#or at best they assume we're half sisters
1d1195 · 8 months
Dolcezza VI
Read Dolcezza here.
Warnings: fluff, angst--lots of it. I know we're all waiting on the big reveal or whatever based on my cliff hanger but you're going to have to wait a little bit 😊
~8.4k words
The sun coming through the blinds outlined her like the angel she really was, and Harry was sure there were cartoon hearts floating around his head as he gazed at her.
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“Do you want me to get Harry?” Niall asked.
“No!” She nearly shouted. Niall blinked in surprise. She cleared her throat and her face warmed as Harry’s best friend looked at her like she was nuts. She honestly felt a little crazy and she prayed to God the man up front didn’t hear her and give away that she was slowly losing her mind. “No, no... it’s... he’s not doing anything wrong,” if she lied to herself enough, maybe the problem would go away.
“He’s allowed to be in the same place as you?” Niall’s eyebrows rose half-way up his forehead. Obviously, he hated this.
If Niall hated this... she hated to think what Harry would do.
She shrugged one shoulder as casually as she could manage, then nodded. “It’s only fifty feet,” she murmured.
“You know the dimensions of this place?” Surprise and distaste were evident in his tone.
She swallowed the figurative rock that had wedged itself in her throat. She tried to take a deep breath as quietly and shallowly as possible. She could still feel his gaze on her back. He had to know she was terrified, and she didn’t want to give him any more excitement into knowing she was scared. “You learn to measure 50 feet by sight,” she mumbled.
“Tesorino, please let me tell Harry,” Niall begged.
She shook her head rapidly, feeling the intensity of his stare never faltering. “Niall, please. He’ll worry and it’s—”
“I’m worried,” he admitted, speaking lowly so only she could hear.
There was thick exasperation in her sigh. “Please don’t. It’s fine. He’s just...there.”
Niall answered her sigh with his own angry, frustrated one. “Tesorino, Harry would lose his mind. Worse, he would be devastated if you didn’t tell him. He’s already probably going to hate me for waiting this long to tell him and it’s only been three minutes. Please let me tell him.” She didn’t say anything. But Niall could see the exhaustion on her face. This couldn’t be easy for her. None of it. On top of a long day with her crazy family and car trouble. Niall thought she was brave just for being upright. “Tesorino,” he repeated leaning close. There was a pause that seemed to stretch on for hours but couldn’t have been more than ten seconds. Niall was doing his best not to stare back in the offending direction.
She had to say yes. Niall needed her to say yes. He didn’t know what would happen if she said no. He couldn’t imagine looking his best friend in the eye and keeping that from him. Not when he knew how much he adored this sweet girl. Niall was equally terrified. Over the months she lived above his workplace and stole his best friend’s heart, she turned out to be one of the funniest and best people he knew. He loved her in a way Harry didn’t. Because he adored her like a sister he never had and like the best-friend-in-law he already assumed she’d be, he couldn’t stand the thought of her getting hurt. He was ready to throw himself over the bar and stand in front of her if needed.
He held his breath for the ten seconds she paused. Waiting wordlessly, panicked that he would have to ruin his relationship with her if she said no. There was no way he wasn’t telling Harry.
Fortunately, she nodded. The slightest headshake. He knew it probably took a lot out of her to say she needed help. It wasn’t lost on him, and he hoped he could convince Harry to see it that way. He released a breath for about as long as he held it. “Thank you, Tesorino,” Niall sighed with relief. “Harry!” He shouted, starting back for the kitchen.
She grabbed his hand right as it lifted off the bar before he made his way to Harry. He turned his attention back to her. Her hand squeezing his gently. “Please don’t leave me alone,” she whispered, her voice small.
Niall’s heart broke right in half. “Fuck,” What an idiot. “Of course not, Tesorino,” he promised and covered her hand with his other and squeezed it back with a gentle smile. It was meant to be encouraging but he was afraid it was filled with pity.
“I was looking for you. S’matter?” Harry asked, stepping up to the kitchen window. His hand zoomed in on Niall’s touching hers. Her gaze dropped to the bar already feeling like she was in trouble. “Oh...hey, Principessa. Y’okay?” Niall turned, still holding her hand giving it a reassuring squeeze as he faced Harry. Never once letting go. Patrons at the bar beside her were staring every so often at the weird chain she and Niall made as he spoke to Harry—it couldn’t have been more than thirty seconds. But the only thing she could really sense was the gaze at her back. It killed her to stay facing forward. It felt like the hardest thing in the world.
Niall spoke quietly. The din of the restaurant covering the noise of his words. Words that she didn’t want to hear and words that made her feel sick. She felt hot and scared.
Not to mention, completely defeated.
She couldn’t look up to see the disappointment on Harry’s face.
Suddenly there was a hand on her back, and she was startled so badly she let a tiny yelp out of her throat before Harry’s cologne invaded her nose. Before she could jolt her head back Harry’s lips were right near her ear. If anyone heard her, they paid no mind. She could almost feel his lips touching her earlobe as he spoke. The hand on her back pressed gently and soothingly against her spine. “S’time t’go Principessa,” he murmured lowly.
It was one of the only times in her life that she could remember letting someone else take charge and worry about her. It scared her almost as much as feeling the gaze of her stalker on the back of her head.
The poor thing must have whispered sorry about ten thousand times. It broke Harry’s heart. Especially after the nice day he had with her. He thought he had broken down a ton of walls and was excited to kiss her until she was breathless when he brought her back to her place.
Now they were in the kitchen strategizing, or at least, Niall and Harry were. The three settled by the lockers for the staff, sitting on the little bench. Harry was pacing nervously while Niall tapped on the bench with his fingertips while thinking. The rest of the staff ignored them. They were getting close to closing the kitchen down anyway, so Niall wasn’t needed as much, and Harry wasn’t even supposed to be there.
She was sitting mutely beside Niall, feeling like an idiot for believing this wouldn’t catch up to her. It had been a blissful, almost year. She was hopeful he was just gone, found someone new to bother. Or something else... anything but this. Harry was pacing listening to Niall trying to get an idea of what was happening up at the front of the restaurant by asking one of the waiters to keep an eye on that table and let them know when the guy there left. Harry had his hands pressed to his lips, steepled in front of him.
“Principessa,” Harry said putting a hand on her shoulder making her jump again. “What do y’think?” He asked.
She shook her head. “I’m... I’m so sorry. I wasn’t focused, can you—”
Niall smiled at her sympathetically. “S’okay, Tesorino,” he promised reaching over and squeezing her knee soothingly. “Harry—but also very much me, too—would feel more comfortable if you stayed at our place.”
She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Trying to sound braver than she felt. Which was albeit very little. “It’s probably not that big of a deal... I can stay in my apartment. I wouldn’t want to put either of you out or—”
Harry sighed and tilted his head back. It was obvious he was frustrated. Maybe even... angry... at her. “S’not a problem, Principessa,” his voice was clipped. Irritated.
She felt like everything that she talked about with Harry today was ruined. She looked at her hands in her lap. Fiddling with the thumb ring she bought she spun it around and around below her knuckle. “We’d feel safer with you at our place,” Niall was a little calmer than Harry. She envied that. Wished she could be calmer. Harry looked like he was going to rip the hair out of his head. He ran a hand over his face. The waiter came by to report that the man was gone, and all three sighed with relief.
“Can I get some stuff?” She asked quietly.
Niall tutted sadly. It really felt like she was in trouble at school. Harry looked so worried but immensely... mad. An emotion she hadn’t seen on his sweet features once in the nine months she had known him. “Course, Tesorino,” Niall nodded easily. “Harry will take you up to get whatever you need.”
Harry was silent the entire drive. Further making it feel like everything that was and could have been between them was ruined. He didn’t even hold her hand. It was completely unfair because she had spent many car rides without his hand in hers and it wasn’t a big deal. Now, after one day, it felt cold and horrible. It felt wrong and made her want to hold his hand so very badly in an attempt to fix it.
The time she spent packing was tense and silent too. Harry didn’t rush her, but he may as well have had a timer. It felt like everything she did was wrong and awful. She also packed way too much stuff which added to her stress. It looked like she was going on vacation for a whole week and that had to be overwhelming for Harry. For all she knew, he wanted to make out with her and maybe start dating. Not have her move in immediately.
Due to her frustrated daydreaming, she didn’t realize they were parked in a driveway. Niall had gotten a ride home from Antonio just a little before them, so he was able to do a scan ahead of time and sent a reassuring text that it was all safe to enter. She opened her door and Harry leaned across her immediately and pulled it shut. She turned to him, her expression a bit bewildered.
He got out of the car wordlessly and came to her side where he opened the door for her. He smiled weakly. The first sign of her Harry in an hour. “S’my job t’open doors for you, Principessa,” he murmured.
Her heart fluttered. “Oh, I’m sorry,” she answered because she didn’t know what else to say to that. She stepped out of the car and Harry released a light chuckle. She could tell Harry was trying to be casual as he looked around. Luckily, the neighborhood was small. It would be obvious if there were an unknown car parked nearby. Or a stranger lurking in the shadows. Someone would have called the police for such a suspicion before Niall even noticed.
He grabbed her duffle bag from the back, and she pulled her backpack from the passenger floor and slid it on before they walked toward the house. Niall’s car was parked beside Harry’s. The house was adorable. Not too big. Just one story with a nice yard. Niall mentioned it was two bedrooms, two bathrooms. Of course, there was a big kitchen because it’s where Niall and Harry shined, and it was important they had one.
Even if they rarely used it since all their time was spent at the restaurant.
She jumped when the light turned on for the front steps. “Jesus Christ,” she muttered.
Harry smiled sadly. The poor thing. Harry let her inside first, peeking one last time over his shoulder grateful there was nothing out of place as he closed the door. The three seemed to sigh with relief as Niall closed the front door and locked it.
“Welcome home, Tesorino,” Niall winked. He yawned, stretched, and smiled sweetly. “Make yourself at home, but m’very tired.”
“Yeah, of course,” she nodded quickly. “I’m sorry—”
“Shh,” he hushed, shaking his head easily, and gave her a peck on the cheek. “Sleep well, love. S’all good,” he promised and shuffled down the hall.
She felt wildly uncomfortable. Poor Harry. This was not what he signed up for. “C’mon,” he hummed and started after Niall toward what she assumed was the hallway with the bedrooms and bathrooms.
Harry opened one door and flicked on the light. “S’my bathroom. Niall’s is connected t’his room, so if y’have t’use it, y’gotta go through his room. But be careful, he has laundry mountains,” he warned. She wanted to inspect it more. What kind of shower curtain did he choose? Did he pick out the hand towels himself? Was it annoying that when they had friends over, they had to use his bathroom?
She smiled. “I don’t see myself going through his room.”
“Jus’ letting you know,” he shrugged.
She frowned. The vibe was so incredibly tense. He was visibly mad. “This is my room,” he flicked on the light as he entered the door across the hall from the bathroom. It was pretty minimalist. A dresser, a bed, a nightstand, a desk. On top of his desk was a collection of books lined up and bookended by a pair of brackets shaped like a bicycle going through the books. His laptop and a picture of what she assumed was his mom and sister were next to the books, too. There was a closet along the front wall, and she felt the need to look in and see all of Harry’s clothes. Most of the time she saw him in his ever-present black kitchen ensemble. Today’s adventure was one of the only times she saw him in dark jeans and a long-sleeve Henley. She imagined there was more where that came from but still wanted to know. Or maybe he just used it as storage and dress shirts. But it was exactly the kind of thing she wanted to know because of the stress of the last hour.
The room was painted with a light color. It was almost white, but she swore there was a hint of yellow-almost-peach color hiding in there and she only knew that because she was staring at it trying to figure out what color it was. “Mum insisted on the color,” he rolled his eyes. “Said m’choice of dark blue was depressing.”
She smiled again thinking about how nice it was that he listened to his mom. His bedspread was dark navy, pulled to the top of the mattress with four fluffy pillows. It matched the area rug he had under the desk. All his furniture was dark brown in color. “Blue would have been too dark,” she agreed. He smirked and rolled his eyes. It eased the anxiety in her heart a little.
“Are y’tired?” He asked.
“Tired, Principessa?” He repeated and she wondered if he thought she was stupid now. It felt like she was stupid.
Wordlessly, he opened two drawers grabbing a couple of things out of his dresser. Then he stole a pillow off the bed. “M’gonna let y’sleep, then,” he said. “Wake me up if y’need anything. M’usually up by eight at latest on the weekend. But wake me up if y’get up earlier,” he promised heading for the living room.
She shook her head as if all at once, her brain returned to her head after the last hour. “Where are you going?” She asked stepping into the hall watching his retreating figure. He looked so boyish, carrying a pillow at his side, dragging it like a little kid. It was adorable.
He turned around to her looking at her with confusion. “T’sleep, kitten,” he smirked with an eyeroll.
Her heart stopped and she felt flustered all over again. “On the couch?!” Her voice cracked.
“Uh... yeah?”
“Harry,” she shook her head. “I can’t... I can’t kick you out of your bed,” she said hurriedly. “I won’t sleep.”
He smiled softly and shrugged. “S’okay, Principessa. Want you t’be comfortable.”
“I will be so uncomfortable if you sleep out there while I’m in your bed,” he looked pretty resolute in his decision, and she thought she might lose this one. It made her feel horrible. And she wasn’t sure she was very-well brave enough to go follow him into the main room and cram herself against him on the sofa if he did make his way out there. “Harry,” she whined and twisted her fingers together anxiously. “Please, don’t,” she begged.
“Well s’no chance m’letting y’sleep on the couch, kitten. So... s’very limited in our options here.”
“You can sleep with me,” she said quickly. Then her face turned the same shade as a firetruck. Harry smirked and she put a hand over her eyes. Harry stepped back toward her.
“I can, hmm?” He asked with a lilt in his voice that sounded like her Harry. The one that teased her, soothed her, and made her feel like nothing bad could ever happen to her simply because he liked her so much.
She pulled her hand away from her blushing face. Harry was standing with just inches of space between them. Her head tilted back so she could look at him. His green eyes hooded by his eyelids, and she realized he looked damn near exhausted. As much as she wanted to make out with him, it seemed unfair. The car, her family, the driving, the stalker. It was all a lot for anyone to deal with and definitely not what Harry signed up for today.
Of course, he made it seem like it didn’t bother him, but even she was tired. She couldn’t imagine how he felt. “Er...” she swallowed. “I meant... your bed is big,” she murmured. “And when I’m tired, I sleep like a zombie,” she admitted. “I mean, I won’t move or roll around and get in your space.”
“Hmm...” she could feel the breath of his exhale across her cheeks. “What if I want you in my space?” He wondered. Her voice felt like it was dead. Gone completely. No longer there.
“You don’t hate me?” She managed to whisper. “Or think I’m annoying? Or want me out of your hair? I know this is more than what you ever wanted to deal with today. On a day off to boot.”
She watched him wince very minutely. A twinge of his lips, a wrinkle on his forehead, and a quick jolt of his head twisting to the left. “M’not answering any of those silly questions, Principessa,” he responded instead.
“But you’ve been so mad the entire drive here. You... you didn’t hold my hand,” she whispered like a dumb elementary school student whose crush pushed another girl on the swing set.
His gaze softened. The pinch in his brow disappeared and his eyes went back from laser focused to the gentleness he always seemed to have when he looked at her. He brought his hand to her face and brushed his thumb on her cheek. “M’not mad at you. Of course, m’not. Y’did nothing wrong. You are...” he shook his head. “M’terrified of something hurting you. Someone hurting you. M’mad at him. I could never be mad at you, m’Principessa,” he whispered. “Been dreaming ‘bout you in m’bed. I’d probably sleep like a rock jus’ thinking ‘bout you in here while out on the couch,” he admitted making her heart stop. Harry knew all the right things to say. “After the last couple hours...” he stared at her steadily. “If I sleep in the same bed as you, kitten,” he shook his head and clucked his tongue. “I wouldn’t be able t’let y’go,” he promised.
Part of her thought she should be embarrassed by his statement, but she had been dreaming about way worse than Harry sharing a bed with her since she met him. Each time they touched she thought her heart would explode. When she watched him chop vegetables, or any time she caught a glimpse of his fingers doing anything, she imagined inappropriate touches that would make him think she was insane. “I’m okay with that,” she whispered breathlessly.
“M'gonna kiss you now,” he told her leaning closer to her. “M’not going t’stop for a while,” he promised.
“Are your rooms soundproof?” It wasn’t even a whisper anymore—it was quieter than that. The air that escaped her lips came out nervously. She was lucky he could understand her. It was a stupid thing to ask but her brain was malfunctioning once more, and it was the only thing she could think about; Niall just two rooms over and across the hall.
There was an ache in his jeans at her question, and he let out a low moan from his throat. His lips were so close to hers. “We’ll have t’find out,” he whispered, his lips brushing hers as he spoke. Not a kiss, just touching as he said the words. It still set her on fire. Harry dropped the pillow and his clothes and wrapped his arms around her waist firmly, before sinking his mouth on hers in a kiss that she felt all the way to her toes. She ached everywhere, immediately and let out a groan as he lifted her just so her toes brushed the floor and could easily push her back into his room. He kicked the door shut and she truly prayed the walls were thick and wouldn’t embarrass herself in front of Niall tomorrow morning.
She woke up after feeling like she had slept for a whole week. Her lips felt swollen, and light was filtering in from the window. It landed on the expanse of Harry’s muscular back unmarred by tattoos which she now knew covered almost every inch of his torso and most of his left arm, but not the right. As much as she wanted to take Harry’s boxers off last night, she could see the same amount of fatigue in his eyes as she felt in her own body. So, true to his word, they kissed and kissed and kissed and didn’t stop for a while—until her breath was so shallow Harry started to worry about her all over again.
Harry pulled almost all her clothes off, running his hands up and down her body in a way she had never experienced. It was as if he was searching for something but was still so gentle. Like whatever he was searching for was in an area filled with bubbles and he wasn’t allowed to pop any of them. It made her feel beautiful and whole. For however long they kissed, (she hadn’t a clue because she didn’t time it) she forgot about everything except Harry.
The tiredness took over eventually and Harry clutched her body to his. His body was warm and protective around hers, spooned behind her. “Is it everything you dreamed?” She whispered, her arms stacked and nearly crossed around the cage he had her in his embrace.
“S’better, Principessa,” he mumbled and kissed the back of her head. Her skin was so soft and warm. It really was better than he could have dreamed. But he promptly fell asleep.
Obviously, they had turned and moved a bit in their sleep. She leaned over and pressed kisses at evenly spaced intervals down his spine. She caught sight of his alarm clock reading 7:18. She didn’t want to wake him up—at least not till eight because he deserved all the sleep he could get after yesterday. But she couldn’t keep her lips off him. The room was chilly and lifting herself from under the covers to lean over and kiss his skin let the heat out from their little cocoon. It killed her to think he would have to go to work in the evening. Maybe earlier. He probably had prep stuff to do.
Her mind spiraled a bit, wondering if she would go with them. Maybe she should go back home? She kind of missed the smell of garlic and olive oil and didn’t realize it was such a comfort to help her fall asleep. Or would she stay here? She could get a new comfort in Harry’s lips.
Harry’s breathing was steady, no indication that her lips had woken him. But she heard her phone vibrate from somewhere in the pile of her stuff. She slipped out of bed feeling guilty and wrong about leaving him. She grabbed her phone and managed to find a shirt and pair of pants from her duffle bag and picked up her phone so when it started to vibrate again, signaling the person at the other end was not giving up, it wouldn’t bother Harry. Near silently, she stepped out of the room closing the door quietly.
Luckily, Niall and Harry’s floors didn’t creak when she padded back toward the main room. “Hello?” She asked her phone softly.
“Where are you?” Eleanor asked alertly. “I’ve never seen that address before and I’m terrified. Are you alright?”
Shit. She should have warned her.“I’m fine,” she assured her immediately. “Really, everything’s fine,” she promised her through her whispers.
“Why are you whispering?”
“Because Harry and Niall are sleeping,” she sighed and put a hand to cover her eyes.
The silence was deafening. “Are you...?” Eleanor gasped. “Halelujah!” She sang. She smiled and felt herself blush even though she had no reason to. It’s not like Eleanor or anyone for that matter could see her. “So that’s Harry’s address?”
“Yes, Mom,” she rolled her eyes. “You don’t need to worry—” She stopped and cleared her throat because she didn’t want to worry Eleanor and certainly didn’t want to lie to her. But technically, there was a need to worry. “You don’t have to worry right now,” at least that was the truth. Technically. Hopefully, she could figure something out before it became a serious problem. “Why are you awake?” She asked.
“I had to pee and needed water and I checked my phone for the time, and it said you were at a new, unfamiliar location,” Eleanor sighed with relief. “How did you end up there?”
She sighed. “It’s... a long story,” one that she didn’t have details for yet because she didn’t know all of them. Ones that she didn’t want to worry Eleanor with when she was supposed to be asleep. “I’ll... call you later. Go back to sleep. I’m okay,” she promised.
Eleanor released a yawn, and she could hear the ruffle of sheets. “She’s okay,” she whispered.
“Wonderful,” she heard Louis grumble.
“Jesus Eleanor, let the poor man sleep,” she rolled her eyes.
“Enjoy La Casa di Harry,” Eleanor sang once more, then hung up almost instantly.
Harry was just starting to wake up. Bits of a dream he didn’t remember still on the edge of his mind. But he smelled bacon, home fries, and toast. He moaned quietly as he stretched and turned to see the sweet girl, the star of all his daydreams, standing in the doorway with a plate of food steaming in the early sunlight. His chest felt a warmth he couldn’t describe. “Hey Principessa.”
The groggy, warm, and creaky voice he had when he woke up was her new favorite thing. She felt a pulse of adoration for him flow through her like she had been electrocuted. She was lucky she held onto the plate. “I made you an omelet,” she answered softly. She hated being loud in the mornings. Mornings were meant to be quiet and gentle.
“You didn’t have t’do that,” he sat up against the headboard. She walked over to him, dodging Harry’s discarded jeans and T-shirt, and stepped around her own jeans and sweater.
“I did, though,” she nodded knowingly.
“Did y’sleep okay?” He asked as she settled the plate in his lap. It looked delicious and Harry’s stomach growled without him fully realizing how hungry he was.
“Very,” she smiled. “I... I just want to bring Niall his breakfast, then I’ll be back,” she said standing beside him as he looked at her. The sun coming through the blinds outlined her like the angel she really was, and Harry was sure there were cartoon hearts floating around his head as he gazed at her.
“Hurry,” he said cutely biting into the toast. She giggled and scurried to the kitchen and then back down the hall. Harry sipped from the water bottle he left on his nightstand and nearly choked as he realized his mistake. “Wait!” He called.
“Oh... oh I’m so sorry.”
“Oh, you make breakfast, too?” Niall asked sleepily. Harry sighed, tilting his head back against the board behind him and rolled his eyes. “Gonna have to compete for you soon, Tesorino, if Harry doesn’t make a move,” there was a pause and Niall shuffled by Harry’s door. Naked as the day he was born.
She stood in the doorway looking a little surprised and pink cheeked as ever. Harry smirked. “Should have warned you.”
“Any time you want to make me breakfast in bed, Tesorino, my door is always opened.” Niall smiled and pecked her blushing cheek as he headed back to his room holding the plate and ketchup bottle in his hand.
She looked at Harry who casually nibbled on his yummy food. “Did y’make yourself some or are we sharing?” He asked.
She shook her head to rid herself of the image of Niall naked across his bed. “Uh... hold on,” she said. “I’ll go get my plate,” she answered.
“Must have got her second guessing,” Niall shouted.
“Niall, shut it,” Harry growled.
After they ate the yummy food, she put their plates in the sink and promised she would wash everything in a bit. She closed the door as she returned, hurried to snuggle under the blankets, and curled up to Harry’s warm body. This had to be what heaven was like. Harry holding her in the sun-rising morning on a Saturday. After a few little turns and movements, she wound up lying with her ear pressed to his heart. His fingers skimmed up and down the length of her arm and it was hard to believe that after all the time he spent thinking about her in this capacity, she was here. Even if there were a million problems and he was still exhausted just by thinking about last night... she was here.
There wasn’t a thing he had done in his life that felt as nice as holding her.
The rise and fall of her body against his made him happy. She was okay. Physically. He certainly wasn’t going to let anyone get to her. After a bit of contemplation, he noticed she had fallen back asleep. He brushed his lips on her forehead and combed her hair softly along her hairline with the pads of his fingertips.
It was easy to pretend nothing was wrong because it felt so perfect. He tried not to think about all the problems that were outside their little cocoon. He wanted to take the night off but honestly, not working might make his mind a little too wandering to all the bad that could happen.
Plus, if she came along to the restaurant or her place, she would only be a short walk away. Not a ten-minute drive across town that would make his anxiety skyrocket. She startled awake, just about as quickly as she fell asleep. It couldn’t have been more than seven minutes. She twitched and frowned, nuzzling her nose against his chest. “Y’okay, Principessa?” His voice was low and gravelly. He kissed her forehead, but it felt like he was kissing on the part of her heart that was infatuated and in love with him.
“Hmm,” she hummed. “Think I fell asleep again for a minute,” she murmured.
“S’okay. Y’can sleep,” he offered. “M’not going anywhere for a while.”
“No?” She asked, was that hope in her voice? God, he was going to say something stupid like he loved her.
“Niall’s going t’do prep. I’ll go in right before the waiters and waitresses do for the evening,” he explained. “So, we’ve got some time t’relax,” he promised. The smile on her face couldn’t stop and Harry thought he might explode from how sweet she looked. “What?” He asked.
“I’m glad... we get to spend the day together,” she admitted, her cheeks turning his favorite shade of pink. It was adorable to see her tuck her face into Harry’s chest. He thought his heart might explode if he fell any harder for her.
“All y’had t’do was ask, Principessa,” he pressed his lips to the crown of her head. Her skin was so soft and he had blindly felt every inch of her in their late night make out session. He kissed her repeatedly until his lips were sore and the tug on his own lips from hers got weaker. “’D’ve been at y’door any time,” he promised.
“I really thought you were mad at me last night,” she whispered sadly.
“You?” He shook his head. “Can’t imagine a way, la mia dolcezza.”
Her heart ached so badly for him.
They shared at least a thousand more kisses. Her breathing was erratic when Niall knocked on the door and Harry managed to calmly answer him. His body was hovering above hers, his hips locked between her thighs. “M’heading out,” he called.
“Bye Niall,” Harry said without an ounce of suggestion that they were doing anything other than playing a board game. She was astounded he could keep his composure like that. Maybe she wasn’t so good at kissing him like she had hoped (but Harry assured her it had nothing to do with that, but he just wanted Niall to go away faster).
“Bye Tesorino,” he called with a smile in his voice. Her voice felt shaky when she answered (even though Harry assured her many times over that Niall had no idea she was breathless from kissing).
Harry’s body was lean but sinewy. His boxer briefs pulled tight around what had to be... she couldn’t think about his penis too long or she would be done for. But she could feel his hard length grinding against her core as he kissed her and kissed her for way longer than she thought she’d be able to emotionally handle after a day spent with her family and finding out her stalker was back.
Eventually her stomach signaled to the pair of them that it was time to eat again. Harry headed to the kitchen to get something ready for her. “S’no garlic bread and eggplant,” he shrugged with a wry smile handing her a plate with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and celery sticks.
She never wanted to leave.
“M’gonna, shower, kitten,” he kissed her forehead. “Shout if y’need something, yeah?”
“Or if I want to join?” She asked, batting her eyelashes up at him innocently.
He groaned. “Don’t tempt me, Principessa,” he kissed her quickly on the lips. Fortunately, Eleanor texted her to keep her occupied the length of his shower.
Do you live there now?
She put the phone to her ear and Eleanor answered on the second ring. “I don’t live here.”
