#oops ! (gets attached to my video game characters)
vodka-and-ocs · 1 year
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sunshinebarbarian · 2 months
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Hello!! You can call me Pigeon! I'm 23F, from Portugal. I'm making this long ass post to give a little background information about the blog. I'm usually not into games like BG3, so I was a little late to the party, but boy am I glad to have arrived.
Click here to see the list of what I've already posted <3
I'm also posting on AO3!
One of my best friends kept talking to me about the game for YEARS and at some point last month Instagram decided to start recommending me fan edits of Astarion (which is funny because when she first asked me years ago who I'd pick, I very decidedly said Karlach) so I caved, and asked her to let me borrow it from her. When I was about 80 hours in, I broke and actually bought the game, because her account was being used and I didn't want to wait to continue my playthrough.
Neither of us expected me to get as much into the game as I did. Seriously. There's like 12 pages of screenshots I sent on discord of my own gameplay (a lot of it is Sol and Astarion kissing, oops), not to mention the unholy amount of reels and videos related to the game that we send each other.
Anyway, after about 180 hours (if you don't count the hours lost when I fucked up and had to reload the game) I finished the story, and proceeded to go cry in the corner. Instagram once again came to the rescue, when I started seeing posts from @meanbossart and I actually got obsessed with the way he draws his characters. I'd ride his dudrow to the Feywild and back if I had the chance. I'm not much of a visual artist, but I always loved writing, so I started writing Sol's adventures, because I was absolutely not ready to say goodbye to her (we spent over a month together! that's longer than some of my relationships). I'm doing it for myself, but I figured someone out there might enjoy it too, so I'm posting it. Plus this way I can save it more neatly than if I just keep using the notes app on my phone. I'm not new to Tumblr exactly, but I have never used an account for more than just snooping for particular posts. There's also AO3, but frankly that website confuses me and intimidates me.
Now, about Sol, and her story: I'm starting it pre nautiloid abduction, and will follow the choices that I made during the gameplay. I'm going to add some filling, to flesh out her character and her relationships with the whole gang, as well as just to give uniqueness to her story (otherwise you could just. play the game. and it'd be the same thing.). When I was creating Sol, I decided that I would play her as myself, making the choices that I would make, doing the things that I would do, so, the filling will be game/lore accurate still, and it will be based on my reactions and thoughts about game events. Luckily I have twelve pages of screenshots and a lot of messages to guide me. Once the game story is finished, I have ideas for how things will continue, because I refuse to let certain things remain the way they are, and I have attachment issues.
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impprtante · 2 months
Backstory; The Save File
So, I've been playing this save since I've been in middle school (currently in college) on and off again because my interest comes and goes. So since middle school. Originally, had gotten sims and didn't know what to do, and before as a kiddo i watched videos where people design the disney princess and make them do things, there was a certain series but anyways, it facinated me and i thought it would be fun.
(i first tried cc but i kinda get annoyed that things break so i just gave up after like 2 generations.) Anyways, so I make a sim, get a challenge pulled up, first one i find, try and give up on reading the rules for a legacy challenge, and start.
Immidiated i didn't read the first one because i thought adultery was fun as a middle schooler (haha so edgy) and didn't read that technically you're supposed to have Snow White have 7 children with ONE dude. So. Oops. This is exactly when i decided to be like, screw it these are more of a guideline for my game play anyways. This is where i see that the princesses aren't in order of movie release and go "nop i don't care about the storyline they gave me, its going in order >>:("
So a few years go by, i b doin my best, on and off again, and i think aroundddddddd..... Gen 7 Jasmine that my sister (love her <3) got me an in to get all the sims packs (im on sims 4, idk if that needed clarification). Side note: we used to share an account but when sims went free i made an account and transfered my files over (she played less sims than i did at that point but then i got her back hooked whoops). but anyway, SUDDENTLY THERES SO MUCH TO DO AND EXPLORE.
There's so much more cas, theres so many different worlds, buildings, aspects, etc. And suddenly, im actually really sad that my sims of the past didn't get the full experience like that.
BUT, luckily, i had gotten really attached to all my sims early (gen 01 lol) so i had most of the sims backed up on my gallery. In fact, i was so attached to them that i had a lot of different versions of them saved. So i just put them into a seperate world where they could be immortal and live their best lives <3
so there i am, very content to have my two save files. one with the real progression, and one that i've been calling my dollhouse; they're in my toy box, when i feel like playing with them i pop on by and then let them be the rest of the time. But uh, i got a little too invested. and then i realized i had, well. regrets.
I'll make a little seperate post about that later.
but well, i had been writing down quirks and taking pictures of my sims for so long, i have a google drive with just a lot of musing and notes and uploading pictures. I really wanted to write a story based on them, this huge family, because well. I really love them. They're my babies. But i've literally never written anything before. I was a then aspiring writer, stuck writing notes and facts lol. nothing else.
i also had pictures on a drive because i wanted easier access to their appearences, because i wanted to try drawing them out so i could have the scenarios from my head somewhere. I think i was inspired to art because my sister is an artist (she's so good at it) so i wanted to try to draw my dear characters but i literally stopped at Eira lmao (Snow White) i could not do character design. I'll post the drawings sometime, theyre scatted places where i doodled. And i was playing sims on this old computer i didn't feel secure on, in my childhood bedroom so :p, i was in school most days and using my laptop so i tried google drive.
so recently (this summer) i made a NEW world to start inserting them with all the new additions. The primary reason for this was because even though i loved them..... they weren't really characters. They didn't have relationships to them, just my imaged ones. I've a really bad mindset of grinding in the sims instead of being social, so they were actually sorely lacking in personality. Base Game sims 4 didn't help matters. So even though i was picuring and writing, i never got to actually see them interact as childhood besties. They didn't have any random friendships. I barely threw any official birthday parties. So, i wanted to kinda turn back the clock and figure things out.
So, recap: i have a save where i play the "challenge". an old save where i store them, and a new save where im passing them over slowly and storing them.
But now i feel like i have too many thoughts about them to keep to myself so here we are, typing :p. I would keep typing in the google docs but honestly, those were more cynical notes for myself, like disecting a species. I thought a blog would be a good place for like, more informal posts. so, yeah :)
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reticent-fate · 2 years
Fictive Friday (12/30)
Prompt and event hosted courtesy of @fictive-culture​ !
This week’s prompts:
❓ Question of the week! ❓
The new year is right around the corner! How have you grown and changed over the past year? Do you feel closer to or further from your source now than you did last year?
Bonus question:
Do you have any New Year’s resolutions?
Answers under the cut, because I’m EXTREMELY long winded lmao!
CONTENT WARNINGS in the context of reflection: discussions of dormancy, implied persecutor shenanigannery (nothing descriptive)
This is actually a weird time for me in terms of reflection. I’ve only recently been active in our system again after about 8 years of dormancy. I’m a pre-fictive in that, like a lot of us, I existed without an identity and primarily as something more comparable to a distressed mode state until last year, our other host saw the character that would accidentally be the perfect fit for my identity. Quite literally, it’s only been about 375 days since I came out of that dormancy, so all I have to go off of is mostly how I’ve adapted to being aware of our system and an active part of it.
So let’s do a list, because I will write a dissertation if I’m not held back by something!
Here are some ways I’ve grown and changed over the past year:
I became our main host! Oops? As of the last year, I take up a good majority of time in front, because I’m surprisingly well-built for dealing with our day to day life.
I learned how to make things, with my hands! Before my dormancy, I used to do bead stuff all the time. I made a whole bunch of necklaces, but now I’ve taken a real stride to making bracelets. One of my subsystem-mates bought some jewelry stuff thinking it’d be a little one-off, and now I’ve made well over 40 bracelets for our system, including more aesthetic bracelets and system related ones! Literally taking a break from organizing my bead collection rn to write this post lmao.
When I first showed up, I was kind of a tool? But my cohost was like “dude, chill out and drink a dr pepper, also play a video game???” and I would like to think I have gotten at least 2% less shitty since. The difference knowing about your system and also knowing about your autism makes when adapting to your emotional states? Phenomenal, thanks. Not perfect, but it does help.
I’ve developed actual social hobbies! Like Dungeons and Dragons! I love building characters and running sessions, even if that’s a rare occasion with our schedule. Our system actually collects dice, too, so I always have sets that match my aesthetic! There are a lot of blue and red dice (respectively, though Chessex does have a gemini set I’m eyeing with both), so my tastes are well-catered to and I’ve made a habit out of buying any dice I think my headmates will like when our budget allows.
Also. My picrew collection? It’s a lot. I love these funky little things. I’ve saved almost 150 of them and by this time next year I bet I’ll have increased that number to at least 250 lmao.
As for source stuff, I think I’ll separate this into its own list:
When I first showed up, my attachment to my source was sort of tangential to who I am as a person. It fit me because my source is basically the Most Evil Person in existence, so it was the easiest face to attach myself to when I showed back up and was stirring shit lmao.  
Over the course of the last year, though, my headmates’ absurd collection of resources on otherkin shit has actually helped me find something to do with that instinct I had to identify with this character. It’s allowed me to explore my own identity in a lot of ways that weren’t going to be possible when I showed up and the rest of the system expected me to get bored of being in front within a week (which I did not; see again above, I’m the fucking host now /lh).
Part of that relationship has helped me also with dealing with this attachment through the complicated lens that is being a fictive, especially one who identifies both psychologically and spiritually with their source (ie: I derive identity-related and moral catharsis from the relationship I have with specifically my source character).
Put another way, I feel a lot closer to my source character, because I have put in a lot of effort to ask myself why I identify with that character. With it has been the development of exomemories, like faded polaroids, and contesting those with the understanding of both my biographical identity as an entity in this system and one which identifies as Heitaros from the world’s shittiest gacha game (ilu Grand Chase and, begrudgingly, Dimensional Chaser /lh).
From another aspect, I’ve grown closer to my source by way of inheriting our special interest in the source media as a whole, looking at it from my perspective as a villain fictive and writing just... Gods it’s way too many essays, why do I do this to myself? I have an essay on how many times Grand Chase accidentally wrote something super plural (the outline, with only 3/10 sections or so filled out, is about 8 pages iirc). I also have an essay I want to write just dissecting the franchise and what its narrative says on the nature of change and what changes are or are not attainable. This series LOVES status quo and as both a villain introject and the person I am in this body, looking at that is fascinating because from certain angles GC has some interesting dialogues on who is allowed to cause change and for what reasons, especially when it comes to defiance of Fate or the Creator’s Will, which are actual tangible concepts in the narrative. ANYWAYS I have so much to say about this garbage can video game, both the MMO and the gacha game.
That last one got extra winded. Uhhhh, villain introject go brr? Here, have a little sketch lying around from one of our warm ups, featuring yours truly (and a cameo of a fellow weird introject, Sky):
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Bonus Question: New Years Resolutions?
Okay well kind of. But mostly nope. They’re kind of just ongoing goals that have nothing to do with us completing another rotation around the sun. Mostly just keeping the system happy and also embodying the “give no fucks, take no shit” attitude as best I can (which is not always the best). As the guy with way too much time in front, I have to manage a lot of projects/stress/etc. all at once, and right now we have waaaay too much on our plate for me to say “okay we’ve made orbit let’s add something else.”
