#oops almost forgot to tag the sword
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time-to-write-and-suffer · 7 months ago
Seven snippets, seven people
Was tagged by @lonsdalewrite forty bazillion years ago, finally have enough material and spoons to actually share stuff. Thank you for the tag!!
Gonna do the elf marriage wip (Nettle and Song if you're pretentious (and I am)) cuz it's the freshest one
Tagging (lmk if you want off this ride or onto it)
@hanna-writes, @nabanna, @croaceian, @angelofthemornings, @descent-of-stars
@rrrawrf-rewrites, @scribble-dee-vee, @forthesanityofsome @meanceclosetohell and YOUUUUUUU!
Putting the snippets under a cut cuz I can't be bothered to edit them rn but I might feel up for it later also it got kinda long oops
“Relax. As long as you don’t murder anyone, these talks will be the most peaceful interaction we’ve had with humans since the war ended,” Del mumbled while they waited. “It’ll be fine even if you don’t speak. Or smile. Or make any sort of positive impression.”
“Uh-huh. I’m sure they’ll love giving their princess away to the meanest-looking asshole in the Given Earth.”
“Meanest-looking? No-no, dear prince, you’re a pretty elf boy. Humans find elves irresistible, you know. Just pout and bat your little eyelashes, and they’ll let you get away with just about anything.
Roel grimaced, hand tightening around the hilt of his sword.
Mother sat down next to Teddy, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. “Nobody can force you to marry against your will, Theodosia. No matter who says what, no matter the so-called political benefits or diplomacy. You are not cattle to be traded.”
Mother glared at Elias, who winced, “Stop. I didn’t bring Teddy up to trade her.”
“Then why did you?”
“And why not? Is this better? What’s left for her here, where she’s not allowed into the royal palace without an invitation? Where her own mother and siblings can’t see her without sneaking behind the king’s back like criminals? She didn’t do anything wrong!”
“Ted? Is everything alright?”
He put rubbed her back gently. It made the tears sting harder, and she blinked them away stubbornly. If people noticed Efra, they’d notice her and her expression, and that would lead to gossip. Better to have the elves be the main talking point rather than the queen’s rejected child having a crisis.
“Yes, I’m fine,” she sighed deeply.
“Are you sure? I could tell them to wait.”
“No, it’s fine. I was just remembering some things. Nothing to worry about.”
She forced a smile. Efra didn’t seem convinced, but this wasn’t the time to figure out Teddy’s emotional traumas. He had to drop it almost as much as she.
“The elves are ready to meet me, I assume?” she said when he kept staring at her with that worried expression.
“Yes. But I’d rather come up with an excuse than have you break down in front of them.”
“’Break down’?” Teddy scoffed. “Please. If I were breaking down, there would be casualties.”
“I forgot that humans welcome women in combat,” Del said thoughtfully. “Androel, would you consider this a virtue or a flaw in a woman?”
Roel hated his brother in that moment, when Del forced all eyes to land on him.
He grunted vaguely, “Depends on who she’s fighting.”
“Do you have magic too, Lady Frye? Were you blessed by your goddess?” Roel wondered, genuine curiosity softening his tone.
Lady Frye smiled demurely. “I have been blessed by Etheme as well as any other member of my family, Your Highness. Even if it was never quite so obvious as those of my siblings, I am still grateful for it.”
“For what?” Roel pressed.
Her smile took on a strained edge. “One must be grateful for everything Etheme deems fit to give. My only gifts were a full belly and a loving family.”
So she hadn’t received a blessing, then. She had no magic. Wasn’t that so much easier to say than whatever other nonsense she’d been going on about?
The song was coming to an end. Soon, they parted, and Roel bowed along with the other men. She curtsied deeply.
“Thank you, Prince Androel,” she said. “I hope we can dance again sometime.”
He didn’t.
“But don’t you want to choose who you marry?” Mother asked. “What if they demand heirs? What then?”
Teddy hadn’t thought that far. Or rather, she hadn’t wanted to think that far. The idea of simply sharing a bed with Prince Androel made her queasy enough, but imagining touching him? Or him touching her? It made her want to peel her skin off.
“We’ll cross that bridge when we get there. If we get there. Aren’t you worried a little too prematurely? What if Prince Androel says no?”
She half hoped he would.
Mother shook her head, “I spoke with King Roendel. The prince is willing.”
Oh. So it was really happening.
After that awful first meeting, too! It seemed the prince must’ve had his own reasons for accepting, since he was openly disgusted with her.
And every other human.
And everything in general.
“How long do I have to stay?”
“There is no time requirement, Your Highness, and you may leave whenever you please. Though I would recommend staying for the better part of an hour at the very least, if you cannot tolerate a whole night.”
“Can you?” he challenged.
“I don’t see why not. I’ve a good book, some hot tea and biscuits, and it’s a warm summer night. There are worse ways to spend an evening.”
“Where will you sleep?”
“In the bed.”
“And where will I sleep?”
Theodosia pursed her lips, her cheeks bursting with sudden color. “I’m sure the bed can accommodate two people.”
“Which part of ‘I am not touching you’ escapes your understanding?” Roel sneered.
“If at least one of us is awake when physical contact accidentally happens, we each would be able to stop it. And if it happens while we’re both asleep, what difference does it make?”
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amuseoffirebane · 1 year ago
OC Tagged: Ace
@sibillascribbles08 oops almost forgot to ping you!
I've had Ace in one form or another since high school at least!
I haven't updated her in a long time, but here's the info that's stuck the longest:
She was born to a family of traveling peddlers but took up the sword after they were attacked by bandits
'Ace' is a nickname given by the rebel group that picked her up; she's a very good card player. I never settled on a given name or a more queenly title.
She is mute!
Was part of the strike team that took down... some evil person who was in control of the area known as The Cauldron. But she was near-fatally injured by them, their corrosive magic melting her upper right body.
After that, she was considered a hero and installed as a puppet queen by the rebels that were her companions. She hates it!
She is left handed.
Here's a very quick reference I sketched out just now:
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lollybliz · 1 year ago
this isn't going to be nearly as interesting for me to do cus i just haven't written much yet, but is fun to be tagged, thank you ^^
How many works do you have on Ao3? 4!
What's your total Ao3 word count? 13,795 ^^
What fandoms do you write for? atm Genshin Impact and Honkai Star Rail, and one abandoned bnha fic
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? I do not Have five fics, your honor, but in order it would be 'Adeptus Xiao~,' 'Menu Mori,' 'It Was An Accident-- I Swear,' and 'Not Food.'
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Yes! Partially because as much as I like to leave comments, its a big anxiety thing for me, and when an author responds to some comments but not mine, I get scared that I offended them somehow- I don't want to do that to anyone else. Plus I just don't have many comments at this point fhsdjlhfsdjklfhsdl I've had maybe a dozen original comments ever, lol
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Does it have to be one I posted? I have a wip from Fi's pov of her millenia spent silenced and rusting inside the master sword, watching as master after master died and she could do nothing. Does that count?
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? 'Adeptus Xiao~,' for sure. Although 'Menu Mori' ends with a pillow fort, its intentionally an open ending. I wanted to leave room for more, later :3
Do you get hate on fic? Surprisingly, not yet! I expect to sooner or later though. I write vore, your honor. It'll come eventually.
Do you write smut? Yes ;3
Do you write crossovers? I have not and I have no ideas for it but I wouldn't be opposed to it.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? I don't think so. I did get one of those wordpress bot comments though. And on the least read fic, too lol
Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Also no
What's your all time favorite ship? This is The worst question to ask a chronic multishipper. That said- hm....... probably Gigolas. Am old.
What's a wip you want to finish but probably won't? I do actually have an answer for this one sldjfhlsdfsdhfsdjlhlfhljsd I have a doc running around with a bunch of notes for a potential Ezioleo vore fic set during Brotherhood. its not happening, y'all LMAO
What are your writing strengths? I like to think I describe visuals well, I can make you see the image I have in my head.
What are your writing weaknesses? Fucking dialogue I can't get these little shits to talk oh my god 'Menu Mori' was almost completely dialogue-less and I don't even know how it happened open your mouths, people.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic? I have seen the worst- hello 2016 voltron fic- and the best- hi Sansukh- that this has to offer, and my answer is it depends. If you go to the trouble to do the research, write it correctly, and provide translations either in mouseover or at the bottom of the chapter, great! If you don't, oh god. I've seen enough 'oops, i forgot which language i was speaking in' to last several lifetimes.
First fandom you wrote for? Technically, technically, Jack Blank. I wrote a oneshot on a piece of notebook paper of everyone dying and it all being a feverdream to upset my sister when I was a kid. um.
Favorite fic you've written? Probably one of the ones i haven't finished yet FHSDJLFHSDJLFHSDLSDFHLFHSDJKLF but! am very proud of 'Menu Mori.'
and I'm going to tag... @todorokitops, @phoenixislost, @roryka, and @no-one-told-you-life-was-gay, and any other writers who see this :3 no pressure though
Tag Game! (I found this randomly on my dash)
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers:
I legit found this randomly from someone I don't remember following, but y'know. Here you go
How many works do you have on AO3? 126. I might have a slight issue. Most of them are MHA.
What's your total AO3 word count? 294,834.
What fandoms do you write for? My Hero Academia mostly, Doki Doki Literature Club, OMORI, Miraculous Ladybug once and I have two Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom fics.
What are your top five fics by kudos? N°1: Eraserhead Fanbase (Or How 1-A Grows), N°2: A Child's Spark Light Up The Night, Constant Search For Approval, Suffocated By Refusal, N°3: Don't Blow Until The Wind Does, N°4: Safety, N°5: Moonlight. Apart from the first one, these aren't necessarily my favorites because they're older, but y'know. I might rewrite them a bit, since people apparently like them.
