#or by those who think that anything other than simpering praise for the character is a hate crime against women
syn0vial · 2 years
can’t wait til shane or ryan puts kylo ren on their list of poor little meow meows next week and reignites years of absolutely garbage fire discourse
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dramionediscussion · 4 years
I read the recent post about divination, and now I have some serious doubts. Like did I misunderstood entirely what the whole divination thing canonically is? I’ve read books couple of times, seen movies once, but it’s been awhile. I’ve read a small library of fanfics (99% Dramione), so I am no way a HP canon-lore expert. But that post left genuinely puzzled, like how does it go canonically? Was Hermione basically right or not? I would be grateful, if someone could either correct or confirm, whether my understanding of HP canon is true or not, please! As I understood it, divination sort of is “real”, but in a quite nuanced way, and that Trelawney’s class didn’t (and probably couldn’t) teach “true divination”, and it was a waste of time for students wishing to learn that skill. Certain people simple are “true seers”, and this clairvoyance ability cannot be acquired or learned (at least in a controlled or widely understood way). It was heavily hinted at, that the talent is in-born, and possibly entirely hereditary, or at least considerably so (the reason for Trelawney’s job interview was that she was related to a famous seer). Although, it’s also implied that astromancy is an exception, and via astronomy even those who are not seers can foresee future events to some degree (though it seems there’s large qualitative difference between these predictions and those made by “true seers”. Astromancy seems to be predicting very generalized trends, instead of specific events or happenings of individual people). However, this is more an impression one gets by the gravitas and dignity granted to Firenze and centaurs contra Trelawney (I think, Firenze did make accurate predictions, but they were so board and vague, thus is not clear whether they were just educated guesses or true foresight). If I recall no true predictions are made by any other method (Trelawney taught and practiced at least cartomancy, tasseomancy, and crystallomancy. Maybe also chiromancy and some others, which I don’t remember atm). More than that, it seems that true prophecies are not produced via any method, but rather received uncontrollably and involuntarily without any conscious effort or will. All this leaves many open questions and a lot of room for quite different interpretations. The only seer we see in a great detail is Trelawney, and it’s not clear whether her circumstances were universally applicable or just particular to her. Like, do all true seers make their predictions by falling into an uncontrollable trance, or do some of those methods work for some other seers at least? Can this talent be cultivated or honed in any way? Can one manipulate circumstances for receiving these predictions? At least some portion of the wizarding world seems to believe, that divination is accessible to basically anybody, because the ministry approves teaching of it, and there’s learning material and curriculum beyond Trelawney. Though, the ministry seems to treat reading tealeaves different from true seers’ predictions, which are gathered and organized in by the department of mysteries, unlike Harry’s or Ron’s schoolwork. There’s also a faint possibility that some form of milder divination is possible (something like predicting whether you will have a good day at the work by reading tarot cards), and Trelawney was just incompetent at teaching it. Existence of true seers doesn’t exactly logically contradict existence of lesser divination by non-seers. Still, the view that the only real divination is by done true seers (and possibly astromancy) seems to be canonically most likely, or the one JKR tried to convey. These other forms of divinations and omens are just wizarding superstitions some believe, including at least partly the ministry itself (like do the wizengamot or ministers consult diviners before making decisions. Or is it taught simply due a political inertia, like some atavistic custom or tradition from the past. Or perhaps divination is not there to teach the art, but to screen for potential seers from the youth). I think, Hermione did acknowledge fairly early that there are true predictions, by true seers (at least I don’t think she ever objected when the whole chosen one prophecy was brought up, and she seemed to treat the affair with a total sincerity). Even if Trelawney was mostly a fraud, and her class a waste of time (my canonical understanding), and she was right in her criticism. It might not still be the real reason she quit the class, or it could’ve been at least only partial reason. If we imagine a different turn of events, and let’s say that Trelawney would’ve taken an instant liking to her, and praised her efforts and rewarded her with approval and good grades. Would’ve she dropped the course anyway, or rationalized herself believing truthiness and benefits of Trelawney’s class? Would her general opinion about divination change, if she was admired and accepted by her female peers, instead of ignored and shunned? As I interpret Hermione’s character, it’s impossible to give a good answer to that, because in the canonical version the truth about Trelawney and divination in general is also both socially and emotionally convenient to Hermione. Being a multidimensional character, it’s very hard to say, how she would act in different circumstances, or what are all factors, which possibly influence her behavior and choices. I think, it’s a fair characterization to say that she clearly prices truth and objectivity in knowledge, beyond simple social or emotional utility. She pursues knowledge and truth at least partly for her own curiosity, pleasure and integrity. In the other hand, it’s also true that she places a great importance and trust on authorities and she can be extremely authoritarian in knowledge (though her hierarchy is not exactly the official authority like the ministry, or the Daily Prophet, but this informal community of wizarding experts and academics who produce the books she loves, relies and trusts so much. And of course Dumbledore and Mcgonagall, and other exemplary Light side wizards and witches). She craves attention, praise and acceptance and recognition of not only authorities and the wider wizarding world, but also those around her. I don’t think, there’s plausible answer for that, if she had a serious internal conflict between those two different sides of her personality. Canonically there’s no conflict, and her course is relatively clear on the matter. I would rate both outcomes in the case of conflict equally likely. That she would’ve continued divination, if she was “good” at it, and also that she would’ve dropped it, because her academic integrity. There are situations in which, she socially and personally inconveniences herself greatly, like telling Mcgonagall about the Firebolt, but it’s not exactly comparable, because she also believed that Harry could’ve been in a mortal danger. Besides, even if there was exactly comparable situation canonically, people are not always consistent on their priorities, and they might sometimes act quite differently in almost exactly similar situations. Personally I am quite conflicted about JKR’s whole “Hermione is not like the other simpering girls”-bit. In most situations, when it raises its head, I find it quite infuriating (especially with her appearance). Often it is just a desperate and egotistical way to promote oneself, and denigrate feminine traits and behavior. In the other hand, I’ve witnessed this happening in my own life (not to myself, but to people around me). Not a gender dysphoria or anything, but more like tomboys and girls who simply were not interested in things almost all other girls in their age-group were, and they got heavily ostracized and bullied for that by majority of girls. I can understand that certain women genuinely feel like that, and kind of objectively are not like other girls (in good and ill), and have issues with female friendships and female peer-groups. It’s hard to say how common that is, but also I don’t like this idea of trying meme into reality that all women are automatically natural friends and allies with each other, and that the fiction should also reflect this. Or that only reason why this isn’t so, is some outdated beliefs or cultural practices, which can be easily remedied by simple education. Frankly, I don’t think it’s real to that extent, and trying to pretend it is, will lead to harmful outcomes for women, who will go in their lives trusting in it. Women do have shared interests as women, and there’s shared commonalities with other women, which are not shared by men. There’s kind of a sisterhood of mutual understanding and joy in friendships and kinship with other women as women. But in the other hand, there’s also a lot of rivalries and conflicts within the same sisterhood.    Still, the way she disparagingly frames Lavender’s and Parvati’s interest in a divination, as silly, superfluous and fake, is more in line with the former approach. It’s rather cheap jab towards astrology and women who enjoy or practice it. It’s hard to know even where to start with that, because women basically never base serious decisions in it. Mostly it provides them a framework and starting point to discuss different temperaments and personality types in people. Also, it’s just a little (harmless) excitement and bringing some enchantment back to the dreary and banal world and mundane routines most people suffer through. Nobody lost their house because of astrology, unlike men’s many astrologies, like cryptocurrency and “beating the markets” investment models and schemes. Besides, interestingly enough there’s some truth to astrology. unlike I-LOVE-SCIENCE midwit sceptic-bros believe :P
According to the HP WIKIA:
Divination is a subject taught at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It teaches methods of divining the future, or gathering insights into future events, through various rituals and tools. The magic taught in this class, as well as the ability to say prophetic things is a branch of magic referred to as "divination."
