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clove-oral-care · 5 months ago
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blog-fitness4all · 2 months ago
CrossFit Aveiro
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Informações sobre o CrossFit Aveiro
IMAGINA NUNCA SABER O TREINO QUE VAIS FAZER QUANDO CHEGAS AO GINÁSIO… No Crossfit todos os dias são diferentes! MOVIMENTOS CONSTANTEMENTE VARIADOS Acabou a rotina monótona. Aqui todos os treinos são distintos dos anteriores, logo será mais motivante. Dessa forma o corpo não se acostuma à rotina de treino e cada treino será um novo desafio. MOVIMENTOS FUNCIONAIS Treinamos movimentos e não grupos musculares. Os espaços de Crossfit não têm as máquinas de musculação que tradicionalmente vemos nos ginásios. O corpo humano evoluiu para ser utilizado como um todo e é com esse objetivo que treinamos. REALIZADOS A INTENSIDADE ELEVADA A qualidade de treino mede-se pela intensidade a que conseguimos executar os movimentos. Aqui não é possível ir para o ginásio ler o jornal… NÃO TEMOS: bicicletas estacionárias, tapetes rolantes, televisão… AQUILO QUE TEMOS: O teu próprio corpo, bolas medicinais, argolas, barra fixa, cordas, kettlebells, barras, bumper…
Serviços e Modalidades
WOD A aula de CrossFit por excelência, todos os dias treinamos algo novo! Aula de grupo destinada a todos os praticantes onde fazemos sempre um W.O.D. (Workout of the day). Sempre constantemente variado, com movimentos funcionais e intensidade relativamente elevada. HYROX É a mais recente tendência no mercado de fitness que está atrair atletas de CrossFit e OCR numa só prova. Nestas aulas desenvolvemos o condicionamento metabólico, utilizamos essencialmente peso corporal, ergómetros e cargas ligeiras. STRENGTH Aula em que desenvolvemos a força de forma mais específica do que num WOD. Destinada aos alunos que querem desenvolver os seus níveis de técnica, força, e hipertrofia muscular. Aula organizada em diferentes fases: 1º levantamentos olímpicos, 2º desenvolvimento de força, 3º trabalho auxiliar de força. O aluno sabe o planeamento ao contrário do WOD. TEENS Aulas para os mais novos, desde os 10 aos 17 anos. São baseadas em jogos, quer infantis, quer tradicionais, quer desafios mais exigentes. Pretendemos desenvolver a motricidade destas crianças sem expor às intensidades a que os adultos são sujeitos. OPENBOX Aula individual em que o praticante opta por realizar o WOD ou fazer um treino mais orientado para as suas necessidades específicas. Recomendamos esta aula apenas para alunos com autonomia e experiência de treino. MISS WOD Aula destinada exclusivamente a mulheres! Nesta aula os exercícios e métodos são específicos para as características e objetivos das mulheres! A música é diferente, os exercícios são diferentes e os métodos são diferentes. MOBILITY Aula de grupo para praticantes que queiram desenvolver mobilidade e melhorar posturas e reforço muscular (Core). ANIMAL FLOW Aula de peso corporal, recorrendo a elementos da calistenia, yoga, capoeira, break dance, artes circenses e movimentos que imitam certos animais. PERSONAL TRAINER Sessão de treino individualizada, estando conforme os teus objetivos. Treino acompanhado pelo personal trainer, permitindo sempre a correção dos movimentos. Resultados mais rápidos. CHALK & IRON Aulas avançadas com uma exigência superior aos WODs habituais. Destina-se a alunos mais experientes e autónomos. Aulas geralmente realizadas em ambiente de Open Box e ao sábado em que se reúne toda a equipa Chalk&Iron. Morada: Zona Industrial da Taboeira | TABPARK Lote 27, Fração A2 | 3800-055 Aveiro Telefone: 931 763 671 E-Mail: [email protected] Horário de funcionamento Segunda / Sexta: 07:00-14:00 / 15:00-21:45 Sábado: 08:45-12:30 / 15:30-18:45 Domingo: Encerrado Página Web | Facebook | Instagram
Fotos CrossFit Aveiro 
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Mapa CrossFit Aveiro 
O CrossFit Aveiro é a box afiliada de CrossFit mais antiga de Portugal, estabelecida em 2013. Localizado na Zona Industrial da Taboeira, em Aveiro, oferece uma variedade de modalidades e serviços, promovendo um ambiente inclusivo e desafiante para a prática de CrossFit, treino de força, mobilidade e mais. Se procura treinos intensivos num ambiente comunitário que valoriza a saúde e o bem-estar, o CrossFit Aveiro é o local ideal. Instalações do CrossFit Aveiro Dispõe de quatro zonas de treino, permitindo uma vasta oferta de modalidades que garantem um treino variado e completo, adaptado a diferentes níveis e objetivos. Zonas e Modalidades de Treino - WOD (Workout of the Day): Sessões de treino em grupo com exercícios variados, movimentos funcionais, e intensidade elevada, proporcionando um treino completo que melhora a força, resistência e agilidade. - HYROX: Modalidade focada no condicionamento metabólico, utilizando o peso corporal, ergómetros e cargas ligeiras. Ideal para quem procura melhorar o desempenho cardiovascular e a resistência física. - STRENGTH (Força): Treinos focados no desenvolvimento de força, técnica de levantamento, e hipertrofia muscular, incluindo levantamentos olímpicos e exercícios auxiliares para reforçar a força global do corpo. - MISS WOD: Aulas exclusivas para mulheres, com exercícios adaptados às suas características e objetivos, garantindo um treino eficaz e seguro para todos os níveis. - TEENS: Aulas de CrossFit dedicadas aos jovens dos 10 aos 17 anos, focadas no desenvolvimento da motricidade através de jogos e desafios, promovendo um estilo de vida ativo de forma segura e divertida. - MOBILITY (Mobilidade): Sessões dedicadas à melhoria da mobilidade, postura e reforço do core. Ideais para aumentar a flexibilidade, prevenir lesões, e melhorar o desempenho em outras modalidades. - ANIMAL FLOW: Modalidade que combina elementos de calistenia, yoga, e capoeira, imitando movimentos animais. É um treino de peso corporal que melhora a mobilidade, força e controlo do corpo. - PERSONAL TRAINER: Sessões individualizadas com personal trainers qualificados, que ajustam os treinos de acordo com os objetivos pessoais de cada membro, garantindo uma abordagem eficaz e personalizada. Benefícios de Treinar no CrossFit Aveiro - Treino de Alta Intensidade e Movimentos Funcionais: Cada treino é desenhado para melhorar as capacidades físicas de forma completa, utilizando movimentos funcionais que simulam as atividades do dia a dia. Esta abordagem faz com que os treinos sejam mais eficazes e adaptados às necessidades reais dos membros. - Ambiente de Comunidade: Destaca-se pelo seu forte sentido de comunidade, onde todos são incentivados e apoiados a dar o seu melhor. As aulas são realizadas em grupo, promovendo o espírito de equipa e criando um ambiente motivador. - Equipas de Treinadores Qualificados: Conta com uma equipa de coaches especializados que garantem a segurança, motivação, e acompanhamento técnico de cada membro. Alguns dos treinadores incluem: - Juvenal Fernandes (Headcoach) - José Magalhães, Patrick Rodrigues, Silvina Resende, David Sanchez e Marine Robba (Coaches) - Box Afiliada Mais Antiga de Portugal: Estabelecida em 2013, o CrossFit Aveiro é reconhecido como a box mais antiga de CrossFit em Portugal, oferecendo anos de experiência em treinos de qualidade, adaptados às necessidades dos seus membros. Modalidades Exclusivas - HYROX e MISS WOD: Modalidades exclusivas que oferecem uma abordagem diferenciada para diferentes perfis de membros. Enquanto o HYROX se foca no condicionamento metabólico, o MISS WOD é uma modalidade personalizada para as mulheres. - Mobilidade e Animal Flow: A combinação de aulas de mobilidade e Animal Flow ajuda a melhorar a flexibilidade e o controlo do corpo, tornando-se um complemento ideal aos treinos de força e alta intensidade. - Aulas para Jovens (TEENS): Promovendo um estilo de vida ativo desde cedo, as aulas TEENS são desenhadas para os mais novos, focando no desenvolvimento da motricidade, criando um hábito saudável de prática desportiva desde cedo. Porque Escolher o CrossFit Aveiro em Portugal? O CrossFit Aveiro é a escolha perfeita para quem procura um ambiente desafiador, motivador e suportado por treinadores qualificados. Localizado na Zona Industrial da Taboeira, em Aveiro, o ginásio oferece modalidades exclusivas, treinos de alta intensidade, e um forte sentido de comunidade que tornam o treino uma experiência única. Se procura um treino eficaz, seja para aumentar a força, melhorar a mobilidade ou simplesmente para fazer parte de uma comunidade ativa, o ginásio tem tudo o que precisa para começar ou continuar a sua jornada de fitness. Agende já uma visita ao CrossFit Aveiro e venha fazer parte da comunidade de CrossFit mais antiga de Portugal, onde cada treino é uma oportunidade para superar limites e alcançar novos objetivos.
Pratique atividade física regularmente
A atividade física no ginásio é muito mais do que um simples exercício. É um compromisso com o seu bem-estar, um investimento na sua saúde e uma oportunidade de superação. Cada treino é uma chance de melhorar a sua força, aumentar a energia e reduzir o stress do dia a dia. No ginásio CrossFit Aveiro, encontra a motivação certa, um ambiente que o desafia a ir mais além e o apoia a alcançar os seus objetivos, seja para ganhar massa muscular, perder peso ou simplesmente manter-se ativo e saudável. A atividade física não só melhora a sua forma física, como também contribui para a saúde mental, ajudando a combater a ansiedade e a melhorar o humor. Com o apoio de profissionais especializados, poderá seguir um plano personalizado que se adapta às suas necessidades e objetivos. A cada treino, verá os resultados surgirem, aumentando a sua confiança e auto-estima. Não espere mais para cuidar de si: no ginásio, o seu corpo e mente agradecem! Read the full article
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nettyshotz · 3 months ago
Kinetic Lockdown: Analyzing the Role of Defensive Shadowing in Limiting Passing Angles in Tight Zones (2019–2023)
Defensive shadowing is an advanced technique aimed at limiting passing angles and restricting space for ball progression in football. This thesis investigates its strategic, physical, and tactical dimensions through five detailed sections, including historical development, spatial mechanics, tactical efficiency, cognitive demands, and the implications of shadowing in modern football. Advanced metrics, spatial analytics, and player workload data from 2019–2023 underpin the analysis.
Defensive shadowing—a seemingly subtle, off-ball defensive action—has emerged as a powerful method for controlling the flow of play in tight zones. Unlike direct marking, shadowing focuses on restricting passing lanes and disrupting positional play by forcing opponents into suboptimal decisions. This technique is most effective in congested midfield areas and during high-press scenarios, where the smallest disruption can dictate the game’s tempo.
We will explore:
1. The evolution of shadowing as a concept in football.
2. Its mechanics and relation to modern tactics.
3. Metrics and spatial analysis to evaluate its success.
4. Cognitive and physical demands on players.
5. Shadowing’s broader implications on team dynamics and opposition behavior.
Section 1: Historical Development of Defensive Shadowing
1.1 Origins in Defensive Tactics
Defensive shadowing’s roots lie in man-marking systems, particularly those utilized in Italian football during the 1970s. While man-marking focused on neutralizing individual threats, shadowing evolved as a less confrontational approach, relying on anticipation rather than direct engagement.
1.2 The Modern Shift Toward Positional Play
As football moved toward systems emphasizing spatial control, shadowing became a critical element in pressing strategies. Managers like Pep Guardiola and Marcelo Bielsa refined shadowing techniques, integrating them into high-press and counter-press systems where positional play created zones of vulnerability.
1.3 Shadowing in the Data Era
From 2019–2023, clubs increasingly adopted data analytics to optimize shadowing effectiveness. Player tracking technologies revealed insights into micro-movements, allowing teams to refine positioning and improve efficiency in cutting off passing angles.
Section 2: Spatial Mechanics of Defensive Shadowing
2.1 The Geometry of Shadowing
Shadowing relies on precise spatial alignment. By positioning themselves between the ball carrier and passing targets, defenders create artificial blockades. The success of this relies on angular disruption—closing high-probability passing lanes without overcommitting.
2.2 Zone Density in Congested Areas
In high-pressure situations, such as midfield congestion, shadowing serves to narrow passing lanes by overlapping individual coverage zones. Spatial metrics, such as zone density and expected pressure outcomes (xPO), highlight how effective shadowing can reduce successful passes in tight spaces.
• Example (2019–2023): Top pressing teams averaged a 17% reduction in progressive passes when shadowing techniques were employed effectively (StatsBomb).
2.3 Tactical Integration with Defensive Systems
Shadowing often complements pressing or low-block systems. In high-press systems, shadowing forces risky passes, setting up turnovers in dangerous areas. In low-block systems, it reduces space for creative players, forcing lateral passes and limiting penetration.
