#or even if this fucking thing is going to have a verse for nance…. I do not even want to BEGIN to talk about why i don’t necessarily want to
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godblooded · 3 years ago
so i never get into spoopy season because … i have personal reasons that are very odd , but also i just never quite did. like , as a kid it was fun to go out with my cousins sometimes but the only thing i love in life on a true level is horror movies so this spoopy season we ‘ re honoring and loving my spoopy babies. aka my love for nancy sometimes comes back full fucking force and maybe i can apply it to the phenomenon that seems to be halloween for everyone besides me. 
#ooc. pinhead & candyman are my two dads & no i won’t elaborate.#[absurd? I love hocus pocus? I love its the great pumpkin Charlie Brown? I love autumn?#Idk i think i never got to experience it the way some people talk about it. Going out with your friends in stupid costumes and hay rides and#pumpkin picking. It wasn’t like… it just wasn’t ever something ‘fun’. I’m an only child and a solitary animal and Halloween has always#looked so social to me (lmfao i say like i didnt hang out in the village Halloween parade when i was 16). And i have always liked weird#morbid or creepy shit? All year round ever since i was a little kid. It didn’t ever ramp up at one point in the year.#it was unsolved mysteries 24 7 here in this bitch. So maybe…. I will get even remotely into it this year#if i just watch candyman and hellraiser and nightmare and Halloween 300000 times#or if i write 3000000 nancy hcs. Watching the new nightmare to think about Rooney’sinterpretation as an fc or… even as a nancy.#or even if this fucking thing is going to have a verse for nance…. I do not even want to BEGIN to talk about why i don’t necessarily want to#make it any of my canon verses.]#about. Nancy thompson.#v: nancy thompson: okay Krueger you bastard. We play in your court. (Dbd)#v: nancy thompson: I’m into survival. (Main)#[oh hang on i almost left behind my other final girl bby.]#v: heather mason: suffering is a fact of life; learn to deal or go under: dbd.#v: heather mason: god died & the girl reappeared. (Main)
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every-dayiwakeup · 3 years ago
Steve's been on the phone for- it didn't matter!
All Billy wanted to do was cuddle with him, and Steve had the nerve to put up a hand and say, "In a minute, Muffin."
More than a minute later, and Billy's going crazy. He's pacing around in the kitchen, juggling lemons in the air (when he sees an article on snakes he ends up dropping the lemons on his head), huffing and puffing...
He knows he's being unreasonable. Billy is many things, but he's not stupid. He can't be with Steve every minute of every day. His... buddy has a life to live, and friends to see.
Billy didn't have any friends. He told himself he didn't mind, and he was almost starting to believe it.
As cliche as it sounds, his mother had been his first (and best) friend. And then she left.
Things with Steve are weird. They've slept together a few times (actually sleeping, and only hints of the other thing) and they certainly spend a lot of time together. But they haven't put a label on whatever they were yet.
Putting a label on a relationship frightened Billy. It made things all... official. Besides, Steve wouldn't want to be Billy's anything.
Damn intrusive thoughts.
He ignores reason and stomps into the living room, where Steve basically ignores him.
Fine. If all Harrington was in this for was his body, then he would simply have to milk it.
He starts with his wife beater (a weird fucking name for a shirt, and it kind of unnerved him, to be honest), taking it off slowly.
What if Steve doesn't like it?
No, no. There was only one remotely good quality about Billy, and that was his body. The rest was, quite frankly, a dumpster fire.
Next he unbuckles his belt, and begins to take off his jeans. It's a bit of a struggle, but he gets them off.
He stands before Steve in his underwear, and he clears his throat.
"What, Bills? I said- oh my lord." Steve drops the phone, and Billy jumps at the clatter it makes when it hits the floor.
Oh no. He doesn't like it. He's disappointed. He's-
"Sorry, Steve-"
Steve cups his ass cheeks and pulls him close. "This was a nice surprise."
"You were on the phone forever." Billy cringes inwardly at his voice. It sounds so unlike him.
"Sorry, Nance was just checking in. She wanted to know if I was up for going out for a movie-"
Billy is already trying to shimmy his pants up his ass, wishing he had two extra arms so he could plug his ears.
