#oops this was supposed to be 2 sentences long
doof-bleibt-doof · 8 days
dang dad sorry for being depressed and stressed and sleeping till 12 on the day i have nothing to do which is not affecting you at all ik youre just angry because my sister is over dont deny it i hate that child so much i could never love her or any child really i think they are sent by satan himself yes dad i really did say that no idc that youre not supposed to say something like that dad are you aware that i could've cleaned everything did my schoolwork eaten properly done the laundry hung it up and took it down and been so much happier in the week you left me alone oh no it was not just because i had to it but i liked doing it and it was nice for me because i could take control over my life and still had no problems whatsoever no dad i dont mind when you leave over the weekend please go yes im happy whenever you leave yes i know what youre "doing" for me yes i appreciate it no the fact that you pay for my clothes and food and heating and water and housing isn't reason enough to get angry with me about every single thing because you're getting paid money by the state to do that yes i know itd getting more every year but i dont fall for the trap of you should be grateful because this is the bare minimum i am also aware that if i would tell my mother(s) about how you act you would get verbally beaten up pretty fast and you might lose me because my mum wants full custody no she'll probably not get through with it no i dont wanna live with my mum the way shes living right now but what if shes going to buy a bigger flat where i have my own room what if i get appreciated there what if they treat me better than you i hope you are aware the only reason im here is because i want it i hope you know that i could be living with my mother all the time when i dont wanna see you i hope youre aware that she has just as much custody as you and yk what if she would actually move into a new flat with my own room i might unironically consider living there because right now i hate the loss of privacy and my stepdad but i might get used to him who knows oh and did you know they actually support my trans journey they actually research about it and dont deadname and misgender me as if nothing is wrong with it did you know that if my mum said yes i could legally change my name and gender and you know that there isnt much convincing to be done she is working together with a trans man she knows these people she actually cares not like you you sick bastard and i know my stepdad does too even tho he always drope weird jokes but yk i can live with that i can ignore it thats not a problem so what do you have to keep me here right now its the privacy my school and grandma but next year I'll go to a school in her city so if they gave me that room im gone, you hear that then im fucking gone i love my grandma but i can visit her thats fine its not like i have friends here in fact one of my closest friends lives in my mums city surprise surprise
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cheeeeseburger · 14 days
Dream girl Part 1
Part 2 Part 3
Sidney Crosby x Reader
A/N: This is so cheesy and if this happened in real life, i would run away lmao. But that's what fanfics are for, right? Anyway, English isn't my first language, apologies for the mistakes!
He wants you. He observes from afar, admiring your smooth curves, your pretty smile, the hint of cleavage shown by your short dress. Your dress is perfectly appropriate for an event such as this one, but to him, it’s obscene. He just wants to rip it off you. Watching you is better than porn.
Sidney wants you so bad that he isn’t even listening to his teammates trying to talk to him. He nods, not even registering the words. But then he sees him, and suddenly, he is very attentive.
The rookie walks up to you, and you greet him with a beautiful smile and a warm hug. Sidney’s heart skips a beat. His knuckles turn white, and he is fuming inside. You don’t know it yet, but you’re supposed to be his girl.
His his his
He watches as your boyfriend barely pays any attention to you, not even bothering to introduce you to his teammates. The stupid rookie doesn’t even grab your arm or your hand, doesn’t reach for any kind of contact between your bodies.
If you were his girl, he would have an arm snaked around you all night long and he would be so fucking proud to show you off. He would leave hickeys on your collarbones and smudge your lipstick with a kiss so everyone would know that you have a man.
The worst thing is, he had seen your boyfriend talking to a few girls after an away game. At the time, he had congratulated him on his catch, thinking he was single. Now Sidney just felt sick. He didn’t really like the rookie in the first place but now, he wanted to hire a hitman on him. Or even better, change career to become a hitman.
Soon, the rookie dared going closer to talk to him. Sidney barely even acknowledges him, instead insisting on getting to know his charming “sister”.
“Oh no, that’s not my sister. She’s actually my girlfriend.” Quickly corrected the young defensemen. Sidney already knew that, of course. “Really? I could have sworn you were single.” Sid’s words are sharp, and his teammate’s smile drops.
But you’re so sweet, and so naive, so you stay standing at your boyfriend’s side like a good girl. You should be his good girl.
He directs the conversation on you, not bothering to pretend to like the rookie. He learns many things about you. First of all, you’re so goddam young, you probably weren’t even in kindergarten when he got drafted. The math makes him feel old, but it also just adds to his desire.
Also, you’re so smart, and kind, and gentle and sweet. You’ve only spoken a few sentences, but he knows you’re his dream girl. No one will ever compare to you, and he hasn’t even tasted you. Yet.
He thinks you wouldn’t mind tasting him. He notices the flush creeping on your neck and cheeks every time he smiles at you. It makes him feel all giddy inside, live a lovesick teenage boy. He wants to give you a card that says: Be mine? Check yes or yes.
Sidney drags the conversation with the rookie for way longer, trying to keep you close to him. He talks more to you than him, and after awhile, your boyfriend slips away completely. Good. But Sid doesn’t miss the sad look in your eyes. The fact that your boyfriend doesn’t kiss the ground you walk on is mind-blowing to him. He wants to commission a thousand portraits of your face and carry your picture in his wallet.
The strap of your dress slips. Oops. Sidney puts it back in place. He wants to use his teeth, but since you’re in public, he only uses his fingers. That doesn’t prevent you from turning bright red. Cute. You can’t stop yourself from admiring his hand that leaves your shoulder. Sid wonders if you want him to use it as a necklace for you. He certainly wants to.
“You know, I used to have a crush on you. I stole a hockey card of you from my brother and I kept it under my pillow” you confess sheepishly. You add: “I was eight!” after you see the look on his face.
“Used to? Come on gorgeous, you’re breaking my heart!” You flash him a smile that could melt the ice he skates on and yeah, his heart is definitely broken.
“Sorry. You were quickly replaced by Justin Bieber, another Canadian icon.” He throws his head back in laughter, and it’s quite a sight to see. You wish you had a remote to press replay again and again.
The conversation flows so easily that it makes your head spin. Or maybe it’s just that he smells so good, and you two are getting closer and closer. Sidney is now certain: you’re the woman he wants to spend the rest of his life with. He just needs to prove it to you.
You had completely forgotten about your boyfriend but to be fair, he had probably forgotten about you, too. Anyway, why would you need him when you’re head over heels for Sidney Crosby? You had lied to him: your crush didn’t stop at eight, it only faded when you turned 18. Right now, now a few years later, it was stronger than ever.
Sidney notices you’re wearing all gold jewelry. He wants to buy you a ring. He had never wanted to get married before, but now he wants to elope and also have the wedding of the century. He knows he is absolutely crazy, but that’s love for you, eh?
He thinks you’re into him, too. Your eyes can’t help but trail his large shoulders and his strong jaw. Your stare a second too long at his lips and he stutters. He doesn’t know how you’re able to hold such an intelligent conversation when you’re both in a silent contest of who can give the best bedroom eyes.
All is well until your boyfriend comes along to pick you up. So, he hadn’t forgotten about you after all. Sidney notices the sudden guilt in your eyes. Even though you had only talked, something definitely happened between you two. Your boyfriend must sense it, because for the first time tonight, he puts a possessive hand over your arm. The two hockey players are seemingly in a staring contest, until your boyfriend suddenly gives a very icy goodbye to his captain and drags you away.
Sidney watches you leave, and he feels a bitter wave of jealousy taking over him. He knows it’s wrong, but he’ll have to make you his.
When he sees you turning back to look at him, he knows he’s already halfway there. He's going to be your dream man.
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rustingcat · 5 months
tagged by @inkedroplets who tagged me in a few things now, and I forgot to answer some of them. Shame on me, but thanks for the tag, darling:)
1. What sort of content do you create, and what is the thing you’ve made that you’re most proud of?
I started with art, then began writing, then started animating, and recently uploaded a fanvid 😅
I'm proud of them all because they are all part of the progress 😌
2. What fandom(s) do you create for?
Supergirl. I'm counting my Sadie/Saskia vid as supercorp.
3. What is your current favourite ship (or brotp if you prefer), and how controversial is it?
Supercorp. And apparently a lot of people don't like them because they hated supergirl? (At least according to tumblr tags in polls. But those people also accuse them of being too straight...)
4. For your answer to question 3, are they canon?
They are in my heart. Also, I feel that their last conversation was as close to canon as they could get.
5. What was your first fandom, and how old were you?
I was deep into Harry Potter for a long while in my life. That's what got me into fanfiction and tumblr. I still have a sweet spot for what it represented to me in my childhood and the stuff I took away from it despite the actions of some extreme lady.
6. What is your most unhinged fandom creation to date?
My Twilight Au fic 🤣
Was written as a parody, but somehow ended up being way too wholesome.
The power of pasta is my one crack fic, so there's also that.
7. Do you remember what started you off creating fandom content, and if so, what was it?
I was an avid consumer for years, but it was all thanks to the Supergirl fandom that I dared to try and create something. I was in the process of coming out and accepting myself for who I am, which, despite being in a very open and accepting environment and family, was really hard on me. Both the show, and especially the fandom, were what helped me not only to come out but also to see it in a positive light. It made me understand the meaning of pride, and I am forever grateful for that. That's why I decided to dedicate my time to creating stuff myself as thanks to this amazing community and to do my best to keep it active.♥️
8. Do you let people you know in real life see your fandom creations?
Some, yes. I have a few friends who know I write, but had not read any of my stuff. I have a few I share my art with, though.
9. How do you feel about fanworks of fanworks? Has anyone ever made something based on a thing you made?
Someone wrote a fic based on my art a while ago, and I'm still excited about it!
10. What feeling do you most often try to evoke with your creations?
Depends on the content. Each piece has its own purpose. I try to aim for fluff, but I've been told I accidentally write a lot of angst... oops?
11. Has someone ever paid your work a compliment (in any form) that has stuck with you, and what was it?
I'm always excited when fandom friends tell me they like my stuff. Or just anyone in general. It just warms my heart.
12. What’s your favourite thing someone else has made that you’ve seen in the last 24 hours (and link it if you can find it again!)
Have you read the most recent space log update? It's pretty cool...
13. Give a small sneak preview of something you’re working on right now (eg a couple of sentences of fic from a WIP, a gif set theme, a small piece of a larger picture, whatever you feel happy to share)
"Alex, you're saying that as if we're not literally standing at the entrance of a school for fairies." Kara said as she rested her hand on the handle of her large blue suitcase.
"Fair point."
"It is ridiculous, isn't it? Like, fairy collage, it just sounds so…"
"Bizarre?" Alex raised an eyebrow as a small chuckle escaped her lips.
Kara sheepishly nodded.
"Well, yes. Very. But that's our lives now, I suppose," Alex shrugged and shoved her hands in her jeans's pockets.
"You mean my life. You're going to badass school for ass kicking," Kara teased her sister.
Because apparently I'm not done making AUs based on questionable IPs.
And a bit of my card game AU:
Lena was the one to drag Andea to sneak out of school for a change. Only unlike her best friend, Lena didn't drag her out to a party or to drink alcohol, but instead to the local game shop where she could learn more about that mysterious game. Andrea wasn't as excited as her, but reluctantly agreed (if only to get out of trigonometry class). Fight for Justice, while being a bit too cheesy, Lena couldn't deny the strange allure of the name. She was fascinated to learn the different ways the game could change from moment to moment, the various objectives one can approach to win the game, and she couldn't help but absolutely adore the art on each and every card.
14. Have you ever seen/read anything made by the person who tagged you? If so, what was it and what was your favourite thing about it? (pick a favourite if there are several)
Rich girl with issues is a masterpiece, and you should all go read it!
15. Do you leave comments on fandom works, and if so how would you describe your comment style?
I try to always comment, and especially on stuff I like. I don't think I have a specific style tho😅
16. How many works in progress do you currently have? Will you finish them all?
I have about 12 that I actively started, but more that are in the concept phase. Ideally, I'll finish them all eventually.
17. what’s the longest it’s ever taken you to finish a fandom project?
It's been almost 2 years since I started The Art Of The Game. I'm close to the end, but it's been a while...
18. Describe the thing you made most recently in a way that is technically true, but also completely misleading. Link the thing if it’s published!