Like, uh, trying to get into friggin grad school. That’s not a resolution or anything, but it’s a goal and ideally it’s gonna happen by time 2023 wraps up lol. But it’s also beyond our control right now (waiting on apps to process) so I can’t very well say that’s a 2023 resolution!!! So how about this: getting good grades in grad school! Yeah. That’s. Something.
We have always been atrociously bad at these things (/lh).
-Heit (he/him)
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iamapoopmuffin · 3 years
Teen Titans Episodes Explained Badly
Divide And Conquer: Aight, first thing to establish here, you take any one Titan out of the equation and the entire team is fucked, thank you and goodnight.
Sisters: If you ever wanted to get your sibling arrested, here’s a handy dandy guide on how!
Final Exam: “Did you order a crack team of ace assassins?” “No.” “Great, here you go!”
Forces Of Nature: Some old dude convinces two teenagers who have never heard of stranger danger to start some fires
The Sum Of His Parts: Reject humanity return to robot
Nevermore: Journey to the centre of Raven’s brain
Switched: Anatomically accurate puppets give way to your classic body switch storyline
Deep Six: Beast Boy vs a hot guy. The Titans get wet.
Masks: A secret identity within a secret identity
Mad Mod: A cheerful reminder that school sucks and is full of creepy people. Also never trust British people.
Car Trouble: I steal your car I steal your car I steal your car I steal your car I st
Apprentice - Part 1: Slade, a bitter divorced father, hasn’t seen his children in a long time so he steals one of Batman’s children.
Apprentice - Part 2: Robin does not want to be Slade’s son
How Long Is Forever?: Back to the future
Every Dog Has His Day: I heard you like dogs so I traded your dog for a dog. Also if it’s green, it will love annoying Raven.
Terra: The Titans let a homeless girl crash on their couch and she tracks mud everywhere
Only Human: Atlas’ entire life is this one video game and he probably lives in his mother’s basement
Fear Itself: Have your nightmares ever come alive and tried to kill everyone you care about? W̶̢̧̖͚͎̙̗̰̦̹̏͗̽͊̒̊̂͐̏̏͒̌͠ͅỏ̸̢̥̻̑̌͑́̏̓̈͐͜͝ų̷̭̫͙̘͕̣̏̑͂̍̈̋̽̍l̸͖̙̭̩̘̩͇̱͎͑̌d̶̡̧̡̛͎̪̳̰͉͖̠͈̗̽̃̎̏͑̈́͊̚͝ ̶͖̞̅̂͌̅̏y̶̖̯̮̩͈̻̹̣͆o̶̙̰̽͆̆̔̿̂͠u̵̡̫̩̹̅̄́̅̈́͆̾̉̀̐̌̂̚ ̶̨̢̛̥̺͍͙͎̥̣̼͇̲̞̳̄́̂̇̉ͅl̵̮̿i̵̢̢̛̹̞͕̲͐̈́͜k̵̡̺̏̊͌̿͊͆́̅̍̂͑̕͘͝ͅe̵̛͇̕ ̶̧̧̨̟̺͍̞̤̱̗̲̦̺̹̌͂̏̀̌͌̚ţ̶̫̞̣̬̣̜̙͛̓̂̋̀̍̀̏͐̇͒ͅh̴̢̧̡̭̭̱̙͙̼̊͌̅̋̎͊̉̓̓̚͜͝e̴̥̩̩͔̰̫͆̇̇̐̂͛̊́̀m̴̡͇̀̊ ̷̦͚̖̯̌͛́̄̔̄t̶̢̤̫̰̲̖͚̗̜͔̫̫̖͚̿̓̑ͅo̴̳̹͎̗͍̜͂̆̅͛͐̈̐̈́͒̽͘͠?̶̨͖̲͈̩̲͎͍̪͇̤̺͑̾̇͂̆̾̈̈́̅̅
Date With Destiny: Sexual harassment ft. moths
Transformation: Puberty. That’s it, that’s the episode.
Titan Rising: Homeless girl joins team and doesn’t track as much mud around the house this time.
Winner Take All: Overgrown furry gremlin thing makes kids fight each other then shoves them inside a necklace
Betrayal: Bitter divorced dad ruins teenagers’ date
Fractured: Being from another dimension appears and accidentally turns the world into a crayon drawing
Aftershock - Part 1: Terra is evil? Terra is unyielding? I’m packing my little rucksack-
Aftershock - Part 2: You thought everyone was dead but no, they’re fine...wait, a volcano is erupting-
Deception: Cyborg goes back to school but it’s evil school
X: When your evil alter ego suddenly becomes a person in its own right.
Betrothed: Never let your sister plan your wedding
Crash: Get sick, eat everything.
Haunted: Robin gets poisoned and hallucinates vividly.
Spellbound: The dangers of getting way too attached to a character in one of your books
Revolution: History lesson on crack
Wavelength: Evil Academy 2 Electric Boogaloo.
The Beast Within: Reject humanity return to Bigfoot.
Can I Keep Him?: Please do not feed your silk worms mysterious alien goo.
Bunny Raven...Or...How To Make A Titanimal Disappear: “Hey kid, you wanna see a magic trick?”
Titans East - Part 1: A new Titans team but Brother Blood wants to make it Evil Academy 3 Steel City Drift
Titans East - Part 2: Hypnotism and violence. I hope you kids like the threat of death!
Episode 257-494: Fat nerd escapes into TV and becomes James Bond
The Quest: Robin gets advice from some talking animals
Birthmark: Slade is never getting invited to another birthday party.
Cyborg The Barbarian: Back To The Future but it’s the film where they end up way in the past. Cyborg falls for a dead girl. This boy is really not lucky in love.
Employee Of The Month: Beast Boy gets a job working for a talking cube.
Troq: The Titans help an intergalactic racist and don’t question it when he states they need to commit mass genocide for the good of the universe.
The Prophecy: Oh yeah also the world is about to end lol
Stranded: “Well thank fuck this planet happens to have an atmosphere we can all survive in.”
Overdrive: “I’ve started a gang. The current members are me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me and me.”
Mother Mae-Eye: Overbearing parent simulator
The End - Part 1: Satan comes to visit his daughter and burn everything.
The End - Part 2: Everything is on fire.
The End - Part 3: Raven tells her dad to fuck off.
Homecoming - Part 1: Meet The Parents, Beast Boy edition
Homecoming - Part 2: What would you give up to chase down a team led by a homosexual brain in a jar and his monkey boyfriend?
Trust: Madame Rouge melts in direct sunlight.
For Real: You ordered the Teen Titans, but we didn’t have it in stock. We’ve substituted and price matched Titans East, now without hypnotism.
Snowblind: Starfire helps Captain Russia™ face his radioactive personal demons
Kole: Jurassic Park but nobody gets eaten
Hide And Seek: Would you rather fight a giant gorilla or babysit children? Quickly now, we don’t have much time.
Lightspeed: No Teen Titans here, just bad guys and even worse flirting.
Revved Up: Basically Wacky Races.
Go!: “This is the story of how we met. Except I tell it better than Robin does, my version has pirates!” “God damn it, Beast Boy-”
Calling All Titans!: “Here’s every single hero we could get the rights to for this. We sure hope no-one’s got any evil plans for all of them...”
Titans Together: Oops, evil won. SIKE!
Things Change: Beast Boy harasses the fuck out of a girl who looks like his ex.
The Lost Episode: I hope you like music, ft. don’t trust British people 2 electric boogaloo.
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blujaydoodles · 2 years
artist asks: 4, 11, 12!!
4. Fav character/subject that's a bitch to draw?
God I was gonna say 'weirdly, Juniper' because I really struggle with tall/ skinny body proportions and for whatever reason I just can't get get her face right half the time but THEN I remembered what a pain it is trying to draw Nyssa every single time aaahah :'D She's-- so-- the thing about Nyssa is that she was literally designed to be self-indulgent for me to draw, in theory, but it turns out in practice that's less the case than I expected? like... oh I'll make a satyr oc cause I love satyrs :3 [goat legs are HARD to pose and even HARDER to attach nicely to a human waist to begin with! what on EARTH are horns from literally any angle!] I like drawing bodies and hate drawing clothes, good thing satyrs are naked lil heathens :3 [I don't actually know how to draw boobs?? oops???]
A bitch to draw for somewhat similar reasons is Tsakesh, who is a delightful boi and has a very visually appealing design to me, and I'd probably draw him a lot more if he wasn't a cat man oTL
Approaching from a different angle, another answer would be Small characters interacting with medium sized creatures/ an environment designed for medium sized creatures. Like in theory that's part of the fun of small creatures, but in practice I'm really bad at composition, and trying to get everyone's faces in the image at the same time when one person is barely half the height of the other is a huge pain in the ass, actually, lmao. But it's so fun when it works!
11. Do you listen to anything while drawing? If so, what?
YES, and-- it depends! Often it's mbmbam, or my big catch-all 'songs I like singing along with' playlist, which is 1) the default music I listen to and b) The Playlist for workin on Projects, but doesn't always fit drawing. Usually I can draw while listening to stuff with words, but when I can't I have an instrumental playlist called 'Coloring Time' that I originally made for my kids when I taught a drawing class that's almost entirely comprised of chill video game overworld music, so I have something to listen to that's background engaging without being distracting. I ALSO! have instrumental playlists for Melliwyk, Juniper, and Elyss, and sometimes when I'm drawing one of them I'll put her playlist on at the same time (especially Mel's because it's just delightful anyway, and tbh pretty rarely Elyss's because a lot of hers is really melancholy :'D)
12. Easiest part of body to draw?
👉👈 will y'all promise not to be mad if I say hands
ask me artist questions? :3
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shiocreator · 3 years
Y'all get this
A fourth part
This will be the only time I ever write 3 anythings within a day. Its probably short maybe shorter than the last.
Please forgive me if it's terrible I'm bad at writing multiple characters. And they're possibly poorly written I am sorry.
You know the rules by now, spoilers ahead dont read unless you wanna be spoiled about things or you already watched or played the game Inscryption!
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It's been some days since our meeting. Now that we've actually met and spoken to each other, P03 would make sure I took care of myself and not miss any classes, saying he was only doing it so I would owe him, and play with him again. Keeping up my end of the bargain there, I did continue to play his game. Either way, it's nice having someone to talk to during these times, even if they degraded my sense of coat for a summer day.
And, today was the day I had planned to visit my family. Our family friends, the Young's heard what happened to Luke and had stayed with them for abit in my absence, to help comfort my family. I'm kind of glad that by now they'll be gone, I just dont feel like seeing others right now. Though, P03 was a stranger technically, but it's, it's just a robot... even if I did get attached immediately.
And now, I'm home. I left the computer at my dorm room, I feel kinda bad, but-
Suddenly I'm jolted out of my thoughts by something slamming into me!
I hear the sound of an excited little girl yell. "CARTER!!" She giggles as she does so.
