#or actually don't cause i'll bitch slap you into next week if you do
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stairset · 2 years ago
I think the portrayal of Spider-Man 2099 in Across the Spider-Verse is in-character in that aside from like Shattered Dimensions he's always been portrayed as a bit of an asshole who slips into anti-hero territory at times and generally has a "needs of the many over the needs of the few" mindset and given his specific circumstances in the movie it's not unreasonable to think he could take the actions he does. However it does kinda suck that since like 99% of moviegoers had no idea who he was before the movie came out their first impression of him is when he's in an antagonistic role and people think "antagonist" and "villain" are synonyms so now I'm gonna have to listen to people who've never read a comic saying he's a villain or isn't a real Spider-Man for the rest of time or at least until he inevitably changes his mind in the third one.
#hell you don't even need to read a comic just look up a let's play of spider-man edge of time you'll get what i mean#but yeah i saw a post that was like#''the first movie had a joke about how spider-man doesn't wear a cape and miguel has a cape they did that to show he's not spider-man''#as if he hasn't had that cape since his creation 30 fucking years ago#he's not even the only spider-man to have one. spider-man unlimited is also a thing that exists.#even the first movie had that call-back joke where they see the peter from miles's universe had a suit with a cape#these movies have a lot of little details with deeper meanings but the cape thing just isn't one of them sorry#but yeah. play edge of time or find it on youtube it's good.#shattered dimensions is also good but miguel's personality in that game is closer to peter's for some reason#so edge of time is better for getting a feel of what he's usually like#but yeah i do think spider-verse miguel was probably more straightforwardly heroic like other versions before the whole dead family thing#and i think he and the rest of the spider society are just genuinely misguided about how the whole canon event thing works#cause like george and gwen don't die in every universe peter doesn't get the symbiote in every universe#even uncle ben doesn't die in every universe#but miguel THINKS those things always happen. that's why he got the others to believe it cause he genuinely believes it himself#and i think they all take comfort in the idea that these bad things that happen to them happen for a reason#i know that's josh keaton's interpretation for why spectacular peter joined and i don't disagree with it#that's also why i disagree with people saying that miles is The Only True Spider-Man There just cause he was the first to outright reject it#look me in the fucking eye and tell me spectacular peter and insomniac peter don't understand what it means to be spider-man#or actually don't cause i'll bitch slap you into next week if you do#miguel o'hara#marvel#shut up tristan
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imaginespazzi · 5 months ago
I'd just like to say I've had a super busy week with personal stuff and work, and you have no idea how much seeing a new chapter perked me up! Your writing makes me so happy. I'm stuck working on a presentation for work this weekend and it is really draining and boring, and I've allowed myself to reread and review a section of this chapter for every 5 slides I finish. Productivity Queen.
May 2033 - Locker room eye fucking
alright so it took me a hot minute to figure out what the HELL this chapter had to do with chapter 2, but I think I have it. Paige is worried Angie Davis will shine, the Valks will not need 2 PGs the next season, and P will have to go to the liberty… so her plan is to… kill Angie?
Also I feel like you didn't tell us who their coach is on purpose! You crafty minx.
Of course they watched the draft together, as I am sure they do everything together, cause they are wifey. Azzi keeps referencing she doesn't know what 'this' is yet, but I am curious why. Like they are clearly committed and exclusive… why not slap a GF label on there you fools. Honestly at this point though GF doesn't seem like enough.
Azzi being distracted by P's biceps…. me too girl, me too.
Paige being distracted by Azzis abs… me too girl.
Hickey on the collarbone from last night. I hope these two idiots are being quiet. Poor Stephie being in the same house at night as these two horn bags.
Ok I love this sexy little banter in the locker room, they are such idiots for thinking they wont get clocked.
The tidbit about Paige suggesting first that they keep it on the DLDL is so sad to me, babygirl trying some self preservation.
Tessa is a menace and I love it.
LOL Jana being so relieved to have SOMEONE to share her misery with.
"They're kind of disgusting" clocked.
May 2033 - Domestic car ride #1
I need to admit, as I've been critical of her in the past - I am SO PROUD of Azzi. She is all in on this, and despite her constant nagging fears, she is fighting against them cause she wants this. A+ growth Azzi, you go Azzi Bueckers.
Also I am just loving how much they call each other Baby it is very very cute and makes my heart and my vagina swell with happiness.
“I’m okay with the fact that you’ve probably fucked other people. I mean other than the woman you married as well that is.” HEHEHE yes thank you for this, I think there needs to be an 'Azzi spitefully brings up Olivia' occurance at least once a chapter. Bonus points when she uses a word other than Olivia's actual name to describe her.
"then hear about some whore who had the audacity-” HAHAHAHA. Paige Imma hold your hand when I say this, but I think there were probably a few whores and at least one man-whore.
The hand holding in the car, the knuckle kiss, "all mine"… SQUEEEEE
I am proud of these two idiots for their communication on this though! Azzi for gently coaxing, Paige for realizing its best to talk it out together. “it’s nothing we can’t get through.” Awwww.
May 2033 - Enter Stephie
I have to say Stephie is the absolute STAR of this chapter. Too many zingers to list. I love it, you write her really well cause its hard to make a 5 year old engaging or believable.
I am absolutely shocked Azzi hasn't threatened to withhold sex unless P stops giving Stephie so much junk food. Azzi is gonna have an aneurysm. Prob cries into her green juice daily.
'you’re more than that, you two are the reason my world keeps turning' I'll say it again, I am so proud of Azzi. Bitch is ALL IN.
Wow they have fully uhauled eh? I LOVE IT.
Paige with kids is TOO CUTE. I don't blame Stephie I'd be pissed if Paige wasn't giving me all her attention either.
HAHAHAHAHA Curry clocking them since high school. You bitches are not slick.
“No thank you Coach Bueckers,” ouch.
The whole exchange with Claudia's whore mom was absolutely spot on. Paige would be obliviously smiling along chatting away thinking nothing of it. AZZI with the bicep crushing hold.
NOT CLEMENTINE! Stephie is more of a menace than I thought possible.
“Well is she allowed to hug and carry and kiss Claudia’s Mama then?” - CLOCKED AGAIN. Does Stephie suspect something?
October 2022
I know this is gonna hurt cause a Drew + Azzi Pookie pairing realllly has my heart
Paige freaking out about waking up alone on her birthday is so accurate
“you won’t ever hurt my Paigey will you?” OH DEAR GOD 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
May 2033 - Drew is Scary
Shocked Paige didn't yell at him immediately with that attitude he's giving her girl
Not Stephie with the kisses, she is diabolical
Oh so he HATES HATES Azzi
Drew just finished his rookie NBA season! I love that for him
"you’re my Miss Buecks’s Mommy's brother so that means you’re my Uncle Drew .” Fixed it for you.
This was so good and I cannot fucking wait to see what happens next. Thank you for blessing us with another chapter Nivi!!! 🤱🏽🤱🏽🤱🏽
Bestiiiieeeee hi <3 Aww I'm glad to provide a little reprieve in your life and i know you're gonna crush your presentation for sure!
I love that you title parts of the story lmao
Does Paige ever actually have a plan or she just doing what the vibes tell her? Which i mean yeah I guess might be to kill Angie?
Yeaaaaah this is not one of those Nivi has a plan situations. The Coach doesn't have a name because I haven't figured out who it is yet and so she's just unnamed til I do whoops.
No labels because they're going with the flow (what could go wrong you know?)
LMAO they're trying to be as quiet as possible I'm sure
I'm so glad you see Azzi's growth like girlie's done a lot of it since she ran out of Paige's house and is definitely fighting all her intrusive thoughts.
I'm a whore for the word "baby" and so are they because this is my fic tee hee
One thing Azzi's gonna do is make sure everyone knows she does not like #thatwoman
I'm so glad y'all love Stephie and she's both adorable and believable. She's like the perfect cumulation of all my kids at work and so I really do hop I do her justice.
I mean l don't know if Azzi could survive withholding sex lmao
Stephanie Katarina Fudd: smartest kid in the world fr fr - she doesn't suspect per say but I think she can tell that what her Mama has with Miss Buecks isn't the same as with her other Aunties
Paige just dramatic as hell all the time I fear
Stephie's gonna get her kisses no matter how awkward everyone in the room is lmao
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darknessawaits28 · 10 months ago
Get your head in the game Choomba- Cyberpunk 2077 Pt. 1
*Phone ringing*
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"V here."
"Hey V, it's River, wanted to ask if you was free?"
"At the moment...yeah I'm free....what's up?" V smiled as she drove her cotton candy colored Caliburn down the freeway at 120 miles per hour.
"Uh...wanted to invite you over for dinner at Joss's....if you can make it?"
"Huh, dinner, that sounds interesting."
"Yeah...we'll be waiting...hope to see you."
"I'll be there River, no need to pout."
River laughed on the other side of the phone call before hanging up and getting himself ready; aka showering, putting on some nice cologne and clothes for V.
As V continued to drive, Johnny magically appeared next to her, glaring daggers at her. "What now Johnny?"
"Nothing, I just am laughing internally because you don't seem to notice what is going to happen next" Johnny gagged a bit, knowing for a fact that V was going to fuck River tonight.
"Excuse me, what happens to my body is my choice Johnny, you're just a passenger" V grumbled as she changed lanes to head to the Red Peaks' Trailer Park.
"You sure about that?" Johnny smirked as he lifted his right hand, forcing V to do the same with her right hand.
"Fuck Johnny, stop it, I'm driving at high speeds, you wanna kill us both!" V shouted worriedly as she held the wheel with her left hand.
"Pull up by Kendall park" Johnny ordered.
V rolled her eyes as she got control back in her right arm and turned into the wrong exit, heading to this so called park. As she pulled into the parking lot, she parked her car, glaring angrily at Johnny. "You could've seriously killed us you fuck head!"
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"Relax, you're a good driver, I wouldn't have done that if you weren't" Johnny snickered, pulling off his glasses and putting them on the dashboard.
"Okay...so now what?" V sighed, hoping that this was quick because she had to get to River's place soon.
"V....I just.....ugh....I don't....whatever....".
"Come on, spill" V chuckled, crossing her arms as she waited for the whole pep talk he was going to give her.
"I just...after all this time we've been together V.....I'm starting to fall for you....more and more." "I mean not just because of your clusterfuck of hormones you have...but because you're such a great friend to me" Johnny admitted.
V, taken aback by his response, sat there in silence, trying to figure out what the fuck to say. "Johnny I....-" she gulped. "How would this even work?" "Not trying to be a bitch in this moment but you're just a relic in my brain, how can we be together?"
Johnny nodded, giving her a side smirk, "I used to know a girl that would always brag that she can copy engram's and clone them into a body." "We could see if she's still alive or find someone that can do that."
"Johnny, seriously, now you tell me this, after all this time of you being in my fucking brain!"
"Hey, hey, hey, they're not gonna actually fix you up and take the relic out of your slot, but they can like slice a part of the relic and make a copy of my signature." "I think the copy can last up to two weeks but that's it."
V groaned angrily as she rubbed her temples, trying to figure out what should she do next. "Fuck, let me go to River's at least, have some dinner, and then we bounce; sound good?"
"He's gonna try and fuck you V, I saw it in his eyes" Johnny chuckled, grabbing his shades and putting them back on.
"I mean he is hotter than the Sahara desert" V bite her bottom lip in a sexy manner, causing Johnny to take control of her right hand and make her slap herself.
"What the fuck, Johnny!?" V jumped slightly, Johnny beginning to laugh hysterically.
V simply rolled her eyes and put her car in reverse and headed out of the parking lot to the trailer park where River asked to meet her.
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hussyknee · 2 years ago
On a scale of one to ten, how fucked up is that I want to slap Mum when she whinges and moans in pain?
It's just. That maternity body pillow I bought her that gave her instant relief because it supported her head and elbows? Discarded because "I need to sleep without being trapped in that thing in the night." Bitch, the entire fucking point of it is so you won't roll over in your sleep, rotate your hip and damage it more. Then I ordered a memory foam wedge to keep her hips straight, and made her keep a cushion between her knees until it arrived next week. She moaned and groaned while I helped her and then didn't even try to keep it in place.
She asked me to buy a new blood sugar monitor while I was out. I realized as I was paying for it that I don't know how long it hasn't been working, where the warranty was and if the problem could just be incompatible batteries. I also had to buy a new blood pressure monitor because she had never gotten that replaced either. Came home and checked her BP to see it was high– because she had forgotten her after-breakfast meds. Grumbled that she didn't know what she was supposed to take, she can't read the prescription, no one will read it to her. This is unlikely, but my sister is in charge of her meds, and she might have elected not to because Mum is a retired surgeon and prone to taking prescribed meds and dosages as suggestions she can switch around at will. Healthcare professionals are the absolute worst patients in the world, but my mother is in a class of her own. But even if she didn't know her own prescription, all her medicine has been sorted into the pill organizer I bought her.
For fuck's sake, I bought her an easy-to-open water bottle to keep on her bed so she won't forget to hydrate as much as possible, and she never keeps the thing nearby. Then she complains her pain pills make her constipated.
She just needs to fucking get a grip and do the bare minimum to help herself. Granted, she's never done that in her life (hence the current situation), but this is beyond ridiculous. Bitch, you are in pain because you are doing fucking nothing to not be in pain. I've spent so much money on stuff to make her life easier and it keeps feeling like a waste. She's hellbent on getting the hip surgery done ASAP no matter what, but won't actually do anything to heal enough so she can get cleared for it. Not even the six weeks of bedrest she's determined not to complete will be enough if her BP and sugar won't go down, and the stress from lack of pain management keeps spiking both of those.
The most galling fucking thing is that I pretty much outlined this exact sequence of events. Over and over. I told her she can't keep overworking herself and then eating junk out of stress and not checking her sugar. She kept saying, "Then I'll drop dead! And you'll be rid of me! Then you need not be bothered by me any longer!" I was like, "You're not going to conveniently drop dead. Your stroke or heart attack will just leave you weak and nerve damaged. You'll go blind. And even if the first one won't leave you paralyzed, the second one will, or you'll inevitably fall and crack your head or break something important. You'll be disoriented and in agony for weeks or months, pissing and shitting yourself, and then you'll labour for weeks on a ventilator in the ICU before slipping away." Because that is how her own mother died. How my friend's mother died, how so many older people die. And she fucking knew that, but between her toddler brain that can't connect cause-and-effect, her Jesus fixation and her god complex, she never let herself think it would happen to her.
My friends want me to just tune her out, let her go to hell how she wants and focus only on keeping the house afloat. But the same hyperempathy that drove me to a mental breakdown when she let my brother's teeth rot in his head, is now going haywire around her pain. I wanted this fucking witch to suffer for what she put my brother through. I cursed her out to her face repeatedly, telling her she would endure tenfold what she subjected him to before she died. Now that's actually coming true, and all it does it make me hurt as well, for the same damn reason. Fuck my life.
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ambivalent-anarchy · 5 years ago
You've Got Moves
Part 2
Gender: Female
Pairing: Peter Parker x reader
Warning: None
Summary- [Y/N] asks Peter to do some TikTok dances with her.