So basically, while yes you have to possess the ability to "see", you as a regular witch or wizard can learn certain skills for divining. (Divining is an actual thing; To divine is the discover something by guesswork or intuition).
The WIKIA also says:
Divination is an elective subject available beginning in a student's third year. Students study a myriad of ways to scry information about the future, including tea dregs, crystal balls, visions, and Astrology and horoscope charts. Other methods of divining the future include smoke patterns, dreams, tarot cards, and the interpretation of prophecies, though the latter is quite rare. Guides and textbooks allow students of Divination to discern or translate what observed symbols intend to mean.
It's like here in the real world, some people believe in these things, others don't. But I think in the magical world, I'll personally will be more likely to believe in these things. And they seem like something kids should be exposed to a bit.
I think the problem was with the teacher. She probably wasn't the best person to teach and introduce these ancient and maybe not so widely used methods to the children. She is seen in the books/movies as bit of a nutjob, but she made that predicition about Voldy and Harry and so Dumbledore hired her to keep close incase she made probably more prophecies. It's funny though, everyone laughs about this subject and mocks it's teacher, but they whole heartedly believe the prophecy because Dumbledore says he believes it. Harry and his friends even broke into the Ministry to find it. So they take his word, but completely disrespects the actual person who made the prophecy in the first place. Makes sense -_-.
Hermione, she is a muggleborn, so of course she immdiately goes with logic and reasoning and science. It must have been hard for her to learn that magic is real and learn about this new world (even if she was excited about it). The thing with other subjects is that the results are immediate. When she casts a spell, it works automatically, it does what she told it to do. When she makes a potion, it looks/smells they way the books said it would and after using it, she sees/feels the effects. Divination isn't like that, you cannot get immediate results. You have to wait years for some things to happen but it may not always since other factors can influence it and completely change it.
So even in this magical world, she still operates with logic and facts and immediate results, just like in the muggle world. That's why it was difficult for her to "get" divination. Add on a rather incompetant teacher, a stressful third year where she overloads herself; it makes sense for her to just call it bullshit and quit. Maybe if the teacher did indeed like her and gave her praises, she may have not left so easily; she gets praises in other subjects and yes it does seem like she craves it. Hermione is incredibly Type A!
JKR admitted to basically modelling Hermione as herself. So if you think that Hermione's character was unnecessarily mean to Lavender and Parvati, JKR wrote it that way, maybe because she herself feels that way about women/girls like that. Should she have done that? No. Many girls loved Hermione, many saw themselves as her. There isn’t many nerdy girls who save the day in movies and shows and books. So reading about Hermione being popular and smart and liked and having awesome friends and saving the world, defeating evil, was amazing! But as an adult, looking back on things, you realise that Hermione is very much a  "not like other girls" girl, and not in a good way. She is very condesending especially to other girls or people who are not as smart as her. And that isn't a good message to send to girls who relate to this character. And it tells you a lot about JKR herself (if her twitter didn't already)!
- Lisa
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buddha-in-disguise · 4 years
Oh boy, another long post today. But this is who I am 😂 And well, another person decided to make asinine comments about Supercorp fans on their Twitter account about how Supercorp fans are mostly young and White, so ... here we go.
Yesterday I mentioned The 100, and how Clexa is still something spoken about today for LGBTQ people. Even those who weren't around it as it went on, a lot of you will of at least heard of it, know it has caused a shift in LGBTQ fandoms, even if you don't know details.
I was actually a little late into The 100, mostly because it wasn't easy to watch episodes at the time in the UK. Unfortunately that timing meant I had barely got into the fandom before they went straight into the kill your gays trope.
The thing Clexa did was twofold. Firstly, although not the 1st time it had happened, it was the 1st time real and very much needed discussion over TV's decisions to 'Bury your Gays,' went on. It also showed as a collective LGBTQ fandom force (other than perhaps Xena), it was powerful. We initiated change because of it.
Are Supercorp that powerful? You know what, I think they just might be getting there. After all, media are now beginning to write much more about the issues Supercorp is raising.
Mo Ryan changed LGBTQ fandom in her reporting of Clexa. She still is changing things on how the TV industry works (her reporting on sexual harassment in the TV industry alone is incredible. If you don't follow her on Twitter I highly recommend you do).
Here are facts taken from GLAAD (you can see the full report here: https://www.glaad.org/sites/default/files/GLAAD%20WHERE%20WE%20ARE%20ON%20TV%202019%202020.pdf
The main takeaways are this.
GLAAD and Harris Poll’s Accelerating Acceptance study shows that 20 percent of Americans 18 to 34 – a key demographic for networks to court, as well as the rough age range where several characters fall – identify as LGBTQ.
As such, GLAAD recommendation is TV produce shows to reflect that percentage. In other words, 20% of characters cast are LGBTQ.
Sadly that figure is still roughly 50% below that recommendation. See pic.
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Here is the other key takeaway, and is why Supergirl, by giving us Supercorp, wouldn't be just performative in its LGBTQ representation but groundbreaking.
'At a time when viewers have more options for entertainment than ever before, Hollywood must include lead LGBTQ characters whose stories are told with nuance and depth that reflect the real world that audiences know if they want to retain and grow their audiences.'
'... must include LEAD LGBTQ characters.'
Hello! Waves in Supercorp! Right here! Also canon to some of the comic. Hellooooo.
Also important is the last segment: '... whose stories are told with nuance and depth that reflect the real world that audiences know if they want to retain and grow their audiences.'
