#opiniones boda
uyuforu · 5 months
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Boda Persona Chart Analysis I
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Boda (1487) is an asteroid discovered in 1938 by Karl Willhelm Reinmuth in Germany. It was named this way after Karl Boda. Boda in Spanish means "wedding", so it was natural for this asteroid to represent that. Boda is an asteroid we look at when we want to know more about what kind of wedding one will have. The Boda Persona Chart also means the same thing, and it gives more details about one's special day.
One of my loved one is getting married soon, and I thought it would be nice to make predictions about her wedding. So this post will be based on her Boda PC. Another Boda PC Analysis will come soon :)
All pictures were found on Pinterest
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જ⁀➴ Boda in Signs, Houses, Degrees
જ⁀➴ Boda Aspects
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₊˚⊹♡ Sun 1H: the wedding will be focused on you, you'll feel like the main character. You will feel beautiful, even more if it is in Libra or if there is a libra degree to it (7°, 19°). It could also mean the wedding look exactly how you wanted it to be, and with those degrees, very beautiful and aesthetically pleasing.
₊˚⊹♡ Sun 1H could also mean the wedding takes place where you live or where you were born. Where you grew up too but you see what I mean.
₊˚⊹♡ Sun conjunct Mars could mean the energy of the wedding is very strong, and there is a lot of movement, a lot of things going on. It can also mean fights could more happen since Mars is a planet about arguments, strong and heavy energy. The wedding will be sure a day to remember.
₊˚⊹♡ Sun conjunct Pluto means the wedding will transform you. You could realize something during the wedding.
₊˚⊹♡ Moon 10H: colleagues could be invited to your wedding, they could be proud of you. Could also mean a lot of people will get invited to the wedding, and many people will be proud. Depending on the sign and degree, this placement doesn't make people highly emotional.
₊˚⊹♡ Natal Sun conjunct Boda PC Chiron: you will have a deep wound by the weeding, something will hurt you, and it can also mean you will not have a good time as much as other people.
₊˚⊹♡ Moon conjunct Jupiter could mean you feel like it's a lucky day, and it's a good wedding.
₊˚⊹♡ Moon squares Mars mean arguments will def happen.
₊˚⊹♡ Moon Virgo: you could be very stressed because of the wedding.
₊˚⊹♡ 2H Stellium could mean you will spend A LOT of money on your wedding.
₊˚⊹♡ Moon squares Mercury means you could cry a lot during the wedding and there could be many disagreements or misunderstandings.
₊˚⊹♡ Mercury 2H: People could comment a lot about how much money you spent on the wedding or how much it looks expensive. People could talk about how it looks and how you decorated it. People could also comment the food often.
₊˚⊹♡ Sun conjunct Mercury: many people will talk to you during the wedding. You will not feel lonely for sure!
₊˚⊹♡ Mercury conjunct Mars: A lot of chatting in the wedding! People will keep talking and talking, it will not be boring. Yet, you could also have some disagreements during the wedding.
₊˚⊹♡ Mercury Sagittarius could mean you could invite foreigners and they could speak in another language than you. People could also talk about a lot of different subjects, and probably also talk about life, their experiences, and share their opinions very freely.
₊˚⊹♡ Mercury conjunct Briede could mean people could talk a lot about you (if you are the bride). If it conjuncts Groom, then they talk much about the groom.
₊˚⊹♡ Scorpio Rising could mean you will act shy or reserved, you will not talk much, and if you happen to have arguments with people, you will hold grudges and prefer to stay in your corner.
₊˚⊹♡ Venus 11H could mean the wedding will feel very friendly, it will be a good vibe and it will feel very welcoming. It could be unique, and very avant-garde too. You could received friendly gifts or very unique gifts too. Gifts could be related to traveling too. Best part of the wedding will be about your friends and how fun it is.
₊˚⊹♡ Venus sextile Mars could mean the wedding is very fun and people are putting a lot of energy in it. It means pretty much everyone will dance and have fun.
₊˚⊹♡ Jupiter 10H is another sign the wedding will be expensive, but it will be worth it. The wedding could bring you a lot of opportunities. It can mean a lot of foreigners or people from different religions, social classes could be invited too. Popular wedding.
₊˚⊹♡ Groom 8H: Groom could be shy and reserved, Groom could also hide something, or not tell something. Groom could prepare a surprise or could also hide some secrets. Groom's energy could be heavy.
₊˚⊹♡ Groom conjunct Vertex in 8H: Groom could reveal a secret during the wedding. Something about the Groom could be revealed during the wedding.
₊˚⊹♡ Boda Capricorn means a wedding which is very expensive looking, and a lot of money will be spent on it. A wedding that was planned carefully and meant to look perfect. Parents could be very involved in the wedding.
₊˚⊹♡ Briede opposite Groom: Groom and Bride might not spend a lot of time together during the wedding, they could also not be in good terms.
₊˚⊹♡ Neptune 2H means the fact that the wedding looks good and expensive will hide the real feelings of people. You could have the illusions that as long as the wedding is big and expensive, it will be a good wedding. Materialistic wedding.
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₊˚⊹♡ Uranus conjunct Neptune: truth about your illusions will happen during your wedding. Something sudden will happen which will make you face your illusions.
₊˚⊹♡ Part of Fortune 29°: A very popular wedding. Will be remembered for sure!
₊˚⊹♡ Mercury conjunct Briede could also mean the Bride will be one talking more during the wedding.
₊˚⊹♡ Briede 2H: Bride controls the wedding and could make most of the decisions.
₊˚⊹♡ DSC Taurus makes the spouse being laid back, chill and just enjoy the party as it is. Probably will eat a lot lol. Spouse could also be romantic and sensual.
₊˚⊹♡ Sun quincunx DSC: Spouse will not feel very involved in the wedding.
₊˚⊹♡ Pisces IC: your parents will cry, be very emotional about the wedding. They could feel hopeless romantic about it.
₊˚⊹♡ Saturn 3H means arguments will happen during the wedding. It can also be communication problems.
₊˚⊹♡ Capricorn 3H means people could see your wedding as a well organized and perfect even. They could see the money you spent on it.
₊˚⊹♡ Aries 5H means the wedding party will be wild, people will dance a lot, there will be a lot of energy and movement. But it can mean fights and confrontations could happen too.
₊˚⊹♡ Taurus 7H can also make your guests chill, enjoying the party, some could flirt a lot, and they could enjoy the food too.
₊˚⊹♡ Cancer 9H makes your In-Laws emotional too, and the Mother-In-Law could be very emotional. They could also nurture you a lot.