The hottest new trailer for the film we all have been waiting for;)
19. Do you ever engage with fanworks for a fandom you’re not in? Which one(s) and how did you get into it?
I feel like a foreigner when I see stuff from other fandoms, and I usually don't know enough about it to interact with it.
20. Recommend a fan work from your fandom to your followers
@awaitingrain has some really amazing artwork with adorable chibi designs! I'd recommend checking out her stuff!
Suggested tag list, but there are no rules here, follow your heart.
@eqt-95 @fazedlight @autisticlenaluthor @snowydragonscave @missluthorwillseeyounow @luthordamnvers have fun;)
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wildemaven · 2 years
Farmers Market: Saturday Afternoon with Javier
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Pairing: Javier Peña x Reader
Words: 585
Warnings: Mentions of food and allusions to death; if I missed something please let me know
A/N: This isn’t beta’s, so all mistakes are my own- oops! I wrote this yesterday and then spent all night debating on whether I should even post it… It was suppose to be just a simple little thing, a few sentences and then it wasn’t. I tend to second guess myself so I’m just going to throw it up and let it be.
Masterlist / Saturdays with Javier Masterlist / Part 2
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Javier seeks your hand as the crowd closes in. Pulling you close— the thought of losing sight of you is far too devastating. He tucks you underneath his arm— safe and secure.
His life before you was sorrow and misery..
Feeling of contentment has now settles in his bones. You bring a sense of calm he never knew before.
The warm Texas sun, a beacon of light— he’s home.
The steady strum of a guitar plays a melody he recognizes. It’s the first song you both danced to the night you met in that dimly lit dive bar on the outskirts of Laredo. The mellow chords eliciting a unusual reaction. His chest completely overwhelmed with this unexplained feeling.
The song seems to have the same effect on you, stopping you abruptly in your tracks. Your attention drawn to the band as they continue to play through the chorus.
He thinks you might want to dance like you did that night as you pull him towards you, but instead you look at him. Your face beaming with a sincere sentiment. A smile letting him know you too remember.
He’s never been one for public affection, but you seem to bring out things he’d hidden away for so long. The kiss is tender but packed with intensity and devotion. You convey the feeling right back to him with the way pull him in even closer— he’s safe.
This is the 10th Saturday spent ambling through this Farmers Market with you by his side. It’s the first routine he’d committed to since leaving Colombia.
He traded in his gun and chasing sicarios through alleyways for produced filled canvas totes and over indulging in street tacos from your favorite food truck.
He admires your instant connections with each vendor, they all know you by name now— a local celebrity in your own right.
The afternoon slowly fading into the early evening. The sky painted in hues of pinks and oranges. Your purchases for the day stowed safely over Javier’s shoulder, his free hand resting on your lower back as he maneuvers you both back towards his pickup. Fellow patrons making the same trek to waiting cars are the background noise to you feeding Javier flakey bites of a buttery croissant and sips of his watered down iced coffee— a far cry from the echos of screams and gunfire.
And like the previous 10 Saturday’s before, you spend the drive nestled in close to him, making sure he knows just how appreciative you are that he carves out time to devote to you. A lingering kiss to your temple is his response to convey how indebted he is to you. Unlike the previous 10 Saturday’s before, the overwhelming feeling that’s been burrowing in his chest all day finally makes its presence known— Love.
Looking back he knows he fell for you early on, but was hesitant to acknowledge it directly. Letting his past repeatedly dictate his worthiness. He now realizes his turning point was meeting you in that bar. Everyday since, you’d unknowingly showed him just how deserving he was of your love.
I love you dances off the tip of his tongue with such ease. And you reciprocate it back immediately, zero hesitation. The heaviness of the words now float freely throughout the cab of his truck.
It’s in this moment he knows he’d go through all the hardships and heartaches a million times over if it meant every Saturday for the rest of time was spent with you.
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blairsanne · 1 year
Boonies - 3- Locals
For the @deanobingo 2023 event!
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Prompts: Will Johnson - "Oops" Wanted - Will Johnson x female Reader 3985 words
Summary: Will accompanies you to the market and gets a taste of the locals. He opts out of another invite, but when you come home drunk he's left with more questions once again.
CW: Alcohol use, drunken behaviour, mention of pain, mention of prior injuries, mention of scars, mention of antibiotics and Tylenol, mention of desired sexual activities, discussion of unwanted sexual attention (not noncon/SA), suggestive physical contact and kissing (T rated, dubcon).
Prev parts: 1, 2
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Will woke in the blue hour light of pre-sunrise, the smell of freshly baked bread the first thing he registered. The market, right.
He remembered your comment about having an early morning and rubbed at his eyes, wondering how long you’d been up.
Stretching as he got out of the bed, he winced when his body reminded him of the leg injury he was supposed to be babying.
He wondered what the market setup would entail. Probably nothing too strenuous.
The idea of sitting behind your table doing nothing already made him feel stir-crazy, but he had decided the night before that he wanted to go with you, if only to get off your property and clear his head a bit. He still wasn’t sure if what he’d seen was real, or if he was hallucinating problems now in addition to thinking of them constantly.
He cleaned up in the ensuite and got dressed, then wandered toward the kitchen in hopes of scoring a breakfast that tasted as good as the house currently smelled.
“What’s cookin’, good lookin’?” Will teased, though the groggy rasp of his voice turned what he’d meant as a playful greeting into a tired one.
You wrapped a cooled loaf of bread in cling film, smiling as you looked over your shoulder. “Nothing at the moment. You hungry?”
Will grunted, walking over to lean against the counter near where you were standing. Various baked goods had been packaged up for sale. “I don’t want to put you out. Seems you’ve been busy.”
“Yeah, I was.” You smiled, satisfied with your own efforts.
“Oh, here-” You moved to pull a plate closer, revealing three cinnamon rolls. “I had one earlier, but these are for you. You don’t have to eat them right aw-”
Will took one off the plate before you could finish your sentence, brows raised and scruffy cheeks dimpled by his grin as he started ripping it apart. “Chur.”
“Well, hold on, there’s frosting, too.” You stepped away to grab a bowl from the fridge that you placed on the counter for him. “I wasn’t sure if you liked yours heated up, or what…” 
You watched as Will slathered a thick layer of frosting on his roll before continuing to pick it apart with his thick fingers. It wasn’t a refined way of eating by any means, but the rapturous look on his face forced you to forgive him any lack of manners.
Will thought to himself that he might get fat staying here, but he didn’t care if it meant eating like this.
The sun finally rose above the horizon, bathing the kitchen in a golden glow as it shone low through the windows. Will looked up to see you looking outside in the direction he’d seen the figure the night before and swallowed.
“Do you get many trespassers?” “What?” “Well, you’re-” He gestured. “Out in the wops, don’t have the best fences. Get many people on your land?”
You let out a laugh. “No, you’re the first squatter in my coop so far.”
“No theft, or- anything like that?”
“Nope.” You flashed him an easy grin. “Safe as houses. So relax.”
Will’s brow furrowed, keeping eye contact.
“I know you checked the locks last night. But I promise, nobody’s out here but us and the hens.”
He hesitated, still unsure. If he told you he thought he’d seen someone, that would either scare you or make you think he was crazy.
He forced a false laugh into his voice, turning his attention back to his food. “Right.”
You watched him for a moment, wondering what had happened to make him so vigilant.
Possibly related to those scars…
You pictured his naked torso, the image of him ripping out your fence the day earlier still fresh in your mind. He was fit and strong despite his injury. You had no doubt he’d be capable of defending himself against most people. Then again, something had clearly torn through him in the past.
Must have been something bad.
Will leaned back in the folding camping chair you’d offered him, enjoying the fresh morning air as people milled about in the paved area being used for the farmer’s market. He was subtly watching the crowd, knowing rationally that nothing was likely to happen, and trying to appear relaxed.
It hadn’t taken long for you to set up your table, batting away Will’s attempts to help. You had done this the same way every Saturday for months now, and you had a system. You had even packed you both coffees in travel mugs to keep you warm.
You looked over to him, thinking he looked every bit like the rugged outdoorsman he was. You could see him sitting exactly like that, relaxed beside a campfire somewhere. As you looked over his strong frame, you wondered if the chair would support both of you if you decided to sit on his lap. 
I bet he gets really worked up after a hunt; all that testosterone…
You forced yourself to look away, scanning the booths and noting all the familiar faces as you pushed the idea from your mind. Your life was here, in the boonies. His was in Dunedin.
Will sipped at his coffee, thinking idly that he looked forward to eating another cinnamon roll later.
You turned to him again, dropping your voice so nobody would hear.
“Thanks for coming, eh? It can get a bit boring sitting alone.” “Nah, no worries.” “Oh, but- feel free to look around, too.”
Will hummed, not really interested in the wares and trying to ignore the pain in his leg. He had taken the antibiotics, but no Tylenol that morning, and he was starting to regret it. Without work to distract him he was over-aware of the swelling and thrumming of his skin. Maybe I overdid it yesterday.
Not that he’d ever admit it. He’d just be sure to take something when you got back.
Soon you were trading greetings with customers, selling them roughly the same things they bought every week, or at times trading wares with another vendor who you had arrangements with. Will kept quiet, but offered polite smiles to anyone who looked his way.
Eventually Pete walked over, his large frame making his presence somewhat overbearing.
“Mornin’ love.”  “Morning.”
He gave a nod to Will. “You keeping off that leg?”
Will gestured at it from his seat. “More or less.”
Pete’s gaze turned to you. “And all’s well?”
You smiled. “Mmhmm.”
Pete narrowed his eyes at Will. “And you’re not giving her any trouble?”
“Pete-” Will raised his hands defensively. “It’s like staying at a bloody hotel. I told her not to fuss, but-”
“It’s no trouble,” you argued, slight irritation in your voice. “Just chill.”
Will snickered, shrugging at Pete as though to say ‘my hands are tied’.
Pete hummed, thinking the two of you were getting chummy, but saw to his business with you rather than pressing the issue.
“Busy day.” He tucked the loaf of bread he’d bought into a tote bag and scratched at his cheek. “Mac wants me to shave before the dance. Speaking of- Pick you up at the usual time tonight?”
“Tonight? I thought it wasn’t til the fifteenth?” “Today is the fifteenth, love.”
You checked your phone to see the date displayed above the time. “So it is.” You tucked some hair behind your ear, feeling embarrassed. “Where’s the month gone?”
“Well, I suppose when you have company, it can be a bit distracting,” he teased, raising a brow at Will to make it clear what he was implying he thought was going on between you. “See you both tonight.” He gave a pointed look to Will, then walked off before you could say anything to confirm or deny his implication.
You turned to Will and smiled. “You should come with me. It’s always a hoot.”
He grinned at your phrasing. A hoot.
“Once a month, everyone dresses up nice and we have a big dinner and dance.”
Will sucked in a breath, pretending to be disappointed. “Aw, and here I didn’t pack my suit.”
You laughed. “You don’t have to dress formally. We just do it for fun. You look great just as you are.”
Will chewed his lower lip, tearing his eyes away from you to try to think rationally. He had an uneasy feeling he couldn’t shake, and he wasn’t sure if it was from the odd encounter the night before, or the idea of being in an unknown place full of strangers. He knew he’d spend the evening eyeing exits and sizing up every person who came within a hundred feet of him.
“Still, I think I’ll give it a miss, if it’s all the same.” “Of course. Sorry! I’m not trying to pressure you or anything, I just-”
He shook his head at your apology. “All good. Not my scene, that’s all.” He patted his knee. “And I reckon I should rest this so I can get out of your hair.”
You pursed your lips. “Fair enough.”
You couldn’t deny being disappointed, but he was dealing with enough without being forced into awkward social situations on top of having to stay with you when he clearly hadn’t wanted to.
“You gonna dance with Pete?” Will asked teasingly.
You laughed. “Not likely. I think his husband will eat up most of his dance card.”
Will raised his brow but nodded. That explains who ‘Mac’ is.
“Kia ora, beautiful.”
You both turned to face the man who had walked up to interrupt you.
Will first took note of the out of place attire. While most people were milling about in casual clothing, the tall, spindly man standing at your table was in an expensive looking suit. It was perfectly tailored, and, paired with the flashy watch and sunnies he was just removing, he looked like someone you’d find in Auckland, not the wop-wops.
“Mornin’, Dan,” you greeted him casually, though your voice didn’t hold nearly the level of interest that you’d been greeted with.