"Ouch! You've gotten stronger since we last saw each other havent ya punk haha!" I ruffle her hair, it's one of my little sisters, G.G., or Georgia. I hug her and pat her on the back as I do so, before picking her up, and looking to see very familiar faces.
"Hey Car, hows college?" A high school boy asks me, hands on hips and smiling a small grin, presumably at the girl who charged at me.
"Horrible my dear Alex! Wish I could come back home, but I dont wanna sleep in the spare room." I say, abit dramatically causing the people around to chuckle. My other little siblings, Brian and Raine came over to me to show some of the stuff they made, Raine showing me some of her art, and Brian having shown me some lines of code he made work.
I, really did miss these kids. A lot... I'm glad I did come back.
Nothing much happened really, we all hung out, played Luke's favorite card games, which half the time we were trying to figure out the rules, video games, and reminisced about old stories we had with him, us pranking him and in return him pranking us. It felt good, to remember him.
I stayed the night, and... I got a call... from... someone... I have no idea who, but I heard noises, at the other end. I sort of panicked and hung up, kinda scared I guess. I didnt tell anyone, I dont know why I just didn't... I didnt want to possibly endanger them...
I stayed another few nights, the same number called me many times. I... never told anyone, i eventually blocked it... And now here I am, getting ready to go back. I almost dont want to... Maybe I can tell P03, and ask for some help...
By the time I'm done pondering my possible situation I'm back. At my dorms. I hurry back into my dorm, hoping whoever called never followed me, and as soon as i entered my house i slammed the door shut and locked it. I ran to check on p03 to see if he was still there, and he was. It looked like he was trying to call someo- Oh.
Once he heard me come in he turned around, and he looked angry. "WHY DIDN'T YOU ANSWER MY CALLS!?" He sounded.... like the exact same noises from the other end of the phone.
"Oops..." is all I can really say.
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wromwood · 3 years
Oop, it’s Thursday. Let’s see what this week’s episode of CBS Ghosts is like. Now, this is something I can get excited about: “D&D”
- Oh, hey, we open in 1777! We watch Isaac unveil something that legit surprised me: he’s introducing a musket with a skyglass attached. He’s calling it an “Eyesaac.” I didn’t expect him to have invented a sniper rifle.
aaaaand he’s using it to spy on a British officer shaving in his shirt.
Aaaand there’s a silence while his troops find it awkward. I feel like this moment could have been done better or more subtly.
- Technically, we didn’t see Isaac’s death there, but we DID see his attitude that led to his death: he scoffs at the idea of regular handwashing to keep away dysentery.
- Jay is trying to play D&D over video chat with the rest of his party, who live in NYC. However, his internet connection is really bad and his friends are moving on without him, both in game and IRL. They even want to kill Jay’s character to fill in his role with the new friend of their group! JEEZ. No wonder Jay’s an ass sometimes when he’s got friends like that.
Now THIS is interesting. These British soldiers from the American Revolution mostly stick in the shed among themselves and only visit the house once a year with complaints.
- Jay’s D&D character is called “Hitch.” Pete (who LOVED D&D when he was alive) had a character named Gelvin Monkspear.
- Awww, Jay’s actually really hyped to play with Pete and vice versa! But Sam is being really uncool about it. As we learn later, she really doesn’t like D&D.
- .... Jay, stop GUILTING HER! JUST ASK! FUCK!
Ok, an explanation for that note. Once Sam starts hinting that she doesn’t want to help them play DnD, Jay IMMEDIATELY starts passive-aggressively guilting her about how his friends don’t want to play with him, and how he’s so lonely, and how she has so many ghost friends. And it’s CLEARLY passive-aggressive guilt tripping. This can’t be confused for anything else. Which just makes me mad at Jay for not negotiating or asking out right like a goddamn adult.
Man, I miss Mike.
- The lead redcoat and the soldier that Isaac has a crush on is named Lieutenant Colonel Nigel Chessum.
- .... HIGGINTOOT?! Isaac’s last name is freaking Higgintoot? ... did I know this already?
- Aww, Isaac and Nigel BOTH have a crush on each other. That’s kinda cute! Their flirting is actually sweet. It’s not super clever, but there’s nice music behind it and everything. I actually want to see this develop.
- Sasappis and Alberta join Pete’s party. (Pete’s new character is Gelvin Monkspear II)
- Jay doesn’t know that D&D games happen over several sessions? This is your husband’s hobby, Sam, and it’s clear that he plays regularly. I guess she could have assumed that every session was just one game, but even so, that means she really didn’t pay attention to any of it.
- OK, Isaac says he has a secret he’s been keeping from Nigel all these years and that while saying it will release an immense burden, he feels it’ll hurt Nigel’s feelings. I wonder what it could be...
- Aw, after playing with him, Jay feels Pete is great! (They also bond over 80s basketball) Jay wants to play with Pete a few times per week now. It’s nice to see him learn about certain ghosts’ personalities and form friendships with them.
Sorry, I felt I should preserve the caps lock of my original note. Once Jay says that he’d like to play with Pete and the other ghosts a few times a week, Sam decides to straight up lie. And in front of Pete, no less, who is in the room. She says that the ghosts decided that they didn’t like playing D&D, so Jay should just pack it up for good.
This was really confusing to me. I know that Sam has to learn a sitcom lesson at the end, but she typically wants to help the ghosts all the time... until now?! I guess she doesn’t like D&D that much. But even so, I think it’d be more in character for Sam to at least try to limit the D&D sessions first, not lie outright and make the ghosts super sad.
.... also she’s lying to her husband. Which isn’t good.
- .... and Isaac’s secret to Nigel is that he killed him. (Accidentally; Isaac sneezed while spying on Nigel through his Eyesaac rifle) Of course, Nigel didn’t expect the honest news to be THIS, and storms out. (I think Nigel is more honest about his feelings with himself than Isaac is.)
- Yes! We have a return of writing in mirror steam. (I always liked the idea of this ever since it popped up in the BBC show) And it actually works! “SHE LIED”
- Finally, Sam admits that she really didn’t like playing D&D. And Jay admits that he liked playing with the ghosts because it made him feel like part of the gang, even though he can’t see or hear them. I’m glad to hear them say these things, but I hate why they had to say it.
- Heh. The ghosts’ battling each other is essentially a slap fight. That’s really funny.
- It just occurred to me. Nigel was shot in the chest, but there’s no visible wound like with Thomas. Or if there is, his ruffly shirt hides it well.
- At first, Pete proposes that the redcoats and the house ghosts fight using D&D as a medium. Jay says, “I am happy to resolve all ghost conflicts this way.” And honestly, it’s a really fun idea!
.... too bad it’s abandoned after a MINUTE. Nigel and Isaac immediately think that the game is boring.
- One of the redcoats (I can’t remember which one was specified) chose to play a Tielfing bard.
- Awww, now Isaac and Nigel are flirting again after Isaac honestly apologizes.
- OK, I just have to say that I love how Nigel makes his redcoat fifer Baxter play him out when he leaves.
- Awww, Isaac and Nigel are going on a lil date together. (Walking through the grounds) And Baxter’s not invited.
- At least Sam agrees to continue playing D&D at the end. And while Jay is snarky and guilt-trippy, he brings up a good point: he’s joined Sam’s activities in the past to make her happy, so their relationship should have mutual effort. I feel like this should’ve been established earlier so that his mentioning it would have been an actual part of the lesson instead of just a snarkly throwaway line.
- Pfft. Sasappis made Trevor write “MAKE PIZZA” in the steam, prompting Jay to shout “This is not the new system!” Legit funny joke.
All right! That was D&D. It was equal parts fun and frustrating. I was happy to see the addition of new ghosts to the dead cast AND I like the cute romantic tension between Isaac and Nigel. However, my frustration at how Sam and Jay act in this episode keep me from calling it a total win.
Let me know what you guys thought of this episode!
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shed-the-god · 3 years
Oops, I revamped Kokichi :)
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I may have gotten inspired after watching Aeris Akamatsu’s video on how Ouma was a badly written character (go watch it) and decided to give him a personality (and also changed his outfit from a straitjacket)
I feel like this design would actually attribute to the plot and change it a little but not to much
Plot Change:
After Akamatsu’s death he starts to plan on ending the killing game. Though, after a while, he realizes that he would need other peoples help with this. He first interacts with Gokuhara because he reminded him of one of his old friends before the game and he could help him end the game with his resolve. When Ouma checks out Iruma’s skills and smarts, she reminds him more of one of his other friends but they tend to argue because he feels she’s insulting his friend with her vulgarness. All three of them work together, having meetings, to end the killing game.
In the 4th chapter, Ouma and Iruma get into an argument which causes her plan to kill him. He starts to feel unsafe and asks Gokuhara to switch A.I.s with him and observes what her plans were in the V.R. game. He runs away when he witnesses her kill Gokuhara then everybody leaves the game to see Gokuhara died in the game. During the trail, Ouma was hesitant on ratting out Iruma, but values the majority of the lives over one and eventually admits Iruma was the blackened.
(5th Chapter happens pretty similarly to the original)
Ouma’s personality is similar to original, he’s a liar, playful, mischievous, intelligent, and analytical. I kept the same likes and dislikes but with my add-ons, I made him distrusting and he has anxiety, he can just mask it pretty well. He’s also a compulsive liar so his lying is more of an automatic reaction, even if it’s contradictory to himself.
For his outfit, I kept the cape and hat on and gave him a regular button-up shirt with his organization’s logo on it. He still has a checkered scarf, it’s just purple and is a bow tie. He has his mask attached to his belt and a knife holster on his thigh bc a supreme leader needs to be able to protect themself. He also has bags under his eyes from anxiety and overworking himself.
Anyways hope you enjoyed this,
Bye 💜
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sailorfailures · 5 years
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I fell in love with these postcards from the Girl’s Night Out popup cafe the moment I saw them! I knew I had to get my hands on them, and the lovely @blaze-rocket was able to help that happen.
I cannot get over how perfect these postcards are. To me, this is what Sailor Moon is; a testament to the little moments from the series that made us fall in love with the characters, especially how their personal preferences were reflected in their fashion choices. In a world of merch where it’s easy to just slap a random crescent moon on something pink and say “look, it’s Usagi,” the designer responsible for these graphics went the extra mile to take imagery from the show itself that needles its way deep into our nostalgia-cortexes.
How many references do you recognise? Quiz yourself against this comprehensive (image-heavy) list! 👇
The inners’ postcards all reference the eye-catching sign for Game Center Crown, the iconic arcade where Motoki Furuhata worked and the gang would all congregate to play games and share information.
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Starting in R they switched to hanging out at Fruits Parlor Crown, a cafe attached to the arcade staffed by Motoki’s sister Unazuki, which the Inners’ postcards all also reference. They would often get brightly-coloured drinks there, but the drinks pictured on these postcards seem to specifically line up with the real drinks available at the Girls Night Out popup cafe.
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Sailors Neptune, Uranus, and Pluto’s postcards all reference “Café Étrangère,” which was the name of the cafe they were seen dining at in the Sailor Moon S movie. Even the logo is replicated faithfully from a scene only a few seconds long.
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All the girls’ clothes are hanging on coat hangers shaped like Luna/Artemis/Diana.