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I try to, I often do not. I don't have the mental strength to do it consistently and I don't really know what to say anyways. I'm trying to answer a bunch of them right now though. I do look at them and notices regular commenters.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Oh boy. Probably one in my Dead doves (to eat) series. And then in here... Talking only about what happens and how many people are fucked up by it in the end, Poor Crazy Hitoshi, I'm Choking On Stardust, Becoming a Carcass and save me! (walk away) are probably the worst ones.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Well that's harder. Open, bad or unsatisfying endings are what I do (please don't run away). But I guess Happiness is warm, I'm not dead! And Other Such Entries and a hood and wings might be contenders.
Do you get hate on fic? Maybe once, I think. I delete comments that I find disrespectful, but I don't delete much, so I guess I must be okay.
Do you write smut? Occasionally. Or well, I post smut occasionally. I write a lot of it.
Do you write crossovers? I do not.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? I hope not, oof.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Don't think so?
What's your all-time favourite ship? I'm a chronic multishipper, but according to my works on Ao3, it's bkdk, and according to my bookmarks, it's erasermic. Do with that what you will.
What's a wip you want to finish but probably won't? Oh boy. Do you want to know how many wips I have? Me too. It's more than a hundred. I have no idea.
What are your writing strengths? Uh. Dialogues? Maybe? It's the thing I write the most easily. Maybe mental breakdowns. Someone tell me.
What are your writing weaknesses? I can't write multichapter fics for the life of me.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? Depends on the context. If it's a hidden message, a joke, or ultimately unimportant (as in, the goal is to see a character is talking another language and not what they're saying), leave it untranslated in the body of the fic and either put the translation in the notes or don't. Otherwise, I guess either just say X character is talking a different language at Y point, or put the text in italics to signify it's being said in another language but translated in English.
First fandom you wrote for? My Hero Academia, most likely. Or actually, maybe Gravity Falls.
Favourite fic you've written? Ehehe. The author's favorites.
@sillypilled-friendcel @lollybliz @any writer who might see this, feel free to try.
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todayisafridaynight · 2 years ago
*kicks a ball through your window and runs away giggling*
#snap chats#jesus fucking shit i almost type da bunch of nihongo nonsense in these tags i forgot to switch my keyboard#anyway HELLO?#is this bout my Masato Trans Momence post the other day#unless you just felt like committed acts of violence then yk what i cant be mad i like a lil violence here and there#BUT BRO MY WINDOW#/MY CLOTHES/ you guys ever watch Red Sun#my god my favorite western movie it's cowboys x samurai it's the best shit#in that movie the cowboy steals the samurai's clothes while he's bathing and i can't remember why#OH I REMEMBER its because- ok so the plot is that the samurai came to america with Other Japanese Men#and they were supposed to meet the president and gift him a sword right#well cowboy's bitch ass ''''''partner''''''' kills the samurai's kyodai and steals the sword#and so the cowboy gets crossed by his partner so now the samurai and him have to team#and they only got a week or else samurai's gotta commit seppuku since Great Dishonor for lettin this sword get away right#BUT YEAH HE STEALS HIS CLOTHES cause samurai's just been talkin bout murderin cowboy's partner#and cowboy obvi like Hey.... Dont Do That.....#and so while samurai's in the cold he takes his clothes and makes him promise not to kill him#sorry my tag turned into a summary of Red Sun but i love that movie#we need more cowboy x samurai media me thinks....#I FORGOT THE OG PRUPOSE OF THIS POST if yo WERE refing that post anon uhhhhhh OOPS SORRY#i was so appalled by a ball flying through my window on the fifth floor that i completely forgot#ill make a follow up if you follow up. because im very stupid#and ended up talking about red sun 💀💀
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the-iceni-bitch · 4 years ago
A Surprise to be Sure
Pairing: Geralt/Fem!Reader
Words: 5761
Summary:  You meet Geralt and Jaskier on the road and have a lovely little adventure in the kingdom of Temeria.
Warnings: Explicit language, explicit sexual content, explicit descriptions of violence, TW mentions of rape, SMUT, 18+
A/N: It’s here y’all, my b-day Geralt fic! I’m really happy with how this turned out and could honestly have published it without the smut, that’s how much I love this fic. It is definitely going to be part of a series so I hope you all enjoy! (PS I love writing Jaskier way too much and could honestly just do a full series of him having random misadventures all over the continent!) I’m tagging @navybrat817​ because I know she loves some Henry Cavill
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Jaskier had been belting the Fishmonger’s Daughter for the past 30 minutes, and Geralt was ready to murder him.
“Must you insist on shouting our position to every living creature in a 5 mile radius?” He hissed at the bard.
“List, my grumpy, hoar-headed friend. I need to be sure my voice is in top form if I’m performing at a royal ball. Now, you’ll feel better if you sing with me, Oooh Fishmonger, Oh Fishmonger, Come Quell your Daughter’s Hunger!”
“I’m going to feed you that damn lute before we reach the castle if you don’t shut up. I can’t listen to this for three days.” The Witcher growled under his breath. He couldn’t figure out why he had agreed to accompany the irritating man on his journey, but the man always managed to convince him to go along with his stupid plans.  
“Now, Geralt. You know you secretly love my singing. After all, how many jobs has that little song of mine rustled up for you, eh? Stop being so grouchy.”
He gave him a grunt. “Fine, can you at least sing something else?”
“Ah, but of course, my large, angry friend. Eh hem, You think you’re safe, without a care…”
“Gods, not that one.”
“Well, there’s no pleasing you is there. Ahh, what’s that noise?”
A feminine shriek split the air, causing a flock of birds to take flight only a few feet from the pair of riders. Roach of course didn’t mind, but Jaskier’s mount almost threw him, causing Geralt to smile.
“Gods, see, this is why I hate travelling on these creatures. Give me a nice coach ride any time. Come Geralt, let us see what fair maiden is in need of our assistance.”
“Our assistance?”
“Well, your assistance. C’mon Geralt, a damsel in distress, this is the perfect material for a new song.”
Geralt followed the idiot as he rode towards the sounds of distress, determined to keep him from getting himself killed. He didn’t really like getting involved in petty issues of the realms but knew that Jaskier lived for these tiny adventures.
They came upon you, surrounded by five men in soiled armor. Your cart had a broken wheel and was sinking into the snow and mud. One of the men had you pinned in the back of the cart by your neck as he buried his other hand in your skirts. The other men jeered at you as they kept their watch.
“Look Geralt, a fair maid waiting to be rescued, what could make for a better song? Ho there fellows, stop your raping or you’ll have to deal with my cantankerous companion here.”
“Move along, bard this doesn’t concern you.” One of the soldiers growled at Jaskier before spitting to the side. “Or, wait your turn and we’ll let you and your pal have her when we’re done.”
“Ah, Geralt, I’ll let you take care of them. Make sure to draw it out, a long fight always makes for a better song.”
“Oh, fuck this.” You hissed, pulling out the stiletto you had hidden in your skirts and gutting the man who was restraining you.
Jaskier turned his head and vomited as the man’s intestines seeped out of him and he crumbled to the forest floor. You flung your cloak off your shoulders as you drew the obscenely large longsword you had concealed beneath its folds and chopped off the hand of the next soldier who came charging at you before plunging it into his chest.
“I don’t know, bard. Seems like the maid has things under control.” Geralt grinned at his companion once he had finished emptying his stomach.
You wrenched the blade free as the two unhorsed soldiers rushed you. One of them tossed his own dagger at you and you used your sword to whip it back at him, catching him in the throat. You brought up your dagger and crossed the blades you were holding to catch the sword of your fourth opponent. You managed to loop the dagger under his hilt and wrenched the sword from his grasp as you let the momentum from his attack carry you the two of you backwards, flipping him over your head until you were straddling his chest. You gave him a small smirk as your drove your dagger through his eye.
“Shouldn’t we be doing something?” Jaskier asked as he watched the bloody show with abject horror painted on his face.
“What would you suggest bard? The woman seems to be able to handle herself, and I can’t say these soldiers seem particularly deserving of assistance.”
The final soldier had dismounted and was now striding towards you, twirling his sword around like an idiot peacock. You scowled at him before pulling a massive crossbow from beneath the packages in your cart and shooting him in the shoulder.
He went down with a soft grunt and you strutted over to him, crossbow slung over your shoulder and dagger twirling through your fingers. You tutted at him like you were chiding a naughty schoolboy.
“Oh, Abbett, what did you do with the money? I certainly hope you have it on you. I don’t feel like trekking through this frozen forest digging for it.”
“You cunt.” The man spat at you. “We fought those bloody Nilfgaardians to keep these farmers safe and warm. The least they can do to thank us is give up a few bloody coins and their daughters.”
You shot him again in the leg and he let out a scream.
“One more time, Abbett, the money? I can’t give those poor girls their maidenhoods again but maybe their families can offer a dowry to make them good matches.”
“Argh, bitch! It’s in the saddlebags.”
“Excellent! See, not so fucking difficult, and you saved me the nasty task of gelding you!” You took a few steps forward and shot him through the eye as you went to examine the horse and find the stolen coins.
“Ahem, hello, madam! I am Jaskier the Bard and this is my companion, Geralt of Rivia! Would you join us on our journey to the capital of Temeria? You seem like a lass with stories to tell and I’m just the fellow to put them to song.”
“Jaskier, shut the fuck up.” Geralt hissed at him.
You whipped around to the two of them and pointed your crossbow at the Witcher. “Fuck, I almost forgot about you two. Well, you’ve given me a bit of a conundrum boys. I was counting on there not being any witnesses here. These vagabonds are still wearing the king’s colors after all, and we’re close enough to the capital that that could prove to be a problem for me.” You had started to unfasten the bodice of the gown you were wearing, desperate to get out of the confining layers of cloth that had comprised your disguise. You revealed an outfit of bleached leather and furs that clung to your body.
