#ooof should i even post this XDD??
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the-slushie-monster · 5 years ago
Ok, its currently 3 in the morning (or it was when i wrote this), i’m tired of working on the Hazbin thing and I feel like posting this soo
Yeahh XDD
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So ive been really into @doodledrawsthings​“s “”Coffee shop”” AU for a little bit and I LOVE IT XDD. I made some headcannons for the design of luka’s cryptid form compared to snatchers bc y not and bc i thought it would be kinda nice to have a lil headcannon thing and comparing the two, as well as just some headcannons i have for them lol
(Yeah i sketched these out in whiteboard bc i couldnt open MS paint today for some reason?? XDD)
Ok so lets start with Luka, with his design and headcannons.
I imagine Luka having more of a softer edge to his fur/fuzz as well as the fur being more calmer, almost resting on his chest and shoulders. I also see him having little tufts of the top of his head to give off his natural nice guy aura, and to show that his strange lifestyle has him more stressed and overworked. I like the idea of his claws not being very sharp, they’re more dull and rounded to give off that “i’m not much of a threat” look, with some fuzzy palms to add on to it lol. Maybe his fangs are a bit rounded as well, bc hes just a sweet dad lol and I love him SO MUCH XDD. ok ok, focus.
Alright some headcannons/ other stuff for Luka, well I feel like Luka is more mature in more senses than Snatcher because he has more responsibility, a daughter to feed, more to worry about, and has to keep most of his life secret so he doesnt lose his daughter. I imagine that he’s more of a worry wart as well XDD, he doesnt really know what he’s capable of and is kinda scared to find out. Maybe he stresses over certain things as well like the basic things; making money, being a good father/parent to Harriet, having to make sure he isnt caught transforming, you know, the basic stuff lol. Having a family makes him more of a sweet boi so I feel this would contribute to his soft but prideful personality. I did have an idea of him going out to a parade surrounded by the tradition of the alleged snatcher in his form and have it pass as a costume, and on Halloween too lol. I think he is constantly that “this is fine” meme like 24/7 XDD. i’m pretty sure he separated from his family and such when he started a life with Vanessa, but if he didnt i think he would eventually tell his parents what he is. But only if like they decided to come out to their town and be like “Hey son! we wanna stay for a while bc we wanted to see how ur doing” or “Hey son! something happend and we have to live with you for a bit” lol. I think that he would try to distance himself from his family if he saw some of his power at the fullest because he would think that he could hurt them by accident, but ends up coming back bc Harreit goes out to find him and gets in trouble or something. I think either Both Harriet have a little bit of a accent or no accent at all (mainly leaning towards the first).Oh man I had a cool one but I cant remember it rn XDD.
Ok so Snatcher, his design would be pointy and curled to represent that “yeah i’m a threat, u better be scared!” XD. His fur/fluff would be super curled and little wild compared to luka’s mild mane lol. The fluff would almost float off his shoulders to reveal more fluff on his shoulders and to make it seem that he is more powerful and stronger than you (similar to a lion lol). His claws and teeth are very sharp but he also has a little fuzz on his palm too. I feel like snatcher would be much more in the “evil” sense than sweet Luka so he is a little more bigger and has a lot more pointier edges.
As for some headcannons, I think old snatcher is immature in a sense of feeling something meaningful and possibly making more of himself lol. I think the poor noodle sits around all day, bored and kinda wanting of someone to walk into his traps so he could get free labor XD. I imagine he is sluggish and lazy when it comes to anything but making contracts,law, making up rules, reading, and telling you what to do. Like the man will make u do everything he hasnt got to do bc he was too lazy/didnt want to do it. He may be a little immature, but he does have a more sophisticated sense to him when it comes to certain situations and his words (plus the accent really adds on to it). I think he understands that emotion is something everyone feels, but he feels like he doesnt need it bc it would be a weakness of some sort to his enemies. I think Snatcher would be saying “its my castle, my rules” sometimes lol. The man will treat you like nothing, but if he sees that you like to read or something he would spend time with you doing what you both like bc i feel the old boy wants to have a bud to relate to and someone to make the reading a little more fun. I think if he ever got to a point in massive character development where he has opened up to people, I think he would try to start a small book club/literature club type of deal lol.
 (Okay soo I wrote this till 4:30 am and i’m currently looking at this and being like “oh jeez this is so unorganized and set up very weird lol” so i’m sorry that this may not make any sense soo you guys can totally skip over this!)