₊˚⊹♡ Chiron 9H could mean In-Laws could also see some problems with the wedding, they could also be the cause of arguments too.
₊˚⊹♡ Capricorn 3H means the wedding will happen on the ground, surrounding by nature. No water will be in the surroundings.
₊˚⊹♡ Chiron 9H could also mean there is a spiritual lesson to learn about the wedding.
₊˚⊹♡ Libra 11H could mean the guests will be lovely and have a good time. There could be a lot of flirting too, much more if Venus is also there. You could create a lot of new couples because of your wedding. Love is in the air!
₊˚⊹♡ Juno 3H: A lot of flirting could happen at the wedding. Someone could propose at the wedding.
₊˚⊹♡ Saturn conjunct Juno: You could feel like there are no much romance in your wedding related to your relationship with your spouse.
₊˚⊹♡ Juno opposite Chiron: lack of romance, this could also mean you could heal something related to your relationship during the wedding.
₊˚⊹♡ Venus trines Juno: Romance will be there at the wedding. And depending on the other aspects, this could be in your relationship, but also between the guests.
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obsidian-pages777 · 3 months
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Free Readings
Here is the list Guys. I won't waste your time. Tarot or astrology is not at all a definitive answer to your future life. Timelines change, cause and effect could change circumstances, so you could end up anywhere. All these readings are for fun only. This Blog is also mainly dedicated to those who aren't very comfortable or are new with the subject of tarot or astrology. Enjoy!
P.s: If you guys have some strong held opinion about the use of AI for these readings, best not to checkout this Blog. AI often provides accurate information when it comes to metaphysical subjects. In terms of tarot and astrology its much easier to use it since it tallies with the tarot card pulls and generic interpretations. So don't torture yourselves and make sure to drink a hot cup of coffee and take care!
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Asteroid Vesta in your Astrological Chart. Where are you Dedicated?
Asteroid Frigga in your Astrology Chart. Where will you go above and beyond for?
Lachesis in your astrology Chart. Goddess of fate and destiny. What are you fated to have?
Asteroid Boda and Groom in your astrology chart
Asteroid Hermes: God of Travel, Intellect and cunning
Asteroid Abundantia: Goddess of wealth
Asteroid Bella: Your Beauty and Grace
Asteroid Midas: Your Golden Touch
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ilsolefiesta · 17 days
the unpleasant thing about asteroids
hello-hello, long time no see! this month has been crazy, but here we are again. today I want to talk about an important topic that might make some people disappointed or even angry with me. some might say that I don't understand astrology at all.  the issue I want to raise is the total madness surrounding various asteroids and their persona charts. take it easy, it's not more than a fun addition to "real" astrology. 
however, the fact that people have become suddenly obsessed with finding their Aphrodite asteroid in order to check if they are necessarily extremely beautiful... (note: guys, Aphrodite is simply the Greek name for Venus, which was already occupied...)
or Boda, for example. how will my wedding look? c'mon, Boda was only discovered in 1938. unlike the main planets and objects which have been observed since ancient times, and some for at least 200-400 years, modern asteroids discovered recently may not actually have any patterns yet. and the names are mostly given according to astronomical standards and the imagination of those who discovered them. sometimes, I come across really bizarre and far-fetched facts that are presented as genuine astrological observations. and many people become really disappointed when they don't find Fama in their 1st house/Leo/5 degree. do you want me to create a similar "100% true" fact right in front of your eyes? if asteroid Mr. Spock (2309) forms a conjunction with your Venus, then "Star Trek" is destined to be your favorite movie. (well, the asteroid actually gets its name from the discoverer's cat)  absurd, right? another example: there's an asteroid named Tomhanks (12818). oh. my. god. it falls to my 1st house! (I'm not kidding, btw) does it mean Tom Hanks has a great influence on my life or personality? I couldn't even remember his face until I looked up a photo...
want more? my best friend has a slightly unusual internet nickname. she calls herself "Stasik", which is a diminutive of a Russian boy's name. she has her own funny story about how and why she chose this nickname, and it has become strongly associated with her personality. guess what? exactly. there is also an asteroid called Stasik (4131) and it makes me feel cringey even to write that I've checked it... well, this name is literally a part of who she is, so there must be some connection, right? it's just in her 9th house. that's all. NOTHING special. I want to emphasize one thing: I'm not against asteroids, and I use them myself often. however, there is a point where it can become a strange form of self-made astrology with even less evidence than traditional astrology. everyone has the right to believe what they want, but my opinion is like that:
some asteroids, such as "Starr" and "Glo", don't necessarily make you a star, even if they are in a harsh conjunction with your ASC. and the absence of these asteroids in "important" houses doesn't mean you lack star potential. btw, why is "Glo" associated with popularity, actually? why can't it simply represent the fact that you smoke a tobacco heater of the same name lmao? I hope you understand what I'm saying. astrology is more complex than people think, which is why it's easy to manipulate facts. that's okay, but please stay rational. I always say this, but astrology can help provide insights, but it shouldn't define or rule your life. 
take care and thank you for reading! Picture credits: mine
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northopalshore · 20 days
Good day/night 🎑 what are indicators in astrology synastry (whether is composite or both) that you and the you're connected to in the 5D, will have a direct connection and have to meet in person ? hope I've been clear as English is not my first language 😅 Thank you sooo much 😊🙏 <3
Well, this is a tricky question. In my opinion, I would rather look at the Juno/briede/groom/alma persona chart of both parties.
I think it's more reliable because they are your charts & they will indicate clearer information on your fated connections.
So to answer your question, in the Juno/groom/briede/alma persona chart look for personal planets and their aspects to the 12th house, libra, pisces, & taurus even the degrees acn count! Try to compare each chart to see the relevance or connection that may be there!
Sometimes synastry & composite charts can be very tricky to explain especially when it comes to the 5D because it is connected to the 12th house (karmic energy, past lives, lessons, illusions) aspecting personal aspects! It can be very misleading without proper context & discernment i.e be very cloudy. However this is just my opinion.
You could still look at synastry & composite just apply the big picture of your charts!
Aspects to look at in my opinion:
Their Moon conjunct your venus
Their moon conjuncting your neptune
Their mercury conjuncting your venus
Their mercury conjuncting your juno
Their groom conjunct your briede
Their venus conjunct your juno
+ mercury/neptune conjunct boda & alma
This is basically the roster you'd be switching through. It's only strengthened if the signs involved are in scorpio, pisces, libra, taurus, gemini & cancer (degrees included).