Will glanced your way and took note of the placid smile on your face, a stark contrast to the way Dan seemed to be undressing you with his eyes.
“Always good to see you.” Dan turned his attention to Will, tilting his head. “Though I don’t believe we’ve met.” He put out his hand. “Dan Coates.”
Will sat up straighter to shake his hand. “Will Johnson.”
“You new to town, Will?”
“Ah- no.” Will gestured dismissively. “Just visiting.”
Dan glanced between the both of you. “Oh! Family?”
“No. Will’s a chicken coop enthusiast,” you answered lightly. Will laughed while Dan tilted his head to figure out what that could possibly mean.
“I’m imposing on her hospitality,” Will corrected.
“Not even! I’m very happy to provide three square meals in exchange for free labour.”
Will narrowed his eyes at you playfully. “Maybe you’re taking advantage of me, then.”
When you snorted, Dan shifted and cleared his throat. “It’s not often you have visitors,” Dan remarked.
You shrugged, uninterested in elaborating.
“I hope you’re still coming tonight?” “Yeah, I’ll be there.” “And Will?”
Will met his gaze. “Think I’ll give it a miss. Don’t want to impose.”
“That’s a shame,” Dan lied, relief washing over his features. He gestured to your stock. “I’ll get a dozen eggs?”
You replied with the price, and made no particular fanfare as you accepted it and said a quick thanks.
“See you tonight.” Dan winked, then walked off, head held high.
Will waited until Dan was out of earshot to lean over. “That jafa seems to like you.”
You furrowed your brow in confusion as you tucked the money in your cash box. “What’s a jafa?”
Will laughed under his breath. “Uh- nevermind. It’s not a nice thing to say.”
You raised your brows and turned to him again. “Dan Coates is a pillar of the community,” you began, in a mock-chastising tone. “And I’m told - repeatedly - that he is sorely lacking in a wife.”
“Must be ‘cause he blends right in.”
You covered your mouth to try to silence your laugh, and Will found himself smiling as he took note of the way your eyes wrinkled at the effort.
“You’re terrible,” you whispered, pulling yourself together as another customer made their way closer to your table.
Will smiled to himself as you seemed to light up for this new person, and he thought idly that Dan must have been dense to think you were interested in him given how your demeanor had changed so drastically when he’d shown up. 
He looked out into the crowd and spotted him chatting up an older woman who was practically fawning. The man seemed to have everyone else eating out of the palm of his hands, so maybe it just didn’t occur to him that you’d be any different.
When you were alone at the table again, Will drummed his fingers against its edge. “Why don’t you fancy Mr. Coates, then?” he asked quietly.
“What?” You’d already forgotten about him, and was surprised by Will bringing him up.
“If he’s such a fine, upstanding man?”
You rolled your eyes. “He is, you know? He’s very good to everyone. I don’t dislike him, exactly. He’s just not my type, that’s all.”
“Oh, you have a type.”
“Well- No, that’s not- I just…” You winced, shoulders raising in discomfort. “I dunno, he doesn’t do it for me.”
“And what does?”
The air was thick between you as you met each other’s gazes. 
Oh, you know… Piercing blue eyes and golden curls and thick muscles… The kind of man who can rip out fence posts while recovering from a leg injury and still feel restless. Someone who would rather hunt to provide than pick out luxury sunglasses to wear to the farmer’s market…
Will’s eyes darted down to your lips and back, and you licked them unconsciously. He tilted his head the other way, but just as he parted his lips to say something, another customer appeared at the table.
“Kia ora!”
“Oh- g’morning.” You shifted in your seat and forced a smile that slowly became genuine as you chatted up the woman who was picking out baked goods.
Will leaned back in his chair and sipped his coffee, reminding himself that it was probably better he drop that particular line of thinking.
Late that afternoon, you stepped into the living room after having gotten ready for the evening.
Will stilled at the sight of you, momentarily rethinking declining your invitation. You looked almost like a different person, your hair perfectly styled, sporting smokey eye makeup and false lashes, and looking completely out of his league in the backless dress you were wearing.
“Pete and Mac are on their way to pick me up. Dinner’s in the fridge, and help yourself to whatever,” you greeted, worried he wouldn’t eat without your insistence.
He blinked as though coming out of a daze. “Uh- yeah, ta. Will do.”
You caught the way he was looking at you and chewed your lower lip. “Is it too much? Should I change?”
“No! No, you look skux.”
You scrunched your face in confusion. “Skux? Is that a good thing?”
He laughed under his breath, hanging his head and shutting his eyes momentarily before looking up through his long, pale lashes.
“Yeah. You look great.”
He shifted and licked his lips. “Pete’s a lucky man.”
You laughed. “I’ll be sure to tell him you said so.”
He chuckled but shook his head. “Oh, no, don’t.” 
He looked you over again and raised his brows. “I bet Dan Coates will be all over you,” he teased.
“Oh god.” You rolled your eyes and groaned. “Probably. What a drag.”
He snickered, secretly relieved that you thought so.
You pouted playfully. “You sure I can’t twist your arm into coming? You’d save me a lot of trouble.”
He contemplated it, but shook his head. “Nah. Not my scene.”
You sighed dramatically. “Well, alright then. It can’t be helped.”
You both perked up at the sound of a vehicle on the gravel road.
“That’ll be Pete. See you tonight!”
Will heard the crunch of a vehicle on the gravel road, but frowned when he realized it didn’t sound like the truck you’d left in.
He got out of bed still naked and walked to the window to peer through the sun-faded curtains.
A shiny red sedan pulled up the driveway out front, and he saw you get out the passenger side as Dan Coates opened the driver door.
He watched you gesture dismissively at Dan, looking grumpy and out of sorts as you made your way to the house. Dan simply stood watching, finally climbing back into his vehicle as Will heard you unlock the front door.
He let go of the curtain and returned to the bed, wondering if it would be odd of him to greet you. He sat in the dark, listening, but after several minutes, you still hadn’t made your way down the hall to your room.
He huffed. It wasn’t like he was going to be able to sleep now anyway, too many scenarios running through his mind.
He took a pair of grey joggers from his pack and pulled them on hastily before opening the bedroom door.
The kitchen light illuminated the end of the hallway, and he could hear you making some unfamiliar noise there. As he approached, he realized what it was.
He stepped into the room to see you leaning against the counter beside the sink, an open beer in one hand, and the other pressing at your face as you cried quietly.
“What’s wrong?”
You dropped your can in alarm, beer spilling over the tiled floor. “Jesus-”
Will moved to deal with the mess, righting the can and throwing the kitchen towel from your oven handle over the puddle.
He gazed up at you from his crouching position by your feet.
“Oops. Didn’t mean to frighten you.”
“No, I-”  You sniffled, wiping at your face. “I just forgot you were here. Sorry.”
How you could have possibly forgotten about the dreamboat houseguest for even a moment, you weren’t sure. And now he was wiping the floor clean for you in nothing but joggers, looking like he lived here. As if. That would be lovely, but you told yourself not to be deluded.
You moved away, pulling a clean towel out of a cupboard as he placed the sullied one - and your half-empty can - in the sink.
When you both were done, he stood before you, his impossibly blue eyes searching your now-reddened ones.
“What’s wrong?” he repeated. “Doesn’t matter.”
He shrugged, a smile playing on his lips, eyes soft with affection. “Tell me anyway.”
You sighed, hugging yourself as you looked away. “It’s just- There comes a time in the night where everyone just… pairs off. So I’m standing there, alone, watching all the old couples dancing…” You shut your eyes as you trailed off, wincing as you recalled how awkward you’d felt and what had happened next.
Will hummed. “And you with no date of your own.”
“That was part of it.” You shrugged, feeling stupid. You’d gotten wasted in an attempt to ease your discomfort, but it had just made you ornery.
Will stepped over to the boombox that sat on top of the sideboard buffet. He pressed play, unsure what to expect when the CD whirred to life inside.
You laughed when Michael Bublé’s version of ‘Put Your Head on My Shoulder’ started playing. “Oh god, Aunt Macy…”
But Will stepped over to you with his hands out to invite you to dance, his expectant expression telling you he was serious about the offer.
You took his hands and swallowed as he guided one to his shoulder so he could grip your waist on that side, your other hands held fast, palm-to-palm. You let him lead you in slow, careful steps on the uneven kitchen tiles.
“You’re a better dancer than I would have thought,” you murmured. Especially with a leg injury.
Will smiled sardonically. “Picked it up cuz chicks love to slow dance, and loads of guys won’t do it.”
You snickered, moving closer to hug him close like you did at school dances as a teen. Lost in the euphoria of pressing against his bare torso, you shut your eyes to stop the room from spinning.
You could feel his body radiating heat, warming your bare shoulders and arms as you tried to identify what he smelled like.
“It’s nice,” you murmured. You wanted to stay like this for a long time.
He swallowed, moving his hand up your back to hold you close. It happened to find the exposed skin, and he wondered suddenly if this was alright.
You were clearly drunk, and you barely knew each other. He thought again about how vulnerable you’d made yourself, letting a strange man into your home like this, knowing what other men might do in this situation; how they might hurt you. 
His hand twitched against your bare back and he pressed his chin to your shoulder, his beard tickling your skin.
You should know better, he thought. You should be more careful.
Of course, you weren’t at all concerned about him being a threat. You were completely comfortable in his hold, despite only knowing him a few days. Blissed out, your sour mood had completely dissolved thanks to his kind gesture. To you, Will was just further proof that the world could be good to you if you gave it a chance. 
You pulled back a bit, moving your head to try to meet his gaze. He mirrored your actions, tucking his lower lip under his teeth briefly as you searched his pale blues.
“You should have come,” you lamented. One of your hands moved up to cup his scruffy cheek. “I would have liked that much better.”
He frowned, still unclear what exactly had happened to upset you.
Then you tipped forward, catching him off-guard. He stilled as your lips met his, his eyes closing as he kissed back automatically before he could think straight. It was only when he identified the taste of alcohol in your kiss that he stopped.
Fuck, what am I doing?
He pulled away suddenly as the song ended and hit the stop button on the machine. He wiped his mouth with his hand as he took a deep breath, then turned to face you again.
“We should get you to bed,” he suggested.
You pointed at him, then stepped closer to boop his nose. “I will get myself to bed.”
Will nodded, tense with discomfort. That had more or less been what he meant, but he understood that you may have taken that as him trying it on. “Good.”
“Thank you for the dance.” “My pleasure.” “Good night Will Johnson.”
“Night,” he nodded. “Oh! Bring your water bottle.” “For bed?” “For the hangover you’re going to have tomorrow.”
You gestured dismissively.
Still, he pulled your bottle out of the fridge and pressed it into your hands before watching you stumble down the hallway.
Your nonchalance made him question what you’d been thinking when you’d kissed him. Were you too drunk to realize? Though he couldn’t deny he’d wanted to kiss you for days now. A conversation for tomorrow.
He shook his head, smiling to himself, but after a moment he leaned against the counter and sighed, looking up at the ceiling. 
His mind raced with impossible scenarios; Kel Morrison and his men surrounding the cottage, trying to get in. Trying to get him. Or you.
He winced at the pain in his leg - maybe dancing had been a bit ambitious when it had already been giving him grief - but knew he wouldn’t be able to sleep until he checked all the doors and windows again.
A/N: The WIP currently has 8 parts so we'll see how that goes (usually the stories grow as I write them... oops). Thank you so much for reading this if you did! ♥
Tags: @laurfilijames @i-did-not-mean-to @the-butterfly-blues @the-poldarkian @fortheloveofdurin @spngingerbread21 @ichoosechoasandbeingqueer @missihart23
As always, please let me know if you’d like to be added or removed from a taglist (for everything, for specific characters, etc.)
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allieebobo · 1 year
Allieeee I spent the whole day reading the update because I really wanted to savor it!!! Its so good!!!!
I think u nailed the rewrite because now the other side characters really shine and you can really get a good feel of the personalities!! I am loving addie the chaotic little gremlin <3
There are some character name placement mistakes here and there (I think I saw u put in Nat instead of Tobin during the scene at the net after the doubles match??? (Nat wrong universe, buddy!)). Also felix pronoun mistakes (my felix is in the womens team, but in some sentences was written with he/him instead). But, overall was great!!
Also, I LOVE THE SAM POV SCENE???? will you be adding more RO POVs???? Or even other character POVs??? OMG RAYYAN'S POV WOULD BE SO SPICY????
anyways, cant wait for part 2!!!!