Sadly, as it stands with Season 5, Supergirl have not even given the canon LGBTQ rep nuance or depth in the storylines. If anything, it was the worst season ever. Less than 10 minutes of just Dansen? Only one Nia episode of depth. Having LGBTQ characters, if you don't utilise them, is performative. Supergirl have been just that. Especially as Kelly is Black, so double performative by them. Sheesh.
Supergirl have two stark choices now.
They ignore Supercorp and will forever vilified by LGBTQ audiences on how they queerbaited. And I mean forever! We aren't a small fandom, and LGBTQ fandom memories are long. Hell, just this week Xena was all over my timeline as it celebrated it being 25 years since it was shown.
Or Supergirl can take on GLAAD's recommendation, grasp Supercorp with both hands, really give Dansen, Kelly, Alex and Nia good solid LGBTQ storylines and be forever praised (even if some lingering resentment might surface on treatment of the LGBTQ fans and rep) for doing so. 25 years worth potentially.
They literally have nothing to lose. Last season alone proved that ignoring Lena and Kara on any level, trying to enforce unwanted men into storylines, tanked viewing figures.
The moment Lena and Kara reconciled, social media went crazy - and for the first time in ages, trended - Twitter picked it up on their moments. Media outlets loved it. Viewing figures improved.
Yet, despite all this, despite all the fans I know, despite us constantly acknowledging that some fans go too far, despite the fandom being a huge, diverse group, with a vast age range, we continually get vilified.
And for what?
Wanting what heterosexual fans get given ad nauseam?
Why, other than internalised homophobia (& yes, that can exist even if someone identifies LGBTQ), do people object?
All we want is the bare minimum that heterosexual cis people get given each and every day a thousand times over.
If you can't accept my comments, or even understand what GLAAD recommends is still falling way short, and that without LGBTQ fans voices amplifying the messages, we would have nothing, you're part of the problem.
If we sit quietly by, simpering in a corner we get nothing. This isn't a gay agenda. It is simply asking for equality, & it doesn't cost you anything.
Well, I've never sat by quietly simpering in the corner. So that is why I've written another long assed post.
Unedited, so apologies for any mistakes.
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knittastically · 5 years
A Lioness Amongst the Wolves Pt 26
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Raymond de Merville did not die on a beach in Ireland, of course he didn’t. He made it back to Rouen and has decided to marry a feisty little baggage called Isabé.
A fiction, based hardly at all on a fiction, with the addition of some other fictional characters and one or two real ones
Part 1  Part 2   Part 3  Part 4  Part 5   Part 6 Part 7  Part 8  Part 9  Part 10
Part 11   Part 12   Part 13  Part 14  Part 15 Part 16   Part 17  Part 18
Part 19    Part 20   Part 21  Part 22  Part 23  Part 24  Part 25
You can also find all chapters here on AO3
If you want in or out of the Tag List (at the bottom of the page) just let me know via message and it’ll be done in a flash
“I must go Isabé.” Raymond’s breath is warm, his lips are barely touch my skin as he brushes them against my temple. Leaning back against the planks of the stable wall he holds me gently against him. There is a tender look in his eyes and boyish smile on his lips as he strokes his fingers down my cheek and gently traces them along my jaw. “l am neglecting my duties and being a poor host to his Majesty,”
I can’t help but laugh at him. “Raymond that’s the third time you have said you must return Home. If you really think His Majesty doesn’t know where you are, then you’re a fool, of course he knows and so, if he needed to speak with you, he would no doubt have sent for you long before now.”
“Well I suppose can’t argue with your logic Chérie.” Cupping my chin in his palm, he brushes his lips against mine, his beard is soft against my skin and tickles a little.
“Whilst you’re here talk to Blanche again about your Father, and this time really listen to what she has to say.”
“Maman did tell me about him Raymond.” I have the grace to sound contrite.  
“But it will do no harm for you to hear it once more hein? He brushes his lips across my forehead. “Shall I speak to Sebastien for you when I get back to the Chateau?”
“No, it falls to me to make it right, I’ll speak to him tomorrow. I promise.” He strokes his hands up and down my arms, his fingers barely brush the sleeves of my gown, but I feel the heat from his touch and I look up at him, as our eyes lock I feel my face begin to burn. 1*Tu te souviens de ma Chérie, tu te souviens de la sensation de ma bouche sur ta chatte?
The words slide from his lips in a low feral growl, my breath stalls and before I can answer his mouth curves in a lazy smile and he spins me around. With that one smooth move he now has me pressed hard against the side of the stable; arms high above my head with both wrists gripped firmly in his right hand he sweeps his left up my side. When his thumb strokes over the curve of my breast, my breath hitches and my eyelids flutter. His smile is oh so innocent, but his eyes aren’t. Tightening his grip on my wrists, he leans in, his breath is hot against my ear. “Isabé you did promise that when you returned to the Chateau, you would be a good girl and behave; will you be a good girl for me?” He presses his lips to that sensitive spot at the back of my jaw then nips, hard.
I stutter out, “I did not promise, you arse, I simply nodded and that was just to shut you up.”  He seems amused and jut out my chin staring at him in defiance. Beneath his high arched brows, there is sweet danger lurking in those blue eyes, will I ever learn?
“Then promise me now Isabé, promise me you will be very good.” The words rumble from him as he thrusts his knee between my thighs pressing his own thigh hard against me, the double meaning of his words is not lost on me, but his kiss is not what I expect, it’s teasing, slow, a gentle suckling of my lips as he grinds his thigh even harder against me and curls his fingers a little more tightly around my wrists. 
“I promise.” The words float into his mouth and he breathes them back into mine as he kisses me again then releases me chuckling. “But I beg you don’t be a simpering miss for too long my love, I doubt I could stand the boredom of it.” Pursing his lips, he gives a long low whistle and, on the command, Diable walks out of the stall towards him, two shorter whistles and Voluceur follows suit.
“You are taking Diable back with you?”
Raymond shoots me a look; it’s the look every parent gives to a child who has just asked the most stupid of questions. “Isabé do you think I would leave him here only to have you racing around on him as soon as I’m out of sight, you must think I’m simple woman.”
I huff and carefully study my foot as I scuff it against the dirt floor. “I wouldn’t, but I could ride him back tomorrow if you leave him here.”
I open my mouth to argue.
“I said no Isabé, now be content.” He means it.
When we are out in the yard I try again. “I could accompany you as far as the road, will you at least allow me ride him that far?”
Raymond blows out his breath and slowly shakes his head, but he is smiling “Sweet Christ I swear you are worse than Nicolette.”  He steps quickly behind me and I squeak as he lifts me up. “You ride at my pace mind.” As he vaults up onto Voluceur I hear him hiss in his breath, there is a hint of pain in his eyes, he looks across at me with a tight smile. “It’s nothing Chérie, I will have Guillaume look at it later.” Then he sets Voluceur at a sedate and boring walk, twice I look sidewise at him and both times I catch him watching me with a silly smile on his face. We amble along in silence, but as usual the devil is on my shoulder, a press of my legs, the slightest touch of my heels and Diable springs forward. Raymond isn’t caught out; he notices my slight shift of balance and Voluceur matches Diables stride.