Soo yeahh, thats just some i have on the top of my head rn, I think i’ll go to bed now lol
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toujoursmiraculous · 4 years ago
Thoughts & Reactions to Sole Crusher & Queen Banana!
Here's my 2 in 1! Starting with Sole Crusher. Loved the tourist feel in the beginning, gives it a very different feel and interesting to see it from Zoe's perspective. Aww Zoe's so nice to Marinette right away. And it's awfully sad that she only ever had one friend. :c I wonder who that friend is? Zoe's right about her family not appreciating the baked goods from the Dupain-Cheng bakery. I don't know if she's fully aware of the history there, or if she just knows how picky her mother and sister are. But it was awfully sweet of her to give them to the tour guide to give to her family instead. So Zoe learned: in order to survive, she had to put on an act and be somebody she's not, because her family wouldn't accept her being a decent person that cares about others. When asked about her middle school, her response, "I found a cockroach in my locker!" Might not be true, doesn't sound like it's the only thing at all if so, but sadly it was enough for her mom to not question anything.
Chloe's definitely a lot worse now after Miracle Queen. In my opinion, this is us beginning to see how low she's gotten and will continue to get. As Avatar Aang once said, "When we reach our lowest point, we are open to the greatest change." I'll write more on this in a separate post later. Zoe's sure scared to object to anything and be herself. Not even hesitating to act like a brat when around Chloe. If she didn't end up growing up around Chloe, how horrible are her parents??? We know Audrey is pretty bad, but even then if she had a decent dad she'd likely not end up like this. I suppose we'll have to see, but this poor girl. :/ Rose: Can we adopt her? Lol awww. Wonderful of Marinette to know that after only one brief encounter with Zoe, she knows that the Zoe at school isn't really her, and wants to genuinely help. How can anybody hate that about her? I don't get it. If it's because she doesn't do things how you'd like them...Most things in life won't go as you want them, or be taken by others as you may intend them, so you have to appreciate what's there and the intent of others actions. "But my family made me think that to deserve my place, I had to give up on some of my dreams." If Andre's talking about his parents here, as he said "When I was young", then oof this poor man, no wonder he's so timid and such a pushover. If he's referring to Audrey and Chloe... then that's a huge oof because Audrey knew exactly who she was marrying and should've never ended up with him in the first place if she didn't want to be with a director. So Zoe left because she couldn't stand it in New York anymore around her dad and the kids at her school. She hoped that she wouldn't have to act anymore and could just be herself. It really sounds like she needed to act a certain way in order to survive getting bullied, or worse. Dang, she really must not have met Chloe before then, or heard anything about her if she thought living with her mom and sister would be better. But in a way, it is better for her, because she has Marinette and the kids at school now. And she has Andre who's probably a better parent to her than her actual parents. Which is surprising and also not at the same time. "We end up hiding our feelings deep down in here." Okay so he says that with a booklet that has Emilie's face on it held up to his chest. Now, it may just be nothing but him thinking about his director dream. But. It could've also been any other object he held to his heart, it could've been something without a face on it or at least not her face. And Andre did work with Emilie. So I would not be surprised at all if there was something there that this is hinting at. Hmmmm. Also, I guess that's not Tomoe Tsurugi? Even though it's Kagami's model they used. And she's really pretty, too! Maybe something will come from this, or the animators didn't think it through when they added that image. Who knows. Even Chloe's first thought when she's in trouble is to go to Marinette what the heck 😂 When Kaalki teleported into Adrien's room...had Adrien turned around as it
happened he would've seen enough of her room to recognize it. Instead the portal changed and was outdoors. But lol poor Kaalki slamming against the window! All his things getting sucked in and Plagg's cheese was hilarious. XD Chloe's second thought of where to go: Luka's. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. 🤔 "This winner and loser thing doesn't exist!" Sad that Chloe thinks this way at all, who even taught her this? x.x Chat Noir: Did somebody start off on the wrong foot today? Marinette: I'm not finished! Chat Noir: Huh? LOL I laughed so hard at this moment. Did she forget who she is at the moment because even Chat's like what "I will always support you!" AWWWWWW what a good friend! And I think by helping Zoe become stronger, she'll in turn help Chloe be a better person too. But I'll talk about this again later. Poor Sabrina in this episode, my goodness. She works in a tiny closet and has to run along the limo. Chloe's seriously getting awful. Zoe's charm is the cutest one so far! So pretty. Ivan giving Zoe a hug was the cutest thing ever. Like, I don't ship them, but this shouldn't have anything to do with it. He and the rest of the kids care about her and respect her for being open and honest with her struggles, and want to be there for her. It's so wholesome. 