#or a tw rewrite with Scott not being bitten
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asterekmess · 4 years ago
Did you ever watch Buffy? The first episode where Anya was introduced was titled "The Wish" and all I can think about is if Scott McCall had ever run into a pure Sidhe where they offered him a wish. Instead of, "I wish Buffy had never come to Sunnydale." It would be more, "I wish I was never bitten to become a werewolf." But just like all feaye tricks, the outcome is more, his Dad ended up with primary custody rather than his Mom and he was forced to leave BH. And then Stiles ended up more friends with Heather and others. And while Scott's life is worse, when he tracks down the others he finds all of theirs are greatly improved.
I think about it a lot and how Scott never really dealt with the consequences of any of his actions, everyone else did, and how an episode or mini-arc could have fixed a flaw in the show's design. I mean, we were already dealing with a lot of Celtic lore, why not someone from the Sidhe courts?
I have no idea why this took me so long to answer, so apologies for that. <3 I did watch buffy! I've seen all of it, and all of Angel as well. XD
I remember 'The Wish' episode, and whoooo boy it gave me chills. I loved how big the butterfly effect was, how something that seemed so small, something that Genuinely seemed to be the cause of a lot of problems in Sunnydale, ended up being so important to how things had progressed. Because, yeah, you would think Buffy not coming to Sunnydale would be a Good Thing, right? Sunnydale didn't have all of these insane issues before she arrived. It was quiet, and nothing big or scary ever happened. Her arrival matches perfectly with when everything started going absolutely nuts, so whatever selfish ideas Cordelia had, her thought that Buffy not coming to Sunnydale would be a good thing, makes sense. Except that, as she finds out, she's entirely wrong. Buffy's arrival was a lucky coincidence, or fate, whatever your taste leans toward. She showed up right as things started going nuts, and she kept it from going SO MUCH MORE NUTS.
Now, moving on to TW, it is a fascinating mix of being the Exact same situation, and the exact Opposite. I'll add a Read More, cus' holy god is this a lot of Rambling.
Because Scott wishing not to have been bitten...yeah, the bite Did improve things. But it improved things for him. He would absolutely regret making the wish, just like Cordelia did, because he would realize how many good things the bite had brought with it. BUT, conversely, he would have to realize how many good things the bite had brought for him, not for other people, and how their lives either wouldn't have been affect, or might've even Improved without him being bitten. Without the bite, Scott wouldn't have gotten on first line, period. His health issues made very clear in the five minutes he had them that any kind of stamina based sport was just out of the question for him. If he is unable to walk through the woods at a moderate pace without needing to grab his inhaler and stop against a tree, he just plain cannot play lacrosse for two or three hours of running at high speeds and working a bunch of muscles in his upper body. He likely wouldn't have gone out with Allison, because he would have no convenient way to get her attention. Furthermore, he wouldn't have the extra senses that both impressed her on the lacrosse field, and told him about her 'family dinner' the night of Lydia's party. (I've discussed this before, but... While it's true, Allison would have still brought him the dog; that dog would likely have attacked him, and his chances with her would have been shot in the foot when they both got in massive trouble and he likely had to go to the ER for stitches or something. Without Allison or first line, he wouldn't have started hanging out with the 'cool kids,' and quite frankly, wouldn't have had anyone to help him study for the classes he was struggling with. It's true that he also wouldn't have had werewolf things to worry about, or even a girlfriend to distract him from homework, so maybe that wouldn't have been such a huge issue, but still.
If we look at other people's lives and how They would have been affected by Scott not getting the bite...well, let's talk about that.
Stiles didn't get on first line because of Scott, or because of a werewolf bite. Or even because of the werewolf bullshittery occurring in town. He was put on first line because of his abilities, and even after being taken OFF first line for missing the game, he was put Right onto the field in the next game, chosen OVER other players who were perfectly viable options. Which means, he still would've ended up on first line. Allison wasn't interested in dating before she met Scott, and part of her draw to him was based on how 'different' he was. He knew things she didn't know how he could know, he had a weird ability to calm a furious, injured dog, and he had charisma that was ALSO gained from the bite, since being on first line made Scott Much more self-confident. If she didn't end up dating him, it's likely she wouldn't have dated at all. Which would mean no hiding from her parents, no strange conflicts of interest, AND, interestingly enough --depending on her involvement in the murders, etc that would still be occurring in town--no night in the school that would scare her bad enough to ask Kate for extra help and tip her headfirst into hunter training. AND, even if she DID still end up getting those lessons from Kate? There would be no bitterness to fuel her behavior at the end of season 1.
