#or Hell— xe can have both of those names because it’s that special to go by multiple names
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Sol and I have been thinking about a name to give to our bunbat plushpal and xe may go by Cyberbite or Xero ( zy-ro ) as it gives us cyberpunk / sci-fi vibes with the cyan and black colour scheme.
#or Hell— xe can have both of those names because it’s that special to go by multiple names#I love naming our plushies it’s just really nice to give them some form of identities#I’ve been actually thinking of making an OC after this bunbat and it’ll be our first ever OC to create after our plushies#so that’d be so cool and cute :3#💭
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Ekúi, still sore from the swim and weary from the medication, decided to stay at home, that night. After all, he hadn’t been invited and his big brother can always fill him in, later.
The first thing Second Class Petty Officer Kirk Samuel Hicks, the Coast Guard Instructor, said when Cull got there was, “Go ahead and tie the dog outside. We won’t have room for him.”
Azif reluctantly agreed to play along.
Just in time to hear his name taken in the role call. “Azif i-Sabba? Sounds Iranian, you a terrorist son?”
“Yezidi, Sir, and a terror only to my vitals, Sir.”
“Yezidi? Never heard of them!”
“Must be because you do not listen, can we get on with the class, Sir?”
He called on “Colin Ironwode? What kind of fool name is that?” Then with a little more volume, “Ironwode!?”
The teen opened the door, “Does that mean the ‘dog’ can join the class now?”
“Wait, ‘you’ are Trainee Colin Ironwode?”
“Intern, Son, and yes. And that is ‘iron wood, not iron wad; it’s a weed, not a spit ball, Khurg.”
About that time Captain Madoc stepped to the door, and not realizing the mess that was just made, “Ironwode, what the hell are you blocking the door for?”
“Sorry Captain, I’m tied up for the moment. Still waiting on the Little Officer to let me play with his toys.”
His crew mates thought that was just a little too much, but contained the giggling rather well.
Madoc was still not amused. He opened the door he swept his hand to wave xer in.
Cull grabbed a blue plastic, butt-slider chair at the back, turned it around, and climbed in as best xe could.
Meanwhile, Hicks just had to ask, “Why didn’t you tell me you were signed up for this class?”
“Why did you ass-u-me I wasn’t? You did not even ask, just commanded I be tied up. A fetish of yours, Mate?”
“But, your not hu-,” the man gestured at the body in that blue chair, trying to make sense of what was going on, sputtering, badly.
While Cull patiently waited for the ignition, Hicks went onto the next name on the list, with better courtesy, now that the good Captain was present.
This was followed by what even Madoc thought was a boring rendering of Coast Guard History, skipping over the less popular events like turning the fleet into engines of war during every major military event. Cull had taken to writing one of those Drheigr nursery rhymes when Hicks passed down the isles handing out a booklet.
Cull just couldn’t figure if the man was afraid he wouldn’t have enough, or if someone would get more than their share. The Petty Officer grabbed the doodle and demanded, “What the hell is this?” Without waiting for an answer, “Not in my class!” While the dragon-skinned teen was repressing a growl, “Put that away, you won’t need it here.”
“Um, put what away?”
Tapping the Input Recorder, “That cell-phone, you won’t need it.”
“Khurg, that ‘thing’ is anchored to my skull. It isn’t going anywhere I am not.”
The instructor moved to take it when Madoc barked, “Leave it, Petty Officer!”
“But, Sir,” the Petty Officer whined, “the class, what if it rings!?”
Cull simply grunted, and offered, “It is not a cell-phone. If it rings, I’m the only one who would hear it. Can we focus on the class, Khurg, or can I go home and get some …?”
“… Ironwode!” Madoc barked. “Hicks, either teach the class or get out of my way so I can do it!”
Much subdued and clearly chastised, the Coast Guard Petty Officer continued to distribute his booklet to the rhythm of pages being turned. Though angered by the act without permission, he held his tongue.
When he returned to the front, Hicks asked, “What are the three most important components to an investigation, anyone?”
The seconds ticked on, again to the sounds of pages being turned, without a single volunteer. Feeling somewhat responsible for the silence, Cull raised a winged hand.