"And I told her I wasn't gonna go. That I was with you."
Billy stops mid-hop, staring at Steve.
"I'm not ashamed of people knowing that you're my boyfriend, babe." Steve's smile fades. "Unless you don't-"
Billy shakes his head immediately; how could Steve even think for a second that he wouldn't want to be in a relationship with Steve Harrington?
They're both idiots.
"I do. I'd like... to be... what you said just now," Billy says awkwardly. If Max were to see him now... she would never let him hear the end of it.
Steve's face illuminates like Joyce Byers' Christmas lights, and he kisses Billy, gripping the part of his hair that's not so close to his skull.
"The little show you put on... any reason for that, Muffin?"
"I... I wanted your attention."
"Well, you certainly have it now." Steve then frowns, and adds, "But Bills, I hope you do know... I'm not in this because I think you're hot."
"I-I mean not that you aren't! You're really, really gorgeous- too gorgeous for a shithole like Hawkins! I just... didn't want you to feel as though I was objectifying you. I wanted you to know I was in it for more than your body."
"What else is there?" Billy finds himself whispering, on the sudden verse of tears. Was he on his period or something? Jesus, get a grip, Hargrove!
Steve has a determined look on his face, and he replies instantly, "You're brave, you're protective, you're smart as a whip, you tell funny jokes, you're resourceful, you have a way of seeing through bullshit, you put on a front but I know you love Max more than anything-"
"I'm not done! You're a good swimmer, you're good with cats, you don't cut off Robin when she goes on ramblings, you're genuine, you're dependable, you're passionate, you care deeply even if you don't always know how to show it, you stay in that house with that fucking scum because you won't let him break your little sister-"
"Like he broke me?"
Steve cups his face, wiping away the tears he didn't realize had been trickling down his cheeks. "You're not broken, Billy. I have no intention of fixing you. You aren't a fucking house, and you don't need to be fixed. You just deserve to-to have good things, and I wanna be one of those good things."
Billy smiles, sniffling. "You're the first good thing I've had in a while, Steve."
"Not the last, I assure you!" Steve says in his "King Steve" voice, hands on his hips. "So do you wanna... fool around? Or do you wanna cu-"
Billy jumps in Steve's arms, and the brunette oofs, stumbling back a little.
"Am I too-"
"I'm stronger than I look, alright? Chasing after a bunch of children and my favorite person in the world keeps me fit as a fiddle," Steve huffs, booping Billy's nose as he lies on the couch, positioning Billy right on top of him.
"Can you breathe?"
"If I weren't breathing, I would be dead, William."
"Yes, thank you, Captain Obvious."
"I heard that!"
"It's good to know your ears haven't failed you yet."
"You asshole, I'm not even that much older than you!"
"Uh huh. I saw a grey hair this morning. Didn't wanna say anything-"
"The movies are sounding really tempting right about now." Despite Steve's pouting, he grips Billy's hips tighter, letting him know: hey, I'm not going anywhere.
Billy sticks his tongue out at the landline, and snuggles deeper into the forest of hairs on Steve's chest.
@thatawkwardlittlefangirl (welcome 🥰🥰)
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haileygarciasunshine · 5 years ago
Good in every bad
Pairing: Billy Hargrove x Reader
Warning: fighting, swearing, angst, fluff
Word count: 1,881
Summary: Y/N has knack, for seeing the good in everyone. After the events at Star court, Y/N, is convinced that there is good in Billy, now she just needs to prove it to her friends.
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“Why do you always do this? How are you always seeing the good in people?”
Glaring at Steve you defended Billy, “I saw the good in you didn’t I?”
Both you and Steve were walking side by side, into the school.
Scoffing, he got defensive, “Yeah but I’m different!”
Rolling your eyes, at your best friend, you tried again, “How are you different? You were King Steve. Remember when you broke Jonathon’s camera?”
“Yeah, but I bought him a new one.”
“You did or Nancy did?”
“Nan- Hey! That’s not fair!”
“All’s fair, in love and war Steve.”