Allison was Traumatized after Kate showed her Derek on the grate. She was horrified, and didn't know what to do about it, and while we can ramble all we want about the morality of her not confronting her family (whom she's just discovered is willing to electrocute people) about it, the fact is that she pushed the thoughts aside to stop freaking out and went to that dance. Where she found out Scott was a werewolf, and was So fucking Betrayed that she was willing to help Kate catch him and Derek. No Scott, no betrayal, no willingness to help Kate recapture the miserable man who'd been chained up in a basement.
If we go back to that specific night, and try to unfold the events from there if Scott hadn't been bitten, things get a little complicated, but I'll take a few artistic liberties. Scott isn't bitten. Presumably, he just happens to get out of the woods in time, or he gets caught with Stiles by the sheriff, or doesn't go to the woods in the first place. These all change the possible outcomes of that night. If he hadn't gone in the first place, and Stiles went alone, would he have been bitten instead? Would Scott have been dragged into all of this anyway, but without the protection and boost of being a werewolf and cured of his asthma? If he weren't the one bitten, and he saw everything Stiles gained from it, would he still have such a hatred for the bite? Or would he want it, like Erica did, to cure him and make him powerful and cool? But, let's assume Stiles doesn't get bitten either. The second half of Laura's body still hasn't been found, and Stiles has no reason to fear running back into the preserve the next day, and no real punishment from his father as far as we can tell. So, does he go back to look again? If he did, he would run into Derek, because Derek would still be there after retrieving Laura's body himself. He would see Derek and still recognize him, and from there, things might spiral, still involving Stiles in the supernatural, and it's likely Stiles would try to involve Scott, and Again we get hit with "Would Scott want the bite, if he hadn't gotten forcibly bitten in the first place?" The answer is probably yes. He wanted to be cool, and popular, and on the lacrosse team. He wanted everything being a werewolf gave him. BUT if we're looking at this wish as similar to "The Wish," then no matter what, Scott won't be bitten. He'll be transported to a new world where it just never happened, and he'll be human, and forced to watch everyone around him be just plain different. Scott not being bitten would isolate him from Stiles, if Stiles got involved in the spn anyway. We SAW how Stiles cut off his other friends once the spn starting getting in the way. He and Harley? We have no clue how close they were. They were close enough for her to tease him about his crush on Lydia, for her to wander up comfortably to the locker and talk to them. And he cut her off as soon as the werewolf stuff hit. What if he cut Scott off? To protect him, if nothing else, like he did his own father. Once he realized the danger involved, I doubt he would be willing to put Scott in harm's way.
So, Scott would not only lose first line, lose his girlfriend, lose his popularity, lose his health and strength and heightened abilities, lose his 'importance' to the goings-on of Beacon Hills, but he would also lose Stiles, who seems to have been his only friend, unless he also had a relationship with Harley.
Okay, I've rambled enough about the what if's, so let's talk about the Reason why this wish would go so badly for Scott, in such a different way than it went for Cordelia. Cordelia, first off, wished that someone Else would not have/do something, rather than wishing for herself not to have done something. She watches how fucked up the world gets, and how much worse her life is without Buffy around to save the day. Scott wished for Himself not to have done something (even something passive, like 'get bitten') and would have to watch how fucked up his world gets, and how far behind he would fall. The other's lives might not necessarily get better, because Peter is still on the loose, and the hunters are still there, etc etc, but they would still Progress, while Scott would stay stagnant.
And WHY is that? Because Scott isn't important to the story. It DOESN'T start with him. That's the Whole Point of his character. He is supposed to be the 'everyman' who gets dragged into crazy shit and becomes integral to things that he wasn't ever meant to be a part of. The guy who wanders into becoming King or 'The Hero' that will save the world, even though he's just a small lad from a tiny town, whose highest prospects were "get on first line."
He was NEVER supposed to be Buffy, or if he was, it was done Very Badly.