“You haven’t left yet. Which is awfully suspicious.”
She smirked and rolled her eyes. “He spent the day with my family yesterday,” she said softly. “Emma called me a bossy bitch and he told her that it wasn’t very nice,” she swallowed the lump of emotion in her throat—the same one she had yesterday when she overheard the conversation. “And he met Ethan—”
“Jesus Christ,” she whispered back.
“—El, he’s...” she sighed shaking her head. “He’s wonderful.”
“I know. We’ve been waiting for you to notice!”
She rolled her eyes but chatted with El for the length of his shower. The sound of the water running eventually stopped and she promised Eleanor to call her again with a better update.
Harry returned to his room with a towel wrapped on his hips and even though she had spent all night and morning pressed to his mostly naked body, save the boxers, this was somehow more naked. Her heart was flying, and she tried not to stare. “Could I also shower?”
He chuckled. “Course, kitten. Let me get you a towel.”
She wished she was cheekier to ask him for his. But instead, she took the time to let the hot water run over her body and further forget about the crazy day she had yesterday. The difference between the state of her brother’s bathroom versus Harry’s was immense. She wanted to send a picture to him and Ethan explaining what their bathroom was supposed to look like, but she didn’t want him to know she was in Harry’s bathroom.
Once showered and dressed, Harry was waiting in the living room. He smiled at the sight of her, dressed in leggings and a dress that fell just above her knees. She looked beautiful, simply put. Even with wet hair he swore she could be a model. (But she strongly denied such a statement when he voiced it to her). She settled herself next to him. Snuggling into his embrace. The afternoon was quiet. He kissed the top of her head every so often while running his hand up and down her arm. She suggested reading for a while and Harry thought it was adorable and sweet. Her face was concentrated while her eyes scanned the pages. A pucker between her eyebrows. Harry thought she was adorable. It was hard to concentrate on his own book when she was in his house, on his couch, sitting so close to him.
About an hour before Harry mentioned they needed to leave for him to head to work, she noticed a shift in him. It was like the night before. When he didn’t hold her hand in the car and when he seemed so...cold. It was almost subtle, the way his body language and demeanor changed. Although they spent the better part of the day in silence (between reading and kissing) the silence within the last hour before they left was tense and cold.
Harry held the door open to his car again. She thanked him graciously. “Oh... I forgot my stuff,” she realized. The distraction of his change in attitude had thrown her off again. It was hard to think straight. She meant to take it with her when they left but, in the moment, Harry had asked if she was ready to go and his voice was so flat, so devoid of inflection, she wondered if he had been replaced with someone else that looked like him.
He cleared his throat putting the car in reverse despite the predicament. “M’bringing y’back here,” he shrugged.
She frowned. “Oh.”
Tense silence ensued. Biting the inside of her lip, she wanted to be braver and reach out and grab his hand. Just like the night before and try to squeeze his fingers between hers. It felt unfair they had to leave their bubble of peace and quiet. Heading to the restaurant—especially knowing he might show up—was obviously ruining whatever was happening here between her and Harry.
He parked outside the restaurant, the sidewalk filling with people for the Saturday dinner rush. Harry scanned as quickly as he could and took a deep breath. “Do y’see him?”
She swallowed and shook her head. She knew she would know if he was there. It happened every time he was around. It was like his gaze was magnetic toward her and there was nothing like the sense of someone staring at her. “Are y’okay?” He asked. “I can take y’back t’my place.”
The thought of being alone in Harry and Niall’s house while Harry was working seemed agonizing. He wouldn’t be home until midnight—maybe later. She bit the inside of her cheek and shook her head. “I’m fine,” she promised.
“Principessa,” his voice was gentle.
“You didn’t hold my hand,” she whispered. “Again.”
Harry sighed, ran a hand over his face and then tapped his hands on the steering wheel. “M’sorry. But...m’scared,” he admitted. “M’going t’do anything t’protect you, my love,” he promised. It felt like her heart skipped a beat at the new pet name. “But, m’really scared,” he admitted. “If something happens t’you...” he shook his head. “I feel like...like I just got you,” of course he did. He did just get her. It was barely twenty-four hours ago that he had kissed her for the first time. “There’s so much I want t’know ‘bout you. So much I want t’spend time learning and m’jus,’” he shook his head. “S’not fair.”
It wasn’t fair. Harry didn’t deserve this. He deserved easy. Deserved a girl that didn’t have a crazy loud family or a stalker. Harry deserved a pretty girl that... wasn’t her. “Nothing is going to happen to me,” she whispered. It was nice that her voice sounded more courageous than she felt.
“Principessa,” he looked at her pointedly. He reached out, cupped her face softly and skimmed his thumb along her cheek. “You are deflecting,” he said knowingly, a sad smirk on the corner of his mouth. “Trying t’get me not t’worry ‘bout you.”
It felt like someone had punched her in the stomach. She did it implicitly without even her brain acknowledging it. She looked at her lap even though Harry still held the side of her face to keep her from moving. “You...you don’t need to.”
“M’always going t’worry ‘bout you, Principessa,” it sounded like a promise.
No one ever worried about her. Except maybe Eleanor—but mostly about the stalker and not much else. Not in a bad way, Eleanor just knew she was okay aside from that . But Mom and Dad depended on her for everything. Growing up she did way more than was expected of her. Carrying a weight on her shoulders that she didn’t know she could hold. James and Emma did the same thing. They didn’t even mean to, it just happened. She didn’t need to be worried about by other people. She was the worrier. Like it was her job. We don’t need to worry about her. She’s lovely. Every parent-teacher conference. Every guidance counselor. Every supervisor or boss. No one ever worried about her.
But here was Harry.
The emotion in her throat felt like it was tying her vocal cords together. She nodded silently. “Okay,” she whispered.
“What do y’want t’do?” He asked softly. He could see something wracking her brain. Something making her spin out internally. He wanted to read her mind more than he wanted anything in the world. Wanted to know what she was trying to keep from him.
“I don’t know,” she whispered. That was probably as close as he could possibly get to reading her mind.
“Okay,” he grabbed her hand with the one not holding her face. His gaze dropped to her eyes, and he applied gentle pressure to the side of her face. A reminder he wanted her to maintain the eye contact she was obviously nervous to hold. “Then m’going t’make a few decisions for you. If y’don’t like it, y’don’t have t’do it, alright?” She nodded. She wasn’t sure anyone in her life had ever given her direction before. It felt weird just imagining. Always the decision maker, always a leader, never a follower. “I’d like y’to hang in the kitchen. Y’can work or whatever. M’sure there’s stuff t’do. When we’re done, I want you t’come home with me again,” he scanned her face for anything that might upset her. “S’that sound alright?”
She nodded silently. It did sound nice. “Can...can I check a couple things I didn’t get yesterday?”
“Of course,” he nodded. “M’not...” he sighed. “M’not ordering you that y’have t’do this. M’jus’ trying t’make this easier on me and you,” his voice was gentle, of course it was. She nodded.
“I know, I appreciate it,” sincerity thick in her voice.
“One last thing,” he murmured, leaning forward to kiss her forehead.
She pulled back, away from his mouth so she could look up at him expectantly and he smiled, the first real smile since his demeanor changed with the thought of heading back to work, her apartment, and essentially, the scene of the crime. “If y’want t’hold m’hand, you jus’ have t’reach out and grab it, Principessa. M’all yours,” he promised and kissed her forehead again before dropping her hand and her face to exit the car.
When there was a lull, she told Harry she was going to head upstairs and check on a few things. He responded with a half-smile. It was so sexy it made a shock short through her. Her hands smelled like garlic from peeling cloves of it and her eyes kept watering from chopping shallots, so she knew her mascara was smudged. But Harry was looking at her as if she was made out of Christmas lights, sunsets, flowers, and anything else that was beautiful.
“Principessa,” he said quickly stepping away from the flutter of activity of the main part of the kitchen. “You’re sure he’s not here?” He asked again.
She nodded. “I’m sure,” she promised. “I wouldn’t...I wouldn’t go up there alone if he was.”
“Okay,” he pecked her cheek. “Jus’ call if there’s a problem, yeah?”
She smiled assuredly. “Of course.”
She headed to the front of the restaurant, sidestepping the waiting customers and realized her car still wasn’t there. In her hot kisses and time spent with Harry, she forgot completely that her car was still at the shop. Nonetheless, she went to her mailbox—blended in with the other businesses nearby and unlocked it with a small key. The complaints of the wait were minimal—even in the February degree temperatures. “There’s a really hot chef here,” a girl about her age muttered to her friend.
She smirked excited to tell Harry about the compliment. Fortunately, the alleyway still wasn’t creepy. Neither was the stairwell to her apartment. Both miracles because she was a little worried that might happen and another reason why she wanted to get the mail before heading down the small space. Everything in her apartment was in the very same place.
She sighed and sat on her couch with the pile of mail. Since most of her important mail was online, she didn’t really go to the mailbox all that often. She grabbed a notepad of paper she had been using interchangeably for a grocery list and to do list. She pulled the top layer off which read eggs, milk, bread, standard things she always needed. The grocery list went on her coffee table, and she started scribbling a second list. Chores she needed to get done around here, in theory tomorrow. She was pretty sure she could convince Harry to take her home earlier while he did prep work.
The car needed to be dealt with Monday—especially if she was to drive herself to work in the office on Thursday. She added a couple details about work and then sifted through the envelopes. Not much mail was delivered to the apartment. There was the standard issued fliers for the grocery store, which she set aside to clip coupons. Mostly junk mail and letters asking for donations. Her W-2 arrived—finally. It turned out that HR didn’t finalize her new address when she moved above Dolcezza. Which was a good thing in some ways, but she wanted to get her taxes done sooner rather than later—which was then added to her do list now that she had the paperwork to do it. While she went through the remaining envelopes, scanning expiration dates for coupons she might not have gotten to in time, she decided to answer her text messages she had missed.
Thanks for the help, little love. Her mom had texted. It was nice to meet Harry.
Her cheeks heated up as she slid her finger in the envelopes making piles of trash and things to add to different files. Coupons for her favorite retailers also made a significant little pile.
Always, Momma.
Thanks for the cupcakes. Emma had messaged her at about noon. Probably in the middle of the bake sale, but at the time she was making out with Harry and completely forgot to respond. She tried to remember if Emma had ever texted her thanks, ever.
No problem, Em! I'd do anything for you. She hoped she already knew that but after overhearing her talk to Harry, she wasn't so sure, and wanted to be clearer.
There were two messages from Eleanor that she would get to later, still. She didn’t need to open the thread to know she was asking for details about Harry that she wasn’t sure she was ready to answer yet. The final missed messages came from the three-person chat that included James and Ethan. It was a picture of a freshly cleaned bathroom. A candle lit and new fluffy hand towels.
Would you sleepover with me now? Ethan asked.
She rolled her eyes and snorted. James sent a vomiting emoji.
No, but I wouldn’t hate having to pee there.
Ethan answered immediately. Even after her long delay. Hot, with a heart-eye emoji.
You need help.
Quit hitting on my sister!
She honestly couldn’t wait to show Harry the messages. It was funny.
For a moment she forgot about the weekend. The craziness of it all. She was simply going through her mail, smelling the garlic and olive oil rising from the restaurant. Harry was down there waiting anxiously for her to get back, she was sure.
So, in the forgetfulness of the crazy weekend, it was a bit jarring to look at the last piece of mail she had pulled from the envelope and see herself in a picture of the little alleyway from about a week prior. Her work bag on her shoulder and a coffee cup in hand. She had stooped to pick up a package outside the entry way of the door up to her place. There was a small note behind the picture. A scrap piece of paper, really.
It took her a moment to realize it wasn’t because the writing was illegible, but because her hand was shaking while she held it, her eyes blurring with tears.
I knew I’d find you again. I missed you.
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sammysmaddy · 8 months
Normal (Winchesters x Reader) - Part Eight
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Summary: Growing up as the baby of the Winchester family led you to be constantly guarded. Soon enough, you start to learn what's normal between families and what's not.
Characters: John x Daughter!Reader, mentions of Sam x Sister!Reader, mentions of Dean x Sister!Reader
Chapter Warnings: dub con, incest, angst, manipulation, coercion, loss of virginity, p in v
W/C: 3.1k+
A/N: One more chapter you guys :,)
Normal Masterlist
Daddy: Put some nice clothes on and pack a bag, we're going on a date tonight.
You couldn't help but choke on a sob as you read your phone. Your brain was hurting from crying so much. You tried desperately to understand Dean's anger and frustration with you.
You quickly got dressed after Dean left you alone in the motel room, wondering if you'd see him again later in the night or if he'd distract himself with a girl that wasn't you. It hurt to think about the latter.
You didn't understand why Dean was so upset with you or why he was upset with himself, it just didn't make any sense. What you were doing wasn't wrong. What was wrong with showing Dean how much you loved him?
Although it's true that you had never done anything like that with Dean before, you never would have taken it further if it weren't for that night of your first party.
He kissed you first. He used you first. He pleasured himself above your body before you had even thought to make an advance on him. Why was Dean suddenly changing his mind, and why was he calling it wrong?
You couldn't help but feel like Dean was lying to you because he felt guilty for some unknown reason.
Dean had told you that what you were doing with John was wrong, even what you were doing with Sammy. But you knew deep down that neither Sam nor your father had never hurt you before and that they never would.
Why would Dean ever suggest that anything was amiss?
You snapped out of your thoughts and picked at the skin on your hands, looking up as you heard the motel door open.
You had hoped to see Dean, to ask him all of your millions of questions, but Sam walked through the door. Sam's face dropped as he saw you sitting on the bed crying and immediately made his way over to you.
"Did Dean tell you?" Sam asked and you furrowed your eyebrows, growing confused.
You slowly nodded your head, sniffling, and Sam took a seat on the bed next to you. How would Sam already know what Dean 'told' you and what was there to tell? You had already assumed that Dean was lying.
"I'm sorry, Y/N. I'm really really sorry. I just- I figured you knew already and that you were okay with it." Sam put a hand on your shoulder reassuringly and you tried your best to hide your confusion.
Already knew what?
Was Dean really being serious? Was what you were doing with Sam and John actually wrong? It still wasn't clicking in your brain, and you found yourself needing to know more.
"I wish you would have told me sooner," You suggested, hoping to pry some more information out of Sam.
"I thought Dad had told you, honestly, I did. I never would have let you come on to me if I knew," Sam gave you a half smile as the tears continued to flow down your face.
It still didn't make sense. John was the one who taught you everything about life, and now Sam and Dean were both telling you that he had kept a huge secret from you. John would never keep a secret from you. You were sure of it.
"I still don't get it, Sammy," You sighed, frowning as you looked over at him. "What's so wrong about it? It's just love. Daddy says it's normal."
"Dad lied to you," Sam stated simply, not expounding as your face turned to shock.
Why would John ever lie to you? It just wasn't in his nature. You knew he loved you more than anything.
"What's wrong with it?" You asked again and Sam's lip trembled before he bit it to keep it still. "Is it because I did it with you too? Daddy says he's the only man I can trust enough."
"Dad's sick, Y/N. He manipulated you into thinking it was okay to do those things with him when it's not, you're not supposed to do that stuff with your family." Sam tried his best to explain and you tried your best to understand.
"Why not?" You pried and Sam sighed before taking a long moment to think.
"He's supposed to take care of you: Feed you, shelter you, buy you clothes. He's not supposed to want sex from you and you're not supposed to want sex with him. No father should want to have sex with his daughter. It's incest." Sam continued to explain and you shook your head, trying your best to understand.
"Then why did you let me come on to you?" You asked and Sam scrubbed his face with his palm whilst taking a deep inhale.
"I thought you didn't care about right or wrong. I thought you knew we weren't supposed to do those things together, but you still wanted to." Sam frowned and you followed suit.
"But I did want to do those things with you," You mentioned quietly, tears streaming down your face.
"But you didn't understand how wrong it was," Sam held your hand but you yanked it out of his grasp.
"I don't get it, Sammy. I'm really trying," You sniffled to yourself, feeling your eyes well with even more tears.
"It's okay, Y/N. You didn't know, and Dean and I are going to make sure Dad gets what he deserves, okay? We're not going to let him hurt you anymore." Sam said and you furrowed your eyebrows as you grew even more confused.
"He wasn't hurting me, Sam. He must have just forgotten to tell me," You shook your head, trying to fit all the pieces together.
"No, he didn't tell you on purpose so that you would want to have sex with him. He was abusing you."
"Why would he do that?" You sobbed.
John was the one man on Earth who you were supposed to trust. Even more than you were meant to trust Sam and Dean. The pieces weren't fitting together.
"Because he's sick in the head. And I guess I am too. It's not natural. I'm just happy that Dean found out before it went any further." Sam half-smiled again and you looked down at your lap, a strange sense of shame attached to your conscious.
You felt embarrassed that you were so easily taken advantage of. You felt embarrassed that you didn't know. But above all, you felt angry.
You weren't sure if you were angry with yourself for not knowing that it was 'wrong', if you were angry because Sam and Dean suddenly had a change of heart and it made you feel unwanted, or if you were angry because John had never mentioned it to you.
John had taught you everything there was to know about life. He taught you how to bathe, how to shoot a gun, and how to cook breakfast.
John did everything you thought a good father did- you thought that being a good father also included sex with their daughter.
It hurt your heart to know that he was only using you.
"Does that mean we can't do it together anymore?" You asked, hoping Sam would give you the answer that you wanted.
"I don't know, Y/N," Sam flattened his lips, looking sadder by the second. "I just know that Dad needs to pay for what he's done to you. He is the reason all of this is happening. It's not your fault."
"But what if I don't want to stop?" You asked.
You didn't want to lose the relationship that you had with each of your family members. You didn't want John to pay, you wanted to continue loving him in the only way you knew how.
"Then, that's up to you. I don't know if I can go on knowing the things I know now. It makes me feel sick." Sam frowned, looking down at his lap.
"Oh," Was all that came out as your heart tore into a million pieces.
beep boop beep boop
Your anxiety only rose as the date with John went on further because you knew what would follow afterward.
Sam had fallen asleep early and your father had asked you to meet him outside before the both of you left. A part of you felt guilty for not telling Sam where you were going, but you knew that Sam would not have been okay with it.
As much as how Sam felt about the situation was completely valid and you desperately wanted to let Sam protect you from John, the thought of your father's disappointment was more dominant.
You managed to make conversation at dinner and you found yourself falling into your ways. Your heart had longed for this night for so long that it felt wrong to not see it through until the end.
In addition to your longing for this night, you still loved your father more than anyone in the world. Now more confused than ever, you battled internally between asking John for the truth and giving in to your own desires.
As John kissed your neck, sprawled over the top of you, you couldn't stop replaying your interaction with Dean earlier.
Was Dean lying to you? You tried your best to come up with alternate explanations for his behavior but nothing ever made sense. Was he just jealous? Did he want you all to himself? Did he figure out that he didn't want you in that way after he fingered you?
The only thing that seemed to make sense, in addition to your conversation with Sam, was that Dean was telling the truth. It was eating at you as you began to feel slightly disgusted by John's large body on top of yours.
"How are you feeling, baby?" John smiled as he came up for air, pushing the hair out of your face.
"Good," You lied, giving him a small smile.
"Good," John chuckled in return, placing his lips on yours for a slow, lingering kiss.
You found it hard to kiss him back as a million more questions popped into your head.
Was it bad that you wanted to stop? Would you disappoint John? And what would he do in response?
You didn't want to know the answer to any of those questions so you stayed silent as John took his shirt off.
"Get undressed for me, darling," John didn't seem to pick up on your uneasiness.
You hesitated for a moment, watching as John began to take his pants off, but ultimately decided to sit up and take your shirt off.
John looked back at you smirking, and you felt chills run down your spine. You decided to stop undressing as you waited for John to notice how uncomfortable you felt.
"Need help?" John asked, slowly walking toward you.
John yanked your ankles, your back hitting the bed as he slid you toward the end. His hand then traveled up your legs, dipping underneath your skirt to rest on your thighs.
"Daddy?" You asked timidly.
"Yes, baby?" He responded, pulling your panties down your legs before looking back up at you.
You weren't even sure what you were going to say, but you knew that you wanted to stop. You no longer cared if it upset John.
"I don't know if I'm ready," You managed to utter, propping yourself up on your elbows as you held your legs shut.
"That's okay, sweetheart. You know Daddy will take his time with you. I'm always very careful with my little girl." John pushed your skirt up your legs and your hands instinctively pushed the fabric back down. "What's wrong?"
"I don't know," You weren't sure what to say.
You didn't want to out Sam or Dean for telling you because you weren't even sure if they were telling the truth, but you didn't know how to tell John that you no longer wanted to have sex with him.
"Don't get cold feet with me now, darling. Daddy really wants to fuck his little girl." John chuckled, palming his erection through his boxers.
You swallowed as John began to push the cotton down his legs, revealing his incredibly large member. You shuddered at the thought of it entering inside of you, even more scared of the fact that there was a possibility that John would be taking advantage of you.
When John's hands began to spread your legs, your body fought with little resistance. He pulled you so that your ass was nearly hanging off the bed and rested his cock over your heat, groaning as he slowly thrust his hips.
"It's okay, baby. Daddy loves you and he wants to take care of you. Can you let Daddy take care of you?" John leaned over you, reaching underneath your body to unclasp your bra.
John pulled the cloth off of your chest with ease, letting out a growl as his large hands palmed at your breasts.
You felt your throat constrict as your tear ducts began to fill, not sure how to tell your father how you were feeling. John didn't seem to notice as he bent over to kiss your lips.
Paralyzed with fear, you couldn't bring yourself to return his kiss and after a few seconds, John pulled back.
"I'm really trying here, sweetheart. I can't make you feel good if you don't want me to, and I know that's not the case." John chuckled awkwardly as he pulled back, his face hovering a few inches above yours.
"Is it wrong?" You choked on a sob as the tears began to stream down your face.
"What?" John reacted instantly, his body tensing as his eyebrows furrowed. "Who told you that this was wrong?"
"Nobody," You said quietly, looking up at him with blurred vision as your tears continued to fall.
"I don't know what you're talking about, baby. This is meant to be. This is why God let me have you." John stroked a few stray hairs out of your face, rutting his hips a bit as his cock slid up and down your slit. "See how good you make Daddy feel? Daddy wants to do the same for you and he doesn't know how much longer he can wait."
You stared at him silently, your lips quivering as you tried to think of what to say. Your body shivered as John began to align himself with your entrance, poking into you ever so slightly.
"Just let me take care of you, baby. Try to enjoy it, okay?" John did his best to be reassuring, but it only made your stomach churn.
Your eyes screwed shut as John began to push himself into you. You instinctively let out a gasp as you grabbed onto his arms, digging your fingernails into his biceps.
Your neck craned back as your body did its best to accommodate your father and John took that as an opportunity to reach down and nip at your neck.
John continued to slowly work himself in, sending vibrations through your throat as he groaned at the feel of you.
"You feel so fucking good, baby," John moaned into your skin, gradually rutting his hips into you.
You squeezed tighter onto John's arms when he finally bottomed in you, your body rejecting the intrusion as your walls clamped around his cock, attempting to force him out.
"You're so fucking tight," John let out an airy laugh, groaning as he pulled his hips back and forth an inch or so.
Tears were steadily streaming down your face, your mind and body in unison and at war against John.
"Does it feel good, sweetheart? Does Daddy's cock feel so good inside of your tight pussy?" John chuckled, bringing his face above yours.
You didn't have the courage to look up at him, instead opting to keep your eyes shut as John began to pull out further before slamming into you.
John didn't seem to mind your lack of words, instead working off of the gasps that fled your throat in reaction to his movements. He snapped his hips faster and faster as your body got used to his size, and before you knew it, he was nearly leaving your pussy entirely before rutting back into you.
You weren't sure why, because the last thing you wanted was your father to be inside of you, but your arms wrapped around John's back, pulling him closer to you.
A part of you wanted for him to finish as quickly as possible and a part of you just wanted to be close to somebody whilst you dealt with your emotions. You hated how good it felt to hold John in your arms as he fucked into you like there was no tomorrow.
Opening your eyes, you grimaced each time John let out a hot, sweaty breath into your ear. Although you hated to admit it, it was beginning to feel good. You had a gut feeling that what was happening was wrong, but after your body adjusted to John, it began to betray the thoughts in your head.
Your pussy clenched around John's cock as you felt that familiar rumble in your core. Your eyes had not yet dried and they weren't showing any signs of doing that anytime soon, but your uncomfortable gasps soon turned into genuine moans of pleasure.
It felt so wrong as your climax approached, but half of you was desperate for a release. Your body instinctively brought your legs up to wrap around John's body.
As John reached a new depth you didn't know existed before, you gasped loudly as your orgasm became imminent.
"That's it, baby. Cum all over Daddy's cock," John cheered you on, reaching underneath your arms and resting your head in his hands.
When John reached down to kiss you this time, you didn't hesitate to kiss back. With all limbs, you held him as close as possible, locking your lips as your walls began to clench erratically.
"Daddy!" You let out a choked moan, terrified tears turning into those of pleasure.
"That's it. Good girl. Cum for your Daddy." John chuckled, opting to kiss your neck as he began to snap his hips faster.
"Mmm," Was all you could manage to utter out as your climax peaked.
You bit down on John's shoulder, digging your fingernails into his back as you started to come undone around your father.
Suddenly, John's hips began to move erratically. As you bit down on his soft skin and your walls contracted on their own accord, he bottomed inside of you one last time.
John's elongated groan in your ear caused your body to shake as you felt his length twitch unpredictably. With your euphoria washing away with each passing second, reality settled heavily in your stomach and you knew that you needed to escape.
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milfp1lled · 1 year
hi! i'd love to request a chessy x reader fic where reader is a friend of the twins when they're all in college ish times (of age) and reader is crushing on chess
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The Chessy Trap
Pairing: Chessy x Reader
Summary: After noticing the chemistry between you and their housekeeper Chessy, your college friends Hallie and Annie decide to try and set the two of you up
Two times Hallie and Annie try to set an oblivious Y/N and Chessy up with each other and the third time it actually works
Warnings: Mostly just fluff. Very brief mention of homophobia, mentions of drinking/underage drinking, strong language.
Words: 6975
Note: The word count on this is absolutely atrocious and I have no idea how that happened. Sorry/You're welcome (depending how you feel about it haha). Hope you enjoyed it anyway!
Sorry for any mistakes! It's not been proofread (yet!).
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"Parker-James family vineyards" you read aloud with a dreamy sigh as Annie drives the car beneath the archway sign at the entrance of the estate- there was lush greenery as far as the eye could see...miles away from the concrete jungle that was Atlanta, or the loud hustle and bustle of LA. You tilt your head skywards, closing your eyes to take in deep breaths of clean air and to revel in the feeling of the sun on your skin...it was even more beautiful than the way they had described it.
It'd been a long 6 and a half hour drive up to Napa (the three of you deciding to split the drive between you in two hour increments) but you were finally on the last stretch.
Hallie let out a leisurely sigh from the back seat of the jeep, stretching her arms up to cradle the back of her head.
"I know we're only here for a week, but trust me when I say this Thanksgiving break will be a blast...not to mention it's so needed! We have a pool, and there'll be music...also Chessy and Mom make the best thanksgiving dinner" she rambled talking at 50 miles a minute (as per usual).
You'd not had the pleasure of meeting Chessy before. Sure you heard of lots of stories about her and their butler Martin before, but you'd only gotten the chance to meet the second half of the duo when you were down in London.
Beside you, Annie nodded in agreement with her sister, eyes still trained on the road;
"It really will...and our Mum and Dad quite literally live on a vineyard so there's no need for Hallie and I to crack out those ridiculous fake IDs either" she grumbled in mock irritation.
You let out a hearty chuckle at that, "No fake IDs...are you sure?" You grin.