“Oops.” Jaskier murmured, giving Geralt a sheepish grin as he raised his hands in supplication. “Geralt, friend, maybe you can talk to our new companion.”
“Right, listen, we don’t care that you just slaughtered five of the king’s soldiers, though I’m sure upon closer inspection they’ll be shown to be deserters. And as we have no desire to bring any trouble down on you, we’ll just be on our way.”
“Wait,” You called after them, tossing the rags of your gown onto the abandoned cart as you saddled your horse. “If you’re heading towards the capital, I’ll join you. I have some deliveries to make before I get out of this god-forsaken country, and that way I can keep an eye on you.” You gave them a grin as you rode up the hill to join them. “I can think of worse company than a bard and a Witcher.”
Jaskier shot a grin back at you as you joined them. “Ah, finally someone who will appreciate my talents. Tell me… um..”
“Y/N, lovely, do you have any requests?”
Geralt groaned internally at the thought of being stuck with two singing idiots for the journey but was cut short by the sound of multiple bows being drawn.
“That’s far enough you three.” A captain in shining armor commanded as you came into view of a mounted regiment of king’s soldiers, accompanied by about 100 footmen who all had arrows trained on you. “What do you know about several groups of dead king’s men that have been found in these woods.”
Geralt shot you a look of reproach over his shoulder as you pointedly avoided making eye contact, examining your fingernails like they were the most interesting thing on the continent.
“There’s another group of dead soldiers in the clearing back there, captain. Looks like we’ve found our culprits.”
“Oh, just wait a minute. My grouchy friend and I were just passing through when we came upon this lovely woman being set upon by these supposed kingsmen. Granted, we considered dispatching them ourselves but our fair companion had things well in hand. Seems like she was doing your jobs for you.”
You and Geralt shared a groan. “Shut up, Jaskier.”
The captain gave a snort of derision. “You want us to believe this pretty thing has been besting the king’s chosen troops on her own for months? Take their weapons and restrain the Witcher and the woman. The bard can sing us some songs to pass the time as we travel. We’ll save this for the king to sort out.”
You gave a heavy sigh and started handing over your blades. Jaskier’s eyes started to bulge as you continued pulling smaller and smaller knives out of an increasingly absurd number of hiding places, until there was an impressive pile in front of the soldier who had been tasked with collecting your weapons.
Geralt was less forthcoming in turning over his weapons and didn’t really start until a spear prodded him in the back. He was gazing at Renfri’s blade when the captain lost his patience, and the butt of the spear whipped across the back of his head, knocking him cold.
“Put his blades with the rest of it.”
Geralt woke up with his face buried in your hair and let out a groan at the throbbing in his skull.
“What the fuck?” He lifted his head, squinting against the sun reflecting off the new fallen snow.
“Good morning, Witcher. Apparently this type of restraint has been proven to limit the ability of the restrained to extricate themselves from their bindings. You missed a fascinating lecture on it as they were tying us up.”
The two of you were bound face to face on the saddle of your massive black courser. Your arms and legs tangled around each other and wrapped in an intricate series of knots. He started trying to wrench himself free, but only succeeded in bringing you even closer to him as he let out a grunt of frustration.
“Look at the two of you, so cozy.” Jaskier rode up with a grin on his face, strumming his lute. “Do not worry yourselves, my violent friends. I am currently working on a plan to extricate the two of you from this predicament. I have the ear of the captain.”
“Are you going to annoy him to death Jaskier? Maybe if you sing that damn abortion song enough times, he’ll release us just to be rid of you.”
“You wound me, Geralt. The name of that tune is “You Think You’re Safe” and you’ll be happy to know that the captain is enamored of my talents and has asked me to regale him and his officers at their meal tonight.”
“Ah, good for you Jaskier. Make sure to sing the ‘Fishmonger’s Daughter’ I hear that’s a favorite of the troops.” You smiled at him, throwing him a wink.
“Oh, I knew I liked you, Y/N! See Geralt, it isn’t so hard to appreciate what I bring to the table. Thank you for your advice, sweet lady, I will be sure to take heed!” He rode off, humming to himself as he tuned his lute.
“Why would you encourage him?” Geralt growled in your ear, still fighting against his bonds.
“Ah, Witcher, you need to relax. I’m sure Jaskier’s plan will work out just fine.”
“The bard is an imbecile, the day I trust myself to any plan of his is the day I resign myself to a slow and painful death.”
“Well, be that as it may, if you don’t stop struggling, we’re going to end up in a very uncomfortable situation.” You said, giving a gasp as another jerk of your bonds brought you indecently close.
“Fuck.” He let out in a hiss, resigning himself to waiting for a better opportunity as a lock of your hair blew into his face, smelling of pine and turned earth “I don’t suppose you have any sort of plan of escape, since it’s your fault we’re in this situation.”
“Geralt, I do apologize that you have ended up in my mess. I’m so sorry that the war with Nilfgaard has caused unprecedented levels of desertion, and that the cowards that have runoff have been terrorizing and robbing the smallfolk. And I’m sorry that the king failed to listen to the pleas of his people, who had to pool together the last of their coin to contract me to come in and relieve them of their problems. But yes, this mess is entirely of my own making, and nothing to do with the colossal mismanagement of the realm of Temeria.”
“Hmmph.” He grunted into your hair. “So how are you getting us out of this mess?”
You gave him a snort. “Don’t worry that pretty head of yours Witcher, something will work out.”
“Alright, dismount.” One of the lieutenants ordered, leering at the two of you. “Hope you two have enjoyed today’s ride. I hear they’re already constructing a gibbet for you in Vizima.”
“I see the royal council has decided to do away with even the minimal farce of a trial then.”
Two soldiers had started to undo the maze of knots binding you and the Witcher together and you gave a hiss as blood started to flow back into your legs.
“An attack on the king’s army is an attack on the king. No trials for traitors to the crown.”
“You do know that neither of us are citizens of this kingdom?” Geralt asked him. “You can’t betray a monarch you don’t serve.”
“Pssh, a minor inconsistency. The king can’t be seen as soft during wartime.”
“Oh, of course not.” You murmured as the soldiers dragged you off your mount and led you to the prisoners’ tent that had been erected next to the officers’. The same intricate raveling of ropes and knots started again as they bound your upper bodies to the poles in the center of the tent. You could hear the beginnings of revelry in the officers’ pavilion when they left you.
“Well, now what?” Geralt asked you, pulling against the bonds at his wrists.
“Just, have a little patience.” You chided him, leaning against your pole in as relaxed of a pose as you could achieve.
“You did hear that they plan on executing us once they get us back to the capital?”
“No, Geralt, I missed that.” You spat at him as you heard Jaskier start to sing and gave a small smile. “Excellent, let’s hope he leaves the good stuff until they’re well and drunk.”
“What are you talking about, Y/N?” He asked you, still trying to wrench himself free.
“For fucks’ sake, give it a rest. Apparently the royal knot tyers are the only members of this army who haven’t fallen lax in their duties.” You rolled your eyes at him. “Just give it a half hour and we’ll give you a chance to get out all the pent up aggression.”
“So you do have a plan? Any chance you want to let me in on it?”
“I think I’ll leave it for a surprise.”
The two of you sat there listening as the sounds of drunken celebration filled the camp. It only took 20 minutes for the revelry to reach a dull roar, and a smile crept over your face when you heard the first refrains of ‘The Fishmonger’s Daughter’.
“Ah, Jaskier, perfect timing.” You muttered.
The song started speeding up and spread through the regiment. You heard the soldiers start clapping along and seized your moment, bending your legs and driving your back into the post you were bound to at each clap, starting to shift it out of the ground with each drive of your shoulders.
Geralt finally seized on your idea and joined you in wrenching his post out of the ground. Within a few rounds of the song, they were loosened enough for you to drag them out of their anchors, causing the tent to collapse around you. You slipped your bonds over the ends of the posts and unraveled yourselves. Geralt gave you a look of appreciation as you hefted your post, flung the folds of the fallen tent off yourself and whipped the post around to take out the two guards that had been posted at the entrance.
“Well, let’s find our weapons, shall we?” You said, giving him a grin.
Apparently, your appraisal of the army had been accurate; you ran into minimal resistance as you made your way to the weapons tent and managed to knock out the only sentries you encountered before Geralt had a chance to react.
“Ah, my babies.” You said to yourself as you started resheathing the ridiculous number of knives you had accumulated for yourself, kissing each blade before you returned it to its rightful place.
“How can you possibly be comfortable wearing all of that steel?” Geralt asked you around a grin, watching you tuck a dirk between your breasts and wondering how you managed to not cut yourself.
“I’m a woman traveling the continent alone, Witcher. I’ve found that the element of surprise is my friend, and there’s nothing quite as surprising as an unexpected knife between the ribs.”
He actually laughed at that, strapping one sword to his back and one to his hip as you hefted your crossbow and loaded it with a bolt before heading back out into the snow.
You were met by the surprised faces of a drunken group of soldiers who were wending their way through the tents, arms around each other as the slurred the lyrics to their favorite song. You shot the first through the chest as you drew your longsword over your shoulder and you dropped your crossbow to the ground, slashing the second across the face before they finally regained their composure and sounded the alarm.
Geralt drew his blades and clashed with three of the remaining soldiers as you grappled with the other two. He managed to drive his long sword through one of their chests before the other two had a chance to converge on him and he struggled to drive them apart with his fists to allow himself room to maneuver. One of his opponents went down suddenly with a dagger through his throat and Geralt threw a look your way to see your first opponent down and missing an eye as you drove your knee into the chest of your second opponent, driving him into a post as you brought your sword around and ran it across his throat.