But Beacon Hills WASN'T a quiet town before Scott was bitten; however much he might've said 'nothing ever happens in this town.' It was FULL of bullshittery and magic from the very beginning. There was the fire, and Paige, and the blinding of Deucalion, and the death of Alexander Argent, and the Nogitsune in the internment camp nearby. All of these things were around So much longer than Scott's bite, and they'd been affecting the world that whole time too. Because yes, in Buffy, the master was There before she was, but he was literally rendered inert by the situations he was in. And the things he'd done happened Centuries before, not six years. There is a difference. Sunnydale was Not Known for the insane number of weird deaths. Beacon Hills was. And aside from the Nogitsune, every single fucking thing that happened in Beacon Hills, was attuned to the Hale family in one way or another. Deucalion's blinding occurred during a meeting on Hale land, because Talia was known as a wise leader, etc, in the area and other wolves flocked to her. Deucalion biting Argent seems unrelated (if you even believe Deucalion did that, despite being a fucking pacifist before Gerard blinded him), but again, it occurs just a couple hours away from Beacon Hills, which is Hale Territory. The one who plays the Buffy role here? Who shows up at just the right time, and launches themself against an endless wave of evil, with slightly enhanced senses and a thorough need to do good and not back away from things that 'aren't they're problem'? The actual hero who is somehow tied to everything going on in ways even they don't understand? Was Derek. The guy who entirely unwittingly allowed Julia Baccari to survive, because he was trying to be merciful to his first love. Who entirely unwittingly was manipulated into giving up information that let a hunter kill his family. Who followed his sister back to town after six years of just trying to survive in New York, fell into a fucking tragedy, and decided to stop the bad guys anyway, even though he knew he didn't stand a fucking chance.
And as annoyed as some might get. The 'everyman' who stumbles onto the set and accidentally becomes integral to the saving of the world? The one whose ambitions are small and who expectations are smaller? Who is misunderstood, and has abilities that aren't recognized or appreciated, that doesn't really fit in, but tries their best anyway? The literal Angel to Derek's Buffy?
Is fucking Stiles. The son of the sheriff who just could not let it go when he discovered there was something funky going on. Who hung around on the edges, even though he wasn't really wanted, because he needed to help. Who ended up saving Derek's life over and over, and becoming so important as to be Derek's anchor? Who literally WENT DARKSIDE and HAD TO BE NEARLY KILLED, even though Derek didn't to kill him???
I know how it sounds, but JD SAID he took inspiration from Buffy. The issue is that his parallels are between DEREK AND STILES, and BUFFY AND ANGEL. Respectively.
Derek might act like the broody bad boy, but it is STILES' mentality that matches Angel's behavior, and it's Derek who matches Buffy.
I'm so fucking off track. Scott would be miserable if he ever managed to get a wish and used it to keep from having been bitten. And it would be sad. I would feel bad for him, had I watched something like that happen. Seeing him realize that most of the good things he had, he only got because of the bite. That Stiles would still be on first line, that Lydia and Jackson would still be the popular kids. That Allison wouldn't know he existed, or if she did would avoid him entirely. That Jackson would never have been turned into the kanima in the first place. That everyone else would move on and up in life, and he would still be standing at the bottom step. Because it wasn't his actual limitations that were holding him back, it was his refusal to accept them, to work with them, and to just plain stop Envying Everyone Around him, and start living his own fucking life instead of trying to steal other people's.
Scott wishes he were Cordelia, and I promise that would backfire too.
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sparkwhorunswithwolves · 5 years ago
Hey, so I just kind of fell into this fandom a few weeks ago and you seem like a really nice person :) Do you maybe have some fic recs?
Hi! Welcome to the fandom~
I have a lot of fic recs (ft. my own not that helpfull summeries), so in no particular order:
Running with Wolves
Stiles goes back in time and becomes a werewolf.
Odnowione życie 
Stiles goes back in time, twice.
The Tragedy of Achilles Hale 
petopher— Peter is looking for Chris’ and his bio son he thought had died shortly after he was born— while he accidentally starts parenting Jackson. His biological son. Not that either of them knows that.