"Because I would like to see Hallie bring out 28 year old London expat 'Philomena Crocker' for a night out in Napa Valley" you quip, mimicking a British accent.
Taking one hand off of the wheel of the car, the Brit gives you a playful shove in response, Hallie on the other hand snorting with laughter,
"I have class and you don't!"
Back in your first year of college, Annie had (mistakenly) tasked you and Hallie with finding someone to make some fake IDs for the three of you so you could get into this trendy bar, which lead to the two of you selecting the most ridiculous aliases you could think of...it would be fair to say the Annie didn't take kindly to having to assume the identity of  'Talulah Higginsbottom' for the next two years.
The three of you had been friends for a while now, having met during your first year of college at UCLA.
Annie was a fellow English major and her abundant enthusiasm and charm meant that you quickly became fast friends and Hallie was your volleyball teammate; effortlessly hilarious and always bouncing with energy.
You first met her at volleyball tryouts mistaking her for Annie, the only other freshman trying out who you recognised, so you'd waltzed up to her to engage in conversation...only to find out that she'd all of a sudden adopted an American accept and in fact went by Hallie...because she was a completely different person who had no idea who you were.
In hindsight...after two seconds of conversation (accent aside) you should've seen it coming...where Annie was prim and proper, Hallie cursed like a sailor and said whatever she was thinking at any given moment. After that mix up you were mortified (Annie found it hilarious)...safe to say the three of you had been inseparable ever since.
You were known as 'The Three Musketeers' around campus—you'd taken a big sister role in their lives and you'd do everything together; study, go shopping, eat...get embarrassingly drunk at frat parties.
So when it came down to holidays, of course they'd offered to extend an invitation for you to spend it with them and their family...they'd considered you as such anyway at this point.
Before college you'd taken a year out post highschool to work and save up to move states after getting your dream spot at UCLA, but it just wasn't enough to cover everything, which meant you'd come to terms with the fact that you'd spend most of your time outside of the semester in California.
To fly from LA to Atlanta for thanksgiving just wasn't feasible...well that and the fact that you weren't exactly jumping at the chance to go home seeing as things between you and your conservative parents were on the rocks ever since you'd come out as a lesbian.
Your original plan for Thanksgiving was to spend it back in your dorm with some Seinfeld reruns and a Turkey microwave dinner to keep you company and you'd actually grown to accept that...it wasn't like you had any emotional tie to such a pointless holiday anyway...not to mention there were much worse places to be spending it than LA.
But of course, the twins weren't having it; outraged upon hearing this, demanding you spend it with them in Napa. You loved them and appreciated their offer, but first denied the invite, feeling guilty for intruding on their family thanksgiving...you knew that they came from wealth but regardless having them incur further expenses because of you made you feel like you were taking advantage.
Following this Hallie had barged into your room complaining and pouting about how not coming with them to California was 'so unfair' because they really wanted you there. Annie on the other hand, always leading with logic, had given you a stern 'talking to' about how not coming with them would be a "disservice to yourself" as they were making the journey regardless of whether you tagged along or not...not to mention you'd be able to join in with the driving which was a relief to Annie as she hated driving on "the other side of the road".
...eventually you gave in.
How could you possibly argue with that?
It wasn't like the stakes would be too high anyway. This would be the third time you'd met their parents as you'd spent the final months of last summer with them at their townhouse in London, (Their parents being convinced for some bizarre reason that you were Annie's girlfriend for the entire duration of the trip).
As you near the house, you could already see someone standing in the archway of the door, clearly waiting for the car to arrive. Annie turns down the Britney Spears song playing on the radio to focus as she squints to see who it is before it dawns on her and she haphazardly parks the car, bounding into action to greet them.
"Chessy!" She squeals, uncharacteristically excited as she jumps out of the car, Hallie following closely behind as they sandwich the shorter woman in a hug.
"My gorgeous gorgeous girls! Every time I see you you've grown taller, there's gotta be something in that LA air I'm telling 'ya!"
"How was the drive up?"
Hiking her duffel pack further up her shoulder, Hallie raises her eyebrows up to her hairline,
"Oh it was just riveting...Annie forgot what damn country she was in and nearly wiped out a deer changing sides on the road!" she smirks with a chuckle,
Annie fake laughs in reply,
"Oh Yeah? Wow that's so funny Hal, how about you tell Chessy about the fact you made us take an hour-and-a-half detour to find a gas station because you needed another pack of smokes?"
At least to their credit...both of their claims were in fact true...your turn behind the wheel had probably the most peaceful time of the whole trip. You chose to put it down to the fact that you had the latest Gorillaz album playing on repeat, (But honestly, it was probably just because you didn't have a raging nic addiction and knew which side of the road to drive on).
Watching the exchange on from a distance you let out a breath of laughter that seemed to catch the attention of the trio, three pairs of eyes turning to look at you leaning against Hallie's jeep.
That was when you really saw her.
She seemed slightly shorter than you (you put that down to the pair of 6-inch wedges you had on) and was dressed casually, wearing a pair of beige Chinos, her button-up tucked askew into them, but regardless she had that kind of beauty that you couldn't help but notice.
To put it simply she was gorgeous. And boy, were you starstruck.
Shiny brown hair flying in the California breeze, the older woman shoots you a smirk before sliding her sunglasses onto of her head to get a better look at you. You hold your breath at the way her gaze rakes up and down your form as she walks over to you before holding her hand out for you to shake:
"And who is this? She asks without averting her stare from your face.
"Chessy this is Y/n...Y/n, Chessy"
This was Chessy? You friends had not given you the heads up that she was this...hot. Honestly, you didn't know what you'd expected.
"This is the famous Y/n!?" Chessy beams, her unwavering gaze rooting you on the spot.
"I've heard a lot about you"
"Uhh...I'm y/n" you gawk, mouth opening and closing like a fish.
Real smooth.
Chessy chuckles as she lets go of your hand before giving your forearm a gentle squeeze.
"Yeah...I gathered that hon."
Hallie and Annie look between the two of you before exchanging a glance...you had no idea what for.
That damn twin intuition.
They could sometimes have entire conversations between them without saying a word and you were left clueless every time.
Elizabeth runs down the stairs, Nick hot on her heels and the twins head towards them, enveloping them each in a hug too, before the two parents turn to you.
"And y/n! so good to see you again!"
"Great to see you again Mr and Mrs Parker-James"
Elizabeth gives you a look and you correct yourself sheepishly,
"Sorry I keep on forgetting...Liz and Nick" before she pulls you into a hug.
"So how is college girls?" She asks the twins, and Hallie bursts into action, animatedly telling her parents about some scientific field trip she went on last week,
You and Annie look at each other holding back laughter.
Here she goes
This was about to be a long conversation, the twin would talk all day about her environmental science degree if you let her.
Then a blur of yellow runs out of the still ajar door, crashing into you and sending you teetering backwards slightly on your heels.
You manage to catch yourself (thank God).
Falling in front of a beautiful woman right after stumbling over your words like an idiot would've been the nail in the coffin for your ego.
You look down to see the sweetest looking golden retriever you've ever seen, pawing at your capris for your attention. Without hesitation you quickly crouch down to your knees in the gravel, letting him jump up and lick your face,
"Oh hi!" You coo in a baby voice, as you begin fawning over him,
"You must be Sammy!" You exclaim, leaning down to scratch his belly.
"Aren't you just such a good boy!"
"Huh..." Chessy states in confusion,
You shield your eyes against the sun to peer up at her through your fingers, the sun haloing around her chocolate brown hair,
It seemed fitting... Chessy had to be an angel.
"Sammy doesn't usually like strangers but he came to greet you first..." she explains,
"...Guess you must be special"
You bite your lip with a shy smile as you feel a slight blush tinting your cheeks,
Oh, Chessy.
"...I am."
"Hey." you smile softly, hip leaning against the doorway of the kitchen,
It'd been two days since you'd arrived here and sure you'd obviously seen Chessy around (as expected embarrassing yourself each time by being a fumbling mess), but only now had you finally managed to work up the courage and confidence to say something to her without short-circuiting.
Chessy startles momentarily before turning away from the pot in front of her expecting to see Annie or Hallie,
"You scared the shit out of m- Oh! How you doing hon?" she smiles softly.
"You looking for one of the twins?" She offers.
"No it's okay...Annie is reading by the pool and Hallie will probably be knocked out taking her afternoon nap right about now..." you share a laugh with Chessy,
"I..." you smile shyly at the ground with a nervous giggle before looking back up to meet her gaze "I, uh, actually came here to see if you needed any help with anything?"
The housekeeper tucks a strand of messy hair behind her ear, a small smile blooming across her lips,
"Do you even know how to cook?"
"Do I know how to cook!?...I'll have you know I worked at an Olive Garden in my teens!" you joke back pretending to toss your updoed hair over your shoulder.
Chessy pauses before bursting into loud laughter, clutching her stomach slightly. You noted how her entire face crinkled up, like her laugh was trying to force its way out of her, when she smiled unabashedly like that and you couldn't help but feel some sort of weird pride swell in your chest at being the cause of it.
...all you'd really done was tell a joke.
But making her laugh was addicting and you all of a sudden wanted more.
"Who am I to refuse the help of someone with such high expertise?" She quips grabbing another apron from the hook behind her and tossing it your way, as you grab it with a seamless catch.
"You can start on chopping the onions for the sauce" she points, and with a salute, you move to stand at the counter.
That you could do.
Surprisingly, you get a good rhythm going between the two of you, smoothly manoeuvring around each other as you focus on chopping and dicing, whilst Chessy takes the ingredients to the pot after you're done.
The only thing was you hadn't said a word to one another yet.
You opened your mouth to speak before clamping it shut immediately.
What did you say to her? What if you said something weird? That would be a nightmare; You didn't want her to think you were weird.
"So...you're an English major like Annie huh?" Chessy starts after a while, and you're thankful she's the one to fill the silence,
"Ya' planning on going to law school like She is?".
You let out an amused snort in reply,
"God no! After I graduate next year I'm not going back! Annie is as smart as anything but law school is not for me..." you state moving on to dice up some carrots.
"I think wanna teach kids: I'm pretty good with them and love being around them, so...but honestly I think I originally chose to major in it because I love to read...it's all I do."
You pause, reaching out your hand to pretend to smack yourself, "Sorry...I'm rambling.".
It was a habit of yours when you were nervous...Chessy made you nervous. Which you knew was ridiculous because she was so incredibly warm.
She was so disarming and open and welcoming and kind...so why couldn't you look her in the eye?
Chessy smiles, "No...it's cute."
She thought you were cute.
"I like to read too...I'm a sucker for a good romance novel..." she starts,
"I've been at this house so long though I think I've already read my way through all of the books on the shelves here so I'm starting to read the same ones over and over".
"I love romance novels too,” you begin, feeling a slow blush spreading across your cheeks,
"I brought some books from my collection with me this week so I could lend you some of mine?" you don’t look at her when you make the offer, trying to seem unbothered despite your heart beating out of your chest.
Chessy beams at you, "I'd love that.".
"So...do you think that love like in the books actually exists like that? ...in the real world?"
She pauses with a frown and you can tell she’s really mulling your question over, "I don't know...I mean I've been around for a while now and I haven't seen it yet but who knows".
"That's kind of a deep question to ask me over some pasta...you got your eye on a boy at your college?"
You laugh like its the funniest thing you’ve ever heard,
"I mean...I'm a lesbian so no boys...no 'girls' at the moment either though, I've not really clicked with anyone "
She gives you a look like she wants to say something but doesn't.
"What about you...I'm sure someone must've snapped you up by now."
You mean...look at her.
Chessy rolls her eyes at you as though taking what you said as a joke,
"Not at the moment...been on a couple of dates but nothing stuck...the dating pool in Napa is quite small let's just say"
Chessy turns to look at you pensively with a tilt of her head,
"I know you want to ask...I can see you've got that look in your eyes"
You relent immediately,
"I heard that you and the butler, Martin were engaged a while back..."
This time it's Chessy's time to laugh and you're thrown off.
That wasn't the reaction you were expecting.
"That's what you were to afraid to ask me?" She looks up with a contemplative pause,
"It was around 10 years back now but, there's not really much to tell...we realised neither of us were exactly each other's type... I'm assuming you met Martin's partner Edward?".
You nod in understanding.
"Anyway..." she begins with a clap of her hands to change the subject,
"I'd say we just need to leave the sauce to simmer now, so I don't really need your help with chopping anymore...It could be useful to have someone roll out the pasta for me though"
Turns out that was something you in fact could not do.
"Is this how they had you kneading dough at Olive Garden?"she teases with a bump of her hip
"Here let me show you how to do it..." she offers gently, standing closely beside you
"Can I?" She asks hands hovering above yours, and you nod as she weaves your fingers together guiding you to follow her actions,
"You have to work the dough, see like th-"   Naturally of course, you tune her out completely. Too dazed by your proximity to her and the entrancing flex of her fingers as she kneads.
You weren't even going to let your mind go to that place... you refused.
But she did seem to know what she was doing. Chessy was really good with her hands…
The woman herself pauses before turning her head around to face you eyebrows raised.
"Did you get that?"
"Yeah...but I think I'm better off being on pasta sauce duty." You mutter, shaking yourself out of your daze as you walk back over to the pot,
"You're gonna quit just like that?" She chuckles and you shrug with a smirk as she gets back to work.
You look at across Chessy, the older woman trying to blow away a stray wisp of hair as she wipes her hands on her apron to no avail,
She mutters an expletive under her breath, opting to tuck her hair behind her ear with the side of her hand, leaving a huge white flour mark on her face (Chessy of course none the wiser)
With a chuckle, you lean forward to wipe the flour off her cheek with your thumb, pausing to admire how the flecks of light shining through the window twinkle in her sparkling green eyes.
"Thanks..." she smiles staring back at you just as intensely.
"You're welcome"
You drag your gaze from those piercing green eyes down to her lips and back up again. You were so close. It would be so easy to kiss her if you wanted to.
And you really really did. At that moment you wanted to kiss her more than you've ever wanted anything in your life.
"Shit! The pasta sauce is bubbling over " exclaims Chessy and suddenly the moment is gone as you both spring into action.
____________________________ 1.
Turning to the next page of your book, Annie punctuates the silence with an exhausted sigh,
You ignore her.
She sighs again, this one even louder and more obnoxious than the last,
You slam your book closed throwing it onto your lap,
"Hmm...something the matter Annie?" You grin,
"Well...Chessy left her glasses on the table and is blind as a bat without them...do me a huge favour and go give them to her?"
You raise your eyebrow, Seriously?
"Well...I can't be bothered to go!?" Explains the Brit as though it were the most obvious thing in the world.
Hallie looks away from the tv to join in on your conversation, frowning at her sister as though she had lost her mind, "Huh? Those glasses aren't eve-"
Annie cuts her off with a look.
Something was up here...but if you were being honest you were too happy to have an excuse to see Chessy to even bother to even attempt to figure out what.
You hesitate, before looking at your outfit, smoothing down your T-shirt,
You'd been laying around all afternoon...you didn't want to go in there looking like a mess.
"Well go on! If you take too long she's gonna confuse the salt with the sugar again" Nudges Hallie.
You don't move.
"Sorry it's just.." you shake your head, feeling like an idiot, you knew deep down you were being ridiculous but you couldn't help it.
"...do I look okay?"
The twins look at you, nonplussed and you can't say you can blame them, you normally oozed confidence so suddenly being flustered like this was even scaring you a little.
There was just something about Chessy that made you feel like you a teenager having your first schoolgirl crush again.
You laugh at yourself, discreetly fanning your face,
"It's just...you guys didn't tell me that..."
Hallie looks even more confused "Didn't tell you what?"
"You know...that Chessy was so.." a blush creeps up on your cheeks and realisation appears on Hallie's face as she turns to look at her sister, eyes wide.
Oh. Your best friend gives you an encouraging smile,
"You look amazing as usual...go and give Chessy her glasses princess charming" and you're shooed out of the room before you can even protest.
You don't even fully register the sensation of your feet moving until you find yourself in the entryway of the kitchen.
"You okay y/n?" begins Chessy, peering up at you from over her cup of coffee,
First thing you notice was the fact that she in fact already had a pair of glasses on.
You frown. "Uh...we saw you forgot your glasses so I was gonna bring these over to you"
She holds them up to her face to inspect them for a moment, perplexed before folding them again to place in her breast pocket.
"Huh. These are actually an old prescription so I'm not sure how they got there..."
You look liked a kicked puppy.
"But...thanks anyway Hon!" she smiles giving your shoulder a squeeze upon seeing the look on your face,
"Whilst you're here, I need someone to taste test this chilli for me...I mean I think it's the best thing I've ever tasted but who knows, I could be biased"
Loading up a spoon, she blows on it momentarily, hand cupped beneath it, before holding it up to you.
"Come on...I'm not gonna stand here all day!" she states with a snicker and you lean forward to allow her to slip the spoon into your mouth,
She shoots you an enchanting smile as you swallow.
"Good girl...was that so hard?"
You chastise yourself for the place you just went to mentally before closing your eyes and taking a deep breath to compose yourself.
God, she was so hot.
"Come again?"
You'd said that out loud.
"The chilli I mean. The chili is so hot. But so good! I mean it's hot but it's like hot just to the right level. I think you'r--it's perfect!"
"The chilli! Really good"
You run a hand through your hair, face beet red as you turn around to flee the kitchen before things could possibly get any more embarrassing for you.
Chessy shakes her head with an empty chuckle as she turns to resume stirring the ladle in the pot,
God she was losing her mind. _________________
"Honestly don't worry about it sweetheart, do you want me to make you some soup?" You hear muttering outside your door and you poke your head out of the doorway, towel still wrapped around your hair to see what's going on.
"Sorry, did I wake you?" Whispers the older woman as she turns around to look at you, her gaze wandering with a blush as she sees what you're wearing,
You look down at yourself realising you're wearing the skimpiest pair of pyjamas you own and scratch the back of your neck in embarrassment
"No it's okay...I'm an early riser, what's going on?"
"Annie was supposed to lend me an extra hand and tag along with me to the market to get stuff for the house and some last bits ready for the Thanksgiving dinner but she's not feeling well..."
You raise an eyebrow, Annie? Sick? That girl was never sick.
She shrugs throwing her hands in the air
"Never mind... I'll see if Hal is up to getting out of bed"
Both of you knew that hell would freeze over before Hallie 'don't bother me unless someone's dying' Parker-James got out of bed before eleven.
"No! No, I mean, you don't have to...I could go with you?" You offer, trying to hide the fact your heart was racing out of your chest.
"Chessy's face lights up
"I mean...if you're sure?"
"Yeah...you're in luck: I've got strong volleyball player arms so I can do all the heavy lifting for you too" you jest holding your arms up with a flex,
"Just give me a moment to change and I'll be down." ___
As you and Chessy walk back into the house arm in arm and rosy-cheeked from a day in the Californian sunshine, you're thankful that the others don't acknowledge how a trip to the market that should've taken an hour instead took you four. In return, neither of you opts to say anything about the fact that Annie who this morning was on her deathbed, seemed to have miraculously been cured of her illness upon your return.
And if the others catch you mooning over Chessy, whose smile was that little bit brighter that day, at the dinner table, they decide to chalk it up to coincidence and not say anything.
Chessy catches you after dinner, appearing slightly nervous as her hands are held behind her back.
"Hey I got you a little...you know, something to say thanks for your help today?"
she holds out a bouquet to you and you smile at her like you've just won the lottery.
You feel like you have.
"Freesias!" you exclaim giving them a sniff, practically bursting with joy,
"...you really didn't have to Chess" you beam, "I honestly had fun today...the market was fun.".
The housekeeper shrugs, eyes somehow managing to look even more glazed over over than yours.
"...they're gorgeous..." you begin shyly "...almost as gorgeous as you"
Chessy bursts into laughter,
"Real smooth. Do you use that trick on all your college girls?" She quips
You look back at her, eyes shining with reverence,
"Nope...freesias are my favourite so that's a compliment that I'd reserve for only the most beautiful of women" You state with a nod of your head.
Chessy giggles uncharacteristically before placing a hand over her mouth as though she didn't realise where the sound had come from.
Her laughter sounded like the tinkling of bells...you felt like your heart was going explode.
She shakes her head with a chuckle, "That's sweet" she murmurs, not believing you,
"I mean it. You really are! So beautiful…just gorgeous.”
You sigh, feeling yourself get lost again in those kind, soft green eyes.
You wondered what it would be like to kiss her...would she give you that same sweet laugh again? Or couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to trail your lips down her neck and see what kind of sounds she'd make.
You were getting ahead of yourself.
You've only known this woman for a couple of days and you were already acting head over heels for her.
"Sleep well Chessy." You smile sweetly with a sigh, before hurriedly turning to make your way up the stairs.
You miss the longing gaze directed at your retreating form as Chessy lets out a dreamy sigh.
"Hey, so I saw you helping Chess cook dinner again this afternoon...." Annie quips perching on the end of the bed,
"Oh Chessy! I'm so clueless I don't know how to roll pizza dough...can you show me how...with your mouth?" she mocks you, speaking in a high pitched voice and a faux American accent.
"That doesn't even make any sense." You deadpan,
Hallie bursts into laughter before joining in, giving you her best attempt of Chessy,
"Oh y/n hon, you're such a good helper! Can I sleep in your bed tonight so you can hold me with your big strong hands?" She jumps in, wrapping her arms around herself before launching into a round of kissing noises.
You bite your lip trying to stop yourself from laughing at your friends' theatrics...
"Real fucking mature guys...you're in your 20s by the way, just in case you forgot" you chuckle giving in to the humour of it.
Hallie ignores you, continuing with the kissing noises and you throw a pillow at her, the throw landing perfectly on her head with a satisfying thud,
Volleyball came in handy sometimes
"If you keep on fucking with me, I'm gonna put strawberries in your smoothies tomorrow morning when Chessy isn't looking" you tease, eyes narrowed as you give Annie a gentle shove
Your friend laughs, an inquisitive look on her face, "So what you're saying is....you're planning on waking up at the crack of dawn to help her cook breakfast..."
"Isn't that so interesting Hal?"
Hallie taps her chin, "Very Interesting..."
"You know what else is interesting Annie? The fact that Chessy has been making our friend over here special cups of peach tea like some kind of barista"
"...we don't even have peach tea in our pantry but I do know that it's y/n's favourite"
You pout, suddenly fascinated by a piece of lint on your sweater.
"Well...maybe she was just being nice and appreciated the help I gave her..."
Hallie placed her hands on her knees like she was sitting on a piece of top secret information before turning to face the group,
"Or...what about the fact that I saw Chessy reading y/n's copy of Great expectations yesterday"
"What!?" yells Annie in shock, jumping up with so much force she knocks her blackberry on the floor, the battery within it clattering to the floor beside it.
She looks at her sister mouth agape and Hallie nods her head enthusiastically in reply, "It's true! She was holding that book like it was a fucking bible or something"
"You tried to crucify me for even looking at your antiquarian book collection and Chessy has free reign over it after a couple of days!?"
"Oh you really do like her"
"What? No, I just lent them to her because she a- I was being nice! It was just a-...shut up." You stutter in resignation, face turning as red as the twins' hair
"Look anyway...does Chessy even swing that way?" You question inspecting your nails to fake casualness again.
Your friends look as you as though you were stupid.
"Seriously y/n? Do you know any straight women who own that many buttons ups? That's exclusively been her wardrobe for over 20 years by the way"
"she literally drives a pick up"
"Did she not tell you the story of why she and Martin split up?"
"Yeah because Martin was gay...so?" You question being met with a collective of groans at your obliviousness,
"Look y/n...none of us care that you've obviously got the hots for our nanny...but the tension between you guys at the dinner table is getting weird to the point that I feel like for everyone's sake you need to just go for it" explains Annie crouching down to talk to you the way a kindergarten teacher would to a student.
"Look we're all grown women here! Just sleep together and be done with it...you're grossing me out" adds Hallie with a playful eye roll
Your best friends had the worst delivery you'd ever heard but maybe they had a point. Maybe you did just need to go for it. _____________________________
It's just gone 13:30 when you pad softly into the kitchen, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes as you're still waking up from your nap.
"You? You're still here?" Snorts Chessy at the kitchen island, nose deep in today's paper but somehow still sensing you before you could even got a word out.
You perk up as you walk over to where she's stood.
"Oh please, you love having me around! You're definitely gonna miss me" You bite back, laughter in your tone
The truth is you and Chessy had been spending a lot of time together and tomorrow was your last day in Napa. You'd be lying if the thought of leaving the place, no, the thought of leaving Chessy didn't make your heart ache.
"You seem really invested in that paper...haven't even looked at me once...How'd you even know it was me?"
With a dramatic sigh, she neatly folds the newspaper before placing it on the table in front of her with a flourish and you grin as you finally get to see her face...it was quickly becoming the highlight of your day.
She was glowing... she probably had no makeup on either and still looked breathtaking. But that was just Chessy; stunning,even without trying.
"I don't know...just did." She explains simply, looking at you with a warm smile.
And boy was it warm.
You felt your insides turning to mush again and you lean against the countertop behind you to keep yourself upright.
Sure you were in California but Chessy had one of those smiles that you think could warm you up even on the coldest day...heck you reckoned her smile could probably melt the ice caps.
She casts an appraising look at your outfit, and you ask yourself if you imagined the lingering gaze on your chest,
"Where are you off to looking so sharp?" She asks after a while, eyes darkening,
Oblivious, you give her a twirl with your arms out by your sides before tucking your sunhat back under your arm
"You like?"
"you look gorgeous y/n" She remarks sincerely, gaze unwavering and you turn around momentarily, tucking your lips into your mouth to suppress your grin.
"I was supposed to go out for a picnic with the girls but, I overslept a little and now can't find them...I need your help with that actually..."
"I'm supposed to meet them at some spot by a tree? I was gonna walk down but I don't know where it is."
Her eyes light up in recognition,
"I know where they mean...but walk!?"
"It's at least a mile and a half out...on the trails...you're better off riding there"
Chessy watches on with her hands in her pockets as you reach out to gingerly to pet the horse,
Sure you were good with animals...but by that you meant ones that were a little...smaller. Like house pets.
Take dogs for example, (especially sweethearts like Sammy) they were easy; give them belly rubs and slide them a couple pieces of chicken and they'd be anyone's best friend.
"Hmm...that's Annie's horse..." The housekeeper states after a while,
"Hallie's horse is gone so I'm assuming they're waiting for you to catch up with them"
"I feel like I already know the answer, but do you know how to ride a horse?" Chessy asks softly,
"Uh, no" You reply incredulous with a head shake.
She sighs, a small smile on her lips before climbing on
"Guess I'm gonna have to give you a ride then...hop on hon" She starts holding a hand out and you look anywhere but at Chessy,
You had a feeling this wouldn't end well
"Today hopefully," she nudges and you sigh softly, taking her hand with a sheepish grin as she helps you get on the horse behind her,
"Never ridden a horse?...You city slickers" she playfully mumbles to herself with a soft shake of her head grabbing your hands to place them on her waist,
"Look it'll be fine...I'll take care of you" she reminds you, clearly sensing your nerves and you barely manage to suppress a shudder,
Take care of you huh?
"Actually I'm from a small town in Georgia." you quip in reply, refusing to acknowledge her first statement and admit your fear.
Chessy teasingly scoffs and you feel her shoulders shake with laughter, giving away the fact that she's joking,
"Yeah, yeah...that's what they all say. You holding on tight?"
You do as told, tightening your grip to wrap your arms around her waist as you lean your head against the older woman's back,
And the two of you take off.
As the wind blows through your hair you take deep breaths to inhale the musky, floral scent of her perfume closing your eyes and as if it would somehow burn it into your memory.
She smelt like wood fire , and lilies and coffee and you suddenly feel that same pang in your chest at the thought of going home in a couple of days time.