Bonus: Clueless Peter. FLUFFF. Also guy best friends are the best best friends to have lol
If you need a description for Asher, just think whatever your idea of a really hot guy is lol.
A/N- this is a repost because the first one was blocked from tags due to tiktok being weird about links😬
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"Oh my gosh bitch, just ask him."
Your best friend Asher glared at you with pure impatience in his eyes. You'd been going on about this in every gym class for literal weeks.
"Oh my God, doesn't that guy over there have such a classic 'tiktok guy' face?"
"Ooh, look he's flexible! He's probably a really good dancer too."
"You think he'd do a tiktok with me? Nah, that's dumb."
"I bet he's a tiktoker and I just haven't found his page yet."
It drove him crazy. He didn't know whether you had a crush on this guy or if you really were just that obsessed with tiktok to the point where you were finding random people who looked good to do them with, but at this point he didn't care. He just really wanted to stop having conversations every day that ended with him staring at some guy and wondering if he could throw it back.
You watched the boy in question occasionally. You'd practically studied his physique, his face, his little ticks. Everything. But you didn't even know his name. All you knew was:
You definitely wanted to do a tiktok with him.
"Nah, Ash. He's probably gonna think I'm weird. I mean, who just goes up to someone and says 'yo you wanna do a tiktok with me?"
Asher facepalmed and groaned. "Literally anybody that wants to do a tiktok with someone else, [Y/N]." He rolled his eyes with a chuckle as he ruffled your hair with his hand. "C'mon, stop being a wimp and go ask the guy. Cuz if you don't, and I have to keep hearing you going on about his 'classic tiktok boy look', I'm seriously gonna jump off a cliff."
"Fuck you," you snickered with a smile.
Asher gave you a smirk. "You wish."
"Ewww," you groaned. Rolling your eyes, you looked back to the boy you'd been thinking about. He was sitting with his friend on the other side of the gym. You bit your lip anxiously. "Nah, I'm not gonna do it." You looked again. "Okay I'm gonna do it." He was just sitting there minding his own business. "Uh-uh. Nope. Not gonna do it."
"Oh my God..." Asher shook his head. "Fucking lost cause- HEY YO PETER!," he yelled to the other side of the gym, waving his hand wildly and signaling a 'come here' motion when the brown haired boy looked towards him.
Gasping, you turned around and slapped Asher's arm harshly.
"What was that for?!," he asked, rubbing the spot lightly.
"You knew his name?!," you hissed. "You knew his name this whole time and you never told me?!"
He simply smirked in return. "You never asked," he said, earning a middle finger from you.
"You suck," you scolded.
"You swallow," he shot back with a smirk.
Looking back, it made sense that Asher would know his name. After all, he was the social butterfly of social butterflies. You were sure that the only way you had caught a friend like him was because you were already his best friend before he hit puberty. While with others it causes acne and insecurity, it made Asher a literal supermodel (along with a bit of acne, I mean c'mon it's high school). And the fact that he was athletic, being on both the basketball team and the tennis team didn't hurt either. He hung with practically every clique in school, dragging you along wherever he went, though he preferred to hang with the popular crowd the most.
You both looked back to where Peter sat to see that he hadn't moved yet. He was halfway standing up but seemed to be caught up in a deep, frantic, borderline-panicking conversation with his friend.
Asher cocked his head to the side. "Aw, I think he's shy," he snickered. "You got yourself a little shy tiktoker." He shook his head slightly and as he continued to laugh. "Hang on, I'll go get him."
"Just don't say anything weird," you said, pushing him away to go fight your battle.
You drew in a long breath as you watched them converse and you waved when you saw Peter's eyes following Asher's point in your direction.
Knowing your best friend he was probably saying something super embarrassing that you'd have to explain away later, that is, if Peter walked over there in the first place.
"You know he really likes you, right?"
You swung around and looked to the bleacher seats on your right to see a curly haired girl with a book in her hands staring at you with the most unamused face you've ever seen in your life.
"Who?," you asked, extremely confused as to why this girl who never talked to you was talking to you. "Trust me, Asher and I have already been down that road. We're good where we are."
"Not him. Parker," she said tilting her head in Peter's direction. "He stares at you alot. It's pretty weird if you ask me. But then again, you stare at him alot too," she noted rather blatantly. "You guys could probably work. You're both dorks." She smirked, satisfied with her observations and went back to her book as if nothing happened.
"I don't like him," you mumbled back. "I don't even know him."
She didn't raise her eyes from her book as she sighed loudly. "Well then why're you so obsessed with doing a video with him because he has a 'classic tiktok boy look' when you've got Asher -who arguably has more of a 'classic tiktok boy' look than Parker- right next to you, who would probably be more than willing to do some lame dance with you being that he's your best friend?," she asked (more accused than asked).
"Oookay, whatever...," you mumbled, figuring you didn't need to explain yourself to someone you didn't know, turning back to where you could see Asher walking back to you, Peter and his friend close behind. When they finally reached you, Asher put a hand on both you and Peter's shoulders with a smug grin on his face.
"Okay. [Y/N], meet Peter. Peter, meet my dear friend [Y/N]."
You plastered a smile on your face and waved, to which Peter nervously smiled and waved back. He shared a quick look with his friend and then spoke up. "So, uh, can I help you or something?," he asked, snapping you from your thoughts.
"Hmm?," you hummed.
"It's just that, I-i don't.. really know why I'm over here.
"You threw your hand over to the left of you, expecting to hit Asher in the chest. "Ugh, Ash you didn't even te-" You turned your head when you felt nothing but air. "Ash?"
"Hey [Y/N]!"
You turned your head towards his voice and saw that Asher had moved to sit next to the girl who spoke to you before.
"We should really read this book Michelle's reading together. It's called 'The Slaughterhouse Five'!"
You rolled your eyes. Asher hardly even read books unless they were required. Dumb flirter.
You tilted your head toward this "Michelle" girl, whose head was stuck in a book as she actively ignored Asher sitting next to her. You chuckled, mouthing a quick 'good luck' to your friend before turning back to the timid boy who was watching you expectantly.
Shaking out the anxiety in your head, you finally spoke to him. "Uh, I have this thing that I'm trying to do and I know you don't know me and I don't know you and we've never really talked at all and this is kinda weird, but I kinda think that you'd be awesome for it," you rambled, continuing when Peter nodded. "So would you maybe wanna do it with me?"
"Well, what is it exactly?," he asked.
You shrugged. "Just some tiktoks," you said. "I mean, it's totally fine if you don't wanna-"
"Um, sure. But question, and this is probably gonna sound really lame but," he started. He blushed as he looked down at his feet. "What is a tiktok?"
You slapped your hand over your mouth, trying to hide a laugh. You looked to Peter's friend who was still standing there beside him. "I-is he serious?"
His friend laughed too, nodding his head. He patted Peter (whose face was now beet red) on the back and whispered into his ear. Peter's face lit up. "Oh! Gotcha. Thanks, Ned."
"So will you?," you asked.
He scratched his head. "Well sure, but full warning. I'm not much of a dancer."
Michelle looked up from her book once again. "Shut up, loser. You pick up combinations faster than anyone I know."
Your face brightened. "I knew it!" You grabbed his arm and pulled him to the closest wall. "Okay so we'll just start off easy, alright?" Peter nodded in response. "Ummm, let's do this one."
Peter watched it about three times and handed your phone back to you, to which you gave it to Ned so that he could record it.
"Uh, we go right first, right?," Peter asked, going over the entire dance in his mind as he stood beside you while you checked with Ned to see if the shot was good.
"Yeah," you said, smiling as you got a thumbs-up from Ned. "Alright let's do this."
Peter would be lying if he said he had any idea what he was doing. Technically, he knew the dance. It wasn't hard at all and only took him watching it two times to get the hang of it.
But what was he really doing??? First, some really cool guy with the best haircut and chiseled jaw he's even seen who he never thought would be talking to him ever just walks up to him and Ned and practically demands (in a really cool, nonchalant, and non-aggressive way) that he goes to the other side of the gym to the girl that he's been secretly (well not so secret by the way Peter crushes) crushing on without giving him a clear reason. Then he gets there to find out that this totally hot girl picked him out of everyone in the entire gym to do dances with and he actually manages to suck up his nervousness enough to agree??
In a word, wild.
"Okay, that was pretty good," you said as you watched the video. Peter didn't know why, but he could feel a 'but' coming.
You gave a small smile. "But-"
Ah. There it was.
"Look dude," you sighed before pointing at his face. "You are, like really cute. You gotta own that and put it to use, man!"
Peter's eyes went wide and immediately he looked to Ned, who was also freaking out behind you.
You called him cute.
He liked you and you just called him cute.
You were one of the most popular girls in school, he liked you, and you just called him cute.
You continued. "You gotta put some false confidence on it! Bite your lip or something. Get into the music, man."
Peter's face was the reddest it'd ever been and you were sure that he was probably never used to getting a compliment by the way he was acting.
"U-uh, um. Wowww, heh, uh thanks," he mumbled, not really sure how to respond. His voice was wavering and he looked anywhere but you. "So, uh, you want to r-run it again?"
But of course, like all good things, it came it an end.
The gym coach came out clapping his hands together, demanding everyone's attention. "Okay everybody time for drills!"
You sighed. "Guess I'll just have to go with the first one. Thanks anyway, Peter," you said with a smile. "You've got some moves."
Once you turned away, immediately your face fell.That sucked.
You walked back to where Asher was getting up from his where he sat with MJ, and to your surprise, they were actually having conversation.
He waved and tilted his head to Peter in question. You shrugged in response, giving a 'kinda' motion with your hand.
"Hey [Y/N]!"
You turned back around and saw Peter with a cute and bashful smile on his face. "What up?"
"I-i was....I was wondering if m-maybe you'd...like to, um, maybe do this again tomorrow?"
On the insides, you were totally freaking out. This was great. You thought you'd scared him away but he wanted to do it again. "Yeah, totally! We can go to my house after school and-"
"I can't right after school," he rushed. "How about 6?"
"Sure. That's fine. 6 it is. I, uh, I need your number so I can send you my address." You whipped out your phone and gave it to him so that he could put his number in. Before sending your address, you paused. "You're not some psycho killer, are you, Peter?"
He laughed. "Nah, you've got nothing to worry about from me."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~that afternoon~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
KingAsh👑😎: he there yet?
[Y/N]: nope
[Y/N]: said he's on his way tho
[Y/N]: hes lucky hes cute otherwise I'd be mad that hes so late
KingAsh👑😎: pls don't tell me u fell in love after one tiktok🙄
[Y/N]: of course I didn't jeez man
[Y/N]: but i mean im not blind👀
[Y/N]: also...
[Y/N]: whats up with u and that Michelle girl?? did you get her number?
KingAsh👑😎: ...
KingAsh👑😎: Fuck u
[Y/N]: u wish
KingAsh👑😎: well only if you think you can handle me😏
[Y/N]: omg just stop talking forever
Your head popped up from your phone when you heard the doorbell ring. You sent a quick text to Asher and ran downstairs to open the door for Peter.
"Uh, hey!," he said with a smile. "Sorry for being so late."
"Hey Peter," you greeted. You paused. "Um, mind if I call you Pete?"
He blushed, scratching his head. "Nah I don't mind. I get that alot," he said, stepping into your home.
"M'kay, I got some pizza in my room if we end up getting hungry and ahh, let's go up," you said, leading Peter to your room.
Peter looked around and noticed how quiet it was. "Where are your parents?," he asked.
"Well that's a million dollar question," you chuckled. "I live with my uncle."
"Oh," Peter hummed. "I live with my aunt." He announced, a bit too strangely happily.
"So, it's a Friday evening," you said, shifting topics. "We've got all the time in the world! So let's get it! I'll teach you everything..."
What you didn't know was that Peter spent almost all of his time on patrol scrolling through all the popular trends of tiktok and even finding your page and practically obsessing over it for hours. He'd studied and prepared and he was determined to impress you. And hopefully, if everything went according to his plan, you'd think he was more than cute by the end of the day.
Part 2 here
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woossexyponytail · 5 years ago
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Ain't my fault.
𝚂𝚞𝚖𝚖𝚎𝚛𝚢; 𝙸𝚝'𝚜 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚏𝚊𝚞𝚕𝚝 𝚆𝚘𝚘𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚐 𝚒𝚜 𝚜𝚘 𝚒𝚛𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚋𝚕𝚎
Warning: smut.
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I was already running late for the dance club meeting, Wooyoung probably angry at me since he normally can't be bothered to actually talk in them. I looked down at my watch seeing I was five minutes late, sighing I picked up my pace making a run for it.
Opening the door to the studio, the group was all here waiting for me Wooyoung pacing back and forth, he stopped looking up as I sheepishly smiled at the group.
"Sorry I'm late! Let's get on with the meeting yeah?" I said as the group agreed, I spoke about the two new songs that Wooyoung and I picked and for the group to try some solo dancing for them.
After Wooyoung danced to the song he picked we clapped as I stood up changing the song to show mine, I focused on the dance but at the corner of my eye I saw Wooyoung watching intently, actually I've felt his eyes on me the moment I walked through the door earlier.
"Now I want you to listen to the music find your own rhythm then next week will see what you got and mold the together for the upcoming show, anyway that's it for now, enjoy the rest of the day everyone!" I smiled at the group as the left one by one, leaving just Wooyoung and I.
"Your so fucking sexy when you dance." Wooyoung said, feeling his arms wrapping around me pulling me closer. His face rubbed in to my neck breathing in deeply.
"Your really bad at hiding how turned on you are, you know that right?" I snorted chuckling at him as I pulled his arms away walking off, Wooyoung whined at the lose of contact.
"If I was that bad at hiding it, then the whole college would know about us" he said chuckling, I sighed picking up both mine and Wooyoung's bag and throwing them at him.
"Yeah and I would be dead by your fangirls." I laughed as I picked up both of our phones and unplugged them from the speakers, I handed Wooyoung his phone while he handed over my bag.
"I would also be dead by your fanboys, can you imagine how bad my face would look if they found out?" Wooyoung sighed, shuddering at the thought while I laughed, walking up to him.
"Hmm? You'd look pretty sexy looking all bruised and cut up, with a little bit of blood dripping down" I said as I grabbed his chin pulling him close.
"I'd look sexy huh? Is it turning you on?" He asked smirking moving closer, our lips lightly brushing but I moved to his ear.
"Don't get cocky now baby boy, remember who's in charge here" I whispered in his ear, Wooyoung breath hitched as I nibbled on his ear making him groan.
"I'm hungry, let's go to the cafeteria" I said pulling back from him, Wooyoung's eyes were closed biting his lip, I walked off standing by the door watching him.
"Not fair!" Wooyoung whined, a pout on his face as he crossed his arms, I laughed at his action, walking up to him again grabbing his hand.
"If you buy lunch I'll give you a treat later" I told him winking, Wooyoung bit his lip again then nodded as I dragged him out of the studio.
