#or conversely you could signify *wild* cat with the intensifier/augmentative -> emia
velaraffricate · 11 months
Been doing a bit more worldbuilding! This is a short description of Bokum, the god that reigns over bodies, health, medicine, and death, in ke'eloom. All deities are shapeshifters, so he can be depicted with multiple kinds of bodies.
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bokum vokon banuta vin foketa za. tse'e khir ndiil keze kil ŋaaba shanaŋa vin mbadëba ndiil dzhuba adzaŋa. tse'e sheil ndiil uhekhi kil zighaŋa, dëndë ael kil shtiŋa, rugobëŋ ño'onda she tshuufe. mbadëkhe uŋ ri'ikhe miata za ndisësoŋaŋat. ma miakhe mbor brofishë tshahalaŋa, godeka, otu bokum tshakh eghoŋashë. ma mia tshakh ŋaaba ŋgeŋa, banu ëfë vin ima oŋgo tshan sivaŋu. eshet nogh, ma mia dzhoe vin tshakh edzha shtiŋatam. fiŋ dzauba, tsharomafuk, daŋ ndish ŋaaba ŋgena.
Bokum is the bringer of health and death. His right hand takes our pain away and puts it in his body instead. His left hand closes our eyes when our time has come to fall into eternal sleep. He can have the body or head of a cat. If you see a brown, striped cat, know that Bokum is watching you. If the cat chases you away, good health and a long life await you. It is a bad omen if the cat is friendly and lets you come close. In that case, you must be the one to chase it away.
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