Heya, thank you so much for this message, I'm so glad you enjoyed the update!!!
On Sam's POV scene—oops, my bad, I actually think you saw a very early/WIP version of the scene, it wasn't supposed to have leaked out just yet, but I've since cleaned it up and fleshed it out further, so it should be a much more satisfying experience now?
Anywhoo, I thought it worked well, narratively speaking, to have Sam POV scenes to set up a kind of "split screen development" situation where their lives are unfolding on separate ends of the country. Especially since Sam also has limited physical presence in many of the chapters. I'm considering POV-scenes for other characters as well, but Sam-POV scenes was something I wanted to explore first. Let me know what you guys think!
Other responses under the cut (it got long!) But thanks again for the message, sending you much love!
Yay, I'm glad you think the re-write helped, as I was editing, I knew how much time I was spending on back-end things that few people would notice, but I was sure it'd improve the experience overall, and it's good to have that validated!
I love Addie the chaotic gremlin too :D
On typing Nat instead of Tobin: oh no, I've fixed those, but I think writing two different IFs at the same time PLUS thinking about Wayhaven 3 today really messed my brain up xD
I think I've fixed the Felix pronouns, but let me know if I've missed any :)
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kay-elle-cee · 9 months
21, 23, and 24 for the writer asks!!!
Heya Jamie! Thank you for these!
21. Share your favorite piece of dialogue. Ah, this was so hard! I answered once here and luckily I had some back-up pieces, including this bit from i'll be fine, i'll be good chapter 5:
Sam takes her caginess as an invitation to whirl around and ask the newcomer point-blank: “What’s going on with this one and Potter?” Black is taken by surprise, his brows raising as he looks from Sam to Lily and back. “Hell if I know. Pretty sure they fucked on that counter, though.”
23. Share the final version of a sentence or paragraph you struggled with. What about it was challenging? Are you happy with how it turned out? This is hard for me to answer, because I don't really save a lot of my old drafts. I did find this post I made several months ago about ibfibg (no major spoilers). In that particular example, it's because I was writing out of order and had that scene written before I had most of the story up until then figured out. Lately, I've been writing really basic sentences as I'm writing, just trying to get events/dialogue out of my head and onto the page and then coming back around at a later time and finessing them into something less repetitive/more interesting and fleshed out. I feel like this helps me get in the flow of writing without getting hung up on the syntax. The majority of And The Roar Will Rise chapter 2 will look SO different from it's first draft because I wrote like 9k in one week and now really need to go back and make it pretty.
24. What's something that surprised you while you were working on a fic? Did it change the story? I think the biggest surprise to me was the fact that i'll be fine, i'll be good was supposed to be a long oneshot (like 10-20k) and ended up being a 60k, 6-chapter fic 😅. The overarching story stayed the same, I just got WAYYYYYY more detailed that I originally intended, OOPS.
Thank you for these head scratchers!
End-Of-Year Fic Writer Asks
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chthonicgodling · 8 months
For those qs: Hypnos 2, 14 and 18!
thanks!!! this got craaazy long cause of course it did so. bbbeeehind the cut I go-
[send me a question from here with an OC from here!]
2- Did you design them with any other characters/OCs from their universe in mind? 
the world Known Now as the Elysium’verse began with me messing around one million years ago specifically Maci, Seph, and Meli - then Fenixe and I met, Tory got involved, and SPIRAL. but Hypnos was actually floating around in that weird pre-Elysium era to then transition into a cameo character in the early days! (Actually Fenixe and I used to pass him back and forth before I retained custody fgkfkf). However… Hypnos was made AFTER Thanatos. oops! they were a set pair from the get-go but Hypnos came about cause like, well I couldn’t have one without the other—
so yes, his entiiiire design was born solely from selecting opposite details from his twin brother - the opposite color scheme, softe hair, angel wings. everything about Hypnos - tragically terribly - has revolved around thanatos forever….. even his character design rippp
14- If you had to narrow it down to 2 things that you MUST keep in mind while working with your OC, what would those things be?
I love this question bc as we know the Elysium’verse is RP based and so this is like my constant notes to self while cycling through characters esp when a pile of ALL MINE end up talking to each other. Hypnos, despite his important history with Maci, IS in canon mostly appearing still as side cameo character or often used for brief plot Purposes (can zap anyone to sleep)/ for comic relief (can barely get through a sentence without falling asleep). yet in the back of MY head his two defining core features anytime I’m writing him is:
number one! that Hypnos has spent more time than literally anyone else with Thanatos breathing down his neck. for thousands and thousands of years. since BIRTH. they’re TWINS. even after Than was “stopped” in the Maci Days - he just receded to Hypnos’s side like up until Thanatos was arrested WHEN NEO WAS BORN A MERE SEVENTEEN YEARS AGO, Thanatos was harassing Hypnos! Luckily for him, Hypnos is married to the goddess of anti-anxiety and like. has coped healthily with her help and guidance all things considered but it’s his defining trait for sure. Hypnos is skittish and meek and prone to cowering - this was the way to Survive his brother and because of this it’s his defining and core personality trait. (how is he more functional than Maci is literaly tho lmao)
number two, though- is that Hypnos is NICE. He’s very deliberately purposely nice, again because he grew up with Thanatos, usually literaly at his side while Thanatos bullied his way through the underworld for years and years. And there went Hypnos slinking behind him apologizing quietly and trying to pick up any pieces he could (while being too afraid to confront him - but if he could make up for Than’s intense cruelty and general… asshole personally by counteracting with niceness then!! maybe that helps!!) hypnos’s single act of wrath was secretly cursing Chal with eternal insomnia out of sheer desperation (thanatos kept hurting icy what was he supposed to do!!) and even before he knew Chal was able to be redeemed he felt guilty about it every day. But Hypnos is an opposite balance to Thanatos AND to Maci, his best friend! he’s a foil! HES A FOIL!! Calm and nice with the respective most explosive and the meanest gods spending the most time at his side dfkfkfkf
18- What is the most recent thing you’ve discovered about your OC? 
idk the last time Hypnos appeared or did anything in canon lol I think back when Chal got knocked up with N and was hysterical constantly Hypnos got called to put her to sleep a few times?? )you see this is his primary role lmao). BUUUT
Hypnos’ “newest” developments came during the dionysus adventures last year since deciding that Di was Pasi’s father meant, retroactively, that Hypnos and him surely had to have to interacted. WE ALLLL SAW THAT COMIC
So this led to the revelation that Hypnos is absolutely AND TO THIS DAY completely terrified of his father in law. Does Di realize this!! I think it’s actually infinitely funnier if he has no idea but realistically he probably knows - everyone SHOULD be afraid of him, of course, cheers ;) ok no but really Di reminds him of a more unhinged thanatos which. is. aahhhhh. AAAAAAHHHHH. AAAAAAAA—
the end sorry I wrote soo Much lmao!! if u made it t the end yayay ily
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nuttytani · 8 months
My manager is a total grandpa but he can kick some ass?
Fandom: Genshin Impact
Pairing: Tartaglia | Childe x Zhongli
Premise: Ajax is a popular idol named Tartaglia and is known to be a bratty prince and hard to work with, or so they say. His agency has hired him a new manager, since his previous one quit, yet again!
Fic can also be read here on my ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51099172/chapters/129105334
chapter 1 link
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Chapter 2
Ajax is still unsure how he exactly feels about his manager– since he still radiates that “I know it all” energy. Don’t get him wrong, though– there are no complaints when it comes to his manager’s work ethic. Zhongli completes his job meticulously. He is never late to work, picks and drops Ajax on time, and gets healthily balanced home-cooked meals for him (yes- his manager apparently wakes up at an ungodly hour to cook him nutritious food for the day because he cannot trust convenience store foods).
“Pray tell, why are you cooking me meals? When you can order something,” he says while looking up from his phone. 
Zhongli clears his throat and observes Ajax taking hold of the pair of chopsticks while opening up the lunchbox to reveal steaming rice. “As an idol, you are required to keep your body in peak condition, which means eating healthy and balanced meals.”
He fumbles with the utensils, trying to place his fingers correctly, but eventually gives up and holds it in a stabbing gesture. To which Zhongli widens his eyes.
“Now please– don’t–”
Mid-sentence and Ajax has already pierced through the fluffy bed of rice with his chopsticks and proceeded to spoon the grains out.
“–Stab your.... chopsticks into your rice…” Zhongli falters, frowning at the action.
“... Oops? Too late,” Ajax says while trying to take a bite of whatever he caught. 
With a heavy and exaggerated sigh, Zhongli grumbles, “Please refrain from doing that. It’s considered to be a rude and an insulting act in Liyuen culture.”
How was he supposed to know something like that? Ajax feels like scratching his head about why the brunet even brought him chopsticks instead of a pair of spoon and fork instead, which he asks for after apologising for his cultural faux pas. 
But gets immediately rejected. 
“One needs to fully appreciate Liyue’s food with appropriate utensils. Then and only will it taste flavourful,” says his manager, with a quirk of his brows, and observes Ajax, who makes a mess of his food. So he keeps suffering throughout the lunch, barely able to enjoy any spoon– err– bite– ahh he doesn’t know. He couldn’t enjoy his lunch. Case closed. Of course, his devilish Mr. Zhongli still didn’t get him a spoon and fork.
It had been a long day of work. Ajax feels incredibly tired, not to mention the unpleasantness of the wet clothes sticking to his skin since he is drenched from head to toe with water. 
He thanks one of the crew members who handed him a clean towel to dry himself. 
Today was another shooting of the romance drama that he had gotten a role in. The directors called it the “Scandalous and Explosive Triangle”. He’s not a fan. It sounds like some trashy clickbait type of drama with no actual plot. But he has no say in this, so he prays that one of the crew members is clear-headed enough to suggest a better name. 
The scene they were filming today was a confrontation between the two love interests of the female lead. The primary love interest, basically the main lead, would warn Ajax ( who is playing as the role of the second love interest) to stay away from the love of his life. Ajax’s job was to act like the crazy and obsessive freak who couldn’t get over the girl who showed him the bare minimum of kindness. While, his colleague was supposed to act possessive and protective over his girl. 
By the decision of the set director, this scene was being filmed at night, in a park. They also wanted to create a somewhat intense scene so the crew brought in rain towers. Which is why he is completely wet alongside the main lead.
However, the directors of the show felt like something was missing in the scene and they couldn’t pinpoint it. So they would have to redo the scene once more. Which was not that much of a big deal, but all the actors involved in the scene would have to dry themselves, wear new clothes, and redo their makeup and hair. Fix anything else that needs fixing. Thankfully, it was dinner break time, so everyone had a couple of hours to spare. 
As if on cue, Zhongli came running in with a couple of tote bags in his hands and took out a pair of comfortable sweatpants and a hoodie. He hands the pair of clothes to Ajax. 
Since it was dinner break and the crew would need to remake the set, he had enough time to eat food and relax for a while. 
He gives a quick smile at his manager. “Thanks, Mr. Zhongli. Here, let me grab those.” Ajax takes the bags into his arms, and the two chat while walking back to his trailer for the shoot. He glances at Zhongli and asks, “Have you had dinner yet?” 
“Not yet, I’m afraid,” Zhongli replies with a weary smile.
“Hey now, I know you’re a busy guy, and so am I, but you have to take care of yourself, Mr. Zhongli! Eat your meals on time. That’s the least you can do, yes or yes?” Ajax furrows his brows as he says to Zhongli, feeling guilty about his manager’s busy schedule. Fatui Entertainment jammed-pack his schedule, to make sure he doesn’t leave the spotlight. It has its pros and cons. Sure, his fans adore the fact that he’s active, but, he barely has time to wind down neither does his staff; including his manager who is the busiest out of them all. 
It seems Ajax said something right since Zhongli responded to his words with a warm chuckle. 
With a twinkle in his amber eyes, Zhongli counters, “Perhaps you should take your own advice, Ajax. Anyway, hand me those bags. I’ve made us both meals.” 
“Please tell me you’ve brought a spoon and fork this time.” He pouts, trying to look as pitiful as possible. 
“Worry not, they’re tortilla wraps. No cutlery needed.” 
Ajax dramatically sighs and makes a show of wiping his forehead. Not before handing those bags, though. He fishes for the keys from his damp jeans and opens the trailer door. 