Hope this helps ♡
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idoltoons · 13 days
Desconozco si ya lo ha mencionado pero, leyendo las opiniones acerca de Elias. ¿Elizabeth está consciente de lo que Everett piensa acerca de el? ¿Ella le ha hecho mención de su deseo de que Elias y Amy estén juntos? ¿Everett sabe de que medio mundo ya asume que Elias y Amy van a terminar casados cuando crezcan? Tengo muchas preguntas perdón-
El tema de Elias con Everett es la misma situación que Caleb con Everett en su momento.
Everett JAMAS va a considerar que alguien es lo suficientemente bueno a para las mujeres de su vida.
Pero, distinto es lo que él piensa a como habla frente a esas mujeres de su vida.
En el caso de Elizabeth, ella sabe que para Everett es un tema sensible hablar sobre lo muy enamorada que Amy esta de Elias. Ella no sabe como tal lo que Everett piensa de Elias, pero si sabe que este teme que Elias cometa errores que hagan llorar a Amy. Ella sabe que de parte de Everett, este opina que Elias necesita madurar mucho para ser un pretendiente decente para su hija. Elizabeth esto no le ofende, no lo toma personal, ella sabe que Elias jamás haría algo intencionalmente para dañar a Amy, pero entiende que es común para un padre sobre pensar las cosas más cuando se tratan de sus hijos.
Elizabeth normalmente intenta no demostrar frente a Everett lo mucho que ella quiere que Elias y Amy se queden juntos, pero Everett no es tonto y puede ver que Elizabeth se le iluminan los ojos cuando ve a ambos niños pasar tiempo juntos.
Everett frente a Elizabeth muestra resignación. No esta de acuerdo, no esta contento, se quejara mucho, pero tampoco intenta ser potencialmente un obstáculo.
En el caso de Everett fuera de Elizabeth, cuando se trata del resto de personas, este se retirara del lugar donde este hablando de el posible futuro matrimonio de estos dos, porque no quiere escuchar nada de eso.
Por eso digo que Everett actúa igual con Elias como actuó con Caleb. Everett jamás aprobó a Caleb, nunca confirmo agradarle, nunca estuvo de acuerdo con que Elizabeth se casara con él, pero jamás fue un obstáculo potencial para que estos se quedaran juntos.
Es el abuelo que siempre tiene una opinión negativa de los futuros maridos de sus nietas pero nunca dirá que no a pagar el vestido de novia y la boda en sueño de sus nietas favoritas. Es el señor que le dirá a sus nietas que son las novias más bellas que el mundo ha visto pero durante la caminata hacia el altar les dirá que aun no es tarde para arrepentirse.
En ese tema, Everett se quejara mucho, pero, resignación ante todo...
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carol-coffees · 28 days
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Howdy gente, vengó inspirada,otro dibujito de Elías gallather pero vivo,como jodo con este men,pero no me culpen!,es realmente un buen chico y es encantador!,bueno,se me ocurrió hacer este dibujo gracias a la canción de melanie Martinez:the contortionist, específicamente en la parte en donde dice:"Bodies touch me" osea traducido es,cuerpos me tocan *por eso las manos,y ay una razón por la que las puse ahí,las manos en la boca:ahi representa como su familia en vida le daba poca importancia a sus opiniones y palabras(ya que como nació con múltiple esclerosis lo ven como débil ,un estorbo e inútil)osea sus palabras no eran válidas y sus palabras jamás fueron tomadas en cuenta (bueno,esos significados les di yo por el lore de su historia ),y las manos en el cuello:estas representan como en futuro antes de casarse(o en la noche de bodas,no me acuerdo)su prometida/esposa Violet y su hermano planearon matarlo cortándole la cabeza con una Acha para quedarse el tesoro oculto de los gallather, tesoro que jamás encontraron,y aunque elias estuviese vivo el no sabe donde esta,es mas,ni sabia de su existencia,ya que su familia lo excluía de todo literal,le tengo empatía,ya que toda su vida fue excluido por su propia familia,el unico quelo queria era su abuela,pero murio quedando solo en el mundo...vivio sin un amor platonico,ni un romance, vivia en su mundo de fantacia en las historias de sus libros....murió sin que nadie lo amara...y ya porque lloro xd,aver si hago mas shavos(se me olvidó poner la referencia de donde lo saqué xd,pero el original no me pertenece obvio,yo solo lo use de referencia para dibujarlo en tradicional)
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grival · 2 months
opiniones mías sobre house of the dragon
esto es irónico y hasta contradictorio con alguno de mis viejos post, pero me han gustado más las escenas de los verdes especialmente las de aegon ii y aemond el cual encuentro que es un villano divertido
del equipo negro creo que los que más me gustan son jace, baela 🧍‍♀️ y también siento que intenta retratar al consejo de renada como malos porque no confían en ella, pero siento que tienen buenas razones para dudar de ella
ahora sobre renada es un personaje confuso y contradictorio ej. le dice a damian que lo necesita porque los verdes son sus enemigos y luego ella está en modo "esta es la guerra de damian" o cuando se ve más afectada por la hoja de papel que le envía alisaint en lugar de estar enojada con los términos de "paz" donde sus hijos menores serían rehenes en todo menos en nombre, y por último cuando llora por la perdida de luke y luego está diciendo que la paz todavía es posible.
sobre ella siendo infiel, no me sorprende porque tiene una tendencia que cada vez que damian la deja, ella llena ese espacio con alguien más en el burdel con criston, en la boda con harwin, ahora harrenhal con mysaria, pero igual me decepciona que sentido tiene promocionar algo como "una gran historia de amor" "destinados a arder juntos" para que luego haya una infidelidad
damian se me hace patético y hasta siento lástima por él lol, el show establece que él quería volver a Pentos y ahora está peleando por el reclamo de su esposa/sobrina la cual duda de sus acciones u opiniones (a pesar de que tiene cierto sentido) tiene una mala relación con sus hijas las cuales han sido retratadas más como hijas de laena o nietas de rhaenys.
no sé siento que el personaje no gana nada al luchar por renada, tipo si es rey-consorte no parece tener el respeto de nadie, su hijo no será heredero y si bien su hija sería futura reina-consorte el show nos dice que ellos tienen una relación complicada, si yo fuera él tomo mi dragón voy por mis hijos (viserys y aegon + stormcloud) y me voy
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the-moon-devi · 1 year
Hi, here's to hoping that you are having a great day.
I hope I'm not taking to much of your time for asking your insight about these aspects/placements in a Boda Persona chart.