You had won the argument for the time being, but that didn’t mean that Steve would just drop the subject either.
“Why are you so hell bent, that Hargrove is a good guy anyways?”
Finally, arriving at your lockers, you groan at him as you opened your locker, “Steve.” Sighing in frustration, you knew he wasn’t going to let it go unless he got a satisfactory answer, “Because we’re all different people after what happened, and you know it. He could’ve had a hard home life. None of us know. Besides, we all gave chances, after the stunts you pulled.”
Steve let out a frustrated sound, “Yeah but....”
“But nothing Steve.” You hissed back at him in annoyance, “He hasn’t done anything since this summer, that otherwise contradicts my argument that he’s changed.”
“Hey, guys.” Jonathon and Nancy came up standing next to either of you. Robin shortly joined there after.
“Don’t even get them started, Nance.” Jonathon groaned rolling his eyes.
“They’re still having the same argument?”  Jonathon didn’t bother answering Nancy, before she piped in, “I agree with, Y/N.”
“I agree with, Y/N too dingus.”
Both Nancy and Robin agreeing with you caught everyone off guard, including you. After the initial shock, you smiled, and side hugged both of them.
“See. Even Nancy and Robin agree.”
 “Fine, let’s do this the party way. Majority rules.” Steve tried, “Who votes Billy has changed, and should be invited to the group?”
You, Nancy and Robin, nodded your heads. There was a loud sigh coming from Jonathon, before he nodded as well.
“Fuck. Seriously Jonathon? You were supposed to be on my side here.” Steve hissed in disbelief.
“I mean, Y/N, does have a point. We did give you a few chances.”
“God damn it, I will never live that down will I?” Steve suddenly commented with a hint of anger in his voice, “Fine, but I’m not going to be best friends with the guy.” Steve hissed, caving. 
Squealing in excitement, you threw your arms around Steve’s neck and gave him a bone crushing hug. After you pulled away, and returned to your previous position, standing next to Nancy, Steve said, “Besides, the guy probably won’t want to be friends with us.” You gave Steve, a death glare in response.
A few days passed since, the argument you had with Steve. You were too nervous to actually approach Billy, and ask if he wanted to be friends. Maybe you saw the good in everyone, but that didn’t mean that you had to be extroverted, and outgoing.
Thankfully, Max had invited Billy, to go to the newly, built movie theater with the party. Everyone was a bit hesitant to go to the theater, since the last time was at the now rebuilt mall, that everyone in the group happily, avoided.  
Everyone, agreed to see ‘Sixteen candles,’ even though pretty much all the boys in the group were against it, and didn’t want to see a ‘Chick Flick,’ movie. But they quickly stopped their protests after all the girls in the group reminded them that they always got to pick what the group did as a whole.
Max quickly pulled Billy along with a hushed, “Come on. It’ll be fine.”
Turning to greet Max, she wrapped her arms around you, before excitedly, bounding off to find Eleven. It wasn’t hard to pick up on Billy feeling out of place, his glances were around the room, all the while, he was shifting his weight from one foot to the other.
Going up to him you greeted him, “Hey, I’m Y/N.” You said offering him a sweet smile, while holding your hand out for him to shake.
He gladly, accepted your hand along with your kindness, before saying, “I know. We, uh. We go to the same school. I’m Billy.”
Chuckling softly you responded, “I know.” Giving him your innocently sweet smile. 
After, the group had accepted him hanging out with them at the movies, they had begun to invite him to hangout with group more often, Billy had gladly excepted the invitation.
Max was constantly, going on about how much Billy had changed even more, since this past summer. You had to agree with her, he had started becoming a lot kinder, and softer towards the party members, and had even begun smiling more often. He usually, didn’t talk with the group at school unless it was necessary, but one day that changed.
“Hey, Y/N.”
Turning in the direction of the husky voice, you were greeted by Billy, pulling you in for a hug.
“Oh, Hey Billy.”
He had caught you by surprise, talking to you and giving you a hug. Turning back to your locker, you gathered the books you would need for the rest of the day.
“Are you going to that weird dance thing that’s in Spring?”