Section 3: Tactical Efficiency and Analytical Metrics
3.1 Key Metrics for Shadowing
The effectiveness of shadowing can be quantified using several advanced metrics:
• Passing Angle Reduction (PAR): Measures the degree to which passing lanes are restricted. Teams employing effective shadowing reduced average passing angles by 25% in congested zones (Opta, 2023).
• Ball Progression Disruption (BPD): Tracks how frequently shadowing interrupts progressive actions. A high BPD indicates strong shadowing presence.
3.2 Positional Synergy and Player Roles
Defensive shadowing is most effective when coordinated among midfielders and forwards. Double pivot systems often utilize shadowing to compress central spaces, with defensive midfielders acting as positional anchors.
• Case Study: From 2020–2023, teams using shadowing in a 4-3-3 formation recorded a 12% increase in forced turnovers per game compared to teams relying solely on zonal marking (CIES Football Observatory).
3.3 Trade-offs and Risks
While shadowing reduces progressive play, it can also lead to positional gaps if mistimed. Over-reliance on shadowing can create vulnerabilities when opponents exploit weak-side spaces.
Section 4: Cognitive and Physical Demands on Players
4.1 Cognitive Load and Anticipation
Shadowing requires players to process information quickly, anticipate movements, and adjust positioning in real time. Studies on player cognition reveal that shadowing significantly increases mental fatigue, especially during high-intensity matches.
• Research (2021): Cognitive load tracking in defensive midfielders found a 15% decline in decision-making accuracy after 75 minutes of sustained shadowing (Journal of Sports Psychology).
4.2 Physical Exertion in Shadowing Systems
While less physically demanding than pressing, shadowing requires constant micro-adjustments in positioning. Player workload metrics, such as distance covered at walking pace, are higher in shadowing systems than in static defensive setups.
• Example: Shadowing defenders averaged 11.8 km per game in congested zones, compared to 10.5 km for defenders in low-block systems (UEFA Physical Performance Report, 2022).
4.3 Fatigue Management
Rotational strategies are crucial for maintaining the intensity of shadowing over a full season. Teams employing shadowing techniques often use midfield rotations to reduce player burnout.
Section 5: Broader Implications of Shadowing in Modern Football
5.1 Strategic Influence on Opponents
Shadowing forces opponents to adapt their attacking strategies, often leading to:
1. Increased use of wide areas.
2. Higher reliance on long balls.
3. Reduced central penetration.
• Statistical Impact: Between 2019–2023, shadowing teams saw a 22% decline in opponent progressive carries through the middle third (StatsBomb).
5.2 Training and Youth Development
Shadowing is increasingly taught at the academy level, with emphasis on anticipation and spatial awareness. Tactical drills focus on positioning relative to passing angles and limiting movement options for attacking players.
5.3 Future Trends in Defensive Shadowing
As analytics improve, shadowing will likely evolve with more precise positional adjustments. AI-driven player tracking systems could refine shadowing to target specific passing patterns and reduce positional inefficiencies.
Section 6: The Psychological Disruption of Shadowing on Opponents
6.1 Cognitive Overload and Decision-Making Errors
Defensive shadowing disrupts not just the physical flow of passing but the psychological equilibrium of ball carriers. By reducing viable passing angles, shadowing forces opponents into repeated high-stakes decisions. This cumulative cognitive pressure often results in rushed or suboptimal choices, such as poor pass selection or increased long-ball dependency.
• Case Study (2020-2023): In games where shadowing systems were heavily employed, opponents’ error rates in key passing sequences increased by 18%, as recorded by tracking systems (Opta, 2023).
6.2 The Impact on Playmakers
Playmakers, often tasked with unlocking defensive setups, are particularly affected by shadowing. By targeting key distributors, shadowing systems render creative players less effective, reducing their progressive passing rates and forcing them into lateral or backward movements.
• Example: In a dataset of attacking midfielders between 2019 and 2023, shadowing systems reduced playmaker passing success in forward zones by 12% (StatsBomb, 2023).
Section 7: Shadowing and the Tactical Geometry of the Pitch
7.1 Asymmetric Shadowing
While traditional shadowing focuses on symmetrical coverage, advanced systems exploit asymmetric setups, targeting specific zones where opponents are more likely to play. By overloading one side of the pitch and shadowing in these areas, teams force turnovers or disrupt rhythm.
7.2 Dead Zones and Shadow Overlap
Shadowing creates “dead zones” on the pitch—areas where progressive options are entirely eliminated. Advanced mapping systems reveal how overlapping shadowing can create these zones, particularly in the central third, minimizing threats from build-up play.
• Metric Spotlight: Teams employing overlap-heavy shadowing reduced opponent central penetration rates by an average of 21% from 2019 to 2023 (UEFA Analytics, 2022).
Section 8: Shadowing’s Role in Hybrid Tactical Systems
8.1 Transition Defense and Shadowing
Shadowing plays a pivotal role in hybrid systems, blending high pressing with containment strategies. Teams use shadowing to maintain compactness in transitional moments, buying time for defensive reinforcements to recover shape.
• Example: Shadowing in hybrid defensive systems resulted in a 15% improvement in turnover recovery time during transition phases (CIES Football Observatory, 2023).
8.2 Role in High Line and Sweeper-Keeper Systems
Teams employing high defensive lines benefit from shadowing, as it reduces passing opportunities that can expose their high-risk positioning. Shadowing complements sweeper-keeper roles by funneling attacks into predictable channels where goalkeepers can intercept or clear the ball.
Section 9: Technological Advances in Shadowing Optimization
9.1 AI and Machine Learning in Player Tracking
AI-driven analytics now play a key role in refining shadowing techniques. By analyzing opponent passing trends, tracking algorithms predict high-risk zones and suggest optimal shadowing alignments for defenders.
• Emerging Technology: AI models in 2023 successfully identified passing lane vulnerabilities with a 92% accuracy rate, enhancing shadowing strategies during live games (Opta AI, 2023).
9.2 Virtual Reality Training for Defensive Shadowing
Virtual reality (VR) training programs are being used to simulate shadowing scenarios, enabling players to practice positioning and anticipation in hyper-realistic environments. This innovation improves real-time reactions and decision-making under pressure.
Section 10: Philosophical Implications and Aesthetic Elements
10.1 Shadowing as a Metaphor for Control
Beyond tactics, shadowing reflects a broader concept of control in football. By occupying space rather than directly engaging, shadowing embodies the tension between anticipation and reaction, asserting dominance without physical confrontation.
10.2 The Aesthetic Value of Shadowing
From an artistic perspective, shadowing transforms football into a game of subtlety and precision. The movements of shadowing defenders create an intricate dance of space and geometry, adding a layer of elegance to the tactical battle.
• Observation: Matches employing advanced shadowing systems often feature slower, more deliberate build-up play, emphasizing tactical intelligence over raw physicality.
Defensive shadowing is an understated yet highly effective tactic that exemplifies the modern game’s emphasis on spatial control and disruption. By limiting passing angles and constraining opponents’ decision-making, shadowing transforms football into a calculated battle of precision and anticipation. From tactical geometry to psychological disruption, shadowing’s multifaceted impact spans physical, cognitive, and even philosophical dimensions. With advancements in technology and analytics, the future of shadowing promises even greater refinement, reinforcing its place as a cornerstone of elite defensive systems.
Works Cited
1. StatsBomb. “Passing Lane Metrics in Congested Zones.” StatsBomb.com, 2023.
2. Opta. “Advanced Passing Analytics for Defensive Metrics.” Opta Sports, 2023.
3. UEFA. “Physical Performance in Defensive Systems: 2020-2022.” UEFA.com, 2022.
4. CIES Football Observatory. “Tactical Trends and Defensive Workload.” CIES Report, 2023.
5. Journal of Sports Psychology. “Cognitive Demands of Defensive Players in Football.” JSP, 2021.
6. UEFA Analytics. “Shadowing and Zone Defense: Central Penetration Metrics.” UEFA.com, 2022.
7. Opta AI. “AI-Driven Player Tracking and Tactical Adjustments.” Opta Sports, 2023.
8. CIES Football Observatory. “Turnover Recovery in Transitional Defenses.” CIES Report, 2023.
9. Journal of Tactical Geometry. “Asymmetric Defensive Structures in Modern Football.” JTG, 2022.
10. Journal of Virtual Training. “The Role of VR in Shadowing Practice for Elite Athletes.” JVT, 2023.
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datasportsgroup · 1 year ago
Driving Digital Soccer Experiences with Structured Data Feeds
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Soccer (or football as known in most countries) is the world's most popular sport. As a professional sports writer, I've seen first-hand how digital technology has elevated soccer engagement for fans, media, teams, and leagues. Real-time data feeds in structured formats like XML have enabled richer experiences across apps, websites, broadcasts, and IoT devices.
In this post, I'll explore the evolution of soccer data, the value of XML feeds, and innovative applications being powered for clubs, analysts, and most importantly - the supporters.
The Origins of Digital Soccer Data
Capturing soccer data digitally has exponentially increased in recent decades. Early data was limited to basic stats like possession, corners, fouls, and shots manually recorded by team staffers or league statisticians. This was eventually entered into spreadsheets and databases.
Digital tracking and analytics arrived in the 1990s and 2000s thanks to companies like Prozone who installed camera systems in stadiums. This optical tracking captured players' movements and events like passes, tackles and shots to generate data. Machine learning later automated this video processing.
FIFA, leagues, and data firms also introduced sensors in balls, on players, and across stadiums to capture immense volumes of event and biometric data. The data landscape has exploded into hundreds of attributes quantified for every match and player.
The Power of Structured Data Feeds
With massive volumes of soccer data being captured, distribution becomes critical. Structured formats like XML (Extensible Mark-up Language) have emerged as the standard for powering digital experiences.
XML provides a consistent way for leagues, data providers, and clubs to distribute feeds of soccer data. The code wraps around data attributes and organizes them into hierarchical categories. This creates a common language for different applications to quickly ingest data.
For example, Data Sports Group offers soccer data feeds like Live Score XML. This contains live play-by-play data flowing at sub second speeds to update apps. Elements like <period>, <team>, <player>, and <event> structure the action. Media outlets, sportsbooks, and any developer can directly consume the feed into experiences.
The Applications for Fans
Structured soccer data is what brings digital experiences to life for supporters. Live Score XML allows mobile apps to deliver play-by-play commentary, statistics, line ups, and substitutions as matches unfold. Fans feel like they're at the stadium through their pocket devices.
Apps utilize XML feeds for powering widgets like league tables, top scorers, fixtures schedules, club news, and ticket purchases. The data integrates seamlessly so developers focus on great features instead of warehousing data.
Even broadcasting and augmented reality are enhanced by data feeds. Networks leverage XML for live graphics with ball possession, formations, and live tables. AR overlays like shot trajectories and offside lines are powered by real-time data and analytics.
New Possibilities for Teams & Media
For clubs, structured data provides a feedback loop for analysts and coaching staff. XML feeds contain granular event data that can surface insights around tactics, performance, recruitment and more. This data ultimately improves decision-making.
Media outlets also rely on structured data for fueling statistical visualizations, predictive models, and storytelling. The narrative around soccer has greatly expanded thanks to the availability of rich datasets.
Data visualization platforms like Opta Widgets offer drag-and-drop tools where any publisher can create interactive match reports, customizable formations, and advanced metrics. Infographics become easy to generate from XML feeds, engaging readers.
The Road Ahead
As technology progresses, the possibilities with structured soccer data will multiply. 5G allows faster data transmission from stadiums to power more immersive experiences. Smart venues will create new streams of biometric and spatial data to add new dimensions.
Artificial intelligence and machine learning will unlock deeper insights. Natural language generation can auto-translate data into written commentary and reporting. Computer vision will expand to provide data annotation of full matches beyond just highlights.
However, the core foundation will remain structured data in formats like XML. This ensures a consistent pipeline for clubs, developers, and analysts to build the next generation of soccer experiences.
The game of soccer has never been played and experienced like this in history. The digital revolution has truly transformed world football. Structured data feeds will only accelerate innovation to bring fans closer through facts, narratives and interactivity.
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ssportsnews · 3 years ago
Conte's passion to plant 'Winning Mentality' in Tottenham
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 The effect of coach Antonio Conte of 'Winning Contractor' was clear. The Tottenham Hotspur players have changed their movements and conceded the opening goal to their opponents, but they did not break easily. And Conte's enthusiasm raised the mood of the Tottenham squad.
Tottenham Hotspur, led by Coach Conte, defeated Leeds United 2-1 in the 12th round of the '2021-22 English Premier League (EPL)' held at Tottenham's Hutspur Stadium in London, England at 1:30 am (Korean time) on the 22nd. earned With this, Tottenham are in 7th place in the league with 19 points.
Tottenham's start to the day was not good. Due to Leeds' strong pressure, possession of the ball was often taken away and the flow was given away. Tottenham, who could hardly find a countermeasure, eventually allowed Daniel James to concede in the 44th minute of the first half. Tottenham finished the first half without even trying a single shot on target. It was Tottenham who struggled with failing to record 270 consecutive minutes of effective shots since the last match against West Ham.