Geralt threw his assailant over his shoulder and rammed his blade through his chest as you let out a shrill whistle and hefted your crossbow as the sound of hoofbeats rose through the camp. Roach and your courser came charging around the bend suddenly and you latched onto your steed’s mane and swung yourself onto his back as Geralt vaulted onto Roach’s. You turned suddenly and led him back towards the officers’ pavilion as drunken soldiers did their best to pursue you.
“We almost forgot the fucking bard!” You grinned at him as you hopped off your horse and slashed through the back of the officers’ tent. You emerged seconds later with a terrified looking Jaskier, who you tossed over the back of your mount like a sack of potatoes before leaping up behind him and kicking your steed to a gallop.
“Either of you want to fill me in on what the fuck is happening?!” Jaskier shrieked as he bounced around.
The two of you ignored him as you rode on. You set a punishing pace through the whole night, not looking back until you crossed the river into the kingdom of Redania as the sun rose and you finally allowed your horses to slow their pace to a walk, dismounting to give them a rest.
“If my lute is damaged, I’ll never forgive you.” Jaskier whined as he inspected his instrument, hobbling along as he tried to adjust after the unceremonious thrashing he had taken during the ride.
“Jaskier, a little thanks should be in order. Y/N and I did save you from a rather nasty execution after all.” Geralt grinned at him as he walked beside you, Roach nuzzling him in the shoulder as he patted her snout.
“I told the two of you, I had the captain’s ear, I would have been able to talk us out of any trouble.”
You gave him a snort as your courser butted his head into yours, begging for his own pats. “Jaskier, you would have been strung up right beside us. Just think though, this little adventure has the makings of a great song, eh? I’ll buy you a nice hot meal and a bath at the inn we’re coming up on.”
“Well, I’d never say no to a bath. How close is this inn?”
“Just over the next hill.”
You arrived within an hour and made arrangements for the horses as Jaskier headed in to arrange rooms and meals for the three of you.
Geralt and you headed into the inn and you grabbed the two of you the largest mugs of beer you could arrange before joining Jaskier at a table and tearing into the trencher of bread.
“So, good news first.” The bard said. “I arranged for nice, hot baths for all three of us, in addition to our meals. The only thing is, they only had two rooms.”
Geralt let out a groan at that. “Fine, bard, I guess the two of us are sharing accommodations for the next few days then.”
“Aah, well. I figured, with you two having grown so close during our little journey, that you wouldn’t mind sharing the much, much larger room whilst I make due with the tiny, lonely room myself that I’ve already had them unload my things into.”
The two of you shot him equally reproachful looks over your mugs of beer as a barmaid arrived to let him know his bath was ready.
“Ah, splendid. Well, you two enjoy your breakfasts. I’m going to take a very long nap after my bath and I’ll see you this afternoon, or maybe even tomorrow.”
A whole roasted chicken arrived and the two of you tore into it without a word, polishing it off quickly as you hadn’t realized how famished you were.
“I’ll arrange for them to bring up the hot water for baths for us.” You told Geralt as you stood up and stretched, downing the last of your beer.
“I’m fine without.” The Witcher grumbled at you.
You gave him a derisive chuckle. “If we’re bedding together for the two days it’ll take for the horses to rest up, you’re bathing yourself at least once, I don’t need to smell everywhere you’ve been in the past month.”
He gave an uncomfortable shrug of his shoulders as he followed you upstairs. It had been a while since he’d spent the night with a woman he wasn’t paying, and there was something about you he found disarming. Endearing, but disarming nonetheless.
“Ah, at least there’s two tubs.” You said gleefully as you entered the room. A group of attendants arrived a moment later, carrying four large buckets of steaming water between them that they emptied into the copper tubs before taking their leave.
You started by pulling off your supple boots and Geralt turned his back as he began to unlace his jerkin. He heard you give a soft laugh behind him. “Are we really going to pretend like neither of us have seen a naked body before, Witcher?”
He whipped around at the amusement in your voice. You had removed your corset and sleeves and were down to nothing but a thin linen tunic on top. He tried not to stare at the shape of your breasts moving beneath the fabric as you worked at unlacing your breeches. You shot him a wicked look through your lashes as you moved your fingers back to unstrap the multiple sheathes that had been hidden beneath your bodice.
He did his best to ignore you as he ripped his jerkin off over his head. He made easy work of his tunic and breeches and sank into the tub while you were still working on undoing the intricate trappings of your hidden arsenal.
“I really don’t see how you can be comfortable in all of that Y/N.” He chided you as you removed the final straps and drew your tunic over your head before shimmying out of your breeches. He did his best to keep his eyes occupied elsewhere as you stepped into your own bath, hissing at the heat.
“Comfort is a matter of individual preference, dear. Oh, that’s wonderful.” You sank into the water with a sigh and dunked your head under before coming back up with a gasp.
“So, you going to tell me how you ended up with a warhorse, enough steel to equip a small band of thieves, and the strength to wield a tentpole like a damn quarterstaff, or is that something I’ll have to guess at?” He asked as he dumped a bucket over his head and ran the water through his hair before shaking it back out and splashing you, making you yelp.
“I think I’ll keep that my little secret for now, Geralt. Maybe if you buy me a few strongales over the next few days I’ll regale you with my tale of woe.” You let out a sigh as you felt your muscles relax. “Maybe I’ll get you to tell me your history as well. I hear the Redanians have a liquor that will light your chest on fire and make you forget the seasons.”
He gave a laugh and settled his head back against the tub. “You think you can outdrink me girl, you’re in for a nasty surprise… fuck.” He hadn’t heard you leave your tub and sat up startled when you crawled into his, sloshing water over the sides.
“Oh, Geralt, you’ll find that I’m full of surprises.” You said before pressing your mouth to his softly and giving a gentle sigh.
He got over his surprise quickly and wrapped his arms around you, pressing you to him fiercely as he growled against your lips.
You gave him a small laugh as you moved your lips down the line of his jaw to his neck, running your teeth along his collarbone before nipping at him softly as your hands moved down the plains of his chest, dipping below the water to take his cock in your grasp. He gave you a satisfying moan as you did so and you began sliding your hand up and down his length slowly as you raised a small bruise on his shoulder with your mouth.
He bucked his hips up into your hand as you increased your pace and you moved your other hand below the water to play with his balls. You leaned against his chest and gazed up at him with heavy lids as you watched him come apart under your ministrations.
He arched his back and gave a heavy moan as he came in your hand and you grinned against his chest as he softened, planting soft kisses along his throat as he came down and his breathing slowed.
He swallowed thickly and grinned at you before scooping his arms underneath you and lifting you out of the tub easily, making you shriek with glee before he dropped you unceremoniously on the large bed and pounced on top of you, nuzzling himself into the skin below your ear as his large hands skimmed down the sides of your torso before coming to rest on your hips and kneading them, raising bruises on your soft skin.
He brought one hand between the two of you and ran his fingers through the soft hair of your mound before rubbing them between your folds, making you arch into him as you let out a thin whine, fluttering your lashes as you gazed at him. He grinned down at you as he inserted two fingers at an agonizingly slow pace and you moaned as he started fucking them into you, curling them against that sweet, spongy spot each time.
He added another finger as he buried his face in your hair, inhaling your clean scent as you mewled and whimpered, begging him for more. He started strumming your clit with his thumb and you writhed underneath him, doing your best to grind your cunt into him as his fingers stretched you.
It was almost too much when he added the fourth finger and you wrapped your hands in his silver hair, pressing his face to your neck as you cried silently. He moved his mouth back to yours as he increased his speed and pressure on your tiny bud, moving his tongue softly past your lips and tangling it with yours. You came around him, clenching down on his fingers in your release as all the breath rushed out of you. He felt you go rigid beneath him before you collapsed back against the bed with a sigh.
“You think you’re ready for me sweetheart?” He asked as he kissed your neck, moving his hands up to palm your breasts.
You pulled his head back by his hair and gave him a grin before squeezing his sides with your thighs and rolling until you were on top of him, straddling his hips.
You sat up over him and he groaned at the sight of you, soft skin moving over lean muscle, a patchwork of faint scars covering your torso. He ran his thumb over an especially noticeable one that ran over your ribs below your left breast as you guided him to your entrance and sheathed his length inside you suddenly, making him hiss.
You started grinding against him, rubbing your clit against his pubic bone before you started fucking yourself on his cock. He tossed his head back with a moan and a murmured “Fuck” as his hands moved to your hips and guided your thrusts, meeting your hips with his own as he rutted up into you.
He sat up suddenly and pressed you to him as he knelt beneath you, staring into your eyes with lust blown pupils, a thin golden ring around a pool of deep black. You wrapped your legs around his back as he fucked up into you at a faster pace, making it hard for you to breathe.
He wrenched your head down to his and crashed his mouth against yours, his tongue invading you hungrily as you felt your pleasure starting to coil in your abdomen and you whimpered into his mouth.
He felt you starting to clench around him and moved a hand between you to strum at your clit. It only took a moment and you were flying apart around him, every muscle below your waist spasming as your orgasm wracked you and you cried into his mouth. His release was right behind yours as his hips stilled and you felt his spend spurting into you, coating your velvety walls in his release with a feral growl.
He collapsed back on the bed, still holding you to him as you both came down from you pleasure, breathing heavily as your hearts pounded together. You propped your chin on his chest and gave him a sinful grin that he returned, planting a kiss on the top of your head as you started to untangle yourselves.
“Well, if all your surprises are that pleasant, Y/N, I can’t wait to find out more.” He said to you over his shoulder as he stood up from the bed, grabbing a towel to finish drying himself off. He tossed you one and you ran it softly between your thighs, cleaning the mixture of your releases from your slit as you grinned back at him.