You seriously really needed to get it together...it'd been 10 days. But you don't know if you could.
As you stop to a halt, Chessy expertly dismounts the horse, turning around to hold a hand out to help lift you down after her:
Or course you completely tumble head first and Chessy helps you to your feet, non-judging and patient as per usual.
"How are you so good at that?" You ask with a blush,
"I live and work on a 60 acre vineyard so I had to learn" she explains with a gentle shrug.
You turn to survey the scene:
There was absolutely no sign of Hallie and Annie.
The apple tree that Annie and Hallie had advised you to meet them at was indeed there, a picnic blanket laid on the lush green grass, adorned with a spread that you think belonged on a lifestyle magazine; candles nestled amongst a display of grapes and chocolate coloured strawberries, and fancy cheeses and glasses of wine.
It looked really romantic. Oh.
Hold on a minute...romantic candlelit meal? That sounded familiar.
Chessy crouches down to pick up a piece of paper wedged beneath the basket and unfolds it leaning closer so the two of you could read it:
Chessy and Y/N,
Enjoy your picnic! Thank us later :)
-Annie and Hal xx p.s don't do anything I wouldn't do! ;) -Hal
You look at each other in realisation clearly having just come to the same conclusion.
Hallie and Annie's matchmaking trap.
You really should’ve known...The twins had told you about how they got their parents (back together) when they were 10.... you'd even helped Hallie reenact a similar plan like this to set Annie up with a girl on the cheer team she had a crush on.
Step 1 and 2 were "spontaneous" meet-cutes and step 3 was a romantic candlelit dinner.
The only thing was...what had been step 1 and 2 of the girls' plan?
Chessy bursts into laughter
"They set us up on a picnic date huh?" She smiles shaking her head looking at the spread,
"We've been parent trapped..."
You look across at Chessy and for the first time since you've met her, she looks unsure of what to do.
"Look..." you begin,
"we might aswell enjoy their effort before we head back...I suppose the food does look good" You smile and Chessy relents, her hand sitting on the small of your back as she guides you to sit down beside her.
She gives you a look you can't quite recognise before picking up one of the glasses of red wine, and downing it in a single gulp.
It you didn't know any better you'd say she looked...nervous.
That made two of you.
For the second time today you have to stop yourself from losing your cool. The goosebumps forming on your arms give you away regardless.
"You cold?" Whispers Chessy, taking off her button up without a second thought and draping it over your shoulders
"I get to wear one of the Chessy's famous button ups?" you hum as the taller woman smooths it down over your shoulders 
"I know," she agrees playing into your joke, "Guess you must be really special."
She's wearing a tight tank top beneath it and you give an appraising glance at the cleavage now on show, in turn earning a smirk from Chessy. Your gaze then drifts down to the freckles dusted on her arms and you reach out to skate your fingers across them, smirking at the way Chessy shivers.
"...I am."
"...I'm really gonna miss you when I go." You sigh sadly after a while,
Chessy takes your hand in hers, "I'm really gonna miss you too."
You look up at her in surprise, being met with a pensive look from the older woman.
Just go for it y/n. Fuck it.
With a shuddering breath you allow yourself one last glance at her plump lips before leaning in an-
Chessy places her hands on your sternum to stop you a sheepish look on her face,
You frown.
Were you being rejected? Oh, God this was humiliating.
You quickly began to pull away to stand up but she doesn't release her grip on your arm,
"wait...please?" she begs, looking at you conflicted
"Look, you're in your 20s...you sure you want this?”she explains
“Don't you want a nice college girl who's your age? That would be a lot less complicated..."
"I'm sure a hot young thing like you wouldn't have any issues finding someone in your class."
That's all this was about?
You shake your head with a smile, looking at her like she'd just said the most ridiculous thing in the world,
"Sure, I'm young. But Im also a grown woman. I know what I want and I want you."
"You're witty, outspoken and gorgeous , and compassionate...I've just...I've never met anyone like you and I won't forgive myself if I don't at least tr-"
you're interrupted as Chessy cuts you off with a bruising kiss and you let out a squeak of surprise before relaxing into it with a whimper,
You push her onto her back with a giggle, straddling her waist as you lift your hands to her cup her face, trying to pull her as close to you as possible.
Her lips were soft and warm against yours and she parted them slightly with a groan to allow your tongue to slip inside. Chessy tasted sweet; like red wine and strawberries and future lazy afternoons spent cuddling beneath the napa sun...like hope.
Breathless, you begrudgingly pull away from her, leaning your forehead against hers, up close like this you could see every single little detail on her face;
The laughter lines that were deepest beside her eyes, the way the slithers of sunlight, peeking through the leaves of the tree illuminated little specks of brown that danced around in her eyes, her swollen pouty lips that now had your lipstick all over them
She was the most gorgeous thing you'd ever seen.
You let out an airy laugh but you couldn't pinpoint what at...relief, happiness,just general amusement at the situation?
You got the girl. You really did need to thank the twins later.
Chessy chuckles too, turning to press a soft kiss against your palm, hands slowly snaking up your thighs.
"...Just incase we haven't covered it already...I want you too."
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bluerosetarot · 8 months
Everyone on Task Force 141 knew you had a date tonight since you'd been going on and on about it for the past week, so when you come back to base with puffy cheeks and eyes still red from crying a certain someone comes to comfort you.
Tags: female reader x Simon "Ghost" Riley, hurt/comfort, mild descriptions of violence (Simon wants to hurt whoever hurt you, after all), PIV rebound sex.
Tagging @the-californicationist because you wanted me to tag you once I posted this.
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You hadn't been with the task force for long, but your presence had certainly had an impact on the team as a whole in the year and a half you'd been around. Being the youngest and shortest had earned you official "little sister" status despite the fact you could toss all of them around at hand to hand practice thanks to your lower center of gravity and aikido background, with the exception of Simon. That man was not only tall but was surprisingly flexible, which you took as a personal challenge.
"One of these days I'm going to topple you, Ghost." You'd all just come back from a sparring match and were sitting around a table enjoying your beverages of choice.
"Of course you will, sweet'eart." He'd smile behind his cuppa without looking at you, but you could see the slight wrinkles around the corners of his eyes. "An' one 'a these days Price'll start layin' golden eggs so we can all retire."
So imagine everyone's surprise when you mention you were seeing someone, a civvie you'd met on a dating app. You'd been gushing over your crush and hadn't noticed Soap playfully nudge Simon in his side or the glare the taller man gave him in return.
"Going out to see him on next leave, said he wanted to take me somewhere nice for dinner. And before any of you try anything I don't need backup, or shadowed, or anything else. I know we're all a little paranoid here but I'm a big girl, I can take care of myself."
"Not you we'd be worried about, luv." Gaz gave you a knowing smile before continuing. "We're worried about the poor guy getting folded like a pretzel if 'is 'ands go anywhere they shouldn't, y'know?"
It took you a few months before you could properly go on a date; a mission got in the way, but you promised your new beau that as soon as you got back from your classified trip you'd be all his. Whenever you could, you messaged him, even sending him a few spicy pictures over the course of your flirting.
When the special night finally came around, you snuck off to your quarters to put on a lovely little black dress and did your makeup as best you could. Taking a look at yourself in the mirror, you psyched yourself up and inwardly hoped that you wouldn't run into anyone on your way out. That hope was quickly dashed upon the rocks of reality when you nearly ran into the brick wall named Ghost as you left the washroom.
"Bloody Jesus, Ghost. Trying to give me a heart attack?"
His answer was to scoff under his mask and lean against the wall beside you, those brown eyes of his looking you over as he slowly shook his head.
"Got no place to 'ide a knife, gun, or anythin' else. Sure you don't need any backup, luv?"
"I appreciate your concern, LT, but I should be fine."
He backed away with a chuckle, not expecting your tone to be so dry and he held up his hands in an appeasing gesture.
"Roight, roight. Well, knock 'im dead, luv. But if you aren't back by midnight, we'll all assume you turned into a pumpkin 'an start a search party. Deal?"
Your date went a bit... less than stellar. When you arrived at the restaurant, he'd been nearly a half hour late and was dressed more casual than you, but you weren't used to being all dolled up either so you gave him the benefit of the doubt. Conversation was minimal with him mostly talking about himself as you sat there bored until he hit you with a bombshell.
"You're hot like this, but now that you're my girl you're going to have to give up this whole military thing."
You'd been about to take a bite of food and nearly dropped your fork from laughing at what you thought was a joke, but he just got irritated.
"I'm serious. You can't go wasting your prime childbearing years pretending to be an action hero."
"Excuse me?" You matched his tone, a bit of annoyance seeping into your words. "What happened to you going nuts over my career plans? How you said you always liked a 'girl in uniform'?"
"Uniforms are hot, but I figured once we met, you'd realize you wanted a nice civilian life and leave all that fantasy behind you."
"Uh-huh..." Flagging down your waiter, you asked for the check. "I'll take my half of the check, please. This date is over."
"You can't just fucking leave!"
"I can..." Giving your card to the waiter, you then locked eyes with your sad excuse for a date. "And I will. See? I'm doing it right now."
Once your tab had been taken care of, you made a beeline for the door with the guy chasing after you, yelling at you to change your mind. He made the mistake of trying to grab your wrist, and you managed an aikido move that brought him down to a knee.
"You don't get to touch me that way, got it?"
You'd leaned down to stare daggers into him, a look you'd perfected from watching Ghost, and your failed date nodded in fear as he got up and backed away.
Turning on your heel, you made it to your car and closed the door before slumping over your steering wheel with a sigh. Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes, a mixture of sadness and anger. Willing yourself to wait until you got back to base for a good cry, you started the car and headed back but couldn't help a few stray tears from rolling down your cheeks.
It was a little past 2300 when you got back to base and, to your disappointment, there were a few lights still on. You'd hoped to take your walk of shame without anyone noticing, but fate had other plans. You hadn't realized that everyone in 141 was worried for you and stayed up to wait for you to come home.
Which meant that you opened the door to the common area, and four sets of eyes instantly looked up at you. All of them taking note of your tear streaked makeup making you feel warm and nervous.
Soap was the first one to speak up, cutting the tension with a joke.
"Aye, lass, who we needin' to knife up for ya?"
Price sat to his right and gave him a very good "not now" look as you clenched your jaw in annoyance.
"Don't want to talk about it." You turned to the Captain and gave him a polite nod. "Heading to bed, sir."
Taking a thoughtful puff of his cigar, he returned your nod.
"Right, everyone here should do the same. Lights out, everyone."
Gaz and Soap reluctantly got up. You could read it plain as day on their faces they wanted to pepper you with a thousand questions, but stern looks from both Price and Ghost made them think twice, and they both wished you a good night and hurried off to their rooms. Price followed after them after giving you one final concerned glance before heading down the hall.
It was Ghost that put a comforting hand on your shoulder. He had a way of sneaking up on everyone even when he was in plain sight, and this situation was no different. You tried your best to compose yourself before meeting his gaze, but something in his eyes made you break down when your eyes met and you let out a soft sound somewhere between a cry and a whimper.
"Fucking christ, look at me. All bent out of shape over little more than a schoolyard crush."
"If 'e 'urt ya I know plenty a places to hide a body 'round 'ere."
Where Soap has been jovial, you could tell Ghost was serious, and you couldn't stop an involuntary shiver creep down your spine before shaking your head.
"Not worth the effort, Ghost. But I appreciate it. Damn chauvinist thought I'd get one look at him and want to stop all my work here and pop out babies."
That got a laugh from the larger man, a deep rumble in his chest.
"Th' public doesn't realize all tha' we do to keep the world spinnin', luv. If you 'ad never joined up with us, who knows 'ow our missions would've gone. You've been damn good at not only covering our sixes on multiple occasions but..."
He trailed off, catching himself before he said something further. But this only made you more curious since this was the most words you'd ever hear the man string together outside of mission briefings.
"But what?"
"But... christ this is a bit embarrassing but you remind all of us what we're fightin' for, y'know? You remind us that we aren't just killin' machines an' that we're 'uman. That we do this to protect 'umanity, outside and within. Y' deserve someone who understands tha', not some chav bloke who sees y' as just a baby factory."
The hand that was on your shoulder went up to smooth his short hair back as his eyes looked away from yours. You thanked whatever god was up there that he did because he didn't see the blush creeping into your cheeks.
"Uhh... th-thanks, Ghost."
Those eyes locked back onto yours, and you could see the telltale crinkle of wrinkles at the corners of his eyes that betrayed his smile.
"Y' can call me Simon, luv. Just between the two of us, yeah?"
"Yeah. I'll keep that in mind."
A heavy sigh left your lips, and you gave him a small smile.
"Simon. Think, uh... think you would want to join me for a bit tonight? It's been nice talking to someone who understands what's going on in my head."
That got an eyebrow raise from him, and he crossed his arms over his chest.
"Y' propositionin' your commanding officer now?"
His tone was low, tinted with humor, but his rough voice made it sound suggestive all the same. He left the question open, and it emboldened your reply.
"Well I need someone to really show me the difference between a "chav bloke" and a real man, don't I?"
With a look over his shoulder down the hall towards the barracks proper, no doubt making sure everyone else was already in bed, he nodded and gestured for you to lead the way.
"Ladies first, luv."
That earned him a playful punch in the arm, and you grabbed his hand in yours, leading him down the hall to your quarters.
Once inside your room with the door shut tight behind you, Simon was looming over you, pressing your body to the wall. In the dim light of your room you could barely see his eyes as they looked you over once more while his hand came up to cup your cheek.
"Y' sure about this, luv? Not that I mind bein' a rebound but I want to make sure y' really want this..."
He knew how to catch you off guard, that's for sure, and you gave him a reassuring nod. Your own hand reaching up to glide along his that caressed your face so gently, a welcome juxtaposition to his normally cold demeanor.
"Yeah, I'm sure. I'm actually glad that you, uh..."
Now it was your turn to stifle words better left unsaid, though those swallowed words turned into heat and crimson on your neck and cheeks as embarrassment kept you from saying what was really on your mind.
In truth you'd always had a "thing" for the big badass types, the "scary dogs", outcasts, loners, and Gho- Simon, you reminded yourself, ticked off all the boxes to pique your interest. He'd always given off just enough tidbits about himself, crumbs that you had devoured in the fire of your curiosity that only proved to stoke it into a further inferno. The date you'd gone on tonight? He was meant to be a distraction from the man you couldn't have had, shouldn't have been able to have, yet here he was gazing down into your very soul in your quarters.
"Glad? Glad for wha', luv?"
Simon had picked up on that thread you left dangling and you could hear the smirk in his voice as he pressed further. Both his body squeezing against you and his words pressing the opening he'd found.
"Glad y' got th' big, scary Ghost as y' own personal toy for th' night? Glad that you'll get to experience a real man in y' bed tonoight?"
Each word brought his face closer to yours and you watched as his hand slid from your cheek to his mask, pulling it down past his mouth and finally letting you see his face. Your mind went blank for a second as you took in his features for the brief moment he hovered in front of you before he buried his face in your neck to kiss the sensitive skin there.
The kiss was gentle, lips pressing to your jugular as your heart raced so fast you could swear he'd be able to feel your pulse through his lips. Even gentle as it was you couldn't stop the soft sound that escaped your own lips.
"Am I on the money, sweet'eart? You been 'oping I'd get jealous or somethin' like that?"
Teeth grazed against your neck and a jolt of pleasurable lightning raced down your spine.
"Well... between you an' me... I've been very jealous, luv. 'Ere I thought some young bloke was gonna steal you away from us, from me, before I got to show you 'ow I felt about you..."
As his lips and teeth continued to explore your neck his hand grabbed yours and brought it down to palm at his tented trousers, the size of him made you gasp involuntarily and you felt his low rumbling laughter deep in his chest.
"S-simon... I've never had someone so... so... big before."
"Don't worry, sweet'eart... I'll take my time and show you 'ow a true gentleman treats a lady like yourself."
Simon picked you up with ease, walking the few steps to the bed and setting you down on the edge. No sooner had your backside met the mattress he was hiking up that short black dress over your thighs to expose the matching black lace panties you had worn.
"You were plannin' on spoilin' that bloke tonight, weren't you, sweet'eart? Or, an' correct me if I'm wrong..."
His thick, calloused fingers pressed against your clothed slit, finding your nub and rubbing it through the scant cotton and lace as his eyes locked onto yours again.
"...Or were you 'opin' that 'e'd left you alone and that this exact scenario would 'appen, you comin' back to base wantin' me to 'elp you feel better?"
"F-fuck, Simon... I... ahh... that's n-not what I was hoping for at all..."
He rolled his eyes, not believing you, and slid the panties aside to slide one finger inside to entice a moan from you.
"Christ! Fine, yes, I.. I wanted my date to be you tonight... but how am I supposed to bring that up? Just walk up to you and say "hey, LT, how's about a shag tonight after supper?""
That earned you a second finger inside and another laugh.
"I knew y' were a brat at trainin' but damn am I glad you aren't a shrinkin' violet in the bedroom. Makes this more fun."
For what felt like an eternity he slowly widened you in preparation for his shaft. Simon was a patient man, for the most part, but those moans and sounds you were making for him and him alone were wearing down that patience. Still, he had promised to treat you like a proper lady and only when he could slide three fingers inside easily did he stop his work.
"Do us a favor and clean these off for me, luv. My mouth 'as more important things t' do."
Unceremoniously he slid his slickened fingers into your mouth, making you taste yourself as he leaned down to bury his face between your legs. That tongue of his quickly found your nub and circled around it, alternating between that and his lips puckering around it to suck on it. The fingers in your mouth did nothing to muffle the noises he was coaxing from you as your thighs clamped down on either side of his head. Somewhere in the back of your mind you were cognizant of putting too much pressure on him but it was quickly drowned out by your building climax.
Simon felt it building in you as well; the way your thighs got tighter around his head, the throbbing of your nub in his mouth, and the quivering of your slit. In the mess of it all your hands had come down to grip his short hair, tugging on it as if trying to pull him closer.
"Tha's it, luv, cum for me."
Barely above the haze of lust you registered Simon's command as you felt yourself come undone for him. Your own slick mixing with his spit to coat your inner thighs as he lapped greedily at everything you had to give him. Eventually your orgasm began to subside and you took notice of him standing up from where he had knelt. The sound of leather on denim was barely audible above your panting, followed by a zipper being pulled down. Craning your head up off the mattress you finally saw his full length in the dim light of the room as he slowly rutted against your womanhood.
"I think y' should be ready for this, luv. But I wanna hear y' say it. Tell me 'ow badly y' need this inside..."
"I... fuck..."
Word were hard to come by in your lust filled haze, biting your lower lip in concentration you finally were able to articulate the words.
"Take me, Simon! I want every inch of that inside me now!"
"Needy, aren't ya? Don't worry, I got exactly wha' y' need roight... here..."
On that last syllable he slid his full length inside of you in one fluid stroke. You could swear he crashed up against the back of your womb with how big he was and before you could cry out he locked his lips onto yours, stifling any sound you made.
You two lay there connected, Simon not moving until you were used to him, for a few brief moments before he pulled away from the kiss to gaze into your eyes. You gave him a wordless nod to reassure him you were okay before he started his thrusting in earnest. Slow, full strokes to make sure you felt every inch of his desire for you.
"Been 'oping to 'ave y' like this for awhile now, sweet'eart.. sure when y' first started up 'ere I was skeptical..."
Your brain was barely paying attention to his words, still shrouded in a fog of lust. Simon, on the other hand, was talking to take his mind off the pleasure you were giving him so he could last longer than a few pumps.
"But after I saw y' toss Gaz an' Soap around in 'and t' 'and I thought maybe y' were alroight after all..."
Now even Simon was barely registering his own words as his thrusts started to pick up the pace, chasing his own orgasm as he felt your body tense under him while your second climax built up inside you.
His hands went from your hips to your own hands, lacing both your fingers together as he held your hands above your head and leaned down to kiss you again. There was a bit more force, a bit more need behind this one and with a low growl he slammed his hips against yours one more time, burying himself deep as he emptied into you. Your own climax hitting at the same time made it feel like your walls were milking him dry.
Both of you were spent after that; a sweaty mess of half clothed bodies that clung to each other tightly. He didn't want to pull out but he wanted to lay you on the bed proper, opting to slide himself out from between your legs and gingerly place you on the bed before laying down next to you. Once he was settled in beside you, your hands wrapped around him in a loose embrace as you rested your cheek on his chest, feeling the slow rise and fall from his breath.
A heavy arm draped over you, pulling you in tightly as you both lay there in the dark. Simon was the first to break the silence, kissing the top of your head.
"May not 'ave been a proper date, sweet'eart. But I promise we'll 'ave one eventually. Now get some sleep, I'll be 'ere in the mornin'."
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rowretro · 9 months
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WARNINGS: Sexual harassment, kissing, mentions of a foot fetish
✧taglist✧: @heeseung-min
Rowan held Sunghoon's hand, lovingly with a smile, as she walked through the school hallways. It has only been 3 months since the 2 started dating. Heeseung was happy for them, really, but part of him is pretty upset. Upset that his best friend took his baby sister. The man he most trusted with y/n is now dating her. God how much he wished it was something innocent but given how Jooyeon would openly make out with his sister, he didn't have high hopes about Sunghoon, heck he may have taken her virginity.
Their mother still trusted Sunghoon deeply while their father didn't really care, hence y/n was allowed to live with Sunghoon. "Babe I'll finish packing my bags tonight kay?" y/n said as Sunghoon kissed her forehead. "Y/nnnnn we're gonna be late for class!" Eunchae called out, waiting for her. Y/n smiled, kissing Sunghoon's lips one last time, before she ran to Eunchae, the 2 going to their lesson, giggling about some stupid things.
"Let me get this... you've only been dating for about 3 months, and you're already moving in with him?... I guess that's ok since he spends a majority of his time at your home" Eunchae shrugged as she took some notes. Y/n smiled and doodled in her notebook, taking notes at the same time. Smiling as she did so.
"Eunchae and Yunjin... Ah- and y/n you can work with Sungchan." The teacher finished as Sungchan turned to y/n, winking at her flirtatiously. "Isn't that the guy who's friends with the foot fetish boy?... I thought Sungchan got arrested-" Eunchae whispered to her as y/n shrugged. "Meh it's fine, it's just a school project" y/n said reassuringly.
Eventually the school day came to an end "See you tomorrow bestie~" Y/n smiled as Eunchae hugged her. "Wow I love the change in vocab, 2024 and your most used phrases are, Slay, bestie and lawd ha mercy" Eunchae snickered, before Eunchae could leave with her friends, she caught sight of Sungchan slapping then full on groping y/n's ass. Just as Sungchan walked away, Sunghoon walked up to y/n, seeing him arrive, Eunchae left asap.
"Hey darling, ready to go home?" Sunghoon asked as y/n forced a smile, nodding. That forced smile. Sunghoon knew that smile... but he wasn't going to push it because he wasn't too sure yet "After I finish packing sweet heart, just one more suitcase~" y/n smiled, kissing his jaw. Sunghoon had already unpacked half of her belongings in the bedroom beside his. He drove her by her home, as Heeseung stood at the door hugging her pretty tightly.
"Heeeee- let go I need to finish packing!" y/n exclaimed as the boy poutily let go, narrowing his eyes at Sunghoon. Sunghoon chuckled at his actions, patiently waiting for y/n. the girl dragged her last suitcase into the boot with Heeseung's help, and after a long good bye, Sunghoon drove her to his apartment.
Upon arriving at the place, y/n examined how luxurious it is, a little intimidating by the big building. "I know its bigger than your home but don't worry sweetheart, I'll show you around, your bedroom is right beside mine and you can sleep with me anytime you want." Sunghoon winked making her blush a little. "I have to stop by a friends later, presentation" y/n said as Sunghoon nodded, assuming it's with Eunchae. The girl unpacked her last suitcase, not noticing the cameras in her new room.
As she released a sigh, she left her room looking for Sunghoon. One thing the girl noticed was how high on security measures Sunghoon was. "Sweetheart, want me to drop you off?" Sunghoon asked as y/n smiled at him sweetly. She knew Sunghoon would worry if he found out that she had to be working with the Sungchan who was bailed out by his rich father.
"N-no it'll be fine..." she trailed off as Sunghoon grabbed his car keys "No no sweetheart... I insist, its so dark so early, let me take you there hmm?" Sunghoon didn't even let her respond as he softly dragged her to his car, her 7 inch heels sort of dragging across the floor a little as he did so. "So what's the address?..." Sunghoon asked, turning to face her y/n nervously scratched at her arm "Y/n... " he trailed off as the girl's hand reached the back of her scalp already picking one of her scabs.
It was one of her nervous habits, she'd pick scabs from her scalp, Sunghoon pulled her hand away, staring at her intensely, "What are you hiding from me?...." Sunghoon asked sternly as y/n sniffled. "Baby... You know you can tell me anything right? I'm your boyfriend, I live with you." Sunghoon convincingly said as he hugged her, comfortingly.
"I-I have to do my presentation with Sungchan..." y/n admitted as Sunghoon frowned, pulling his key out of the car. "Jung Sungchan?! That perverted mother fucker?!!!" Sunghoon asked, somewhat mad as y/n sniffled "I-I'm sorry, I thought that id would be fine, it's just a school project and the teacher did pair us, but then I realized I was wrong..." the girl admitted, as she looked down at her lap. "What do you mean you just realized?!... Y/n did he touch you?!" Sunghoon asked as the girl went silent.
He didn't need to hear anymore... The key was back in and the car was up top speed...
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mintyfrostyart · 1 year
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These refs have been a long time coming and I'm so glad I was able to get to them. My next post is going to be about the Detective Gods which all have a brief desc.
Below the cut are Reginald's and Right's backstories/history.
Content Warnings! Reginald - child neglect, trauma from fire, loss of a loved one, adoption, and general heavy themes Right - betrayal of a long-time friend, drug use (smoking as escapism)
Reginald Adopted as a toddler, Reginald Suave was seen as a golden hope amongst his parents. They had tried for years to have children but they had no luck, and thus adoption was seen as their best option. Miraculously, however, his parents did manage to have a child, Daffodil. Reginald's presence as a golden hope suddenly was drafted as Daffodil was a miracle child. Reginald ended up being very close with his sister, making escapes many times to go and watch the trains that would pass by their house. When Reginald was 14, there was a fire at their house, but Daffodil did not make it out. His parents deeply grieved the death of their daughter and the apparency of Reginald being neglected fully became apparent to him. Reginald would disappear for days afterward, wouldn't come back to the house until late and it was often a case that his parents spared him half a glance. For Reginald, the countryside, his parents-- he didn't want to stay any longer. So he got his bags and left for the big city. Luckily, an uncle (his father's brother), Terrence Suave ran into him on the street and quickly offered him a place to say. Terrence had of course heard of what had happened to Daffodil, but he didn't question why Reginald was out on his own. He cared for him as a father-- taking him in, offering him work-- anything to help him out in his time of need. Reginald was never a man of emotion, and Terrence in the present only recalls two times to see him cry: the first being the night he took him in. Terrence assumed a sort of father figure to him. A young detective himself, Terry was dedicated to giving Reginald another chance. Reginald himself would follow in Terrence's footsteps and joined the police prescient at 17 and was promoted to Lieutenant at 24. Terrence later became captain. Reginald didn't move out of the house until his lieutenant status, since he didn't want to be a burden on the man who'd cared for him. At some point in his teenage years, Terry offered to adopted him as his son, marking the second time Reg had ever cried in front of him. Being the captain's son, this would usually be something a lot of people would take pride in. Whilst his badge says "Reginald Suave", a lot of people assumed that Reginald was trying to stick it to the captain in a way of saying "we're on the same status" instead of actually being his son. So Reginald opted instead for the last name "Copperbottom", after Detective Copperbottom. Detective Copperbottom is a whole other story, but it's important to note that Copperbottom is a sort of mythical figure with an infamous reputation for good deeds, kind of like a Robin Hood. Regardless, in the present, Reginlad is pushing mid-thirities and is completely content with life. He's got a job, barely spends anything, and works as much as he can. His father being his father does not exactly agree with this lifestyle-- so what better way than to give him a partner? The ever-famous Detective Right Hanson Manfred.