A Beauty, a Beast, and a Stiles
Stiles gets bitten instead of Scott ft. stallison
A New Start
post canon pre!stira
Adult Supervision (Position Open, Searching for Responsible Adult)    
Kira and Stiles get eaten by a giant evil dimension traveling turtle and complain about the adults
Missing Scenes 
missing... well, scenes
IED!Liam bonds with ADHD!Stiles
stallison bonding over Skype while Stiles stays with family recovering from the nogitsune
Curious pup 
Stiles’ curiosity is a perfectly good reason to go to Eichen and ask Peter an Valek about organ transplants
Stiles and Scott bond over Deaton being an ass and Stiles not being able to be Scott’s emissary 
And the Walls Come Crumbling Down
stallison joining Peter’s pack while Scott is losing control and going after Allison
the parking garage scene, but Stiles’ dad was involved in covering up the fire
It's All In Your Head 
more ADHD!Stiles
Stained Glass Windows 
petopher— Peter and the kids survive the fire, and struggles to keep the kids alive and happy while finding the one who killed their family, with help of Chris
Give You the Sunset 
Peter leaves Beacon Hills, Stiles helps
The Argent-Stilinski Household 
Chris/Noah— Stiles and Allison find out their dads are secretly dating, kill everything that tries to kill them witout them finding out, Peter helps and becomes an alpha again. Also: a wedding, aliens, and Tony Stark trying to kill Stiles because he told Steve to hide his coffee
Nothing Ever Happens in Sioux Falls 
Stiles stays with Bobby Singer, and, Stiles being Stiles, gets involved in the local drama
foreverish and selfsubtracting 
Stiles, Lydia, and Danny lose their friends in Beacon Hills, get abducted by a carnivorous, space-bending library, and meet some Avengers. 
^^I’d add my own summery but that’s pretty much it
we've been here before 
Stiles accidentally resurrects a bunch of people. Whoops?
the sound of iron on stone 
Stiles goes back in time, but get cursed and can’t go anywhere near the supernatural
Right, wrong and everything in between 
Peter bonds with bb!Stiles over gummybears and selfworth
Stiles and Scott get trapped in a time loop, kill people, get killed, call each other a monster, and Stiles gets the pack he deserves.
i looked at you and saw forever
stallison s1 rewrite ft. soulmates
Triumvirate Outtakes 
sequel to I looked at you, warning for very big spoiler if you havent read it first
Mirror-and-Steve Boy 
Stiles is Steve’s and Bucky’s grandson. Because science.
I am no sidekick 
Stiles Stilinski & Peter Parker oh my god they were roommates
dust off these cobwebs 
unrelated, but same concept as the one above
Hard to Believe it's Not Dead and Gone 
tw/soa zombie crossover
There Are Many Names In History (but none of them are ours)
petopher²— Peter and Chris are stuck with their teenaged selves for the foreseeable future, ft past relationship, current feelings, and me still crying about that one scene 3 years later
you're never too much of an old dog to teach a duckling a new trick 
Chris offers to train Stiles. Stiles isn’t Allison
Bet You Didn't See That Coming 
The pack takes Stiles’ memories, thinking it’d keep him safe. Except he’s a Winchester who doesn’t need protecting
Mothers And Fathers 
Stiles is Bruce Banner’s son. It goes about as well as you’d expect
Normal Adolescent Lycanthrope Behavior 
all the teens are in a polyam relationship, ft alive Hales, asshole Wittemores, and trees used as baseballbats
Tell Me No Lies 
Peter gets hit by a truth spell, Stiles is the only one who isn’t an ass about it
Those Who See 
Stiles threatens Peter who’s trapped in a mountain ash circle
Not a Spark, But a Burn 
Stiles goes back in time to before the Hale fire (haven’t read this one in ages so I can’t be more specific)
another pretty vein (just dies) 
Stiles is psychic
missing scenes between Derek and Chris
You're Gonna Need Someone On Your Side 
Chris wants to train Stiles because of hunter politics, Stiles thinks mutual kidnappig is the perfect way to bond with his new mentor, and Derek is just genrally bad at feelings.
Long Lost 
Stiles is Harvey Specters long lost half brother. It goes a lot worse than expected
Falling into place
teen wolf/suits crossover, but this time they’re all werewolves
The Hotel Key 
petopher— Chris gets kidnapped; the hotel key in his wallet has nothing to do with it
The Inconveniences of Being Dead 
petopher— Chris helps Peter with the, well, inconveniences of being dead. Or as I like to call it: the accidental sugar daddy au ft. cats
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ao3feed-destiel · 6 years ago
It Was Always You
Read it on AO3 here!https://ift.tt/2PY3Vf2
by BlamScilesShipper
This is a SPN/TW crossover. It is also a TW rewrite in which Sciles is endgame. Stiles and Lydia are Winchesters, that's where SPN comes in. Right now the only pairings are Sciles and Destiel, but it's early. It starts with Scott being bitten. Goes from there.