😭 I find it interesting that even Audrey in this episode doesn't always know how to react to Chloe. xD But thank you Andre for caring enough about her to keep her in Paris and trying to keep some peace between the two. "For the first time in my life, I feel at home." 😭😭😭😭😭 Just imagine for a minute if Marinette didn't bother to help Zoe, believed how she acted at school rather than when she met her, and didn't tell the other kids about what was going on. Everything for her would be so drastically different. All because Marinette showed some kindness. Now onto Queen Banana. Well poor Marinette can't help but faceplant on the news. xD I can just tell what Alya leaned into say "You okay, girl?" and Marinette mumbling under the cape, "that's what the news is going to see of me, aren't they?" "Afraid so." "groan" Ah okay, Thomas was an alumni of the school. Cool. Poor Andre, he's just doing what Zoe suggested of him and not give up his dream of directing! I wonder if being around Luka and Juleka made Zoe want to put that pink streak in her hair. xD I want Luka and Zoe to be really good friends, that'd be so cool. Chloe being really awful some more. To everybody. I've noticed a pattern and I think I have her figured out pretty well. I'll be writing a in-depth post about her soon! She's making them change the entire movie just for her. xPP I said to my sister, "as soon as she leaves they should just film their original ideas." They do, thank goodness. xD I got so happy that we get an Adrienette scene in this ep! And then I saw he's locked in a cage, willingly, smiling at Marinette while the door shuts and I just burst out laughing. He's not even nervous he's locked in a cage, suspended in the air! Booooooy must like Marinette a lot! "Now let's take care of Adrien and get him out of that cage." OMG thank you, Marinette. While the image of him is comical, it's making me so uncomfortable that someone's up there like that and that someone also being terrified of being locked up in such a small space. Also, how long do you think Adrien would've stayed up there had Marinette not said something? Oh? What a change of pace, when Adrien goes to try to make things better for everyone, he screws it up pretty badly to be what really drives Chloe to get akumatized. She may have cooled off enough on her own as she tells Adrien "I'm fine." ...until he suggests apologizing to everyone. "You promised to stop being rude to everyone. And I told you that we couldn't be friends otherwise." OOF. Okay so her reaction to this really goes into the territory I want to talk about in my upcoming post about Chloe. "Banana BOOM BOOM!" lololol it sounds so funny in German dub xDD Marinette instantly pulling Zoe away from the attack x33 Ladybug's spin move with Chat Noir XD
it's like what's happening we're fighting an akuma not dancing This entire akuma feels like a Donkey Kong game and I love it. Those games are my childhood. Ooof Ladybug needs to be more careful with her Lucky Charms, they can sometimes be massive! Like that giant doughnut in Weredad. I seriously legit thought that the Gorilla was Gorilla, Adrien's bodyguard before the episode aired. XD The best heroes in this show tend to be the ones that have the most self-doubt, have you noticed? Ladybug, Carapace, and Vesperia all expressed serious doubt in themselves being a superhero, but when they suit up they're fierce! Like they were born to be a hero. Don't worry about Chat kissing Vesperia's hand. That's just the way he is, it's not in a flirting way. c: I remember when people freaked out about Rena Rouge and Chat Noir. It's the same as that, nothing more. "Or I'll turn her into baby mush!" LOL Chloe threatening to turn Ladybug into baby food hahaha that sounds so outrageous and weird that it's funny. And yet in this situation, would be actually possible so it's quite disturbing....hm. Dang, Hawk Moth trying to reakumatize her immediately. You go Zoe, speak up for yourself! And good on Andre for putting his foot down about Zoe too. "You may hate me, but I love you. And I'll always love you even if the whole world hates you." OKAY, THAT WAS REALLY BEAUTIFUL. Including the way she convinced Chloe to take the charm. Marinette's literally in hearing range of Adrien as she's talking to Tikki LOL she's like 5-6 feet away maybe? But that's okay, he probably would think nothing of it if he heard Marinette talking lol. I really like Zoe's character, I think she makes a wonderful addition to the show and that her character is extremely important. ;) Again I'll talk about it in my upcoming post! I've really noticed a lot of things when it comes to Chloe that I look forward to sharing my thoughts on sometime early this week. I really don't think things are as clear cut as a lot of people seem to think about her.
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