Reluctantly, owing mostly to the lack of participation from the thirty-two students before him, he pointed.
“First, blood, sweat, and tears, ninety-percent: then educated and talented deductive reasoning, eight-percent: finally, Anomalous Thought Entities, three-percent.”
“That does not add up, um, Son.” When no explanation was forthcoming, “So, what are ‘Anomalous Thought Entities’?”
“Ideas, hunches, connections, sudden bursts of inspiration, wild-ass chains of reasoning, knowing something without knowing how you come to know it, that sort of thing.”
“And you think it’s that important?”
Shrugging, “It helps.”
“I have never heard of someone relying on ‘hunches’ as a major part of the investigation.”
“Um, my 101% might be a bit fuzzy, but how is ‘three-percent’ a ‘majority’?”
“Tell me, ‘Cull’, how much field experience do you actually have?”
“You mean with the Authority? I don’t know, counting …, wait, is this paid time?”
“Just answer the question!”
“Thirty-two-and-a-half hours, give or take. That would not be counting the times I spent on paleontological digs with my uncle.”
“Thirty-two-and-a-half hours, give or take? Well, I have you know, after eighteen years in the First Fleet I have never entertained a single hunch. Pure science young, um, is it man or woman?”
“Imán, Khurg.” The look of confusion, though entertaining, dispelled any further explanation. “Choose one that entertains you the most, and go with it. I do.”
Then plowing into the ensuing silence, “Petty Officer, after eighteen years you should know that pure science includes both a recognition of ourselves as part of the subject of observations, as well as the knowledge of how very little we really know. I’ve seen people digging in the dirt for hours only to get dirty. And someone accidentally digs where they weren’t supposed to because they thought they saw something, and ‘Dingo!’ a prize in minutes. I’ve also seen someone ignore those hunches and get very hurt. Now, if you don’t mind, I will trust my nearly seventeen years of life experience over your mindless service to our country, any day.”
“Captain, do I have to tolerate this insolence? If he were in the Coast Guard….”
“…I think you would be in chains, Sir. You came to this class with insolence on your tongue. Azif has done nothing to you and yet you call him a terrorist? In a world where that could get him in a lot of hot water? Extraordinary rendition mean anything to you? Pinochet maybe? I don’t even care that you call me a dog, make fun of my name, but he’s my crew mate. I wonder if you even have any friends, Khurg!”
“Captain!?” When Madoc didn’t say anything, “Tell me this, have you ever had a single ‘hunch’ pay off?”
“Just this last Saturday,” Azif replied. “Xe saved a child’s life with it, Sir.”
“What? I don’t get that, how could she have saved a child’s life with a stupid hunch?”
“Story, Petty Officer,” Cull went forward, “the parts that are up for public consumption, that is. I’m floating up there, getting a workout because the ceiling winds are pretty disorganized at the time. I drop down a bit to get some rest and I smell petrol burning. Knowing what I do about the winds I try to follow the smell with my mind as best I can, leading to the discovery of low lying, whitish smoke accented with a taste of black. I fly over there to investigate and notice the boat had already sunk, and a man swimming for Mazatla Peninsula. I’m in contact with my skipper and alert him to my findings. But, I find I am entirely too interested in the sinking boat, and decide to learn why—the singular Anomalous Thought Entity in my equation. The schooner is sinking slowly, nose up, natural I guess if there is still air caught in it. So I open a locked hatch, swim up inside, and there is this little, maybe seven-year-old boy, frightened, feeling very unloved. He says his daddy’s angry with him, I ask where his daddy is, get him to come with me, and learn his dad is now arrested. So, I suppose that ‘one’ hunch saved a boy’s life and lead to a criminal investigation.”
Madoc added, “Not to mention, there were barbiturates in the boy’s stomach. His inhaler was fighting them off. Cull thought enough to grab a baggy and collect the evidence before the fish did.”
“That was just an act of due diligence, Sir, not a hunch.”
“And where were you when you heard the explosion?”
“I don’t know that there was one. I was 33 fathoms over Elephant Island.”
“There wasn’t, just fire,” Madoc added.
“So, how did you learn of it?”
