#ookusu tera
takarazukasideblog · 2 years
Suffering through the dancing nazis to see glimpses of the tree trio is... oof this theater company sometimes...
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zukalations · 7 years
Ryuu Masaki's #1!!
This survey of what all the Moon Troupe members like about their Top Star was published in the July 2016 GRAPH, a couple months before her retirement.
This feature always has a lot of emojis being used which I wasn’t able to entirely replicate since I need it to be readable on all platforms...I’m experimenting with how to deal with this sort of thing.
Please note: Ryuu makes a couple comments about her weight/body image that I imagine some readers would want advance warning of.
Ryuu Masaki's #1!!
We surveyed all the Moon Troupe members about what they thought was Ryuu Masaki’s ‘Number One’! And now, what are the results? Have a look, along with Ryuu Masaki’s comments!!
What is your favorite role she has performed?
1. Puck (PUCK) - 18 votes 
This is #1? I'm surprised!
"He's an adorable prankster, and sparkling with freedom...Masao's (Ryuu's) best qualities really came out. Also, her unique adlibs left a great impression!!" (Uzuki Hayate)
"I could tell how much fun she was having; she seemed like a real fairy of music!" (Tamaki Ryou)
Everyone, you've been deceived! (laughs) This role has a ton of aspects that aren't at all similar to me. I was longing to do it for so long that I got taken over by the image of it, that's all. However, I did have a ton of fun working on the role! I got to do as many adlibs as I liked (laughs).
2. Ronan Mazurier (1789: Les Amants de la Bastille) - 17 votes
"I thought Ronan's strength and zeal to live suited Masaki-san perfectly." (Harumi Yuu)
"I picked this one because I love Masaki-san's singing and this role had a lot of songs." (Urara Senri)
3. Romeo (Romeo et Juliette) - 8 votes
4. Hamlet (HAMLET!!) - 4 votes
"The rock songs and aesthetic were perfect, I thought." (Kio Kanade)
I thought Hamlet would turn up! (laughs) I loved the poster for that!
4. Scarlett O'Hara (Gome with the Wind) - 4 votes
"It was perfect for her~" (Moeka Yuria)
4. Charles de Durant (Manon) - 4 votes
From Manaki Reika: Andre Grandier <3 (Rose of Versailles: Fersen Edition) “Well...I like Romeo and Bill and Oscar...I like all your roles...but I was able to see your special appearance from the audience, and when I watched you and Oscar's (Sagiri) one night together and how you protected her with everything you had...it was just like you and so cool! I adore Masaki-san's receptiveness <3 <3 I've totally fallen for Masaki-san's Andre <3 LOL”
What, I'm surprised! In that special appearance, I was just performing with my classmate like 'oh, I'm side entertainment' (laughs). It was my first time performing together with Chigi-chan (Sagiri), but we could understand each other's wavelength and it was really fun~
What is her best revue scene?
1. "TAKARAZUKA Flower Poems 100!!" Scene 21: Black Rose, 'Black Rose S' - 19 points 
"It was really sexy and had a big impact on me as a debuting actress." (Sorashiro Yuu)
It was a bit...intense (laughs). Looking back on it I feel like I made it a bit too sexy since that was what came easiest...but there wasn't really any other approach!
2. All her parades - 8 votes
"She gives off such an aura she's like her own power generator and she's so dazzling!" (Saotome Wakaba)
I'll keep sparkling, you know! No worries! (laughs)
3. "TAKARAZUKA Flower Poems 100!!" Scenes 19-20:  The Hundred Roses, 'Rose Etoille' - 6 votes 
Hahaha! This one!
"You didn't lose to that splendidly styled costume; I don't think anyone else could have produced that marvelous aura." (Natori Rei)
This scene actually had me down for a while...but because I was showing my legs I slimmed down and I felt really good about it (laughs).
4. "TAKARAZUKA Flower Poems 100!!" Scene 14-16: Violet A-C, 'Top Star Gentleman'
"The way she sang and the way her atmosphere changed by the moment were amazing, and she was so gorgeous!" (Tamaki Ryou)
Ah~The French in this was so hard! The director praised me for how I pronounced 'bois' (forest). I can be relied on for at least that much! (laughs)
5. "Fantastic Energy" Scene 3: Passionate, 'Passionate Gentleman S' - 4 votes
From Manaki Reika: "TAKARAZUKA Flower Poems 100!!" Scene 21: Black Rose, 'Black Rose S' "If I'm thinking about Masaki-san, it sort of...has to be...this scene~ It's hardcore, and energetic, and sexy...the Black Rose was amazing!"
I see~ Everyone put it in first place! Well, you're exactly right! Full points! (laughs)
This is her coolest aspect in rehearsals!