“A race Raymond, a race to the road or are you afraid I’ll win?”
“Isabé no.” He yells at me above the sound of hooves pounding on hard ground.
I kick harder and race ahead laughing as the dust swirls up and my hair streams behind me. But Voluceur is lighter, faster,  Raymond draws alongside, passes me and stops dead in front of me blocking my way. I am laughing with the sheer joy of the ride, but as he dismounts the laugh dies in my mouth and my stomach twists. Raymond’s expression is hard and cold, he’s seething; for a few moments he glowers up at me, my heart is thumping, and I try to speak, but he holds up his hand to silence me.
2*”Tais-toi, ne me parle pas et surtout ne me défie plus jamais comme ça.” His voice is low and surprisingly calm, but his anger is unmistakeable; blinking rapidly he grabs at my waist and without another word hauls me from the stallions back then snatches up Diable’s reins and remounts Voluceur. His back and shoulders are rigid with fury as he rides away. I watch until he reaches the turn of the road, sure he will at least raise his hand but there is no acknowledgement and he keeps riding.
Cowed and miserable I trudge my way back to the Manor, feeling the stab and press of every stone through the thin leather soles of my shoes. Then I hear hoofbeats on the hard ground and my mood lifts, though I steel myself not to look and when the horse is reined to a walk beside me, I keep plodding along head down.
“Isabé, ma Chérie, I heard you had fled back to the Manor, is something troubling you?
It isn’t Raymond, the voice is too light, and has the affected, nasal twang I have noticed some members of the court have adopted. I am covered in dust, my hair is likely in rats’ tails, but I think of Eleanors advice and try to remain poised and calm as I shoot him a look of pure contempt.
“Théo I am not, and doubt I ever was, your Chérie, and I strongly advise you not to call me that in Raymond’s hearing.”
He reaches down offering me his hand.  “Sit up behind me, we can ride to the Manor together.”
“No thank you Théo.” I smile sweetly “I’d sooner walk barefoot over hot coals than ride up with you.”
He turns his horse, riding round and round me gradually tightening the circle then stops close, leans right down and grabs a fistful of my hair, pulling it so hard it makes my eyes water and I’m forced to look up at him. “Remember bitch, you were mine once, I had you body and soul, long before Raymond grew hot for you. You’re used goods Isabé; if you think he’s marrying you for any other reason than to get an heir on you then you’re more stupid than I thought. I doubt though that you’ll manage to give him a brat that lives or did you perhaps make sure mine would not, what did you procure, did you go to some old witch hein?.” He keeps tight hold of my hair; his smile is pure evil as he sees the shock on my face.
“Christ, he knows about the child, he thinks I rid myself of it.”  I feel sick, my voice is a broken whisper.
“Théo, I did not kill your child, though God forgive me if it had started to grow in me, I might have done so and would have either been damned, dead or both; I wanted nothing to remind me of you, nothing.”
His tightens his grip on my hair and tugs so hard that I can feel small strands tearing from my scalp.  
“Have a care Isabé, don’t think you can hide anything from me and don’t try to cross swords with me woman, I give no quarter and take no prisoners; make no mistake if I want you back I shall have you, and no one, not even Raymond de Merville will stop me.” He laughs and lets go of my hair.  “Cat got your tongue, hein?”troubling you?”
I shiver, not with fear but with pure loathing as he strokes his gloved fingers down my cheek, he takes it to mean something else.
“Leave that ageing old warhorse here in Rouen Chérie, let me take you to Paris, you will love court life and the court will love you. His Majesty already admires you and I would make sure you wanted for nothing.”
I spit back at him. “Except for perhaps a long life; tell me Théo, exactly how did your wife die?” I blurt out the question and immediately regret it. It does not do to challenge Théo Fontaine, especially on a quiet track with no one else around.
“Stand your ground girl, show him no fear.” 
He releases his grip on my hair and is remarkably calm as he answers. “There was nothing that could be done to save her Isabé, but praise God her release was swift and easy.” It is really no answer at all.
“Are you proposing marriage Théo?”
“If that is what it takes to persuade you, then yes.”
I manage a sweet smile.  “Hell will freeze, and Satan will fart perfume out of his arse before I abandon Raymond for the likes of you. I don’t know how I ever could have thought myself in love with you, I must have been crazed. You always were an arrogant bastard but you’ve changed, now you’re cruel there is something unsettling about you; but I’m not afraid and you have no claim on me, so go back to the Chateau and leave me alone.”
Scowling he slides down from is horse and his vile grin reappears. “Oh, I think I shall stay for a little while, it would be discourteous of me to ride here and not visit old friends don’t you think, so will you ride with me?”
Shaking my head, I step away from him. “No, I shall walk, I prefer my own company.”  
His right arm snakes around my waist but as he pulls me forward I slam my palms hard against his chest. “Just one kiss sweetheart, just one.” With his left hand he forces my head towards him; I twist and turn my face and body this way and that, pound my fists against his chest as I try to avoid a kiss. His lips slam against my tightly closed mouth as I kick at his shins and try to wrestle myself free; when I jerk my knee upwards he shifts but his mouth never leaves mine, letting go of my waist he grabs between my legs; as I gasp in surprise he forces his tongue into my mouth. I gag then bite, sinking my teeth into that lump of probing flesh. Yelping he jumps back red faced with rage and raises his arm to slap me.
“Mam’selle, Mam’selle Isabé.”
“Thank God.”  As Hugh lopes towards us, Théo steps away from me, his eyes full of malice in spite of his smile. I compose myself as best I can.
“Yes Hugh, what is it?”
“Forgive me Mam’selle but you have been gone for such a time that Madame sent me to look for you, she thought you might have changed your mind and decided to return to the Chateau with Sieur Raymond.” He forces a grin but it’s obvious from his expression and tone of voice that he has seen what has just happened.
“No Hugh, I just rode down to the road with him, we had much to discuss and took no notice of time, besides I would not have left without saying goodbye, but look we have another visitor, you remember Master Fontaine, we were just ambling along talking of old times and the wonderful life he now has in Paris.”
“Aye, Master, I remember you well, it’s good to see you again.” The lie drops easily from Hugh’s lips, he has never liked Théo, and gives him the most grudging of bows. “Mam’selle Isabé, Madame is waiting for you in the orchard, and if you would care to ride up the the Manor Master Fontaine, one of the lads will tend to your horse.
Théo has no choice, he takes my hand and presses his lips to the back of it. 
“Perhaps we shall meet later Isabé.”