“Okay, let me replay what I said so I know I said it; yes, yes-yes, okay, yes, right after the upper atmosphere turbulence, I told you I smelled the petroleum burning.”
“You must have some pretty special talents to have been made part of the service. Where do you hail from, son?”
Somewhere in the distance a phone rang.
“My mother. Tell me, Second Class PO, eighteen years, and only an E5?”
“Um, nothing to worry about.”
“Good, can we get on with the class? I have some personal training in a few hours and would like some rest before then? We are supposed to be discussing ‘Coast Guard Forensic Procedures,’ not airing your personal issues out.”
The Captain’s personal phone rang, quietly.
The Petty Officer barked, “See, that phone rang!”
Ignoring the charge, “Cull, there is a problem we could use your help with.”
“What and where?”
“Lincoln Street Bridge, the top of the south pillar, a man looks like he might jump. They want us there to collect if he does.”
“Let them know I’m on my way. What frequency?”
“Em-4. What are you waiting for?”
“Sir, only one of us is passing through that door; right, thanks.”
Out, down, and up, Cull found the warm night air a bit thin, but usable.
Madoc simply added, “Class dismissed, Petty Officer, you are on report.”
“You spent three quarters of your valuable class time—which is supposed to contributed to these people’s certification—on anything but the subject you were sent to teach. Azif, did he insult you? There, the very reason you are still only a Petty Officer.”
“Well, he kept calling me Khurg, it’s Kirk.”
Greg, who was carrying a heavy load toward the dry-dock, followed by am orc carrying a heavier load, “That would be orchish, mister, means ‘dog’. Did he say it kindly or cruelly?”
· • º • ·
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Roleplay Server Log #177
“Mort, Dawn and Pinwheel the Venomous Dragon”
[gem] -walks into the bar- hello everyone
[CP] - You call him, I don't wanna
[Doc] Looks at Gem, - my gods, it's full of stars....
[gem] am I missing something here?
[Deer] - Doc is able to see aura's now
[gem] oh cool so mine looks like space.
[Deer] - I'm assuming so, wait till they take a picture
[Splender] Teleports in- I HAVE THOUGHT OF A NAME!- He's holding the angry little rainbow dragon
[CP] - Why did you bring it here!
[gem] oh hello splenderman what's the little dragon's name?
[Splender] - Pinwheel! Because it's all sorts of pretty colors like one!
[gem] daw that cute.
[Pinwheel] Hisses angrily, it's tail whipping back and forth-
[gem] -flies up to pinwheel- hi there.
[Pinwheel] Lunges at Gem-
[Splender] - Pinwheel no!
[gem] -gets bit and her space angel eyes slowly start turning black and black gas is coming out of them-
[Lie] - Gem?- She's already spawning healing flowers
[gem] you guys might want to leave this gas is poisonous I will be fine as long as I can keep my insides in-the gas is spreading across the roof-
[Doc] Shifts in a panic, Hir head punching a hole through the roof. Xe grabs Gem and throws hir in a high arc towards the bay. Then scrabbles out the hole hirself, hir mouth on fire from the poison.
[Deer] - Doc!
[Doc] Flops down the hill and rolls into the river, drinking desperately-
[Lie] - Sam stay back! We don't want you to burn. Go downstairs if you have to
[Sam] Makes a break for the basement-
[gem] -the gas is quickly flowing out the hole and gem is flying over the bay-
[CP] - Can't go a day without some sort of shit happening...- Since Sam is gone he reaches across the bar and pulls a random bottle off the shelves behind
[Dawn] Ran outside with Mort as soon as the gas started spewing out
[Flux] Turned into her mist form and reforms next to Dawn and Mort-
[gem] -looks like she will vomit but she is trying to hold it back-
[Splender] Is crying because Pinwheel bit Gem-
[Dawn] Whoah... what happened? That critter must have one hell of a bite
[Lie] Steps out of the bar- According to another resident here, Pinwheel pretty much has pit viper venom
[gem] -can't keep flying and lands near the bay but away from everyone she look like she is desperately not trying to throw up-
[Deer] Takes Yaunfen outside and heads for Doc- Love? Are you okay?
[Dawn] Holy crap, what's the chimera gals name? Gem? She'll need medical attention right away!