“Let me take a quick shower and then we can both eat,” Ajax announced and made a beeline for the bathroom, while Zhongli placed the bags on the sofa and took out the packed bento boxes onto the nearby coffee table. 
Ajax comes back in a few minutes. His hair is still slightly damp but he doesn’t care, as he grabs for the wrap placed on the table and sits on the sofa next to Zhongli. The exhaustion from the entire day is now creeping up on him, after his shower. His body aches and his eyes burn, his body is practically screaming at him to sleep, but he can’t. Not yet at least.
“It’s good, thanks for the meal Mr. Zhongli,” he speaks after taking a bite from his wrap. His manager is a superb cook, no doubt about that. Hopefully, he doesn’t quit like all his other ex-managers. It hasn’t been that long now, only a month since Zhongli became his manager, and he hopes it continues that way. The man is competent in his work and seldom makes silly mistakes. 
“I’m glad, please have more. I’ve got extras packed and some snacks. Rest a bit after this, you’ve been busy since this morning, plus, your shooting will be about 12 hours long today– don’t worry, your schedule tomorrow is empty. Try to get some sleep during the break hours,” Zhongli says as he, too, takes a bite out of his tortilla wrap. 
It doesn’t take long for his break time to end. He is called by a fellow crew member; to change back into new clothes and get his makeup and hair done. 
“Alright! Just a minute!” Ajax pipes from where he sat and slowly rises. 
Back to work! He thinks. Ah, if only he could take a good smoke right now, it would have ended the dinner perfectly, but he can’t do that with his manager next to him. Ever since Zhongli confiscated all his cigarettes, Ajax has been having a hard time with his withdrawal symptoms. He needs to feel something in his mouth after a hard day of work, but his ruthless manager took all of them away. He doesn’t have a single one in his possession. Not even the cheap ones he had for emergency cases.  
They all got thrown into the trash. If the man even found Ajax sneakily purchasing a new pack and taking a quick smoke, he would grab the offending piece of cigarette and throw it away (not before stubbing it out, safety first). On days his manager felt a little sassy, he’d chop the cigarette with a pair of scissors instead of grabbing it, and into the trash, it went. 
“Mr. Zhongli… Why do you have scissors–”
“Oh, for no reason at all.” He smiles, a little too sweetly. 
“Doesn’t sound…. HEY NO, STOP!”
“Oops? Too late.” 
“Don’t oops me…That was completely intentional.”
He swore that Mr. Zhongli’s glasses did that evil anime glint thing, as he pushed it up his nose. 
The entire shooting day passed without a hitch, thankfully. None of the actors had to redo scenes, which was a blessing and the crew wrapped up around early morning the next day. Ajax was more than exhausted. He was wrecked and carnally needed the feeling of his soft bed and buttery sheets against his tired body. Barely, he could stand on his legs as he opened the door to his apartment. 
Ajax stumbled in like a drunkard. 
His shoes were haphazardly taken off at the entrance and he doesn’t even remember where he threw his clothes off. Mindlessly, he just grabbed the pair of pajamas that were on top of the pile in his closet and he put them on. 
He threw himself onto his sweet-sweet bed and let sleep take over him.
Or not. That was his work phone, and it’s probably important. With a groan, he slapped his hand over his bedside table and tried to grab his phone. It was currently 10 AM and only a few hours passed since his shoot. He checked his notification, and it was a message from Zhongli. Something something concert next week– ah yes, he has a solo concert in the coming week. He quickly replies with a thanks and goes back to sleep. Wishing that no one else tries to interrupt his beauty sleep. 
A few days later, he is called to Rosaline’s office yet again. Did Zhongli quit? Was he too much? In Ajax’s humble opinion, he wasn’t even mean to Zhongli, so he wonders what it might be about. He’d be super sad if his new manager quit though, he thought this one would last. 
His thoughts are interrupted, as Rosaline looks up from her phone and stops the tap-tappy noises she was making with her red manicured nails against the wooden desk. 
“You’re here, took you some time, huh? I was tired of waiting,” she makes a sound of disapproval and looks at him with a piercing gaze. 
“At least I’m here, and I’m only 2 minutes late. What do you want?” He rolls his eyes. 
“Now, now, don’t be so rude, my dear Childe,” Rosaline drawls and continues, “How’s it going with your new manager? This is just a check-up meeting, don’t worry your pretty little head over it.” 
“Not bad,” Ajax gives a curt reply. Check up? Hah. He’s never had checkups about what his other managers were like, so why now? If Rosaline is here to waste his time, then he won’t hesitate to walk out of the door. 
“Hmm, that means he’s pretty good, I assume. Well, I do have a good sense for competent people,” she praises herself and laughs, almost like a witch but he won’t tell her that. 
“Anyway, that’s good to hear. Keep that up, as I told you previously, don’t let this one run off. Otherwise, the paparazzi will be at your neck, and so will I. Zhongli is one of a kind, you do not know how many strings I had to pull to get him.” 
“Not many, don’t be such a sloppy liar, he already told me how he got the job.” Ajax tries to refrain himself from doing another eye-roll, instead, he rubs at his eyes. They’ve been burning for some time now, but he keeps chalking it up to being worked to the bones. 
“....Whatever.” Rosaline frowns at him but opens her mouth again as if remembering something, “Oh, don’t forget the concert this Friday. I’ve informed your manager to keep your schedule empty till Thursday so do what you will till then.” 
“Lady, that’s not even a full three days of vacation! And yeah, yeah… I know, Mr. Zhongli already reminded me last week.” 
“It’s paid vacation. And good. Get some rest. You look like death warmed over, and do something about those raccoon-like-eye bags!” 
“Fine. If that’s all then I’m going, see ya.” He waves at her and abruptly turns around– his vision suddenly blackens for a moment before returning to normal. 
Rosaline observes him carefully before calling out to him in concern, “Ajax, you alright? I keep telling you to take care of yourself..” 
“Just felt a bit dizzy, don’t worry!” He responds with a smile. Though Rosaline and him love to bicker like siblings, he knows she cares for him, just as he does. 
As if unsure of his answer, Rosaline furrows her brows. “You look a bit more flushed than usual.”
“Did a workout before coming here,” Ajax counters. 
“Oh, so that’s why you were late.” 
“Shush, it was only 2 minutes!” 
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You may have noticed, but I'm not well versed with idol activities, or well, how filming in general goes. I've tried to mix match how idols/drama actors and film actors work on shoots. So it's not exactly perfect. Let me know if there are any typos ^^;; kind of rushed this haha-
[1] Directors - generally guides and controls how the drama/film's visual or artistic aspects
[2] Working hours and break times - if you're shooting a scene, it can take up to 12 hours or more, although the directors try to wrap it up around 12 but it's hard. You get 3 huge breaks, for breakfast, lunch and dinner. They last for a couple of hours. You do get a 5 minute break during every 1 hour of filming though.
[3] Residence - when you're filming a drama or a film, actors need to have a temporary place to stay. They usually get a room to stay in a hotel or trailers, which are convenient. Ajax has a temporary trailer, because he just needed to for a day, so he'll be back in his apartment soon.
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hyuckatelier222 · 2 years
a thousand times over
genre: fluff? no warnings
author's note:
this is inspired by sge book 1! main character being agatha and donghyuck being tedros ofc. didn't write it in a y/n pov or format bc idk why but i get writer's block if i do it that way. and i apologise bc mc's name is not korean idk i think adrienne suits her more than any other name i could think of. and also ok if i'm being honest i started this while i was in a super fluffy mood and finished it the next day and surprise i wasn't exactly as invested as i was oops. but anyway i think it's about time i posted something so here.. (nobody talk to me about it by the way i can't reread this because i know i'll cringe)
Adrienne was afraid.
Afraid of what she’d do; what he’d do if she–
No. No, no, no, no. She couldn’t.
But her heart had long danced out of control, fluttering at anything that remotely whispered in his direction. Which was, in fact, almost everything. 
She didn’t want to admit that it had embraced truths her head couldn’t. Wouldn’t.
Since when did she care about boys? And why this one too, when he was so stupidly arrogant, unserious, attention-loving, shallow, vain, kind, actually thoughtful at ti–
She slammed her head into her desk. 
You just have to make it through class today. Just class, not him. There’s nothing he can do, really. Just keep your head straight and make it through class, Adrienne.
Fate had other plans, unfortunately. 
Thirty minutes later, when she was supposed to be engrossed in page 43 of A Journey Through Tales, like how she’d so sternly ordered herself to, she was instead staring at a certain chocolate-haired boy at the front of the class, his pen in his mouth, hair messily swept in a dozen directions, boba eyes mindlessly pacing a sentence on the page, but gosh was he gorgeous even so… 
He sat up suddenly, arms spreading in a lazy stretch, and somehow his eyes locked with hers. Grinning, he widened his eyes in mock concern, pointing at her book. Adrienne had already reverted to her signature expressionless stare, rolling her eyes and burying herself back into her textbook. 
But her heart fluttered just the way princesses’ did in fairytales.
“You surprised me today, you know?”
Adrienne stayed silent, eyes pinned forward while he traipsed next to her out the classroom.
“Hey! Ask me why you surprised me,” he whined, pouting.
Feigning annoyance, she complied, closing her eyes. “...Why did I surprise you.”
“Because Professor was so boring you resorted to staring at me. You! Not paying attention. I find that a pretty big feat to be proud of,” he finished self-assuredly, smiling to himself. "By the way, y'know, ball's in 2 da-"
Her eyes flew open. “W-who said I was staring?”
“Were so.”
“I was thinking!”
“About me?”
He crossed his arms triumphantly.
She swirled to him, praying the heat rising on her cheeks wouldn’t show. “Look, why don’t you just mind your own business. And anyway, you’re talking to me why?”
“Calm down,” he chuckled, stepping away with a cocky side-smile plastered across his face. “Anyway, to answer your question, princess–”
“I’m not–”
“Shhh, I’m not done speaking. To answer your question, I think I’m perfectly qualified to talk to you and to mind your business, since…” He held up a folded piece of paper in front of her. “This.”
“Look, I really don’t care about whatever you have to show me. Now, my room is literally behind you since you practically followed me up here, so thank you very much for being the gentlemanly prince you are, but please leave–”
The paper had writing on its underside, folded left over right and then bottom up. Somehow it seemed vaguely familiar, but Adrienne couldn’t place where she’d seen it exactly–
The way it was folded. The flowing handwriting. The cream-coloured paper.
Adrienne choked–
The week before, he'd nudged her and asked her to stop acting weirdly after he caught her staring at him (yes, it was a recurring incident). She’d coughed loudly and denied acting any sort of way, shoving him out of her mind.
But the truth was, she was acting weirdly. Reflecting something inside her. Something she’d vowed she never had, but oh was she so wrong. For that same day, she’d gone home, and, despite fierce chants from her past self, adamantly refusing to become “one of those stupid brainless princesses that gushed everything to everyone”, she wrote a letter, grabbing one of the obnoxious notepads the school planted in every Ever's room. 
A letter she'd left on her table, forgotten as she rushed to class the second she'd finished writing it. Unintended to reach its recipient's eyes.
A wicked wind whipped through her room, blowing it off the table and under her room door, precisely where a prince paced up and down, distressed over a ball in a week's time.
To Donghyuck.
What if I told you the truth?
What if I told you how I really feel?
What if I told you that I’ve been weak in the knees for weeks, every time you flash that stupid smile of yours?
What if I told you that my eyes have spilled enough tears to last me a lifetime, trying to get a life of my own, trying, trying, trying, until you popped up? Until you popped up and left the answer there, so brightly, so obviously– that this is MY fairytale, not Sophie's? 
What if I told you I race to do everything to stop my mind from spiralling into dangerous territory every time I think of you?
What if I told you that every time I close my eyes, I long to see my home, my mother, my cat, but instead I see the colour of love, of you, of your eyes, a thousand times over?
What if I told you the truth?
Her hand viciously swiped the air, desperately reaching for that piece of paper, because oh God, how had it got to him, but he was too quick for her, already holding it high out of reach. 
“Give it back, you pu–”
His voice was suddenly calm, his eyes melting straight into hers. She froze, lowering her hand, suppressing the little dance her heart was performing. 
The Ever corridor was as quiet as ever, warm yellow lighting engulfing the carpeted area and creeping across both their faces, almost infusing some sort of sweet tension into the air around them. Donghyuck suddenly glanced around shiftily, scratching the back of his neck, and, voice wavering like a little boy, mumbled indistinctly to the girl in front of him. 