“Perhaps.” I give him the best smile I can manage, pull my hand away and slip through the little gate into the orchard. Glancing through the trees I see Theo remount as Hugh starts to make his way back up the track, I should be hard pressed to say who has the more thunderous expression on their face.
“There you are Isabé, I felt sure you had decided to return to the Chateau.”
“No Maman, I only went down to the city road with Raymond.”
“For a sweet, farewell?” She slides her arm through mine.
“Hardly, he was in a foul temper and left without a word, then as I was walking back Théo Fontaine came riding up the track.”
She links arms with me, and her tone is one of resignation as she sighs, rolls her eyes and asks, “Oh Isabé, what have you done now?” I hope I manage to look at least a little contrite and as we stroll through the orchard towards the Manor, I tell her.
“Isabé, Raymond loves you; anyone can see that; be warned though, if you cross him once too often, he can be unforgiving.” There is a cool edge to her voice, it tells me she knows just how harsh he can be she adds “As Henri’s mother used to say, it may come back to bite you on the arse.” She smiles then presses a kiss to my cheek. “Growing up you had far more freedom than any of the other young girls around here and sometimes I wonder if that was the right thing.”
“It was Maman, but look at those girls now, they are mostly all dutiful wives, hidebound, hobbled and cowed, without a thought in their heads save for the ones their husbands put there.”
Blanch smiles and shakes her head at my passionate reply.
“Daughter, I love you dearly just as you are.” Maman slides her arm around my waist and I know there is a “but” there always is. “But I beg you Isabé, listen to me, as a young, unmarried woman, your behaviour might be excused up to a point, it may even be considered a little amusing.” I start to speak but she raises her hand. “It will not do Isabé, you are soon be married to a powerful man, a man who has the ear and favour of the King, you will be the Chatelaine of a Great house and you will do yourself and Raymond a disservice if you don’t rise to that. I’m not asking you to change completely and I’m sure Raymond wouldn’t want that either but do try on occasions to be a little more decorous.”
“I can't make that promise, because I’m certain I would break it, but I shall do my best.”
“I suppose that is the best I can hope for child.” Her smile is infectious and we both begin to laugh. “I should like something cool to drink, perhaps we should go and join Henri and Théo?”
“Maman I’d rather not see Théo again, not ever, if that’s possible.”
“Was he unkind to you?”
“I give her the barest details of our meeting, and she watches me closely. “The man is a fool, what possessed him to say such idiotic things to you?”
“I have no idea, but it seems Théo is a man who will always crave what others have."
By the time he enters the courtyard Raymond’s anger has cooled. Riding back he thought of little else but Isabé and her unconventional and sometimes rebellious behaviour which makes her infuriating and endearing in equal measure. He smiles to himself, certainly marriage to her will never be dull, but he also knows that she will need to temper that feisty side of her nature if she is to be respected and well regarded as the Chatelaine; but not for one moment does he relish the thought of being the one to point that out to her.
As soon as he rides into the exercise yard and reins up outside the stallion stables, Mathieu and Guillaume leave off their sword practice and stride towards him.
“Sieur,” Mathieu bows his head. “His Majesty requires your presence in his chamber….
Guillaume is quick to notice that Raymond is in some discomfort as he dismounts, and the small dark stain on his master’s tunic gives him cause for concern. “Sieur, let me examine your wound before you go to meet with the King.”
“Later Guillaume, His Majesty won’t wait, so your ministrations will have to” He tosses the reins to his squire. “Stable these two, then wait in my chamber I will meet you there as soon as I’m able then you can do your worst.
“But Sieur, I really think you should..”
Raymond stops him short; his voice is firm though the tone is gentle as he pats Guillaume’s shoulder.
“I said later, a few more minutes will make no difference.”
“With me Descoteaux.” He jerks his head towards the chateau and Mathieu hauls on his tunic and falls into step beside him.
“Trouble?” Raymond flashes a wry smile at Mathieu”
“Truly Sieur, I can’t say, though his Majesty does seem a little agitated.”
“Not what I would have wished to hear, is he at odds with things in general or something in particular?”
“I think his Holiness has been rattling him.”
“About the problem in the South?”
Shaking his head Raymond mutters. “I have a bad feeling about this my friend, a very bad feeling.”
They climb the stairs two at a time and with each downward press of his right foot, Raymond feels a stab of pain from the wound. Mathieu notices the tightness around his eyes.
“Perhaps you should have let Guillaume tend to you first?”
“It’s nothing, stop fretting like an old woman.”
The Guard opens the chamber door, steps aside and salutes. Raymond can feel the tension seeping out of the room, his heart sinks and he forces a grin. 
“Mathieu, why don’t you go and find Jehanne, I’m sure she would be more than happy to spend some time with you away from the wedding preparations.” He winks. “I’ll send word if I need you.”
Descoteaux frowns, after years in service to Raymond he knows his Lords moods, and this one says “Spoiling for a fight.”
Raymond strides towards Philip, who doesn’t rise to greet him and merely extends his right arm. The large red stone set into the ring on his third finger, appears to throb with a life of its own. His Majesty is signalling his authority and expects the appropriate response, It seems to be of no consequence that Raymond is a close friend and confidante. Being the dutiful subject and soldier that he is, Raymond genuflects before his Sovereign, takes hold of the proffered hand and barely touches his lips to the jewel before leaving go. He remains on his knee, head bowed, because until Philip gives him leave to stand, Raymond must stay where he is. Philip takes his time.
“It would seem you have had an interesting morning de Merville, rumour has it that your pretty little bird has flown.”
Raymond clenches his jaw and flicks his gaze upwards, blue eyes to blue eyes. “Sire I have never known you deal in rumours, your information is accurate, and I don’t doubt most extensive, but I doubt you know that Isabé will return here tomorrow morning.”
The Kings lips twitch as he stifles a smile, “No doubt, bound hand and foot and slung over your saddle?” At the withering look he receives Philip laughs. “Oh for God’s sake get up Raymond and pour yourself some wine, we have matters to discuss and it is impossible to conduct a conversation with the top of your head”
Guillaume has set out everything he might need to attend to his Lord: A large basin, ewers of hot and cold water, clean clothes are ready and waiting. On the flat topped chest beside the bed is a tray of food and a jug of wine.
With an expression on his face that would make Satan blench, Raymond bangs and crashes his way into the chamber muttering foul oaths under his breath. Guillaume does not speak straight away but pours a cup of wine, he knows his Lord too well, knows it is better to wait. The wine is downed in one. “I see you have your instruments of torture ready.” Raymond nods towards the table as he holds out his cup for a second fill and downs it as quickly as the first, not a good sign.
“Ready and waiting Sieur, so if you will allow I shall set to work.”
Raymond slams down his cup unbuckles his belt and begins, Guillaume’s help to haul off his clothes.