“My dear Witcher, I aim to please.” You threw a wink at him before you stood up and stretched. “I arranged for some clean clothes to be brought up, could you check the door for them?”
He peeked his head out and brought in two sets of soft woolens, tossing one to you. You yanked a tunic over your head before stepping into the clean pair of breeches. You decided to forgo most of your blades for the moment, opting for a simple belt that contained two daggers once you had finished lacing up your bodice.
“Shall we head down for more ale?”
“Gods yes, what else do you know about this storied Redanian liquor?”
You gave him a throaty laugh as you headed down to the main room and lute music floated up to meet you.
“Ah, Y/N! Geralt! My friends! Join us for a song won’t you? Y/N, I still want to hear you sing ‘The Fishmonger’s Daughter’ for us, eh? Oh Fishmonger, Oh Fishmonger, Come Quell your Daughter’s Hunger”
“Gods, Jaskier, aren’t you sick of that song yet?” Geralt growled half heartedly
“Pull the stick out of your ass, Witcher. C’mon, Jaskier. To pull on my horn, as it rises in the morn!”
“What a lovely voice you have my lady! For tis naught but bad luck, to fuck with a puck!”
The Witcher rolled his eyes at the two of you as he headed to the bar and the rest of the patrons joined in. What he wouldn’t give to never hear this abominable tune ever again.
“Lest your grandkid be born, a hairy young faun! Bleating and baying all day, hey ho!”
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thewritingduck · 3 years ago
Happy Birthday Kyojuro and Saki
Ok so oops I Intended to post this earlier but I took a nap and forgot. Anyways! I present a headcanon on how these two would celebrate their birthdays and a little interaction. (Also I apologize, I wrote this in the middle of the night while an anime was playing in the background so its not great but I wanted to get something for today.)
As always thank you for reading! <3
Art is Mine, please do not re-post. (Reblogs are always appreciated)
Characters: Kyojuro Rengoku, Saki (Orginal Character), Tanjiro Kamado, Mentioned Inosuke Hashibara, Mentioned Zenitsu Agatsuma, Mentioned Sakonji Urokodaki
General Tags: General fluff, hurt comfort, healing (physically and emotionally), crying, Time is an illusion and so is death
Warnings: Mentions of past character death, Mentions of Near death experience
Kyojuro rarely celebrated his birthday with anyone other than his little brother and occasionally the Hashira
Not because he didn't find it important, because every day he spent alive was something to be cherished, but because he preferred the smaller quiet moments with those he cares about
Those were finite, precious...
He could never get enough of them
Saki celebrated her birthday with her parents for the first eight years of her life, but after her dad died celebrating anything became a burden
Then, when her mother died, She barely celebrated at all.
It was just another day for her
She had been training with Tanjiro for over two years now. Today she was sparring with Tanjiro, working on basics to get back into shape after the incident on the train.
Kyojuro sat on the engawa giving instructions on their forms. He wanted to join, but knew Shinobu would scold him for pushing himself so soon. Saki swung but over extended and she felt the newly healed muscles in her arm spasm causing her grip to go slack. Tanjiro barely pulled his own swing back as he saw Saki's sword fall, her free hand reaching for the shoulder that refused to cooperate.
"I think that's enough for now, we don't want to push your healing bodies too far too fast." Kyojuro called out beckoning them to come sit. Their conversation started with corrections to their forms. Though a stray comment was all it took to change the subject entirely. "You two are doing quite well, young Agatsuma, and young Hashibira as well. Especially given how young you all are." Kyojuro said with a smile and a light laugh.
"Thank you Rengoku-sensei! Although Saki is three years older than me, we have been training together from the start and it has definitely helped." Tanjiro said practically glowing under the praise.
"Oh, I apologize, I was under the impression you two were the same age, or that you were the older of you two young Kamado."
Saki chuckles, "Yeah I'm eighteen. I know I'm short. Though…" Saki looks out at the trees just beyond the training grounds, "I'm probably almost 19 by now. It is late April right? I kinda lost track of time with everything happening."
"Oh that's right! Isn't your birthday in May?" Tanjiro asked, remembering her last two birthdays they had spent together. They were quiet and uneventful. Saki had only corrected Urokodaki and Tanjiro about her age after the day had passed.
"Oh, is that right? My own birthday is in May as well, the tenth to be specific. Maybe we could celebrate together. I know Senjuro wanted to meet all of you after I wrote to him about the train."
Saki chuckled again, eyes looking down at the water in her hands. "Mine is the eleventh, though I haven't really celebrated in a while. Probably ten years or so. Just feels like another day to me."
"All the more reason to celebrate now! Every day we have is precious, and we only get one birthday a year. Making it through another year is cause to celebrate, even if it's small." Kyojuro said beaming at his students.
Saki couldn't help the tears pushing at her eyes. Kyojuro made a startled noise but before he could say anything else Saki looked up at him and smiled. "Thanks Rengoku-sensei, I think it sounds like a wonderful idea."
She had gone ten years without paying much attention to her own birthday. She missed the little moments where she felt genuinely cared for, where her birthday was more than a day the kids at the orphanage got cake. She had grown to care about the Kamado's like her own family Kyojuro was her sensei now and has supported her relentlessly throughout the few months since they returned from the train.
It may be different, but she could tell that somehow this year would be one of her favorites.
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marvinswriting · 5 years ago
hurt/comfort(/hurt?) fic four :0 GENERALIZED TW: death (fear of it, mentioned, and/or, actual death); cursing; blood (mention, description, thought) mg borrower (roommates) au
Rouge borrowers are a thing. When I described them to Damian, he pointed out that they're the equivalent of a homeless person.
I told him all borrowers are technically homeless.
You won't catch me paying taxes.
Rouge borrowers are more like travelers. Never stay in one place too long, never settle down. They're left to their own devices at a younger age too. They have a different culture and borrowing technique than a stationary borrower. They're more reckless, more violent.
They travel alone most of the time. Each man for himself.
My father would tell stories of rouge borrowers that kill off humans if they get caught. 
They travel to houses but don't stay for long. 
There's a good chance a borrower has shared their house with a rouge without even knowing. 
Houses are big.
But- I never thought I'd face one.
"What are you doing here." He called out. He was holding a meticulously sharpened rock as a knife.
I was on the kitchen counter just trying to grab food. Kevin was across the kitchen getting water, frozen in place as he watched the rouge approach me. Gretchen had slipped away before he saw her. I fucking hope she had enough common sense to get Damian. 
I put my hands up in defense. 
"I live here."
He raises his weapon. "You two are stationary borrowers?"
"Yes." I say.
"Take me to your hideout. I want your supplies."
"What?! No!" I step back, but the rouge just steps closer again.
"Hey, dude-" Kevin steps over. "What's your name. Maybe we can work this out- without the kife?"
"Shane." The borrower says, but he doesn't lower his weapon.
"Hey, Shane. I'm Janis, this is my roommate Kevin. I agree I think we can talk civilly without-" I gasp, taking a step backward as Shane gabs his knife at me.
Kevin's arm wraps around my shoulders pulling me close to him.
"Hey! No stabbing the girl!" He says, pushing me a little behind him.
Normally I would object to needing to be protected, but Shane looks strong as fuck for a rouge borrower and has shown he has no hesitation to fucking stab us.
"There's another one of you." Shane deadpans. "Where did she go."
"I don't know," Kevin says calmly.
"Where did she go?!" Kevin steps back so he's next to me. Shane is swinging around his sharp rock-knife-weapon-murder-dagger, like a mad man. 
"We don't know!" I say. "Honest truth!"
She could be hiding in her room like a baby, or getting Damian. Or maybe she fell off the counter and fucking died. Beats me I guess.
Shane steps forward again. He gets to closer for comfort. "Are you sure."
"Yes!" My hands are still up by my ears. My tool bag as fallen by my feet, our week's supply of granola tucked beneath it all. I hope he doesn't fucking take it-
"I don't believe you. Take me to your house."
"You're in it buddy." I say. Kevin kicks the back of my leg. Yeah, I should cut down on the sarcastic quips since this dude could kill me at any moment. 
"Where you store your supplies. In the walls dumbass. I take it you're not wandering around after befriending the humans."
"Ah, that's where you're wrong." I grin.
Shane seems momentarily frightened by the idea that we have a giant ally but decides I must be bluffing.
He shoves me. "Your supplies. Now!" 
Woah woah woah this is getting violent fast what the fuck?
I stumble backward, trying to grasp something to stop myself from falling. I yank Kevin's shoulder but just end up bringing him down with me.
"What the fuck, Janis?" He whines as we both land on our butts.
"Sorry!" I groan, standing up. "What's your damage dude?" I ask Shane.
"My damage is I need fucking food."
"Then get your own! Not in this house!" 
"Not when you have easy access to food in your storage."
"Our storage is empty!" I throw my hands up in exasperation. "Why do you think we're borrowing!"
Both Shane and I are very close to each other. I may not have a knife but momma didn't raise no bitch. I can throw a punch when needed. 
"Then shows me where you normally get food."
"Fucking starve." I spit.
"Janis-" Kevin tried to pull me backward but I'm livid.
Does this boy think he can come into our area and take out resources? Hell no.
Anger flashes in Shane's eyes as his arm thrusts forward.
I don't even feel the pain at first. It's only when he withdraws his arm- his stone-sword-weapon-bitch-thing covered in blood when my mind makes the connection.
Holy fucking shit.
That's my blood.
Kevin gasps as Shane steps back. 
The pain hits like a wave of nausea as I double over, my hands shooting to my side. 
Oh, fuck?
"Where's your food?" Shane's voice is calm like he thinks the answer will change now that he's made his point.
I grit my teeth, standing up. My shirt is turning red but I close my jacket to hide it.