Ami / Sailor Mercury’s references:
Ami’s casual outfit is an unusual choice since she only wore it a handful of times over the entire series, and half the times she wore it, it was given a different colour scheme with a green jacket instead of the yellow version pictured here.
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Her “mini data computer” is her most iconic tool/weapon/accessory, revealed in episode 009, directly after her introduction.
The pink package is how Usagi and the other girls wrapped up her transformation stick and communicator watch as Ami’s going-away present in episode 062.
The ice cream may be a reference to the same episode, as she shared a cone with Chibi-Usa before she left, and returned to the store to protect her friends from the Droid Nihpasu.
The flash cards are a method Ami commonly used to help her study, and are particularly similar to the ones shown in the SuperS short “Ami’s First Love”.
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Rei / Sailor Mars’s References:
Rei wore her casual outfit fairly frequently, starting and most notably in the beginning of the Sailor Moon R movie.
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The small red o-mamori charm is from Hikawa Shrine, seen frequently but introduced in episode 010.
The paper ofuda ward was used frequently by Rei to fight evil, even before she could transform, but most notably in the attack sequence for “Akuryou, Taisan” (“Foul Spirit, Begone”).
To my knowledge the purple bag isn’t a specific reference, but Rei did throw a similar purse at a Cardian as a makeshift weapon in episode 048 before she got her Guardian memories back.
The gift-wrapped shopping boxes are the exact same ones as carried by Rei in the Sailor Moon Sailor Stars opening sequence before she trips and falls, right down to the patterns on the paper...
... which in itself may be a reference/callback to Rei’s tendency to make Yuuichirou carry her shopping (maybe so she doesn’t trip).
The phoenix-shaped pendant is a reference to episode 183; it’s made of glazed ceramic, crafted by Rei’s cousin Kengo Ibuki, given to her as a child after she convinced him not to smash it even though he his pottery a “failure”.
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Makoto / Sailor Jupiter’s References:
Makoto didn’t start wearing her casual outfit until around S, but she wore it frequently after that, especially as she became more confident wearing “feminine” clothing. They even remembered her iconic gold wrist watch worn over her sleeve!
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Her uniquely decorated bento bag debuted in episode 026, her introductory episode, along with the rounded green cutlery. The pouch has been featured a few more times since and its design is a mainstay in almost every Sailor Moon canon.
The teal hairtie and the rose-shaped earrings are two of Makoto’s iconic accessories, some of the only non-magical fashion accessories in the entire series to stay the same whether the character is transformed or not (the other being Minako’s infamous red bow). Her earrings also served a dual purpose as makeshift projectile weapons in episode 025.
The blue book is 月夜の天馬 (Tsukiyo no Tenma, “The Moonlit Pegasus”), a novel which was written by Tomoko Takase and introduced in epsode 134. Makoto knew Tomoko from her old middle school, before she transferred, and was the first one to read her first draft after retrieving it from bullies. She encouraged Tomoko to try and get it published. Makoto meets with her again and helps her overcome her writer’s block to finish her sequel, 天馬幻想 (Tenma Gensou, “Pegasus Fantasy”).
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Minako / Sailor Venus’s References:
This is one of Minako’s most-worn casual outfits, especially if you consider the additional outfits based off it. Despite its prevalence, she didn’t start wearing it until the beginning of S.
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Minako’s red hair ribbon is her most iconic accessory, but did you know why she started wearing it? The Codename: Sailor V prequel manga explains that she started wearing the ribbon instead of her usual red hairtie on the suggestion of her “first crush” Higashi. But when he turns out to be an enemy in disguise, she decides she looks good with a ribbon anyway, and keeps wearing it for her own benefit.
The red mask is a reference to Minako’s role as Sailor V before joining the team as Sailor Venus. Sailor V was known as a mysterious vigilante superhero and a fictional video game character as early as episode 001, but in episode 033 Minako revealed herself to the rest of the Sailor Team, dramatically removing her mask one final time.
Minako was known to be a skilled volleyball player, especially in the manga, and it was especially relevant in episode 100 where she had to delicately return the serve of an energy sphere containing the Pure Heart of her old volleyball crush, Asai.
The sign with Minako’s name can be seen hanging off the front of her bedroom door in episode 192.
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[Manga scan courtesy of Miss Dream.]
Usagi / Sailor Moon’s References:
Usagi wore this outfit in the Sailor Moon R movie, making it a memorable choice. Although the movie aired roughly midway through R, Usagi didn’t start to wear this outfit casually again until the S season.
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Usagi is shown eating a lot of food, especially sweets, but she seems to have a particular fondness for crepes, snacking on them in several different episodes.
In episode 143 we can see that Usagi is very technologically trendy - for the times. She’s carrying that blue-and-pink pager which she and Mamoru use to contact each other by way of goroawase, that is, deciphering messages based on the different pronunciations of numbers, a precursor to modern texting. Mamoru pages her the numbers 84 51, which could be read as hachi yon go ichi; reading only the first syllables, and substituting go for the related sound ko, Usagi would interpret the message as hayo koi, which sounds a bit like “come quick” - she’s late for their date. Oops!
By the way, pagers were often called “pocket bells” (pokeberu) in Japan, and became so rapidly popular they even found their way into the lyrics of Rashiku Ikimasho, the ending song for the SuperS season; 「泣きたい時には ポケベルならしてよんで、戦士の休息」 [Nakitai toki ni wa POKEBELL narashite yonde, senshi no kyuusoku] “If you feel like crying, send a page thru the Pocket Bell, take a break from [being a] Guardian”
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Chibi-Usa / Sailor Chibi Moon’s References:
Chibi-Usa doesn’t technically have a school uniform, but her casual clothes are often styled after sailor suits as a reflection of both her idolisation of the figure of “Sailor Moon” and of her desire to be seen as older and more mature than she appears. She changes “uniforms” every season, and this pinafore outfit is the version she wears in SuperS. She wore the other outfit in the SuperS premiere episode.
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The handgun is from episode 060, Chibi-Usa’s introduction to the series and arguably one of the most iconic absurdist scenes in all of Sailor Moon. The gun itself is actually a toy, probably a transformation of the Luna-P sphere, which Chibi-Usa uses to try and threaten Usagi into giving her the Legendary Silver Crystal. When she “shoots” Usagi, the bullet is revealed to be nothing but a suction-cup flower, also pictured. (By the way, if you were wondering, Chibi-Usa’s fake gun is based on a real Colt M1911A1.) She transforms the Luna-P into a toy gun to shoot Sailor Moon again in the Sailor Moon R movie, this time as a way to motivate Usagi to fight.
The Luna-P sphere was a mysterious gadget Chibi-Usa kept with her for the duration of R and parts of S. It’s unknown where it came from, but it could be assumed to have been created from advanced 30th century technology. It was a combination toy and tool which could transform itself into a variety of objects, formulas, and even weapons, though none were shown to be particularly powerful. It could also be used to communicate with Sailor Pluto at the Time-Space Door. When Chibi-Usa was manipulated into becoming Wicked Lady in episode 085, the Luna-P sphere also transformed into an “evil” and much more dangerous version.
The Space-Time Key was a special tool given to her by Sailor Pluto that allowed her to travel between the past and the future, though it was difficult for her to wield effectively.
The sunhat was given to Chibi-Usa by Ikuko, so she treasured it greatly. In episode 112 it got blown away and was retrieved by Hotaru Tomoe, which allowed her to meet Chibi-Usa and marked the beginning of their close friendship.
The blue-and-red package was a gift containing two manga books (”Drop Drop” vol. 1 & 2 by Ukon Katakuri) which Chibi-Usa intended to give to her new friend Hotaru in episode 113.
In episode 127, Chibi-Usa returned home to the future, and the girls all made her some going-away gifts. Ami made her a floppy disk (lol) to help her study, Rei made her a casette tape (double lol) of her music, Makoto packed her a lunch, and Minako made her a photo album of their time together. Usagi hand-sewed Chibi-Usa the rabbit-shaped backpack using a real outfit she used to love when she was a child.
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Michiru / Sailor Neptune’s References:
This is a somewhat unusual choice for Michiru’s casual outfit, as she only wore it for two episodes, and that’s only because they made up a two-part story. But perhaps because the episodes were so pivotal - with Haruka and Michiru almost learning Usagi’s true identity - the outfit itself became more memorable.
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Not only do they include Michiru’s violin, but they included the lemon she bounced off the instrument as she played to show off her skills in episode 093.
The teacup, teaspoon and saucer are the same set Michiru was seen drinking from at Fruits Parlor Crown in episode 094.
Michiru and Haruka both reference episode 095, where they had to enter a “true love” contest as part of their investigation. The contestants were asked to find their partner’s hand in an anonymous lineup, and Haruka was able to identify Michiru’s hand immediately.
Michiru used Haruka as a model for an illustration in her green sketchbook in episode 106.
Michiru’s Talisman is the Deep Aqua Mirror, revealed in episode 110 and used in her attack Submarine Reflection. She could also use it to receive prophetic visions. Visually, it was based on real-life art nouveau hand mirrors, and symbolically represented the mirror from the Three Sacred Treasures.
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Haruka / Sailor Uranus’s References:
Conversely, Haruka wore this outfit a lot. Maybe more than she should’ve.
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The teacup and saucer is the same set Haruka was seen drinking from at Fruits Parlor Crown in episode 094.
Haruka’s postcard also references the lovers contest in episode 095 (see above).
The purple scarf is from episode 096; Haruka was wearing it as a necktie when she almost ran into Makoto on her motorcycle. Haruka used the scarf to bandage Makoto’s road rash, which she returned later, though now smitten.
Not only is Haruka’s motorcycle included, they also referenced (one of) her car(s), the 1968 Toyota 2000GT.
Haruka’s Talisman is the Space Sword, revealed in episode 110 and used in her attack Space Sword Blaster. Symbolically it represented the sword from the Three Sacred Treasures.
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Setsuna / Sailor Pluto’s References:
Setsuna didn’t have a school uniform, since she wasn’t a student, so she got to double-up on her casual outfits. Her mauve outfit is her most recognisable, wearing it so often it may as well have been her uniform. In fact, she was rarely seen wearing anything else until Sailor Stars, where she started experimenting with other outfits, including the Time Lord-esque suit on the right.
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The potted plant is a Tellun, the energy-draining plant created by Tellu in episode 121. Setsuna was investigating it when it attempted to attack her, but she was protected by her Talisman, the Garnet Orb (also pictured, representing the jewel in the Three Sacred Treasures). She then went on to destroy the remaining Tellun plants and defeat Tellu with the help of Sailor Moon, Sailor Chibi Moon, and Tuxedo Mask.
The teacup and saucer are the same set Setsuna is seen drinking from at Cafe Etranger in the Sailor Moon S movie.
In episode 182, the girls are discussing the mysterious arrival of Chibi Chibi while eating ice cream on a hot summer’s day. Setsuna appears out of nowhere to confirm their suspicions... carrying that popsicle of her own.
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Hotaru / Sailor Saturn’s References:
Hotaru tended to wear the same thing, mostly all-black, but she did occasionally adventure into rich colours like this bottle green two-piece outfit and iconic raspberry beret.