Walking across campus heading to the cafeteria, Wooyoung opened the door for me to walk through, feeling a slap on my ass and followed by Wooyoung giggling quietly behind me.
I sighed rolling my eyes at his behaviour, making my way to an empty table while Wooyoung walked off to grab food. I placed my bag down on the floor taking a seat as I took out my phone to pass the time.
I sighed seeing a text from my roommate, Hayoung, she has a little bit of an obsession with Wooyoung, having a crush on him for the passed two years. She always asks after practice what song he danced too or what he was wearing, it's annoying so I mostly ignore her.
The thought of her ever finding out about Wooyoung and myself, well I'm not sure what she would do, but I wouldn't want to find out. Hearing heavy footsteps of Wooyoung walking up, I put my phone down and giggled a little, you always know when he's near.
"What's so funny?" He asked placing a meal deal infront of me, his own food on the table too, I smiled thanking him while shacking my head, taking a bite of my sandwich.
Wooyoung grunted raising an eyebrow at me, I looked up to see him still watching me, while he left his food on the table not eating.
"What?" I asked, getting a bit of sauce on my hand, I quickly licked it off, then hearing Wooyoung whine, looking back up he was pouting again.
"When do I get my treat?" He whispered making sure no one would hear, at that I giggled at him, so that's why, I thought.
"Soon" I told him giving him a wink as I started eating again, he picked up his sandwich and started to eat a small smile on his face.
I picked up my drink to open it, but for some reason I couldn't so I struggled a little, Wooyoung saw and took the drink out of my hands opening it for me as he placed it back in my hands.
"Thank you" I said taking the lid off and taking a gulp, Wooyoung watched me again with a grin on his face. Putting the bottle down I looked up at him with a raised eyebrow myself wondering why he was watching me.
"Your just really beautiful" he whispered, so no one else could hear, I felt myself blush at the compliment, biting my lip not knowing how to respond to that.
After we finished lunch we both made our way out to the campus green, Wooyoung's hand constantly brushed against mine, knowing that was a sign of him getting needy.
I pulled him in to one of the older buildings, it only had a few classes here so it was perfect to give him his treat. We made our way to the disabled toilet locking it as I turned around seeing Wooyoung with a shit eating grin.
I walked up to him pushing him against the wall, one of my hands finding his cock as I gently massaged it, I let my other hand wander around his body, getting on my knees I unzipped his jeans pulling them down along with his boxers.
Already half hard I leaned forward to place kisses on to the inside of his thick thighs, Wooyoung moaned as my tongue started licking up to his cock, looking up at him, his eyes were closed head leaned against the wall.
Wooyoung gave a little whine, growing harder. I smiled giving the tip of his penis a short lick, his breath halted for a second, pleased with myself I did it again then ran the tip of my tongue from the base all the way up his shaft and twirling my tongue around the head.
Wooyoung was shivering in anticipation, his eyes were still shut but it was obvious that it took him a lot to stay still, in one smooth move I took him in my mouth, my lips forming a smirk at the sound of a sharp in take of his breath.
As I started to move my head back and forth taking him a little deeper with each stroke. I could feel his muscles in his thighs straining, I hummed a little making him breath faster from the vibration.
As I found the best rhythm that worked I could feel him start moving, his fingers found their way into my hair, I looked up at him now finding his eyes on me watching, biting his lip his eyes glazed with lust.
"Please Yn" he whined, his voice was weak as his mouth opened a moan coming out as he then hissed at the pleasure, he closed his eyes again when I swirled my tongue around his head again.
"Shit" Wooyoung croaked, almost bursting I could feel him start to twitch, I sped up my movements pre cum quickly mixing with my saliva, hearing him groan again getting louder as he placed his hand over his mouth to keep quiet.
Just as the salt hit my tongue my hand slowed down as his cum dribbled out and down my throat, letting me ease the last of his orgasm out, I pulled my mouth off cleaning his cock with my tongue.
Wooyoung breathed heavily whining more, once his cock was clean I grabbed his boxers pulling them up along with his trousers, I zipped up his trousers and buttoned them up. Wooyoung watched the whole time, I looked up at him a sly smile on my face as I hooped my fingers through his trousers pulled his hip towards me.
"Did you like that baby boy, you were so good keeping that pretty little mouth shut" I whispered kissing around his mouth, then placing a kiss on his lips.
Pulling away he moved with me not wanting to stop yet, causing me to giggle at him, he was too cute. I stroked his cheek as he leaned in to my touch.
"Let's get out of here yeah?" I asked as he nodded, I grabbed hold of his hand as we walked out of the bathroom.
The rest of the week was stressful but thankfully it was Friday which meant party night, now normally I wouldn't go but since Wooyoung and I started hooking up it was a good chance to get flirty without people really noticing.
My phone buzzed signalling that I got a text, quickly grabbing my phone I unlocked it seeing Wooyoung's text asking if I was going to the party tonight.
Texting back a yes not a second later he text back saying good with a winky face, I snorted at that he can get so cocky at times, but I can't deny loving putting him in his place.
I chuckled at the thought, picturing him on his knees begging, I shake my head getting the thought out, he'll be doing that soon enough I thought smirking.
"What are you smirking about?" Hayoung said the moment I walked in to the dorm, seeing her sitting at her desk a slight glear as she watched me.
"Nothing" I said shrugging, placing my bag down on my bed, I fell on my bed grabbing the control and flicking on the tv.
"You can see I'm working right!" Hayoung said, turning to glear at me more, I rolled my eyes at her getting fed up already.
"You do realise this is my dorm too, if you can't study then you do know there is a building called a library, you should go there" I told her, my eyes going back to the tv.
"Fucking bitch" was all she said as she slammed her book grabbing a few things till she left slamming the door as well. I groaned at her being so dramatic, Wooyoung and Yeosang was right having an apartment off campus is way easier.
The door opened a few minutes after thinking it was Hayoung who forgot something but instead it was my friend Hongjoong who walked in.
"Just walked passed your roommate mumbling about you being a bitch. What did you do now?" He asked closing the door making his way over to me.
"Nothing, just told her it was my dorm too" I said shrugging my shoulders, eyes finding there way back to the screen on the tv.
"Why do I feel like that's half of the truth. Anyway you going to the party tonight?" Hongjoong asked shaking his head, taking a seat at my desk, placing his head in his hand as he stared out the window.
"Does a bear shit in the woods?" I said snoring at his question, Hongjoong sighed leaning back in the chair eyes glued to me.
"Of course you are, Wooyoung is going I'm not surprised" he said, my eyebrow twitched at that, looking over at him I could see him trying to hide a smirk.
"And what's that supposed to mean?" I asked sitting up on my bed and crossing my arms, as I gleared at Hongjoong.
"Nothing! Nothing at all. Just maybe you're liking him more then normal..." Hongjoong said as he shrugged his shoulders.
"I don't like him" I said rolling my eyes, I got out of bed walking over to my woodrop to find something to wear tonight.
"That's such bullshit and you know it, I know you yn, and Wooyoung too, it's Obvious really" he said watching me from his seat.
"Dunno what your talking about" I said as I started to hum, trying to ignore his presence, Hongjoong snorted shaking his head.
"Yeah, not like Yeosang knows and told me" he whispered, I froze in my place glancing over at Hongjoong, panic in my eyes. The thing is Yeosang is the only one who knows about us, only because most of the time Wooyoung and I have sex is at their apartment, but I didn't know Yeosang was a snitch.
"I'm going to kill Yeosang" I said as I pulled out a black crop top and some ripped jeans, Hongjoong laughed at that as he stood up placing his hands on my shoulders.
"Chill, I think you and Wooyoung would be a great couple" he said, turning around I slapped his chest glearing, Hongjoong rubbed where I hit as he frowned at me.
"Why are you even here?" I asked, sighing moving back to my bed grabbing my pillow to throw at him.
"I just came to ask about the party and to say I'll pick you up in a few hours, but nevermind since your being mean" Hongjoong said as he throw the pillow back.
"Fine if you must" I said grinning at him, Hongjoong rolled his eyes, walking to the door as he told me what time he'll pick me up then closing the door behind him.
Hongjoong and I entered the house where the college party was happening, the music was as loud as thunder, it made the cutlery on the tabletops rattle. Neon lights flashed everywhere like police sirens, but much more colourful.
People already drunk dancing in the large space, Hongjoong tapped my shoulder pointing over to his friends as he walked of giving me a wink.
Making my why to the kitchen to grab a drink I noticed a few of the dance members dacning away, smiling at them they definitely deserved a night out.
As I was distracted by the dancers I didn't see as Wooyoung came walking up behind me and hugging me tightly.
"I missed you" Wooyoung whispered in to my ear, his hand already going down south, I quickly turned around to face him, his hands now on my ass squeezing.
"Someone's already horny I see" I giggled wrapping my arms around his neck pulling him closer to me, he leaned his head against mine as he started swaying us side to side.
"Can we leave now? I want to taste you so bad" Wooyoung asked whining, giving me puppy dog eyes, I chuckled watching him.
"But I just got here, why would I want to leave?" I asked teasing him, knowing he'll get really whiny any minute, I saw at the corner of my eyes Hongjoong smirking at us.
"Yn~ Please~" Wooyoung whined, I laughed lowly enjoying seeing him acting so needy, Wooyoung started kissing around my neck but I quickly stopped him before he started biting.
"Fine, I can't really say no to my baby boy" I whispered, grabbing his hand as we walked towards the door ready to leave and have some fun.
Getting to Wooyoung's apartment we headed inside quickly, rushing to his bedroom and slamming the door shut.
"What do you need baby boy?" I asked as I took a finger and tucked it under his chin, pulling his face up to meet my eyes.
"Please I want you so badly" Wooyoung whined, I leaned forward kissing him, my tongue instantly diving into his mouth. I felt Wooyoung shiver, as he let me take control. His face heating up as I conquered every inch of his mouth.
I pulled away from him, leaving him panting, breathless and hopelessly aroused mess, I pulled off his shirt kissing down his chest, then unbuttoning his jeans pulling them off fast.
"Tell me what you want baby boy, but be quick I don't think I can last long tonight" I told him, his mouth couldn't move fast enough to get everything he wanted to say out, but he could manage to whine and moan as I started to circle the head of his cock with my thumb.
"You’re very sensitive tonight baby boy" I whispered, pulling him over to his bed wanting to ride him as quick as possible, pushing him down on the bed.
Wooyoung layed down cock now hard and waiting to enter me, my mouth watering at the sight of him laying there.
I pulled my clothing off quickly needing him in me immediately, I sat down on him, his cock rubbing against my ass, Wooyoung moaned his hands grabbing my waist tightly not letting go.
Lifting up I grabbed his dick as it started throbbing in my hand, placing the head at my entrance rubbing it back and forth, Wooyoung whining louder.
I lowered myself on to him, my moans mixing with his as I slipped all the way down his cock, placing my head back in bliss, I lifted up and slammed down quickening my pace enjoying the feeling of Wooyoung in me.
"Ahh please more please!" Wooyoung begged, his voice breathless already, my wall quivering, and my movements speeding up, his cock glistening every time I rose up.
Wooyoung closed his eyes and arched his back, making him go even deeper. His tongue slipped out of his mouth, my hands landing on to his shoulders my nails digging in to his skin, making his moan even louder then before.
"Fuck! Wooyoung! Fuck!" I said, I spasmed around my orgasm rising, I panted as I kept riding him through my orgasm. I could feel him getting close too, his cheeks red with pleasure, I smiled loving watching him.
"Ahh! Yn! Fuck! Fuck!" Wooyoung yelled reaching his highest peak, he spilled inside of me as I moaned in appreciation, burrowing my hand into his hair in a possessive gesture.
I slowly lifted myself off of Wooyoung feeling the cum leak out of me, I hummed loving the feeling. My breath was heavy as I sat down cleaning both of us up as Wooyoung stayed laying in bed panting.
"Can... I still..." Wooyoung stopped me trying to talk, but he was to shy to say anything, I smiled leaning down to him.
"Use your words baby boy" I whispered, Wooyoung groaned his hand finding it's way up my hip and stoking my side giving me goosebumps.
"I'm still hard, can we go again?" He asked, I looked down now seeing indeed he was still hard, I giggled leaning over to kiss his lips.
"Of course baby boy, let's give you a nice blow job yeah?" I questioned, Wooyoung's eyes brightened in excitement as he nodded frantically.
I placed my hand on him stoking him slowly, his cock twitching already, I placed kitten licks over him, his breath hitched starting to get sensitive.
"Oh! Please please please!" He begged, this time though, he cums even faster and he strains within my hold.
"What do you want baby boy?" I asked, knowing full well what he wants but I wasn't going to pass up the opportunity for him to beg more, I love seeing him beg I smirked down at him.
"I want to cum, I need to, god-" Wooyoung whined, his hips bucking up to get more friction to his dick, making me smile wider at him.
"You can cum now baby boy" I said, and he did hard, he sags against me, sobbing, cum now painting his stomach and running over my hand. He barely registers the tissue I use to clean him again, pulling the covers and placing them over him so he can sleep.
Laying down next to him under the covers, Wooyoung moved so he was closer to me, wrapping his arms around my waist, he nuzzled into my breasts sighing into me.
"I love you" Wooyoung whispered, I froze not believing I heard him correctly, but when I looked down Wooyoung was already fast asleep. I sighed placing my hand on his head stroking his hair causing him to nuzzle again, as I closed my eyes ready for sleep.
Walking up I looked over at Wooyoung's clock on the table seeing that it was ten am, I looked down seeing Wooyoung still sleeping.
I slowly moved out of his grip and out of bed, Wooyoung groaned hugging the pillow I was sleeping on, I smiled at him as I quickly got dressed.
"Stay for a little longer..." Wooyoung said, his hand around my wrist, I leaned over him kissing his head, he hummed sitting up and placing his lips on mine.
"I can't I'm late" I told him standing up, Wooyoung nodded getting up himself and quickly pulling up his sweats following me out.
"Morning Yn" Yeosang said, as I walked passed the kitchen, Yeosang was sitting at the table eating breakfast.
"Morning Yeosang" I greeted him, smiling over as I grabbed my shoes to put them on.
"Fun night?" He asked, I chuckled peeking over at Wooyoung as his cheeks flushed red in embarrassment.
"The best" I told him, winking over at Wooyoung who turned even brighter, causing me to laugh.
"Why don't you stay for breakfast? I'm sure Wooyoung would love for you to stay" Yeosang asked, he looked over at Wooyoung a smirk on his face.
"Oh I'm sure he would" I said chuckling, looking between the two roommates, enjoying them arguing.
"Can you two stop talking like I'm not here" Wooyoung whined, glearing at the two of us, Yeosang laughed.
"Yn did you just hear something?" Yeosang asked, he looked over at me confused, but a small smirk showing.
"Hmm don't think so.." I said playing along, we both tured away from Wooyoung like he wasn't there.
"Hey!!!" Wooyoung whined again getting angry at us, he stomped his foot and crossed his arms pouting at us.
"I need to head out I'm already late" I said, chuckling at Wooyoung's behaviour.