Feel free to just give your general/detailed vibe about said placements/aspects if you feel called to ~
(sorry in advance for the degrees info overload)
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- Stelliums: Capricorn (Sun, Uranus Neptune) & 12th House (Sun, Mars, Uranus
<Also mentioning forgot to remove Varuna in this PC yet I find it out that it's a one degree difference from my natal chart placement: natal = Gemini (29°) 7th Retrograde, Boda PC = Gemini (28°) 6th Retrograde; i find this noteworthy>
<Also my natal and Boda PC are both in Aquarius Taurus degrees>
- interesting conjunctions :
= North node conjunct Sun(6°), Uranus in Capricorn 12th House and Capricorn Rising (13°)
= Regulus conjunct Vertex Virgo(3°), both in 8th house
= Part of Fortune Libra 10th(24°) conjunct Libra MC (23°)
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I was shocked to have the exact same placement as Kim K, Sun Capricorn 6° 12th. Maaaaaaaaaaaaam I gotta work for that wedding lol whyyyyyyyyyyy
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I'm ridiculously private as a person. Gurlllllllll whyyy.
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💞Boda pc💞
Hii! I hope you are having a wonderful night or evening whenever your reading this as well! I love how you listed everything! Here's my opinion on your placements/aspects;
I feel like that cappy stellium may be a indication of your wedding having some type of traditional vibe and thats crazy the fact you & Kim literally have the same sun placement!! Like what!! 🤨
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Ok that part about Varuna is very interesting especially with that 28° that may show that your wedding is very TALKED about (gemini) amongst your family. Or amongst social media???
You definitely may have your wedding in a foreign country or something. (12th house stellium)
Your relationship may even be famous or the person your with as well. If you end up with a famous wedding lmk because that is very intriguing!! 🙁👀
Since you have aqaurian degrees it may be popular on social media and Taurus degrees can make it be very beautiful & luxuriously for sure!
I definitely see you having a very rich & extravagant wedding that's holds a very high reputation, and it's just going to be big that's all I can say & all I see from these placements
With regulus being in the 8th house there's a possibility of it being a little low-key at the same time like maybe not many people are invited or something like that. Idk I would really have to study that in other people's chart but I can't get over that
I'm getting Royal vibes for your wedding and that libra 10th house conjunction its going to be seen as very beautiful and like royal!! There may be something unusual about wedding that's untraditional that's why I said you may be getting married in a foriegn country. But you wedding is still seen as very traditional and straight foward if that makes sense.
If I had to sum it up based off of these I would say it's a wedding that is based off of traditional values and is taken serious. You may have the choice of your wedding being very popular but you choose to invite view people and get married in a secluded area, next to a large body of water, or in a foriegn country. There may be something unique at your wedding I'm really getting its like yall are alone at a beach pr foriegn country & you post it online..because regulus is in 8th house @ 29° so maybe it's like a popular secret but nobody knows exactly until you tell them and this is how the Boda in gemini plays out
your very lucky in the sense of how your wedding is percieved its diplomatic & beautiful. Charming in nature. I also want to add since uranus is in cap it may be a little less untraditional.
Ps: Do you Neptune in the 1st? Because that would make a lot of sense.
Thank you for sending in your ask & I love these placements!
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crecimiento-espiritual · 10 months
LUCAS 1:26-33
La fe y la esperanza de María
¿Alguna vez te has detenido a pensar en lo que María, la madre de Jesús, debió sentir al saber que estaba embarazada? Ella estaba comprometida y tenía planes de boda. Su futuro parecía prometedor. De repente, un ángel irrumpe con un anuncio asombroso: “¡Te saludo, tú que has recibido el favor de Dios! El Señor está contigo” (versículo 28).
Estoy seguro/a de que María sintió una mezcla de emociones: ¿halagada? Tal vez. ¿Perturbada? Por supuesto que sí. Sin embargo, el ángel la tranquiliza diciendo que no debe temer porque Dios tiene un plan divino para ella: dar a luz a Jesús.
Aunque el mensaje del ángel fue impactante, María no muestra señales de temor o duda. En lugar de eso, su respuesta está llena de fe y esperanza. María confía en Dios porque su relación con él es firme y cercana.
Es poco probable que María entendiera todo lo que Dios estaba haciendo. Seguramente le preocupaba el juicio de otros. Pero nada de esto afectó su confianza en el plan divino. Su fe estaba arraigada en Dios, no en las opiniones ajenas ni en su propio entendimiento.
La verdadera confianza no está en las personas, cosas o lugares, sino en un Dios inquebrantable. Esta confianza se construye antes de que lleguen los desafíos que la pongan a prueba. En momentos de dificultad, Dios es nuestro único fundamento sólido para restaurar la confianza y la esperanza; en él y sólo en él.
Cuando nos enfrentemos a la incertidumbre, recordemos depositar nuestra confianza en aquel que es constante: Dios. Él es el único que nunca nos dejará ni nos abandonará.
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cottonspridet · 2 years
El cadaver de la novia
Okey, me vi el cadaver de la novia hace un día o dos y no voy a dejar de decir que es una ASOMBROSA película, nadie me va a hacer cambiar de opinion.
PERO me puse a pensar en como seria si los personajes de Kipo (Mutes) estuvieran en la película y TENGO QUE SUBIR ESTO:
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el personaje principal, obviamente nuestro flacucho en traje va a ser reemplazado por nuestro querido y apuesto hombre rana, Jamack , su personaje no cambiaria mucho, solo seria mucho mas expresivo y nervioso que el anterior, pero en si concuerda mucho.
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Estuve pensando mucho es quien seria, ya que Emily en el final de la película termina liberada pero no cumplió su sueño de casarse y estuve pensando en elegir a Dave o a Puck, ya que ambos hacen bonita pareja con Jamack y al final gano Dave.
Con la actitud cariñosa, amable y el optimismo que irradia Emily, Dave se quedo con el puesto, en vez de vestido creo que usaría un traje blanco con una cola, como un vestido, que comenzaría en la chaqueta y un velo en su cabeza con flores coloridas. Cuando se enoja da miedo, no se suele enojar mucho y menos por cosas como celos pero cuando encuentra a Jamack declarándole su amor a Puck eso lo enojo y comenzó a tener dudas de si era suficiente para su esposo, "¿Capaz estoy muy gordo? O ¿sera mi ojo lo que no le gusta?, ¿Acaso soy muy molesto? NO, el se caso conmigo porque me ama... ¿Verdad?
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Por ultimo, pero no menos importantes, el puesto de Victoria se lo lleva Puck, su actitud es calmada, no habla a menos que le hablen y cuando habla tiene un tono dramático que le sale natural haciendo llamar mas la atención, ademas de su belleza claro.
Sus padres lo obligan a cazarse con Jamack, a pesar de que este se niega al principio, se termina enamorando de el y comienza a ansiar el momento de su boda
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uyuforu · 9 months
Hii! So I checked our solar return charts synastrg for a particular year and this is what I found. Could you please help me decode it? Pretty please?