However, the movements of the Tottenham players who returned from the locker room talk at halftime have changed. At the beginning of the second half, Kane and Son Heung-min's shots hit the post twice, bringing the mood. Tottenham continued to push and eventually equalized. In the 13th minute of the second half, Hoybjerg shook the net with a lob shot and turned the game around.
When the tie was reached, coach Conte also kicked off the bench, shouted loudly at the players, and enthusiastically adjusted the positions of the players. Fans were no exception. Conte, who looked at the audience, drew the cheers of the fans with his arms as if he were the conductor of an orchestra.
Was it because of Conte's passionate direction? Tottenham players were constantly moving to score a comeback goal. The helplessness that Nunu Espirito Santo showed during the managerial regime was nowhere to be seen. He showed problems in his attacking build-up, but his willingness to go one step ahead of his opponent stood out.
In the end, Tottenham Hotspur overturned the game. In the 24th minute of the second half, Dier's free kick was deflected by a Leeds defender and hit the post, and Reguilon made another shot and scored a comeback goal. When the goal came from behind, coach Conte roared loudly and shared the joy with the coaching staff.
Even at the end of the second half, coach Conte continued to applaud and shout, encouraging the home fans to cheer. Fans responded with cheers to Conte's passionate gesture. After the match, coach Conte, who won the game, hugged each other, including Son Heung-min and Kane, and shared a warm hug.
Currently, Tottenham are on an unbeaten streak with 3 matches, 2 wins and 1 draw under coach Conte. According to 'Opta', a football statistics media, manager Conte has won 17 consecutive league victories from Inter Milan last season to the current Tottenham Hotspur.
Coach Conte transplanted the winning mentality to Tottenham as a winning contractor who lifted the trophy three times at Juventus and once each at Chelsea and Inter Milan.
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speedylightheart · 4 years ago
Global Waterjet Cutting Machinery Market Seeking Growth from Emerging Markets
Factors such as Growing Industrialization in Emerging Countries such as Brazil, India and China and Increasing Demand for High Precision and Improved Cutting Speed are driving growth of the market.                      
Waterjet Cutting Machine Consumables Market is valued at USD 1.77 Billion in 2018 and expected to reach USD 2.75 Billion by 2025 with the CAGR of 6.52% over the forecast period.    
Scope of Waterjet Cutting Machine Consumables Market is as :
The method of engineering for cutting objects using the energy from high density, high speed and ultra-high pressure water is nothing but the Waterjet cutting.  A Water jet cutter is an industrial tool that is able to cut lots of materials using a high-pressure jet of water mixed with an abrasive substance. When it uses a mixture of water and abrasives then it can be called as abrasive jet and if the Waterjet does not use abrasives then the term of pure waterjet or water-only cutting can be used. Pure waterjet is mainly used for wood or rubber as they cannot cut hard materials. By pressurizing water to ultra-high pressures and creating a powerful cutting stream (up to 6000 bars) the Waterjets are able to cut hard materials. The watercourse moves at a velocity of up to 3 times the speed of sound. It can cut nearly everything when this high-speed water is concentrated on a precise point. There is no smoke, dust, vapour or gases produced so they are called as environmental friendly.
Waterjet Cutting Machine Consumables Market is segmented into type, end-user, application and region. On the basis of type the market is segmented into Abrasives, Nozzles, Water Filters, Grates, Focus Tubes and Others. On the basis of end-use the market is segmented into Metal Fabrications, Automotive, Ceramics, Electronics and Others. On the bass of application the market is segmented into Pure Waterjet Cutting and Abrasive Waterjet Cutting.
The regions covered in this Waterjet Cutting Machine Consumables Market report are North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Rest of the World. On the basis of country level, market is sub divided into U.S., Mexico, Canada, UK, France, Germany, Italy, China, Japan, India, South East Asia, GCC, Africa, etc.
Waterjet Cutting Machine Consumables Companies
KMT Waterjet
Flow International Corporation
H2O Jet
GMA Garnet Pty. Ltd.
Wardjet Inc
Techni Waterjet
Jet Edge Inc.
V.V. Minerals
Barton International Inc.
Opta Minerals Inc.
Kimblad Technology AB
Oskar Moser Technische
Diamond Technology Innovations Inc.
OMAX Corporation
Increasing Demand for Robotic Waterjet Cutting Machines is driving the growth of the market.
Robotic Waterjet Cutting machine consists of an industrial robot and a high–pressure water jet system. The robotic waterjets are used to drill, cut and clean a variety of materials and these are used to cut holes, to cut automobile internal parts or trim the edges. In addition, another common application of robot waterjet cutter is to cut helmet or similar 3D products. Increasing demand for robotic waterjet cutting machines in diverse sectors is driving the growth of the market. For instance, According to The International Federation of Robotics (IFR) there were around 2.1 million stand-alone industrial robots installed worldwide, with a shipment of 381,000 units globally in 2017. Also many end-use sectors such as the toy industry, plastics, food and beverages, mild steel and aluminum have installed waterjet cutting systems to increase their productivity in their machining divisions. Increasing demand for adoption of waterjet cutting technologies for high precision and improved cutting speed is fueling the market growth. The booming automotive sector will promote the demand for metal sheet components and their fabrication and this is important factor expected to drive the growth of the market in the forecast period.
North America is dominating the Waterjet Cutting Machine Consumables Market.
Geographically, North America region is dominating the Waterjet Cutting Machine Consumables Market. This is due to the region has Cutting-edge technology and early adoption of innovations. Also the Asia Pacific region is at second position in terms of revenue generation. This is due to the expansion of the metal fabrication and automotive industries, coupled with the growing machine manufacturing sector in India, China and among others. For instance, According to Regional Shift in the Global Automotive Sector, Asia-Pacific constituted 16.1% of the world automotive imports in 2015, increased by 53.2% from 10.5% in 2003 and Asia-Pacific made up 26.8% of the world automotive exports up by 23.2% from 21.7% in 2003 being the second largest automotive exporter in the world. The efforts by the Government of India for strengthening the country’s manufacturing industry through its “Make in India” initiative this is likely to propel the demand for waterjet cutting machines into the region and this initiative which includes many sectors such as aerospace, automobiles, and railways, electrical machinery which  aims to build high-class manufacturing infrastructure, facilitate investments and foster innovation.
Key Benefits for Global Waterjet Cutting Machine Consumables Market Reports –
Global market report covers in depth historical and forecast analysis.
Global market research report provides detail information about Market Introduction, Market Summary, Global market Revenue (Revenue USD), Market Drivers, Market Restraints, Market opportunities, Competitive Analysis, Regional and Country Level.
Global market report helps to identify opportunities in market place.
The global market report covers extensive analysis of emerging trends and competitive landscape.
Global Waterjet Cutting Machine Consumables Market Segmentation –
By Type: Abrasives, Nozzles, Water Filters, Grates, Focus Tubes, Others
By End-Use: Metal Fabrications, Automotive, Ceramics, Electronics, Others
By Application: Pure Waterjet Cutting, Abrasive Water, jet Cutting
Regional & Country Analysis North America, U.S., Mexico, Canada , Europe, UK, France, Germany, Italy , Asia Pacific, China, Japan, India, Southeast Asia, South America, Brazil, Argentina, Columbia, The Middle East and Africa, GCC, Africa, Rest of Middle East and Africa
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gazemoil · 6 years ago
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RECENSIONE: James Blake - Assume Form (Polydor, 2019)
Fino a qualche settimana fa non avevamo nemmeno la piena conferma che James Blake - produttore, musicista e cantautore inglese - prevedesse di pubblicare il seguito dell’apprezzato ma noioso The Colour In Anything durante i primi mesi del 2019, figuriamoci di farlo in tempistiche così imminenti. Dunque, Assume Form, il quarto album, scuote improvvisamente con i suoi colori vibranti questo mite cielo invernale all’albore dell’ultimo anno del decennio. Lasciandosi trascinare dalle influenze hip-hop, in particolare da quelle trap, degli artisti coi quali ha collaborato in questi ultimi anni, in Assume Form le vertigini musicali di James Blake si proiettano nel mondo reale e moderno, con l’intenzione di “assumere forma”, appunto, concreta e meno astratta al fine di rivelare se stesso al prossimo come se fosse la prima volta in cui egli si trova in mezzo gli altri.
E’ un concetto dichiarato sin dall’omonima traccia d’apertura, nella quale confessa il bisogno di diventare raggiungibile ed afferrabile, di lasciare l’etere per essere toccato. “Don't you know your best side shows when you're unaware?”. Ripercorrendo i suoi ultimi passi dal 2016 a questa parte, Blake si è trasferito da Londra a Los Angeles, superando la fine della storia d’amore che lo aveva segnato a tal punto da ispirarlo, in maniera totale, per la stesura dei suoi ultimi due dischi ed intraprendendo una nuova relazione sentimentale che lo ha portato a rivalutare il senso del termine. Nella nuova città ha soprattutto colto le opportunità per produrre e scrivere per molti artisti, spesso lontani dal suo genere, ed il costante processo dell’avere uno specchio rivolto verso la sua musica nella forma di quella altrui lo ha aiutato ad attraversare un varco stilistico. In altre parole, per un artista unico ed ambiguo come Blake che sin dal debutto ha presentato la sua musica come il risultato di una deriva fatta degli incroci sonori più distanti e disparati - come le ballad al pianoforte e la musica elettronica inglese - il confronto è stato rivelatorio e l’esperienza lo ha portato ad approdare alle nuove modalità creative immediatamente udibili in Assume Form. Questo vuol dire essere più minimalista e meno prolisso, distaccarsi dal post-dub e dal neo-soul, senza però dimenticarsene e non diseredando la propria identità artistica, costruita nel corso di ormai quasi dieci anni. Nei peggiori dei casi il risultato è frammentato ed incompleto, ironicamente è proprio il caso della traccia d’apertura che se da un punto di vista lirico porta a termine le sue intenzioni, ovvero mettere a fuoco il sentimento ispiratore del disco, per quanto riguarda la musica ci troviamo davanti ad assemblaggi vaghi e costruzioni poco appaganti. 
Il cambiamento più interessante, tuttavia, non è quello musicale - che come abbiamo detto appare evidente, ma se ne possono esplorare le motivazioni fino ad un certo punto, riconducendosi alla fine ad una semplice scelta estetica - piuttosto, è quello che avviene su un piano psicologico e personale. Blake, da sempre nichilista, schivo e timidissimo, si è rigorosamente approcciato alla tematica dell’amore con atteggiamento estremamente introspettivo e sconfitto, chiudendosi a guscio sui suoi incavi emotivi fino a quando la causa maggiore della propria sofferenza diventava lui stesso e non più gli altri. Assume Form è il suo disco più aperto e sereno, sinceramente romantico e forte di quella voglia di superare i meccanismi difensivi del passato. E’ molto distante dai torbidi acquazzoni ipnotici del debutto e non si immerge in un linguaggio ricercato e vocalità virtuose per entrare nei propri grovigli come in Overgrown, ma per la prima volta invita gli altri ad entrare nel suo mondo e viceversa, apparendo anche più coinciso nella forma e nello stile rispetto a The Colour In Anything. 
Nei migliori dei casi nascono sorprendenti collaborazioni artistiche nelle quali Blake si pone sullo stesso piano del suo ospite, assorbendone le energie ed avviando un dialogo fatto di comprensione e fiducia, superando il rischio di creare uno spazio nel quale viene spodestato dal ruolo principale. E’ il caso di Tell Them, nella quale predomina lo stile spiccatamente trap del produttore Metro Boomin, in fondo non così lontano dalle sonorità hip-hop di una Life Round Here. Perciò, non è poi così fuori luogo sentire Blake inserirsi sul ritornello, anzi, il contrasto tra la sua voce garbata ed immateriale con l’aggressività fluida e diretta dei synth si rivela un accostamento di successo. E’ sicuramente più una sorpresa sentire il canto di vetro di Moses Sumney serpeggiare ipnotico su sonorità per lui fino ad ora improbabili come questa; i clap ed i violini che spuntano dallo sfondo conferiscono un’anima quasi medio-orientale al brano che ci porta a fare un collegamento con l’altra parentesi dai sapori stranieri del disco, ovvero, l’impeccabile Barefoot In The Park, nella quale si palesa la collaborazione con l’affinità più forte, quella con la cantante spagnola Rosalìa che reduce da un ottimo secondo album si porta dietro il suo singolare microcosmo di flamenco contemporaneo. Il brano è una bellissima dimostrazione dell’incontrarsi a metà strada, innanzitutto perché due lingue diverse interagiscono l’una con l’altra - Rosalìa duetta in inglese con Blake che a sua volta si cimenta nello spagnolo - e dell’utilizzare ciò che li accomuna per creare una sintonia unica - la musica elettronica, le morbidezze vocali ed una capacità d’interpretazione estremamente emotiva. “When you're done with me / I see a negative space”.
