#or deimos wheres that data set we need
deimos-posting · 1 year
i think everybody should be so sweet to me
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warcriminalcommie · 2 years
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Hey guys welcome back to another episode of Ay ruining your day because HAAAA.
Felt like we needed some depressing shit here that isn't depressing in the "What did you do you to him? Wh-Why? I'm gonna go vomit now what the fuck did I just read—" way so have angst. :bbg_emoji:
Also if you feel like you've seen this before, that's because you probably have. I yoinked this from my Wattpad because I'm (not) cool.
Blue Or Brown, Can't Remember
It's been a few months since Deimos had passed. Almost more than half a year. Specific period. But that's because that event kept haunting you, replaying in your head. Hah, replay. Even thinking of that word reminds you of his stupid song that he'd bug you with. Funny how you'd describe it as him annoying you back then when now you'd do anything for him to just come back and pester you with his stupidity just once more.
You really couldn't get your mind off of him. Everything would remind you of him and the stuff you'd do together as friends. As friends. Nothing but friends. That's what it was, what it was and what it always will be due to you taking him for granted. You thought he'd always be there. That one day, you'll eventually get the courage to confess to him. Or hell, maybe he'd confess to you! I mean, he did seem to take an interest in you. But that'll remain unknown for the rest of eternity, or at least the rest of your life, because he's gone. Gone forever.
You didn't even get to say goodbye. You weren't even there when it happened. Every day you keep thinking about it. All the 'what if's and 'if only's filling your brain. Just like how it's filling it right now, as you sit here and ponder your now meaningless life.
"What if I was there?"
"What if I took the bullet instead of him?"
"If only I saved him."
"If only it could've been me."
These thoughts kept harassing you. You couldn't take it anymore. It was all you could think of. You could barely experience any form of happiness without you being pulled back into this state of constant, unhealthy grief.
"If only, if only, IF ONLY!!" You screamed out, tears in your eyes. You didn't even care if Hank or Sanford heard you from their rooms. You just couldn't take this anymore. It was literal hell on earth. 
Hell on earth...
Makes you wonder where your beloved little chain-smoker is right now. The thought had just popped into your head. Now instead of regret, you felt fear. Fear, worry, and concern. You hoped that he was somewhere safe, his soul resting in peace from this hell you all called Nevada. 
You shook your head, trying to get these thoughts away. But you couldn't. God, how much you missed him. His dumb jokes, his stupid personality, his voice, his scent of tobacco, his eyes... His...eyes... Huh. Now that you think of it, you can't even remember his facial features, or any of his features for that matter. You had a hint in your head that his eyes might have been either blue or brown, but you can't seem to remember.
That thought made you get up from your bed to go and look for a photo of him, or anything similar to that. You looked and looked until it hit you that you haven't kept any sort of archive of him. That thought made you freeze in your place. Tears started stinging your eyes, the sour feeling setting in. The fact that you don't even have anything to remember Deimos with broke you.
You immediately and frantically opened your phone. You scrolled and scrolled on every app that you had, back and forth and went through every single piece of data there. And... Nothing. No chat logs, no conversations, no images, nothing. It can't be possible... Can it?? Oh, wait...
It can.
And that's because in a fit of pure anguish, you decided to erase what little you had of Deimos left on your device so you can forget about him. So you can heal faster. It all moved to your "Recently deleted" folder, but you had forgotten to move the files back where they belonged. As for the chat logs... They never had any hope of being restored easily after you deleted them. Only someone with complicated tech knowledge could do that job so easily.
Someone like him.
And there you go... Remembering him again... Gosh, you really were dependent on him, huh? You started to think about life before him. It was... Bad. To say the least. It might just be because of the fact you lived in this pathetic excuse of a state, but who knows? You certainly don't since your view of the past, yourself, everyone and the whole fucking world has been contorted after this little incident 
It's all just so absolutely meaningless now. So worthless and nugatory. It all felt so dull without him. He was the spark of joy in your life that you didn't know you needed. That you didn't appreciate enough. That you took for granted.
You sighed, laying on your bed again, staring at the ceiling. You felt the tears dry but then you just burst out, again. You took a shaky breath, trying to regain composure. You felt so hopeless. It just hurt so much to cry over and over again. You couldn't take it anymore. To make it all even somehow worse, your nose had started burning thanks to all the tissues. You tried to take deep breaths to calm yourself by at least a bit, but you simply kept breaking down mid-breath.