Words: 6779, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV), Supernatural
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Scott McCall, Stiles Winchester - Character, Lydia Winchester, Dean Winchester, Castiel Winchester, Melissa McCall, Jackson Whittemore, Danny Mahealani
Relationships: Scott McCall/Stiles Stilinski, Castiel/Dean Winchester
Link: https://ift.tt/2PY3Vf2
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ao3feed-castiel · 6 years ago
It Was Always You
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2PY3Vf2
by BlamScilesShipper
This is a SPN/TW crossover. It is also a TW rewrite in which Sciles is endgame. Stiles and Lydia are Winchesters, that's where SPN comes in. Right now the only pairings are Sciles and Destiel, but it's early. It starts with Scott being bitten. Goes from there.
Words: 6779, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV), Supernatural
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Scott McCall, Stiles Winchester - Character, Lydia Winchester, Dean Winchester, Castiel Winchester, Melissa McCall, Jackson Whittemore, Danny Mahealani
Relationships: Scott McCall/Stiles Stilinski, Castiel/Dean Winchester
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2PY3Vf2
0 notes
anxiousstark · 4 years ago
S3 01 | Tattoo
Stiles Stilinski x Reader! Half-sibling!Mccall
Word count: 1871
Warnings: Mentions of injuries, blood, murder, dead body, swearing (always).
A/N: SEASON 3 HERE WE COME! Double update this week! 
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Summer was the greatest thing that happened to us, and without any doubt, the best thing that had happened to me since I arrived at Beacon Hills. Our summer was full of peace, which is what we needed. No creatures were trying to kill us or other people. We were safe, and even though we couldn't avoid being a little apprehensive, we knew that we were finally safe.
Scott, Melissa and I were able to sit down together, explaining to her everything that had happened. We were terrified because it wasn't easy to explain to someone you loved that danger followed you. After all, we weren't humans anymore. That night we told her everything. Melissa got teary, feeling guilty for not being able to help or do anything for us. We told her that we were fine, we would be fine.
During this peaceful holiday, I was able to get closer to both boys. Scott and I didn't throw ourselves at each other's throats. Of course, there was a long way to walk. We still needed to get used to everything. The hazel-eyed boy and I developed a new habit during summer, whenever we felt anxious we seemed to notice, bodies being attracted to each other, hands interlocking, hoping to give the comfort we sought. Holding hands became a soothing gesture between us. We did it unconsciously.
"Hey, Scott, sure you don't want something like this?" Stiles grabbed a folder, holding it up, showing it to the other boy. I walked closer to him, excited to see what was he holding, knowing Stiles, something that would make me snicker. "Too soon? Yeah." Of course, I snickered when I noticed that he was showing Scott the drawing of a beast that looked like the Kanima. Melissa allowed him to get a tattoo.
For what we got to know, Matt was dead. We still weren't sure what that would mean for Jackson. But we had promised ourselves that we wouldn't get into supernatural trouble during summertime. However, tomorrow was our first day back to class, which meant that the supernatural would come back to form part of our lives.
"I don't know, man, are you sure about this? I mean, these things are pretty permanent, you know?" I walked around the room, admiring the drawings decorating the walls.
"I'm not changing my mind." Scott and I got closer especially at night. One night I woke up after having a nightmare where I saw my mother. It seemed like the other McCall was also having a nightmare, which ended in both of us, sleeping on his bed, and talking about the stuff that worried us. That night Scott McCall cried, he missed Allion, but he couldn't ignore everything that had happened.
"Okay, but why two bands?"
Scott shrugged, stating that he just liked it. "But don't you think your first tattoo should have some sort of meaning, you know, or something?"
"Getting a tattoo means something."
Stiles had a small grin on his face, ready to inform Scott that wasn't the point. But the tattoo artist interrupted him. "He's right, tattooing goes back thousands of years. The Tahitian word 'tatua' means 'to leave a mark.' Like a rite of passage."
"Yeah, you see? He gets it."
"He's covered in tattoos, Scott, literally."
"Okay, you ready? You ain't got any problems with needles, do you?"
"Nope." Scott offered me a smile, ready to get the tattoo he has been asking for so long.
The boy standing next to me scratched his chin. "I tend to get a little squeamish though, so..." There was no time to analyze the situation. Stiles was lying on the floor, an uncomfortable posture making the circumstances even funnier.
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I sat on the passenger seat on Stiles's Jeep. Scott had bought a bike with the money he had gained while working for Deaton in the clinic. So now, every day, I was driven to class by the hazel-eyed boy.
