#or did omega come out as trans and Nala se was like
mistergreatbones · 2 years
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Y’all moved on. I did not.
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eriexplosion · 7 months
Might as well keep going because I'm 0% tired at 1 in the morning, Bounty Lost it is.
SERIOUSLY WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON WITH CROSSHAIR He is BARELY conscious and he is LOSING IT. So either the chip was having one last spike of effectiveness before going down from the radiation or they did actually take it out as the only way to make him effective rather than rabid.
Bane's rude little bot out here to mock the child because she's the only person that can't kick him like a football right now.
He really didn't even check if Hunter was alive just shot him and went 'anyway that's probably enough' and called it a day. Didn't even do a second shot just to be sure. IT'S SLOPPY IS WHAT IT IS. Good that Bane is getting lax in his old age.
Honestly the thing with Lama Su is he has ZERO reason to tell Nala Se to kill Omega after getting the genetic material needed. WHY WOULD YOU KILL OFF YOU PRIMARY SOURCE? This is exactly what happened when Jango Fett died eventually you'll need another one! Short sighted dumbass.
Yeah sure, Todo, Bane's not helping you just because 'he's very busy' remember that time he turned you into a bomb?
I am shocked at how few trans Omega headcanons there are with the pure genetic replication thing, like I know there are other holes in it like hair color but come on. Trans Omega!
OMEGA IS SO SMART I LOVE HER. And she does fix him before turning him off! It's very polite of her to do that.
By hook or by crook, you're coming with me thanks that's terrifying.
Omega's first reaction to seeing Taun We is to try and help her, genuinely she is such a good girl
I simply do not like the mutant creatures in the Goo.
God though the way Fennec YEETS Omega into a hallway
At a certain point in this fight it genuinely feels like Bane and Fennec have completely forgotten about what they're supposed to be doing because all they're doing is FIGHTING EACH OTHER.
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Fucking bandages over the clothes. I will never be normal about this WHY DID THEY DO THIS? SHOW US HUNTER'S FUCKING TITS OR ELSE.
Tech sleeping in a chair with some Gadget clutched in his hands is so cute
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Why he got his leggy up like that
This is a really sweet scene though I do love it. I thinkkk this is one of my least favorite of the season but only because it lacks any BIG SPIKES OF AFFECTION, it's still a really solid episode.
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im feeling especially fruity today, and i decided to do something fun with it. pretty sure this has been done before, but still, yay for gay space dads!!!
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-this man is not straight in the slightest.
-elaboration you ask?
- i headcanon him to identify as a queer genderfluid person
-he thought he was straight until he saw Anakin on the mission in clone wars season 7 and his mind just went 'oh FUCK-'
- he experimented with bisexuality before deciding he'd stick with being queer
-he's now come to terms with being queer, and he doesn't really give it that much thought
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-this dude is, in my opinion, aro/ace as HELL
-he probably asked tech where babies came from and he was never the same
-i mean he's still sex-positive, but he'd much rather be eating the space equivalent of garlic bread while wrapped in a blanket burrito
-when anyone flirts with him, he is CONFUSED, like 'no thank you, i want friends and arson'
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-chaotic panromantic demiboy!!!!!
-he's slightly sex repulsed, which used to confuse him because in his studies, it says intercourse is natural and sometimes pleasurable...
-which, to him at least, wasn't the case
-but he knew that he didn't care about gender when it came to love
- he eventually came to the conclusion that procreation is not inherently the key to everything
-i'm so proud of them
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-🎶it aint no lie, baby, bi bi bi🎶
-this dude is bi as fuck
- as for gender, crosshair just said yes
-he, she, they, anything at all
-they also simped for Anakin on skako minor, but unlike hunter, crosshair knew he was bi since she was a cadet (crosshair knows ALL)
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-my boy echo is a demisexual homoromantic
-but he was so used to being among his brothers, he assumed he wasn't anything more than straight (even though the clones aren't straight either and it's the kaminoans heteronormative bullshit that represses them in terms of finding their identities)
-but after being freed from skako minor, he decided to try to find himself
- HE DID and he feels great
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-omega is a mtf trans lesbian
- she figured this out with the help with the only not-complete-arsehat kaminoan nala se when she told her she didn't feel like herself
- nala se was actually super supportive, but she wasn't a patch on the bad batch *it rhymed!*
-she still thinks she's got some time to finish discovering who she is, but for now, this is who she is
- the bad batch are so proud of her :')
so there you have it, folks! those are my headcanons, and these are just for fun, so don't come at me with homophobia or any negativity, but if i did get anything wrong, please dm me
love you guys xx
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ahsokasshoto · 3 years
Names and Faces
Star Wars: The Bad Batch fanfiction
No romantic relationships;  Omega, Hunter, Wrecker, Tech, Echo, 99, Nala Se
1999 words (I really couldn’t have just added one more, could I?)
