#oops i wrote a shit ton of meta
n7punk · 3 years
dif annon!! god i love frosta in ASGNE
oh hey the space bar is working in the askbox again i can reply now!
so i love frosta but she is very difficult to work into most catradora aus due to the age-gap between them (which i believe is 7 years ish?? she’s 11ish at the start? and catradora are 18). that’s why the two aus of mine she has appeared in are when they are aged up a bit.
in ASGNE, Catra is recently 26, Adora is 25 approaching 26, and Glimmer is about to turn 24 (and in fact will do so probably in like chapter 5 or 6). Adora and Catra were separated when they were about 15 and 1/2 years old, hence them referring to it as a decade/ten years.
Frosta is 19 (and a half). She has been working for Adora for about four years (emancipated at 15). Frosta is a little wild in canon, as you would expect a child her age with trauma to be. in ASGNE, she was always really boisterous, but became a child with a serious attitude and authority problem after her parents died and she was thrust into the system. She didn’t hang out with a good crowd, with led to a few months in juvie, after which Adora met her while raising funds for the state home she was sent to afterwards.
Adora was in absolutely no position to adopt her (she was only 21 herself), but she couldn’t leave her either, hence the emancipation, hiring her as a PA, and taking a sister-like role. Funny enough, the second Frosta was in an environment where no one was trying to control her anymore, she did fine. She still had a problem with authority, but Adora wasn’t trying to exercise it over her, at least not in a way that wasn’t part of her job like “Do this thing for me”. That was fine to Frosta because Adora was paying her to do it and not being like “I’m an adult you barely know, now do what I say just because I said so”. Being ordered around after she lost her parents, who were always very nurturing, is what turned her into a “bad kid”.
Frosta is a bit moody and acts more indifferent than she actually is to people, but she is indifferent to the world and its rules. She has no interest in going to college or settling into a “career” or anything else the world tells her to do. She fully intends to keep working for Adora for the foreseeable future, perhaps drifting off to another interesting opportunity if it comes to her, but she likes basically being able to fuck around the city all day while Adora is working and then settling into her apartment to game online for the evenings when Adora doesn’t have anywhere to go. Frosta also really likes driving around the streets in NYC, because she has some aggression issues she can vent through her driving style (aka the driving style you have to use to survive in NY).
She has yet to do it in the fic, but she asks for a night off from Adora occasionally to go out and do her own shit in the city. She can usually do whatever tf she likes during the day while Adora is at work, but sometimes she wants to go to a show or some event that is happening in the evening. Unless Adora has a conflicting event, she always gives the time to Frosta. Frosta has a really cushy job, especially for someone her age with no direction, but it requires her to be “on call” a lot of the time, even if Adora doesn’t usually ask much of her. Those evenings off are guaranteed time when she can do something for herself.
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