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The sunhat belonged to Chibi-Usa; it symbolises the beginning of their friendship, when Hotaru caught it after it blew away in episode 112.
Chibi-Usa gave Hotaru the rabbit backpack in episode 116, using it to pass a note inviting her on a picnic.
Hotaru collects lamps, and the two referenced here are seen in her bedroom, which she keeps dimly lit to manage her pain.
The window might seem random, but it was random in the series, too - it’s one of the curtained window which looks out from Hotaru’s bedroom, and when a Daimon experiment goes terribly wrong in episode 118 and transforms her house into a Bamboozled-like inter-dimensional maze, one window overlooks a vast ocean while the other overlooks a strange jungle.
Hotaru’s weapon as Sailor Saturn is the Silence Glaive. It’s said that she possesses enough power to destroy the world with a single drop of her scythe.
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That’s it! You made it! How many references did YOU know? 🌙
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theropoda · 3 years
here's the third part of my deltarune meta/theory thingy..sorry its a little late, im kinda unwell lol
here's the first and second post to get you up to speed.
now that ive explained why i think jevil and spamton know that they're all in a video game, i wanna talk about why that's important and how it might manifest in future chapters.
disclaimer: This one is especially...all over the place and unintelligible...as i said im unwell and my heads not all that clear. i might come back to this a day or two later and rewrite it to make more sense when i feel better though.
i wanna talk about undertale first.
imo, a big part of why undertale became so fucking popular and significant is because it challenged a core mechanism of video games that we've all just accepted without questioning: defeating enemies.
even though not all video games feature it, you gotta admit its become an integral part of gaming as a whole. it's a norm we don't really question--we see an enemy and we just go, oh. gotta defeat em. this is just one of many traditions in video games that's just gone unquestioned and is understood to be the status quo: control the player character, defeat enemies, get loot/experience, defeat the final boss, etc, to name a few
it's just ingrained in our brains that that's how we play video games, that's just how it is.
but undertale came along and challenged that perception big time, made us think about it and, most importantly, question the consequences of that action.
toby fox is doing this yet again in deltarune: making us question something that we've just accepted as the norm. that norm being: the very act of playing video games. and maybe even the act of telling and reading/watching/playing a story as a whole!
the first thing that comes to mind wrt this topic is, of course, kris. throughout deltarune chapter 1 and 2 we've been made to really think about what it means to control a video game character-- to control kris, and how it's actually... really horrifying. waking up one day with all sense of agency taken away from you, unable to do what YOU want to do, being controlled by someone else.
but its not just control that we're being told to rethink, its.... everything.
making us think about how, in the eyes of a video game character, playing a game is inherently cruel. player characters stripped of agency, made to just become a medium by which you control and affect their world. even characters who we can't control will be affected by us through our ability to interact with the world. noelle in the snowgrave route comes to mind.
the fate of everything is determined by you, the player, everyone else has lost the right to determine their own lives. you control what happens to them. you choose to play the snowgrave route. and you choose to make characters suffer by not only playing this route but playing it more than onceonce if you so wish.
maybe the characters do not know that rhe horrible events happening now have happened before but its still cruel. you've seen this horrible story once before and you are making it happen again. but you also have the power to help them, too.
i remember when undertale first came out, i read something. (not sure where. on Tumblr? on youtube? some other site?) I read about a particular player who got so attached to the world and characters that they played the pacifist route, gave the characters the best ending, and, in an attempt to give that world and its characters their happily ever after, put the executive for the game in a ZIP file and locked it with a password too complicated to remember.
all to make sure theyd never reset the game, even if they wanted to.
deltarune makes me think of that. a lot. and i think that's where the plot is going.
Okay this is the part of the post that actually examines the game and collects evidence for my point instead of just rambling. oops
i ended my last post on a bit of a "cliffhanger", when i was talking about how spamton's "heaven" is our world, and how it connects to the "angel's heaven" in the prophecy, but never elaborated on that last part.
i'm pretty sure that angel's heaven is the same as spamtons heaven, with us players being the angels in question. we and our world are given this heavenly theme for two reasons, i think:
heaven, angels, god etc i think are all related to the concept of creation and power and therefore, control. heaven and angels are immense beings of incredible power with the ability to do anything they want--in this case, controlling people, determining the fate of hometown, saving and resetting and deleting saves etc.
a heavenly theme contrasts well with the more....satanic themes you see with the characters of deltarune. if we are angels, then of course those who oppose as are going to be demons
and yes. i also believe that the angel in the deltarune logo is us, the players, while the three runes are kris,susie and ralsei.
so... now we know that the prophecy of the angels heaven is the same heaven as spamtons heaven, what does that prophecy even mean?
well, given how ive discussed that the very act of playing deltarune is cruel, i think the prophecy fortells kris & co getting rid of us, the player. how that happens gameplay wise i have no idea but it makes me think back to that thing i read about years ago-- people putting undertale in a ZIP file after acheiving the true pacifist ending, and locking it with a password never meant to be remembered, so they can never ruin that happy ending even if they wanted to.
also.... idk how to even connect this to my point but i just wanna mention it somehow so uhh.
fun (insane) fact: did you know that deltarune had its own website all the way back in fucking 2016???? that's like, ONE year after undertales release.
and the entire website was pitch black.
but it had an image in it, called him.png, which was also pitch black and thus blended with the rest of the website.
when you brightened the image, it had a message in wingdings
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when translated, it reads:
gaster knows all about it and i have a feeling that spamtons knowledge of heaven, angels, souls and so on and so forth come from gaster.
i wonder if gaster is the person responsible for the prophecy in the first place-- after being shatteree across time and space he learns of the existence of our real world and decides to put an end to us meddling with these worlds inside these games.
although.... he might want to ro something else entirely. if he really wanted to stop us, then why would he invite us to play deltarune? because the cryptic tweets sent by gaster at the time of deltarune's release all sound... inviting. he wants us to help him out somehow.
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he's so polite! it does not seem like someone who wants us gone.
unless it's a trap, or trick... that he's using us to learn how to get rid of us from meddling with the world of deltarune.
or maybe he wants something else... he wants to meld our worlds together.
man idk. that's it im out of ideas *_* if you read all the way here and also read my first two posts, first of all thank you and second of all im so sorry its so anticlimactic and all over the place. as i said im a bit unwell so my heads a bit hazy too. i might come back to this post and re-do it and clean it up more when i feel better!
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1-800-smash · 4 years
Are requests open? I read the rules and it says you accept headcannons up to 5 characters? Can I request a dad headcannons for Bakugou, todoroki, denki and kirishima + character of your choice?? Thank you!!!💕💞
「 no.1 dad. 」
feat. bakugo, todoroki, kirishima, denki, and togata.
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summary: no one said parenting was an easy job, but just how hard could it be for some of japan’s top pro-heroes?
warnings: none.
word count: 1k
request: @anon — ❝Are requests open? I read the rules and it says you accept headcannons up to 5 characters? Can I request a dad headcannons for Bakugou, todoroki, denki and kirishima + character of your choice?? Thank you!!!💕💞❞
a/n: i adore this request from the bottom of my heart, i love to picture them all as dads! no need to picture mirio though, as he’s already my no.1 daddy in bed oop- anyways, thank you for the request and i hope you like it! ♡ — shelbs.
submitted — [09.19.20]
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⚘ he’s the proudest dad on the entire planet.
⚘ what are you saying, of course his kids are awesome!
⚘ they’re his kids!
⚘ nothing compares to how proud he was on the day his kids were born though, he couldn’t have been happier.
⚘ when they day came for you to give birth he was a nervous wreck, although he’d never admit it.
⚘ you gave birth to twins, a precious baby boy and a beautiful baby girl.
⚘ he stepped up a lot with raising them and while he can get frustrated at times there was never any doubt that he did love them.
⚘ your daughter took after him the most with your son being more like you, either way they were a handful no matter what.
⚘ they would sit and watch the tv for hours while their dad was on, from fighting villains to going on those stupid interviews katsuki always hated.
⚘ they loved their dad!
⚘ both of them would talk for hours about how they wanted to be heroes just like him.
⚘ he would just laugh them off and tell them they better start training now because there’s no way they would ever surpass him.
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⚘ fatherhood was a terrifying idea to shoto at first, after all the only father-figure he had wasn’t exactly a good role model.
⚘ he was so scared of messing up or worse - becoming the very same person his father was.
⚘ no matter how many times you assured him otherwise the idea still resided in the back of his mind.
⚘ some nights he’d wake up in a cold sweat, afraid to look at himself in the mirror out of fear of seeing his father’s image in the reflection.
⚘ but all of that stopped the day you had brought your daughter home for the very first time.
⚘ it took some time for him to get used to taking care of another tiny human being but soon enough he was attached to her.
⚘ throughout your daughter’s childhood there was never a moment that shoto wasn’t there by her side.
⚘ he taught her how to control her quirk better and was always patient when doing so, children make mistakes and he would never hold her accountable for that.
⚘ it’s no wonder that your daughter is an absolute daddy’s girl, the two are always joined by the hip.
⚘ that’s not to say he doesn’t know when to put his foot down sometimes, it’s just your daughter has always been very well behaved.
⚘ she’s quiet just like he is and it’s not a rare occurrence that you’ll find them alone together just enjoying the silence.
⚘ he may have been nervous about becoming a dad at first, but he must be doing something right because of the smile he sees light up your daughter’s face every time she sees him.
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⚘ he’s the most supportive dad in the world!
⚘ involved in everything your child wants to do and encourages them to do their best.
⚘ the day you brought your daughter into this world was the best moment of his life.
⚘ he definitely cried that day, you can’t tell me otherwise.
⚘ “crying is manly, ok?!”
⚘ eijiro was the proudest man alive when your daughter inherited his quirk, it warmed your heart to see just how happy he was.
⚘ would teach her how to use it and assure her that although it may not have been as flashy as some other kid’s, she should still be proud of her quirk!
⚘ he absolutely hates to see her cry because then he’ll start crying.
⚘ he just loves her so much and wants to see her happy, he can’t help it!
⚘ for halloween the three of you would definitely dress up as the baby shark family, i don’t make the rules.
⚘ the song would be like your family’s theme song.
⚘ your husband and your daughter love it but soon enough you’ll probably go crazy from hearing too much.
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⚘ the fun but irresponsible dad!
⚘ he always wants to have fun with your kids and avoid doing an actual parenting.
⚘ makes you feel like instead of having a husband you just have another, much taller child ruining around the house.
⚘ definitely tried to put sunglasses on your son in the car when you brought him home for the first time.
⚘ “what? he’s gotta be lookin’ fresh when everyone comes over to see him later!”
⚘ “denki, he’s literally three days old!”
⚘ both him and your son love to play video games together when he’s older.
⚘ “please just one more level, mom?” they’d beg with the biggest puppydog eyes ever.
⚘ you give them an extra half an hour.
⚘ after its time to tuck your son into bed and give him a kiss goodnight you make your way into your own bedroom.
⚘ there, snuggled up into the covers is denki as he patiently waits for you to come back.