Summary: Imagine growing up on Kamino, dysphoric for a face that you see reflected back at you not only in the mirror but in everyone around you. Imagine what it would mean to be finally be seen as different, knowing that people were finally seeing you as you saw yourself.
Omega deals with growing up trans on Kamino, and how to later tell her newfound family this important piece of her identity and history.
TW: non-graphic violence between the first and second breaks, and mentions of/hinting toward dysphoria throughout
It was an okay face, she supposed. If she looked at it from a certain angle. And squinted a bit. The jaw was too set and square; nose too wide and flat; hair too rigid. But the eyes….the eyes were good. She had to learn to like this face. She was stuck with it.
“The hell are you looking at, Question Mark?”
The jeering voice shook her out of her thoughts and she winced. She’d been daydreaming in the middle of the cafeteria while staring directly at another clone. Again. He stepped towards her, brows knit together in a familiar fury. A group of clones stood behind him, backing him up. “I asked you a question, Question Mark,” he hissed, using the snide nickname some of the clones had branded her with. She was always disappearing for tests or riding the heels of Nala Se. No one quite knew what to make of her. To them, she was a big question mark.
She stood and looked into that face, her face, reflected back at her. She tried to keep hers neutral as she said sternly, “That’s not my name.”
The other clone smirked. “Well, what is it then, Question Mark?” He took another step toward her, those copper-colored eyes still menacingly afire. “Or is that just another question mark for us, too?”
Fortunately for Omega, those questions would have to wait as the cafeteria was suddenly abuzz with excitement. One of the clone troupes was back from a mission. “It’s the weird ones,” Omega heard another clone whisper. “Aren’t they called the Bad Batch?” another clone responded. “Don’t you mean the sad batch?” the clone who had jeered at Omega scoffed. But at least he was distracted for now, and Omega hurriedly made for the exit when she saw him.
It was that face, the one she’d seen countless times on countless people, but it wasn’t the same. His hair fell over it, and the dark ink of the skull pattern caught the bright Kaminoan light, making it look all the more shadowed. And with him were three other clones, each with equally unique faces: one with thin, hollowed cheeks and a crosshair tattooed over his eye; one which stood taller than the others, a twisting scar spread around one whitened eye; and one wearing high-tech goggles, face buried in a datapad. She’d never seen anything like these clones before.
The one with the skull tattoo turned on his way to a table and caught her eye. He gave her a small smile and nod before turning back to sit with his team. Omega could not stop her heart from fluttering.
"Who were those clones, Nala Se?"
Nala Se blinked slowly at her. "To which clones are you referring?"
"The ones who didn't look like clones. Big guy, one with goggles, one with grey hair and the one with the skull on his face."
"Those are the clones of experimental unit 99."
"Experiments?" Omega looked down at the cold machinery which poked and prodded her skin. "What kind of experiments?"
Nala Se moved some sensors, made some notes. "Nothing that concerns you."
Omega was not deterred. "Why do they look like that? Because of the experiments?"
Nala Se paused, all but sighing as she turned to look into Omega's wide, curious eyes.
"Yes. Aberrations in their DNA enhanced traits desirable in soldiers. We further enhanced those traits manually."
"Wow." Omega leaned back. "What can they do?"
"Enough questions for now, cadet. Just relax."
Usually, the sensations of the metal sensors on her skin brought on a dysphoric discomfort that would stay with her, sometimes for days after an examination like this. But today, her mind was far away, imagining the face she'd have if she could be different like Experimental Unit 99.Omega was still lost in thought as she made her way back to her bunk. It was late, and she hoped the other clone cadets would all be asleep. But her hopes fell when she heard heavy footfalls behind her.
"Well, well, well," sneered a familiar voice. It was the cadet from earlier, his crew still lurking behind him. "If it isn't the big old question mark. What are you doing out so late? Huh?"
Omega could feel his hot breath in her face. She glared at him. "None of your business."
But the other clone merely smirked. "I saw you looking at that sad batch clone earlier. You know what I think? I think you're defective," he said, jabbing a finger at her chest, "just like them. That's why they have to do so many tests on you." He tugged at her shirt. "Why don't you show us, Question Mark?" He lifted her shirt up and punched her in the gut. It knocked the wind out of her and she fell to her knees. She had barely time to throw her arms up over her face before a foot was coming at her head. The other cadets stood by and laughed. One may have even added some kicks of his own; there were so many, she couldn't tell, and she began to grow faint and dizzy. Finally, one of them said, "I hear footsteps. We'd better get out of here!"
They took off running in the opposite direction of the approaching footsteps. They were moving too quickly to be Kaminoan. She dared not look up as they grew closer.
"Are you alright?" said a soft-spoken voice, filled with genuine concern. She'd never heard that kind of voice on Kamino, not even from Nala Se. She risked a tiny peek, and found herself looking up at another clone unlike any she'd seen. His body was slightly hunched, his face wrinkled, but he looked at Omega with some of the kindest eyes she'd seen on Kamino.