"See you soon Yn" Yeosang said, he waved at me as he picked up his cup and taking a drink.
"Bye Yeosang" I said smilling over at him, putting my shoes on and tying my shoe laces. "Bye" Wooyoung said, his smile down at me.
"See ya later" I said, walking up to him placing a kiss on his lips, Wooyoung leaned in a hand placing on my hip pulling me closer.
"Oh and Yeosang tell another person about this and I will kill you" I told Yeosang, as I leaned away from Wooyoung to glear at Yeosang.
"Doubt it but sure my mouth is shut" Yeosang said snorting at that, I rolled my eyes at him but smiled.
"Thanks if only you could do that more often" I said smirking over to him, Wooyoung giggled at that holding his hand over his mouth.
"That's so funny" Yeosang said, rolling his eyes at me and glearing over at Wooyoung.
"I thought is was" Wooyoung said still giggling over what I said, making Yeosang roll his eyes.
"Two against one" I said sniggering at him, Yeosang shook his he at us, "Of course" Yeosang sighed, I laughed as I picked up my stuff and walked to the door Wooyoung closing it as he waved bye.
"Ah! Don't say that!" Wooyoung yelled through the door to Yeosang, I giggled as I left, he really is something.
After I got to the dorm I showered and changed, after being slut shamed from Hayoung, I made my way down the city centre to the dance studio that Hoseok has just opened.
"Wow nice" I said walking in to the studio that Hoseok was dancing in, he turned around with a huge smilebon hos face.
"Yn! Hey! What are you doing here?" He yelled running up to me and giving me a tight hug, I hugged back smile up at him.
"What I can't see my old friend?" I asked shrugging my shoulders, Hoseok chuckled at me as he brought me over to the table in the corner.
"Only when you want something" Hoseok said laughing, I punched his shoulder glearing at him. He raised his arms in surrender still laughing.
"So... How's Wooyoung?" He asked, a huge smirk on his face, I stared at him not knowing how he knew so I decided to play dumb.
"I have know idea what your talking about" I said looking away from him, Hoseok laughed clapping his hands as he stared at me.
"Yeosang told me" was all he said, I sighed rubbing my face getting irritated, why is Yeosang telling people? I thought.
"I stayed over his last night, and he told me he loves me.." I said looking over at Hoseok, he stopped laughing and frowned his brow thinking.
"And do you love him?" He asked, I leaned on the table thinking for a little, I mean maybe? I'm not sure.
"He makes me feel happy..." I told him, Hoseok smiled over at me he then started giggling at that.
"You should tell him, and now you can leave since I helped" Hoseok said standing up and walking over to the speaker on the side.
"Yeah... Thanks" I said rolling my eyes at him, walking to the door, I turned around to watch him start to dance, smiling I opened the door leaving.
I had wanted to talk to Wooyoung all week, but he has been busy. It definitely wasn't that I chickened out or ran away from him or anything, no not at all.
Ok maybe I was a little scared to the point of ignoring his texts and calls all week, Yeosang and San, Wooyoung's friends came up to find me asking what was wrong, lying I told them I was super busy, hopefully then Wooyoung wont get hurt.
It was once again friend evening, I was laying in bed watching tv while Hayoung sat on her bed reading a book. The night was peaceful.
A knock on the door was heard I looked over at Hayoung wondering if she was expecting someone, but she looked just as confused as me.
As I sat up to go walk over to the door, it opened revealing three guys, Hayoung screamed until we saw it was Hongjoong, Yeosang and San, sighing I gleared at the three.
"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked, getting back in to bed, the three walked over to me, Yeosang and San grabbing me and pulling me up.
"We're getting you ready for the party" Hongjoong said, as he opened my woodrop and going through the clothing, picking stuff up and placing them in my hand as Yeosang and San pushed me in to the bathroom.
"Get ready now, or we'll take you to the party in your pjs" San yelled through the door as the others giggled at the thought.
I sighed putting on my close and having a quick wash as I walked out of the bathroom glearing at them, Hayoung just watched from her bed.
"Right now a bit of lipstick to calm your man and now let's go!" San said passing me some red lipstick and grinning at me with a wink. I gleared over at Yeosang who smiled and shrugged.
Getting in to the party it was once again busy, the guys disappeared in seconds probably getting a drink, I walked around trying to find Wooyoung. I stopped short at the sight before me.
Wooyoung stood next to a girl, laughing happily and totally engrossed in their conversation, the sight made my heart clench as if someone had wrapped their fist around it and was trying to crush it slowly.
The girl was wrapping herself around Wooyoung almost like a snake and touching him shamelessly with a sensual smile on her lips, she pushed her body to him, trying to lure him.
Jealousy pricked at my skin sending darts through me that burned like a torch. Swallowing back the mess of emotions that bubbled inside of me.
"It doesn’t matter how hard you stare, she will not spontaneously combust.” Hongjoong said next to me, making me jump in shock not expecting him there.
The girl rest her chin on Wooyoung's shoulder, a blinding grin on her face. She looked up at him from beneath her eyelashes.
"Of her? What? Why would I be jealous?" I asked Hongjoong, as I dug my nails into my palms, forcing myself to look away and focus on Hongjoong.
"I didn't say anything about you being jealous. But if I were you I'd steal him back" Hongjoong said walking away, a drink in hand.
I stormed over to the two, seeing red at someone touching what was mine, Wooyoung looked up seeing me smiling brightly, but the look on my face made him frown.
Looking down almost like a light bulb went off he realised what was happening as he tried to pulled away from the girl and walking away from her.
My hand wrapped around Wooyoung's wrist and went to drag him away, but he stopped. Looking back the girl from before held his arm as she gleared at me.
Oh this was not fucking happening, I thought as I walked up to the girl, I was a little bit taller as I gleared down at her.
"Get your fucking filthy hands off MY man" my voice had venom in, the girl shrunk back intimidate by me, I turned around looking at Wooyoung as he stared with lust and something else in his eyes.
Grabbing hold of Wooyoung again we walked off, passing people as they shrink away when they see me go by, as if trying to escape a nearing inferno.
Finally getting outside the cold night air hit my skin calming me down a bit. When I finally let go of Wooyoung's wrist I looked around to him.
"Yn?" There was concern in his voice, but I refused to let it dampen the fire of jealousy, I placed my hand on his chest.
“Only I can touch you like that” I told him, my voice strong but low, I grasped him tightly lips pressed together in a heated kiss, moving in sync kissing and sucking at each others lips.
"Let's go~" I whispered in to his ear, Wooyoung whined but nodded eager for us to leave.
Standing outside of Wooyoung's apartment, my lips brushed over his tracing the outline of them with my tongue. He tasted like liquor, a low whine escaped Wooyoung as he grasped my hips pressing me against him.
“We should go inside.” I said looking over his shoulder at the door, he opened it up and I forced him back through the door once it swung open.
The second the door was closed Wooyoung was on me, his lips found their way to my throat attacking, nipping, biting and sucking my exposed skin.
I let him have a moment before grabbing a fistful of his hair and pulled him away, his eyes just staring at me waiting. I smirked running my other hand over his body. His erection strained in his leather trousers, making him hitch his breath as my fingers ghosted over it.
"You’re mine." I whispered as I kissed along his jawline, sucking every so often. Wooyoung always looks so good marked up, no one will dare to flirt with him when I claim his skin.
Moving away seeing wine coloured bruises along his collarbone I sucked on them until he gasped. I pin him to the wall once we got to his bedroom, my teeth sinking deep into his neck and collarbone.
He tugs at the buttons on his shirt, but my hands slip lower unbuckling his belt and pulling his trousers and underwear down. We both shed clothing on the way to his bed until Wooyoung is on his back and I overwhelme him with breathless kisses.
When Wooyoung's hands come up to hold my hips I pull them back, grasping them around his wrists, I drag them above his head holding him back from touching me.
“Wherever she touched you, I will erase it, I want your skin to only remember my hands, no one else's” I breathed in to his ear making him shiver. I teased him more as I moved in for his lips, but turned at the last second kissing his cheek and down his neck instead.
I licked back up and nipped at his jawline before barely brushing my lips over his. Trying to catch my lips, but I pull away smiling watching as Wooyoung's head drops to the pillow with a small frustrated sigh.
I could tell that Wooyoung wanted to touch me, so to make it worse I grabbed the tie from his draw tying his hands up. After that he kept trying to move, before the tie around his wrists reminded him that he can't.
Satisfied that he won't touch me, I started kissing down bis stomach reaching his member with my lips and immediately taking as much of him as I can in my mouth. Wooyoung bucks at the sudden contact forcing himself further into my throat.
I hit his hip to tell him without words, that I was the one setting the pace and not him, I held him to the bed as I bobbed my head.
"Mmn! Ah!" Wooyoung groaned lowly, by now his fingers would be in my hair, but I've taken that away from him, forcing him to just watch.
I licked up the full length then focused on the head, sucking thickly. Everytime he would shift underneath me, I would dig my fingers into his skin, my nails leaving marks, his skin is now red in patches where I've claimed him.
Wooyoung watched me from under his lashes while he panted, a thought came to my head as I stand and give him a mischievous smile.
“I’m going to go get a drink, be a good boy and stay here until I get back” I said as I placed his shirt around me and left the room. I closed the door hearing him protest while whining, I hold back a laugh.
"I'm guessing Wooyoung's a little tied up" Yeosang asked smirking from the living room, I nodded at him laughing while walking in to the kitchen. I grabbed a bottle of water taking a drink as I slowly made my way back to Wooyoung's bedroom.
"Did you get me some water too?" Wooyoung asked, pouting at me as I walked to him, he leaned up the best he could while I pored some water down his throat.
"Did you miss me?" I asked, giving him a sweet smile. “Desperately,” he whined, I leaned in to give him a kiss on the lips. I stand up and there's panic in Wooyoung's eyes, but he relaxes when I take his top off.
"I have a problem Wooyoung, you can't use your hands but your mouth is free" I told Wooyoung stoking his hair, Wooyoung's eyes widened slightly before he grins and licking his lips.
I settled myself over his mouth, my knees resting on either side of his head, he licks me fully, then teases my clit with his tongue. I lean over in twining my fingers with his, from where I'm sitting all I could see was the top of Wooyoung's head.
As he tastes me, licking and sucking pressing light kisses over me, my legs start to shake as I pull away slightly, Wooyoung lifts his head off the pillow to follow me. The gesture making my heart race. Sitting back down I put a little more weight on him, pressing his mouth fully against me.
"Mmn" he moaned at the pressure, sending the sound vibrating through me. His hands tense in mine clutching firmly. Gently he scrapes his teeth on me, then licks, I can feel his breath rushing out making me gasp.
His tongue darts inside me tasting me, I can't help but press down out of reflex before remembering that Wooyoung's hands are tied up, I give up with keeping still letting him fuck me with his tongue as I ride his mouth.
Within seconds I'm a writhing mess against his face, leaning over clasping his hands as I cum, feeling Wooyoung kiss and swallow until I'm finished. I gasp trying to catch my breath, I move off of him to sit on his chest.
Wooyoung looks up smiling at me, his eyes sparkling, turning his head he leaves kisses on my thighs until I get off, I kiss him slowly and deeply, my taste still on his tongue.
"Yn~ please~ I need to be in you~ please~" Wooyoung begged, his voice cracking, he licks his lips, and my heart skips at the sight of him. His cheeks red, eyelids lowered, still breathing deeper than normal from the effort of getting me off.
Without a word I silde down and let him enter me, my entrance slick from his spit and my own cum, so he sildes in easily, I rock myself back and forth watching his expression where he lays, a shaky breath and his eyes are closed in pure bliss.
Placing my hands on his waist I move faster, bouncing myself harder against him. Wooyoung's eyes open at the new pace and stares at me, a moan escaping his throat.
"I want to touch you please~" Wooyoung whines between breaths, he watches me closely licking his lips and then he bucks his hips upwards a new found pleasure with his dick getting deeper.
I continued to rock myself faster than before, Wooyoung thrusts upwards again, to meet my movement, I watched as his wrists were straining against the tie, though I haven't tied it tightly, I could see red marking him from the force of him pulling.
"So tell me baby boy~ who makes you feel this way?~" I purred in to his ear, he meets my gaze at the question.
"You, Yn. Only you mmn, always you~" he breathes whining, he drops his head back and moans loudly, tears preak the corners of his eyes, our body's moving together.
I lean forward to kiss him, his thrusts more deeply, our kisses are heated and messy, my hands tangle into his hair pulling lightly. Wooyoung bites at my lip moving his tongue with mine, moaning in to my mouth.
"Fuck! Wooyoung!" As he hears me moaning his name he cums, pushing up into me roughly biting hard on my shoulder to stifle a loud moan. I grind against him as he cums inside me making me cum with him as well.
"I love you" I whispered, the two of us stayed like that for a little longer, I lay down on him, brushing his hair off his damp forehead, I kiss him lightly then reached over to untie his wrists, red marks are left on his wrists as I gently kiss them.
Wooyoung looks up at me I could see he wanted to asked something, I went to get up, but Wooyoung grabbed me keeping me in place his dick still in me.
"Did...did you really mean that?" He asked, already tearing up, I frowned then realised I told him that I loved him.
"I do love you" I told him smiling down at him, Wooyoung sat up and embraced me, wrapping me warmly in his arms as he nuzzled into me. I run my hands through his hair.
"I love you too. So much~" Wooyoung mumbled squeezing me tightly, I chuckled at him, he is so cute I thought, as I smiled into his hair. Wooyoung huffs as he buries his face into my chest as I placed kisses over his head.
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mollyhw14 · 4 years ago
Fallen Angel : Tied to the Devil's Daughter (demon au Lee Donghyuk / Haechan ) ♛ CH2♛
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Seraphina was beyond livid.
She'd come to the dance studio to let off steam but it felt like the complete opposite. Putting on some music, she decided to let loose and see if dancing would at least loosen her temper a little bit.
Stretching to warm up, she slowly began to let her body flow with the rhythm, eventually flowing into the choreography she'd been practicing for the last week. Flawlessly, she completed every step, finishing with a grande jete and her final pose. Once the music stopped she collapsed to the floor, sweating but feeling more alive from the buzz of the dance. Prying herself from the floor, she heard distant clapping from the door way making her whip her head round fast to see who had interrupted her alone time.
Phina was definitely not impressed to see the boy she had glared at previously before for taking over her time slot.
"Wow princess didn't know you were quite the ballet dancer. I must say, doesn't really fit your temper like but you got some moves." His voice was almost teasing-like and this irritated Seraphina a lot. Getting annoyed by his presence, she scowled at him, waiting for his explanation as to why he was even there. Not getting an answer she took matters into her own hands.
"So you gonna tell me why the fuck you're here or am I gonna have to slap some sense in to you?"
He chuckled at her tone, she sounded pissed and it only amused him.
"Now now, sunshine, that's no way to speak to people is it?" He made sure to drag out the word sunshine just to piss her off even more.
"You call me that again and I'll snap your fucking neck!" She'd moved to grab her phone, getting angrier the more she was in his presence.