"Don't you think it was strange?" He asked me again as I spaced out. "It seems like something supernatural to me. Exactly when we go back to class." After Scott's tattoo, we were ready to go home and have dinner together. My half-brother's happiness due to the tattoo didn't last for long as an excruciating pain made him take the bandages off, realizing the tattoo had disappeared. Maybe we should have taken into account that he was a werewolf, and he healed faster. A tattoo was an open wound.
On our way home, we saw Lydia's car, and not to anyone's surprise, she was with Allison. A deer hit the front of their car, making us run to them to check if they were hurt. Scott was convinced that the deer was terrified.
"I suppose, Stiles." I sighed, running my hands through my hair.
"Hey," He glanced at me for a second, quickly looking back to the road ahead of him. "You alright?" His hand ended up resting on top of my hand, which was resting on my thigh.
"I feel like so many bad things are going to happen again." I lamented. "We still don't know anything about me. There are obstacles everywhere."
"I told you. We will find answers, okay?" He squeezed my hand. To be honest, some nights during summer were spent searching for every scaly creature that exists in the supernatural world. But without knowing what I could do, we couldn't conclude anything. When we arrived at school, we walked directly to our classroom.
Stiles and I glanced at each other when only a couple of minutes into the lecture, Scott had to leave class. My mind went to the worst scenario case, thinking that maybe Melissa was in danger. Stilisnki seemed to notice my change of behaviour, extending his hand, offering me to grab it. I did.
He rested back on his chair, sighing, tired from doing whatever the teacher has ordered us to do. "Hey, Lydia. What is that?" When I followed his gaze, I noticed a bandage around the pretty strawberry blonde girl's ankle. "Is that from the accident?"
"No. Prada bit me."
"Your dog?" I asked. Stiles's other hand extended forward, forbidding me from biting my pen, a nervous habit I didn't notice I was doing.
"No, my designer handbag. Yes, my dog." She replied as if I was stupid, which made me grumble a little while Stiles smiled at my reaction.
"Has it ever bitten you before?" Lydia shook her head. "Okay. What if it's, like, the same thing as the deer? You know, like, how animals start acting weird right before an earthquake or something?"
"Meaning what? There's gonna be an earthquake?"
"Or something. I just... maybe it means something's coming. Something bad." Stiles was completely right. Something was wrong, I felt it.
"It was a deer and a dog. What's that thing you say about threes? Once, twice..." Her words were interrupted when something hit the window, leaving a trail of blood. Every student was interrupted form their concentration, glancing at the window. Jennifer, our teacher, walked towards it. Crows, so many crows were coming towards us. Another one hit the window, and then another, and another.
"S-Stiles..." I whispered, my hand rapidly clutching his shirt between my fingers. The windows couldn't resist so many crows hitting it. They ended up being shattered, thousand of crows getting inside the classroom.
I quickly grabbed Lydia as she seemed to be shocked enough to react, covering her head with my arms. I felt someone doing the same thing for me. Stiles's back pressed tightly against mine, the inside of his thighs pressed against the outside of mines. His arms covering my face after he saw that I was hit by a couple of enraged crows.
Of course, the cops had been called. They were now asking around, trying to understand what was going on. However, this was something out of their reach.
"You alright?" Stiles's hands grabbed my cheeks, lightly moving my head from side to side, making sure that there wasn't any wound or scratch.
"You?" My fingers grasped a feather that seemed to be stuck in his hair, pulling it out. He nodded, sighing in relief, taking me into his arms. That is another habit we had developed during the summer.
"Guys," Mr. Stilisnki came closer to us, his eyes focusing on our intertwined hands. "No more class for today, okay?" He offered us a smile. "Go back home, alright? Make sure you guys are in a safe place." We both nodded.
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"Yeah, I see it. It's two bands, right? What does it mean?"
"I don't know. It's just something I traced with my fingers."
"Why is this so important to you? Do you know what the word 'tattoo' means?"
"To mark something." Stiles crossed his arms while letting Derek know as if he didn't know already. He looked so proud of himself.
"Well, that's in Tahitian. In Samoan, it means 'open wound'. I knew I wanted to get a tattoo when I turned 18. I always wanted one. I just decided to get it now, to make it kind of a reward."
"For what?"
"For not calling or texting Allison all summer. Even when I really wanted to, even when it was so hard not to sometimes. I was trying to give her the space she wants. Goin' four months later, it still hurts. It still feels like a, uh..."