“I don’t know why you put up so many walls around you, or how you suddenly me realise that you’re the most beautiful person I know, inside and out, but… “
He took her hand into his, slowly bending down on one knee.
“Adrienne of Woods Beyond… will you be my princess for the ball?”
She gasped, sparks flying between their fingers, looking down into boba eyes glistening with hope, glistening with love. For her. And in that moment, her heart knew the right answer, just like how it’d known for months. A beautifully kept secret, now blossoming, growing, bigger, bigger, out of control.
“...Lee Donghyuck.”
She almost chuckled at how his eyes glazed over with fear, bowing his head, as if prepared to accept the worst. Him, the most famed young prince in the world, rejecte–
"A thousand times over, yes, yes, yes.”
The corridor exploded with a chocolate-haired boy’s triumphant whoops, spinning his princess round and round, while she laughed and laughed, the both of them dizzy with love, the world a blur around them.
“But seriously, did you have to be so cheesy with the question?”
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jeongjaebae · 2 years
fic summary 2k22
ayeee so it's that time of year again!! i know i haven't posted much in 2022 (like... just a handful of fics oops) but i still hit a decent word count and made significant progress on long fic wips!
so yeahhh here's my 2022 fic summary which is... basically a chance to introduce my wips LOL
Total word count written: 89,033
Total word count published: 33,243
Fandoms written: tbz and svt
1. Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or what you predicted?
a bit less!! it's about half as much as i wrote last year (which was a whooping 150k word count LMAO), but this range is already more than the average for me in any given year so it's not too bad. in terms of what i POSTED though... i have no excuse for that 😅 most of my word count is from wips/ideas so i didn't have any finished content to post
2. What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January?
last january i definitely didn't know i would write for svt!! i kind of had a feeling that deobiblr was already dying at the time, and that's around when i started watching going seventeen to get into them... but yeah didn't know i'd slip so deep into the carat life (blaming you, kim mingyu 😒)
3. What’s your own favourite story of the year?
it's a time loop au wip that i've written about 19k so far!! where our mc is stuck in a loop trying to change their fate of unrequited love by meeting [boy group member] first before his current gf does. so mc tries to alter events and change the course of fate all while trying to figure out a way to leave the loop
4. Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them?
uhHHhhH the time loop au i suppose is a risk in itself... bc like... plotting it has been a complete pain when you're trying to consider multiple reruns of the same timeline. every detail has to be in the right place so that when the mc's actions change, we can directly see how that affects the events in the timeline
also writing domestic fluff like i did in best boy... can't say i enjoyed it but it was a good challenge!!
5. Do you have any fanfic goals for the new year?
post the damn hyunjae e2l already 💀 (takes one to know one)
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From my past year of writing, what was…
My best story of this year:
the time loop au ahahaha but if we're talking posted fic then the whole truth!! it has a bit of everything: decent flow and sentence structures, some important themes, tiny bit of humour, and gotta love f2l ju
My most popular story of this year:
the whole truth!! i reread this kind of recently and think it really is my best in terms of flow and sentence structure. also i really haven't posted anything else so.... yeah 😶
Most fun story to write:
hmm besides my two biggest wips i'd say it's this jogging au i wrote back in april!! where mc gets roped into a jogging date with [cute dating app boy] despite hating all kinds of exercise. it's definitely the typical jeongjaebae style of humour, secondhand embarrassment, and fluff. very fun to write and has me laughing every time i reread it LMAO
Story with the single sexiest moment:
probably the whole truth, the scene where they're making out in juyeon's room LMAO. srry i have no other contributions this year. BUT!!! my e2l wip has the full and extended scene from want so that's something to look forward to 👀
Most “holy crap, that’s wrong, even for you” story:
best boy. maybe it's not terrible but idk i haven't touched it since writing it bc i hate it 🤡 domestic fluff is... not my cup of tea. i suppose it was a good writing challenge tho. maaaaybe i'll write it one day but... needs a bit more practice
Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters:
hmm maybe 1 plus 1? writing it made me obsessed with the (og) guy in it and he shot way up my bias list. and like. i'm still in that phase rn LOL
Hardest story to write:
oh boy it's deffs the time loop au. still stuck on the plot tbh? there's just so much planning and then... the thought of it reaching 50k or something... makes me tired OTL. it's exciting to think about but at the same time, there are way too many details i still have to write. it's a bit of a struggle
Biggest surprise:
surprise surprise who knew i would be writing for svt?!? and the one piece of angst that i wrote: all that we are
Most unintentionally telling story:
let's go with the whole truth. i loved some of the concepts and moral lessons in there, like how we're not made to be someone else's object of desire. why should we exist to be beautiful to others? and the other part about how love is deeper than what an app can tell us.
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Favourite opening lines:
ehh nothing i particularly like but here we go
[better than the movies]
the most relatable sentence
If your life was a movie, at this moment, you’d be that introvert at a party.
[jogging date wip]
ahh.... relatable once again. the opening here sets the tone perfectly
"Yeah, of course. A jogging date sounds perfect." That was the moment you knew you fucked up.
Favourite closing lines:
nothing will beat this is how we fall but here are some that i like
[takes one to know one]
this actually isn't at the veryyy end of my wip rn but will probably change it and make it the actual ending later bc it's so fitting!! potential spoiler i guess but not really bc we all knew what was coming right?
When he pulls back and you see the fondness in his eyes, you realize that maybe the two of you aren't so different. He may have been an asshole, but you'd pretty much been one too. You were insanely competitive but only so that you could match up to his level. And even though it took a while for you to understand your feelings for him, now you know that he's felt the same way all along. Indeed, the two of you are more similar than you think. But then again, it takes one to know one.
[the whole truth]
they went through so much and this wrapped it up nicely. the silence especially is a powerful symbol here
When Juyeon takes the final step and crosses into your range this time, the silence is something you’ve never been happier to hear.
Favourite lines from anywhere:
[the whole truth]
important life lessons 101. if someone doesn't like you that's their problem not yours LOL. why should it be your job to be likeable?
"It’s not embarrassing to not be loved back. Painful, yes, but not something to be ashamed of. You weren’t put on this world just to become someone else’s object of desire, okay?"
[time loop au wip]
not quite closing lines but could kind of be similar to that
The two of you don't talk about, but it's all too evident anyway. It's evident when you lean into him as the night gets colder, head against the crook of his shoulder, and then in the way he shifts so that his lips meet yours. It's evident in the way he kisses you, with the sweetest of a first kiss, the bitterness of a last kiss, and the constancy of making the same choice in every loop, every timeline, every lifetime.
Scenes from anywhere you would have choose to have illustrated:
for the sake of referencing posted fics, i would say the ending of redo where they're on the bench under the mistletoe!
(in terms of wips: time loop au where y/n and [redacted] are watching fireworks from homecoming week!!)
New year’s resolutions:
finish and post that damn hyunjae e2l already OTL. and like... probably finish the time loop au if possible
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Word Count Totals
Total finished, posted fic: 33,243
Longest posted fic:  the whole truth ~14.2k
Longest wip: hyunjae e2l is sitting at 25k still... and time loop au at 19k... 🥲
Total number of words written: 89,033
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someonechaotic · 6 months
Even more chaos because my save just gets more abd more chaotic each passing day
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Okay, so last blog there may have been a little bit of chaos (A little is an understatement, it was a lot)
To sum this save up so far, I started with six sims, Dumbass, Hot Werewolf Dilf (aka Zaidan), Hot Werewolf Dilf's son (Julien), Vito, Stupid-Ass Vampire Ron and Stupid fucking soellcaster Ezekiel.
Everything was normal (Highlighted word was)
Until, in no particular order...
Vito died from laughter, got revived by Julien (grimmy didn't want no taste of the military personal's fist), before proceeding to die from laughter again a couple of sim eons later.
Stupid-Ass vampire Ron, who drank from Dumbass. Became pissed, then became possessed because Dumbass's plasma is infected by The Mother Plant, who swiftly died a couple of days later after running around the sunny streets possessed.
Ezekiel, who just decided "Fuck this shit, I'm out" and proceeded to fly away from home on a broom and starve to death yeah I honestly don't fucking know either
Hot Werewolf Dilf got abducted by aliens and then impregnated with his second son, Lucas, who then proceeded to die to a fucking meteor a couple days after reaching teenagehood.
And I left you guys at the end of last blog that both Julien and Zaidan got abducted at the same time which I didn't even know could happen and then both came back pregnant...
So I panicked because I sure as fuck wasn't ready for 2 more children, and here we stand.
A seven sim household, which consisted of Lucas' ghost, Zaidan and his new daughter (Haylee), Julien and his new son (Jase), Dumbass and Vito's ghost
Of course if your interested in what the fucks going in in my sims save rn, read more, if not your free to go 🤧
I decided to raise both children, although Julien was just about as prepared as I was (not a lot), so Zaidan had to do most of the parenting of Jase (although I suck at raising more than one child at once, so he ended up being an unhappy infant(oops)) Meanwhile I had aged haylee up into a child because there's nothing worse than two infants/toddlers from personal experience (flashbacks to my generation challenge attempt)
During this time, I finally had leveled Zaidan up to Level 10 Gourmet Cooking, which means I was one step away from a plate of Ambrosia, an Angelfush. Now due to, well, Zaidan's lore... (don't ask these are characters I shoved in my sims game for fun listen don't judge (or do)) I got Dumbass, his Husband, to fish for him instead. Doesn't change a lot, but considering one of his old traits back in Sims 3 was Unlucky, perhaps he wasn't the greatest pick.
Then again, I suppose it depends on what's considered "Unlucky", this is the same guy who (in Sims 3) ended up with seven children strictly by alien pregnancy....
Nothing much happened for the days that I was catching Angelfish, just classic ol' Julien pissing on my living room carpet, breaking up fights between Lucas and Julien, making "why is the FUCKING TOILET BROKEN AGAIN" my most spoken sentence, "JULIEN STOP PISSING ON MY KITCHEN FLOOR" my second most spoken sentence, a lot of fixing the toilet, leaving, coming back to see it broken again, shit now dumbass is a werewolf and is running around the neighbourhood ferally, shit now dumbass is a werewolf and possessed and is standing in the middle of the park with a unsettling grin.
Suprisingly, it didn't take long for dumbass to catch an Angelfish (atleast as long as i had thought, i thought i'd be there for real life days) and in no time I finally had a plate of ambrosia. I chose to revive Lucas, because knowing Vito, he'd die from laughter again in a day.
Now I will say now, he's still alive, but definitely had some fucking close calls with death and this man, fucking hell…
After the whole Ambrosia thing (or during it I forgor) Dumbass got offered a job as an Astronaut, nothing new considering he's now a five star celebrity, but I figured why not, maybe the times will be better for him as an Astronaut than a E-Sport Gamer (spoiler alert, they are not)
(future me here, it was during it)
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but look at dumbass in his lil suit hes so
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Dumbass quickly climbed ranks, and soon I had an Intersteller Smuggler making fucking 7 thousand simoleons, now this is a fucking ton.
To put into perspective, the most money we was making was Zaidan with 3 thousand (Used to be 6 thousand daily though because of books) and his son making 1.5 thousand
It's still a fucking lot he's making though, and a fuck load more than what I was thinking he'd make from it.
Anyway, I've now aged Haylee up to a teenager, and yet to age Jase up into a child, because everything has been chaos from here on out.
We've had even more abductions, THANKFULLY none resulting in pregnancys yet. But in order it's been Zaidan, Zaidan, Julien, Zaidan again, Dumbass (Which I was suprised about because they usually never take dumbass in this game anymore), and then Zaidan again.
But we also (almost) had another death. Apparently meteors really dont like Zaidan's children, because for the second time, A meteor fucking obliterates fucking Haylee who for some reason was stood there, talking to Zaidan…
Thankfully, to save Zaidan from the trauma of accidently killing one of his children incidently, Dumbass still has 8 death flowers from when he was growing them, which saves the hassle of me having to buy a room i made for ambrosia fish for more angelfish and buy a potion of youth
Anyway, heres some images that didnt fit into this bazillion of paragraphs
lucas groovin ferally
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Dumbass and Zaidan being wholesome couple
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Will this fucking woman move out the way
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Is that father fucking christmas
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julien getting freaky with possessed dumbass that sounds more weird phrased that way
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no words
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creepy ass person in a gnome costume watching us from the back garden
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"yes i stole my dad's shirt, he wont notice" Lucas probably
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whenwolf sky so cute he just looks like a funny lil guy
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and heres some really fucking creepy images of dumbass being possessed (the possession still gives me the creeps sometimes)
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i just like how the person next to him looks like hes wearing normal glasses before turning his head to reveal cyclops sunglasses
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alpalblue · 1 year
Idiot Hours Part: IX
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As I melted into my bed the soft sensations of the fabric and soft semi-liquid gave me comfort gave the sense of relief I needed, that everything was going to be okay. That it was okay to just melt into this bed until the cerebral cortex part of my brain goes back to normal. It felt like I was melting like butter or a snowman in big bear on a nice day in April.