So my mercury,briede,boda and north node are in my 7th house in Pisces while his are in the 1st house but also in Pisces, they’re are all in conjunction in the chart, and I mean exactly conjunction because it’s literally like a mirror image.
His Union and groom are in 10th house Sagittarius and mine are in Sagittarius too but in 4th house in synastry again in conjunction. Our Neptune and Chiron are in conjunction too in Aries but his are in 2nd house and mine is in 8th house. The Saturn is in conjunction too but his is in Pisces 1st house while mine is in 8th house in Aries. Pluto is in conjunction in synastry too his in 12th house while mine is in 6th in Aquarius.
The Jupiter is in conjunction too in Cancer his being in 5th house and mine being in 11th.
His MC is in Sagittarius in 10th house directly opposite mine in Gemini in 10th. Likewise with AC too. Mine is in Virgo, his in Pisces.
And the Juno is in the same house as of Capricorn, mine in 5th and His in 11th but not in conjunction but in sextile. Umm please let me know if your opinion on this! MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY UPCOMING NEW YEAR! 😂❤️❤️
I did a drawing of the chart to understand better LMAO (I have a picture like memory, ... is it how you say? idk, my tf is not there anymore to help me with English ;-;)
So! First of all I find it super cute that your DC conjunct his ASC and his DC also conjunct your ASC this year! It gives the vibe to really love each other who you really are!! And it gives mature love for sure!!
Okay, about Mercury, Briede, Boda and North Node conducting each other in Pisces in 7H for you and in 1H for him. For you, it will feel like you want to marry him, or it could also be a year to marry each other. It will feel destiny like for both of you. It feels like you were meant for each other. It really gives a vibe of marrying year? if not then proposing or being in a longterm relationship (because you intend to marry each other). It could also be promising each other to marry each other in the future for ex.
Union and Groom conjunct his in 10H and 4H for you in Sagittarius, for him, he will def feel like he is your FS, your husband, he will see long term for sure. You too, 10H make the commitment extra serious and you guys could date or marry each other. it literally means being public in the 10H, so could also be engaged. It's like going public about something about your relationship.
Juno conjuncts Juno in Capricorn 5H for you and 11H for him, are you guys friends? I feel this could be a a year to be in a relationship, Juno is soulmate asteroid, but 5H and 11H are friends house, like light love in a way. Passing from friends to lovers kind of thing here? Idk, if not, it means a true connection between you too. You are the lovers who are also best friends.
Pluto conducting pluto in Aquarius in 6H and 12H to me feels like changing each other's life hard, like a true changment. Your life will never be the same.
Chiron conjunct Chiron in Aries 8H and 2H, you guys could have problem of jealousy and stability, and you could even have some fights.
Finally, Jupiter conjucting Jupiter in Leo 11H and 5H, bro you guys will feel so happy and so lucky to have each other. Again, best friends dating. You will have so much fun together. You both will recognize that. Enjoy the moments together!!
- uyu
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kulay-ng-banaag · 2 years
"Ang oras ay ginto, at di lahat ng kumikinang ay ginto. He’d know what’s worth investing his time on."
Talents & Hobbies Headcanons for HWS Philippines
EDIT (July 20, 2024): Expanded, with some points rearranged.
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🏊🏽‍♂️ Sports
Piri is a lot more physically active than he looks, despite his upbeat and simultaneously lax demeanor. He is not dedicated to a strict routine in a way that Germany would. While he is down on the idea of maintaining a fit image for the gram, the sincere answer you will get out of him is a shrug and an "it just makes me feel good!"
Do not call him lazy. He canonically walks his way out of traffic with a smile throughout.
He can drive, but, "no thanks."
Aquatic sports is where he excels. Prussia may have lost to America in a swimming race because of a rogue wave, but the Philippines will easily beat them both. He can traverse through the water (free-diving) as fluidly as he does above it (sailing). He does boxing as a gym routine, but his preferred mode of exercise will always be doing laps in the pool.
He likes to go mountain climbing and will make sure to schedule annual trips dedicated to this alongside other nature-oriented activities. It also doubles as him checking up on local communities that earn their livelihood around and are dedicated to preserving and upkeeping these places.
He loves to dance, whether it be at a fiesta or a nightclub. For implicit reasons, he has to limit his nightlife activities. He also prefers smaller underground clubs over the more upscale venues. He will show up to the latter when invited — and when he can’t think of a believable excuse to decline — but he will admit he favors the raw and queer energy of the former. (Hot take: Indo's dance skills surpass Piri's)
If people have their morning yoga, that will be martial arts for Piri. Eskrima is only one example. The way he can wield a blade (or two) swiftly and gracefully is almost like a dance itself.
He likes to play basketball with the neighborhood kids, as well as when friends are over and he’s in the mood for a game. A part of him wishes he could be taller, but he never liked the idea of looking down on most people. He also plays other games with them, and mentally prays it won't be luksong baka.
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🎭 Literary & Performing Arts
Piri is a prolific writer and a voracious reader. Hobbies that began as habits; half enforced, half out of determination to improve his capacity for self-expression and expand his own limited worldview. The best prose is reserved for the ones he especially wrote them for. Even his eloquence shows in his narration of witty anecdotes. No one does elegant puns like the Philippines (I mean, his name counts as a pun in itself).
He definitely keeps diaries. That certainly started out as a means of improving his writing ability. He inserts additional sketches of other details that occurred during his day. Piri also enjoys doing sketching en plein air and keeps a sketchpad with him for those lakwatsa* days. More often than not, he draws on the adjacent page a previous iteration of the scenery from memory.
*A lot of times it’s used to describe kids that skipped school because they’d rather “wander around;” any real connection to la cuacha I don’t know, but it’s hilarious
Musically inclined since day one, Piri’s voice remains his best instrument. Second best is the acoustic guitar (he can play electric). In my most honest opinion, if Austria is the better instrumentalist, then the Philippines is the better singer. While doing household chores or grinding through clerical work, he can be found humming existing songs or invented rhymes, or whistling tunes.
He writes songs, but never shows them, nor has he ever publicly released recordings. He may or may not have ghostwritten songs. Not that he will ever admit it.
Piri only accepts two forms of drama: teleserye plots, and the art of theater. A natural storyteller with a delightfully vibrant charisma makes for a memorable actor. Sarsuwelas and bodabil shows are where his show-and-tell (or rather, show-and-sing) skills truly shine. His frequent attendances of slam poetry gatherings in the present day is an extension of his peak days of balagtasan and tula-dula performances. If you’re very lucky, you might even catch him in one of those underground rap battles, eloquently destroying his opponents.