⚘ “can you tuck me into bed too?” he asks with the biggest grin on his face.
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⚘ one of the sweetest dad’s ever.
⚘ he’s always making time for your children and wants to spend as much time as he can with them as possible.
⚘ you have two older boys together and little girl together, each of them just as excitable and friendly as their dad.
⚘ cried each time you brought one of your babies home!
⚘ he’s a very patient and kind dad and loves to encourage them to succeed.
⚘ doesn’t like to be the one to discipline his kids which often leaves you to do it instead.
⚘ it’s obvious your kids like their dad a bit more because of this which can be a bit upsetting at times.
⚘ but mirio hates to see you upset and will work on disciplining them more if you talk to him about it.
⚘ he’s always taking you and the kids to go have fun somewhere, whether that be at the movies, an arcade, or even the beach.
⚘ spoils his kids rotten with affection, kind of embarrassingly so but they’re so used to it at this point that it barely phases them.
⚘ but when it comes down to it they really love their dad, they get him a no.1 dad mug every year for father���s day.
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Ayesha Liveblogs Death Note
I’m watching this show specifically because of that text post that said, “Watch how quickly this one guy decides to be the worst person ever” and he has killed two people in the first ten minutes
Though 2 be fair he’s killing people to save people so it’s a trolley problem kind of thing for now
“In fact I’ve been waiting for you... Ryuk” ok weird flex Light but u do u
“You’re the first one to use to this extent in five days” WAIT DID HE MURDER ALL THOSE PEOPLE IN FIVE DAYS I THOUGHT HE WAS JUST LOOKING AT A LIST OH MY GOD??
“So there isn’t a price to using Death Note?” said Light, as if killing people is just a normal thing that we all do
Fhkjfhfkjb Ryuk really went ‘u used the book so we’re friends now’ 
I was wondering why the book was in English, and I guess that makes sense British and American imperialism really Did That
“I can write down the names of criminals, and slowly reduce the number of evil people” uhhhh doesn’t u being a Book Murderer also make you a criminal Light
“Human lives shouldn’t be taken so lightly” bah dum tss
Also I guess that revelation lasted about thirty seconds for you huh
Update from 15 seconds later: Even less than that
“I would create a world of earnest, kind humans” really because I don’t think places that allow the death penalty are generally nicer societies 
It’s interesting that they use English in the classes and the notebook but the conversation at Interpol takes place in Japanese (despite the implied internationality and Ryuk’s aforementioned claim about English being most common) 
Huh I won’t lie I do think it’s confusing that the main characters are L and Light, which also starts with L
“I am justice” I mean if anything this show just proves that no one should be allowed to use the death penalty on apprehended suspects in criminal justice cases ever 
Wow this show is full of mind games already I guess I can see why like, crime show fans would dig it
“But I’m going to say this as your roommate” OH MY GOD THEY WERE ROOMMATES KJHRGKJHKJHG
Interesting that someone is following Light specifically already
I mean not to poke too many holes in your plan Light but wouldn’t it clash with your plan to become God if you die at like 35 or smth 
“You’re already much more of a shinigami than they are” Ryuk said my friends are BORING I want to hang out with this MURDER TEEN
“I may not look it, but I’m pretty popular” Light is exactly the kind of guy who ends up in a true crime special where a bunch of people say he seemed like a nice, charismatic young man
Man this poor girl that Light brought on this date is going to be straight traumatized after this
I mean isn’t it MORE suspicious if someone dies around someone with direct ties to the police even if it’s not a heart attack
“You were indeed a brilliant FBI agent once, but now you’re my fiancée” kjhfkjhg WHAT FBI AGENTS CAN’T BE MARRIED 
“Once we have a family, you’ll be so busy that you’ll forget that you were an agent” I’m not a fan of Raye Penber 
What’s the point in killing Raye at all???? He told you he was part of a special investigation so clearly he’s not that suspicious of you
Light sure is bold to announce his Killing People Experiments in the middle of a busy sidewalk 
Incredible that consistently no one notices Light’s increasingly threatening declarations????
Fjkfkfhk these five cops finding out their Hail Mary is this strange little goblin man,,,, wow
This woman has really pushed Light to the brink just by giving a fake name, I admire her tenacity
Cops wearing fake IDs really did not age well oh boy
Wow it really took only eight episodes for L to track Light as close as one of two families
“You have a wife and daughter, right?” “I know!” I mean..... not 2 be that guy but... cops
 “To me, apples are like... Well, like cigarettes and liquor to humans” Vcvhcjhj every once in a while Ryuk says something that really tickles me
I know the word sociopath is kind of outdated but man does Light have actual interests outside of school or does he just do stuff to fill the void of his lack of interests (outside of murder)
JKHGKJHGKJHKJHG I cannot believe that this has turned into a fake classmate situation first of all 1) are you going to become friends and 2) How old are you Ryuzaki/L?
“Where is that rich kid from? And he’s even at the top of his class? What a jerk” honestly a mood
I DESPERATELY want Light’s mother or sister to overhear his evil cackling will someone finally eavesdrop on this god complex
“If I sit normally, my reasoning skills drop by 40%” weird flex but same 
Sidenote: I can’t believe how many episodes of this show I already have watched
Ngl I was VERY shook that Mr. Yagami had a heart attack. Also does Light care if his family lives or dies or is he kind of neutral on the subject? 
“If Kira is an ordinary person who gained this power, then he is a very unlucky person” Dad and L said ‘if u ARE Kira could you please stop murdering thank you <3′ 
Light really underestimated how much cops hate anyone who has killed a cop oops
Update from ten seconds later: Two people, I guess
Well this explains the girl in the short dress which serves as the Netflix thumbnail of this show I was wondering when she would show up 
Also she sounds like she’s very young? Clearly Shinigami don’t have a minimum age of informed consent when it comes to their Murder Eyes Contract 
Hahah I bet Light didn’t imagine that his petty and fucked up apple joke would bite him so quickly in the ass
Dhkjdhdkjhd Misa is so bold dropping her Death God deets in a video for anyone to see 
“The way to kill a Shinigami, is to make them fall in love with a human” does this mean that Ryuk is going to fall in love with Light or Misa? Both would make me uncomfortable
Oh wild guess Misa became a Death Note Wielder through the Power of Unreciprocated Voyeuristic Love
“Yeah, I have a girlfriend now,” said Light, after a girl contacted him through a series of anonymous video tapes implicitly vowing to be his disciple 
“No one could tell who he’s attached to if I’m with this many people” [20 seconds pass] “Found him!” HAHAHA the funniest part of this show is consistently watch Light going “got ‘em” before it immediately is revealed that he doesn’t got ‘em 
Why is Light so incredibly searchable??? I think the only way people people could find my height online is if I happened to answer it for one of those Facebook note memes in 2007 lmaoooo
“There are many places that will go and sell your personal records” ah, data breaches; a problem that has not gotten any better in the last 15 years since this anime came out
HKJHFHKJFHF Light immediately jumping into fake-dating his weird disciple in front of his mom... what is this show
“Please make me your girlfriend” OH MY GOOOOOD
This is one of the weirdest romantic dynamics I’ve seen in recent memory but you know what? Whatever, at least it’s not Anxiety and Murder
“Does that mean I’ll have to deal with her until she dies?” Light is truly exuding some Ladybird Book of Dating Energy rn: 
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The fact that to kill L all Light had to do was get an obsessive girlfriend... astounding
Beautiful that it took Misa less than a week of knowing Light to ruin his whole 15 episode game plan and also life
“I think I may be Kira” Well this show keeps taking one escalation after another this is exhausting why can’t Light just be a normal person who found it, tried it out of interest in the occult, discovered he’d committed a horrible atrocity and then went to therapy for the rest of his life only to confess to Magical Murder on his deathbed while his family goes, ‘Wow, Grandpa’s crazy’
Does L not think that keeping three different people imprisoned for days on end will lead to some psychological repercussions for him
FOR WEEKS ON END????? OH MY GOD???? The fuck L, I know two of these people are murderers but there are some minimum conditions of correctional facilities and this seems a little Stanford PE
“I will make arrangements so you and I are together 24 hours a day” call me crazy but I would not want to spend 24/7 with the man who imprisoned me for over a month while playing cruel psychological games all the while
“I’m one of those people who’ll accept Kira, I’d think of ways I could help him” Misa said Bimbo Rights
“I could never toy with a woman’s emotions like that” Light’s dating life and personality has gotten a LOT funnier since he forgot he was a murderer I kind of wish THIS could be the whole show 
Also: Nice to know Light USED to have standards of how to treat women
Honestly fair play to both L and Light they both deserved to be punched and it’s funny to see eighteen episodes of mind games culminate in punching and kicking each other in the face
“Matsuda’s being an idiot again” “Well, Matsuda is a natural at that” wghkjhgkj what has Matsuda done to any of you
"He’s punishing criminals as a front, and killing people for the benefit of this company” is Light unknowingly going to solve the murder chain he himself started... inspiring
“I was testing you” this is why Light is your only friend, L, Aizawa has kids and it’s a dick move to ask him to put his convictions before them
Poor Matsuda realizing he’s got the least to offer to their team... me in high school science labs 
I understand Aizawa’s moral crisis but why do NONE of these cops care about their wives or daughters they’re just kind of like, ‘I will provide for you but I have no interest in or fulfillment from being part of your life’ (ACAB)
Matsuda is truly about to die for being dumb and eager to help 😔 Rest in Pieces
“We must not allow Yotsuba to figure out that we are investigating them,” said L, just after it cut from Matsuda being obvious about investigating them. Oh Matsuda 😔 you’re so bad at your job 😔
MATSUDAAAAAAAA oh thank goodness; Bimbo Rights save the day
“I can’t go along with your idea, it’s wrong!” said Light, despite the fact it took him 15 seconds to get over murder the first couple of times he did it 
Staaaaaaaaay Good Light, I don’t want ur Deathnotesona I want this young man with moral convictions!!
The level of hubris it takes to answer a phone call during your secret Murder Meeting while people continue to talk about their Murder Plans is just out of this world
“If I die, you could probably become the successor to the ‘L‘ name,” said L, to the person he has been trying to catch for twenty episodes 
“I won’t say anything under any kind of torture” “Yes that’s true” Which he knows because he tortured her for six weeks!! You see that that’s fucked up, L, right? RIGHT??? RIIIIIIIIGHT? (LIIIIIIIGHT???)
Seriously not to beat a dead Shinigami but Light is so much better like this. He doesn’t want to throw people’s lives away for the investigation! He wants to protect Misa! He thinks Kira is wrong! Why does he have to be a murderer!!! Why can’t this show be about a nice young man!!!!