Out of sight, out of mind. I've got ass to kick.
"We. Don't. Have. Shit. For. You."
The kitchen light flicks on and I smile, watching the color drain from Shane's face.
"Human." He whispers.
Damian stood in the doorway, Gretchen on his shoulder. On the outside, he looked pissed, but I could see by the way his shoulders tensed that he was worried as fuck. 
I step forward, trying to ignore the pain in my side and the way the world spins.
"What's going on here?" Damian asks. The bubbliness in his voice is gone. Its enough to make me a little nervous. Shane's eyes widened. "Nothing I just-"
"He attacked us." I say. I feel like a child tattle tailing on their sibling.
"I'd leave if I were you." Damian says, walking over to the counter. He places Gretchen down without removing his eyes from the rouge borrower.
Shane doesn't need to be told twice.
Fucking pussy.
He turns to run and I don't care where he goes because the world is spinning slightly.
Extremely slightly.
Its actually not slightly at all.
But who cares. It's only a bit of blood loss. The rouge borrower is gone. 
I turn back to Kevin, big grin on my face. He eyes where my hand is pressed to my jacket but doesn't say anything.
"You guys okay?" Damian asks.
"Yup!" I grin. Kevin just looks away.
"Kevin?" Damian tilts his head. "You didn't get hurt, did you?"
"No," Kevin says dryly. "I'm okay. It's J-"
"Our food is safe!" I cut of Kevin with a grin, scooping up my tool bag, granola still stashed away. 
Damian and Gretchen smile warmly both of them visibly relaxing. I almost feel guilty. But hey, I'll be fine. It's not that deep.
"I was freaking out when Gretchen came into my room," Damian explains. "Normally only Janis stops by. I'm glad you guys are safe."
"Yeah! You're okay!" Gretchen cheers running over to Kevin and me. She pulls me into a tight hug and I grit my teeth. Ow. Fucking-
"Gretch. Stop."
Gretchen pulls back, eyes wide. "Janis-"
Her hand has blood on it.
My blood. 
There's a lot of it.
Damian gasps.
Kevin is mumbling something.
Gretchen's got tears in her eyes?
Bitch I'm the one who got stabbed. Why are you crying?
The world is spinning a lot now.
"Oh- heh." I laugh but there's no humor. "That's a lot of blood."
"Janis!" Gretchen gasps. "What happened?!"
"I got fucking stabbed its not hard to tell." 
Hmm, I'm starting to think sarcasm might be my way to cover up fear.
Kevin is oddly quiet. He always has some sort of remark for my attitude.
Damian is frozen too.
Probably because I'm dying.
I'm dying.
"Well." I laugh softly, my hand pressed to my side. "This was fun."
"Don't talk like that." Kevin mumbles. The stern tone is gone though. "You're gonna be okay. Just- sit down. I'm going to go grab medical shit."
"Don't lie to her, Kev. She dying. Shes-" Gretchen is full crying at this point.
"No, she's not!" Kevin snaps. "No- no shes not. I- I'll be right back."
I am dying, though.
I don't say it out loud. I don't want it to be true either.
I sit on the ground. My legs feel weak. My eyes feel tired. My side is burning yet ice cold at the same time. 
Blood is sticky. 
That’s a fact I would live without knowing.
"Jan, no." There's high panic in Damian's voice. "You need to stay awake."
Kinda forgot Damian was there. I don't want him to see me die. That's too sad.
Gretchen kneels in front of me. Her hand pushed down on my side above my hands. I cry out in pain but I know shes trying to stop the blood. "C'mon Janis. Kevin will be back. You need to stay awake."
Despite everything Gretchen is telling me I let myself fall backward, staring up at the ceiling. 
I was losing blood fucking fast I guess. I went from 10/10 hiding it to laying on the ground staring at the ceiling in seconds. 
Of all the ways a borrower can die, I get stabbed. I had family members drown in sinks, eaten by pets, starved from unpredictable human schedules- and  I’m killed off my another borrower.
Fucking great. 
"Janis." There's panic in Damian's voice. "Please. Sit up. Stay awake."
It's too hard. 
I’m tired. 
I can’t.
"Janis!" Gretchen is full sobbing. 
I'm sorry, Gretch. Sorry for being a bitch ass roomate. My bad.
Everything sounds muffled. I think I can hear Kevin returning. There are more hands.
Everything hurts.
I don't have enough energy to push them off.
"Jan, Love. You need to stay awake."
Thanks for telling me all about your world. They were fun stories to hear. 
Love you.
"C'mon Janis. You're stronger than this. You really gonna let one rouge borrower take you down?"
It appears I am, Kevin.
Sorry guys.
If I were to quote bear, oops. Lol. Tags! @realmisspolarbear @musicallygt @sourishlemons @smallsoysauce
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theelectronicbrain · 4 years ago
Hello! @killmygoldenn tagged me to do this AGES ago... it was in my drafts and I forgot about it (idk why me of all people, she knows me more than anyone else)
1. Name - NOPE! SORRY!
2. Nickname - @daughter-of-hades1218 calls me Elec, people call me Ani, one guy in particular calls me THE TALL BOI because he's tiny and I'm giant.
3. Zodiac - Libra
4. Height - 172 cm or 5'8 (almost)
5. Languages - English, Tamil, Hindi, Arabic (a little), French (a little).
6. Nationality - Indian, from the state of Tamil Nadu
7. Season - Winter because I live in dubai anf winter is the only time the temperature goes below like 25 degrees.
8. Flower - Ummmmmm...omg I don't know what my favourite flower is! Wow! Shit!
9. Scent - Probably the smell of a library
10. Colour - Orangey gold
11. Animal - Tiger probably
12. Fictional character - there are too many tbh. probably.....Hercule Poirot for now. I love his moustache.
13. Coffee, tea or hot chocolate - Tea first, hot chocolate and then coffee ( yes I'm a Brit 🇬🇧)
14. Average hours of sleep - about 7-8 a night every day of the week, but it goes up to like 10 during holidays (weekends are not counted)
15. Dog or cat person - usually dog sometimes both
16. Number of blankets - one big duvet if I'm in Dubai, nothing if I'm in India ( the AC is crap)
17. Dream trip - Europe : Italy, Greece, France, all that. I hope to get a nice Roman sword idk why.
18. Blog established - Early February 2020
19. Followers - 120 ( I see you guys have been loving me, thank you)
20. Random fact about me - a bird pooped on my shirt today and I had to spend half the day shirtless (KIDDING I wore a sweater)
I really don't know who to tag so @hometothecanyonmoon @28-oops-hi @foreverfanficaddict you guys are on the chopping block today
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smallwilfre · 4 years ago
Drawn To Life - Whump Fanfiction
Overview: This is just me vibing and writing. If you don’t like the topics given here, feel free to block me or block the tag “whump”. Just stories and chill.
Warning: Whump does have abuse in it. I’m also new to this genre, so yeah.
Characters: Wilfre(“Villain”) Drew(“Hero”)
Wilfre let out a robotic chuckle, almost like a tape recording. The little self aware game villain had a lot of confidence. He knew in his paws was his ticket to victory.
At the other end, stepping into the room, Drew approached and Wilfre didn’t hesitate to turn his scepter on him. There was no where else to hide now. Drew had a surprisingly disinterested look to him. “Hurry the fuck up, Wilfre”, Drew called out. “I didn’t trudge through this shit hole just to hear you giggle.”
Wilfre grimaced upon hearing the harsh words, his laugh quieting down and turning somewhat nervous. He expected Drew to fight, run, or something! But Drew hadn’t, the “hero” simply waited.
Wilfre shook his head and smiled again, twirling the scepter and letting out a rainbow blast. As he had planned. All uncertainty was then washed away at the delightful sight of the mannequin’s destruction. Wilfre closed his eyes to relish the moment, but when he reopened them, Drew had grabbed ahold of the end of the scepter. Wilfre was thrust immediately into panic, his heart thumping with adrenaline. This wasn’t part of the plan.
Drew glanced upwards. Wilfre peeked up in the same direction. The box above them the creator used to observe them had gone dark. The creator had gone elsewhere. Normally this would elate Wilfre, but something felt off about this. He felt a harsh tug, the scepter now pulled from his paws, his claws scrapping against the metal as he fruitlessly tried to gain it back. “Ah! Hey! Thats mine!”, Wilfre blurted out, but Drew only smirked. “I’ve put up with your bullshit for over 12 levels”, the hero growled. Teasing Wilfre with the out of reach weapon, making the shadow fly back and forth. “Go on. Ask for it back”, Drew continued. Wilfre’s smile had gone, a wide frown in its place. He desperately “chased” after the wand. “I need that for our battle!”, the shadow raposa cried out. Drew sneered, responding with a swift motion. He smashed the scepter into the ground. “Oops”, Drew spoke giddily.
Wilfre’s eyes widened with horror as pieces of fragmented gem scattered across the floor in a beautiful sound. The shadow pinned his long fuzzy ears back. It was now he noticed how small he was, how helpless he was compared to Drew, especially without his weapon. He held his paws close to himself, looking around at the small pieces of his scepter. Red reflective dust all across the floor.
“Awh. Were you going to use that? I thought villains don’t play by the rules~”, Drew cooed. His hand took hold of the hilt of his sword, pulling it out slowly. “Did you forgot your role, Wilfre?”
Wilfre backed away from Drew. “I’m technically a hero... from my p-perspective”, Wilfre stammered. His fear had begun to show. The hero approached with confidence. “Oh, aren’t you a “shadow”? A “ monster”?”, Drew asked sarcastically. Wilfre shook his head quickly and jumped as he felt something bump him from behind. He placed his paw back, feeling the recognizable surface of the wall. He was cornered.
