#oops! uh oh! infodumps about fish
mchi-art · 1 year
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2 splatoon designs i made a few months ago that im probably not gonna use
i was messing around trying to adapt different fish species to use as members of a splatband i wanted to make but as it turns out thats way easier said than done
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the one on the left is a brownsnout spookfish, which is a species of barreleye. theyre deep-sea fish who utilize reflection and refraction to see, which, if im understanding correctly, basically allows them to see up and down at the same time. theyre fairly small, so i designed the character to be short, and while i didnt put much effort into characterization, they were going to be nonverbal as well as extremely sensitive to light (due to how their eyes work) and probably be the drummer of the group who would occasionally employ a tts to provide backup vocals
that being said, im not sure i did a very good job translating the fish into a splatoon-esque design, so i never really did anything with them
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the on on the right is a black butterfly fish, and i didnt really put as much thought into this one and im not super happy with the design either.
after i designed the butterfly fish i got discouraged and stopped working on this project, but other ideas for band members included:
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-a sea angel (i know sea angels were on the deep sea metro, but id like to see more varied designs for them. after all, i dont think all splatoon sea angels are super huge and buff, i think that group of them just happened to be jocks)
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-a sunfish (i especially wanted to explore the idea of how sunfish can heal from significant injury, like in classic image of guy with no ass)
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-a coelacanth (i mostly just like coelacanths lol. i do think using the fact that theyre such an old species to translate to the character being a grandpa would be funny tho)
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purralyth · 5 years
Pls feel free to infodump abt Chariot I'd love to Listen to All of It. go gO GO!!!
YES I LOVE YOU i’ve infodumped abt her once before which can be found RIGHT HERE and idk how much more i’ve got without spoiling her whole arc for potential party members that see my tumblr so i’ll recount some of her Memorable Moments from her campaign so far!!!! (under the cut bc i got carried away)
she tried to cheat the kobold dmpc in a game of go-fish (it was the only card game that pebblebelly knew) but ended up getting smoked. it was a little humiliating. pebble tried to swipe her cards, chariot saved high enough, and pebble gave her a silver buckle as an apology. turns out it was from a dragon’s hoard so chariot’s never letting go of That
on the first night after defeating some bandits with her new group of acquaintances, they heard a ruckus downstairs in the inn lobby and saw a group of fish people with small boys in nets. chariot cast ice knife at one of the two fish holding the net but unfortunately ice knife is a spell that explodes upon impact and the boy in the net rolled a big fat critical miss to dodge it. so chariot’s an [accidental] child murderer
party ended up following the fish tracks down a well just outside the inn. it wasn’t necessary but she made sure she stored her fancy cloak and fine clothing in a bush, because she absolutely was not going to get that wet 
after losing half her HP slipping down the pipe to get into the well she and her party found a pool of water in the caverns. three people went in. chariot sat down and filed her nails while one of the fighters started freaking out about how long they’d been down there. “oh good, they’re not dead” was her response when they finally surfaced about a minute and a half later
pebblebelly (kobold dmpc) got snatched up by something in the ceiling and rather than help, chariot used her mage hand to poke at as many of its eyes as she could. it worked, somehow
we found more boys and more fishpeople. heavy-hitters rushed to help. chariot stayed behind with one of the fighters and examined a pot of orange liquid in the middle of the room. the liquid evaporated a knife. the fighter dipped her knife in the liquid and poked her finger. she suddenly couldn’t breathe and chariot chastised her later for grabbing at her so tightly she bruised. empathy 0
Not As Funny but after the fighter pricked her finger she started to hear a voice in her head which then made itself known in everyone else’s head and it poked a whole lotta fun at chariot and the people she trusts..! paladin dmpc warned us not to talk to it but lo and behold later that night chariot had a conversation, called this voice in her head that claimed to be older than gods a coward, and demanded a physical sign if it wanted her respect
it told her to go upstream
chariot didn’t tell anyone what she was doing but she went upstream
i can’t say what happened exactly but she got real mad at that voice and called it a coward and a liar and threatened to dismiss its presence as nothing more than a hysterical side effect of a poorly ventilated cave if she didn’t get something better soon. she called its methods bullshit. she insulted it quite a bit actually
oops! that was a mistake
walk down the last tunnel and become confronted by more fish people and the innkeep but he was like really sick. the voice possessed him and told chariot that if she wanted to talk face to face this was as good as it got. she got some empathy and sense knocked into her and demanded that they find another way but then a wicked lobster thing from hell came bursting out of his skin. chariot dealt like 28 damage in one hit to it which felt REAL GOOD
haven’t heard from the voice since, after it told them that it would kill them all in due time like ants by the waves of life or something
time to go to waterdeep for a quest > leads to a Bonfire Episode!!!! our barbarian and one of our fighters took down a wild boar so we had pork and told stories by the fire. chariot told them she was turned to stone for three days because wizards are poor losers, party monk claimed gamblers were poor losers too (at which chariot laughed bc it’s true) and one of our fighters asked if she did anything like that when she lost. chariot asked if she was volunteering to find out, the fighter foolishly said yes, chariot reached out for a handshake and made her take 4 damage with shocking grasp and got her hand to go numb. we both got inspiration points for that
we found out the dmpc wizard fucked a dragon. this has nothing to do with chariot but it’s a detail worth mentioning
we reached waterdeep’s gates and saw everyone else handing the guards papers, which we didn’t have, so instead chariot held out her signet ring with her uncle’s business’ crest on it and they were Immediately allowed inside and even offered an escort to her estate (which is funney…. bc she’s never had an estate in waterdeep !)
party now knows How Rich She Is uh oh! they got her to say she might take them back to neverwinter to visit her estate sometime later but she is a little wary since Half The Party Is Criminals (or at least accused of being so)
unfortunately as soon as they got inside waterdeep everyone that caught sight of her scrambled out of her way looking terrified. she asked a man for an address and when she thanked him for information he Bolted. party monk made a joke about how High and Mighty she was, but chariot didn’t take it so well. it hurts a little bit when no one even knows who you are but they’re terrified of you. being a rich tiefling can be a daunting prospect for a couple different reasons but it’s worse here than most places and she doesn’t really know why
that’s all the Honourable Mentions so far but we play again on wednesday when we get to wander down into a basement full of things that keep attacking the real estate agent so we’ll see what happens next ! (there wouldve been more for me to say but character arc spoilers…!)
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