"Feisty one aren't you? Princess, as much as I'd love to break your neck too, don't think it would go down to well with the police now would it?" His condescending tone irritated her and she stormed out, barging past his tall ass to find her next class.
"By the way, I came to take over my time slot, not that I didn't mind you staring at me Sunshine," he shouted from behind her.
'Staring? Fucking idiot, he's obviously blind to not see I was trying to burn him with my eyes' she thought to herself as she slowed down once entering her classroom. 
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Maths was Seraphina's most hated class. It wasn't because she wasn't good at it, if anything she was top of the class. However, she unfortunately had to share this class with the demons in the year above. Three of them being the dicktrio who thought they ran the school. Their dumbasses had dropped a grade and now she had to have this class with them. Not only that, her teacher was a demon too, favouring them more amongst the humans within the class, no matter how dumb they were. Phina often wondered to herself if there was many more teachers who were also demons, and they just kept to their human form?
Waiting for the teacher to come, she glanced around, trying to not make contact with the black orbs that almost laughed at her from across the room. The demons giggled to themselves, knowing how much humans hated eye contact with them, believing they would die from a single look. However this wasn't the case for Phina, she was introverted, and this was why she hated eye contact. She didn't give one shit if this girl was a demon, she just knew the moment they shared eye contact, she wouldn't hear the end of it.
"How's my favourite person!" Phina heard the angelic voice of her friend, before being engulfed by a pair of arms.
"Cheonie, you're strangling me!" Phina managed to choke out before her best friend finally sat in the seat next to her.
"Can I not be happy to see my best friend? Have you calmed down yet?"
Before Phina could reply, she heard the high pitch voice shout out from the other side of the room.
"Shut up Chansa, you might as well be an Angel you're that fucking annoying!"
Hurt flashed across her friends face and Seraphina saw red. How dare she insult her best friend.
"First of all her name is CHEONSA, get it right bitch! Maybe mind your own fucking god damn business before insulting my friend. At least she has a heart unlike you whores."
She glared straight into the black pits of hell, and everyone around them muted. All shocked that not only had she stuck up to the three dicktrio demons, but also because she actually looked them straight in the eye.
Shock was evident on the demons’ faces, but was gone as quick as it came.
"Did you just call us whores?"
"Yes and what the fuck are you going to do about it?"
"You're dead human bitch-"
Just as the girl was about the pounce at Phina, the door swung open to reveal both the teacher and the person she hated just as much as the dicktrio. Lee Haechan.
"What are you doing Seraphina! Get in your seat right this instant and don't utter a single word for the rest of class." Black orbs glowed from the door way at her, stopping the demon in her tracks.
Seraphina was beyond mad. Not only had she been humiliated by the teacher, but that the demons always got their own way. The smirk on their faces showing everyone who had the higher ground.
"Utter bullshit" she mumbled to herself, Cheonsa gave her a reassuring smile.
"Right class we have a new student joining us, Lee Haechan. Make him feel welcome and please, no funny business. Haechan please take a seat next to Seraphina."
Could Phina's day get any worse? Banging her head on her desk, she heard a low chuckle followed by, "You really are a badass aren't you Sunshine? Going against a demon you're definitely asking for a death wish."
Oh how she wished she was dead.
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The bell rang signally the end of the day, and nobody was more exciting to be leaving school that Seraphina. The ringing of the bell actually made her smile for the first time that day, as she skipped down the stairs to go meet her best friend outside.
Finding Cheonsa under the school's apple tree, they linked arms before heading off the their usual cafe down the road.
"Why don't you ask Mark if he wants to join us, you said he's been stressed out with exams recently he'll need a break." Cheonsa looked at her friend for an answer, watching as she frowned at the mention of her brother.
"I know, he really stresses himself out too much, mums had to put a lock on the fridge because he's been stress eating."
Mark was Seraphina's older brother, who never let her forget that he was the older ones. He was doing his finally exams to get himself into college, and the boy literally stressed himself out so much over it, he would lash out at anybody who distracted him.
"Do you think he'll be calm enough to even talk to me on the phone?"
Cheonsa hesitated,
"He should be done with them soon, he'd probably appreciate his sister inviting him out."
With that said, Phina brought the phone to her ear to call her brother, entering the all too familiar cafe.
"Yah what do you want I'm busy Phi!"
Phina closed her eyes at the loudness of his voice, knowing her brother would react this way she sighed.
"Never mind. I was going to ask if you'd like to come hang out with us at the cafe but if you're busy just leave it." She snapped at him down the phone, her temper getting the better of her.
"No wait!" the voice on the other side made her jump. He really needed to stop shouting.
"I'll come, I'm sorry for shouting I need a break these exams are driving me fucking insane." His voice was more softer this time, regretting the way he'd spoke to his sister. After all, she was just trying to be nice.
"I'll see you in 5."
Just as the phone line went dead, Cheonsa was walking over with two cups in her hand.
"You know me to well Cheonsie, a peppermint hot chocolate is always the way to my heart."
They both chuckled and sat in their usual spot, before Phia decided to fill her friend in on the new kid.
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"Honestly you should've seen him Cheonsa, he thought he was fucking amazing, interrupting my dance slot-"
"Hello to my favourite sibling!" Her brother practically screamed from across the cafe, interrupting her rant.
"Mark I'm your only sibling."
"I know that but still... anyway I brought Renjun because he was with me when you called." Renjun stuck his head out from behind Mark, waving at the two girls.
"Hey Rejun, how've you been?" Cheonsa beamed up at the blonde, eyes never leaving the male.
"I've been good thank you, just trying to finish my portfolio for art."
Phina almost gagged at the way her friend was making heart eyes at the man. She pulled Mark into the booth they were sat at, earning a glare from her friend at their chosen seating arrangement.
"I like your new hair Renjun, have you dyed it?" Cheonsa's attention was back onto the male, swooning at the way he blushed that she'd noticed his hair.
"Yeah I just fancied a change. Do you think it looks okay-"
He was about the finish his sentence when the sudden buzz of his phone interrupted him. Confused, he put the phone to his ear, quizzing the caller.
"What's wrong? Are they being bad again?- Well I don't know....I can ask wait a sec-"
"Hey Cheonsa is it okay if my friend joins us?"
His eyes were pleading at her to let his friend come, and Phina wondered why he would even be pleading when he knew fair well that Cheonsa would agree to anything he said.
"Of course, anything for you." Cheonsa giggled, causing Phina to fake gag, and earning a chuckle from her brother and death glare from her friend.
After getting off the phone, Renjun announced his friend was round the corner and would go and grab him a drink from the counter, asking if anybody else wanting one too.
As he neared the counter, her friend sighed, love evident on her face.
"He's just so charming isn't he?" She sighed again, looking towards the boy she had a huge crush on.
"Yeh he's alright I guess-"
"Oh hey Sunshine, didn't know I'd be seeing you here."
Phina's eyes nearly popped out their sockets at the high pitched voice she could recognise anywhere.
Why did her day just keep getting worse.
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z-iridest · 5 years ago
(A/N: Okay, guys, I hope you enjoy a little Denki Kaminari fluff ^.^ A big thank you to @lxvely-mha for helping me with the idea, if you haven't checked out their blog, YOU HAVE NOT LIVED! Lxvly, this is for you, and I hope you don't mind if I drew from your headcannons for Denki Kaminari as a boyfriend)
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Hungry Eyes: A Denki Kaminari x Shy & Clumsy Female! Reader One Shot
It all started with a dance....
As the daughter of a pro hero, I had to be ready for anything. A villain attack, random people wanting an autograph from my Dad, and my Dad's infamous loud as hell outbursts to name a few. Considering that the Pro Hero I'm talking about is Present Mic, it's actually kind of ironic that his daughter is a silent, shy klutz that has a similar quirk to his. Mine is literally a sonic scream.....
My clumsiness is going to be my death one day. It's why I've never danced at any school dances, preferring to be either sitting on the sidelines, or next to the DJ booth (sometimes in it if my Dad was the DJ). I'd already embarrassed myself several times tripping over anything and everything, no reason to do it with an audience. To be fair, my Dad did try teaching me how to dance..... Hours of sore feet on my Dad's end later and me falling on my rear way too many times, we were both ready to call it quits. Speaking of my Dad....
There's only a handful of people I've ever talked outloud to: My Dad, My Mom, and my Uncle: Shota Aizawa (yeah, Aizawa is my godfather, get over it). Everyone else, I talk to using JSL or writing down what I want to say. I only talk to people I'm not comfortable around when it's an absolute necessity. Why? Allow me to take you back a few months ago....
See, when I first started at U.A., I started dating this guy... You actually know him. Remember Monoma from Class 1-B? Yeah....
Well, everything was going great with him... Until I caught him making out with a different girl. He had the audacity to tell me it was my own fault for not measuring up to his "perfect standards" and told me I'd never be good enough to live up to my Dad's rep as a Pro Hero, that I was a waste of space. I kinda just shut down after that, refusing to talk to my Dad or Uncle Shota for a while, especially since Monoma spread a rumor around school that I was quirkless. That got me bullied a bit until Dad got wind of it.....
Boy, was he mad....
But don't worry! Everything's fine now. The rumors died down about a month ago, though I think that was mainly due to me joining the BakuSquad.... For those who don't know, the BakuSquad is a group of a bunch of loveable goofballs and their explosive pomeranian of a leader: Katsuki Bakugo. Mina was the one who brought me into the group, and thank god, they never pushed me to talk. I mainly just listened to their antics and tried to hold back fits of laughter. It almost felt normal...
Since we broke up, Monoma has a bad habit of cornering me at my locker after school to try to get me to go back to dating him. I always tell him no, and he pushes me around until either Kirishima, Bakugo, Sero or Kaminari come looking for me. I think deep down, he's scared half to hell of Kaminari, because the one time Monoma didn't stop when Kaminari told him to... Oh boy, Pikachu Boy went all out on Monoma, shocking him until he made a run for it. It was actually really funny to watch, I won't lie.....
Back to what I was saying: As the kid of a pro hero, you have to be ready for anything. But, that's where fate'll get you good...
When you least expect it, fate can just (excuse my french) bitch slap you out of nowhere. For example.....
"You did what?!" The only reason I was talking to Mina and Jiro at that second was out of shock. We were in my dorm room, so there was no one around to hear me talk anyways outside of Mina and Jirou.
"Mina decided to nominate you and Kaminari for the couple to do the first dance at the Mid-Summer Dance this year for the first years, and you guys won the school's vote." Jirou told me. I let out a humiliated whine and plopped facedown onto my pillow. The Mid Summer Dance was a school wide dance party to have fun in the final days of summer. One couple from each year did the first, second and third slow dances, the first years being the ones to kick off the actual dance. I felt a hand on my back.
"Aww, come on, Y/N, it's not that bad." Mina's voice told me. I sat up faster than Iida can run, and looked at her with a look that told her I thought she was crazy.
"Are you forgetting who you're talking to? The resident klutz of U.A. High, that's who! I'm gonna die, that's it! Game over, no pro hero career for me! Y/N Yamada, dead at 16! Cause of death: Embarrassing tumble in front of the whole school! I'll be lucky if the dress I wear that night doesn't rip or something on the way there." I burried my face in my pillow again. "Besides, I don't know how to dance. I've always avoided the dancefloor at parties or anything like that."
"Why don't you just ask Kaminari to teach you how to dance?" Jirou asked.
"I've never talked in front of him, remember? And I can't ask him, it'd be too embarrassing." I reminded Jirou.
"Fine, if you won't ask Kaminari to teach you how to dance, I'll ask him for you." Mina's words pierced me with more horror than any thriller movie. Believe me, that's saying something because I hate horror movies.
"No, no, no, no, no!" I shouted, jumping up, but Mina was already out of my room, calling for Kaminari. I raced out of my room after her, but by the time I caught up, she was already telling Kaminari. Crap....The second Kaminari locked eyes with me, I bolted back into my room and hid in the closet. Damn it, Mina! I felt heat rise to my face. Great, now I'm blushing.... Just a few minutes later, I heard footsteps. They stopped before I heard voices.
"Jirou, have you seen Y/N?" Kaminari's voice.
"She's hiding in there." Traitor. I heard footsteps walk away. Okay, maybe Kaminari walked away. Maybe he...
"Y/N?" Damn it, he didn't walk away. "Why didn't you tell me you couldn't dance?" I slowly came out of the closet and signed my answer in JSL.
I thought it was obvious. I'm the resident klutz of U.A., so....
"You're scared of falling in front of everyone? You always seem so fearless." Kaminari told me, sitting on my bed. I gave him a You've gotta be kidding me look as I sat down next to him. "I'm serious!"
Looks can be deceiving. I'm scared of everything. I put on a facade during training to make it look like I'm not scared when I actually am.
"You're still such a badass... Anyway, back to the dance. What were you gonna do when the night of the dance came and you still didn't know how to dance?" Kaminari asked me. I shrugged.
I would have figured out something.
"Like what, bailing on the dance all together?" Kaminari asked, raising an eyebrow. I opened my mouth, but quickly closed it. That had been the last resort. "That's what I thought." He stood up and offered his hand to me. "Come on, the dance is a couple weeks away, but we'd better start now if you're gonna be ready." With no other choice, I placed my hand in Kaminari's, a sudden spark flowing from me to him.
And it wasn't from his quirk.
I didn't have time to ponder what the spark even was, because Kaminari pulled me up off my bed and started pulling me to the gym where the dance would be held. I had just enough time to notice how perfectly my hand seemed to fit in his. What's wrong with me?
It was then that the real work began. While keeping up with studying and homework from all my classes (which I had to help Kaminari with most of), and planning the dance with the Dance Committee, I was taking dance lessons with Kaminari. Surprisingly, no matter how much I stepped on his toes, he stayed patient and helped me through it. Everytime I tripped and started falling, he caught me easily. "Now that the worst's happened, you don't have to be scared. I've got you." Kaminari had told me with a wink the first time I had tripped and he had caught me. I have no idea why, but I started blushing like an idiot around him, and kept tripping outside of our dance lessons, worse than my normal clumsiness. If this is what having a crush was, I was falling hard for the human Pikachu.... Literally.
Before I knew it, it was the day before the dance. Kaminari and I danced alone in the gym, and much to my own surprise, I didn't trip. Not once. Kaminari was grinning wider than a Cheshire cat when we finally finished.
"Yes! I knew you could do it, that was awesome!" Kaminari exclaimed with the biggest smile on his face as he pumped both fists in the air. I covered my mouth to keep a laugh in, but it slipped out in a giggle. When I looked up, Denki was looking at me with the most adorable look ever. His head was tilted to one side slightly, and his eyes held this just... Adoring look. "Y'know... Your laugh is adorable." I felt the heat rise to my face as I looked away from him. "I mean it." He made me look at him, giving me a sweet smile. He was so close, one single move from either of us, and we'd be kissing. He cleared his throat after a good long minute, giving me a sheepish smile. "Want to run through it one more time?" He asked me. I nodded and we danced again. I couldn't stop the smile on my face as I danced, feeling happy for the first time in a long time. I noticed that the more I smiled, the more Denki smiled. As we finished the routine perfectly for the second time that day, I felt Denki interlace his fingers with mine, the look on his face serious. He raised one hand, gently cupping the side of my face. My heart started pounding fiercely against my chest. What was going to happen next? "Y/N.... I want to ask you something...." He told me, his eyes and his voice soft. Just as he opened his mouth to continue, my phone rang. I groaned.
