#oppy thought he was just being a good friend/boyfriend
A thing I've been doing:
*everyone talking about Orion and Megatronus before the war*
Miko: "Wait were you Megatron's sugar daddy???"
Optimus: "What is a sugar daddy"
*old man googling noises*
Optimus: "primus"
Oppy: "so apparently I was Megatronus's sugar daddy when I was Orion."
*dying and wheezing across the room*
Oppy: "wELL iT WaSN'T exactly on purpose Ratty—"
Jack: "RATTY?!?🤣 Sorry dude but you're Ratty now."
Ratchet: "this is why your father left 'to get milk and cigarettes' jack"
Bumblebee, recording it all: [this is amazing, Blades is going to love it.]
Raf: "oh you need to show this to your boyfriend"
*indignant Bumblebee whirps and chirrs*
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harryhighkey · 6 years
happy valentines day
hi hi i’m back w another one shot!!!!! and this one is holiday themed!!!!!!!!!!! this is my first holiday themed one omg, i’m p happy with how it turned out!!!!! it’s kind of angsty (as usual) but also cute!!!!! idk don’t wanna spoil and also its 3:27am so i need to sleep but hope u all love it and HAPPY VALENTINES DAY
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You were never a valentines day type of person. At one point, you weren’t really sure if anyone really was, or if it was just something people got excited over in movies. Maybe because you hadn’t ever actually been in a relationship properly when the day came around. 
Well, except the one relationship that had ironically ended terribly on what was meant to be the day of love.
Any other time the supposed romantic day came around, you never actually realised. It always took someone else wishing you a happy valentines day to have it even click in your head that February the 14th meant something else to other people. 
That’s why I’ve been eating so much chocolate lately. 
It was always on sale at this time of year, and you couldn’t ignore your favourite sweet snacks sitting right at the check out waiting to be picked up. Conspircary theory videos warned you about this, but you let the supermarket manipulate you anyway.
It wasn’t quite the 14th yet, though. It would be in about twenty minutes, although you were sure someone at the party you were at tonight would announce valentines day at midnight. Someone had made a joke earlier in the night about doing a count down like it was new year’s eve.
On the 13th - or valentines day eve - in the morning, you’d spent your time on a plane. It was one of your closest friends you’d made during your time spent in LA, engagement party. And honestly, you were a little nervous for it at first. The airport had lost your luggage, and you were taking it as a sign it wasn’t going to be a good night.
The people here tonight were also friends with your ex-boyfriend. Harry Styles.
In fact, you probably met a majority of them through him, and you hadn’t seen him since the two of you split up. You made a real effort to have a detox of sorts. You got too caught up in the LA lifestyle, or that’s what you told yourself in a coping mechanism of not accepting you were moving because of him. But when your relationship ended, so did your time in LA you decided. You had even gone as far to switch all your social media’s to private accounts, and in somewhat of a petty notion you blocked Harry so he couldn’t access them.
You had your reasons though, it wasn’t what could be called the smoothest of breakups.
“You’ve been gone for months, Harry!” You were furious, he was too. You’d gone to a show with your friends. A show in which you had obtained tickets for months ago. Maybe you had forgotten to tell Harry you wouldn’t be home from work due to heading straight to your friends place to get ready, but how you were to know he was planning a romantic surprise for valentines day. You didn’t even register that it was valentines day, to you, this day had always been when you were going to see Troye Sivan with your friends.
“That’s my fucking job, Y/N!”
“I fucking get that, but you don’t get to come back and get angry at me for having my own life.”
“I’m not,” He stepped closer to you then, and if you didn’t know Harry well enough you would have found it frightening. He could get a little scary when he was this angry, his deep voice boomed with volume and as he came to stand close to you, his tall framed loomed over you and you unconsciously took a step back. “but it’s fucking valentines day.”
“And so fucking what?”
“See, it’s that attitude. I’m so sick of it.”
“Sick of me?”
“No, sick of how you are!”
“That’s the same thing.”
“No, it’s-”
“No, you know what?” You cut him off then. “Fuck you, Harry. Not everything revolves around you. I told you I got these tickets ages ago.”
“You didn’t think to invite me?”
“Obviously not!”
“I could’ve gotten your seats upgraded. Probably even backstage passes.” Usually when he said something like this, he was being genuinely kind. Trying to treat you because he loved you. However now, he was saying it with venom.
“Wow, you’re gonna be like that now? Sorry we’re not all millionaires and as good as Harry fucking Styles.”
“Y/N, no,” His tone shifted then, as did his expression for a second as you saw the quick moment of guilt in his green eyes. “I didn’t mean it like that.”
“Yeah, you did.”
“No, I didn’t.” And just like that, you two were back on the downhill slope.
“I’m not fucking doing this, I had a really good time with my friends and I come home and you’re just ruining it.”
“You ruined it when you didn’t fucking turn up on valentines day!”
“Fuck valentines day! Who even celebrates that shit?”
“Me, and you’re not appreciate of anything I’ve done for you.”
“Oh my god.” You frustratedly ran your hands through your hair and turned around then, you were both running in a circle but couldn’t ever reach other at this point. “I didn’t even know, Harry. I said I was sorry!”
“You couldn’t reply to a message? Answer my call?”
“No, I was fucking distracted.”
“It’s like you don’t even care I’m home.”
“Of course I care, we’ve been together constantly since you got back. It was one night I didn’t tell you.”
“It’s been more than one night. And tonight was valentines.”
“I have a life. I’m not going to stop seeing my friends because you’re used to having the attention of thousands of girls every night. You’re not on tour anymore, get used to it.”
“Do you know how easily I could have another girl here?”
That was it. That was the moment that did it.
“You know what? Why not bring one of them over? Because I’m done.”