[Splender] Comes out still crying with Pinwheel biting him- I'm so sorry!
[Doc] Has obvious burns on hir lips and tongue and has stuck hir snout under the water while it slowly heals.
[Mort] It's not your fault man. Your pet needs a muzzle.
[gem] -from far away- if I can keep my self from throwing up I will be fine.
[Splender] - But it's just a baby!
[Mort] Yeah and babies don't know they're hurting you. Why do you think new mothers tend to have short hair? The little brats just pull on that shit as hard as they can.
[Splender] Whimpers sadly-
[Endrea] Flies over- I saw Doc throw something, is everything okay?
[Mort] How is that not hurting you? You have bites all over your hands.
[Dawn] The chimera gal got bit and started spewing gas-
[Splender] - I'm a slender being, we're not really affected by poisons and such
[Endera] - I see... Is Doc alright?
[Deer] Is rubbing Doc comfortingly-
[Doc] Makes a bit of a whimper -
[gem] -can't hold her mouth closed anymore and throws up all the liquid in her body including her blood and falls over and hits respawn the death message reads 'GemAngelBrine died of poison'-
[Mort] Neat. Hey, it's nice to see you again all the same.
[Splender] - Nice to see you too!
[Mort] I'd say under better circumstances but that was.. intense..
[Lie] - Relax, the respawn caught her, she's already alive again
[Dawn] Infinite lives cheat huh?
[Lie] - Pretty much
[Doc] Is mostly healed and just kinda flops half in and out of the water.
[Deer] Digs through the creative menu and perks up- Ah, here love, drink this- She hands Doc a pail of milk
[Doc] opens hir jaws gratefully and lets Deerheart just pour it in, it removes that last bit of discoloration as the poison is neutralized. - Thank you... I can't even tell you what that tasted like.
[Deer] - Anything for you love
[gem] -comes back with her guardians close behind while also hold eddy and edward- I'm back.
[Dawn] Lucky for you, that was insane...
[gem] it's all if I can hold my mouth closed long enough for my body to get rid of it with the black smoke I just couldn't.
[Splender] - I'm so sorry Gem...
[gem] it's ok splender I know you didn't mean for this to happen.
[Doc] Well my vision is back to normal at least....
[Stevie] Over chat- Hey Doc? There's a command block over here beeping like mad...
[Doc] And onto the next emergency, wait? What? SHIT. I forgot about the anti-venom program...
[Doc] Goes to get up and just falls back over. - Owww....
[Lie] - Do you need my flowers Doc?
[gem] -goes over to look where she died there is something growing there and gem seem very interested in it-
[Doc] Actually I need about a weeks worth of sleep. Deerheart? Any chance you could go to Lie's house and pick up the finished codes? It should look like a bowl of mush on top of a command block.
[Deer] - Sure, I'll be right back- She takes Yaunfen as she goes
[gem] -picks up and brings over to the group a flower it looks like an orchid but it's petals look like the night sky-
[Dawn] Looks over at Gem- Do you get a special plant growing in your death spot each time you die or something?
[CP] Being the only brine left in the bar still reluctantly starts fixing the roof-
[Lie] Frowns- Not normally...
[Sam] Threw on some old leather armor and starts helping Cp-
[gem] this is a space angel thing when we die we leave flowers.
[Dawn] It's pretty. Orchids are such a bitch to grow.
[Lie] - Interesting- She steps closer to investigate
[Mort] So what's new with you Splender? Apart from the baby dragon?
[gem] the thing is they aren't all orchids they can be any plant but they will have part that look like space.
[Splender] - Lots of boring work since brother was injured...
[Mort] What happened to your brother?
[Splender] - Oh, another of our brothers accidentally led the SCP into our forest. He got hurt protecting one of his proxies
[Sam] Gathers up Doc's scattered pictures-
[Mort] SCP? Oh, like the guys that tried to capture Lie and Doc that one time. Fuck those jokers. They're worse then the MIBs.
[Splender] - Uh-huh!
[gem] lie would you like to look at the flower? -holds it out for her-
[Lie] - Absolutely- She carefully takes it
[Mort] Thankfully the SCP hasn't found us, but I've had to scare the MIBs away more then once.