"Like an open wound." Stiles finished for him. I sniffed, wiping my wet cheeks. I could feel a pair of eyes on me. "Wait, are you crying?"
I sobbed even harder when the boy standing next to me noticed that I was weeping. "I don't know why," I continued cleaning my face. "I just got emotional." The three boys grinned, Stiles embracing me while softly laughing.
"The pain's gonna be worse than anything you've ever felt." Derek let him know, but that wasn't going to scare Scott.
Fire. He was going to burn Scott. "Oh, wow. That's a... that's a lot for me. So I'm gonna take that as my cue. I'm just gonna wait outside." He tried to leave, and I tried to follow him, but Derek wasn't having any of it when he got up, grabbing us from the back of our shirts, and telling us to hold Scott down.
When we were leaving Derek's house after holding Scott down, who cried loudly, until he passed out. The McCall boy couldn't help but grin and be excited about his first tattoo.
"Well, it looks pretty damn permanent now." Stiles examined it, hands deep down in his pockets.
"Yeah. I kind of needed something permanent. Everything that's happened to us... everything just changes so fast." I sighed, linking my arms with both boys, who offered me a smile. "Everything's so, uh... Ephemeral."
"Studying for the psats?"
Scott opened the front door, but rare enough, he examined it while rubbing his fingers against the wood. "You painted the door. Why'd you paint the door?" He asked, looking back at Derek.
"Go home, Scott."
"Hey," I intervened. Scott's breath got quicker, scratching the paint off the door. "What is going on, Scott?" There was a symbol on the door.
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asterekmess · 5 years ago
Laura gets sent a funky letter and goes back to Beacon Hills. Now, we have a lil more confusion (i’ve got a whole buttload of issues with the timeline, but let’s not get into that now) // *puppy eyes* Please talk more about the timeline? *puppy eyes intensify* Pretty please?
oohhhmygod. oohhhhmygod. What issues don’t I have with the timeline?
Listen, I know I mention this is every post I make, but I’m doing a full series rewrite of this show. Which means I need to know when things happen. And TW? Nothing makes SENSE.
I’ve said it before, it’s complete bullshit that a show about werewolves refuses to give two fucks about the moon cycle. It’s so fucking simple. The first full moon is on a Friday. The second full moon Must Be on a Sunday. Is it? NO. It’s on a MONDAY. They’re at SCHOOL all day! I had so many issues trying to get the timeline to play nice here, you’ve no idea. In the end, I just ended up sticking with the stupid concept that a moon cycle is 31 days instead of 30.
But no, let’s go even further back, huh? To the Pre-show timeline. Laura Hale, everybody. She shows up (How long is she even in Beacon Hills? If the deer was what warned the Argents and made them head back, they should’ve arrived before she died. How did she do all that investigating in so short a time?) and gets ganked by Peter. He claws/bites her to death. Then, the story goes that the Argents cut her in half and used her as bait to catch Derek. BUT. We know Kate wasn’t the one to do it, cus’ she wasn’t in town. And Chris, Victoria, and Allison hadn’t even arrived yet. We find out in S3A that Allison was IN the car that nearly hit Scott when he walked out of the woods after getting bit and finding the top half of Laura’s body. So who the fuck cut Laura’s body in half? (I Have other issues with this, actually, and the entirety of the Peter stuff, so XP fuck you davis.)
Then there’s the thing with the bus driver. Scott makes this claim that he knows the guy, bc he drove the bus Scott rode “when I lived with my dad” but Scott never lived with his DAD. His dad is in fucking NY or whatever. And the guy’s only been a bus driver in the last five years, so it’s not like it’s from when he was little or something.
I’m not even gonna mention the whole “The fire was ten years ago” “Wait, the fire was six years ago” thing cus...wtf? ALSO. If they wrote the show and intended for Derek to be NINETEEN at the start, but then said the fire was TEN YEARS AGO??? DEREK WAS NINE???? They wrote that storyline intending for Derek to have Been NINE? WTF? And if they didn’t intend for him to have been nine, then what the hell is wrong with them and not thinking these things through? That’s so fucking basic.
How about the part where Derek gets shot with a bullet that’ll kill him in 48 hours, but he shows up the next day and nearly dies after less than 24? Did he spend a whole day alone? Scott knew Derek was shot for an entire day and that he’d been poisoned, and didn’t think to check on him??