Marcus Hansen Manfred comes from a family of 14 children with him being exactly the middle. He has two loving mothers (one of whom is transgender) and a loving father. Three parents and 14 children living in the countryside of Lidimay (one of the three states of Cruxidul). You could say life as a young healthy, hearty young boy was all the fun.
And most certainly it was. But as much as Marcus loved his family, his strongest bond grew with that of his childhood friend, Edward "Eddie" Jones. Eddie went to Marcus' house as a child to be home schooled by one of Marcus' mothers, amongst other children, and Eddie and Marcus quickly became great friends. Through and through, the two would go everywhere together. Tending to the farmside, catching trains together-- nothing was boring.
Marcus originally wanted to stay home and take a farming job like much of his family, but Eddie had plans for the big city: Revensteed. There, crime was afoot, and it needed heros like Eddie to come in and stop! Marcus didn't want to let go, so seemingly out of no where, he announced he was going to join Eddie in the police force.
At 16 (Marc) and 17 (Ed), the two of them got themselves junior position as partners on the north side of town, and they were damn good at what they did. Eddie was clearly built for this; he was a natural. Everything they did was imaculate. But Marcus couldn't keep up with the speed of his partner. Somehow, he always lagged behind in something, and it got to Marcus signfificantly. Eddie truly had a passion for this, and Marcus wasn't the shining example he wished he was.
Marcus was never a criminal, but he found himself in the wrong crowd some of the time in his despair. A bar, a club-- the usual place to destress. If he wasn't in a good mood, this would be the place he would go.
At 25 (Marc) and 26, the two of them faced a final straw. Eddie had been wanting to excel to lieutenant, possibly even captain. But Marcus wasn't in a position for the two of them to remain partners if this were to happen. Eddie was to be relocated to the South (where the crime is the worst), and Marcus simply couldn't compete with that. Marcus urged him to stay-- to come up with something to comprimise.
It ended up blowing in his face. The hugest fight they've ever had right then and there. Everything came out all at once. Marcus didn't want this to be the end, but Eddie got his bags to leave for the South and didn't say goodbye.
That was truly the end of their partnership.
Marcus was in pieces. He wished and envied and hated that man-- he didn't think that he'd done anything wrong. He just wanted the best for the both of them, didn't he? Whatever-- it wasn't his fault. And Marcus would continue to be in this denial for a very, very long time. In his fit of depression, Marcus stumbled upon quite the location: Caisno Radman. It was a place of pleasure, relaxation-- anything to keep the troubles away from people. Marcus wasn't sure why he went there; it was just to get the stress of his shoulders.
But somehow, he met someone. Jullian Harp. Jullian was a sly fellow, from outside the country who seemed to always be around queer hot spots like Casino Radman. In somehow in a mix of conversation, Jullian mistakes Marcus' name for "Right". It ended up sticking out to Marcus, and he figured that "Right", as an alias in the detective agency, may be a little less painful.
Jullian and him ended up dating for several months before they broke off on equal terms, and they are very distant friends now, esepically since Jullian is indeed an assosiate of a criminal mafia (Radman).
Yet, now "Right" Hansen Manfred works still in his detective position. He has refused for years to get a new partner, but his luck may just have run out when he gets news from the captain one day.
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 1 year
Keep Quiet For Me Noona | Choi Yeonjun
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Summary: Roles reverse as Yeonjun asks you to let him take care of you Pairing :f!reader x Yeonjun Word Count: 3k~ Warning: Explicit Language, age gap (four years), Noona kink, oral and fingering (Female receiving) Requested by @pastelpinkjoon and an anon <3 hope you guys like it! Read Keep Quiet For Me for more context~
"Let me make you feel good" I hear the words drip out of Yeonjun's mouth laced with so much seduction that it leaves me wanting to rub my thighs together, and if he wasn't already laying between them I would. 
How did I end up here?
Three months ago
"Noona wait up!" I hear and look over my shoulder to see Yeonjun running up to me. "Oh hi Yeonjun, how are you?" I question when he finally catches up to me while I make my way to sit in our University's quad. "I'm good thanks, I wanted to see if maybe we could hang out sometime?" he asks while also trying to catch his breath. "You want to hang out with me? Why not Jaeyoung? Did you guys fight?" I question confused as to why he suddenly wanted to spend time with me instead of my little brother who also happens to be his best friend. "No we didn't fight or anything like that, I just wanted to spend some time with you!" he says with a bright smile on his face. 
"And why's that?" I ask tilting my head, trying to figure out his exact motives. "Well..." he starts and pauses for a second "I guess what I'm trying to say is that I think you're really pretty and I want to ask you out" he explains scratching the back of his neck, and I can now see how the tips of his ears are turning pink. "Yeonjun you do know I'm four years older than you right?" I say giving him a half smile.
"Yeah I know, I've known you for long enough to at least know that" he says referring to how many years you've know each other (about 7 but who's counting). "Have you talked to Jaeyoung about this?" I question crossing my arms, amused by his behavior. "Well... no" he says with his head drooping. "Yeonjun I don't want to mess up your friendship with my brother just because you have a crush on me. I know you guys are close and I don't want to cause any awkwardness between you two" I finish giving a reasonable answer, hoping that it'll suffice. 
"Well what if he's cool with it?" he questions hoping he can put in some work to change my mind. "You do know who we're talking about right? Plus don't you have any girls your age to date? I'm pretty sure I see a few of them checking you out over there" I say nodding towards the girls that are clearly eyeing him like a piece of meat. "The girls my age are so immature Noona and they're all so shallow. You're a lot prettier than them, plus I've known you for so long and I've liked you for the longest time" he says deciding to just confess.
"Yeonjun I don't know..." I say not really sure how to respond. "Just give me a chance, please? I'll talk to Jaeyoung and make sure he's cool with it!" he pleads quickly hoping I don't brush him off. "Will you say yes then?" he questions with pleading eyes. "I'll think about it..." I say settling on that for now. "Yes! Thank you Noona I promise you won't regret it!" he says and runs off to what I assume is to find Jaeyoung. 
Later that week he comes back to me with his tail between his legs. "He said no didn't he?" I say breaking the ice. "He said it would be weird if I dated his sister and that I wouldn't spend time with him anymore if I did" he relays pouting. "I'm sorry Yeonjun, I'm sure theres a great girl out there for you. Don't worry about me okay? You'll find her one day." I say placing my hand on his shoulder and get up to grab my stuff.
"Where are you going?" he questions with the biggest puppy dog eyes I've ever seen from him. "Aww don't do that! I'm just walking to class, do you wanna walk with me?" I offer hoping this'll perk him up a bit. "Really? Sure!" he says hopping up and taking my bag from me. I try to grab it back but he just holds it up out of my reach and laughs at my attempts of getting it back before I finally concede and just start making my way to the classroom. 
As the weeks went by he continued to walk me to that class every time I had it and I've become fond of our little talks on the short journey there. It's strange that my day feels almost incomplete when he isn't able to do it. "Hi Noona!" Yeonjun says sneaking up on me from behind. "Yeonjun don't do that!" I say placing a hand on my chest to steady myself.
"Sorry I didn't mean to, I think you were just spacing out a bit otherwise you definitely would've seen me" he says with a cheeky smile. I roll my eyes and stand up getting ready to walk to my class, with him trailing behind me before he catches me and takes my bag like always. "Is everything okay?" he asks searching my eyes for answers. "Yeah I'm fine I was just thinking about some things and I got a bit carried away" I explain hopefully easing his mind without giving away too much. 
"What were you thinking about? Anything I can help with?" he says offering me a small smile. "No it's okay don't worry about it, but thank you Yeonjun. You've been so nice to me even though I rejected you and I don't know why you would do something like that" I say voicing some of my thoughts to him. "I just like spending time with you, but if you want to really thank me then you could come to a party that my friend is having this weekend!" He says adjusting the strap on his backpack.
"Who's party is it?" I question curious as to who might be there. "Just one of my friends on the lacrosse team. Jaeyoung isn't gonna be there" he says quickly hoping to get rid of one of my excuses as to why I shouldn't go. "You can bring a friend if you want! It'll be super chill and we can spend some time together outside of school this time" he says rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet, clearly excited but also nervous as to what my response might be. 
"Text me the details and I'll let you know if I'll be able to make it" I settle, not giving him a definitive yes or no. "Okay awesome! I'll text you later?" he questions and I nod at that, taking my bag back from him since we had just reached my class. He smiles at me and walks backwards not wanting to look away from me just yet, clearly excited at the prospect of us finally spending time together other than our short lived journey twice a week. I
wave to him and he waves back right before he bumps into the wall behind him losing his balance for a second. I laugh at his antics and shake my head and walk into class but not before I spare him one more glance and see that despite all of that he's still watching me, waiting for me to walk into class to which I suddenly blush at. 'Wait! Blush? Girl no! Get yourself together, he's your little brother's best friend. He's your friend, stop it' I think to myself shaking off the flustered feeling that started to bloom along with the growing blush on my cheeks.
So that's how it all started, I never thought I would find myself in this position but I can't say that I'm not happy to be here.
"Is that okay?" I hear Yeonjun say, noticing I haven't responded to him since he had offered to continue. "You really don't have to, I didn't do that just because I was expecting you to do the same..." I say trailing off almost feeling a bit shy under his gaze again. "But I want to. Please Noona..." he asks while rubbing circles on my hip with this thumb. "I want to please you" he says while coming back up to me and placing soft kisses all along my neck.
"Let me take care of you" he whispers in my ear and continues to kiss my neck until he hears a sharp inhale from he when he finds a spot that makes my head spin. He licks a long stipe along it and pulls back a bit and blows on it which has me shivering under him. 
"So sensitive" he taunts and before I can open my mouth to say something in return he goes back and starts nipping and kissing that spot again. "Yeonjun" I let out in a breathy tone. "Yes Noona?" he says between kisses. "Please" I whimper feeling a sense of need bubble up inside me again. "Please what?" he asks and comes up to give me a deep kiss that leaves me longing for more. "Touch me" I whisper against his lips.
"What would you like me to do?" he says and starts running his hand up and down my outer thigh. I squirm, trying to get some sort of friction as the need between my legs just keeps building. "Slow down baby, I'll take care of you but if you don't use your words then I won't know how" he says in a teasing tone that has me feeling breathless. "I want your fingers" I let out shyly, now feeling myself slip into a more submissive roll. 
"See that wasn't so hard" he says and takes the hand that has running along my curves and brings it to my abdomen, letting his fingers trail down slowly which has me wanting to beg. "Please" I let out as he continues to tease me as his fingers slip between my legs but only to run along my inner thigh, continuing his pain staking task. "Patience baby, I got you. Can you keep quiet for me Noona? Just like I did for you?" he questions tilting his head at me and I nod waiting for his touch.
"Good girl" he says with a slight upturn of his lips and then I feel him start to run a finger along my slit. My breath hitches, not expecting the contact so quickly. "Shh Noona, that's not quiet" he says in my ear and takes that chance to bite on it softly. I inhale once I feel him start to rub my clit in languid motions. "You're so wet" he says in my ear once more before pulling back to watch my reactions as he inserts one finger. I close my eyes tight and relish in the feeling I've been craving. He rubs my clit while he continues to pump his finger in and out of me, dragging his finger along my walls to add to the pleasure.
"That's it, good girl" he says satisfied with my reactions, "Breathe Noona" he continues as he's noticed that I'm holding my breath, trying my best to keep myself quiet. Once I take a breath in I'm caught off guard by Yeonjun's mouth against mine as well as feeling another finger inserted. He takes the opportunity to go in for a deeper kiss and I whimper into his mouth from the overwhelming stimulation.
He decides to not mention this one and just swallows all of the sounds I let out as he continues to touch me. He feels me squirming and takes note of how hard I'm clenching around his two fingers that he decided to pull them out, ripping away my building orgasm. I whine at the loss of contact and he chuckles at the sound. 
"Seems like you're not very good at keeping quiet Noona, or am I just making you feel too good?" he taunts and goes back to rubbing circles around my clit that is pulsing with need. "Please" I whine losing all sense of self respect, needing to chase that high. "Please what? What do you want?" he taunts, not letting up for a second on his teasing.
"Want your mouth" I pant out feeling that burning sensation building again. "Where do you want it? Here?" he says giving me a kiss. "Down there" I whine and jolt a bit from the feeling of him giving me a quick pinch on my sensitive bud. "Down where? Here?" he says kissing along my collarbone. "Lower" I let out begging for him to hurry. "Here?" he say trailing down my abdomen to my hip, sucking a mark on it and running his tongue along it. "Lower" I let out breathlessly and feel him trace his lips down to the inside of my thigh. 
He lifts his head to make eye contact with me and then blows on my cunt and watches as I squirm from the sensation. He places a hand on my hip and growls for me to stay still and I do my best to settle back down. He leans in closer and licks a long stripe along my slit and I swallow a moan that is desperate to come out and throw my head back onto the pillow. "You taste so sweet Noona" he compliments, making me shy.
"Eyes on me" he says while nuzzling his nose into me and nudging against my clit. He takes a second to look down at my cunt before leaning in and kissing my clit, starting his assault there first. He peers back up at me through his lashes and sees that I still have my eyes on him and he sends me a slight smile before speeding up his movements which has me clenching around nothing.
He runs his tongue from my clit to just above my entrance continuing to tease me to which I whine in protest. "Shh you can take it" he says as he inserts his tongue inside my entrance which has me fisting the sheets. He licks and sucks all over my cunt making me whimper not able to swallow this one down.
"You haven't been a very good listener huh?" he says coming back up and giving me a sideways smile. "But I think I wanna hear your pretty moans now, you sound so cute trying to stay quiet. Let me know how good I'm making you feel" he says before going back down to continue
"Fuck, so good. So so good Yeonjun please" I moan out, finding my voice. He continues and replaces his tongue with two of his fingers which has my hip bucking into them unconsciously. He growls against my cunt and the vibration has me gasping for air along with him nipping at my throbbing clit. "Yeonjun, please" I moan begging him for release and he continues to work harder as he feels my walls clenching around his digits and he add another to coax me along.
My vision goes blurry as I feel myself reaching the edge and my legs start shaking showing that I'm seconds from cumming and he knows. He changes pace and pumps his fingers in and out of me at a rapid pace and replaces his tongue on my clit with his thumb and comes up for air and I moan seeing his face covered in my slick as he utters "Cum for me Noona" which sends me over the edge, toes curling, back arching, legs shaking and moans that I don't even recognize all happening at once as I cum around his fingers while he watches and hovers over me. 
He pumps his fingers a few more times to help me ride it out and brings his mouth down and cleans me up until I'm whining from overstimulation. He places his fingers in his mouth and savors the last bit of my arousal before he comes up and kisses me so I can taste myself on his tongue. I pull him close to me and roll him over so I can take over the kiss for a minute before dropping back onto my back next to him. 
"Fuck" is all I can manage to say while trying to catch my breath, "I told you I could take care of you didn't I?" Yeonjun asks rolling over and propping his head on my chest. "Shut up" I laugh covering my face feeling embarrassed from his close gaze. "Nuh uh no being shy around me Noona, look at me" I do as he asks and he comes closer and gives me a few more lazy kisses and trails them down my neck hoping to get me to relax a bit more. "How are you feeling?" he questions as he feels me start to lose some of the tension in my body. "Fucking fantastic" I respond honestly and he laughs at my honesty. 
"Good, now will you please let me take you out?" he asks now sporting some puppy dog eyes hoping to use them to his advantage, "I don't know..." I trail still not sure. "Come on Noona please, we don't have to do anything else if you think you're gonna regret it" he says feeling a bit insecure now. "Yeonjun no, I don't regret anything" I protest, running my fingers through his hair. "We can both go talk to Jaeyoung if that's what you're worried about. Plus you're his older sister so you shouldn't have to listen to him" he says cuddling in closer to me.
"Do you wan't to go out with me?" he questions softly, clearly feeling vulnerable in this position. After taking a moment to think I finally nod and agree. "Let's talk to Jae tomorrow" I suggest and he jumps on me and kisses me all over. "Are you serious?" he says with eyes sparkling in stark contrast of his intense lustful gaze from a few moments ago. I nod my head and he pulls me even closer and we spend the rest of our time together just talking nonsense until the night ends. 
Mini Taglist: @jkslipppiercing @trina864 @goddesofimortality @kaitieskidmore97 @coolbluedude
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katana-no-neko · 10 months
Call Me By My Name
Chapter 5 | ao3
"Natsu, Lucy!" a waitress greeted as the two entered Fairy Tail.
"Lisanna!" Lucy ran to sit and chat with the girl, the younger sister of Mira. "Natsu brought me to Hargeon the other day, like you suggested. I had no idea it was by the ocean!" Natsu sat down next to her and grinned at the way Lucy's eyes lit up as she chattered to Lisanna about her first time seeing the ocean. "I mean, I'd read about it, I knew the ocean was big, but wow! The water just went on forever!"
"I'm so glad you enjoyed it!" Lisanna responded, happy her suggestion had gone over so well. "What's on the agenda for today?"
"I thought I'd show Lucy this waterfall out a ways!" Natsu replied, excited to see Lucy's reaction to the enormous feature. "Looks really cool, I think you'd like it!" he told Lucy.
The front door slammed open, interrupting Lucy's response.
Lucy jerked at the shout and watched someone enter and stomp over to Natsu. The man was shirtless, she realized with a blush, with some kind of dark marking covering his arm and much of his torso. When he reached the place she and Natsu sat, Lucy shivered as a cold chill filled the air.
"Ugh, whaddya want, Ice Prick!?" Natsu shouted back, standing up and greeting the newcomer with the same fierceness, his heat ramping up to rival the other man's cold.
"You been trying to blow me off!? I haven't seen you in ages!" the dark haired man yelled, fist raised. "What, realize you can't ever beat me?"
"Ha! As if! Just didn't wanna see your ugly mug!" Natsu laughed, fire bursting from his fists. "Had a better person to hang out with than your dumb ass!" He pulled Lucy up, clutching her to his side. "This is Lucy, she's my best friend and she's awesome!"
"Uh... Hi," Lucy hesitated. Her eyes were wide, trying to make sense of this situation.
The man raised an eyebrow at the way Natsu held her, but said "Hello," in acknowledgement. Bringing his attention back to the dragon, he started yelling again. "Now you're using a girl as a shield? Real low for you!"
Natsu carefully sat Lucy back down in her chair before punching the other man across the room. He tumbled into several tables before crashing into a wall, the restaurant patrons laughing as if this was normal. "What were you saying!?" Natsu shouted again with a grin before his opponent launched himself at Natsu, punching him in the jaw. And with bursts of fire and ice, the two continued fighting, throwing the restaurant into disarray.
Lucy looked to Lisanna in concern. The woman laughed. "That's Gray. Half-demon. This happens most of the times they're both here, ever since we were kids. He and Natsu try to deny it but they're actually pretty good friends."
"Seems like it," Lucy deadpanned as she watched them fight. Natsu was tossed against another table, this one falling apart with a loud 'crack'. A door in the back slammed open, and a tiny elderly man that Lucy had come to learn was the restaurant owner named Makarov stomped out, kicking the boys out the front door.
"COME BACK WHEN YOU CAN CALM DOWN!" Makarov shouted, slamming the door behind them and grumbling back to his office.
"I should..." Lucy started, moving to leave her stool.
"Ah, he'll be fine," Lisanna smiled. "He and Gray have been kicked out before, they'll find something to do. Besides, you and I never get to talk alone! Natsu is always stuck to your side when you're here!"
Lucy chuckled. "I suppose you're right."
"Good going, moron, now I can't see Lucy!" Natsu growled to the ice demon as he picked himself up off the ground.
Gray rolled his eyes. "Oh no, you can't see your girlfriend," he replied mockingly.
Natsu flushed. "Why does everyone assume that!? She's just a friend, my best friend, it's not like we're dating!"
"Really?" Gray quirked an eyebrow. "I guess that makes sense, she was too pretty to be dating you."
"Hey, that's not true!" Natsu growled.
Gray smirked. "What, you don't think she's pretty?"
The dragon seethed, steam coming from his nostrils in his frustration. "Are you blind!? Of course she's pretty! She has hair the color of sunshine and gold, and adorable sparkling eyes, and a gorgeous laugh, and her smile is the prettiest thing in the world!" Natsu's frown became a smile and his tone lightened as he described her. "But she's not just pretty, she's so nice and fun and I wanna be with her all the time, which you prevented!" he punctuated with a glare to the ice demon.
Gray burst out laughing. "Wow, I was joking before but you really are smitten."
"For fuck's sake, I already told you, we're friends."
"If you say so," Gray laughed again, this time interrupted by a punch in the jaw. "Hey, don't get mad at me because you don't know you like a girl!" Gray growled.
"Obviously I like her, she's my best friend!" Natsu shouted, exasperated and confuddled.
"Not the 'like' I meant, idiot."
"Tch, whatever," Natsu grumbled. "I'm going back inside. I got stuff to do with Lucy. And no, it's not a date!"
Gray raised his hands up innocently. "I didn't say a word," he snickered.
"Natsu really set Gray's hair on fire!?"
Lisanna nodded with a giggle. "Yup, Gray was completely bald. And completely pissed."
"I can't believe he did that!" Lucy laughed. "Well, no, I can." Natsu was somewhat careful and less impulsive when it was just the two of them, but Lucy had been with him around other people plenty enough to see how wild he could get.
"Mhm, and I've got a thousand more stories like it," Lisanna grinned. "Erza, Mira, Elfman, and I were all raised in Makarov's family, and Makarov is friends with Natsu's parents and Gray's mom, so we all spent a lot of time together as kids."
"Yeah, Natsu mentioned something about that," Lucy commented. "It must've been great having so much family."
Lisanna rubbed Lucy's hand in comfort. "And now you're here, too," she smiled. "I'm speaking for all of us when I say it's been so nice getting to know you."
"Thanks, I needed to hear that," Lucy grinned. "When I ran away from the fae territory, I was terrified of going anywhere, meeting anyone, accidentally learning their name... I only ever spoke to others when I had to. I didn't think anyone would ever be so friendly with me..." She admitted. "But then I met Natsu and he just pushed all those fears away. He insisted on being my friend, he brought me to meet you guys, and he's shown me all sorts of things I could only dream about cooped up at home." Lucy smiled bright as her heart swelled. "I'm just so happy to have met him."
"Happy to have met who?" Natsu questioned innocently as he strolled back in, but the smile on his face told Lucy he had heard her perfectly. Lucy jumped and flushed brightly as he sat down next to her, grasping her hand and squeezing it. "I'm really happy I met you, too," he told her, grinning widely while his heart thumped loudly.
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Siblings in Sports : A Docuseries
Jack Hughes x OC, Luke Hughes x Best Friend OC
"Hello all, this is Donna St.James with another Siblings in Sports interview, this time with the current hockey obsessions of girls 15 to 30 in the US and Canada." "Boys, thank you for inviting us 'round to ask some questions," The interviewer thanks, sitting across from the three Hughes brothers on the couch of their lake house.
"It's really no problem, we're happy to answer almost anything," Quinn assures as the eldest, making sure to emphasize almost, knowing their coaches would have their asses.
"Oh, really?" The interviewer asks, chucking. "Well then let's get down to business."
"So, we've covered the season, what it's like for Luke and Jack to be playing together, the Devils in playoffs, and everything else sports related. Now for the fun stuff," The interviewer prompts, a smirk rising to her face. "And something all the girls want to know: are there any ladies in your lives?"
Luke chuckles, elbowing Jack at the question, something that doesn't go unnoticed by the woman in front of them.
"Q and I don't have any ladies," Luke is the one to answer, shrugging. "Now Jack on the other hand..."
"Have someone special?" The question is directed at said boy, who chuckles awkwardly, a blush rising to his cheeks.
"I do have a girlfriend," He admits, seeming hesitant. "For almost 3 years now."
"Almost 3 years? And how does no one know about this girl!" The interviewer asks, eyes wide. "And when can we meet her?"
"Sissy is just in town at a cafe," Luke chimes in before the other two can.
"Jack's girlfriend has known our family for a while, she's become like an older sister to Luke and a younger one to me," Quinn chimes in before anything can be assumed. "Her name is Lillian though."
"I can ask her to come home? For the sake of the, uh, docuseries?" Jack offers, already pulling out his phone, the screensaver now visible as a photo of him and presumably Lillian kissing while he's in his hockey gear.
"Ooh, please!"
"Um, hi," The brunette greets the woman who sits in front of her and Jack, glancing at the camera behind her.
Jack takes her hand, running his thumb over the back of it to calm her. She's not the typical hockey girlfriend. Brunette, not blonde, curvy, and seemingly entirely too sweet to be in the sports world.
"Hi, I'm Donna," The woman in front of the Hughes brothers and girl greets, a smile on her face in an attempt to calm the obviously anxious 20 year old.
"Lillian," she returns, smiling despite the anxiety. "Although everyone calls me Lili, and I'm happy to answer any questions you have," she assures, smiling a small smile as Luke gasps from the side Jack isn't on, his arm around Lillian's shoulder.
"Okay Lili, tell us about how you met the Hughes and how you started dating Jack," She asks, glancing between the four.
"Well," the girl begins with a giggle, obviously feeling more comfortable at the current topic. "I met Luke first in 2017 when we were freshmen and the boys had just moved to town. He and I immediately bonded and became best friends, and it was a week later that I went over to their house and met the other two."
"Jack was immediately in love with her," Quinn comments, rolling his eyes jokingly at his brother.
"And Lils was just as bad," Luke adds, eyeing his best friend.
"I asked her out a month later," Jack chimes in now, smiling down at the girl beside him.
"He was super cheesy about it to," She remembers, sharing the smile. "I read every day for about a half hour, and most of the time he sits with me just playing video games," Lillian explains. "That day I had been reading and got to the end of the book and there was this note, this long thing in Jack's chicken scratch about how he had been nervous to ask out his little brother's best friend, and so he put the note in my book for me to find. And it was one of those hockey star falling for whoever books which made it all the more cheesy." "You loved it, don't act like you didn't," Luke jests. "Ignore him," Lili requests jokingly, elbowing the youngest Hughes. "But yeah, that's how I met the Hughes and started dating Jack." "And that's how she became an honorary Hughes," Quinn adds, a large smile on his face as he watches Jack kiss Lillian's head. The interview continued on, not on the topics of hockey or sports that you all are interested in, so we'll end it here, but if you're interested, see below for my favorite from Lillian's Instagram (that is private, however I now am friends with her on).
Photo (Jack's homescreen one to be exact) from Lillian's Instagram, where the couple shares their relationship with friends and family:
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Liked by elblue9, Jackhughes, and 247 others
Lillian.M Always my favorite player
Tagged: Jackhughes
Jackhughes Always my favorite fan
Lillian.M I love you
Jackhughes I love you more
Lhughes_06 excuse you?
Lillian.M ... I love you too Lukey?
Lhughes_06 apology accepted
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novelizt · 10 months
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Not yet done with the Lockwood Hogwarts AU so here's a snippet from the Folklore: Peace songfic I was working on as an apology 💙
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On occasion, Lockwood forgot that there were people who lived outside of the psychical realm. It's all he'd ever known, really. So, it's like stepping into a whole new world when he had to do something as typical as getting flowers before visiting the cemetery.
Ardour Flower Shop was arguably the best place to get flowers. The owner, Mr. and Mrs. Valentine, had serviced flowers for Lockwood's parents and sister's funeral way back when. All for free.