Home-free were the thoughts running through my mind until I see a bunch of texts on WhatsApp from my girlfriend. Now two bad things just happened without me realizing it at the time. 1. opening WhatsApp shows when you were last online, oops 2. I was supposed to call my girlfriend an hour ago before I got high because my girlfriend is very anti-drug. So now the calls for my girlfriend intensify, there's no way of ignoring her without getting dumped.
So I try my best to put up a sober front. Immediately when I answer all I hear is just incomprehensible words of "where the fuc-my parents-why are you ignOrInG MEE?!". *sigh I calmy try to respond, but apparently, I wasn't speaking English because the next thing I hear is "CALM ME BACK WHEN YOU CAN ACTUALLY FORM SENTENCES!" *boop.
The loud 2 beep sounds from my girlfriend hanging up made me want to take her advice and reflect, so I did. (This is the part when things get slightly serious). I reflected. I reflected on the relationship and what the old man on the train had to say about it. To be quite frank, the relationship was not all that it cracked up to be, there were a lot of toxic things that were being ignored. This included manipulation, isolation, and controlling tendencies. I guess I thought these were all traits that were actually signs of love from her, but when talking to the old man on the train he really took the rose-colored glasses off of me.
On the train when telling him about the relationship I just remember saying along the lines of this: "you know for such as progressive/tolerant generation your girlfriend doesn't seem it. Hell, think about Jesus and how tolerant he was. He hung out with prostitutes, thieves, and beggars and loved even though they were strangers all while your girlfriend... umm".
After that long reflection... of 10 minutes I call back Sabrina all fired up. I tell her that despite loving her unconditionally, her intolerance to my honest mistakes and process of growing as a person is something I can't deal with; that the relationship was over. Then I hung up, grabbed a bowl of coco puffs like a champ, and went to bed peacefully.
All of this is true btw, I shit you not... but what I said above about how I dumped my girlfriend? The next morning I get a text telling me what I actually said on the phone which was along the lines of "you don't love me like Jesus loves me, and I love you how Jesus loves me (I'm literally an atheist) so it's over!" then she proceeded to write some other not so nice words for me. You know what though, I don't regret dumping my girlfriend like that due to all the underlining problems that were ignored before and my friends even telling me that it was an unhealthy relationship. So... I guess the moral of the story here is that sometimes taking drugs from an old stranger on a train either helps your shitty relationship problems or ends them. The end.
PS: I do not condone taking drugs from strangers especially if you're a minor. DON'T DO that. Okay for real the end.
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backslashdelta · 4 years
Someone please give me the motivation to write I have a fic to finish but no motivation to finish it
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wxshing-aep · 3 years
The Late Late Show (pt 5)
Andrew Garfield x famous! reader
One Rule Series
In which y/n and andrew are in fact not dating but no one is buying it and andrew may not be the only one with heart eyes for y/n
warnings: tiny bit smutty (mentions of sex), some handsy stuff, oral but barely, mentions of underage drinking, swearing, dumbasses in love, hot british men
all characters are 18+, reader is 20 Andrew is 21
(not proofread oop)
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If someone asked you how you ended up with your back pressed against the wall of your dressing room with andrew’s lips on yours and his hand down your pants you’d tell them that you had absolutely no idea. When you had invited him to your dressing room to hang out you really did intend to watch a movie or something but turns out the tv in your dressing room doesn’t actually work so you just ended up talking. Andrew’s quite an expressive conversationalist and likes to talk with his hands and you can’t really help but let your eyes drift to them every once in a while. That night that you and Andrew had shared together was supposed to be a one-off: a get him out of your system type thing, but you think it might’ve made that little fire inside you glow a little brighter for him. You’ve been spending the last couple days attached at the hip and doing interview after interview with him and you’ve caught yourself letting your eyes linger a bit too long on his hands or his lips -god his lips- but honestly who could blame you? Especially now that you are very familiar with exactly how good they feel on your lips and on your-
“Earth to y/n” Andrew announces waving a hand in front of your face. “think I lost you there for a second”
“sorry I just uh- tired, what were you saying”
“just wanted to make sure that we” he gestures between the two of you “are okay”
“yea? why wouldn’t we be”
“no reason, it’s just- after the other night I just wanted to make sure that nothing changed ya know? I don’t want things to be different between us” he was lying. he wanted things to be different. As cheesy as it sounds, he wanted more with you. He wanted to wake up next to you, to hear you complain about your day, to take you on dates, to hold your hand while walking down the street. He wanted you to be his. But every time he got close to confessing the depth of his feelings to you the words got stuck and his throat and he was terrified that you wouldn’t feel the same and that it would ruin your friendship and he thinks not having you in his life at all might kill him so he decided to settle on taking whatever you’d give him. 
“don’t worry about it okay? I mean it was just a one time thing like just a nice night”
“oh wow ‘a nice night’ that’s all I get?” he says with a nudge to your shoulder.
“it was a nice night”
“yea but that’s what you should say about our movie marathons or i dunno- having dinner with your grandma, not us having sex”
“okay 1: we didn’t have sex, we hooked up and 2: please never mention me having sex and my grandma in the same sentence ever again”
“I mean if we wanna disregard the basic patriarchal idea of what sex is then oral sex kinda does count as-”
“stop using the phrase oral sex, you sound like an old man”
“alright then would you rather me just say I ate your pu-”
“what? do you want me to be quiet so you can bruise my ego again?”
“I’m not trying bruising your ego, what’s wrong with me saying it was nice??”
“oh i don’t know, I was looking for more of an ‘oh andrew, it was mindblowing’-”
“i don’t sound like that” you add but he ignores you and continues his little rant.
“or at least an ‘it was great’ because with the way that i remember your legs shaking around my head ‘nice’ seems like a bit of an understatement”
“well maybe you don’t remember correctly” you challenge.
“well maybe you just need a reminder” oh... oh.
Andrew’s mouth tends to work a bit faster than his brain and he’s about to apologize for being so forward when you take a step closer to him because he’s not the only one that struggles with impulse control.
“maybe I do” yea, that’s the last straw for him and suddenly his hands are on your face, lips meeting yours as he back you against the wall of your dressing room and god do you hope these walls aren’t thin. It didn’t take long for his hands to travel south, playing with the waistband of the sweats you’ve been lounging around in. He separates his lips from yours momentarily to mutter an “is this okay?” to which you nod frantically. He brings his lips back to yours, slipping his tongue into your mouth as his hand ventures into your pants. You moan into his mouth when his fingers rub circles around your clit causing him to chuckle against your lips before moving his mouth to your ear.
“feel nice?” he definitely put some extra emphasis on that second word and you probably would’ve had a witty answer prepared for him if his fingers weren’t currently making your head spin.
At some point his shirt was thrown somewhere across the room he ended up helping you out of your sweatpants and underwear and was now on his knees in front of you, peppering kisses up your leg. He doesn’t waste much time before bringing your leg to rest over his shoulder and licking a stripe up your core that makes you shudder. His lips attach to your clit and your hand finds its way into his hair. 
Your mind was buzzing, fully intoxicated by him: his hands on you, lips on you, the way that he talked, the way that he smelled, the way that someone was knocking on your door-
wait what? Originally you thought you might have imagined it, that is until you hear another three knocks on the door that send both you and Andrew into a panic.
“shit, shit, shit!” you whisper yell as you and andrew separate from each other and start frantically searching for your clothes. “just a second!” you yell toward the door as you fumble to yank your pants that you’d found strewn across a chair up your legs.
“you need to hide” you direct towards andrew pushing him towards the closet in your dressing room.
“what why? can’t we can just say I was hanging out in here?”
“Look at us” and that’s when Andrew turns to examine your appearance in one of the many body mirrors in the room and takes in how disheveled you both look: swollen lips, messy hair, not to mention the fact that he was still shirtless.
“you know what I think I’ll hide”
“oh what a great and original idea that no one’s ever had before” you retort as andrew settles himself among your many outfit options and you slide the closet door closed before trying to look as presentable as possible to answer the door.
You pull it open and your eyes widen when you see your director, Mindy Kailing, looking back at you. Mindy ‘very successful woman in hollywood’ Kailing. Mindy ‘I literally only gave you one rule and it was not to get involved with your costar’ Kailing. Mindy ‘absolutely has the power to fire you’ Kailing.
“heyyy Mindy, sorry about the wait I was uh- napping”
“oh no worries dear” she starts, letting herself into your dressing room carrying a package. “now, I know they’ve given you plenty of options to wear for the interview tonight but we got sent this beautiful Versace dress that I just think you would love” she rambles pulling out what may be the most expensive looking dress you’ve ever seen. 
“I get to wear this?”
“of course, be careful though this thing costs about 7 college tuitions”
“you’re going to look amazing, let me hang it up for you” she says before starting to make her way toward your closet and it’s at this point when you remember the very british, very shirtless, very much your costar and did you mention shirtless man that’s hiding in there.
“no, no” you interrupt her path by stepping between her and your dressing room closet. “we should uh- just keep it out here i mean, a dress like this should definitely be out in the light don’t you think?”
“I like the way you think!” she responds and hooks the dress into an empty display rack instead. “alright, they need you in the makeup chair in 10! also have you seen andrew? they sent a suit for him as well but he wasn’t in his dressing room when I checked.”
“nope” you respond probably a bit too quickly. “haven’t seen him but he’s probably somewhere you know him always uh- somewhere”
“right well if you see him let him know I left it in his dressing room”
“perfect thanks!” you reply shutting the door behind her as she exits. 
You let out a sigh of relief before heading over the closet to let andrew out. He scrambles out and stands up stretching his limbs.
“You know for a professional liar, you’re not a very good liar. how would you even take a nap in here? there’s not even a couch” he comments.
“well she bought it, didn’t she? so stop making fun of me and go get your suit”
“woww, you’re kicking me out? after I was so nice to you” he says picking up his shirt off the floor and he’s not even facing you but you can hear the smugness in his voice.
“shut up and get out”
“so bossy”
“ Welcome back to the Late Late Show” introduces James Corden. “Tonight, we’ve got two of the hottest stars on the planet right now, give it up for Y/n Y/l/n and Andrew Garfield!”
“Happy to be here James!” Andrew responds clad in his new suit that he simply looks far too good in.
“Well I am happy that you’re here. Now Andrew we’ve had you on the show before but Y/n you’ve just had an incredible past few months. You’ve just been nominated for a daytime Emmy award for lead actress in a drama or comedy series- one of the youngest to ever be nominated for that by the way, how are you feeling about all of this?”
“It’s crazy. I’ve never done anything on this scale before but the cast and crew is so amazing at what they do that it really just becomes like this big fun game of pretend that I get to do for a few months and I really hope we get to continue this story and find out what happens to these characters because I think I’ve grown pretty fond of them”
“And so has quite literally the entire world, ‘This is the Life’ is absolutely smashing all kinds of records right now and people are going crazy for it and especially going crazy for the dynamic between your characters, can you tell us a bit about that?” James asks.
“Well without giving any spoilers,” andrew begins “ I’m just really excited to see where they end up because they definitely tend to bicker like cats and dogs and are normally quite rude to each other for most of their interactions but I think in like this weird cosmic way Max needs Ash because she’s one of the only people that sees straight through this kind of facade that he’s built to protect himself so she’s kind of one of the few people who really sees him”
“I love that. People are absolutely losing their minds over the Max and Ashlynn dynamic. They’re calling them Maxlynn online, have you guys seen that?”
“Yea, I’m not going to lie I tend to lurk on twitter pretty often” you answer, “and I just find it so funny because Tom and Zendaya play Harry and Iris who are this adorable and stable couple with this super healthy foundation and relationship and then I’ll see tweets that are like ‘yea yea whatever wholesome love sounds great, but the ones that seem like they want to kill each other? yea, make them kiss in the rain right now or else lol’ and then they’ll like tag Mindy.” Your anecdote gets a laugh from andrew as well as James and the audience.