You couldn’t lie, you were relieved when you arrived earlier and you totally thought you were seeming subtle in scoping the place to see if Harry was here, but you must not have been because a friend came up and whispered,
“He’s not here, he’s working.”
So eventually you relaxed into the night, easily finding your groove back with the friends you had made when you lived out here. People were beginning to leave at this point, now that it was 11:55pm on the 13th of February, valentines day only a mere five minutes away. And being around your friends made you know that when you went back, you really would miss them so much more. You did miss the life you’d made here. You missed Harry.
Suddenly you felt a little pull in your chest and you couldn’t quite pick it. You knew you were feeling quite nostalgic with your friends and because some people left and you were planning on escaping before it was officially valentines day, you thought it might be that. But it was different. There was the sad farewell made by NASA for Oppy today had made you shed a tear earlier on. But that wasn’t what you were feeling right now, either.
Then you heard someone announce, “Ah, look who made it, after all.”
You knew who it was, you didn’t even have to turn around to look and you wouldn’t. Right now, you were thanking the angel of Oppy that you had chosen the spot you did to not face directly to the front door, instead you faced away from it and towards your friends. A few looked up to see what was going on and a few were looking at you to see your reaction.
You heard his laugh first, it wasn’t his proper laugh, when he found something really funny. It was his polite laugh he did to keep a mood light, to make others around him feel good. “Finished late in the studio, but wanted to stop by and say congratulations.” Harry spoke, and suddenly you wished you were sitting another way just so you could have one small look. The tiniest of glances.
So you did and, fuck, did he look perfect.
You’d made an effort to try and not stay up late lurking online to find out about him. But of course you couldn’t avoid it at all, he still was who he was, after all. Lately, though, he’d been laying really low-key and you weren’t seeing any new news about him. He was smiling as he made small talk, he hadn’t spotted you and you took this as your chance to leave.
Once again, you were thanking Oppy you’d already said your goodbyes as you made a swift exit out the front door. You managed to avoid any interaction with Harry, but by how your body was reacting, you wouldn’t think so.
Your heart was pounding so hard you could hear it loudly in your ear drums. You could barely see your own feet as your walked down the driveway, too focused on how he looked to think about where you were going. Which is exactly why you almost tripped over the letter box. And when you finally unlocked your phone to book an Uber, your hands were shaking.
Maybe you hadn’t avoided him.
You took in a deep breath and looked up from your phone and sure enough, there he was. His was longer, a little messier and he had a bit more scruff growing on his face than usual.
“Hey.” Was all you managed to get out.
You laughed and so did he.
“You look beautiful, Y/N.” You met his vision again, the both you stopped laughing. His compliment caught you off guard, even though maybe you had taken a little extra effort when getting ready for tonight in thinking a scenario where you had a run in with your ex was going to happen.
“Thank you.”
“I-” You both went to speak at once, but quickly stopped when you noticed the other was beginning to talk.
“You go.” You got that in first, letting him have the first turn to speak.
“I was going to say, it’s good to see you...” He admitted. “I missed you.” He continued and you could feel the faintest stinging in your eyes.
Fuck. You didn’t want to cry right now, you’d done your fair share of crying over him. A lot of it. Dropping your head down, you let your hair fall around your face, chewing the inside of your lip as a further attempt to keep the tears from falling.
That’s when you noticed the time displayed on your phone screen.
“It’s valentines day.”
“It’s valentines day.” You spoke louder that time.
“I tried calling you.”
“I know, I ignored them.” You looked back up at him as you said that, but he was looking to the side. He was uncomfortable, too. “How are you getting home?” You decided a subject change would be good.
“Cars just up the road a little bit.” He answered and looked back to you. “Where are you staying?”
“I don’t know.”
“I don’t know.”
“Yes, I heard you, but, Y/N, you don’t know as in you can’t remember the name or you don’t have somewhere to stay.”
“Well, kind of don’t have somewhere to stay.” You admitted, sighing as the warning notification of low battery popped up on your screen. 
“Come hop in my car and put it on charge.” Harry noticed it too.
The two of you walked in silence and you were pleasantly surprised at the scent that filled his car.
“Green apple?”
“Yeah, you really got me hooked on it.” He smiled and so did you. He always had a vanilla scent in here and you could never stand the smell of it. He changed it to your favourite, green apple just for you. “Did you fly in?”
“Where’s your suitcase then if you don’t have a place to stay?” He was genuinely concerned but you completely forgotten about the misplacement of your luggage by the airport.
In a response, you groaned and dropped back against the passenger seat with a huff. “The airport fucking lost it.”
“Shit, Y/N.” His hand landed on your thigh then and once it would have been what comforted you, but now your head snapped up as quickly as he snatched his hand back. “Sorry, didn’t mean to- I just-”
“It’s okay.”
“What are you going to do?”
“About what?”
“A place. To stay.”
“Oh, right.” It shouldn’t have been this hard to stay on track with the conversation, but the light speed physical contact really did have your mind whirring. “I was just going to get an Uber and go to the closest hotel or whatever.”
“Do you want to stay with me?” He asked cautiously, and the thought hadn’t even crossed your mind. Once upon a time, you would have just shown up at his front door, but now it was like treading on very thin ice. You didn’t realise you had stayed silent for so long, but it was long enough for him to start talking again. “It’s late anyway, Y/N, at least I’ll know you’re safe.”
“I mean, are you okay with that?”
“Of course I want you to.”
“Okay, thanks.” You clipped your seatbelt in and he nodded at you in reply before starting the car up and driving. “Harry?” You spoke after a few moments of silence.
“Mhm?” He kept his eyes on the road.
“Happy valentines day.” You were smiling, and for a moment he looked over at you, a dimple present in his cheek as he smiled but also shook his head at you.
“Happy valentines day, Y/N.”
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