Wow Rem is so ride or die for Misa protecting Misa from creepy Higuchi, giving her info and telling her to trust Light, that’s love bitch
Props to Misa for getting a confession out of Higuchi after one (1) car ride 
Why do I feel like L is going to be responsible for reawakening Bad Light is it because he psychologically tortured him for six weeks? Had his dad hold him at gunpoint? Forced Misa to investigate on his behalf? Constantly and unerringly presses him on what Kira would be thinking as he’s handcuffed to him 24 hours a day? Maybe!! This is like Build-a-Bear but he’s customizing his Teen Murder Friend 
“Only Mr. Matsuda can do [the mission to lure out Higuchi!Kira]” Death Note really said the Himbos, Herbos and Thembos shall inherit the Earth 
They keep saying they don’t know how he kills but it seems pretty obvious that he writes down their names to kill, they literally saw him do it
I really don’t want any of the investigation team to die but things are not looking hot :(
“Ryuzaki, I never knew you could fly a helicopter” “It’s just intuition” what does that MEAN
“Those aren’t allowed in Japan,” said Light, about a gun, as if he had not killed probably thousands of people without one 
In spite of this fact I really do want Good Light to stay 😔 Why! Can’t! This! Show! Be! About! A! Nice! Young! Man!
Also they really are playing into this father-and-son duo I will be very sad when the dad inevitably dies as I’m sure he will 
Family side note: I’ve been wondering this since the prison ep but where do Light’s mom and sister think he IS now that he’s dropped out of first year uni to be a teen criminal investigator handcuffed to a maladjusted homebody private eye
AIZAWAAA and also the other two guys I guess there was a plot relevant reason for him to rejoin the police huh
Well what a clean ending to this Kira arc. No one died and the killer was caught! Yikes that the next ep is called ‘Revival’ tho 😔 Rest in pieces Good Light
Also a new and very threatening intro???? What happened to the Twilight Apple Hands 
BOOOO I knew Light would get his memory back but I was hoping it would at least fuck him up for a while he sorted out his two personas but I guess all roads eventually lead to Bad Light 
Full disclosure I stopped watching for a few days just after Light got his memory back and let me tell u coming back later hasn’t made it any more tolerable I am truly not built for this EUGH
“Do you really want to halve your life a second time” “Well, that can’t be helped” REALLY???? CAN’T IT BE HELPED MISA??? WHY ARE YOU AND LIGHT SO CRAZY
Oh I guess we’re back to Light saying incredibly suspicious things right near the investigators lmao what if those cameras secretly had audio or you know, L simply knew how to read lips 
“Misa, let’s make a new world together” Remember a bunch of episodes ago when Good Light was all ‘I could never toy with a woman’s emotions’?? What was the reason!!!
“Have you ever told the truth at any point in your entire life” L cutting straight to the core lmao (also the answer is obviously ‘no’)
This show has taken a jarring tonal shift why are they having a post-rain-confrontation massage and towelling each other off this is a level of intimacy I was not prepared for I NEED PEOPLE TOOK LOOK AT THIS:
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I guess L knew he was forcing Rem’s hand to kill him if he disproved the rules written in the book?? But to what end omg how does this help anyone 
“In April 2012, Light Yagami, age 23, joins the National Police Agency” should’ve known we’d land here eventually (ACAB)
Ah, I see another person who doesn’t know how to sit, clearly they will inherit the L title next lmao
Update from the first few mins of the next ep: “Near should succeed L” told you
“There’s no way I’m letting Sayu marry a detective” ahjfkhkjf he’s a little old for her I think but it wouldn’t be the worst thing this show has done romantically lmao; maybe Sayu would get to investigate her brother
“I might’ve considered going out with you, if you were a little younger” HA GOOD FOR HER
“[...] the Japanese police are unreliable. In order to solve this case, we want you to hand over the notebook to our country.” Of all the Japanese-speaking Americans in this show, this is the most accurate jkhfkhf the US government really is Like That 
Ah, so that’s where Mello’s gone, oh how the turn tables 
Also way to sell your subordinates out immediately, NPA Director, will you give them the Kira task force’s home addresses too
The real question is if Light actually cares about his sister enough to prioritize her over the notebook
“Call me... N” Oh my good L... M(ello)... N(ear)... Oooooooooooooooo
It’s my saving grace that I only need to get through 9 more eps but as always I must wonder where this is going will Light just die and end up in Shinigami purgatory while the people who knew him after the fact go, ‘hey, that guy was fucked up’
“If things get bad, I’ll have to kill Sayu” well I guess that answers that question, my expectations of Light are so low and yet he continues to find new ways to be awful
Good for Mr. Yagami and Sayu for getting out of that alive I guess but hoo boy I think this is going to have some psychological repercussions for both of them 
Uh oh this episode is called ‘Father’ I’ve been dreading this one bc I think that means Mr. Yagami is about to die 😭😭😭
“It was an institution for brilliant children, to raise them to become L‘s successor” okay calm down Professor Xatari that’s not what children are for lmao 
Well I guess it’s a lot easier to track down info about these two guys than it was to figure out L lmao
HAHAHA Sidoh haunting Ryuk to ask for his stuff is a fun addition to this madness  
“He’s scary for a human” jkhhfjh how unhinged does Mello have to be to threaten a literal Shinigami 
I truly don’t understand the logistics of how they revealed Ryuk to the police force isn’t the second Kira notebook supposed to belong to Actual Kira, in the police force’s eyes????? I do not understand how Light can just turn up with another notebook and everyone’s like ‘sure cool’ did I miss something 
Mr. Yagami killed for being unable to take human life ugh this is the worst 
Neither Mello nor Near seem overly concerned with the lives of people around them does being a Super Genius Investigator also mean you have to be a dick (is this Benadryl Coddleswab Sherlock syndrome)
Lmaooo genuinely love how it’s constantly apparent that Light is the least smart of all of the smart people Light spent five years working on his reputation and it took Near one (1) phone call to destroy it 
Ghjkhgkhgkgjh Light outsmarted by Near yet again never think people will prioritize principles over money
Lol yeah Aizawa needn’t have given a name after he said the “Deputy Director Yagami would kill Kira and then himself” thing, you don’t do that just for anyone who was he fooling 
How does Light keep track of all the renunciations and notebooks bc I certainly can’t 
Ffhkfjhfj Mikami truly looks like the son of L and Light it’s like Light missed him and was like, “Miss u boo :( (even tho I kinda killed u) I’ll adopt An Evil 27-year-old in ur honour :)”
Is Mikami’s story really, ‘I got bullied in high school and have mommy issues so now I think people I don’t like should die’ ok Shonen Snape 
“I just want you to meet with me and hear me out” Light really proving to Aizawa that he can lie AND manipulate people’s feelings 
“The truth is, she’s not smart enough to be my partner” first of all Light I think this show has proven you’re not that smart, and Misa’s Herbo Energy is effervescent and will outlast you, and third of all go to jail
“He’ll look suspicious if he doesn’t say something soon” “Ide, have you ever been in love” Matsuda continues to be the only good part of this show
“You’re the only man I’ve ever respected and admired in my life” GET SOME THERAPY KIYOMI
“You’re going to be the goddess of the new world” so it’s not enough for Light to be a murderer he must also be a cheater
Lmao Near’s powers of perception do seem a little B/BC S/herlock because L tried for literally months to work out the possibilities and Near is just like ‘I KNOW IT NOW’
“The only thing I can deduce from this is that Light Yagami is popular with the ladies” HEAVEN KNOWS WHY (PUN NOT INTENDED)
Every moment Aizawa gets closer to proving Light is Kira is another step closer to death 😔
“This is definitely Mikami’s handwriting” Not to be a know-it-all, Near, but handwriting analysis has been proven faulty many times in multiple courts of law
This truly is a game of Cat and Cat. All these hidden plans give me a headache fkjhkfjh call me Misa-Misa and spin me sideways I don’t have the braincells to spare
Well this is definitely some kind of s*xual assault absolutely fucking hate it wow this show truly just drains the life out of you 
“Matt, I never thought you would be killed” why wouldn’t you think that at this point anyone who comes close to this investigation eventually dies (also wjkhkjhgk why is Matt special didn’t you kill all those thugs you had before -- Mello said ‘the lives of my allies are only important if they are drawn in handsome protag style’) 
As of yet I haven’t really talked about Near’s wild toymaking but hoo boy is that L finger puppet something to observe
“Everyone who knows about the existence of the notebook will die” I’m still pulling for their survival, particularly Matsuda (himbo rights!!!)
Imagine if they just shot Light Yagami on sight how ironic would that conclusion to all these mind games be 
“I’m waiting, for the one who will solve everything, to arrive” Lmao if it turns out L is alive I’ll pee laughing this show is so fucking stupid 
Take a shot every time there is a Humpty-Dumpty-in-Puss-in-Boots style explanation about how everything actually happened
“I’ve won, Near” I bet/hope what gets Light caught is his inability to hold in his hubris for one (1) minute
Although the last episode is called New World, in which case maybe he wins in a very weird ending to a very weird show
Sjkfhkjhfkhfkjhf well I guess what gets Light caught is that the person he invited to be his murderous disciple keeps calling him God
“A second ago, you said ‘I win.’ That’s as good a confession as any” HA hubris strikes again also bold of Aizawa to clap Light on the shoulder knowing he is a mass murderer
Ohhh Matsuda he’s so nice and believed the best of Light :((((((((((((
Watching Light become increasingly desperate and crazed is very uncomfortable give it up dude u’ve been beat (though I suppose there is time for everyone here to be murdered still lmao)
Yeah I figured if one of them was gonna shoot it would be Matsuda :( :( Good for him for not killing Light tho!!
Huh I guess that’s the end of the show I thought Light would die but I did think we’d at least get to see him in Shinigami Purgatory or smth... what a wild ride. This certainly was a show.
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Reaction to the Judge
The Judge, The Creator's Peacekeeper (SL Episode 14):
Colle’s Entity Log:
The Judge is a dangerous entity who yells “HEY EVERYONE, I AM YOUR HOST SABRE AND WELCOME BACK TO ANOTHER VIDEO” into the sky to no particular audience.
If you hear him say, “Today, I am ranking characters on a tier list,” run before he finds you.
If he catches you, he will turn you into a 2D image and attach you on a board that he calls the “Tier List.”
You will be judged.
You will be trapped forever on the tier list.
Beware the Judge
*sees a Minecraft skin that looks and sounds like Sabre on the thumbnail*
Heh, the boi finally did it.
He became a god among the Steves
Btw, it’s kinda cursed to see Sabre’s skin without the crooked smile and it’s just a straight white line. The vibes that I get from Sabre’s expression on this skin just feel forbidden.
btw, is this cave part of the Caves & Cliff Update or is this a mod pack? I can’t tell because I haven’t followed Minecraft’s development ever since last year’s Minecon.
A long time ago, I used to watch a lot of let’s plays of YouTube gamers playing Minecraft adventure/puzzle maps or mystery/puzzle games, where they try to solve the puzzle as they commentate.
But I don’t do that anymore and I don’t remember that I used to watch videos like those.
So when I saw Colle finding each lever, I thought to myself, “Why is this here? Why do people think this would be entertaining? Why would someone record themselves in a game figuring out how to do a puzzle and - OOOOHHHHH, now I remember 20% of my childhood.”
Colle: Why do I need to be judged? I’m just helping people.
Colle, Earth has seen various instances of what happens when someone who thinks he’s objectively smarter than the people who are different from him tries to organize those people for a project. I’m not saying that you are like those people, but I think the Judge has a good reason to be sus.