“Don’t have anything to say now? I thought you were a talker~”, Drew spoke, holding his sword to the side.
Wilfre fell to the floor holding up a bright green book over his head. Held like a shield over his head, it open to the mannequins page. Was this some attempt to dissuade an attack? Drew knelt down, looking concerned a moment.
Wilfre quivered beneath the book, his black fur standing on end. “That’s cute”, Drew spoke quietly. He grabbed the book by the pages, ripping them out harshly. “The book doesn’t work anymore. Remember?”, the hero’s voice was so sickly sweet and joyful. Fear now gripped Wilfre’s heart. “This isn’t a f-fair fight”, Wilfre struggled to speak, his throat feeling tight. “You were suppose to take the hit.” A quiet sob escaped the shadow. Was he crying now too? Drew smirked as he reached out, feeling confident enough to grab the “wretched creature”, pulling on one of his long ears to whisper into, “I’m done taking hits. It’s your turn now.” Wilfre squirmed under the mannequin’s warm breath, his quiet voice bringing discomfort. “Hero, let me go. I just do what I was made to do. I’m sorry. I don’t know what I did to make you like this”, Wilfre pleaded. Drew pushed the book out of the way, now seeing Wilfre’s face. His round features were a lighter purple now and his eyes glossy. “Oh, Wilfre. This is what you’re made to do. Right here. Make me smile”, Drew replied. He tilted Wilfre’s head up, staring directly into his eyes. “You’ll be a good little villain, right?”, Drew asked. Wilfre sniffled, the hero’s words scared him. “I’m trying to be what I have to be”, Wilfre quietly cried. Drew gently took hold of one of Wilfre’s paws. “I’m sorry~”, The hero purred. His grip turned to force as he pinned Wilfre to the wall. Wilfre trembling beneath. “Hero?”, Wilfre squeaked. ...To be continued?
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loopyhoopywrites · 5 years ago
Find The Word
Aka, my favourite tag game! Tagged (back) by @raevenlywrites :D Not tagging anyone because spoons, sorry.
Art (Which I didn’t have, so I chose the closest thing)
“Sleeve.” Cedrix automatically reminded him.
“Knew that.” Said Tim.
“No, you didn’t.”
“I didn’t.” Tim admitted cheerfully, finally succeeding in freeing his wand from the inside of his sleeve, and promptly dropping it.
Sighing in a tone that was far more fond than exasperated, Cedrix picked it up, gave it a stern glare, and handed it back.
This time Tim managed to keep hold of the stick of black plastic, and began to use its white tip to draw a series of strange shapes in the thick dust that covered the window, sticking out his tongue as if it would somehow make up for his lack of artistic talent. Cedrix watched, impressed.
For about three seconds.
Fun, it turned out, wasn’t exactly how Cedrix wouldn’t describe it. He had no idea how the tower had been secured so thoroughly in the short time they’d been gone, but it seemed every stair set off some sort of trap. Personally, Cedrix considered it all rather excessive, but he could hardly deny its effectiveness. What should have been a simple minute’s climb turned into a feat of endurance as Cedrix dodged silent arrows, swinging axe heads, and suddenly appearing walls of fire with rapidly growing impatience. True to his word, Tim followed dutifully behind, more than happy to hold back and admire the view as Cedrix disarmed each and every ambush.
Stripping out of her jacket, If reached back and unsheathed a giant golden sword almost as long as she was tall, encrusted with gemstones of every shape, size and colour. Its blade had been painstakingly etched with magical runes, and was sharp enough to thread a needle.
“Forgot I had that.”
“Chapter six,” Cedrix read aloud, “Concerning the identification and initiation of romantic relationships.”
A small hand wiggled its way into his own, and Cedrix took a moment to look up from the book and into Tim’s eyes. Tim’s face was glowing with an expression of love and joy directed, not at the book, but at Cedrix, and the prince had no choice but to place a soft kiss on his boyfriend’s lips.
“Ew, get a room.”
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insertdisc5 · 6 years ago
Yet Another Zelda Roleswap (the masterpost)
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✨what's this AU?
Check THIS POST I DID that started it all and also the AU’s tag
✨in this au, the previous legends about the triforce are the same, aka “zeldas are princesses links are heroes and ganon/ganondorf is always the same guy and the big bad”! BUT THIS TIME DESTINY DID AN OOPSIE and ganondorf forgot all about his previous lives while link is the one who remembers them all!!! zelda just wants to travel and read cool legends and didnt expect to be part of one
-trans girl, found the name zelda in very very very old royal records
-she's like 16 or something
-seventh heir to the throne who wants to prove herself, so she goes on an adventure to save the world!!!!
-adventurous and impulsive and naive
-main weapon is bows, she also knows magic and sheikah techniques
-has six siblings who dont really pay attention to her. shes probably the youngest
-her point of view is very black and white at first
-even when she gets in the middle of link and ganon’s story she still doesn’t believe she is The Zelda of legend
-how could she she’s just a zelda, one among many, just a kid playing at being a princess
-(she IS the zelda)
-she gets a bird AND a white horse!!!!
-if she sees a weird cave she WILL go into it 
-would probably eat moss if dared
-genderfluid, uses he/they
-hes in his early twenties
-a man zelda meets during her travels, who seems to know a lot about old legends
-he can see koroks and fairies, who can’t be seen by most people
-gets all his past lives' memories after he gets the master sword, over a period of a day or two
-maybe link does remember his past deaths along with his past lives, but past deaths are maybe more muted…. less like he experienced them and more like someone told him about it. still fucks him up tho
-i feel like he’d be pretty nice and sleepy all the time, until you mention something that has to do with his memories (aka, ganondorf, but also like “oh ive heard some hero in the legends went back to being a kid to save the world or whatever) and he’d get this super serious, focused look… something like that, little things that would make zelda go :^?
-he just really wants to kill ganondorf ya dig
-SO MANY BOSS FORMS probably one per main title (kinda like xant’s battle in TP) (strongest/hardest to fight is majora’s mask link), and final form is definitely some twisted looking fierce deity
-as for his past selves he has all of their memories and its kind of… they’re not him, he’s him, they’re just memories that he has, but when he is very very stressed its “memories become actual personalities for a sec” time. 99% of the time its just him and then ganondorf is there and its like WILL EVERYONE SHUT UP IM TRYING TO MAKE A MURDER HERE
-he’s not controlled by malice or anything because it would feel like a deus ex machina to me
-in the end he doesnt die and he gets redemption because he didnt hurt anyone he just tried to kill ganondorf a few times hes good, and also zelda is his friend and an heir to the throne he’s got immunity. poor guy just needs help processing all those lives and needs a cabin in the woods with some fairies!!!
-re: his past lives, oot link SUPER HATES ganondorf while ww link is more sympathetic. links who havent fought ganondorf are ambivalent about him
-endgame ship is either with ganondorf OR beedle. beedle is the secret ending
-will eat moss
-he's in his twenties i promise he just has resting old man face
-zelda’s old childhood friend
-doesn’t remember anything about his past lives
-gerudo king, very serious but fairly well loved
-lets not talk about malice it either doesnt exist/this ganondorf doesnt have any/this ganondorf knows how to control it. either way its not gonna affect the story
-”what are you wearing today king” “oh, just whatever” (its not whatever he spent hours finding the day’s outfit)
-found out about his past lives while reading a very very very old book, probably read it and stayed in his room for a week and then promised himself to never ever ever turn out like that
-genuinely a good person
-would never eat moss
-zelda and ganondorf actually knew each other as kids! Both being royalty and all. legends do talk about a hero a princess a beast or whatever but don’t use link or ganondorf’s names since it’s been so long- it takes zelda and ganondorf both finding old, old books on their own to be like “AH OOPS”!!! Ganondorf learns about his past lives much earlier than zelda, who finds out during her adventures, and she goes from seeing ganondorf as a dear friend to being like “…but what if he’s really bad though”
they’re old childhood friends, you know, the kind that were best friends before and then grew up and saw each other less often (different kingdoms and all) so they kinda grew apart, and then zelda starting her quest made them reconnect again! Ganondorf is a little older than zelda so he always saw her more as his little sister who just jumps into mud because she totally saw a sword there i promise, and zelda sees ganondorf as her cool older brother who actually pays attention to her, unlike her actual siblings
-when link and zelda meet, zelda’s like “weird dude but probably harmless” and link is like “weird girl but probably harmless” and then she’s like “oh my name is zelda” and link goes “ah just likeWAIT” and he kinda observes her to… gauge her abilities? My Zeldas Were Better kinda thing. i guess during their final battle he’s like “you’re really a zelda, after all” and its bittersweet
the second zelda figures out link is also part of those legends she goes full hero worship mode, which makes link’s fall from grace… really… hard on her. ive been admiring you and wanting to be a hero like you all this time, turns out you’re not a hero and also Not Okay
-re ganondorf and link, after everything that happened uuuh
human brain: it probably takes them both a long while to get used to each other, given that one was almost killed by the other and the other has vivid memories of having their world(s) destroyed by the one, but after a while they probably bond over their shared uuuuh memories i guess. link visits gerudo city once in a while and they catch up and become friends and
lizard brain: after 100k words they DATE
no i wont write how it happens you will NOT make me embarrass myself in front of everyone because i earnestly wrote about how link visits ganondorf every time he’s in gerudo country and at first link just passes by to give ganondorf news about how zelda is faring as queen and news about the world, and as time goes and years go by  they start talking about their lives and struggles and just taking walks across the desert together and having sand seal races and everyone in ganondorf’s court is like “so when’s that little voe coming back” and ganondorf is like “i neither know nor care that its been three months since his last visit” and everyone’s like (smirk) “okay” and when has he even started to look forward to link’s visits anyway how did this happen and then link comes back and smiles gently and shows ganondorf this cool rock he found that looks like ganondorf’s face and ganondorf is smitten
takes them both Y E A R S to realize their feelings and then date tho. slow burn or bust
-takes place in a time where the games’ adventures are only known as legends where they didnt even write down ganondorf’s and link’s names
-now that im thinking about it it wouldnt happen like THOUSANDS OF YEARS after any game because then ganon and link wouldnt be that worried about their destiny??? so maybe like 100-200 years after a game??? and the ppl writing down the legends were just terrible bookkeepers who couldnt even think write down link and ganon’s name
-(smash voice) EVERYONE IS HERE!!!!!!!! tingle and agitha the bug princess and sidon and especially groose who is uuuuum zelda’s rival who is totally not in love with her
-i think in botw its implied koroks are only seen by people like link and zelda??? so id say only people with uuuuh magical power??? can see them???? so koroks are just doin their thing, playing pranks, helping people without them knowing, and, in the case of makar, playing romantic music around couples
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ick25 · 7 years ago
Rockman.EXE Episode 20 Review.