“Speaking of tweets, we got absolutely bombarded with them when it was announced that we were having you two on show. This fandom is no joke and we’ve got a lot of questions that came in for you guys so we thought it would be fun if we throw a few of these questions at you” James prompts.
“yea go ahead” “sounds good”
“Lovely, alright the first one is from user y/ndefenselawyer-”
“wow great username” you comment.
“absolutely and they want to know what is your favorite memory from set”
“oh gosh there’s so many” you start.
“the college party was fun” andrew comments to you.
“oh yea i almost forgot about that” you nudge andrew prompting him to tell the story.
“so basically on this show we’re playing a bunch of college aged kids and we are a bunch of college aged kids but none of us have ever actually been to college and I think it was actually Timothee’s idea but Tom will take credit for it if you ask him but the idea was that we should attend an actual university for a few days and the network was like oh yea that’s a great idea so they literally enrolled the seven of us into classes at USC for like 3 days” andrew starts.
“so you were all just taking actual college classes?”
you nod and add “yea and it worked out really well because we’re all the right age and the show cast hadn’t been announced yet and it’s like one of my first projects so I was chilling like no one was interrogating me but it was hilarious watching everyone else just gaslight anyone who came up to them like someone was talking to Florence and asked if she was in Little Women and she’d just be like ‘ugh why do people always say I look like that girl’ and like stomp away from them”
“That’s hilarious,” James comments “so what’s this about a party?”
“we had literally only been there for about a day and a half and somehow y/n had already gotten the entire USC basketball team to fall in love with her-”
“they were not in love with me” you remark swatting his shoulder.
“right right” he responds before mouthing a ‘they were in love with her’ at the audience which earned him some laughs. “so they ended up inviting all of us to this huge party that they throw every year and ya know, none of us really got the college experience so we were like well we have to go. And for legal reasons I’m going to say that the rest of this story is completely hypothetical so we all went to this like massive rager and were out until like 4 in the morning and had an 8 am call time to be on set the next day and we all show up ridiculously hung over, hypothetically of course, and when Mindy shows up to start shooting we’re all just exhausted laying on the floor of the break room and she walks in and observes all of our lifeless bodies on the ground and just goes ‘i don’t want to know’ and walks back out”
“Well now she knows” you added
“She does indeed, but I take it you lot had a great time”
“I loved it!” 
“ Speaking of love this next question is from user heartsgarfield, and they want to know... are you two dating?”
“well.... no” “mmm.... no we’re not” you and andrew chime in over each other.
“okay, you’re saying no” james responds
“correct” andrew replies
“can i be honest- I don’t believe you”
“we really aren’t” you add.
“there’s no way you two haven’t made out” James accuses and you get a momentary flashback to the earlier escapades in your dressing room.
“we haven’t” you insist, lying your ass off.
“why not? i mean you’re hot, you’re hot-” James gestures at the two of you.
“ya know, i’ve tried to make a move and she just tells me to get lost” Andrew jokes.
“wait so you have made a move”
“that’s not true, he’s a liar” you defend.
“see how mean she is to me” andrew earns a laugh from the audience.
“hold on let’s unpack this-”
“we’re just kidding we aren’t actually dating” you interrupt James.
“yea no we’re truly we’re not-” Andrew chimes in.
“you’re both suddenly getting very defensive” James accuses
“we’re not being defensive, we’re just saying we haven’t made out” you reply.
“i don’t believe you”
“I don’t care” you finish earning a round of laughter and applause from James and the audience.
“Alright we’ll be right back with more Late Late Show after the break!”
“Welcome back to the Late Late Show, we are here with Y/n Y/l/n and Andrew Garfield from the new hit series ‘This is the Life’ now streaming on Netflix. Now y/n” James directs his attention towards you.
“uh oh” you respond which gets some laughs.
“a little birdie told me, you’re quite the music fan. I’ve heard that being a bit of a music fanatic is quite your style”
“oh god”
“it seems that your fans have noticed this as well” James laughs, “and if you turn your attention to the screen we’d like to share this fan made video beautifully titled y/n y/l/n mentioning harry styles in interviews for a minute straight”
“oh no way” Andrew laughs from beside you.
You bury your head is your hands as the video plays of you talking about how much you loved harry styles and bringing him up every chance you got and you just keep your head down until the video ends.
James clears his throat “So are you a Harry Styles fan cause I couldn’t really tell how you felt about him from the video it’s a bit unclear”
“you’re sick James,” You shake your head at him.
“You know what would really be sick is if Harry Styles was here right now”
“James-” you warn.
“That would be really crazy”
“don’t- James I cannot mentally do this right now” You start panicking which sends Andrew into a fit of laughter and applause.
“You know we’re friends right-”
“James I’m being so serious-”
“like how crazy would it be if he was just right over there” James teases gesturing to stage left which makes everyone look.
“well he’s not there” James states gaining laughs from everyone as you place your hand over your heart to calm your nerves.
“god that was so stressful” you sigh.
“yea he’s not over there. and that’s because he’s right over here, ladies and gentlemen welcome tonight’s surprise musical guest Mr. Harry Styles!”
You think your heart might’ve stopped as Harry walked in waving to the audience before shaking hands with James, and then Andrew, and finally comes to greet you with a hug and a “Hi love, wonderful to meet you, you look amazing” and you return his sentiment before he takes a seat on the other side of you.
“so y/n how are you feeling?” James asks.
“i literally have no idea what’s happening” you respond.
“if it makes you feel any better, I’m quite the fan of you as well” harry comments.
“shut up”
“mm serious, I think I binged your show for like 3 days straight”
“i think i binged your album for like 3 days straight”
“See how lovely is that” James adds “Ladies and gentlemen, we’ll be back with a perfomance from Harry Styles after the break!” James cuts to commercial as you continue to chat with Harry, unaware of the way that Andrew shifts uncomfortably in his seat.
There’s no way that that just happened. You essentially just made you late night show debut and got to meet a super hot celebrity crush all in one night and your still trying to process it all when you return to your dressing room, immediately removing your heels and crashing on the couch. The couch? Last time you checked, your dressing room didn’t have a couch and that’s when you look around and notice the rack decorated in a multitude of different suits and are starting to put 2 and 2 together before Harry just does it for you and walks into his dressing room startling you and causing you to jump up from the couch.
“m’sorry, didn’t mean to frighten you!” Harry states seemingly more concerned with the thought that he might’ve scared you rather than wondering why you were in his dressing room in the first place.
“I’m so sorry, I thought this was my dressing room. They took the name cards down and I didn’t realize that this wasn’t-”
“no worries, love. no man in their right mind is going to complain about finding a beautiful woman in his dressing room, but I’m sure your boyfriend is waiting on you”
“my boyfriend?” you question.
“don’t worry, I won’t go telling any tabloids on you but I’m just assuming that the guy who follows you around like a lovesick puppy would be your boyfriend” andrew.
“oh we aren’t- I mean he’s not my boyfriend” you respond, hopeful that Harry didn’t catch the tinge of sadness in your voice at the phrase ‘not my boyfriend’.
“does he know that?” he asks to which you just respond with a dry laugh and decide on changing the subject.
“so did you see my whole fangirl meltdown out there?”
“course not” he responds immediately before proceeding to go “James I can’t mentally handle this right now James I’m being so serious”
“oh god, that’s so embarrassing”
“I thought it was cute”
is harry styles flirting with you right now
“I should uh probably get going and-”
“have you got any plans later?”
“uh unless you count a date with my couch then no”
“well if your couch doesn’t mind, would you like to come to a party with me?”
did harry styles just ask you out?
next part
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a/n: hot british men obsessed w y/n alert!!! sorry this part took so long guys i’ve been swamped with homework. anyways I’m picturing like 20-21 yr old harry for this story so like prince hair era but you can picture whichever one you want!
tags: @myrapottah​ , @redgetawaycar​ , @eatmyblackass​ , @rellasnowheenim​ , @raginghellfire​ , @percysaidnever​ , @twsssmlmaa​
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bettycanavosio · 2 years
i say this all the time to anyone who will listen but the tension between henry & vito across chapters 11 and 12 drives me crazy...like, first of all they seem scared to touch each other for the whole game. maybe it's because we never get the chance to see them in a situation where it makes sense, aside from henry getting shot & the single pat on the shoulder in ch11, but they're always kind of lingering around each other and vito is noticeably less physically affectionate with henry than he is with anyone else (joe, leo). and then secondly...there's still tension over clemente's death (on henry's end) and the old jobs gone wrong (on vito's end) in ch12. it's been nearly 2 months! they didn't talk about that? in all that time, what the hell did they talk about? and like i get that henry hates opening up about himself, but this tension has been simmering for close to 2 months and then vito still agrees to join the dope plan despite being very uncomfortable with it. they go on a rampage over his death. so it's like...he loves this guy but has very little actual closeness with him–or maybe that's a bad way of putting it given he calls henry his and joe's "partner," which suggest they're spending a lot of time together, but clearly vito knows next to nothing about the guy. i think him wondering if henry really was a rat is the realization of that, that he didn't really know him at all. and then he says "henry's different these days" which has no context and honestly i still don't know what he means by it especially given he gets cut off (i still assume he was gonna say "guy's got a real stick up his ass" but it could've been anything), other than maybe that henry's no longer the supposed man of honor vito thought he was (the extent to which he's changed vs just become more obvious is debatable) but anyway...it's just weird. they love each other but their relationship feels so underdeveloped and unfinished, and knowing how much got cut from the game it's impossible to really tell to what extent that was intended vs just bad/rushed writing.
i dunno. henry surviving the chop and afterward, as vito sits beside him on his bed at el greco's, he asks henry to tell him about himself. i almost lost you, henry, and i don't know nothing about you. henry talking about himself in depth for the first time in over a decade, probably. this got long oops here's another novel
i saw “tension” and “henry and vito” in the same sentence and i was sold. but YEAH, they always seem to be so close and so distant at once. like when henry gets shot and vito races over to hold him (when he didn’t need to do so quickly, but he did), to little things like henry sitting next to vito in cars instead of joe. but it’s never a hug or even a handshake. the only time vito finally goes for his hand is when henry’s already dead, and that’s only to check if the money’s gone rather than an act of tenderness (in my mind it was. but i’m delusional). it’s almost as if they’re scared of crossing some unspoken boundary. and god they are so terrible at just talking about things. it would not surprise me if they small-talked their way through those two months while silently begging the other to talk about what happened. idk if i’m clutching at straws but henry only seems to open up if joe asks, even when prompted over and over by vito like in ch5 (idk if that was just a poor way of foreshadowing the ‘henry is a rat’ plot, but yeah). where are you from, henry? sicily. what brought you to the states? mussolini. i reckon if joe wasn’t there the conversation would’ve stayed flat. it’s probably why vito doesn’t try asking again at any other point. (even with the church thing, it’s joe who gets that info out of him. also, how do you know someone that long and not know they’re religious?) why is he so like… nervous to tell vito things? and henry knows next to nothing about him too. BUT THEN they’re dancing and singing in the car together… WHAT IS THE TRUTH. also “henry’s different these days” drives me insane because like. if henry is seen as a vehicle in the narrative and embodies vito’s perception of the life, it would make sense if he realises henry isn’t as perfect as he once thought. but if henry’s just seen as a character vito is supposed to love and trust, i really have no fucking clue where that came from. what does it MEAN. it was probably intended to be some lazy hint at the rat plot but that’s boring so i’ll just pretend it wasn’t! as you said, there are too many unwritten gaps to be able to tell. i wish we knew what vito was gonna say after “the guy’s got a real—” but YEAH “stick up his ass” sounds right, i can’t really think of what else he was gonna say. i used to think it might’ve been “a real [something] for [something]” but i could never think what it could be and that doesn’t really make any sense….. IT MAKES ME SO CRAZY
oh my god... henry talking reluctantly to begin with but then he goes on for a while, gradually becoming more comfortable and vito doesn’t take his eyes off him, leaning in, listening to everything. when henry starts to trail off uneasily, vito says things like and then what happened? what about this? and instead of being tense about talking about himself henry just. relaxes. also a novel in the inbox is a BLESSING !!!!! send another i dare you
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