“Kings, Guillaume, the bastards pull our strings this way and that like puppet masters” he wipes the back of his hand across his mouth.
“You'd  best have pity on me boy, pray for me too if you feel inclined,  because as sure as hell is hot, your dear Sister will likely have my balls on a platter when I give her my news.”
Straight faced Guillaume stares at Raymond. “Then might I suggest Sieur, that whatever it is you need to tell Isabé, you do so after your Wedding Night!” His tactic works, Raymond glares back,  then he shakes his head and laughs.
“Good advice, though I think it would be better to do it sooner rather than later.” Stripped to his braies, Raymond stretches out on the bed and winces as Guillaume cuts away the bandage and removes the pad of linen. The wound has bled enough to soak through, stitches have torn from the flesh, but there is no smell, the edges of the cut are a little swollen, but pink and clean.
“Well, am I likely to die from this scratch?
“Rather more than a scratch Sieur, though it’s unlikely to send you to an early grave and at least it has stopped bleeding.”
“Fuck!” With a hiss Raymond grips at the undersheet as he jerks upwards, his back arching up from the bed as his squire continues to clean the wound with old wine and then it dry with a fresh piece of linen. “Christ's Pizzle I’m getting too old for this, every year It hurts more and I take longer to mend.”
Guillaume says nothing as he trickles more wine where the stitches have torn away then sets to replacing them. There is not a murmur from Raymond now, he has endured this more times than he cares to remember. Though he has released his grip on the undersheet his jaw aches from being clenched tightly for so long and his eyes are narrowed beneath a deep frown.
“My Lord, Brother Anselme cautioned you against too much exertion and he will have my hide if the wound turns bad. This would not have happened if you hadn’t decided to vault on and off horses to career around the countryside after my troublesome sister.  If only for my own sake I beg you, take care and do not exert yourself overmuch.”
Straight faced Raymond drawls. “In which case my wedding night will prove to be extremely uneventful.” Guillaume catches the glint in Raymond’s eye and smirks back at him.
“Are you done with mauling me about?”
“Yes, Sieur.”
“Good then help me dress, I wouldn’t want to ruin your needlework; Satan’s Arse but this is going to be a boring day without your sister around the place, she tends to keep everyone on their toes.”
“It was always the same at home Sieur, never dull.” Guillaume speaks with the deep feeling borne out of being a younger brother and Raymond grunts in sympathy.
“I doubt I will need you much more today, Guillaume, I want you to go and find Mathieu and Jehanne, but I suggest you don’t search too soon or too diligently, he winks. When you find them, send them to me, we will be leaving for the Manor early tomorrow morning, you too and it’s “Best Rags” Guillaume, I intend that my bride-to-be shall return home like a Queen, not some scullery maid sneaking in through kitchen door; we leave straight after breakfast.”
“Of course, Sieur I will be ready to leave as early as you wish.”
Guillaume clears away everything but the food and takes his leave. He knows that Sieur Raymond de Merville, is head over heels in love and it is bittersweet that it should be Isabé, not himself that has captured his Lords heart.
Raymond stands in the deep embrasure of the window and stares absentmindedly into the distance. He wants Isabé here with him, to whisper inappropriate and wickedly funny comments about the courtiers and their ladies, to make him laugh and bring some light to his dark places; to watch her as she goes about her business or engages the King in easy conversation. It’s going to be a long day indeed and the weight of what he must tell her presses heavily on him.
As he rests his head against the cool stone, he groans, yes, it will be a long day and an even longer night.
1*Are you remembering my darling, are you remembering the feel of my mouth on your cunt/pussy?
2*Be quiet damn you, don’t speak to me and above all don’t ever defy me like that again.
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unfolded73 · 5 years
Even the Orchestra in Beautiful (1/1) - schitt’s creek ff
Alexis and Patrick friendship, with a little bit of David x Patrick at the end. Set the day after the events of “Life is a Cabaret.” Rated Gen, 1900 words.
(ao3 link)
He was humming, an almost-bounce to his step as he let himself into the theater. Patrick Brewer was not a bouncy person as a rule, but right now his life felt like it was going so well that he could barely contain himself. The store was thriving, the man he loved was going to marry him, and opening night of the play had gone fantastically. Most of the customers in the store that afternoon had heard the engagement news and were effusive in their well-wishes for him and David, or told him they had tickets for the play on one of its remaining nights. By now, Patrick’s cheeks ached from smiling so much.
He’d arrived at the theater well before call, planning to do a quick run-through of his lines; the giddy buzzing in his brain was so intense that he was a little bit terrified he’d walk out on stage tonight and forget everything he was supposed to say. He knew the lines, the choreography, the blocking -- it was all in there, but he feared he wouldn’t be able to summon it when the time came. A quiet moment to take some deep breaths and get into character was what he needed.
“Oh my God!” A feminine voice shouted, and Patrick skidded to a halt in the door of the dressing room.
“Alexis!” He tried not to sound too disappointed that anyone had beaten him to the theater. “What are you doing here so early?”
She shrugged, clearly as put out by not being alone as he was, and flopped down at the makeup table. “I needed some extra time to put on my face,” she said, picking up a bottle of foundation and shaking it. Alexis had her skimpy costume for the opening number on already, but the dramatic eye makeup had yet to make an appearance.
“How’s your mom?” he asked, pulling his costume off the rack and stepping behind the dressing screen set up in the room. He hadn’t seen Moira since her meltdown in the motel, the news that her movie had been shelved cutting short his and David’s engagement celebration.
Alexis didn’t answer, but Patrick didn’t really need her to. David and Alexis had been texting while he was at the store that day, so he already knew the histrionics to which Moira had been subjecting her husband and daughter. David was back at the motel even now, taking over babysitting their mother so that Alexis could get away. He suspected that was the true explanation for Alexis escaping to the theater early.
“David said you had a tough day,” Patrick prodded while he pulled his jeans off.
He heard Alexis snort. “Yeah, you could say that.”
“Do you think she’ll be here tonight?” The director didn’t really need to be at the theater once the show was in production, especially since they had Jocelyn to lead them in vocal warm-ups and give them a pep talk. But it would still be weird, Moira not being backstage.
“She hasn’t gotten out of bed all day, so I doubt it.”
He finished getting dressed in silence. The first time Patrick had put on this costume, he’d felt a bit ridiculous. There had been a reason, after all, that he’d auditioned for Cliff and not the Emcee; Patrick felt like a Cliff, not like someone who could pull off this kind of creepy, hyper-sexualized character in a costume that was at least gently suggestive of bondage gear. But Moira Rose (his future mother-in-law! he remembered with a grimace) was not to be argued with, and he let himself get swept up in her whirlwind of compliments. He’d had a lot of doubts between then and now, but those doubts had been largely allayed. David wasn’t embarrassed by his performance at least, which was high praise.