This show is so allergic to having actual dates for their shit bc they don’t wanna get caught out for their pathetic timeline, they don’t even have a Valentine’s Day episode with Allison and Scott. According to the timeline I’ve worked out, Valentine’s day? Yeah, it happens on Scott’s second full moon. The day he and Lydia make out. Love it.
That whole thing with Allison in the car and the crying and the flashbacks to her seeing Derek getting tortured? Yeah, Noah’s part in that makes no fucking sense (yeah, I know no one calls him noah, I joined the fandom too late to care about calling him john). We see Stiles getting his dad drunk that night. Royally drunk. Then, suddenly, he’s on duty and pulling Allison over? What? Or did Allison wait a night to start freaking out about it?
Allison’s mother gets bitten at the rave, which is like a week away from the full moon bc it’s at the start of spring break and Lydia’s birthday happens at the end of Spring break (actually, since Lydia goes to the fucking School to see Jackson, HOLDING A BACKPACK, I’m pretty sure it happens after they get back to school). Scott’s bite healed the day after he was bitten. You’re telling me Victoria didn’t heal that whole week? Even if she had the whole ‘guilt trip=no healing’ thing going on, she would’ve been shifting throughout the week and Derek said they can’t keep themselves from healing while they’re unconscious (or are we just completely disregarding that? Oh, we are? Okay, sure, fine.) so why don’t her eyes change color/why doesn’t she show any wolf signs until the moment she dies?
Lydia’s birthday is supposed to be on the Worm Moon. Which is the full moon that happens in March. But we’ve already had three full moons. January, February, and March. We’re halfway through fucking April right now, TW. What are you on?
Then throughout S3A & B we have a blatant disregard for how long the nighttime lasts. Erica and Boyd are out running around BH early enough that children are playing in the woods and Chris is getting groceries. But then Derek holds them in the boiler room for like two minutes and suddenly it’s dawn? Dawn shouldn’t be coming until around 6:30 in the morning. That’s hours of being down there with them.
Plus all the Oni stuff where nighttime happens about twenty minutes after they get out of classes and then lasts the entire episode, while still somehow not taking long enough because the episode runs in current time, so only like an hour has passed, but now the sun is up! Woo!
Y’all know my expertise doesn’t go v far into the later seasons. But come on. It’s not that fucking hard to pick a timeline and then stick to it! Stop putting things that should be happening on the weekend in the middle of the week! Stop jamming a week’s worth of scenes one after the other and then pretending it all happened in one night! They got all fucking worried about running out of material around Season 5B or whatever, but if they’d just taken their time in the beginning then they could’ve gotten like two more seasons out of this show. Two good seasons. Hell, every other season would improve too, just from not being so bunched up and getting the chance to actually explore the entire plotline they set up.
Plus, just overall, there’s the part where they fucking skipped four months between S2 & S3A? Four months, not three. They still had like two weeks or so of school left after the warehouse scene that we never got to see. PLUS THE FOUR MONTHS before S3A.
I get that they wanted to go for a seasonal thing, where the show happens when they’re in school. But you can’t just skip four months of character development and then give us nothing about anyone except Scott! Derek getting an apartment is not enough! What the fuck were they doing for four months? Why did it take them so long to find Erica and Boyd??? What happened with Jackson? What did Stiles do all summer? (I’d normally make a joke about ‘other than derek’ here, but like, I don’t actually ship them at that point in the timeline? The whole ‘summer fling’ thing never worked for me. Bonding, yes, fucking, no.)
AND they skipped the entirety of winter break between S3B and S4. What HAPPENED at Christmas time? Did Malia get to make snow angels? Did Stiles go to THERAPY?
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ao3feed-castiel · 6 years ago
It Was Always You
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2PY3Vf2
by BlamScilesShipper
This is a SPN/TW crossover. It is also a TW rewrite in which Sciles is endgame. Stiles and Lydia are Winchesters, that's where SPN comes in. Right now the only pairings are Sciles and Destiel, but it's early. It starts with Scott being bitten. Goes from there.
Words: 6779, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV), Supernatural
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Scott McCall, Stiles Winchester - Character, Lydia Winchester, Dean Winchester, Castiel Winchester, Melissa McCall, Jackson Whittemore, Danny Mahealani
Relationships: Scott McCall/Stiles Stilinski, Castiel/Dean Winchester
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2PY3Vf2
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