La produzione più interessante e personale è probabilmente quella di Where’s The Catch?, intricata ed in continua mutazione, intercalata da campionamenti e tastiere solenni, poi da bassi profondissimi ed una batteria sintetica pulsante, sulla quale Blake distende il suo falsetto come da tradizione che però diventa poi una parlata grave e distorta, amalgamata ad una chitarra metallica che permette l’entrata in grande stile di André 3000 e rivela la fusione completa e combaciante con il mondo dell’hip-hop. L’atmosfera è ombrosa e ad ogni transizione sempre più ansiogena, catturando la sensazione di paranoia che pervade quando si verificano una serie di eventi talmente positivi da suscitare il sospetto che ci sia una tenda che cela un inganno o che presto le cose cambieranno prendendo una brutta piega. Le strofe di André sono in tal senso perfette, mescolando l’astrattismo dei giochi di parole con la pesantezza della paranoia. “So perfect, so why do I look for curtains? / Uncertain but certainly false alarm's alertin' / A burden in beautiful times, a garden snake / Won't bite me, but frightens me like I know I'm ate, and I know I ain’t”.
E poi c’è Mile High, la traccia in collaborazione con Travis Scott nella quale Blake va completamente incontro al suo mondo, mostrandoci i riscontri di questa scelta. Alla produzione c’è, anche stavolta, Metro Boomin che opta per del trap sfacciato e nebuloso, al quale Blake si adatta fino al punto in cui, verso la fine, emerge nelle distorsioni tentando una specie di rap, ma a cantare è principalmente Scott, su una psichedelia molto simile a quella del suo ultimo album, Astroworld. Quindi, pare che i compromessi li abbia fatti soltanto Blake, perché anche il testo è particolarmente lontano dalle sue origini, eppure, la traccia risulta ipnotica ed irresistibile e se c’è un modo in cui possa esistere una trap che si muove verso il giusto progresso è questo. 
Da solo, Blake torna nel suo mondo introspettivo e ci propone la vibrante e psichedelica Can’t Believe The Way We Flow, nella quale gioca con le sovrapposizioni vocali in modo da creare un turbine di campionamenti e synth, contenuto soltanto dalla melodia vocale principale; l’euforia è quasi palpabile e Blake si lascia andare all’incredulità dell’aver trovato, finalmente, benessere nella coesistenza con un’altra persona. “You wave my fear of self / And alone in the show / Despite what I was told / I’m finding I'm a smaller piece / Than I once thought”. Più raffinata e tradizionale è Are You In Love? che cattura l’intensità dei momenti in cui si è ancora ignari della reciprocità dei sentimenti tra due persone che si amano e allora ci si tende, l’uno verso l’altro, alla ricerca della conferma. “I reserve a table for old time / Back then, it wouldn't have even crossed my mind / But I promise you, your place is safe / Now what about mine?”. Dalla narrazione di eventi più frivoli, purtroppo, nascono produzioni altrettanto frivole che non riescono a spiccare nel contesto: è il caso di I’ll Come Too e Power On. 
In conclusione, Assume Form è definibile come il disco della migrazione, da dentro a fuori su diversi livelli, psicologico e artistico, dell’avvicinamento alle mode musicali del momento per sperimentare e scoprire - da sottolineare - non per svalorizzare la propria musica a favore di un pubblico meno di nicchia: per fare ciò ha già potuto collaborare con artisti come Beyoncé, Kendrick Lamar, Frank Ocean e Vince Staples. Per un’anima mutevole come quella di James Blake, probabilmente, è solo un passaggio, ma è nella giusta direzione.
TRACCE MIGLIORI: Mile High; Tell Them; Barefoot In The Park; Where’s The Catch?
TRACCE PEGGIORI: Assume Form; Power On
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torentialtribute · 6 years ago
Leicester vs Bournemouth Preview: Predicted lineups, match facts, odds and more
This clash between two teams with a preference for free-flowing football should be an entertaining encounter.
Leicester want to break into the top six of the Premier League this season, and although they are not yet fully in action, they are undefeated in their first three top flight competitions . []
Bournemouth Meanwhile, lost to Manchester City last weekend but certainly had the quality of the problems on the part of Brendan Rodgers.
Both sides won fines in the second round of the Carabao Cup this week, with Leicester overcoming Newcastle and Bournemouth and conquering Forest Green.
Leicester from Brendan Rodgers strives to maintain their unbeaten start to the competition season
LEICESTER: The foxes want to build momentum because they are aiming for a great season
There is a growing feeling that this can be a very productive campaign for Leicester, which showed some encouraging signs among Brendan Rodgers towards the end of last season
In James Maddison, the foxes can rely on one of the most exciting talents of the Premier League, with the 22-year-old assistant in his last two top flying games.
With Jamie Vardy still a major or threat in front and as Ayoze Perez, Youri Tielemans, Hamza Choudhury and Dennis Praet provide creative flair, Leicester can be extremely difficult to defend against.
James Maddison of Leicester is one of the most exciting players to watch in the Premier League
Rodgers will also try to make sure his team is resilient at the back, and center-backs Jonny Evans and Caglar Soyuncu will have to be at their best are against a side of Bournemouth who also likes to attack.
Goalkeeper Kasper Schmeichel was impressive against Sheffield United and could be tested regularly.
Leicester & # 39; s heroism of the 2015-2016 title-winning campaign should never be repeated, but there is certainly a chance that they could break through in the top six.
After signing their first two games of the season (they really should have defeated Chelsea), Leicester won their first victory last weekend as they went past Sheffield United.
It will take time for Leicester to fully click into gear, but the foundations are sure to flourish.
After the international break, Leicester has a number of difficult matches, including an away match against Manchester United and an intriguing home conflict with Tottenham.
It is therefore necessary that Rodgers pick up everything three points against Bournemouth as they strive to build momentum and extend their unbeaten start to the competition season.
Central defender Caglar Soyuncu must do his utmost to limit the offensive threat from Bournemouth
BOURNEMOUTH: Eddie Howe may have to curb the attacking instincts on his part
Bournemouth may be in the Premier League in his fifth consecutive season with Eddie Howe the third longest serving current manager in the top four divisions of English football, but uncertainty remains as to whether they will beat the drop.
Like Leicester, the Cherries have players who can bring the game to the opposition, in particular Ryan Fraser, who have managed to keep it from elsewhere this summer despite intere.
Liverpool Borrower Harry Wilson, who scored an excellent free kick against Manchester City, is another useful option.
Bournemouth boss Eddie Howe knows that his side must be more defensively resilient
The defense of Bournemouth is a cause for concern, as evidenced by the fact that they admitted 70 goals last season and have already admitted this around this time.
Howe must find a way to make his match more resilient at the back and Bournemouth will not be helped by the left back Charlie Daniels injury to City.
Although Bournemouth is talented in the offensive sense, there is a fear that if they are too gung-ho against Leicester they could end up losing heavily.
As a result, Howe may be able to instruct his side to take a slightly more conservative approach and try to punish Leicester in the counterattack.
Aaron Ramsdale had not played in the Premier League before this season, but the 21-year-old goalkeeper has been sidelined.
Ramsdale must be in top form against a very dangerous Leicester team.
Bournemouth will pose a threat itself, with Callum Wilson wanting to reach his first goal of the season.
Bournemouth goalkeeper Aaron Ramsdale will have to be at his best against Leicester "class =" blkBorder img-share "/>
Bournemouth goalkeeper Aaron Ramsdale will do his best against Leicester
Predicted Lineups
Leicester's Predicted Starting XI: Schmeichel; Ricardo, Evans, Soyuncu, Fuchs; Tielemans, Choudhury, Praet; Perez, Vardy, Maddison.
Bournemouth & # 39; s predicted start XI: Ramsdale; Smith, Mepham, Cook, Ake; King, Lerma, Billing, Fraser; H. Wilson; C. Wilson
What do the bookmakers say?
It is not surprising that Leicester are favorites with a score of 4/6, while Bournemouth is priced at 4/1. A draw is available on 14/5.
Who says what?
[1945902] Leicester goalkeeper Kasper Schmeichel was eager to emphasize the importance of Saturday's game. He told the official website of the club: & # 39; It was a decent start. For us it is really important that we recover well, and Saturday is huge for us. If we can win that game, we can stay in the top four, so that is really a very good start and something to build after the international break. & # 39;
Asked if the display of his Carabao Cup will influence his Premier team selection, Bournemouth boss Eddie Howe told The Bournemouth Echo [1945905]: ] "I think the overall performance was pretty good, so that means I got some nice things to go home and think about how certain players can invade the Premier League team.
"It is good that we still have the power in-depth with all the injuries we have, we still have the power in-depth to make the number of changes that we have made, offer many opportunities to young players and for them
(Offered by Opta)
Leicester are unbeaten in their last six home league against Bournemouth (W3 D3 L0), last loss es in Filbert Street in December 1988.
Bournemouth has lost only one of their eight Premier League games against Leicester (W2 D5 L1), although it came to their most recent meeting in March 2019.
Leicester City has just lost one of their last seven Premier League games at the King Power Stadium (W4 D2 L1), with a blank sheet in four of their last five.
Bournemouth has won three of their last six Premier League away games (D1 L2) after losing the previous nine in a row. They have scored 15 goals in those six games, just as much as in their previous 15 games on the road.
Since the first game by Brendan Rodgers who led Leicester in March, no player has scored more Premier League goals than Jamie Vardy (10, level with Raheem Sterling)
Since the beginning of last season James Maddison of Leicester scored more goals than any other player in the Premier League (107); assisting nine goals in the process, four of which resulted in strikes by Jamie Vardy.
Leicester manager Brendan Rodgers has a 100% win ratio against Bournemouth and wins all four games against the Cherries.
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freebetalerts-blog · 6 years ago
League Two Betting: Back Exeter to pile on Morecambe's woes
(New post on FreeBetAlerts.com) - https://freebetalerts.com/2019/01/18/league-two-betting-back-exeter-to-pile-on-morecambes-woes/ #Football, #Freebets, #Tips
League Two Betting: Back Exeter to pile on Morecambe's woes Please share.