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📷 Visual Arts
Piri loves taking polaroid selfies and candid portrait shots with film. During his travels, he also indulges in landscape and wildlife photography. The wave of relief that comes after spotting a creature he hasn’t seen in years or decades (or centuries even) is the much-needed reassurance that not all is truly lost.
On the surface level, he appears to be that kind of Instagram guy who documents everything. The photos are nice, yet they also have a mundane and surprisingly casual tone to them.
There are artfully-framed photographs of historical/cultural sites that you didn’t realize were historical/cultural sites had it not been for the accompanying deeply nostalgic narrations.
There are humorous shots at familiar historical/cultural sites and wacky selfies with statues, combined with casual banter in the form of comical remarks ("Just revolutionary vibes!") or a story of how he had to escort a drunk Rizal and his lady back to the hotel (ask him in the comments "which one?" and the response you get is, "The lady or the hotel?").
There are alluring closeups of flora & fauna joined by an unnatural level of excitement ("YAAAAASS REYNA BLOOM" he writes on an endangered orchid species).
Oddly enough, there is neither photo nor video documentation of fiestas. Instead, you get selfies of Piri dressed up and announcing he is all geared up for the occasion. In fairness, he would have been completely absorbed in the festivities. It has a way of compelling you to attend one someday…
Neither are there photos of all the famed tourist posts. Instead, you get snaps of local businesses in the vicinity (hotels, marketplaces, eateries, etc.) accompanied by affable accounts of the people manning them all.
And some photos seem so out of place with the overall feed, but you come out enamored by the subject thanks to the accompanying poetry.
Piri was a hyperactive kid when he was still small (if not necessarily young). The older personifications learned quickly that if he was not pacified by a compelling tale, the only other hope was to keep him preoccupied with handicrafts.
Woodwork is his most favored, stemming from his days under the Spanish Empire when he was heavily tasked with doing carpentry ("Where did you think I got my biceps from?"). To the surprise of many, Piri is unintimidated by the tools and the labor. Between him and Indo, it is Piri who is the token handyman.
Rest assured, the amount of love he’s poured into what he makes will shine through the outstanding quality and attention to detail. He ends up saving on purchasing gifts for friends by making them instead.
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🍲Culinary Arts & Gardening
As long as you are a guest in his home, he will insist on home-cooked meals, partly as escapism from his usual subsistence on meals that are smaller, cheaper, and easier to prep.
As a sidenote (or should I say, side dish?), Piri and Indo are the biggest eaters within the SEAnigang (in more ways than one, too). They both have a high metabolism. The only difference is that Indo got more land muscle mass. Avoid talk on cuisine superiority. Just don’t.
Piri is ashamed to admit this but he does not actually eat much. He adapted to surviving on less for such a long time that he no longer gave a second thought as to why he would exude so much excitement over food. Leaving excess food waste also abhors him.
#plantito (but Indo is the better gardener). Home gardening also helps him save on food groceries.
Piri knows the ways of farming and can identify all that flora & fauna, and at the same time, he lived with that mindset of just letting nature be to handle its own course for so long. Not that he has a bad green thumb, rather he is embarrassed to admit it's not as great as he likes it to be. Being chained down in the metro all the time just to keep people in check diminished his touch, and when he finally has time to go out and sees how much the landscape has changed (and in such a short amount of time), it makes him desperate to replicate and rehabilitate what’s been lost.
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🤳🏽 Social Life
When Piri feels like socializing, but either his usual options are preoccupied or there is no one in particular that he wants to hit up a chat with, he will step outside for that. Aside from checking in on how the youth are doing, he also joins the old men that have seen it all (so they say) in their drinks and games of cards or chess. He enjoys catching up on chika with the titas by the sari-sari store. There have been times where he runs out for a quick purchase without donning a shirt. He is completely obvious to the fact that it excites the titas every time.
Sometimes he hangs out in a bar or a coffee shop and just immerses himself in the atmosphere and watches the people around him. He also likes to explore indie bazaars, public markets, antique shops, and ukay-ukays.
Piri would have thrived in the late 2000s phase of online blogging with lengthier written posts. While he adapted just fine with the current trend of more scrupulously curated feeds, he is wholeheartedly more keen on getting readers and followers to be invested in the stories he has to share. Piri is the type to care a great deal about getting the message out.
And as someone who suffered severe limitations on outside communication for so long and for so many times, Piri gravitated towards social media very easily and is unafraid of using it to stay in touch with loved ones, reach out to people, and keep updated on what goes on out.
Piri definitely has a TikTok, where he brings out his guitar and films himself making impromptu songs about practically anything. Sometimes he literally sings about how his day went and it's still so mundane but the tune's so catchy.
Does he have a finsta? Yes.
Does he have a Twitter account? Undoubtedly.
Does he have a Facebook account? Unfortunately.
Does he have a YouTube account? Absolutely.
The vlogs feature activities with a friend, the jowa, or the entire barkada. All of them are as equally casual and humorous as his Instagram feed. It’s akin to an internet variety show of all sorts of kabobohan and sabaw with none other than the SEAnigang. Haha did you SEA all those puns from me?
There are videos of the group hanging out at wherever, be it public parks, theme parks, food parks, undisturbed beaches, or jam-packed discos.
There are videos of silly photoshoots, karaoke contests (where Piri always wins), cooking/baking contests, makeup sessions, and horror film viewings (where Indo always screams).
There are also videos of the gang playing together: outdoor childhood games, Q&A games, dare games, drinking games, board games, card games, Twister, maybe an attempt at a TTRPG session, and yes, multiplayer video games. (Tip: Piri will play video games. Only if you invite him, and it is recommended that you do not.)
While he most appreciates how communication with his dearest friends an ocean or two away has been made easier, faster, and cheaper, he is quick to ground himself back to reality. His so-called PR work is but an extension of the full picture that is the Philippines.
Nonetheless, every captured moment serves as a treasured reminder of what truly matters to him.
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ehcahache · 1 year
Hola soy yo, la anon que criticaba la ropa de la boda de Ana, de vuelta para criticar la de la boda de Blanca.
El maldito traje de nuevo, lo peor de todo es que al cabrón le queda bien, y eso que ahora los pantalones le van grandes.
El vestido de Ana feísimo. Lo siento, pero es un NO.
Opiniones encontradas con el de Blanca, necesito mejores fotos, pero creo que el de la boda de Ana fue más bonito.
Como no, la única persona que viste bien Reyes. Adoro a esa mujer.
