#ooohhh elle thank you for this :> 💚
raapija · 5 months
Nando and Lance trying to bake a cake together >:3
Nando ends up smearing flour on Lance's face and idk..cute/ fluffy things happen <33
This was so sweet I had to write a little longer response! So, enjoy this short fic :>
This is set in the future, inside the pookie au, where Fernando and Lance are married and have kids.
Lance and Fernando bake a cake for Lance's birthday. Cutesy stuff ensue... <3
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Lance swiped a stray lock of hair behind his ear as he tapped away on his phone. His hair had gotten quite long in the past couple years and this one gray strand always wriggled itself loose from his bun. The gray had started to push out the second he had decided to stay home when their twins were born. Fernando loved it, though, so he didn't dare cut it off or dye it to match his otherwise dark brown hair.
He heard the front door open and close and Fernando soon emerged into the kitchen with a small shopping bag. He had a gleeful expression, pulling out the carton of eggs and whatever else he had to go get. Fernando had insisted on baking Lance a birthday cake himself but of course they didn't have any of the essential ingredients.
"And, to put on top!" Fernando said triumphantly as he pulled out a small plastic box from the bottom of the bag. He offered it to Lance, who chuckled as he saw the most disgusting looking sugar rose that had probably been sitting on the store shelf for years.
"I'm turning 29, not 60." Lance joked as he carefully set the box down onto the counter next to all the other things. Fernando hummed, ignoring him, and pulled off his jacket to go wash his hands. Lance rounded the counter and sat on one of the barstools to watch Fernando work.
"Bien, aquí vamos!" Fernando clapped his hands together and looked around the counter at all the various ingredients. Lance couldn't help but snicker when Fernando's excitement turned into distress. He clearly had no clue what to do or where to even start.
"Need help, hmm?" Lance cooed and cocked his head at the Spaniard, batting his eyes.
"Please." Fernando said defeatedly, and Lance got up to join him on the other side. He arranged the ingredient again into a more coherent assembly and then pulled out his phone.
"I asked Chloe for a recipe, she sent me this." he showed his husband the picture his sister had sent. He figured they could wing it with whatever Fernando had brought from the store.
"We start with measuring every dry ingredient and mixing them together, yeah?" Lance explained and Fernando nodded along, eager to learn. It wasn't like Fernando was completely useless in the kitchen, but he was just lightyears behind Lance.
Lance had tasked Fernando with measuring out the flour, but as he was pouring it in the big mixing bowl, some of it spilled onto the counter. Fernando was annoyed that he had spilled it, but Lance assured him it was fine.
"No, no.," he rushed to shovel the flour into the bowl with his hands. "It's actually good luck to put it in from the counter. Trust me."
"Right." Fernando huffed and Lance chuckled. He turned to face him and dapped his nose with a flour covered finger. Fernando furrowed his brows.
"You happy now?" the Spaniard asked and made Lance laugh again. He dusted the rest of the flour off his hands and then slid them around Fernando's waist.
"Happy." he said and leaned in to kiss him. Sweet and loving, like countless times before. When they pulled apart, Fernando smiled and gently brushed his fingers over Lance's cheek where his nose had been rubbing against.
"Happy birthday." he said, now with a softer voice. Lance looked into his eyes and found nothing but love and warmth. He kissed him again and then let go.
"Let's bake this cake." Fernando said and they turned back towards the countertop.
"I hoped you were going to say something else." Lance teased. The Spaniard nudged him on the side and grabbed the bowl to start mixing.
"Later, this is important." he said. Lance couldn't help smiling like a kid at that and began to crack eggs into another bowl. He then measured out milk and Fernando gave him the sugar to pour in. They made a pretty good team once Fernando figured out how to read the recipe.
After pushing the cake in the oven and cleaning the kitchen, they both sat next to each other on the barstools and Lance sighed.
"Tired?" Fernando asked and slid a glass of wine towards him. Lance took a sip from it and sighed again, stretching his neck by letting it hang down. He felt Fernando's hand rub on his shoulder to ease the tension.
"Yeah, long day with the kids. Jay woke me up at six." Lance groaned. He loved his kids but sometimes he'd wish they would sleep a full night.
"I take care of them tomorrow. Let you sleep." Fernando said and Lance raised his head. He clinked his wine glass to his husband's and took a big gulp of it.
"Thank you." he croaked after swallowing and felt the gray strand of hair once again flop over his forehead. Fernando smiled and gently tucked it behind his ear.
"You know you're the prettiest?" the Spaniard mused and Lance blushed. They had been together for almost 10 years and he still felt like a teenager every time Fernando said nice things about him.
"Prettiest 29 year old I know, at least." Fernando continued and Lance snorted, threatening to slap him and Fernando quickly moved back, laughing. He almost tipped over with the barstool and Lance had to take a hold of his arm to keep him upright.
"Jesus christ." Lance said and could already see a smirk form on Fernando's mouth.
"Not quite, but almost, mi amor." he jested and now earned a real slap on his back as reward.
"Shut up, idiot." Lance scoffed at him but smiled afterwards. Fernando looked content with making him annoyed with his jokes. He really loved teasing him.
When the cake had cooled down and they had emptied their third glasses of wine, Lance had made some whipped cream and neatly spread it over the cake. Fernando had complimented his skills and got himself a blob of leftover cream.
"Get Jay and Lucy, I want them to decorate it." Lance said as Fernando licked the remnants of cream out the mixing bowl. Lance opened the various bottles of sprinkles and other decorations and spread them on the table around the cake.
Fernando soon returned with the twins, both eager to get their hands on the cake.
"Decoremos el pastel de cumpleaños de papá." Fernando adviced the kids and then gave each of them a sprinkle bottle. Lance followed lovingly as their 2-year-olds covered the cake with sprinkles, chocolate bits and little sugary pearls with Fernando's help. It looked chaotic with all the colors mixed up but it was perfect in Lance's eyes.
"Good job." he said and gave the twins a little high-five each. Fernando scrambled to the kitchen to fetch the rose and plopped it in the middle of it all. It really brought the whole mess together.
"Now we have a taste?" Lance asked the kids and their eyes lit up.
"Yeah!" they shouted in unison with Fernando right behind them. Lance cut each of them a piece and they all settled down around the dinner table, all of them quietly enjoying the cake. Lance was pretty impressed how well it turned out.
"Happy birthday." Fernando kissed Lance on the cheek and the kids did their best to congratulate him aswell, babbling whatever they though sounded similar to their dad. Right now , Lance was probably the happiest he'd ever been. Surrounded by his little weird family and the love of his life on his side. Tomorrow he would lounge around the home the whole day doing nothing, let Fernando tend to the kids for one day.
Oh, heaven... he thought. <3
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