Smiling to himself, Patrick emerged from behind the screen and sat down next to Alexis in front of the lighted mirrors. He watched as she expertly applied thick liner around her eyes, fascinated in the way that watching anyone performing a skill is fascinating.
It was while studying her reflection that he noticed her bloodshot eyes.
“Alexis, are you all right?”
She stopped and shot him a simpering smile. “I’m fine.”
“Because if there’s anything I can do to help--”
“No. Nope! I’m cool… good. I’m good.”
He knew Alexis well enough now to know what it looked like when she was covering up how miserable she felt. He was already starting to feel like a protective older brother to her, as if he and David were already married and she was truly his sister-in-law. But if she didn’t want to talk to him, he couldn’t force it.
Patrick started working on his own makeup, letting the silence between them stretch out and fill the room.
Alexis finally smacked her eyeliner pen down on the table. “It’s just, no matter what I do I’m going to be letting someone down!”
Inclining his head to one side, Patrick met Alexis’ eyes in the mirror and raised an eyebrow.
“If I go on the trip with Ted, then I’m leaving my mom and my family behind like I always used to do when I was a kid. And my family really needs me right now! But if I don’t meet Ted in the Galapagos like we planned, then he’ll think I’m just flaking out on him again.” She flopped her hands around in the air in front of her before picking up a mascara tube. “Either way, I’m irresponsible and unreliable.” Those two words carried the weight of every time Alexis must have heard them said about herself.
“If you want to go, then David and your parents will understand that this trip is important for you and Ted.”
“David will just remind me of all the other times that he had to take care of Mom because I wasn’t around.”
“And if you don’t want to go, then Ted will understand that you feel the need to put your family first right now.”
“Yeah, maybe Ted would understand because he’s the most patient, understanding person on the planet, except that I’ve dumped him before! Twice!”
Patrick winced. “Oh yeah.”
“So if he’s thousands of miles away, living in some tent and eating, I don’t know, goji berries and granola or whatever, and he gets a text from me saying that I’m not coming, is he really going to think logically about my priorities? Or is he just going to assume I bailed on him?”
Ted might think that, Patrick thought, especially since he couldn’t really imagine Alexis in a tent eating goji berries or whatever. Also he wasn’t sure Ted would have access to text messages. Patrick tried to give her a reassuring smile. “Ted loves you. Your family loves you.”
“Ugh!” She leaned close to the mirror and went back to her makeup, apparently unsatisfied with Patrick’s performance as a confidante.
Not for the first time, Patrick felt frustration with Moira that her adult children had to plan their lives around whether they were giving their mother enough attention. While he was sure she was legitimately gutted by what had happened with her movie, he also knew Moira was probably reveling in the focus she was getting from her husband and kids, and she was likely milking it for all it was worth. While Mrs. Rose often showed affection for her family, more now than when Patrick had first gotten to know David, she was still a fundamentally selfish person.
“I think you should go on the trip,” he said finally, focusing on his own eyeliner and pointedly not looking at Alexis.
She didn’t respond at first, which made Patrick think she was still mad at him, but then finally she said in a small voice. “What if I don’t want to go?”
“Then… I think you need to ask yourself why not.”
Alexis reached over and pawed at his arm until he moved the eyeliner away from his face. “Here, let me do that, you’re hopeless,” she said, turning his chair to face her.
“I’m not hopeless,” Patrick grumbled, but he submitted to Alexis anyway, admitting at least to himself that she’d be better at applying his eyeliner than he was.
“I need to be here to help plan your wedding,” she said with a tiny smile.
“We haven’t even set a date yet. You’ll be back in plenty of time to help plan the wedding.” Patrick was suddenly struck by how different it felt, talking about his wedding with David than it had been when he was engaged to Rachel, when any mention of his eventual wedding sent him spiraling into a near panic attack. Now he was excited. Happy.
“Look at the ceiling,” Alexis murmured, and Patrick let her work in silence for a bit. Finally she said, “I’m afraid. About the trip.”
“I’m sure you can outrun those giant turtles, Alexis, even in high heels.”
“Ha ha,” she said, giving Patrick the same sneer she often gave her brother, and it oddly warmed his heart. “No, I’m afraid that a trip like this is just going to show Ted that I’m not… that we’re not right for each other.”
“How so?”
“Because I’m not good at that stuff! Outdoorsy stuff. Animal stuff. I’m afraid I’m gonna get there and I’m going to do something stupid, or I’ll be unable to hide the fact that I hate it, and Ted is going to decide that I’m not worth it.”
“Alexis, I don’t know who Givenchy is or why it matters. David thinks a double play is a sex thing.”
He rolled his eyes. “My point is, you can be very different people and still make it work. Ted knows who you are. If he truly loves you, then seeing you roughing it is not going to change that. Neither is a few months of separation, if it comes to that.”
Alexis looked down at her lap. “Thanks, Patrick.”
“Hey,” he said into the phone. “How’s your mother?”
“Ugh, don’t ask.” David blew out a breath. “I thought you’d be warming up your voice by now.”
“Yeah, Jocelyn is rounding everyone up.” Patrick glanced around at the chaos of the dressing room. “I just wanted to tell you I love you.”
“You didn’t need to call me just to say that.”
“I know. I wanted to.” Patrick stepped out into the hallway. “I wanted to make sure that you knew that I love everything about you, even the stuff that you think makes you difficult. I love that you’re difficult.”
“What brought this on?” David’s voice broke a little bit on the question.
“Nothing,” he said. There was no time to get into Alexis’ issues right now, and it was her story to tell anyway. “Just don’t ever doubt my love for you. Okay?”
“Okay.” David sniffled. “I wish I was there to see you tonight.”
“You don’t need to come to every performance, David; it’s perfectly fine.”
“I know, but I like watching you.”
“Oh, you like watching me,” Patrick said with a grin.
“On stage. But, okay, yes, also in other places.” David exhaled loudly, like he was shaking the conversation off before it got too intimate. Neither of them had the time for that. “Anyway, good luck.”
“It’s ‘break a leg’.”
“Break a leg, honey.”
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julz321 · 6 years
The Vice of Positivity in Fandoms
(Warning Voltron Season 7 spoilers)
There’s not doubt that there is a lot of negativity in the world and we need more nice people in the world. However, depending on the situation, positivity can, in fact, do more damage than good in situations that does not call for it. Sure it can be useful to temper negativity, but again only when appropriate. And not all negativity is bad.
Optimism can indeed dilute you into thinking things are ok and nothing needs changing. While there are those people who worry over nothing, the way we determine if something is worth worrying about is dependent on how thoroughly and accurately you look at the details. Also a level of experience in social issues helps too. 