"I...I think so," she winced, struggling to sit up. The clone reached out and offered a steadying hand, which she accepted. "Ow," she winced again, feeling a sharp pain in her ribs. She hoped they weren't broken; that would be difficult to hide from Nala Se.
“I’m 99,” the clone said kindly. Omega perked up. “Like Experimental Unit 99?” she asked brightly. 99 chuckled. “The Bad Batch,” he said fondly. “They had to go through this too, you know. At least, before Wrecker got too big to scare everybody off.”
She looked up at 99, wide-eyed. “Really?”
“Not all regs are like that, though. I’ve known some good ones. It’ll get better.” He smiled at her, but she still looked dismayed.
“I don’t know. I’m different, too. I don’t look like it, but I….I feel it.”
99 gently helped Omega to her feet. “Well, if you ever need someone to talk to about it, come and find me. I’d better get back to work, though. What’s your name, by the way?”
Omega smiled, and took a breath. The last letter. The last she’d ever be considered a question mark. Once the name passed her lips, there would be no going back. But she was ready.
“Omega,” she said proudly. “My name is Omega.”
99 had been right; things did get better once she told Nala Se she was transgender. “Most intriguing,” was all the Kaminoan woman had said, blinking those huge, taciturn eyes. She had begun production and administration of puberty blockers shortly after that.
Omega continued to meet with 99 through her transition, and the two became fast friends. She especially loved hearing his stories about the Bad Batch. The attack by the Separatists on Kamino was a devastating blow. She attended 99’s funeral ceremony, along with several regs. She looked over them all. Most did look pretty regular, but she noticed a couple, one with a hand painted on his armor and one with a tattoo of a five on his head. They must be more experienced troopers to have such marks. 99 had been right, Omega thought. Not all regs were bad if they could pay their respects to him.
People still treated Omega differently, but what no one realized was that every snide remark about her hair or her soft features or her clothing was a point of pride and power for her. They were finally seeing her as she saw herself.
And the next time the Bad Batch saw her, she could look back at them with a face as same but different as theirs.
"Tech, how's it going with that datapad?" Hunter said in a low voice. He, Tech, Wrecker, Echo, and Omega wandered the surface of Bracca, searching for a particular piece of machinery.
Something caught Omega's eye: a shock of color stuck out against the rusty brown all around them. She knelt down for a closer look. It was a small flower, delicate purple petals reaching through the junk for a chance at sunlight. It was beautiful.
"Nothing yet. The latent charges in the rest of the machinery here must be skewing my tech as much as your senses, Hunter." Tech shook his head. "My screen is like a big, blank question mark." The words jolted Omega out of her reverie. Her mind was suddenly thrust back to Kamino, when those words were slugged at her as much as fists were. Her chest grew tight and her heart began to pound.
“Omega?” Hunter heard her panting as much as he sensed her panic and was at her side in a moment. “Omega, what is it? What’s wrong?”
Her thoughts were racing; it was difficult to focus. “I....I just….” Big, splotchy tears began to spill. Everyone had stopped now to look at her, concern lining each of their faces. “Question mark. That’s what people used to call me, back on Kamino. Before….before I….” She couldn’t finish before choking out a sob. She turned away from them and ran back in the direction of the ship. Hunter made to follow, but Echo placed a hand on his shoulder. “Give her some space. If she wants to tell us, she will.”
The crew arrived back at the ship some time later to find Omega waiting for them. She looked at them solemnly, almost sheepishly. “I’m sorry I ran off back there,” she said quietly.
“That’s alright, Omega. Is everything okay?” Hunter asked gently.
Omega took a deep breath. “When I was first growing up on Kamino, I knew that I felt different, but I didn’t look any different from everyone else. I didn’t want to be a soldier. I didn’t want to be like them at all. I’d be taken away for tests a lot, and no one knew what to make of me. I was just a big question mark to them.”
She looked down at her hands. “Now when people see how different I look, it makes me happy. Because they’re seeing me as I am. A girl. I’m transgender,” she finished, and risked a glance up at the group. The members of the Bad Batch were all beaming at her with immeasurable pride.
"Wow," Wrecker whispered, his good eye wide and sparkling with admiration.
"Thank you for telling us, Omega," Hunter said earnestly, kneeling down to look her in the eye.
"We are so lucky to have you," Tech piped from behind Hunter.
"Absolutely. You may not have wanted to be a soldier, but you're brave and strong as one," Echo said.
"But way prettier!" Wrecker added, and they all laughed.
"Thank you guys," Omega said finally, wiping the tears from her eyes. "No one's ever understood me like you have. I couldn't ask for a better family."
"Me neither," Hunter replied.
"Here, here!" Tech agreed.
Wrecker couldn't take it anymore. "Oh, bring it in!" he cried and he wrapped his arms around Tech and Echo and sandwiched Hunter and Omega between them in a group hug. Omega’s heart swelled to know that she finally had a place and a family to which she belonged. Where she could be free to be exactly who she was meant to be.
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