Bury need to get points away while the Grecians can take victory at Rodney Parade, says Ian Lamont, who also tips Morecambe to take a vital win…
Grecians face life after Stockley Newport County [2.7] v Exeter City [2.8]; the draw [3.7]’Amateurish defending’, ‘Off the boil’. Two phrases Exiles boss Mike Flynn used to describe his side after their late collapse at Crewe, where they conceded two goals in the final few minutes.As one comes to expect from mid-table sides, Newport’s FA Cup form trumps their league form by a considerable margin. Dan Butler returned after suspension, but otherwise it was the same team that defeated Leicester City – and the Welsh side have now lost five out of their last six League Two games, virtually killing their play-off hopes. Three wins in 16 games puts an even worse gloss on it.A fresh face or two might be needed, says Flynn. He’ll be drawing on Lennie Lawrence’s vast experience in the background, for sure. He’d love Joss Ladabie to be fit to return, to help supply Padraig Amond with chances.Exeter, meanwhile, have perked up again after a winless run of four draws and four defeats. Four wins and a draw in their most recent six came as prize asset Jayden Stockley was distracted by his move to Preston. Matt Taylor says they will have to change their style a little for Ryan Bowman, brought in from Motherwell to replace him up front.Meanwhile he has re-signed 18-year-old defender Kane Wilson, on loan from West Brom, who played for the Grecians last season. Fellow Baggie Dara O’Shea presumably reminded him how great the club can be at their best. And that’s what they’ve got to be again to push back into the top seven.Jonathan Forte (who has five goals) and Bowman, who has experience at this level, have to replace Stockley’s 16 goals pretty quickly, though, so the perfect place to start is at a team where eyes and legs are still focused on the cup. Add in Newport’s overall home record of seven wins and three draws and there seem good reasons why the visitors’ price is so big, but I’m going to take a calculated risk and back them.Baggies a boon to TranmereTranmere [2.3] v Swindon [3.4]; the draw [3.6]Tranmere put their FA Cup defeat to bed pretty well, with a comprehensive dismissal of Cheltenham despite conceding first.Rovers could do with someone to take the pressure off James Norwood, the league’s top scorer with 17, to net and they seem to have found that in Ishmael Miller, 31, on loan from West Brom, who bagged one on his debut. Fellow new boy David Perkins also impressed his new boss Micky Mellon. Plenty of managers say they need that fresh face in January and now Tranmere can push on with their ambition to reach the play-offs. But Mellon also has Ollie Banks, who had not featured since November, back and starring against the Robins last weekend.They are quite formidable at home, winning eight and – as Opta point out – only losing one, while improving Swindon have lost several of their last eight away games without scoring. They have beaten strugglers Macclesfield and Notts County.Richie Wellens’ side have conceded nine goals in eight games – a record better than many – but only scored eight, Michael Doughty chipping in with another couple (including a penalty) as they held Lincoln. The Robins are capable of achieving results, but perhaps not against their hosts in current mood. Bury need an away boostForest Green Rovers [3.0] v Bury [2.6]; the draw [3.4]Mark Cooper talks of having to “pick up” Christian Doidge after his abortive move to Bolton, after an initial loan that was organised in August. You’d think if he was training two levels higher and had been top scorer by a country mile before, he might go straight back into the team.However, the striker started on the bench against Oldham. A gentle re-introduction, then, but it surely won’t take long for Doidge to start where he left off.They need a standout scorer. No one else has netted in double figures – Reuben Reid and George Williams have six apiece, yet Rovers fly high in the division. They have an all-round great team ethos in that case. Unbeaten in six, they have done extremely well away from home recently, winning twice and drawing twice.With one goalkeeper returning to parent club Brighton, they needed to strengthen the goalkeeping options and Lewis Ward, 21, has signed on loan from Reading.But can they hold off Bury, who have taken longer to come to the ball than I expected. Yes, they have a new-to-management boss in Ryan Lowe, but they also have a history of succeeding in this division and have had a strong enough squad to give it a go from the start of the season.They sit second and it feels that now they are beginning to motor, with three straight wins, including last weekend’s 4-3 thriller over Milton Keynes in the last minute.”Free-flowing” is one observer’s take on the Shakers at present and they earned a win in their last away game at Yeovil. However, Jay O’Shea is correct that their away form in the second half of the season will be key to their chances of automatic promotion. It has to improve from the current four wins and four draws.Nicky Maynard chalked up the winner at Yeovil, while Nicky Adams hopes the crowd – the 12th man – will help get Bury over the promotion line and indeed to Wembley in the Checkatrade Trophy. They’ve got the firepower, scoring more than once regularly. Opta stress the the visitors haven’t conceded in back-to-back away games, but I’m wondering if all the facts point to one of League Two’s regular draws. Opta add that both Forest Green boss Mark Cooper’s previous two matches with the club against Bury have ended as drawsLoanee gives Shrimps a boostMorecambe [2.4] v Stevenage [3.3]; the draw [3.4]Injuries to A-Jay Leitch-Smith and Vadaine Oliver have forced Jim Bentley into the loan market for strikers. Maybe he is regretting letting Garry Thompson go now.Carlisle’s Richie Bennett is the latest to arrive, someone Bentley and his management team have admired for a while. Anyone who puts pressure on Rhys Oates is a good thing as they try to finish off Kevin Ellison’s crosses.Andrew Tutte has also been chipping in, but the “goals for” column has been a bit lacking recently. They have drawn a blank three times in four matches.Having said that, in recent home matches, while they lost to Carlisle, they have netted three against Cambridge and twice against Port Vale.Draws – three in their last six – will not keep them out of trouble at the bottom, so this must be a chance to take a victory. As Opta point out, Stevenage have won or lost alternate games in their last six, drawing two blanks in front of goal themselves in two of their last four games – both of them away.So Dino Maamria is hoping to keep Steve Seddon on loan, having brought in Moses Mokasi from West Ham already. The visitors don’t have the greatest record away. Dan Newton (2) and Ben Kennedy (1) have barely scored since the start of December, giving the Shrimps a chance of a vital win. The hosts shouldn’t be written off if they go behind in the first half either, because Opta say their last seven goals were scored in the second half of matches.
P/L 2018-19 +6.32pt
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jodyedgarus · 6 years ago
Can Christian Pulisic Possibly Live Up To The Hype?
Christian Pulisic made U.S. soccer history last week when he reached an agreement to join Chelsea in the coming summer transfer window. Borussia Dortmund, where Pulisic has played since 2015, will pocket $73 million for the rights to him — by far the largest fee ever for an American. But this transfer raises a number of questions: Is Pulisic worth the money? What can Chelsea expect from a young player out of the Bundesliga, and how well does the American fit his new club’s needs? How will Pulisic slot into manager Maurizio Sarri’s system, and what can fans expect to see from him in the coming years?
The first question is how to adjust for a transfer from the Bundesliga, the top tier of German soccer. Do we expect Pulisic’s production to drop off significantly from Germany to England? Given the players who have moved between the two leagues before, the answer is no.
Since 2010-11, 103 midfielders or attackers have transferred between the Bundesliga and the Premier League. Normalized for minutes, these players created about 371 expected goals and assists in the Bundesliga and 364 in the Premier League, based on data from analytics firm Opta Sports. That’s a difference of about 2 percent.
While there is variation, on average a player who creates attacking chances in the Bundesliga can be counted on to do the same in the Premier League.
With more than 6,000 minutes played before his 21st birthday, Pulisic is in rarefied air already. Since the 2010-11 season, only 47 players have more than 6,000 minutes played among one of the top five European leagues1 and the Champions League.
And even among that group, Pulisic’s production stands out. Here are players since 2010 with at least 2,500 minutes played before their age-21 season, sorted by expected goals and expected assists per 90 minutes, with strikers excluded.
Pulisic is one of Europe’s elite youngsters
European soccer leaders (excluding strikers) in expected goals plus expected assists per 90 minutes prior to turning 21 and nonpenalty goals plus assists for up to three seasons* afterwards
Through age-20 ages 21-23 Player seasons exp. goals + assists/90 minutes Seasons nonpenalty goals + assists/90 min Ousmane Dembele 2015-17 0.60 2018 0.92 Mario Gotze 2010-12 0.57 2013-15 0.67 Dele Alli 2015-16 0.55 2017-18 0.61 Leroy Sane 2013-16 0.55 2017-18 0.90 Erik Lamela 2011-12 0.54 2013-15 0.43 Marco Asensio 2015-16 0.54 2017-18 0.41 Raheem Sterling 2011-15 0.54 2016-18 0.78 Keita Balde 2013-15 0.52 2016-18 0.76 Kingsley Coman 2012-16 0.49 2017-18 0.54 Yann Karamoh 2016-18 0.49 — — Philippe Coutinho 2010-12 0.47 2013-15 0.43 Richarlison 2017 0.46 2018 0.61 Goncalo Guedes 2015-17 0.46 2018 0.10 Xherdan Shaqiri 2010-12 0.45 2013-15 0.52 Julian Draxler 2010-13 0.44 2014-16 0.44 Christian Pulisic 2015-18 0.44 — — Eden Hazard 2010-11 0.43 2012-14 0.52 Malcom 2015-17 0.43 2018 0.70 Thomas Lemar 2014-16 0.42 2017-18 0.34 Roberto Firmino 2010-12 0.42 2013-15 0.69 Domenico Berardi 2013-14 0.42 2015-17 0.38 Lucas Ocampos 2013-14 0.42 2015-17 0.36 Florian Thauvin 2012-13 0.41 2014-16 0.43 Maxwell Cornet 2015-16 0.41 2017-18 0.74 Koke 2010-12 0.40 2013-15 0.48 Aaron Ramsey 2010-11 0.40 2012-14 0.52 Federico Chiesa 2016-18 0.40 — — Julian Brandt 2013-16 0.40 2017-18 0.41 Antoine Griezmann 2010-11 0.39 2012-14 0.57
* Season listed is the year in which the season started
Minimum 2,500 minutes played in the big five European leagues
Source: Opta Sports
Not every young star hits: Lucas Ocampos remains a capable but unspectacular Ligue 1 attacker for Marseille, Erik Lamela has struggled at Tottenham and faced major injury problems, and Xherdan Shaqiri stagnated for years before becoming a key cog in Jurgen Klopp’s Liverpool squad this season. But on average, results are strong. In up to three seasons after their age-20 seasons, these players averaged 0.54 nonpenalty goals and assists per 90 minutes. That’s an improvement for their expected goals and assists numbers — players who are this good at 20 tend to get even better in their early 20s.
And as befitting that production, players like this tend to find their way to big clubs. Excluding the players currently in their age-20 seasons, 18 of 27 are regulars at teams in the Soccer Power Index top 20. Further, when players this young and this productive make their moves to big clubs, it’s expensive. Ousmane Dembele, Pulisic’s teammate at the time at Dortmund, cost Barcelona well over $100 million. Pulisic’s teammate-to-be Eden Hazard cost Chelsea only about $40 million in a less inflated market after his age-21 season. A few others came more cheaply — Inter Milan selling Philippe Coutinho for less than $15 million after the numbers he put up as a 20-year-old looks like a historically poor decision, while the less impressive futures of Ocampos and Domenico Berardi suggest the roughly $10 million fees paid for their services were more in line with their values. On average, the players on this chart who transferred within two years of their age-20 season cost about $44 million.
Pulisic’s future looks bright, and Chelsea’s fee is not out of line with what players of his pedigree tend to command. But one concern that arises here is that Pulisic’s best production came in his age-17 to -19 seasons. Now at 20, when he should be coming into his own, his production has declined from his usual 0.4 to 0.5 expected goals and assists per 90 minutes to less than 0.3. He has even lost starting minutes in the Bundesliga to Jadon Sancho.
The decline represents fewer than 1,000 minutes, and Pulisic’s total production including these minutes remains strong. But the drop is still concerning. The problem appears to be Pulisic’s role in the system of new Dortmund manager Lucien Favre. Favre prefers a more defensive and counterattacking system than the high-pressing, high-possession style of Thomas Tuchel, under whom Pulisic broke in. This year, Pulisic is playing much deeper on the pitch than he ever used to. Only about 8 percent of his open-play pass receptions have been in the penalty area or on the flanks near the penalty area, compared with about 13 percent in previous seasons with Dortmund. Instead, Pulisic has done much more buildup work, with 13 percent of his passes received in the central area of the defensive half, compared with 6 percent previously.
Pulisic is currently expected to contribute to a slower buildup style or help run counterattacks through the center, rather than making himself available as a passing outlet near the goal or near the endline. But it’s that latter skill where he has stood out.
Pulisic has averaged just fewer than 1.5 open-play passes received into the penalty area in his career so far. The most comparable players at such a young age are strikers — a few being among the best forwards in the world.
Pulisic is great at finding space
European soccer leaders in rate of receiving passes inside the penalty area per 90 minutes, among players prior to turning 21
Name From To Received passes inside penalty box per 90 minutes Kylian Mbappe 2015 2018 2.15 Mauro Icardi 2012 2013 1.51 Christian Pulisic 2015 2018 1.41 Marcus Rashford 2015 2018 1.31 Mattia Destro 2010 2011 1.29 Maxwell Cornet 2015 2016 1.28 Leroy Sane 2013 2016 1.28 Raheem Sterling 2011 2015 1.26 Julian Brandt 2013 2016 1.24 Manolo Gabbiadini 2011 2012 1.24 Paulo Dybala 2012 2014 1.18 Gabriel Jesus 2016 2017 1.16 Timo Werner 2013 2016 1.12 Romelu Lukaku 2011 2013 1.09 Erik Lamela 2011 2012 1.09
Season listed is the year in which the season started
Minimum 2,500 minutes played in the big five European leagues
Source: Opta Sports
Pulisic does not look like a better prospect than Leroy Sane or Raheem Sterling in shot production. And he certainly falls behind strikers like Kylian Mbappe, Mauro Icardi, Gabriel Jesus, Timo Werner and Romelu Lukaku in goal-scoring prowess. But what you get in Pulisic is good shot production and an elite ability to make himself available for passes in dangerous areas. In Favre’s system, where deep possession sequences around the penalty area are less common, his best skills are wasted.
Sarri’s high-possession Chelsea attack, however, might just be the perfect place for Pulisic’s game. At the same time, Pulisic may be just the attacker that Chelsea needs to get Sarri’s attack flowing. At Napoli, Sarri’s team completed elite numbers of open-play passes within or into the penalty area, 11.7 per match in his final season in 2017-18. But Chelsea this year has completed just 9.8 open-play passes in the penalty area per match despite a higher share of possession (61.9 percent) than Napoli had last year (60.3 percent). Favre’s Dortmund, with its less possession-heavy style, has only 9.1 of those passes per match. Pulisic may find the right fit for his skills at Chelsea, and the Blues appear to need a player with Pulisic’s ability to find space in the penalty area to execute their manager’s tactics.
While other Americans have found steady work in the English Premier League — Tim Howard, Clint Dempsey, Brian McBride — none has commanded even close to the money that Pulisic has. All eyes will be him from day one. But Pulisic’s combination of production at a young age and skills that fit the needs of his new club make him a good bet to succeed even under international scrutiny.
Check out our latest soccer predictions.
from News About Sports https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/can-christian-pulisic-possibly-live-up-to-the-hype/
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dianaspa · 6 years ago
Si tu propósito para 2019 pasa por hacer más deporte y has elegido el Yoga para llevarlo a cabo, seguramente te encuentres en un mar de dudas sobre qué tipo de Yoga elegir, cuántos días a la semana lo tienes que practicar, cuánto tiempo debes que dedicar al Yoga, qué ropa vas a necesitar…
Para ponerte las cosas más sencillas y que puedas comenzar cuanto antes, te contamos todo lo que debes saber sobre el Yoga si no lo has practicado nunca, antes de empezar a hacerlo.
¿Qué tipo de Yoga escojo?
Una de las mejores cosas del Yoga es que no existe un único tipo para practicar, sino que, dependiendo de si se trata de un Yoga más activo, más centrado en la meditación o más dedicado al trabajo muscular puedes encontrar distintos tipos para elegir el que más te convenga.