-the petals are a deep blue and the stars on the flower seem to glow even though it's an orchid it seem strong and resilient-
[CP] Finishes fixing the roof and takes a swig from the bottle he took, only to spit it out almost immediately- Shit!
[Sam] Addresses him in his normal tongue- What's wrong sir?
[CP] - That's not booze...
[Sam] Oh dear.... what was behind the bar that wasn't alcohol? I usually keep the mixers in the cold trunk.
[CP] - Take a guess, it's one of TLOT's favorites...- CP's starting to turn a bit red
[Sam] Ah... the golden mead of the Touchie hives. Good thing your lovely wife is nearby. Hey, at least it wasn't lust blossom nectar.
[CP] - Shut up!
[Sam] Backs off innocently
[CP] Is just cursing under his breath-
[Mort] I heard kinda third-hand you were babysitting. How's that going?
[Splender] - Oh well enough, actually they should be heading home soon
[Doc] I'm so dead... - rolls over and puts hir feet up in the air.
[Dawn] What's wrong now?
[Deer] In chat having heard Doc- Oh no, who shall I make lovely kinky sex to now?
[Doc] in chat - I don't know! It's tragic! - I kinda fucked up. I'm anticipating getting yelled at at least when it's revealed
[Deer] Returns carrying a bowl and Yaunfen following her-
[Dawn] Time to get called to the principals office I see. You have my condolences.
[Lie] Is absorbed in looking at the plant-
[Doc] Well at least we might have one problem solved. Thank you love. - Xe does some quick analysis on the contents- Looks good so far. Lie, I have some raw materials for you.
[gem] I never knew what flower I left till now I always wanted to know.
[Lie] - Hm? What?
[Doc] The anti-venom code is ready. You said you'd try to make it into something for me? It needs to be some kind of fruit with a lot of liquid in it. So it can be eaten or drunk as needed.
[CP] Is resisting the effects of the touchie wine as much as he can-
[Lie] - Oh, right, yeah I'll get to work on that
[Doc] Good. Because I think we'll need it again before too long
[Sam] Just go to her sir. It' not like she minds.
-a few blocks where gem dies are also growing more of the orchids-
[CP] - Not in front of the others...
[Lie] Takes the bowl from Deer- Alright, let's see if I can get this to work...
[gem] -goes over and takes another orchid form the group to take home-
[Lie] Begins concentrating on the paste in the bowl, her powers starting to swirl around it-
[Deer] Stays next to Doc while Yaunfen chews on it's gem-
[Mort and Dawn] are both watching fascinated-
[Doc] Splender this should interest you particularly- what she has there is a reverse of the virus code that's injected each time Pinwheel bites someone.
[Lie] The paste rolls on itself, becoming spherical and lifting from the bowl. Lie gently lowers it to the ground where tendrils wrap around it before bursting upwards, twisting in and around on itself-
[Splender] - Oooooo
[Deer] Can feel the seed accepting the new plants, both Gem's and Lie's- Oh... That's new
[Dawn] You have lovely energy Lie.
[Lie] - Thank you- Leaves are sprouting on the new plant, as well as branches which arc outwards and downwards
[Doc] Is it going to be like a root vegetable?
[Deer] - Flux? Is what I'm feeling now an affect of having connected with the heart of the seed?
[Flux] - Yes, you'll feel the more minute things about the server itself now
[Lie] - I think more of a fruit...
[Doc] Fuck it... I already feel like shit. I'll test it.
[Dawn] Wait, are you sure?
[Lie] Watches as the plants bear a rainbow colored fruit- Well at least it will be easy to identify
[gem] it's very pretty.
[Mort] Yeah, it's colorful just like what it's supposed to conteract?
[Dawn] How midievil... You cure a thing with a plant that looks like the thing.
[Lie] - It will counteract Pinwheels venom
[Splender] Pokes at the fruit-
[Lie] Lifts the fruit a little which causes it to break from the branch. She bring it over to Doc- Here you go Doc
[Doc] Holds it in one paw. - Splender... I'm ready.
[Splender] - Are you sure?