1. Lines, music, choreography...she remembers everything so fast! - 20 votes
"She'll have the whole script perfectly memorized the day after we recieve it, and she remembers the choreography faster than anyone else too!!" (Kirami Ruise)
But I forget really fast too (laughs)
2. She has amazing concentration! - 14 votes
"And then when she finally gets tired out I love her playfulness as she's like 'No wa~y, I can't remember any mo~re'" (Nagina Ruumi)
As I thought, you're a good observer. When I say 'no way' I really can't manage any more (laughs)
3. Her fashionable rehearsal clothes - 13 votes
"I love when she wears outfits that work especially because it's Ryuu-san wearing them, or outfits that only Ryuu-san could look good in (like pattern on pattern on pattern)" (Ookusu Tera)
This must have been on a bit of an off day (laughs). It's more like, stars, then dots, then another pattern on top, and it all comes together like 'ahhhh~'. Everyone, pay attention please!
4. Her smile - 11 votes
5. The way she pays attention to everyone individually - 10 votes
5. Her glittering aura - 10 votes
"Basically, the way she never loses her sparkle." (Tamaki Ryou)
"The way she holds a little onigiri with both hands while she's eating it is so cute that I always end up watching (laughs)." (Hibiki Reona)
Ahaha! (laughs) I didn't even realize I do that! (laughs)
"She always has little bags of things like gummy candies or Jagarico* in her bag so I think it's cute how she'll just pull something out and start nibbling on it!" (Ren Tsukasa)
That's right, every morning I'll fill little ziploc bags with just enough snacks for me to eat (laughs).
From Manaki Reika "This isn't just rehearsal since it includes how she is onstage as well, but...that moment where she concentrates and you can see the switch flip instantly. That aura as she suddenly switches to 'Otokoyaku Ryuu Masaki' is really wonderful <3"
But isn't this what everyone does? The heck is this...are you trying to encourage me? Yes, that's definitely it.
We want to emulate this! (from otokoyaku)
1. Her sparkle - 10 votes
"It seems like she's creating her own light...it makes me wish I could somehow get even close to that level!" (Chinami Karan)
What is this...At times like that I'm putting forth all the energy I can like 'I want to convey my feelings!' so maybe that does it.
2. The way she uses her hands - 9 votes
"Her hand movements are really wonderful. Especially when she spreads out her hands during a revue!" (Miya Rurika)
"Her hand expressions!" (Tamaki Ryou)
I feel like for otokoyaku 'the hands speak more than words', so I really pay attention to what I'm doing with them. Recently my hands have finally stopped being so pudgy so I've started to like them at last.
3. Her gaze - 5 votes
4. Kiss scenes - 3 votes
"In the rehearsals for 1789 I got to be kissed once...it was so heart-pounding..." (Hayaki Yuuto)
Hahaha! (laughs) That's right, once I was wanting to practice the scene where I force a kiss on Olympe (Saotome Wakaba/Umino Mitsuki), so I suddenly got Tsucchii to do Olympe since you were close by. You said 'I've gone back to my real-life self' afterwards (laughs).
The way her wink almost seems to make a noise. (Ranze Keito)
I put a 'Ching!!' sound effect on it internally! (laughs)
We want her to do this! (from musumeyaku)
1. Gaze at us
"I want her to gaze at me with those sparkling eyes... But at the same time I'm sure I'd surely not be able to stand it so I'd definitely just flee D'X" (Shirayuki Sachika)
If it was junior actress me, I'd be like 'I'll just stare at her until she runs away' (laughs). And while I was staring I'd study your makeup techniques (laughs).
2. Wink
"I used to just blush and not be able to do it... Since becoming Top it's as if I've put a sign out saying 'Now offering: Winks!' (laughs)"
3. Be forceful...
"In The Scarlet Pimpernel, when Chauvelin (Ryuu) was being so forceful with Marguerite (Aono Yuuki), her gestures were really dazzling...I loved it." (Amana Ruria)
Ah, here's Chauvelin, I knew it. You watch a lot! (laughs) I like being forceful as well. But I also like being sweet. Ahahaha (laughs). But isn't that what being an otokoyaku is like?! (laughs)
From Manaki Reika: "I'd like her to gaze at me steadily and stroke my cheek... Eeee! >.< <3 LOL. Yes. I love the way Masaki-san looks at musumeyaku so lovingly, and her hands are so sensitive...the way she can stroke someone's cheek so elegantly and her hands give off a feeling like 'Waaaa' >.< It's really wonderful <3 <3"
You're getting carried away with your fantasy! (laughs) But really, I do it to you so much and you want more!? (laughs)
Final comments from Ryuu Masaki:
You've made me realize once again how much all of you look after me and support me. In these remaining months I want to be cozily surrounded by all of your love! Also, I was pretty surprised by the 'We want her to do this!' section (laughs). From now on I'm going to be looking at everyone like 'this person wants me to do that to them...' (laughs)
* Jagarico is a potato crisps snack.
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takarazukasideblog · 3 years
You know you know you know
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