Even if they made it clear that he didn't owe them anything, Lockwood made it a point to only ever visit them if he needed flowers.
The week before, he had become an adult. He thought it was right to visit his family and tell them how he felt about it.
He ducked under Ardour's striped awning and smiled when the golden bells above the door jingled. Mr. Valentine appeared at the counter in an instant, donning a smile that could put the world at ease.
"Anthony, how are you son?"
Lockwood hummed, allowing his eyes to take in the floral arrangement Mrs. Valentine changed every week.
"I'm doing alright, Mr. V. How are you and the missus?"
"Happier," the older man chirped. He had a pep to his step and more lucid eyes. "What can I get you today?"
"Hyacinths and lavender, as usual," Lockwood shoved his hand into his pockets to begin counting his coins. "What's happened this week to make you this smiley?"
Lockwood looked up from his countings and found Mr. Valentine fetching the flowers. The man looked softer somehow. The Valentines were always soft, but Lockwood could feel something special in the air that day.
Mr. Valentine fetched a foot of twine, brown paper, and white plastic wrapper before he answered. "Our daughter's come home."
Lockwood tried not to look surprised, but he was doing a rather bad job of it. He'd known the Valentines since he was ten, and he had no clue that they had a daughter.
He cleared his throat to push down the guilt. They had done so much for him, but he didn't know that important of a fact until then.
"Really?" Lockwood chuckled, finding his sense. "How long has she been away?"
"Nine years," Mr. Valentine sighed, like he couldn't believe it had been that long. "She's a scholar. Been traveling all over the place since her mentor took her under her wing."
Lockwood raised his voice when the crunch of plastic Mr. Valentine was wrapping around the hyacinths echoed in the little shop. "That's . . . a surprisingly long time. You must be enthralled that she's finally home."
"Not 'finally' just yet."
That's when Mr. V's hands slowed by a fraction. He had gotten tangled in his thoughts. Lockwood had never seen the man falter in the many years he had known him. To say that the hiccup was concerning was putting it lightly.
"Why is that?" Lockwood asked. Nine years of just study . . . he assumed that would make you a genius.
Mr. V smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes. "She's only here for half a year before she has to resume her studies."
"I see," Lockwood turned the coins in his palm, unsure of what to say next. "I'm sorry to hear that."
"Don't worry yourself, Anthony. We're used to it, she's used to it. All I'm concerned about is her lack of enjoyment. Her teacher is a dementor, if I'd ever seen one." Mr. V wrapped up the lavender twice as fast, returning to his usual level of chipperness. "She's your age, you know. You've got George and Lucy with you. My girl doesn't have friends like that."
"I know," Mr. V grinned even wider as he slid the finished bundles across the counter. "I was thinking that you could do me a favor, son."
Lockwood took the brown paper and plastic bundles before placing his money in Mr. Valentine's hands. "Anything, Mr. V."
Mr. Valentine deposited the cash into the register before turning to Lockwood will full-fledged attention. "Could you make friends with my girl? Just while she's here. I want her to feel normal. And don't tell her I asked. She's just like her mother in that sense — stubborn, refusing to accept help. It's cute, but they're too hard-headed for their own good sometimes."
Lockwood righted his smile, nodding lightly. "Will do, sir."
"I'll hold you to it then," Mr. V set his elbows on the counter, waving Lockwood goodbye. Before the bell jingled once more, he added, "She'll be manning the store on Friday!"
"I won't forget!"
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youwontlikethisblog · 2 years
Armando Mendoza: A Brief Analysis
Hey, how are you? It's been a while. This will be a lil update so if you want you can skip down to the [GREEN] to start with the post :)
It's been a hectic few months. I finally decided to stop setting it aside and get real about my writing and begun the tedious task of editing the final draft of my original manuscript. I'm a perfectionist(Although if we're considering my posts about YSBLF as an example of that, than you wouldn't expect it lol. I suppose that's what I get for writing post when I haven't had a lick of sleep and don't stop to take breaks while writing the posts and then, half brain dead, I sit down to "edit" the grammar). When it comes to something that truly means a lot to me I do not feel satisfied until it has reached my exact expectations. I've made a few updates on my writing and how it's been going. There's some exciting development on it but I want to wait a little more to be able to fully talk about it and share the news with y'all.
That being said; I still have not continued watching YSBLF since the last time I did a post about the show, y'know, life and all but without further ado, here is the post :)
Armando Mendoza: An Objective and A Not So Deep Dive
Now that I've had some time and space away from the show, I can look at the characters in a more objective manner. I've been considering a lot of things regarding them and I feel like this post might come right out of left field —seeing how I normally seem to "defend" Armando, or some might assume I do— and this post will most likely not do that. In reality, it won't. It'll rightfully so call him out.
See, the stark difference between Marcela and Armando, not personality wise, but writing wise, is that Marcela doesn't really have a backstory. Her past is pretty blurry and the very few clear images we get of it always paint her to be the exact same person. However with Armando his past, while also not clear, is more visible and a little bit more precise than hers. In the post I made for Marcela I wasn't as empathetic as I should have been.
Marcela's past is basically unknown and the very little information we do get doesn't paint her in the best of lights. However, that doesn't mean that she deserved or that what Armando was doing to her was okay. I should have said that in her post. I placed a lot of emphasis on the fact that while Marcela had a right to feel what she did, she didn't have a right to act the way she was. Feelings are valid, actions are not.
Well same goes for Armando.
Armando could have been dating a helicopter as a girlfriend, someone who was possessive and controlling of him, but that doesn't justify nor excuse his horrible behavior towards her. While yes, one could assume that his cheating had to do with his lack of control with life, it still doesn't justify or excuse it. Nothing, ever, justifies cheating.
As I said in the Marcela post: This isn't about her so I won't be explaining her reasoning, her behavior, her actions, or anything of those sorts, therefore, don't take it as me excusing her bad behavior. It's simply being mentioned.
With modern times come modern solutions. Nowadays it's very easy to be able to pick up your phone and google something, read a self-help book, find the root of your childhood trauma and even a therapist. Child development isn't easy to understand to the naked eye and you have to have years of experience on the subject to fully understand how point A gets to point B. I'm no expert of it, just done some basic research on certain topics of childhood trauma and such so while I might have some form of understanding, it's not an exactitude on the subject.
We can estimate that Armando had emotionally absent parents, witnesses how his parents turned their backs on his sister for falling in love with a poor man and the way the elite society they're a part of was about the whole subject. How do we draw to this conclusion?
His father doesn't even know what he went to college for or what he got his degree on. His mother coddles him, only when he acts to her standards, enables a horrible relationship that does not benefit neither her biological son or her basically-adopted daughter. Quite the contrary the show does a good job at showing the drastic parallels of Betty's relationship with her parents compared to Armando and his parents. Consider the fact that any time Armando is on screen with his parents they only talk about two things: His relationship with Marcela and the company.
They don't sound like the warmest of parents do they?
I talk a lot about being a writer and how knowing your characters IS one of the most crucial and important parts of developing your story. I mention this because when you write characters, fleshed out ones, you have at the very least an understanding of their past. Not an exact one, but an understanding in order to have them say the things they do and act the way they do.
Roberto was always cold towards Armando, from the very start. He clearly showed signs that he didn't very much care for him. He cared more about the company, his wife, Daniel, Marcela, Beatriz, and then, at the very end, Armando. With obvious reasons we understand why Roberto didn't trust Armando. It's always been told that he's always been a player, doesn't commit, and is immature, plus with the devil on his shoulder he calls a best friend, Armando isn't the most trustworthy.
Yet, that does not excuse Roberto's lousy father role in his son's life. Children need strong(by that I mean emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually present) male role models in their lives, especially father figures. I've said it before that it could be a possibility that Armando's childhood was very much with an emotionally distant father. This creates the perfect breeding ground for a child to constantly feel like they must excel in every part of their lives(perfectionism), have an anxious attitude, a fear of losing the love of their loved ones if they aren't excelling(low self-esteem), and other difficulties. Basically this ball of fear, resentment, anger, perfectionism, and anxiousness(being avoidant) . These issues on their own bring their separate problems that mixed together make for an unlikeable person. I don't know about you, but this sounds a lot like Armando.
Of course there's people who grew up with emotionally unavailable parents and grew up to be fully companionate, kind, loving, and wonderful people. That's the tricky thing about trauma, not one size fits all. Just because two people grew up the same doesn't mean they'll deal with it the same way.
Emotionally absent parents equal physically absent parents when it comes to their children's development.
His mother was the same, though, unlike Roberto, Margarita did love Armando and was present but very conditional with her love. You can have examples of this when Armando and Marcela would be fighting. She always took Marcela's side and pressured Armando to continue the relationship. She also guilted Marcela into staying with Armando. She was never there to comfort her son when he was at his lowest or even before. She was just only ever present in his life and made an effort to talk to him when it came to his engagement to Marcela. Plus, the whole causing Camila to divorce her husband and move to a different country fiasco.
Armando did a fine job of taking after his parents, as he is a perfect reflection of them.
There's one thing that Armando said that has ran laps around my brain for a while now; "I know I did things wrong, damnit I always do!" outside of el Meson.
He's aware of the things he does, even if it's at the heat of the moment, Armando is a self-aware jester, who never cared enough to change until he lost everything.
This change, while outside forces moved him to change, were not the reason why he changed. That's another message that is lost with this show.
Armando didn't change because he fell in love with Betty. Armando only learned to be brave enough to be the person he always aspired to be, because he fell in love. Doesn't matter who he fell in love with, he simply did. The love he received from Betty only taught him to be brave enough to love the same.
The same way Betty was naïve to how depraved any man can be, whether educated or not, rich, poor, or from a "high" society or lower class, Armando too was naïve to what was actually good and bad because he never really had parents that cared enough to teach him. Now this in no way frees Armando from accountability. Lets not forget that the whole point of his personality at the beginning of the story is that he sucks, and is a horrible man.
Sex addiction is a serious addiction. As I've mentioned before, in one of my earliest posts, that Armando shows to have signs of it but I'm no expert so I wouldn't say he does. For example, his affairs often cause issues in his relationship, his professional life, and for himself. While he's aware of all the risk that these affairs cause in his life, he still part takes in them! These are all signs that he has an addiction. However, I don't think that was the intent behind this part of his personality when he was being written, simply there to show how he was a Casanova of sorts.
These are all things I've already talked about in different posts but I wanted to dive a little bit deeper here in case some people haven't read those.
Let's get to the real juicy stuff now.
Armando's horrible, terrible, abusive, treatment of women.
Yeah Armando defended Aura, he wasn't a misogynist, and he didn't abuse his position of power nor assaulted any women(not talking about the constant harassment of Betty after she found the letter yet). Still, Armando was abusive.
He constantly manipulated women into believing he was serious about them just to use them, he gaslit —not only Marcela but all his side chicks— people in order to control a situation, and at times even got physical. Let's not forget the hair pulling, choking, and dragging of Karla, Marce, and Larson. Let's not forget Betty! While he never hit them, the way he acted, was not okay!
Armando was aggressive, he was controlling, and he was manipulative. God, he was awful!
There's no excuse or even a justification for him in this part.
While you can argue that his intentions weren't to harm those girls, he still did it. The moment they didn't behave to his standards, he removed his "love"(infatuation) from them. Does that sound similar to a pattern? like someone else? (Margarita).
However Marcela for this instance was a victim of his. His constant cheating made her so controlling, resentful, and bitter.
A cycle starts somewhere. Whether it be Marce being possessive from the get go of their relationship or Armando cheating first, somewhere the cycle began.
One thing I want to make clear is that both Marcela and Armando were abusive and victims of each other.
From the start of the novela Armando isn't a good person. He's horrible. However, he was meant to be charismatic, which would cause people to over-look those red flags.
There's a lot of sides to Armando's character and that's what makes him complex.
There's obvious reason as to why Armando, in a sense, has some redeeming qualities compared to the people he's surrounded by. You know, he feels remorse for the way he acts, especially towards Marce and Betty. He feels the pressure of not letting his parents down and the responsibility of keeping people employed. However, even if it's remorse, the problem always lays in the fact that he doesn't truly change.
In this half of the post I'm focusing more on his relationship with Marcela.
I've talked about reactionary abuse, toxic relationships, abusive tactics, and patterns in all of my posts regarding Armando and Marcela. I've explained in a simplified way and yet I feel like some people either reject the idea or only want to blame one party.
What makes Marcela and Armando's relationship toxic and not D.A. is that they both enable each other and their bad habits. See, even if Armando were the one that started the conflicts, Marcela also acts out abusively. Basically they up one another in any fight. As if saying "Oh so you're going to threaten to leave? Fine! Then I'll ruin your life! If you leave me it would be like losing my parents all over again." while the other responds with "Marrying you is simply a favor to you! If you speak up about this than the wedding is off!" get the idea?
Marcela enables Armando by acting out in her rage, further pushing him to act out in his cheating and gaslighting. Armando enables Marcela by his cheating and gaslighting. They both feed the cycle and reject any accountability for their actions.
What makes this drastically different in what a typical D.A situation in where the abused reacts abusive(aka mirrors their abuser) is that they BOTH switch sides. One moment Armando is the abuser, the one with the upper hand in the relationship and then, the next, Marcela is the one that is being abusive and in control. Often times they bounce off each other. It's not Armando constantly and only being the Abuser with Marcela mirroring him. They BOTH DO THIS.
However, at the very least, Armando at the end of the series took accountability and broke the cycle.
When you write two explosive and complex characters meant to be together you have to separate them from each other. By this I mean that Marcela is her own person away from Armando, just like Armando is his own person away from Marcela. Together, however, they are a volcanic eruption. While, for Marcela, this can translate to just being passionate and intense, for Armando it can be an absolute tragedy that must continue in order to keep every party of people in his life "happy" while in the end, at the very least, he has his affairs to give him something.
Together Armando and Marcela are a horrible duo because all they do is cause harm to one another. That's what makes their relationship toxic, not one sided abuse.
One can argue that the ONLY reason Marcela acted this way was because of Armando, meaning, if you remove the cause of the problem, the issue would be resolved, right?
Not entirely as we're often shown and told that Marcela is this way with everyone. She keeps up with public appearances for the sake of their elite society but she treats people outside of her economic class poorly, en fin she treats anyone that isn't to her standards poorly and inhumanly. What does this tell us? That she on her own is toxic and abusive so even if she were in a healthy relationship, her prejudice and expectations of things causes her to be this way.
Armando was a cause of the problems in the relationship! That's where the tricky part and what makes them complex, is.
We know that Armando and Marcela were basically forced to be together, or groomed. From a young age all they've heard is how they must be together to unite the families, how her dead parents wanted that more than anything. That's placing a lot of pressure on two people.
However, even if this were the case(which it is) Armando's go about and treatment of Marcela was not okay. For the sake of this post let's say that Armando is the reason Marcela is the way she is(meaning we ignore her personality all together). He caused her to be possessive, controlling, toxic, and cold. Marcela was once a kind and sweet person who did nothing but show devotion and adoration for him, and Armando's constant cheating and lying pushed her to be this way.
Armando could have handled it a lot better. If he felt obligated to be with Marcela from the get go, he could have at the very least, like the very minimum treated her as a human being, and not cheated. That's the very least she deserved.
Obviously, we don't know how the start of their relationship was like. All we know is that when they got engaged that he made a promise to Marcela to be faithful and that Marcela knew about the affairs. We know that Armando and Marcela at least had somewhat of a "happy" relationship, despite the affairs and fights they'd get into. (Which this on it's own establishes that Marcela was fully aware of Armando's unfaithfulness before their engagement, that and his promises to be faithful show us that it's been a problem for years.)
Let's consider this; If Armando fell for Betty when she was ugly SIMPLY because of the adoration and devotion she had for him, why didn't he do that with Marcela at the start?
Had she held this devotion and adoration for Armando from the start it would imply that Armando would have fallen for her, same way he did with Betty, and therefore Marcela would have never turned out to be the way she did, right?
Let's be honest here. That's the sole reason why Armando even began to have some sort of confused emotions towards Betty. It made him feel good, boosted his pride and ego, and tide with the fact he trusted her, he liked Betty. So if Marcela would have been the same way at the start, don't you think Armando would have felt the same? Therefore he wouldn't had cheated on Marcela?
Again, that sounds like I'm solely blaming Marcela for the dissolvement of their relationship but I'm not.
Armando is part/responsible for Marcela's possessiveness in their relationship and there's no excuse for it.
What is cheating and why do people cheat?
Cheating can range from emotional intimacy with another person that isn't your partner to physical. The physical can range from simple hand holding to full blown intercourse.
(source: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/why-do-people-in-relationships-cheat/#:~:text=The%20participants%20admitted%20to%20cheating,desire%2C%20and%20situation%20or%20circumstance.)
In the article linked as a source it mentions that most partners cheat due to a lack of validation, love, or due to neglect in their relationship. What does this tell us?
While cheating is not a valid response to whatever is a lack in a relationship, there's always a valid reason the person feels the way they do. Let me say that again. Cheating is not valid, but the emotions of the person who is cheating, are. Cheating is not valid, but emotions are. What does this mean? (Unless we're talking about a narcissistic abuser. In that case, no. They are not valid) This is overall just a an idea of why cheating occurs in otherwise "healthy" relationships.
If you feel like your relationship lacks validation, love, neglectful, abusive, or there's no spark or desire: LEAVE or go to couple's therapy and work on it with your partner(EXCEPT FOR THE ABUSIVE ONE. LEAVE! LEAVE! LEAVE! LEAVE! There is help for you.).
Emotions are valid, actions are not. A person's feelings are valid but that does not excuse nor justify cheating.
While Armando's cheating was a huge reason why they had fights and arguments, there had to be a reason why he cheated in the first place and while his emotions were valid, his actions were not.
His cheating could have very well begun at the start of the relationship feeling as if he had no real control over his life because of his parents persistent push for him to be with Marcela, which means it had nothing to with Marcela, everything to do with his parents, and ultimately this caused Marcela to be so possessive. Or it could have simply been Marcela who was like that from the start because she too had to deal with the ever guilting of Margarita's "this is what your parents always wanted, for you two to be together and unite the families." In all honesty the real villain of this show is Margarita.
Yes, their relationship was a paradox of sorts. If they broke up, Armando would lose the presidency, the company would dissolve, his parents would hate him, and he'd be a failure. Marcela wouldn't have really lost anything except Armando.
We can go with the 'could have' and 'should have' or 'what if's', but at the end of the day all we've got is what is actually canon in the show and not just speculation.
A few weeks ago I saw this video on my IG feed of FG talking about the ending of YSBLF. He said he didn't give them their happily ever after, since Armando was Betty's executioner(verdugo).
If the writer himself is saying that Armando wasn't all that amazing, I suppose that means he wasn't.
Yes, Armando went through a redemption arc but even then, Armando wasn't the best person. He was simply a better version of himself. He learned to be honest, to view people as his equals, women as humans and not properties, and to be selfless and caring, that's a huge difference from the Armando from the beginning but Armando was still neurotic. He was still a control freak, and was prone to his anger outburst.
However, this is realistic! Armando didn't change to be the perfect man that was deserving of Betty. He came to be real. He had his traumas and he was healing from them. The love of Betty didn't fix him, contrary, when she stopped showing a pure love towards him, osea, removed her love from him, Armando had no other choice but to LEARN to love properly. In order to do that, he needed to revaluate himself, his goals, his life, and what had pushed him to such a low point in his life and the ironic thing is that Armando's low point wasn't him drunk and suicidal at the bar that night. Armando's low point was the moment he agreed to manipulate Betty in order to retain her devotion and the company.
The downfall of Armando began the moment the novela started. It was a slow trickling drip from the throne he believed he deserved for simply existing and just as that, so was Marcela's.
Unlike with Betty, who was basically seduced to be bad, Armando and Marcela's downfall began from the very beginning.
So many people dismiss the abysmal abuse that was plain in the novela when it's the women acting out this way but are quick to crucify any male who acts the same way.
Now, I'm not saying Armando was only a victim of circumstance because that's not true. If I believed anyone was a victim to circumstance I'd say it was Marcela or Betty.
Because Armando, with chest puffed in pride, cleared headed, and sober CHOSE to manipulate these women. That's the abhorrent part of his character. That above all he always wanted to save his own skin and while his feelings were complex as to why, at the very end of it, he didn't want to deal with the repercussions.
While Armando wanted to be good, to prove he could be good, to himself, Marcela, and his parents, there lacked a true conviction in him. He felt like he needed to be good in order to have his parents love and approval and one of those things was that he also marry Marcela but he didn't feel inspired to be good.
There's a difference between knowing what's good, wanting to do good, and feeling inspired to be good. See, with inspiration comes motivation and with motivation comes action.
Writing complex characters means that good motives are acted out wrong. It means that bad motives are disguised as good acts. Not fully good, not entirely evil.
When you get to know your characters the rest of the story comes to you naturally and by that I mean that the actions they take, the words they speak, how they are, kind of rolls out of you naturally. You need to know your characters before you sit down to write your story.
Armando's actions are horrible. He was abusive but he was also a victim and I know someone is probably wondering "well why aren't you talking about the way he was towards Betty when she found the letter?" and that's simple.
Armando perfectly mirrored Marcela and Betty perfectly mirrored Armando.
I mentioned this in the Marcela Valencia post but I'll try and talk a bit more about it here.
Armando's constant abuse and violation of Betty is an exact mirroring of Marcela, however, he still chose to act this way knowing that instead of drawing Betty closer to him, that he'd push her further away and while in moments of lucidness Armando attempted to resolve the issues he had with Betty in a calm manner, she wasn't on the same page.
Armando chased Betty all over the place, threw jealousy fits, and forced himself onto her. Marcela did the exact same to him.
However, here's the tricky part of it.
Betty was the perfect mirror of Armando. She lied to him, manipulated him, and "cheated" on him. The same way he was towards Marcela.
Obviously this is a simplified version of it but it's the same thing at the end of the day.
Had Betty never acted this way, would Armando have treated her the way he had?
To a lesser degree, I do think so.
I think he would have manipulated her and that he would have thrown some jealousy fit here and there.
See the thing is that if Betty had never given him a taste of his own medicine Armando would have never changed. No matter how much he wanted to or how badly he was in love with Betty.
Armando, to his core, was a coward. That's what he was in the story. Due to this he resorted to manipulation and cheating.
While some of his actions were due to some sort of trauma or the fear of rejection, and came from a place of hurt and self-preservation, Armando still acted wrong.
At least at the end Armando took accountability for his actions and somewhat changed his ways. Was he deserving of getting the girl? Not entirely but was Betty deserving of getting Armando? Not entirely and see that's the problem with writing romance.
Often times the most important bit of the story is cut out because "people don't want to see the reconciliation, they just want to hear about it. "
From what I know, Betty never took accountability for the way she treated Armando after she found the letter and this I will later discuss whenever I get around to watching YSBLF and write a post about the episode but in simpler words: Betty chose to exact revenge on Armando and yes, her emotions were so valid! but her actions were not!
Betty treated Armando the exact same way Armando treated Marcela.
Lastly, I've said Armando is a complex character from the start and while that may be true, this complexity does not excuse his horrible behavior because complexities never do.
Well, I hope y'all enjoy this long over due post, and I apologize for the long hiatus on the YSBLF breakdown posts.
Also, again, sorry if there's any grammar mistakes, I'm working on it! Lol.
'Til next time :)
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randomjreader · 1 year
My GMMTV 2024 predictions
We're about 1.5 months away from the rumoured gmmtv 2024 press conference (I'm assuming it'll be in the later half of October), so I figured it was about time I threw in my two cents on the lineup
What I want (but don't think I'll get):
Joylada bl series
If you didn't already know, I'm a massive JDPP fan, and I absolutely love their friendship, so ofc this has to be the first thing I mention. Do I think I'll get it? No, they haven't been seen together filming anything that isn't promo yet so the chances aren't high. But am I still being delulu and hoping gmmtv gives them a crazy, super chaotic bl comedy series, with dunkphuwin as brothers and joongpond as best friends who fall for them? Yes. (Bonus, the CP's get mixed around for maximum chaos)
Power rangers gang bl series
Similar to above, I think the vibes of this would be absolutely hilarious. Unlikely gmmtv would do this tho, the last time they capitalised on these cp friend groups was that series with the holy trinity (singtokrist, offgun, taynew). But with some of their biggest OGs leaving (singto, bright, ect) they might be trying to form the new generation of cp friend groups, so maybe it's not entirely implausible?
Viewjune gl series
If you follow my blog, you would know I'm Viewjune's #1 fan, so ofc I want them to get a GL series of their own. However, I honestly don't think they'll get it. One big thing about becoming an established, branded cp is fanservice, but despite being paired together for 2 shows already, there really hasn't been any interactions outside scheduled promos and a few pics here and there. Yes, this might just mean that they don't wanna feed into fanservice, but a part of me also thinks that it might mean they are trying to phase this ship out before people get too attached, possibly to explore mixing the cps up, which I will get more into later.
Prigkhing in a gl
The way I wanna see this so bad; Prigkhing would totally kill it in a GL, she already has chemistry with every girl she's put on screen with. But I'm not sure if GMMTV would actually do this, though this might be the most probable from this list.
Forcebook-pondphuwin bl series
Full disclosure, I want this solely because I love forcepond's friendship. They have similar humour, and it would be hilarious to see them play best friends (or lovers if gmmtv is ballsy enough to mix up their BL cps 👀). Even if the series flops I'd be invested solely for all the chaotic BTS. Also, the visuals would be serving. We all saw that one post of them in the gym right? Exactly.
Leading roles for the underutilised gmmtv artists
I'm talking about people like Drake, Mike, Aun, Bimbeam, Ploypach, ect. They are all so talented, but it feels like gmmtv hardly uses them (not so much on Ploypach, heavy on Bimbeam). GIVE OPPORTUNITIES TO YOUR OTHER ARTISTS PLEASE.
AJ and JJ leads series
These two needed a whole separate point for themselves. They have been with gmmtv for a while now, and they've literally been in like, 70% of gmmtv's series, yet not a single leading role for them. They have so much potential, not just because they are identical twins (how many of these companies have that), but also because they're really talented. GMMTV, stop overlooking them and give them their well deserved leading roles please.
Mark Pakin and Pond Naravit as twins series
Speaking of twins, forget GeminiPhuwin for a sec, I want to see THESE TWO play twins. They look so goddamn alike (imo more than geminiphuwin do), and they are both so funny without even trying, they would be great in a comedy together. Or hell, even a lakorn, they both have experience in those. Give me Mark as the outgoing, confident older twin and Pond as the shy, more introverted younger twin, and hell while we're at it throw in Milk Pansa as their older sister who's so done with their shit but loves them very much, because she raised them after their parents died.
What I'm expecting:
Geminifourth bl series
This one has already been confirmed, so really not much to say about it. Hell, I'm pretty sure gmmtv will give them 2 series instead of just one. I'm hoping to finally see red flag Gemini (but watch him be the one to fall first AGAIN)
Pondphuwin bl series
This one also has been subtly, sort of confirmed by Phuwin, and I'm holding on to all that hope. I never really understood why people were acting as if Pond is dropping out of the industry simply bcs he said he was going back to school, like he still needs to earn money to support himself and his family y'all, pondphuwin aren't going anywhere (not with their current popularity). It's literally giving the same energy as everyone freaking out when he tweeted about wanting to further his career in dance one day, and when he supported Santa when he went to join Fantasy Boys, because they thought that meant he was leaving the bl industry to focus on dance. Like pls everyone, relax. More likely than not it just means he'll get less work, probably only one 2024 series with phuwin and your usual artist appearances.