"Sorry, I gotta take this." I shrugged before answering my phone.
"Y/N, where are you? We have to do the final preparations for the party!" Mina's voice shrilled at the other end. Iida must have been right there, otherwise she wouldn't have called me about something like this.
"Do I really have to be there?" I asked.
"No, I just need you to answer a couple things over the phone." Mina told me.
"Go for it." I told her, giving Kaminari an apologetic look. He gave me a thumbs up as if silently telling me it was fine. I leaned against the wall behind me as I listened to Mina's questions, answering each one. Everytime I talked, I noticed Denki having that same adoring look on his face. Just as I shifted against the wall a bit, I saw Kaminari start to walk over to me.
"Y/N?" Kaminari called my name, and I noticed he had a determined look on his face."I was wondering... Do you want to go to the dance with me?" I put the phone down for a second, feeling a little confused.
"Yeah, I mean, the BakuSquad's all going together, right? I think Bakugo has us leaving the dorms around 7 or something..." I told him. I heard Mina call my name and put the phone back to my ear. Jeeze, how many more questions did this girl have?
"No, I mean, with me." Denki told me. What was he getting at?
"Yeah, I can swing by your dorm around 6:30." I told him. He did mean arrive there as a group with the squad.... Didn't he? Mina asked me another question before I could think about what he meant. "Yeah, when you're facing the stage it has to go on the left... Right." I shook my head as Mina sounded confused. "No, the left, not the right." I heard Denki mumble something under his breath, something along the lines of,
"Oh man, this is gonna be hard." I suddenly felt his hand on mine as he placed his other arm on the wall next to me. Is he... Doing the kabedon on me? I felt my cheeks turn bright red, as he was really, really close to me now. I was forced to look into his gold eyes, which held a very serious look. "Y/N..." He moved my phone fully from my ear, keeping my closed hand in his. I swear, Mina was intently listening in, because I could hear her suddenly go silent on the other line. "Would you.... Be my date for the Mid-Summer Dance?" A smile crept onto my face, which caused him to chuckle a bit. "And... If you don't absolutely hate me by the end of it... Would you... consider... Maybe, being more than friends?" I smiled up at him brighter. I was getting asked out by my crush! "Maybe?"
"Like... Boyfriend and girlfriend where we can... Hold hands instead of just fist bumping and slugging each other all the time, and... We can text, and I can tell you how great you are, because, Kaminari, you really are great, and I'm the luckiest girl in the world, you're so sweet and adorable, and..." I suddenly felt something warm and soft against my lips, effectively cutting me off. Despite the dark blush on my face, I melted into Denki's kiss. When we finally pulled away, he grinned down at me.
"First of all, you call me Denki. And second, if anyone's the lucky one, it's me, sweetheart." I closed my eyes and blushed darker, if it was humanly possible, as he softly kissed my forehead. I giggled and hugged him, feeling him hug me back. "Well then, milady, until tomorrow night." He grinned goofily as he held my hand in his, bowing and pressing a soft kiss to the back of my hand. With a wink and the most adorable smile, he was gone.
When I got back to the dorms, I was greeted by all the girls, each one having the stupidest smile on their faces as they all sat in the common room. I blushed under their stares and said only two words, knowing Mina had heard what had happened after dance practice and had told all the girls. "Shut up." I told them, causing all of them to burst into a giggle fit.
Right after school the next day, the girls of 1-A practically dragged me to my room to get me ready for the dance. Mina, Momo and Ochaco teamed up on picking the dress while Toru and Jirou teamed up on curing my hair. Once my hair was finished being curled and fully hair sprayed, Toru pinned one side of my hair out of my face with bobby pins before Mina, Asui and Ochaco carefully helped me into the dress they chose: an adorable white, off the shoulder sundress that fell to my knees in length. While Ochaco grabbed a pair of white heels for me to wear, Mina did my makeup for me. I put my heels on myself once Mina was done and grabbed my purse, blushing when I saw that all the girls were admiring their work. "Twirl, Y/N! Twirl for us!" Toru cheered at me. I blushed and twirled. The dress spun before falling back into place, the girls awwing before I spoke up, looking at the time.
"Uh, guys? It's 6:45." My words forced them into action, a unanimous:
"Oh, crap!" Leaving each of the girls as they scampered off to go get ready, realizing they had very little time left to ready themselves because of fawning over every little detail when it came to me. I giggled and looked at my reflection. I didn't look completely like myself, but for the first time in a long time... I felt... Beautiful.
At 7, I left the comfortable confines of my room to join everyone else in the common room. I felt my face turn dark red as the chatter from the boys suddenly stopped, all attention on me.
"Damn, Yamada, you look great." Kirishima spoke up first, a grin on his face.
"Great? Try goregous!" Sero spoke up. All the boys except for Bakugo, Midoriya, Todoroki and Kamin... I mean Denki, started arguing about what word was best to describe me. I snuck a look at Denki. That teasing bastard was wearing black dress pants with really nice black shoes and a tucked in, white button up shirt with the top two buttons undone. He just had to dress like that for tonight... I exchanged glances with Denki, and I swear, there was a shit-eating grin on Kaminari's face as he wrapped his arms around me.
"Man, if I'd known you'd get all cleaned up this good for me, I would have asked you out weeks ago." Denki told me as he looked down at me.
"Blame the girls, they wouldn't let me out of my room until I accepted their wish to do a full on makeover." I blushed darker. "You cleaned up really nice too, by the way." He grinned down at me before pressing a kiss to my forehead.
"Only for my baby... Besides, girls should know you didn't need to put on makeup and style your hair just to impress me, princess. You're beautiful to me no matter what you look like." He whispered in my ear before softly kissing the tip of my nose. I hid my dark red face in his chest as Kaminari spoke up over the guys, cutting off their arguement. "It's all very flattering, but the best word to describe her is simple: Angelic." I could practically feel the cheesy smile he was shooting at me in that second. I looked up at him and opened my mouth to respond, but the girls had joined us just then.
When we got there, Dad was blasting music left and right, doing his DJ thing as always. I laughed a bit as I saw him living up. I had to admit, the decoration committee did an awesome job at turning the big old gym into a dancefloor. I felt Kaminari kiss my cheek and I turned toward him. "Go ahead and say hi to your Dad, I'll grab us some punch." He told me. I smiled and nodded before pulling him down into a quick kiss... Which he turned into 3 sweet little pecks. I giggled and he winked before leaving my side. As I made my way toward the DJ booth, Jirou caught me.
"Y'know, we all knew he had a crush on you. As soon as you guys started doing dance lessons, he suddenly stopped flirting with all the girls and started keeping Mineta in line." She told me.
"Seriously?" I asked. She nodded.
"Yeah, Mina and I knew it was a matter of time before he asked you out. We just weren't expecting it to happen yesterday." She told me. I smiled. "I really am happy for you guys. You especially look extremely happy."
"I haven't smiled like this in a long time, Jirou." I told her honestly. She smiled and we exchanged a hug before I continued walking toward my Dad. He grinned when he saw me and exited the DJ booth for a second to give me a hug.
"You look beautiful, baby bird." Dad told me, tucking a stray curl behind my ear. I smiled up at him.
"Thanks, Dad." I told him.
"You nervous for the dance?"
"A little. But, I've been practicing for the past two weeks, so I think I'll be okay."
"Who is your partner anyway? Everytime I was about to find out, I got pulled away."
"You'll see, Dad." I winked at him before leaving to rejoin Denki. Instead, I ran into the only person who could ruin the night for me.....
"Wow, Y/N, you never dressed like this for me." Monoma crooned at me.
"I never felt comfortable until now, please excuse me." I said as I started to walk away. My heart came to a slamming hault in my chest as Monoma grabbed my wrist, stopping me from going anywhere. "M-Monoma, let me go!" I told him, feeling a panic attack coming on. My anxiety was shooting through the roof....
"You're not going anywhere with him." Monoma hissed at me. "You're mine."
"Not anymore." I yanked my wrist out of his grip, gingerly holding it. "Denki cares about me way more than you ever could care. You don't care about anyone but yourself, and I'd take back dating you if I could." I told him, trying to calm myself down. He growled, roughly grabbing my arm and pushing me into a corner. My breathing got so short, I couldn't breathe.
"Wrong move." He snarled at me. Right before he could touch me, he yelped, a spark of electricity zapping through him. Behind him was Denki, his quirk crackling in his right hand, and boy did he looked pissed.
"Denki." A breath of relief left me as I scampered behind him, feeling his right hand hold mine as Monoma growled angrily, getting back up.
"Nobody puts my baby in a corner." Denki snarled, aiming a bolt of his quirk at the ground near Monoma's feet. That blue eyed, selfish blond screamed like a girl and ran for it, his classmates laughing at him while Kendo scolded him. As soon as Monoma was gone, Denki deactivated his quirk, turned around and wrapped his arms around me protectively. "You okay, babe?" He asked. I nodded.
"I am now." I told him before kissing his cheek. "Thanks for saving me." He grinned down at me and winked just as my Dad announced that it was time to dance. He let go of me and offered his arm.
"Shall we, milady?" He asked. I giggled and took his arm.
"Do you even have to ask?" I questioned in counter. He chuckled before leading me to the dancefloor. Once of the floor, we took our starting positions before the beat of the song started. (A/N: Start listening to Hungry Eyes by Eric Carmen for this part ^.^).
As soon as the beat started, we started to move, our eyes never leaving each other. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see all of Class 1-A gathered around us, watching us as we danced. "Everyone's watching us." I whispered to him.
"They don't matter right now. It's just you and me right now, baby." He whispered back with a grin. I giggled as I had fun, dancing with him. I knew, without a doubt, that my Dad was watching us, and I mentally cringed. Denki wasn't exactly popular with the teachers in a good way..... My thoughts distracted me enough to make me trip over my own feet after the second verse. Thank God for Denki, because he caught me and made it look like he was dipping me, which caused our classmates to cheer. He winked. "Told you I'd catch you." He softly told me. I smiled and we continued to dance, Denki spinning me at certain points and the next dip he did being during the instrumental after the bridge after twirling me again.
We continued dancing until the music started to fade out, stopping in the middle and slowly bringing our conjoined hands down. A roar of applause thundered from the crowd and Denki pulled me into a hug. I did it.... I danced with my boyfriend without getting embarrased! I felt him tense a bit after a second and I turned to see my Dad giving Denki the "I'm watching you" look. I rolled my eyes and pulled Denki into a kiss, feeling him hold me tighter as we kissed.
This night couldn't have been more perfect.....
Epliouge ( A/N: Extra just for fun!)
A couple days after the dance, Monoma tried to corner me again, this time being stupid enough to do it while the BakuSquad was still around me. I heard a snarl leave my boyfriend, but I put my hand out, stopping him from doing anything as I glared at my ex as he fired off insult after insult at me. But, he really crossed the line, pissing me off in the process, when he insulted Denki. Finally having had enough, I slammed my locker shut and faced Monoma with the sharpest glare on my face. If looks could kill.... "Monoma, you are absolutely pathetic. You can say whatever you want about me, but insulting my boyfriend? It's about time you GET A LIFE!" I used my quirk on Monoma, letting out the loud energy I had contained for months on end thanks to him. He flew backwards and hit the wall while Sero, Kirishima, even Bakugo laughed their asses off. Denki smirked as he wrapped his arms around me.
"Told you: You're a badass." Denki told me.
"Come on, guys, let's get the hell out of here." I told my friends, walking out beside my boyfriend.
(A/N: Tada! ^.^ Hope you guys enjoyed!)
Taglist: @lxvely-mha @fakeanimefanntnt
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staytiny-angel · 5 years ago
War of Hearts
Chapter One
Rating: Mature
Main Pairing: Seth Rollins/Becky Lynch
Co-written with @riottbliss
Summary: Seth Rollins was once known as the Bad Boy Prince of MMA, now years after a career ending knee injury he's stepping into.the Octagon again not as a competitor but as his little sister's coach. Unfortunately for him the redhead across the cage from he and Paige is not only woman he'd just had a one night stand with but the younger sister and protege of the Finn Balor...the man that ended Seth's career.
Warnings: MMA style violence, Alcoholism, Implied Self-Harm (DM for details), Depression, Angst with a Happy Ending
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Hunter Hearst Helmsley, or professionally known by Triple-H sighed with embarrassment, reading tweet after tweet from his youngest son Seth Rollins.
"What happened to him?" His best friend and practically brother Shawn Michaels asked, looking over his shoulder.
"Cody took him out of the press conference, Seth's hungover, blaming everyone but himself"
Shawn shook his head, "Kid is letting the hype go to his brain. He's all over TMZ, The Bad Boy Prince of MMA is what they call him"
"Seth is the best fighter in the world in his division. He's earned the cockiness but his lifestyle…." Hunter shook his head
Shawn made a disgusted sound. "Kid reminds me of me before I got my act together"
"Fatherhood is what made you get your act together. That won't work for Seth" Hunter clicked on a video of his drunken son yelling into a camera about Finn Balor that had gone viral last week.
"He talks so much shit about Balor being a low rent MacGregor, hell Seth acts more like Conor then Finn does."
Hunter sighed "He's turned this into a complete mess, I wouldn't be surprised if his team drops him."
"Hey, Dusty loved that kid, Dustin and Cody wouldn't release him until he stopped making them money"
Hunter nodded but looked nonetheless unthrilled.
"He keeps making excuses about everything. I'm this close to calling Steph"
Shawn nodded with agreement as the two entered Seth's penthouse, greeting a tired looking Cody Rhodes. "I can't do this anymore Hunter" he said in place of a normal greeting.
"You are not dropping him" Hunter said matter of factly.
"AEF is supposed to be for fighters that respect the sport, he fucks around and doesn't even show up to the gym" Cody said.
Hunter ignored him and went upstairs to where he could hear his youngest groaning in misery.
Hunter sighed as Seth looked up from the toilet he was practically hugging. "I'm twenty five, perfectly legal" he muttered, Hunter's gaze looking at the black and gold championship that laid discarded.
"While ago you would have treated that with respect" He said, Seth rolling his eyes. "Would you rather me puke on it? It's just a fucking belt' "
"Don't let anyone hear you say that" Hunter said lowly. "You're going to the weigh in today even if I have to drag you by your hair there myself"
"No the fuck I'm not, don't you see me dyin' here?" Seth whined "I'm going to fucking sleep"
"What the fuck happened to you?!" Hunter yells "Every since your Uncle Shane became your manager this is what you've turned into."
Seth looked unfazed. "Don't get angry because I'm better than you ever were" and shoved his father out of his way, flipping off Cody, and ignoring Shawn.
"What am I going to do with him?" Hunter sighed, exhausted.