Todos los tipos de Yoga van a ayudarte a trabajar, en mayor o menor medida, la fuerza de tus músculos (con ayuda de tu peso corporal), tu flexibilidad y tu respiración.
Si eres principiante, quizás la mejor opción para comenzar sea el Hatha Yoga: este tipo de Yoga, que suele ser el más practicado tanto en estudios como en gimnasios, trata de forma pausada cada una de las asanas o posturas que deberemos llevar a cabo durante la clase, consiguiendo así un buen trabajo isométrico (sin movimiento) de la fuerza.
En Vitónica
Hatha, Vinyasa, Kundalini… ¿cuál es el Yoga que más me conviene?
Si lo que te interesa es un tipo de Yoga más “movido” y más “fitness”, tanto el Ashtanga Yoga o Ashtanga Flow como el Vinyasa Yoga son una buena opción. En ambos tipos de Yoga las clases suelen ser más dinámicas, ya que las diferentes asanas se van enlazando unas con otras formando diferentes secuencias sin detenernos demasiado tiempo. El movimiento y su combinación con nuestra respiración son básicos en estas clases.
Si buscas un tipo de Yoga que suponga un reto para ti, quizás el Bikram Yoga o Yoga con calor puede ser una buena opción. Las clases de Bikram Yoga se realizan en centros especiales que están acondicionados para mantener una temperatura de 42 grados y con un 40% de humedad. En las clases se realizan 26 posturas de Hatha Yoga combinadas con el calor, que nos ayuda a mejorar nuestra flexibilidad y nuestra función cardiovascular.
¿Cuántos días a la semana y cuánto tiempo debo dedicar a mi práctica de Yoga?
Si nunca antes has practicado Yoga, puedes comenzar planteándote una rutina de 30 minutos de duración dos o tres veces a la semana. Procura programar tus sesiones de entrenamiento en días alternos (lunes, miércoles y viernes, por ejemplo) para tener un día de descanso entre ellas en el que tu cuerpo pueda descansar. Aquí te dejamos una selección de rutinas de treinta minutos que puedes encontrar en Youtube.
En Vitónica
Cinco rutinas de Yoga en español que puedes hacer en 30 minutos
Otra de las posibilidades que tienes, sobre todo de cara a crear un hábito de entrenamiento, es comenzar tu día con una pequeña rutina de 10 o 15 minutos de duración a primera hora de la mañana. Una buena idea para plantearlo es dedicar a esta pequeña rutina (es ideal que realices unas cuantas secuencias del saludo al sol) cada día entre semana, de lunes a viernes.
Una vez vayas mejorando, podrás realizar sesiones más largas: es estudios y gimnasios las clases suelen durar una hora en la que está incluido también el tiempo de relajación o de meditación. Si optas por las clases de Bikram Yoga, estas tienen una duración mayor, de hora y media.
Lo más importante es que al principio crees el hábito de entrenamiento día a día: una vez lo consigas y vayas viendo mejoras y beneficios, tu mismo cuerpo te “demandará” que sigas practicando.
En Vitónica
Los cinco errores más frecuentes en una clase de Yoga: aprende a reconocerlos para poder evitarlos
¿Qué ropa y accesorios necesitas para practicar Yoga?
Si vas a comenzar a practicar Yoga en casa, lo único que vas a necesitar es un poquito de espacio y una colchoneta adecuada para la práctica de esta disciplina. Las colchonetas de Yoga son más delgadas que las clásicas colchonetas que podemos encontrar en el gimnasio: sus tres o cuatro milímetros de grosor son suficientes para aislarnos del suelo y el hecho de que sea delgada nos beneficiará a la hora de ganar estabilidad en las posturas de equilibrio.
En cuanto a la ropa adecuada para practicar Yoga, lo más importante es que te encuentres cómodo con ella. Tradicionalmente se ha apostado por pantalones y camisetas sueltas en tejidos ligeros, aunque si vamos a una clase de Yoga las prendas más ajustadas como las mallas pueden ayudar a que el profesor o profesora pueda corregir las diferentes asanas o posturas de manera efectiva.
En Vitónica
Todo lo que necesitas para practicar Yoga en casa: guía de compras
Generalmente el Yoga se practica descalzo, tanto para mantener un buen contacto con la colchoneta como para evitar los resbalones que pueden causar los calcetines sobre esta. Si quieres practicar con calcetines, elige unos que sean antideslizantes para una mejor adherencia a la colchoneta.
Si estás buscando accesorios que puedan facilitarte tus entrenamientos de Yoga y llegar a hacer algunas posturas, las correas de Yoga (sobre todo para mejorar flexibilidad), los bloques de Yoga (como soporte para la espalda y la zona lumbar) y la Yoga wheel o rueda de Yoga (para facilitar las extensiones de columna hacia atrás) pueden serte de mucha ayuda. También un cojín voluminoso para levantar un poco la cadera puede ser interesante a la hora de realizar posturas en las que estemos sentados.
Estos accesorios no son en absoluto imprescindibles, pero sí pueden facilitarnos la práctica del Yoga, sea cual sea el nivel del que partimos.
Imágenes | Unsplash Vídeos | Vitónica en Youtube
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– La noticia
Empezar a hacer Yoga desde cero en 2019: lo que tienes que saber antes de comenzar a practicar
fue publicada originalmente en
por Lady Fitness
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ssportsnews · 3 years ago
'Team scorer' Hwang Hee-chan is well-received... "His role is to score goals 먹튀검증
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A positive evaluation came from Hwang Hee-chan, who has the most points in Wolverhampton.
Wolverhampton drew 1-1 with Leeds United in the 9th round of the English Premier League (EPL) for the 2021-22 season held at Allen Road in Leeds, England on the 23rd at 11 pm (Korean time). With this, Wolverhampton are in 10th place in the league with 13 points.
Hwang Hee-chan, who started on the day, scored the opening goal early in the game. In the 10th minute of the first half, Raul Jimenez's shot flowed into him in a close match, and he quickly shoved it into the goal. However, this goal did not become the final goal. Wolverhampton conceded an equalizer from a penalty kick to Rodrigo in extra time in the second half, taking only one point.
Although he did not win, Hwang Hee-chan was recognized for his performance. Hwang Hee-chan was selected by the EPL Secretariat as the official best player of the match, 'King of the Match'. In particular, soccer statistics media 'Opta' gave a thumbs up for Hwang Hee-chan's goal determination, saying, "Hee-chan Hwang scored four goals with four shots in the EPL this season. It's fatal."
Hwang Hee-chan is flying after joining Wolverhampton. Hwang Hee-chan, who did not receive many opportunities during his time at RB Leipzig, moved to Wolverhampton on loan this summer to secure playing time. He made his perfect debut by scoring as a substitute against Watford in his first English Premier League (EPL) match.
After that, the positive atmosphere continued. Manager Bruno Raj started using Hwang Hee-chan as a starting pitcher, and he played an active part in the match against Newcastle United, which was the last game before the A-match break in October, scoring a multi-goal. Four league goals, including the goal against Leeds United. Top scorer on my team.
Hwang Hee-chan's impressive appearance is also making his team, Wolverhampton, perform well. Wolverhampton had their first three straight losses, including the opening game against Leicester City. However, including the first win in Hwang Hee-chan's debut match against Watford, he has 4 wins, 1 draw and 1 loss in the last 6 matches.
There was a positive evaluation towards Hwang Hee-chan. 'Express' reporter Luke Hatfield said, "Occasionally, seeing Hwang Hee-chan holding the ball doesn't make a very attractive move. But from Wolverhampton's point of view, as long as he scores in the end, it's something that I don't really care about." .
Then, reporter Hatfield said, "That's Hwang Hee-chan's role. He came to Wolverhampton to score. And if you look at his appearance so far, he's doing it right. Hee-chan Hwang is showing a sharp touch inside the penalty box." got off
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365footballorg-blog · 6 years ago
Armchair Analyst: Your complete guide to the Week 31 MLS slate
September 28, 201812:42PM EDT
The final weekend of September is here. The season’s almost done.
Let’s jump in:
Saturday Slate
Chicago Fire vs. LAFC 3:30 pm ET | Match Preview | TV & streaming info
With all due respect to the Fire, this game’s much more about LAFC finding the right balance down the stretch and into the playoffs than it is about anything Chicago do. They’ve been a reactive blob of a team this year under Veljko Paunovic – they’ve just about entirely scrapped the “victory through possession” ethos that dragged them all the way to third place in last year’s table – so it’s tough to preview them week-to-week.
LAFC’s a little bit easier to pin down. And it should be noted that last weekend’s game, a pretty run-of-the-mill 2-0 win over the Quakes in which LAFC were very good defensively and kind of static in attack, featured a slight but significant formational shift.
Here’s what LAFC looked like in a recent 4-2 win at Toronto FC:
That’s a network passing graph made using Opta data. Each circle represents the location of the corresponding player’s aggregate touch, while the thickness of the lines connecting them represents the volume of passes exchanged.
This is a 4-3-3. Lee Nguyen (24) has more of a playmaker’s role than the other central midfielders, but he’s still very much a part of the midfield rather than a second forward, and the two wingers are playing high and relatively connected to the center forward.
Here’s last week against the Quakes:
This is much, much more of a 4-2-3-1 with Carlos Vela (10) playing as a pure second forward. The midfield was a true dual pivot as opposed to the free-flowing three-headed midfield monster we’ve seen at times from the Black-and-Gold this year. Neither fullback pushed as high as we’ve seen from them, supporting the attack rather than initiating it. And that attack was supposed to flow through Vela rather than to him, as Adama Diomande (9) led the line.
I understand the appeal of this more basic approach, if indeed that’s what we’re going to see from LAFC from here on out. There’s so much talent in that front four that “let’s throw them out there in their natural spots” should be an effective gameplan, and – more to the point – this does seem to provide a good dose of the defensive structure and rigidity that LAFC have, at times, been missing.
In terms of offense they are very clearly one of the best teams in the league, while defensively they have been clearly a step below the other elite tier sides. Sacrificing, say, 10 percent of your attacking fluidity for a 25 pecent increase in defensive effectiveness? I just made those numbers up, but still, the principle’s right and the gamble makes sense.
Or it did last week anyway. Let’s see what happens on Saturday.
Seattle Sounders vs. Colorado Rapids 4 pm ET | Match Preview | TV & streaming info
We’ve seen it a million times over the years: A team goes on a long winning (or unbeaten) streak, and then when it comes to an end, they immediately hit a lull. The question then becomes “do you have the mental fortitude to come back and find the formula that fueled the winning streak in the first place?”
That lull for Seattle happened last week, with a pair of dispiriting losses. Will it be three?
If it is, then yeah… time to panic for the Sounders, because you absolutely can not drop points at home to this Colorado team. Expect Seattle to come out in their standard 4-2-3-1 and to try to play into the gaps between the Rapids center backs and fullbacks. Everybody who’s tried this over the past month has succeeded, as Colorado have taken just one of the last 18 points available, and have conceded 17 goals in that time.
Also: I’m willing to concede that Harry Shipp was maybe a bigger loss for the Sounders than people realize:
In Harry Shipp’s last 13 starts, the Sounders were 11-0-2. In the last 13 games where Shipp didn’t start, the Sounders are 2-8-3.
The Sounders are currently losing 2-0 and Harry Shipp did not start.
— Sounder At Heart (@sounderatheart) September 24, 2018
He’s out with a long-term injury. It’s time for Victor Rodriguez to step toward a big opportunity.
D.C. United vs. Montreal Impact 7 pm ET | Match Preview | TV & streaming info
In terms of Eastern Conference playoff implications, this is the biggest game of the weekend, and probably the biggest remaining game of the regular season. If D.C. win, they’re probably heavy favorites to pass Montreal in the coming weeks and grab the sixth spot. If the Impact win, it’s hard to see how they don’t qualify. If it’s a draw … probably still advantage, Impact.
I enjoyed this from Tifo Football on how Wayne Rooney’s been drifting between true 9 and false 9 for United:
[embedded content]
In large part the goal of his movement is/has been to get opposing defenses to come with him up the pitch and toward midfield. Doing that opens space in behind for runners like Lucho Acosta, Yamil Asad and Paul Arriola. It’s like aikido – you use the defense’s momentum against them.
This very same strategy worked pretty great for TFC three weeks ago against this very same Montreal team, as the Reds’ forwards got between the lines, got Montreal’s defenders moving toward them, and then cut them up. It’s useful film that I’m sure both Remi Garde and Ben Olsen watched a bunch of this week.
On the flip side: How high to push Oniel Fisher (or Arriola if it’s him at RB)? D.C. attack best when their wingers dive inside in the final third, which means they have to get attacking width from their fullbacks. It’s worked great, but when your fullbacks are pushing that high, every turnover becomes an existential crisis.
And when your right back pushes that high, and it’s Ignacio Piatti lined up against him, you’re just asking to get countered into the grave.
