sure a cure would be nice for everyting but if there's a treatment that is extremely effective why not give give a percentage of that money to an underdog conditon. One that doesn't even have as much as one medication to help it in order to help them to try to catch up, even if it's just a little bit.
My hopes for the future are that these patients have all of this. They are believed, they are not treated like a psych case or a burdon, a diagnosis isn't delayed years and years, they have access to treatment even if it doesn't have FDA approval, recognizing this condition as a cause of disability, learning more about it and possibly just one treatment. Awareness goes a long way and it starts there. No one diserves what eds patients go through now and I hope no in in the future has to and they can seek medical treatment without fear, without being sent home worse then when they came, without being left without care, without harm from medical professionals and that they are held accountable but if course this would also involve a change in society as a whole as its not just medical professionals who are only in the career for the money, to get their 12 hours in so they can go home and to take short cuts and the easy way out. There's a lot that need changed but humanity also isn't what it used to be when people took pride in their jobs and wanted to not only get things done but get them done right.
Below are some pictures that show some of this. The last three to together and I'll explain these. It'd the McGill Pain Scale, a scale doctors use to tell them the average amount of pain a person with a speciffic condition is in. It has since been updated but at the time of the study posted in the two lower pictures the bottom scale was used and it's vary similar to the update one. CRPS is rhe most painful condition on the pain scale ranking in at a 42 out if 50. In the study below 273 EDS patients participated in the study taking the same test to measure the McGill Pain Index Ranking. Of all of the participants 89% of them were already on medication a for pain at the time of the study so we're tested based on their pain levels on medication. The results calculated their pain essentially on a good day during the week and a bad day. The average moderate pain (good day pain) came on with a median score of 43 out of 50. The high pain levels or (bad day pain level) median score was 45 out of 50. This was with 89% of them being on pain medications. Could you imagine the scores of they were weaned off of those medications or hadn't been on any medications when they were tested? EDS was not added to the updated McGill Pain Index for one simple reason. That being because patients were on medication for pain so it was considered to have flawed the results.
#myEDSchallenge #myHSDchallenge
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manage-management · 7 years ago
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Probably the best book in decision making for the general public There are dozens of books on decision making for the general public by self-proclaimed experts and academics. Usually I steer clear of such books but somehow I was persuaded to buy this book because of positive reviews here as well as due to presence of Dr Howard Raiffra, one of the authors. I have read Dr Raiffra’s more academically-inclined books before and his writing has left a deep impression - I consider him as one of world’s top experts on decision making. Go to Amazon
What a wakeup call! I just finished reading Smart Choices and boy, what a wakeup call! I always thought I was pretty good at making decisions until I realized I what am amateur I am. Go to Amazon
Great Resource for Decision Making! I bought the paperback version of this book a number of years ago. I find this tome to be a valuable source for decision making. I decided to buy the Kindle version to have easy access to the great book. I highly recommend this resource to anyone who needs a clear, concise process for decision making. Go to Amazon
Smart Choices Book was a very Smart Choice! I was really surprised by how much I was helped by this book. I consider Smart Choices to be the best book I had ever purchased. Since I went to college, I was faced with making important life decisions. Unfortunately, I made very few smart decisions in my life. As I look back, I would have changed it all. I definitely could have changed it all with the help of this book. Go to Amazon
Practical and well organized. Wish I had read it sooner! It's clearly written and organized wonderfully. The men that wrote it together have such a wealth of experience it's like taking a class from world-class experts. What's more important than making good decisions? I'd give it 6 stars. Even young adults could benefit from it. They have a newer version I think. Go to Amazon
How did I live without it??? I am a person who make decissions based on emotion most of the time. And I was aware of that and knew that was a reason why I made a lot of bad decisions. Go to Amazon
Useful information that I never knew I needed I needed this book for a college class and I was not really thrilled about having to buy it, however, this book was a pleasant surprise. This is a simple read that provides an easy explaination of the processes that one should go through when trying to make a decision. This book provides the tools to understand what your ultimate goal is and how to break down objectives and steps to reach that goal or make the tough decision with optimal benifits. Go to Amazon
Five Stars Five Stars Four Stars Excellent Book Great book, I would recommend that everyone read it Four Stars MBA Required Reading Five Stars Five Stars Practical and insightful explanation of how to make good quality decisions
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manage-management · 7 years ago
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Great Resource for Decision Making! I bought the paperback version of this book a number of years ago. I find this tome to be a valuable source for decision making. I decided to buy the Kindle version to have easy access to the great book. I highly recommend this resource to anyone who needs a clear, concise process for decision making. Go to Amazon
Practical and well organized. Wish I had read it sooner! It's clearly written and organized wonderfully. The men that wrote it together have such a wealth of experience it's like taking a class from world-class experts. What's more important than making good decisions? I'd give it 6 stars. Even young adults could benefit from it. They have a newer version I think. Go to Amazon
Excellent; a bit too scholastic Useful techniques; excellent applicability; however, it seems that the authors could not decide if they are writing a solid scientific analysis of the field of expertise on the subject or reaching out to wider audiences to allow the tools they propose to be used in everyday life situations as it seems to be the intent given the examples chosen for each approach or given that this could be an excellent purpose for this book. As such, the book becomes a useful tool for a management professional but it may be too dense and cumbersome for a wider use. Go to Amazon
Smart Choices - Your free consultancy on making Smart Choices Smart Choices is a well deserved title for this book. It covers all kind of decision making and choices we face and will face in our life. It also offers great decision making tools, and design thinking to make sure we really make the Smartest Choice. This book helped me a lot, and I still use it as consultancy sometimes to help me with my decisions. Thank you very much!! Five stars!! Go to Amazon
Great Book I used this book for a class. It was of great value to me and my college course. I am very happy for having found this very capable book. Don't get rid of it, keep it in your library,You will need it again Go to Amazon
Great read! I bought this book for school. It turned out to be a great read. Very easy to follow. Go to Amazon
How did I live without it??? I am a person who make decissions based on emotion most of the time. And I was aware of that and knew that was a reason why I made a lot of bad decisions. Go to Amazon
MBA Required Reading Needed this as part of my MBA classwork. Common sense approach to making "smart" choices. Only need to read it once. Arrived quickly. Go to Amazon
Five Stars Four Stars Excellent Book Great book, I would recommend that everyone read it Four Stars Five Stars Five Stars Practical and insightful explanation of how to make good quality decisions I am satisfied with the purchase
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