You snorted before responding, “You mean Prom?” Light laughter flew from your lips, “I would like to, but I don’t know. Are you going to go to Prom?”
“Maybe.” He said nonchalantly, while shrugging his shoulders. 
Placing a hand over your heart, you turned towards the man that was towering over you, “What? Billy Hargove, might go to... Dare I say it? Prom?” Your voice came out in a teasing manner, but you were ultimately, shocked that he was possibly interested in going to a school function, that he normally wouldn’t be caught dead at. 
Both you and Billy shared classes together, that just so happened to be the rest of your day. He wouldn’t venture too far from you in the hallways during passing time, nor would he sit away from you in the rest of the classes.
Just as you were exchanging, books you would need to do homework for the weekend, Billy’s voice called you, “Y/N!”
“What’s up, Hargrove?” You asked as you put your bag on your shoulder, turning towards the doors to leave the building.
“Mind if I drive you home?”
Stopping in your tracks, you turned and gave him a suspicious look, “Alright....” You were hesitant, “But keep your hands were I can see them, at all times.”
“Yes, Ma’am.”
Max climbed in the backseat, but was pleasantly surprised, to see that you were sitting in the front seat, verses another anonymous face. 
“Y/N!” She yelled happily, throwing her arms around you where she could reach.
Chuckling at her excitement, you greeted her, “Hey Kiddo.”
“Long time no see.” She joked.
“Seriously! What’s it been, like twenty hours?” You laughed together. 
Pulling into the Palace Arcade parking lot, he got out to let Max out. 
“Be safe.” He yelled towards her.
“I always am!” She replied. 
“She’s a good kid, you know?” 
“I know she is.”
Over the next two months, you and Billy had grown close. So close, in fact, you had developed feelings for him. The only other person that knew, was Eleven. She often tried to give you advice but you never acted upon it, nor did you act upon your feelings for him.
Today, you were late getting to school, you had a car however it was a piece of shit, junk car. It barely got you from point A to point B. You had just gotten it back, from the auto body shop. It wasn’t until on your way to school, that one of the tires became flat. Thankfully, Hopper was able to come and get you to take you to school. Once, you walked in, you were greeted with a nauseating, sight.
Tina, was flirting with Billy. This made you groan outwardly, instead of in your head. Once you realized what had happened, you quickly, took off down the hall towards your locker. But not before hearing Tina say, “So Prom.... We should go together.” Jealousy, was coursing throughout your body. 
As soon as Billy heard the doors open, signalling that someone had come late to school, he was surprised to be met with you face, that last person he had expected to be late. Before the events of this past summer, Billy had noticed you. You were like a ray of sunshine, to everyone around you. Not only, were you someone who was kind to everyone, but you were smart. You never took anyone’s bullshit no matter how hard they tried. Over the little time, that he’s been in Hawkins, he finally figured out, why everyone gravitated towards you. You were someone, that made everyone feel like a somebody.
 He started to have feelings for you, back when he first moved here from California, but he wouldn’t admit that out loud. Billy knew you like the back of his hand. He was always protecting you from afar even before you were friends. That’s why he immediately shot Tina down, when she brought up going to prom together. If he was going to go to Prom, he was going to go with you. 
A few days passed, since Tina’s flirting with Billy. It was hard, trying to avoid him, but luck was on your side, since the school had one of those, three day weekends scheduled, for this week. Hopper was able to fix your flat tire, and get the guys at the station to drop off your car at the school, so you wouldn’t have to be waiting around for a ride from one of your friends. 
Once, the last bell sounded, you quickly made your way to your locker, before practically running out of the school doors. It took a minute, to find where the men had parked your car. Thankfully, it wasn’t too far from where you were currently standing. As you go to your car, you could feel someone’s presence. 
Turning around you were met with a strong chest, almost falling over, if a pair of stable arms hadn’t caught you. Looking up at him, his blue eyes, were twinkling, in a mesmerizing way. 
“Are you okay?”
It took you a second before realizing, he had said something, “Huh? Oh. Yeah. Fine. Thanks.”