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Yaito’s weak bladder strikes again.
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The day she almost couldn’t make it to the bathroom!
We start the episode at the tournament with Midorikawa announcing the battle for the semi-finals! Yay!
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Only Rockman’s picture is on the screen, so everybody wonders who will be his next opponent. Or should I say opponents?
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“Oops, forgot to display Blues’s picture”
Surprise! Rockman will be teamed up with Blues to fight Stoneman and Bombman! The ultimate tag team, or as Midorikawa calls it, the “BR Whirlwind!”
Everyone is excited for this announcement, but just then, Bombman and Stoneman decide to crash the party by reminding everyone of their superiority, again.
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Looks like Wily didn’t install a “Humble” program into them.
However, Higure-san justifies their reason to brag since they can automaticaly use battle chips, instead of waiting for an operator to send the chip to the Navi.
Masa-san doesn’t agree with Higure-san and of course they have to start arguing about it.
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This isn’t important, but it cuts to Midorikawa telling the audience to wait until everything is ready for the match.
So we move on to our heroes having a picnic outside, where they start to worry about Bombman and Stoneman. Masa-san decides to give Netto a pep talk by saying that he and Rockman have something that Bombman and Stoneman don’t, friendship.
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Aww, but we can’t get mooshy over this, so we then have this funny scene.
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This whole time Yaito has been eating with an annoyed expression on her face, and after this scene we finally hear why.
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They actually think it’s a good idea since Enzan and Blues are strong, and Tohru even says that Enzan already has a fanclub, but Yaito doesn´t care for that since she is still angry at him for insulting her father’s company back in episode 14.
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Their picnic is interrupted by mister sympathy himself, Netto says that he is looking foward to fighting with him, but Enzan just tells him to stay out of his way in the battle.
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He tries to walk away but Yaito wont ignore the fact that he just insulted her company yet again, after trying to start an arguement with him she then challenges him to a Net Battle, but we all know that is never gonna happen.
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Enzan, too cool to be a jerk.
This infuriates Yaito even more who decides she needs some alone time to releave her stress, and she leaves in the quickest and most stupidly rich way she could think of.
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Must be one of those new hybrid limos. Was the choffer just wainting for her to give him a signal? The private jet was probably busy.
Shortly after this, Blues tells Enzan that he recieved a message from the president of his company, aka his father.
The next scene is the place where Yaito ran off to, a fancy hotel under the sea, where she washes away her stress with giant glasses of strawberry milk! XD
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This scene was cut from the dub because, I’m guessing, Yaito sitting in a bar might make her look like she has a “drinking problem”. This is a joke of course, but you know how some people can get over “grown up” scenes like these.
As faith would have it, Yaito discovers that Enzan also happens to be at the hotel.
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We then cut to Netto and Rockman, once again, in the trainning room practicing the Program Advance. A shot of Meiru watching them train is cut out in the dub.
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Again, the power disappears before reaching its target, but they wont give up, so they keep practicing as we cut back to Yaito in her funny attempt to spy on Enzan.
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She only ends up embarrassing herself by crashing into a table and running away. Enzan is done with his meeting and proceeds to the elevators, where Yaito just happens to be at, and for some reason she decides to hide inside the elevator behind a dinning car.
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Her cover is blown by her big forehead, and also because Enzan isn’t stupid. She gets angry at him yet again and begins to yell. It’s almost like this episode is trying to ship these two.
Now we cut to some workers having a conversation.
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Woops, but don’t worry, the coffee doesn’t damage the control panel, it’s when he tries to clean it up where he accidentaly presses a button that shuts off the power of the elevators, leading to a commercial break.
We come back from commercials with Yaito tightly grabbing onto Enzan’s arm.
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Yeap, the anime wants to ship these too.
Enzan tries to call for help but the power in the elevator is off, and since he doesn’t want to miss his battle, he decides to use the dinning car to climb out of the elevator. All of this while talking to Yaito about him being in a business meeting instead of a date with a “hot blonde” like she initially though.
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Enzan decides to leave Yaito alone in the elevator, since she herself said that she doesn’t want to “breath the same air than him”. This comes back for her in the form of all the strawberry milkshakes that she drank earlier, with a close up of her knees shaking being cutted out in the dub.
She then proceeds to follow Enzan through the elevator shaft, we cut back to the tournament where Meiru and the others tell Mariko-sensei that Netto still hasn’t mastered the program advance, they also notice that Yaito hasn’t return from the last time they saw her.
Back in the elevator shaft, Yaito is fighting her fear as she climbs the ladder behind Enzan, despite Glyde and Enzan telling her to go back to the elevator. She is too stubborn to listen but ends up screaming after seeing a shark outside a window since the hotel is underwater.
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Enzan does the sensible thing and climbs down to talk to her, after asking her if she will keep climbing he tells her to open her eyes.
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No wonder he has a fanclub.
After this tender moment, we cut to the tournament where Midorikawa announces that everything is ready for the match, and who are the first to appear at the arena?
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Of course they could’t wait to brag in front of everyone again. This is starting to get annoying.
Back to the elevator shaft, Yaito is climbing the ladder with Enzan right behind her, luckily not looking under her dress, they start talking about Enzan’s father calling him to sign a contract at the hotel. Yaito suddenly slips, and after her shoe falls, she opens her eyes to see that Enzan caught her, he helps her get back up but loses something very important in the process.
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Enzan, you are rich! How come Netto has a chip pack and you don’t?! You just put your chips in your pockets like a commoner!
Their luck quickly changes as one of the employees finds them.
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“We can’t afford a lawsuit from both your fathers!” Now I feel sorry for the guy who spilled the coffee, he can lose his job over this. XD
Although they are saved, we can’t forget that Yaito lost her shoe! Oh, and Enzan’s chips too.
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With both of them safely out of the elevator shaft, Enzan runs to the exit of the hotel, where Yaito’s special car arrives for him.
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I share that same reaction, that was ridiculously fast!
I couldn’t help noticing that Yaito, despite having a PET, also seems to have a cellphone, which is weird because PETs are suppouse to be super evolved smartphones.
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I’m surprise she didn’t peed her pants after those two scares she went through.
We cut to the trainning room with Netto and Rockman’s final attempt to perform the Program Advance before the match. Will this be it?
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So... All he had to do was call out the Beta Sword?
Looks like they finally did it since Netto enters the arena excited and ready to take on Bombman and Stoneman.
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However, Enzan hasn’t arrive yet, leading to Midorikawa announcing that if he doesn’t appear in the next five minutes he will be disqualified and Netto will have to face Bombman and Stoneman by himself.
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I didn’t skip anything, this is literally what the clock shows after Netto says that. The clock showed five minutes and then it jumps to two minutes!
Everyone waits, the clock is now down to 16 seconds, Netto is about to give up until he hears footsteps. Enzan finally arrives with only three seconds left.
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That was the quickest countdown I’ve ever seen!
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“It was like the anime was trying to ship me with an eight year old girl, can you imagine?”
Speaking of said date, Yaito leaves a bathroom (with the bathroom sign shot cutted out in the dub for some reason) and asks Glyde if Enzan made it in time, Glyde tells her he did and that she aslo received a message from him. He shows her the mail in a scene that was compleatly edited in the american version.
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This was changed to an image of an envelop on screen and then playing an audio message with Enzan’s voice. Yaito gets annoyed by this message and the episode ends with Bombman and Stoneman vs Rockman and Blues’s battle about to begin, setting everything up for the next episode.
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I love how she calls them a Dream Tag.
My thoughts?
This episode explains a little more about Enzan’s character, despite being a pro and wanting to provoke Netto and his friends with his attitude, we get to understand why he acts that way. As we saw back in episode 14, Enzan comes from a rich family, his father is the president of a company that hasn’t been revealed in the anime yet. We also learn that Enzan is the vice president of said company and that that’s the reason why he had to sign a contract at the hotel where Yaito was. Enzan might seem like somebody who doesn’t care about anything, but we see that he does care about the tournament, we see him wanting to get to his battle on time, and he was willing to climb the elevator shaft just to be able to get there on time.
Just picture, an eleven to twelve year old boy forced to be the vicepresident of a company, his father is always working, mother absent or dead, he can’t eat outside without giant bodyguards because his rich, and is probably homeschooled because he doesn’t socialize with other kids his age. That would make anybody grumpy. Net battles seem to be the only thing he enjoys and he won’t let anything ruin it for him.
The anime tries to ship Yaito with Enzan since their company’s are rivals, even though they work in different areas. Enzan’s company is called IPC and it is a PET manufacturer company. Some sources say that IPC stands for “Ijuuin PET Company”, others say that the name is based on an old rival of Capcom, for which the rivalry between Gapcom and IPC would make sense.
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