[Doc] I can't ask anyone else to do this. And I have to know if it works or not. Let them bite my tail, it will give me a moment before it actually hits my hearts.
[Splender] Brings the angry little ball of feathers over to Doc's tail where it quickly strikes-
[Doc] Jerks at the searing rush of agony from the bite, hir tail slamming reflexitively into the opposite bank and throwing sand everywhere. Hir teeth are gritted to keep from screaming and it's obviously taking effort just to open hir mouth-
[Deer] Very worried- Doc...
[gem] -is watching in concern-
[Deer] Shifts into her dragon form and forces Doc's mouth open, putting the fruit in-
[Doc] Is flopping in hir lovers grip and swallows the fruit whole. After a moment the thrashing calms down and xe relaxes against Deerheart, scooting closer for comfort and wrapping hir tail around hir feet.
[Deer] - Love? Talk to me... Please!
[Doc] Gasps- You know... I've fallen in lava with my glitch on an unstable frequency and burned to death before, I honestly think that hurt way worse.
[Deer] - It's okay, I'll always catch you
[Dawn] Well viper venom does turn blood to mush...
[Doc] I know... I trust in you, always.
[Mort] At Splender- Looks like we have a winner.
[Splender] Crying again- I'M SO SORRY!
[Lie] - Hey... Did CP ever come out?
[Doc] Don't cry Splender. It's not your fault. And it's not the first or the last time I'll hurt myself for the greater good. Take the fruit and grow some yourself. Carry a bit with you, then you don't have to worry about your friends. Hopefully Pinwheel will be less likely to bite randomly when they get a bit older.
[Splender] - I understand...
[Lie] Makes the plant bear another fruit to give to Splender- When you pick them, lift the fruit upwards, if it's ready the stem will snap
[Dawn] Mind if I take one too? I won't show it to anyone. But it might be handy in an emergency. I'll just slice it up and freeze it.
[Lie] - Sure, if you ever need more, just let me know
[CP] Is nearly doubled over in want for his mate-
[Sam] Sir... please.. just go to her....
[CP] - Not while... The others... Are there...
[Sam] Then send the outsiders home. It has to be getting dark.
[CP] - Can't concentrate, won't work... Besides, they were promised a tour...
[Doc] I think I need a break. Anyone mind if I go hide for a few hours?
[Lie] - Go right ahead Doc
[Deer] - Do you want me to join you?
[Doc] Yes please, I don't think Yaunfen would object to us having a dragon cuddle either.
[Deer] Hums happily and nuzzles Doc-
[Lie] - Dawn, Mort, if you two want to follow me...
[Doc] Shakes a little to get rid of the last of the water, making hir hair fuzz up. - Lead on love.
[Deer] Gently picks up Yaunfen and starts heading off to hide away in the roots of Lie's massive tree-
[gem] -heads back home-
[Mort] At Splender- You gonna hang out with us Splender? Looks like we're going to look at Lies flowers.
[Splender] - No, I think I'm going to go in the village and feed a bit
[Dawn] Hey Lie, don't forget your husband.
[Lie] - Oh right- She goes and opens the bar door
[CP] Immediately pounces on her wrapping his arms around her-
[Lie] Yelps as she falls onto her but- CP!
[Dawn] I see my adjustments had more of an effect than I anticipated...
[Mort] Snickers and gives Flux a playful elbow at the sight.
[Lie] - CP... What did you get into!
[CP] - Fucking touchie wine... Stupid un labeled bottle...
[Lie] - CP it's the only bottle that isn't labeled...
[Mort] Oh dear....
[Sam] from the doorway- It's usually obvious what it is-
[Lie] Sighs and rubs her husbands hair- Honestly, what am I gonna do with you...
[Dawn] I think I know what he'd like you to do....
[Dawn] I made no suggestions as to time or place, but he is a rather virile male.
[Lie] - I know... Come on CP, we should be going, it's starting to get dark
[Dawn] Is that bad?
[Lie] - Night time is when the things that can kill you will come out. Most of them burn up during the day
[Dawn] Then by all means, let's be on our way.
[Lie] Gets CP off of her and leads him, Dawn, and Mort towards her home- I'm just glad my house isn't very far
[Mort] Stays close to Dawn.