Choking on your own breath and panting heavily, you sighed, tears falling down your face. You were so damn exhausted from crying. It felt like shit, but you couldn't stop. Your heart was pounding like crazy, and your lungs felt like they were beating. It started to physically hurt you. Is this how Deimos felt?
Just why?
Why did you have to remember him again? And why did it have to be that memory out of everything?
Why couldn't he leave your mind? Why couldn't he let you be? Why can't you just let this thought disappear? Why can't you repress it like all the horrible things you've repressed?
Was he haunting you? I mean, in your current state, you'd probably be delusional enough to believe that he does still live on as some sort of undead entity. Thankfully, that thought didn't cross your mind. Yet.
Trying to clear your mind out of all these thoughts just made you feel worse. Again. All you did was remember how you could have treated Deimos better. All the insults you'd throw at him, all the hits, punches, kicks, all the mean comments. You meant it in a joking, friendly, light-hearted manner. But it still made you feel like shit.
What if he didn't catch the hint?
What if he took it as genuine?
What if he hated you all the time?
What if you hurt his feelings?
You just broke down again at these thoughts. Something that made it all worse is that you actively denied these comments and actions to be jokes. Deimos seemed to take it well, but would seem hurt from time to time. You couldn't tell if he was being sad as a sort of joke of his, or if he was genuine. It still hurt to know that.
Fuck. What if he did actually have feelings for you and never confessed because of these comments? What if he felt the same way? You couldn't tell which thought hurt more. The one about him hating you in silence, or loving you in silence.
It hurt. It hurt so much. You just wanted your consciousness to be taken away. You couldn't even dream about any more happy moments with Deimos.
What if you were nicer to him?
What if you actually confessed?
What if you were there for him?
What if you didn't let him split and leave you?
What if you took his place?
What if?
What if?
What if?
What if.
What if.
What if.
What if.
What if.
But it doest matter.
Because he's gone.
Gone forever.
lmao loser.
Still nervous about posting shit onto this hellhole woo.
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terryblount · 5 years
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey patch 1.4 comes out today, is 5.6GB in size, full release notes revealed
Ubisoft has announced that brand new update will be coming out for Assassin’s Creed Odyssey today. According to the release notes, this patch will upgrade your game’s version to 1.4, is 5.6GB in size on the PC, and comes with a number of changes and tweaks.
Going into more details, the Assassin’s Creed Odyssey update 1.4 addresses an issue where the camera was twitching when pressing “next” during a dialogue in Story Creator Mode, corrects an issue where the camera was twitching when pressing “next” during a dialogue, and makes the third tag in the Story info panel correctly aligned with the others and not obstructing the Story’s description.
Moreover, this upcoming patch will address several misplaced textures, address various issues with the user interface, address an issue that prevented players from upgrading the Spear of Leonidas at the forge, address an issue causing arrows to be stuck in your hand when meeting certain conditions, and will bring a number of Quest fixes.
As always, UPLAY and Steam will download this update as soon as it becomes available, and you can find its complete changelog below.
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey Patch 1.4 Release Notes
Added in-game support for Judgment of Atlantis.
Added in-game support for upcoming Lost Tales of Greece.
Addressed an issue where the camera was twitching when pressing “next” during a dialogue.
Removed mercenaries from the game when playing a Story.
Added an autosave when completing a Story.
Players will no longer be rewarded Abraxas after entering a Story Portal.
Addressed an issue that would display Kassandra lines instead of Alexios (and vice versa) when testing a Story.
The third tag in the Story info panel is now correctly aligned with the others and not obstructing the Story’s description.
Allied relations will be removed if players set a kill objective on the same NPC further down the line.
[PC] Hades can no longer be fought again after switching worlds on a multi-monitor setup.
[PC] DLC Torment of Hades achievements are no longer locked in the Steam overlay if conditions are met.
Players are no longer able to carry the survivor in A Young Warrior’s Ghosts and throw her off a cliff, as she’s needed to finish the quest. … Trying hard not to judge that some of you even tried.
Addressed an issue in Idiot Hunt that caused the NPC to be missing from the cave.
Addressed an issue with the Poisoner of Athens that caused him to stop reacting to stealth attacks.