“Some homes will be demolished. Some will be destroyed. You cannot save them all, Colle. To attempt to do so is futile. You are building up to disappointment.”
And the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell and the sky is blue, Judge. What else do you have to say besides repeat what’s been shown in Rainbow Quest?
“Convincing all to cooperate will never work...To open up all of these people to new experiences will open them to new dangers...You’ll see Colle, and then you’ll wish you would have listened to me.”
So did the Steves isolate for a reason? And if they’re brought together, will an ancient evil awake?
Another possibility: will the Red Steves exploit the Desert, Winter, Ocean, and Forest Steves of their resources, creating a very awful environment that could had been avoided if Colle didn’t trust the wrong people?
It’s so weird to see Sabre disappear with lightning.
Also, btw, shouldn’t Colle be having a massive emotional breakdown to see that someone else can teleport with lightning? His lightning powers ain’t special anymore, lol
Ok, so here’s the biggest thing I’m curious about.
Colle is one of the many anomalies in this time/world, according to the Judge.
What makes them an anomaly? Does this imply that there are multiple timelines and this timeline had very drastic changes?
Who are the other anomalies? I feel like they can be Beef, Sharp, and whoever is seen with Colle in the Steve Legends promotional video thumbnail.
And what caused these anomalies to begin? Was it Sabre when he went to the beginning of the time loop?
Was that a Crystal Steve?
Would the existence of a Crystal Steve contradict or expand on the lore of Main Orange Steve being the Orange Crystal?
Oop, now they dead.
Those Obsidian Steves have some markings that resemble the Demon Steves. I don’t know if that means anything. Maybe they can explain the origin of Demon Steves?
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lostfanboy · 3 years
Dude!!! Please enlighten me about your OCs!!!
God... I've got so many..... But!!! I'll start with just my main five boys that occupy my every waking thought because I love and adore them Gonna yeet this under a readmore
Okay so quick side note, all of my ocs for the most part are for roleplays with friends, and if their not their for video games or dnd lmao so they tend to have a bunch of different varations/storylines and stuff like that. I've always wanted to make a actual like, comic or book out of a lot of the stories but I've never managed it, so none of the characters have like, a base storyline currently asdfjnasd So their motivations and personalities change/shift based on the story their in.
But! First off we have my baby boy and the oldest oc out of this group, Grech
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He's just... my emo disaster I love him very much. He's very quiet and a bit shy, he tends not to show much emotion most of the time? But he just... wants to be friends with people and he wants to be around the people he loves and he's such a good boy and I just -breathes in- love him lots
He's also an absolute idiot this bad boy can fit so many bad decisions in him-
He has a twin sister named Flare who he loves and adores, and he's also got a giant black fluffy cat named Twilight who's his emotional support animal who's... so good.... He's just. Struggling along. Getting angsted by me constantly. He's a big comfort character for me, playing him is like wearing a big cozy sweater sometimes. I just... really love him.
Then we've got Carter!!
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Carter is my disaster child, he also may or may not be my whump character, he's just constantly getting into trouble but he tries so hard and he loves people so much and so hard and god ahhh
His whole thing is like... being really compassionate/always trying to see the best in people, which can land him in hot water sometimes because he tends to ignore red flags because of it. He has really big abandonment issues and is just always struggling emotionally and is like... usually feeling shitty but he tries not to let it show. He's snarky and sassy, he tends to try and get a rise out of people he doesn't like and just isn't afraid to Cause Problems On Purpose occasionally. He's super cute, playful, and friendly, he calls his favorite people 'cochise', and... like he's a relatively new oc, I only made him about three years ago, but I feel like I've had him forever I literally love him so much. He also has a cat like Grech, his cat is a syphnx named Sage and she is wonderful.
I could talk about Carter for hours, I have so many feelings about every version of him I've written, he just fills me with feelings. He was meant to be a temporary throwaway character that only showed up for a bit but he just instantly stole my heart and I haven't stopped loving him since.
In the interest of time however let's move on to Damien
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Damien, similar to Carter, was actually meant to be a throwaway villain character and then I, you guessed it, got fucking attACHED-
His first appearance had him dramatically draping himself across a chair in a dramatic entrance and he's ruled my life and my RP partner's life ever since
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(Aforementioned dramatic chair sitting)
Damien is very much so the 'I don't care about anything except oops now I care about you' trope, he has trouble being emotionally open but he's so sweet once he does open up. He shows his affection through things like gift giving and acts of service and he's really tender and just... an absolute hopeless romantic. Simp. Dumb pining gay.
I just... I love playing Damien so much. He's so fun and dramatic and pretty, I love thinking about him and his motivations and just aaaaaaa he's a good fucking boy dude
Then we have the apple of my eye Jared!
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Jared is an absolute sweetheart, just a bouncy lil fella, filled with warmth and also trauma because all of my characters are sad akdfjnaksjd. Jared is just!! Always doing his fucking best man, he wants the best for people. He tries to be really optimistic and like, sunshine-y, even when he's not feeling that way, and he tries to be really caring. He also represses allllll of his anger which is like... y'know... not great.....
But he's fine, probably.
He's actually the only one out of these characters that only has one consistent love interest (My rp partner's character Isaac, who I'd die for) and they are um....... fucking precious I love them so much.
P much all of these characters are ADHD/Autistic bc,, I play them but Jared was the first that I intentionally played that way and as such has consistent hyperfixations and special interests (Namely Tangled, Mulan, Fall out boy, and most of all, spiderman) so I really love that about him.
And, last, but definitely not least, is the chaos son himself Seth
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(tungle will only let me use ten photos and I don't like his character sheet anyway so only outfit ref for him akjsdfasdj. As a quick rundown, his full name is Seth Laurens, he's 4'11, he's trans and gay, he's got adhd, autism, and ptsd, and he is a bastard)
Seth is probably the most recent out of any of these characters tbh? I only started getting really into him as a character over the past year or two but god... He's fucking fantastic. Pure chaos. ADHD embodiment.
Seth just has so much energy and rage and very little impulse control, he's constantly wrecking shop and not even meaning too. He's a tiny 4'11 himbo, not a fucking braincell in his lil head. He's very awkward and bad at making relationships but he tries so hard and once he does he latches on so hard to people and just loves them so much. He doesn't really think he's worthy of being cared about most of the time tho
He still has plenty of, sometimes unearned, confidence though. Nothing can stop this stubborn boy once he puts his mind to somethin he's fucking GOING. I love him.
But yeah!! Those are my boys!!! If you wanna learn more abt em I've got a lot more information and stuff on their toyhouses bc I have a,, hyperfixation on my ocs and I can never stop thinking about them. Thank you so much for letting me ramble a bit Tea!!! I really appreciate it ssfdiasask
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To save my followers from an onslaught of separate pics, I’ve decided to compile my miscellaneous Phantom Phoenix works into a single post because A Lot happened. =P
(Info about each pic is under the readmore)
1+2- Top ten photos taken before disaster (aka, Danny didn’t know he needed to tell Phoenix that it’s not a free for all game where the last one standing “wins”).
3- A scrapped title card idea for the plot where Danny and Joker fuse. I decided that while I really like the body horror angle, there were a couple of problems with this version. Them being things like how it wasn’t “actiony” enough to work (the title cards often featured something “happening”, such as a character outreaching their arm or Danny running away from a figure). I’m not sure how I could make it so that both Joker and Danny face towards the screen (another staple; I’ve only found one title card with a character facing backwards and it was Livin’ Large) and have it feel like there was movement at the same time. That and I felt it wasn’t nearly horrific enough; some of the actual show’s title cards are just freaky man.
4- just some practice on Akai/Phoenix bird nerd
5- I recalled @shinyspooks​ and some others coming up with a plot (though not necessarily for the Phantom Phoenix AU but ya know) in which Danny’s parents have found a dangerous artifact/treasure from the Ghost Zone that they plan on studying- one that multiple phantom thieves have set their eyes on. So in order to keep himself from going mad in trying to stop a dozen thieves from breaking into his house to take it, Danny decides to take it first. The one issue being that because his parents are ghost hunters, it’s entirely too dangerous to do as Phantom with all the anti-ghost measures up and running. So Danny enlists the help of Joker (who gets something in return for helping; and if not the treasure, perhaps some Fenton tech?) to learn how to become a phantom thief ASAP in order to take it first. They mentioned Danny picking a terrible name to use and I was wondering what he’d pick that would make for a goofy reference to his being Danny Phantom. And then I remembered… Invisobill    As for the design, I went with Danny’s non-inverted jumpsuit because he probably has spares to use as a human, he was on short notice, and orange would have been too suspicious. He’s added some tech both for the heist, and Just In Case ghosts happen, as well as some goggles and a bandanna to hide that it’s him (he was also asked about “being obsessed with jumpsuits” by Joker, to which Danny responded, “You got a problem with jumpsuits?”)    (Sam made him the logo btw)
6- The Box Ghost gets on both Danny’s and Akai’s nerves with far too many appearances. Even taking turns shoving him into the thermos isn’t doing much for their tolerance levels.
7- I remembered Dani existed a while back and instantly began debating just what might happen with her in the Phantom Phoenix AU. I’m not sure if having her become an apprentice for adopted by Joker is the best move, but it was certainly the one that gave me the most warm fuzzies!      (Joker gets super attached to the smol sassy ghost girl, Hachi gives her lots of food, and Danny doesn’t exactly know if he should feel okay with Dani learning how to become a Phantom Thief. Akai wasn’t around when Dani first showed up, and Danny forgot to tell him about her, so when Akai discovers another human/ghost hybrid is living with Joker he just HAS to show Danny because “wow that’s so cool and Danny would think so too!”)
    (Joker and Hachi found her on the Sky Joker after a heist. She had taken a rest unknowingly on the airship, was discovered, and it was a rude suggestion from Joker to just kick her off over the ocean that got him berated by Hachi (Joker would have regretted it later anyway)).
8- The double edged sword that was the definitely-not-adoption. Because Dani is using less of her energy and getting plenty of food, she destabilizes a lot less quickly. Unfortunately when she does start melting, she tries to hide it for as long as she can so she doesn’t worry Joker and Hachi… which just makes things worse. Eventually she winds up collapsing in front of them and both can’t figure out what’s wrong with her so they agree that Danny would be the best help they could get (poor beans felt so bad). Of course Vlad still attempted to get his clone back and the Valerie stuff still happened too. But now there’s an addition to the event in which Joker publicly embarrasses human Vlad at a conference with a completely over the top prank after the fact (Hachi fully supported this decision, for once).
9- I for one, am split on whether or not I like Danny having ice powers or not. They feel a tad more gimmicky than his other powers, but at the same time. They’re just so cool. Regardless, if he were to develop them in the Phantom Phoenix AU (maybe it’d just be without the Undergrowth ordeal), Akai wouldn’t be very happy with the sudden amount of clinging Danny would do to the Nearest Warmest Object (him).
10- Phoenix may not be a ghost, but his species carries enough similarities for ecto weapons to affect him. The Fenton Thermos just kinda sticks to him though (he doesn’t like it, Tucker took a video, and now the group teases Phoenix over the assorted bird noises he made).
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