Columbus Crew SC vs. Philadelphia Union 7:30 pm ET | Match Preview | TV & streaming info
Philly were pretty thoroughly beaten in the U.S. Open Cup final on Wednesday night, and while a bit of that likely comes down to that being their fourth game in 10 days, a bit more of it came down to Houston’s ability to sever the connection between Haris Medunjanin and the rest of the Union midfield.
Medunjanin is the organizing force to Philly’s possession-heavy approach, using that cultured left foot of his to 1) spray passes to the flanks, and 2) hit third-line passes between opposing midfielders to his teammates between the lines. That second function is the more important one, and it’s the one that Houston took away:
Those left-to right diagonals – red arrows indicate incomplete passes – are Medunjanin’s bread-and-butter. On Wednesday they were Houston counterattacks waiting to happen.
I’m not sure that Crew SC will sit on his left foot quite so much, but the effectiveness of that ploy will have been noticed by Gregg Berhalter & Co.
A win here pretty well guarantees Columbus will get a home game in the Knockout Round. I’m quite interested in seeing if Niko Hansen will get another start on the wing given his strong showing a week-and-a-half ago in Portland.
Toronto FC vs. New England Revolution 7:30 pm ET | Match Preview | TV & streaming info
TFC’s season essentially ended last week, with both Sebastian Giovinco and Jozy Altidore limping off injured during losses to Tigres and RBNY, so I wouldn’t be at all surprised to see them go a little bit experimental with their lineup, formation and tactical approach. Liam Fraser, maybe? Ayo Akinola? No reason not to see them, given the stakes are now very low.
The stakes for the Revs, of course, are very high, and there’s not a ton of reason to think they’re up to getting a win (which they desperately need) here. As noted by local blog TheBentMusket, their primary issues continue to be defensive, and newcomer Michael Mancienne – the highest-paid defender in the league – has not been up to the task of fixing the backline.
The former Nottingham Forest fullback does lead the team in both clearances and blocks per game after only five appearances, but his miscues on Saturday were glaring, especially considering the game’s magnitude. And New England has just one win since his arrival, the epic 1-0 victory in the Bronx over NYCFC. Their other impressive performance, a 1-1 draw at LAFC, occurred while the Chelsea youth product was in England for the birth of his first child. Overall, the Revs are just 1-2-2 when he’s been on the pitch.
That’s not great. It needs to change if the Revs are to keep their playoff hopes on life support for one more week.
Minnesota United FC vs. NYCFC 7:30 pm ET | Match Preview | TV & streaming info
NYCFC got a much-needed win on Wednesday at Yankee Stadium, riding a strong second half to a 2-0 result over the visiting Fire. Domè Torrent once again tinkered, though this time it was to good effect as a straight-up 4-3-3 (with Maxi Moralez on the wing) allowed them both a bit more defensive solidity through midfield, and a little bit more of the ball in dangerous areas.
It’s a different story at Minnesota United. The Loons have ranged from very good to excellent at home over the last few months, which includes a rampant first half last week against the Timbers. They’ve flipped between a 3-5-2 and a 4-2-3-1, but regardless the goal has remained the same: Get Darwin Quintero on the ball in areas where he can make plays.
So they haven’t so much defined a style (there’s way too much roster churn for that) as they have developed a guiding principle. Yet “Let your best player decide the game” hasn’t been enough to get them into the playoff hunt in any meaningful way, but it’s made them a tough out in front of their own fans.
Houston Dynamo vs. San Jose Earthquakes 8:30 pm ET | Match Preview | TV & streaming info
Unspoken in that Philly bit above: Houston were only able to execute that gameplan because defensive midfielder (and 2017 team MVP) Juan David Cabezas is back. He was excellent on Wednesday, but he went all 90 and given the injuries he’s battled all year, it would be foolish for Wilmer Cabrera to run him out there from the start again.
So there’s a midfield question for the Dynamo. There are the usual ones for the Quakes, who’ve played some good soccer under Steve Ralston but have yet to collect a point. Fun moments, though.
One note from last week: They actually did a better job of winning midfield duels against LAFC than they’ve normally done throughout the year. If they can win those duels, win the ball, and then play through the middle, they can start to develop a useful identity.
LA Galaxy vs. Vancouver Whitecaps 10 pm ET | Match Preview | TV & streaming info
LA won for the first time since July last weekend, dominating Seattle 3-0. They went up early, rode it out, and got a much-needed shutout.
And there’s no secret to how they did it: They just went back to the basics, played a bog-standard 4-4-2 and managed to not screw up all that much at the back. Up top, Romain Alessandrini tormented the right side of Seattle’s defense in 1-v-1 situations, which pulled defenders away from Zlatan Ibrahimovic and Ola Kamara. Ibrahimovic and Kamara then did what good forwards do when they have that kind of extra space.
There’s nothing fancy about this. It’s a training session:
And that’s good! That’s how you want things to be.
This game will come down to that at least in part. The other part will be winning the ball at central midfield in order to stop Vancouver’s vicious counterattack (I’m assuming they’ll still be a counterattacking team in the post-Carl Robinson era).
And that’s the downside of the 4-4-2: You lack an extra man in central midfield to control the game. If the ‘Caps start dominating those second balls and getting out on the run, one of the forwards will have to drop back to help, or Alessandrini will have to come in off the wing and into central midfield to help, and then suddenly you’re talking about a different team playing in a different shape.
Portland Timbers vs. FC Dallas 10:30 pm ET | Match Preview | TV & streaming info
Portland’s recent form, summed up:
Throughout the last 10 games they’ve been unable to figure out when they want to get pressure to service vs. when they want to play deep and track runners. Rarely have they been able to do both, and as that goal illustrates, sometimes they’re simply unable to do either.
Gio Savarese has tinkered with different formations quite a bit over the last two months, and in the second half of last weekend’s 3-2 loss at Minnesota the Timbers looked good in a 4-2-3-1. It would seem a smart bet to try to reprise that look in this game against an FC Dallas team that has no compunctions about sitting back and absorbing pressure.
They also have no compunctions about playing long balls over the top, just like the one seen above. FCD aren’t remotely a pretty team right now – not by a long shot – but if you let them play long and play on the run, you will lose.
Sunday Doubleheader
New York Red Bulls vs. Atlanta United 1 pm ET | Match Preview | TV & streaming info
You can read my colleague Bobby Warshaw’s tale of the tape for this game HERE.
What I will focus on – and what I think RBNY should focus on – is the play of Leandro Gonzalez Pirez. The last time these two teams met, the Red Bulls turned LGP into a turnover machine:
As Atlanta evolved away from the high pressing identity that defined them last year, more and more of the game has fallen to LGP’s foot and that is mostly smart and good. He’s one of the best CBs in the league at hitting third-line passes in transition, he pushes forward well, and he might be the very best in the league at big left-to-right switches (apologies to Matt Besler).
Back in May when these two teams met, he was a liability, and RBNY’s No. 1 pressing trigger. Any time the ball came anywhere near him, Red Bulls players closed down like maniacs and forced him into rushed passes.
Here’s the thing: Rushed passes are bad. But rushed passes when you’re attempting some of the most difficult, high-risk passes in the game? Those can be fatal. Throughout the last two seasons we’ve seen Houston and D.C. United use similar principles – though with those teams, it comes off the counter rather than the high press – when facing the Five Stripes.
LGP is definitely going to try those passes. Can you make that work to your favor?
Sporting KC vs. Real Salt Lake 5 pm ET | Match Preview | TV & streaming info
SKC’s version of LGP – the high-risk, high-reward gambit – is the positioning of right back Graham Zusi. He’s a converted midfielder, which means he’s very comfortable in the final third, which means he overlaps higher and harder than any other fullback in MLS. This is mostly a good thing for Sporting, who are second in the West on both points and points per game. They’ve also won six games already in August and September, which is more than their past two seasons combined.
But when Zusi goes, and it results in some kind of turnover (even via a blocked shot or clearance), that is the magic hour for teams facing SKC. And in Joao Plata, RSL have the exact kind of left winger who can punish those overlaps.
Watch Ike Opara’s positioning, as well as Roger Espinoza’s.
One More Thing to Ponder
Japan has landed two rovers on the asteroid Ryugu, the first time that’s ever been done.
Happy weekending, everybody.
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Armchair Analyst: Your complete guide to the Week 31 MLS slate was originally published on 365 Football
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Si algo se agradece en la cocina, es el orden y las buenas vibraciones que desprende justo al entrar. Si en el post de la semana pasada te enseñábamos el último proyecto de esta habitación de la casa, hoy te invitamos a sentarte para que conozcas todas las opciones de decoración posibles que cambiarán la forma en la que concibes la simple acción de comer. Déjate embrujar por vajillas sin competidor, cristalería de lujo, cubertería delicada y textil con estilo. ¿Ves como no tienes excusa para invitarlos a todos? Síguenos…
If something is often very welcome in the kitchen, that is the good organisation and the good vibes it gives when you step in. If we showed you the whole project on the post last week, we invite you sitting down today to let you know all the decoration options you have that will change your thought about the simple act of eating. Let yourself charm by unique dinner service, luxury cutlery and stylish textile. There’s no excuse to not inviting them all, you see? Follow us…
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Desde los cajones y los armarios o estantes hasta la misma encimera, el aspecto de esta zona está sujeta a las necesidades diarias de cada uno. Aún así, todos los ítems escogidos responden también a la necesidad de añadir estilo a cualquier hora y ocasión. Sea cual sea tu estilo, lo diferente siempre se tiene en cuenta y es respetado. 
From the drawers and the cupboards or the shelves, the appearance of this area is subjected to the everyday needs, so it’ll depend on each one. Nevertheless, all the selected items are great options to go for the next level in terms of style anytime and any occasion. Whatever your decor style is, ‘the different’ is always respected.
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Lo vintage nunca había estado tan de moda. Atrapa su esencia con este reloj-balanza, disponible en Cassai Home & Fashion. Vintage style was never that trendy before. Get the essence with this clock-weighing scales, available in Cassai Home & Fashion.
El rojo es vida y personalidad. Lo dicen muchos y lo pensarás tú cuando te atrevas a hacerle un espacio en tu hogar. Sea en forma de cubiertos o a través de botes para almacenar comestibles que podrás colocar en la encimera o en las estanterías para darle el doble uso decorativo.
Red colour is vitality and personality. Lots of people say it and lots of you will think so when you dare to give it a space at home. It’s perfect on cutlery or on storage stuff to keep your food, which you can also use as decorative elements placing them on the countertop and the shelves.
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Set de 24 cubiertos con 4 opciones de estampado distintas, disponibles en Cassai Home & Fashion. Set of 24 cutlery with 4 different print options, available in Cassai Home & Fashion.
La cerámica es uno de los materiales más antiguos que existen y uno de los más aptos para dar rienda suelta a la creatividad. Y aunque con acabado natural y tono turquesa es una delicia, las opciones estéticas son infinitas. ¿Eres más de cristal? Opta por la opción de la jarra y los vasos a juego con motivo floral para las meriendas más especiales.
The ceramic is one of the oldest materials on Earth and one of the most flexible ones to let creativity flow. And although we love a natural finish and the soft turquoise, the aesthetic options are infinite. Do you prefer crystal? Go for the crystal pitcher and matching glasses with floral motif in the most special afternoon snacks.
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Set taza de café + platito. Bol a parte. Disponible en Cassai Home & Fashion. Coffee mug + plate. Bowl sold individually. Available in Cassai Home & Fashion.
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Jarra de cristal con detalle de flores. El mantel es de lino puro. Disponible en Cassai Home & Fashion. Crystal pitcher with flower detail. The tablecloth is made out of pure linen. Available in Cassai Home & Fashion.
Verde salvaje, que ya llenó los días del verano pasado con palmeras y buen humor. El estilo tropical también puede llenar de vida nuestro hogar en etapas frías y nunca sobra. Especialmente si buscas originalidad. 
Wild green, that already filled last Summer days with palm trees and good vibes. The tropical style can also fill our home with vitality in Winter time and we never have enough of it. Especially if you look for originality. 
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Platos con estampado de hoja, vendidos individualmente. Dishes with leaf print, sold individually.
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Azul mar, azul paz, azul todo, Cubrir en este tono tu espacio culinario no sólo muestra el afán por mantener la calma ante tus ojos, sino que también realza cada tonalidad de fondo y hace que la admires. 
Blue for sea, blue for calm, blue for everything. Covering your culinary zone with this colour doesn’t only show your effort to keep the place in a peaceful mood, but also highlight the background and makes you admire it. 
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Set de 24 cubiertos con 4 opciones de estampado distintas, disponibles en Cassai Home & Fashion. Set of 24 cutlery with 4 different print options, available in Cassai Home & Fashion.
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Completa tu colección con stands para tartas o originales cestas para la fruta y consigue el efecto deseado apostando por piezas únicas. ¿Nuestra lista de favoritos? Tablas y cucharas de madera, lino en el textil, botellas antiguas…
Complete your collection with stands for cakes & original baskets for fruit and get the wished effect with unique pieces. Our favourites list? Wooden boards and spoons, linen in textile, vintage bottles…
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Tablas y mortero de mármol en distintos colores. El mantel en tono crudo y rayas azul marino es de lino puro. Disponible en Cassai Home & Fashion. Marbled board and mortar in different colours. The tablecloth is in raw tone and navy blue is pure linen. Available in Cassai Home & Fashion.