Addressed an issue in The Warrior, the Eagle Bearer that prevented players from teleporting from the unique realm immediately after reaching the area.
Addressed an issue that caused players to be stuck in place if an Isu adrenalin freeze cancelled the player’s Rain of Arrows.
The player will now die accordingly if they activate Ares Madness and then jump off a bridge. “Only death can pay for life.”
Enemies will continue attacking when players combine Vanish Enhanced and Rapid Fire Arrows.
Addressed an issue in Dark Horse that prevented the next objective from appearing.
Sentinel beam audio tracks will no longer trigger multiple times.
The Shadow of Nyx effect will now stop when interacting with any stele.
Improved Steles interaction animation when carrying objects.
The “Damage Against Isu” perk will no longer be limited to the Elysium realm.
Addressed an issue in Keeper and Kyros that prevented players from completing the quest.
Addressed an issue that prevented the DLC: Enhanced Club challenge from unlocking when conditions are met.
Addressed an issue in Daddy’s Home that prevented players from completing the quest.
Addressed an issue in A Growing Perception that caused parts of its objective to not be completed.
Addressed an issue that prevented Nestor’s clues to update in the menu.
Ensured that Gergis the Herald stays with Hades after the Smoke & Fury quest disappeared.
Addressed an issue in Persian Puppetry that prevented the quest objective to update.
Addressed an issue in The Simple Life that prevented players from starting the mission.
Players will now receive the Armor-Piercing Spear of the Unbreakable after killing Megakreon.
Addressed an issue that prevented players from upgrading the Spear of Leonidas at the forge.
Players will no longer take fire damage when the Mighty Visage is equipped.
Addressed an issue that prevented players from being able to confirm the kill on Zoisme.
Addressed an issue causing arrows to be stuck in your hand when meeting certain conditions.
Addressed an issue that prevented players from completing Sins of the Past.
Addressed an issue that prevented Ostracized from appearing.
Addressed an issue that prevented the quest Memories Awoken from completing when the initial forge cutscene was skipped.
Addressed an issue that caused Deimos to stop attacking the player after he’s performed Fury of Blood.
Addressed an issue that prevented players from continuing with A Family Legacy quest.
Eurylochos will now leave the ship in Sirens are a Boys Best Friend.
Addressed a rare issue that could cause players to be missing all main story quests after loading a save.
Addressed an issue with the cultist Hermippos that prevented players from confirming the kill.
Addressed an issue that prevented players from interacting with the cultist Podarkes.
Addressed an issue in Writhing Dead that prevented players from completing the quest in NG+.
Addressed an issue in Island of Misfortune that prevented players from paying drachmae to Xenia.
Addressed an issue that prevented players from completing Ashes to Ashes.
Addressed an issue in Blood and Taxes, leading to incorrect voice overs.
Addressed an issue in Stairway to Olympus that prevented the post-boss fight cutscene from playing.
Addressed an issue in Modern Day where Layla could become stuck on a blue cloth.
Addressed an issue in Public Opinion that caused the NPC to be invisible in cutscenes.
Addressed various issues with the user interface.
Pit Fighter’s Boots will now have warrior stats, as intended.
Addressed an issue where ship upgrades would change from 100% to 1% under certain conditions.
Loadouts slots will now unlock as intended when purchased.
Addressed an issue with a lowered weakening amount when the DLC 2.1 is installed.
Addressed an issue where several Ainigmata Ostraka wouldn’t be displayed as completed when the conditions are met.
Players will no longer be able to duplicate the Hero’s sword in the ship storage. We. See. You.
The “Switching Realms” message will now correspond with its actual key bindings.
The Oracle gear items will now use their intended set data.
The Sacred Covering will now be consistent between gameplay and inventory.
Addressed an issue that could prevent players from chaining Rush Assassinations.
Players will no longer become invulnerable after synchronizing a viewpoint with Rage ability triggered.
Addressed an issue with the Rain of Destruction that prevented it from being used under certain circumstances.
Addressed an issue when entering the area of effect of Artemis Trickery while carrying a paralyzed NPC that could lead to animation issues.
Addressed several misplaced textures.
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey patch 1.4 comes out today, is 5.6GB in size, full release notes revealed published first on https://touchgen.tumblr.com/
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