Guillermo es mejor partido que Rodrigo, al menos no parece un señoro (aunque lo sea)
Las abuelitas haciendo fotos me representan!
Ay que alegría que vuelvas, necesitaba comentar con alguien lo que voy viendo de la boda😭
No he visto mucha foto de los invitados aún, he visto un par creo y bueno, comparado con febrero muchísimo mejor, pero tampoco era muy difícil superar ese esperpento que llevaban💀
Lo de Carlos yo creo que es algo que tiene que llevar el mismo traje para bodas de familias o algo porque si no, no lo entiendo, además que parece que le haya robado los pantalones a su padre o algo. Con el dinero que tiene y no ha podido llevárselo a alguien para que se lo arregle y no le quede tan mal.
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Te pongo las dos fotos estás que he visto del vestido de Blanca para que me compares con el de Ana. Personalmente, me gusta más el de Ana y eso que yo no era muy fan de ese vestido. Creo que la falda de Blanca está bien aunque un poco simple pero es que lo que es la parte de arriba es un No total para mí, parece más un top del Shein que otra cosa. Por atrás me gusta eso sí, no tan exagerado como el de Ana.
Por la poca investigación que he hecho de Guillermo, me parece una persona muchísimo mejor que no el otro. Si se mete en problemas o cualquier cosa es muchísimo más discreto.
El vestido de Reyes me parece una opción super acertada a mí también! De un color discreto, abierto en los brazos y parece de tela fina para el calor y aún así muy formal. No tengo una opinión muy formada de ella pero al menos o sabe vestirse o la saben vestir.
No sé si has visto a Ana cómo va, pero... En fin.
Solo voy a añadir que esas señoras voy a ser yo con mis amigas de aquí a 50 años AJAJAJAJAJ
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karaokulta · 5 days
🚀 ¿Listos para el despegue creativo del noreste de Inglaterra? 🎮 🌟 ¡Atención desarrolladores y creativos de la región de Northumberland, Newcastle y North Tyneside! Creative UK lanza el North East Shared Success Fund, y esto, amigos míos, promete ser un game-changer en el universo del desarrollo de videojuegos y negocios creativos. 🛠 El fundamento de todo gran juego es la habilidad para iterar, fallar rápido y mejorar, y ahora con este nuevo fondo: - Pequeñas y medianas empresas podrán aplicar para recibir hasta £25,000 para el desarrollo de sus proyectos. - ¡Yanquis cuentas! Devolverás la inversión sin intereses si tu proyecto es un hit o si tu caja registradora suena como campanas de boda. 🎩 Imaginen las posibilidades: - Un estudio indie naciendo en un garage en Newcastle, se transforma en el próximo creador de un título legendario. - ¡Impulso creativo! Los proyectos más innovadores que hoy están en papel, mañana podrían estar materializándose gracias a esta ayuda. 🔮 Mi pronóstico (con vista de águila 🦅): prepárense para una ola de innovación que sale directo de North East England. Estaría apostando mis fichas a que veremos sorpresas que dejem raquíticos a los likes en nuestras pantallas. 💬 ¿Opiniones, predicciones, curiosidades? La caja de comentarios está tan abierta como la oportunidad que brinda este fondo. ¡Etiqueta a tu compa gamer o ese creativo que buscaría nivelarse en grande! 🕹️💡 #InnovaciónCreativa #DesarrolloDeJuegos #NorthEastEngland #CreativeUK #FinanciamientoCreativo #SuccessFund #NegociosInnovadores #IndustriaCreativa #GameDev 👾 Por favor, ¡etiqueten a quien se le iluminen los ojos con esta noticia o quiera lanzarse en esta aventura!
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¿Quién anotó el triple de anoche en el partido de baloncesto?
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¿Quién anotó el triple de anoche en el partido de baloncesto?
Un jugador es una persona que participa en juegos, ya sea de manera casual o profesional. Los jugadores pueden disfrutar de una amplia variedad de juegos, como videojuegos, juegos de mesa, deportes o juegos de azar.
Los videojuegos son una forma popular de entretenimiento para muchos jugadores. Pueden jugar en consolas, computadoras o dispositivos móviles, y disfrutar de una amplia gama de géneros, como acción, aventura, deportes, estrategia y muchos más. Algunos jugadores se dedican incluso a competir en torneos profesionales, donde pueden ganar premios en efectivo y reconocimiento por sus habilidades.
Los juegos de mesa también son una opción popular entre los jugadores. Juegos como el ajedrez, los juegos de cartas y los juegos de rol ofrecen desafíos estratégicos y la oportunidad de socializar con amigos y familiares. Muchos jugadores disfrutan de la experiencia táctil y física de los juegos de mesa, que pueden ser una divertida forma de pasar el tiempo libre.
Además, los deportes son otra forma de juego que puede unir a jugadores de todo el mundo. Desde fútbol hasta baloncesto, tenis y golf, los deportes ofrecen emoción, competencia y la oportunidad de mantenerse activo y saludable. Los jugadores pueden unirse a equipos locales o simplemente disfrutar de jugar los fines de semana con amigos.
En resumen, ser un jugador es una forma de disfrutar, aprender y socializar a través de una amplia variedad de juegos y actividades. ¡Así que no dudes en unirte a la diversión y convertirte en un jugador tú también!
Un equipo es una herramienta vital en diversos ámbitos de la vida, ya sea en el trabajo, en el deporte o en otras actividades colaborativas. Se define como un grupo de personas que trabajan juntas para lograr un objetivo común. La importancia de formar parte de un equipo radica en la posibilidad de combinar diferentes habilidades y fortalezas individuales para alcanzar metas más grandes y complejas.
En el ámbito laboral, un equipo eficiente puede aumentar la productividad, mejorar la calidad del trabajo y fomentar un ambiente de trabajo positivo. Los miembros de un equipo deben colaborar, comunicarse de manera efectiva y respetar las opiniones y contribuciones de los demás. La diversidad de pensamiento y experiencia en un equipo puede ser una fuente de innovación y creatividad.
En el deporte, el trabajo en equipo es esencial para lograr el éxito. Los deportistas deben confiar en sus compañeros, apoyarse mutuamente y coordinar sus esfuerzos para alcanzar la victoria. La práctica en equipo ayuda a desarrollar habilidades de comunicación, liderazgo y trabajo bajo presión.
En resumen, formar parte de un equipo ofrece la oportunidad de crecer personal y profesionalmente, aprender de los demás, enfrentar desafíos de manera conjunta y celebrar los logros en compañía. Es fundamental valorar y cultivar las relaciones interpersonales, la empatía y la solidaridad para construir equipos sólidos y exitosos. La colaboración y el apoyo mutuo son pilares fundamentales en todo tipo de equipo, ya que juntos se puede llegar más lejos que en solitario.