You raised your gaze from his piercing stare, and watched your fellow classmates, file out of the school building. Realizing, he still had his arms wrapped around you, you tried to take a step back, only to be pulled back to your original spot. 
“Talk to me kid. What’s going through that pretty little head of yours.” He stopped short of sounding like he was begging. He was overwhelmed with worry, that he would lose you.
“Please.” He pleaded softly, “Please don’t push me away.”
“I have to go.”
He nodded understanding that he had to let you go, he unwrapped himself from you, allowing you to go. Hoping that you wouldn’t shut him out.
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nealdempsey42-blog · 7 years ago
Polish Women Are All Beautiful.
Our team possess the answers, as well as they are going to stun youUsing records secured off we've uncovered that, away from the best 10 very most prominent caffeinated alcoholic beverages, Mountain Condensation drinkers are heaviest - registering at 165.73 lbs (75.2 kgs). His poem Music (in Mattawa's interpretation - off a publication on its own nominated for the Griffin Verse Award) includes free throw line, In this particular home an immigrant lifestyles and his title is meaning" which I have priced quote sometimes in this nation in the past few years. You observe, Rhia possessed a genuine trouble, while this publication is actually only full of premature spunk that does not fucking matter. The Player by Kresley Cole - I am actually a hardcore fangirl for whatever this girl creates. Busted foolishness, repulsive foolishness, blessed foolishness, foolishness that had actually been there as long that was actually unnoticeable to me. But this book possesses a problem as well as it is actually a BIG one that I am actually betting many of you listed here on this website might differ along with also. All at once, this is actually understood in Washington that aspects from the ISI strongly believe that maintaining a partnership with the Taliban leadership inside Afghanistan is necessary to national surveillance. The titles as well as days failed to stick to me so I found myself having to flick back in the early part of the book to know that I read. Lots of people that make way of living modifications have time periods where they get off path (specifically throughout the vacations) as well as no matter what diet regimen, way of life or even improvement you choose, if you stop performing this you are going to obtain the weight back. Path styles that possess their ribs protruding and also penetrated eyes are CERTAINLY NOT a really good roll version, nor perform they properly illustrate how actual" women appear, not even typically thin" folks seem like that. For me, I carry out think it is actually a good idea to undergo guides, however, given that there are actually constantly some that I do not want to check out again or even that I have certainly never read through that I could eliminate. Alternatively, I have found books that I indicated to read yet have not but and also currently organize to! There really is actually absolutely nothing that will put me in an anger more than somebody aiming to have some of some, weight-loss-mentality free, diet-free viewpoints on earth and trying to switch it into a weight management diet plan. And also for Tom Franklin supporters, specifically those who delighted in Crooked Character, Crooked Character, this is a must read through. The unique centers on a triumvirate of girls: Nóra Leahy, a widow hesitantly taking care of her handicapped son, Micheál; Mary Clifford, who she employs as her house cleaning; and also Nance Roche, that possesses the understanding from the Excellent Individuals and also works as a midwifery and also people mender - She was actually the gatekeeper beside the planet. Continuously I was reading I can experience a threatening undertone - like there was actually one thing taking place that I was not aware of; that Jean (or even Jeanie as she is actually occasionally) had or even recognized performed one thing that she wasn't informing us regarding. A manual's overall score is based on numerous aspects, consisting of the amount of folks which have actually voted for this and how very those citizens ranked guide. I haven't go through a fictitious account this heartbreakingly realistic in a long period of time. 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If they eat extra untamed fish than they perform reddish meat product, I additionally presume that individuals who eat pork carry out much better. Possibly you've also gone so far regarding develop names for these individuals as well as envision their not-so-perfect or excellent lifestyles. There is actually plenty of witticism, and it commonly comes up from Christopher's gullible misunderstandings from scenarios and the dispute between his absence of embarrassment and desire to become unnoticed through unusual people. Its own cleverness, detail, type and also sharpness creates this a profoundly removaling as well as delighting adult read. This read like a novel where the writer has actually absolutely experienced the emptiness of adolescent terminal health problem, and also fortunately looks to have actually come to be more accommodating and helpful for this. Instead of erring behind proverbs. 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