[Dawn] She hasn't revealed the blade of her scythe, but she's ready to whack anything that gets too close.
[Lie] Her greenhouse is quickly in view and the female brine smiles gently- Ah, home
[Dawn] Is looking at the pipelike chrous plants. - Is it organic, or plumbing?
[Lie] - Organic, it produces a fruit which will teleport you a short distance
[CP] - Liiiiiiieeee...
[Lie] - Patience CP
[Mort] Peeks inside the greenhouse- This place is a kalidoscope in both energy and actual color.
[Dawn] And I'm betting all of them were made with a purpose in mind like the one today.
[Lie] - Not all of them...
[Dawn] What's the exception?
[Lie] - My black vines, which were initially made when I was angry, and... My... Lust blossom...
[CP] - Fuck that stupid thing
[Dawn] Like to hold it in, don't you?
[Lie] Blushes- Shush
[Dawn] It just makes it all the more uncontrollable when it comes out naturally. You know what happens when you try to choke out weeds by pushing them down. Things.. crack...
[Lie] - That plant was made while we were... Fucking...
[Dawn] Sounds powerful...
[Lie] - It is...
[CP] - Her offensive plants also produce the same nectar...
[Dawn] That is a beautiful way to get an enemy off your ass. Honestly, I like your style.
[Lie] Blushes more deeply-
[Dawn] Speaking of such, your mate looks ready to explode.
[Lie] Shifts nervously- Soetimes the urges made from touchie wine can be appeased just by touching...
[Mort] We can make ourselves scarce for a bit if you like.
[Dawn] Just somewhere inside, since it's obviously dangerous out here.
[Lie] - Feel free to stay in my house... CP- She yelps as her mate pounces her once more
[Dawn] Can do Lie. Is it unlocked?
[Lie] - Always
[Mort] Then I say we make a run for it. You ready?
[Dawn] Bolts-
[Mort] Dammit! - Is after her with an ungainly clatter of bones
[CP] Nuzzles into Lie and she's barely able to focus enough to close off the entrance with thick foliage-
[Stevie] Hears the door open and close- Lie? Brother?
[Dawn] Scoots inside, laughing softly -hmm?
[Mort] Also runs in and slams the door a bit. -
[Stevie] - Oh, um... Hello
[Dawn] Hi. Sorry, we didn't know who else was here, did we wake you?
[Stevie] - No, I was just watching over Father. I'm Stevie by the way
[Dawn] I'm Dawn and this is my boyfriend Mort.
[Mort] Sticks out his bony hand in a friendly manner.
[Stevie] - Nice to meet you. I'm assuming you've already met Lie and my asshole of a brother
[Dawn] Wow, that's a bit bitter. I mean, he's not the meanest person I've ever met by a longshot.
[Stevie] - He's killed me many times in the past
[Mort] But you got better I suppose?
[Stevie] - Er... Maybe? It's still kinda a fresh change for us right now
[Dawn] Either way, he's feeling romantic tonight. Him and Lie are likely making sweet love in the greenhouse.
[Stevie] - ... I did not need to know that...
[Mort] Well he can't be all bad if his wife is happy, right?
[Stevie] - I know... An I trust Lie...
[Dawn] You said something about your father? Is someone sick?
[Stevie] - Well... He's not our actual father, but he's the closest we have. He was a human like you, but he's transitioning to being digital. He's just reached the most difficult part of it...
[Dawn] I'm not exactly human, but I'll take the mistake as a compliment. I take it there's nothing you can do to make it easier?
[Stevie] - We've already done what we can
[Dawn] It's just a waiting game at this point then, how long does it usually take?
[Stevie] - We don't know... Nobodies ever gone through the process naturally. Lie was turned into a brine so she wouldn't have to go through all the pain, otherwise we would probably know
[Stevie] Glances outside- Would you like me to set up some beds for the night?
[Dawn] Yes, that would be best, I understand there's a time difference between here and outside. We could likely stay a few days without worrying about the animals needing to be fed at our house.
[Mort] Not that our rooster doesn't protect the chickens anyway, they're pretty much free to come and go.