Un partido es un evento social donde las personas se reúnen para celebrar, divertirse y compartir buenos momentos. Puede ser una reunión informal entre amigos en casa, una fiesta de cumpleaños, una boda o incluso una celebración más formal como un evento corporativo. Sea cual sea la ocasión, un partido es una oportunidad para disfrutar de la compañía de otros, compartir risas y crear recuerdos inolvidables.
Los partidos suelen ser organizados con un propósito específico, ya sea para celebrar un acontecimiento importante o simplemente para relajarse y desconectar de la rutina diaria. Existen diferentes tipos de fiestas, desde las más íntimas y familiares hasta las más extravagantes y concurridas. Algunas fiestas incluyen actividades programadas, música, comida y bebida, mientras que otras se centran en la conversación y la interacción entre los invitados.
Independientemente del tipo de partido, es importante planificar bien todos los detalles para garantizar el éxito del evento. Desde la elección del lugar y la decoración hasta la selección de la música y el menú, cada aspecto contribuye a crear la atmósfera adecuada y hacer que los invitados se sientan cómodos y bienvenidos.
En resumen, un partido es mucho más que una simple reunión social; es una oportunidad para celebrar la vida, disfrutar del presente y conectar con los demás. Ya sea una ocasión especial o simplemente un motivo para reunirse, un buen partido puede marcar la diferencia en la vida de las personas y dejar recuerdos imborrables en sus corazones. ¡Que empiece la fiesta!
El baloncesto es un deporte que se juega en todo el mundo y es especialmente popular en Estados Unidos y Europa. Es un deporte de equipo que pone a prueba la habilidad, la velocidad y la estrategia de los jugadores. El objetivo del juego es encestar la pelota en el aro del equipo contrario, evitando que el equipo rival haga lo mismo en tu aro.
El baloncesto se juega en una cancha rectangular con un aro en cada extremo. Cada equipo tiene cinco jugadores en la cancha y el equipo que anote más puntos al final del tiempo regulado gana el juego. Los jugadores pueden driblar la pelota, pasarla entre ellos y lanzarla al aro para intentar anotar.
Además de ser un deporte emocionante de ver y jugar, el baloncesto también promueve la camaradería, el trabajo en equipo y la disciplina entre los participantes. Los jugadores deben trabajar juntos para superar al equipo contrario y lograr la victoria.
El baloncesto ha producido algunos de los atletas más icónicos y talentosos del mundo, como Michael Jordan, LeBron James y Kobe Bryant. Estos jugadores han inspirado a millones de personas en todo el mundo a seguir sus pasos y a practicar este apasionante deporte.
En resumen, el baloncesto es mucho más que un deporte, es una forma de vida para muchos aficionados y jugadores que encuentran en la cancha una pasión y un escape de la rutina diaria.
El término "triple" se refiere a una variedad de contextos y significados en diferentes ámbitos. En el deporte, especialmente en el béisbol, un "triple" es un golpe en el que el bateador logra avanzar tres bases y llegar a la tercera base de forma seguida en una jugada. Este tipo de jugada es considerada emocionante y desafiante, ya que requiere una combinación de velocidad, precisión y técnica por parte del jugador.
En el mundo de la música, el término "triple" puede referirse a un tipo de compás o ritmo en el que se divide la música en tres tiempos o partes iguales. Este tipo de compás se puede encontrar en distintos géneros musicales, como el jazz, el blues o incluso la música clásica, y añade un ritmo dinámico y único a la composición.
Además, en el ámbito empresarial, el "triple bottom line" es un concepto que se refiere a la idea de que una empresa debe tener en cuenta no solo sus ganancias financieras, sino también su impacto social y ambiental. Esto implica que una empresa debe evaluar su desempeño no solo en términos de beneficios económicos, sino también en su contribución a la sociedad y al medio ambiente.
En resumen, el término "triple" puede tener diferentes significados dependiendo del contexto en el que se utilice, pero en general, connota algo que va más allá de lo ordinario y que involucra tres elementos o aspectos distintos.
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bitacoramostaza-ai4 · 5 months
Exploraciones: Lo que despierta un audio y una propuesta
En clase, el docente Pablo nos recordó uno de los propósitos que contempla el sílabo, la intervención social en el sentido de generar reflexiones y nos recomendó tomarlo en cuenta a la hora de elegir la temática con la que trabajaremos las propuestas grupales.
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Experimentaciones hacia la N1
Cerramos la clase con las experimentaciones, bajo la misma dinámica que tendrá la actividad evaluada y calificada N1B.
1° Nayely, propuso la canción "Ingá" y describió la escena de una persona joven que sale a buscar su identidad, situado en el aire libre, en la mañana y en la costa.
Lo que a mí me generó, dejándome guíar por la descripción del contexto que dió, fue una energía de aventura, despertar, valentía y atrevimiento/ valor. Sin embargo, siendo una pista de audio muy conocida, dio vibras e imágenes muy diversas entre los compañeros: como muchedumbre, familia, maternidad.
2° Claudia, propuso la canción "Flor de Retama" y describió la escena de un docente y varios estudiantes de colegio en una zona andina.
Esta es una canción que me sensibiliza mucho, porque es muy conocida y tiene una carga sociohistórica quizá demasiado potente. Intentando desligarme un poco de todo lo que ya sé y tengo preconcebido con esa canción, me generó imágenes de pobreza, injusticia, ternura y dolor, tristeza, desigualdad y una injusta cotidianeidad y rutina. Generó imágenes similares por la preconcepción colectiva que hay de esta canción, que además se asocia a las protestas y al terrorismo, cuando su origen está en la reforma educativa contra la gratuidad de la enseñanza de hace cerca de medio siglo.
3° Laura, propuso la canción "La contamanina" y describió la escena de una boda limeña, de la mañana del día de la boda que se realizaría por la tarde.
En general, se percibió con la pista el movimiento y ajetreo propio de los preparativos de la boda, aunque más que ver a la novia, vi la imagen de la madre de la novia, pues la voz de la pista musical me acercaba más a ello.
4° Damaris, propuso la una canción de marinera limeña "Morena, mándame y te serviré" y describió la escena de una pareja de ex novios que se encontraban en el centro de Lima.
Esto me causo sonrisa por la picardia de la música y por la imagen que me generó del hombre criollo, conchudo y fresco que pide perdón, que es infiel pero salamero. Hubo opiniones ligeramente diversas pero sí se acercaban mucho a lo que la compañera quiso generar.
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