Dunkphuwin bg series
This one I've seen rumours of already, and hell yeah I'm so down for this. It's probably the closest we'll ever get to a joylada series, which makes sense since Dunk is graduating while Joong and Pond are probably going to be spending more time on school (we don't talk about Phuwin, Mr "I got into Uni at 16 while also working and am currently very close to graduating with honours" is crazy smart and can basically do anything). I'm hoping to see them play brothers (GMMTV don't you dare mess up that golden opportunity) and maybe have them paired up with Jaoying for Phuwin and a new gmmtv actress for Dunk.
Winnysatang bl series
Of all GMMTV's established cps, they are one of the only ones who have yet to get their own series, and given their immense popularity (they already have fanmeets of their own), it's highly likely to be getting their own series. I'd be surprised if they didn't. I'm hoping for some dark angsty drama for them, enemies to lovers or maybe even a forbidden love type of thing?
At least 2 new gl series
With their growing popularity, GMMTV would be dumb not to hop into this bandwagon. They've already started with 23.5, and that show has a lot of anticipation already. I'm thinking that 2024 is going to be the year of GL experimentation for them, where they mix and match a bunch of their actresses to find some new cps, hell they might even put together a GL ensemble series to compete with Love Senior that's coming from StarHunter.
But also, I think gmmtv might use this new gl experimentation to also experiment with not having established cps at all. It's something I've seen a number of fans talk about, not having established cps, and seeing what they've done in MLC and OF, two extremely popular series, it might be something they find worth exploring. However, no way in hell would gmmtv risk it on their bl guys, they earn too much money from them. So, if they're gonna do it, they'll more likely do it with their actresses, since there is really only one fully established gl cp so far (milklove), and a million other gl ghostships. Hence why I said I didn't think viewjune would get their own series, I think gmmtv might want to try pairing View up with a bunch of different girls, bcs let's be real she has chemistry with everyone.
Some pairings I'm hoping to see are NamtanFilm, PiployPrim, PiployEarn, CiizeEarn, JaneCiize, Viewtu, PrigkhingPrim, ect. Honestly I'll take anyone there's endless amounts of options if gmmtv would just open their eyes and utilise their women for once.
A pairing of 2 gmmtv rookies
Every year, there's usually an introduction of new CPs, and gmmtv has recently signed in a bunch of new people, so they'll definitely be used in 2024. Most likely they'll be put in as a side couple, but I would like to see gmmtv be ballsy and give leading roles to completely new actors (hey, it worked for gemfourth didn't it).
Dewjane bg series
I'm currently catching up on Homeschool, and Dewjane have crazy good chemistry. They also have quite a fanbase (go look at Jane's comments section of her Barbie post), so I don't see why gmmtv wouldn't take advantage of it and give them
Homeschool season 2
I've see rumours about this, and fuck I would love to see this. A whole new generation of students under new leadership, I think it would be interesting. Cast a bunch of the new artists, and some of the older ones like Prim, Phuwin and Gemini. Throw in Mike as a teacher while you're at it.
Firstkhaotung bl series
Listen, they are absolutely one of GMMTV's biggest cashcows rn, up there with geminifourth. They are literally the first cp to get an international fanmeet OUTSIDE ASIA, which is a huge huge achievement. They are also both incredibly incredibly talented, and super versatile too. Gmmtv has to give them a new series, preferably a comedy or something cute and lighthearted this time, because yes I know they do angst so well and are very pretty criers, but give them a break from crying let's all be happy for once HAHAHAHA
Markford bl series
Yes yes, I know we are in NeoMark era rn, but who says we can't have both huh? Markford were so godamn popular, in a way I don't think gmmtv expected, and I feel like with the Markford fandom still well and alive they might try again with them. Just to add to the chaos why not have a new NeoMark series too, have both fandoms happy (or competing) the entire year.
Even better, have all three of them in a love triangle, and have both fandoms warring, only for the show to end with all three of them getting together in a little polyamorous relationship. And let P'Jojo direct this one he'll know what to do.
Other works I want to see:
I truly cannot stress this enough. GMMTV, THEY HAVE BEEN A GIRL GROUP FOR YEARS NOW, AND ALL YOU'VE LET THEM GIVE US IS 3 SOLO SONGS AND 2 COLLABS? NOT EVEN AN ALBUM OR A CONCERT? I'm literally begging on my knees, please please utilise them. I will literally buy a ticket to Thailand to watch their concert if you're so concerned about earning a profit, I swear I will just give them a shot. Even just an EP will do.
Joongdunk variety show
A lot of gmmtv's popular CP's have gotten their own already (EMS, LBW, FBS, ect), so I think it's about time Joongdunk got one too. It'll be hilarious, and I will be expecting pondphuwin to show up as guests thank you very much.
Milklove variety show
With how late in 2023 23.5 is going to be released, I don't think milklove will get a new series in 2024, but being the only real established GL pairing right now, I don't think gmmtv will just forget about them, so instead I want them to get their own little variety show, maybe something to do with crafting or travel.
Safehouse season 5: girls edition
After the disaster that was the last safehouse season, a part of me never wants that show to be a thing again, but the possibility of seeing all the gmmtv girls under one roof is too tempting. Who knows, maybe this will be what saves the Safehouse series. I would wanna see all the Sizzy girls, Namtan, Film, Milk, Earn, Prigkhing, View, June and Jaoying.
Final thoughts
Like many others, I'm thinking that there will be 10 new QLs — 8 BLs and 2 GLs, but of the 8 BLs I would like 2 of them to have a GL side couple, so 4 GL couples in total. I'm also thinking of probably 5 or so BG series.
If you've made it this far, damn. Thank you for reading my very long post. And if you make your own, tag me or something I would love to read about everyone's theories.
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totesnothere04 · 1 year
Deviant With a Big Defect Pt.6
The Bad Batch x Sister!Reader, Obi-Wan x F!Clone!Reader
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the fanart, screenshots, or gifs.
Sidenote: If you know if the person who made this fanart is here on Tumblr plz lmk! Look at how good this is!!
Warnings: None IMO, but if you find something that rubs you wrong let me know. 😁
Part 5
Tumblr media
New Occurences
It was only two rotations after you got your tattoo, and you were resting after a small battle. You were laid on your stomach on your bunk. Only in your sports bra and the bottom half of your blacks as you worked on an enhancement for Tech. You heard a knock on your door and you turned your cheek toward the door.
"Come in!" You call out and the door opens a second later. Obi-Wan walks into the room and his eyes skim over your back.
"That's the tattoo? Do you mind if I look at it closer?" He asks and you shake your head. He moves closer and gently touches the edges of the tree. "I assume all of these symbols stand for one of your brothers?"
"Yeah. 99 for our unit and 99 for the first defective clone. The skull for Hunter, because 99 made him a bandana with a skull on it... He never takes it off. The goggles are for my twin, Tech because his eyesight isn't the best and they serve many different functions. The grenade is Wrecker because- Well I think it's pretty self-explanatory based on his name. The crosshair is for Crosshair because he's the best sharpshooter in the GAR." You tell him and he seems to drink in all of the information.
"You must love your brothers very much." Obi-Wan says.
"We are all each other has. Most of the regs don't like us, because we're different." You tell him.
"And what about this omega symbol on the back of your neck?" Obi-Wan asks.
"One of the only other female clones is named Omega. I was raised in the lab with her." You tell him and he seems to be saddened by that.
"You weren't raised with your twin?" He asks.
"No. They separated Tech and me before they got put into the general population." You tell him.
"It must've been lonely." Obi-Wan says and you shrug.
"It would've been had Omega not been there." You tell him. You sit up so you can face him as you talk, but no words leave either of your mouths. You both continue to stare at each other until you finally clear your throat.
"I came to see if you were hungry. You came back here after the battle." Obi-Wan says and you nod.
"I am a little hungry." You say and get up to put the top half of your blacks back on. You blinked and suddenly he was directly in front of you. You blinked rapidly as you looked slightly down at him. "Obi-Wan?" You asked in a whisper.
"You are gorgeous. Has anyone ever told you that?" He asked as he looked into your eyes.
"No. The Kaminoans don't compliment you, Omega is a child, and my brothers are- Well they're my brothers." You tell him and he once again frowns. You both continue to lean in closer until your lips meet. His arms snake around your waist and yours go around his neck. Your flesh hand runs through his hair for a moment until reality hit you. You pulled away and backed up a couple of steps.
"I'm so sorry, General." You said and he took your hands in his.
"We both leaned into it (Y/n). It's one of the best kisses I've ever had in my life." He says in full sincerity and you quirk a brow in question.
"I thought Jedi weren't allowed romantic entanglements?" You ask and he looks away bashfully.
"My Master believed differently." Obi-Wan said and took a seat in the chair at your desk while you sat back down on your bunk. "He believed in order for the Jedi to truly be involved with the populace we needed to be open and accepting of emotions. He saw the order as flawed and emotionless. He was a supporter of my relationship then, and had she asked me to stay with her... I would've."
"You would've given up everything you knew for the woman you loved?" You asked curiously.
"Yes. She is one of the most beautiful people I've ever met, both inside and out. Much like you. That day that you fought Dooku you didn't even think you just jumped into action." Obi-Wan said and you chuckled and shook your head.
"Oh no. I did think... About how stupid what I was about to do was." You said and he laughed.
"Regardless you saved two lives that day. Anakin might not have met you yet, but I'm glad I did. I only wish that I could keep you in the 212th." Obi-Wan says honestly.
"Clone Force 99's commanding officer is Cody. I have a feeling we'll be seeing more of eachother in the future." You say and he smiles lightly at your words.
"Kyra and Jut are going to Kamino tomorrow." He tells you.
"Good, because Hunter and Crosshair want tattoos. I know the moment I get back they'll be showing them off to me." You tell him.
"Anyways I came in here talking of food. Shall we?" He asks and you nod.
"Yes because now I'm very hungry." You say with a chuckle. You put on your armor and make your way to the mess in comfortable silence with Obi-Wan. You sat down at a corner table with your trays and you looked at Obi-Wan curiously.
"So how do the Jedi rankings work?" You ask him.
"When a child is brought to the Temple they are younglings. Younglings are typically between the ages of 3 to 15. When old enough younglings are moved to padawan learners when they reach a certain age and are tested. They're then assigned to Masters who prepare them for the trials. When they pass the trials they become Jedi Knights. They will then be given the opportunity to teach a padawan, and when their padawan successfully passes the trials they become Masters." He says and takes a bite of his food.
"That's it?" You ask and he chuckles.
"You didn't let me finish. There are four governing councils within the order, and I am a part of the most important one. Jedi Masters who can make a name for themselves can become a part of one of these councils. The Council of First Knowledge, the Council of Reconciliation, the Council of Reassignment, and the Jedi High Council. Which I am a part of. There is still higher rankings when you move through the High Council. That is the Master of the Order and the person who leads the High Council. Then you have the Grand Master of the entire Jedi Order." He finishes speaking and continues eating. You wait for a moment to see if he'll continue but he doesn't.
"That's alot to go through in one normal lifetime." You say and he waves it off.
"Being a Jedi isn't easy. It is oftentimes too difficult for Knights to become Masters." He says and you become confused by this.
"Why? If their padawans pass properly it shouldn't be an issue." You say.
"It's more along the lines that Knights don't particularly want to teach the next generation. Or padawans decide to part with the order for one reason or another." Obi-Wan says and you push a piece of chicken around in your soup.
"It must be difficult for those padawans. Walking away from the only life they've ever known like that." You say and he nods. His com starts blinking and he answers it.
"Obi-Wan." He says as the image of a younger male took shape.
"Obi-Wan sorry we were held up, but the 501st and I will be on Christophsis by tomorrow." He says.
"Very good, but be mindful of the shifting Separatist air patrols Anakin." Obi-Wan says.
"Have I ever given you reason to worry Master?" Anakin asks.
"Don't make me answer that question Anakin." Obi-Wan says. You try to hold in your laugh, but it turns into a snorting sound. It catches Anakins attention and he smirks at Obi-Wan.
"Who's that Obi-Wan?" Anakin asks. Obi-Wan looks at you and then sets his com on the table so that he can see you.
"This is Captain (Y/n) of the 212th, temporarily." Obi-Wan informs Anakin who looks at you as though he was studying you.
"I'm sure I'll have time to meet everyone tomorrow Obi-Wan. Until then try not to die." Anakin says. Obi-Wan rolls his eyes.
"May the Force be with you." Obi-Wan says then ends the call. "Sorry about him. He can be rather inappropriate at times."
"Hmm but is it inappropriate when it holds some truth?" You say with a smirk. You finish your food and then turn your tray in and leave back to your barracks.
~The Next Day~
You made your way to the command center and find Obi-Wan and Cody staring at the holotable.
"Does it owe you credits or something?" You asked and they both looked at you then at eachother.
"(Y/n) I think you'll want to sit down." Cody says seriously and you continue to look inbetween the two men. You finally take a seat and wait for one of them to tell you what's wrong. "I just received word that the entire battalion of the 75th was killed in action." You felt your lungs constrict as you realized you wouldn't beable to see Commander Garrett or any of his men again. You stand abruptly and shove your helmet on over your head.
"If you'll excuse me sirs I have something I need to go take care of." You say trying to keep your voice from wavering too much. You exit the command center and make your way to the med bay. When you arrive you find Kyra and Jut finishing a tattoo on one of the 212th. When he leaves you finally make your way to them.
"Hey (Y/n). How's everything?" Jut asks and you remove your helmet. She automatically pulls you into a hug. "What happened?"
"I just found out that one of my friends and his entire battalion were killed in action." You tell her and she frowns.
"Then why did you come here?" She asks.
"I wanted to get one more tattoo for them." You said and she nodded.
"Where do you want it and what is it?" She asks.
"I just want it to say 75th behind my right ear." You tell her and she nods again.
"Yeah I can do that, but then Kyra and I will have to leave right after." She says and it was you turn to nod.
"I know. I'll escort you to your shuttle." You tell her and she preps the area then sets to work. Kyra finished packing her stuff up and sat next to you. She took your hand in hers and smiled at you with reassurance. When Jut finishes Kyra pulls you to her station so she can clean the area and cover it. While she does this Jut packs up her stuff. When they're ready to go you put your helmet back on and escort them as promised.
"Two of my brothers will most likely come in to get tattoos. Their names are Hunter and Crosshair. If you see one of them can you give them this to give to Tech?" You ask Jut and she looks at it in question.
"What is it?" She asks.
"Oh its just a holorecording. I want to let them know I'm okay." You tell her and she nods.
"Yeah, I can do that for you." Jut says then they board the transport and leave. You start back to go inside when the sound of approaching gunships catches your attention. You make your way to the first gunship that lands and the door opens. A clone captain sporting the color blue was one of the first people you saw. Then shortly after Anakin steps out behind him.
"General Skywalker I presume?" You ask and he nods.
"Yes, this is my Captain, Rex." He says and the clone takes off his helmet to show the rare blond birth defect. You remove your helmet as well and Rex seems to shift uncomfortably under your gaze. "I'm Captain (Y/n). Last I saw General Kenobi and Commander Cody they were in the command center. I'll take you there." You say and turn to lead the way. When you arrive you allow the General and his Captain to go in first.
"Anakin, how nice of you to finally join us." Obi-Wan says and notices you walk in behind them. "I see you've already met (Y/n)."
"Yes, she greeted us when we exited the gunship." Skywalker says. Rex looks you up and down as he tries to figure you out.
"There a problem Captain?" You ask slightly irritated that he was just staring at you.
"No problem. Just trying to figure out why you're here." Rex says and you roll your eyes at him and join Cody's side.
"She's temporarily a part of my battalion." Cody tells Rex.
"I know that, but as a civilian, she could be doing anything she wants instead of fighting in this war." Rex says.
"She's not a civilian. She's a clone." Cody tells Rex.
"Can we get on with the mission briefing? We've been waiting a week for your battalion." You say and plug into the holotable to bring up the plans for the next mission.
"For this plan to work efficiently, we will need to split into two teams. Anakin you and Rex will lead the team in the north tower, while Cody, (Y/n), and I lead the team in the south tower." Obi-Wan starts but stops when he notices Skywalker and Rex both staring at your arm. "Your eyes need to be up here on the plans, and not on her arm gentlemen. Besides it's not nice to stare at the woman who saved your life Anakin." Skywalker looked at you slightly surprised. Obi-Wan continued with the mission briefing and you did your job by pulling up the necessary visual aids. When the briefing was over Skywalker made his way over to you and stuck out his hand for you to shake.
"It's nice to finally meet you. I heard you had it alot worse than Obi-Wan or me with Dooku." Skywalker says.
"War has casualties, General. What matters at the end of the day is the success of the mission." You tell him and he frowns.
"The lives lost matter Captain." He says and you shake your head.
"You misunderstand General. The lives lost do matter, but it will have been in vain if the mission was unsuccessful. There's a reason we clones are so driven because we're taught to honor our fallen brothers. Even if our reg brothers don't like or want us." You say as you cast a glance toward Rex in an apprehensive manner.
"Reg brothers?" Skywalker asks.
"Regular clones." You say and he frowned. "They've hated me since I was little. Well most of them have. I learned earlier that the battalion that named me was killed in action." You tell him then show him the tattoo behind your ear.
"I'm sorry for your loss." Skywalker says.
"What is it General Kenobi said a few days ago? The Force will take whoever it wants when it's ready? I think, but don't quote me." You say and turn to leave the command center. Skywalker catches up to you as you walk down the hall.
"Have you ever thought about learning about the Force?" He asks and you shake your head.
"I didn't know it existed until I got assigned to General Kenobi." You said.
"Well, Obi-Wan and I could tell you about it." He says and Obi-Wan appears out of thin air at your side.
"Tell her about what?" Obi-Wan asks.
"She quoted you about the Force a few minutes ago, and I thought we could teach her about the Force." Skywalker says and Obi-Wan raises his eyebrows.
"Do you want to learn about the Force?" Obi-Wan asks you and you think about it for a moment.
"Yeah. I think I do." You tell him and the two of them smile at you. Whatever it is they're planning to teach you about excites them.
2744 Words
Taglist: @projectdreamwalker
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fangirlinglikeabus · 11 months
[..]a garden,—once stocked with such hard plants and flowers as could best brook the soil and climate, and such trees and shrubs as could best endure the gardener’s torturing shears, and most readily assume the shapes he chose to give them,—now, having been left so many years untilled and untrimmed, abandoned to the weeds and the grass, to the frost and the wind, the rain and the drought, it presented a very singular appearance indeed. The close green walls of privet, that had bordered the principal walk, were two-thirds withered away, and the rest grown beyond all reasonable bounds; the old boxwood swan, that sat beside the scraper, had lost its neck and half its body: the castellated towers of laurel in the middle of the garden, the gigantic warrior that stood on one side of the gateway, and the lion that guarded the other, were sprouted into such fantastic shapes as resembled nothing either in heaven or earth, or in the waters under the earth; but, to my young imagination, they presented all of them a goblinish appearance, that harmonised well with the ghostly legions and dark traditions our old nurse had told us respecting the haunted hall and its departed occupants.
so i did a fair bit of reading on garden symbolism for an essay i wrote on the yellow wallpaper last year, and - with the caveat that this was about colonial america, not england - one of the things that did firmly crop up was the garden as a site of patriarchal control. and just looking at the word torturing i wonder how exactly we're meant to read an overrun garden in this context. like on the one hand it was stocked with hard plants, appropriate to the climate, and on the other it also contained soft plants that would submit to and be shaped easily by a man's guiding hand. i'm certain there's a deliberate tension there. also relevant, i think, is the way the name of the house seems to reflect this unruly garden: wildfell. anyway, there's a decent amount of really fascinating stuff going on with nature in this novel which imo shows that anne bronte did have a clear capital-r-romantic influence even if she's usually shunted into a different category from her sisters, and i think it's worth paying attention to.
this is incidentally what stevie davies has to say on it in her notes:
the topiary details add a unique twist to the theme of recidivism played out both by Wildfell Hall and Wuthering Heights (see S. Davies, Emily Brontë (Harvester Wheatsheaf, etc., 1988), pp.130-54). Nature, 'tortured' to an art which represents nature (the boxwood swan, the lion) is in process of reverting to nature. However, swan and lion belong with laurel towers and fabricated warrior as armorial tributes to dynasty - a dynasty which has died out, subverted by nature. For Emily Brontë's mystery, Anne Brontë substitutes grotesquerie, in a chaotic vision in which human aspirations are in process of recrudescence, paralleling the disintegration in the ethical sphere of the novel: but the author fails to develop these implications.
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chidoroki · 1 month
Black Clover ch372
Feels like it's been forever but we're finally getting back to the Silva family fight between the children and Acier. More importantly, back to my man Nozel receiving the medical attention he so rightfully needs. I honestly should've expected Paplo to show up and provide healing again, but that really knocks out my personal wish of having some Black Bulls like Vanessa (& mainly her), Charmy or Grey flying in to come assist Noelle with the battle against mother dearest and interact with the siblings, but alas, Paplo is here being a reliable servant as always so can't be too mad at the poor guy. Kahono is nearby helping with some healing lullabies as well so Nozel is in good hands.
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Heaven knows why I'm only realizing this now, but the fact they're both fighting with lance type weapons is sweet is a odd mother-daughter kinda way. I know Noelle's original valkyrie dress was styled after Acier's steel version but yeah.
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These long months between chapters is really doing damage on my memory.. but all of Lucius' paladins have been using two different types of magic, yeah? Or at least given more than what their main attribute was, since sister Lily naturally has water but was later shown to use spatial as well. Regardless of what's right, seeing Acier use water to further overwhelm her family that mainly consists of water users is lovely, like a sweet punch to the gut.
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Tee-hee~ more bird shaped spells coming from a Silver Eagle captain. How very on brand.
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We then cut to Solid and Nebra still feeling completely shook and scared about the grand duel that's raging on in the sky. While Solid comments how Noelle continues to grew even stronger, he doubts they could still win against their mother. Nebra of course notices this strength too and thinks back on all the times she only faced opponents she knew she was capable of easily beating, so the idea of facing Acier undoubtedly terrifies her. Both siblings come to realize how very weak they've truly been, by taking their royal status at face value and by sitting back and badmouthing Noelle when she's the one who has been pushing herself through every harsh situation and improving herself to be accepted and live another day. We're gearing up for more redemption in the Silva family and if their moment is even half as good as Nozel's then I'm so ready.
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And we're getting off to a great start as Solid jumps in to save Noelle from one of Acier's attacks. I think he summons up a water eagle to take the hit instead if I'm understanding what's happening here correctly.
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Looks like Nerba puts up some sort of mist barrier/smoke screen to give Solid some cover to make his move too. Or perhaps it's a spell to hinder Acier? I really dunno, but whatever the case, it's working to some degree. Also, Fuegoleon's words still coming back clutch. I assume it's Noelle thinking of it now, since it was her Fuegoleon spoke them to? Or the quote is just there for us readers to remember. Either way, it really is such a powerful line from him.
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I actually really love that Solid & Nebra don't wanna act like the past never happened and simply be forgiven for it, whether it be them referring to all the pain and sadness they've given Noelle over the years or how pitiful and arrogant they've both acted, but they want to accept and take blame for their actions instead and work towards improving themselves.
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OUT OF THE WAY Y'ALL! Best boy is here and fully recovered, thank god! Even though it's no mystery that Nozel was nearby watching the fight whilst healing, his words just further confirm he was listening in to everything and I can't imagine how relieved and proud he must be feeling to hear his other two siblings finally turn over a new leaf by accepting and helping Noelle.
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Not sure what kinda luck I've been blessed with but the fact we got two chapters this update so I didn't have to wait and see how the Silva family brawl would end fills me with great joy so I shall begin the next rambling now. Huzzah.
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popculturebuffet · 5 months
The KaBlammiest Retrospective: KaBlam! Season 4 Review: See Ya When We See Ya (Comission for Cory Bryant)
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Hey there kablammoids, assume the crash position, keep your heiner in the recilner and get ready for more KaBlam! It's been a long ride but we're almost at the end: we're at the show's final season and next time we have some loose ends, some final thoughts, and close out this retrospective proper.
For now though we're looking at Season 4 of KaBlam, the final season, one constantly shuffled and screwed around by the network. The "screwed by the network" part isn't remotely suprising as Nick, for all the warm fuzzies it brought us as kids... has a track record of being absolutely awful in how it treats it's shows. A show is LUCKY if it gets two seasons most of the time, especially nowadays, and even if you do get those two seasons or more, the final season may be shuffled around all hours of the night and day so that you can't actually watch it. KaBlam, Danny Phantom, Hey Arnold, a LOT of nick shows had their final seasons just.. trickeled around. And tha'ts if your lucky: once sister network Nicktoons was established it became Nick's go to to dump off a series when it didn't meet their impossible expectations (I.e. being an overnight success, of which only Loud House has really met those goals in recent years), the third season of My LIfe as a Teenage Robot was left in limbo for years, and currently they just decided to.. not air the rest of big nate season 2 at all and remove the rest from paramount+. Viacom is awful is what i'm getting at and always has been.
So KaBlam getting kicked in the teeth in it's final go round wasn't a suprise. It's also not suprising given the series meta nature that they amped up the shots at the network, creating Mr. Stockdale, the exec running KaBlam this season to clearly vent about how brainless the execs at Nick were/still are.
It's also clear even with a possible spinoff.. they knew they were towards the end. There's episodes about the kids fretting about their future careers, and the ending makes it clear they knew they probably weren't coming back, leaving it OPEN to a return (or a revivial, HINT HINT PARAMOUNT), but knowing it probably won't happen. The end was a comin and this was a last hurrah and the Henry and June shorts made the most of this.
Outside of the host segments, there's a unique feel to the season: Sniz and Fondue are now truly gone, and in their absence we get more pilots than ever. There are a TON more animated shorts this season. This is a mixed blessing as there's a ton of great new shorts and we get not one but TWO music videos for they might be giants as well as a wholly original concept from the same team as the Henry and June segments, Dave Son of Hercules, and some true bangers to go out on.. but also a few misfires that were likely given the space as they needed whta they could get. It feels right though that KaBlam goes out with an influx of original shorts: it came in giving indie animators a shot and goes out giving every last one it had left a shot.
This torch would be picked up by O-Yeah Cartoons at least, but that's a story for maybe another day. For now let's see what KaBlam saved for it's final act.
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As I mentoined in the overview , the final season of Henry and June shorts doubles down on the mocking of executives as their now given a character to represent them, Fred Stockdale.
Mr. Stockdale is a spacey old man who is barely aware of anythinmg happening to him, takes naps in his office frequently, and forgets what he's doing. He is a burden to deal with most times our heroes have to and most times he interjects with the show he messes with it. The writers were not subtle.
Stockdale features in about half of the episodes and how entertaining he is largely depends on the joke. Him just saying Henry and June's names wrong or being spotty.. is something i've seen done better by better characters
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He works best when he's clearly just off in his own weird world, offering them snacks when they bring up a labor dispute, smashing his cell phone because it annoyed him , not realizing he's lost in the woods, or spending a good chunk of the show's budget on a train because he likes choo choos. He is also decent satire, showing how execs tend to be completely detached from projects they have far too much say in.
Another thing i noticed is the show keeps it's secondary cast around. Henry's mom appears for the third season in a row and gets two apperances, and i'm utterly exastic to report Jimmy , June's sidekick from last season returns.
Stylistically season 4 of Henry and June largely trucks on. While there are more shots at the network, and again not unresonably, it's otherwise a lot like season 3
That being said even with the unfair cancelation.. you can feel fatigue setting in a bit. The first half has a decent ep or two, but as I typed out my thoughts on each episodes I realized a lot of these are just.. meh. Not terrible to watch, but nothing really special like the last two seasons. There's an exception or two but most of these are just passable. Not bad, but probably best the series ended where it did. I do wish Marek would ge tmore work though as his work is great and the art here is as good as ever, and the final episode and his original segment for it show he still had legs. It's just clear they kinda took these two as far as they could.. and makes me dread the spinoff pilot next time. For now though..