[Stevie] - Here, I'll set you up in the main room since Father is in the workroom- He leads them to the main room and tosses a couple of beds down over by the wall
[Dawn] Thank you Stevie. Is there anything we should know about the household in the meantime?
[Stevie] - Well... Endrea should be coming back soon to rest, she also has a more human form as does Ashe... There's a few critters that run around like a kitten and a vulpix which may come and snuggle you in the night... Don't go across that little bridge over there, it just leads to Lie and my brothers room
[Dawn] I'll keep that in mind, and we love animals, so it's okay. - She sits down on the bed and Mort joins her.
[Stevie] - Well if you wake up early enough, there are plenty of animals outside which will be hungry
[Hope] Comes trotting into the room-
[Dawn] Happy to help, we're used to farm work.
[Mort] I won't really sleep anyway. I'll take care of it.
[Dawn] Oh, what a sweet little kitten. - She scoops up the little cat and puts her on the bed to pet her.
[Hope] Purrs and rolls around-
[Stevie] - That's Hope, the newest addition to this household. I'll still be here until brother comes back in to watch Father. And then I'll probably be back in the morning to switch with him
[Dawn] He must be proud of both of his dutiful sons.
[Stevie] - Yeah... Well, I won't keep you up any longer, if something happens in the night I'm just down the coast in the bi colored house
[Mort] Duly noted. Goodnight Stevie.
[Stevie] - Night- He heads back down to the workroom to sit with Notch
[Mort] Sets on the corner of the bed with his legs folded and starts to meditate.
[Dawn] Lays down and is soon snoring lightly beside him.
[Hope] Crawls into Mort's lap and settles down there-
[Mort] Good kitty.
[Splender] Is walking back to his house still carrying pinwheel and humming rather happily-
[Alexsezia] Was checking on the horses and notices the bundle in his hands. - Splender?
[Splender] - Oh! Evening Alex!
[Alexsezia] Good evening, hey, whatcha got there? Is there a chicken version of the Jeb sheep now?
[Splender] - It's my baby dragon!
[Alexsezia] Aww, it's so fluffy! Newborn I guess?
[Splender] - Yes! And very deadly...
[Alexsezia] Oh it has teeth already?
[Splender] - Born with them... And venom... It bit Gem earlier today...
[Alexsezia] Oh dear... is she, okay? I saw the death message earlier. I figured she just had an accident.
[Splender] - She is now
[Pinwheel] Hisses angrily and lunges at a flitter which is going by-
[Alexsezia] Notices - I think someone needs an attitude adjustment. Do they have the water allergy?
[Splender] - We're not sure.
[Alexsezia] You should find out as soon as possible. If they don't I'd suggest a squirt bottle for that random biting. If so, then a rap on the nose will have to do.
[Splender] - Okay!- He perks a little and then smiles- Oh good! Brother is better!
[Alexsezia] Well that's good to hear. It's always hard when family members are ailing.
[Splender] - That means Sally and EJ can go home!- Starts heading for home
[Splender] Quickly reaches home- EJ! Sally! It's time to go!
[EJ] - About fucking time!- He moves quickly to make sure everything is packed away
[Sally] - We can go back to Papa?
[Splender] Nods- Yes, so let's go!- He makes an opening and Sally takes his hand. Splender sends out a mental burst to Doc- I'll be back soon! Taking EJ and Sally home!- The slender being then leads the two through while still carrying the dragon and closing the opening behind him
[Doc] Barely hears Splender in the haze of sleep. Xe's warm and curled with hir mate and baby. Hir overlong body is vibrating with happy purrs.
[Deer] Nuzzles Doc in her sleep, making sure Yaunfen is safely between their two bodies-
[Doc] Happy snnnrk-
[Deer] Sends out a small pulse of energy to keep the mobs at bay-
[Yaunfen] Little sleepy squeaks-
-Le little bit of time passes-
[Lie] She and CP enter the house and find Stevie-
[CP] - The hell are you doing here?
[Stevie] - Well one of us has to watch Father
[CP} Groans-
[Lie] - We'll take it from here Stevie, go home. Alexis is probably missing you
[Stevie] - I'll be back in the morning to watch Father again
[Lie] - Thank you
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