"Knock his ass out?" Shawn suggested. "I'll take care of him" Cody rolled his eyes. "Britt and I will make sure he gets to the weigh in. I just need painkillers and food"
"I'm gonna go talk to Shane, I want to know what kind of garbage he's been filling my kid's head with" Hunter mutters
"I told you listening to Vince was a mistake." Shawn replies shaking his head "All of you let Vince snow you into thinking it was embarrassing that his mother managed him"
Hunter sighed. "I don't know what to do. I don't want to drag Steph back, Shane has a tight grip on him"
"Worry about that fuckface later" Shawn said. "Seth needs you, not him" Hunter nodded firmly, making his way downstairs to see Seth passed out on his couch, his dog Kevin and cat Daryl laying on him.
"This was our compromise" Cody explained. "I let him take a nap, he goes to the weigh in later"
"He isn't going to beat Balor in this condition. He doesn't spar anymore and his knee has been inflamed for weeks" Britt says quietly
"He shouldn't even be fighting. We told Shane but he says there's too much money at stake for Seth to pull out"
"Money money money"' Shawn mocked. "All he cares about is fucking printed paper"
Hunter ignored them and instead chose to brush back some of Seth's hair, his son unconsiously responding to it. "What did I do wrong raising him?" he asked. Hunter rolls his eyes at the look his older brother gave him "The truth" he says quietly
"No offense bro, but this family is a whole fucking lot to live up to and you weren't exactly shy about your expectations once Seth showed an aptitude for the sport. None of us were. I have to even ask myself, when was the last time any of us actually had a conversation with the kid that wasn't about fighting?"
"He's cracking underneath the pressure" Cody chimes in
"Yeah, he is and now Shane is filling his head with all these ideas about the image he should project" Shawn continues "Quiet guys who, play with their dogs and write poetry when their not in the Octagon don't sell tickets, but Bad Boys sure the fuck do."
Seth scowled at his phone as Britt ushered him into the arena the weigh was taking place in. "I'm assuming you told the press he was gonna bail?" Cody growled at Shane who held his hands up. "They were gonna find out sooner or later" "Yeah yeah, no press is bad press" Seth said.
"Except the press says you're an asshole" Cody deadpanned. "Don't do anything stupid up there, or Mark is going to have a stroke" Seth didn't respond, instead heading up the stairs to the stage, where Balor had clearly made weight, despite being skinny. Seth took off his shirt per usual, standing on the scale.
"197 pounds" The announcer said, Seth smirking at Balor. The Irish man looked unfazed and rolled his eyes. Seth, in a act of annoyance, promptly flipped him off, hearing everyone in the crowd either laugh or groan
-Backstage -
"Gonna be fun beating your ass Balor, I promise not to hurt you too badly," Seth says cockily, slouching in a chair and putting his sunglasses back on.
"Oh, Rolly its almost time to give up your precious" Finn responds, "Clock is ticking boyo and your time is almost up"
"Mon roi, nous devons-oh shit" a pake woman walked up, speaking rapid French and stopping in her place when she saw Seth.
"Hey Seth" she said coldly.
"Vi" Seth responded, his attitude gone.
"He your king now?" "Surprised you even remember any French, from what I read, you've drank yourself through everything"
"It's what happens when you give your heart to someone and get it ripped in half, I wasn't enough for you, that's what you said right? I wasn't straight enough for you?! So you threw my ring in my face and left" Seth yelled "Cause Bisexual people, we're all cheaters didn't you know?"
At least according to Violet Gillath, wait I'm sorry Violet Balor now isn't it?."
"Stop it" Finn growled. "Before I knock your ass out now"
"Try it bitch" Seth snarled back.
Violet got between them and shoved Seth back. "Chaton, stop" she hissed.
Seth stumbled upon hearing his old nickname. "Why?" he choked out. "What did I do?"
Seth shook his head as if to shake his thoughts into place "Why Violet? Why did you leave me? You...you fucking broke me" he said in a small voice "I have the right to know why, just tell me. Why would you do that after everything. I was going to quit fighting for you because you didn't like seeing what it was turning me into. You get up on stage and you still sing my songs, but you said you hated me. I just wanna know."
Violet crossed her arms and closed her eyes. "I didn't want to be with you. You never signed anything so legally those songs are mine. I said what I meant, you weren't enough"
Seth looked like she had rebroken his heart.
Thankfully Britt walked in. "Hey, we gotta go"
Seth grabbed his title and held it to Finn. "This is mine. You can keep that bitch but you will never get this"
"I've never known you to be biphobic, wanna explain to me why Rollins is convinced you are?" Finn said sitting down in his locker room with his wife a few minutes later.
"His uncle...manager, that bastard Shane got me my record deal in exchange for breaking Seth's heart" Violet told her husband "Seth hates fighting, he was going to quit and go on the road with me. He can't sing a note but he writes and plays guitar. We were going to be a duo. Shane was watching his cash cow walk out the door. So he threatened me and made an offer. Seth was the sweetest thing and he loved me and I broke his heart and let Shane turn him into that"
"If I could go back in time and slap him across the face I would but I can't" Violet said brokenly. "Shane has made it perfectly clear that if I ever tell him that he would ruin both our careers"
Finn hugged her to him. "I'm still gonna kick his ass" Violet slapped his arm. "Please try not to" Finn shrugged. "I'm undefeated"
"You know Seth is too. And the thing with being undefeated is that there's only one way down, being kicked off the mountain"
-Next Day-
Seth was throwing up again having had drank himself to sleep following his encounter with his ex.
Cody looked extremely tired and Britt concerned. "You have to fight in an hour!" Cody yelled out
"I don't fucking care." Seth yelled back "I don't even want to fucking fight." He muttered to himself, as he rubbed at his knee. "Come on fucking give already." He whispered to the inflamed appendage.
He knew what he was doing was dangerous but it was his only way out. If his knee would just give up the fucking ghost, he could quit this bullshit once and for all.
"Your sisters are out there tonight" Britt said, walking in, holding a brace.
"I really don't care" Seth growled, letting Britt put his knee in it.
"And your mom' Britt added. Seth took a breath when Britt touched his knee.
"Holy shit, it feels like its burning"
We're letting you go after tonight" Cody said angrily. "I don't care if you win or not, you've ruined All Elite Fighting's reputation"
"I don't care, I never wanted to be in your shitty gym anyway" Seth shrugged. "I'm going to get changed"
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sunnyie-eve · 5 years ago
Somebody To Love (Part 18- Bites The Dust)
Word count: 1,841
Warnings: Angst
Later that night we fly back home for a month break in the tour. My mother was kind enough to watch Felix for a week so I would have a small break. I wanted to sleep in for the day but Roger was determined to drag me along to the studio. "Rog, I love being around when you all are in the studio, but I just want to stay home in bed." I whine spreading my body out of the bed. "Get dressed and let's go! I want to do the same as you but I have work." He slaps my butt making me get out of bed.
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"Alice, nice for you to join us." Brian smiles as Roger drags me into the room. "I wanted to stay home and sleep in." I glare at Roger as he goes to sit on the sofa. "Ouch, you don't care to hang out with me and Deaky anymore." Brian puts his hand over his heart making me smile. "He's right Alice. Ever since you married Roger you forgot about us." Deaky adds making me walk over to him and hug him. "I'm sorry, I miss hangout with you guys." I pull Brian into a hug too. "You know what? I'm sure Chrissie won't mind if I steal you for a few days. I miss my best friend." Brian shakes me in his arms kissing the top of my head.
"You aren't stealing my wife!" Roger points at us. "I agreed, Bri. How about we just run off for a few days with Alice." Deaky jokes wrapping his arms around me too. "EXCUSE ME! SHE'S MINE!" Roger runs over to us pulling me out of their grip carrying me over to the sofa. "I have some news." Jim says walking over to the table. "Fred fired Reid last night." He says upset and the guys get pissed especially Roger. Fucking Paul... I told John not to do it.
While Deaky explains the new song he wrote, I get up and go stand next to Jim. "I knew this was going to happen." I whisper so he'll only hear me. "You knew?" He asks looking at me. "Before you walked up to him and Paul... Paul told Reid to talk Fred into going solo. I guess that pisses off Fred." I say as he takes his papers out. "I never liked Paul." He smiles at me and I pat his back. "Same, I think he's trying to control Fred." I say before going back to sit in the sofa.
"We're a rock and roll band. We don't do disco." Roger tells Deaky still pissed off about the news. "It's not disco." Deaky says not going to fight about it. "Then what is it?" Brian now jumps in. "It's Queen." He says as Fred starts to speak from the booth. "You fired Reid without consulting us! You don't make decisions for the band." Roger stands up from the sofa and Brian walks over to him, "Hey." He says trying to keep Rog calm.
"Well, I'm terribly sorry, dear. It's done. Besides... Miami will manage us." Fred says walking over to Jim. Paul looks over at me with a slight smile and I glare at him. "Are you high again?" Brian asks and I decide to stand up walking up behind him and Roger. "Well done, Columbo." He says not caring. "You need to slow down, Fred." I say putting both my hands on Bri and Rog's shoulders. "Oh, don't be such a bore. I'm here, aren't I?" He says making me roll my eyes. "Are you?" Roger asks removing my hand off his shoulder taking it into his hand.
"I don't care if you're shit-faced. As long as you can sing." Deaky says handing everyone the music sheet. "No, John, I don't want wanna play it." He says as Deaky walks away. "I'm all for it." Fred looks at the sheet. "What is that supposed to mean?" Roger asks making Paul chuckle and I turn my head to look at him. "I'm tired of the bloody anthems. I want the energy in the clubs. The bodies, I want to make people move." Fred says and Brian talks, "You mean disco?"
"Why not?" Paul speaks up from behind us. "Do you mind pissing off?" I let go of Roger's hand crossing my arms. "This is a band discussion." Brian adds making Paul just look at us. "Drum loops? Synthesizers?" Roger starts again. "If you say so." Fred looks up at him. "It's not us." Roger spits out. "Us?" Fred asks. "It's not Queen!" Roger says getting madder. "QUEEN IS WHATEVER I SAY IT IS!" Fred shouts making Brian scoffs while Roger walks up to Fred. "Well, you can play your own bloody drums, then." Fred then uses the paper in his hand shoving Roger's face away. "Fred." Me and Brian say together. "Okay, let's see how good a boxer you really are!" Roger rushes back over to Fred and me and Brian rush to stop them. "Roger!" I shout as Brian holds him back, "Take it easy! Take it easy!"
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I wrap my arms around Roger from behind to make him relax as I rest my head against the back of his shoulder. "All right, Muhammad Ali." Brian says and we all look at Deaky as he plays his bass. "That's quite a cool riff, actually." Brian's say still between the two. "It will be... if you all just shut up and play." Deaky says annoyed with the band. "He started it." Fred says when Brian hit him walking away. "Oh, shut up!" I say holding Roger tighter. Deaky starts to play the song again causing me and Roger to nod our head to it while Fred read the lyrics walking around us.
"Okay, I'll do it. I'll do it!" Jim says picking up his case. "Just relax." I whisper to Roger letting him go. "I love you." He kisses me before I go sit down and watch them play the song. "I love you too." I smile going to sit on the sofa as Paul eyes me.
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February 1981
At the moment we were in Japan for this part of this tour. "Roger, Don't you get tired of showing off Felix every show?" I ask as he take his son out of my arms. "Nope, I love to show everyone my little boy that we made together." He kisses me and runs out on stage. The crowd screams like they usually do when they see him then Roger brings him back to me. "Have fun." I kiss him holding our son close to me. "I swear your daddy loves to annoy mommy." I laugh kissing his nose. "Dada." Felix says giggling. "You said your first word!" I kiss him all over his little face. I hold him bouncing up and down, "Now can you say mama?" I ask him and he makes a face, "Dada." He smiles at me.
"JIM!" I yell for him running around to find him. "What's wrong?" He asks in a panic. "Felix said his first word!" I smile and Jim chuckles, "Next time don't scare me like that, but what was is?" He smiles down at Felix. "Dada." Felix claps his hands together. "Dada? What about your mama?" Jim takes his little hands and Felix sticks out his tongue. "Apparently he doesn't like his mama as much as his dada." I joke making Jim laugh too. "He'll learn when he's older that you look after him the most." Jim smiles before walking away as Paul comes up to us.
"Can you say bad guy?" I ask bouncing him looking at Paul. "Very funny Alice dear." He laughs smiling at Felix. "Eww don't smile at my son. You hate me, so that means keep away from him too." I turn Felix to face me. "Don't be like that Alice." He says placing a hand on my shoulder which I quickly shake off. "Paul, Why are you talking to me?" I ask him walking back to the side of the stage. "I have no one else to bother." He says crossing his arms. "Well stop." I say watching Roger play the drums. "Don't you get tired of holding him?" Paul ask eyes me.
"Yes but also I put him down at times." I say putting Felix on the ground since he hardly crawls around. "I'm actually happy his first word wasn't mama. His mama is a bitch who doesn't mind her own business." He says staring into my eye. "Oh, Of course you would say that, Prenter! I know not to trust you and I know you want to pull Freddie strings." I say and he starts to laugh as the crowd awws. "Alice, dear!" Brian says into the microphone and I see Felix crawling on the stage. "FELIX!" I shout and Roger leaves his drum kit picking him up. "Dada!" He Felix giggles and Roger about losses it. "HE SAID HIS FIRST WORD! ALICE DID YOU HEAR HIM!" He yells into Brian's mic and I rush over to him.
"Yes, it's he's fourth time saying dada. Sorry, Fred!" I take Felix out of Roger's arms and walk off stage. "Aren't you just full of surprises tonight?" I baby talk walking to the back room to sit on the sofa taking out his earbuds. "Mama." He giggles clapping his hands together. "That's my baby boy!" I shower him in kisses.
About 34 minutes pass and the boys come backstage to have a drink for finishing the last show in Japan. "Did my little boy say anymore words?" Roger jumps on the sofa next to me. "He finally said Mama." I say passing him over to Rog. "Rog, The break coming up after the show in Brazil... I'm going to stay home when your start again. Rog, I'm 30 years old taking care of a 9 month old baby on tour with a rock band." I turn to face him with just a tired smile. "But I need you on tour with me." Roger takes my hand into his.
"Why? So you can remember not to cheat on me? You're about to be fucking 32 and still need me to come on tour so you won't cheat on your wife! That's pathetic Roger Taylor. Now give me my son." I stand up reaching for Felix and he gives him too me. "Don't follow me." I say holding Felix close to me leaving the venue. "Jim, can you book me a flight home now please? Then fly my bags home whenever... I'm ready to go home." I says tapping him on the shoulder. "Yes, Of course. Would you like me to drive you to the airport?" He asks and I nod my head. Once we get to the airport I tell Jim why I'm going home, and if Roger decides to ruin our marriage then that's on him. "Be safe, Alice." He hugs me as I leave to get on the plane.