I can understand a fandom’s desire to keep things light and positive and avoid conflict, we all wanna just relax and enjoy our shared interests. Heck that’s why I enjoy conventions. However, pretending like nothing is wrong can allow disaster to hit when we least expect it. Many fandoms are oblivious to the fact that there are pedophiles or alt-right people in their midst and never question it, or reflexively label it as “drama” or ignorantly label everyone as equally in the wrong. This is very counter-productive and trying to plead for the moral high ground and tell people to do better is useless so long as they continue to pretend as if nothing is wrong. 
Enter Voltron’s controversial season 7. While, yes, Voltron fans can indeed be insufferable when their ships aren’t confirmed, it would be very counter-productive to lump them and show’s critics in the same boat. It’s like saying the people who criticized the Titans trailer as just as bad as the people who harassed the actors of the show.
(Minor spoilers for those who have not seen it but it’s been a week so I think we’re good)
For those who don’t know, the Voltron creative team revealed that one of their main characters, Shiro, to be gay and that they were going to tell this story in season 7. Long story short, this did not end up being the case. The dialogue between Adam and Shiro were too vague (parents had to explain to their kids that the two were in a relationship) to the point where you could mistaken them as just roommates, Adam was killed (so no hope exploring things there), and while Shiro looks upon the plack honoring Adam and the many others who died defending Earth all he has to say is “I’m sorry.” Not even an “I love you” and thus adding onto the vagueness of  Shiro and Adam’s relationship.  Many critics saw to this as a let down and many fans were rightfully upset. While this display isn’t as infuriating as the Lefu from the live action Beauty and the Beast movie, it is still infuriating none the less. The writers say they were all for LGBT representation but then failed to properly deliver and have received a hailstorm of criticism.  Sure, it may be “some” representation and it’s “better than nothing” but if it’s barely anything then you can’t all this “progress.” It’s like saying “I got a raise” and it’s wonderful, only to find out you only got 10 cents. 
Steven Universe is able to do better in terms of LGBT representation and yet their best couple is locked inside a fusion most of the time. Shiro being the LGBT version of Steve Rogers would have been a great step in the right direction, but the creators decided to keep it vague, which makes it very underwhelming at best and frustrating at worst. And all it would have take is clear confirmation, on screen, not by word of the creators, about Shiro’s relationship or sexual orientation. One “I love you” would have solved this, or at least tempered it.
This is just one out of many criticism with season 7, the gloomy tone, the stalling, among other writing flaws with the season. But needless to say, season 7 deserved it’s low rating.
Now how does this relate into positivity being a problem (even though season 7 could have used more positivity)? 
To those with experience in the Voltron fandom, shipping is a common practice just like in any fandom. However, sometimes these shippers can take it too far and proceed to harass the actors and creative team. However, while I will chastise geeks for engaging in such behavior and, I agree, harassing the creators is a problem, see the Star Wars fandom, it’s unwise to mix harassment with criticism. 
While bugging the crew about ships the fandom wanted so much is a very petty thing, pointing out very significant and legit problems with your show is something every creator is going to have to deal with. Criticism, especially legit and valid criticism, is in no way harassment. Sure not every show is gonna be perfect, however, that thought terminating platitude breeds complacency and creates the illusion that you don’t have to improve at all. If anything it cultivates more problems from right under your noses, such as ignorance. There is no shortage of fans who still believe Voltron season 7 was great and while they are within their right to like something, It’s infuriating when they try to stiffling something that would be more beneficial than just undeserved praise.
It’s clear that the common fan has no experience with writing or social issues, sometimes both. See the creator’s last project known as the Legend of Korra, where that show was considered “smart” for a kids show, however, had the teenager’s understanding of politics. But since the series “mentions” these issues and saw “parallels” to real world issues the common fan incorrectly comes to the conclusion that it must be good. Pretty much in the same vein as DC fans thinking dark and edgy means that is must be a work of art. A good writer, or someone well versed in LGBT issues would spot these problems, the vagueness and the wasted opportunity at real representation, almost immediately. But the common fan is so undiscerning that all they see is people arguing, but never consider why. I promise you, you’ll find no shortage of fans who are quick to try and sweep this type of “drama” under the rug, label critics as “insufferable” and are “forcing their opinions,” and rally people to “be better” while championing the quality of a show when little quality was even there. And those kind of actions lead people in fandom down the road of ignorance and stunts improvement. It warps how fandoms think by putting up a veil of false positivity or positivity that is unnecessary. 
And before someone tries to chime in with another thought terminating platitude, yes creators have every right to produce something how they want whenever they want and they don’t have to conform to people’s standards. However, in the same string of logic, everyone has the right to their opinion, even if it’s wrong, however people are still allowed to use that same freedom of speech to respond with criticism or a counter argument. And as creators working for a company and profess themselves to be professional, then listening to criticism is something you have to learn how to do and get used to in order to grow. Not listen to every criticism, since not every critic is a good one, but you’ll never find out what that sounds like unless you get out a pen and paper and start taking notes. Filter out the bad comments from the ones that are good and will help you. Like when someone says they haven’t watched your video and claim they know you’re wrong. 
And before someone says “oh but you’ll discourage them,” if Michael Bay can keep making terrible movies and still deal with harsh reviews, or even DC for that matter, then you have no excuse. Even Marvel writers are dealing with harassment from fans who don’t like the level of representation in their comics but those very same writers are committing to it despite the level of BS that gets thrown their way. Any creator who will be hurt by legit criticism will get hurt by any criticism that isn’t soft and simpering and if that is the case then you have no place being in a professional work environment.  Tone policing or applying positivity in a situation that does not need it and furthering geek culture to stay within its ignorant bubble of ignorance and  privilege is how you make matters worse the next time this comes around. No, amount of pleading to moral high ground or trying to “act like the better person” is not gonna make a problem go away. Understanding the details and listening to criticism is something that a moderately smart person should be capable of doing. Saying that critics who know what they’re talking about are just as bad as the fans who harass the creative team spits in the face of wisdom.  To summarize, being positive is ok when it’s needed, but putting it into a situation that does not call for it is you being one of those “nice people” who hate fighting, label every bit of conflict as drama, never quite understands why people are arguing, and is ultimately condescending while waxing poetic on a moral high ground about how fans criticizing a show is the same this as harassing them over ships. Criticism is needed in order for creators to grow and it takes a pro to understand the legit comments and the ones you can safely delete. LGBT representation is important so don’t say you’re all for it but then chicken out at the last minute when your competition can do even better. The only issue with criticism is not that it may sound harsh. but whether or not it’s correct and helps you to grow. 
P.S. I still love my gay space daddy as much as I love big pink, gay space rock mom. Although I’m very sure the people here just skimmed it and didn’t bother reading this article in detail. See how it hurts to be condescending? 
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