Sasquatchersise: Henry and June have put on some weight, which heavily reminds me of a later home movies episode with the same premise, but honestly does it just as good: turns out they have to pass a physical fitness test and there's only one man who can help them
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Yes fitness guru Richard Simmons. For those less familiar with him he was a fitness instructor who made a killing via vhs and has currently retreated from the public eye. He's doing fine, he simply decided to live privately and occasionally post on facebook. And honestly given the number of celebrties going the right wing jackass route, it's refresshing that richard simmons isn't ranting into daily wire he's simply.. retired. That's it. That's all. Good fo rhim
He tries his best but ultimately can't help the two loose weight in time.. thankfully in a really nice button it turns out they just have to withstand slapstick. A decent start to the season, mostly because I have a soft spot for Richard due to a combo of my grandma having his tape as a kid and that simpsons bit.
Takes a Knockin and Keeps Tick Tockin: This is a strike episode, as Henry goes on strike after finding out Mr Stockdale is having him injured for money. Given the sheer amount of abuse Henry takes, I can't say I blame him. June naturally only gets involved when she gets hurt and even more naturally they get replaced by robots.. and only get their jobs back because the robots malfunction. This one has a good start but fizzles out in the second half. The robots thing just isn't that funny nor is our heroes begging for their jobs back. It's mehtacular!
In It To Win It: A fantastic one as Henry and June get a today show style window outside their set and quickly the fandom grates on them. From unsettling hairy men to june cosplayers beating June up not realizing it's her, to their attempts to ignore them leading to their viewers looting the set it's a really great time.
The Best of Both Worlds: Our heroes want to go to the real world and try various shenanigans to get there. The first half is fine, but it really gets good in the back half when they casually find out there's just.. a door to the real world and we get real kids in wigs overdubbed playing the two, who decide the pain isn't worth it. My faviorite part is the final joke as it turns out Mr Foot just gets pizza from the real world all the time and our heroes hot doggin and grandstanding quickly deflates. Decent stuff but like Takes a Knockin and Keeps Tick Tockin, a bit lopsided.
A Nut in Every Bite: This one's a tad dervative as "boy gets crush on girl but won't actually talk to her" is a Nickelodeon staple. What works here is unlike some of Nick's own examples, Henry is portrayed as an idiot for not talking to Mr Stockdale's niece dawn, especially since she makes it clear she just wants him to say it himself. Henry doing more slapstick than usual to get her attention and June's utter exapseration make this one work.
Now With More Flava: This one is just.. depressing in hindsight. It's one of the better eps of the season objectveily, but it's VERY hard to seperate from reality. The opening bit is funny as our heroes find John Stamos, who I think is voice dby himself, working security and worry their star is fading. The thing is.. the characters stock DID go down eventually: while they did host segments fo ra while they disappeared and unlike most other nick shows from the era, nick dosen't seem to give one iota of a shit about this one nostalgicly: henry and june are just.. absent form murals, posters, group shot merch, all that good stuff. So this episode was just sadly prophetic, ending with the two working security themselves after trying to cash in.
Timeless: This one is a lot of fun as the two bury a time capsule and our heroes keep pissing off mr foot by forcing him to redig it: We get henry trying to bury his report card, June dumping out the stuff henry wanted for her merch, and a giant capsule getting dumped into some poor guys apartment. It's good stuff. The ending, mr foot stuffing them in , is fine if a bit obvious. Still it's such a fun segment it's hard to complain too long.
The Ka-Blair Witch Project: Another classic. The Ka-Crew have a team building retreat in the woods, with Henry, June and Mr Foot joined by Jimmy, Mr Stockdale and Henry's Mom in her final apperance. Mr Foot abandons them, even if he comes back in the credits, leading to lots of fun hyjinks from our heroes. It's good stuff. I've seen plenty of camping disaster episodes, but this one benefits from using the characters to their fullest.
Going the Extra Mile: This one.. was annoying. Ryan, an annoying kid from their class, wins a fan contest. His voice just.. grates on me on an atomic level and his schtick is something i've seen on a LOT of shows and done better. You know the drill. And given it was almost 2000 by this point, it's late neough in the shows run that I can't give it as much slack for this. The annoying fan plot was done better and would be done even better after this. Spongebob and Flight of the Conchords eat this episodes lunch. As does the film hot rod if only for richardson's sweet moves.
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On the bright side Ryan does get shoved in the trunk of Mr. Foot's car, which h'es excited about as he's driven off to dig his own grave.
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Under New Managment: This one is okay. Mr Stockdale tasks our duo with firing mr foot, a task made hard by the fact he won't wake up for them to do it. Henry tries twice, mostly because well Mr Foot has pummled him a bunch. The payoff joke, that they get him a new job as an executive is fine, it's just a forgetable plot>L it's a good concept they just don't do much with it apart from June getting him a job as an air traffic controller... so mr foot murdered a LOT more than the three people we've seen thus far on his way out. classic mr foot
Just Chillin: Our grand finale and while the rest of the episodes are mostly ... fine, Just Chillin is an instant classic and a worthy finale for these segments and the show as a whole. It's got a simple meta premise: Henry wants to make KaBlam more exciting as they don't know how much time they have left in the show , a nod that this could be the last episode and ended up being it. This is one of those episodes written as a finale, but not as defntiive in case the show got renewed. It didn't but this serves as a great one.
So they decide to have a KaBlamaganza! Pomp, ninjas and train chases... and the consequences of trying to give the people more than they could ask for results in their budget going away: the actor for the train fight gets fired, with Mr Stockdale hilariously trying to fill in, our heroes are reduced to black and white then cutouts, then learn their lesson and get their animation back.. not because they learned an animation but because Mr. Stockdale likes Choo Choos. They get hit by a train.. and will see us when they see us. It's a fitting end.. a bit of slapstick, some meta jokes, and a goodbye that feels final rather than the usual "see you next time". It hit hard, and i'm REALLY going to miss this show and while it was a releif getting to the end, as this project while fun has also been exausting and gotten delayed at times, it was also deeply sad. I'll miss this show.. and i'll miss you henry and june. Thanks for.. oh right we still have a LOT of ground to cover. My apologizes.
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Action League Now!'s final season goes out on a high note, fitting as they'd later get their own show repackaging these segments for people who only liked this show and not the rest of kablam
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Or just wanted to rerun the episodes without the league. There is one short specific to a tryout special for said series we'll get to next time.
Season 4 is mostly the same, with the quality going back up to around season 3 with the exception of two episodes. The big diffrence from the other seasons is movie parodies: Outside of the Jaws parody "Incident at Chlorine Lake", Action League now mostly stuck to either broader genre parodies or it's own thing. Even it's parody of aliens landing films was mostly "how badly can our heroes fuck up first contact. For the record it's sonly real tv/comics parody the red ninja being a parody of storm shadow from gi joe and the heroes that upstaged them being based on the challengers of the unknown.
Season 4 on the other hand is half movie parody, half buisness as usual and one literary parody with Flowers for Algernon. We get parodies of Armageddon, Jurassic Park, Face/Off, and for some reason Stephen King's Thinner. It works due to most of the parodies working well with the show, and a nice spread of regular stories. The Face Off Parody in paticular is my faviorite for reasons we'll get to shortly. Otherwise it's one last hurrah for the action loosers as they once again fuck up a bunch, somehow save the day, and go out with a great final season. I started pretty salty on this show but I can't help but love action league now er.. now. It's creative, hilarious, and lasted long enough to do a LOT with the premise and the world , but not so long it wore out it's welcome. I'll miss these idiots.
The Naked and the Dumb: A rare short that shadows the main Henry and June plot. The team is given apptitude tests to stay in the league and everyone passes.. including meltman somehow. Frankly i'm suprised he didn't stab himself iwth a pencil repdeately. The Flesh of course drew a kitty and thus is going to get kicked out, and the team needs him since he's their tank. We get a fun bunch of destructive hyjinks as they try to teach him, the great visual gag of them just.. writing notes on him, and the amazing punchline: he drew a doggy instead. I like both personally but hey it's a decent start to a great season.
Winds of Evil: The Mayor menaces people with a giant fan. At least he's not throwing them into it. It's a simple but amazing premise. At the same time the action league don't want to party at stinky's because he lives in an actual toilet, a joke so simple it's amazing. He refuses to shelter them after feeling snubbed by this, and only saves their lives if they agree to spend a weekend at his beach place, which was a porta potty a joke way better than it has any right to be, just like this episode.
Chickie Chickie Bang Bang: The Mayor tries to black market chicks, played by actual baby chickens, who are adorable.. and also peck out his eyes. The League is forced to calm them. This one was okay. Great premise, somehow not at all memorable.
Armageddon Out Of Here: Great title and a solid armageddon parody. It uses the same framework, our heroes have to blow up a meteor, but uses our heroes stupidity and selfishness well. They only agree to the mission because they get to blow shit up, and end up stranded because Flesh forgot the explosives, though still giving us an explosively good episdoe. I also applaud it for just.. leaving the league stuck there. While their back next episode I like to think there's at least one timeline where Chief is free of this mummy's curse of a team and maybe gets a spinoff in florida with bill the lab guy.
Yurplastic Park: This one is weak. it's a Jurassic Park Parody
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That's all they have. I expect better and dumber from this show. It's one good joke is our heroes and the dinosaurs being saved because of sequels. I mean I do like the one where the guy realizes he shoudln't of given his robot dinosaur a penis because like everything with a penis it's gonna want to use it's penis.
Grief for the Chief: Thankfully the episode rebounds with one of the series best. The team's stupidity puts Chief in a coma and they remember all the good times.. and all the times they accidently injured him, either through good nature or stupidity. it's both sweet to see how much they genuinely like the chief.. and hilarous that his rage over their actions wakes him up. Simpsons had a similar gag, but this ones just diffrent enough to be great too. Good stuff.
Hey! Who Stole My Face?: I just read that title while picturing nicholas cage screaming it. Your welcome. Anyways it's a face off parody in that face's get swapped, so it's a loose one.. but ti works: the chief and the mayor get their faces on each others bodies.. and it's both so obvious and so hilarous. Everyone including bill is an idiot about this, so the Cheif has to rely on stormy, the dog I forget's on the team half the time to escape a prison beating, while the Mayor easily traps the league.. and the mayor looses his actual face. One that thrives purely on it's visual gags but what a gag it is
A Flesh of Genius: This one's boosted by a brand new villian, smarty pants, a baby doll dressed up as a neurotic nerd.. aka what I look like as far as you know. Our heroes cram the world's knowledge into face to keep it safe from this know at all, only for this to backfire as the flesh is now a smug jerk who constantly corrects grammar and is a pain to bea round. The Flesh normally kills or injures a LOT of people daily, but he's at least not telling the chief that you and I shit. You and me is just as fine. We get a final chess duel between the two, and the flesh loosing his intellect but winning by pure luck. A solid ep that uses a well worn premise decently.
Tune Up of Terror: Hodge Podge's final hurrah as he hyjacks the action mobile remotely. The premise is clever, he's using an rc remote, but otherwise the ep is just kinda.. eh. Meltman driving is kinda funny, I cant really knock him for taking a while to get a liscnse as I don't have one, but I can mock him for not being funny. He.. he no funny. Dammit. You win this round Meltman
What's Eating the Flesh: This episode has a great premise: the flesh rides a diseased guiena pig
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And thus spreads a flesh eating virus to the team. I love how their left as head, how the treesap cure is dish soap and how when bill looks at the virus he sees mrs pac man. It's great. It's big drawback is that it has a racist sterotype bill goes to for help and I can't really FULLY enjoy the ep as a result. It's just bad even by late 90's/year 2000 standards. That Pac Man joke is an all timer though. one of the best in KaBlam as a whole.
Fatter: This one is just.. bad. They make a parody of Stephen King's it, where an old romani woman curses the chief.. only he overeats instead of looses weight.
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It's painful, miildly gross and i'ts only redeeming factor is the chief blowing up after the ypop him and even that gets too gross to fully enjoy. A really whimper of an ending for the shows KaBlam run that makes me glad there's one more short to cover.. three actually but two are pilots. more on that next time.
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So here's a shocker... I loved this season of Prometheus and Bob. Yes.. really. After three seasons of just absolute abivelence to this segment, just checking out to the point I went into a sleep deprived tangent last time... I loved this season of the show. The segments were funnier, played with the formula well and had more jokes than "caveman don't get it and monkey is asshole". I'm happy I enjoyed at least one batch of these: the premise isn't bad, the claymation is great and the two leads designs are iconic. It just wasn't for me... but i'm happy to say this season was.
Softball: Bob learns to
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IQ: Bob takes an IQ test...... it took a second to figure it out because the wikipedia entry for this, which I use as the episode guide for prometheus and bob on the kablam wiki uses the number for the tape instead of the actual episode order. But this one was REALLY funny. Bob is given a test to put blocks in holes.. and puts promethus in a rock nearbye... just makes hims tand in a corner. So not only does bob get the test for once, but it's hilariously done.
Tape One: This was my faviorite as it's one of the most obvious things to do, but it fits they held off till the final batch: we see how Prometheus met bob. Prometheus comes down, and the other caveman understandably run away as they really can't.. comprehind the thin alien man. Bob dosen't.. because his hair is really stupid long and passes out. We do get a geninely nice moment form Prometheus who is usually just.. hung up on his job.. but cuts bob's hair to help him see. It's practical sure but it drives home he's really TRYING to help bob he just dosen't get that maybe bob dosen't need every advancement prometheus tries. We also find out why bob's bald, which isn't info I needed but I love the explination: he got a hold of the clippers and kept going and apparently just.. keeps doing that. He laso defends prometheus from the other cavemen, before prometheus rescues them both. Also they were going to eat the monkey. It's a fun origin story: we didn't NEED these explinations, but they were fun to find out which is how a good origin story should go.
Exercise: I forgot this one so..
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Hey I said I liked this season I didn't say I liked every episode.
Dating: Prometheus tries to wingman for bob, which is cute. It dosen't go well, and she ends up falling for Prometheus but he tried. One of the series best.. which coming from me is nothing, but I still really liked this one. I especially liked the monkey for once NOT fucking everything up and instead just comforting bob at the end.
Pet: .. I dont' have anything for this one. Uh... here's wolverine fighting a dinosaur?
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Evolution: Okay this one is REALLY fun as Promethus just.. gives up and tries to speed up bob's evolution.. and accidently ends up devolved. So we get a model swap which is a lot of funa nd had to be a lot of effort. I also like the solution: Monkey HYPER evolves and resets everything. This is also the final short and feels like a proper finale. Seriously every recurring segment seems to go out on a high EXCEPT action league now. It's weird. Speaking of which
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It's time to bid farewell to Life with Loopy, which was always one of my faviorite segments, but I can say with confidence after four seasons is KaBlam's best. It's the most consistent, creative and fun of the recurring segments and goes out on a high note. Season 3 is a touch better, but Season 4 is still really good. Shorter, like Prometheus and Bob it was in less episodes and thus there's not AS much but what's there of this last batch is pure quality. The show ends well and i'm REALLY sad to see this one go. There may never be another show like you loopy. Thanks for letting me see your life.
Alternative Hamsters: Loopy experiments with Alternative Energy. Huh if I'd known about this one I would've snuck it into the earth day specail. At any rate this naturally leads to her hamster turning into a giant monster and her having to save it from teh military blowing the poor guy up real good. Thankfully she realizes her hamster can run on a wheel to provide energy to the whole town. A pretty standard start to the season, which says a lot about this show and a lot about me that this dosent phase me. It's not a radioactive killer hamster from a planet near mars after all.
Mister Macho: Larry gets bullied at the beach, but chooses to be chill about it. Loopy, is not so chill and uses an old muscle man add in a comic. Larry turns into a hulked up rage monster... which somehow is a very COMMON PLOT: skinny kid gets buff then lets it go to his head. It's done very well here it's just.. weird that for once the stock plot is something this oddly specific. It happens quite a bit but we never really talk about it. even simpsons did it, but we don't talk about that one for a lot of good reasons. Also it was marge instead of bart for some reason. I do like how it's solved; turns out the guy who made it's Zen now and helps larry loose his muscles and his zen attitude scares the guy off. Which is good because Loopy would've torn him assunder. After all where Zen ends, asskicking begins.
Times Up: Loopy beats click by a decade or two by making a fast forwarding remote. Instead of learning a lesson about time, she has to run from the time police. I love how she's entirely flippant to them. It's a common theme honestly. She gives not one iota of a fuck to the powers that be and it's amazing.
I (Don't) Belivie I Can Fly: Dave the Canadian Duck is back!
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Dave's migrating again and since his best buddy left the south pole with him to attend to some pressing matters
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He's back to get help migrating again. This time Loopy teaches him to fly a plane. It's a cute little episode as Dave is forced to face his fear and I love these two's little friendships and his promise to see her again next year. Sadly we woudln't see that.. but I like to think he just showed up every year to visit.
Good Food Gone Bad; This is a classic loopy premise: she takes a concept literally and turns out to be right. I am glad the show broke out of this formula, finding more weird shit to do, but it's kinda nice to go back to it once in a while. Staying in a formula forever can be draining but you can still find new life in it. And they do as Loopy's mnilk goes bad and she tries to help him on the wrong side of the track, dealing with a bad guy bar for expired food, a literal bad egg and a gang of greaser milk including her old one who she finds new lives for as cheese. It's wholesome, creative and has a lot of fun designs, this show in a nutshell.
Down the Drain: Loopy deals with a clog. This one's fine. Also I just now found out their family's last name is cooper. Huh.
Rock N Roll Loopy: My faviorite of the batch. We finally meet Bugsteak, Larry's faviorite band and I like how they've kept his love of them consistent. They haven't come up in a WHILE, but it's nice that they werne't forgotten. Larry can't afford tickets to their concert so he asks for tickets, since their down with the youth. Now Bugsteak IS within their rights to tell him "no thank you", or to at least make it up. Instead their response is, summed up...
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Loopy is naturally pissed and while Larry sleeps at a friends house, she confronts bugsteak at their hotel. She points out their current fancy livin, lalalalala, and stuck up ways have made them loose touch with thier fanbase and dares them to spend one night like a real kid.
So we get a lot of funny bits as Bugsteak is not happy with meatloaf (which I don't get at all as a meatloaf guy), has to listen to dad talk for several years, and mom cuts their hair. They realize they were wrong, make a song about the experince and sing it to Larry. I just love this concept: a bunch of stuck up 90's rockers being put off by having to live like teens again. It's fucking great and the live action actors do a great job as bugsteak.
Bargin Hunters From Beyond the Stars: Is a decent finale. I admit the episode above would've made a better one, but it's still a good note to go out on. Loopy has a yard sale and sells most of the stuff they had.. but accidnetly sells her dad to a pair of aliens and has to find a trade. The gag is once again he goes on too long, which seems to be a trait exclusive to these final two episodes, but it fits the guy well enough that I don't mind nor do I mind it being reused as the contexts are diffrent: with bugsteak it's simply what Larry goes through every night, while here it's the old "annoy the aliens into getting rid of you" chestnut. It's a decent ending to an incredible show.
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While our time together was way shorter, I'll also really miss race rabbit. It was a fun segment and it's , like most of kablam, sad ot see it go. But it goes out with both a nice cluster of episodes and on a high note.
Dog/Prince/Ham: Race has to deal with Gold Dingo, a mysterious criminal mastermind whose also a dog, and of course the boolies.. thought his time they pretend to like gold dingo, have kidnapped the prince.. only for the bigger boolie to get beaten up. I also like how he saves the prince: getting him out of the car and letting Gold Dingo go off a cliff a sdog's can't read. I don't know the science on that but ti's a goofy enough gag to get a pass
Robot Rabbit: I prefer Rabbot myself. Race dates a robot rabbit which can relate, but it dosen't work out as it was made by the boolies. How fast he moves is funny as is Max being exasperated for good reason for once.
The Championship: The finale and fittingly the best episode of the shorts. Race has to deliver the secret to strawberry cream, but has to deal with a bunch of pastry chefs all huddled in the same car throwing pies at him, which is just.. it's beautiful man. It's so frickin beautiful. The boolies also have a good plan for once: a heat seeking missle. IT's neat to see race force dup against two threats at once, as the Boolies were sidelined for the gold dingo thing, and I love how he solves it: putting hot chill on the chefs, taking both out, delivering the microfilm and saving the day. That's how it's done old sport.
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JetCat's final two shorts are.. a mixed bag. Todd is less annoying in one and still so very punchable in the other. Still a decent superhero work, seen better, movin on.
Lunchtime: Melanie's lunch is interuptted by a mad shark man stealing the cities water and threanting the new wate rpark she and todd want to go to, while Todd guards her mother's cookies
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For once he dosen't fuck up, not only not eating them, but also protecting them from said super villian. The series best episode. not a super high bar, but still neat.
I Was a Grade School WereMoth: This one has a great villian in Vicki Von Verman, an insect who hopes to turn JetCat into a hybird bug monster but instead gets Todd because he wans to be a sidekick and drinks strange liquids in hideouts proving why he's not. I mean most human sidekicks to powered heroes do fuck up: Jimmy Olson got transformed once a week and was forcebly married to a gorilla
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Ron Stoppable became a super villian and accidently created one. But both these guys are also geninely good dudes who are helpful. Todd is just annoyingly overconfident and stupid. He's a child, and I do give child characters a wide berth for being assholes, but Todd is just so consitently jerkish, selfish and terrible I question why Mellanie hangs out with him. He dragged these shorts down to the depths of hell and while there's good company down there
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It still shoudln't be this bad. I've rarely seen a character piss me off this much and that includes the other hall of shamers he's with.
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As I mentioned in the intro, the show made up for loosing Sniz and Fondue, as well as what seems to be a dwindling number of Life with Loopy and Prometheus and Bob shorts to use something I only noticed after writing those sections, with a LOT of pilots and a few extra music videos. It's a fair trade off; KaBlam's always featured a ton of unique animation styles and pilots, it's just now spread out instead of an end of or mid season thing.
As usual the shorts are visually diverse, creator driven affairs and really fun to look at. There are more duds than usual, a lot of the weaker one off shorts i've seen from KaBlam reside in this section, but it's counterballanced by all but one of these shorts having great animation and a LOT of great shorts spread throughout. Also we get two They Might Be Giants Music Videos, which is always a good thing to put in your childrens cartoon, so that alone makes this influx of shorts worth it. So let's see what we have
Emmet Freedy: Emmet Freedy has a great art style, using a lot of puppetry to create some fun ugly puppets, and a lot of love and care went into this one and I admire that. The problem is the short itself is pretty stock for nickeldoen, if coked up a bit: Emmet Freedy lies about having lice to avoid a project, only for things to get out of hand. The grossout bits don't help. I wish I liked this one better because it's expertly crafted.. but they used that craft to make something pretty generic by 90's/00's nick standards.
Fuzzball: This one's just genericA tomboy named Fuzzball breaks her dad's bowling trophy when he breaks a promise to take her to the carnival, so she hustles to get a new one. I've seen better tween slice of life shows like As Told by Ginger or All Grown UP after this, and even before this the Girl with her head coming off was way better.
Garbage Boy: After two weak segments, Garbage Boy was a LOT of fun and has a far more intresting premise: Danny's dad works at the local dump, and thus bring shome various pieces of garbage that end up in the basement, and Danny uses them to solve his problems. In this case he dosen't have a pet ,the local bullies snake is eating his friends pets, and his parents won't get him one. His sister is also an abomination of some kind but they don't talk baout it for some reason. So he builds himself a dog that comes to life and wisecracks because the 90's and beats the bully. IT's a fun boy and his dog story with a dash of frankenstien and I like the art style: it's thorughly weird, patching together bits of photos like a ransom note but outsid eof said devil baby it works fantasticly.
The Shizzagee: This one blows. I'd be nice about it, but it wastes a good premise, an extinct creature is brought back and becomes friends with ab oy, on an annoying as hell beast that won't shut the fuck up and awful cg animation. Part of it is age, but even giving it that much, it just looks.. bad. It has a soundtrack by they might be giants but nothing else.
Little Freaks: One of my favorites and a simple premise: a weird supervillian uses moths to eat everyone's clothes so he can make them all dress the same and slowly conquer them, so it's up to the little freaks to stop them, a group of three friends who all look diffrent: Tryla, a three eyed girl with a triangle face, Briangel, a kid with a brain in a jar on his head which melts if he overthinks, and Dubbs, conjoined twins. It's a fun little short with a nice silver age parody flair, something done a lot but done right here. It's cute, fast and a lot of fun.
Doctor Worm: My faviorite segment. It was close, LIttle Freaks and our final indie short are very close. This last batch in the final few eps was really damn good.. but I have to give it to this one. It takes the They Might Be Giants classic and gives us the tail of a little worm who likes to play the drums and tries to get a band looking for a drummer's attention. It takes the song and makes it the tail of a cheery guy who clearly just wants friends. The animation is great, the live action blending is fantastic, and it's sheer fun to watch. Ther'es a reason I made it the title card for this one.
Stewy the Dogboy: This one's.. fine. It's a premise similar to teacher's pet and was actually going to get a full series order before that series got greenlit over at disney. It's not bad, it's fun and I like the payoff of Stewie's chaos getting him seen as a genius by the principal, as well as stewie's voice, it sounds nicely doggish and innocent. It's just Teachers Pet simply did this premise better, and that's not this short's fault. It's still a good boy.
Why Does the Sun Shine?: Another TMBG music video, another banger. I prefer Dr. Worm but this is a one for "The sun is a mass of incadesant gas" and I assume if you grew up after a certain point, you know this one. A boy tries to look at the sun, a sicentst doctor and asun grooves. Really fun stuff.
Dave Son of Hercules: The show's final original short and it' sluckily a banger. It's also unique as it's the only one done by Henry and June animator and creator Mark Marek. It's a really fun premise I wish had got it's own series and it's all in th etitle: Dave is a pretty normal 90's kid whose dad is Hercules. Herc .. really hasn't adjusted to modern life, and thus we get a LOT of fun antics: the guy drives a chariot, slays a serpent ride at the carnival, goes to a greek restraunt to consult the gods, and when realizing he let his boy down, offers to pluck out his eye or liver. Herc is just loveably dramatic: he really wants to be a good dad, he's just out of time. I also like the greek restraunt bhit as the owner, rather than turn herc away, actaully gives him advice, getting Herc genuinely thinks he's the gods and just needs a friend. His advice is good too: quality time. It works.. it ends in the police station for a bit but it works and while Dave is embarassed, he's genuinely impressed and the short ends adorably witht he two skipping rocks. What helps is Dave is embarassed by his dad, but you get he loves the guy.. and unlike a lot of embrarssed kids in children's cartoons you aboslutely get why. A divine finish to KaBLam.
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Our Penultimate KaBlammy awards. Next time we'll give out both ones related to our odds an dends.. and overall ones. Best episodes, best segments for series overall. The works. For now, this season
Best Henry and June: Just Chillin. It's not even close. Just Chilin is a fun finale that sends the series out on a high.
Action League Now!: Hey Who Stole My Face? A thorughly stupid, thorughly hilarious face off parody.
Prometheus and Bob: Tape One. A fun origin story and easily the best of these shorts. Sorry to spoil that now but it's true.
Life with Loopy: Rock N Roll Loopy. Beefsteak are too much fun.
Race Rabbit: The Championship, a grand finale for a grandly silly series.
Jetcat: THe one that dosen't ahve todd being a jackass.
Suprising Short: Doctor Worm. They call him doctor worm, good morning to you he's doctor worm.
Next TIme: We finish this. Every little bit of KaBlam I found under the couch cushions. Pilots, shorts KaBlam didn't use the works. ONe last hurrah. See you next week and thanks for reading
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