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punkscowardschampions · 6 years ago
Rio & Buster
Rio: 😞 Rio: Well, Indie was so fucked she didn't even remember you being there.. soz you were so unforgettable, babe Rio: You get home alright? Buster: Always am, babe 😏 Even if it's the one time I'd rather be without the -un Buster: Course Rio: Ugh, trust you to run with a typo! 😂 Rio: I clued her in but she is not feeling adequately sorry for it, like Rio: didn't clue her in THAT hard, fuck but you know 😒 Buster: Trust you to make it Buster: Both of you missing me that bad already, yeah? Rio: She is, making me wanna slap her if she weren't so clueless what's she's saying 🙄 Bless Rio: and my fingers slipped, what of it boy Buster: At least you don't need to be jealous of her Buster: Hot as that'd be Buster: UNsurprised, you make a habit of that around me, like 😏 Rio: Apparently, I am, like 🤷 Rio: Full of it, she is Rio: too alike, you two, never work Rio: Oh, did she bite you, btw? She's got a loose tooth, how, I ask you... Buster: Well she's your lil mate, so again, unsurprised all around Buster: But nah, bite mark free Buster: Keep sleuthing that one Rio: Not even gonna argue Rio: more of a mini-me than any of my other sibs 😚 Rio: I daren't ask around tbh, we've secured she ain't knocked up, I'll take that so we'll just book the dentist appointment and forget all about it, I reckon Buster: Yeah, she's cockblocked me too now Buster: Thank Christ nobody could've said THAT kid's mine Buster: Don't need another coming Rio: I'm not on team cockblock anymore! Rio: Trust, no one's madder than me Rio: Don't even play that is literally the LAST thing I need on top of everything else Rio: Can you imagine? No wonder Nan had a coronary, if Indie was about to be a Ma...Lawd o mercy Buster: Maybe the dentist'll sort her head out Buster: Nobody's having fun there Buster: Not saying payback for ruining the mood but I'll still take it, cheers Rio: Harsh but Rio: feeling it 😂 Rio: even Mums get to be bitches, yeah? Buster: They're the best at it Buster: Have you met mine? Rio: Not saying you deserve it but Rio: 😉 Buster: Fuck off Buster: You know I deserved last night and that didn't happen Rio: I know Rio: Universe just upping the stakes Rio: Only means I've gotta make it up to you harder when it finally happens Buster: You better Buster: When I come back, clear the fucking schedule Rio: Duh Rio: You best come for AT LEAST a weekend Buster: You'll have to give yourself a week to recover even then Rio: 😏 Rio: Big talk but that's yet to be seen Buster: Trust me, it ain't Rio: Don't tease me when you've only just left Rio: When do you next have an excuse to be back? Buster: Not even trying to it's just Buster: Fuck Buster: Already working on it. Get thinking too, family this big there's gotta be something soon, like Rio: Check the schedule 'fore I clear it, no probs Rio: but I know Rio: I promise I feel it too Rio: [Sends photographic evidence] Buster: What happened to no teasing when I've only just left? Rio: You started it Buster: Doesn't mean you have to finish me off Rio: That's EXACTLY what it means Rio: Hope you're actually back and not still on the plane 😂 Don't mile high without me Buster: Not trying to almost crash a plane and a car in such a short space of time Buster: Bit rude to take the plane down with how desperate you are to go down on me Rio: Gotta gain some self-control boy Rio: getting dangerous now Buster: Don't Buster: Self control is the ultimate cockblock Buster: No going back Rio: You reckon? Buster: Yeah Rio: Had to see Chlo yet? Buster: She's been trying to sext me Buster: So nah Rio: 😬 Rio: Oh honey, no Buster: If she had any game that'd be one thing but she ain't Rio: I can only imagine the levels of vanilla Buster: And don't bother 'cause whatever you reckon it's worse Rio: Ick, yeah I'll save my daydreaming for better, tah Rio: aren't you glad to be back in London town? 😂 Buster: Yeah 'course Buster: Fuck Dublin. Nothing there like Rio: Just decent craic and people, like Rio: but nah, the eye, cracking stuff that Rio: Please 😜 Buster: 😂 Buster: You not planning to visit then? Fine Rio: Can't really, can I Rio: Oh hi guys, just passing Rio: Plus, clearly need to keep a better eye on Indie Buster: Who knows who she might make a move on next Rio: She ain't even shamed, it's terrible 😂 she asked if you were into it Rio: took the liberty of saying no on your behalf so you can't say nothing Buster: Cheers Buster: I'd usually call you out but it's Indie like Rio: 😒 yeah, fight me on that one and we're gonna have trouble Buster: Hot as you are when you're angry, nah Rio: You say that now Rio: Wanna put it to the test? 🥊 Buster: Not yet Rio: Softie Buster: Shut up Buster: You know I ain't when I'm around you Buster: Can't say you've forgotten last night like Indie has Rio: I wish Rio: Can't stop remembering it, like Buster: Yeah? Rio: Yeah Rio: Then I remember how it ended, or didn't Rio: and I'm back to square one Buster: So much for the bathroom memories Buster: Holding Indie's hair back wasn't the one, like Rio: 🤢 Rio: boner killer if ever there was Rio: not, according to her but our vibe was DOA Buster: What? She got form at that has she? Nice Buster: Not my kink like but Rio: Coulda been in your mouth appaz Rio: Lucky you're tall Buster: Fucking hell Buster: Glad I left when I did Buster: Also not, you know but Rio: Yeah Rio: Probably could've left 'em at it and carried on Rio: but even my captivating charm has got limits Rio: 16 year old lads on one is not ideally how I want this going down Buster: Now you tell me Buster: Same though, unsurprisingly Rio: Just saying Rio: She'd never have known, messy bitch Rio: Too old for that shit, huh dad? Buster: Fuck off Buster: I ain't marrying you like Buster: The honeymoon would be worth it but couldn't hack the rest Rio: 😏 Whatever, you got the spawn to prove it Rio: Protest all you like Buster: The attitude's all yours though, ma Rio: Shut up Rio: Just 'cos you were too turned on to deal with the situation effectively Rio: 2nd time btw Rio: not that I'm counting Buster: Not my fault you're such a MILF Rio: 😂 that is so not my category Rio: friggin' cheek Buster: And it's not like you weren't, there was just nothing to prove how turned on you were to Indie and the lads Rio: Your word against mine, babe 😉 Buster: Yeah? Buster: I'll make you say it, trust me Rio: Wish you would Buster: Wish I could right now Rio: Fucking real life getting in the way Buster: Nothing but Chlo looming over me could stop me Buster: Trust her to be descending on my pad Rio: Big enough to hide Rio: just no seek Buster: My dad told her my flight info. Fucking traitor Buster: Can't even pretend I'm not back Rio: Awkward Rio: Feel that shotgun barrel between your shoulder blades? Rio: Meant to be her 'rents, not yours Buster: Don't Buster: Like yeah she said it was an emergency and she had to know, but how clueless is he Buster: Fuck's sake Rio: Clearly your Ma ain't as psycho as she seems Rio: Chlo's a special breed Buster: Christ. She really is Rio: Don't envy you at all Rio: my ex's antics seem ridiculously tame in comparison Buster: Have you heard from the latest? Rio: Oh yeah Rio: my own fault for repeating but truly opened the floodgates there Buster: Third time's the charm, ain't that what they say Rio: He's gonna magically get better, is he? Rio: I doubt that Rio: Indie reckons I gotta diversify anyway, hit that target demographic Buster: You could teach him Buster: Proper ma moves Rio: Some shit can't be taught, McKenna Rio: like not being a total twat Buster: Is he giving you grief? Buster: I'll sort it if he is Rio: Love a bit of chivalry, don't you Rio: Nah, he just is one, its nothing personal Buster: I mean it, Rio. Anyone is. Tell me and they won't Rio: You're cute Rio: I can handle myself though, you don't need to worry Buster: I ain't worried, just saying Rio: Shh Buster: You gonna make me? Rio: Such hard work, boy Rio: Give it my best shot across like Buster: You love it Buster: Always working like Rio: Got bills to pay 'til Indie can herself Buster: Keep the hustle going, babe Buster: I gotta run, Chlo's here Rio: Enjoy Rio: Tell her I said hiya Buster: Hey Rio: You're alive then Rio: How was it? Buster: Course Buster: Take more than her to kill my vibe Buster: How are you? Rather hear that Rio: You sure Rio: No shame in it Rio: She's...a lot Rio: I'm cool, getting ready for a shift Buster: It's my own fault, can't be crying over it, can I? Rio: 'Course you can Rio: Mixed reviews of judgment and lack of sympathy with the rest but I ain't gonna come at you with either Rio: better to rant here than to her, init Buster: Yeah Buster: Not like she'd listen but I'd know what I said Rio: So, still acting like she deaf blind n dumb then? Buster: About me and her at least Buster: I can't make it clearer Buster: Might have to fuck you in front of her, sorry like Rio: Steady on, like Rio: How has she got this far in life being so delusional? I blame the parents Rio: does she legit think she can gaslight you into a relationship like babe Rio: what's the idea here Buster: They don't stock brains in YSL Buster: I can't keep at this with her Rio: Its shit Rio: and you thought I played games Rio: got to find her breaking point with wanting you, but you can't go so far that she will try and withhold the kid from you as punishment Rio: gotta find the line before you can toe it like Buster: Yeah Buster: Never calling you a tryhard again, babe Rio: Definitely won't stick to that but Rio: happily let her take the title and crown Rio: maybe when her hormones quiet down she'll be better? ehh, comforting lie anyone? Buster: Maybe Buster: They better, I'm done with this shit Rio: Not long to go now Buster: All I do is wait now Buster: Sick of it Rio: I know Rio: Gotta let the kid finish cooking though, then you'll have Uni too Rio: it'll all pay off Buster: I know Rio: Try and enjoy your last summer of freedom, yeah? Buster: Yeah Buster: No pressure Rio: Gotta get used to it Rio: May as well be now Buster: Cheers Buster: Feel so much better now like Rio: You want me to bullshit you? Rio: That's the life you want, right? Pressure is your rocket fuel, like Buster: I'm just playing Rio: Oh, then that's the spirit Buster: 😏 Rio: Such a headfuck Buster: Says you, babe Rio: I'm not having a kid, like Rio: we all almost made it to adulthood Buster: There's always one fucking it up for the rest Buster: Why not me? Rio: Why not Rio: probably fucked up some bets, won others Buster: I'll take that Rio: Defending my honour and taking the first bullet Rio: What a doll Buster: Like you said, chivalry's my thing Rio: If it works for ya Rio: Not complaining Buster: You're not complaining cause it works for you too Rio: Maybe Buster: Can't deny it, babe Rio: Can and will Buster: Not for much longer Rio: Promises, promises, McKenna Buster: You know I'll keep 'em Rio: You've gotta at this point Rio: Can't not happen Buster: Understatement Rio: even if its just once Buster: Can you handle that? Rio: If I have to Rio: try and be a good girl about it Buster: You've got as much chance of that as you have of ignoring me ever Rio: I reckon that's just a cover for how little faith you've got in yourself on that one Rio: 🤷 Buster: My word against yours, babe Rio: We both know the truth, though Buster: Yeah? Buster: What do you reckon Rio: I reckon we both know once ain't gon' be enough Buster: Especially if we do it right Rio: Dunno how else to do it, babe Buster: Good Rio: Why is it you always see the people you don't wanna out, like Rio: catch me 'changing the barrel' multiple times Buster: Which cunt is it tonight like? Rio: Every cunt Rio: Told you off for dissing but genuinely sick of Dubo atm Rio: every punter's a comedian, or reckons they know where Edie is but then gives fuck all useful information actually Buster: Come here Buster: I know you don't wanna leave her but we can still keep tabs the same Rio: I know you're right, what use am I actually being, like Rio: but Rio: Idk, it don't matter Buster: Tell me Rio: Well, I know she didn't mean it how she said it, 'cos she took it back straight away Rio: but Indie says I'm only sticking around 'cos I'm guilty, and when I feel better, I'll fuck off Rio: and I don't want her to think I don't feel guilty Rio: or that I'm leaving her Buster: Fuck Buster: It's shit that you had to hear it though Rio: I'd rather she said it than silently thought it but Rio: yeah Buster: You've got nothing to feel guilty about, you know that, yeah? Rio: Don't lie Buster: I'm not Rio: Right Rio: Well, stop being nice then Buster: Say it first Buster: You've done nothing wrong Rio: I can't, Buster Buster: You won't. Different thing Buster: You can Rio: I don't wanna lie Rio: in general but especially just so I kid myself Rio: what's the point Buster: It ain't a lie, babe Buster: I promise you Rio: Certainly didn't help the situation did it Rio: what I do, fuck shit up for the rest 'cos I can't keep my knickers up Buster: Shut up Buster: That's the lie there Buster: They'd be fucked without you and you know it Rio: Or I'd be fucked without them Rio: am fucked, let's face it Buster: Bullshit Buster: You're perfect, remember? Rio: Only when we're playing Buster: You know that ain't true Rio: S'alright Rio: I've had my bathroom breakdown, mascara barely touched, we're good to go Buster: One of these days you're gonna believe me Rio: Never Rio: but its fun pretending with you Buster: I've told you before, you're real Buster: And how good you look is too real Rio: Why can't you be a dick to me Rio: I'd know how to deal with that Buster: I don't want to Rio: Selfish Buster: Not when it proper counts Rio: Humble brag Rio: thanks for the heads up or this would be really awkward and disappointing Buster: Thrive under pressure, remember? Buster: No worries Rio: You ain't worried, I know Rio: Know you're no scared virgin with it Buster: Nor you Rio: One thing I ain't scared of Buster: Rio Buster: You can tell me whatever, you know Rio: Yeah? Rio: that part of the deal now? Buster: If you want Rio: I dunno, you'll have to handle the paperwork Rio: wanna distract you from the pressure, not add more Buster: Why not? Thrive on it Buster: And I ain't scared of nothing so Rio: Fine line, babe Buster: I can walk it Rio: You're so sure, huh? Buster: Yeah Rio: Shouldn't be surprised Rio: cocky bastard Buster: No arguments here Rio: Only 'cos you're Mr. Nice Guy all of a sudden Rio: don't be TOO nice, yeah? Buster: You wanna fight, babe 🥊 Go on Rio: Not exactly what I had in mind Rio: submission is more than willing, like Buster: It's not gonna be that easy Rio: Why not? You don't wanna give me what I deserve? Buster: I don't wanna just give you anything Buster: Where's the fun in that Rio: 🤤 Rio: that's the Buster I want Buster: How bad Rio: You still gotta ask? Rio: I do need to work harder to show you Buster: I don't have to Buster: Just want to Rio: I get it Rio: I'm nowhere near tired of hearing it either Rio: tired of it being all chat though fr 😒 Buster: I feel that too Buster: Soon, I swear Rio: Promise? Rio: To the point I don't even fucking care, if people keep getting in the way then they only got themselves to blame Buster: Yeah Buster: We've held back long enough Buster: Too fucking long Rio: Practically a saint over here Rio: and a nun Buster: You better not be Rio: Yeah, found Jesus in the time it took yas Rio: and he's a top ride, like Buster: 😂
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