#or does the horn from snz eat away at the horn pool and make my vanilla horn less potent
clovesnz · 19 days
What I wanna know is if people without kinks have the same amount of horny as me but just towards more normal things, or if I just have extra horny. Because like, I can be on my bed, not even feeling worked up at all, but think “eh I’d like to come rn” and find the first wav I come across and reach orgasm in like 2 minutes. Whereas if I wanna cum without snz stuff, I gotta kinda be in the mood, and really settle myself into a fantasy, or search and search for porn that actually does it for me - it’s a bit of a process.
So what I wanna know is like, is the latter just the normal vanilla experience of self pleasure? Or can vanillas just like look at people fucking and cum in 2 minutes the way I can listening to someone sneezing
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