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Oooh the stuck in a supermarket thing looks neat.
Wheatley (Portal 2) - Doesn't eat but is probably messing around in the aisles trying really hard not to panic. He has knocked over 5 shelves already
Six (Little Nightmares): Immediately goes for the chicken. And eats it raw. With the packaging.
Funtime Foxy (FNAF SL): Also doesn't eat but would probably attempt to gobble down a few of those circus crackers with frosting on them
Gordon Freeman (HLVRAI): Probably panicking too, but at some point will cave and take some small snacks. Probably some goldfish crackers.
Bubble (BFDI): Also panicking. Probably comes close to getting popped several times over but if she survives she gets herself some sweets and some M&M's. As a treat.
The Captain (ISWM): Prepares some hot dogs and burgers for everyone and is literally the only one who bothers actually cooking anything.
OPTIMIZER22 (Obscure itch.io game of the same name): Also doesn't eat. Is trying to stop everyone from going on an eating spree and failing miserably.
[These last two are in the fairly-sure-but-still-kinda-iffy kinsidering stage but still]
Shadow The Hedgehog: (Sonic Fandub): Soda. Hot sauce. Doritos. Mission accomplished
Handunit (FNAF SL): Also doesn't eat. Probably just fucking with everyone else.
Eleven (Stranger Things): Waffles go BRRRRRRRRRRR-
#fictionkinfessions#fictionkin#๐โ#wheatleykin#portal2kin#sixkin#littlenightmareskin#funtimefoxykin#fnafslkin#gordonfreemankin#hlvraikin#bubblekin#bfdikin#thecaptainkin#iswmkin#optimizer22kin#optimizer22kinkin#shadowthehedgehogkin#kin#fandubkinkin#handunitkin#elevenkin#strangerthingskin#long post#canon snacks#food cw#repetition cw#mod party cat!
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