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¿Quieres ir un poco más lejos? Síguenos en Instagram, haz tus compras cómodamente online, conócenos un poco más visitando nuestra web o comunícate directamente con nosotros para hacer realidad cualquiera de tus ideas o proyectos. ¿Facebook? También. ¿Interesada en algún producto? Pregúntanoslo directamente o encuéntralo en Carrer Sitjar, 10 (07640, Ses Salines); o en Carrer Major, 19 (07638, Colònia de Sant Jordi). 
Would you like to get further? Follow us on Instagram, buy comfortably in our new online shop, get to know us further on our website or stay in touch to make your ideas and projects come true. Facebook? Of course. Are you interested in any product? Ask for it or find it in Carrer Sitjar, 10 (07640, Ses Salines) & in Carrer Major, 19 (07638, Colònia de Sant Jordi).
  LA COCINA CON ESTILO (II): TODO SOBRE MESA Y ACCESORIOS Si algo se agradece en la cocina, es el orden y las buenas vibraciones que desprende justo al entrar.
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torentialtribute · 6 years ago
Lucy Bronze and Nikita Parris could be the difference for England
Lucy Bronze and Nikita Parris could have been the difference in England's semi-final against the US, with the crossroads to the right
The couple has a notion that can make all the difference
Ian Herbert Voor Mailonline
Published: 14:11 BST, July 2, 2019 | Nikita Parris from England has said that the secret behind Lucy Bronze is left behind and she becomes the stand-out attacking combination of the Women's World Cup is teammate Jill Scott.
The link between the two former
& # 39; It's just a concept I have with Lucy, & # 39; said Parris, as one of the high points of the World Cup, but Parris said that the discreet but crucial contribution from Scott has been overlooked. the question of how the two compiled who would move forward to the right of England and who would wait. & # 39; But I think people underestimate the role that Jill plays. She plays an incredible role in ensuring that we both play so smoothly.
Nikita Parris (left) and Lucy Bronze have been instrumental for England in the right wing "
<img id =" i-20c93dc75d12880e "src =" https://i.dailymail.co .uk / 1s / 2019/07/02/13 / 15529946-0-image-a-6_1562072101490.jpg "height =" 423 "width =" 634 "alt =" Nikita Parris (left) and Lucy Bronze have been instrumental for England in the right wing) and Lucy Bronze have been instrumental for England in the right wing
Nikita Parris (left) and Lucy Bronze have been instrumental for England in the right wing
The pair is expected to push the left side of the US back when they meet on Tuesday night "
The pair is expected to push the US left behind when they meet on Tuesday evening, push the left side of the US back when they meet on Tues. agnacht
& # 39; Because she's sitting. And if Jill doesn't sit down, Lucy sits down. And they let us flow freely.
OPTA data reveal the overwhelming contribution of Bronze and Parris to England's attacking impulses in the quarter-finals against Norway: 45.17 of England's attacks fell down that flank, 23.12 percent in the middle and 31.17 percent to the left hand side.
Bronze average position in the game was halfway down the line, just slightly behind Scott, whose average position was on the right side of midfield – Parris' point underlined her as the one who supplies the covers.
Parris will address
<img id = "i-d73d3e7f20fcbba6" src = "https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2019/07 /02/14/15530328-7204899-image-a-10_1562072555105.jpg "height =" 443 "width =" 634 "alt =" Parris will try to get deep into the US, half as she did the entire World Cup. dive half deep into the US as she did throughout the world championship. "
Parris will attempt to invade the United States half as it did in the rest of the world the World Cup
<img id = "i-4c41f0a4555cba56" src = "https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2019/07/02/14/15530358-7204899-image-a- 11_1562072614703.jpg "height =" 437 "width =" 634 "alt =" She has shown that she is too clever for defenders to take better positions "
She has let see that they can outsmart defenders to take better positions "Om be to take up more positions
<img id = "i-ed67797d1cde6a61" src = "https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2019/07/02/14 /15530578-7204899-image-a-27_1562072973534.jpg "height =" 433 "width =" 306 "alt =" England have dominated the right wing "class =" blkBorder img-share "
for England, the gap was sometimes left against Norway when Bronze and Parris had advanced and opposed the opposition.
Leaving Megan Rapinoe waiting to capitalize on the US, that's something Phil Neville's players have to take into account.
Parris admitted that early in the second half a & # 39; wiggle & # 39; was from England against Norway.
& # 39; We had a hitch against Norway in the first 15 minutes of the second half – I'm not going to sit here and say we didn't do it, said the 25-year-old. ]
& # 39; Norway could have scored if they had punished us at the time, but they never did. America because they are fast in the first 15 minutes.
The battle of bronze against Norway was England's third goal and sealed. to place in the semifinals <img id = "i-a5f82fc9c22446aa" src = "https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2019/07/02/14/15530470-7204899-image-a-12_1562072808266 .jpg "height =" 403 "width =" 634 "alt =" Bronze strike against Norway was England's third goal and sealed to place in the semi-final "<img id =" i-a5f82fc9c22446aa "src =" https: / /i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2019/07/02/14/15530470-7204899-image-a-12_1562072808266.jpg "height =" 403 "width =" 634 "alt =" <img id = "i -a5f82fc9c22446aa "src =" https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2019/07/02/14/15530470-7204899-image-a-12_1562072808266.jpg "height =" 403 "width =" 634 " alt = "<img id =" i-a5f82fc9c22446aa "src =" https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2019/07/02/14/15530470-7204899-image-a-12_1562072808266.jpg "height = "403" width = "634" alt = "Bronze strike against Norway was England's third goal and sealed a place in the semi-final
Bronze is one player on the side of England who can match the US for outright skill on the side of England who can match the US for outright power
That is where most of their goals come from. If you give a team a spell of 10 minutes, a spell of 15 minutes, they will somehow punish you, whether that is a goal or pressure.
The temperature may be 28C in the stadium on Tuesday, but Parris said the team would be prepared for that. & # 39; Slow starts are not dependent on the weather, but on mentality & # 39 ;, she said. & # 39; We have all heard that the Americans start quickly in both halves, so we must be ready. We know that. We have watched them and how they play. We know how quickly they start games. We have to counter that. & # 39;
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freebetalerts-blog · 6 years ago
League Two Betting: Forest Green to restrain Norwood
(New post on FreeBetAlerts.com) - https://freebetalerts.com/2018/10/23/league-two-betting-forest-green-to-restrain-norwood/ #Football, #Freebets, #Tips
League Two Betting: Forest Green to restrain Norwood Please share.
Honours could well be even at the New Lawn, says Ian Lamont, who goes for big odds wins for Grimsby and Macclesfield, plus goals at the Broadfield…
Expect a tight affair, even with Cooper’s sub subs
Forest Green [2.4] v Tranmere [3.4]; the draw [3.6]
Striker James Norwood is full of the joys of being the underdog in Tranmere’s run so far this season. They come into this game in sixth place although it’s a bit early to tell whether they can maintain a promotion push. Often, teams work sides out in the second half of a season, or the momentum stalls.
Rovers are in particularly fine form, with one defeat in 11 games. They are definitely no pushovers, rarely conceding more than once a game. The only time they have done so in that run is the three at Morecambe. Six clean sheets in that time, including the last two. Opta point out they haven’t had three in a row since January 2013.
Do they play with more freedom on their travels? Play more expansively? There are certainly more goals (12) in their away games than at home (5).
But even though Norwood has eight goals this season and Harvey Gilmour has three in the two matches before Saturday’s goalless draw at Yeovil, this is likely to revert to a low scoring game – and a draw at that.
Apart from the fact Micky Mellon’s side have four draws away, a big reason for making the argument is Forest Green’s six home draws and 6-5 goal difference.
Home manager Mark Cooper was linked with the Brentford position on the back of the work he has achieved at Forest Green, taking them to promotion 18 months ago and this season pushing them to the top echelons of League Two.
Cooper was “disappointed” with his side’s first half performance in the 1-1 draw with Cheltenham, castigated his defence and said they were too quick to get forward. Cautious, it seems, has served them well.
Substitutes Gavin Gunning, Reece Brown and Tahvon Campbell, introduced early in the second half, clearly pressed their claims for a start, changing the momentum and finding an equaliser. Tranmere, like Saturday’s visitors, will surely attack. Both sides will battle. A point each? Sounds more than likely.
Mariners win would put Jolley on the map
Grimsby [3.6] v Colchester [2.24]; the draw [3.6]
What would be the biggest surprise of this round of fixtures? The layers have Grimsby at second-longest odds of the night at home (Morecambe are [4.3]). It would be a surprise if the Mariners could defeat Colchester.
However, Michael Jolley’s men do have some momentum after two wins and a draw, all without conceding a goal. The draw came against high-flying Exeter, who have been free scoring.
That was largely down to keeper James McKeown, who saved a penalty, but also down to the defence which restricted their visitors to all other chances off target – and there were 11 of them, while Grimsby had 13 off-target ones themselves. They only managed one on target, something Wes Thomas and Charles Vernam need to address. Opta state that Thomas has three goals in his last four appearances against Colchester – and in the Football League he’s only netted more against Crewe (5).
John McGreal’s Colchester have been tough to beat away, with one defeat but also four draws. Grimsby have won once at home but it is amazing, after five games without a goal, what a little run of form does for confidence.
The hosts’ difficulty in restraining the U’s will be that the visitors have scored in all but one game this season. If they have done the sensible thing and stayed in a hotel in the north for a few nights after their 1-0 win at Morecambe, they will be less tired and better bonded. But football clubs are rarely afford such luxuries.
They have fine players such as Sam Szmodics and Frank Nouble who could pick Grimsby open. But maybe the hosts can sneak a victory and start to prove the doubters about the manager – who include me – wrong.
Silkmen could battle to another victory
Macclesfield [3.0] v Northampton [2.6]; the draw [3.6]
Keith Curle is keeping tight lipped about the fitness of some key players ahead of the game at Macclesfield, who are bottom but who found the inspiration to win, to see off – as Opta remind us – an unwanted record of 37 consecutive games in the Football League without a win (interrupted by a few years in non-league).
Some managers are only too keen to tell you – and the opposition through the media – that they have injuries. It’s all part of the game plan. But many are like the Northampton manager and prefer not to give anything away.
He reasons they have a small squad and giving away whether defenders Shay Facey, Leon Barnett and Ash Taylor are still unfit would let his opposite number figure out the team.
It is likely that Danny Whittaker and Neil Howarth, temporarily managing the Silkmen, will have put together an idea of how the Cobblers will line up, with or without that trio.
Midfielder Matt Crooks will be back from suspension, while Curle was purring about Hakeem Odoffin, a 20-year-old defender who started under Curle for the first time, making his sixth league start. He is backing his team-mates to bounce straight back. Curle believes it will take his side a while to build the necessary understanding in the final third.
As for the hosts, Peter Vincenti wouldn’t have joined the promoted Moss Rose club if he felt they were going to be relegation fodder, I am sure. The experienced campaigner netted the winner over Curle’s old club Carlisle on Saturday and his side are showing a bit of fight for whoever the next manager will be. They might take another win here, because Northampton have won just once in nine, which would give any opposition hope.
Expect goals to flow in Sussex
Crawley [3.1] v Exeter [2.6]; the draw [3.6]
Matty Taylor demands more of the same as against Grimsby from Exeter as they travel to Crawley, presumably with one exception: he’d like them to shoot on target. Of 14 shots against the Mariners, one was on target – and that a penalty which was saved.
Spot kick taker Pierce Sweeney, then, will be one player who wants to do better. His defensive counterparts, led by Aaron Martin and Dean Moxey, all received rave reviews for their performances.
However, the Grecians couldn’t find the back of the net which is unusual for them – the first time in seven games they had failed. Maybe Jayden Stockley felt that pressure to keep being better than Harry Kane and Mo Salah, having outscored them in the year so far.
He’ll get that monkey off his back soon enough, but even if Exeter do score – which seems likely – they are very probably going to see goals the other way. The visitors might only have conceded five times away, just like Lincoln and MK Dons who also occupy the top three, but Crawley have netted 17 at home, a tally which is only bettered by Colchester’s 19.They have scored in all their home games. Only in August against Stevenage did they keep it to one. Gabriele Cioffi has not curbed the attacking instincts instilled under Harry Kewell, and why would he?
Defender Joe Maguire couldn’t help but join the fun on Saturday, starting early by netting against Newport in the first minute for his first goal of the season. Well, ever, in fact in the Football League. But then the 22-year-old has only made 13 appearances, for the Reds and Fleetwood. Ollie Palmer has eight for the season already and if both sides attack as they should at the Broadfield Stadium, another game of over 3.5 goals beckons. It’s available at [3.4].
P/L 2018-19 +14.12pt
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